The Luckless, the Abandoned and the Forsaked
is the best finale Starstruck Odyssey could have. Nearly every single enemy they’ve faced running them down at once. Two nearly identical plans, one which could destroy the universe, the other save it. UFTP and Rubian V coming after Zortch. Rubian V, Gravaar Worlds, and the Guernican Art Squad coming after Gnosis. Repo Reapers coming after Gunnie. Amercadia coming after Norman. Slugged Barry Nyne coming after Zortch and Barry Nyne. Warfare Whittneys coming for Sid.
I love when heroes get truly flooded with enemies, who implicitly are not all on the same page. Turning your enemies against each other, is so fucjing cool. Turning Amercadia against itself, saving Barry Nyne, paying off the Repo Reapers, calling the Union, sicing Gravaar against UFTP, Riva blowing up the inside of the UFTP ship, summoning Vercadian Protector Droids, launching a lawsuit against Warfare Whittney, just, all of it was amazing.
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lovecolibri · 8 months
Brennan trying to tell everyone they've been arrested and are given lime green jumpsuits to wear, while everyone just talks about how they like them and enjoy matching together is just so fun to watch. The Intrepid Heroes decide when something gets to be bad/scary, sorry Brennan.
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volstruckerz · 9 months
it is so funny to me that margaret is only 24 years old but since most of the party has either been alive for way less than that (barry was "born" as a 25 year old super soldier, sid is a super new protoype droid) and everyone else is so new to living the Spacer lifestyle or just living on their own at all (riva and gunnie and skip and also kind of everyone) that she is by process of elimination the Most Experienced member of the gunner channel and somehow both the Fun Aunt and the "we have mcdonalds at home" mom. and she is also truly having a quarter-life crisis the entire time.
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I love Riva having to field all these attempts at communication with the people on the ship and their response to every one of them being, "Please hold!"
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emptyjunior · 6 months
I'm rewatching Starstruck in the break, can I say I DESPERATELY would have loved to have seen this intergalactic chase across the stars from the Other Side😭
Like okay, campaign where you're a crew of kooky spacers on the run, classic, fun, oh the adventures we had.., can you Imagine what this story would have been like from the pursuers side? From Lucienne and UFTP?
You're Lucienne and you just got SCREWED on the corporate ladder and are already dealing with some rich trust fund kid DYING yet also leaving you in Charge of an insane company.
And during that you find out oh my god the world might be destroyed?? And there's a Princeps who has a super special computer that will decide the fate of the universe? So you stash them away to keep them safe and go back to covering up the murder you might be to blame for, because universe destroying computer is like priority TWO right now.
And then you find out?? Your ex lover friend has become a pirate???! And has STOLEN the princeps??! AND THE WORLD ENDING COMPUTER??! And quit??! And posted Nudes to the world??! And they look amazing?
So okay okay new priority is FIND THEM right NOW so you send all the resources in the world to go snatch them up which should be easy enough because you've seen them run, they're literally a weak and flailing office worker in a pencil skirt.
Welp! Next report comes in and they exploded a building with sex putty??? And decimated a fleet of the best fighters you can hire? And had time to go to a dogshow in between???
Fine, okay, it's fine because you KNOW they'll slip up again and they do! They show up,,., in a live stream? Partying with the ceo of space uber?? In a casino? That they just OPENED? WHILE THEY'RE ON THE RUN?!
So you go to that planet and go to contact the sheriff and his Head is on a Fucking Spike because your Friend absolutely wasted him? And kicked every police officer out of town so the whole town could go super super hard for space burning man?
And have escaped Again.
So now you're in some kind of room with like 20 screens and probably two blackberries in each hand, going full manhunt. Face recognition software, algorithms, zooming in on photos and yelling Enhance.
And you find them! And they👏 are👏 at👏 Disneyland👏! What! The! Fuck!
You send your best guys again! (And also??! These 'best guys' maybe have a space slug in their skull that's going to end the world! Can't even focus on that rn!). And then when they get back, happy and proud they show you the Princeps that they've captured and it's god damned thin air! Because it was a hologram and this dumb sonuva bitch is zonked out of his mind from a fish psychic. Great, of course. Of Course.
You're being hounded by your company, you still don't know where your 'dead fiance' is, you're running out of time. How are you ever going to find them- You check your phone they are doing a hunger games at Las Vegas. And a rival company has made them influencers. And they're famous.
Of course.
But you do pull it off in the end! You get them! You imprison them! And their one fatal flaw? They decided to reunite one of their crew members with their birth mother while being wanted criminals.
So that's the chase you got them (they escape again of course they escape, and the birth mother turns out to be a Hell of a business woman and maybe just did a masterful corporate maneuver on you.)
And it's so important to know that this entire time you've been chasing a Big Hot Dog.
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scalpho · 8 months
norman takamori couldn't grasp the social side of climbing the ranks of the amercadian space brigade but happily threw himself into the cruelty and ruthlessness of it all. margaret encino knows people - she knows exactly when to push which buttons and how - and could've continued to make absurd amounts of money because of it but couldn't bring herself to stoop to uftp's moral low. they are, of course, both punished for their shortcomings. after losing the thing they'd worked for and the organisation they'd worshipped since they were young, they both become captain of the wurst. norman can't see a life without the space brigade, and so he resigns himself to misery and is determined to take his crew down with him. without uftp, margaret sees freedom and opportunity, and makes the most of it. to norman, his ragtag crew is a curse. to margaret, they're a blessing.
norman takamori's not made to be a leader; he's made to take orders, to be a cog in the machine, to lie down and take whatever happens to him, even when he does it bitter and angry. margaret encino's not made to take orders, but whether or not she's made to lead doesn't matter to her. if she wants something to happen, she'll bend the damn universe to her will for it, and she'll do it with a perfectly diplomatic smile. she's sharp and smart and could be cruel, but chooses to be compassionate and hopeful instead.
norman takamori lets things happen to him; margaret encino chooses for herself. he's the worst boss the wurst has ever had, and she's the best.
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
Dimension 20 Episode of the Day: 5/11
Today's Episode is: A Starstruck Odyssey, Episode 18, The Luckless, the Abandoned and the Forsaked (Part 2)
Original Release Date: 5/11/2022
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The Quick Synopsis: In the midst of combat between countless galactic factions, the Gunner Channel puts it all on the table to get to the Fang of Frangus and stop the machinations of UFTP.
What is the nature of, uh- Micro FTL jumps and using Gnosis to make one? ~ Lou Wilson
"Barry! We're Barry! We're just Barry, Barry! And the Barrys are gone, and there's been too many Barrys fighting Barrys! We're Barry! It doesn't matter if I'm Barry Nyne, or you're Barry Nyne, or I'm Barry Syx or you're Barry Syx! Barry didn't do this. Barry didn't kill the Barrys. What we should be happy about is that there's Barrys here now! Because they're used to just be Barry. There were Barrys, and then there was Barry, and now there's Barrys again, Barry." ~ Barry Syx to Barry Nyne
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remidyal · 9 months
Bad Ideas of the Day, part two, the Baddening.
Going to start posting these once a month or so; the prior list is here.
Bad Idea of the Day, too early to be awake but too late to go back to bed edition: Fig, obsessed with finding out who her real dad is and why her mom won't tell her, figures out the truth halfway through freshman year: Gilear is, in fact, an incredibly powerful demon who Arthur Aguefort sealed away into the body of a wood elf and cursed to be the most pathetic imaginable version of himself. Sandra Lynn struck it off with him anyway, but can't risk Gilear actually finding out lest the curse be broken and destruction be wrought and such.
Bad idea of the day, You're Taking This Much Too Seriously edition: The Olympic Games are coming to New York City, against all logic and reason for choosing a host city! Even worse news than the grift and monetary disasters comes along with this, however: dream versions of the Greek Gods start invading Nod and from there start to spread into the waking world, creating the kind of havoc that one would expect from that pantheon.
Bad idea of the day, fake holiday edition: Adaine, in an increasing bid to get away from home more, makes up stranger and stranger holidays that she is obliged to help her party celebrate at night that her parents will believe
Bad idea of the day, Spring Break edition: Preemptively wanting to dodge getting stuck with a shitty quest again this year, the Bad Kids pick their own, travelling to Highcourt to handle a dispute regarding an arranged marriage between two of the ruling families. Are the bad kids the right group to send in when you need to create a semblence of love?
Bad idea of the day, you'll get stuck that way edition: Following yet another unwise use of disguise self, Fig is alarmed to realize that she cannot dismiss the spell and she appears to be someone who is going to have a lot of problems (Your pick of who, because honestly she regularly turns into horrific choices to be, probably reached at its peak when within like a day she turns into Arthur around Ayda and then into Arianwen around Adaine and Aelwyn)
Bad idea of the day, charts and graphs edition: Riz, in the time before Aguefort, manages to accidentally lay out his conspiracy board in exactly the right arcane pattern to offer to pact himself to the nearest being with power enough to take the deal: Kalina.
Bad idea of the day, bad idea of the day edition: A fic following a week in the life of Fig from the point of view of each of her friends trying to talk or trick her out of doing something insane and reckless that might get them all hurt or humiliated.
Bad idea of the day, ASO edition, spoilers through finale: In an attempt to follow Margaret's path of gaining money after leaving UFTP, Lucienne Rex uses her new profession to enter the galaxy's most deadly and rewarding cooking contest, the Battle of the Blends.
Bad idea of the day, FDA edition: The Bad Kids are forced to admit to failure when they all contract severe food poisoning from spoiled crab and shrimp, handing the victory to the nightmare king through default
Bad idea of the day, don't mix the pasta and the antipasti edition: Riz and Sklonda discover, to their horror, that dragons pass their power on after death through their flesh and now both of them have a minor problem that any time they're too excited or even just breath too deeply they're suddenly quite literally spitting fire. Can they deal with this while living in an apartment building with no sprinklers, smoke detectors, or fire escapes?
Bad idea of the day, do you have any idea how much a 2-foot diameter glass orb weighs edition: Adaine is, it turns out, every bit as bad at magic as her parents claim, mostly because of a complete lack of confidence. However, she learns in a hurry after killing people with a ladle, her magical focus, and then her bare hands, she's a freaking natural at improvised weapons. (Almost certainly eventually a monk classswap) Though honestly it might be funnier if she just kept taking wizard levels and being bad at that part of things
Bad idea of the day, overly dangerous summer jobs edition: Fabian, having given away ALL of his money to remove a curse, takes on the single most lethal job in all of elmville, that thin line between civilization and chaos, delivering pizza on the Hangman. Can he make it through three months of nights with a town full of hungry adventurers ordering food without getting himself killed, and can he make enough in tips to pay for the property taxes for the year on Seacaster Manor?
Bad idea of the day, reality show edition: The Bad Kids need to infiltrate a singing contest for a quest, but Fig and Gorgug are well known professionals, Kristen and Adaine are famous for other reasons, and Fabian is disqualified for having Bard levels. Can Fig coach Riz into not getting disqualified before they can complete their quest?
Bad idea of the day, mom joke edition: Pete the Plug is taking a rare trip outside of the city of New York in order to relax when, in an emergency situation out of a bajillion 80s and 90s movies, both the pilot and copilot are rendered unable to fly the plane. With radio communication out and none of the computer functions work, Pete is forced to rely on a new spell he just got working to manually operate the aircraft: Plane Shift.
Bad idea of the day, Starstruck finale edition: Inspired by Riva's words at their wedding, Bambi and Plug search for three more soulmates who they can love fiercely enough to spawn ten thousand children.
Bad idea of the day, A Courtroom of Fey and Flowers edition: Can judge Andhera and his loyal, eager baliff KP Hob manage to keep the dignity of the court as they try a case of family drama between a grandfather and his rackish grandchildren? Why does the peppy district attorney Gwendolyn Thistlehop seem to be hiding some sort of strange secret? Can he just get through the trial without embarrassing himself by revealing that he never really wanted this job?
No. No, he can't.
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wellnoe · 2 months
starstruck odyssey notes here are the most interesting dynamics to me currently (on ep 6):
sid and barry: two people created to be good at violence. barry is a space marine, sid is a security bot. they both derive a lot of personal meaning from violence, and are at this point the two people on the team most a) likely to escalate a situation and b) knowledgeable about direct violence/combat.
gunnie and margaret: gunnie got ground beneath the heel of a system margaret ruled at
sid, barry, margaret: sid and barry are used to being actors at someone else's disposal, and margaret is used to being the one telling people what to do. i know margaret is like. supposed to have a conscience, but she's a high ranking uftp person in anarchera. girlie absolutely has blood on her hands. also interesting here: barry seems to believe, at least, that his fights w the barry battalion were for the little guy (iirc?), while sid has mostly fought to help herself. their violence is still (presented as) at odds w the kind of stuff done by uftp (and thus marge and lucienne)
riva and sid: genuinely i feel sid should have a gender moment. also riva being from a very un-individualistic culture while sid struggles w the idea of being the entire potential collective w/in one individual...
sid and the warfare whitneys: sid is herself, but any family she has must still be corporatized, made by a corporation. also, how does sid feel about the warfare whitneys only being war bots?
riva and gunnie: both people who have had their physical experiences fundamentally changed over a time skip. gunnie is now a cyborg, and riva can't really navigate spaces the same way out of water.
skip and barry: skip getting his sense of what human people are like from an extremely weird dude is very funny
skip and riva: two psychic beings who are not on the same page is very funny.
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qu-incy · 1 year
ive had a hard time w neverafter compared to other campaigns ngl and i think my issue w neverafter is that it took so long to get a handle of what the actual Big Bad was bc like someone said it felt very monster of the week? like yes every enemy made sense in the moment but often the direction of the journey felt difficult to discern, and to their credit it was a premise built on the subversion and reconstitution of preexisting plots within the cultural/literary canon which ofc necessitates a ton of worldbuilding and establishment of the fantastical epistemology that was in and of itself often hard to understand though like obv that was part of it? but it kinda only clicked for me when brennan said when they got to the lines between that its multiple factions fighting for a different fix to the same problem.
i think starstruck handled this by making it quite clearly delineated despite the rather abstract arc with gnosis that each enemy corresponds to a specific struggle of one of the party members, like amercadia or uftp or repo reapers. but i also suppose thats easier when the foundation of your worldbuilding is quite generically established by the actual comics + classic sf genre as opposed to explicitly generically subversive yk!!! does this make ANY sense!!! its also entirely possible that this was my first time watching a campaign in real time as opposed to binging it where i can get all the info i want at once, so im not gonna preclude that from being a reason that im not as fond of neverafter.
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flashbangfwoosh · 11 months
Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey Timeline
Put together a timeline with source episodes for my own use, figure other people might find it useful. Includes some events from the Starstruck comics for comparison. Ages are approximate, since we mostly get stuff like 'early thirties' and as a setting Starstruck has multiple ways to age faster or slower than normal. A year is equal to two cycles.
53 AE - B.O.B. Griivarr’s Simple Recipe for Happiness
58 AE - Brucilla's Galactic Girl Guide adventures
88 AE - Erotica Ann launch
93 AE - Galatia 9 born
120? AE - Norman born
(Episode 1: "seeing the like 50 year old version of himself")
134 AE - Amercadian Space Brigade Neutral Zone Fiasco
141 AE - Rec Station Rampage
142 AE - Trial of Brucilla the Muscle
156 AE - Phoebus Incident
160? AE - Gunnie born
(Episode 1: "early thirties")
160? AE - Zortch born
(Episode 14: "15 or 16 cycles old when my grandparents got approached about the revolution")
172 AE - Margaret born
(Episode 1: "24 year old entrepreneurial business woman")
175? AE - UFTP supports Rubian V revolution. Zortch’s psychic powers awaken
(Episode 2: "this moon that was bought by UFTP you know, maybe 40 or 50 cycles back")
(Episode 14: Same part as Zortch's age above)
180 AE - Skip frozen
(Episode 6: "it was like 40 cycles ago")
198 AE - Gusty Vines incident, Norman’s brain surgery
(Episode 6: "operation date, AnarchEra 198")
(Episode 10: "it wasn't more than a cycle, maybe a couple cycles after that, that you took your pension")
200 AE - Barry Battalion Founded
(Episode 1: "We are approaching the 200th cycle of AnarchEra")
205 AE - Gnosis development begins
(Episode 4: "that was made probably about 15, 16 cycles ago")
208 AE - Margaret joins UFTP
(Episode 5: "You've been working there for six years")
217 AE - Slaughter of the Barry Battalion
(Episode 6: "Three and a half, and about three cycles ago is when the slaughter of the Barry Battalion happened")
219 AE - Gnosis escapes containment
(Episode 6: "a little less than a cycle ago")
220 AE - Present
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lovecolibri · 8 months
Oh Margaret is coming THROUGH with the plans! Not only telling Acme-Ashmun that they are under attack and it's a PR nightmare and going to be on the news, but also calling the news to tell them to show up?! Brilliant! And then broadcasting the UFTP's plans to buy everyone out to pit their enemies against each other? God she is just SO cool.
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esotericad · 2 years
if you're curious what i've been up to its mostly been tabletops and working on the writing for my main setting / project
On what is expected to be a routine trip of No Fixed Abode (DROU), there happens to be a container not listed on the shipping manifest. Something powerful enough to lead to a planetary war between the group United Free Trade Planets, and the planet of Valistarii. Valistarii has been rapidly avoiding joining the UFTP due to disagreements with their practices and how they absorb companies into their parent company Starlight LTD.
Amongst this, there are pirates hunting the precious cargo aboard the ship No Fixed Abode (DROU) and are more than willing to take on the vessel to get a hold of it.
However, that means the pirates have to be aware of the cargo's whereabouts first. And there's a limited list of 5 people among the entire crew that should know about what's contained in a specific cargo room.
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excellencewire · 1 year
Shielded SF/UTP CAT.6 Patch Cord
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EXW High quality Cat.6 SF/UTP Patch Cord. Both ends with shielded 50U" gold thickness RJ45 male connectors. 100% component test to guarantee the quality.
● Follow ANSI/TIA-568.2-D & ISO/IEC 11801 ● Cat.6 Patch Cord with 100% Component Test by DSX-8000 & DSX-5000 ● Bare Copper with More Stable Performance ● 50U" Gold Plating RJ45 Plugs with Patented Design ● Various Colors & Molding Available ● Mating Cycles: Up to 1200 Times ● Suitable 4PPoE (IEEE802.3bt / IEC60512-99-002) Applications ● Operation Temperature Range:-10~60 ℃ ● UL / ETL / DELTA / 4PPoE / CE Certified & Comply with RoHS & REACH
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Margaret's money is gonna start dwindling idk if UFTP is after her
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brokenhardies · 2 years
so im debating;
should i keep varus's background as her being a 'dancer', or should i change it to her being a designer baby super soldier made by either the amercadians or the uftp?
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