#flower pac
vitaminseetarot · 8 months
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming? 🧡🌸🌹💜
Hello folks and welcome back to the next chapter of my moon series, all about growing your intention over the month! I had some crazy weather and managed to get both moonrain and moonwater. The moon was SO BRIGHT outside I even attempted (poorly) to read a book underneath it. If there's collective advice I can give for all four piles, it's to get some extra sleep lol especially when full moons this bright can disrupt our schedules.
As a ritual option, if you do gather moonwater, you can consecrate it to your intent via drinking or bathing. Imagine that you're watering that which is now ready to come into full bloom. The water energy will be particularly potent since it's in the tropical sign of Pisces. It's an energy that can receive powerful insights from dreams and visions so long as one's channels are properly cleansed and cleared. If you're an artist this is a great full moon for finding a good creative idea to work with throughout the rest of the year.
Pick one of the three flowers below to find out how your seed is now flowering to its full potential during this Superbloom! Pictures provided from flowers growing in my own house and yard. Divider from @animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
1, Orange Daylily - 2, Mauve Musk Mallow
3, Scarlet Bee Balm - 4, African Violet
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Pile 1: Orange Daylily
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Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Cups, IX Hermit, King of Cups New Moon Eclipse - Expect Powerful Change, Virgo Moon - Trust, Everlasting Daisy - Fortitude
This tarot deck, I swear! Almost every time I use it, this frightening five of swords pops out. I used to gasp, but now I'm like "really, again?" Maybe that's a metaphor for your reading, pile 1. Big changes are on the horizon and you're shocked and overwhelmed and don't know what you're doing--relax, it's all going to be fine.
You are blooming through persistence. No matter what silly, inane situation or conflict you find yourself in, you have shown that it pays to stick to your vision and keep pushing through no matter what. It's become like a personal compass for you, leading you where you need to go when things on the outside become too confusing to mess with. You know scenes in shows where a bunch of people are fighting over something like a coveted treasure, then you see that one person in the background is quietly making their getaway with the treasure. If the others fighting could stop and think for a second, they'd realize that you're already several steps ahead of them.
I felt the Hermit card long before I even pulled it, so the general advice here is as simple as: keep doing what you're doing! You may not see where you want to be right now but you're success will be guaranteed once you've made it. You're being asked to trust in the process for now. If you need to hide yourself away in order to focus, then keep doing it. You need to be mindful with how you spend your energy, and petty quarrels are the biggest energy drains. Getting too many other minds involved in the process is only going to bog you down, and not with cranberries. There's already a lot going on, so give yourself chances to disconnect.
Eventually, you'll be able to reconnect again, from a healthier place. Isolation is meant to help you, not remain a staple feature in your life. Sometimes we have to step away from people in order to enjoy the time spent with them again. Absence makes the heart fonder and all that. Your sense of light and joy is the key here. Does being alone make you feel more at ease, or does spending time with someone you care about? Daylily is named for their flowers which only bloom for one day before falling away. Orange Daylily is especially optimistic. It's asking you to take it one day at a time. A day for this, a day for that.
Soon, you will come to a place where you can feel more emotionally centered and your boat won't get rocked so easily. King of Cups isn't a rock, he lets himself feel tenderly and passionately, he lets others feel before him, but he doesn't let those feelings consume or overwhelm him. Don't be in a pressure to be that kind of person at the moment. You don't have to act emotionally above it all, or like you're only there to absorb the conflict. You can be King of Cups for your own sake, when you're ready to handle it. For now, quiet persistence is one way you can create emotional boundaries while you're undergoing shifts in your life.
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Pile 2: Mauve Musk Mallow
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Six of Wands, X Wheel of Fortune, I Magician, Eight of Cups, XIII Death Full Moon Aquarius - Show the World the Real You, Libra Moon - Sympathise, Gardenia - Awareness
I really liked the initial energy of this pile. You must have done something right! Because of your particular talents, and staying true to yourself as well, you were able to accomplish something that would have seemed impossible ages ago. It's like you're striking lucky somewhere in your life. I sense whatever this luck was varies so much because I'm not getting details as to what. The focus seems to be more on your sudden boost of confidence. It may begin to feel like things are finally starting to work out in your favor.
You are blooming through serendipity. This chance will spark a light in you to have more fun with your life. The Musk Mallow can represent playfulness, but mallow plants are notorious for their soothing capabilities. It's offering relief on the pressure valve a little so you can come back into balance with yourself again. However, this luck is not intended to last. It's there just enough to support and push you into a more positive direction, but it's not something to fall back on hoping there will no longer be worries. Allow yourself to enjoy the success but don't let it get to your head.
I think in order to receive this opportunity, you'll need to let go of something, maybe just for a little while like a break. It could be other opportunities that are tempting you or some blockage getting in the way. I get a sense for many of you that you may need to spend less time with certain people even if temporarily. This is in order to focus and allow the best possible outcome. The people you would be distancing will likely be people who don't support you or have the best intentions for your future. Don't entertain those who try to put you down for your successes. It may suck if this is a close friend or family member, but a true friend will stick around for you even if you suddenly get swept up in something good, even if you have to undergo radical change to make it possible.
Either way, I see you taking on this opportunity with a high chance for further success if you can keep your head in the game. Stay vigilant and don't rest now while the iron is still hot--strike! Take a moment to feel good about yourself without shame. It's okay to feel bad if some can't necessarily share with you in that success. It doesn't mean you have to let them drag you down with negative attitudes. You're doing your own thing, here.
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Pile 3: Red Bee Balm
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Ten of Pentacles (Rv), VI Lovers, Nine of Swords, XIV Temperance, Ten of Swords Third Quarter Moon - Adjustments Are Required, Aries Sun - Assert, Orange Blossom - Enthusiasm
This might be a specific message for some: are you planning to come out of the closet to anyone close to you, like family members? Or you could be disclosing a delicate secret to them about something like a choice you've recently made? Whatever it is, it has you feeling in a bit of a tangle. This is something that's been bugging you for a while and you're at the point where you're willing to step it up and change.
You are blooming through authenticity. You're coming into a place where you feel more real with yourself, and more aligned with your decisions. You're seeing yourself for who you are, with all the cultural and religious baggage at the side for now. Through that, you're able to expand your awareness on what it is you want out of life. Maybe you'd rather move than stay where you are, or change college majors, maybe you'd rather get a pet fish than a pet hamster. You have to know who you are to know what it is you want. Funny how it doesn't always work the other way around. Wants can be fickle but you're learning to balance the different perspectives.
If this choice means leaving behind values that have been passed down to you for ages, it may not necessarily be easy. It may not always involve stripping away it all. You don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you're just looking to give the child better soap. You can leave behind that which is only pulling you away from your authentic self. The rest is fluff. Tropical Aries Sun starts off spring season, reminding you that for every end you have the ability to create a new and better beginning with enthusiasm.
Be gentle with how you address this information to the outside. You may likely encounter opposition with your choices, especially those who would rather treat you like a child. Assertion is not the same as aggression, remember. We sometimes get caught up in our heads, believing everyone who's against us will always be fervently against us, which isn't always so. People can always change their minds and open up. It's not in your power to push them through that door, you can only keep the door open and point the signs in that direction. If they sting you, Bee Balm's medicine will be there with you, easing the pain and cheering you on for your commitment to yourself.
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Pile 4: African Violet
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Knight of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Eight of Cups (Rv.), Nine of Pentacles New Moon Cancer - You and Your Loved Ones Are Safe, Leo Sun - Create, Azalea - Temperance
Wherever it is in life you're focused on most, you've been diligently chipping away at it for some time. It feels like the right strike to hit gold is close. You're hoping that once you do, things will smooth out again and you can breathe. Every now and then, though, there comes a time where you have to stop where you are at in the present and breathe. As you do, notice everything going on around you and the amazing things currently at your table.
You are blooming through gratitude. It's not a typical message you get with the sad five of cups, but sometimes we have to look closely. The girl depicted clearly feels close to the seal, and they're able to bond over good times together even when dark uncertain times have crossed them. They're able to remember what was special, which any sadness on the surface can't erase. The two cups standing represent gratitude and hope. You're able to see that you've come a long way, and though there's much to still do, you can take the time to enjoy what you've accomplished so far. There's a bittersweet feeling to it, though, like you're not sure if you want to stop and mull for too much or you might feel too hard about what's been missed or left behind long ago.
Is there a worry over how loved ones around you might be reacting to your growth? This spread is signalling that you've already come so far, so there's no fret in slowing down and making time to spend with others. Family doesn't have to mean literal family, it refers to whomever you call "home". It could be your one dog and a studio apartment and I'd say "yes, take your dog on an extra walk today, not just cause they're a good dog but because you need this time to decompress and your dog wants to help you." Whether people in your life are under or over reacting, it doesn't have to affect your sense of gratitude for your progress. Maybe they're giving you no support for your efforts, or they're being overbearing to where you feel like they're actually pushing you away from what you're doing, but you're the Queen of Pentacles here, happily receiving from the Nine of Pentacles. The gratitude is in your mindset and how you approach it.
There's also one more separate advice, pile 4. Don't let your family discourage you from what you're making. Please don't toss away whatever it is you're working on now. Leo Sun wants you to be bold, open, and creatively expressive. Find a way to balance between working on it and getting feedback from everyone else. African Violets love that you care for family, but feels you could do without the smothering effect neglecting your growth. There's a time and a place for everything. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself in the meanwhile.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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hiirenvirnas · 4 months
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Fitmc character development has been truly incredible 👌
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aceofpatience · 8 months
🩶Sexual Intimacy with Your Soulmate → 18+ messages🩶💦
Hello, dearest oysters🐚
I have come back from the land of the eternal rest to bring you this kinda horny reading. [Warning: some graphic wording ahead🌶️]
I channeled the energy of your soulmate, how they perceive you and your intimacy and spicy times together in general.
Please leave your thoughts in the comments and as always: Shall we SEA??
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PILE 1. → blue rose
Your soulmate's energy: Cancer/Leo/Scorpio. “Who am I today?” Persistent but also a bit impulsive. their emotions are like a storm, an elemental force. They handle conflicts well, maybe because they are used to it. What’s important, they are not afraid of any uneasy, less pleasant feelings, they embrace it both in themselves and others. They are very wealthy, maybe even work in finances, but they are not stingy with their money, they like to share their wealth. There is some family drama going on, I’m sensing some rich but cold uncle vibes contrasted with the loving poorer side of the family. They had to balance between those two sides. They might travel and work a lot. Their awaited position at the top is gonna come and they know it, so they are not in a hurry, and work as much as they do because they actually like what they’re doing. They have a habit of cutting off past engagements if they feel they no longer serve them, it’s kinda ruthless tbh. They might sometimes change their looks but more often their demeanor, how they present themselves to others. It’s the change itself that drives them, not any preconceived goal or aim. They feel good among people, even in the spotlight they’re not shy. For sure they like engaging in discussions or debates - kinda ENTP vibe lol. They like intellectual chaos and challenges - painfully blunt sometimes but it serves them. Very deep inside they hide their romantic nature, one that longs for The One. Waiting for their special person to unlock their inner tenderness. Very all or nothing.
How they view you: Immediately found you attractive when they first saw you (purely physical). They like your boobs (or chest) xd. I’m feeling you might meet during summer vacation, near some body of water (pool, sea, lake, big puddle lol). You’re like chilling and sunbathing and they are like *eyes* *smitten* *wow* *mesmerized* *damn.* “Is this a Goddess?”. They view you as a bit mysterious, maybe even spiritual and kinda closed off. And listen to me, that’s important: BLUE FLOWER (maybe you will be wearing it or sth?). At first they might not see you fully and you might do some casual spicy action BUT this action will serve to you as a confirmation. Love will bloom out of that. You’re kinda a challenge, something sacred and they see how brave you are. They realized that you’re not as delicate as they might have viewed you at first. It not only impresses them, they also see you as someone on par with them. They like fighting with you, arguing (not toxic but just clashing ideals). Pretty quickly they start to see you as someone they want to start a family with.
Your sexual life overall: A lot of flirting. Netflix and chill (except not chill at all lol). Rough and fast sex, but you both can keep at it for a long time. I’m talking about destroying furniture around, that intense. During your first time they see you as a tease (and they love it). [Also your first time with them might be the first time with sex for one of you, but it’s not awkward at all. After it you both grow so attached to each other, you cannot imagine them leaving] For sure, you are both big on dirty talk during and after. You may call them ‘daddy’ or ‘sir’, any BDSM play is very likely. You can be switching between dominant and submissive. Also: public sex, screaming each other's names, mirror sex, period sex (fingering, fisting, pounding), bondage.
Extra messages: Some jealous ex maybe. You may make the first move (physically), but they catch feelings first. They can be a bit jealous of you (they see you as someone many people would want, which is both alluring and upsetting). Maybe there is an age gap. If they are a man they might have slightly longer hair. And again: blue flower, dudes.
PILE 2. → black tulip
Your soulmate's energy: “Way down we go” They are working their ass off. They are chasing their destiny, they have some serious rivals, perhaps family or coworkers or someone in close proximity. They have to fight inner demons as well as external forces, enemies. They are focused on surviving and feel the constant need to prove themselves worthy. They are highly talented and so strong mentally and physically but they underplay those strengths, they cannot comprehend their own greatness. They might be drawing or sculpting or sth else (artistic like an architect I think). They are the silent type but they are not typically grumpy, might be an awkward turtleduck kinda lol around people. They feel like you deserve better than them, even view themselves as a villain. You might see them as this deadpan jerk but later you will understand that they smile only with you coz you make them happy. So cute “I hate everything but you.” Also you may have known each other or even been actually together for a brief moment but all those issues lead to a split. So there might be some animosity between you two at first, some past grievances - kinda vibe of enemies to lovers (It’s giving modern Zutara xd).
How they view you: “Queen of Peace”. They really think they are the devil, poor baby lol. They see you as a soulmate immediately, an equal in every sense. This attraction and emotional bond is very balanced. As a form of reconciliation they might awkwardly give a flower aww. They might seem too shy to make a move but they will surprise you, maybe you make them more bold. They see you as a gift from fate, something too precious for their hands. They are afraid they will drag you under. They see you as this ideal almost magical creature, something too good for them. It’s like they are expecting you to realize this and leave them, but you manage to show them that you love and choose them. They also admire your inner fire and passion and moral code (you always stick to your inner convictions).
Your sexual life overall: A lot of embraces. They love to hold you close and finger you, kiss your neck, and admire you. They just love pleasing you. More than the sex itself, the real intimacy for you is when you’re holding each other. Even when both of you are consumed by this fiery desire, you’re so tender and sensual, you worship each other. They listen to you and know your body so well it surprises you (and they show it in bed and you like it a lot xd). In terms of sex, you might do it a lot standing up or against a wall. You will gradually prove to them you won't leave.
Extra messages: Security and affection. They might have a dog, or some pet. Also I’m seeing some facial hair. They’re like a puppy in love. Also: coffee shop meeting/date; they might come from a rich family, and you might be a celebrity, influencer, internet fame or sth.
PILE 3. → blooming peony
Your soulmate's energy: Family. Tradition and discipline. They seem to be the stereotypical “family man”. Once, they had this positive, kinda childlike light about them that brought people in but I think something traumatic might have happened. I’m sensing death in their close proximity, a family member who passed away and they may have even witnessed it. Their world view kinda shifted. They still care about others but they had to mature faster and their light dimmed. Now they are more closed off and come across as kinda intimidating or detached. They might try to scare people away a bit. But there is strength in them, they can easily attack and take a hit when necessary. They act like the provider and are very protective of their family (but not in a controlling way, they leave others the space to grow). They also might work in real estate or sth?
How they view you: Intense silence from them lol. But they know you’re their soulmates, they see you as this feminine mother, queen. Somebody very nurturing and soothing as well as strict and able to keep up with them every stem of the way. They see you as somebody SO talented. You’re their world, you can speak to their wounded inner child and you both talk about your childhoods a lot, able to open up to each other. They see you as their only choice, somebody they’re gonna marry and there is no doubt in their mind: “This one is a keeper.” They want to provide for you, they see you as perfect, they want to quit their usual routine for you. Make a change for the better.
Your sexual life overall: They love to give oral to you, eat, and drink you out. I see them kneeling before you, worshiping you - from your feet to your head (and the most important parts as well heh). For your first time, you might be dressed up nicely and they might sensually undress you - they are giving this vibe of a chivalrous knight that turns into a passionate barbarian lol. They like to do it from the back, gripping your hips or ass. You might also like to dress up for the sex, not only lingerie but also dresses/suits in general - fancy clothes.
Extra messages: Seahorse. They are very attractive, bulky or muscular (big frame). I feel you’re quite tiny compared to them. They might naturally have a high body heat. For them, meeting you is a fresh new start. Hurt/comfort. You might be more chaotic or energetic than them but you complete each other nicely. Also there might be some pregnancy or kids down the line for you. You will just create a home for each other, a safe space.
PILE 4. → Gladiolus
Your soulmate's energy: Cold and ruthless. Smug ass. Filthy rich. So powerful and controlling but still have this playful, flirtatious side, a hidden inner trickster. [VeRy masculine, devil vibes] They are not above playing dirty to get what they want. They worked their way up on the top, they are like a dragon that keeps hoarding up its goods, content in its victory. They are not the ones to get attached easily but when they do, it’s all or nothing. When they were younger they had this vibe of a cute little prince of darkness lol (they cared about their appearance and reputation - now they don't really have to heh). For sure they are big city people, maybe they live in some high building, high above the ground. Some family tension - they might be forcing help (money maybe) on to their family even when it is rejected, which creates some clash. But overall, they know they’re attractive and intimidating (when they were younger they might have been using it far more, now they kinda don’t care). They have a bit of a silver tongue - a skill they perfected over the years - but I feel even without it they would get by fine. I’m getting that vibe you might be working together or under them lol so at first you both tried to keep things strictly professional, but as you guessed it doesn’t work. They can be very intimidating at the first meeting, but I feel you won’t be as impressed with their attitude as the rest.
How they view you: They cannot stop staring. Everything they have built and gathered over the years suddenly seemed insignificant after meeting you and it might throw them for the loop (caught them off guard). “I have never met someone like you before.” For a long time they wanted to keep their distance from you (again, because of work and their personality lol) but once they saw you in this more sexual light, there was no coming back. They couldn’t throw you out of their mind. Btw, do any of you have slightly red hair? Just curious lol. You are kinda unbothered with them, able to keep a straight face, which ignites their want to pursue. That’s kinda specific BUT there’s a story I see → You work together, maybe on some less than fully legal project and they NEED somebody they can trust on this and you come through. You become partners after this and the bond becomes more founded on mutual respect. So they trust you, your judgment, decision making skills, intellect and see this more delicate, emotional side of you. That starts pulling them towards you and they cannot stop it - they trust you now and they never trust people. Before all of this you might have had some casual hook up. Because the attraction was always there and strong. But then the feelings came. uhuhu (you are allowed to be more in your feminine when you are with them). They might like showering you with gifts, especially jewelry. I’m seeing a black necklace. They will try to make you lose your poker face and show your true emotions, so demanding.
Your sexual life overall: They like to hold you down and see you squirm a bit. I’m seeing them hovering over you. Spending 30 hours getting freaky lol. A lot of missionary, long lasting sessions on the bed. Slowly undressing. Slow and sensual kisses. For sure you both like to take your time. They might even enjoy you being naked, wearing only the jewelry they bought you. You like to kiss during sex. They enjoy watching you play with yourself, maybe even use toys. You like to scratch their back. They like seeing you lose control. (Somebody might be into biting).  Before you got together you might have been looking up each other's pictures online and really enjoying them, if you know what I’m saying. If you actually attempted to keep things casual (fuck buddy situation), when you would be apart, you both would be painfully missing each other which comes as a surprise.
Extra messages: You both start to enjoy simple mundane things in life, something you rarely did before. Marriage is also possible, but for both of you it will be “How did I get to this?” moment lol. They’re such a smarty-marty and you both find each other SO attractive. I guess they are the leader and you are their right hand man (again, some work situation or sth like that). For some of you, you are both working in some law-related profession, or came from Harvard (random I know, but true). It may even be a past life connection (confirmation on you being soulmates). You might be meeting during winter time.
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 months
PAC: How you will blossom in life & as an individual 🌺
"A flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful of all..." - Mulan
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Moonlight Sunrise by Twice
Spring Is Coming With A Strawberry In The Mouth by Caroline Polachek
Fashion by Kamaiyah
Success, Patience, Acceptance, Abundance, Knight of Cups, The Hierophant, Four of Wands, & The World
Bottom of my tarot deck was the world and bottom of my oracle deck was abundance. So it seems that prosperity is right around the corner for you, pile 1! You are going to be entering a period of abundance and the universe will provide clarity and wisdom for you for this spring. I heard "The world is yours", so I feel that through life experiences, you will blossom and grow as a person. You are going to come in contact with a divine counterpart and it will feel almost too good to be true. I almost wrote "gold" so something about them shines the light in you. I also interpret this as embracing all aspects of love, such as allowing yourself to receive it (either from yourself or from others) as well as giving love. People could tell you that you're glowing more and overall your essence and appearance will become very radiant. It is possible that the person, or even people, that you will meet are going to highlight your best attributes. You will be able to be yourself around others and your true self will be greatly admired. I also see that your beauty and personal style will be very eye catching. You could learn to dress for your body type or you will try a new makeup look that enhance your features. Your individuality could be valued and admired by others, the glimmer in your eyes as you talk about your hopes, dreams, goals, or even what makes you happy would really be noticeable. For some of you, you could fall in love, while for others, you will make a friend, perhaps its both. Everything you ever waited and wanted for in life is going to happen to you. In life, you were someone who was always patient and observant of others, but the desires you seek is now time for you to have a turn to experience. You are learning to hoist your sails and steer the ship, instead of going against the water's current. You will be proud of how far you've come and will be able to celebrate your accomplishments soon! You could also be invited to parties or social events where your will get to make connections with others. Fixed energy (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, especially Taurus) is prominent in this pile, so it is likely you are going to attract opportunities for money as well that could provide you with a sense of confidence, mental clarity, emotional security, and financial stability. The message for you pile 1, is that "you deserve it". You are deserving love, happiness, and abundance. Be sure not to block your blessings by focusing on your insecurities, accept what you cannot change. Find the beauty in the present and what surrounds you.
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Mango Butter by Durand Bernarr
Link Up by Tinashe
Surrender, Friendship, Trust, Change, Seven of Cups, The High Priestess, The Emperor, & Knight of Pentacles
Forming a bond with others and allowing others to help you on your journey, pile 2, will you help blossom as an individual. You are a confident individual who knows their worth and you have a good head on your shoulders, but there is this aspect of constantly needing to be independent that is stunting your growth. Hyper-independence will not get you anywhere in life, it will only add to your stress and frustration. While you are someone who is successful in your endeavors, you do not allow yourself to trust in others. You could have possibly been raised with the mindset of "hustle culture" or could go by the saying I've been "grindin' all my life". Most people who reached to the top didn't do it all by themself. Whenever someone accepts an award, there are people that they have to thank for their contribution to their work. Whether that was a album, a film, a book, etc. It takes a team effort to get the end result. So you can be the star of the movie, you can be the main character, but watching a film that involves only one person doesn't really make sense. Unless this is the movie "Castaway", then you are going to need to have people in your life to help elevate you as a person. You have to be willing to learn the lessons necessary for your character development. Trust others could be something that is difficult for you but you know that you are smart, pile 2. If someone does not seem like a good apple, you are not obligated by any means to stay friends with them. The universe asks you to surrender and let go of the need to control everything, allow situations to unfold unnaturally. As much as we want life to be peaceful and never have to deal with negativity. It's not realistic, life is balanced, it has its ups and downs - good and bad. You need a friend who will help relieve that stress you are feeling in the moment. Learn to relax and unwind, you don't need to be strong all the time. You will blossom in life and as a person when you embrace having fun, letting your hair down, and being carefree.
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Rocky by SAAY
Let Out The Beast by EXO
You Don't Understand by Gramatik
Freedom, Loneliness, Death, Failure, Five of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Cups, & Ace of Swords
Oh boy, are you in your angst era, pile 3? You could feel misunderstood and attacked by others. Growing up, it is possible that others would put you down and make you feel less about yourself. A select few of you have experienced bullying, some of you are dealing with unreasonable classmates or coworkers, while for others, your parents or family members were the first bullies you had. Whatever the case may be - you do not need to fight with these people anymore. You are free to walk away from at any given moment. I know that sounds easier said done but it is time for you stop letting people walk over you. This also may sound harsh but you have to get over this victim mindset as well. You are awesome person, pile 3, but holding onto grudges and toxic situations is not going to help you. You will blossom as a individual when you just stop giving a fuck about what these people have said or done to you. Do what you have to do to release the pent up emotions and say your piece then move on. Some of you, need to let someone have it. As in cuss them out for their mistreatment and put that asshole in their place. You don't have to let people get the best of you but you do need to set boundaries with people and know when to say "enough is enough". You are too nice to others and being cool, calm, and collected is not going to fix your problems. I see you are going to feel so relieved after you do this and a weight will be lifted off of your shoulders once you finally confront these issues. I also see that your feelings of loneliness and not being able to "fit" in or make connections with people will not concern you anymore. Your confidence is going to transform tremendously and I honestly am loving this for you, pile 3! I see that you could get the promotion you should have had a long time ago, get the grade you wanted in class, etc. Regardless of what it is, your hard work is going to be acknowledged and rewarded. I also believe you will find some sort of remedy in your relationships and people will start to really cherish you and will treat you with the respect you deserve. Some of you could go to counseling and therapy as well that will provide you with the tools necessary to resolve past trauma. Pile 3, you are going to be able to find your voice again and realize your thoughts and ideas should be heard, they no longer have to be dismissed anymore.
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
Godspeed by Frank Ocean
Found Love by Sofya Wang
Ribs by Lorde
Forgiveness, Indecision, Worry, Gratitude, The Star, Eight of Swords, Ten of Cups, & Five of Cups (reversed)
I feel you are missing someone or something, pile 4. There is this nostalgic and dreamy energy that you have. It feels bittersweet and for the season of spring, you could be reminiscing on your past. Perhaps you are remembering memories of someone that was dear to you. Some of you could have experienced the loss of a loved one or there is a distance between you and a place, person, etc. This is causing you to feel worried about your future and ponder about if you have made the right decisions in life. I feel that in order for you to blossom in life, you will have to experience "growing pains". This feels like a coming of age story or wishing to regain your innocence and youth. No matter how old you are, as long as you are living at this very moment, you can do anything you set your mind to. Whether you are an adolescent, someone in their 30s, or even middle aged. You have a great life ahead of you but you will not be able to see this bright future of yours if you do not put yourself out there and at least try. Our memories can be great but also painful but we look to those moments for strength for when we need to realize how far we have come. Instead of feeling remorse about your past decisions or worrying about what's going to happen, find the beauty of the unknown. Practice gratitude and appreciate everything that brought you to this very moment. If you cannot forgive others, forgive yourself my love, forgive yourself for your past mistakes. You do not need to harbor these heavy feelings anymore. There are happy times and joyous moments with loved ones going to come to you seen, as soon as you reflect upon your beliefs. Journaling and practicing affirmations will help you navigate these feelings and build self esteem. This is a period of healing, pile 4. Please hold on just a little bit longer and have faith that things will get better!
Pile 5:
Shufflemancy -
Cigar by HA:TFELT
Mizu by Sophia Black
Kerosene by Crystal Castles
Peace, Self Esteem, Service, Happiness, The Temperance, Queen of Cups, Three of Wands, & The Fool
I remember a quote by Bruce Lee where he said "To be like water, my friend" and I believe that means to just go with the flow in life. If try to force things and it does not work, just try another way. It's pointless to get upset about your way of doing things isn't working, try another way! Instead of being stubborn, you can have endless opportunities to use your creative thinking skills to make your life easier and better. I believe for spring you should do some spring cleaning, whether is cleaning your home, saging your room, or going to a river to take a dip in the water. Now would be a good time to bask in the fruits of your labor and enjoy the fruition of things unfolding. To blossom at this point in your life, you need to take things slow, and appreciate what beauty is in your surroundings. You could start noticing things you never have before. Like "Oh I never knew I had this beautiful tree in my neighborhood!" or "Wow I didn't know this great restaurant was right around the corner of my home!". Just allow yourself to explore your options and not think about what needs to be perfect. This is going to be a period of happiness, peace, and relaxation for you. I overall see that you need to rest and make time to enjoy going out or even make your home a beautiful place. You need to Marie Kondo your life, pile 5! Do what it is you need to unwind from all the stress. Be generous and practice some self care. Go to a spa, get a massage, redecorate your home, drink tea, read a book, take a bath with salts or bath bombs, etc. These activities will help put you at ease and give you the time to think about what you like to do with your life. I see that you will travel, take trips, and focus on self love this spring. You are going to be your own best friend and put yourself for once instead of always being at service to others.
Pile 6:
Shufflemancy -
Dusk by Chelsea Wolfe
Happy Without Me by Chloe x Halle ft. Joey Bada$$
You Should Be Here by Kehlani
Pride, Growth, Purpose, Adversity, Queen of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Knight of Wands, & Ten of Wands
I believe you are being prideful and refusing to make a decision regarding a situation, pile 6. You need to face the music about your actions and what is holding you back. This could be pertaining to a relationship that is not helping you elevate yourself in life. Whether this is a ex, current partner, a situationship, etc. This on and off relationship, that you refuse to accept needs to end, is going to continue to drain you of your time and energy. If you are not seeing someone, then there are codependency issues that you need to understand where it comes. You could have this vice that you are very attached to and without it - you become sick, depressed, and unstable. You do not need anyone or anything to make you feel validated and worthy. You are an amazing person but no one can make you see that but you. You cannot want to get better if you keep depending on materialistic things or the feeble words of others to boost your self esteem. No one needs to have a purpose in life to deserve to have a wonderful life. Your purpose is being here. Destiny, fate, or karma cannot define your self worth and affect what choices you decide to make. Take back your power today and stop looking for other people or the universe to be the voice of reason you need. You have a choice and you can do whatever you wish with that said choice. Life can be challenging and there are bumps in the road but pile 6, you will feel so proud of yourself when you overcome the trials and the tribulations. You will blossom as an individual once you learn to dust the dirt off your shoulder and understand that no matter what happens you will be okay because you have yourself.
Pile 7:
Shufflemancy -
Call For Help by Pearly Drops
I know I'm Funny Haha by Faye Webster
Growing by JGrrey
Perseverance, Relationships, Humor, Grief, Ten of Swords, The Magician (Reversed), Four of Cups, & The Tower
Pile 7, I feel that you are someone who is considered to be all "peaches and sunshine". You naturally have a positive disposition about life and could use humor as a way to elevate the mood. You are a bright source of light for others in this world. You are someone people can go to when they are feeling down and troubled and that is a very beautiful thing. The downside to this, pile 7, is that you are experiencing your own troubles and hardships that no one can see. I don't believe you discuss with others about the grief you have experienced despite having loved ones you have a great connection with. To blossom as an individual, pile 7, you need to embrace being open with others and understand that you are still lovable if you are not always happy. You have a gorgeous smile and when you use it to mask your pain, it becomes a concern. You don't have to handle it all by yourself. Call a friend or a family member to talk about everything you've been dealing with, you could see people will understand or care more than you may realize. Yes other people could be dealing with something in life but it is possible to check on someone as well and make sure they're okay. You are not a burden and you are loved. I also interpret this as you needing to call and check on someone close to you. Whether that's a old friend, your parents, your siblings, or someone you have grown distant from. This could be someone you've known since childhood because I smelled crayons and heard "green eggs and ham". I believe this could also mean you need to reconnect with your inner child. You may not believe in things that a child believes anymore such as magic, fairytales, and mythical creatures. It is okay to engage in fantasies every once in a while, for those sweet, innocent moments helps get away from the world during trouble times. Look at pictures of you when you were young, visit your childhood home, eat a snack you used to loved as a kid, go to a park, watch cartoons, or buy yourself some coloring pencils, markers, toys, etc. Just do an activity that allows you to spend time with your inner child and have fun! In your youth, or growing up, some of you may have struggled with acne but for the month of spring I see that your skin will really start to clear up! For some of you, Melanie Martinez and Tierra Whack's music could be significant. You may have had a phase where you were a big fan of these artists or you should get into their music for it may pertain to your situation. Their song "copy cat" is a message for some of you. Your blossoming period could be uncomfortable in some aspects, pile 7. You may end a friendship with someone or feel the need to move on from what it is not serving you. This change in your life will help you find your way back to yourself. You could have felt disconnected or confused about what is your true identity. Once you shed other's expectations and desires on who you should be, you will be able to experience to true joy. Your spring blessing is to be able to feel secure and comfortable with you really are.
Pile 8:
Shufflemancy -
Let Go by Frou Frou
Freefall by KATRANADA ft. Durand Bernarr
Doctor, My Eyes by Khamari
Judgment, Health, Imagination, Balance, The Hermit, The Empress, Five of Cups, & Death
You are being called to take a leap of faith, pile 8. Freefall into this new period in your life and allow you to see the wonders of life. Have faith and trust that the universe to always catch you. Release your need to judge and constantly criticizing your or other people's imperfections. You are the most prosperous in life when you just let go of the bullshit. You have to be able to realize there is abundance even if you do not see it yet. This is a funny example but I remembered the meme of the girl rapping "but did you die tho?". You could be someone who is considered to be "melodramatic" (real) and act as if the world is ending just because of a minor inconvenience. You are here, what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna cry over spilled milk or continue to push on and do something that makes you happy. Find a balance in expressing certain emotions before you react. You will blossom as an individual when you learn to practice emotional intelligence and know that you are always going to be okay in the end. Have the mindset of "Asked me how I'm doing? I'm blessed, yes." I wrote this at 111 so that angel number is a sign for you to pay attention to your thoughts at this time and instead focus on your manifestations babe! I feel like your guides wish to tell you to stop acting bratty like they adore you but you have your moments where you let your emotions get the best of you and you start to act really spoiled. I'm hearing the lyrics "Good karma, that's my aesthetic, keep my conscious clear that's why i'm so magnetic" and I believe that is all I can reveal to you, pile 8. You already know what desires you seek and how to bring it into fruition, just make sure you stay humble and stop reacting to things that are pointless and won't pertain to you in the next 24 hours. Make sure to get a health check up as well this spring, your eye health could need to be examined or you may need to look into getting glasses or contacts.
Pile 9:
Shufflemancy -
Changing Seasons from the Persona 5 soundtrack
Bluetooth by Piri & Tommy
Borderline by SUNMI
Doubt, Empathy, Fear, Regret, The Moon, The Hanged Man, Page of Cups, & Five of Swords
I feel that this is pile is interested in Y2K, gaming, and technology. You could be more of a hands on person and enjoy objects that allow you to touch, mold, or shape things with your hands. Some of you could be neurodivergent and enjoy using tools that allow you to stim whether that is slime, clay, ceramics, etc. You are really good with your hands and solving things with technology. You could also have a future career in fields such as STEM, video game design, gaming, music production, computer programmer, etc. You are someone who has their unique way of thinking and this is intriguing to others. Your features could be very physically cute as well. This could be weird to say but to people they think of you as a tomodachi, they just want to put you in their pocket, and carry you around. People desire to take care of you. You may think your quirks are considered unlikeable but this is not true. You may not be everyone's cup of tea but there are plenty of people who find you beautiful, pile 9. I feel that there is someone who may even have a crush on you. You could feel things more intensely than others and could deal with feelings of anxiety. You may have trouble sleeping at night due to racing thoughts, thinking of past regrets, and feeling guilty for things that you have done. Pile 9, you have to let go these thoughts and realize that it is just a thought. I am remembering the song "Here Comes A Thought" from Steven Universe. You do not have to suffer because you have troubling thoughts or a mental condition that causes you to be different than others. You may think you are doing others a favor by keeping away and staying in isolation, but it is doing you more harm than good in the end. You may also feel stuck and that you won't be able to get your current circumstances but that is just an illusion. The doubts, the thoughts, the circumstances is all an facade. You can get past this and you can fall in love, make friends, or pursue your dreams exactly the way you are. You do not need to be like anyone else but you. You will blossom, pile 9, once you embrace your remarkable qualities and also your flaws. No one is perfect and just because you have either a condition or personality that may not click with everyone else, it does not mean you cannot be happy, successful, and accepted by others. This spring, you should turn over a new leaf for yourself. Try to start with small goals and take your time. I wish you the best of luck :)!
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halo-chainsaw · 6 months
pac with the steel chair
(edit: fixed the audio issue)
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redyrmes · 6 months
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ill bury you like the love you had
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mangofanarts · 2 months
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I miss them, can they interact again Also, I don't remember what event it exactly was, but I do remember that they jokingly left together towards a sunset, it might have been during Festa Junina
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inner-viper · 27 days
Sex life before having children vs. after having children (Mini Ver.)
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@innerviper on TIKTOK
Will be answering free yes/no for the beginning. You can check out the prices on here! https://innerviper.com/products/live-tiktok-readings
Trigger Warnings for all piles.
Pile 1
This pile has heavy energy in their sex life prior to having children. It’s like your sex life will go through tremendous changes. There is a dark energy in this pile, you may be inclined to darker sexual kinks. You both enjoy having fun with playing with pushing it, it’s a bit complicated because it doesn’t seem like you believe it’s extreme but to others it is. Anyways, the focus on your sex life is to explore heavy burdens that you may have once held onto. This pile could roleplay CNC.
Overall, you both look for answers in each other. This tends to happen when you have sex with them, you both enjoy exploring the different aspects of each other. There will be moments where you both are angry with each other and will take it out on each other but then makeup. There is a lot of arguing and make-up sex. Some people in this pile can have depression and you have sex to relieve yourself from past heartbreaks. Lastly, there seems to be a strong theme of letting yourself be lost in someone that you may not enjoy being with.
Now for when you have children, there will be a contrast in the connection. It seems like it becomes more deeply connected because of your relationship with your children and partner. There is this general energy of wanting to have fun but seriously passionate sex, it will start to become more “vanilla” because of time constraints, it will be difficult at first when you both have children. Overall, your sex life is not bad just difficult to maintain.
Pile 2
Prior to having sex you will be having a lot of steamy adventures that are kind of risky. It’s like you both like the thrill of it all and how the excitement rules you both up. There will be a few times where you want to feel like there is a strong shift in dynamics. Some days you guys will feel like being softer rather than rough.
Overall, there is something’s that you both will keep secret because of how taboo it is to delve into certain things. You both will share a lot of similar kinks and interests in general. Sex does seem to be an important part of this connection for the both of you. You both may have even discussed of potential threesomes, and fantasies that you will want to make come true.
Now for when you children, the shift is stark because you guys started to settle down. There seems to be a sense of missing some of the risks you guys took but because you have children, it has become more difficult to maintain that. You both will continue to have an amazing sex life though, it’s like you both manage to find some time to be together.
Overall, your sex life has not diminished but it will have its ups and downs. Some months you both will not be able to maintain long sessions because of work, and children. You both take your responsibilities seriously and you both don’t get lost in sex at all. Although, in the beginning of the relationship it may have been an obsession or hyper fixation. I am seeing graphs that go up and down!
Pile 3
Carrying many things will be hard to make this relationship begin in their sex life. It’s like either one of you carry some weight regarding your sexuality. I feel like you both will take things slow and let things flow naturally. There is a sense of not wanting to emotionally connect but connections emotionally. There is a conflict in feelings and of the mind. Your sex life is important to the both of you but there is troubles in the beginning.
It seems to progress positively but slowly. When you both have sex, its like two people coming into one. There will be an act of self exploration, you both will venture into things that you may have been interested in but shy away because of stigma surrounding it. There could be shame surrounding you at times, but the more you grow older and confident in yourself, is when it starts to calm down.
Now after you have children, your sex life will be on pause until you feel like you are ready to get active. This may happen for months but I am sensing that you have limited energy and you try to conserve it. It’s like your children took away all of your remaining energy. It will be difficult to get back on track, but with the right support and with the help of those around you. It will become better and you will focus on building a relationship with yourself again. It’s important to not get lost in someone else.
There will be a time where you will have the resources to not worry. It’s not like you are alone in this relationship. When you both manage to take care of things, your sex life becomes cute? Honestly, it’s like having your first time again but even better than before. You both will not be afraid to express yourselves and will take control to keep the spark alive in the bedroom. Overall, it will be amazing and a beautiful journey.
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444you · 23 days
flowers practices 🥂.
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rose tea
radiant skin, hair growth, and decrease in menstrual cramps
lotus prerolls
better rest & easier to calm yourself
honey hibiscus hair mask
provides a smooth shine and moisturize to hair
improves physical and mental health
food decor
adds cute touch to meals
goddess baths
gives a soft allure to your baths
increases your mood & femininity
having pretty things such as bouquets helps you get into a softer mood, reminds you that you don’t need somebody to give you flowers
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eeriedragone · 1 month
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Otachi best Kaiju
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zeb-z · 6 months
also can I just say. the difference between the joy of fit and bagi having a full day with blue, getting acquainted with the base, reuniting with their loved ones, all relieved to have more materials and more of a team - and then the absolute misery of etoiles and roier, moving the few valuable possessions red has to a new base that got immediately discovered anyway, losing all their gear, getting it back, then burning it themselves before killing eachother, is just so fucking funny. the new blues had freshman orientation while the new reds had a trial by fire canon event
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keirawantstocry · 3 months
tubbo goodnight kisses....
i think they would get increasingly worse with doing normal couple things with tubbo like giving him flowers or dragging him to one of their houses to sleep in bed with them every night. one of them is redesigning a room in their house probably fit's and they start asking him what he thinks of certain furniture or wallpaper and he gets really confused because he hasn't realized he moved in with them a month ago
helloooo anon i dont think ive had the pleasure of writing for. welcome :)
Tubbo cocked his head in confusion at the figure outside his door. “Pac?” 
The man in question grinned at him before holding out the bouquet of small white flowers. “For you!” 
Tubbo took them gently looking at the flowers in confusion before looking back up at Pac. “What are they?” 
“They're called baby's breath.” 
Tubbo laughed. “What a strange name.” 
Pac shrugged. “Pretty though right?” 
Tubbo nodded and murmured a sound of assent. 
Pac smiled a wicked grin. “Not as pretty as you.” With a wink he skipped off leaving Tubbo alone in his doorway, face flushed and jaw gaping. 
Fit would show up at all hours of the night, collapsing onto his bed and pulling Tubbo into his arms. Tubbo always squirmed, squinted at him and bitched. But the truth was he enjoyed it. It felt safe in Fit's arms and he hated being alone in a cold bed. 
Sometimes Pac would join them. Curl up on Tubbo's other side and interlock their fingers. 
He didn't know how to feel when he woke up and their fingers were still loosely entangled. 
And sometimes Pac came on his own. Pac was… more eager than Fit. Grabbing at Tubbo's waist and he came up behind him. Curling on top of him like a wet cat with sad puppy eyes. He could get anything with those eyes and he certainly tried. Fit evidently had more will because Tubbo knew the taste and shape of Pac's lips before the warrior did. 
“What's your favorite color?” Fit asked as he stared at the blank wall of the new room the three of them were decorating. 
“Uhhh, blue I guess.” 
Pac smiled at that as Fit nodded. 
The next time Tubbo visited the room was painted blue. A picture of Sunny was on the wall. There was a bed big enough for three people. They all started to sleep there. Out of mere coincidence of course. Right? he thought one night as he listened to their soft snores, their arms around him. Why would they make this room specifically for him? That'd be downright ridiculous. 
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malewifeph1lza · 8 months
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coffee date :]
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miscellaneoussmp · 4 months
Sitting on top of a roof garden, Pac picks a rose off of the bush. It was a gift. One that now goes unappreciated. If it ever was to begin with. He starts to pull the petals off one by one.
He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me.
He prays to whatever gods will listen for this to not be the end. "You shouldn't trust him...I can protect you." echoes in his ears. He should have listened, he should have listened, he should have listened, he should have-. He should have known better.
He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not.
Why do his memories always end up tainted? Is it his fault? He feels used. It's not familiar, but he thought he was past this. He trusted and that's his fault. He shouldn't have let anyone get that close.
He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me.
The final petal. He loves me not.
Pac throws the stem as far as he can. He doesn't hold back the heartbroken sob turned angry and anguished scream. He wipes away whatever tears blur his vision as he stands. His (true) soulmate, his best friend, his adorable niece, and his two sons are waiting for him. If anyone asks, he's always had two sons.
"You ready to go, pai?"
"Yes. Let's go, Ramón."
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bewitcherella · 9 months
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✨love messages that need to be discovered 18+ only!✨
disclaimer: these readings are for entertainment purposes only! take what resonates, and leave the rest. these images do not belong to me.
take a deep breath, and focus on the images above. choose an image or a number that calls to you. pick an image from above (1-3) then read below. please remember that the usage of pronouns can be interchanged, and does not allude to the gender of the individual, but rather the energy.
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Queen of Swords, 6 of Chalices, 8 of Cups; BOD: Page of Pentacles (rx)
Orange Blossom, Mexican Marigold, Stephanotis
Taurus, Mercurius, Venus
The Queen of Swords sits poised and perfect awaiting her prize that she confidently knows she has won. There is no hesitation on her face as she patiently waits with her sword trapping her lover's clothes. There is no time for masking herself and she sincerely is ready to face the responsibility of her actions. The Queen has no time for petty indecisions or insincerity from her lovers or subjects. She is enticingly fragrant with orange blossoms, representing her enthusiasm in and out of the bedroom. “The best can be here; believe it”. She is truly, the best one will ever attain in this lifetime whether they are lovers in the bedroom or merely platonic. Followed by the 6 of Chalices where the beautiful maiden is seen daydreaming of her lover whom she entrenched and embraced so passionately. She longs for their time together again, and frequently dreams of their previous engagement. However, the lover is seen closing his eyes in anguish as he understands the impact he has left upon his lover. He is questioning whether or not he can continue pursuing such a passionate and enticing woman whom he believed was “out of his league”. However, with Mexican Marigold here we are reminded of the importance of renewal and that it is “Time to begin again: stronger, better.” The chalices in this card are shining with glimmering hope empowered by the maidens longing and imagination. Memories, nostalgia, and melancholy are incredibly powerful forces that one can not simply forget. Henriette was one of the greatest loves of Casanova’s life. The 8 of Chalices are surrounded by the maiden and her lover embracing each other on the chair as they give in to their guilty pleasures. The maiden can not but help to relieve herself as the lover begins to tease her beautiful breasts (some of you may be mothers who breastfed or breastfeed or there is a kink here for that). While the lovers are entwined in their passion they are not privy to the darkened chalices surrounding them; a stark contrast from the previous chalices that glistened with hope. There is a palpable shame that is contained within this card as the lovers are intruded upon by an authoritarian figure (or another lover/wife) that reminds them to come back to reality (if they can!). Their passion is untamable, and they yearn to be one despite the cost of betrayal. This is a card of unexpectedness and re-evaluation. With Stephanotis here we are reminded to Cooperate with authoritarian figures that stand in the way of our desires. “Take the hand offered or ask”. Shame and betrayal can be avoided if we embody the Queen of Swords’ energy from the beginning and confront any issues or blockages that could lead to betrayal or shame. Remember to walk away from something that no longer serves you so that you can move forward to deeper fulfillment. With the bottom of the deck being the Page of Pentacles reversed we are reminded that there is an ample opportunity here that is not being received completely due to a delay or blockage. This delay can be internal, if not external, and you could have some problems reconnecting with yourself. It is time to go within in order to re-create the harmony that has been lost. Practice plenty of self-compassion and self-care so you can bring your wildest fantasies into reality. You are in charge of your life and achieving the deep fulfillment you crave. The mermaid card of Decisions reminds us to consider our choices carefully, then act. You could be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. 
Mercurius and Venus: Speak of love without fear. Make sure those who are closest to you know how you feel about them. 
Mercurius in Taurus: Don’t overthink the situation. 
Venus in Taurus: Enjoy the delights of the senses. 
Astrological signs: Taurus, Libra, Gemini, and/or Virgo. 
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10 of Pentacles (rx), Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Wands; BOD: King of Wands
Pitcher Plant, Nasturtium, African Violet
Leo, Saturnus, Sol
There is a formal declaration that can not be made due to familial interference or disunion. There can also be issues financially which is stopping the gentleman from fulfilling his desires. This can be in regard to an engagement, personal or work commitment, or materialism. The gentleman desires something as beautiful and grandeur as the lover he pursues, but something is delaying him. Any instability that is stemming from within can be corrected with some reflection. This is furthered by the Pitcher Plant which reminds us to maintain insight: “The answers are there for those who look”. This roadblock and/or delay the gentleman is experiencing can be overcome with more self-compassion, and taking risks that align with your spiritual and mental. This is furthered by the Queen of Pentacles who is pleasuring herself in the utmost content. The Queen of Pentacles is in pure ecstasy knowing that she has the security to attain whatever she desires. However, arrogance can be the downfall of this if the Queen does not understand the importance of balance, karma, and humility. This is confirmed by the flower Nasturtium which reminds us of the importance of grounding: “The beginning is where you need to be”. The 3 of Wands confirms that the Queen of Pentacles finds this inner balance and humility in order to attain her darkest desires. The lovers are embraced passionately without worry or fear of being caught. The gentleman begins to pleasure his lover and holds her upright as she gives in to him, and has her deepest desires fulfilled. They are both in ecstasy as they safely give themselves to each other in every way possible. A decision has been made, and the lovers are content with their decisions. With the bottom of the deck being the King of Wands the gentleman is an entrepreneur who is honest and benevolent, but deep down he wants to indulge his lover's deepest desires. This is someone who wants nothing more than to pleasure their counterpart because it is something that is so erotic to them. Hearing their lover moan their name brings them intense satisfaction, and it is something they crave daily. The mermaid card Light reminds you to shine your light for all to see. You’re like a lighthouse and your light can illuminate any dark areas of your life. 
Sol in Leo: Your fiery magnetism ignites and attracts 
Saturnus in Leo: It is time to step into your full majesty. 
Astrological Signs: Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius. 
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Page of Pentacles (rx), King of Pentacles (rx), The Stars (rx); BOD: 8 of Pentacles
Mexican Marigold, Peony, Heliconia
Taurus, Libra, Pluto
With the Page of Pentacles in reverse here again this could be connected to pile one in some way, especially since the Mexican marigold also popped out with the first pile as well. There is still something desired that is not coming to fruition, and it could be intentional. Sometimes we have to let go in order to make room for receiving something better than previously desired. Reconnect, revise and renew yourself so that you can be open to receiving the highest manifestation of what you desire. Whether these matters are related to practicality, finances, or career opportunities they can indicate a lack of focus, unrealistic expectations, or missed opportunities. In this position, the card advises caution and careful consideration before making any significant decisions related to material aspects of life. The Mexican Marigold reminds us of the importance of Renewal; “Time to begin again: stronger, better”. Furthered by the King of Pentacles in reverse which represents a loss of stability, financial challenges, or an imbalance in material matters. This card may indicate issues with money management, a lack of discipline, or overindulgence. It could also point to a need to reassess your approach to finances and be cautious about making impulsive decisions. The peony reminds us of the importance of our health; “Focus on all parts to make the whole”. Now is not the time for stubbornness or inflexibility. Reconnect with yourself through nature, creative outlets, or physical workout routines. The Stars in reverse also indicate a loss of hope or faith, but this is where that disconnect is stemming from. Now is the time to engage in your inner healing and support the transformation that is inevitable. The future can seem daunting and draining at times, but it is vital to create a strong inner connection to your faith so that you can regain your balance. Silly, but “You are not you when you’re ungrounded and disconnected”. So snickers bars could have significance for you! It is time to indulge in some of the sweeter aspects of life so that you can rebuild that inner strength and faith that normally oozes out of you. The flower Heliconia is here to remind us of realization: “The answer is here; take heed”. With the 8 of Pentacles at the bottom of the deck we have confirmation that the cure is here: it is within you, and you know exactly what needs to be done in order to reconnect with the best parts of yourself. You are coming out of the darkness and into Abundance, the mermaids want to remind you to allow abundance to flow to you. The treasure is already yours, you only need to trust and be open to receive. You deserve this incoming abundance! 
Pluto in Taurus: Embrace the opportunity to renew yourself. 
Pluto in Libra: Have faith that endings are balanced by beginnings. 
Astrological Signs: Libra, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio
let me know if this resonated for you, and if not, remember to let it go! to book a reading visit the link in my bio, and my dms are always open for any questions you may have. thank you so much for reading, and I hope to connect with you in the future! 
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halo-chainsaw · 8 months
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