dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
unfollow this blog!!
and please go follow @fahc-jerevin !!! 
i am not going to be using this blog anymore but i will keep it so y’all can go through my old posts if ya want
thank you to everyone who has supported this blog! ily a dearly <3
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
New Blog!!
Hey! So I’ve had this account for nearly 6 years and while it’s been an absolute blast, I feel like I need a fresh start. So I made a brand new account. 
I would really love it if you could follow my new blogso you could continue to support me, but if not, then thank you for sticking with me up to this point!
New Blog: @fahc-jerevin @fahc-jerevin @fahc-jerevin
P.S. if you could reblog my post over there (if it applies to you) that would be spendid! 
Thank you once again for beinggreat friends and folowers. <3 
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
in a group chat
messages: sent me: ignored self-esteem: lowered
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
So Rimmy Tim has taken over Jeremy’s livestream.
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
Rimmy Tim is a cryptid
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
me before seeing rimmy tim: orange and purple???? what kinda colour scheme is that no why
me after:
Tumblr media
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
“ah, summer” i sigh as i open my laptop
“ah, summer” i sigh as i pull up my youtube subscriptions
“ah, summer” i sigh as i pull up yet another achievement hunter video and spend my summer in my room consuming more roosterteeth content than there are hours in a summer’s day
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
I love everything about you- even the parts you deem unvaluable. I love every inch of you.
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
From @eddythecatty: “👓💙🔍 Edward through the looking glass 🔍💙👓 ✭” #catsofinstagram [source: http://ift.tt/2rCvrHt ]
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
Important things to remember about jeremy dooley:
he use to be a gymnast
he used to teach karate (and apparently still retains a lot of that information @axe kicking a desk in half)
he “knows how to fall correctly”
he (accidentally) created a bomb
hes 5'4"
can and will do anything when asked
he kissed Matt (for charity)
Kat was his first (and only) girlfriend
(they are now happily married)
he used to make videos for the community channel
he can draw
i love him dearly
pls love him hes my son
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
its comin up 
its comin up
its comin up 
its comin up
its comin up
its comin up
its DARE 
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
vent post - 6.13.17
i consider myself to be pretty great with words.
but not when it comes to asking for help or when i’m upset. 
i seem to lose my mind, for lack of a better phrase. 
everything i’ve relearned over the years about communicating to others (yes, relearning - grew up in a bad house hold, told me to not speak unless i absolutely needed to).
i constantly get into conversations/fights/arguments/whatever you want to call it with people over this. and to them, 
i’m sorry.
i never asked to be this way. i didn’t want to be like this.
i’ve gotten better at talking to people in general so there’s something positive. but i still find it extremely difficult to talk about my feelings or ask for help when i need it. 
i constantly say i’m fine because i don’t want to upset someone when they see that i’m not doing good. but truth be told, i’m rarely ever ‘doing good.’ 
i want to get better. but i don’t know how. well, i mean, i do know. but it’s more so that i can’t. i’ve tried and i just get ignored when i do finally ask for help or talk about how i’m truly feeling. 
and when i get ignored, it makes me feel hopeless. like that person didn’t truly care. they were just trying to make conversation. and i get it that people can have busy lives. but it still fucking hurts. 
after going for years of hiding your emotions and feeling hopeless, to finding someone who’s willing to talk to you just flat out ignore you when you get honest with them. it fucking sucks. 
it’s nearly midnight and i’m sitting here sobbing. i don’t know what else to do. 
i’m sorry for being the way that i am.
i have nothing else to say. 
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
the signs as my favourite RT quotes: ah rap battle edition
aries: im the young hero. get me a damsel in distress. cause i’m the leader of the lads fuck whatever gavin says [x]
taurus: im more famous than all of you combined, so suck it! talent so small it could fit inside a bucket. [x]
gemini: and from the first let’s play i was making you money and all the comments read, “wow, when did jack get funny?” [x]
cancer: now i admit you guys clearly had some good lines today, but remember one thing: i wrote them all anyway. [x]
leo: my rhymes are like the asses on my characters. damn fine. [x]
virgo:  im busy running let’s play. have you heard of it? [x]
libra: never thought i’d steal your thunder but guess what? i did. dealing insults out like here’s lookin’ at you, kid. [x]
scorpio: the ninth person hired, and the first that was useful [x]
sagittarius:  the fans were feeling timid when i first showed up. now if i said im walking out, the internet would blow up [x]
capricorn: it’s like five tiny cars against a monster truck. [x]
aquarius: when fans join the game, i make ‘em retreat with the powerful use of one word: leave. [x]
pisces: a difficult question for our fans would be, a million dollars but all your content would be without me. [x]
[EXTRA ophiuchus: the glaring problem that im seeing with you boys is you’re not good enough to be famous for bird noises [x] ]
[PT. 1]  [PT. 2]  [PT. 3] [PT. 4] [PT. 5] [PT. 6]  [LAZER TEAM] [RAP BATTLE]
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
underrated achievement hunter things
genuinely sweet geoff
geoff talking about millie
geoff joining in videos randomly and trying to join in but mostly just doing his own thing
geoff doing his own thing in lets plays in general
Old Man Geoff trying to stay Hip and With It
michael’s lil mischievous giggle (hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhhm)
ryan and michael already having three stars by the two minute mark in gtav
the camera cutting to someone else doing something menial while chaos ensues elsewhere
“OH MY GOD THERES SO MANY COPS” “RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN” *hard cut to geoff playing darts*
jack singing
everyone subsequently joining in
editors getting fed up with those in the video
ryan and gavin being assholes to each other
ryan and gavin being assholes to everyone else, together
jeremy being an asshole, surprising everyone
when the end of jeremy’s sentence turns into a wheeze
gavin does this too but its way less often
everyone going to jeremy when trying to remember stuff from old videos
jeremy not remembering things from old videos, surprising everyone
everyone holding back jeremy from doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous for the camera
except gavin, who is holding the camera
and money
jeremy being as devious and murderous, possibly even more so, than ryan
in the biker gtav let’s plays where jeremy is sloshed by the two minute mark
when he wakes up on the toilet and geoff is just like. standing there
jeremy “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM” dooley
jokes about jeremy’s old fanfiction
jeremy being able to keep up the energy, somehow
jeremy in general, honestly
ghost ray/dead ray
when everyone talks over each other/has their own conversations at the same time and its just an incoherent mess, although apparently to them its not
geoff getting mad about rvb references
ryans inherent ability to understand what gavin is talking about or indulge in his weird questions/what ifs
when gavin doesnt even understand what hes trying to say
when someone else flubs and no one makes a big deal out of it, but ryan does because hes the only one they do it to and hes pissed about it
ryan being genuinely pissed (mingey)
when they make jokes or references about a video that hasnt even come out yet
when someone dies and they make a noise like the died in real life
when michael does this and goes all out (coughing, gurgling, “go on without me”)
when he doesnt actually die for awhile and he has to drag it out
ryan’s go-to noise for this (AGH-GHG!)
michael’s acting/roleplaying/improv skills
when someone comes up with a random off-the-cuff rule, scenario, whatever and everyone just immediately goes along with it
when everyone except one person does this and theyre like “what the fuck are you doing”
when someone in the video is responsible for a let’s play they all hate
when said person mentions off-hand how they couldve made it much worse
this usually being matt
matt fucking with people in general
mica teaming up with lindsay
when mica is really good at a game
when GEOFF is really good at a game
mica just being the sweetest person in the world
unless shes playing a game
then youre fucked
seriously it gets NASTY
when mica dies and ends up outside of whatever theyre doing and just sorta wanders around having a grand old time
mica’s costumes/cosplay
the fact that this list is really really long, and theres probably things that should be added to it
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dorks-and-daisies · 7 years
jeremy dooley voice: aaaaaAAAAAAAAAaa
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