#what dean pic makes you feral?
deancaskiss · 10 months
what’s a picture of dean that just makes yall feral?
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Lend a Helping Hand
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Got the pic here. The graphic was made by me on Canva.
This fic will cover my "I need you to set that down slowly and step away." square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card. The prompt will be in bold.
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Summary: Dean wants to lend a helping hand.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None. All fluff. Crack if you squint. But it's mostly just pure Christmas Fluff!
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,047
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. This one came from @kimberkingrivers who asked this:
...The square “I’m gonna need you to set that down and step away” made me think of Dean and reader in a very domestic setting, in the bunker kitchen maybe. Reader is making something and totally about to make a mess. Or vise versa Deans trying to make something for the reader and she walks in to the kitchen to see the mess he’s made and tell him the prompt. I don’t know that’s just where my brain went.
I absolutely loved this idea and came up with this little drabble as a result. I hope you enjoy it, lovely!
The beautiful dividers I used were made by @talesmaniac89
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Y/N took the last step down the metal staircase into the bunker and sighed deeply as she dropped her bags where she stood. Her arms were exhausted after two hours of walking and shopping, trying to get all the last minute stuff that she needed to make Christmas perfect for her little hunter family. 
The boys were basically like feral wolves when it came to celebrating holidays; they had no idea how to do it, and when she forced them into the festivities they tended to be almost suspicious of the merriment. But she refused to take no for an answer and poured everything she had into making their celebrations happy, and relaxing.
So for Christmas she was going all out. She’d spent days decorating the bunker while the boys had been out on a hunt and when they came back, the cold, concrete bunker had been transformed into a bright and colorful, warm and inviting space. They’d both told her she didn’t need to go to all that trouble, but she could see how happy it made them and the look of little boy excitement in Dean’s eyes had made it more than worth the time she put into it. 
She and Dean had been together nearly a year now, and she never got tired of giving him the home he’d never had. She loved being the comfort he came home to. 
She sighed happily and picked up her bags, planning on taking them to the bedroom, when suddenly she heard a huge crash. A second later Dean was yelling and cursing and Y/N dropped the bags back to the floor and dashed towards his voice. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. 
As she neared the entrance she called out to her boyfriend. “Dean, what’s wrong?”
“No!” Dean yelled back. “No, don’t come in here!”
But it was too late. She skidded to a halt in the doorway of the kitchen and her jaw dropped. Dean had his back to her, facing the island and wrestling with something sitting there. But he spun around when he heard her enter. His hands were raised as she walked slowly down the stairs and into the room.
“No! You weren’t…” He sighed and dropped his hands down to his sides. “You weren’t supposed to come in here.” In each hand he held a beater from the electric mixer and they dripped thick, lumpy icing onto the floor.
Y/N looked around her, unable to believe the catastrophe that'd been made out of what had been a spotless kitchen just hours before.
The counter was lined with baking instruments in various states of cleanliness. There was something burnt and yet oozing out of the muffin tins on top of the stove. The floor was patterned with big, sticky boot prints, and a bag of flour had tipped over to spill off the end of the table, creating a small hill of fluffy white powder on the gray floor below. The water was running endlessly in the sink that was stacked with dishes, and Dean was covered in a fine layer of flour.
There were colorful sprinkles in his hair.
“What on…I was only gone two hours.” Y/N said in a quiet, awed voice. “Wha-” Something dripped from the ceiling to land right in front of her, making her step back quickly. She looked up and pointed at the goop. “Is that frosting?”
Dean gave a frustrated growl. “Yes, it is. Because this stupid machine is a piece of shit!” He turned slightly towards the mixer sitting on the island, flinging his arms out wide. A thick splat of frosting shot off the end of the beater he held to land in a wet lump on Y/N’s cheek.
“Shit!” Dean shouted, his face scrunched up with remorse. “I’m sorry.” He swung back to face her quickly and more frosting went flying, this time landing on the wall.
“Okay,” Y/N said in a calming voice as though talking down a maniac. “I need you to set that down slowly and step away.”
Dean sighed and shifted to set the beaters down on the island. “You weren’t supposed to come in here.”
Y/N shook her head as she approached him. “Dean, what are you doing?” She asked with an exasperated laugh.
He lifted the corner of his mouth and shrugged a shoulder. “Helping?”
Y/N snorted out another laugh at his slightly chagrined expression. As she got close enough, Dean reached out towards her, flicking his thumb across her cheek to try and get the frosting off. 
“It’s just,” his voice got soft and his smile became sheepish, “you’ve been doing so much to make Christmas special, and it’s been incredible and I just wanted to take something off your hands."
He bit his lip and shrugged again before continuing. "You said you were gonna make cupcakes when you got home, so I thought it would be a nice surprise to have them already finished for you.”
He sighed again and then scowled at the uncooperative mixer. “But nothing did what I wanted it to do.”
As he explained his sweet gesture, Y/N felt a lump catch in her throat and tears came to her eyes. Dean misinterpreted them though, and his eyes got wide. “But I swear, sweetheart, you don’t have to worry. I’m gonna clean all of this up, I don’t want you to-”
Y/N cut him off by throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. His lips were sweet and sticky, proof he’d been sampling the frosting as he went. Dean's sound of surprise turned into a moan and he deepened the kiss. He left floury handprints at her waist as he pulled her tight against him.
When Y/N pulled away she was breathing hard and she pressed her forehead to his. “Thank you.” She said breathlessly.
Dean huffed a laugh. “Um…you’re welcome?”
Y/N kissed his lips again, softly. “I love you so much, did you know that?”
Dean’s eyes were warm and happy as he wrapped his arms all the way around her, and squeezed tighter. He kissed her cheek where some frosting still clung. “I did know that, but I like the way you tell me anyway.”
Y/N grinned and scanned the disastrous kitchen. “I like the way you tell me too.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378 @mayafatimakhan @impala67rollingthroughtown
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl @slamminmine @roonthelittlespoon920
Other tag lists will be tagged in a reblog. ❤️
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
Debated about sending this, but I think I can shed some ancient fandom history light on why Misha gets a lot of hate. At least how it started if not why it's persisted.
So, anon credentials, take 'em as you will. I watched the pilot the night it aired, I created one of the first fic focused Supernatural communities on LiveJournal, hell I participated in the SN vs SPN debate.
The thing to remember is that SPN became popular fairly quickly. It hit at the right time and had the right elements to fill a gap in fandom at the time and it attracted a lot of brand new fans. (Supernatural was a lot of people's first fandom and they were feral.) So take one part migrating slash fandom looking for a home, one part baby's first fandom, and combine it with a show that only had 2 leads and they were related.
The results were somewhat predictable. Incest shipping and fans had been around for ages, but always pushed to the side and generally not allowed in regular fandom spaces. But suddenly Supernatural was on the scene and Wincest was the bees knees. For 3 years Wincest and J2 were king and everyone just sorta accepted that as a part of the fandom. Didn't have to like it, but what the hell else were we supposed to do?
(The mysoginistic shitstorm those asshole created when the Ruby and Bella casting sides were leaked pre-season 3? I've not seen it's like. What happened to Bella was because of these asshats deciding she had to go before she'd even been introduced.)
But, again, for 3 years we had the reigning champions. It was either genfic (waves), fic focused on the brother's relationship, obscure pairings very few people paid attention to, or wincest. Then something glorious happened. Lazarus Rising. Misha Collins walked onto the scene, had amazing chemistry with Jensen, and changed the fandom game completely.
They tried the same tactics they'd used against Bella and Jo, but migratory slash fandom came on strong. Because there were a lot of people who watched the show, but didn't participate in fandom because incest. Only now there was Castiel! And even better he actually had chemistry and a great actor. There was something to latch onto!
They lost their crown that night. Words can not express just how much and quickly the fandom shifted in season 4, even more so on season 5 when it was clear Cas was sticking around. They had to hate Misha, he took all of their imaginary power and prestige away. They could no longer dictate fandom policy. You might go into a fic challenge or exchange and be asked to writing something beside Sam and Dean. They had to share the stage.
Few things will cause a person to hate like losing power. Even imaginary fandom power.
Anon thank you very much for your history lesson. It's truly fascinating!
I'm loving SPN (currently watching season 10) but I really hate how dirty the did on female characters. I loved Ruby (not so much the one played by Gen...), Bella, Jo and Ellen Harvelle, Pamela, Meg... and they all are killed? And usually in he most nonsensical and unnecessary deaths (sort of they way the killed Dean in the finale). oh shit I even spoiled myself and found out Charlie Bradbury also dies 😭
I don't understand that level of misogyny and sexism coming from a mostly female-based fandom. I'm a destiel shipper and yet I loved the chemistry between Bella and Dean and I wanted them to fuck, just as I enjoyed the sexual chemistry between Cas and Meg, and I wanted them to stay alive and further develop their arcs.
It should have been amazing the first time you watched Lazarus Rising. The first time that episode aired and nobody had fucking idea of what's going on and then suddenly Castiel makes his entrance and just. everybody lose their shit. I watched that episode when I already knew about destiel and already saw gifs and pics and yet it was such a glorious and epic experience. It was amazing, it deserves to be in the history books of TV shows.
And the most popular ship ever was born, and the actors had wild chemistry on and off cameras, and their lives were changed forever. I'm sure the moment Jensen and Misha met each other for first time was a pivotal event in their own lives. Isn't amazing that the most popular ship ever was born and fueled by the intense love these actors have for each other? (Whether it's romantic or just platonic... but, personally, I believe it's romantic)
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crashdevlin · 5 years
My Forever
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Author’s Note: Written for @spnkinkbingo, filling my Roommates square... also written for @dean-winchesters-bacon because I was attacked by Jensen pics and gifs until I agreed to write some smut of this gorgeous man. (thank you, I love you, you’re awesome, but now I have to focus on that Sam smut lol)
Summary: Y/n is staying with Jensen while she works on the show. An unmated omega and an unmated alpha staying in the same apartment is asking for trouble, even if y/n is on suppressants that completely hide her true nature.
Pairing(s): Alpha!Jensen X Omega!Reader
Word Count: 2742
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, 18+ HERE BE SEX DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!  unprotected sex, knotting sex,truemates
Wanna enhance your fanfic experience? Get Jensen’s hydrosol from @scentsfromthebunker
It wasn't ideal. You knew that an unmated omega living with an unmated alpha was asking for trouble, but you also knew that you couldn't stay in the fleabag motel the studio put you up in and you certainly couldn't afford your own apartment. Jensen was nice enough to offer you his pull-out couch and you were not going to turn that down. You were on suppressants, anyway, and used special body wash to hide your scent. For all intents and purposes, you were a beta, and that's how it was going to stay. Besides, you were only going to be Jensen's roommate for a month while you worked as this half-season's villain, then you would go back home and never see him again, probably. It wasn't a big deal.
Except, of course, that Jensen Ackles was the sexiest man you'd ever laid eyes on, alpha or otherwise, and his scent was intoxicating and absolutely blanketed the apartment. There wasn't a single place to get relief aside from the little balcony outside of the kitchen. So, of course, that's where you spent most of your time, even though November in Vancouver was cold as fuck. He often came home from shooting to find you wrapped in blankets and hoodies, just looking at your phone and breathing in the crisp air.
“You really like that balcony, don't’cha?” he asked at the beginning of the second week of you staying with him, as you entered the kitchen from the balcony to go pull out the sofa-bed.
You shrugged. “Don't get views like that in Louisiana… and the air tastes better up here. New Orl’ins smells like swamp gas and urine. Smells like worse come Mardi Gras or Pride.”
Jensen scoffed. “Imagine how bad it'd be if you weren't beta. I've been to Mardi Gras. Smell almost killed me.”
You gave a tight smile. You couldn't tell him about the nose plugs you generally stuck in your nose during festival weeks and parades back home. Something you wished you could get away with now, but couldn't do without giving away your presentation. Breathing surreptitiously through your mouth would have to work, instead. “Yeah. Lucky me.”
“Hey, you get the changes to Monday's schedule?” he asked, not looking up from the pot of coffee he was making.
You nodded. “Yeah, I'm shooting with Second Unit and I'm doing the scenes with Jared. All the stuff with you got pulled.”
“Yeah, uh… I'm… huh.” He looked a bit uncomfortable as he looked up and bit his lip. “I'm in pre-rut. It's early, for some reason. Haven't been off-cycle since I was still on Days, but something…” He shook his head. “Anyway, I'm going to lock myself in my room for a few days. No work for me.” He said it with a smile, but it was forced.
“You want me to get out of here? I mean, I can't imagine you want some coworker you barely know to… to be witness to… you know, to that.” You felt a bit uncomfortable, yourself, at the thought of being around an alpha in rut, and a bit guilty that your presence might have triggered an early rut in him.
“Nah, it'll be okay. Like I said, I'm just gonna hole up in my room with some water and a box of protein bars and I'll hit the gym while you're at work to get the aggression out. I'm sure it'll be… I'm sure it's fine.”
You nodded. “Okay. Well, uh, I'm going to get some sleep. Let me know if you need anything, Ackles. I owe you, so… if you need anything.”
He licked his lips and nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”
You had a nervous pit in your stomach as you laid yourself down on your side and listened to Jensen preparing his room. You knew you should leave. Things were going to be difficult if you stayed. But you couldn't afford to leave. Not only could you literally not afford it, but it would out you as an omega.
You would just have to deal with it.
“The dude's been every second week of June and December for as long as I've known him. I don't know what could have fuckin’ set him off a month early, but it fucked up our schedule,” Jared complained the next morning.
“I don't see why it's such a big deal, Jared. They just moved all of the stuff from next week to this week and this week to next week. No biggie.”
“It's a big deal because what if he's sick?” You turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “He's thirty-six and he's never had an omega. He's gonna get sick and he's gonna go crazy if he doesn't settle down. That's just basic fuckin’ anatomy. We figured he had more time but what if this cycle shift is the start of ferality?”
You bit the inside of your lip. No, Jensen wasn't going feral. His body was just reacting to being in close quarters with an omega trying to hide her genetics. “I'm sure he's fine… but, you know, why hasn't he got an omega? An alpha that looks like that, that's as nice and successful as Jensen…” You looked away from Jared, hoping he wouldn't notice the way your cheeks were heating up. “I mean, I know Vancouver doesn't have a lot of omegas, but isn't Austin, like, a haven for them? Because of all the pro-omega laws the mayor put in place back in oh-eight?”
Jared laughed. “He's waiting for his truemate. I've tried to tell him that's not likely to happen, but he thinks, since I met mine, he's gonna meet his.”
You smiled, tightly, heart aching a bit at the thought of truemates. Not that you were ever going to find yours while on suppressants, but that was every young omega's dream, finding that perfect mate. “Well, I'm sure he'll find her, eventually… definitely before he goes feral. Dude's a rock. Let's go get some work done, huh?” You didn't give him time to respond before walking away.
Walking into Jensen's apartment was like walking into a solid wall of pheromones. The scent that had been driving you crazy for a week and a half was so strong that it stalled out your brain. You couldn't move for a few long moments, your body refusing to listen to your mind telling it to move out of the doorway. When you realized you were literally drooling at the scent of him, you told yourself to leave. If he noticed the way his scent was affecting you, he'd know you were an omega. Your body was tingling at the pheromones, the promise of an alpha in rut just beyond his bedroom door and after you took that first deep breath, you couldn't make yourself breathe through your mouth again.
You held back the moan that wanted to escape you, but you couldn’t keep your feet from carrying you down the hallway to Jensen’s bedroom door or the deep breaths you were pulling into your lungs. Deep moans from the other side of the wood forced your eyes closed. You could imagine him on his bed, big hand wrapped around his huge alpha cock, fucking himself in a fit of sexual aggression.
“Y/n.” The strangled groan sent a shockwave straight to your core, slick starting to leak out of your entrance. “I can smell you, Omega.” You grimaced. He knew. “Go away. We’ll talk about it after.”
You tried to move, to turn around and walk away, to go sleep in your rental car or something, but your feet just carried you closer to the door. “I… I can’t,” you whispered. He growled and your knees went weak. You grabbed onto the doorframe, resting your forehead against the door. “Jensen, I’ve been trying to walk away since I unlocked the front door. I can’t.”
The door yanked open and you looked up at him, eyes heavy-lidded. “You said you were beta. You fuckin’ lied. You-”
“I couldn’t- People don’t treat- I wouldn’t have the-” you babbled, your eyes traveling down his body to the place where his hand was wrapped around his cock.
“You know how crazy I’ve been? I knew you were the reason I went into fuckin’ rut and I thought I’d lost my mind because you were fuckin’ beta, but you aren’t.”
“I’m sorry.” Your mouth watered as you watched him move his hand down to the base where his knot was begging to pop.
“Get on the bed,” he demanded, pointing at the mattress.
Your eyes jumped to his. “What?”
“Don’t you get it? You’re mine, y/n. My omega. S’why you can’t leave, why I went into rut a month out of cycle, and if you don’t get on that bed and fuckin’ present for me, we’re both gonna have a fuckin’ problem… because you…” His hand shot out and cupped your cheek, sending an electric shock through your body. “...are about to go into heat.”
You whined as your knees went weak again. He was right. His rut was sending you into heat. The cramps were already starting, your breathing heavy, your mind clouding with lust. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch. “J-jensen, you don’t… you don’t want-”
“Not about ‘want’, ‘mega. ‘Need’. Need you. Need my omega. Open your eyes.” You did as you were told without even thinking about it, looking up into his eyes. “I’ve thought you were gorgeous since you walked on set. It’s why I offered my couch up when you were complaining about the motel. Wanted to get to know you better. I’ve been drawn to you… ‘cause you’re mine. I don’t wanna force you into something you don’t-”
“Of course I do, but… if I… if everyone knows what I am, then-”
“I’ll protect you, y/n. No one’s gonna mess with my omega.”
The doubt in your heart was dissipating as the fever started to burn your body up. “You r-really think I’m your-”
“Yes. Mine. Now, take your clothes off and get on the bed.” He stepped backward, pointing at the bed again. Your shirt was over your head before you could blink, your sneakers kicked into the corner soon after. He growled as your jeans fell to your ankles. “Now.”
You scrambled to get your bra off as Jensen leaned forward to grab the waistband of your panties and ripped them down your legs. You were on the bed with your ass in the air within seconds. He leaned down behind you, inhaling deeply. “That scent. How have you been hiding that delicious fucking smell?”
“Korean body wash.”
His tongue slid between your lips, lapping at the slick there and making you cry out. “Not anymore.” He ran his hand across your back and buried it in your hair. “No hiding. I wanna smell you.” His hand pushed your head into the blanket as he lined his cock up against your entrance. “Can’t take it slow this time. Need you.”
“Take me, Alpha.”
He growled again and you whimpered into the mattress as he slid the head of his cock into you. “Gonna take you hard. Make you cum all over my knot.”
“Yes.” A single thrust had him completely sheathed inside you. “Damn it, y/n. You feel so fuckin’ good.”
“Jay, please. Please, Alpha.”
He yanked your head backward and pulled you up so that your back was pressed against his chest, twisting your head so that he could slit his full lips against yours, making you moan as he claimed your mouth with his tongue. You could feel him pulsing inside of you as his tongue swept across yours. “Mine,” he growled, rubbing his stubbled cheek against your neck as he gave his hips an experimental roll.
“Yours,” you said, gasping.
His hand wrapped around your throat, lightly, holding you up as he started to snap his hips into you in a cadence faster than you’d ever seen outside of porn. He growled as he sucked a mark into the back of your neck. It wasn’t a claiming bite but it felt like one to you.
Part of you, the part that was still clinging to the independence you’d enjoyed as a beta, told you that you were going to hate being someone’s. Everything you’d worked for was going to be negated. Your home in New Orleans? Gone. You were gonna have to follow Jensen. Your career? Gone. No one was gonna hire you once they knew you were an omega.
Another part of you, the part you’d been denying since your presentation, couldn’t wait for his knot to be locked inside of you. Couldn’t wait for his cum to be warming your insides. Couldn’t wait for your belly to be round with his pups, his mark on your neck.
“My ‘mega. So wet for me. So soft.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Jensen, please, god, please, knot me.”
“Gonna give you my knot, y/n. So close,” he grunted in your ear as his knot started to inflate, catching on your entrance with each quick thrust.
“So close, Alpha. So close. Need it. Please,” you whined.
He dragged his hand down your body, thick fingers drawing circles around your clit and making you literally scream his name as your clenched around his cock, cumming hard as he shoved his knot into you with one last hard thrust and both of you fell forward onto the bed. He continued to play with your clit as his cock twitched inside of you, letting off spurts of alpha cum into your waiting womb.
His body was heavy on top of yours, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Instead of stifling you, the weight was reassuring. Everything seemed right, enveloped by his warmth and scent, his knot locked inside you.
He kissed along your shoulder before rolling you onto your side. “Gonna have to call Bob, tell him that you’re not gonna be able to work this week, either,” he whispered, running his nose along your neck.
You groaned. “They’re gonna fire me.”
“No. No, they’re not,” he reassured you. “There are anti-discrimination laws, y/n.”
“They’ll find a way. It happens all the time.”
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “They’re not going to fire my omega, y/n. They wouldn’t want to piss me off. They didn’t fire Genevieve.”
“They wrote her character out.”
“They were never going to keep Ruby. She didn’t get written out because Gen is an omega. She was honest from the start… unlike someone.”
You shook your head and twisted your neck to try to see him. “I’m sorry, Jensen. I shouldn’t have moved in here. This is all my fault.”
He scoffed, leaning up on his elbow to look down at you. “Why are you so determined for this to be a bad thing, ‘mega?”
“Because being an omega has brought me nothing but pain, Jensen.”
“Sweetheart, what we are is somethin’ special. Why would you want to be-”
“Typical alpha: doesn’t know what it’s like at the bottom of the pyramid.”
“There’s nothing typical about me, y/n, and I understand, okay? I’ve seen how omegas get treated sometimes, but things have gotten a lot more progressive and I’m not gonna let anybody mess with you. You’re my truemate, y/n.”
You sighed. You tried to fight the way the words comforted you, but you couldn’t. You relaxed backward into him. “Can we just… can we just get through this?”
Jensen gave a quick kiss to your neck and relaxed behind you, wrapping you in his arms. “No. We can’t just get through this. You aren’t just mine for this rut. You’re my forever.”
You whined at the declaration, covering your face with your hands. “You don’t want me to be your forever, Jay. I’m not-”
He growled, tightening his grip on you. “Don’t tell me what I want, woman. I know what I want. I know what I need. I know what is mine. You are my forever.”
You nodded. “Okay. I’m yours. Forever.”
“Everything else… we’ll work on after.” He placed a kiss to the back of your neck and you shivered. You felt him smile against your skin. “This where you want your mark, ‘mega? Or you want it here?” He licked the side of your neck and you moaned. “Can’t wait for you to wear my mark.”
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme @lonely-skys @allykat2108 @mogaruke @flamencodiva @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @pisces-cutie @paintballkid711 @natura1phenomenon
HUNTER TAGS @letsby @mrswhozeewhatsis @adoptdontshoppets @spnskinnyballs @deansenwackles @gayspacenerd @thewhiterabbit42
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thelightoflebanon · 5 years
SPN Characters and their Favorite (or least favorite) Social Media sites
Claire: Snapchat. It lets her family know that she's fine (thank you very much) and she only has to give them ten seconds of her time before they get the gist.
Jack: It is a toss up between Tumblr and Snapchat. On Tumblr, he finds some really cool posts and stories about his favorite shows (he didn't know other people were as passionate about Rae and Finn from My Mad Fat Diary as he was!) but with Snapchat he gets to be a disco cat.
Dean: Facebook groups are a decent way to talk with hunters but pass it off as LARPing should someone report a concerning comment, but Snapchat is one of the only ways Claire will actually talk to any of them so he gets on there the most. Also, disco cats are cool. He gets on Instagram but only follows Castiel on there.
Sam: Twitter has the best news sources and he can make sure his feed stays bipartisan. He avoids Facebook, but checks Facebook Messenger constantly.
Castiel: Definitely an Instagram man. He enjoys taking pictures of the burgers Dean insists on making him as well as the feral cat that hangs around outside of the bunker. Scruffy has become quite the internet sensation.
Mary: Facebook, partly because she can friend her old friends she had back before she died and pass herself off as her own niece. It's a good way to see a timeline of sorts regarding what she missed. She ends up unfriending the ones who are apparently quite racist now.
John: Why would he get on Social Media when he likes maybe 6 people max? He did find his mother on Facebook the short time he was on there though. Every time she posted on his timeline, she wrote it and signed off like a letter. John thought it was sweet, but mostly embarrassing so he disabled his account. When she called and asked why she couldn't find his page, he said he was hacked but then had to explain what hacking was.
Charlie: Tumblr. Enough said.
AU Charlie: Yeah, same.
Maggie: Still bummed that she missed out on Vine. Does YouTube count?
Lucifer: Twitter is definitely his least favorite. He wasn't surprised that a new president came into the White House after he infiltrated it but for someone who doesn't feel guilt, he does feel a little guilty about Trump. His tweets we're amusing at first, but COME ON. Even Lucifer knows when to shut up...eventually.
Bobby: He's one of the Hunter Facebook Group admins. John Winchester's request to join stayed in the pending queue until John deleted his account.
AU Bobby: Runs the rival Facebook group. Declined John Winchester's request to join every single time.
Garth: Snapchat, so he can make dog jokes with the puppy filter and pretend to be a scary werewolf. RAWR.
Crowley: Snapchat is definitely his least favorite. Why is he getting scary werewolf snaps from someone named Garth at 3 am?
Gabriel: Instagram, so that he can share pics of Monte Carlo and make people jealous over the fact that they don't have porn star friends.
Benny: Found a good Facebook support group for sober vampires. Thought about inviting Sam as a cruel joke but didn't want to make Dean mad.
Ketch: LiveJournal. Got to keep an eye on the Russians.
Kevin: YouTube has good conspiracy videos. Sometimes he finds himself believing them if he hasn't had enough sleep.
Rowena: Tumblr is an excellent way to connect with the wiccan community, as well as find orgies going on in her area!
Alex: Snapchat, if only for the fact that she can keep an eye for Claire check-ins, although Tumblr does have some medical nerds she can appreciate.
Patience: Social Media is distracting and her life is too filled with drama as it is. She's deleted her apps until further notice.
Kaia: Snaps disappear after a while so Kaia finds comfort in Snapchat. She also likes Claire's snaps...a lot. Especially the ones they send back and forth late at night.
Dark Kaia: The sound of her spear hitting against the bark of a tree is better than any status, tweet, or snap.
Jody: Snapchat because it embarrasses the girls.
Donna: Twitter seems to be the most useful way to let the citizens of Stillwater know what's afoot! But also Snapchat because it REALLY embarrasses the girls.
Eileen: Facebook, since it has video chat in messenger and sometimes she goes a while without seeing Sam in person.
Adam: There's no Wi-Fi in Hell.
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blizabrth · 3 years
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