vitaminseetarot Β· 18 days
Poll PAC: What Your Next Birthday Celebration Will Be Like πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ
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Sup y'all, welcome back to another PAC reading. This time I'm doing a special 1 year/birthday/poll topic of choice themed pick a card! This is also a special one as VitaminSee now has 300 followers! Holy crap thank you for your support everyone! I haven't been able to get on Tumblr for a while, so I apologize if it seems like I've dropped from the aether. Life is starting to enter its hectic phase right now! Thank you so much for your patience. I'm waiting for life things to straighten out (lol as if life ever does) before I go ahead and offer some basic paid readings, which I hope to do in May.
This topic is for the next birthday you have coming up, whether that's tomorrow or next year. For my selection, I was recently lucky to have found the Wild Wisdom Companion book among a vast pile of discounted books. It's based on the Wheel of the Year. I thought this deck was perfect for making piles themed around the progression of the year and how our birthdays respond to the passage of the seasons. Pick whichever one of the Spring themed card you like most down below:
Pile 1 - The Unfurling 🌱 Pile 2 - The Wind πŸ•Š Pile 3 - The Door πŸ— Pile 4 - The Alchemist 🍾
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Pile 1 - The Unfurling
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Sagittarius - Expand, Level Up, Shadow, Isolation; XVII Star, 3 of Cups, XXI World, Ace of Wands, 5 of Cups
Hello, pile 1! Your birthday is going to be the start of great expansion. Your first three oracle cards spell it out so clearly! Sagittarius is all about shooting for seemingly farfetched goals and striking the target anyway. There is so much growth going on in your pile. You're probably anticipating your next chapter to be one of reaching beyond the horizon and feeling ready to do so. Ideas or wishes that seemed impossible may be coming closer to being within your grasp. Your life is ready to take it up a notch immediately after your next birthday, where things may begin to feel like they're accelerating. Don't worry about the turbulence, it's all a part of the movement. Breaking out of your comfort zone may feel scary, but something about your next birthday will set off a chain of events that will propel you to a new phase of life.
I have a feeling that many who choose this pile will be in a transitory stage of life, like you're getting ready to start college or a new job around your birthday. It's not just another year older, this next one will be extra meaningful in terms of receiving something you've been longing for in quite some time. It's something you've been greatly eager to begin. I don't any sense that you'll be looking back too much once you go forward, since you'll be thrust rather quickly in your next chapter.
But it's still okay if you're experiencing anxiety over it, even if it's something you've really wanted. Anxiety, doubt, and fear are not necessarily indicators that something isn't right for you. It's normal to get cold feet in this context. A sprout breaking from its seed shell is no small feat; it requires a great amount of momentum and motivation. Congratulate yourself for having come this far. Let your birthday be a chance to celebrate this. Give yourself the opportunity to commemorate with friends, if they wanna help give you a birthday to remember then let them. They may feel the vibe as much as you will on that day. Don't be afraid to take that day trip out to a new place you've never seen.
What's interesting about the Isolation card is that it shows two cups. There is meanwhile a Friendship card in this deck with only one cup. So I don't know if the words were swapped with the images or what, but the sense I get is that you will very likely be in good company during your birthday. They may want to take you out dancing (the Ace of Wands is reminding me of disco lights). However, even in the midst of the event, you may feel the urge to hide away from the crowd. I'm picturing someone stepping out of a house during a party. You may need to catch your breath at times in order to process the emotions you're experiencing, as you have a lot of energetic, lit up cards just before the five of cups.
Again, getting in dark negative moods is normal when you're facing a big new stage is not indicative that things will go wrong if it's something you know you're looking forward to. If you end up spending most of the day with friends, find some space to be at peace by yourself so you can even out your feelings. These intense moods will come and go on their own, so make sure to stay balanced (and not too overly caffeinated lol) on your birthday.
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Pile 2 - The Wind πŸ•Š
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Third House - Communication, A New Day, Ball Pits, Family; 10 of Swords, 5 of Cups, III Empress, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Cups
How's it going pile 2? I couldn't help but notice you have two pairs of swallows in your reading. Birds may have some significance for you, maybe you'll go birdwatching or even get a pet bird. For a small number of you, the birthday could involve a plane flight out of home for a quick trip. Could you be visiting family members? There's a lot of communication going on, for sure. Even if you're not traveling out by flight, you may have family members show up to take you out somewhere. They may be insistent on seeing you, talking to you, and spending time with you. The phone might blow up first thing in the morning with notifications and voicemail.
But I'm seeing a lot of hesitance in your tarot cards. You may be feeling tired or burned out and not necessarily in the mood to celebrate. The previous year was a doozy for you so perhaps catching up on sleep is more of your priority. Ever get the feeling of wanting to sleep because life is overwhelmed and you're like, "I give up (for now)?" and call it a day? You need to give yourself a chance to recuperate around your birthday, before during and after. Have a break so you can fully recover and receive all that the coming year has to offer you.
That means letting loved ones in your life, be they bio family or chosen family, understand that you'd rather have a small get together or a chance to rest every now and then if you're invited out somewhere. If you choose to go out, there's nothing wrong with taking it slow and easy, or doing something casual like grabbing some ice cream and sitting by the riverside to ponder the next year. Communicate your feelings instead of bottling them up in an attempt to keep up with everybody else. Don't let anyone convince you of how you should celebrate, it's your day your rules!
Others of you who have a little more energy, a little more of that "last year sucks, I need to go out and do something fun to sweat it off!", I feel like the ball is emphasized here with Knight of Pentacles beneath Ball Pits. Some of you looking for more action and noise may choose to go to a ball game, or spend time at the arcade playing pinball with friends. It could even be mini golf. Whether you are the low energy (calm) or high energy (excited) seeking type, getting the chance to have some fun is important, as long as it feels right for you.
This is the pile most likely to get some kind of surprise, be that a party (high energy) or a surprise gift (low energy). There will be a sense of being pampered. Some of you may get a larger number of gifts than you may have expected. You may receive a very beautiful gift, something you may treasure for a long time. Whatever it may be, allow yourself to thoroughly enjoy it and express that joy. Let yourself embrace gratitude, being mindful of what you have now regardless of how your last year has been and how your next year will be. For your next birthday, try to focus on the present (in both meanings).
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Pile 3 - The Door πŸ—
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South Node - Past, Let Your Light Shine, Bubble Gum, Winter; Ace of Cups, 9 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, XIX Sun, Page of Wands
Hey pile 3! For your next birthday, I'm definitely seeing you go outside to celebrate. There may be an actual party held outdoors, or you might choose to go out somewhere. I'm seeing parks, possibly national parks or natural trails. I'm getting the feeling of warm sunshine, the weather will likely cooperate perfectly on your day. You could be cruising through town, going from store to store (the 3 of pentacles reminds me of a mall here). Your birthday feels expansive and adventurous, ready for something new.
A small number of you may wish to engage a little bit in the spotlight, or you may be placed into a position of receiving more attention on this day. If you wish to, your birthday would be a great day to showcase your talents or passions, since I'm picking up a bit of Leo energy in this pile. With lips in Bubble Gum, you could be giving a speech? I'm picturing an actual toast, if you feel the strong urge to speak out then do so, let yourself be heard. I'm also seeing people sing for you at restaurants, so if that isn't your style, it's best to find a place to eat that doesn't do that sort of thing.
This birthday could be like your own version of a New Year's Eve celebration. Some of you may actually be born in the winter or around New Year's, so holidays and birthdays could tie in together. You're wanting your birthday to stand out amidst the traditional festivities (I've known many people born around Christmas who hate having their birthday gifts thrown under the tree, so you're not alone in that frustration!). You may get the idea of doing something out of the ordinary. Let yourself take the spotlight--it's your special occasion!
There's a message in your pile of letting old things go as you step into a new age. Old things from the year prior may still be sticking onto you, old issues from unresolved matters may pop up. They could be on the more practical side, like needing to sign something or finish a task on time. Be ready to step into the future unafraid--now is the time to shed the baggage. Your birthday can be the fresh start to a bright new trip around the sun, but you gotta give yourself that chance. If something needs to be resolved, and you got the time, tie up your loose ends beforehand so it's not weighing on you as you celebrate.
Your birthday is a threshold to an exciting new time for you. It may be like a breath of fresh air. I keep hearing "refreshed" and "invigorated", so this may be how you feel at the end of your birthday. You may do something that makes you think, "huh, why don't I do this more often?" That could be the key for you to step into something brand new. Will spending time with your friends refresh you, or going to a concert and discovering a new band that you will fall in love with as it warms up the show? Or may you desire to spend more time out in nature? Lean into what lights you up, listen to what engages you, and move from there.
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Pile 4 - The Alchemist 🍾
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Imum Coeli - Roots, Snow Day, Forest, Transformation; 3 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Ace of Swords, XII Hanged Man, 8 of Swords
What's up, pile 4? Your birthday is looking to be the absolute warmest and coziest out of all the piles. Many of you may identify strongly with introversion. I'm sensing a lot of you have your birthday around autumn or the cooler times of the year when most people are ready to bundle up in blankets or sit by the wood stove while awaiting the first signs of frost. Many of you may get a lucky chance to stay at home instead of needing to work or go to school, so you'll have the day off to plan out what you want to do. Others of you may desire to take time off if you have the chance to, I would go for it especially if you've been feeling the need to rest. You may live near trees or desire to be out in nature as a way to kick back.
I'm seeing someone invite a few friends over to watch old reruns of favorite shows while baking. It could be a gathering of closest friends, I'm not getting the sense that it'll be a big to-do bash. This day will be short, sweet, and simple. It's a good day for doing hobbies or spending time indulging in the gifts you were given. Some of you may rather spend time with family or those you live with instead of inviting people over. You and your family may share a special way of celebrating birthdays, I don't know of any birthday specific cultural traditions from the top of my head but you may have special rituals unique to you and your family. Either way, I get that you'll have a modest celebration that's nevertheless full of camaraderie and relaxing activities.
The description for the Alchemist card says "Allow Transformation", and you have another Transformation card. You may be doing a lot of transmuting on the inside, working through old stubborn patterns and limiting beliefs around this time. I'm seeing the ball of flame near the snow as if you're melting old self-sabotaging blockages away to make room for more growth in your coming year. This flame, this transmuting energy, is making way for the new to arrive.
The Hanged Man being tangled up in vines beneath a forest makes me think that you've been hung up on something that needs to be let go. You must prune in order to effectively grow. Too much in a small space can lead to cramming and confusion. You must deal with the thoughts tangling themselves up in your mind before cultivating the thoughts you want in their place. Changes may happen slowly on the outside, but when certain patterns are fully cleared out things can really take off.
So, for example, let's say you've wanted to sign up for a ceramics workshop for your birthday, or spend the day cleaning house (if you happen to find cleaning therapeutic). To do so, you'll need to not only free up your schedule, but free your mind of thoughts trying to convince you that you can't learn or can't clean. Perhaps it's difficult to not see the forest as just a bundle of trees. But a forest is more than trees, it's an entire system that supports itself in a perpetual cycle. Don't fill up your days with too many tasks, especially on your birthday. Pace the day with both the things you want to do and the things you have to do. The time around birthday will show you how to integrate the best of both worlds. We can have cake and eat it too, it's just a matter of pacing and doing things one at a time.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
191 notes Β· View notes
vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
PAC: How Will You Experience Good Luck This Spring? πŸ€πŸ’°πŸŒˆ
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Sup y'all, welcome back to a rather verdant and hopeful pick a card reading! I hope y'all are antsy for a colorful free tarot game, 'cause I'll be rolling one out starting tomorrow 3/18, until Thursday 3/21. More details will be out tomorrow when the game opens, but today's three swatch selections will give you a little hint at what's to come.
Select one of the three green palette cards below, or from one of the corresponding emojis, to find out how you'll experience a bit of luck this coming season.
Pile 1 - Luck of the Irish Pile 2 - Winter Shamrock Pile 3 - Clover Patch
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Pile 1 - Luck of the Irish πŸŒ„
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Mystery, Lady's Mantle - Fortitude, 14. Intuition, 7 - Clear Aura; IX Hermit, 2 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, 9 of Cups, Page of Cups
"Gently place your feet on the path you were meant to travel."
Hey pile 1, I'm seeing that you're going to be fortunate where traveling anywhere may be concerned. You're feeling more ready than ever to take on the outside world. Can you see the winding road in Lady's Mantle? Even if you're not traveling physically, you will be lucky in whatever path you begin to follow in spring. With the key in intuition, you may have recently had to overcome certain trials in order to get to this point, and you seem pretty anxious to move on. But your message says to "gently place your feet," not "scramble to get out the door without checking your shoelaces first". You're being advised to walk, not run to your nearest destination, perhaps because you may still need to come to terms with the decision you're making. Be sure that this next path is one you want to follow, and keep in mind that what may seem to be the next stop is not necessarily the final one.
During your last chapter in life, which may have ended as recently as a day ago or as long as a year, you've had to put up with a lot of stress. Trying to juggle your personal needs along with everyone else's drama. You may have had the strong urge or tendency to stay tucked inside in order to recuperate. Winter has mainly been about healing from the previous year. This spring, you will be luckier going out the door to your next adventure without the baggage. I see the Hermit as stepping out of a dark cave to feel the first warm spring day of the year. You'll be rewarded for your patience and determination in getting through your ordeal, if even just by making it through each day even when it was difficult.
The key reminds me of video games specifically. In day to day life, we use them as tools to get from one place to another. But in games, a key can symbolize either an opportunity to find some good loot, or the chance to step up to the next level. Now that you have this key, this solution to a particular problem, you'll be able to move forward with more ease. The way is being gently lit for you, like a glowing path that takes you to your next goal. As easy as it makes the game to have this glowing path, don't forget to pick up things and check out areas along the way. Keep at least one foot in the present moment so you can find these bonuses.
You may not be necessarily sure of where you're going next right now, just a vague sense that you're moving on ahead. And it's okay if you don't have it all figured out right now. You'll be able to see how you can manage the life you have now with the life you desire. Tap into what you want, and meditate on where you would like to go next if money, energy, time, or obligations weren't factors. Dream of your next adventure before you fall asleep, imagine one that you make your inner child sing. Envision that every time you take a bath, you're washing away parts of the past that you no longer need, as with sleep. Spring will bring to you a sense of replenishment and newness.
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Pile 2 - Winter Shamrock ❄
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Faith, Yarrow - Pocket of Protection, 21. Travel, 9 - Self-Acceptance; Capricorn, 8 of Wands, Taurus, Page of Cups, XI Justice
"Fill up from the healing waters of Mother Earth's sacred springs and connect to her heartbeat. Become as one energy."
Dear pile 2, your hard work is finally paying off somewhere. Your luck will let you open up to your life again, like a butterfly stretching its wings. The Travel card here can talk about being lucky in your travels, but it more specifically talks about the chance of a new job or project opportunity coming in. This is something you've been diligently working for, even if it's just working for a certain amount of time off. You're used to putting in a significant amount of effort to go further. Your luck this spring will give you a chance to rest AND receive blessings that are overdue, the kind of good fortune that comes directly from your energy and time.
I'm seeing an emphasis on 8 here, with Faith and the 8 of Wands. Perhaps this represents the days or months you've had to work and wait for something important. The Eightfold Path of Buddhism may have some relevance for you. Your luck will come as a result of sticking to your virtues. The Wheel of the Year may also have relevance. Taurus and Capricorn are both hard working Earth signs, they're difference being that Taurus indulges in what it has worked for, while Capricorn gets more empowered by regularly pushing to the top. Understand that you do not need to do any extra or go above and beyond for the sake of receiving this luck any more. You've done all you needed to do to attract this energy to you. Remember that hiking is more than continuously climbing; it also involves chances to eat a snack while watching the clouds roll by between the mountains.
The Taurus card was meant to clarify Yarrow. Taurus is known for "I Have", the sign for material possessions. See how Yarrow is being held between hands safe in a bubble? You may be lucky in receiving something special this spring like a gift, or an expensive item you've wanted to splurge on for a while. If you're not sure how you'll acquire it just yet, try not to get too winded controlling the outcome. If it's meant to be in your life, it will be. If it's out of sale in one store, luck will have it that you'll be gifted by a friend who thought of you as they saw it. Your most precious possessions will be protected by luck this spring, particularly during your trips and vacations abroad.
Time based blockages are melting away, and you may be surprised at how quickly things progress once you take the chance to stop and breathe. You'll find that time becomes less of a factor in how things progress this season. What may seem like a week-long ordeal could take only a day for you to resolve. Interview offers may come in fast and hot, which will only be noticeable if you're actually granting yourself the chance to stop and listen to these offers instead of pushing for a certain result. Justice wants you to balance your ambitious nature with a desire to take it easy and enjoy the good life. You'll be given the ability to do both this season. Accept the amount of progress you've already made, as you've likely done much more than you think. You'll increase your luck by accepting your current situation while having faith that your goals will still be there when you're ready to climb upwards again.
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Pile 3 - Clover Patch πŸ€
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Cleanse, Red Clover - Center and Ground, 31. Release, 27 - Divine Light; XIV Temperance, 10 of Swords, Knight of Cups, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands
"The light that you are seeking is already within you. Follow those things that bring peace to your soul."
Pile 3, wowie! You got the Red Clover next to Clover Patch! Notice how the flowers are wrapped around the heart. Some of you may have been battling a bad case of the winter blues, and this spring will give you a noticeable pep in your step. I recommend asking your doctor about Seasonal Affective Disorder if you suspect this is a regular issue every winter, although this is not guaranteeing you do have it. But I'm getting the feeling that you'll have the chance to heal your heart and regain a lot of lost energy and motivation either way. This spring will give you luck through giving you opportunities to find peace, joy, and contentment. You're stepping into light so you may bask in it. This fortune will bring about an internal change for you. (I'm hearing you'll somehow be luckier if you literally spend more time out in the sun!)
For some of you who are more religiously inclined, you may experience a deepened or renewed connection with your divine source this spring. Whether you pray to deities, ancestors, spirit guides, or your higher self, your connection will be empowered. If not as religious, you'll still feel more attached to the world around you and better aligned with your sense of life's purpose. You'll be feeling less "me against the world" and more "hey, the world's not perfect, but at least I've found my own footing." Temperance balances narcissus, of self love, and the iris, divine love. 10 of Swords shows that surrendering the past and allowing things to simply be will help you feel an refreshing and blissful period this spring.
I see a harp in Divine Light. It's less about moving forward and more about having the peace to dance in the now. Iris comes in many colors. This surge of spiritual awareness may come through in your artistic pursuits. Spring may help you creatively flow with ideas. Although Red Clover wants you to get you moving, it's also important with the 5 of Wands to ground these ideas by approaching them one at a time, little by little. Not everyone can do a productivity 180Β°, from making nothing to making 10 drawings a day. You'll have time this Spring to make art less of a chore and more of a joy. Art is a way to express ourselves, and you must have a lot to express after the winter you've been through.
Spring will give you a chance to play some catch-up, clearing away the things that drained your energy before. With peace of mind, it'll be easier to see what should stay and what should be left behind. Sometimes knowing what we don't want is as necessary as knowing what we do want. Major distractions are cleansed away in favor of working on what you've wanted to do for a while. If any of you struggle with artist or writer's block, I'm feeling relief here as chapters and sketches are drafted out freely as they come. If you're looking to renovate your living space, you'll have more ease in going through old things, replacing curtains, and dusting shelves to make more room. Your luck begins with inner peace, which radiates over time into expressing it through the world around you, reflecting your sense of spiritual connection. Art, home renovation, and even gardening are just a few of many examples for how you might creatively expand.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
106 notes Β· View notes
vitaminseetarot Β· 5 months
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure πŸŒŒπŸŒ πŸŒƒ
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Thank you for voting in my latest poll! I'm surprised and glad to see that Next Big Adventure won by a landslide! Seeing as we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th, it makes sense that we are collectively interested in seeing what the next chapter has in store. Please note that some of these other topics mentioned in my polls may appear in future pick a card readings, so stay tuned.
So without further ado, let's get into our piles! Pretend as though you are a Knight from your favorite tarot deck about to embark on your next journey. Please choose your mode of transportation:
1 - Plane 2 - Ship 3 - Motorbike 4 - Train
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Pile 1 - Plane
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Cards: Re-Evaluate, Pencil Sketch, The Pilgrim, Ceres - Nurture, Patience, 26. Protection - Finding What's Important; I Magician, 10 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, XIX The Sun Channeled Locations: Canada, Singapore, Morocco, Ukraine, Australia, Philippines, UK, New Zealand, NYC, South Korea
Hi pile 1, you've chosen to travel by air, bypassing all the long troublesome routes. After all, the sky's the limit! Isn't it nice to measure your distance by how the crow flies sometimes? You're ready to catapult yourself into the next big adventure; I can tell there's a lot of excitement to see what's ahead here. You'd rather get to the next phase of your life instantly yet with ease. This is likely the pile with big career goals, especially if moving or actual traveling will be in the big picture. Maybe you're dreaming of traveling by plane as part of your future dream job? You don't just want to get there, as great as that is--it has to be done with intention.
You're in the process of drawing out what your next life would look like. The future seems full of creative possibilities, but with Pencil Sketch next to Re-evaluate, you're being asked to pay attention to the details. How do you want things to go one month from now, and one year from now? As great as it would be to have an entire decade mapped out, it's unrealistic, but it doesn't mean you can't draft some concepts. You should have something in mind, though, instead of setting out with a knapsack and praying for the best. If your next career or long term project could be anything you wanted, are you going to hop into something for 10 years that doesn't end up panning out in your favor, or would you rather delicately test something for a year before diving in? Moving forward can be exciting, but if you're going by plane, you will need some coordinates.
I think your reading is super straightforward, pile 1. You've got a lucky edge going for you with the tarot cards here. Whatever kind of career goal you have in mind, you may have a chance to "make it big" at some point. That won't come without a lot of foresight and careful investment, however. Don't try to rush into any big decisions right off the bat. I occasionally see the Magician card as the one signifying "read between the lines". If any contracts get involved, be very careful and read thoroughly. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification. The ones giving you the contact would rather see you jump in it blind, but you've got the crafty Magician energy to help you out during this retrograde period.
As eager as you are to begin your next journey, you're being asked to consider what you want to grow over the long term. This reading wants to shift the focus away from the end goal, even if there's a message here about acting with intention. Setting intention doesn't mean straying away from the present moment to only consider what happens in the end. Part of paying attention to detail means being aware and present in what's happening around you. The present moment is a crucial aspect of your growth period, and it wants you to gently guard after and care for your goal as though it were a plant. You know the fruit of the plant will be ready to eat when it's there and fully ripened, but in the meantime you can enjoy its flowers and fresh budding leaves.
Enjoy the gentle growth process, because once you do start to take off, you may be shocked by how high you'll find yourself in mere seconds. The initial lift of the plane as it begins to run with the sky can give you a wonky feeling like your whole world is shifting and moving with you. Your sense of time can change, requiring adjustment. If you're unprepared, the change could feel overwhelming. Make sure that by the time you're ready for that big takeoff in your work or projects, you will have built up a solid foundation to ground you once you're ready to come back down to earth. That's how you'll build lasting success in your life's next adventure. Stay optimistic, because that positive shift could come sooner than you think!
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Pile 2 - Ship
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Cards: Limitless, Calla, The Alchemist, 10. Capricorn - Achieve, Express Love, 11. Invention - Burning with Passion; X Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Wands, VII Chariot, 10 of Swords Channeled Locations: India, Greece, Ethiopia, Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia, South Africa
The seas are calling you, pile 2, calmly asking you to take only what's truly needed with you. The water's may be choppy, but out in the expansive blue seas, you can feel connected to the coasts of the entire world. With a firm grasp of the ship's wheel, you designate yourself captain as you adjust your sails and set your sights for the hidden treasure that lies ahead--or perhaps beneath your anchor. You're entering your next big adventure lit up with grand ideas for what to do all laid out on your map. Over the vast horizon, anything could happen, and you could find yourself shaking hands with anybody new. This pile may be seeking proposals or offers of some kind, ones that will let you dream bigger than you have before. This pile likely has a good idea of where to go next, or at least some interesting things written down.
These cards ask you to make peace with some aspect of your past. It could be that whatever you had planned before didn't entirely work out in your favor. As much as the online community talks about how rejection is divine protection, sometimes having plans fall apart is not going to feel good, even when you're just glad it's over with. The worst thing can be the feeling of not knowing what to expect after a fall. But your next chapter is showing a lot of promise in things to come, so don't let your past be the omen of your future. The tides are turning right now, and if you can focus on what you'd like to accomplish next, you'll be able to shift those tides in your favor. The first step is to see that you've survived the bad times, and that in itself makes you a victor. With that, you can move ahead with more confidence than before.
That's the thing about Capricorn energy: it thrives in conditions that others would consider too harsh or demanding. It's the drive to take the roughest materials and make diamonds from them. Once you can decide to make peace with what you've gone through, you can take the nuggets of wisdom you've garnered to make a beautiful new path for yourself. You dissolve the worst of your experiences and bring them together to make it better, as the Alchemist card suggests. The difficult times and failed attempts were not for waste; you've gained a lot of valuable growth that will provide a smoother current toward success in your next endeavor. This could be the pile that wants to start a business. Please know that simply starting a business, or even taking the first steps to plan one, takes a lot of guts already. If you've managed to go that far, congratulations! It takes a lot of hard work for a new business to be survive the long haul. So celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they seem.
Part of what makes this next chapter so fortuitous for you is how the energy is transiting through. You could be hit with a wave of inspiration from out of nowhere. If you've been stuck in one place without any wind to carry you through the fog, be prepared for that big splash! All hiccups set aside, you're still brimming with a lot of zeal for your next idea. You may even receive a cascade of insight, so be sure to write these things down as they come. You never know if something silly and small could end up helping you out later on. Your next big adventure is going to put the spark back in you, with a feeling of having a second chance at life, as Calla lilies represent rebirth. Don't be afraid to get excited over what's to come, pile 2. Your faith that things will work out for the better is contagious, as is your gratitude for the accomplishments you've made so far.
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Pile 3 - Motorbike
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Cards: Breathe, Snowboard, The Heir (Rx), 5. Leo - Shine, Balance, 21. Resilience - Finding Your Limits; 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, Page of Wands, XIII Death Channeled Locations: Mexico, Italy, Midwest US, France, Norway, Egypt, Chile, Brazil
Your pile is like the fiery passion of the wands suit. Independent and bold, you chose to take open road for your next adventure, blazing a new path in front of your very eyes. You have an eagerness to take the world by storm, going wherever your first impulse wishes to carry you. This pile has a lot of drive to move forward to the next chapter with as much speed as possible, optimistic to find that next golden opportunity. And you're not afraid of a little showboating along the way. You even have the Snowboard palette card, which is a sport involving nothing but speeding down slopes and catching incredible air. This pile is the most excited for their next adventure.
Except actually, pile 3, you're being asked to slow down a little bit. And I get it! I get that this message can be so frustrating when you see what looks to be an endless highway yet the speed limit says 55. That might be a good pace for many folks, but for this pile it's not nearly enough! The thing to keep in mind is that this process of moderating your pace is for your overall benefit. See, you have the only reversed archetype card in all the piles. The card speaks of untapped potential, which is still there. It's simply saying that whatever you're seeking to do next, you're not totally ready because there is too much you're still carrying with you. To go with the motorbike analogy again, any leftover baggage from your past is going to weigh you down so it's in your benefit to review what you have before you can move forward. The more you let it go, the faster you'll be able to pick up the pace.
You have a lot to be proud of with how far you've come already. This pile likely thrives on challenges and sees overcoming them as a big part of spiritual development. Which can be true in many cases, and you demonstrate clearly that you're not afraid of what's to come next. It may come as a shock to you that your next chapter might be a little more quiet than expected. This is likely because, if you've gone through a lot of growth in your last chapter, it makes sense to have some downtime to balance things out. The Queen of Cups can be introverted energy, but she knows how to use her alone time to replenish her soul with art and meditation. You may have more time to spend by yourself steeped in creative drive rather than trying to accomplish too many things in the outer world.
This is one of the more spiritually oriented piles; over this next big phase in your life, your creative skills may flourish and evolve to another level. Maybe for a while you've been inclined towards artistic pursuits, but feel a desire to expand upon what you're already doing. With this energy, you're in alignment to have more time and energy to devote towards passions like painting, sports, or music. In this way, you can take that immense enthusiastic drive from the Page of Wands and channel it into something constructive or purposeful, even if you don't intend to monetize it.
Your next big adventure is tackling the speed limits that exist within you: the self imposed beliefs that tell you how fast you can go or where you're allowed to proceed. Thing is, in your inner world, you have a lot more freedom than you would on any highway. You can choose for yourself how you wish to manifest your passions into the world, and you can decide how much or how little passion you put into your work. Things like imposter syndrome can be their own mountains to climb, and this time around you're more geared up than ever to take it on. Once the spiritual mountains have been overcome, you'll be able to top anything the next chapter in life brings you.
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Pile 4 - Train
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Cards: Nucleus, Billiard Green, The Gambler, 44. Sixth House - Sustainability, Trust, 1. Vision - Contemplating the Future; XVIII The Moon, 10 of Wands, 3 Cups, XV The Devil Channeled Locations: West US, Sweden, Japan, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovenia, China, Germany, Switzerland
You've picked the solid, earthy pile of moving forward to your next adventure by train. Locomotion is slow but it's steady and reliable with time. Fully embodying the principles of inertia, once it moves it keeps moving, but it takes a lot of initial effort to get things going. Something you've worked on is slow going, but you're close or nearing the finish line. Once this is accomplished, things will move much more smoothly for you without so much push. Your next chapter will be steady, but it will be easier than before because it's already in motion.
I find this pile intriguing, y'all. You have Gambler above the Billiard card, and the Devil card shows a casino as well. It's almost bringing to mind old train heist movies. There's action, adventure, mystery, and a lot of fun here in this pile. Your next big adventure could involve having more chances to go out and have fun with friends. You could meet new friends around this time who will have a lot of extra pep in their step. They'll get you out of your shell if you've been in one for a while. Alternatively, if you see yourself as a party loving daredevil already, this new friendship may slow you down and protect you a little, in a good sense. They'll either be the head to your heart, or the heart to your head.
This pile is definitely more inclined to go with the flow in the next chapter. I almost typed 'glow' on accident, so perhaps you'll also experience basking in a 'glow' of some kind. You could be overcoming a huge obstacle at this time and look forward to more unstructured down time. You're encouraged to take time to enjoy yourself before moving to the next phase, but to also balance it out by taking moments to see where you'd rather go next. It's easy, after a huge achievement, to lose pace once the "now what?" sign is reached on your path. Go-with-the-flow doesn't necessarily mean 'fuck around and see what happens', lol. Try to find a middle ground here between playing and planning.
Your work-life balance will likely have some kind of pressure valve released like steam. You've had to really push for what you wanted this year. When opportunities looked scant, you had to tap in to your own power and immense resources to pull through. You've done so in flying colors. So your desire for freedom and thrills after a hard chapter is totally understandable. If you're not finished with something, there's almost a temptation here to run from it now and deal with it later. This isn't recommended; push through to the end because soon you will find yourself on the other side basking in the glow, and relaxing will be so much easier once you're fully done.
There's also advice to not get too carried away with material desires here. Your next chapter may have your finances fluctuating up and down, so try to stay steady with investments. If a windfall comes in, don't spend it all in a day. The Trust card here is talking about how you trust yourself with your resources and energy. When you're able to carry a greater amount with more responsibility, more will be added to you in due time. You're being asked to make small and consistent investments with wherever you're putting your value and resources into. Nothing wrong with wanting to splurge on something nice of course, especially if you've been working hard and you want to reward yourself. This is more to do with long term investments over the next few years.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
Decks Used: Tarotwave, Starcodes Astro Oracle, Citadel Oracle, StarDragons, Opal Oracle, Starlight Messages, Color Palette cards
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun πŸ”†πŸŒ‘πŸ˜Ž
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Sup y'all. Welcome to my lil end-of-March reading! Thank you for voting in the polls for April's next PAC topic for the 1 year special, which will be coming up next. Also thank you very, very much once again for participating in my 2nd tarot game! I'm still answering feedback and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it as I did. I'm looking forward to the next game in summer (possibly a Midsummer game? πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈπŸˆπŸŽΆβ˜€)
I was shuffling my Alchemy Elements deck and noticed that three random cards I pulled out were from the Sun suit (the four suits in this oracle are Moon, Sun, Star, and Earth). I had no topic in mind, so I allowed different mystery messages to come through. These light messages will be relevant to you as you pass through the new moon solar eclipse and all through the next lunar month.
Pick which one of the three sun cards resonates with you:
Flower πŸ’ Animal 🐎 River 🌊
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Pile 1. Flower πŸ’
Gratitude, Bird of Paradise, Knowledge; Mountain, Astral Travel, Tower, Promise, Garden
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The world outside is calling you, pile 1. You can't smell the roses blooming if you keep containing yourself under the roof. The beautiful days want you to explore and wander like a child discovering nature for the first time. Perhaps there are flowers you've never seen up close, maybe it's been a while since nature gave you new things to learn and marvel. Botanical gardens are filled with surprises, as are concrete cracks in the city.
Your hands seem too easily tied up in the working world, fulfilling task after task as if every day was meant to be the same. I see a person staring outside their cubicle, wondering when they'll find the time to make it to the park. Wondering when they'll be able to go to that fair, or practice surf lessons. Wondering, hoping, dreaming of the day when the walls can come down, and there will be no separation between daily life and the life filled with endless creative possibilities, waiting to be picked and weaved into crowns.
The path is neither just up ahead, nor light years away; it's right in front of you now. Accept the moment you find yourself in, even if it's impossible, because the surprises you are looking for are already surrounding you. It may feel like you have to climb far to see any hope of change, but you're asked to find stillness and beauty hidden within the climb. Even if you're not wandering through a field of wildflowers yet, there may be chance blossoms within your reach. Be thankful for the present peace you find. Ivy wraps around ivory walls; nature will find a way to you.
Wherever you intend to go, you may need to leave behind the opinions of others that don't help or encourage you. Let them have their perspectives, for they have their own paths to walk. You have yours waiting just outside the door. The light outside may overwhelm you, but it beckons you to appreciate what it has in store for you. So much more awaits you. But what you have today is just as beautiful.
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Pile 2. Animal 🐎
Balance, Lenten Rose, Insight; Letter, Mirage, Heart, Bouquet, Moon
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I hope the sun brings you brighter days, pile 2. There are friends (including animal friends!) who want to bask under the warm luminous skies with you. This time encourage us to stretch our arms out, walk with an extra skip, and enjoy what tomorrow has in store. However, there is anxiety keeping you held in, preventing you from racing ahead. You are being called to expand, move your body, and find ways to embrace joyful freedom more.
Before email and mail trucks were a thing, we had pony mail, which could take weeks to arrive to your mailbox. The information you're receiving doesn't match up to the reality you're soon living in. By the time you're reading the newspaper you have, another one will be on its way, contradicting the one in your hands. Reading over and over can help us feel ready to take on the world, but does it? Or is it keeping you in a loop of confirming news that confirms the news that conforms to the news you're expecting?
Newsflash: the most important place, the space that occurs before it's recorded in the papers, is the place your attention should focus on. If you can meet up with your friends in person, try hanging out with them outside of chatting online. Allow yourself to experience life alongside someone, to feel the wind in your hair as they drive; if you have a pet, spend an afternoon with them on a long walk. A friendly person who can help you desires connection.
Life is a mix of bright and sunny days, mixed with cloudy and rainy days. There are days to be serious and days to be goofy. There are times to stay at home online and times to go out with others. There are moments to feel sadness and worry, and moments of humor and happiness. Take it easy on yourself, pile 2, and whatever topic has you fixated on it, allow yourself the chance to step outside, walk away, and feel the light of the sun and moon on your face.
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Pile 3. River 🌊
Desire, Cyclamen, Reminiscence; Tree, Protection, Animus, Star, Crossroads
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It's okay to not know everything about your path ahead, pile 3. You may be figuring things out as you go along, without any set marker. You're being reminded that whatever path you take, things will turn out okay. Many twists and turns can make a long river, but you will be prepared. It's safe to keep moving in the flow with the currents. When the rolling waves seem slow and steady, it's best to ride along with it, for you have more time than you think to row through.
At times you may desire to keep your boat docked, unable to leave the shore and its many amenities. You may look back on what you used to love (or perhaps found addicting) and wish it were easier to wave it away. Don't be afraid to take souvenirs with you, to remind you of the good times you had. It'll make the transition smoother for when it's time to depart to your next destination. Big changes often require carrying things lightly.
Your north star is shining its beacon out to you. To find it, you must make it; to make it, you must find it. You must set your course by getting clear on where you most want to go. No one else can make this choice for you, for it's your unique trip. The map is with you, provided to you by years of experience and growth. There may be many different distractions, and it's okay to stop to them first just to explore instead of making it to the end goal right away. It's all part of your grand adventure, and the many secrets and surprises make it all the more exciting..
When there's a wish, there's a way. You have the drive within you to set sail towards your greatest yearning in life. Even if it doesn't seem it, you are able to channel the bravery and passion from within. When the skies are dark and you cannot navigate with the stars, you can look to the light beaming out from your soul to find your own way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
March Palette Game: CLOSED 🌈
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Somewhere, over the rainbow...
I felt inspired to do a game based on my huge stack of palette cards. I have 700+ palette cards to shuffle through, multiple stacks that take an hour to shuffle at least lol. I remove any duplicates, so 99% of these cards are different, which leaves much room for exploration.
All participants for this game will receive one palette card which will be read like an aura. What is your current energy? What kind of aura are you radiating? I will not reuse cards, so everyone will have a chance to get a unique card drawn! I will also pull one tarot card from the Spectrowhirl deck to give you additional insight as to why your palette card was selected along with additional guidance if needed. Images will be provided.
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RULES to Play:
☼ 1 Follow this blog if you're not already a follower: VitaminSeeTarot
☼ 2 Reblog this post with the tag #vitaminseetarotgame
☼ 3 Send me an Ask (not DM) along w/ two different signature emojis of your choice 🌈🎨
☼ 4 Asks will be accepted starting 3/18, deadline is 3/21 @ 5pm EST. Be sure to check the open/closed status before submitting. Asks submitted before 3/21 may receive their reading after the deadline has passed. Asks submitted after the deadline will not. Make sure to submit your Ask before the deadline if you want to participate.
☼ 5 Please be kind & patient while I finish your reading, as I don't know how many will play.
☼ 6 This game is for your specific energy/aura reading only. I will not do palette card readings for your friends, family, or other people in your life. I will not do readings for celebrities, events, or situations here.
☼ 7 Remember that energy is always changing and your aura reading is not meant to be interpreted as a permanent, fixed state. Free will is yours.
☼ 8 I reserve the right to refuse a reading for any reason (I may refuse only because certain guidelines weren't met. You are free to resubmit your Ask before the deadline, provided the above guidelines are followed).
☼ 9 You must agree to the above rules before playing.
☼ 10 If you would like to leave a tip, you can do so on my Ko-Fi page. Check back to my page soon if you're interested in paid readings as I will be opening up for personal sessions very shortly.
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Thank you for your donations, likes, reblogs, feedback, and follows. Thank you for your support! πŸ™‚
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
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vitaminseetarot Β· 4 months
January Tarot Game: Status - CLOSED β˜ƒ
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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…
Yay! Finally! My first ever tarot game! And I'm celebrating it with snow! [kazoo] I'm gonna make this one last a few days so plenty of people get a chance to play. ❄
I will pull some cards to provide you a free self-care message for winter! What will brighten up your season and help you stay on track with your goals? From 1/8 to 1/11 I will be drawing three cards total for clues on ways to care for yourself during this time of year: one card from tarot, one from City of Dreams, and one from Opal Oracle. I will respond with a list of cards drawn and a brief message. ❄
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πŸ‚ Rules to Play:
❄ 1 Follow this blog - Vitaminseetarot
❄ 2 Like this post and Reblog with the tag #vitaminseetarotgame
❄ 3 Send me an Ask (not a DM) with your tropical Moon sign πŸŒ™ (your Sun is fine if you don't know your Moon), a favorite color 🧑, and a signature emoji of your choiceβ›„
❄ 4 Asks will be accepted until deadline Thursday 1/11 @ 6pm EST.
❄ 5 Asks submitted just before this deadline may receive their reading after the date. Asks submitted any time after the deadline will not. Make sure to submit your ask before the deadline if you want to participate.
❄ 6 Please be kind and patient while I finish your reading, as I don't know how many will play.
❄ 7 This game is for self-care messages only. Your Ask can be specific about certain areas needing self-care, like academics, relationship, etc. but the theme is strictly about self-care advice. Please remember I'm not a doctor; this is just a wellness check.
❄ 8 I reserve the right to refuse a reading for any reason (since these are self-care messages, I may refuse only because certain guidelines weren't met and not because of a provided question)
❄ 9 You must agree to the above rules before playing.
❄ 10 My Ko-Fi page is now open -- thank you for your donations! Thank you for your likes, reblogs, feedback, and follows. Thank you for your support!
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Hello! This is the second time I'm sending this ask (because my wifi hates me) and I'm not sure if you'll receive the first one. So, I would like to join your game! Here's my favorite emojis: πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«
Thank you so much for this! Have a nice day :D
Hey there πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«! Thank you for playing! No worries, I received both requests! Your cards are Burning Coals (orange) along with the 6 of Cups. Your current aura is determined, realistic, and productive. Your energy is rooted in rationality and practicality. I see that you have your head firmly on your shoulders at this time. I'm picturing a foundry filled with busy workers and heat bursting through. You seem focused on getting things done and done right. It seems that generally you have a positive attitude about where you're going. But it also appears that your inner child may be tugging on your work apron a little, wondering when you're going to tend to whatever struck your fancy before. The more laidback, carefree side of you is looking for a little attention. You've had to be a mature person for making a lot of tough decisions every day, and your inner child can see that and respect you for it. There may also be big decisions coming up, ones that seem fated and rather huge (like picking out a college huge), which may be pulling you into this responsibility mode even more. But try to find some time to look over your past, so to not forget yourself in the present busyness and obligations. Remember what it is that this work is doing for you, not just what you're doing for your work. And that ice cream you used to like eating as a kid? Get two cones, enjoy.
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
We've Reached the End of the Rainbow!
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Thank you so much for participating in my free game! We have made it to the deadline and the game is now closed. I'll still be working through and posting all remaining entries that were sent in for the next couple of days. What an unexpectedly overwhelming turnout!
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I will try to respond to each one.
My next game will likely not be until sometime in June or July. I will be working on many other things in the meantime, like a new PAC coming out next week, and a chance to request personalized paid readings, opening soon.
Until next time, vitaminsee ya!
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vitaminseetarot Β· 9 months
🌴 The Masterlist Post That is Me 🌴
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Welcome to the VitaminSee Tarot hyperspace. 🦩
Ko-Fi Link For Donations/Tips: VitaminSeeTarot
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I like doing Tarot inspired by astrology, magic, vaporwave, and the elements of nature. My focus is on organic fun, hypoallergenic wellness, and nontoxic positivity.
(NOTE: 18+ Age Space [Although I don't do sex-themed readings])
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☁ Exchange Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌀 Free Game Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌀 Paid Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
Please DM me with non-game inquiries, thank you for understanding
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ο½₯:*:β™ͺ Games: ο½₯:*:β™ͺ
January Tarot Game - CLOSED
March Palette Game - CLOSED
ο½₯:*:β™ͺ Pick a Cards: ο½₯:*:β™ͺ
Poll PAC: What Will Your Next Birthday Celebration Be Like
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun
PAC: How Will You Experience Good Luck This Spring?
PAC: March Blessings For You
PAC: Quick Messages From Your Spirit Guides
PAC (Pick-a-Candy): February's Message For You
PAC: Your January Forecast
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024
PAC: 11/11 Self-Care Messages
NaNoWriMo: What Character Could You Write Into Your Next Story?
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
PAC: How Can Nature Heal You?
PAC: What Does Libra Season Have in Store For You?
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like?
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting?
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming?
PAC Pick a Palette: One Small Thing That Will Help You Grow
New Moon PAC: What Seed Are You Sowing?
Perseid PAC Pick a Fruit: What Blessings Are About to Shower Upon Your Life?
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
PAC: Yes/No/Maybe - 7 Piles
Quick General Advice for Your Situation (PAC)
PAC - Full SuperMoon - What are you attracting and releasing?
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
26 notes Β· View notes
vitaminseetarot Β· 4 months
The Sun Has Set! β›…β„πŸŽ‡
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Thank you to everyone who participated in my first game here on tarotblr! I got a lot of responses I'm still working through and progress is steady but slow going. If you have sent me an Ask and are still waiting, I'll be continuing to answer each one through the end of the week. Please be patient if I haven't responded yet; my goal is to answer everybody's submissions by end of Saturday.
If you didn't get a chance to participate this time, stick around because I may do another one in February or March!
Until next time, clementines! β›„
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot β„’
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vitaminseetarot Β· 5 months
New PAC Poll! β˜†οΎŸ.*ο½₯q゚
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Ready for the gamee!!
Hi πŸ₯°πŸ˜…! Thanks for playing!
Your cards are Hot Gossip (pink) along with the Wheel of Fortune. Your current aura is confident, perky, and sociable. You may feel right now that the universe is largely working in your favor. You have a lot to feel happy and grateful for. I'm seeing someone catwalking on a runway while smiling; you're feeling free to express your confidence through what you wear. You may be getting a sense that you have some prying eyes on you, who are wondering just how you got to be in the mindset you currently possess, or could even just be wondering where you got that nice new shirt. Truth is, you could have a variety of people talking about you for whatever reason good or bad or random, but either way it's not really your issue to worry about. Let chips fall where they may; I'm feeling like you have a lucky streak keeping you safe from anything they have to say. Remember that we all have times where we feel on top of everything, and times where we don't. Instead of looking down on anyone who envies or belittles you, try to see them from a compassionate lens. They may not even be aware of what they're struggling with, and only believing from a more positive angle that things can work out for them too will help them out. You do not need to help your enemies, per se, just to forgive them for whatever bad attitude they throw your way. Focus less on negative feedback and redirect more awareness towards caring for your life.
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vitaminseetarot Β· 4 months
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I made a whole post announcing the game was closed but forgot to edit my masterlist and thread's statuses to also show as closed. Sorry for the confusion folks! It should be fixed now.
Almost done with everyone's Asks.
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Hi! I wasn't sure if you extended the game tarot reading from 5pm to until 21/3 is over since the pinned post says game is open,if I misunderstood feel free to disregard my ask
my two emoji are 🀍 πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
Hey there 🀍 πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ! Thank you for playing! You entered in the reading a few hours before I closed it as it closed at 5pm EST. Your cards are Campfire Ash (light gray) along with the Star card. Your current aura is laid back, thoughtful, and confident. I'm imagining your aura as a person who's gone hiking and boating many times and feels at home in the wilderness. You're able to easily ground and connect to the earth and sky. I'm seeing you sigh contentedly by a fire as others around you look worried and less sure of their place in the woods. You may be surrounded by people whose words can easily put you into a state of doubt and worry as well. You wanna get along with the group, but that can sometimes come at the cost of being too suggestible. Someone could talk you into believing you can't light a fire when you just did, for example. Or you can prove to be great at following a trail only to be followed by naysayers who end up dragging your energy down. I'm getting that you have a quiet, casual confidence, and this should be more encouraged. You should stick more to your guns, especially when you have a reason for being certain (this reminds me of how scientists will have degrees in a field and write at length about it, only to be condescended to by a lay person with no experience). Your energy is the Star in the Star card. You can help guide others, but they have to agree to being guided. You're not obligated to assist people who don't want it and will fight every step of the way. Don't be swayed by the ground, just relax and persist on your path.
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Hey, I’m here for the March Palette Game 🌈 This is a really cool idea, thanks for offering us this free reading πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜Š
My 2 Emojis: 🌿✨
Have a nice day 🀍
Hi 🌿✨! Thanks for playing! Your cards are Green Parakeet along with the Ace of Swords. Your current aura is curious, outgoing, and talkative. Parakeets are incredibly social birds that are good at hiding in the trees, disguised as leaves when acting together. There's news or some kind of communication going on and you're privy to hear what it's about. You may be trying to peer into something hidden that seems simple at first glace but later realize it's out of your scope. For example, there could be misinformation going around, so it's better not to poke at the hornet's nest by getting too involved. Another example, this could be a rumor going around at school over something that isn't even true. Or news that turns out to not be what it was blared out to be at first. Don't listen to the doomsayers, you don't need to be influenced by that negativity. Something's being presented out of proportion here, and it's threatening to suck you in. There's no reason to obsess over it right now. Let your intuition and wisdom guide your way out of the chaos as it will clear itself out in time. Some people create chatter because they have an important message, other times it's to hear themself talk. You have the chance to rise above this and redirect your attention on where it matters. You're a person who can easily make friends and get to know others, so try to explore social settings that aren't as volatile.
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vitaminseetarot Β· 2 months
Tarot Game colors
Hello β­οΈπŸƒ! Thank you for playing! Your cards are Art District (olive brown) along with the Empress card. Your current aura is busy, accomplished, and of course very creative. You must be doing something very artistic, like painting or pottery making. It could even be in tech, if you're building something. It could be a costume for a big comic con like convention. I'm sensing whirring of energies around yours, like you're very involved with multiple people at once. It reminds me of artists with their stands in art walks, or farmers by their stands at farmers markets. As accomplished as you may feel about your progress, a large part of you can't wait to get home and take a breather. You may be wondering, "why am I not more grateful of this opportunity?" There's nothing wrong with feeling a little burned out, though. You have a right to lock the doors, pull out some fluffy pillows, and lay in bed to pamper yourself for the next week. It doesn't indicate a lack of gratitude over how far you've come. As long as you can see in yourself that you deserve to feel proud over how much you've done recently, it's okay to want to step away from the noise for a while. Especially if you're not used to receiving this much attention for the work you're putting in. It can be tiring to do even a job you love when so many people are inspecting it, even if they appreciate what you do. You don't suddenly hate what you love, you're just tired. Give yourself a luxury spa day to recover from the energy drain and before you know it, you'll be back in the swing of things again.
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