#willy romer
xuhicadehi · 2 years
Handbuch asylverfahren schweiz
        asylg sem aig
  Mit dem vorliegenden. Handbuch soll ein Überblick über die verschiedenen europäischen Normen im Zusam- menhang mit Asyl, Grenzen und Einwanderung zur Verfügung Das Handbuch Asyl wird vom Kantonalen Sozialamt herausgegeben. Es ist das Nachschlagewerk für die Anwendung der Asylverordnung. Das Handbuch soll dazu Das Handbuch zum Asyl- und Wegweisungsverfahren bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über das Schweizer Asylverfahren und die aktuelle Rechtsprechung. Das Handbuch zum Asyl- und Wegweisungsverfahren bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über das Schweizer Asylverfahren und die aktuelle Rechtsprechung. Handbuch zum Asyl- und Wegweisungsverfahren | Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe SFH, Constantin Hruschka, Marie Khammas, Adriana Romer | ISBN: 9783258077727 Das Standardwerk zum Asylverfahren der Schweiz Die dritte, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage des Handbuchs zum Asyl- und Wegweisungsverfahren bietet Das «Handbuch Asyl und Rückkehr» ist ein Arbeitsmittel für die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Staatssekretariats für Migration. Das Standardwerk zum Asylverfahren der SchweizDie dritte, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage des Handbuchs zum Asyl- und Wegweisungsverfahren bietet einen
https://tudisuhaqe.tumblr.com/post/694025037603373056/telnet-willi-6a-b-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://bapusuxal.tumblr.com/post/694025306015744000/metz-36-ct-3-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://bapusuxal.tumblr.com/post/694025584368615424/handbuch-naturschutz-und-landschaftspflege, https://hihupevebito.tumblr.com/post/694025201593270272/helkama-forste-oy-bedienungsanleitung-medion, https://hihupevebito.tumblr.com/post/694025485156564992/faz-5000-bedienungsanleitung.
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Bauhaus carnival, 1920s Walter Obschonka :: Metallic party. Bauhaus carnival at the Bauhaus zu Dessau, 1920s. | Berlin State Museums, Art Library, Photothek Willy Römer. | src smb.museum
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deathnskulls · 4 years
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Willy Romer // After a bombardment
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cobblestonestreet · 5 years
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Charlie Chaplin and Pola Negri in the garden of the Hotel Adlon in Berlin by WIilly Romer, 1925
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secretcinema2 · 2 years
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Gypsy with dancing bear, Berlin, 1927, Willy Romer
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thewanderer-000 · 4 years
21 Questions
Tagged by the kind @returnofthepd3
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better.
1) Name: Danielle.
2) Nickname: I have many, like way too many.
3) Zodiac: Virgo
4) Favourite musicians or groups: Anything Corey Taylor is/has done or been apart of(i.e. Slipknot/Stone Sour, etc.), Jimi Hendrix, System Of A Down, Selena Quintanilla, Ronnie James Dio, Lady Gaga, Lizzo, Black Lodge Singers, Willie Nelson, and Dan Romer.
5) Favorite sports team: All Blacks Rugby Team(even though I haven't been able to watch Rugby in a loooong while). And whichever baseball team Hector Santiago is on.
6) Other blogs: Just this one, new blog, fresh start(that old saying).
7) Do you get asks? Yup.
8) How many blogs do you follow? New blog, so numbers are low but that is fine. We're here for quality, not quantity.
9) Tumblr crushes? Uh, how many crushes do I need? I joke, I kinda don't get what that means.
10) Lucky Numbers: I'm not telling.
11) What are you wearing right now? Nightgown.
12) Dream Vacation: Many places.
13) Dream Car: An Impala, like on Supernatural, but years from 69' to 79' is ideal since 67' will be obsolete.
14) Favourite Food: Famous Dave's anything, and I especially love the hot links.
15) Drink of choice: Coca Cola(Cherry, Georgia Peach, and Cinnamon), Black Coffee, Tea(Navajo Tea, Navajo Mint Tea, Peach, Cinnamon/w honey, and iced tea. Any flavor), water, hot chocolate/w whipped cream.
16) Instruments: Guitar, could be better.
17) Languages: Learning French(I need the other 3 sets advancing in it but yup), I know phrases or words in other languages.
18) Celebrity Crush: Mark Pellegrino. Marc Maron. And Corey Taylor, he still makes my heart skip a beat.
19) Random Fact: About me? "I can rationalize and make things worse simultaneously" - Marc Maron. And like Marc I do the same, I really do.
20) Favourite ecosystem: Forests and Oceans.
21) Favourite cat species: Lykoi(Werewolf Cat).
Tagging: @ilovesamizayn, @brieflymaximumprincess, @blakechaos08, @belle82devart, @majimutt. You don't necessarily have to do it, and if you do, no rush.
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romerovaron · 4 years
El proesord Roncallo.
¿Qué hubiera pensado Roncallo de este cover? Suena una versión de Thirty seconds to Mars de Bad Romance de Lady Gaga que fue la primera que me tiró  la lista de 500 covers que Riccie recopiló a través de todo el programa, estoy seguro que hubiera dicho: “Bueno, mi querido amigo, una versión un poco… bueno… sigamos con esto… los millenials siempre imponiéndose”. Nos hubiéramos reído, alguien hubiera dicho el peor chiste de la radio juvenil en línea, yo hubiera interrumpido con mi risa absurda y él hubiera cerrado los ojos más de lo normal, hubiera cambiado el tono de su voz y hubiera llamado al orden: “Sigamos, por favor”. 
Los recuerdos son así de simples de explicar, sin elaborarse demasiado, para qué. 
Yo vivía en el centro de Bogotá y empezaba a trabajar en La Sabana, ir era una travesía, pero había un amigo de un amigo que era el profesor que a todos los estudiantes les encantaba ver clase porque siempre encontraba la forma de explicar la comunicación, o lo que queda de ella, con una claridad pop. Un día antes me escribió y me dijo: “Yo lo llevo, eso es un paseo muy bravo, maestro” y llegué a su casa a las 6:05 am, la cita era a las 6:00 am y obviamente ya estaba molesto y afanado, el pico y placa era en 25 minutos y el objetivo era estar en Rumbos de Chía desayunando a las 7:00, muchos días fueron así con rutinas que él valoraba. 
La amistad se alimenta de rutinas. 
Tipo 10:00 am llamaba sagradamente y no dejaba que uno contestara y decía: “Chicha”, se refería a un pastel salchicha que vendían “las monis” de La Sabana, otra rutina sagrada, ese pastel se alargaba con un café y una conversación sobre nada, que por algún momento Roncallo siempre convertía en algo un poco más inteligente de lo que uno creía que podría ser una charla idiota. “Marica, ayúdeme con la revista, yo de eso no sé, no se le olvide Romero que el doctorado no quita lo tarado”. 
La inteligencia es sorprenderse. 
Enseñarle algo a Sergio era un honor, el consentido de Barbero y amigo de McLuhan jr. se dejaba regañar por mí y cuando tenía que recordar el botón de pánico del software cantábamos: “oh, oh, oh, área personal” con la tonada de la canción de Soda Stereo (iba a escribir Soda, pero estoy seguro de que se hubiese emputado de leerlo sin la segunda parte del nombre).
Tal vez el cliché que dice que uno aprende más enseñando es cierto. 
No habían cerrado la Pizza Nostra de Chía y allá estábamos cada martes, era una oda al pasado, éramos los únicos clientes siempre, había juegos infantiles en la parte de atrás y nunca vimos niños disfrutando, creo que nunca vimos otros clientes. La cita de los martes era sagrada, había montada celosa por falla. Ese era el día que Roncallo tenía que almorzar en Chía y pues nos sometíamos a su tiranía de buen gusto, como siempre, nunca caminamos, era más cerca caminar, pero el rugir de las llantas en la salida de la Universidad y andar como adolescentes con alopecia era divertido. La pizza de bocadillo con queso era increíble, ahora que lo pienso era más postre que pizza, pero para los que crecieron en Bogotá era un orgasmo cada que probaban y pues yo soy “Provinciano”, no iba a armar un escándalo, aunque siempre lo armé solo por darme el gusto. Un día la señora que siempre nos daba el mismo pedido nos dijo: “En dos semanas cerramos”, Roncallo hizo un espectáculo que nunca olvidaré. Creo que eso nos unía mucho, el show por nada. 
Uno solo se aguanta los shows absurdos a los amigos. 
En un final de una tarde Sergio me presentó a Ricardo Llano en el carro, me dijo: “Él es un profesor serio, de principios inquebrantables y me va a vender un bajo, pero necesitamos comprar un amplificador”, terminamos en Andino, en el último Tower Records de la historia, yo entré y le dije a un vendedor: “Es que queremos montar una banda, qué nos recomienda”, el vendedor muy seriamente nos recomendó instrumentos y metodologías para ensayar, Sergio, Ricardo y yo reíamos en silencio y ese día fue como un mito fundacional en nuestra amistad. 
Los amigos crean chistes juntos que pueden volverse importantes para otros. 
Luego de unos meses de presión por tener sí o sí un programa radial en la Universidad, llegamos a una idea: “Un programa de covers nunca se queda sin tema”, el resto pasó muy rápido porque fue divertido, se unió Borja y su mente única, hicimos un reality para encontrar una voz femenina: primero Juli y luego Juanita y teníamos un par de productores estudiantes (DJ Sebas - Juan y el tropireportero - Robert) que hoy verlos debieron llenar de orgullo a Sergio, nunca se los iba a decir, pero era así. Sesiones en vivo de canciones que él amenizaba, dar el celular de Juliana al aire para que sus fans la llamaran, mentir con saludos a fanáticos, imitaciones pobres, juicios en vivo de canciones, reglas como: “No reggaetón”. Tumbamos el servidor de la emisora por sobrepasar el límite de oyentes más de una vez, en el MinTic nos ponían de ejemplo, éramos tendencia antes de que eso se vendiera, nunca supimos qué hacer bien con eso, no teníamos ambición, eran los mismos fans de siempre, era como tener una banda de rock que toca las mismas canciones en el mismo bar cada jueves, era justo lo que necesitábamos. 
Tres años haciendo lo mismo, les dije que la amistad era de rutinas. 
“Me va a dar muy duro que se vaya, Romer, pero pues tiene más sentido para usted y eso es lo importante” me dijo. Esa noche me llamó ebrio como muchas veces pasaba y me decía cosas que hoy quisiera volver a escuchar y que no valoré, porque así somos: egoístas y poco empáticos. 
Nos sentábamos en las cafeterías de la Javeriana cuando tenía que revisar proyectos de tesis, él fumaba Lucky Strike, yo fumaba Kool, siempre era él quien compraba los dos paquetes, la forma de demostrar el cariño para Sergio era con un paquete de cigarrillos. En una conversación de esas nació la Universidad el Túnel, el primer claustro virtual no acreditado y sin aspiraciones de estarlo, no buscaba que sus publicaciones y resultados de investigación llegaran a los índices, solo queríamos enseñar sobre cosas importantes en la vida, como descifrar a través de una investigación en co creación quién había sido el mejor héroe de acción de Hollywood para enseñar el género en la semana de la comunicación, aunque Sergio y yo íbamos por Bruce Lee, ganó Bruce Willis. Luego de esa investigación, él me nombró rector. 
Ojalá hubiéramos grabado esas conversaciones, llegaban ejemplares mentes contemporáneas. 
Al final, hablábamos de edición, de sus libros, me preguntaba sobre buenas prácticas, me mandaba artículos, me pedía consejos, me agradecía cada que la revista iba mejor años después de irme, nuestro contacto bajó mucho, supe de su cáncer y fui miedoso, no fui capaz de escribirle, hoy me acabo de preguntar: ¿Por qué se lleva a mis amigos? ¿Por qué no lo asumo de una buena vez? La última vez que charlamos me dijo: “Lo veo feliz y si usted es feliz, eso es una chimba Romer”, ese día hablamos de volver a hacer el programa de radio, nunca pasó, nunca pasará. 
Hay que agradecer siempre y por todo. 
Espero que luego de escribir este texto en medio de este encierro social voluntario y el insomnio me deje dormir un poco más tranquilo, quiero agradecerle a él como lo hicieron cientos de estudiantes y académicos por su mente, por su aporte ala ciencia, por su empuje, por su corazón y por su rebeldía, gracias Sergio Roncallo-Dow (Pongo el guión, él argumentaba que era pretencioso, pero concluimos que ese guión era un símbolo de rebeldía latina que le permitía a los índices de citación irse a joder a su madre y no a la de los autores).
Suena Tainted Love en la versión de Marilyn Manson, todos acordábamos que ese señor sabía hacer covers. 
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teamhawkeye · 4 years
Opening Credits: (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life - Bill Medley & Jennifer WarnesWaking Up: Slide - The Goo Goo DollsFirst Day At School: Bulletproof - La RouxFalling In Love: Golden Years - David BowieFight Song: Budapest - George EzraBreaking Up: Good Times - Chic 
Life’s OK: Gettin’ Over You - David Guetta & Chris Willis (feat. Fergie & LMFAO)Getting Back Together: Crazy In Love - BeyonceWedding: Give It To Me Baby - Rick James  Birth of Child: The Man Who Sold the World - David BowieFinal Battle: The World Is Gonna End Tonight (feat. Peter Harper) - Dan RomerDeath Scene: Shut Up And Drive - RihannaFuneral Song: Oh the Bliss (Reinterpretation) - HammockEnd Credits: I Melt With You - Modern English
any FC5 songs decided to wait until now to come out - i feel like that was planned by some higher power, hahaha
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skrutskie · 6 years
Here it is at last: the playlist for HULLMETAL GIRLS! These are the songs that inspired me while I was working on this story, from planning to drafting to revising. They’re arranged roughly in story-order, so it’s sort of possible to listen along while reading, though I’ve done my best to avoid spoilers in the comments discussing why they’re on the playlist. A weird? fun? note—for some reason, this book adopted a very folkish bent early on in its musical sound. Make of that what you will.
Yellow Flicker Beat // Lorde // i’m a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm / and the scars that mark my body, they’re silver and gold // a song for scela conversion
Gasoline // Halsey // you can’t wake up, this is not a dream / you are part of a machine, you are not a human being // a song for integration recovery
One And The Same // Robert DeLong // you said we’d become immortal with computers for brains / as you plunged the knife in your chest, i died / ‘cause we are one and the same // a song for the exo
Crystals // Of Monsters and Men // cover your crystal eyes / and let your colors bleed and blend with mine // a song for the exosystem 
Mess Around // Syd Youth // ready for the next round / ready for the gold crown / ready to be number one / two three touchdown // a song for the evaluation period
Badlands // Smoke Season // i never hurt a fly ‘til they told me to put down the gun // a song for ghostly impulses and missing spaces
Roots // Imagine Dragons // trouble found me / trouble found me // a song for the return to the reliant
Sisters // Radical Face // something in the middle / something in the middle / something in the middle / something’s in the way // a song for aisha and malikah
Weapon // Bastille vs. Angel Haze vs. F*U*G*Z vs Braque) // we dance with the devil and then / your halo’s the color of sin // a song for the fractionists
Battle Cry // Imagine Dragons // nobody can save you now / king is crowned, it’s do or die // a song for the aeschylus vent
Top of the World// Greek Fire // here i am, living a dream that i can’t hold // a song for alpha 37
With Your Two Hands // The Wind and the Wave // fools will die alone / fools will die alone // a song for the final test
Crabapples // Bruce Peninsula // oh i saw your bones on the road / just waiting for the vultures to come // a song for being hung by the nape
Who Do You Love // Marianas Trench // i miss the way that you saw me / or maybe the way i saw myself // a song for key tanaka and the truth at hand
Awake My Soul // Mumford and Sons // and now my heart stumbles on things i don’t know / my weakness i fear i must finally show // a song for trying to get back to your old self
Coming Back // Dean Ray // you can steal my mind / twist it for a while / but you can’t take my pride // a song for fighting to be the person you lost
Shut Up and Drive // Rihanna // my engine’s ready to explode / so start me up and watch me go // a song for the void jump
Machine // MisterWives // we’re not, we’re not part, we’re not part of your machine // a song for scela in rebellion
Railroad Track // Willy Moon // ‘cause i’m leaving town and i ain’t coming back no more // a song for a birthship in crisis
Particles of the Universe (Heartbeats) // Dan Romer and Benh Zeitlin // [instrumental] // a song for aisha and the worst thing
Grace // Rachel Platten // i used to wear love like an army / i used to know nothing could harm me // a song for aisha boarding the last shuttle
Headfirst // Secret Someones // like a rocketship shooting through the atmosphere / we’ve got a one-way ticket to a new frontier / i’ve got your arm around me honey and there’s nothing to fear // a song for the second void jump
Better Hide, Better Run // The Glitch Mob // unquenched thirst for glory / sets off a loaded gun // a song for the squad and the endgame
A Real Hero // Smallpools // a real human being / and a real hero // a song for the archangel unleashed
Glitter & Gold // Barns Courtney // i am flesh and i am bone / i’ll rise (ting ting) like glitter and gold // a song for the archangel on her feet
No Matter Where You Are // Us The Duo // a quitter and regretter and forgetter is everything i’m not // a song for key and aisha
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deathnskulls · 6 years
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Willy Romer / / Warsaw jew
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abcnewspr · 3 years
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The following report highlights the programming of ABC’s “GMA3: What You Need to Know” during the week of April 19 - April 23. “GMA3: What You Need to Know” is a one-hour program co-anchored by Amy Robach, T.J. Holmes with Dr. Jennifer Ashton as chief medical correspondent. The news program airs weekdays at 1:00 p.m. ET| 12:00 p.m. CT on ABC and 4:00 p.m and 6:00 p.m. ET on ABC News Live.
Highlights of the week include:                                          
Monday, April 19— Author & Senator Mazie Hirono (“Heart of Fire”); actor & co-creator Jesse Williams (“BeGreatTV”); wellness coach & author Tara Stiles (“Clean body, Clean Mind”); a performance by Robin Thicke
Tuesday, April 20— Founder Sharon Smith-Akinsanya (“People of Color Careers”); author Nigella Lawson (“Cook, Eat, Repeat”); actor Jessie Mei Li (“Shadow and Bone”)
Wednesday, April 21— Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri Tishaura O. Jones; Refinery29’s Content Strategy Editor Laurise McMillian (“About My Business”); Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Thursday, April 22— Rep. Carlos A. Giménez (R-Fla.); retired MMA Fighter Fallon Fox & GLAAD Correspondent Raquel Willis; author Jennie Romer (“Can I Recycle This?”); actor Shamier Anderson (“Stowaway”)
Friday, April 23— President of Color of Change Rashad Robinson; home improvement tips with expert Kathryn Emery; Faith Friday with Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook; SiriusXM host & ABC News Contributor Mike Muse & Sr. Entertainment Reporter Kelley L. Carter join to talk about the Academy Awards
– ABC –
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orbemnews · 3 years
Did You Miss Out on Trip This 12 months? You’re Not Alone In a typical 12 months, New York workers of the journal writer Condé Nast should use their trip days earlier than late December or lose them — a typical coverage throughout company America. However early this month, the corporate despatched workers an e-mail saying they might carry as much as 5 trip days into subsequent 12 months, an obvious acknowledgment that many scrimped on days off amid the lengthy hours and journey restrictions imposed by the pandemic. “The carry-over will likely be computerized, and there may be nothing additional you could do,” the e-mail stated. Condé Nast was not alone in scrambling to make end-of-year preparations for vacation-deprived staff. Some employers, nonetheless, have been much less accommodating. “It’s an enormous concern we’re seeing now — competing requests for time without work over the subsequent two weeks,” stated Allan S. Bloom, an employment lawyer at Proskauer in New York. “Purchasers are struggling to determine it out.” Mr. Bloom and different attorneys and human sources specialists stated there was no clear sample in how employers had been dealing with the problem. Many firms that already permit workers to hold trip days into the subsequent 12 months — like Goldman Sachs (usually as much as 10) and Spotify (usually as much as 10) — haven’t felt the necessity to change their insurance policies. The identical is true for some firms that pay staff for his or her unused trip days. Neither Common Motors nor Ford Motor, whose hourly staff can money out unused trip days on the finish of the 12 months, is making adjustments this 12 months. However many staff could discover themselves unable to take holidays that they postponed: Salaried staff at each automakers ordinarily lose unused trip days on the finish of the 12 months with out compensation. Different firms have taken steps that might defuse a possible human sources headache and, they are saying, profit their work forces in troublesome instances. Financial institution of America, which usually requires its U.S. workers to take all their trip earlier than the tip of the 12 months, stated in June that it will permit them to push as much as 5 days into the primary quarter of 2021. Citigroup has sometimes allowed its U.S. workers to hold trip days into the primary quarter of the subsequent 12 months, however in July it added an inducement: Staff obtain an additional trip day subsequent 12 months in the event that they use all of their 2020 trip time this 12 months. Smaller firms have made comparable modifications. Latshaw Drilling, an oil service firm primarily based in Tulsa, Okla., sometimes permits workplace staff to roll over as much as three weeks of trip time. In December, Latshaw advised its workplace workers that it will purchase as much as one week of unused time past that quantity, which they’d have in any other case misplaced. “Since this 12 months was so loopy and other people had been afraid to journey, we made a one-time change,” stated Trent Latshaw, the corporate’s founder and president. A number of specialists stated a philosophical query loomed over trip advantages: Is the purpose to make sure that staff take time without work? Or are trip days merely another type of compensation that staff can use as they see match, whether or not to chill out away from the job, to complement their earnings or to pull round with them till the tip of time, as a monument to their productiveness? An employer’s insurance policies can mirror its views on this query: For all their drawbacks, use-it-or-lose-it guidelines may also help make sure that staff take time without work, stated Jackie Reinberg, who heads the absence and incapacity apply of the consulting agency Willis Towers Watson. In contrast, rollover and cash-out choices indicate that trip is an asset they’re entitled to regulate. Nonetheless, for a lot of staff, the problem in the course of the pandemic shouldn’t be unused trip days a lot as inadequate trip days. Jonathan Williams, communications director for United Meals and Industrial Staff Native 400, which represents grocery retailer staff in Mid-Atlantic States, stated staff had generally been pressured to attract down their reserves of paid time without work in the event that they had been requested to quarantine a second time after a doable coronavirus publicity. Solely the primary quarantine is usually lined by the employer, Mr. Williams stated. And a few workers have issue benefiting from the beneficiant trip insurance policies their firms supply. Up to date  Dec. 28, 2020, 3:18 p.m. ET A Goal spokeswoman stated the corporate had elevated the holiday days that each hourly and salaried staff may roll over into the subsequent 12 months, primarily based on the worker’s position and tenure. However in keeping with Adam Ryan, who works for Goal in Christiansburg, Va., many workers wrestle to qualify for advantages like trip days. Mr. Ryan stated in a textual content message that he had been with the corporate for 3 years however sometimes averaged lower than 20 hours per week. “That method I don’t get any trip or paid sick days, no actual advantages of any form,” he stated. The Goal spokeswoman stated workers may choose up extra hours below its vacation staffing association. A number of union officers, employers and human-resources specialists stated monetary concerns drove many choices about trip insurance policies in the course of the pandemic. Toyota usually permits hourly and lots of salaried workers in the USA to money out as much as two weeks of unused trip days. This 12 months, the corporate lowered the cap to at least one week, a change {that a} spokeswoman stated was meant to assist avert layoffs. The concerns develop into much more difficult for days that staff push into future years. In line with Ms. Reinberg, permitting staff to roll over days can create a pile of liabilities owed to staff that many employers are loath to hold on their books. A union official on the information group Reuters stated the corporate cited accounting issues in sticking with its use-it-or-lose-it coverage this 12 months. The union had pleaded for leniency, noting that its contract permits administration to approve a rollover of trip days in “distinctive circumstances.” “If this 12 months has not been distinctive, I don’t know what the hell has been,” stated the union official, Dan Grebler, an editor who’s chair of the employees’ bargaining unit at Reuters. “The response was: ‘No, we are able to’t try this. There can be difficult bookkeeping concerned.’” Mr. Grebler stated Reuters had begun urging staff to take days off this calendar 12 months across the identical time it had rebuffed him. A Reuters spokeswoman stated that “our coverage for U.S. workers for some years has not allowed for unused trip days to be rolled over” and that “workers have been recurrently reminded because the first half of this 12 months.” Unionized workers at The New York Instances, comparable to reporters, are inspired to make use of trip days in the course of the 12 months by which they accrue the times however can usually carry them over till March 1 of the subsequent 12 months. Days they don’t use by that time are paid out in money. An organization spokeswoman stated the coverage had not modified this 12 months. By each regulation and customized, many People have come to see trip days extra as compensation than as a mandate to take time without work. In a survey by Willis Towers Watson in April, greater than half of employers that made or deliberate to make adjustments to their trip advantages stated they had been doing so as a result of they didn’t anticipate staff to make use of all their days. About one-third that deliberate adjustments stated the profit had develop into too expensive. A number of states, like California and Montana, basically codify the property-right view of trip by outlawing use-it-or-lose-it insurance policies. (Corporations with use-it-or-lose-it or strict rollover insurance policies should exempt staff in these states.) Such legal guidelines shield staff from successfully being disadvantaged of trip days which are troublesome to make use of in the course of the 12 months solely to have them expire at 12 months’s finish. However these legal guidelines may subtly discourage holidays by making them simpler to redeem for cash or postpone indefinitely. “To me as an advocate, you have to be ready by regulation to maintain unused trip time,” stated Peter Romer-Friedman, an employment lawyer at Gupta Wessler. “However I’m undecided that creates a great incentive.” To that finish, quite a few firms, many within the tech business, have seized on the pandemic as a possibility to verify their staff are decompressing. Within the spring, the software program firm GitLab responded to a big rise in hours put in by its greater than 1,000 staff with so-called friends-and-family days, by which the corporate shuts right down to discourage folks from logging in. Google, Slack and the software program firm Cloudera have began comparable insurance policies — none of which rely in opposition to staff’ paid days off. Automattic, the maker of the website-building software WordPress.com, has gone even additional, encouraging workers who work collectively to coordinate their holidays as a approach to get rid of friction that daunts breaks. “We’ve been experimenting with whole groups taking time without work concurrently,” Lori McLeese, the corporate’s head of human sources, wrote in an e-mail. “We’re hoping that this will cut back the quantity of ‘catch up’ work workers sometimes return to after taking a trip, making their transition again much less aggravating or overwhelming.” Peter Eavis and Clifford Krauss contributed reporting. Supply hyperlink #vacation #Year #youre
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ninja-muse · 7 years
Read in 2017 Masterpost
Italics = 7-8 out of 10; Bold = 9-10 out of 10; Struck = unreviewed
Magic for Nothing - Seanan McGuire A Conjuring of Light - V.E. Schwab The Forgotten Tale - J.M. Frey Borderline - Mishell Baker The Immortals - Jordanna Max Brodsky Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day - Seanan McGuire The Oversight - Charlie Fletcher Indexing: Reflections - Seanan McGuire The Hanging Tree - Ben Aaronovitch Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge - Paul Krueger Shadowed Souls - Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes, ed. Prudence - Gail Carriger Heroine Complex - Sarah Kuhn Winter of the Gods - Jordanna Max Brodsky The Bedlam Stacks - Natasha Pulley Dead Men’s Boots - Mike Carey The Masked City - Genevieve Cogman The Brightest Fell - Seanan McGuire An Unkindness of Magicians - Kat Howard An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors - Curtis Craddock The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty Magicians Impossible - Brad Abraham The Last Hero - Terry Pratchett A Green and Ancient Light - Frederic S. Durbin
Reread: Carpe Jugulum, The Fifth Elephant, The Last Continent, The Science of Discworld, The Truth, Thief of Time (all from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett), Smoke and Mirrors, Smoke and Shadows (from the Smoke trilogy by Tanya Huff) Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Finished: a reread of Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire
In progress: Smoke and Ashes by Tanya Huff, An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett (all rereads)
DNF Finn Fancy Necromancy - Randy Henderson DNF Witches Be Crazy - Logan J. Hunder
Science Fiction
All Our Wrong Todays - Elan Mastai Take Us To Your Chief and Other Stories - Drew Hayden Taylor Abaddon’s Gate - James S.A. Corey The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. - Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland The Clockwork Dynasty - Daniel H. Wilson Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant A Lot Like Christmas - Connie Willis Pride and Prometheus - John Kessel Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen - Lois McMaster Bujold
Reread: Miles in Love, Diplomatic Immunity, Cryoburn, Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance (all from the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold)
Finished: a reread of The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
In progress: Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey, A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
DNF Off Rock - Kieran Shea DNF Has the World Ended Yet? - Peter Darbyshire
Ripped From the Pages - Kate Carlisle Siege Winter - Ariana Franklin Royal Flush - Rhys Bowen Break No Bones - Kathy Reichs Behind Chocolate Bars - Kathy Aarons Teetotalled - Maia Chance
Graphic Novels
The Unwritten, Vol. 6 - Mike Carey Sex Criminals, Vol. 1 - Matt Fraction Rivers of London, Vol. 2 - Ben Aaronovitch Saga, Vol. 7 - Brian K. Vaughan Sandman, Vol. 3 - Neil Gaiman Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat!, Vol. 1 - Kate Leth The Hunt - Colin Lorimer Rivers of London, Vol. 3 - Ben Aaronovitch New Romancer, Vol. 1 - Peter Milligan
Young Adult
Strange the Dreamer - Laini Taylor Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst Down Among the Sticks and Bones - Seanan McGuire The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee Radio Silence - Alice Oseman Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee That Inevitable Victorian Thing - E.K. Johnston Unearthed - Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner Noteworthy - Riley Redgate
Other Fiction
Bellweather Rhapsody - Kate Racculia Son of a Trickster - Eden Robinson The Last Neanderthal - Claire Cameron If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio A Hundred Thousand Worlds - Bob Proehl Moonglow - Michael Chabon The Essex Serpent - Sarah Perry Voyager - Diana Gabaldon The Cottingley Secret - Hazel Gaynor Eagle and Empire - Alan Smale
Adventures in Unhistory - Avram Davidson Where Am I Now? - Mara Wilson Chronicle of the Narváez Expedition - Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca At Home - Bill Bryson The Silk Roads - Peter Frankopan The 37th Parallel - Ben Mezrich Between the Woods and the Water - Patrick Leigh Fermor A History of Ancient Egypt: Volume 2 - John Romer The Chemical Choir - P.G. Maxwell-Stuart From Here to Eternity - Caitlin Doughty
In progress: Bad Days in History by Michael Farquhar
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casaannabel · 7 years
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Mies van der Rohe by Willy Romer
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