#very bad revelation
femcelhood · 4 months
Oh no
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
headcanon that actually sanji's eyes are each of a different color (like, blue and soft brown kind of very yellowish. heterochromia is beautiful like that) and after the time skip, when he changes his hairstyle, nobody actually notices because after 2 years of not seeing each other of course they wouldn't remember his eye color. and he actually prefers it this way because he can't deal with them laughing about it now.
but then, one night, when usopp and him are on night guard together for the first time in ages (they're both pining idiots and lost the chance to confess when sabaody happened) usopp won't stop staring at him, focused on his eye, specifically. sanji takes a drag of his cigarette and he feels himself getting more nervous by the second. "is the smoke bothering you or-"
"no!" usopp replies a bit too fast, blushing and instantly bringing his hand to the back of his neck, looking around to avoid sanji's face for a while. "i was just thinking..." he takes a deep breath, and goes back to looking at sanji. the cook won't stop thinking about how long the sniper's hair is and the way it gently falls over his shoulders as he speaks. he doesn't even notice usopp's lovesick stare when he speaks. "your eyes. i liked the blue one. reminds me of the sea."
sanji's heartbeat stops for a second there, and he almost chokes on the smoke but covers it with a dry laugh. "so this one isn't pretty enough for your liking, then?" he tries to sound sarcastic and prays for usopp not to notice the way his voice falters with fear.
usopp's eyes are wide open. "of course it is! it's- it's pretty. really... pretty." the sniper feels his body shaking as he tries to fix what he said. they're both acting stupid, blushing and trying not to seem too focused on the other. but it's not like neither of them can hold back from staring at each other. silence comes, and somehow usopp has the courage to smile. "it's just like sand. or gold."
"that's the best metaphor you can come up with, longnose?" he says this as if he wasn't on the verge of tears.
the sniper shrugs his shoulders. "why would you cover one? together they'd be, you know, like the beach. sand, gold, the sea... it's- um- cool."
sanji raises his eyebrow at that, and scoffs as he takes another drag of his cigarette. he doesn't want to finish it that early, or he won't have anything to do with his hands later. "i wouldn't hear the end of it if i did."
"but they're beautiful!" usopp insists. they've been sitting closer and closer.
something inside of sanji breaks after hearing that word, looking up at the night sky for a moment with a bittersweet smile. "well, men aren't supposed to be be-"
"why not?" that catches him off guard. usopp's decisive eyes meet his. the sniper's hand is shaking, but he still makes an effort to touch sanji's hair ever so slightly, thinking twice about it. their faces are so close sanji refuses to smoke in case he burns usopp. "can i?"
sanji looks around for a few seconds, and thinks about refusing. about denying him the chance to see his face completely. to witness what he truly looks like. but he nods, anyway. "you tell somebody about this and i murder you. they haven't noticed yet."
usopp hums at that, a tiny, excited smile showing up on his lips. "because they don't pay attention to you. only an idiot wouldn't be able to notice."
"maybe you pay too much attention to me." and it kind of sounds like 'i don't deserve that you do'.
but usopp finally moves his hair to the side, and the way his breathing twitches says 'you deserve everything. you're everything' and the sniper kind of hopes he hears it. usopp takes a deep breath, letting his other hand travel to sanji's face so he can hold it better. the cook grabs him by the wrist but keeps it there.
they're both shaking.
sanji lets out an embarrassed laugh, something that usopp has never heard coming from him. "not that cool when you see both at the same time, huh? the eyebrows are also-"
"you're gorgeous."
before any of them can panic at usopp's sudden comment, sanji's grip on his wrist tightens. usopp notices, looking down at his lips for a second, going back at his eyes again.
they keep looking at each other for a while, realizing that usopp is kind of almost on top of sanji at this point, and that neither of them wants the other to move away. they just want- need each other closer.
sanji is so overwhelmed by his words he isn't sure of what to say, so he just slides his hand to grab usopp's tightly. beautiful. gorgeous. it's breaking him. it's too much. and yet, he wants more.
"can you- say it again?"
"you're beautiful." he breathes out. "gorgeous. the prettiest person i've ever-"
"oh, shut up!" sanji can't help but laugh at the exaggeration, but usopp is completely serious.
oh, fuck, he's being completely serious. because the sniper is now too close to him, and he isn't smiling anymore. "can i draw you someday?"
and perhaps it's the butt of the cigarette burning his fingertips, but he feels brave enough to lean into usopp. "can you kiss me first?" and it comes out instinctively.
the way the sniper jumps a bit, surprised at his words is endearing enough for the cook to smile right away. "what? yes? yes. of course. yes. yea-"
it's sanji who kisses him.
and he thinks, while all the ashes fall completely on the deck, that he'll keep covering one of his eyes. not because he doesn't think they're beautiful enough to be seen. not because he's ashamed.
he just doesn't want usopp to get used to them. he wants him to draw him and kiss him and hold him like this forever, every time he sees both of his eyes and eyebrows, like the first time. forever. and besides, the sniper is right. the others didn't even notice. perhaps they will after a few more days of being together, but for now?
maybe sanji really, really likes the fact that usopp is the only one that pays this much attention to him.
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taz-writes · 10 months
here's a hot take for today
the narrative function of sex is the same as the narrative function of fight scenes is the same as the narrative function of songs in a musical
no i will not explain
#taz talks#writing#actually i WILL explain but i'll do it in the tags#these each serve the same function within their respective appropriate genres#each one is a kind of revelation#they heighten the connection between 2+ characters and highlight relationships and feelings and needs#they are out of place in genres where they do not belong and/or as curveballs when the narrative did not provoke them from the start#but they have the same sort of emotional/dramatic build-up#talk -> sing -> dance (talk -> yell -> stab) ((talk -> flirt -> You Know))#and they are all expressions of intense physicality and intimacy through physical gesture and interaction#they are fundamentally empty and boring if there is not a deeper purpose or drive behind them#although they can still occasionally be entertaining on their own if your audience is specifically seeking that experience out#people who do not like them will be very unhappy to encounter one where it isn't supposed to be#it is very easy to ruin the mood with poor word choice#many people have an inherent sense for terrible ones but it's often difficult or complicated to explain precisely why a bad one fails#when executed properly they are a very raw and intimate expression of a character's most fundamental needs and desires#the fluff is stripped away and there is nothing left but a series of needs. conflicting or cooperating.#and even when you're lying during one it's still a form of truth#none of these things are remotely necessary to tell a powerful or compelling story but if you're going to use them you need to do it right#also all 3 of these things are difficult if not impossible to write if you are not both interested in them and personally invested#this post brought to you by me trying to write smut about my dnd characters and failing because i generally hate /reading/ smut#so i have none of the vocabulary or instinct for it that i do for. say. graphic violence (or lyrical poetry)
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ninjastar107 · 6 days
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'How do you make me say so much without ever uttering a word?'
'The sun is rising. Guess you better take your leave again.'
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
tomgreg is about the fantasy of being able to find someone who genuinely likes that you're mean and in fact thrives very well being needed in the particular kind of fucked up way that you need someone which makes it so you don't actually have to work that much to strip away your superiority complex in order to be loved for who you are
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I don't blame people for not knowing, IH did a lot of rebranding after all, but IH is definitely at least right-leaning. Alt-lite, if you will, where he doesn't say too much blatantly alt right stuff Tucker Carlson style (put a pin to this) but if you know the dogwhistles, you'll realize that he's just better at hiding his political tendencies. A cryptofascist, if you will. I knew because a) well, look at his fans and b) I was a fan since his very beginning, when he just released the Dashcon video and also back when I unfortunately was right-leaning anti-SJW. And boy looking back there were a lot of dogwhistles I was familiar with.
Take a look at the bikelock video (still up to this day!) where even outside of the blatant 1488 reference it's clear he's not fond of antifas. Or the HWNDU video where it's just /pol/ wankery and lots of clips of people being very antisemitic being shown uncritically. The most blatant proof of him being alt-lite is the deleted Seize video that hbomb mentioned. He admitted he watched Tucker Carlson (!!!), he put a clearly anti-semitic username on display and even said it, and he did racist caricature of Japanese people. Clearly too much bigotry for an alt-lite so he deleted it.
Again, these aren't blatant alt-right declaration like say, Sargon of Akkad or Stefan Molyneux (yeah remember that piece of shit). But put the pieces scattered across his videos together and you have someone very fond of right-leaning ideology. But with enough plausible deniability so when people brought it up he'll have an army of defenders saying stuff like "duuuhhhhh 14/88 is just a number triggered much" or "these r 5 years ago he changed!!!!!!1!". Lol if he truly changed he would've denounce his fans' antisemitism but he didn't do anything.
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clingyduoapologist · 3 months
Brotherhood’s story is so fucking funny actually, here you have Ezio, still reeling from seeing yet another family member get fucking executed in front of him, having to run around Rome while literally every other assassin is waxing poetic about the true nature of man being irreversibly flawed and he’s gotta prevent everyone from stabbing everyone else and on top of all that he’s teaching a bunch of peasants various ways to kill a man, like his Altair body pillow must’ve seen so much shit those few years
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
if you can't afford a packing jockstrap or can't buy one for whatever other reason btw you can buy regular jockstraps for cheap (sometimes they even come in 3-packs) and sew a piece of scrap fabric to the inner front to keep your packer in. mine look like shit so i'm not gonna do like a tutorial or example pics but it's super simple. also if you can't afford a packer you can crochet one (link leads to ravelry pattern) and fill it either with fiberfill or potentially something heavier. pure cotton won't give you the sense of heaviness a regular packer would give you but for the visual alone it absolutely works and the best part is the size is fully customizable. i made a stupidly huge one just so i can still have a bulge in my big dumb cargo pants. go forth be trans mwah i love you
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Me: yeah I’m a gamer I’m good at games
Also me the minute I’m presented a first person game: I have never been more motion sick in my life
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wip wednesday
thanks for the tag @agentkatie! writing pure, unadulterated smut is going to cure my dour mood, but first of course we need some buildup:
“You shouldn’t say such things. It does me no good. It makes me believe what isn’t true.”
“Remember when you said you didn’t want to hurt me?” she asked suddenly, grasping his hand harder. “You hurt me when you say such things.”
“No one says my name like you do.” It was softer, like he wanted to cloak her name and keep it close at hand to whisper deep into the night.
“There’s no one like me.”
 “Gale. Take me in your arms in the morning and make me your lover.”
All cockiness was gone and he was back again, an unmoving pillar. “I will not hurt you,” he said, and she couldn’t let go of him. Not then, or ever.
“Then don’t look at me like I’m a revelation.”
“But you are. And so much more.”
tagging @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @dismalzelenka @jentrevellan @alyssalenko
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badolmen · 1 year
I just realized that Jesse Pinkman’s address in high school was his Aunt’s house. He was already living with her instead of his parents by the time he was in high school. The timeline of her cancer and death is a little fuzzy, but it’s likely he had to care for her while attending school. If that’s the case it’s clear he didn’t ask for accommodations or even use his Aunt’s illness as an excuse for his poor grades (Walt was surprised to hear she had been sick). Combined with his obviously untreated ADHD, it’s no wonder he turned to drug use and failed to ‘apply himself.’
And to think that through all this - taking care of his Aunt, struggling in school - his parents didn’t help; either directly with his Aunt’s illness or indirectly easing his responsibility for her by hiring care givers…
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brookheimer · 1 year
I sooo feel that it’s going to be the abuse revelations that will be the turning point in romans arc. So far he’s been painted as quite emotionally intelligent and business minded this season. I feel the press exposure of his abuse will lead him to the darker things we see coming this season such jumping into protests, being angry and a little unstable with matsson etc
yeah like lowkey that’s what i’ve been thinking too… like what if he becomes so desperate to prove his worth and be seen as his own person not the little boy beat by his father that he throws himself headfirst into atn/mencken/etc because if there’s anything that could drown out the abuse press it’s becoming a vocal fascist LOLL
like idk. i’m curious when it’s gonna come out too. maybe end of next ep? doesn’t seem like it’s present for a lot of the matsson interactions but again that could always be a bait and switch like the wedding ep trailer
i’m not entirely sure that that’s the route they’ll take (feels kind of like Sensational and Larger Than Life and more bojack horseman ish than succession kinda? while also being v similar to shiv’s open letter ab ken last season too) but it’s the clearest path we can see rn for the Roman Breakdown and it could happen for sure which is…. terrifying <3 will be watching through my fingers and weeping
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callixton · 8 months
wow i think if i rewatched company rn i would have some sort of breakdown
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paracawsal · 7 months
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Ordered this a week ago and it arrived today 🙌🏼
fastest bungie reward arrival ever
edit to add: the other 2 I have (flamekeeper and reaper), also the strange coin someone from bungie gave me at dragoncon for being the first guardian they saw that year 😊
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canislupusangelus · 1 month
I realized I've ALWAYS had creature autism. It was fairies and mermaids when I was younger and now it's werewolves and vampires.
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earlgreybocchan · 1 month
Not listening to her album because I can't bear hearing one song about liking a man 🙏
#seeing that tatooed golden retriever line sent me over an edge this morning 😭#breaking up with a man is the least interesting thing in the entire world to me idc idc idc#her and i have fallen off hard and i don't even care#with the last album it was like well it was bad to me but different phases at different times etc#but the rerecordings have gotten increasingly boring and i don't care about the men like normie straight girls do#and her fandom was already massively lesphobic but she has gotten increasingly comfortable with going oh my god don't say i am a lesbian...#...please god that's the worst thing in the world you could be oh my god stop look at my puppy boyfriend uwu#i don't even give a fuck if she is or not or what any of the songs have ever been about but being a lesbian it's like uh well actually...#... it's really bothersome to hear women upset at the idea of being a lesbian like it's so terrible and freakish#i like being a lesbian more than i want to hear her music now#and the way her popularity being bigger than it ever has been right at the time she's doing the worst things ever has just made a cult of..#...normie girls who are just reveling in her being the face of being straight normie is very off putting#the racist guy and the planes and the being a billionare while making the most soulest music you have ever made...#some of this has been going on all along and i guess i was at a point where i was ignoring it that i have grown out of but it's gotten worse#anyway <3
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