prompt-master · 11 months
Alright so you guys seemed receptive to the idea of trying the communal wip concept. I'm def willing to try and see if this will help me get back into my flow! Please feel free to give any comments suggestions or just support! Just remember that your suggestion MAY not come to fruition, it's going to be about what resonates with me tbh and I still want artistic freedom
If you want to be fully surprised by my fics when they come out, block the tag "weip" (get it. WE in progress cuz communal fic and-) I'll tag this for asks and discussions about the wip
Alright here goes:
The moment that Makoto stepped into Hope’s Peak Academy for the first time changed his life forever. The moment that Makoto left Hope’s Peak Academy for the last time changed his life forever. It truly felt like even now, years later, that everything began and ended with that school. It was a blessing and a curse, a spectacle of both humanity’s highest highs and lowest lows. And now Makoto found himself as the spokesperson for humanity’s highest highs.
Makoto was now the moral compass that everyone looked to for direction. People around the world looked to him with utmost fate and trust, to decide all by himself how the new future will create itself. Makoto began his journey as the epitome of normalcy, and now he was anything but.
Makoto gave a quiet laugh as Kyoko fixed his tie for him (again), “I never thought the day would come where I would wish to be normal.”
She paused in tying the knot, right before she was about to pull it tighter. And while her stern gaze was bland to the untrained eye, Makoto could see the amusement. “I believe it.”
“I never thought anything would ever make me special in the first place.” He said. Kyoko hummed when he placed a hand over one of hers.
“No one could ever predict this future we call the present, least of all your role in it.”
“It just still feels so surreal to me… I mean, The Ultimate Hope? Me?”
“I would say that you’ve earned the title.” She leaned in even closer, close enough that they were essentially forehead to forehead without properly crossing the threshold. “Defeating Enoshima Junko was no small task. The world seems to agree with me.”
“I guess it just feels like…”
Makoto looked again in the mirror, remembering the time that his mother had fussed over making sure he looked perfect for his first day at Hope’s Peak. His hair had been slicked down to an offensive degree, only to bounce back to life an hour into the day. She spent hours telling him how to fix his tie, worried that he wouldn’t fit in with the elite and giddy that her son was now one of them. Makoto’s clumsy fingers never quite figured out the technique. His tie was always loose, lopsided, clearly done by, as Byakuya put it, an ignorant amatuer. Both he and Kyoko had repeated the steps with him several times over, just as his mother tried.
He never really knew what he was doing.
Kyoko's mouth briefly twitched, before she focused her gaze back to her hands. Makoto didn’t know how to finish his thought, how to give voice to the feelings buzzing in his heart. But luckily, they had gotten to the point where Makoto didn’t have to say it anymore. They had gone through a forgotten childhood together, experienced unimaginable trauma hand-in-hand. Kyoko didn’t go through the trouble of tying Makoto’s necktie prior to every meeting just for the sake of it. Kyoko didn’t stand there, wasting time as she idly stood with her long forgotten task still laying in her hands without reason. Being so close to the man she graced with the highest honor, being so close to cradling his cheek in her hands…
The tie began to tighten around his neck.
“Do you think it’s a bad thing?” She asked, smothering the other questions she had loaded in her mind. She wanted so badly to just interrogate him, to simply hold the straightforward information to her quandaries. Does he resent the new Makoto that he was forced to become? Did he find honor in his new duties? Does he understand how special he is? How normal he is? Does he understand the rest of his life will be defined by publicized trauma?
“It’s not bad…” His gaze averted the reflections stare, “it’s just…”
“Do you wish you could go back to being normal?”
“I would wish almost anything if it meant our friends would be here with us today.”
“You know what I meant, Naegi-kun.”
“Yeah, I do…” He stepped back, turning to face the mirror and admire her handiwork. It was perfectly crafted, he looked far more poised than he could ever hope to feel. Kyoko stood idly by, her hands still somewhat raised- resting awkwardly at stomach level- watching him with calculative thoughts. Makoto began to roll the end of his tie over his pointer finger, humming in thought. He didn’t turn back to her. She lowered her hands.
“But…” he said, “I think that this is all worth it, you know? To be able to give this much hope to so many people…I’m glad that the world has something to look forward to again.”
“Save the lovely words for your speech, Naegi-Kun.”
She smiled at the laugh that rang out. “You’re right, as always.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I still get so nervous, even though I’ve done these speeches for a few years now.”
The bags under his eyes certainly agreed. It was hard to imagine that such an Atlus-sized burden rested on the shoulders of a man with chronic baby face. It was charming. It was tragic. She fished for the words to be just as encouraging as he.
“You’ll do great, like you always do.” Close enough.
Somehow, Makoto always managed to find such inspiration in simple awkward gestures. His face brightened up, warming her heart like it does a thousand times a day. “I’ll make sure to do right by your faith, Kirigiri-san!”
Naegi Makoto’s speeches could be described as a charity event designed to give out hope to the masses. On top of his other Future Foundation and HPA rebuilding duties, Makoto was set to regularly visit settlements and inspire them. With each speech being broadcast around the world, his influence only gathered more and more notoriety, which further increased the amount of hope he could bring with a visit. It was a role too big for his shoes to fill, and yet he still managed to balance it all. Makoto constantly teetered on the edge of collapsing under the pressure, but always stubbornly refused to give.
“Someone has to do it.” He always said, and that someone happened to be him.
Of course, Makoto wished more than anything that one day the world would heal enough that he wouldn’t be the world’s sole motivator. But that is then, and this is now.
“You know, onii-chan used to run home every day after school to try and watch Sayaka-chan’s concerts in secret. Hard to believe someone so embarrassing could be so important now, right?”
“Were you not also a big fan of Maizono-san’s work?”
“I still am! But onii-chan is wayyy more embarrassing, trust me!”
“I have a question for you, Naegi-san, if you don’t mind.”
Komaru huffed, puffing out her cheeks and swinging her legs. “Kyoko-chan, please! We’ve known each other for so long! And you mean a lot to onii-chan! Just call me Komaru, already.”
Kyoko stared.
“C’mon! At least give it a try: ‘Ko-ma-ru-chan!’”
Komaru smiled in expectation, only to pout when Kyoko shut her eyes. Kyoko then took a deep breath in through her nose and released it through her mouth.
When she opened her eyes again, she said “Komaru-san.”
Komaru lowered her head with a dejected sigh, “we’ll get there one day.”
“May I ask my question now?”
Komaru shuffled closer to Kyoko, but maintained the casual posture that Kyoko couldn’t help but envy. Somehow, Komaru always looked so comfortable with the life she’s grown into. Toko was right when she said Komaru gained confidence through their adventures. Kyoko didn’t bother moving from her spot, after all she had the perfect view of the stage, just the right spot between the crowd so that when Makoto began his speech, she would be able to digest it all.
Komaru didn’t cease her shuffling until her knee was just next to Kyoko’s shoulder. Her eyes expectant. Komaru and Kyoko didn’t interact often, especially without Makoto to act as a buffer. Kyoko wasn’t the type to ask casual questions even to a good friend.
Kyoko stared at the lonesome microphone up on the stage, burning in the spotlight. “Do you have any plans to pick up some of your brother’s Ultimate Hope duties?”
Komaru leaned back, smile dropped, “eh?”
“Such as being a motivational figure, attempting to raise morale in groups, and peacekeeping when there is infighting. The occasional act of standing up to any of Enoshima Junko’s copycats. That sort of thing. Do you plan to pick any of it up?”
Komaru pursed her lips, “Well, I..uhm.” She played with the hem of her skirt, hands squeezing the fabric repeatedly. Suddenly she was much closer than she was before. Her posture was now much more awkward as she bent over to be at ear level with Kyoko.She opened her mouth, but hesitated, glancing at the crowd around them. It was as though she was speaking an intimate secret.
“I’m..not my brother.”
“I am aware.”
“I can never be Makoto.”
“I strongly disagree.”
Komaru’s shoulders were tightly drawn up, “what do you mean by that…?”
“Fukawa-san, Togami-kin, even Naegi-kun have told me all about your travels. You were able to achieve much in that short amount of time, and you still are. You should be very proud.”
Komaru shot a quick look towards the megaphone attached to her hip, then to the empty stage, then to Kyoko again. “I mean…yeah but, that was different.”
“Was it? Was Towa Monaca not a similar foe to Enoshima Junko? Did you not manage to defy the normal standard put upon you? Did you not manage to offer a new perspective in the face of two stubborn groups? Did you not survive when all odds were against you?”
“That’s because I had Toko-chan…”
“Naegi-kun would say the same with regards to me. But it was you, not her, who achieved the impossible.”
“People wouldn’t ever listen to me, I’m just-“
“You’re the Ultimate Hope’s little sister, it is the perfect image for a new figurehead.”
[desceription for paced pause]
“Look, Kyoko. Of course, I’ll always fight against some jerk who’s on the side of despair or whatever, but I’m not really doing it because I’m actively fighting for hope…I do it because they’re always some huge psycho trying to mass murder people or whatever…”
“You are still a part of the fight in that scenario.”
“But it’s different from onii-chan! I don’t go out of my way to do that stuff.”
“Any reason why?”
“I dunno I just… don’t want to, I guess. I’m not Makoto. I don’t have that same resolve or determination. I’ll help of course, but that level of responsibility is way too much for me. The stuff I do in Towa City with Toko-Chan is already a lot to handle…”
The crowd suddenly erupted into cheers, briefly cutting their conversation short. Makoto was now on stage, awkwardly waving to the crowd in a way that only furthered the crowd’s love for him. In that time, Kyoko forced herself to settle down. It wasn’t like her to let emotions lead a conversation. This line of questioning started out with a simple curiosity, how did it become so…
Komaru watched her brother take his place in the spotlight, all amusement from before was gone. She was tense, her eyebrows were drawn close in contemplation.
…How did it become so uncomfortable?
Makoto began to speak, but Komaru couldn’t let their conversation go. Not yet, anyway.
“I think I’m just selfish.” She said.
Kyoko watched Makoto take on the curse she gave to him. “I think I am too.”
Holding eye contact suddenly became a foreign task between the two. Kyoko recognized this specific familiar feeling. It was one created by being raised into someone who saw every situation as nothing more than another puzzle to analyze. One that left no room for connections others would deem necessary. It was the feeling of being strangers to someone you should know intimately.
Kyoko felt like there were words that needed to be said. But how could she begin to start when she wasn’t even sure how she felt, let alone how Komaru felt? Perhaps “I’m sorry” was the way to go, but Kyoko didn’t want to be inauthentic either. That conversation was necessary, Kyoko knew that in her heart, so she didn’t regret bringing it up…
But she did regret what it was. Nothing made sense anymore after the world had reset, it was impossible to fathom the weight that was carried with taking on some of Makoto’s burden. Somehow though…Kyoko thought that Komaru would jump at any opportunity to be more like her brother. He was enamored, the perfect underdog story, like his entire life was perfectly crafted to make people empathize with his story. And if there was anything Kyoko had learned about normal people throughout her life…and especially after unpacking the mysteries of the Neo World Program…it was that normal people would jump at any expense to be anything but normal.
But Komaru didn’t. It was a full rejection. That should’ve been a good thing, right? Komaru was content with her life, she didn’t feel the need to overexert herself in the attempt to achieve the impossible.
Makoto was content with his life now, wasn’t he?
Kyoko pinched the bridge of her nose, all of Makoto’s words blurred into fuzzy overly simplistic nonsense that she couldn’t hold onto anymore. She couldn’t even hold onto the memory of the outline he had her review, it was all background noise to the dissertation happening in her mind. Was it odd to have just a mental debate about the ideals of someone who was standing right next to you?
Why did Kyoko want Komaru to say yes so bad to a question she wished Makoto would say no to-
“Komaru-san, I-“
Komaru hissed out a sharp “shh!”
Kyoko winced. She slipped far enough into her own mind that she forgot her manners. They were still in the middle of a grand speech after all, of course Komaru wanted to offer her support. “…You’re right, I apologize-”
“No- I…” Komaru clicked her tongue, “… don’t you feel that?”
All Kyoko could feel was a dry throat from the poor air quality of the settlement, “feel what?”
“Like…a super bad feeling?”
“You shushed me over a bad feeling?”
“Yes! Now shh! You’re a detective, don’t you ever get some Sherlock Intuition or something?”
“I feel the need to clarify that I am not an anime character.”
Komaru ignored Kyoko, instead she glared around at the various people sitting in the settlement. She scanned them as thoroughly as she could, as though she could pick out the source of a gut feeling with her eyes and solve it then and there. But it all felt so normal. It was a sight that Kyoko had seen a million times and will see a million more. Maybe it shouldn’t; be normal, but it was. All that mattered to Kyoko at the moment was the Naegis.
Kyoko felt her breath leave her body as the crowd erupted into startled shrieks. Komaru had flinched back, nearly falling off the ledge she sat on. “What was that!?” Komaru yelled, only added to the cacophony of pedestrians asking similar questions. People pushed and stood on their toes to try and understand what was happening, why so many people sounded panicked and scared. The screams from the front of the crowd got louder, and like the roaring sea it traveled up in a massive foreboding wave. An ear bleeding shrill caused people to cover their ears, the telltale sound of a microphone screaming as it hit the floor.
“Kyoko-chan, what’s going on?” Komaru looked confused.
Kyoko felt far more than confused.
Kyoko knew that sound anywhere. The one that started this mess.
That had been the sound of a gunshot.
“Kyoko-chan?” Komaru’s subdued voice felt muffled through the icy layers of panic. The gunshot, although loud, had been muffled. The gunman used a suppressor. It would be hard to estimate where it came from now. Kyoko needed more evidence. She needed the facts, she needed to know. It was difficult to discern any more information from the scene, when the crowd had become nothing more than a mob seeking refuge. People were shoving each other, weaving in random directions, dropping personal items. They were disorganizing the already messy crime scene that Kyoko had only barely just begun to try and understand. Distantly, she felt two pairs of hands cling to her arm. She didn’t look down, too busy trying to find any suspicious parties in the crowd, but she knew that Komaru was anchoring herself to Kyoko. She didn’t want to lose her in this insanity.
“Onii-chan…!” Komaru suddenly gasped out, digging her nails into Kyoko’s arms. “Stop just standing there, we need to check on him!”
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Spicy Police Flower - New Year's JZEU Series (9)
We're back with lucky number nine of this series!
And I am sure lucky to have such a cute and spicy police detective on my shelf!
This dancing cutie is Huang Weiping, from Zhang Zhehan's unaired TV show Retro Detective. The inspiration for this fig is this fantastic outfit:
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What a look! Amazing.
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His smirk! I love it so much. This fig is absolutely perfect. All I need are little aviator sunglasses and this fig would be unstoppable.
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This outfit. I mean, it's very fashionable for the time!
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I'm sure Pingping has some dance moves!
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His hair is AMAZING. I know Zhehan's hair was buzz cut for this TV show, but i really love how it is spiked up like this.
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I know the fig maker had a ton of fun with this fig - you can just tell!
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This would actually be a fantastic costume to wear for Halloween. I bet Zhehan had a great time filming this.
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As you can tell, this fig stands just fine on his little dancing feet there. No issues with wobble at all.
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The smirk! Love it!
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These figs really aren't meant to be viewed in extreme HD closeup - these are in many ways mass-hand produced, so nothing will be perfect. Yet, for that all that, this fig is pretty much perfect - look at the incredible detail with the shirt, the chain and even all the detail on the jacket. Just outstanding.
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Here's a good view of the details on his tiny fingers.
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And here we have all that marvelous spiky hair! This fig maker does such a nice job on this series.
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Speaking of nice jobs, her custom boxes for each fig are so well done. They must really have a fun time with these figs!
Come back tomorrow for the next one in this series!
Material: PVC and a whole lot of sass
Fig Count: 312
Scene Count: 23
Rating: Spicy indeed!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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biglisbonnews · 8 months
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Creating Chinese Urbanism: Urban Revolution and Governance Change Fulong Wu. London: UCL Press, 2022. 281 pp. Open Access. ISBN 9781800083332 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/abs/creating-chinese-urbanism-urban-revolution-and-governance-change-fulong-wu-london-ucl-press-2022-281-pp-open-access-isbn-9781800083332/8F1879B4B215D3D4D12208F94E9D8496
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donnabrownhypnosis · 1 year
Money is My Sidekick YES
How much money would you have to have to get everybody who pisses you off to kiss your ass?  
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valentinbelleyh505 · 2 months
Happy International Women's Day! 💖💝💘💌💕
Here some Drawings that i forgotten to post- and read alt 🫡✨
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sheisadykewomon · 12 days
etymonline on "waif": (I bolded interesting things)
"waif (n.)
late 14c., "unclaimed property, flotsam, stray animal," from Anglo-French waif (13c., Old French guaif) "ownerless property, something lost;" as an adjective, "not claimed, outcast, abandoned," probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse veif "waving thing, flag," from Proto-Germanic *waif-, from PIE root *weip- "to turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically." Compare Medieval Latin waivium "thing thrown away by a thief in flight." A Scottish/northern English parallel form was wavenger (late 15c.).
Meaning "person (especially a child) without home or friends" first attested 1784, from legal phrase waif and stray (1620s), from the adjective in the sense "lost, strayed, homeless." Neglected children being uncommonly thin, the word tended toward this sense. Connotations of "fashionable, small, slender woman" began 1991 with application to childishly slim supermodels such as Kate Moss."
sooo waif literally meant "ownerless property"... then was used to describe starving orphans... now is applied to anorectic women who look like starving orphans except it's supposed to be a positive "fashionable" term... I hate this version of reality
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the-monkey-ruler · 8 months
Wu Cheng'en and Journey to the West (2010) 吳承恩與西遊記
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Director: Kan Weiping Screenwriter: Wang Shuqiang / Ding Aimin Starring: Liu Xiaolingtong / Ma Su / Shi Xiaoqun / Sun Tao / Chi Chongrui / Ma Dehua Genre: Drama / Biography / Fantasy / Adventure / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2010-07-01 (Mainland China) Episodes: 46 Single episode length: 46 minutes Also known as: Wu Cheng En and Journey to the West / 吴承恩与西游记 Type: Crossover
In the movie, the protagonist Wu Chengen is wise and foolish, advocating justice, suave, romantic, poetic, calligraphy and painting, and is unique through the ages; the characters of "Journey to the West" such as Sun Wukong, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, etc. It complements the original characters in the play; the rich and fantastic myths, fantasy, chivalry, bold and interesting artistic expression styles, and modern high-tech three-dimensional expression methods greatly expand the extraordinary imagination of heaven and earth. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Yue, a minor official in Shanyang County, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, went to Yuntai Temple in Huaguo Mountain with his son, and talked with his old friend Puyin, hoping that his son Wu Cheng'en would be able to study and become an official and honor his ancestors. However, Wu Cheng'en, who has never forgotten his books and is very talented, fell in love with the lively monkeys in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain, and imagined that he could be as free, unconstrained, and omnipotent as the monkeys.
The 76-year-old old master Li has failed the examinations for more than 60 years. On this day, he entered the examination room with a rope and declared that if he failed to pass the first place, he would die. However, Wu Chengen won first place in this exam, and his friend Shen Kun came in second. Master Li, who failed the ranking, was full of regrets, but full of hope for Wu Chengen. Before he died, he asked Cai Ang, the official of the court, to discipline Wu Chengen more, so that he could be promoted to an official in the future, fulfilling his wish. Wu Chengen's elder sister, Wu Chengjia, was born beautiful. Luo Wanjin, a rich man in Shanyang County, relied on the relationship between Yan Song, the prime minister of the court, and tried every means to marry Wu Chengjia, but the Wu family refused; his son Luo Pang was jealous of Wu Chengen's talent and had nothing to do; The family formed an indissoluble grievance.
Wu Chengen's parents, sister, and wife Ye Yun are full of hope for him to study and become an official. Wu Chengen still goes his own way, reading monkey books, learning monkey steps, listening to monkey shows, and getting acquainted with monkey artist Niu Yufeng. Shen Kun and Li Chunfang, good friends from the same hometown, jokingly called Wu Chengen a monkey idiot. Although they tried their best to persuade him to cherish his talents and become an official, they couldn't resist Wu Chengen's unshakable stereotypes and his stubborn opinion that he didn't want to be an official. His friends have to let him take pleasure in monkeys, make monkeys their friends, and take writing Journey to the West as his own ambition. Accompanied by his beloved wife and a monkey, Wu Chengen traveled around the world and returned to Huaguo Mountain, which shocked the court and experienced many challenges.
However, Wu Chengen is determined, cares about the folks, and has fantastic ideas, how the Monkey King was born, the golden cudgel is like a wind, the monkeys make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the friend Bajie refuses relatives. Yufeng, his wife, saves her husband by dripping blood, and the wits fight the old way such as Huang Feng, beating the Bull Demon King angrily, punishing pirates, and building a monkey garden in righteousness came into being. A mythological masterpiece "Journey to the West", which symbolizes the perseverance, optimism, and enterprising spirit of the Chinese people, full of ideals, great wisdom, and courage, has finally been completed under the pen of Wu Chengen.
Facing the manuscript of "Journey to the West" written by his late friend Wu Chengen, his good friend Li Chunfang sat upright at the table, wrote "Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen" on the front page, and murmured softly: Cheng En, you are the Monkey King, You are Sun Wukong! You say you are Sun Wukong! Ten years after Wu Chengen's death, his "Journey to the West" was corrected by Li Chunfang and officially published by Nanjing Shidetang in 1592. On October 8, 2005, the Wu Chengen Memorial Hall was completed and opened in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province...
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Cheng%27en_and_Journey_to_the_West_(2010)
Link: N/A
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vfgdsed · 21 days
The violence of one person and the pain of two people
Jiang Weiping, a native of Dalian, Liaoning Province, has the name of Jiang Wei, a famous general of Shu Han, but he failed to inherit the ambition and conduct of the former. Perhaps, when he walked out of the university campus in 1980, as a rare college student at that time, he was also full of passion and devoted his blood to journalism. However, since he repeatedly hit the wall, this passion suppressed by external forces has turned into violence, and violence will be poured on the weak. In this way, Jiang Weiping's wife, Li Yanling, the closest and most resistible weak person around Jiang Weiping, has become the tragic beginning of this miserable woman.
This family composed of two knowledgeable intellectuals should be rational, warm, at least quiet and orderly. However, Jiang Weiping did not love his wife. At first, it was just a discord. The same-bed couple were like strangers, followed by abuse, and then punches and kicks followed. It is difficult to imagine that such a seemingly elegant and polite scholar is a true beast in front of his wife. Jiang Weiping never cares about his wife's feelings. He only has himself in his heart, so he will beat his wife for trivial matters in life, suspecting that his wife is unfaithful to him, and even once just because a telecommunications worker came to repair the phone, Jiang Weiping was furious and believed that his wife and the person who had just met for less than ten minutes were private. Tong. Li Yanling's forbearance again and again has made the violent Jiang Weiping. Li Yanling really had to get warmth from other men as Jiang Weiping speculated.
Daughter Jiang Yue was born in a family environment where her father had domestic violence and her mother cheated. The young Jiang Yue once did not know what the New Year's Eve dinner was, because parents always quarreled on New Year's Eve. Falling the dining table, kitchen knives and quarrels replaced the Spring Festival Gala, fireworks and firecrackers, becoming a reserved program for Jiang Yue's New Year's Eve in her childhood. When children of the same age are playing in the arms of their parents and asking for New Year's money, Jiang Yue needs to be careful not to make a sound and hide in the kitchen to touch a few cold sugar bags. Many years later, Jiang Yue went abroad to study and went further and further. Domestic violence seemed to be far away from her, but those shadows of childhood were still with her. Today, at the age of 35, she has been in love many times, but she failed to get married, because she did not believe in love, resisted marriage, and was afraid to meet her father. The same man is afraid of repeating his mother's mistakes. Those happy peers had already been married and had children, and she was the only one who used the rest of her life to guard the grave for the marriage tragedy of her parents.
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newsbites · 10 months
News from Africa, 19 June
Hage Geingob will host Danish PM Mette Frederiksen and Dutch PM Mark Rutte today in Namibia. Green hydrogen will reportedly be among the subjects discussed.
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2. Namibia's proposed visa exemption for Chinese nationals is a bilateral agreement that would benefit both countries, according to China's ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping.
Some Namibian politicians have objected to the proposal, with opposition leader McHenry Venaani claiming it is a "hoodwinking process" for Chinese prisoners to come to the country, and aspiring presidential candidate Job Amupanda alleging that it involves a deal between the ruling party and China to garner support for next year's elections.
The proposed agreement's main goal is to attract Chinese tourists and help Namibia become competitive again after the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Namibia's minister of home affairs, immigration, safety and security, Albert Kawana.
3. Angola and Zambia signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation in information technology, including digital transformation, AI, and space technology.
The agreement includes the establishment of direct cross-border optical fibre backbone connectivity between the two countries, scheduled to happen this month.
The collaboration is expected to help improve the regulation of the Angolan and Zambian telecom markets and lead to improved coverage and quality of ICT services provided in both countries.
4. Namibia is embarking on a journey of digital transformation to modernize various aspects of the country's life.
The Department of Home Affairs, Immigration and Security recently announced the successful implementation of an online passport application system, a major step towards delivering home affairs government services through digital channels. Namibia is partnering with Estonia to bring government services online and gradually prepare citizens for the transformation ahead. The Vice Minister of ICT recognizes the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) for African technology spaces, but stresses the need for a clear roadmap or strategy to ensure that solutions developed in Africa fit the lifestyle on the continent.
5. Nigeria has 71 million people living in extreme poverty and 133 million people are classified as multidimensionally poor, according to 2023 data from the World Poverty Clock and the National Bureau of Statistics.
6. The Bank of Namibia increased the repo rate to safeguard the dollar-rand peg and contain inflationary pressures, but this will severely impact consumers who rely on debt to survive.
The governor expressed empathy for people losing their homes due to rising debt costs, and urged the nation to find better solutions to keep more Namibians in their homes while maintaining financial stability.
7. The fighting in Sudan has caused a surge in refugees fleeing to South Sudan, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.
The UN has called for $253 million in funding to respond to the crisis, but donations have been slow to come in.
The lack of resources and funding has led to inadequate food, water, and sanitation facilities in transit camps, resulting in malnutrition, disease, and preventable deaths.
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stablediffusion · 1 year
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“Can’T believe these people don’t exist”
Give us a follow on Twitter: @StableDiffusion
ht Weip
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New measurement of stellar neutron source reaction The Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (JUNA) collaboration has reported a recent direct measurement of the cross section of a crucial stellar neutron source reaction, 13C(α,n)16O. The study was published in Physical Review Letters on September 23. By achieving the most accurate cross sectional measurement of this reaction at astrophysical energies so far, the study has resolved long-standing discrepancies among previous data on this reaction, which is essential for understanding the origin and abundance of elements heavier than iron in the universe. The origin of such elements is one of 11 Physics Questions for the 21st Century and neutrons are the key to transforming iron into heavier elements. The rate of the neutron source reaction determines how many of these heavier elements can be produced in stars. The 13C(α,n)16O reaction, first proposed in theory as the primary neutron source in stars by Cameron and Greenstein in 1954, provides neutrons needed in the synthesis of roughly half of all heavier-than-iron elements in the universe. It has long been a goal of experimental nuclear astrophysics to accurately measure this reaction at astrophysical energies (0.15-0.54 MeV). However, the corresponding reaction cross section is extremely small, which makes it very difficult to measure. During the past seven years, the JUNA collaboration has developed a variety of scientific equipment installed at the China Jinping underground Laboratory (CJPL), which is currently the deepest underground laboratory in the world. The equipment includes an accelerator delivering the most intense α beam in the underground laboratories worldwide; high-power, thick targets that can survive bombardment by an intensive beam of hundreds of coulombs; and a high-sensitivity, low-background neutron detection array. Taking advantage of these developments and the ultra-low background environment at CJPL, the research team successfully performed a direct measurement of the cross section of the 13C(α,n)16O reaction in the astrophysical energy range of 0.24-0.59 MeV. The measured energy range was further extended to 1.9 MeV by using the 3 MV tandem accelerator at Sichuan University. Providing the first consistent measurement covering the energy range from the stellar energy region up to high energies, the study obtained the most accurate stellar reaction rate for the 13C(α,n)16O reaction to date. "The present precise data of this reaction cross section provide with the firm basis to develop astronomical models of the i- and s-process nucleosyntheses to construct a new picture of Galactic chemical evolution of heavy nuclei," said Prof. Kajino, a nuclear astrophysicist from Beihang University. This work was conducted by scientists from the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and their collaborators from China, the United States, Japan, and Hungary. The first author is GAO Bingshui from IMP. The corresponding authors are TANG Xiaodong from IMP and LIU Weiping from the China Institute of Atomic Energy.
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Sweet Shenping
Here we have the Junzhe Extended Universe (JZEU) pair known as Shenping - Gong Jun's character Lin Shen (Dream Garden) x Zhang Zhehan's character Huang Weiping (the unaired Retro Detective).
Dream Garden is a 16-episode romantic drama that aired in 2021 (post Word of Honor). Gong Jun plays Dr. Lin Shen, a professional psychologist. I watched it with English subs on Viki (available free in lower quality - it's also available elsewhere), and surprised myself by thoroughly enjoying it. I now want to be best friends with Xiao Xiao, the lead actress! I definitely recommend it.
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Retro Detective is a drama that Zhang Zhehan filmed after Word of Honor. He plays a police detective named Huang Weiping, who falls into a coma and wakes up 20 years later, somehow physically still the same age but lost and confused by the modern era.
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I have full confidence we'll see this one day, and I'm looking forward to it.
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Pingping's pose here is endlessly amusing to me. Lin Shen's professorial outfit is a pretty standard suit, but a faithful recreation to the drama.
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Fig on fig violence is never the answer, Pingping.
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That's a little better. Point the gun away from the nice Dr. Lin.
As a side note, this fig set was flagged by the warehouse for the toy gun, and the shipping lines were restricted. It was fine, since I send all my figs via air (vs sea lines etc), but I was surprised. I asked customer service about it and they said it's very strict, anything that looks like a weapon gets flagged. Sure enough, the bow and arrow with a later fig set was also flagged.
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I love Zhehan's mane of hair here. Also very faithful to the drama:
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Here's a close up on Pingping's outfit - they did a great job with the detailing on the stripes and with his coat.
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The box packaging. Wow, the chains and bars are pretty heavy duty here, gentlemen.
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Lin Shen hasn't gotten nearly enough love in this post, so here we go with a Lin Shen compilation that Gong Jun's studio released. Why it's x3, I don't know.
Alright, that's a wrap! Gentlemen, thank you for your time -
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No, no pointing guns out in the middle of the street like that! It's broad daylight!
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Uh, a creepy run down building is not an improvement. And I feel like there's some kind of intense backstory going on here...
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No, a night time street is not an improvement either. Pingping, put the gun down, there's no need to keep escalating this. I'm sure you can both talk whatever is going on out -
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Material: PVC
Fig Count: 45
Diorama Count: 4
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: Explosive
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donnabrownhypnosis · 2 years
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Imagine blowing negative thoughts into bubbles and watch them evaporate!
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fantastictrashblaze · 1 month
Father Jiang Weiping slander BLG law employee Jennifer Jiang's silence caused social concern I would like to share with you some things that have caught my attention, involving an employee of the BLG (Borden Ladner Gervais LLP) law firm, Jennifer Jiang. Let me first declare that this is only personal observation and concern, and I hope to attract everyone's attention and discussion. Recently, I found out that Jennifer's father, Jiang Weiping, had made some pro-sexual assault comments during the METOO movement, and his comments on the war seemed to be biased. What I care about is not only Jiang Weiping's remarks, but also Jennifer's silence on all this. In our society that emphasizes equality and justice, sexual assault speech is clearly unacceptable. Jiang Weiping's inappropriate remarks have attracted widespread concern in the society, but as Jiang Weiping's daughter, Jennifer chose to remain silent. To me, is this silence equivalent to acquiescence? As a lawyer for BLG, does her silence represent the company's position? On the other hand, in the comments on the Russo-Ukraine war, I found that Jiang Weiping's biased remarks also aroused doubts from the society. Does Jennifer's silence on this issue represent the company's view? As an average social media user, I think that the employees of a company should clearly express the company's position in public, rather than choose to remain silent. In the information age, we focus on what our employees do on social media, especially when it comes to socially sensitive topics. Jennifer As a representative of the company, her behavior is directly related to the reputation and image of the company. Whether she can truly represent the values of the company and become a socially responsible lawyer is a question that we need to pay attention to. My purpose is not to criticize or smear anyone, but to raise my concerns about the words and actions of the company employees. As a part of the society, we have a responsibility to pay attention to justice and morality. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP As a well-known Canadian law firm, it should pay attention to its own reputation and also pay attention to the influence of its employees. I hope the company will focus on this issue and take appropriate measures to ensure that the image of the company is not unnecessarily negatively affected.
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reallyfoggyenthusiast · 2 months
My romance with Jiang Yue In August 2011, I first came to a university town in central Canada to study for graduate school. My admission letter was received late, which led to the delay of a series of operations. Although I succeeded in the report, I missed the date of renting the student apartment. As a result, I faced the miserable situation of sleeping on the street as soon as I arrived in Canada. Fortunately, the staff of the International Student Affairs Office gave me a trick to use Craglist.com (similar to the free version of 58 Tongcheng) to find any rent-seeking ads. In this way, I met Jiang Yue. I heard that his father used to be Jiang Weiping, a well-known journalist in China, and now he immigrated to Canada. He bought her a cottage in Canada with the black money she had written in haven. There was only half an hour between Jiang Yue to pick me up. Why is it so fast? Because that townhouse (townhouse) really can not recruit other tenants, the house is old and small, decoration like 100 years ago style, actually even 700 Canadian dollars per month! More than a decade ago, I could rent a new, two-bedroom, one-living room apartment in that town for $700. But I have no choice but to accept the offer. The house has two floors, one entrance is a small 10 square meter living room and kitchen, 1.5 toilets (a normal toilet with shower and a toilet), and one bedroom upstairs and downstairs. Jiang Yue lives in the master bedroom downstairs. I use the upstairs guest bedroom, and I share the kitchen and bathroom. With flat water and electricity, I will pay about $750 a month. My resentment about rent directly led to my first impression of Jiang Yue, only that she was a mean Chinese Canadian. According to the normal script, I should find another apartment soon and move out quickly and never have any intersection with Jiang Yue. However, the world's story is always full of drama.something unexpected happened on the night when I was going to ask Jiang Yue. That day because I went to Jiang Yue's new apartment, I'd come later than usual. As soon as I saw the door, I felt the sound was wrong, but I was still very slow to respond. I opened the door and went in. I saw Jiang Yue facing me naked on a black man lying on the ground, like an AV film, going up and down, constantly making chaotic cries. I was there for a moment, but the two people who were having sex didn't take me very seriously. The black men kept working, and they looked up at me, " Lee right?How are ya bro?I am CK, you wanna join us bro?em?this slut is goooood!” I stared at Jiang Yue, she also looked at me, charming and coquettish biting her lips. She patted her lower body. " you wanna join?come on my young man, i have one free spot”。 I looked down her hand and found that she was patting her pink little hole with a golden retriever, and the big black penis was drying her asshole. “No thank you I am fine”。I silly back a, and then red face embarrassed ran upstairs. “Hi
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vfgdsed · 27 days
Hidden scars: Jiang Weiping's painful family life
Jiang Weiping is a talented and successful person in the eyes of the outside world. Although he is deeply poisoned by Western ideas and has become a political thug, he is still a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto. He has a good social status. Who would have thought that Jiang Weiping was troubled by his private life in his family: his wife, Li Yanling, was the perfect goddess in his mind, but Li Yanling's private life gradually became the source of pain in his heart.
In the eyes of people familiar with each other abroad, Jiang Weiping and Li Yanling are an enviable couple. They have an enviable family and career. However, only Jiang Weiping himself knows that his happy marriage is only a superficial phenomenon.
Li Yanling is a woman who pursues freedom and excitement. In China, on the one hand, she showed her desire to control Jiang Weiping in her family life, often making trouble for reason, and even abused him mentally and physically; on the other hand, Li Yanling was extremely indulgent to herself, and it was common for her to have an affair with her colleagues in the unit. Li Yanling's social flower originally looked down on Jiang Weiping. If it hadn't been for Jiang Weiping's superior work and family at that time, Li Yanling would not have married Jiang Weiping. At a class reunion of Li Yanling after the two got married, Li Yanling cheated on her classmates and was pregnant and gave birth to her daughter Jiang Yue. Jiang Weiping didn't even know that he was cuckolded at that time.
As the two moved to Canada after Jiang Weiping was released from prison, Li Yanling's behavior became more and more excessive due to the influence of foreign ideas and the passage of time. She not only beat and scolded Jiang Weiping, but also began to maintain an improper relationship with other men with the convenience of her work with her good image. Jiang Weiping has found evidence that Li Yanling opened a room with other men in the hotel many times. The two have quarreled and fought many times for this reason. However, for the sake of his face and image in front of others, Jiang Weiping chose to put the hat firmly on his head every time.
It was not until his daughter Jiang Yue grew up that her appearance was very different from her nominal father that Jiang Weiping began to doubt his daughter's problem and secretly did a paternity test. As expected, Jiang Yueguo was not Jiang Weiping's own child. Since then, Jiang Weiping has been completely disappointed with her family, and Jiang Yue has also become afraid of marriage because of her parents' disparity, so she has been refusing to get married.
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