#yandere Otto Hightower
aphroditelovesu · 5 months
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Winter Solstice | Yan!HOTD
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❝ 🐉 — lady l: Merry Christmas, my dear readers! I wish you a great day and a prosperous New Year! I hope you enjoy this Christmas special with our yandere family from HOTD! Good reading, forgive me for any mistakes and once again, have a great holiday to you ❤️🎄.
❝warnings: yandere themes, mention of death and obsessive and possessive behavior.
❝🐉word count: 1,941.
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A long, long time ago, when the Earth was young and the days were short, people looked up to the sky with wonder and awe. They watched the Sun rise and fall over the horizon, its heat bringing life to the earth and its dark nights bringing a deep sleep to the world.
In the ancient realm of the seasons, each cycle marked the eternal dance between light and dark. As winter approached, a whisper spread through nature. Leaves fell from the trees, animals sought shelter and the nights extended, enveloping the world in a blanket of darkness and cold.
It was the time of the Winter Solstice, a magical moment when the Earth seemed suspended between extremes. People gathered around campfires, telling stories of times gone by, sharing warmth and hope amid the impending darkness.
On the eve of the longest night of the year, eyes turned to the sky, waiting for the miracle. Slowly, the Sun began its journey towards the horizon, fighting the darkness with its golden light. The stars twinkled above, bearing witness to the celestial spectacle.
And then, in the most sublime moment, the Sun began to rise, rising majestically into the sky. The colors of dawn painted the landscape, and people celebrated the rebirth of the Sun, knowing that light and warmth would return to the world. It was a symbol of renewal, hope and the continuous cycle of life.
On the Winter Solstice, people came together to celebrate the courage of the light that faces the darkness, remembering that even in the darkest moments, there is always the promise of rebirth and the light that returns to warm the hearts and illuminate the souls ways.
It had always been your favorite time of year, you loved how the snow fell from the sky and painted everything white, the food, the exchange of gifts and most importantly, it was when your whole family was together. You appreciated more than anything the few moments of peace that your family spent during that date, all happy and together. Like a big, loving family.
Having them all together was what you loved most as you grew up. All the disputes, the fights seemed to disappear during this time of year. Your heart and mind were at peace.
The green of the forest and the fiery red of love and passion. Its fabric was as soft as a spring breeze, a harmonious blend of silk and cotton that moved like leaves dancing in the wind. The predominant green was reminiscent of treetops, its hue varying from a lush emerald green to softer nuances, like newborn buds. The waist was accentuated by a deep red belt, as if it were the blush of the petals of a passionate rose. The intense tone stood out, creating a magnificent contrast with the lush greenery, and a decorative bow added a touch of elegance.
Something beautiful and elegant, with both of your family colors. Of the Targaryens and the Hightowers. There was some small, discreet blue embroidery that symbolized the Velaryon, subtle but standing out in its own way.
You turned to your maid who was looking at you with affection, you smiled at her, ''What do you think, Diane?''
She smiled widely, ''You looked incredible, my princess/prince. A suitable choice for a dinner with your family.'' There was a hint of worry in her tone, but you just held her hands and squeezed them gently.
''Don't worry, Diane. Everything will be fine.''
She nodded, ''Yes... Do you want me to accompany you to where the banquet will be held?''
You politely denied, ''No, but thank you.''
A hint of disappointment flashed in her brown eyes, but she just smiled and after a simple bow, she left the room. You took a deep breath and looked at the ring that adorned your finger, a gift from your grandfather, Viserys. He was sick and you swore to yourself that you would do everything to make this dinner enjoyable for him. He deserved it.
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Just as you expected, everything was impeccable and your family was already waiting for you. A majestic dining room, adorned with golden chandeliers that hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting soft light on long solid wood tables.
The walls were covered with richly embroidered tapestries, depicting scenes from Targaryen history and grand festivities. The polished stone floor gleamed in the light of the torches that adorned the walls, reflecting the grandeur of the space.
In the center of the room, a long table stretched out, covered in an immaculate linen tablecloth and decorated with wildflower arrangements and heraldry of noble families. Silver candelabras exuded a soft glow, while golden goblets glittered in the dancing light of the flames.
Music filled the atmosphere as skilled musicians played lutes, flutes and harps, entertaining guests with happy melodies and lively dances.
''(Y/N)!'' Your mother's excited voice called out to you and you smiled at Rhaenyra, who quickly hugged you, placing her head against the crook of your neck, ''You look great, sweetheart.''
''Thanks, mom. You look great too.'' And indeed, she did. Rhaenyra wore a dark red dress decorated with gold that fit her perfectly. She pulled back a little and smiled at you.
''(Y/N)! We're here.'' On one side of the table, your younger brothers sat. You looked at Jacaerys, Lucerys, and little Joffrey, who were smiling at you. You kissed Rhaenyra's cheek and went to sit next to your brothers. Or you tried, for that matter.
For you were quickly pulled to the side as Aegon grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, Aemond, and Helaena. You smiled at your aunt and uncles and greeted them.
''Sit with us.'' Aegon asked and pointed to an empty chair next to Helaena who was smiling sweetly at you. You looked nervously at your brothers, who were staring at Aegon with disdain.
Aemond frowned and placed a hand over your shoulder, ''Come, stay with us.'' His tone said there was no room for argument.
Luckily for you, the doors opened and revealed Viserys along with Alicent, both smiling when they saw you. You apologized to your aunt and uncles and quickly walked over to your grandparents, helping Viserys sit down.
''Ah, (Y/N)... You look great!'' Viserys praised you, as soon as he sat down. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek in thanks.
Alicent pulled you into a tight hug, ''My husband is right, you look great. This shade of green suits you very well.'' She murmured and walked away hesitantly, adjusting your clothes. You kissed your face.
''Thanks. You look amazing too.'' She smiled in response and held your hands, squeezing them gently.
After a few minutes of talking to your grandparents, you walked over to your father and uncle, who were sitting next to each other. Laenor smiled widely and pulled you into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. He only let go when Daemon cleared his throat, irritated.
Laenor rolled his eyes and let go of you, staring at Daemon with an iron gaze. Daemon returned the same look and you acted quickly before they fought.
''Happy Solstice to you both.'' You said, twiddling your fingers nervously. Daemon smiled and patted you on the shoulder twice, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back.
''Happy Solstice, my child.'' Laenor said after you and Daemon parted ways.
''Happy Solstice, (Y/N).'' Daemon said, looking at you softly. You thanked them and apologized as you left them, wanting to greet your other family members. You spotted Baela and Rhaena sitting near your brothers and quickly walked over to them.
''Finally. I thought you would never come and talk to us.'' Baela complained and got up from the chair and hugged you tightly, ''I missed you, cousin.''
You returned the hug tightly, smiling at her words, ''I missed you too, cousin.''
Rhaena cleared her throat and stood up, hugging you as you and Baela separated.
You smiled at the squeeze and said, ''I missed you too, Rhaena.''
Joffrey got out of his chair and jumped into your arms, laughing loudly when you caught him in a tight hug.
''You're getting too big for me to keep doing this.'' You laughed and rolled him over, placing him on the floor. Russing his dark hair, you smiled when he laughed. You hugged Luke, who seemed especially clingy today. Jace also hugged you tightly and wished you a Happy Solstice.
After talking for a while with your brothers and cousins, you went to greet your paternal grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys were sitting next to Otto, oddly enough, and the three of them looked at you with affection.
''Grandmother.'' You kissed Rhaenys's cheek who kissed yours back.
''Grandpa.'' You hugged Corlys and he hugged you back and complimented the blue details on your outfit.
''Otto.'' You greeted your great-grandfather, who smiled warmly at you. He seemed relaxed and calm, more so than he normally was.
''Shall we have dinner in honor of this happy day?'' Viserys's loud voice sounded in the room and everyone focused on the King. There was a bit of tension about where you should sit, but you chose next to Viserys and Rhaenyra, who shook your hand under the table.
Servants brought silver trays loaded with delicious delicacies. Large roasts of meat browned on skewers, exuding a tantalizing aroma of exotic spices. Tables were adorned with fresh fruit, from crimson apples to juicy grapes, and freshly baked bread that looked like it had come straight from the oven.
Plenty of wine circulated among everyone and soon everyone was laughing and talking. Your heart felt lighter when you saw your entire family happy, getting along for the first time in a long time.
After the banquet, you all went to one of the rooms of the castle, where the gifts were. The exchange went well, you received gifts from everyone individually and you presented them with what you carefully chose. Ser Criston was present and you gave him a gift too, under the watchful eye of your family, a pure Valyrian steel sword. He smiled in thanks and said he would give you a gift later.
When it seemed like the exchange of gifts was over, Otto said, ''We have a special gift for you, (Y/N). From all of us.'' He gestured to your entire family, who looked on expectantly. You took the gift from his hand, a wooden box with gold details, which was well packaged.
As soon as you opened it, all the color in your face disappeared. It was a head, a human head. You felt like you were going to throw up when you recognized the head. Diane, your servant.
''W-What is this?!'' You groaned, the words stuck in your throat as you held the box, your legs shaking as terror invaded your body. Everyone seemed calm, even Viserys.
''This is our gift to you, my child.'' Rhaenyra said and approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder, ''To remind you not to approach anyone.''
''They can't be trusted,'' Alicent began to say, ''Diane couldn't be trusted. Criston was the one who cut off her head and Rhaenyra, Helaena and I cradled her. The choice of the box was Daemon's.''
They looked at you expectantly, as if they hoped you really liked the gift. Your hands were shaking so much that the box fell to the floor, Diane's severed head falling to the floor.
A perfect ending to a loving Winter Solstice with your family, from their perspective.
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greycloudsinwinter · 19 days
Hey I hope you're day is going well can I request a yandere alicent hightower and Otto hightower x reader
Like reader is alicent stepmother
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🛕when you married Otto you thought there was nothing wrong with him that he was just a devoted husband. You were wrong…
🛕he started to have extra guards follow you and you found that your friends had abandoned you acting like they had know idea who you were.
🛕it was when you were walking around the halls when you had seen alicent. Otto didn’t really bring up his daughter but he did tell you he had one.
🛕she looked terrified and lonely, walking away from the kings chambers.
🛕you walked to her quickly and when you reached her you asked ‘are you ok ?’ To which she began to sob so you quickly hugged her.
🛕from that point on alicent saw you as the perfect mother . The one she never got to have . And she began to stick to you like gum you of course didn’t mind it was nice to have someone who wanted to talk to you.
🛕when you found out about ottos plan to wed alicent to viserys you were fuming. You were screaming at him and chucking stuff at him until your step daughter came in.
🛕she saw the state you were in and went to you hugging you . Otto told you that he would stop trying to get the king to wed alicent but by the next council meeting it was too late.
🛕alicent held a iron grip on you as she cried she never wanted to marry the king. You whispered sweet nothings to her trying to calm her down.
🛕you or husband worked himself into your good graces to lying to you about how he had told the king he didn’t want him to marry his daughter but the king insisted.
🛕you grew to hate the targeryan family as your new friend was ripped from you . And now you were stuck with your husband.
🛕you had started to fear him he was becoming more obsessive and observant of you day by day .
🛕when you go to visit alicent she is quick to hug you. And as queen make you come back to live with her .
🛕she tells you how bad her life has become and cries into your arms .
🛕both of them are manipulative and you can’t run from them.
🛕you can’t leave your husband because alicent is queen now and she wants her mother and farther to stay together.
🛕Otto will also use alicent to make you stay and if that doesn’t work well he will just fuck a baby into you .
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Hello! I’m the person that asked for the yandere Hightowers sorry for the confusion!! If this helps child!reader is Alicents daughter, Ottos granddaughter and Aegon, Helaena and Aemonds sister and dive child!reader is the youngest how would Yandere Hightowers try to keep her sheltered/innocent
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Do not worry. Now I understand your question. Thanks for the announcement. These two questions were almost the same. That's why I decided to merge.
The green team is doing everything to preserve the innocence and purity of the Princess. No one can curse in front of the princess. The princess is not allowed to drink wine.
Princess is the last child and second daughter of King Viserys and Queen Alicent. (Reader replaces Daeron/if you don't want this tour, I can add Daeron to the yandere team.) Alicent loved her children. The world seems to stand still when Alicent takes reader in her arms for the first time after the birth is over. Alicent's feelings and thoughts are captured by the yandere mother mode. Alicent looks after reader herself. She doesn't trust nannies or maids to care for the princess. She is the only one who breastfeeds the princess herself. Princess shares a room with her mother until she is almost seven or nine years old. Princess's separate room will be next to the Queen's room. Washing princess, combing and styling her hair, dressing her clothes is entirely Alicent's responsibility. Otto takes on the role of father and grandfather for his youngest grandson. Moreover, these roles are adding to their tendency to yandere. Otto is very involved in the upbringing of princess. Aegon almost adores his younger sister. Aegon loves the love and attention he receives from his younger sister. He is protective and possessive towards his sister. Helaena is possessive towards her sister. One of the few people who does not see her as strange and spends time willingly is her sister. Helaena spends a lot of time with her sister. Aemond is dependent on his sister. He guards and defends his sister Amond, in the absence of his dragon. When Aemond loses his sight, his sister demands justice. This scene will never leave Aemond's mind. Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond depend on their sister for love, attention, security, and support. They don't want to share their sisters with anyone. They are protective of their sisters. Their sister is the only person who gives them everything they are missing in their life. And that means a lot to all three Targaryens. They are ready to do anything for their sisters to be happy and safe. Princess is never allowed to leave the Palace. All marriage proposals for princess are rejected. Maybe Viserys, Rhaneyra (and her children), Daemon, Velaorions will develop yandere tendencies for Princess. The war is for Princess, not the throne.
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tamayakii · 9 months
Mare's Milk & Cider
warnings: drinking(reader has no specific age), story takes place in "second of his name" during Aegon's II celebrations, canon events basically. pairings: Otto Hightower x reader(can be seen as platonic/romantic), hotd x reader notes: thank you Aaliah, @genshinluvr, she helped me out with the ending!!! Let me know if you'd like to be in a tag list for this fic :) this fic is also paired up with this drawing i made!
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“Then it lies with you, to make him see it.” Hobert advised, stepping closer to his younger brother, “Lord Hand” It did not go under Otto’s nose of what his brother was suggesting, reminding him of his own title.
His eyes never leave Hoberts as he considers his brothers' words, “and speaking of growing,” Otto follows Hoberts's moving gaze to the Princess, Angel of The Red Keep, adorned in a headdress with a long silk veil, dragons and stars embroidered in. Face decorated in Velaryon pearls, neck and fingers embellished with the finest green rubies, jades and agate the Hightowers could find.
“The fine lady y/n has grown to be a wondrous young woman, hasn’t she?” Hobert eyes do not hold simple admiration for a young girl grown, they hold more, and they contain something that Otto wants to snuff out with his bare hands.
“She is betrothed?” Hobert asks, looking back at his brother. “A fine woman like that cannot go un-married for long. With her and Rhaenrya combined, I can imagine the king's chambers are filled with betrothal letters.” Otto looks back at the Princess, watching as she plays with her new baby brother, covering her face and pulling her hands away quickly.
“A fine mother she will make as well, Aegon loves her.” The comment almost makes Otto snap, the thought of anyone being her husband or the father to her children makes a fire burst inside him. One Otto cannot explain reasonably, so he stifles it.
“She.. is not betrothed, Brother, I don’t think the King has any interest in marrying her off,” Otto answers, his lips tightening when his brother looks at him with a smirk. A near-knowing one that always made Otto furious since childhood.
“The king, or you?” Hobert quips, smirk widening when Otto’s face scrunches, nostrils flaring and wrinkles deepening. Hobert pats his shoulder as he begins to walk away, satisfied to get under his brother's skin.
No. Lady y/n shall not betrothed. Otto thinks, especially not to the likes of his brother. He watches as she laughs, throwing her head back and hand over her heart. Nothing, nothing could compare to her.
She steps away as the Lannister boy steps in, talking about the stepstones. She treats herself to the glorious spread on the table, picking out ham and grapes, plate barely complete- Otto steps in.
“Please, My Lady, have more” He helps fill her plate, and she shakes her head,
“You’re so sweet, Ser Otto, but i don’t think i can handle it. I am trying to watch my waist.” She responds, in a honey-sweet voice, one that cradles his entire being but her words make him roll his eyes.
“Treat yourself, My lady, we do not wish you to starve on such a good day. Now go ahead; eat before the long journey” Soon Viserys is at her side, like a dragon protecting its kin. All it takes is one look to make Otto step away,
“Come eat.” The king demands, “Fortify yourselves for the journey.” Otto watches her, keeping by her father’s side; Like a lamb to its mother. She looks over her shoulder and smiles at him--
The trip to Kingswood is long and cold. Hand intertwined with Rhaenrya’s as you arrive, the loud crowd applauding for the king and new prince’s arrival but Rhaenrya makes no move to depart from the carriage.
“Rhaenrya?” Whispering as you scooch closer to the princess, “They await to see you” Still unmoving, all she does is blink. “Come.” standing up and pulling her along, “We will go together.” You step out of the carriage, with the princess alongside you.
“The Realms Delight herself; Princess Rhaenrya of Dragonstone! Accompanied by Princess y/n, Angel of The Red Keep!!” You squeeze her hand, looking at her. She looks at you with a somber smile, squeezing your hand back.
The roar of the crowd could blow you back, it will never not be jarring to be reminded of your station. A Princess. Not by blood but by word, and who would tell the king no? Who would dare say to King Viserys that his second daughter, whom his own late lady wife believed she had birthed her, cannot be a princess?
The celebrations are grand, the finest cakes and delights, the meat freshly hunted and prepared before your eyes. At your father's request, you stayed by his side, forcing you to leave Rhaenrya.
The glorious tent is filled with laughter and talk, and the smell of wine and cake fills your nose. Looking over to where the pregnant Queen Alicent sits, you realize she has been staring at you. You offer her a smile and she too offers one back.
Settling back into your chair, crossing your hands on your lap as you look above. Looking into the tiny details of the royal tent, the golden threads woven with black.
“Tired, my dragonling?” Viserys looks at you, reaching his free hand to yours- the other holding a goblet of wine. You reach over and hold his hand, As soon as he questions you, a yawn tries to force its way to your throat.
“The ride was tiring and too long for my tastes but--” you look to your father with a reassuring smile, “I shall be okay, After some food and rest, I'll be okay” he smiles back at you before taking another drink from his goblet.
Soon enough you’re offered your own goblet, filled with mare’s milk and honey. Time passes by slowly, you blink once and your father isn’t by your side anymore, It seems no one has noticed you dozed off. You promise yourself you won’t fall asleep but as you close your eyes and your goblet tips in your weak hand; the promise is broken.
“Is that all I am to you? A prize to be proffer about to the great houses?” Rhaenrya's voice makes you jump out of your short slumber, eyes wide like a deer as you begin to process the situation. As Viserys steps towards Rhaenrya, you push yourself out of your seat, setting your goblet down on the table beside you.
“You’re of age, Rhaenrya,” he points out, “and Jason Lannister is an excellent match,” he adds on. Oh. Oh no. Stepping towards the pair they seem not to notice you, there was no smooth way to stop this bickering. The two argue every day at least ever since Queen Aemma passed and especially since Viserys took Alicent to wife.
“He’s arrogant and self-serious” Rhaenrya argued, You wring your hands together anxiously. Watching the two fight as a bystander was like watching two lions fight, watching them as their family felt like two dragons fighting overhead. All that would follow would be the destruction of varying amounts that was left for you to pick up and fix, being both of their shoulders to lean on.
“Well, I thought you might have that in common” Even Lord Lyonel could feel the suffocating air around the two, taking a third step back. Sending you an apologetic look, the face Rhaenrya has is indescribable. Perhaps she wanted to scream at him, or even shocked that he would say such a thing, or maybe she had been at a loss for words.
Otto stalks closer from the sidelines, watching closely. This catches your eye, you try to breathe; knowing he is here comforts you. For nearly three years now, he has been your aid, your comfort and your closest friend- even despite the large age gap. You realize the tent has now fallen silent, and everyone listening in.
You quickly step to Otto’s side, seeking his silent comfort. You wish you could fix everything, and make everyone happy; even if it left your hands raw and bloody. If you could give your own heart for it; then you’d do it.
“Even I do not exist above tradition and duty, Rhaenrya!!” You cover your ears quickly, eyes wide with fear. Turning your body away from them, you began to feel violently aware of everyone's eyes on your family, some on you but mainly on the spectacle; The King and The Heir fighting on Aegon’s second name day.
When Viserys turns to Otto what he sees makes his flesh burn; You. So very close to Otto but turned away from him- Your father. It makes his blood boil, you should seek comfort from him. Not Ser Otto. You are his daughter. Not Otto’s.
Viserys soon leaves after the news of the white hart, but Otto stays, just for a moment. His gloved hand sitting on your shoulder, a reassuring hold. Your breath is shaky and your chest tight but you still manage to look at him through your eyelashes,
“Breathe, Princess.” He insists, and he maneuvers you towards your seat. Hand traversing to your lower back, “Sit and have some milk.” He gently puts your goblet back in your hand as you seat yourself. Feeble hands grip the handle, eyes drawn to the floor.
Otto tries to find the right words, he has never been a man of comfort. His hand hovers over your dropped head, unbeknownst to you. He sighs and takes his leave, passing his goblet to a maiden.
The day gets longer, Rhaenrya has run off with Criston following behind her. You knew it was against your set rules but you sank into your cups, after whispering to the help to fill your cups with cider but to not tell anyone else.
Your eyelids get heavy again, head tipping back. You love your family, you do. They took you in as a child, they gave you everything even despite the tight rules provided, sometimes… sometimes you wish that you took to a dragon and flew. Flew somewhere, to old Valryia or maybe to the free cities.
Then you’d be free.. but never truly free. Your love ties you down to your loved ones but that is the consequence of loving hard. Looking down into your cup, you swirl your drink. Taking a deep breath you look back to Alicent, she is already looking at you.
You wonder how long she has been staring at you and you tilt your head, she gestures for you to sit next to her. Another sigh leaves your mouth, slowly pushing yourself up.
“oh! princess, here allow me to help!” a maiden comes to your side, you wave her off as you give her the empty goblet. You keep your steps slow so as to not wobble, to others; you looked like you were gliding.
“My Queen.” you address as you sit beside her, Alicent quickly holds your hand closest to her. You are surrounded by the lady wives of many different men along with Larys Strong, the son of Lyonel Strong, the brother of Harwin “Breakbones” Strong.
“This is Viserys’s other daughter, Princess y/n” Remembering to keep your eyes open, you look around with a smile. “Dear y/n, how’s your day? you seem awfully tired.” Alicent asks with concern, one hand on her belly and other on your hand as she leans closer.
“I’m quite fine.” you mumble back, fighting your heavy lids as you nod. “The day is long… but soon we shall dine and turn in for the night.”
The conversations bore you, useless politics, rumors, marriages of lower houses. You wave over another servant with a sigh, already they know what you want. They deliver it, you try to hide the contents from Alicent but she notices.
“Cider?” She whispers tightly, holding the wrist that holds your goblet. Your nose flexes, “You know you cannot handle that.” She states, “a maiden your age shouldn’t even be holding a cup of cider.”
The rest of the ladies converse, and you are unbeknownst to another set of eyes on you. “Please. I will be fine.” you whisper, patting her hand and prying her tiny fingers off.
You take another big swig of your cider, almost finishing it all in one go. Looking over to Larys who has nearly burned holes into your head, nodding at him as a greeting.
“La-Larys.” you slur and he smiles at you, and you return it with a half one. The sudden need for fresh air sits in your lungs, eating you like a snake does a vole. Chugging your drink before shoving it in between the cushions of the seat, you stand up.
“I’m.. gonna go get some fresh air.” You announced, trying to make your way out of the once lovely group of women who now seem like a horde of gossiping vultures.
“Oh!” Lady Redwyne pops, “I heard that the hunters found a fat hog, they should be smoking it just now!”
The thought of watching them gut a pig to smoke makes your stomach turn, “thanks.. Lady Redwyne” You hurry out of the tent, the sun shining upon your skin. The pungent smell of burning meat and spices hits you, quickly turning away and scurrying to the back of the tent- where it was closer to the forest edge.
“ugh…. fuck.” You groan, kicking the dirt below you, the cider sticks to your insides like jam to bread. You ache to be in the comforts of the red keep, painting, or perhaps riding on horseback. You ache for a lot of things. Ache for the motherly hands of Aemma, to feel the embrace of someone you refuse to let yourself say. Perhaps you ache for the unmade.
You stand there, for minutes. Just staring into the bushes and trees, the arrival of the hunting party brings you back. Smoothing down the white lace on your dress, gulping down the fresh forest air; you return to the celebrations.
“Princess?” a feeble voice calls out, you look around and are surprised to see Larys.
“O-oh! Larys.. Larys, you surprised me.” You turn to the man hunched over his walking cane, leaning onto it. “How have you enjoyed my brother's second name day?” you ask, almost swallowing your tongue.
“it has been fine.. not that i can enjoy the most of it.” He moves his twisted foot, something that has dubbed him “The clubfoot” among gossipers. “But to be honest, i think i prefer talking with the maidens.” he adds, “they are far more gentler”
You nod along, eyes flickering over to the hunting party. Dogs held right by handlers, horses snorting and throwing their heads back as their riders dismount.
“But you..” he continues on “seem to be left to your own,” You still and wrong your hands together. Adjusting your stance as you feel yourself leaning, telling yourself to keep yourself together.
“Yes.. but it’s okay, I don't… don’t mind.” You reassure,
“I’m sure the cups of cider helped.” he smirks, knowing, your face flushed. How did he know? noticing your red face he chuckles,
“not to worry, Princess. I shall not tell anyone.” His eyes never leave yours, following your finicky gaze. It makes you uncomfortable, like a child being examined.
“I suppose it’s not-“
“You shall not tell anyone, what?”
you almost jump out of your skin, you turn so quickly that your head may have spun all around. Otto stands tall, chin up. Almost looking down upon Larys,
“Ser Otto” Larys addresses, if Larys was scared, he made no effort to show it. Your heart beats against your chest, “She was telling me a story; about Aegon.” You try to catch up to where Larys was, but he seemed to be a whole book ahead.
“ye… yes!” you stammer over words, “i uh, guess you could say i spoiled him despite Alicent request.” Otto's hard eyes soften when they land on you, it was a siren's song to your intoxicated state.
“The princess should be with the king.” Otto says, he offers you his arm and you reach for it.
“I was keeping the Princess company as she enjoyed the fresh air.” Larys explains, “She felt a bit queasy. I guess the mares' milk may have gone bad.” Otto looks down at your averted gaze, examining your state. Shuffling in your stance, flickering eyelids and subtle swaying.
“I see, I will look into that.” Otto puts his hand over yours, a grip to keep you near- not to comfort. “Come on, Princess.” He tries to walk you back, you step on your own foot as he does so.
“I think the princess would like to enjoy the fresh air longer.” Larys turns slowly, looking dead in Otto's eyes.
“The king has requested her presence” Otto's grip tightens, his nostrils flare. “but you can enjoy the air if you wish. I’m sure you won’t be bothered” Larys watches Otto lead you off into the tent, eyes never leaving you.
Entering the red tent filled with dozens of folk and your father right ahead, your sister is nowhere to be seen. You want to go home, you want to lie in your warm bed with Rhaenrya and wake up to braid each other's hair.
Soon you’re back in your chair, holding Viserys’ hand and Otto to your left. You stare off, taking a deep breath.
You would always be in the jaws of someone bigger, the dragons or the hounds. You’d bare your neck like a lamb, and hope for the dark delicate love.
Entwined in other people’s fate, all you can hope is that the fates bring you peace.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
I said you wouldn't be hearing from me until the 16th, but I am a peepaw enjoyer, I must confess 😌 Can I please request romantic yandere Otto Hightower? Sorry this doesn't use any prompts, but you can choose between a general concept or an alphabet. Thanks!
🕊️ anon
Was originally making this a concept, but now I want to experiment with an Alphabet to see if I can get his character right. Not proofread, may contain mistakes. I appreciate feedback!
Yandere Alphabet - Otto Hightower
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Arranged marriage, Mentioned age gap at times (Otto is in his 30s I think), Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Controlling behavior, Toxic relationship/marriage, A section mentioning pregnancy/need for heirs (If you're Female), Violence, Blood mention, Medieval concepts, Death mention, Attempted murder mentioned, Physical punishment (It's Westeros... I kept it vague to not cause discomfort but think whips/something similar), Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
When he does manage to fall for his arranged spouse I imagine he's more physically affectionate than anything. He knows eventually (if you're female) you two will have heirs together. As a result, he wants to earn your trust instead of ignoring you.
Otto has times where he can be intense. He is manipulative to many, including you. There's no doubt he'd manipulate you into giving him affection when he feels like it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
In ASOIAF and the media it inspires, getting bloody isn't anything new. Despite that... Otto isn't really one to get all that bloody. He prefers manipulating others into doing his dirty work.
He likes control.
So if he wanted someone around you gone, he can just order it done. That or he'll redirect you away, chastising you for speaking to other men.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He doesn't abduct you, but I guess I can count this as when you two are arranged to marry. He starts off cold and demanding, but soon tries to create a warmer (yet controlling) relationship between you two. He wouldn't really mock you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Yes, he would.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He isn't vulnerable in general and starts cold. However, over time he does realize you have made your way into his mind and heart. Now he can't help but want to hold you close....
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Otto would reprimand you before ordering in a punishment for you. You can assume what that may be... it was very common for men to do to their spouses in Westeros.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really and he doesn't.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The punishments I would assume. Westeros is very physical with their punishments. By the end of it you'll probably have some bruises or lashings. However, Otto prefers to refrain from that. Especially when his obsession settles in.
He plans to cultivate your loyalty with words, not anything too physical.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He plans to make you his loyal spouse. If you're female/have ovaries... he'll make you bear his heirs. Then Alicent can have some half-siblings, yeah?
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes but he disguises it. If you make him jealous he definitely makes the other man (or woman) disappear. They'll be gone, perhaps in a bloodbath or well planned assassination.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
At first he's Cold, Distant, Controlling, and a bit Derogatory. Although as his obsession grows, he becomes more Affectionate, Manipulative, Possessive, Obsessive, Selfish and Overprotective.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I personally think Otto met you in an arranged marriage after his unknown wife died. He's pressured into finding a new spouse and decides to marry you. As a result I feel Otto starts cold and distant with you.
Over time he begins to give in and at least try to communicate with you. Soon he finds you to actually be appealing company. Even more so when you interact with Alicent well.
When he starts making an effort to know his spouse, he ends up attached. You're no doubt younger than him as most arranged marriages go. Despite this he doesn't mind.
Although... soon he finds himself unable to part from you. He wants you always by his side. He wants you to himself.
Maybe he does really love you... more than he thought.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I want to keep this vague but it's definitely physical. Think things like whips since it's Westeros. Although... he may also do something more intimate if he feels it.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Most if not all of them.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can be patient, although he seems like his patience would be limited.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He probably would... but he finds it odd how he's more connected with you than his previous wife. Your death would affect Otto quite a bit. He doesn't want any other spouse but you now.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Duty and curiosity.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He usually gives you your space, but maybe he decides to pull you into his lap and hold you. Even if you struggle he doesn't really care. He doesn't like his spouse throwing a fit.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There isn't one that I can think of, unless you plan on having him assassinated or something?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, not usually. He'll respect you that much unless you're purposefully trying to fight him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but he goes to great lengths to keep you under his control as his spouse. As said before, he likes control. So he wants you to listen to his every word.
He's your husband, isn't he?
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
It takes him some time but he doesn't pine all that much. In this case it's an arranged marriage... but it may take a few months before he begins to obsess over you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
It isn't really his goal.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
What if Daemon gives Hybrid!Reader a dragon egg of his own choosing?
Dude! Okay okay, this a excellent question. Daemon would 100% do this. 
We all know damn well daemon wants attention and for the reader he would go at great lengths to get it. It could be to a small smile or them jumping for joy he’ll do anything. Daemon wants you to be his daughter rather then his brothers but that doesn’t stop him from treating you like his own. So daemon would find a egg and want to give it to you straight away.
The look on everyone’s face when he hands it to you is priceless. Some jealous they hadn’t thought of it, some scared and annoyed. Everyone was glaring at him. You hugged him and thanked him. In my opinion it could start a war and you’d receive more then one egg.
And if the all the eggs dragons hatch? You’ll have like three or more dragons and they would think of you as their mother even if you are young.
Otto would want to take the egg away and blam it on some thief. He hates the egg and if you didn’t love it so much then he would have smashed it on the ground.
Alicent is worried you could get hurt if it hatch’s and sees it as a threat. Her little baby isn’t grown for a dragon.
Viserys honestly isn’t that bothered by you having a egg but rather Deamon was the one to give it to you. Causing him to taken you on a hunt of your choice for a egg. Saying “You should choose and make a bond.” And if you see more then one you want? Who better to have them then you.
Rhaenrya is not bothered and thinks of it as a bonding experience to show you how to keep it safe. If it hatch’s? She’ll teach you how to bond with it or them.
Jace and Luke don’t care unless you one day spend more time with the egg/dragon then them. But this gives them a excuse to be with you in the pit to train your dragon. (Hah) 
Aemond is a bit angry. He doesn’t have a dragon and now you have one? But maybe it wouldn’t hatch and you’ll have something else in common. And if it does? Jealous of the dragon. Just another thing to take you away from him, he might even hate that dragon and refuse to hear about it or see it. Then he thinks you’ll make fun of him for not having one. But seeing you happy it might make him calm down. Maybe he will try and share it with you? I mean you guys are twins after all. If you have more then one dragon aemonds heart will break. But he could never be mad at you.
Corlys and rhaenys are beyond jealous. Seeing you so happy at daemons act brings a bad taste to their tongue. So they would hunt far and wide for eggs to give to you, you’ll probably get two more from them. Would they care if it didn’t hatch? No. As long as they upstage daemon and you’re happy then that’s all they care about.
Daemon is so pleased with himself for making them so angry, and also you so happy. He uses this as a excuse to see you and hang out with you. Just like Rhaenrya he’ll teach you how to train and ride it. Even teaching you the best ways to command to kill. 
Daenerys in the future will work hard to be just like you. The mothers of dragons.
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darkestspring · 2 years
yandere! house targaryen
a/n: not me finally giving in my to my current hyperfixation after reading through the entire aemond x reader tag, dedicated to the loveliest of lovelies @missglaskin​ and the extraordinary @westernbaby​ because their writing is both amazing and inspiring <3333 thank you for all you write.
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• one had been friends with Alicent and Rhaenyra, enjoying yourselves with picnics and reading together. Rhaenyra had grown to consider you her sister. every thing you gave her, no matter small or big, was kept as something special.
• Aemma and Viserys make a few attempts in the beginning to explain to rhaenyra that while they are glad you are such a good friend, that you aren’t her sister before they too can’t help but fall for your charms and see you as their child.
• you end spending more time with rhaenyra in her home than your own home. rhaenyra even has a room set up for you, right next to hers. It’s her right as your beloved sister, she insists.
• daemon, upon returning and finding out about you and the situation, has a lot of loud opinions. How have you charmed his brother, good-sister, and niece all at once. He’s very cold until he also sees what made rhaenyra become so attached and he insists on keeping you safe. No one is worth your attention.\
• Aemma is particularly attached to you, considering herself your mother. You’re such a sweet girl and every time you visit her with a book for her to occupy herself with or flowers to liven her room, she can’t help but melt.
• despite Alicent’s gushing about you, perfectly charming and lovable you, Otto is skeptical. What are your intentions. You spend most of your time split between rhaenyra, viserys, aemma and daemon so he can’t corner you. but just watching you more than convinces him you’re harmless. and eventually otto is down for the count too but he has to be very careful, especially under daemon’s watchful eye.
• everything is perfect for the most time, expect the sudden and tragic downfall of your biological family and of course rhaenyra is more than happy to offer that you stay with her. you’re already her sister! you can just stay with her! and not long after that your mother’s pregnancy is reaching it’s end when she tragically passes leaving both you, rhaenyra and viserys grief-strucken.
• you and rhaenyra spend most of your time together, leaning on each other for support. Inevitably though, daemon does what daemon does and gets himself exiled, he wants to take you with him. who better to look after you than he, your eternal protector. Viserys refuses to even let him say goodbye to you.
• You’re a bit sad at daemon’s departure but nothing could have ever prepared you for the news of alicent marrying your father. It’s a shock to rhaenyra too and then comes anger. she insists that you should avoid her too but you’re conflicted. Alicent, your beloved friend alicent.
• For her, it’s strange. After being your friend and clinging to you that way. it’s odd to be your step-mother but she has the advantage. she pleads with viserys that she wants to know your more as your mother (something that angers rhaenyra even more upon hearing about it) and viserys is quick to schedule time between you and her.
• even with all the chaos going around, its not strange that you and rhaenyra would share a guard. ser criston cole. he’s a wonderful guard but you’re so wrapped up in everything to have a conversation with him but your kindness captivates him.
• but be careful what you wish for. you have dangerous people willing to kill for you, my dear. are you ready for that? are you ready for what comes next?
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tornedheart · 1 year
Yandere Otto Hightower with Rhaenyra's Younger Sister
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Warnings: unhealthy relationships, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, implied pregnancy.
A/N: I was thinking on how Viserys is both overcompensating and absent, and the daddy issues vibes it gives, then my mind turned to Otto and it immediately clicked.
Otto Hightower is a man old enough to know how to make plans and observe his surroundings, and he is smart enough to know how to use it in his favor.
So it doesn't take much time for him to notice the distance that exists between the king and his daughters, and, with Rhaenyra crowned as the heir, how the youngest is left aside.
His first thought may be a purely platonic friendship, on how she comes to him for advice, the little talks exchanged in every event.
Then he notices how she clings to his every word, how she seems to search for him at every free moment, always coincidentally appearing in the same halls and corridors.
He sees the advantage that has come to him, even if he didn't expect it, one more connection to the crown won't do anything bad to his plans.
And it is such an easy task, the poor thing seeks every ounce of affection he gives her. So he starts giving her small suggestions of how they could maybe get married.
He reaps the fruits of it only after many beseeching of her part to the king, when the wedlock is finally approved. It is a dashing event, and it is almost as if the lines are finally tied to a puppet.
Otto won't admit even to himself how he comes to get attached to his new wife, it doesn't stop his scheming, it makes him even more calculating in his acting even.
And so for it he keeps feeding her with what he wants her to think about the succession, how it seems a role her sister is unfit for, it's not her fault truly, she just was not born for it, and to pass a throne to bastards, maybe Aegon would be more apt to take the crown.
He can't deal with the possibility of her siding with Rhaenyra, it would be an enormous strain on their relationship.
And when their children are born, it just gives him more reason to separate her from her family. He's not blind to Rhaenyra's opinion on him and he won't let it affect his kids.
It all just makes him more adamant on keeping her more isolated with their own family, him, Alicent and her children, their children and her. It's the best for her, truly, he knows best.
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missglaskin · 2 years
hello, how do you think the yandere boys from hotd (separated) would react, let's say they already have a few children with their wife reader and during her last pregnancy reader almost died during childbirth? (reader is his first wife...maybe?) thanks you are just amazing 😜
Also another ask: How do you think romantic yanderes (wether they are in a relationship with darling or not) would react to their darling having a difficult labor? Like it was even suggested that they do what they did to Aemma?
Note: I combined the two requests as they’re similar also the reader lives. Please, this is a sensitive topic. Don’t read if easily triggered.
- As tradition, Otto is in the halls, waiting for the birth of your child. He’s concerned when the maesters seek him to inform him of the difficulties of your labor. Otto declines the suggestion and demands for the maester to leave it to the god; he’ll not make the same mistake as his king. He gives himself a moment to think.
Otto is uncertain and concerned about the outcome for the first time in a long time. But once he hears the child’s cry and with the news of you alive but exhausted; he sighs in relief. Since you've already given him children and he has heirs, you’re forced to drink moon tea whenever the two of you consummate. He’ll not risk your life for something he already has.
- Since you announced your pregnancy, Corlys has made sure you always have the best maesters with you and that your delivery will go without a hitch—after all, this isn't your first child. Your screams of pain could be heard as he waited outside the chambers, but they were concerning. Contrary to custom, Corlys enters the room and demands to know what is happening. After learning about your predicament, he rushes to your side and tries to reassure you.
When the masters suggest cutting you open; Corlys is furious and questions if they’ve gone mad to suggest such a thing. He will stay by your side the entire time, holding you close. When the baby is successfully delivered, he will kiss your forehead with a big smile on his face, relieved that everything went well.
- Regardless of tradition, Harwin has always been in the room with all the children you have given birth to. He immediately realizes that something is wrong. His suspicions are confirmed when he notices the midwives' and maester's worried expressions. Harwin is holding your hand the entire time as you cry in agony.
When the maester suggests cutting you open, Harwin grabs him roughly by the clothing. He refuses to accept that this is the only way. And the maester, to avoid Harwin's wrath, chooses to remain silent after. It is a miracle when the birth is successful; causing Harwin to smile in relief as tears stream down his cheeks.
- Aegon didn't anticipate any issues with the birth; all of your previous ones were successful, so this one ought to be as well. When he learns that you are experiencing problems, he is shocked. His mother was present, and it is she who must warn him of what may happen because she is aware of how Aegon might respond to the maester if he were to deliver the message.
As to be expected, Aegon is infuriated by the suggestion and demands the master that they should put your life before the child's. He’s not willing to lose you; he’s not going to lose you. He finally calms down when hearing the good news; you and the child have survived the process. Even if he doesn't have an heir, Aegon makes it clear that this is the last child.
- Every previous birth you’ve had, Daemon was present in the room. And due to them fearing for their lives; the maester and midwives would remain silent. He could easily see that something was wrong, more so when you start calling for him. The maester hesitates and speaks in a trembling manner when he suggests cutting you open. Daemon replies that Caraxes would love to have him for dinner, if this birth costs your life.
If it ever comes down to it, he'll choose you over the child. Daemon tries his best comforting you; pleading with you to be strong. Fortunately, a miraculous event occurs; you and the child live. Daemon gives you a genuine smile while saying you are indeed his strong, brave girl.
- While his mother and the others caution him about how inappropriate it would be for him to be in the room with you, Aemond insists, and he often notices that the maester and midwives take more care when he is watching them. When Aemond must witness you in excruciating pain, there is panic. The maester suggests they cut your stomach open, but Aemond says that instead he should cut the said measter’s stomach open for daring to come forth with such a suggestion.
He’s even more bothered when told to leave it to the gods. It makes him uneasy to be left powerless in a situation such as this. But when the child was successfully removed, crying and kicking their legs, he was left feeling relieved. Others in the room are shocked to see the prince in such a vulnerable state as he rests his head on yours. But they are quick to leave the two of you alone to avoid Aemond’s wrath.
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dream4yre · 6 days
THE HAWK OF WAR : Princess Naella of Houses Targaryen and Arryn
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“Sweet Naella had been so small when her mother’s loving touch was swapped out by the stranger in exchange for the fumbling arms and bleeding fingers of a scared teenager who knew little of the world beyond the pains of childbirth and the cufflinks of matrimony. She had not been much older when the girl that Westeros had declared her “new mother” had pushed out a son, followed by 2 more and a baby sister who dreamt of stars unseen. Feats that, at such a tender age, had felt so stupidly unimportant to her…”
“Yet when steel was drawn and dragons roared, when the realm crumbled into shards of green and black and her father's mouldy corpse atlast went cool, she found that none of it felt so unimportant anymore…”
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Joking around: Modern!Reader stuck with the Yan!Targaryens
Listen, this is gonna be a short one cuz i am very tired, and i really wanna see what you guys think.
Thank @missglaskin for this
Tags: @rosaryos
So to begin this, you were chilling in your living room one day while watching the family show drama that is House of the Dragon.
You were so chill that you didn't even realize how tired you were, until you did and you fell as sleep on the couch.
And then when you wake up, you are in the middle of a stone wall room that you had seen before.
It was the Throne room, you were in front of the Iron Throne itself.
At first of course, you think someone kidnapped you and for some weird reason decided to take you to the set of House of the Dragon, until you turn around to meet with a very confused Daemon and his sword pointed at your throat.
And then it starts a 10 second argument between him and you, but he was demanding that you told him who you were, how did you got in there and what in the seven hells were you wearing (You were on your pijamas) while you screamed loudly.
What was a peaceful conversation (COFtooloudthatwokeuptheentirecastleCOF) turned into a council meeting, in which you were still terrified, now realizing that this probably wasn't a prank, it was too real to a prank.
And that's when you actually listen to what they are saying.
And yes, they are still demanding that you answer the questions that Daemon made not too long ago.
"Would you think that i am crazy if i told you that i went to sleep and woke up here?"
Yeah, they do. But considering that you were just as confused as them, they seem to try to believe you...until you notice something. Viserys, Daemon, Otto and Corlys' expressions changed.
You are a fanfic reader, your favorite fanfic is the Yan!HOTD, you know that sh*t meant. And this was probably just the beginning.
"Ok, whatever entity is out there listening, i appreciate being surrounded by dilfs, but i am not liking their crazy ass faces looking at me!-"
"What in the seven hells is a Dilf?"
This is gonna be a long ride, and you don't know whether you are gonna fuck it up or fuck them-
A/N: Like i said, a short one, am i gonna continue? Maybe. Did i made this too overly exaggerated? Probably so, but i am not changing it :)
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
What would happen if gn!baby!reader (Rhaenyra's baby) loses an eye? As if he was caught in the middle of a fight between some lords or knights and stabbed by accident.
That's basically it. If something like that happened to bby!reader nothing good would come of it, deaths and many violent fights would just be icing on the cake. It is capable, regardless of the degree of influence of those who injured bby, the entire family to be eliminated or lose the eye as a form of retaliation.
Bby!Reader got caught in the middle of a fight by some drunken knights and accidentally get cut its eye out. And now everyone will pay the price.
Rhaenyra was absolutely horrified and furious at what happened to her precious baby, she rushed to her child's aid when she saw what happened, she started crying right then and there when she saw the damage done to you. As she clutched her bby in tears, she started screaming promises of revenge.
Whoever dared to touch his precious baby would pay with his life. One eye was not enough, it had to be life.
Criston was mad with anger and worry upon hearing about what happened. Anger filled his body and he went after whoever hurt his bby, he could take care of them later. They would be safe with the family and Cole would check on them after making sure he beat the perpetrator to death.
Laenor was shocked and furious when he arrived in the room with Rhaenyra and saw you being taken care of by a maester, he didn't know what to say or what to do. His mind was filled with murderous thoughts and soon he broke free of the protective embrace he placed around you and went along with Criston to find who blinded you. They would pay and you can be sure it wouldn't be any fun.
Viserys and Alicent were both shocked when they saw you and Viserys was quick to order them to find who did this to you so they could pay. Alicent came over and tried to comfort you, assuring you that you would always be perfect for everyone, regardless of the scar on your face. She ordered them to bring you the eye of the one who hurt you.
Otto and Corlys reacted the same way, filled with rage and strong feelings for revenge. This shouldn't have happened, not to you. Otto would make sure you were taken care of by the best maester and Corlys would help find who hurt you to make sure they were dead. Without eyes, preferably.
Daemon was mad with rage, he had no more sense of rationality when he saw you'd been hurt. That his bby was hurt. And that was unacceptable. He would hunt them to the ends of the world if he had to, but they would pay. It doesn't matter if it was an accident, you got hurt, you lost an eye and he wouldn't have that. They would all pay off one way or another and Daemon can be very creative. Maybe that person's entire lineage goes blind in one eye.
Rhaenys was shocked and worried about you, but she didn't have the same reaction as her husband. She stayed by your side the entire time, making sure you were going to be okay. She took care of you along with your mother and Alicent. Helaena was shocked by all of this. In a way, she already knew what was going to happen but she felt sick to witness the barbarity in which you were a victim. She clung to your side, making sure you knew she was there for you.
Rhaena was worried and unresponsive to see you injured, clinging to her twin for comfort. Baela tried to comfort her sister, but she was just as angry that you had hurt her..
Jacaerys was so worried and irritated that something like that came over his sibiling that he didn't know what to do. He was irritated but didn't know how to help. Jace felt powerless and that's why he stayed to the side, just watching you with pain and anger in his eyes. He would get his revenge. Lucerys was terrified, remembering an incident, and he didn't know what to do with himself when he saw that you were hurt. He was forced to stand sideways with his brothers, hissing every time the needle touched your skin.
Aegon was mad with rage, similar to Daemon. He was livid, maybe it was the drink, but knowing you were hurt made him beyond mad. He would feed the perpetrator to his dragon, he would make sure they suffered for what they did to you. Nobody can hurt you and get away with it.
Aemond was the calmest, in terms of the family, he didn't react as violently as expected. Of course, he was furious that anyone would dare touch you, let alone maim you, hurt you. But a part of him warmed to the prospect that this was fate, the two of you truly belonged together.
Everything indicated. Of course, he would make sure whoever cut you was dead, but not before taking a good look at you. So perfect.
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greycloudsinwinter · 13 days
hello!! I have a question for you, how many children would Reader have with yandere Otto and Viserys (how many children with each of them)? thank you! take care of yourself!
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🐉🛕both of them are happy with you if you can’t have children .
🐉🛕however if you can they are going to use your fertility to the limit. You better enjoy not being pregnant because most of the time you will be .
🐉it’s known across the kingdom that viserys craves a son so when you a beautiful young thing can give him that he is instantly latching on to you. Your his infatuation and his perfect dream spouse.
🛕Otto wants more sons his late wife failed in giving him the amount of sons he wanted . You the precious little angel that you are can give his children he is quick to fill you up.
🐉viserys gets first dibs on you since he is the king. Your going to have about 3-4 children with him he wants to enjoy you while he can. He knows his health is declining so he is rushing to get you pregnant.
🛕Otto is rather calm about the whole situation. He knows that the king is dying and in viserys dying it gives Otto a better chance at more children with you . So probably 4-5 children you give him .
🛕🐉all together your probably looking at 8-16 children this is why you should enjoy not being pregnant because once they capture you . They make sure your pregnant not giving you much rest in between pregnancies .
Thank you for the question ❤️❤️
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
“I’m fine.”- says Modern Reader with bags under her eyes, sitting around the table with a pile of papers and letters. Modern Reader tries to get over with trauma (Aemma’s death) and since she can’t sleep at night due to the nightmares, she decides to spend her time with solving problems like building orphanage houses and schools for children from all classes (from peasants to nobles) so they could have a good future, or Modern Reader reads a lot of books of history of all houses, so she could stop the rivalry between houses. Or Modern Reader uses her knowledge from her (our) world, mostly medical knowledge like: anesthesia, caesarean section. And Modern Reader explains maesters and midwives how caesarean section works, so women and children could survive the labour. Also Reader explains the importance of hygiene and making sure there won’t be any infection or danger for women.
Thanks to this knowledge many women and children survive the labour, which means Laena could survive the labour when she’s pregnant with a third child. Although the child would be disfigured and would die unfortunately, but Laena would stay alive. That would also mean yandere platonic Laena, Alicent and Rhaenyra won’t feel any pain during the labour.
But that also means that Aemond won’t claim Vhagar, but Reader found a solution for this matter, she gave him a dragon egg that hatched or he found a dragon that accepts Aemond as a dragon rider. As for Alicent’s children, Modern Reader would show so much love and care towards Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron, the same goes for Rhaenyra’s children. And since Laena would be alive and Rhaenyra would want to marry Daemon, but Modern Reader says “Aegon the Conqueror had two wives, Maegor had six wives. I don’t see a problem for Daemon to take you as his second wife as well as Laena, since you guys get along pretty well.” And if Daemon takes Rhaenyra as his second wife, then I have no doubts that everyone would like to know why he did it. “I allowed him, I gave them my blessings.”- Modern Reader explains.
In other words Modern Reader won’t allow the war happen in her family. She’s also solving problems of Seven Kingdoms with Otto Hightower and Corlys Velaryon and other members of the Small Council. (Everyone in the Small Council thinks that Modern Reader has a lot of good ideas, solutions and which is great for a future Queen, but Reader would say “I’m not sure of it and I’m not interested in becoming a Queen, but I want to be able to help.”) So yeah, Modern Reader could become the Hand of the future ruler, but she would need advices, which everyone (Otto, Corlys, Rhaenys and Daemon) are eager to give.
Bonus: Modern Reader looks so sad and is about to cry.🥺😢
Yandere platonic Alicent: Y/N, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?
Modern Reader: I found a solution to make sure that pregnant women and children survive the labour. If I found this solution earlier, my mother could have survived.”😖😭 And more tears coming out of her eyes. Yandere Alicent holds Modern Reader close, saying that it’s not her fault.
Thanks to the reader, all pregnant women survive childbirth. Laenada survives thanks to the reader. Daemon, Rhaenyra and Laena are happily married thanks to the reader. Aemond gets his dragon and his eye remains intact. All of Alicent's children have a good life thanks to the reader. Reader Rhaenyra is close to her children. Alicent tries to console her reader. They both hug each other and try to pull themselves together.The realm is governed better. No fights between houses.
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tamayakii · 9 months
Their angel AU art
note: This is NOT what i think Darling looks like, its just easier to draw Darling as myself rather than a gray y/n.
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do not repost my art &lt;3 notes: i wrote this before bed please forgive me if its bad or a bit weird.
I've been thinking of Otto n Darlings first kiss.. perhaps she had heard during a walk around the castle and passing the Council Room she heard a rather heated conversation...
"Betrothal" and her own name being amidst it. She's wrought with worry and the next morning she's walking around the royal garden, Otto comes to find her (often they like to eat breakfast with each other,,, she tends to eat half a breakfast with her targaryen family and the other half with Otto)
She brings up with she heard in the council room, Otto admits that... talk of betrothing her to someone was brought up, a few suggestions made but no real answer has been found. She asks who the suggestions were, she wishes to know who she will be bound to.
Otto names a few, A beesbury boy, Lord Godric Borrel of House Borrel, and some other minor ones... and Otto himself. Darling thinks to herself and Otto apologises(even if its fake lol), the king wanted to keep her around and Otto suggested himself.
"i wouldn't mind.." she says, stepping closer, "you.. you are kind. You are honest, and at the very least i do know you." she is so close that her head is tilting up to look at him now.
They lean closer n closer,,, Otto's hand is on her hip. "Is this what you want?" he whispers,
"yes." her voice is soft and hot against his lips, so close now. So close.
Her hands feel his beard, sitting upon his cheeks and pulling him down to close the mere inch between them. Their lips meet for the first time, pressing her body against his, almost trying to meld their bodies into one.
This is what he craved for, this is what his body yearned for. Her. To make her his wife, even if he had to steal her to Oldtown and keep her from everyone else. He'd do it.
tehee, i wrote this when it was almost midnight, and i have work tmw,,, but i am working on the third installation for the au !! :)
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piinkyypriincess · 4 months
Targaryen Dynasty x Fem!Teen!OC
"Green must find her way to orange, or all is lost. The dragons will dance and die, surrounded by fire and blood."
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Multiple Main Pairings!
Main Focus ~ Fem!OC and Targaryen Dynasty (Yandere, Obsessive, Protective)
Warnings ~ Self Harm, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Grooming, and Otto Hightower!
Spoilers ~ Tons!!
Masterpost ~ Here.
Beta Read/Edited ~ No (No Beta Lmao)
Word Count ~ 1.2k Words.
Chp 2 Summary ~ With the Sea Snake, Corlys Velaryon, fatally injured, the question of succession to The Driftwood Throne is amiss. Vaemond Velaryon calls Lucerys Velaryon's legitimacy into question, Otto favors this action as Vaemond is an asset to the Greens. Alicent Hightower is drowned in green guilt for just a moment before being reminded who she is by her father.
Chp 2 ~ Her Mother's Daughter, Her Father's Dog
Lord Corlys has taken a fatal injury in the second battle of The Stepstones.
Alicent draws a harsh breath at the revelation, hands coming up to her temples as she listens to the Lord's drone about the news that came from Ravens.
Her Father and the other small council Lords spoke of Vaemond Velaryon's note, asking to petition Lucerys Velaryon's claim to the Driftwood Throne in turn for his own.
The King has remained unaware of these new developments as he remains sedated on the milk of the poppy.
Alicent's hands start to shake as she folds them, reminding herself to not pick at her fingers delicate flesh.
She interrupts their conversation, “Lord Corlys has always remained adamant on the Prince Lucerys inheriting the Driftwood Throne, this petition is out of question,” She states, eyes looking at the sheep that flock to her Father.
The man rolls his council marble between his fingers, looking at Alicent with a pinched look on his face, “You are all dismissed,” his baritone voice cuts through the tension thickening in the room.
The other lords stand, placing their marbles in the dish and filing out of the room with two knights and Ser Criston closing the door.
Otto's eyes start to resemble hardened emeralds as they darken.
“Vaemond Velaryon can be a sure ally to The Throne,” Otto starts, folding his hands over one another with a smug arrogance gracing his aura.
Alicent looks back into her Father's confident green eyes with disbelief inside her hazel eyes. “And Lucerys Velaryon will not be to his Grandsire?” Alicent tries to convince herself that her Father is not once more uttering potentially treasonous words.
Otto Hightower believes his daughter is just as naive as she was when she was just Rhaenyra Targaryen's pet – now she is the Queen, thanks to his advancements.
His darling child is a flashing image of her mother; naivety and self-righteousness dripping from her mouth and bleeding from her eyes.
Otto stands, walking closer to his auburn-haired child and her breath holds as she looks up at his form in front of her.
The man wonders how none of his children got the notion that they had to take history into their own hands. That is how he raised the Hightower name higher than ever before.
Their green is their legacy and they would cover every inch of Westeros eventually.
“When will you learn Alicent?” His top lip furls back and his teeth bare like an animal as he hisses his proclamation, “After the reign of the King Viserys, Aegon–”
Alicent's hands slam on the white stone table.
“That boy is not fit to rule!” Alicent speaks the truth, tears shining in her eyes as her father looks at her with disgust.
Her throat wells with a sob that aches to escape, she didn't want any of this. She didn't want anything to do with the political Game of Thrones.
Otto seizes her shoulders, the long sleeves of her green dress ruffled as he pulls her close to his face.
Otto enjoyed seeing the oxygen leave his child's body as she stood still with fear.
In truth, he had never hit Alicent.
Maybe once, but it was an accident of course. He swore to The Seven it was.
It was her fault for being born to look so much like her mother with those big puppy eyes and long brown hair.
It was like staring at the split image of a woman who once breathed to hurt and curled around the warmth harm gave her.
With the way her self-righteousness and narcissism dictated her decisions, Alicent was bound to listen to the vipers whisper til the day she died.
Otto just hoped that day would happen after Aegon's son, Jaehaerys, took the Iron Throne. The boy was promising just like the first King Jaehaerys, peaceful and light was his soul.
He had never harmed his daughter, who favored her late Mother so much, that it made his youngest son call Alicent Mother.
Foolish was that boy anyway in Otto's opinion.
He carried out orders well and was the prime example of a follower. The Hand's green eyes shined in delight at that though.
If only Alicent did not have her mothers questioning nature.
If only he didn't have to pull the same tricks up his sleeve to quell her compassion for the Blacks.
“He is the challenge, Alicent,” Anger spiked in Otto's veins as he shook his child where she sat.
“Just by breathing he is at stake. Would you like to see your children's head a fucking spike?” Otto Hightower was good at manipulation, especially towards his daughter.
He could see as Alicent's hazel eyes crested over forest green, she thought of her past relationship with the heir-to-be.
Alicent had convinced herself long ago that her relationship with the Dragonstone Princess ruined everything for her future.
Petty lies led to waging war through the color of dress skirts and sharp remarks.
A dog is what Alicent was, a puppy with wide eyes that would forever heel to her master's call.
Otto praised himself for having the girl on a long leash when she was younger; only to tighten it when she inevitably didn't know how to fix her broken relationship with the Princess.
Alicent would be lost without his wisdom.
“And your grandchildren would be next!” For the next act, Otto lays on a thick wet rasp that infiltrates his tone as he breaks eye contact with Alicent, and moves to walk out the door.
“My great grandchildren… I refuse to fail them as a Grandsire.” The man clears his throat and sighs with fake exhaustion as he runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair, graying with age.
“We will speak of this matter on the marrow, Alicent,” His hand curls his fingers around the door slowly and –
“Father, please,” Otto shifts his eyes to see Alicents that look upon him with defeat.
She walks around the Small council table and stands in front of him like a meek woman.
“You are right. Vaemond Velaryon will be a fine asset.” The Green Queen's poison escapes her as she whispers, hands clasped around each other as she stares down at them.
Otto could smell his victory approaching as the days went on and the King got more ill.
The Maesters believed it was only a matter of time.
Alicent could feel guilt swimming in her stomach as she fiddled with her fingers.
The silver Hand to the King appointed pin stared back at the woman with a mocking gesture; her station is all she would be.
Maybe she should just allow it to consume her already like it did her Father.
“Do not lower your head Alicent. You are Queen,” He lifts her head with his hands, his wax seal ring brushing her jaw.
Alicent slowly breathes out and recites a prayer inside her head, praying to the Seven as Alicent – Not Queen Hightower.
“Vaemond will arrive in two days time, Rhaenyra and her brood in four. Court will be held on the fifth day. Rest daughter, we have much to discuss.”
Otto leaves Alicent in pieces in the small council discussion room, her heart in her hands and head mushed on the floor.
Old dogs did not learn new tricks; they played the ones they knew over and over, until one day, they wouldn't move ever again for their masters.
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