queenlypirate · 7 years
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urakiribaku doodles !!
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vikingpoteto · 7 years
turtleangel94 replied to your post: turtleangel94 replied to your post: ...
ooh. I think I remember… the traitor Kiri theory makes me too sad so I kept putting off reading it. I will as soon as I can though!
do not that fic is nothing but pain
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vikingpoteto · 7 years
turtleangel94 replied to your post: turtleangel94 replied to your post: ...
ooh I really like the idea of urabakushima but I’ve never gone looking for fics for them! I should. (Also, still prob gonna read that fic, since it’s your writing. I love your writing!!)
I don’t know if there are any fics of them and I did look once or twice. I’d like to write one tho. If i had time. And ideas. 
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berriebun · 6 years
Sudden Snuggles
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Uraraka Ochako Rating: SFW Word count: 398 
A/N: So this is based around the Urabakushima roleplay that I do with my friends, where its an ageswap- so the mention of Nemuri here is where she’s a student and Katsuki’s one of her teachers.
She knew she should have grabbed a jacket on her way out of the house, but she was just too excited and she figured that her sweater hoodie would do just fine; It wasn't THAT cold after all... Oh, how wrong Ochako was.
She wouldn't realize it until much later; after meeting up with Katsuki at that park and going on a half-walk, half-jog together while they chatted about classes and students. Let's be honest though, Kayama was most of what Katsuki complained about and Ochako couldn't bring herself to blame him. That girl was a wild child and it almost had the Rescue Hero worried about her future hero career. She could only hope that she would settle down and mellow out as she got older- Ochako remembers being that young before after all.
Either way! It's gotten late and the two were sitting outside the station waiting for their train home when an aggressive gust blew through the open building. Ochako scrambled to pull her hoodie around her to no avail, while Katsuki barely even flinched. It didn't help that he ran a little warmer than most regardless, but still!!
"Katsuuuu, I'm cold." She grumbles quietly, hoping maybe the older blond would offer his jacket or at the very least let her huddle up against him for some warmth.
"Well fuck, Ocha. I don't control the weather now do I?" He snorts, raising an eyebrow at the pouting Gymnastics teacher. "You should have worn a damn coat like a normal person."
"Katsuki!" She squawked, swatting at him and huffing as he chuckles into the collar of his jacket.
"Well? What the fuck do you want me to do about it, Angle face?"
"Let me in." She huffed, hardly even really asking as she reached out with slightly numb fingers to start tugging on the blond. What followed was a well-meaning, good-natured scuffle and batter between then two as the Gravity Hero fought her way into her husband's jacket, while he was still wearing it.
In the end, Katsuki looked disgruntled and faintly annoyed while Ochako was happily pressed up against the blond's chest as he held the jacket closed around the both of them. He couldn't stay too upset though, even if she really should have brought a coat along for the cooler evening, it was difficult to stay upset at someone you adored this much.
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berriebun · 6 years
Glowbug Constellations
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Uraraka Ochako x Kirishima Eijirou Rating: SFW Word count: 1,136
A/N: Prompt was given by the @kacchakohaven  server. This weeks word prompts were Water Park, Volleyball, and Fireflies.
Their weekend had been a blast so far, finally being able to schedule a three-day break to spend together. Especially with three different schedules to work with! 
Ochako was the first to wake up and with a quick check to her phone, she noticed that it was nearly noon. So she carefully detached herself from her husbands; watching as Eijirou shifted and whined, reaching out and finding Katsuki in her absence before proceeding to cling to the blonde. Katsuki simply grumbled in his sleep and tucked into the redheads' arms as this happened and Ochako smiled; taking a picture to keep for herself before she left the tent.
She goes about reviving the embers that were still smoldered in the fire pit from the night before, as she hummed to herself. She then pulls a case of eggs from one of their coolers and a pan to begin cooking. 
By the time Katsuki and Eijirou finally wake up, she has three plates done up with scrambled eggs and some leftover corn from last night. “Good morning!” she smiles, almost instantly getting bombarded with kisses and a huge hug from Eijirou. 
“Thanks, Ocha-chan! This smells great!” He grins brightly, pressing one last kiss to her cheek before plopping into a lawn chair and grabbing his plate. Katsuki is much more reserved in his gratitude as he wraps her in a hug and presses his forehead to hers. “Morning.” His voice much quieter than their husbands. “Thanks for making breakfast.”
Ochako smiles and presses a kiss against his lips. “No problem, babe. Come on, let's eat.” She states after, walking them over to join Eijirou who's almost done with his food already. 
They spend a few minutes eating and listening to the forest around them before Eijirou starts talking about some activities they could do that day. He suggests going for a hike, then swimming and possibly going fishing later to see if they could catch something for dinner that night. The plans sounded like a good idea, but Katsuki ends up calling him a moron anyway. Telling Eijirou that if they were going to fish for dinner they should do it sooner rather than later.
So with plans already set, both husbands and wife went about getting changed. Ochako figured they could probably fish in what they’d go hiking in so they wouldn’t have to worry too much about clothes. And Eijirou also suggested wearing their swimming clothes under their clothes, which lead to a lot of messing around. Said goofing off, left the two energetic members of their triangle running ahead of Katsuki, who followed behind toating an empty cooler filled just with ice.
To anyone who wouldn’t know any better, it was hard to read the blond's expression, but Ochako and Eijirou knew better than most. So they both shared some content smiles when they noticed their husband watching after them in amusement. Ochako took advantage of the distraction, knowing Eiji would be staring for quite some time if she didn’t do something, and smacked him on the ass. The redhead squawked in laughter and chased after her as she bolted for the lake in her own peals of laughter.
As the day wore on, the three of them became progressively relaxed and less hyper. Calmed by time and the magical atmosphere of the forest surrounding them on their hike.
“You two go on without me, I’m going to clean up the fish for dinner,” Katsuki said, informing the other two of his plans.  “Awe, but Katsu come on! The fish can wait.” Eijirou groaned, leaning on a lawn chair.
“I didn’t say it as a suggestion! Go fucking swim, I’ll join after. It’s not like it’s going to take me very long.” He snaps, scowling a bit as he pulls the lid off of a storage tub where they kept some kitchen like things. “You heard the man! He’ll join us in a bit, Eiji.” Ochako chuckles, smiling as the redhead pouts at her. He seems to give in though, letting the brunet drag him back towards the lake.
The further they are from camp the sooner Katsuki can hear them yelling and laughing with each other. Soon the noise cuts off partially, followed by a splash and the blond sets about prepping for that night, a content grin on his face despite his chosen solitude. Katsuki never expected to be lucky enough to find someone so special, much less two. But he was blessed with a wonderful wife and husband who knew just how to deal with his attitude. He didn’t deserve those two, but they were rays of sunshine on cloudy days.
That night, after dinner of fish and grilled spuds, the three of them were relaxing back down by the lake. Eijirou was already passed out, stretched across the blanket they had put down under the stars, snoring softly, while Katsuki was sitting up, staring at the sky with a dozing Ochako resting against his chest. Her eyes were lidded, and her focus was blurred slightly with how sleepy she was. Katsuki’s breathing wasn’t helping the matter much either, but she didn’t want to move from the warm spot against his chest.
She doesn’t remember closing her eyes, but suddenly someone’s shaking her shoulder a bit and Ochako jolts slightly. “Huh?”
“Look.” The tone is quiet, mostly in her ear, as she turns her sleepy attention in the direction the hand was pointing. 
Out over the dark lake was a soft collection of glow bugs; their lights twinkling in the shadow of the trees and light of the moon. “Whoa...” She whispers, moving to actually sit up slightly, feeling the chill of no longer sharing body heat with her husband.
It takes her a moment to realize that the snoring had stopped too, which meant Eijirou was awake too, probably sleepily. She doesn’t look right away, too distracted by the somber beauty of the lightning bugs floating over the lake as crickets sang in the trees behind them. 
There’s a quiet noise behind her though, and when she does finally turn her attention on her husbands, Eijirou’s face is right there to meet her. She gives a slightly startled gasp as a hand cups her cheek as the tired man pressed a lazy kiss against her mouth. She reaches out to loosely hold onto his arm as a different pair of arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her close again.
The three of them ended up in a cuddled mass, pressing kisses against skin, playing with hair and whispered ‘I love you’s in the dark. They were going to regret falling asleep on the beach, in the morning. But at that moment? All that mattered was the three of them, and sleepy romantic atmosphere the created around them.
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