#tw: implied physical abuse at the very end
gey-beans · 9 months
Vash doesn't want to take care of Nai 24/7. He wants to have a little bit of freedom. Sometimes he leaves the house for hours. It drives Nai insane. So he does the perfectly rational thing of "falling" down the stairs and pretending to have a brain injury.
Vash is by his side constantly, holding his hand or reading out loud. Nai fucks around with him too, pretending he can't sit up or walk on his own, leaning against Vash every time he had to walk to the bathroom.
Vash gets slightly suspicious three weeks later when Nai still can't walk or eat on his own. By week 4, Vash knows and tells Nai to stop joking around. He says he has no idea why Vash is being so mean and he's doing his best to recover.
Miraculously, Nai begins to walk to the bathroom on his own, grumbling every time about how much it hurts. Soon, he's back to normal and Vash begins leaving the house again.
Maybe next time, Vash will fall victim to the stairs.
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Slightly very horrible thought came with the "Cass wondering if she should re murder some corpses or hug her girlfriend or both" tag (the answer is both, Cass. Hug first, though) :
What if (in the village or upon hiring a new maid) Cass realizes she looks like how Melony describes her mother?
What if ... She leaves this woman chained in the basement, and offers Melony a chance to "work out some trauma/frustrations"?
What if... It IS her mother?
(Now obviously this is very dark and would probably leave Melony more traumatized and horrified than anything, but still... Wanted to share that "what if?" With you)
YOUR M I N D, MY FRIEND, I love this for the pure angst of it all.
Especially thinking of this from Melony's perspective, because as far as she's aware, her mother is dead. From how Max talks about the Lycan Slaughter, and general common sense, it's incredibly unlikely her mom would have lived. And she's fine with that. She never even considers that her mom could be alive.
And then Cassandra comes up to her one day and is like "I wanna show you something!" And brings Melony into the dungeon where she has this woman chained up and she's all "I know it's not really your thing but I also know you have a lot of pent up feelings so-" And Mel is really confused until she actually sees who this person is, and every bit of her suddenly goes cold.
She can recognize her mother right away, and vice versa apparently because she can see change of fear to confused to almost arngy on her mother's face. There's so many things she suddenly feels and she kind of drags Cassandra aside and asks "What the hell is this?" And Cass, with the best of intentions mind you, explains that this is Mel's chance. To get revenge, to give her mother some sort of reprimand for everything, for some sort of justice, something. "You can get even now, work some things out." It's clear Cass figured this would offer Mel some kind of catharsis.
And Melony is initially going to tell Cassandra to just get rid of her, but hesitates and thinks it over for a moment. Mel is not a violent person, but she so badly wants to understand the why and this is probably her only opportunity for that. So, while still kind of reluctant, instead of asking Cass to do something, she asks to be alone. "This is kind of personal." And Cass agrees and gives her a kiss and just lets her know she'll be right up stairs just in case.
And Cass has no clue what goes on after that. She waits near the top of the stairs for why could be well over an hour, suddenly second guessing her choices. There's no torturous screaming from either party, just a little too quiet, and she almost wants to go back down just to see what's going on.
When Mel does finally emerge, she looks... exhausted more than anything. No blood, like Cass might've expected, but her face is stained with tears and her breathing is ragged. She puts her face into Cass' side and mumbles something along the lines of "Make her go away." Like before, Cass agrees, but first it really seems like her girlfriend could do with a little emotional comfort.
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pucker up buttercup
Yandere florist x reader
Tw: mentions of physical abuse in sexual settings, implied drugging and somnophilia, stalking, implied possessive behavior and controlling nature, mildly nsfw. Not proofread 🌺
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🌷Benny was the quiet kid of your school. You didn't know much about him, except he was a good student and apart of the gardening club. That was all, but Benny? Oh he knew you very well..
🌷you were stunning. You had such amazing hair that he wanted to play with every night before going to sleep, those stunning beautiful eyes that always ghosted over his form in the cafeteria, and your voice that always managed to make him rock hard down there
🌷 recently your family had gotten a wide assortment of flowers for an event. Thinking they were pretty, you asked for the florists name or any social they might have. They handed you a card with the info, and with that you looked up the account on Instagram.
🌷 scrolling through their posts you found a familiar face you'd see every day in the school halls. What was his name again? Benjamin? Beanie? No.. oh yeah! Benny! You didnt know he had such a good eye for aesthetics, especially flower arrangements. But that has to be expected since he spends all his time gardening
🌷the next time you saw him, you walked right up to his table on campus grounds. A bit far from the other outside lunch areas. He froze when he saw a familiar pair of shoes, looking up at you slowly with those big blue eyes
"you're a florist right?"
"how much for a dozen roses and half a dozen tulips?"
🌷you became a regular after that. He'd wait anxiously every day for you in the plant nursery after school. He always gave you such cheap prices, claiming you were his friend and he only did favors for them. You thought he was sweet, so when you heard rumors about him being caught sneaking around the girls locker rooms and stalking a classmate? You shrugged it off,most likely empty gossip
🌷if only you paid attention to the red flags sooner.. you would have realized Benny's real nature. When he asked you out prom night, you agreed, he was sweet and you weren't seeing anyone at the moment. Who knew, maybe this would be the start of a beautiful relationship?
Pros with Benny:
🌹atleast he's a very generous lover. Spoiling you with what he could afford, since he came from humble beginnings he's always wise with the money you both have
🌹 he's completely devoted to you! Never looking at anyone else with love or lust, always worshipping you both in bed and outside it
🌹you learn new things. Like natural remedies, plants and their names, their usefulness to make nearly everything. Even drugs (He's vegan.)
🌹he wants to settle down and raise a family with you as soon as you graduate college! He gets tipsy and love drunk thinking about it too much. He'd make an excellent father. Kind of.
The cons:
🥀 randomly, he'll get very aggressive in bed. Biting you till your skin bleeds, slapping your chest and ass, degrading you with the most vilest words. Not to mention he seems to really like choking you till you almost pass out
🥀he doesn't know how to take no for an answer, he'll go scarily quiet and his eyes will turn dull. A complete contrast to how he usually is. Surely a little intimidation will make you change your mind no?
🥀 he's possessive with your time and love. If he ever notices you staring at anyone a little too long, who isn't friends or family he knows of, you bet there'll be missing person posters by the end of the week
🥀he forbids you from going into the basement. Saying it's his private nursery and you should respect his privacy, even if he doesn't respect yours
🥀 randomly you'll feel sleepy after Eating anything he makes you, growing drowsy and the last thing you can remember is feeling clammy hands hastily unbutton your pants and shirt
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inkblot22 · 2 months
What's Worse?
I finally finished this. This unpostable thing. It's done and even if it's bad, I do not care. In the end, it ended up being 4k words and I'm okay with this. Header by @/cafekitsune
Who is this fic for? I tried to keep this one very neutral despite the many references to body parts, so anyone who can handle it is free to read! Keep in mind that pronouns such as you and they are used to refer to the reader. The reader is human and does have hair.
TW for coercion, noncon, dubcon, allusions to a physically and emotionally abusive dynamic, captivity, everyone is at least a little bit untrustworthy in this, mentions of the smell of blood, beastman-specific oddities and anatomy, violent and morbid similes. Just in case, I'd like to say that this is DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. A lot of the stuff is more so implied than explicitly stated, but it's still there.
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The day he moved up a grade and began his “internship” is the same day he took you with him. Sure, Grim came along, but you’re often so busy, or he’s often so busy, either way. So you haven’t seen your familiar in months, and your life is filled with Leona.
You don’t know why he did this, but the first night you were there, he tapped your uvula with his fingers as he orally serviced you so feverishly that you left teeth indent bruises on his knuckles from biting down so hard as you tried not to be loud. He wore them like jewelry, and you know his brother saw them. Everyone at the table knew what happened, because, according to Leona, no matter how often you shower, the way you smell will always give you away.
That was a little over six months ago. As far as captivity goes, it’s rather cushy. You stay within the confines of the Afterglow Savannah’s palace. Sometimes Leona gets a bit aggressive and you take it, but you’re fed, clothed, and possibly pampered. It could be worse. It could be far worse. You could be in the dungeons. 
You actually don’t know if this place has a dungeon, come to think of it. The last time you asked Leona, he asked you if there was an issue with the room you shared with him. When you tried to explain why you asked, he called you a “dumb herbivore” in a very fond tone of voice, then fell asleep. You didn’t try asking again.
It didn’t stop you from wandering. As it turns out, the Afterglow is mostly populated by beastmen… beastpeople? Aren’t all people beasts? Whatever, the point is, you’re basically the only person in the palace with muted senses. You often think back to Rook, wondering how he trained himself to use his senses so well. You tried to practice once, but Leona caught you hiding a  ball and chucked the thing out the window, telling you to find something better to do with your “skills.” You sure used one of your senses, at least.
Unfortunately, these “muted” senses, despite them being completely sensible for your human state of being, have led to some issues. For instance, when someone approaches you, you don’t notice until they’re within your field of awareness. Beyond that, according to Leona, Farena, Cheka, and Farena’s wife, you also tend to just reek of blood.
You have no idea why, and you’ve never noticed this before. You get out of the shower, having scrubbed hard enough to rid yourself of any dirt but not enough to create micro-abrasions on your skin, and Leona still complains about it. You play fight with Cheka, gentle enough that neither of you gets harmed and he’s giggly, and he pauses his mirth and wrinkles his little nose before asking if you got hurt. Zuri, Farena’s wife, regularly would stop you whenever she saw you, her eyes wide as she asked you if everything was okay. The palace staff didn’t say anything, but they’d constantly be re-filling your first-aid kit, one that was “gifted” to you and one that the staff and Kifaji (despite him being human like you, or maybe just not obviously a beastman) insisted that you carry at all times.
But out of all of them, Farena was the worst. If you were in Cheka’s nursery, even just seconds after the kid fell asleep, Farena would pop out of nowhere. If you lingered a bit too long in the kitchen or hallways, anywhere too far from Leona’s wing, he’d approach with a smile, his arms spread wide. If you came to the dining hall without Leona’ his glowing brown eyes would find you, the intensity akin to a sudden knife wound. His persistence in being around you was all blanketed by his uncomfortable implications when he spoke to you.
Even so, you happened to somehow get lost. The hallways are sort of color-coded, but you’ve passed this same hallway several times, enough for you to be okay with admitting that you’ve been walking in a circle for the past twenty minutes. And, much like the devil, as soon as you thought that if you were there any longer, a certain lion-man would appear, Farena popped up and scooped you into a hearty hug as greeting, your feet coming off the floor.
“Leona’s partner!” He never calls you by name. It’s always just that. You are Leona’s partner, not your own person, you guess, “I knew I’d find you eventually.”
“Yes. Hello, your highness.” You wheezed as he placed you back on the floor.
“Oh, you’re so prickly, just like my baby brother. You two are a perfect match- he does like a bit of bite.”
You rarely knew how to respond to him, so you often didn’t. You just stared at him, like a total moron, but he continued talking like you aren’t giving him the most anserine of looks- a word he has used to describe you before, basically to your face.
“I’ve heard that you forgot your first aid kit. We don’t need you tripping and scratching yourself on Leona’s dresser again, and not with an inability to heal yourself.” He never gave you time to answer, “Of course, I know you aren’t magic, but those of you without it have made some wonderful inventions to make up for that.”
“Oh. Yeah, I just left for, like, two seconds so I could return something to the kitchen.”
He nodded, thoughtful, still smiling, “Well, did you hit your head? You’ve been walking in a circle, and you didn’t even stop to say hi to me.”
“No. I, uh.” You cast your gaze down the hallway closest to you, then looked back at Farena, “I am a bit lost. I guess someone else is usually with me when I’m wandering around.”
Leona is not the only person in his family with a cunning streak. You are marginally aware of this, and when Farena’s eyes narrowed, you sucked in a breath.
“Hmm. You’re right, Leona’s partner. It is rather strange not to see you by my baby brother’s side.”
It struck you multiple times in the past that the amount of times you bumped into Farena couldn’t possibly be a coincidence. He’s a king, so why was he never ruling or whatever kings did all day? It was incredibly strange, and you made the same subtle discomforted motions like clockwork. He usually pretended not to notice whatsoever.
His grin was always too bright. You did prefer Leona’s smirk, “Very well. It looks like I’ll need to escort you back to Leona’s quarters, won’t I?”
“Uh. I mean, if you’re not busy.”
“You’re such a mousy thing. Come,” He offered you his arm.
You took it, and true to his word, he led you back to Leona’s wing, then straight up to the door. He knocked, and you ducked out of his arm to cautiously open the door. Leona strolled out of the bathroom, hair and skin wet, his eyes not even skimming over you before they flashed to his brother, who strolled in as though he owned the place. Maybe he did. Who owns a palace if not the king?
“Ah, Leona! I found your partner, wandering the halls like a lost lamb.”
As soon as the words process in Leona’s mind, his green eyes are sliding to pin you down. Your limbs feel like lead, and you don’t move or emote, lest he strike. He’s like a snake when he’s like this, which is ironic. Perhaps it’s not ironic, and just comedic. Who knows?
Regardless, Farena keeps talking, “And I missed you at lunch! What a shame. They had your favorite, you know. Meat! And lots of it. Don’t you ever get hungry, being in here all the time?”
If not for everyone talking about the way your skin smells, that comment could have been written off entirely. It didn’t feel great, being indirectly told that you smell like fresh meat, and Leona wasn’t helping much.
“Mmm. No. I don’t like my meat that rare.” Leona grumbles, taking a seat on his bed and waving you over. “Hey, c’mere and braid my hair.”
What was worse? Being told you smell delicious or being told you didn’t smell delicious enough? It was one of those things. You cautiously tied off his braids, capping both of them in beads that Cheka had gifted you. His hair was wet, clinging to his skin as desperately as the water did. You caught yourself watching a drop sliding over Leona’s tattoo and hummed softly. 
Farena was still talking. You didn’t hear the beginning, and you didn’t care about the end, so you completely tuned him out so you could finger detangle the rest of Leona’s wet hair. While you were ignoring Farena, you were pointedly all too aware of Leona’s sounds of pleasure. It took you a while to get used to it. You were a primate, and he was a lion. More lion than ape. He snorted and rumbled, huffed and chuffed, his face twisted in a scowl. 
“Ah, what a shame. I’ll have to speak to you later, Leona. Perhaps you could talk about those plans with Zuri. I’m sure she’d love to listen.” You tuned back in as Farena turned to the door, opening it before remembering himself and waving at you, “Bye bye, Leona’s partner!”
When he was gone, almost as soon as the door was closed, Leona twisted his torso to grab you around the waist and pull you into one of his kisses. You read somewhere that the reason men kiss so… wetly is so they can mark their partner. It makes more sense if they just didn’t want to kiss with dry lips, but you’re no kissing expert. Leona is not an exception to this, you supposed. He always licked his lips before pressing them against yours, slicked with his saliva and often accompanied by a quiet, barely perceptible growl. 
His kisses were dizzying. Possibly because it was difficult to breathe while kissing someone, and possibly because you were usually held in a crushing vice whenever he kissed you. Your poor ribcage had been squeezed many times. 
And just as soon as it started, he dropped you unceremoniously and stood up, walking past your sprawled body on his floor, “We’ve got some big dinner to get to. Get dressed.”
You scrambled to your feet, “Big dinner?”
“Mhm. It’s some official’s birthday. I can’t be bothered to remember who.”
That made enough sense. In the time you’d been here, you’d learned pretty quickly that it wasn’t exactly worth it to go out of your way to be remembered positively by everyone, especially not since you were… with Leona. In all the time you’d been here, you’d never been sure about what the nature of your relationship with him was, either. Asking would get you some kind of snarky or irritated answer, and not asking but thinking about it made it hard to focus on anything else, so you didn’t think about it.
“Oh. You see Grim today?” You asked while getting dressed in your own green and black dashiki, like a couple’s outfit in the matching pattern of Leona’s.
Like he always did, he stared for a moment before making a few small adjustments. It was funny, he couldn’t be bothered to care about his own appearance, and yet, when it came to you…
“Yeah, He’s good. Still working on the mage stuff.”
“Mmm. Okay. Thanks.” You mumbled, lifting your arms so Leona could look you over again, “What?”
“You stink like my brother. If we had time, I’d fix that, but…”
“What does he smell like?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking what I smell like?” He snapped, and you flinched. Sometimes his irritation came with physical indications, but heavier than the physical indications was the energy around him, “Forget it. Stay close to me tonight.”
You usually did. You hated parties here, but more than the parties themselves, you hated the strangers who came up to you and just said whatever. Last time, someone approached you and asked how big Leona’s wallet was for you to stick around. You’re learning to like nobility less, not that you particularly liked them before..
You’re tucked against Leona’s back for the entirety of the evening. He’s like a ward. People see him and walk the opposite direction unless they’re drunk or stupid, and those types are in short supply at the beginning of the night. Unfortunately, by the middle of the night, amongst sips of his drinks and nibbles of various finger foods, you felt exhausted and Leona was straight up pissed.
You wondered why for a bit too long. You barely even realized when you ended up back in his room, outside on his balcony. He was stewing, pouting like a toddler. You unstuck yourself from his side and sat in one of the chairs.
“Mmm.” He grumbled. He often did this, putting a noise to his emotion, but no words to explain himself. You’d wised up and figured out early on that it was best not to approach him for this type of thing, “Hey, runt.”
Uh oh. He tended to use that nickname before he did something foul to you. You squirmed in your chair and flinched as he turned around and yanked his shirt over his head. His pants went next. Leona didn’t bother with underwear.
“C’mere. What are you hidin’ in the corner for?” He mumbles, “We’ve got time now.”
Your uh oh gets multiplied. It’s not that you aren’t attracted to Leona, or that you’re not in the mood. It’s not that you’re terrified of him, not that you’re confused by his awkward libido. It’s that you honestly don’t know what he sees in you, sprinkled with a bit of relationship insecurity. You’re here because of him, you and Grim have a home because of him, but what’s going to happen when he gets bored with you? 
He looks over his shoulder at you sharply, “What the hell are you doin’? I said c’mere.”
You swallowed and took a few steps forward, stripping as you walked. The night air makes your skin tingle with goosebumps, your nipples hardening and a shiver rattling through you. It’s a very strong possibility that these feelings have beset you based only on the fact that someone could look up from Zuri’s garden and see you and Leona, both naked on his balcony.
 When you’re standing in front of him, he just stares, one of his hands ever so gently stroking himself. You think it’s funny, the phrase “playing with yourself,” because that is what it is. His fingers softly paw at his heavy balls, gliding up the base of his shaft to tweak the head of his cock under his foreskin. He doesn’t break his gaze on you to look at himself. The hand that is not busy with himself reaches out to grab your waist, just above the start of your hip, and yank you closer.
He’s not gentle. Not really. You know he has the capacity to be gentle, but he doesn’t really seem to care. In the past, when you’ve pleaded with him to be gentle, he’s told you that he would treat you like glass if he thought you were made of it, but since he’s seen you suffer worse (what is worse?) he doesn’t see the point in bothering. That doesn’t change the fact that his touch often hurts. Now is not an exception, and you make your displeasure clear with a soft noise of discomfort.
“Shhh. You wanna tell me what happened earlier?” Leona mumbles, pressing his face against the skin on your stomach, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.
You absolutely hate it when he smells you like this, but that’s not important right now, “Wh-what?”
“With Farena. You looked freaked out.” Leona ever so lightly kisses the pit of your bellybutton, “He do anything to you?”
You’re not a fan of Leona acting like this. While it seems like he cares, you know from past experience that he’s typically, if not always, on the brink of a jealous meltdown. His jealous meltdowns almost always end with you sitting alone in the bathroom, tending to your own wounds as he sleeps like a kid who just threw a tantrum. So you decide to give a simple answer before distracting him, at least for a moment.
You scratch the nape of his neck, since he doesn’t like you touching his ears, “He was just his usual off-putting self. Nothing else.”
Leona grunts and looks up at you, so you take your chance. You lean down, sitting on your knees, and press a mock-reverent kiss to Leona’s thigh. He’s surprisingly hairless, for someone who is more lion than ape. You suppose the same could be said for yourself, as someone who is more ape than lion. 
Leona’s unimpressed face slants into a smirk, and his hand that was previously fondling his genitals slides to cup your cheek, fingertips rubbing behind your ear.
Now that it’s right in front of your face, you wish that you hadn’t decided that this was the best option for distraction. You think maybe anything would be better than catching those barbs in the back of your throat. The little softly-curved nubs circling the base of the head of Leona’s cock flare out a bit, resembling one of those Elizabethan ruffs, tattered by the passage of time and reduced to the skeleton. They aren’t sharp, not truly, but they’re uncomfortable, especially when you forget that the more worked up Leona gets, the further they poke out and the harsher they feel. It’s similar to someone’s very carefully blunted fingernail and fingertip rubbing against your cheeks.
You try to suck up your carefully hidden disgust and press a soft kiss to the very tip of Leona’s dick, wetting your lips with his salty pre. Surprisingly, he doesn’t taste bad. You would think that his skin, his cum, would taste bitter and harsh, but it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever tasted. Perhaps that’s a silver lining in this wicked situation.
Regardless, a quiet grumble from him makes you snap back into the reality of where you are, and you figure you may as well get to work. You slide your lips down to his base, wincing as the spongy head of his member punches the back of your throat and his hand slides back to grip your nape.
“You trying to bore me to death, runt? You know I hate this teasing shit.”
That’s right. He absolutely loathes it. You bob your head a little more expeditiously, trying to ignore the slick mixture of drool and pre that is escaping from the corners of your lips and the ever-increasing strength of Leona’s thrusts against your face.
Despite your senses being the most dull in the palace, you can sort of hear the festivities downstairs, and Leona chuckles, standing with your head still cradled in his hand so he can actually start thrusting. It always begins with you trying to set a gentle pace and it always quickly dissolves into chaos. He’s lazy, but if he’s anything more than lazy, it’s a shameless pleasure chaser. You would think that you would have learned by now.
“You can’t hear them. They’re not at all concerned with me, they’re wondering where you went off to. But everyone knows that you belong to me, so they should know that you’re with me.” Leona mumbles. 
You gag, his dickhead wetly popping against the back of your throat as the fluids in your mouth froth with the speed of his motions, gooey trails roping down to cling to your cheeks and collarbones, connecting to Leona’s shifting hips. At least he doesn’t stink today.
A bug lands on your shoulder and flits away as you choke on Leona as he shoves his cock down your throat. Maybe you should feel a bit more grateful that this is happening partially outside, and that way you can have constant reminders that you’re still alive and not in some form of purgatory, serving time for your very minor moments of humanity when you were alive. 
Leona snarls, “You’re just so cute, with those lips wrapped around me. I wonder if my brother would keep flirting with you if he knew that you were like this in private.”
The implications of that statement are absolutely lost on you. You’re aware that Leona knows how you feel about your current life to a degree, but he doesn’t give a damn about your emotions. Whatever he’s talking about is absolutely just him babbling out some sex-addled nonsense. As the barbs scrape against your uvula, you gag and try to push his hips away so you can catch your breath for a second.
He doesn’t let up. Sweat is sliding over his skin, beading into crystal pearls and sliding down to flavor the skin in your mouth with their salt. If you don’t puke from his roughness, you’re going to puke from ingesting so much sodium. His smirk grows and his fingers massage the base of your head as if he isn’t pounding into your throat.
“Aw… too much? Maybe if you were a bit more active, I’d be done a bit sooner.” He coos.
You don’t fully hate Leona. He has given you somewhere to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear, for both you and Grim, but whenever he gets like this, taunting you even though he’s using you like a cheap sleeve, you feel an indescribable, hopeless anger. Regardless, you bring one of your hands up to the copious amounts of drool and pre and sweat that are covering your skin, collecting the goop on your fingers. You cup his ass with your non-gooey hand and spread that cheek, plunging a finger into his asshole and aimlessly crooking your finger.
His hips spasm, his hand fists into your hair and he lets out a low grumble, “Rrr.”
You slowly ease your other gooey finger into his ass and hope that he will cum soon so you can catch your breath. You need a shower, and he’s probably going to just go to bed after this. You’re more tired than he is, and you’re actually beginning to think that you both might be a bit tipsy. You need this to end, and you need it to end soon.
Your prayers are answered. You feel his cock bob in the back of your throat, the glans tapping that soft spot that makes you feel it in the back of your nose, and he yanks your head back, your lips releasing him with a somewhat loud pop.
His cum is hotter than it has any right being. You suppose since he runs hot, it’s not that shocking, but you’re also aware that the whole reason that the balls are not an internal thing is because the human body is way too hot for sperm to live for long periods of time inside of the body. This information is irrelevant, however, because Leona has just made the mess on your skin that much worse. You sigh as he lets go of you, flopping back into his chair and gesturing to his cock again.
“Can you clean me up before you go running off?”
You’d love to tell him no, to ask him to shove it, but you grunt your acquiescence and tongue-clean his messy skin, as if you aren’t covered in more slime than he is. Once done, you stand up and gather your clothes, placing them in the laundry bin in the bathroom and getting in the shower.
You scrub a little harder than usual, but not hard enough to break skin, not even enough to create micro-abrasions. Once out, you throw on one of Leona’s gaudy yellow tees and take a seat on the bed. He’s already curled up under the covers, but the soft tapping of his tail lets you know that he isn’t sleeping. You slide under the covers yourself and Leona rolls over, pulling your back into his chest.
“Hey.” He mumbles into your hair, “You stink like a fresh kill.”
What’s worse? Smelling like blood in a den of predators or being in the den of predators to begin with?
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macsimagines · 6 months
Baby trapping with yandere Taiju Shiba
My first ever ask… I’m a huge sucker for your work btw 😍
UHG I HATE THIS GUY but he has so much yandere energy and potential and this is right up his alley so i must relent.
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Yandere! Taiju Shiba
OOF baby girl, he's been trying since the day he 'proposed' to you. Which was the worlds shittiest proposal by the way... It was after a very bad fight the two of you had about you wanting to go out that night. "You're not leaving dressed like a fucking whore, Y/N."
That starts a huge argument and he ends up slapping you right across your face. He swears he was even "gentle" when he did it even though it sent you flying across the room.
You didn't go out that night, and the next morning the bastard had gone about his usual routine casually saying; "I'm going to have to make an honest woman out of you to fix your bad habits."
Taiju had not so subtly made threats about what would happen if you tried to leave him so of course out of fear you would just wait for the right opportunity to just run for the hills.
But he expects that from you and has been tossing out your birth control and not even bothering with the condoms. "Why? You're gonna be my wife, might as well get used to it now."
Needless to say you don't get a choice in anything. No choice in whether or not you want to be with him, or if you want to be married to him and especially no choice in whether or not you want to have his baby.
"What do you mean you don't get a choice? I let you pick out the wedding dress."
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nrdmssgs · 10 months
Hi! I love your writing! Could you please write some more angst? I love fics where the reader is in danger/peril. Platonic or romantic is fine!
Before he snaps
Masterlist Angst with an open ending
Pairing: Soap x reader
Summary: Soap finds a new face on the base, that wakes his utmost interest. Your face. There is only one problem: you have a rule to never date military men.
TW: heavy swearing, implied abuse (physical and psychological)
AN: sorry for taking forever, I needed to gather a bit strength to formulate and share this one.
Johnny smiles widely in surprise, when he discovers a new face in the office. He stops on his tracks, turns around and heads straight to you. "Never seen ya here before, lass. I'm Soap, nice to meet you!” You are taking aback by his assertiveness, since you didn't await for anyone to come to your office on your first day here. Nevertheless, you answer. “Soap? Is it because you always smell nice?” “Check it yourself if you want.” He moves closer and hovers over your table so that you really can feel the deep fresh aroma with slight notes of spice emanating from his skin. You frown and laugh in surprise. And just like that, Johnny, who had a million things to do today, suddenly finds a whole hour to distract you from onboarding.
You know the golden rule: “don't date military men”. Even if mankind extincts and there is only you and that handsome sergeant with his endearing accent and eyes, you could easily drown in, are left alive - don't date military men. But it will do no harm to have a little chat with him time to time, right? And It's certainly not your fault, he has so much paperwork, he needs your help with. You always have time for Soap.
“Gaz, no time for explaining, I need your forms 17-A-41 and 17-A.1-41!” Johnny rushes into Kyles room with a speed of a freshly unleashed greyhound. Gaz doesn't even manage to reply, while Soap roams through the papers on his table. “Soap, don't tell me you drank coffee from the captain's mug before bed again…” But Johnny completely ignores his friends words and grabs papers. “Here they are! I'll fill these in for you, dinnae worry, pal!” Kyle still processes, what has just happened, when Johnny disappears behind his door, barely closing it. It's only a week later, when he notices, who exactly in the office verifies these forms. By that time, Soap manages to steal and fill these papers for the whole TF. 
You are warned very soon that Captain John Price's crew need not be disturbed, even if they owe you some documents. Their work is different from the tasks of the rest of the soldiers on the base, and their incredible workload must be treated with understanding. But Johnny keeps visiting your office every other evening, when they are not deployed. He may be tired, may struggle to stay awake, but stopping by your desk is a ritual, and it's not to be broken. When he brings you form 17-A-41 from Price himself, you take the same one out of your table and show him. “Johnny, you are overworking. You've already brought me Prices version last week. Now, I do not accuse you of forging documents, I know that you fill out everything conscientiously. But don't you think it's time to take a break? Because at this point, your work starts losing its point.”
Other guys on his place would be embarrassed, but not him. You never see him down, in fact, even when he comes to you obviously straight out of the med bay.  “I can find more soldiers, who still are not done with these forms, you are waiting to validate. Or we can skip all paper work and go on a date already.” He is pretty straight forward, but one can afford such boldness, having an absolute disarming smile. A smile so beautiful, it's a pity, you have to brush it off from his face. “Sorry, Soap. It's better if we stick to the paper work.” Despite your fears, his smile doesn't disappear, as if his face could never be sad or angry. “As you wish, lassie.”
You two keep it friendly yet professional. Even when you start attending little gatherings, the 141 has every now and then at a small pub in the nearest town to the base. Although every time you come there, whoever was seating next to Johnny, finds something very urgent to tend to on an opposite side of the table. 
“It is still not a date,” you note every time, and Johnny makes a funny face, bringing his brows together. “Of course, bonnie. Not dating military guys, I remember. It's a complete ordinary work meeting. Now you get those documents ready and I'll bring you a pint.” His smile still shines ever so bright, it feels, as if someone brought an extra lamp to your table. 
“Still not a date?” His mischievous eyes narrow, when you freeze a few inches away from his face. This year you've gradually become so used to such evenings, you didn't even notice, how others left you two alone. Didn't even notice, how you two spent a whole hour talking, how you laughed at his jokes, head thrown back, how you gradually leaned closer, until his hand rested on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, you're right, sorry.” You instantly remember the №1 rule and all the reasoning behind it. A wave of fear washes down your body, you move away from Johnny and clasp your fingers around your arms.
At first, Johnny thought, it's a matter of principle for you to not start any romantic intercourse inside the military. It was not the first time, he came across someone with such a rule, so he isn't surprised. But slowly a different thought develops at the back of his mind: something led you to this principle. Something unsettling, something, he doesn't like at all. But you never told him anything, never let him question you on that topic. So Johnny waits and tries to be somewhere near you, just in case you'll need his help.
You try to not let it slip, but there are tiny cracks in your demeanor here and there. Stories cut off in mid-sentence, your restless glances around when the two of you go out of any building. Johnny never shows it, but he remembers every time, something like that happens. And despite his ever-blooming smile, it accumulates anger and concerns deep inside him. 
Soap regrets, you two are not dating when you disappear from the office for a week and return with a medical mask on your face. “Caught bad cold, I'm afraid I'm still contagious.” Your explanation reeks of lies a mile away. But Johnny accepts it without questions. After all, he only wants for you to feel safe around him. Of course, it pains Soap a bit, that you obviously keep secrets from him, but who was he to ask you to always be honest to him? So he keeps smiling like an idiot and only lets himself touch your hand and remind, that you can always reach out to him, no matter what.
And you actually contact him in some time. It is late, the whole base was sleeping. “Johnny, you there?” A short message, to which he immediately responds, wondering, why aren't you asleep at this late hour. “Can you walk me from the office?”
Walk you from the office? Now? Something doesn't add up. It's too late even for after hours at work. What made you stay that long at the office? Or maybe… (And this is when Johnny remembers your frightened eyes, when you two exited any building.) Or maybe, who kept you from going out of the office? Soap throws on his jacket and almost runs towards the offices. He is met by a dark building with one alive window - yours. Johnny almost flies up the stairs and knocks on your door. 
You open the door and thank all the gods, it's Johnny with his warm, caring smile. “I'm sorry, I promise, I'll explain everything, just please let's go out of here! I want home, I'm so tired.” Soap doesn't protest and lets you take him down a dark hallway, then up empty flights of stairs, and finally out into the street. "It's probably all right! I just thought, I've seen something... We'll just get to my apartment and everything will be all right." You mutter incessantly when Johnny stops abruptly and takes your hand.
“Wait-wait. Look at me, please.” Johnny still smiles, but his voice is now low, rumbling, menacing. “Whatever is happening here with you - this is not ok. And I want to help. But you'll need to tell me, what exactly is going on.”
You stand before him, gathering all your strength to speak up. But when you finally open your mouth, Johnny's gaze darts somewhere behind you, and he automatically steps forward, shielding you from something, you have not yet seen. But you recognize, what, or rather who, is coming at you. He is your pain, your fear, everything, you thought, you've left behind, your #1 rule. For a short moment, you press your whole body against Johnny and plead him. “Please ignore him, let's just walk away, please.”
“Leave her be, mate. You can find yourself something much more fancy.” The painfully familiar voice makes you freeze. You clench to Soaps jacket and mumble ‘please-please-please ignore him’. 
“This whore is my cross to bear, you don't need her. You can do much better than a stupid twat, that apparently ‘needs more attention when her man is not deployed’, but still won't abandon her useless work to spend more time with me.” Soap doesn't answer, doesn't even flinch, only covers one of your hands with his. “You don't need a useless slut, that accepts your attention only to abandon you, because you apparently didn't match some image of a prince Charming, that she bears in her fucking head!” You could not make yourself lift your gaze to the man speaking to Soap. You only beg Johnny to leave. And when it feels like he is almost convinced to not start a fight, the man adds: “You, boy, can do so much better than a fruitless tree, that throws a tantrum when its “bark” is slightly scratched.” Johnny looks down at you. Forgotten, that you still have your medical mask on, you cover your mouth with your hand, as if trying to hide something from him. Soap doesn't ask you to remove the mask - there is no need. He turns back to the man, takes a deep breath. 
And then Johnny snaps.
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lunar-years · 9 months
do you have any hurt/comfort jamie fic recs? looking for physical injury in particular, but i’m a sucker for emotional hurt/comfort too :)
of course! here u go
Gen -
held onto hope (like a noose, like a rope) by scarlettroses - tw James Tartt Sr. abuse; emotional hurt/comfort and it's heavy but it's so good! Jamie's dad is very ill and Roy & Keeley etc. help him through that.
My troubles are all over, and I am at home by Vamillepudding - tw James Tartt Sr./canon-typical abuse; canon divergence where Roy sees Jamie and his dad in the boot room during the season one finale, instead of Ted
The Hedgehog's Dilemma by @kvetchinglyneurotic - tw James Tartt Sr./canon typical abuse; season one canon divergence where Jamie's dad calls him and insists he come up to Manchester, right after Jamie got benched. Roy worries about where he's at and then we go on a fun speedrun of character development & friendship :)
every emotion that i'm meant to express by @babytarttdoodoo : Jamie has a panic attack during Mom City and Roy & Keeley help him through
Lemons and Lavender by LivingProof - tw James Tartt Sr.; a car accident puts Jamie in the hospital, his dad comes to see him but luckily Roy and Ted are close behind
Roy/Jamie -
I Get By With a Little Help by @belmottetower - tw rape facilitated by James Tartt Sr.; Jamie rape recovery hurt/comfort with, as the tags imply, much more comfort than hurt. There is also a second part with even more comfort :)
Somethin' Stupid by @catalogercas - appendicitis on the bus to an away game! oh no! Not yet complete but chapter 2 of 3 was posted today and it is amazing.
Falling Up by @catalogercas - amnesia!Jamie. all that from doing headers with Phoebe :( it's not super angsty and in fact is very cute. Jamie even meets the yoga mums in the funniest way. incredible content.
i watched the world without knowing what to look for by buckstiel -future fic about the injury that ends Jamie's career
Roy/Jamie/Keeley -
the body of someone you love by @goodmorninglovelies42 - Jamie gets into a minor car accident and needs stitches, Roy does not handle this well
Love Me For Who I Am (Where I Am) by pepperlandgirl4 - Jamie is injured during a match and it results in temporary amnesia shortly after rjk all get together
Chase All The Ghosts From Your Head by @valonia47 - tw for implied homophobia; Jamie is beat up by a crazy City fan at a nightclub with plenty of comfort afterwards from Roy, Keeley & his mum <3
bruised like violets by inlovewithnight - tw stalkers/kidnapping - Jamie gets abducted and it's very scary for everyone involved... but luckily there is a happy ending and lots of comfort! :)
the blood in your mouth, I wish it was mine by inlovewithnight - tw non-con, Rupert Mannion; I feel like i put this on every rec list lmao but i truly do love it. very dark but the rjk comfort is sooooo my everything
they threw me a whirlwild and I spat back the sea by inlovewithnight - tw abuse/semi-graphic description of hand injury; James Tartt Sr.'s mates pay Jamie a visit, Jamie calls Keeley (and by extension, Roy) to help get him to the hospital
no amount of coffee, no amount of crying by shampoobaby - allergies!! classic sickfic, Jamie has hay fever :( poor bb
P.S. If you are one of these authors and I have not tagged your tumblr it simply means I do not know it, but please drop me a comment or message if you'd like and I will update the list with your blog accordingly :)
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webanglikethat · 3 months
! Andi talks about her year-long relationship with Punz and she recounts enduring emotional neglect, gaslighting, verbal abuse, and a troubling instance of dubious consent. the relationship began with Andi facing harassment from Punz's fanbase, leading to the decision to keep their relationship private for Punz's benefit rather than genuine concern for Andi's well-being. 
! Punz's racist remarks, mockery of Andi's accent, and reluctance to visit Andi's family in Puerto Rico contributed to feelings of inferiority and insecurity. He called a slur and said “oh you’re my little b3an3r”. He also said - while watching Bridgerton - that the sharma sisters weren’t attractive because of their dark skins. 
! Punz made Andi feel embarrassed and insignificant, refusing to associate with her publicly and belittling her in private CONSTANTLY. He knew she had BPD and he even promise her MOM he would take care of her but he constantly dismissed her depressive episodes and made her feel like she was the problem. He said she did it so she would get his attention. 
! His berating behavior and insults exacerbated her feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness obviously and additionally, he exhibited a very very controlling behavior, dictating changes to Andi's personality and content to appease his own freaking audience. “There were also some smaller things like the fact that he made me feel really guilty whenever he would spend money on me.”
! Andi also describes instances of body shaming regarding her eating habits, and criticism of her interests and appearance.  “For context, i used to suffer from an eating disorder. I was anorexic and had a really unhealthy relationship with food during high school and my first year of uni. […] So i had certain comfort foods that, while sometimes unhealthy, at least it was something to eat when i didn’t feel like eating anything. He knew this. Yet, whenever i would crave some of these foods he would call me fat” 
! he also had a consistent lack of effort and empathy towards Andi. he never took the initiative to plan dates, leaving Andi feeling unappreciated and longing for romantic gestures like receiving flowers, which he only did once, despite her PLEAS. he also exhibited disrespectful behavior towards Andi in front of his friends, using her as a source of amusement to elevate his own image “For example, once when i was showering, i overheard him on a discord call with George and Sapnap and i heard George say “if you don’t go in the shower and have sex with Andi, i will”. Once, when i was really struggling with my legs” 
! when Andi was experiencing severe physical pain due to undiagnosed arthritis, didnt care and he initially refused to take her to the emergency room, prioritizing his own comfort and streaming schedule over her health. he said he wanted to stream while his gf was in pain. insane. and even after relenting and accompanying her to the ER, Punz complained about the inconvenience she was. 
! the relationship ended on one-year anniversary, where Andi blacked out after consuming alcohol provided by Punz, leading to an encounter that she can’t fully recall. she gets drunk very easily and when she woke up, she was naked and he was joking about it. “Then he mentioned that i fell off the bed at some point in the night and that it was funny how drunk I was. I then questioned him. Because if he thought that me tripping and falling off the bed because i was so drunk was funny, how did he not know that i was too drunk? “ to this day she doesn’t know what happened that night
! after the breakup, Andi confided in Punz's friend about the incident on their anniversary. however, instead of offering support, the friend warned her to like be cautious about discussing it, suggesting that speaking out could have consequences. he basically said she shouldn’t imply she didn’t remember the sexual encounter because it would mean its rape. and when Andi sought validation from other friends, they downplayed the seriousness of the situation, suggesting that Punz couldn't be blamed for not realizing how drunk Andi was.
she described her relationship with Punz as complicated and tumultuous from the start. they initially became friends due to shared social circles, and their friendship gradually developed into romantic feelings, although Andi suspected that Punz might not have reciprocated her emotions fully. despite this, they began dating, but Andi felt like she was constantly begging for Punz's attention and affection. she noticed that Punz seemed disinterested and distracted when they were together, which led her to feel neglected and invisible in the relationship.
! One very significant source of tension was Andi's friendship with another guy, whom she considered one of her closest friends. She had a lot of guy friends btw and Punz was jealous and disapproval of this friendship, which lead Andi to eventually cut off contact with her friend in an attempt to salvage her relationship with Punz. “i basically felt invisible to him. that is, when i wasn’t hanging out with my guy friends.”
! Punz abruptly broke up with Andi via text. Despite the breakup, they continued to engage in behaviors typical of a relationship, although without the commitment. So basically they were friends but doing couple stuff.  when one of Punz's friends showed interest in Andi, Punz reacted with jealousy and ended their "friendship" over it. “his friend and i talked about it and poked fun at the fact that he broke up with me but got mad at someone else paying attention to me. when 1 saw this (he ended up forcing me to show him the screenshots of the conversation) he was even more pissed and even more done with me. the next day he called me and we were basically back together again.” 
! during their “reconciliation”, Punz made Andi feel like she had to EARN his affection because of something he deemed unforgivable that /she/ had done. as a result, Punz treated her poorly, often canceling plans to hang out with friends and only seeing her late at nigh and Andi basically felt at Punz's mercy, with their interactions and plans dictated solely by his whims.
! this treatment took a severe toll on Andi's mental health, leading her into a deep depression and causing her to relapse into SH after three years of being clean. despite seeking therapy and making efforts to address her mental health, Punz dismissed her struggles and saw them as just another problem in their relationship. when they argued, which was frequent, Punz would use Andi's mental health against her, belittling her and making her feel guilty for her emotions.
! Punz would also dismiss Andi's emotional needs, labeling her as needy and clingy whenever she sought reassurance or expressed her desires. instead of providing comfort, Punz would respond with indifference or hostility. 
! He broke promises, he would go against his commitments, such as going to Las Vegas with friends on her birthday after promising not to. Andi also noticed Punz looking at “provocative” pictures of other girls on social media.
! “but there was a long period of time in our relationship where we had zero intimacy, and it wasn’t because of me. this fucked with my head a lot because i had this idea that because i was so emotional and needy that i could compensate physically. but when that stopped, my thoughts looked something like “the only thing i was useful for was sex and now he doesn’t even want that from me”
! She also thinks he was cheating on her during that time.
! after their breakup, Punz said he wanted to improve himself and the relationship, promising to go to the gym, consider therapy, adopt a healthier lifestyle, and plan dates to treat Andi better. However, Andi had reached her limit and no longer believed in Punz's ability to change.
! Punz shifted blame onto Andi, making her feel responsible for his lack of effort and dissatisfaction in the relationship. He would victimize himself and bring up past mistakes, such as Andi flirting with one of his friends, to deflect from his own shortcomings. 
! It took therapy for her to realize that Punz was not genuinely interested in her and only valued her attention when it suited him. And despite claiming not to want her, Punz would become possessive when others showed interest in Andi “he didn’t want me but he didn’t want anyone else to have me and that was the bottom line. that was the base off all the problems and toxicity that happened while we were together. “
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altocat · 3 months
I noticed that one of the main themes of Sephiroth’s character is dehumanization.
It got me wondering, did he ever experience or deal with SA or harassment when under Shinra? R&D stuff or just the way he was paraded around like a public idol? How would he have handled this type of issue?
TWs below the cut just in case.
There's a lot of uncomfortable aspects about Sephiroth's history with Shinra. The way he's treated like a weapon. His fucked up conception. The fact that he was a child soldier who had apparently never really been around people at all before the age of 14.
One of the more understated bits is the very disturbing fixation that Hojo has on his own son. Silver Elite had the whole shampoo infodump of course, but the basic theme of Sephiroth's private "club" (which is RUN by Hojo) is emphasizing how attractive he is. Rebirth added extra grossness by having Hojo further expand on his idea of a hero needing to be "attractive" in order to be beloved by the populace. Whether intentional or not, especially when you take into account that Silver Elite has been around since Sephiroth was a child, it creates the idea of Hojo having some...less than wholesome perceptions about his son and who he needs to be. I'm not saying that Hojo has directly SA'd Sephiroth as I don't think Square is leaning into this idea. But bear in mind that Hojo is implied to be Sephiroth's personal caretaker and physician, on TOP of being his parent and in a position of authority over him. Hojo has access to Sephiroth's medical history, access to private information that no one else will ever have. And he dumps this information out for the public, with a special focus on how "attractive" and "beautiful" his son is.
At the end of the day, I think Hojo has sexually harassed Sephiroth throughout his life. We now have confirmation that he's physically and medically abused Sephiroth over the years. But the sheer presence of "Chairwoman H" coupled with Shinra buying INTO it and exploiting it to keep Sephiroth popular is just...really disconcerting. Sephiroth is completely indifferent to his fame and his fans, so he's not sanctioning this information. But the fact that he doesn't stop it either suggests that there is still a level of control and authority over him by Shinra's upper management. And keep in mind that they RAISED him. This is basically your "parent" violating you every single day of your life while you're also told to go out and kill people and also kill your friends while you're at it. And there's nothing you can really do about it because there's nowhere to go and no one to be. They are all you have, all you have ever known. You have to obey them, even when you absolutely despise them for what they're doing.
Sephiroth is responsible for so many reprehensible acts. But he is justified in hating Shinra for everything they did to him. And I think his reactions in canon are his own little way of getting back at what they did. Sure, Sephiroth has let go of a lot of his humanity. But what remains still seems to remember the people who made him what he was. And in destroying the planet, he destroys THEM as well.
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romancingromanoff · 1 year
This is a Life
Andy of Scythia x f!reader
Tumblr media
Summary: You end up escaping an arranged marriage set up by your abusive mother in a strange way.
TW: Verbal/physical child abuse (child is now over 18 but it is implied that it has been going on for some time), arranged/forced marriage, 1950′s typical homophobia, somewhat graphic death/injuries, accidental suicide?
Words: 4225
A/N: Hello I am alive! I’ve been wanting to get back into writing recently and I’ve  been disappointed by the lack of Andy x reader content on here so here’s my contribution. More marvel stuff is in the works starting with Thena from Eternals!
“It’s my life!”
“And you are my daughter! You will do this if you wish to remain a part of this family!”
“I told you I won’t marry him!”
A cold hand hits your left cheek.
You were fighting with your mother yet again as the two of you had constantly done for the past 23 years, which was way too long for you to still be living under her roof according to societal standards. While you were inclined to agree, being forced to marry a man in six weeks was not how you wanted to escape.
On paper, you supposed Nicholas Turner was the perfect match, basically everything you could ever ask for in a husband. His wealth certainly appealed to your mother, though he was also kind and considerate with a pleasant looking face others might find attractive.
Unlike those that had briefly tried to court you in the past, what really set Nicholas apart was that he seemed to truly care for you and respect your opinions. There certainly weren’t very many men like him in the 1950’s who didn’t immediately insult your intelligence or worth as a member of the lesser sex.
Not too far into your relationship was when you were finally forced to come to terms with a fear that had been looming over you since your teenage years. It had been easy to tell yourself you were still normal when all the suitors you rejected were immature little boys with stunted emotional development and only seemed to be interested in your body. You could tell yourself that no woman would ever settle for such disrespect in a lifelong partner.
However, you knew there was no denying that Nick was everything you should ever want in a man. You waited for those butterflies you had heard about from your friends to fill you whenever he asked to hold your hand or guide you by the arm for a stroll. But those bubbling feelings of love never came no matter how much you tried to force them. And if they couldn’t show up for Nick, you knew that no man could summon them at all.
The only person that had ever excited you in that way was another girl a few grades above you in school. She tutored you in math for two summers and lived just down the street. You had never felt so drawn to anyone else before.
“I have three brothers so it’s nice that we can spend some time together, just us girls,” she had said. You couldn’t agree more.
As your friendship grew, rumors about her older brother being a… sexual degenerate spread throughout the neighborhood and your mother quickly forbade you from ever speaking to anyone in her family again. The last time you’d heard about your friend was when her parents had thrown her brother out of the house and cut all contact with him.
No part of you wanted to believe that your friend had agreed with their actions but what if she had? What would she say if she were to ever find out about your true feelings for her? She would surely be just as disgusted as your mother.
“Yes. You. Will. You think this is your life? Well I gave it to you and I can just as easily take it away!”
You weren’t too certain about that after the strange events that took place the day before. Another argument with your mother turned violent and she started throwing some of her empty bottles at you. Although none of them hit their target, one flew through the back window and caused glass to shatter everywhere.
After cleaning up inside the house, you made your way outside to assess whatever damage certainly awaited you there. What you hadn’t been expecting to find was that one of the bottles hit a poor baby bunny not too far from the window. Falling on your knees in front of it, it pained you to watch as its small body twitched only a few times before ultimately turning as still as stone. The thought of leaving it there for other animals to pick on or carelessly throwing it in the trash didn’t seem right to you, so with a sigh you decided to find a shovel and dig it a small grave. It’s not like you were in a rush to face your mother so soon anyway.
The shed with the gardening tools hadn’t been organized since the warmer months. Coughing at the cloud of dust that immediately filled your lungs as the door squeaked open, you blindly staggered in the direction of the shovel, trying to feel for it with your hands, when your foot found a rake that was lying on the ground. The wooden pole smacked you dead in the middle of your face, forcing you to fly back like in one of those children’s cartoons that often played before the main films at the cinema. It sounded like a tornado was tearing through the shed.
All you could feel was pain spreading throughout your body. There was no doubt that your skull had cracked open as a gooey warmth began to soak your hair and pool down your neck. A sharp object also seemed to be lodged in your middle area and it quickly became difficult to breath or even remember what life was like before this agony.
You almost tried to call for help, hoping that your mother might at least be decent enough not to wish for your death, but something about that idea stopped you. What would she even be saving you from exactly? You knew you were dying as a strange numbness began to take over all your senses, yet a part of you seemed to be at peace with what was to come.
Lying about who you were for the rest of your life was worse than a death sentence in its own way. Maybe this could be your mercy if happiness was never attainable for someone like you. Maybe this was for the best.
There was absolute darkness and a sense of peace that seemed to stretch on forever. Suddenly, all of that shattered as oxygen forcefully filled your lungs. Something inexplicable had brought you back.
While your body still ached, a quick assessment helped you conclude that your injuries had healed almost miraculously. Your skull was awfully bloody but definitely smooth and in one piece. Slowly sitting up, you discovered that a long pair of garden shears is what had impaled your abdomen where you were certain a few of your vital organs must have been torn.
You were covered in both dried blood and newly formed skin with no idea how any of it was possible. The only thing you could think of doing was running back into the house to wash yourself off.
Darkness had covered the sky by then and you knew your mother must have been asleep by that point. Initially that made you feel relieved that you could dodge any questions she had until morning. However, as you scrubbed the leftover blood and sweat from your body, the fact that she must not have been concerned at all dawned on you. You had died out in the shed and where had she been?
“No, you don’t get to hurt me anymore!” You shook your head and stood your ground with a newfound sense of power only coming back from the dead could have given you. “You don’t get to control me like I’m your puppet! I’m not going to marry him or anyone else you try to push on me either. I’ve known this for a long time and I think you have too. But I can’t because I’m–”
“NO! No, I will not hear this nonsense again! I have things from the store I need to pick up and I expect all of this sudden change in attitude to be over when I get back. Or I will be beating you everyday until it’s your husband’s problem!”
Somehow her words managed to hurt you more than any physical attack could. You tried your best to hold in your tears as she gathered her purse and keys before slamming the front door behind her, but your eyes began stinging just as you retreated to your bedroom. This time, your instincts were successfully able to guide you on where to step.
You don’t know how long you stood there, disassociating and losing track of the time as you urged yourself not to cry.
A hand landed on your shoulder and caused an instinctive shudder to roll through your body. “Please, don’t!” You whimpered at the contact which you expected came from your mother.
“I’m not here to hurt you. But I need you to trust me.”
You turned and your eyes shot up. The speaker of the voice was unlike any other person you had ever seen. Her hair was cut extremely short, like the style Audrey Hepburn was known for, but with no makeup or bold lip color she appeared more boyish. She was also very tall for a woman, about as tall as some men you knew, though it didn’t scare you to stand beside her like it would with them. It was subtle, but sometimes you felt like they relied on their height advantage to make sure you were on a lower peg than them.
This woman was different with the way she assessed you with a lack of judgment. Something told you that she was worried about scaring you, not wanting to come off like she was sizing you up. You could see it in her eyes and god were they gorgeous. They were a mesmerizing shade that made you believe you were seeing the color for the very first time. You would gladly let the woman hypnotize you with those glowing pools of green.
“Who are you?” Your voice shook even though you could sense she didn’t wish to harm you.
She kept her voice calm and steady. “My name is Andromache of Scythia. But you can call me Andy.”
Andy? Andy. Hearing the name caused something to resurface in your mind. Not quite a song or a memory but something you had definitely heard recently. A man had been screaming that name as you felt him die.
“I’ve seen you before. I dreamed you were trying to save a man. A friend. Two other people were there as well. You were all surrounded. You were dying.”
“There are five of us now, including you, and we all do the same thing. We die and come back. And I know you probably have a lot of questions, which I promise I can answer, but you need to pack some clothes and come with me now.”
“Go with you? Where?”
You had been on a rollercoaster once as a child. It was a tall wooden one with a large loop that initially made you change your mind about riding it. That was before your mother informed you she had already bought your tickets and wasn’t about to let the money go to waste. The fear rose within your stomach with every inch the giant wooden coffin you rode in crept higher and higher into the domain of the clouds and birds. Every voice in your head screamed that you weren’t supposed to be here. A part of you was so terrified that you considered reaching for your mother’s hand. As if she would comfort you.
But then you finally made it to the top. All you could think about as you saw the sun setting on the horizon was how badly you wished you could chase it. And then you did. The ride dropped and your fears dissipated as laughter escaped from your body instead. For the first time ever, you could taste a sense of freedom.
That’s what it felt like when Andy reached for your chin and gently brushed the back of two of her other fingers against the cheek most recently marked by your mother. You weren’t entirely sure what the future looked like with her, yet you were eager to find out and explore all the possibilities opening up before you. No one had ever held you with such tenderness and care while also making you feel protected and safe. You watched as the woman’s eyes flickered from your cheek to your slightly parted lips before she withdrew her touch. It left you feeling empty.
“The woman that hurts you will be coming back any minute now,” she announces quickly before she starts darting around your room. She pulls out a suitcase from your closet and stares at you expectantly, like she needed you to move as if the house was on fire. “We need to leave before that happens.”
“My mother? She’s done terrible things but she’s still my mother. I can’t just leave without letting her know.”
“What’s your name?” Andy asks you. You tell her.
“Y/N, please listen to me,” she sets the suitcase down on your bed before taking your hands into hers. A part of your soul leaves your body right then and there. “Individuals like your mother have hurt you your entire life when you should have been protected. I’m so sorry no one stood up for you before. You didn’t deserve any of that. But now even more people that want to harm you are going to be on our trail as soon as they find out who and what you are. Now that I’ve found you, I can protect you. Me and the other three guys on our team. So please, come with me so that I can keep you safe.”
“Y/N?! Come help me!” Your mother’s shrill voice rings through the house.
“Pack quickly, I’ll hold her off,” Andy urgently reaches for something in her pocket which is when you realize she’s had a knife on her this whole time. Your eyes go wide.
“Wait! Please don’t hurt her! I’ll go with you but you can’t hurt her. That’s my only condition, I swear.”
You haven’t known her for long. You wish you could spend the next hundred years studying her face and getting to know everything there is to know about her. But somehow, you can still tell that something breaks inside her because of your pleading. She holds your gaze for the shortest eternity before nodding back at you.
“Okay,” she promises. You can tell she’s going to be true to her word. “But you have to follow my lead. When I say we need to leave, we leave.”
You scramble to pack the most important things that come to your mind. A family picture of you, your mother, and your sister. The bracelet that your grandmother gave you. Your drawing notepad. It’s not too difficult to decide what clothes you bring as you have no real attachment to any specific pieces.
Echoes of your mother marching down the hall cause you to freeze up instantly. There’s one last thing you need to grab and of course it has to be in the trickiest place to get to.
“There’s a box of letters under the rug and the floorboard right here. Can you please get it? I’ll talk to her.” Andy nods before you dart out a small crack in your door and quickly close it behind you. It brings you face to face with your warden and the only obstacle that stands in your way of escape.
“What are you doing in there? I expect you to help me bring in my bags from the car. Are you going deaf or do I need to slap some more sense into you?”
“I’m leaving,” you manage to blurt out before fear stops you from changing your mind.
“You’re what?”
“I’m leaving. I’m not marrying Nicholas. I can’t and I won’t.”
“This again? How much longer will you insist on acting like a petulant child? I demand you stop this nonsense at once!”
“No. I’m leaving and you won’t get to control my life anymore.”
A look that you can only describe as amused appears on the woman’s face as she gives you a scoff. “Oh really? And where do you think you’ll go with no car or money to your name? I know you’re nervous about the wedding but-”
“I will never marry him or any other man either!” This was the first time you had ever raised your voice this loud and it was having quite the effect on both of you. The woman in front of you was completely stunned at your change in demeanor, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“I’m not like you! And I’m tired of pretending to be someone I’m not. For so long, I’ve tried to feel the way I know I’m supposed to feel about boys but I simply can’t. And I think a part of me has always known that I’m-”
The swift sound of a crack silences you, though you don’t exactly register the pain straight away like normal. You bring a finger to your lower lip and it comes black with a droplet of blood. A second later, you touch the same spot and it’s completely healed.
“Silence! You’ll shut your mouth right this instant if you know what’s good for you. These ideas of… of perverse behavior aren’t you. You’re obviously ill and need to see a doctor immediately.”
“No mother, I-” You’re interrupted once again, although this time as your bedroom door swings open you aren’t scared of being struck or hurt. Andy’s presence alone means you are protected.
“Your items are secure. We need to leave now,” she takes a firm hold of your waist and pulls you closer to her body. From the threatening look she’s throwing at your mother you can tell that your presence is the only thing keeping the much taller and stronger woman from breaking out into a fight. Although, calling it that felt entirely wrong as it implied your mother would be able to stand a chance at winning.
“Excuse me?” The older woman spat like she had nearly swallowed a fly. “Who is-... Who do you think you are and how dare you come into my house!”
“Lady, all you need to know is that I’m the one that’s going to be doing what you’ve failed to do and actually protect your daughter from now on. Unless you want this to get violent, I would suggest stepping out of our way.”
No one had ever spoken to your mother that way and had anyone but Andy been foolish enough to yell at her,  you would be worrying for their safety. But even after five minutes of knowing her, it was clear that Andy wasn’t easily swayed by a few empty threats.
“I–... Oh, now I understand everything completely. You must be the one that has corrupted my daughter with these wicked thoughts! Y/N, you can’t possibly believe this… this stranger intends to do anything but manipulate you! Whatever feelings you think you may have for her are wrong and can be corrected. I don’t want you to end up like this disgusting degenerate!”
“Don’t you dare call her that!” Your anger spikes hearing the venom in her words. Andy may or may not be immune to them but that doesn’t mean you can’t be offended on her behalf. “She actually respects me and treats me like a human being!”
“So what? Your plan is to run away together and go where? Do what? You are nothing without me and you know it! Since you were born-”
An involuntary scream leaves your body as the taller woman moves like a flash of light. Before she can even process anything, your mother falls to the floor into an unconscious slump at your feet.
“Oh my God.” It seems almost impossible to tear your eyes away from the sight before you. You’ve never seen someone so… still. Then it dawns on you that she might be…
“She’s just unconscious,” Andy cups your face in her hands and you’re forced to look at her, ”I promise. She’ll be fine but we have to go now.”
Nodding, the two of you set off like there’s still someone on your trail. For a few seconds you’re able to look back at your mother one last time. The woman that gave birth to you. Raised you. Hit you. Broke you. She’ll never be able to hurt you again.
You breathe a barely audible “goodbye” to her, wondering where you’ll be by the time she wakes up. There’s the tiniest twinge of guilt at the thought of her actually missing you when she does, yet with every step you make towards your new future you yearn to speed up.
Andy guides you straight to the front door and outside into the rain. The two of you don’t stop until you reach a car around the corner that she unlocks for you. Your body is cold and numb, which the other woman immediately notices and she tries to drape your body with a thin blanket from the backseat after she starts the engine. You doubted that this car had any heating but couldn’t care too much about that.
“Thank you,” you’re able to mutter. “I’m sorry she… about those things she said.”
“Y/N, you have nothing to apologize for. You are in no way responsible for her actions.”
You could get used to hearing Andy say your name like that. She had a way of saying it that reminded you how it was your very own. How you were your own person.
“No, I do, Andy. At least let me say this for my own peace. You got dragged into something that should have stayed between us and she made some wrongful assumptions about you. You are completely right to feel offended or upset with me. And now that you know that I’m… Well, it seems you know more about me than almost anyone else. What I mean to say is that I understand if you’re disgusted by me.”
Much to your surprise, the brunette calmy pulled the car over to stop on the side of the road so that she could better face you. Fear that she might ask you to get out flickered in your heart for a second, but then she carefully took your hand into her own, holding it so tenderly.
“Y/N, everything that I said in there still stands. I care about you and I want to protect you. And for the record, not that anyone else’s opinion but your own matters, I see nothing wrong with you. You love the way you love, that’s nothing to be ashamed about. You deserve all the happiness the world can give you, which is what I’m willing to fight for.”
The buildup of emotions from the past 24 hours combined with the softness in her words is enough to strip you of your very last defenses. Your vision blurs, though the slight stinging in your eyes is admittedly therapeutic. Andy, however, only grows more concerned for you based on the look on her face.
“No, no, I’m okay,” you promise her and crack a smile. “It’s just strange to have someone that cares about me. The real me, I mean. There must be some way I can repay you for everything.”
She analyzed you with such curiosity that it’s impossible to tell what sort of thoughts are running through her head. Her other hand slowly moves to move a stray hair from your face. You doubt she meant for the contact to feel so intimate, yet you relish in the tiny sprinkles of touch she gives you.
Andy releases a deep sigh. “You don’t have to repay me for anything. We’re a team now and that means we take care of each other.”
Of course you had forgotten there was a team, meaning there were more of you she must have been referencing aside from yourself. It felt stupid to think she could have felt differently about you after knowing each other for less than a day. And what were the chances she would even see you in that way?
“Right,” you struggle to wipe the tears from your face. “I guess I should learn about the others then. When will we be introduced?”
“Soon, I promise.” Andy goes to restart the car and you notice her chuckle as she begins to speed up to get back on the road. “I think you’ll really like them, actually. We all have a lot in common so there’s no chance they won’t immediately like you like I do.”
You swear that you almost died for a second time from a heart attack.
“You mean besides being able to come back from the dead?” You tried to play it cool, hoping she wouldn’t notice how nervous you suddenly were.
“Actually, yes. It’s about a three hour drive from here so you can get some sleep if you want. I know you must be exhausted.”
You can’t really protest when a yawn immediately escapes after the mere mention of a nap. So you drift away, driving off toward your new life, with Andy’s hand safely cradling yours.
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aftgficrec · 11 months
Can you post fics where Andrew and Neil argue but make up in the end?
Enjoy this walk through andreil feels, anon. The previous asks mentioned lead to a bunch more asks and fics. -A
also see:
andreil arguing here
new andreil breakup/make-up here
fave break up and make up here
andreil or jerejean kiss & make-up here
miscommunication leading to near-breakups here
angst w/happy ending: miscommunication or pining here
andreil enemies to lovers 2 here
Andrew makes Neil cry here
Neil snaps ‘not nothing’ here
‘quicksand’ here
‘low quay, no pressure’ here
‘transience’ here
‘transmission’ here
‘Tumblr Headcanons - Andreil’ Ch 11 & 12 here
‘Neil worried that Andrew cheated’ here
‘Home for Christmas’ here
‘Wake Up to Your Sunset’ here (completed)
‘All I Wanted’ here
‘Some Kind of Disaster’ here
‘I’m Not Dead Yet’ here
‘Can Nobody Hear Me (I cannot breathe)’ here (completed)
‘nice to see your face again’ and ‘Dawn Won't End the Night’ (updated) here
‘please come back, save me from myself,’ ‘ghostin',’ and ‘I ran out of every reason’ here
‘but i don't think i can ever learn how to love just right’ here 
‘Shared Custody’ and ‘Shared Custody (The Blame the Cat Remix)’ here
if you really love nothing by seasy33 [Rated M, 39713 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew finds an interesting piece of paper. He's not quite sure how he feels about it.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: flashbacks, tw: alcohol 
Undefined Roommates Code by Helpisneeded [Rated E, 56760 Words, Incomplete, Updated Oct 2022]
Punching your roommate is not a very smart idea. Starting a friends with benefits relationship with said roommate is an even worse one. Setting up a string of rules to keep it purely physical and make sure you don’t catch feeling but catching them anyways is certainly the stupidest thing you could do in that situation. Luckily for Neil, he never claimed to be smart.
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced suicidal tendencies
Regrowth by Mystrana [Rated E, 4836 Words, Complete, 2021]
It goes like this: Neil's giving therapy a chance. He's dealing with every emotion he's ever pushed down trying to leak back up. When he gets hurt during a game, Andrew gets upset and they get into an argument. And then Andrew apologizes. A fic in which Andrew and Neil work on healing together and cry and have the softest sex in the world.
tw: explicit sexual content
An intimate moment with someone you hate by krasmataz [Rated E, 7414 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil and Andrew have their first fight after trying something new in the bedroom. Hope they figure it out before they destroy too much school property!
tw: implied/referenced self-harm, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced suicidal tendencies
over/under by likearecord [Rated E, 9506 Words, Complete, 2023]
He’d thought Neil, with his smart mouth and his wild eyes, would be satisfied with what Andrew was offering. He guesses he’d thought Neil was used to living on scraps—and Andrew has never had anything meatier to give. He’d been wrong.
tw: explicit sexual content
Only Fools Fall. by Random2002 [Rated T, 19789 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2023]
Neil tests how faithful his clients partners are. Roland is a client; he's worried about his boyfriend. It isn't long until Neil notices some serious rifts in the relationship he is meant to test.
tw: child abuse
Cold Cookies by Preludeno3 [Rated M, 11583 Words, Incomplete, Updated Jan 2023, Locked]
It starts off as an abstract, incomplete thought. Andrew’s on his knees on the rug in his Columbia bedroom, going to town on Neil’s dick. Or Andrew wants to try face fucking, trauma is a bitch and Neil is almost too understanding
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
First fight by Olympyas [Not Rated, 3265 Words, Complete, 2023]
"There is no this, you are nothing and nothing doesn't exist." It hurt. A lot. Especially when you spent the whole day feeling like nothing. So he wanted to hurt Andrew in return. He wanted to get, even the slightest, reaction from him. "Well, at least you can't hurt 'nothing' like you destroy everything around you." —hurt him— "You'll still run away like the rabbit you are. Tell me, Nathaniel, why are you staying?" Neil hated this name in Adrew's mouth "For nothing. I shouldn't have stayed in the first place." And he left.
tw: panic attacks, tw: violence, tw: assault, tw: attempted rape/noncon
A Substitute For Please by cadkitten [Rated E, 1911 Words, Complete, 2018]
Please is a word built to make things easy and life has never been easy for either of them. Please is meant to smooth things over, but they're all rough edges. Please is a final ditch effort when hope is lost and, Neil, he knows there's still hope here.
tw: ptsd, tw: depression, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: alcohol
NB: find more about Nicky’s state of mind here
To Be Close With You Is To Be Close With Myself by jostenskeys [Rated E, 20359 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew has always been a protector at heart despite how often he bullies Neil for his martyr complex. The summer before Neil's second year, however, he begins to feel the impacts of his life finally crash down on him just as they were finally safe from harm. Andrew fights with himself and doesn't know how he can help. But he soon realises, in order for him to help Neil, he needs to help himself too. Or The Convincing-Neil-To-Get-Therapy Chronicles. Written by Andrew Minyard and edited by Betsy Dobson.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: self harm, tw: urge to self harm, tw: blood, tw: suicidal ideation, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: depression
Stay series by jaydreamz [Rated M/T, Collection with 2 complete works, Updated Nov 2021]
Part 1: Was Sorta Hopin' That You'd Stay [M, 25740 Words] Neil and Andrew have HATED each other since an incident in college. They really, really do. The Minyard-Josten rivalry is not a sham. But now Andrew's transferring to Neil's team and all hell is about to break loose.
tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: explicit sexual content
Part 2: Before I Hated You [T, 5974 Words] Before the Minyard-Josten rivalry was on, there was something else entirely. *** Andrew and Neil's first meeting in college that ended up starting the feud between them.
Bittersweet by Mercey [Rated M, 8370 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2021]
‘Why would Neil want to be with someone who can’t even care for him the right way? Why would he want that life for himself? He’s not a runaway anymore, he’s not so desperate for affection that he’ll settle for my meagre offerings, and good for him. It’s better that way.’ Andrew's spiralling with graduation coming up, and beginning to question the very foundations upon which he and Neil are built.
tw: depression
Hold Each Other by exactly13percent_OLD (hymbeaux) [Collection Rated T/E, Complete, 2018]
Chapter 12: Stranger [T, 2854 Words] Sometimes, love comes easily. That's the problem.
I took a breath and took the knife by eeveepkmnfan [Rated M, 2271 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew and Neil argue. Or, Neil is still struggling through the aftereffects of being drugged. Andrew is forced to confront the consequences of that decision.
tw: transphobia, tw: implied/referenced sexual assault, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced involuntary drug use, tw: ptsd
Spring Cleaning with a Man on the Lam by SugarLime [Rated G, 2240 Words, Complete, 2019]
Neil glared at the wrapper Andrew had tossed on the floor next to his chair. He stalked over with a nasty frown and leveled a glare at Andrew. Andrew met his glare with an empty expression. “What?” He asked, following Neil’s gaze as it tuned to the discarded wrapper, “it’s a wrapper,” he said wisely. His gut did a small flip as he tried to figure out why his boyfriend was mad.
I Won't Be Home For The Rest Of The Night by CasTheButler [Not Rated, 1039 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil and Andrew have a fight, Neil learns to let someone new in.
Stars and Moons by sonyathefairy [Rated G, 1111 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil ponders about the stars and his fight with Andrew. Or in which they both realise that they can't live without the other anymore.
Where We Belong by conniptionns [Rated T, 1374 Words, Complete, 2017]
prompt: andrew and neil get into this huge fight while andrew is driving so he tells neil to get out the car and walk the rest of the way.
Still here by theresnothis [Rated T, 2779​​ Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
After a fight with Andrew, Neil ran off into the night (but he would go back). Andrew found him and of course with Neil’s luck a robbery would occur.
flashes of intimacy by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2023]
Chapter 3: conflict resolution [385 Words] Chapter 4: space [507 Words]
tw: mild self harm
Chapter 16: picking fights [554 Words]
tw: mild self harm
“I don’t want your pity, I want your absence.” by markonasurface (idwir) [Not Rated, 1627 Words, Complete, 2018]
After the freshmen find out about Neil and Andrew, a terrible practice leads to Neil saying things he shouldn’t.
tw: involuntary outing, tw: homophobia, tw: scars, tw: anxiety attack, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: victim shaming, tw: self harm
“So much for not getting involved.” by markonasurface (idwir) [Not Rated, 769 Words, Complete, 2020]
“I don’t want your pity, I want your absence.” pt 2
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa
“don’t call me that”-andreil prompt fill by @markonasurface [Tumblr, 2017]
Neil heard the door to the roof open and knew it was Andrew. Annoyance flooded his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to hit him. Instead he lit another cigarette and let Andrew pluck it from his fingers even though he hadn’t offered it to him.
63 notes · View notes
zxphy · 11 months
☆ Yandere Alphabet!
Yandere! 2k18 Raphael x Reader
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Tws/cws: Blud idefk, yandere stuff, implied abuse, nothing explicit, a fuck ton of grammatical errors, free my boy raph.
Written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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☆ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Raphel is a hugger, 100%. He always wants your attention on him and only him. To him, the best way to show someone you care is physical affection. There's absolutely no second in the day where he wouldn't just have the urge to scoop you up and hug you all day. However, unlike his little brother Michelangelo, he knows when to quit it. 💀
☆ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Yikes, so uhm. Raphael isn't the most violent person ever. He's a pacifist at heart. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but if push came to shove and he was in a situation where someone had to get hurt, he'd gladly. However, he'd feel guilty forever about it though.
☆ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Hell fucking no, hello?? Honestly, the poor boy would do anything for you, he kind of sees you above him in some way. He just wants whats best for you. He knows that the current situation is a little hard on you but he'd never mock you for it :(.
☆ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
He'll try not to.
☆ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Very, VERY vulnerable. Honestly, the boy has cried and will still cry in front of you. He's not afraid to show his emotions. If anything, he thinks being emotionally vulberable around eachother is a good thing! :3
☆ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Please don't, he doesn't want to have to hurt you.. :(
☆ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Oh nah, he hates it so much. It breaks his big ol' heart whenever he sees you try to leave him. Please quit it.
☆ Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Probably just a forced cuddle session that ended pretty badly. (A shattered wrist and a few broken bones.)
☆ Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He just wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He's a little cheesy and would love to get married to you. Adding kids into the mix wouldn't hurt either. :3
☆ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh nononono! He'd never hurt you on purpose, yes he can get pretty jealous but he's very good at concealing it. His way to cope would probably be taking it out on some crook or just sparring with someone.
☆ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
You're def getting smothered. 💀 He's so sweet you're gonna get so many smooches throughout the day.
☆ Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Also an old fashioned kinda guy. Met you, tried to get to know you better, but he was a lil too shy to fully ask you out. And hid paranoia was getting to him, he just had to take ya.
☆ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Nah, there's no mask. He's still the exsct ssme, but just a teeny bit (a lot) more possessive and protective.
☆ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's not very creative with punishments, and he doesn't even want to hurt you, he just wants you to learn your lesson. :/ So probably just some starvation or isolation.
☆ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Eh.. not that many actually. He's just trying to be a loving boyfriend.
☆ Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very, VERY patient. He's taking his time with you. But he'd get fed up eventually.
☆ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Absolutely not, he'd be totally broken. He'd stop at nothing to bring you back to him. He can't live without you..
☆ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He does regret snatching you up, but it was for your own good! He tries his best to ignore the guilt that's eating him from the inside. Still, he wouldn't let you leave. No matter how bad you make him feel.
☆ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Due to his brothers getting older and more independant, he's starting to feel a little..useless. Like no one needs him anymore.. He wants someone to care for, someone to protect, and that's where you come in. :)
☆ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'd feel awful. :(
☆ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's very very lenient.. He's always near you, always making sure you're okay and comfortable.
☆ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His paranoia, his emotional vulnerability and his fears. But why would you do that to him, you monster? >:(
☆ Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He didn't want to. He didn't mean it. He's sorry, please forgive him.
☆ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Your needs come before his, he'd do whatever to make sure you stay with him. No matter how humiliating it is for him.
☆ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
☆ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not on purpose.
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Okay fucking finally. I was bored and this was a lil gift for my homegirl yanteetle :3. (Just taggin her for this, @yanteetle)
Writing Raph was actually interesting and a bit out of my comfort zone considering I'm not the biggest fan of him.
The yan alphabet draft can be found here!
(Please don't interact with her nsfw works if you're a minor, please respect her boundaries she's an awesome writer and you're free to read whatever sfw work she has.)
Okay bye ily!!!
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Taglist: N/A
126 notes · View notes
Hauyne, the Liberator
>>> Basic Info Name: Artemis Viator Alias: Hauyne, Light (by Marianette), Little Dove (by Karen) Species: Sidhe/Aura Wielder (Eikon) True Form: █████████ Age: 19 (physical), approx. 700+ (chronological) Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her (sing.), they/them (plural) Birthday: December 22 Height: 5'9" Attribute: Light Trainer Class: Liberator
>>> Gallery
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>>> Backstory
TW: misogyny, implied domestic abuse, mentions of death in childbirth, stillbirth, child abuse and neglect, child murder attempt, mutilation, transphobia, alcoholism, depression, suicide attempts, death of a family member, bullying
[Birth and Early Life] Hauyne, born Artemis Viator, was not a planned nor was she was wanted child... at least, in her father's eyes. To him, life was already perfect: a beautiful subservient wife, and a high-achieving son that he was confident would one day walk in his footsteps as a military man. He never wanted a daughter; girls were weak, overly emotional, took too much money and effort to raise, and would ultimately become a burden to the family, he thinks.
So when his wife defied him and adamantly insisted on keeping the unplanned child, he was floored. He could not understand why his wife would want another, when they already have the perfect child. But despite his strong feelings on it, he eventually acquiesced, grudgingly letting his wife have her way if only not to disturb the peace in the household.
Unbeknownst to him, his wife and son did not share his lack of enthusiasm over the new arrival. If anything, they were overjoyed and excited; his son, Orion, had always wanted a little sibling to spoil, and his wife had always wanted a large family. A wish that went unfulfilled because of the threats of pain and violence.
However, it was not all smooth sailing. Her mother had always been sickly, and her condition had only worsened when she got pregnant with her. By some miracle, she managed to carry her until the end... or rather, she would have, if tragedy had not struck in the form of a fatal accident. The culprit was never caught, and the stress of it all caused her to go into labour prematurely.
The child that she gave birth to was born dead, killed when she was still in the womb, while the mother herself was barely clinging on to life in spite of her mortal injuries. It was a miracle, doctors had marvelled. A shame her child did not make it, they had said. Yet, what no one knew was that she had a secret: a secret that she had sworn to take to her grave, known only to her flesh and blood.
Her mother was not human. Neither were her children. They were all Sidhe, Eikons to be specific. And for her, she was special, because she possessed a remnant of Arceus's power within herself. And for the sake of her stillborn child, she will give up this power - the very thing that's keeping her alive - to her daughter, so that she may live.
It was a shame that the only ones to witness her passing and bade her farewell for the final time were her two children, Orion and her newly revived infant daughter. With her final breaths, she made Orion promise to take care of his sister for her, before her strength finally ran out.
Ever since her birth and her mother's passing, their lives went on a nosedive. Her father did not hear the news until much later, and when he did, he was devastated. He blamed his daughter for the death of his wife, and drowned himself in alcohol out of grief. On the days he was not intoxicated out of his mind (which were many), he would take out his rage and grief on his defenseless daughter, using whatever flimsy excuse that came to mind to justify his senseless acts of cruelty. Some days, Orion was able to intervene, although it meant him taking the blows for his sister's behalf.
To make matters worse, she was frail and sickly as a child, constantly falling ill and having to make frequent visits to the hospital even as a baby. Her father, of course, would turn a deaf ear to her cries, and would simply beat her to silence her if it got too much for him to take. Because of this, Orion was the one who raised his sister despite his young age, and the two shared a close bond for this reason.
Things eventually came to a head when Orion first came out as a non-binary when she was 5. Their father was furious beyond words when he found out, calling them a "f*ggot" and tried to make them take it back in his drunken rage... until little Artemis stumbled into the scene, oblivious to the disaster unfolding in the room. Immediately he locked on to her, pinning all the blame for his misfortune onto the girl and went after her in a dark rage.
It was only thanks to Orion's intervention that it did not escalate to a full-blown murder, but they did not act quickly enough to prevent him from blinding her in her left eye. Their father was arrested for that murder attempt soon after, and it was only weeks later that he was found dead in his cell (the cause was declared to be a brain aneurysm, but the truth was that he was ganged up and beaten to death by the other inmates).
As their legal caretaker was out of the picture and Orion still not of age yet (they were 17 when their father was arrested and sentenced to jail), the two siblings went to live with their maternal grandfather in the countryside, their only living relative left.
However, yet another tragedy struck. The train they were boarded on derailed as it was crossing the straits, plunging into the waters below. Orion vanished during the accident, and there were no known survivors. None, except for her, by some divine providence. She was found days after the accident on a beach, unconscious and somehow unharmed aside from a few bruises. After her recovery, she was sent to a foster home system, where she remained for two years - bouncing in and out of homes who treated her harshly, sometimes being forced to go to the streets - until her grandfather was finally contacted and came to collect her.
[First Childhood] Her first childhood was spent in the same fishing village her mother grew up in, with only her grandfather for company. She was shunned and ostracised by everyone, whispering hushed rumours about her being a "devil's child" for living in the supposedly haunted manor at the edge of the village... or mocking her for her unnatural white hair and making her life downright miserable. Her only safe space was the manor she lived in, for no villager was foolhardy enough to test the veracity behind the haunted manor rumours, and so she was left alone in peace as long as she remained inside.
Over time, the solitary life and the repeated bullying she faced made her withdraw into herself, no longer making any attempts to reach out. The only time she would come out is to help her grandfather manage his traditional medicine shop, and that was only when she isn't occupying herself with her studies or whatever she had busied herself with. Even then, there were stretches of time where she her childhood illness acted up, leaving her bedridden for days if not weeks.
It was during this time she picked up on a certain Pokemon fangame... and many others, in fact. And she was enamoured with it, for reasons she could not put a finger on. These games were what helped her get on with life, alleviating the crippling loneliness of her life even for a brief moment, but it was enough to keep her going. For a while, things were bearable...
But then came the day her grandfather passed when she just turned 12. To say she did not take it well was a gross understatement; up until then, he was her only companion and role model, and to lose her only loved one just like that? It was devastating. So devastating, that it was the final straw for her. And with yet another one of her episodes, she simply let herself starve to death, hoping to finally be free of this torturous nightmare... but it did not happen. At some point, she had blacked out from pain, exhaustion and hunger, and when she awoke the episode had subsided... along with a warm meal by her bedside and the door suspiciously open when it was left closed and locked the whole time.
It was baffling to her. Who would even save her? Why did they do that? She had not wanted to live any longer, so why...? Regardless, the unexpected act had gave her some hope, restoring some of her will to live despite everything. So she continued to persevere, enduring the dark life of solitude for some years to come.
When she was 17, she stumbled upon an odd silhouette hidden in a thick blanket of fog while she was wandering around the forests near her home. It vanished as quickly as it appeared, but a part of her urged her to follow the silhouette, and she did, if only on an impulse. She pursued the silhouette for what felt like an eternity, until it led her to a moonlit pond in a clearing... and the silhouette nowhere to be seen.
Curiosity piqued, she starts to investigate the pond, feeling an odd sense of deja vu with it that made her want to approach the waters... until suddenly, she felt someone shove her from behind, pushing her into the pond. And before she knew it, she was falling out from the sky... and blacked out.
[Variya's Contract, and the First Cycle] In her dream (or was it?), she was approached by Variya who proposed a contract to her. Variya wished for her to become the Interceptor of this world, to save them from a fate of oblivion and destruction. While she was initially reluctant to do so, not wanting to get caught in a destiny as large as this, she was eventually persuaded to do so after Variya brought up an enticing possibility: the chance to finally meet and befriend the people she had known from a distance for so long, this time for real.
Unable to resist that notion, she accepted the contract, thus becoming the Interceptor... and she awoke in the S.S Oceana. The first incarnation of the cruiser, in fact. In the body of none other than Aevis.
The events to come after would play almost exactly as v1's plot, but after she tried to board the train to Route 2 in pursuit of Melia... she blacked out, only to awaken once more in the S.S Oceana, back to the day she first arrived at Aevium. The cycles have officially begun.
[Endless Cycles, and the Truth] So just like that, she was trapped in a never-ending cycle. Every time she would reach a certain point, she would be forcibly returned to the start of the cycle. On a few occasions, the entire timeline of events would be different (i.e. version updates, in an out of universe context), and rendering her prior knowledge useless. A pattern she found out was that for every two major cycles, her body or "host" would change. For the first two, it was Aevis. The next was Aevia, then Axel, and then Ariana, followed by Aero and finally Alain before she was able to keep her own body.
However, there was another thing to the repeated cycles: the more times she underwent the cycles, the more integrated she became with this world. At some point, in what she would call the eighth major cycle, she was set as one of the orphaned Mieran refugees who was placed under the custody of Phoenix Academy and becoming part of the six protag's friend group.
From then on, every time a major cycle begins, she would start again as a malnourished orphan and forced to relive that part of her life until she was brought back in the S.S Oceana. After that, the minor cycles would begin from this point onward.
Eventually, unable to take the endless cycles, in the thirteenth major cycle she attempted to deviate from the "script" as much as she possibly could. All in the desperate hope of breaking free from the purgatory she and her friends were trapped in. Unfortunately, all it did was made her journey even more difficult than it should, before it ultimately met its end through the Xenpurgis breaking containment far too early and destroying everything in its path (including its creators).
She had only managed to destroy Xenpurgis by absorbing the Archetype's powers, ascending to a god, but it was already too late by then. The world was now a barren ruin, reality fraying by its threads and the Core damaged beyond repair. All that was left of this ruined world was herself.
Unwilling to accept this as her fate, she began the painstaking process of rebuilding the world, brick by brick. Once it and the Core were rebuilt, she stripped most of her powers away from herself to be used as an energy source to power the Core, before resetting the world. This would be the first and only time she had started a brand new cycle of her own free will, using her own power.
Thus, did the fourteenth major cycle begin. The current cycle, and this time, she will set everyone free. No matter the cost.
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tw: suicide
i'm currently 24, i have meet my best friend when we were 15 for a while... and when i say a while i mean years at least 3 years she is just taking advantage of me. she has this boyfriend they spend money like crazy (only her bf works she doesn't work atm) and a lot of times she borrows money from me. 80% of the time i don't get my money back but i sometimes don't mind because she has a daughter (this bf is not the father btw so he doesn't spend much money on her daughter) and i feel so bad for her kid.
my friend got pregnant at age 17 and i love her daughter a lot. it feels like i'm her aunt or something (she does call me an aunt as well) she feels like family to me. a lot of times i would also willingly buy her something because i feel bad that she doesn't have things she needs. her ex pays child support but my friend spends that money mostly on herself. this is also where his involvement ends, he pays child support and maybe he sees his daughter once every month or so.
i'm sorry if this is getting boring to read so i will get to the point. my friend only calls me when she needs someone to babysit her kid. and when she needs money. she loves going out with her bf and a lot of times, probably 3 times per week i babysit her daughter. i don't actually spend much time with my friend at all when i come to her to babysit we maybe talk for less than 5 minutes because she's always in a hurry and when she is back she is tired or needs to do something so we don't talk more than a few minutes either.
one day she got even mad when i couldn't babysit even if i'm single it doesn't mean i always have free time just for her.
since i implied or try to imply our friendship doesn't works out anymore (2 days ago) she threatened me she will kill herself because she is very depressed. i know she doesn't have a perfect life and she goes to a psychologist (but she was never dealing with suicidal thoughts, and she never ever said to me since we know each other that she wanted to hurt or kill herself).
now i do feel really bad because i think what if something happened then it would be my fault? she never said to me that she ever threatened any ex boyfriends with suicide (we talk about a lot of things i know she wanted to keep her ex boyfriends but she never used this tactic with them as far as i know) so i think why would she do this to me? makes me think that she a) not lying and she wants to kill herself b) she never used this tactic with her any of her ex boyfriends but she knows am an emotional person and she is trying this with me even if i'm just her friend and not her intimate partner.
i would also feel so bad for her daughter if i break off this friendship. her dad doesn't give a s**t about her, and dad's family (grandma and grandpa) don't really care about her either. my friend's mom & dad are not good people her mom is physically abusive & her dad is an alcoholic so they're not good grandparents to be around with.
i really can't stand this friendship anymore it feels like i'm her personal butler or something "hey i need a babysitter come here" and "i need to borrow some cash, can we meet"... she used to be a good person and honestly i was waiting for her to "turn back" into old her but that never happened.
so sorry for such a long post but should i feel responsible? like if something happens would it be my fault? my common sense says: no, but when i start thinking about it i think maybe it would be my fault because i abandoned her. she called me so many times how she wants to kill herself and sent me like 7 messages already just when i started implying we should not be friends anymore... i didn't really say it but i was hinting at it because i didn't know how to word it... since then i saw her in person today and she was telling me how she wants to kill herself, this time she spoke with me more than a few minutes, we talked like 45 minutes but mostly she talked how she would kill herself if i stopped being her friend.
later she happily went out with her bf... her mood changed completely she went from stressed, almost crying, panicking, threatening she wants to kill herself and even how she would do it... then she would change into this bubbly smiling person when she went out. and ofc she only called me to chat and for babysitting...
This "friend" is using you, and her response to you trying to establish the boundaries you need is not just unfair, but abusive. Her mental health, her economy and her child are NOT your responsibility. And she has no right to threaten you into not establishing the boundaries you need. No matter what happens from here, it won't be your fault or your responsibility. Your responsibility is yourself, and that means walking away from people who use, manipulate and abuse you. Even when they make it hard.
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salembutnotthecat · 6 months
Salem's Sickfic Masterlist
Masterlist of Fics I have written!!
if you have a question, comment, concern, or a request, feel free to send it over!
End Zone, Endgame
i. one: in which despite being twenty five, linebacker novak daskalov has to come to terms with the fact he is not invincible, especially when he has a child in public school. (tw for emeto, fever, sickness; additional warning: sickee is a single dad with a daughter, who appears in the story, proceed as you wish.)
ii. two: in which novak learns that despite being a football player, a dad, and an adult in his twenties, the past can still haunt you, especially when you're coming down with something. (tw emeto, fever, character panic, mentions of past abuse)
iii (a). three, part a: in which novak learns that just because the past is past, does not mean his brain lets him off the hook. especially not with a raging fever and a hell of a virus. also, novak is a grown man who makes really poor decisions. (tw emeto, fever, flashbacks of abuse)
iii (b). three, part b: in which Novak is miraculously not too terribly injured (to an extent anyway) and his physical recovery turns into the beginning of emotional recovery too. (tw emeto, concussion mention, religious trauma, parental substance abuse mention)
iv. four: in which novak is fulfilling the duties of being a dad, but also has to realize that being a dad doesn’t make him invincible. (tw emeto, illness fever, content warning: fic begins with child illness, but is majority adult illness)
v. five: in which novak is away for a team building retreat, but the team gets built in a very different way when the star linebacker gets sick (tw emeto, fever, sick away from home)
vi. six: in which novak is stuck with a migraine that results in a seizure. vanessa uses the opportunity to learn more about her girlfriend's high school best friend. (tw emeto, fever, character seizure, migraine, implied past trauma)
vii. seven: in which Novak's girlfriend, Yuliya, plans a nice dinner date night, but Novak is very poor at communicating. (tw emeto, nausea, stomach pain, character not telling significant other about something)
viii. eight: in which it's novak's birthday, but as luck would have it, a proper dinner with family and his girlfriend is the last thing his body wants to have part in, celebration or not. (tw emeto, nausea, being sick in public)
ix. nine: in which even as a coach, not a player, novak still makes terrible decisions about his health, and his girlfriend is convinced he'll send her into cardiac arrest before they get married (affectionately)(tw cough, implied emeto, fever, character making themselves sicker)
Ruat Caelum (Until the Heavens Fall)
i. one: in which vanessa gets sick and almost loses it outside the house she shares with her roommate, willow. (tw for emeto, sickness, fever, nausea)
ii. two: in which we see fragments of vanessa's past, and how deeply she cares for willow. (tw for emeto, panic attack, fever)
iii. three: in which the tables have turned, and we see that even a med student isn't invincible. (tw emeto, vague implication of injury, fever)
iv. four: in which despite being in police gear, vanessa is the farthest thing from invincible despite her better desires. (tw emeto, fever, stress, slight panic)
v. five: in which willow's mom instinct meets her med student instinct, and vanessa is exceptionally confused and totally a cat person (tw emeto, fever)
Ballad of the Wildflowers
i. one: meadow likes to think she's invincible, as untouchable as poison ivy, but even the most vibrant wildflowers wilt once in a while. (tws for fever, nausea, vomiting, slight panic)
ii. two: in which, despite her efforts, meadow has to deal with one of her worst fears, even if she thinks it's stupid. (tw emeto, emetophobia)
Novemetober 2023 (Rescheduled)
big thanks to @monthofsick for hosting this event
i. day one, unconventional receptacle: in which chef emiliene lahaye overestimates her ability to keep herself together and has to utilize a last resort. (tw emeto, fever, underage (16) caretaker)
ii. day two, can't stop puking: in which a fresh out of college novak daskalov gets sick at the worst possible time with the worst possible people. (tw emeto, fever, sickness, pushing too hard when sick, bad environment)
iii. day three, torture (figurately speaking): in which amancio literally has not been sick in over a hundred years, but his special half-human protegee decided to give him a little taste of humanity (and amancio is not enthused at all) (tw for dry heaving, supernatural (not the show) characters, half ghost character, tw implied partial death)
iv. day four, messy: meadow loves to put on a show in every aspect of her life. even the less desirable moments. meadow also learns that it can always get worse. (tw emeto, fever, sickness, scat [in conjunction with emeto])
v. day five, undesirable caretaker: the (fictive) crown prince of sweden has far from a good life, or a good support system. no matter how bad things get. he's just a liability, isn't he? (tw emeto, fever, implied abusive parent) [so much appreciation for @simplysickness to entrust me with their characters so they can live on]
vi. day six, post adrenaline puking: in which caffeine is not medicine, no matter how hard motocross star xavier davenport tries to convince himself it is. (tw emeto, caffeine overload, brief/vague mention of mental health issues, bad coping mechanisms) [once again, sparrow has put their children in Salem's Foster Care System(tm)]
vii. day seven, too feverish to think: in which even in college novak has a severe lack of braincells and refuses to let himself quit anything until he's good and fucked (tw emeto, sickness, overwork, stress, panic attack, fainting)
viii. day eight, choose: loud or silent: in which novak still refuses to quit until he's undeniably fucked beyond a logical explanation, except he's a grown ass man now which has taken more braincells from him than it has given back. (tw emeto (small), migraine, hypersensitivity, character seizure)
ix. day nine, persistant sickness: in which no, novak does not learn his lesson and thinks he is invincible no matter what. he absolutely is not. (tw for migraine, emeto, seizures, character overworking themself.)
x. day ten, motion sickness: in which vanessa is sure nothing stresses her out. well, everything except one thing. and of course, that one thing will make her pay for being so worried in the first place. (tw for emeto, anxiety, motion sickness, brief description of crime scenes at the beginning)
xi. day sixteen, waking up puking: novak daskalov does not know his limits and is so absolutely stupid and cannot lie to his girlfriend for shit. (tw emeto, fever, exhaustion, seizure mention (but no actual seizures this time))
xii. day seventeen, sick for the first time: in which for once novak is in the caretaker position, which isn't exactly common, and even less so that it isnt someone related to him in a familial way, but he's determined to do the best job he can for his ice princess. (tw for emeto, fever, lying about sickness, mention of chronic condition (lyme disease))
xiii. day nineteen, sick in more ways than one: in which the summer heat does nothing for one linebacker in particular, on top of everything else (reupload with edits)(tw for overheating, emeto, dizziness, migraine mention, fever)
xiv. day twenty, late caretaker: vanessa mcallister is usually a loan wold. or, she used to be. but now she has a station pup, leaving her to be a lone wolf plus one, much like her coworker is. (tw for emeto, resistance, fever, sick on the job)
xv. day twenty-one, sleepy sickie: novak likes to lie about being okay and convincing himself and others he is, but unfortunately he has one massive tell that gives him away. (tw fatigue, nausea, vomiting)
xvi. day twenty-seven, headache: novak daskalov likes to think he has no enemies (well, very few). funny how the biggest enemy of all is his own damn body and self. (tw emeto, migraine, hypersensitivity/overstimulation, seizure)
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Hi! Doll anon from awhile back who requested the Jervises (Jervii?) reacting to an S/O who's literally a mechanical life-sized doll, and 'taking care of' her abusive creator. Can I get the same scenario for BTAS and 2022 Penguin, where she's very uncanny (you can hear her gears turning, she turns her head the wrong way, etc.) but loves them dearly? Bonus points for how they'd deal with her creator trying to take her away!
"A Real Doll and Her Unfortunate Past" BTAS and 2022 Penguin x F!doll!s/o
Man, that one was a while ago, huh? Almost like I need to start getting faster on these LOL. But fuck yes we love the uncanny mechnical doll bride!
TW: dolls/dollplay, body horror, Murder, implied abuse, being fed to animals
BTAS Penguin
Rather fascinated! He'd grown up with a spectacular amount of old clocks, clocks with exposed cogs all about him as a child. To see such machinations powering a physical being... It's difficult to see where the doll ends and the person begins. In his mind they're almost separate entities. But that would be rude to say, so he's just not going to.
Briefly he wonders if he could make more "dolls" to do his bidding for him- and then nervously laughs as she ribs him for even thinking of such a thing. Of course, dear, no one could ever be as special as you anyways, dear.
He would love to see the inner parts! Like walking into a clock tower. Seeing every intricate working that makes her heart beat for him. There's something quite romantic in that, isn't there? The most prized of all treasures in Gotham and she chooses to be with him!
So when she sees a man in a crowd and looks frightened. Oh no, that won't do at all. He's thinking of the ways to take care of this when the man has the unmitigated gall to approach them! Grabbing her arm, almost ripping the sleeve of her dress. Telling her she must come home at once, or there will be grave consequences.
Oswald is quick to act, pointing the business end of his umbrella towards the man's gut. He tries to remember which one he packed today. It wasn't lethal, he knows that. The Creator calls him a loathsome little toad and to back away from his Precious Girl. Oswald fires and a small fireworks explosion erupts, burning the man and temporarily blinding him.
It gives them just enough time to escape, his doll in tears and begging not to be returned to that cruel man. That if he loved her, he wouldn't. That he would "shut her down" before considering it! Oswald calms her. She's never going to have to worry about him ever again.
There are some people in Gotham who owe him a favor... It's simple enough. Have his doll safely watching via computer feed set up by the Completely Non-Egotistical Edward Nygma and Pamela Isley in his dolls clothes. They were only too happy to help after hearing about the situation.
Pamela lured the man in, paralyzing him with her kiss. He might realize it's a rather large aviary he's been led to. Paralyzing him meant Oswald could show the man the true meaning of fearing for his life as his darling did seeing him. He has a very specific collection of birds who are going to feast upon his flesh over time.
She can choose to watch. Choose to leave the room. Whatever she likes. Oswald will be sure to confirm the man's death for her so she never has to fear again.
2022 Penguin
At first, he's genuinely freaked out over the real doll thing. What in the goddamn... Nothing against it! The first time she turns her head backwards, though, he is going to scream about it for at least ten minutes. Warn a fucking guy! Scared the hell outta him!
He does not want to see the inner workings. This is not to say he's frightened or ashamed or any negative feelings about it, per say. It's just. Something about the parts and pieces moving and he thinks about how fragile it all is. How one piece not moving could stop her from moving at all. He doesn't want to get his big mitts anywhere near that. She's too important.
People talk, unfortunately. Word gets about, especially when your girlfriend doesn't quite realize how uncanny and different she is about people. It all leads to a man arranging a meeting with him, a suitcase full of money to give him in return "for what's his." The man states that she's his ward, that her escaping is the product of faulty programming on his part. That she must be returned and that he'll offer even more money.
Oswald thinks on it. He calls her in. If the look of horror on her face wasn't telling enough, seeing the things she was carrying in her hands clatter to the floor was a sure sign. She sputtered, asking how he found her. The Creator merely replied he was taking her home, that he had given Oswald money for her. The heartbroken look in her eyes...
"Woah, hey, I never said we had a deal." Oswald iterates. He motions with his hands for the doors to be shut. When the creator takes out a gun, Oswald already has his own pointing to the back of the man's skull.
"Wanna do the honors, sweetheart?" He asks the doll. Whether she takes him up on it or not, this man, this creator won't leave the room alive. Anyone who causes that much fear in someone he cares about, someone he loves... They're good as fucking dead. He doesn't need a reason.
Though he's ready to listen to her when she's ready to share.
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