#vincenzo quassano
waikikiwonderland · 1 year
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love when she says vincenzo quassano though their dynamic is unrivalled
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trynatalktou · 3 years
That may be my Chayenzo deprived brain talking but Vincenzo did check her out first time they met, right?
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yasmini24 · 3 years
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His eyes are intoxicating
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becomeundone · 3 years
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Vincenzo Cassano. Also known as: Mr. Mafia Lawyer. Vincenzo Casanova. Corn Salad. Vitamin-Cenzo. Mr. Vin. Vincenzo Quassano. Vinnie.
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hanseoxsimp · 3 years
Vincenzo teacher au where:
He teaches Italian at Geumga High School (yes I have zero creativity for names)
Is extremely popular with the staff & students
All the students sign up for Italian just to get close to him
“ Hey, what’s ___ in Italian, Mr. Quassano?”
Random gifts placed on his desk during passing periods
He has a class pet pigeon, Inzaghi
The type to glare at the students who block the hallways until they run away in fear
Won’t talk much, but when he does everyone listens to him
Mr. An tries to spark a conversation with him every time during lunch
“ Were you in the mafia?” If only you knew...
Everyone keeps mispronouncing his name to the point he honestly does not give a merda anymore
Doesn’t want to admit it but he has a favorite student and it’s Jang Han-Seo (can’t say the same for his brother though)
Also does not want to admit that he has a soft spot for Ms. Hong aka the Korean language teacher
Threatens people saying he will quit the job but everyone knows he truly loves teaching kids
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fantasynfiction · 3 years
Watching Vincenzo interviews again because my heart has still not moved on and there’s nothing better to do in my life (I actually should be doing work but that’s boring).
Here are the Jeonki/Chayenzo + Joon Woo Puppy highlights:
Song Joong Ki starting the interview and already feeling awkward. Such a cutie.
Jeon Yeo Bin looking super fine and Ok Taecyeon as puppy Joon Woo.
Song Joong Ki slipping out of character when answering about their first impressions of each other, calling Jeon Yeo Bin by her name instead of saying Hong Cha Young and then attempts to fix it. - “Yeo Bin-ie is...Hong Cha Young.”
Song Joong Ki telling himself to focus and then Jeon Yeo Bin copying him whilst giggling.
Song Joong Ki saying “Cha Young-ie” because this will probably be the closest we’ll get of him saying that as Vincenzo.
Song Joong Ki doing his impression of Cha Young’s “Vinchenzo Quassano” and asking Jeon Yeo Bin for confirmation. 
TvN bleeping out the spoiler that was probably most likely related to Ok Taecyeon being Han Seok. CLOWNS!!
The overflowing compliments Song Joong Ki has when talking about his first impression of Joon Woo and the staff asking whether it’s his personal opinion or Vincenzo’s. - “Both.” (Caption: Song Cenzo)
Jeon Yeo Bin describing Joon Woo as a poodle and Ok Taecyeong’s response. - “Are you saying I look like a dog?”
Ok Taecyeon referring to Vincenzo as Lawyer Ca and Song Joong Ki enjoying it.
Ok Taecyeon stating how he was jealous with the way Cha Young stared at Vincenzo differently and Jeon Yeo Bin denying that she was. - “No, I was just looking.”
Ok Taecyeon channelling his entire Joon Woo personality and talking about his impression of Cha Young in a lovey-dovey way. HE SURE FOOLED US ALL.
Song Joong Ki explaining his idea of a lawyer and using the infamous motto “An eye for an eye.”, whilst Jeon Yeo Bin and Ok Taecyeon whisper “Scary” beside him.
Ok Taecyeon responding to the same question and all the other questions there after with a “Cha Young Sunbae” related answer.
Jeon Yeo Bin cutely saying maekgeolli (beer + rice wine) instead of makgeolli (rice wine) and then being teased by her oppas.
Jeon Yeo Bin mentions spam and Song Joong Ki quickly teases her about it, causing her to panic and laugh. - “Because it’s CJ?” (CJ is the company that runs tvN and known for their spam product)
Song Joong Ki tries to create a smooth transition and follows up by asking her where the drama belongs to, but a confused Jeon Yeo Bin answers “Vincenzo”, leaving both her oppas laughing. Luckily Ok Taecyeon saves the day and responds with “tvN”.
Ok Taecyeon destroying everyone with his corny answers and causing Song Joong Ki to turn off the switch to step out of character for a breather. HAHAHAH!! - “My goal is to work hard beside the world’s best lawyer.”
Song Joong Ki quoting 2pm’s “Heartbeat”. - “Listen to my heartbeat”
Jeon Yeo Bin teasing Song Joong Ki... - “You look particularly lonely today.”
...and then Song Joong Ki teasing her back. - “Wait a minute. You, right now, the setting is a bit...Yeo Bin-ah”
Song Joong Ki smiling and complimenting Jeon Yeo Bin on her second attempt to stay in character.
Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin teaming up to tease Ok Taecyeon about Joon Woo’s love for Cha Young. 
Song Joong Ki tapping his fingers on Jeon Yeo Bin’s chair, whilst she is talking about her father Hong Yu Chan.
Ok Taecyeon K.O.ing the cast again. Song Joong Ki’s reaction and Jeon Yeo Bin laughing. - “Joong Ki Oppa is going to die from the cheesiness.”
Ok Taecyeon slowly losing his mind with his responses as Cha Young loving Joon Woo. Since this was before the Han Seok reveal, he was working extra hard to block off any spoilers.
Jeon Yeo Bin giggling as she already predicts what Ok Taecyeon’s answer will be for the question. - “I know nothing other than Cha Young Sunbae.”
HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND from Song Joong Ki to end the interview.
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Coffee truck,,, bingsoo truck that Oh- our Vincenzo Quassano, Joong Ki sunbaenim sent which everyone on the Glitch team was happy about!! Thank you so much 💘💘💘
Source: @jeon.yeobeen instagram
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jatracei · 3 years
5 PARADINHAS #50: Cinco dramas coreanos para você assistir na Netflix
por Juliana Arruda
Hoje eu vou trazer cinco dicas de dramas coreanos pra você maratonar e recuperar as energias. Afinal, com o caos todo que está o nosso país, fica difícil lidar com tudo sem ficar triste, revoltado, desmotivado, não é? Em tempos assim eu preciso me dar uma pausa pra respirar fundo, olhar pro céu e pedir por dias melhores (voltar a ter esperanças). Depois disso eu procuro algum drama pra assistir e as coisas parecem voltar, aos poucos, pro eixo (isso quando eu não fico sem internet, né, pois fica complicado usar todo o meu pacote 4g em dramas).
Mas, então, vamos ao que importa!
1. Navillera
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  A história é tão linda que me fez chorar em quase todos os episódios.
Conta a história do Sr. Sim, que sempre quis fazer balé, mas nunca teve a chance. Primeiro porque a situação financeira não permitia, e segundo por causa do pai, extremamente conservador. Então o Sr. Sim seguiu com a vida, ficou idoso, mas nunca deixou de sonhar em fazer o que queria.
Daí ele conhece o Chae Rok, o bailarino que está treinando bastante para ser reconhecido pelo seu talento, que passa a ser o seu professor.
O que mais me fez gostar do drama foi a mensagem de nunca impor limites pros seus sonhos, seja eles quais forem. E é normalmente isso o que a gente faz, falo isso por experiência própria; digo, de sempre nos colocar limites, de fazer sempre o que os outros querem e se perder no caminho...
Então é sempre bom lembrar que você pode fingir que não quer ou que desistiu, mas o sonho sempre vai estar dentro de você perguntando o motivo de não ter tentado. E se você não descobriu ainda, tudo bem, você vai ter seu tempo para saber.
2. Vincenzo
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Um ícone memorável precisa ser enaltecido, não é mesmo? Esse foi o último drama que vi, antes da internet me deixar na mão.
Então, aqui conta a história de Vincenzo Cassano, um mafioso italiano que volta pra Coreia a fim de pegar o ouro que escondeu em um prédio antigo. Chegando lá, ele descobre que quase todos os terrenos da região fazem parte do patrimômio (enorme $$) da empresa Babel e o seu sócio está sendo ameaçado para que o prédio seja vendido.
Vejam bem, o Vincenzo não queria guerra com ninguém. Ele só foi buscar o que era dele, mas como foi provocado, não teve como ignorar os acontecimentos que se seguiram (claro que não vou contar ou vai ser spoiler). O que posso dizer é que tem muita porrada, muito tiro, cenas engraçadas e o enredo é completamente inteligente. A última vez que fiquei tão empolgada com um drama de ação foi em City Hunter (2012).
Ah, tem uma dose de romance também, mas o foco aqui não é esse. O foco é no prédio: “QUESTO EDIFICIO È MIO” - e no Vicenzo (Bintchenzo Quassano)!
3. It’s not to be okay
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Aqui entramos em um tópico totalmente sensível, pois esse drama me fez chorar em todos os episódios. A forma como tudo foi retratado na história - e os contos infantis - me causou uma bola de nó na garganta. Sim, não apenas um nó, mas uma bola dele.
Vejam bem, não é que esse drama seja pra chorar, mas pra refletir. Pessoas possuem traumas, cicatrizes; outras apenas nascem diferentes e tudo bem - tudo bem não ser normal. Invalidar e desmerecer os sentimentos que cada um carrega pode ser nocivo.
Então aqui temos o Gang Tae, um enfermeiro que trabalha em hospitais psiquiátricos; o irmão mais velho dele, Sang Tae, que apresenta o transtorno do espectro autista, desenha demais e é fã da autora de livros infantis Moon Young (que apresenta transtorno de personalidade).
Cada episódio nos faz refletir sobre tudo, desde a nossa relação com a família, amigos e trabalho, além de nós mesmos.
A editora intrínseca publicou recentemente os contos dessa história. Vocês podem conferir aqui. Eu, aliás, não consigo ter uma história favorita. A que mais me tocou fundo foi a dO Menino que se alimentava de pesadelos, mas a que mais me fez chorar foi Criança Zumbi. Vocês já leram?
4. Chicago Typewriter
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Dor e sofrimento.
Na verdade essa história é fantástica, que me fez arrancar lágrimas no final. Se trata de um drama ambientado na época em que os japoneses ocuparam a Coreia, e na atualidade. Passado e presente ligando os três personagens principais aos sentimentos de amor, amizade e lealdade.
No passado eles faziam parte de um grupo de resistência que buscavam a independência da Coreia, mas nos tempos atuais são apenas: um escritor famoso, uma fã e um escritor fantasma.
Já faz um tempinho que assisti esse drama, mas sempre que alguém me pergunta se vale a pena, eu digo sem rodeios: VÁ ASSISTIR AGORA! Afinal, se um fantasma fica preso a uma máquina de escrever, é porque alguém precisa contar a verdade sobre tudo o que aconteceu.
5. Run On
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Run On é tão fofinho, mas também tão real, que precisei trazer pra cá.
Conta a história de um atleta famoso, Seon Gyeom, que tem problemas familiares e, por causa deles, acaba se anulando em diversas situações; e a história da tradutora Mi Joo, que precisou ralar muito pra se formar no que ama, possui um talento incrível, mas não consegue receber a credibilidade que merece. Eles acabam se conhecendo e, claro, se apaixonando (mas eles não conseguem superar o meu casal secundário, me desculpem aí se vocês não concordam).
Aqui não existe um conflito complexo com peças de quebra-cabeça, apenas o cotidiano dos personagens em uma vivência real, o que acontece nos relacionamentos familiares, amorosos... Vocês vão gostar, também tem um pouco de humor. :D
E essa é a dica de dramas coreanos que dou hoje pra você maratonar. Já assistiu algum? O que achou? Se ainda não viu, corre pra ver - e depois vem comentar aqui pra me dizer o que achou! Vou adorar conversar sobre eles! <3
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trynatalktou · 3 years
Helllooo! Some prompt for you: Vincenzo picking up and dealing with heavily drunk Cha Young after her Juridical graduates reunion.
So I will make a challenge to myself to write this as fast as I can because I always take SO LONG to write (lol this is future you right here - this was a misjudgement).
Soon I will be posting drunk Vincenzo too lol with an Amy Santiago-style drinking scale and all the goodies.
We have two swearwords as a consequence of my pursuit to be funny.
Also on ao3. Enjoy!! And please consider leaving a thought or two- they don't fail on being sweet to read.
Vincenzo is way too amused when Cha-young's number calls him at the end of the day.
The same can not be said for when she is not the one to speak on the other side of the line.
"Hello? Mr. Quassano?" An unknown male voice asks hesitantly. Vincenzo grips his mug way too tightly - if his glass wasn't already broken he is quite sure he would have snapped the stem apart right now. "I'm Ms. Hong's colleague and-"
"Where is she?" He cuts abruptly, unsettled by the queasy burning arising up his throat.
"Oh, so that's just the thing; we are at the hospital."
It's a 30 minutes long drive.
Vincenzo is there in 10.
"Apparently, one can only fall down from a table so many times before they twist their ankle." He teases smoothly, approaching the familiar mop of silky hair; her head hangs loosely forward, her face not even visible - he realises only then that she might not even be awake.
The conversation with her colleague had gone well enough. The man stuttered greatly through the explanation of what happened - Cha-young being her exceptional self had took a wrong step while screaming at the top of her lungs from up the table at the karaoke; and him not only being sober but also the designated driver of the night had quickly took her to the hospital as she continued to scream, only this time, in pain. Nonetheless and most importantly, she was safe and sound, her ankle being - fortunately for everyone involved - the only outcome.
The fear in the man's eyes while he told the story had addmitingly put Vincenzo at self-satisfied ease. He thought that he had only looked desperately concerned when he came running into the hospital still in his silk pyjamas - but perhaps, jealousy was by itself, a menacing look on him. He had never before seen himself as the jealous type, yet it comes unsurprisingly, just another of the many consequences of the magnetic pull of one Hong Cha-young; of what she manages to bring out of him, and just how out of control it tips him off.
"I thought that I had for sure broken something this time." She grumbles.
"To be fair, a twisted ankle does hurt pretty badly."
He kneels at her feet.
She looks up at him, eyes dazzling unfocused - oh, he momentarily forgot, she is a completely wasted.
Cha-young gasps, cupping his face.
"You are soooo cute!"
He flushes scarlet red.
"I know" is choked out unconvincingly convincing.
"What's your name, handsome?" She mumbles, going for one of her signature blinks - she ends up only squeezing both of her eyes shut.
Goodness, she is cute.
"Vincenzo Cassano" he replies smugly - her compliment lightning him in a way that seems absurd.
Cha-young buries her face on her hands, groaning.
"Screw him." She mumbles muffled.
"What?" Is asked at least three tones higher than intended.
"I wanna screw him." She slips out.
He falls down pathetically on his bottom.
"Who?" His voice nothing but a shriek at this point, eyes blown wide.
Cha-young frowns at him.
"You -" She leans down, jabbing a finger rhythmically on his chest at every word. "Are. Very. Dumb."
She yawns at his face right then, hiding herself on the crook of his neck - not even conceding him the time to get offended. Vincenzo smiles, realising begrudgingly that it probably makes him look very much stupid indeed.
"Okay drunkard, let's get you home - you will certainly feel this all too well tomorrow."
She is already asleep on his shoulder.
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