hiriahb · 7 years
So I was talking to @uriesinatra about the Bastille lyric edit that they made at my request (for ”It caught me by surprise, in this town of glass and ice” from An Act of Kindness) and I literally JUST realised that particular lyric kinda calls back to/is almost the opposite of what happens/is mentioned in Laura Palmer? ("All the people of the town, cast their eyes right to the ground, in matters of the heart")
It’s a tiny thing, but I just thought it was kinda cool.
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
hey yall go check out my good friends jas and xochitl they’re fantastic people 
@uriesinatra @rainywalrus 
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epitaaph · 7 years
callout post for xochitl, problematic
doesn't know how to braid @uriesinatra
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fobconfessions · 7 years
My first FOB concert was the SR&R concert. They announced their comeback that year 2013, and I just knew I had to see them. I missed seeing them pre-hiatus, and I vowed to myself I would see them before they ever go on another break. I did and it was magical. It was at Red Rocks, a beautiful venue. I cried a lot that day, seeing that they were real and were making music again. I would give anything to feel what I felt at that moment it was beautiful.
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oph4 · 7 years
old books, beaches
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?if they knew i had internet friends / interacted like this online they’d probably kill me so yeah
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
sorta long, wavy and like a pinkish blonde?? if that makes sense. like a pink but still sorta natural looking i guess
aesthetic asks!
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obvlivion · 7 years
What are your favorite bastille blogs? I need some more to follow! Thanky ou for your help
hey pal i’ll link a heap below 💓  (sorry this took so long)
@hedgehogdan @3astille @danofthebastille @bastillebananas @willyfarquarsons @ghostthatannoysyou @bastillesmiths @smithcampbell @phanielintheden  @spooky-stille @words-for-glory @noskulls @charliebarnesofficial  @bastillism @genericbastilleblog @bastilleintheden @softbrobarnes @bas-tille @bastilleswarmth @allofmyfloors @uriesinatra @farguarson @upoffthefloor @dansmithsscarf @stormerskies @bbastille @dansmth @dvmnsmith @dnsmith @willyumfarquarson @wildwor1d @goodgriefitsawildworld @theyplaypompeii @english-dan-up-in-space @way-beyond-that @way-beyond @dyledelic @winter-of-our-bastille @attackonmyfeeeels @b-astilledan @bahd-bloud  @bastilleontour @heavydiscourse @callmeafool @foreverthelonelytraveller @fuckyeahdansmith @obsessiontakescontrol @diggingmygravewithicarus @savedansmith @rhythmofdanshair @tinysmith @streetstobastille @kylsimmons @basstilles @damnielcsmith  @fearwill @bazzybastilleassbutt @f-l-a-w-s @bastilleexorcisemymind @denialsmith @bastillefueled @bastillearchive @pompeiiskulls @helpmeexcorcisemymind @watchingthroughfingers @spacebastille @edstille @dansmithsgingerbeard @overjo-yed @johnrsilver @wontyouexorcisemymind @burritosmith @cryingaboutdansmith @bastillesday @bastilleglory @dancing-at-a-funeral @in-this-wild-wild-world @forestinfire @dan-for-the-win @fakeitbastille @in-cold-bloodhangyouup
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joshodun · 7 years
uriesinatra –> younqandmenace
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overjoyedflaws · 7 years
5 things about me
this is like a week late but thank you @danofthebastille for tagging me 💕
5 things you’ll find in my bag/backpack:
I always have my backpack because of school, wallet
3ds + pokemon games!!!
sketchbook w/pencil case
butterfly comb for cool points
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
rice crispy treats
movies and cds
dried flowers
I for some reason, still have firework sticks in my room
5 things i’ve wanted to do in life:
Go to music festivals
Go to Europe
get a tattoo, I never have time to do so :(
meet Bastille!!!!!!!!
meet my friends on here!
5 things that make me happy:
My dog
getting mail
having motivation to draw
5 things i’m currently into:
music, there are 2 MANY BANDS!!!!
bracelet making 
re-watching the X-Files
5 things on my to do list:
Finish like 3 bracelets I’ve began
get a tattoo because I’ve cancelled 2 appointments so far
draw something 
Go to the movies
5 things people may not know about me:
I used to be left handed until my classmates broke my arm in 3rd grade
I still use my left hand for everything expect writing
I can play the piano, guitar, trombone, and flute
I have a twin, yes they are older, by 40 minutes actually!
I saw Miley Cyrus in Hollywood one time
i’ll tag: @3astille, @english-dan-up-in-space, @f-l-a-w-s, @uriesinatra, @bastilleintheden and anyone that wants to do it!! Thanks for the tag!!! 
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inuyashasadhoe · 7 years
i was tagged by @inmyspinnychair  (((: 
🌟Sign: Cancer :0 
height: 5′3″ I  beileve
✨Last thing i googled: oh no lmao “ The Bessemer smelting process “
🎶Favorite music artist: B.A.P <3 <3 
📺 last tv show: InuYasha
👗What am i wearing right now: a Navy blue T shirt and some black sleeping pants ?
🌸when did i make my blog: 2013 but I wasn’t really active since my sister was like oh join and I did but I was so confused. It became more active maybe 2015 ?
🐻Do i have any other blogs: Nope :P
❤Why did i choose my url: I forgot my old one... but current one? well when I started using tumblr more was at a time when I would paint more ? Like atleast everyday so yeah. I don’t think I painted my emotions ? but more like rando things but well I had to think of something... I might change it though
🎀gender: Female :D 
🍙pokemon team: Um like from pokemon Go? I’m valor and like other wise ? I kinda don’t know what you want me to say ? but the team I remember the most when I actually played was : Blaziken, Shroomish, Azumarill ( those are the ones I used most ) now for the rest I don’t really remember ;0 but I think it was Solrock, spheal, Dodrio 
🍕Favorite colors: I don’t think I have any? I enjoy all colors (:
💤 average hrs of sleep: 6-8 hours 
🐶Favorite character: wow um... 
🐨Dream job: I still don’t know much about my life but most likely become a teacher but maybe like preferred ? A photographer either like events or like National Geographic (: // or I kinda want to open up a plant nursery  
I was in mobile and all I saw was the @ and I was like !!!!! yess I have attention and it’s a tag (((: I got very happy. I highly enjoy these so thanks for the tag :D 
I tag( feel free to do it if you want) @ollitadefrijoles @carelesswoes @aquadecoco @anxiousintrovertana @uriesinatra @s-kydive
and who ever want’s to also join along
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amazingnarry · 7 years
@minirose tagged me in this 20 questions thing!! thank you! if u got tagged u dont have to do this and also tag 20 people
Nickname: Li
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Height:  5′7″ 171cm
Last thing you googled: Zalando 
Favorite music artist: Bastille, Coldplay and Ed Sheeran
Song stuck in my head: Slide - Calvin Harris and Frank Ocean
Last movie you watched: beauty and the beast
What are you wearing right now: Wild World tour shirt and sweatpants
What do you post: Bastille, Dan and Phil, One Direction (mostly Niall)
Why did you choose your URL: Narry because Niall and Harry are my faves and amazing because of amazingphil. 
Do you have other blogs: nope
What did your last relationship teach you: nothing…
Religious or spiritual: religious 
Favorite colour: blue, black, pastel colours 
Average hours of sleep: 8 hours 
Lucky number: 17
Favorite characters: i don’t really have a favorite character, but i like Darly from the walking dead and Harry Potter
How many blankets do you sleep with: 2
Dream job: actrice or something creative 
I tag: @burritosmith @send-my-flaws-to-hell @lonelynboredforlyfe @ww-comms @amazingdanandphilarenotonfire @f-l-a-w-s @plsjoshuawilliam @easywayouthuman @stormerskies @uriesinatra @nialljhoranz @spacebastille 
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treetotal · 7 years
Thank you @f-l-a-w-s and @theweight-of-living for tagging me <3
Name: Emily
Nickname: please call me Em :))
Gender: female
Star sign: Libra
Height: idk like 5′2"??
Sexual orientation: I go with polysexual but tbh I’m not sure
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Favourite colour: blue!!
Favourite animal: dolphins and dragons
Favourite fictional character: I can’t decide but the ones that spring to mind are Agent Peggy Carter (Marvel) and Daenerys Targaryen
Number of blankets I sleep with: one duvet then at this time of year also sometimes two other blankets. I also have an electric heated mattress protector which gets me through the winter
Fav singer/band: Bastille!! But also I adore Imagine Dragons <3
Dream trip: honestly I want to travel everywhere but rn a tour of music festivals all over the world sounds amazing
Dream job: author 
When was your blog created: September 2013
Current number of followers: 672 thank you all <3
What made you create a tumblr: my friend got it and loved it and persuaded me to get it
Tag 15 followers you want to get to know better
I’m tagging: @blxesargxnt @abgelebt @cryingaboutdansmith @thoselittlethings-defineus @uriesinatra @3astille @goodgriefss @genericbastilleblog @bastillebananas @nightmare-court @ehmeismizuko @hipster-teapot @gandalfy @felldowntoearthforyou @travellingwhisperer
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
Reminder that I love you and you are loved by many. 💖💖💖
Thank you so so much Xochitl I love you ❤❤
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epitaaph · 7 years
16 through 24 wow God bless you xochitl i love u 
16.   something to SCREAM ALONG to- Like People, Like Plastic by Awolnation (FUCK!!!!!!!! YOUR GHOST!!!!!!!! !!!!!!)
17.   a song for raging- somethin by meg myers idk her shit makes me angsty i love her
18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone- probably Misery Business by Paramore I get SO into that song
19.   the last song you had stuck in your head- Starlight by Muse
20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to-Kitchen sink or ode to sleep. there’s always these two spots that I stumble and i JusT 
21.   a song that you could SLAY at karaoke- You’re Welcome from the Moana soundtrack lmao
22.   a song you can’t help but dance to- Mr Brightsides by The Killers
23.   a song that makes you want to dance on a table- Hollywood Forever by K.Flay
24.   a song that makes you wanna STRIP- i mean idk about stripping but the last shadow puppet’s album “everything you’ve come to expect” is FIRE
send me music asks!!
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I was tagged by: @burritosmith ; @goodgriefitsawildworld ; @tinalaff and @english-dan-up-in-space , thank you <3 Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers yo would like to get to know better
Name: sarah
Nickname: /
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Height: 1.67m / 5′6″
Orientation: good question, idk
Ethnicity: caucasian
Favourite Fruit: strawberries count right?
Favourite Season: summer !!! i’m a summer child
Favourite Book: Vampire Academy / Bloodlines series
Favourite Flower: i actually don’t know... pretty ones ^^’’??
Favourite Scent: strawberry
Favourite Colour: black, purple, red
Favourite Animal: elephants are amazing, also horses and squirrels, and seagulls... they’re assholes but i love them
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate or iced tea
Average Sleep Hours: i’m good with 5-6 but usually end up with 10-12
Cats or Dogs: .......dogs but actually both
Favourite Fictional Character: everyone  on the oc (we’ll go with season 4 though cause marissa is dead and taylor is adorable)
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: one
Ideal Trip: at the moment i just really want to go back to England, in general really everywhere though, i really want to like take a year or so and just travel the world
Blog Created: 24 March 2014 (right after seeing bastille a second time in Leipzig; had another blog before that tho that I made in like 2010 I think)
Number of Followers: 1033
Thanks for tagging me!! Haven’t done one of those in a bit but since four people thought of me I figured why not :’) 
I’ll tag: @jasminjaeger , @farguarson , @delusionalsvnset , @3astille , @reverendium , @bastillefueled , @phanielintheden , @genericbastilleblog , @lil-cubone , @looking-up-for-heaven , @uriesinatra , @jishdunflower , @obsessiontakescontrol , @bastilleinmyheart , @way-beyond-that
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oph4 · 7 years
Talk Me Down- Troye Sivan
“I wanna sleep next to you, but that’s all i wanna do right now,”
Send me a ♪ and i’ll shuffle my music and send you my fav lyrics!
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jimincer · 7 years
I was tagged by @burritosmith , thanks so much 🌸 (i'm so late on this but oh well) rules: enter your answers then tag 10 people! use the first letter of your name to answer each question. real answers only. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice. name: Laura a four letter word: love a boy’s name: Lawrence? an occupation: lab technician something you can wear: leather jacket a food: lasagna something you find in a bathroom: a lamp? probably? a place: Lithuania a reason for being late: left my phone at home something you shout: leave! a movie title: Love Actually something you drink: lemonade an animal: leopard a type of car: Lamborghini :)) title of a song: Lethargy - Bastille I tag @goodgriefitsawildworld @amazingnarry @maryamazing @flavvs @quentinjacobsen @hedgehogdan @spacebastille @outerspacejosh @uriesinatra @english-dan-up-in-space if you don't want to do it, just ignore this :))
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