#supermoon pac
vitaminseetarot · 10 months
PAC - 🌕 Full SuperMoon 🌕 - What are you attracting and releasing?
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Hello, everyone, I'm back on Tumblr! After an awkward couple months of shuffling cards with a hand injury, I've returned with a complete PAC for the first time eva. Please be kind while I still work out the graphics and details, this is a super speedy full moon PAC so I wanted to make sure to get it out there as soon as I could.
Please select one of the three images below that correspond with paint swatch colors I drew for each pile, for what you're attracting and releasing during this supermoon. Thanks so much for reading! Reblogging is the best way to support my blog and is greatly appreciated! ☺️
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(1, 2, 3) (images courtesy of pexels.com)
Pile 1: Vine Trellis Tarot: 5 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Cups Oracles: Waning Moon - What Do You Need to Release, Love, Sea Serpent, Divine Feminine, 20. Shared Inspiration
Message: This month over management and its frustrations are not for you. The Divine Feminine card makes it boldly clear that you are in a phase of attracting new opportunities that you actually desire and creating stability without feeling like you always have to be on top of everything to do so. Growth doesn't always happen in one direction, dear pile 1, it can make many twists and turns all at once. There are days where taking action is necessary, days where one must do inner work (which is still very much work!), and days where one can sit back knowing that progress is happening before their very eyes. Among all three piles relationships are emphasized, and at this time now you're being encouraged to spend time with people you like. This is a time to collaborate, not compete. I get the image of excited people sitting in a board room pinning sticky notes filled with ideas at the front. This is the energy you can cultivate easily now, so allow the good times to give you fresh insights.
Pile 2: Dust Bunny Tarot: 9 of Cups, Page of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands Oracles: New Moon - A new start is coming, Anger, Elephant, Root, 30. Mutually Beneficial Venture
Message: Wow I see 999 right off the bat, this could be your lucky or angelic guidance number from now until New Moon. 9 Refers to nearing the completion of something while still needing one extra step or leading to a larger outcome if allowed to proceed. Now back to your main moon message for this month (lol). You have built up a lot of heated energy as this moon waxed to completion, pile 2. You are really PENT UP about something and, by stars, you're finally feeling the motivation to push ahead. But perhaps consider what may have had you stuck under the bed in the first place hiding out. Need frustration and feelings of rebellion be the only thing to charge you up to where you want to go? Somewhere around you there are people who are ready to support you. Maybe even directly help and benefit you enough to help you keep the fire lit. Let them cheer you up and encourage you, you don't have to feel alone with your dreams because chances are many you know and don't know are dreaming for the exact same thing.
Pile 3: Autumn Fog Tarot: 4 of Swords, 7 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords Oracles: Full Moon Libra - A win-win outcome is forecast, Love, Cosmic Egg, Owl, 41. Convey Your Meaning
Message: Right now you may be taking some time to meditate on your path ahead. Maybe you've experienced an issue that made you think you didn't have options, but now you do. Or you've spent so much time helping others out that you've forgotten what it was you set out to do, like being hired to do one job only to be asked to do the tasks of several jobs. Now that you're able to focus on where you'd rather go next, you may feel stumped. Do not overthink your goals right now, pile 3. You're being asked to get very clear about what it is you want to do, as only YOU can be the one to do that. The angels will not come to directly tell you what to do next, as it might impede with your development. But you're also being gently reminded of your intuition. It's powerful, please don't underestimate it right now. You can tap into your intuition once you give yourself the space to do so, and you could receive a myriad of insights now. Your higher self knows you won't be stuck like this forever, and that whatever path you end up taking, it'll turn out okay for everyone involved. Trust and be patient with yourself.
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: How Do I Choose the Right School for Me?
Decision Day is coming up for a lot of you and I’m sure that many are still deciding about what school they will go to. Whether you’re a first-time college student, a transfer student, or nontraditional, I hope to act as a guide for this period of time. Hopefully, you are inspired by this reading to choose the right school for you. I will use the True Heart Tarot Deck and the Moonology Oracle Deck for this reading and pull some oracle cards. So, without further ado, please pick your pile. 
Left-to-Right (1-3):
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Pile 1: I feel like you already know what school to choose, Pile One. It seems to me that you’re pretty content with the decision that you would have to make. You will get into your top choice or you’ve already gotten into your top choice so there’s no pending status. I feel like you are pretty confident. But I think what’s holding you back is the inability to stop thinking about others. I feel like this requires long distance travel or maybe it’s not your mom’s alma mater so you are about to make a decision to commit there to appease other people. But this is your life, Pile One. Don’t make a choice that you will regret. Go with the choice that will make you happy, love. Take the risk because it will all be worth it in the end. I pulled some oracle cards from the Moonology deck and got the following cards:
“Nothing will come out of this situation�� (Void-of-course-Moon)
“A new start is coming!” (New Moon)
“Emotions are running high!” (Supermoon)
Cards Used: Justice, The Star (RX), Four of Discs, Princess of Swords, King of Wands, 9 of Cups, The Magician. 
Pile Two: Pile Two, I get the feeling that you feel confused because you don’t know what to do. I think this is for my first generation college students who are the children of immigrants, children of single parent households, people who did not graduate high school/college or low-income parents. You may feel alone and scared of what could happen if you don’t decide by the specific deadline. I need you to take a deep breath because you are not the only one going through this. You need to talk to someone who will help you get through this time. Talk to a school counselor. Visit the campus. Ask current students/alumni about their personal experiences. Get in contact with the school’s admissions office. There’s so many ways to get connected. I also feel like you also have been stressing about the cost of school. But honestly, you just need to have a talk with your family about the game plan. If you feel like you will be paying too much, then you can always negotiate with the school to get more money to pay for school. There’s many ways to get to where you want to be. Think big, Pile Two. I pulled some cards from the Moonology deck and got the following cards: 
“Believe in the impossible” (Blue Moon)
“Meditate and contemplate” (New Moon in Pisces)
“Bring love into the situation” (New Moon in Aquarius)
Cards Used: Prince of Wands, Three of Cups (RX), Three of Pentacles (RX), King of Discs, The Tower, Queen of Discs, Five of Discs.
Pile Three: Pile Three, you’re so cute. I channeled the plot of High School Musical 3: Senior Year. I feel like you have a significant other and y’all have been getting cozy together. You don’t want to leave by this person’s side because that would mean not seeing them everyday. That’s understandable but you’re going to need to maintain your individuality, Pile Three. There is nothing wrong with long distance, love. But I feel like you’re also waiting on an acceptance from a school that you applied to. You will get in but you have to trust the process. I feel like it’s coming very soon. You definitely have to talk to your significant other about your choice to see how they can support you and vice versa. Talk about the what ifs and concerns about the future. I feel that you guys want to consider them so much in the process and it makes sense but the evil eye that you’re sending yourself is crazy. Have some faith that things will work out for yourself. The less you do, the better. I pulled some cards from the Moonology deck and got the following cards:
“It’s time to take action” (New Moon in Aries)
“Balance spirituality and practicality” (Full Moon in Pisces)
“What do you need to release?” (Waning Moon)
“Have faith in your dreams” (Waxing Crescent Moon)
“Hold your vision” (Fixed Moon)
“Surrender to the Divine” (Full Moon)
Cards Used: Ace of Wands, Justice, 8 of Wands, 7 of Wands, 2 of Cups, Temperance, 3 of Discs, The Tower.
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adorastarot · 8 months
How will the Supermoon influence you?
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Is everyone ready for the Supermoon tomorrow? I decided to do a mini PAC reading with all of the changes you may experience! Let's goooo! How to choose a pile: Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Ask the universe if there is a message that you need to hear right now. You may either hear a number or be drawn to a pack once you open your eyes! If the message doesn't resonate then it may not be for you.
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Ace of cups, 9 of pentacles, 9 of cups, wheel of fortune, 4 of wands, Full Moon in Virgo
As soon as I started shuffling the cards, Agust D’s Snooze came to my mind especially the way he says ‘dream’. Our lovely people from pile 1 are big dreamers and their dreams are about to come true with the energy of this supermoon! It seems like this supermoon is going to help you focus more on yourself - falling back in love with yourself and understanding that you are good enough. Deep down you know this, but the past 2 months or so have been up and down and you may have struggled with whether you are worthy of the things that you have achieved/ the things that you want. You may make a few new acquaintances over the coming weeks and the moon’s energy shines on you and you attract important people into your life. Watch out for signs! Especially numbers 9 and 4 - they will guide you. Are you going home soon? Wherever home may be! Enjoy your time there and rest! Allow your family to shower you with love and nurture you. You deserve to be taken care of as well, never doubt this. Be adaptable because luck and the divine is on your side, the door to the future is open and you will be guided step by step.
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Strength, knight of swords in reverse, 9 of cups, 6 of swords, ace of pentacles, Full moon
Oh how strong you are, do you even realise it? You may be feeling a bit jittering because you have been having to watch your back for a while. You have been sooo busy and now that things are starting to come down…you feel like you should be doing something. But you don’t you really don’t! You did it! Even if you can’t see it yet or believe it, things are done, it is done and now you just have to enjoy all of your hard work. You will start to get the acknowledgement that you have been craving from your colleagues, managers or professors. Say ti with me “It’s done, I’m done, there is nothing else I need to do”. Say it until you believe it. You may feel a strong pull towards the ocean, just go! It will help your energies to settle. The full moon is not helping your own restlessness but once it’s over you will feel better. All you need to do is ride the wave and surrender to the divine. It will not let you down.
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The world, the fool, justice, 10 of cups, 10 of pentacles, Full Moon in Scorpio
You’re world is changing and you are feeling a lot more carefree and restless than usual but in a good way - where has this sense of freedom come from? You are going to be focusing on being unapologetically you. You may decide to jump into situations in a very foolish way without thinking about the consequences of said actions but things…will work out for you?! Over the coming 4 weeks, you are likely to either start a new relationship with someone that you have just met not long ago or start a new job that you applied for “just because”. You are working on releasing the negativity that is not helping you. As autumn comes, it is spring in certain countries and this is what your energy feels like! It feels like Spring has arrived in your life. Get ready to feel a lot more steady and grounded and to dance with life! Let’s dance the tango!
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tarotbubbletea · 1 year
✨ PAC Reading: Random messages you need to hear ✨
Hey everyone!
I haven't been regularly active on here for a while but I'm slowly trying to ease back into tarot readings. Here's my comeback attempt at a pick-a-card reading. It has some really random messages. You may resonate with just 1 or all in your pile.
As is standard in most PACs, I intend these readings to be timeless. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Then pick the sparkles that you feel most drawn to. If you feel drawn to more than one, feel free to read those piles. If you feel drawn to none, perhaps I don't have a message for you at this time, but hope to have something for you in the future!
Going from left to right, we have piles 1, 2, and 3.
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I'd love to hear some feedback, as I'm coming back from a pretty long hiatus. I'm also open for paid personal readings ($3 and up) or exchange readings (free) via DMs.
Pictures used are not mine.
My kofi ☕
Pile 1
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Tarot: The Chariot, 6 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Justice
Oracles: You and your loved ones are safe (New Moon in Cancer) and Expect powerful change (New Moon Eclipse)
🌟 In one word? NEW. Expect NEW, NEW, NEW energy coming your way! Could be people, opportunities, places, things... you name it.
🌟 Heard BDE lol.
🌟 One (or some of you) need to get your driver's license. It's time. Get up. Get it done.
🌟 You were nice to someone recently. It's not gone unnoticed. The Universe is about to bless you.
🌟 However, you may have taken someone at home for granted (mom, perhaps?) Be nicer to them, whoever they are. Some of you aren't getting your manifestations or are seeing delays in your wishes (especially if they involve inviting new people into your lives) because you're not physically thankful for the people that are already here.
🌟 If you've been worrying about yourself or your loved ones recently, perhaps due to a health situation or money-related matters, a message coming through is you can take it easy. The Universe has your back. Keep it at with your earnest and consistent efforts and let go of the paranoia gently. You're good. You'll be good. You'll stay good.
🌟 Brush your hair.
🌟 Thinking a bit too much about boys/men? Relax. Please. Just relax. You might be good at hiding that desperate energy from others but the Universe sees all.
🌟 Be careful when you walk. Look out for bumping into things and hurting your knees/ankles.
Pile 2
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Tarot: The Magician, 3 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Wands
Oracles: Emotions are running high (Supermoon) and Your hard work is paying off (New Moon in Capricorn)
💫 Some of you recently got into your dream school. Perhaps even an Ivy league school. CONGRATS! You worked hard and you deserve your success!
💫 Your manifestation powers are amped up right now. UTILIZE THEM!
💫 Some of you may be going through a bittersweet moment in your life. Perhaps you're moving away from home for school, work, or another reason, or your closest friends are. Might be a breakup for some of you. It's okay. You know it was time, though. Mourn the loss, say your thanks, but be ready to keep moving forward.
💫 Anxiety may be getting the best of you or of those around you. It's just a phase. Don't let it get to you, but also keep your own tongue in check. You don't want to say something while emotional and then deeply regret it.
💫 A part of you is tired of having worked your butt off and now wants to rest and party. Party if you can! But prioritize rest.
💫 Drink some juice, if you can't get yourself to drink water on the regular.
💫 Some of you have been swearing a lot recently. Uncharacteristically so. Stop it.
💫 Some of you may have lost some weight recently. Good job! Keep going!
💫 If you're struggling to find a way to rest (typical Capricorn energy) just watch a movie. Trust me. Sit your ass down and watch a movie.
💫 If you've been stuck between buying 2 options, go with the green one.
Pile 3
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Tarot: The Hierophant, King of Swords, The Devil, The Hermit
Oracles: You are good enough (Full Moon in Virgo) and A new romantic cycle begins (New Moon in Libra)
💖 This is my fashionista pile. You know this but some of you may be too modest (or too perfectionistic?) to admit this LOL but GURL. SLAY.
💖 Also, do you like dancing? Or have you been thinking of taking up dancing? Go for it!!!
💖 This is going to sound silly if you’ve seen the Rider-Waite versions of these cards but trust me, it's honest advice: Get up. Get your ass up. You've been spending way too much time sitting. Get up a move around. DO IT. Especially if you've been spending way too much time on Tiktok.
💖 You might have some really opinionated and, frankly, judgemental energies around you right now. Perhaps a lot of expectation weighing down on you, or just criticisms being thrown at you that are in no way constructive, useful, or warranted. Breathe. It's unfair, I know, but just breathe. Don't waste your breath retaliating. It shouldn't be happening, but it is. No, it's not your fault. There's no real reason as to why you're having to bear the brunt of this. Maybe it'll make sense down the line, maybe it won't, but for now, just breathe. Be like a rock and let these waves wash over you. They can't break you down. Trust me. You're GOLD. This season too shall pass.
💖 Also turn on the goddamn light in your room. Your habit of sitting in the dark is doing some potentially irrepairable damage to your eyes, hun.
💖 Love is coming your way, and in a pretty unexpected way *wink wink.* Your next date could be a sushi date (for some of you).
💖 Read a book. Some of you were ardent readers but haven't had the time/chance/motivation lately. Try reading again; it'll ground you. Go for something nonfiction or historical, but steer clear of philosophy/religion for now.
💖 Spend more time with your dog; it'll do you both good.
I hope you found a message here today! And if not, I hope to have a message for you next time. Wishing you all love, light, and success! 🤎
Don't forget to leave feedback if your reading resonated in any capacity.
My kofi ☕
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
What Were You Supposed to Learn this Past SuperMoon in Capricorn: PAC ♑️ 🌕✨🦋🔥
Don't steal my shit bitch. Get yo own cards and do yo own reading hoe.
Hey yall!! We about to do some messages for this past full moon in Capricorn!! I realized this is my third written PAC and I want to make sure yall getting yall messages okay honey!! Saturn always bringing something and half the time I don't want it but I'll take it. And also since this SuperMoon was also conjunct Pluto, I know there was alot of emotional upheaval. Yet, I hope it helped you on your journey. I know it did for me as yesterday I was feeling wild myself. So let's go with the pile selection and the rules:
1. It's okay if it doesn't resonate. It may not be time or it may not just be for you. Please feel free to pick another pile. 2. Remember to breathe and have a clear mind when you pick your pile. 3. Tips are appreciated at $DellyRelly 4. This reading is for entertainment purposes only! 5. Readings from TarotLadyTalks (aka Oceanbaby888 aka The Baddest Bitch) is coming THIS WEEKEND ON JULY 16! GET A BOOKING BECAUSE I DON'T KEEP THEM HIGH!!
Pile 1: Frank Ocean
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Pile 2: Brent Faiyaz
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Pile 3: Giveon
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Pile 1:
Cards: A personal issue reaches resolution--Adjustments are required--8 of Pentacles--2 of Swords--Page of Swords--5 of Swords
Pile 1 we are learning how to navigate after the storm. You may have recently found clarity about a certain issue in your life and now it is time for you to adjust and move accordingly. And it is supported with the 2 of Swords being here as well. With the 8 of Pentacles this situation could have been deeply complex, mental, & social since we have all the other cards as swords here. This Supermoon being in Capricorn (since Saturn loves to give us challenges lol) may have challenged you to respond to this situation with alot more maturity than you realize. I feel like with the Page of Swords and 5 of Swords being here this situation or relationship (doesn't have to be limited to romantic) is testing your mental maturity. You can either respond childishly or look at it from a different angle and adjust mentally to understand how can you respond better to this situation, especially if this situation has been built up overtime. For some of yall I hear that this is at your job as well. This SuperMoon is asking you to learn how to detach more from your feelings and first impulse of how you would respond and take your time and transverse this situation and its aftereffects carefully, especially if this situation is social. When I say social I mean it involves alot of people. With this 2 of swords you are at a fork in the road. Think long term about the way you respond. Yes, it's gonna suck and even hurt you got to put your pride to the side, but now that this situation has some more clarity and you have more answers, that doesn't mean you get to gloat too hard because the whole situation isn't complete. Now, it is time for you to learn that yes this situation has more clarity, and even in your favor, but what is the best way to logically navigate this to make sure this is a clean, fair cut and you know that you made the best logical decision no matter how you look at it? This kind of mentality may help you more in the long run than just resorting to caressing your ego. Yes, I love to be petty myself, but your Guides are like "No sir/mam, this is serious and we gotta be adults about how to handle this situation." So if you didn't experience/catch this yesterday Pile 1, I hope you did now! Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! If you wanna dive deeper into how to transverse this and stretch your craninum, hit me up at my Store on Miiriya on Saturday, 7/16! We getting it together and doing better over here yesss mammmm/sirrrrrr! Cards:
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Pile 2:
Cards: Surrender to the Divine--Step out of your Comfort Zone--Show the World the real you--7 of Swords--King of Wands--3 of Pentacles--King of Pentacles
Pile 2 I ain't gon hold you I like this energy! You got an extra oracle card and that means your Guides/Ancestors have something to say! This SuperMoon is teaching you how to really step into you! You have two Kings here. Very powerful, masculine energy. This SuperMoon you are supposed to be learning how to stop deceiving yourself and playing small with the 7 of Swords and take your power back with these two Kings here. Yes, it is terrifying to think of and even more terrifying to act on it with Step out of Your Comfort Zone, but you are protected by your Guides and Ancestors with Surrender to the Divine. You are meant to show this very confident, fiery, spunky, yet serious, diligent, and purposeful side of you! And don't worry if it sounds contradicting. We humans are not meant to see the world in black and white. We only like to because that's what our brain can handle. But Pile 2 you don't have to explain shit to nobody and that's what you're supposed to learn from this SuperMoon. With the 3 of Pentacles here I'm getting people are supposed to come to you! Take note of the person (I believe this person is an art teacher) with the gray hair guiding this student in this picture of the 3 of Pentacles. That's supposed to be you! People see your talents, your worth, your value and you need to see this too! I won't be surprised if this transit happened in your 2H. You are a stable force and a not a force to be reckoned with. People like you, THE REAL YOU! Let yourself out little by little. You don't have to turn a whole 180 if you don't feel comfortable, but if you do BITTCHHHHHHH more power to ya!! But you gotta get past this 7 of swords energy. Don't gaslight yourself anymore is what this SuperMoon is making you learn. You are a powerful motherfucker! You have not one but two kings here! You are the one and not the two!! So I hope you take that home with you after reading this screen. Go get em! If you want to reach out to me personally and dive deeper into it, my readings do open officially on Saturday, 7/16! I definitely hope to see you there Pile 2 because this is my Pile of bad bitcchessss!!
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Pile 3:
Cards: A fiery climax approaches--Hold your Vision--10 of Wands--Justice--4 of Pentacles--The World
Don't let go yet Pile 3! This SuperMoon is teaching you to have patience and understanding that patience is definitely a virtue. This SuperMoon may have tested your patience and commitment to a certain project or situation. You may have felt like throwing in the towel with this 10 of wands here and wanting to retract and possibly wallow with this four pentacles here, but hold on! This energy feels very Wheel of Fortune. It feels like after such a long time in Hermit mode (as Hermit proceeds The Wheel of Fortune & The Hermit is at a standstill most of the time), there's finally movement, action, a climax to the story! You're getting the answers you are looking for! Things are coming into balance with the Justice card here. We're wrapping things up with The World card here and there is going to be an end to the story. There's the light at the end of the tunnel. It's there!!! It's there Pile 3!! I know it was hard as fuck carrying all that stress on your back & with the 4 of pentacles you probably didn't share your troubles as much, but believe me it did not go in vain. Now, I can't say it may be the way you envisioned because unfortunately life isn't a fairytale, but the main lesson was to understand that we can only do so much and we have to rely on Divine Timing for the rest. So don't give up as The Universe will straighten things out in the way you NEED, but not always the way you WANT. That's Saturn for ya. Yet, if you want to dive deeper and know more about your particular situation and how to strengthen your patience, ya girl is available staring 7/16! See ya later!
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Thanks for tuning in! I hope yall learned, processed, and transmuted this SuperMoon. You are the most powerful being in existence, and you can change the world at your fingertips if you really think so. You just gotta work with The Universe to do it. 🌎✨💎🦋♑️
-Claude 🔥✨🌎💎❤️🦋
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REFLECTIONS Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in the past year?
2015:  The beginning of the fall semester when I grew a lot more confidence
2016: Studied abroad
2017: Graduated
2018: Moved into the B Flat
  2. What is the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2015/16/17/18?
2015: Getting over Marble maybe
2016: Getting over Hawaii
2017: Making my 4500 film
2018: The music videos I did
  3. What thing did you learn the most from this year?
2015: Hawaii and Marble
2016: My film class
2017: Also my film class
2018: My film jobs and internships
  4. What is the kindest thing you did this year?
2015:  I don’t think I’m the one to ask, you’d have to ask people who perceived kindness
2016: Same
2017: Same
2018: Same
  5. Did you lose any close family member this year?
2015: Nope
2016: No
2017: No
2018: My great aunt died
  6. Pick three words to describe 2015/16/17/18.
2015: A learning experience
2016: Single, senior, band
2017: Senior to graduate
2018: Almost an adult
  7. What did you do in 2015/16/17/18 that you never did before?
2015: Got further than I ever had in my love life
2016: Studied abroad
2017: Moved into a house with roommates
2018: Moved in with male roommates, did an internship
  8. Did you keep last year’s resolutions? What were they?
2015: Here we go. Put one happy moment from each day into a jar: YES. Go to the gym regularly: Doing better but still could use improvement. Get a summer job: Yes. Make an effort to eat breakfast: Haha nope. Make an effort to look pretty: About the same as last year. Talk to people more and appear more confident: Yes. Find things to be excited about: Not as much as I want. Find a boyfriend: NOPE. Write more: Not really. Read more: Maybe a little. Have adventures: Some, but not as much as I would like. Initiate things: Yes. Use “I” more: Yes. Be less mean to myself: Yes. Overthink less: No, still working on that. Be proud of myself for trying my best but accept not being perfect: I guess. Take responsibility: More. Be positive and enthusiastic: Still working on it. Carpe diem: Not enough.
2016: I can’t remember lol
2017: I can’t remember what I wrote. Here’s what I’ll do: write my 2018 resolutions so that when I reblog this next year I will know:
2018: Be more adventurous: Maybe? Overthink and strategize less: HA not really. Get a film job: Yes. Eat more vegetables: Maybe a little but still not enough. Go to the gym, like, ever: Yes. Read more: Kinda. Finish my Harry Potter spellbook: Not yet.
2019 resolutions: Get a boyfriend. Be more spontaneous and adventurous. Lose weight and eat better. Read more books. Finish my Harry Potter spellbook. Learn how to work hard. Spend more time with my friends. Love myself, and be someone I love. Carpe diem. Keep doing the moment calendar and journal. Earn more money than I spend. Travel. Discover new music. Try new creative things. Believe in myself. Learn to be a leader. Watch more movies. Think about other people. Learn how to make mistakes.
  9. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2015/16/17/18?
2015: Went to Las Vegas for my birthday and California with the band and Kentucky to see Paul McCartney.
2016: Went to Italy, went on band trips to California and Texas
2017: Went to London with my mom, went to New Orleans for my cousin’s wedding and hooked up with my 6th grade crush, went to Wyoming for the solar eclipse
2018: Went to Las Vegas for a film shoot
10. What would you like to have in 2016/17/18/19 that you lacked in 2015/16/17/18?
2016: Still a boyfriend lmao fml
2017: Still a boyfriend but one that I feel satisfied with. I’m not sure if I’m there with Guacamole. Also he’s not even my boyfriend yet
2018: Still a boyfriend lmao
 11. Do you even believe in new year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
2015: I think they are a good idea, for reflection as much as goals.
2016: Maybe. Idk
2017: Yeah it’s a good idea
2018: It’s always good to try to better yourself and it gives you motivation to do it
 12. Do you believe that 2015/16/17/18 had an reoccurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
2015: No more than any other year really
2016: More like my entire life has a recurring theme of being single af
2017: Not really
2018: Boys I like having girlfriends
 13. Do you feel like 2015/16/17/18 went by too fast?
2015: No
2016: It went a little fast, especially now that I’m about to graduate
2017: Not really
2018: Not really, but maybe my youth went too fast
 14. Did you fall in love with any new artists during the year 2015/16/17/18? List them.
2015: I fell back in love with Taylor Swift
2016: Collabro
2017: Anastasia the Musical cast, and Hamilton is growing on me
2018: A bunch of musicals
 15. Brag about two of your accomplishments in 2015/16/17/18.
2015: I made a couple cool music videos, and I lost some weight after increasing my gym attendance.
2016: I made a short film, Pancakes, with a full crew. I got straight A’s in the spring.
2017: I graduated and I made another short film
2018: I worked on two film shoots and I got promoted at work
  16. What was your favorite movie that came out this year?
2015: The Martian
2016: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
2017: Coco
2018: A Star Is Born
  17. Fill in the blank: In 2016/17/18/19 I will ____________.
2015: Get the confidence back that I had in the fall
2016: Graduate college
2017: Start looking for film jobs
2018: Find myself
  18. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2016/17/18/19, where would you go?
2015: Italy, and I plan to!
2016: London, and I plan to
2017: Scotland or Ireland, and I don’t have any plans to
2018: Maybe that Israel birthright thing
  19. What was your biggest regret of 2015/16/17/18?
2015: Worrying about the future when I had something good rather than just enjoying it
2016: Not trying enough in making friends and making the most out of it
2017: Maybe not getting quite enough out of college
2018: Forgetting or never quite learning how to work hard. That and not asking a cute guy out in time
  20. Do you think you’ll be having a better 2016/17/18/19 than 2015/16/17/18?
2015: I hope so
2016: I hope so
2017: I hope so
2018: I hope so and I think so
 21. Did you make any new friends this year? Lose any friends?
2015: I got closer with some friends :)
2016: I made some new band and film friends. One of my friends from freshman year died.
2017: I almost lost a friend but now we seem to be friends again. I also made some new ones
2018: I made some new ones, and kinda stopped being friends with some of my old roommates
22. What was the biggest adventure of the last year?
2015: Hawaii, I think
2016: Studying abroad
2017: Moving out and starting to adult
2018: The film shoots
23. Did you get cake on your birthday? Presents? What you wanted?
2015: Yeah I went to Vegas which was cool! Got cake and alcohol and presents
2016: I did not get cake but I got IHOP. I got presents, and the football team won the game that day sending us to the PAC 12 Championship
2017: I got pancakes, presents, and maybe I’m starting to get what I wanted?
2018: I got chocolate mousse and presents and I didn’t even know what I wanted
24. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
2016: Not too much has changed but I think I’m prettier, more confident, braver, and value bravery more.
2016: I’m lazier, gained back the weight that I lost last year, and lost some of the confidence from last year. Wow…
2017: I’m not a student anymore
2018: I maybe lost some of my hope in my love life and felt more set in my ways
Bold the statements that are true (2015) and cross out (2016) and italicize (2017) and I’m running out of formats so CAPS (2018)
In the year 2015/2016/2017 I confess that I….
KISSED SOMEONE I HAVE NEVER KISSED BEFORE. DID SOMETHING I REGRET. Painted a picture. Dyed my hair. Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before. Wrote a poem. Graduated from High School. Graduated from College. Applied for Graduate School. RAN A MILE. Ate much healthier. Ended toxic friendships. GAINED A NEW FRIEND. Gained a new best friend. Visited a foreign country. LIED. HAD A FIGHT WITH MY PARENTS. HAD A SECRET/KEPT A SECRET. Realized my homosexuality. REALIZED MY BISEXUALITY. (OR AT LEAST QUESTIONED IT) Realized my pansexuality. Realized my asexuality. Broke a promise. Slept under the stars. STAYED UP TILL SUNRISE. PUSHED SOMEONE AWAY. Got in a fight. SLEPT WITH SOMEONE OTHER THAN MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER. ATTENDED A PARTY. Got dumped. Got a new piercing/tattoo. Learned that I wasn’t cis gender. Drank underage/used illegal substances. ATTENDED A CONCERT. ATTENDED A MUSICAL. TRAVELED TO ANOTHER CITY. Broke someone’s heart. Hiding something from someone. MADE SOMEONE’S DAY. Cheated on a test/homework. Physically cheated on my significant other. Emotionally cheated on my significant other. Quit a job. GOT A NEW JOB. Learned to hate someone I thought I never would. Learned to be more patient. Saw the supermoon. SAW THE METEOR SHOWER.
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming? 🧡🌸🌹💜
Hello folks and welcome back to the next chapter of my moon series, all about growing your intention over the month! I had some crazy weather and managed to get both moonrain and moonwater. The moon was SO BRIGHT outside I even attempted (poorly) to read a book underneath it. If there's collective advice I can give for all four piles, it's to get some extra sleep lol especially when full moons this bright can disrupt our schedules.
As a ritual option, if you do gather moonwater, you can consecrate it to your intent via drinking or bathing. Imagine that you're watering that which is now ready to come into full bloom. The water energy will be particularly potent since it's in the tropical sign of Pisces. It's an energy that can receive powerful insights from dreams and visions so long as one's channels are properly cleansed and cleared. If you're an artist this is a great full moon for finding a good creative idea to work with throughout the rest of the year.
Pick one of the three flowers below to find out how your seed is now flowering to its full potential during this Superbloom! Pictures provided from flowers growing in my own house and yard. Divider from @animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
1, Orange Daylily - 2, Mauve Musk Mallow
3, Scarlet Bee Balm - 4, African Violet
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Pile 1: Orange Daylily
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Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Cups, IX Hermit, King of Cups New Moon Eclipse - Expect Powerful Change, Virgo Moon - Trust, Everlasting Daisy - Fortitude
This tarot deck, I swear! Almost every time I use it, this frightening five of swords pops out. I used to gasp, but now I'm like "really, again?" Maybe that's a metaphor for your reading, pile 1. Big changes are on the horizon and you're shocked and overwhelmed and don't know what you're doing--relax, it's all going to be fine.
You are blooming through persistence. No matter what silly, inane situation or conflict you find yourself in, you have shown that it pays to stick to your vision and keep pushing through no matter what. It's become like a personal compass for you, leading you where you need to go when things on the outside become too confusing to mess with. You know scenes in shows where a bunch of people are fighting over something like a coveted treasure, then you see that one person in the background is quietly making their getaway with the treasure. If the others fighting could stop and think for a second, they'd realize that you're already several steps ahead of them.
I felt the Hermit card long before I even pulled it, so the general advice here is as simple as: keep doing what you're doing! You may not see where you want to be right now but you're success will be guaranteed once you've made it. You're being asked to trust in the process for now. If you need to hide yourself away in order to focus, then keep doing it. You need to be mindful with how you spend your energy, and petty quarrels are the biggest energy drains. Getting too many other minds involved in the process is only going to bog you down, and not with cranberries. There's already a lot going on, so give yourself chances to disconnect.
Eventually, you'll be able to reconnect again, from a healthier place. Isolation is meant to help you, not remain a staple feature in your life. Sometimes we have to step away from people in order to enjoy the time spent with them again. Absence makes the heart fonder and all that. Your sense of light and joy is the key here. Does being alone make you feel more at ease, or does spending time with someone you care about? Daylily is named for their flowers which only bloom for one day before falling away. Orange Daylily is especially optimistic. It's asking you to take it one day at a time. A day for this, a day for that.
Soon, you will come to a place where you can feel more emotionally centered and your boat won't get rocked so easily. King of Cups isn't a rock, he lets himself feel tenderly and passionately, he lets others feel before him, but he doesn't let those feelings consume or overwhelm him. Don't be in a pressure to be that kind of person at the moment. You don't have to act emotionally above it all, or like you're only there to absorb the conflict. You can be King of Cups for your own sake, when you're ready to handle it. For now, quiet persistence is one way you can create emotional boundaries while you're undergoing shifts in your life.
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Pile 2: Mauve Musk Mallow
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Six of Wands, X Wheel of Fortune, I Magician, Eight of Cups, XIII Death Full Moon Aquarius - Show the World the Real You, Libra Moon - Sympathise, Gardenia - Awareness
I really liked the initial energy of this pile. You must have done something right! Because of your particular talents, and staying true to yourself as well, you were able to accomplish something that would have seemed impossible ages ago. It's like you're striking lucky somewhere in your life. I sense whatever this luck was varies so much because I'm not getting details as to what. The focus seems to be more on your sudden boost of confidence. It may begin to feel like things are finally starting to work out in your favor.
You are blooming through serendipity. This chance will spark a light in you to have more fun with your life. The Musk Mallow can represent playfulness, but mallow plants are notorious for their soothing capabilities. It's offering relief on the pressure valve a little so you can come back into balance with yourself again. However, this luck is not intended to last. It's there just enough to support and push you into a more positive direction, but it's not something to fall back on hoping there will no longer be worries. Allow yourself to enjoy the success but don't let it get to your head.
I think in order to receive this opportunity, you'll need to let go of something, maybe just for a little while like a break. It could be other opportunities that are tempting you or some blockage getting in the way. I get a sense for many of you that you may need to spend less time with certain people even if temporarily. This is in order to focus and allow the best possible outcome. The people you would be distancing will likely be people who don't support you or have the best intentions for your future. Don't entertain those who try to put you down for your successes. It may suck if this is a close friend or family member, but a true friend will stick around for you even if you suddenly get swept up in something good, even if you have to undergo radical change to make it possible.
Either way, I see you taking on this opportunity with a high chance for further success if you can keep your head in the game. Stay vigilant and don't rest now while the iron is still hot--strike! Take a moment to feel good about yourself without shame. It's okay to feel bad if some can't necessarily share with you in that success. It doesn't mean you have to let them drag you down with negative attitudes. You're doing your own thing, here.
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Pile 3: Red Bee Balm
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Ten of Pentacles (Rv), VI Lovers, Nine of Swords, XIV Temperance, Ten of Swords Third Quarter Moon - Adjustments Are Required, Aries Sun - Assert, Orange Blossom - Enthusiasm
This might be a specific message for some: are you planning to come out of the closet to anyone close to you, like family members? Or you could be disclosing a delicate secret to them about something like a choice you've recently made? Whatever it is, it has you feeling in a bit of a tangle. This is something that's been bugging you for a while and you're at the point where you're willing to step it up and change.
You are blooming through authenticity. You're coming into a place where you feel more real with yourself, and more aligned with your decisions. You're seeing yourself for who you are, with all the cultural and religious baggage at the side for now. Through that, you're able to expand your awareness on what it is you want out of life. Maybe you'd rather move than stay where you are, or change college majors, maybe you'd rather get a pet fish than a pet hamster. You have to know who you are to know what it is you want. Funny how it doesn't always work the other way around. Wants can be fickle but you're learning to balance the different perspectives.
If this choice means leaving behind values that have been passed down to you for ages, it may not necessarily be easy. It may not always involve stripping away it all. You don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you're just looking to give the child better soap. You can leave behind that which is only pulling you away from your authentic self. The rest is fluff. Tropical Aries Sun starts off spring season, reminding you that for every end you have the ability to create a new and better beginning with enthusiasm.
Be gentle with how you address this information to the outside. You may likely encounter opposition with your choices, especially those who would rather treat you like a child. Assertion is not the same as aggression, remember. We sometimes get caught up in our heads, believing everyone who's against us will always be fervently against us, which isn't always so. People can always change their minds and open up. It's not in your power to push them through that door, you can only keep the door open and point the signs in that direction. If they sting you, Bee Balm's medicine will be there with you, easing the pain and cheering you on for your commitment to yourself.
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Pile 4: African Violet
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Knight of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Eight of Cups (Rv.), Nine of Pentacles New Moon Cancer - You and Your Loved Ones Are Safe, Leo Sun - Create, Azalea - Temperance
Wherever it is in life you're focused on most, you've been diligently chipping away at it for some time. It feels like the right strike to hit gold is close. You're hoping that once you do, things will smooth out again and you can breathe. Every now and then, though, there comes a time where you have to stop where you are at in the present and breathe. As you do, notice everything going on around you and the amazing things currently at your table.
You are blooming through gratitude. It's not a typical message you get with the sad five of cups, but sometimes we have to look closely. The girl depicted clearly feels close to the seal, and they're able to bond over good times together even when dark uncertain times have crossed them. They're able to remember what was special, which any sadness on the surface can't erase. The two cups standing represent gratitude and hope. You're able to see that you've come a long way, and though there's much to still do, you can take the time to enjoy what you've accomplished so far. There's a bittersweet feeling to it, though, like you're not sure if you want to stop and mull for too much or you might feel too hard about what's been missed or left behind long ago.
Is there a worry over how loved ones around you might be reacting to your growth? This spread is signalling that you've already come so far, so there's no fret in slowing down and making time to spend with others. Family doesn't have to mean literal family, it refers to whomever you call "home". It could be your one dog and a studio apartment and I'd say "yes, take your dog on an extra walk today, not just cause they're a good dog but because you need this time to decompress and your dog wants to help you." Whether people in your life are under or over reacting, it doesn't have to affect your sense of gratitude for your progress. Maybe they're giving you no support for your efforts, or they're being overbearing to where you feel like they're actually pushing you away from what you're doing, but you're the Queen of Pentacles here, happily receiving from the Nine of Pentacles. The gratitude is in your mindset and how you approach it.
There's also one more separate advice, pile 4. Don't let your family discourage you from what you're making. Please don't toss away whatever it is you're working on now. Leo Sun wants you to be bold, open, and creatively expressive. Find a way to balance between working on it and getting feedback from everyone else. African Violets love that you care for family, but feels you could do without the smothering effect neglecting your growth. There's a time and a place for everything. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself in the meanwhile.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
🌴 The Masterlist Post That is Me 🌴
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Welcome to the VitaminSee Tarot hyperspace. 🦩
Ko-Fi Link For Donations/Tips: VitaminSeeTarot
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I like doing Tarot inspired by astrology, magic, vaporwave, and the elements of nature. My focus is on organic fun, hypoallergenic wellness, and nontoxic positivity.
(NOTE: 18+ Age Space [Although I don't do sex-themed readings])
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☁ Exchange Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌤 Free Game Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
🌤 Paid Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
Please DM me with non-game inquiries, thank you for understanding
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・:*:♪ Games: ・:*:♪
January Tarot Game - CLOSED
March Palette Game - CLOSED
・:*:♪ Pick a Cards: ・:*:♪
Poll PAC: What Will Your Next Birthday Celebration Be Like
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun
PAC: How Will You Experience Good Luck This Spring?
PAC: March Blessings For You
PAC: Quick Messages From Your Spirit Guides
PAC (Pick-a-Candy): February's Message For You
PAC: Your January Forecast
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024
PAC: 11/11 Self-Care Messages
NaNoWriMo: What Character Could You Write Into Your Next Story?
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
PAC: How Can Nature Heal You?
PAC: What Does Libra Season Have in Store For You?
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like?
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting?
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming?
PAC Pick a Palette: One Small Thing That Will Help You Grow
New Moon PAC: What Seed Are You Sowing?
Perseid PAC Pick a Fruit: What Blessings Are About to Shower Upon Your Life?
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
PAC: Yes/No/Maybe - 7 Piles
Quick General Advice for Your Situation (PAC)
PAC - Full SuperMoon - What are you attracting and releasing?
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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adorastarot · 9 months
🌙Master post
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Hi everyone! My name is Adora and I'm 26 years old! Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for being here! I have been thinking about this for a long time and it's finally happening!
I am a tarot reader for a living and have been an ARMY for a few years and decided to bring my two passions together!
This will be the masterlist for my future posts (although it may change overtime)
🌙Rules for asks:
I only do free BTS readings, you can ask any questions you would like, but it is up to my discretion if I and the members are comfortable answering.
For personal readings & to donate please head over to my Ko-fi:
Readings available for purchase (delivered within 24hrs)
Some previously done BTS & YOU readings (shared with permission & name changed for privacy reasons)
💕Ko-Fi Membership readings Masterlist
PAC Readings
Message for you from the cards
Message for you from BTS
FS' as coffee
Will BTS be their fs' first partners?
Yoongi, Namjoon & Jungkook's FS energy check (01/08)
How fans will react to fs' appearance
Do V's & JK's FS have a connection?
Supermoon's influence on BTS [30/08/23]
Random facts about the FS' [part 1]
Energy check on the FS [27/08/23]
What Namjoon is looking for in a partner & marriage
When will Namjoon meet his fs?
A message from Namjoon for his FS
Will Namjoon and fs connect straight away?
How does Namjoon's family feel about the fs?
How will Namjoon's fs' family think/feel about Joon?
How will BTS react to Joon's fs?
Yoongi's message and advice for his FS
Yoongi's message for fs part 2
FS message to Yoongi
Yoongi & FS first meeting
Yoongi and fs energy towards each other (30/07)
Yoongi & fs saga continues - after their meeting
How Yoongi & fs will solve arguments
Yoongi's karmic lessons
How did Yoongi's FS find out they were the one?
When will Yoongi and his fs meet?
Did Yoongi's fs watch D-DAY?
Yoongi & fs purpose
Is Yoongi's fs foreign?
How will Yoongi take care of his pregnant partner?
How will Yoongi act when jealous?
Yoongi's fs relationship with the members
Yoongi & fs meeting - updated
Yoongi's path to his fs
Yoongi's family reaction to fs
How is Yoongi's fs doing [31/08/23]
Is Yoongi's fs a celebrity?
How will BTS react to Yoongi's fs?
Hobi & FS attraction
Hobi's message and advice for his FS
Jimin's message for his fs
Jimin's fs energy check
Jimin & FS meeting
Have Jimin & FS met?
Jimin's path to his fs
Does Jimin know anything about his fs?
How will Jimin care for his pregnant partner?
V's Album Theme & Current Energy
V's message and advice for his FS
How will V realise he has fallen for his fs
V's current love life (31/07)
How would V treat his pregnant partner?
Jungkook's Album - Concept & Sound
Message/Advice for JK's FS
Jungkook's love life
When will Jungkook meet his fs?
Jungkook & FS attraction
Jungkook's message and advice for his FS
Jungkook's first date with FS
The future of JK's lives
JK & cooking for the fs
How will JK and his fs solve relationship problems
Will Jk and his fs be an on and off couple
When will Jungkook realise he is falling for his fs
Does JK's fs know they are his fs?
Is Jungkook's fs foreign?
Jungkook's fs career
Is Jungkook's fs rich?
Jungkook & fs - purpose
Jungkook's fs message for him
Will Jungkook's parents like his fs?
Is Jungkook dating right now?
How will Jungkook take care of his pregnant partner?
Who will cook more? Jk or the fs?
Why is JK's fs special?
Does JK's fs know about the tarot readings?
JK's fs & Travel
Jungkook's path to fs
JK's family's view of the fs
How will Jungkook's fs take care of him?
Who in BTS will JK's fs get along with the most?
Jungkook's EX & FSo
What will JK's brother think about the fs?
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
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Sup y'all, I'm back for the second round of my PAC marathon happening before the end of October! I wanted to pull some guidance from this lunar eclipse season, especially since it's felt very energetically heavy since the last full moon. All three piles are going through some stage of great transformation taking place -- just in time for Scorpio season.
To assist me, I've consulted three red dragons, known in the deck as Watcher dragons, to help you choose your reading. I like Universal Dragon oracle as an "energy" deck by embodying the traits each dragon represents through meditation practice, and these red dragons specialize in guiding through important life transitions. If you prefer to choose intuitively by color, I've also added three gemstones for your piles below:
Pile 1, Knowledge Dragon + Cherry Quartz Pile 2, Awakening Dragon + Lepidolite Pile 3, Emergence Dragon + Lapis Lazuli
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Pile 1: Knowledge Dragon + Cherry Quartz
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Supermoon, 21. Venus, 5. Heart Healing, Alcalb: Poison and Medicine, 4 of Cups, 2 of Wands, VI Lovers, King of Pentacles, XX Judgement
Please be gentle with yourself at this time, pile 1. You're in need of a soothing kind of support. This could be a turbulent time to deal with purging out any negativity from your past. You may get reminders of some old issues which return out of nowhere to grab your attention. Even if occasional, you may need to remind yourself that you will be okay.
Be open with giving yourself comfort, or letting others baby you a little bit when you're feeling down. The King of Pentacles could be you or someone else, but this is the profile of somebody who is generous and aims to please. Embodying Venusian energy, this King wants you to feel at rest and does not mind offering tasty fruit or a warm blanket to cheer you up. Sitting next to the Four of Cups, it may be emphasizing that you need to allow yourself the chance to receive this care.
If your issue is related to a partnership, going out and spending time with friends or even on your own may be a better way to take it easy, instead of trying to work out anything now. This is not the exact time or place to be settling out bigger issues in your relationships unless it's urgent. They'll show up on their own time anyway. This reading wants to focus on maintaining your emotional well being. If this is not relationship but involves a situation in the present, then step away as much as you can and be as kind and patient with yourself as possible.
The key here is to maintain self awareness when these strong emotions move through you, that's what the Knowledge dragon wants you to know. "Knowing is half the battle." There may be a strong pull to making the kind of choices that can lead to major growth in your life path, but although new events and alliance are waiting ahead of you, the lunar eclipse is a golden opportunity to just purge and completely release whatever trauma based feelings are trying to hold you back.
You could be particularly affected by the phases and placements of the moon. Check your natal chart to see and compare the transiting moon with yours, see how the moon makes contact with other planets as it moves through each of the signs. If you're interested in brushing up your studies, whether astronomy or astrology, this is a very good time to glean a lot more insight than normal. It's easier to learn lessons when you're in a state of ease.
(extra note: I see multiple fruits in your pile: the apple stained glass, cherry quartz, pomegranate, and the berries the blue jays are holding. Fruits can be a reference to eating healthy snacks, or an emphasis on romance. These mood swings may feel intense, but they will yield fruit for you. Please take it how it resonates for you.)
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Pile 2: Awakening Dragon + Lepidolite
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Full Moon Sagittarius, 15. Retrograde, 6. Freedom, Aldebaran: Destruction and Rejection, Knight of Wands, 6 of Cups, 8 of Wands, 9 of Swords, 8 of Swords
Hey pile 2, you picked one of my favorite cards in this dragon deck! I love how the light in the tree hollow resembles a portal. The energy of the Retrograde card looks to be the very opposite: all the colors of nature are drained, and all that's left are structures of near perfect symmetry and order. It's almost like you're the figure in the Retrograde card who's actually looking back and choosing to leave behind the old structure for the new and unknown with nervous enthusiasm., but not without wistfulness.
This is something you've likely sensed would happen and now that the predicted situation is at hand, things must change quickly to adjust. It reminds me of movies where the character is watching something like a building fall or a ship sink, but they have an escape pod where they can be safe with family. In these movies, the character always takes another look back to remember all the good and bad times that made it so special. The character wants to stay in that space forever until the others shout "c'mon! Hurry up!"
It's understandable that when we sense a big change is underway, we take time out to appreciate the good times had. There's a difference, though, between simply being nostalgic by enjoying memories, and the fear based resistance of walking towards whatever lies ahead. You may have recently gone through a deep shadow work period where some of your anxieties were brought to light and dealt with. You're nearing the end of this difficult cycle, however, so give yourself the chance to breathe a little before moving on.
When the next chapter comes, it may happen rather quickly. That's why the Six of Cups and Lepidolite want you to take a step back just a little and heal your more gentle, imaginative, fun loving side. Read an old comic book or bake cookies, surround yourself with familiar things. This will allow you to be more flexible and resilient about encountering anything that comes next, instead of feeling worn out.
You're at a place now where you're ready to let go of an old cycle, one that kept you feeling a little stuck in the dark. Some balance is needed. Enjoying pieces of the past does not mean getting mired in it and unable to progress. If anything, sometimes it's necessary to take a step back to move two steps forward, like when we watch a movie twice and see new things we hadn't noticed during the first watch. Bring the best from the past with you. When the time is right, don't be afraid to not run, not walk, but to step carefully into the portal.
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Pile 3: Emergence Dragon + Lapis Lazuli
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South Node, 8. Scorpio, 2. Understanding, Atlas: Guidance and Discovery, XX Judgement, VII Chariot, 4 of Wands, Knight of Swords, XV Devil
Overwhelmingly, pile 3, I'm seeing that you're getting the green light to go ahead and embark on your next path. Notice all the teal color in your oracle cards? It's a popular color in hospitals as it provides a gentle contrast to healing that could be painful and frightening for patients. I initially imagined someone wading through a dark sewer only to approach the light of the other side. In the Understanding card, you can see that the hooded figure is walking over the stream and not in it. It's as if the bridge appeared out of nowhere. And the water looks pure and flowing smooth.
Something in your external world may be pushing you along to your next journey, whether or not you're entirely ready. What is it you would like to do, or where is it you would like to go next? I feel with the Judgement card, it's talking about a specific issue or event in your life. It's less a case of throwing darts to see what will stick and more of following the path that aligns with your true self. Your life is leading you to your life path with two thumbs up.
It's as if Judgement as a card represented an intersection, where many roads of various directions diverge into one area. You must put your turn signal on and indicate where you plan to proceed next. The sooner you can get clear on which road to take, the faster your next chapter will roll out. Just make sure you're using the right signal.
The biggest hurdle to overcome will be the ever present comfort zone. A comfort zone is not something to be fought. It's a necessary part of keeping up with the body and mind. Imagine constantly taking in novel material? That's what babies do, and they speak in gurgles 'cause they can hardly stand that everything is so new! It can be overwhelming.
People aren't always meant to push themselves to miserable exhaustion like Atlas just because a life of being more relaxed and certain seems boring and less fulfilling. But at the same time, we must learn to expand past what we know and love to something fresh and exciting. Whatever goal you're seeking to start or resolve, the light is green and you have the right of way. Spend time getting clear on your choices. But don't hold back anymore!
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2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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REFLECTIONS Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in the past year?
2015:  The beginning of the fall semester when I grew a lot more confidence
2016: Studied abroad
2017: Graduated
   2. What is the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2015/16/17?
2015: Getting over Marble maybe
2016: Getting over Hawaii
2017: Making my 4500 film
   3. What thing did you learn the most from this year?
2015: Hawaii and Marble
2016: My film class
2017: Also my film class
   4. What is the kindest thing you did this year?
2015:  I don’t think I’m the one to ask, you’d have to ask people who perceived kindness
2016: Same
2017: Same
   5. Did you lose any close family member this year?
2015: Nope
2016: No
2017: No
   6. Pick three words to describe 2015/16/17.
2015: A learning experience
2016: Single, senior, band
2017: Senior to graduate
   7. What did you do in 2015/16/17 that you never did before?
2015: Got further than I ever had in my love life
2016: Studied abroad
2017: Moved into a house with roommates
   8. Did you keep last year’s resolutions? What were they?
2015: Here we go. Put one happy moment from each day into a jar: YES. Go to the gym regularly: Doing better but still could use improvement. Get a summer job: Yes. Make an effort to eat breakfast: Haha nope. Make an effort to look pretty: About the same as last year. Talk to people more and appear more confident: Yes. Find things to be excited about: Not as much as I want. Find a boyfriend: NOPE. Write more: Not really. Read more: Maybe a little. Have adventures: Some, but not as much as I would like. Initiate things: Yes. Use “I” more: Yes. Be less mean to myself: Yes. Overthink less: No, still working on that. Be proud of myself for trying my best but accept not being perfect: I guess. Take responsibility: More. Be positive and enthusiastic: Still working on it. Carpe diem: Not enough.
2016: I can’t remember lol
2017: I can’t remember what I wrote. Here’s what I’ll do: write my 2018 resolutions so that when I reblog this next year I will know:
2018: Be more adventurous. Overthink and strategize less. Get a film job. Eat more vegetables. Go to the gym, like, ever. Read more. Finish my Harry Potter spellbook.
   9. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2015/16/17?
2015: Went to Las Vegas for my birthday and California with the band and Kentucky to see Paul McCartney.
2016: Went to Italy, went on band trips to California and Texas
2017: Went to London with my mom, went to New Orleans for my cousin’s wedding and hooked up with my 6th grade crush, went to Wyoming for the solar eclipse
 10. What would you like to have in 2016/17/18 that you lacked in 2015/16/17?
2016: Still a boyfriend lmao fml
2017: Still a boyfriend but one that I feel satisfied with. I’m not sure if I’m there with Guacamole. Also he’s not even my boyfriend yet
  11. Do you even believe in new year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
2015: I think they are a good idea, for reflection as much as goals.
2016: Maybe. Idk
2017: Yeah it’s a good idea
  12. Do you believe that 2015/16/17 had an reoccurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
2015: No more than any other year really
2016: More like my entire life has a recurring theme of being single af
2017: Not really
  13. Do you feel like 2015/16/17 went by too fast?
2015: No
2016: It went a little fast, especially now that I’m about to graduate
2017: Not really
  14. Did you fall in love with any new artists during the year 2015/16/17? List them.
2015: I fell back in love with Taylor Swift
2016: Collabro
2017: Anastasia the Musical cast, and Hamilton is growing on me
  15. Brag about two of your accomplishments in 2015/16/17.
2015: I made a couple cool music videos, and I lost some weight after increasing my gym attendance.
2016: I made a short film, Pancakes, with a full crew. I got straight A’s in the spring.
2017: I graduated and I made another short film
   16. What was your favorite movie that came out this year?
2015: The Martian
2016: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
2017: Coco
   17. Fill in the blank: In 2016/17/18 I will ____________.
2015: Get the confidence back that I had in the fall
2016: Graduate college
2017: Start looking for film jobs
   18. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2016/17/18, where would you go?
2015: Italy, and I plan to!
2016: London, and I plan to
2017: Scotland or Ireland, and I don’t have any plans to
   19. What was your biggest regret of 2015/16/17?
2015: Worrying about the future when I had something good rather than just enjoying it
2016: Not trying enough in making friends and making the most out of it
2017: Maybe not getting quite enough out of college
   20. Do you think you’ll be having a better 2016/17/18 than 2015/16/17?
2015: I hope so
2016: I hope so
2017: I hope so
  21. Did you make any new friends this year? Lose any friends?
2015: I got closer with some friends :)
2016: I made some new band and film friends. One of my friends from freshman year died.
2017: I almost lost a friend but now we seem to be friends again. I also made some new ones
 22. What was the biggest adventure of the last year?
2015: Hawaii, I think
2016: Studying abroad
2017: Moving out and starting to adult
 23. Did you get cake on your birthday? Presents? What you wanted?
2015: Yeah I went to Vegas which was cool! Got cake and alcohol and presents
2016: I did not get cake but I got IHOP. I got presents, and the football team won the game that day sending us to the PAC 12 Championship
2017: I got pancakes, presents, and maybe I’m starting to get what I wanted?
 24. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
2016: Not too much has changed but I think I’m prettier, more confident, braver, and value bravery more.
2016: I’m lazier, gained back the weight that I lost last year, and lost some of the confidence from last year. Wow…
2017: I’m not a student anymore
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true (2015) and cross out (2016) and italicize (2017)
In the year 2015/2016/2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before. Did something I regret. Painted a picture. Dyed my hair. Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before. Wrote a poem. Graduated from High School. Graduated from College. Applied for Graduate School. Ran a mile. Ate much healthier. Ended toxic friendships. Gained a new friend. Gained a new best friend. Visited a foreign country. Lied. Had a fight with my parents. Had a secret/kept a secret. Realized my homosexuality. Realized my bisexuality. Realized my pansexuality. Realized my asexuality. Broke a promise. Slept under the stars. Stayed up until sunrise. Pushed someone away. Got in a fight. Slept with someone other than my significant other. Attended a party. Got dumped. Got a new piercing/tattoo. Learned that I wasn’t cis gender. Drank underage/used illegal substances. Attended a concert. Attended a musical. Traveled to another city. Broke someone’s heart. Hiding something from someone. Made someone’s day. Cheated on a test/homework. Physically cheated on my significant other. Emotionally cheated on my significant other. Quit a job. Got a new job. Learned to hate someone I thought I never would. Learned to be more patient. Saw the supermoon. Saw the meteor shower.
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