#yep. ''enlivens''
nonhumanresources · 7 months
Ponytober Day 3 - Casting Spells
More writing but this time it's cool because WOAH IT'S A COLLAB. Friend did the art and I did the writing! It's about me getting turned into a pony by a very distracted friend. Turned out fun I think, and the art is incredible! Check that out here.
Story itself is below! It can also be read here if you prefer a google doc. Due to length I suppose I'll format this like my regular story posts, too. Seriously I was not planning on 4k words.
Summary: Maru is a pony. This is new. However, book club is happening, and this takes precedence.
What to expect: pony TF and ranting about Animorphs.
Length: 4.2k words.
Maru trotted through the kitchen, taking in a deep breath. His nostrils flared, and he sneezed, the scents emanating from the oven far more intense than he was ready for. He stumbled at the force of it, getting his hooves tangled, clacking loudly against the wood floor. 
Behind him, the softer sound of sneakers echoed slightly through the hallway. “The sitting room is just through there,” Ash called from behind. “And uh, tissues should just be on the counter there. Sorry, there’s probably still flour floating around.” When he heard their voice, Maru’s ears swiveled backwards, bringing it to the forefront of his attention. It felt like squinting, but with his hearing. 
Maru glanced around, finding the tissue box. He actually squinted as he focused on it, the horn atop his head heating up, coming to life with a pale green aura. Another aura of the same color enveloped the tissue emerging from the top of the box, and he flicked his horn upwards, willing it to move. 
The first tissue did pop out of the box, but it shredded itself almost instantly. He tried again, this time moving slower, trying to keep it from stretching at all. The tactic succeeded, and he caught it with a hoof, rubbing his wet, sensitive nose. He still wasn’t used to being able to smell so clearly. The air was in high definition, now—he could even smell directions, if he focused, able to tell based on the breeze on his nose and the strength of the scent where it was coming from. 
“Thanks,” he mumbled, crumpling the tissue into a ball with his telekinesis and tossing it into the trash can. He glanced behind himself and saw Ash waiting patiently, dressed in a flannel and sweats. I guess it has been getting colder, Maru realized. With the new coat, he hadn’t noticed. He resumed his trot through the door on the opposite side of the kitchen, entering a cozy little sitting room. It was sparsely decorated, but there was a huge flag hung on one wall depicting Ash and their two roommates dressed in formal wear. The gag decor served to help enliven the space somewhat. A TV stand stood on one side, though it was pushed to one side to make room for a sofa and a lounge chair facing each other. It seemed almost intimidatingly formal, though he knew it wasn’t. 
Ash followed and let out a little laugh. “It’ll be more friendly when we’ve got attendees to actually make a circle of chairs. Hard to do when there’s just two people in the book club.” They stepped past Maru, brushing against his fur as they scooted through the tight space and settled down in the chair, legs tucked up underneath them, almost like a perch. “I figured the couch would be better for you, considering you’re horizontal now.”
Maru scoffed, but he did trot over and climb up onto the cushions, settling down with his forelegs hanging off the front so he could face forward. It was a bit awkward to sit twisted, but it was better than nothing. He slung his bag off his back and slid it to the floor beside him. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d fit in any of your chairs at this point.” 
“Too long,” Ash agreed. 
Maru felt his face grow a little hot. “Not to mention the pony body.” 
“Yep, lanky pony body.” 
“It’s tall, thank you very much,” Maru retorted. He coughed, changing the subject. He may be lanky, but that was a mark of pride, thank you very much. “That seemed like a lot of mess to bake cookies for just two people. Er, person and pony. What kind did you make?” 
Ash grinned. “Oatmeal.” 
Maru groaned, rolling his eyes. “Seriously?” 
They laughed, shrugging. “What? I thought it was the best choice, given the circumstances. Plus it’s funny.” 
Maru shook his head, but he couldn’t help but laugh at least a little. Leave it to Ash to turn baking into a bit. “Well, they better be tastier than they are funny. You wanna start?”
“Sure.” Ash swung their legs out from beneath themselves and stood. “I’ll grab a few cookies and we can get going.” They exited the room, and Maru heard the oven creak open, cupboards rattling. His gaze wandered the room curiously. While he sat, he fidgeted, his horn lighting up once more and snagging a pillow on the other side of the couch with its aura. He lifted it up and down, spinning it while he inspected the rest of the room. He’d originally done this to practice his telekinesis, but it had rapidly become a habit, and he’d bumped his head against objects he’d forgotten he himself was floating several times at this point. On the plus side, it had genuinely helped him learn better control over the magic. He’d gone from using telekinesis like a numb hand to grasp at everything, straining as hard as possible just to lift it a few inches, to something decidedly more magical. He’d thought of it like a spectral hand, but as time went on, it was feeling more and more like something more ethereal. Letting it act as a force of will, rather than a hand that he could use as he’d done before he’d changed, helped the telekinesis be less stiff. That had been a very exciting and very, very nerve-wracking realization. It was like he had to let go of his old form just to get better at using this one. Or maybe he was just catastrophizing. 
“Yeah! You get that pillow!” Ash cheered. Maru yelped and firing it across the room, smacking it into the far wall. He spun and glared at the doorway, where Ash stood, grin plastered across their face once again. “Sorry to startle you, just thought I’d give you some encouragement. That cushion must have said something real nasty, eh?” They held a plate of cookies, and they dragged a spare chair to the space between the recliner and the couch, setting it down there. They jumped back into the lounge chair with a few cookies in hand, this time with their legs sideways, feet sticking up over one of the armrests. 
“You wanna talk about it?” they asked, biting into one of the cookies and promptly fanning their mouth. “Ow. Hot.” 
Maru grabbed one of the cookies with his horn, blowing on it before he responded. Did he? “Not… particularly,” he admitted. The prospect of getting into it all was daunting. Turning into a small purple pony came with a shocking amount of emotional weight. 
Ash nodded, seemingly content with that answer. “Gotcha. We can talk about something far more important instead.” Reaching behind themselves, they grabbed a small paperback book off the shelf behind the couch and held it up. The cover was a somewhat horrifying depiction of a teenager transforming into a lizard. 
~ ~ ~
Ash had been the one to suggest a book club. After all, they were the only one who had actually read Animorphs other than Maru, and they’d been keen to reread the series along with him. Maru was already several dozen books ahead, but Ash didn’t much mind; it would help refresh the beginning of the story for Maru, while they got to enjoy talking about each book with him. Plus, it’s not like they were going to get spoiled on the ending; one of the only Animorphs books they’d actually owned as a kid had been the very last one, so they were already long past that point. 
Unfortunately, Maru had texted before the first meeting, abruptly canceling it. Everyone had been worried, as it was radio silence for multiple days before word got out: Maru, their loving friend, was now an utterly adorable cartoon pony. 
No one had quite been able to wrangle the how out of him thus far, but frankly, the entire group was amazed enough at sudden change to be willing to suspend their questions until he was willing to share the information himself—even though several were desperate to find out. Fortunately, all of them were pretty used to talking about this kind of thing; mostly, they were shocked it was actually real. 
So, book club was rescheduled, which gave Ash the time to speed through a couple more books. They’d been meaning to only do the first, but it had gotten them into enough of a reading mood that books two and three had flown by in time for the first official meeting. They reasoned that was more than enough to talk about in an evening. 
“Yes!” Maru leaned forwards, smiling. The expression should have sat oddly on his muzzle, but somehow, it twisted in just the right way for it to come off as natural and friendly. Cartoon horses were just more malleable than their real life counterparts, Ash figured. 
“Okay, so, since we both read the book recently, I don’t think we need a summary or anything,” Ash began, leafing through its pages. “It was good, for sure. I remembered the basic plot from when I was a kid, but it was fun to go through it again. Been a bit since I read anything for kids, too, honestly.”
Maru laughed, his head bobbing up and down. “Maybe the first book is, but they go so crazy so fluffing—I meant, frosting—gah, you know what I’m trying to say. Ponies have a hard time swearing.”
“I got it,” Ash hummed. “I remember some wild stuff, plus everything you’ve mentioned. Most kids books don’t have the main characters kill Hitler. Lump it in with Warriors and Guardians of Ga'hoole under ‘books I should probably have not been allowed to read but completely changed my brain chemistry as a child,’ eheh.” 
“Right?!” Maru resounded, leaning forwards even further. He was tapping his hooves against the couch in excitement, tail flicking. “Like—they’re constantly almost dying, their families are involved, it’s all insane.” 
“Not to mention the sheer amount of alien nonsense,” Ash agreed. “Book four is like, Atlantis, right?” 
“Yeah!” Maru leapt up from where he sat, and Ash leaned to one side, avoiding the sharp end of his horn. He shoved his nose into his bag and came out holding a simple journal in his mouth, levitating another, fancier one with his horn. He set the journal down and searched through the opening pages. 
“I’ve been taking notes as I go,” he explained, distracted. Ash leaned forwards to try and get a look, but they weren’t wearing their glasses, so it was legible as chicken scratch from this far away. “Here—yeah, this is the one where two of them just start having visions for no reason, and then they have to go find Ax underwater.”
“Forgot about the visions,” Ash mused. “What else is going on there? I remember some crazy water animal, right?” 
“Mhm!” Maru’s horn literally sparked with giddy excitement. Ash reached out and extinguished a spark that landed on the oatmeal cookie platter; it was pleasantly warm between their fingers. “It’s this big whale thing that’s got like, thirty tails, and it’s all red. I swear I have a pen somewhere, I could draw—”
He was cut short by a sudden ripple in the air. Like hazy heatwaves, an image swam in between the two friends, flickering like a low-battery flashlight. It was a great, hulking thing, with ruby red skin and eyes that seemed to glare out of its realm of nothingness at the two. The whole thing was cast in minty green light that streamed from Maru’s horn, not unlike a projector. 
The room was dead silent as the image faded away, the unicorn’s horn going dim once more. Ash blinked the bright afterimage out of their vision, the dread gaze hanging in their mind. 
“I-I don’t know how I did that!” Maru yelped almost immediately. “I’ve barely even started studying illusion magic!” 
“No. Dude.” Ash knocked a fist on the wooden chair, and Maru’s muzzle snapped shut. “That was awesome.” 
Maru looked like he might faint, but he gulped it down. “Yeah. Y-yeah, it was cool. It was just sudden, is all.”
“Two questions,” Ash stated, holding up a hand. “One, what do you mean by studying?” They held up a finger. “Two, think you can do that again?” A second finger went up, and they waggled them in front of Maru’s snout. 
In response, the book on the couch came to life, floating up in the air. “Uh, I found it a few days after… y’know. The whole thing. It’s a book of Equestrian magic, I think, so unless there are other unicorns out there, I can’t see it being for anyone else.” 
“Also awesome,” Ash interjected. That brought a smile to Maru’s face again, wiping away the shocked expression. Good.
“As for doing it again… maaaaybe? Like I said, I don’t even know how I managed it the first time.” Maru shoved his journal aside to make room on the floor in front of him, dropping it open to a bookmarked page. Complex diagrams covered it, labeled with what Ash could only assume were notes on casting technique and the like. That sounded… magic-y enough. 
“Do you want to try it again?” Ash pushed, unable to keep a hint of excitement out of their voice. It wasn’t every day you got to see magic purple ponies, after all. 
“I mean, yeah, obviously,” Maru sighed, tapping his hoof on the page. 
“Let’s do it, then!” 
“How are we supposed to replicate an accident, though?” 
Ash shrugged. “More book club, obviously. Here, I’ll get back into place…” they trailed off as they threw their legs back over the armrest of the chair, shifting back and forth to get comfy. “There. Then you can look at your spell book, but don’t focus on it; just keep talking about Animorphs.”
The pony gave them a baleful look. “I don’t know if Animorphs is the answer to everything, Ash.” 
“C’mooon, Maru, just give it a try. Look, I’m even eating another cookie. I swear you can’t even tell it’s a new one.” True to their word, Ash snagged another oatmeal cookie and took a bite, opening their mouth to show off the half-chewed mush. Maru stuck his tongue out, turning away.
“Fine, just never do that again,” he chided. 
Ash gave him a thumbs up, then swallowed. “Okay. Book four. The Animorphs are… what, on a boat? Stranded in the middle of the ocean? Flying above it? Where are our heroes?” 
Maru rolled his eyes at the theatrics. “Boat, yeah. So, Tobias and Cassie were having visions, right? And then they all saw these ocean ruins on the news and recognized the writing on them as Andalite language, and it gave them such a powerful vision that both of them blacked out.” Maru sighed. “Look, Ash, I don’t know if this is gonna work.”
“No, no, keep going!” they protested. “Seriously, now I’m just into the story. I wanna hear about it.” 
Maru shrugged. “If you say so. The Animorphs had to make it out to the middle of the ocean, right? But it was too far for the two hour morph limit, so they had to get onto a boat somehow…” 
Ash listened attentively, doing their best to look relaxed while keeping an eye on Maru’s horn. It was an experiment, sure, but it was also just fun to listen to him talk about something he was so clearly passionate about. Whether or not they got to see some more magic, Ash considered this a successful book club. I’ll have to catch up a bit further for next time, they thought. Otherwise it’s just gonna be a storytelling hour featuring Maru.
The pony’s explanation of the book trailed off. He squinted, attempting to readjust his glasses with a hoof, only succeeding in knocking them further off kilter. A bit of telekinesis righted them. “Uh. These words are starting to make more sense to me. Should I be worried?” 
Ash made a noise somewhere in between ‘probably?’ and ‘no clue, you’re the magic expert.’ “Try reading them, see if that activates the spell or something. Then keep talking about Animorphs, every time you get into it your horn starts glowing. I’m sure there’s some magic-pony-emotion-thing going on.” 
Maru stuck his snout basically into the spellbook, squinting harder. “The Animorphs are with Ax, under the ocean, right? This one’s like….” He pronounced a word in a language that made Ash shudder, the syllables slipping around their ear like water currents. “And Visser 3 knows they’re there. Um, ssslierat alethandra. They need to get out before the whole ship gets blown up by the Yeerks, and…” 
He kept going, but Ash was finding it hard to concentrate. The magic words interspersed in the story weren’t just impossible to understand; they were actually difficult to listen to. They kept knocking around in their head, taking up far too much space, drowning out the rest of the story. An ache began to pulse inside their skull, and they rubbed their temples, trying to ease the pressure. 
They could tell Maru had taken a breath, but Ash couldn’t manage to get out anything than a grunted “Uh-huh.” He immediately launched back into the story-spell, and their headache continued to get worse. Their hand bumped uncomfortably against their forehead; Ash pulled it back, vision swimming. 
What was in front of them was very clearly a hoof. “Agh. Maru?” they mumbled, head pounding. He didn’t seem to hear. With another one of the strange phrases, their back arched, hip bones reknitting themselves and making the seated position awkward to maintain. 
This was, of course, not a great situation. Whatever spell Maru had, it wasn’t illusions—it was turning Ash into a pony, too. They grunted as their shirt grew tight under the flannel, aching back consolidating into two oddly textured lumps that strained to be freed. Ash had to stop him reading it and fast—they couldn’t be a pony, because tomorrow, they had classes to attend, and the two were very likely going to be at odds with one another. 
“Yeah, yeah. Hey, Maru?” They tried to interrupt him again, but they were slurring their words, voice quiet under the strain of the changes. They coughed, and the cough turned into a hack that stretched their neck to twice its regular length. “Maru!” 
They twisted around, frantic now. Maru’s eyes had a silvery sheen over them, vision locked to the tome on the floor. His horn was alight with shining magic, brighter than Ash had seen it the whole evening, bathing the room in an eerie green glow. The sight would have been exceptionally frightening, had he not been relating the plot of The Message, book four of Animorphs by K.A. Applegate. That part made it only moderately-to-somewhat frightening. 
Ash nearly passed out as, with one word, the pain suddenly spearheaded somewhere near their prefrontal cortex, then blossomed outward. They held their face with a hoof and a hand, feeling as a horn sprouted between them, fortunately passing right between two fingers instead of stabbing into them. It was sharp. 
“Listen, Maru, I—”
Shhhrrrip! One shoe tore in half, another creamy blue hoof poking through it. Ash kept trying. 
“I really think—”
Another magic word, and Ash’s hair was obscuring their vision, fluffing out into a styled mane. The blonde faded to green, then a deep blue towards the end. 
“Would you stop reading?!”
With a mighty tear, two feathered wings BURST from Ash’s back alongside a long, flowing tail. With their already precarious choice of seating position, the shove from beneath was all it took to shove them up and back. They flailed four hooves as they tipped over the armrest. Their wings flared outwards to help, which accomplished exactly the opposite, unceremoniously dumping them right onto their head. Collapsed in a heap of shredded clothing, mussy mane, and bedraggled feathers, Ash let out a deep sigh. One final magical word made two pointed pony ears pop into existence, peeking out from their mane. 
Well, they thought. At least now I get to see if I like the oatmeal cookies more.
~ ~ ~ 
“...the sperm whales let them ride them back to shore, and Ax… oh.” Maru blinked as he reached the end of the spell. His horn was glowing, but no alien fish swam through the air this time, glowering at its real compatriots. “Nothing? I swear I said it right….” 
He glanced once more through the spell. That really was all of it? The story idea had been interesting, and he had an easier time making out the runes now, but it really had been for naught. He sighed; Ash’s ideas were usually too silly to work, and half the time they were jokes, anyway. 
A whinny somewhere behind him stopped him dead. Maru’s stomach dropped, ears laying back. Oh no.
He spun around and clapped both hooves to his mouth, suppressing a shriek. A large alicorn was propped up against the couch, upside down. One he knew well—he’d drawn this alicorn, back when he’d had the ability to hold a tablet pen. 
“Ash?” he gasped, horn sparking again. One of the motes of light drifted down and rested atop their brand new snout. They blew it away, clearly exasperated. 
“That would be me, yes,” they said sardonically. 
“But you’re—”
“Yes,” they interrupted, sounding grave. “It appears my ass is, in fact, a horse.” Based on the unfortunate positioning, this was an easy fact to confirm. The deadpan delivery was even enough to push past the usual cartoon censorship. One of their shoes dropped off a hoof, smacking into their horn and bouncing away. “Along with the rest of me. Help me up, yeah?” 
Maru nodded and rushed over, tripped over himself in his haste. He braced his shoulder against the lounge chair and pushed, sliding it over the floor, only stepping on Ash’s wings and mane once or twice in the process. They wriggled all four legs, trying to right themselves. Maru helped tilt them and got smacked with a wing as they came rightside up, a wobbling mess. 
“Now then.” Ash stood up, taking a step towards Maru. Or, well, they tried. They only succeeded in throwing themselves face-first back to the ground. They quickly sat back up and coughed. 
“Ah. What I meant to say was this.” They reached out a hoof, pawing at the Animorphs book that had been dumped to the floor along with themselves. They made a motion as if picking it up and raising it into the air, and seemed surprised at how ineffectual this was in accomplishing anything whatsoever. They sucked in an annoyed breath, raising an eyebrow at Maru. 
“Look, the page SAID illusion, I swear,” he said, but the excuse sounded a little lame. “I… don’t even really remember casting it. I said it exactly like it was on the page.” 
Ash sighed. “I’m sure it said illusion. I trust you, Maru. However—” they raised both wings. “—I am also a pony. So something went wrong. You looked like you’d been possessed when you were casting that thing.” 
Maru opened his mouth, but Ash continued before he could speak. “Not actually possessed. Sorry, I don’t think my apartment is haunted. Maybe next time though.” 
Even despite the panic, Maru sighed, a little disappointed. “At least that would give an explanation. I’m sorry, Ash.” 
Despite the situation and all the awful feelings swirling around in Maru’s stomach, there was a deep-seated relief. At least I’m not alone. It was something of a selfish thought, but it was true.
Ash clicked their tongue. “Yeah. I bet. Listen, bookmark that page for later and stop working on illusion spells for now. Book club only goes until 8 and I need to learn how to move things with my mind before your ride shows up.” They tapped their horn with a hoof. 
“I can help!” Maru agreed readily. “It’s the least I can do. It’s not that hard once you start to figure it out.” 
“Sweet. Y’know, Animorphs kinda got it right with their transformation scenes, honestly. Felt like I was living the book.” Ash cracked a grin, and Maru groaned internally. He knew that grin. “On the bright side, I can think of a few people who are gonna be sooo jealous.” 
“Ash, I forbid you from gloating,” he snapped. 
“Oh, come on! You know I gotta. Just think of the funny pictures I could send!” They pushed themselves to their feet, shaky, but didn’t fall this time. Maru propped them up against his shoulder, and despite their extra alicorn height, he was pleased to see he still stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the other pony. 
They walked through the apartment, still arguing as they left the sitting room and the oatmeal cookies behind. There was a lot to go over, but the evening was young. There would be time. In the end, the only true tragedy of their first ever book club meeting was that the book itself lay discarded, flatly undiscussed. As it turned out, fascinating as Animorphs was, there were several more interesting things to discuss that night.
3 notes · View notes
whumpy-words · 3 years
gotta love how every time I am presented with an ensemble cast of lovable, reasonably attractive characters with interesting backstories and complex ineterpersonal dynamics, I will barrel straight past all of that, drag some morally questionable garbage person to the front and go “this one. this is my favourite”
every. damn. time.
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americxn · 3 years
𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕/𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕪 (𝕛𝕡𝕞 𝕩 𝕘𝕟!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
wordcount: 2k warnings: none :)
“James, have you seen my phone?” You ask, James’ attention snapping to where you were knelt on the edge of your shared bed, tossing aside cushions and lifting up the covers. “The phone is where it always is, dearest.” He offers, gesturing to the outdated corded telephone sat on a low table by the front door. “No, I mean my phone.” You mumble, pushing off the bed and beginning to rifle through the drawers of the dark oak nightstand positioned next to the pillows on your designated side. “Oh, you’re referring to that advanced device you always carry around?”  “Yeah,” you answered vaguely, slamming the bottom drawer of the bedside table shut before straightening, your hands coming to rest thoughtfully on your hips. “I could’ve sworn I left it here but it’s gone.” As you looked around the room, James gave a small shrug, his attention falling back to the book rested in his lap.  “Oh wait, I’m stupid - I left it in the bathroom.” You spoke more so to yourself, your words falling deaf on James’ ears, who was once again wholly concentrated on the novel clutched in his hands.
“Jameeees,” you sang whilst shouldering open the door to your shared suit. Your lover looked up from where he lounged in one of the plush armchairs positioned by the cold fireplace, open curiosity painting the pale planes of his face. You walked over to him, your hands hidden behind your back. Perching on his warm lap, you revealed the box you had been hiding with a flourish, presenting it to him with an enlivened flourish. He frowned softly in curious interest, taking the box from your hands and pulling the hastily tied ribbon undone. You watched, barely able to contain your excitement as he removed the lid of the box, carefully setting it aside before peering at the item that lay within. “It’s a phone!” You exclaimed, unable to help yourself as you reclaimed the box from his grasp, pulling out the phone and showing it to him.  “Now you won’t have to sit and stare at your telephone like a lost puppy every time I leave the hotel.” Your words brought a gentle scowl to his brow, his pride bristling at your suggestion; it was true of course, but James was far too ‘busy’ to ever admit it. “You’ll be able to call or message me from any room in the hotel.” A content smile replaced his scowl in response to your words as he reached out, his fingers brushing against yours in a cold touch as he took the phone from you. “This looks like the phone that Sally has.” He mused, turning the sleek device over in his hand to examine it. You hummed your assent. “Yep, it’s the same type of phone. I thought that’d be best, she can teach you a bit more about how to use it. But look,” you snatched the phone from his fingers, swiping on the screen and opening the camera app “it takes pictures! Good quality too. And you can download any apps you like, you can get all your books on here, watch movies, read the news, literally anything. Social media too, I could make some accounts for you if you’d like...?” You words trailed away at the sight of the slightly lost look displayed on his face as he blinked slowly at you, overwhelmed with the abundance of information you had just thrown at him. “Sorry.” You smiled sheepishly. “They’re easy to use I promise. And you have plenty of time to figure it all out on your own. I’ve already put my contacts on there so you can get into contact with my whenever and wherever.” The arm he had slung around your lower back tightened, pulling you into the warmth of his chest as he pressed a lingering kiss to your temple. “Thank you, my love, it all seems extremely intriguing.” 
“My love, could you pass me a towel please?” James spoke from his spot before the shower he had just climbed out of, water running off his skin and pooling at his feet; he had forgotten to bring a towel into the room with him and there were no spares occupying the bathroom. “Dearest?” He called again, beginning to shiver slightly, his damp hair plastered to his forehead, beads of rapidly cooling water dripping from the heavy strands at the nape of his neck and trickling down the pronounced planes of his back. “Y/n?” He tried once more, a slight shade of growing exasperation entering his tone. The hard tiles of the floor were cold under foot as his bare soles padded to the door; he swung it open halfway before peering around it, scanning the room for any sign of you. His eyes stilled on the bed where you lay splayed out on your back, your eyes open as you stared at the ceiling, mind clouded in deep thought. The music you had blaring through your airpods drowned out any other sound and so you didn’t notice the bathroom door open and didn’t pay any attention when James spoke your name even louder, studying you from around the door in confusion. Eventually he pushed the door open fully with an exasperated sigh, looking right at you pointedly as he crossed the room, pulling open his wardrobe and crouching to retrieve a clean cotton towel from the compartment at the bottom. Straightening, he slung the towel around his shoulders, pouting softly as he retreated back into the bathroom, seeing that you still hadn’t noticed him crossing the room mere feet from you, completely exposed.
“Shall we go down to the bar this evening?” James questioned, craning his neck to look at where you bumbled around the room, tidying up a bit and humming softly to yourself. He waited for several beats, expecting a response before frowning when you didn’t so much as deign to acknowledge his question. “Y/n, darling?” He threw up his hands in exasperation when you still didn’t pay him any heed, focused on gathering up the few stray items scattered across the vanity and crossing the room to deposit them in the drawers of the bathroom. “Y/n.” He repeated, standing from his chair and trailing you to the bathroom, lingering outside the door and awaiting your return. You gasped when you bumped into his chest upon stepping from the room, a hand rising to cover your heart in shock. “You scared me.” You laughed breathlessly, reaching up to take one of your headphones from your ear. “What are you doing?” You asked, brushing past him to continue tidying up the room. “I’ve been trying to catch your attention, you’ve been blatantly ignoring me.” He sounded genuinely hurt and so you turned, quickly hurrying back over to him whilst shaking your head. “No, I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry; I can’t hear you when I’m listening to music.” You explained, gesturing to the ear that still housed one of your airpods, the other clutched in your fingers.  “Oh. Is that what you were doing the other day? Listening to music? Because I was calling out for your attention and you didn’t pay notice.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” you offered, feeling guilty at the slightly disheartened look creasing his features. “Yes.” He sighed. “You were laying on the bed and I thought that you were sleeping but your eyes were open. I was concerned.” You smiled softly at this, reaching up to brush the stray strands of hair away from his ear. “I’m sorry, just come and kick me or something next time, but look,” you brought your airpod up to his ear, carefully wiggling it into place. He instantly brought his shoulder up to his ear, his neck bending at an extreme angle as he tried to cringe away from the music blasting through it. You laughed openly at his reaction, watching as he reached up to rip it from his ear. He twirled it between his fingertips, his lips parted in disturbed confusion as he examined the small device carefully before passing it back to you with a shudder. “That is an invention from hell.” He stated seriously, looking on in disgust as you inserted it back into your own ear with a giggle.
“I’m just going to run down to reception,” you shouted over your shoulder, opening the front door to you and James’ shared suite. “Why?” His voice was muffled, emanating from the door to his study that branched off the main room. “There’s a microwave in the staff room behind the front desk, I’m hungry.” There was a pause as James considered your words, before responding with: “A what?” You smiled softly, your hand aching as it struggled to hold the heavy door open. “Don’t worry, I’ll only be five minutes.”
Ms Evers watched from where she stood beside the large mahogany dining table as you and James pushed open the door to your rooms, arm in arm, talking fondly to one another. Her eyebrow raised in silent reprovement, the table before her fully laid, food already piled high on the plates arranged at either end. “Sorry, we’re a bit late.” You offered with a small, guilty smile, untangling your arm from James’ and making your way over to your seat.  “The food has long since gone cold.” She grumbled, scanning the table and the food she had so lovingly laid out, her hours of labour now seeming unsatisfactory at the sight of the meals having lost all warmth. “It’s okay.” You insisted. “I’m sure it’ll be just as delicious as usual.” Hazel took little comfort in your words but offered you a tentative smile regardless, stepping away from the table and readying to leave you and James to eat. “Or we can go and warm it all up again?” You suggested. She turned, regarding you with confused intrigue. “If I put it back in the oven, it will surely burn?”  Shaking your head, you reached for your plate, picking it up before skirting around the table and taking James’ in your hand, too. “Come on.” You encouraged over your shoulder as you walked to the door. “Let me show you both the miracle that is a microwave.” They trailed you all the way to the ground floor, the full plates of food heavy weights in your hands as you pushed open the door behind the front reception desk with a foot, kicking it open to allow James and Ms Evers to follow you through. There was a small kitchenette in the corner of the room, Liz and Iris turning from their positions lounged opposite one another on the worn couches that made up the drab common area for the hotel staff. You greeted them warmly before taking the food to the microwave; you put James’ plate in first, stepping aside to allow him to watch his food go round and round in marvelling interest. He flinched slightly when the timer went off, allowing you to push past him to pull open the small door and fish out his plate. It was steaming hot as it placed it before James on the counter, replacing his plate with your own. You were too busy watched your own food get the life revived back into it that you didn’t notice when James picked up a fork that was sat on the side, using it to spear a piece of potato and bring it up to his mouth. He gasped in startled pain as it passed his lips. “No.” You scolded, batting the fork away from his mouth as he chewed fervently, the food too hot in his mouth as he struggled to swallow. “It’s way too hot.” You sighed, rubbing his shoulder as he finally managed to swallow the small piece of food, glaring down at the rest of his plate in vexation. “I’ll get you some water.”
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @tatelangdonsupremacist @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 @shlutnutt @sanni333 @mossybank @tatesimper
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
father figure
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader (though there’s not much jedi-ing just dumbassery on Obi’s part)
summary: Obi-Wan feels unneeded. You’re there to remind him he’s not. Idk how to summarize hahdjfn
a/n: I just love this scene from episode III so much, it’s my hc that it’s happened before. This is my first fic I’m ever posting in my six years of tumblr! I’m so excited to share it with you guys. Feedback and comments are incredibly welcome, and I’m always here for a chat! I hope you guys enjoy :-)
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Obi-Wan is no stranger to failure.
In fact, depending on the point of view, he was quite familiar with it - his years as a youngling held many a blunder, and one didn’t reach the status as a well-respected Jedi Master without learning from many, many mistakes.
Still, he can’t help but admit that the feeling of messing up utterly sucked.
His former student, on the other hand, seems to be perfectly amicable with the experience - if he even stopped to acknowledge the instances in the first place. Even at 20 years old, Anakin is as nonchalant as ever when it comes to getting caught in a sticky situation.
Like right now, as the pair of them dangle from an absurdly long curtain out of the window of a Coruscanti high rise, 80-some floors in the air.
Obi-Wan struggles against the breeze and tightens his grip around Anakin’s neck, biting back a groan. Normally, he’d have the sense to feel embarrassed clinging to his Padawan like a human backpack, but his head is still spinning from a backhanded hit from a Devaronian - the very blow that had sent him and Anakin crashing through the window, at the mercy of the expensive fabric that shaded every room of the building they were currently hanging from.
“How’re you holding up, Master?” Anakin grunts, and Obi-Wan is unsure if the pun is intended or not. He decides to ignore it entirely.
“This is why I always tell you to think these plans through -“ a gust of wind ruffles both of their hair, “so we don’t end up in such predicaments.”
He wishes he could have one uneventful week on leave. It’s not enough that his time on the frontlines looks to have no foreseeable end, but even between missions, trouble seems to follow his makeshift family to the capital city. He only hopes Ahsoka is studying in the archives as he’d instructed her to before Anakin had dragged him away to pursue a pair of slythmongers meeting at a swanky hotel in the derrick major.
Apparently, he had overheard the details of the transaction on his way back from a lunch out - from the Senate District, no less - and had been on his merry way before his old master had stopped him. Obi-Wan was pretty sure Anakin was trying to find any excuse to get out of his scheduled session to train the younglings at the temple, but he couldn’t argue against interrupting a smuggling ring, especially when it had to do with drugs. He still remembered the havoc that had followed when Vos and Aayla had been forced to take glitteryll and had temporarily lost their memories...
And if there’s one thing Obi-Wan hates, it’s letting Anakin throw himself in the path of danger under his watch. Force knows that boy will drag Obi-Wan to an early, stress-filled grave.
Anakin pauses before speaking. “Master, this was your idea.”
Right - that too.
“My idea was to wait and see if we could catch the person that orchestrated the deal along with the smugglers, to have patience,” he tries not to sound too defensive, but multitasking while trying to find a foothold on the slippery glass of the window pane is near impossible, and maintaining his usually cool exterior is not a price he’s willing to pay for falling to his death. He isn’t sure he could use the Force to break his fall with a mild concussion.
“Honestly, Master, I appreciate your help, but you really didn’t have to come.” Anakin’s metal fingers flex around the curtain. “My arms are getting a little tired holding the both of us.”
Obi-Wan bristles at the comment. “We wouldn’t even be in this situation if you hadn’t snuck off to see Senator Amidala during her afternoon recess.”
“Yes, and there would still be an illegal drug deal happening right now, so I’m not sure I’m getting your point.”
“My point is,” he snaps, readjusting his grip, “none of this will have been worth it if one of them wakes up and finds us in such a comprising position.” Obi-Wan knows he dropped his lightsaber before the fall. Judging by both of Anakin’s hands gripping the curtain fabric - that is positively straining under the burden of their weight - his saber is either in the room as well, or smashed to irreparable bits on the ground below. Obi-Wan groans internally. Wouldn’t be the first time.
He feels Anakin tense under him, and his hair itches Obi-Wan’s face as he tilts his head up. “Well, we’re about to test that theory, because someone’s coming.” Anakin’s voice is tinged with unpunctual worry as Obi-Wan finally senses the rapid footsteps towards the shattered window. Maker, he got hit hard.
But he’s sure he can recognize the familiar presence anywhere, and sure enough, your head pops out of the window as he swallows his enlivenment down with a smile.
“What,” you stare down at the both of them, and Obi-Wan is sure that the view must be positively comical from where you’re standing, “are you doing?”
You’re much less happier to see them than Obi-Wan is to see you, and he wonders if your incredulous exasperation is directed towards him or Anakin. Probably both.
“Waiting for you to save the day, of course,” he quips. You snort in response, and he notes the glow of your hair in the mid-afternoon sunlight. If you weren’t looking like you were completely done with him, and his head wasn’t throbbing incessantly, and he wasn’t dangling hundreds of feet in the air, he might have admired the sight of you.
He always did have a penchant for having ill-timed observations.
Anakin interrupts his thought with a strained plea for assistance before you finally reach your hand out to grab his flesh one, though not before shaking your head.
“I swear, it’ll be your own stupidity that will kill you two before the war does.” Though your voice is stern, Obi-Wan can see the affectionate relief in your eyes as he’s pulled up by the both of you. “And you can bet that I won’t always be there to save your sorry skins.”
Yep, Obi-Wan thinks, it’s both.
It’s a short ride back to the temple in the air taxi you’d commandeered on the way to their rescue, though how you’d even known to come, Obi-Wan has no clue. He’d been sent to the back seat while Anakin occupied the passenger beside you, meekly tinkering with his mechno-arm with the occasional guilty glance back at his master. Though you’d been humoured upon finding them in the hotel, you’d been silent the whole ride, save for a tired demand of Anakin’s recap of the disastrous operation. Though, to their credit - they had successfully apprehended the slythmongers present. Even if it was only because you’d arrived with the police.
Obi-Wan knows that despite you being the midpoint between his and Anakin’s ages, Anakin still sees you as a substitute parent, especially since you’d been the one to comfort the former Padawan in his worst hours of homesickness. Despite no longer being the same innocent child from Tatooine, Anakin still hates to disappoint you. It’s written all over his face, clear as day for Obi-Wan to see.
What he can’t tell, however, is if you are as disappointed as your silence suggests. You certainly don’t look mad, but you haven’t met his gaze since you’d pulled him from the window.
It’s starting to get to him too.
Soon, you’ve arrived at the Temple, docking smoothly to a stop as Anakin turns to you with a rare look of remorse. “Thanks for saving our skins back there, Master.” His tone is sincere, as it always is with you. “Who knows how long we’d have been hanging there if you hadn’t showed up.”
You blink at him in acknowledgment, a corner of your mouth lifting slightly. “As much as I enjoy spending time in the crèche, maybe inform me fully the next time you ask me to cover a training session so you can run off to fight crime?”
Anakin nods enthusiastically, and sends Obi-Wan one last look before reaching for the door to leave.
“Be sure to report to Master Yoda so he can reschedule your instruction slot,” you call as he exits the speeder. “You’ll learn to handle the younglings yet, Skywalker.”
And then, you’re alone. And he’s nervous.
Not necessarily because of your uncharacteristic demeanor, though he is still trying to get a read on you. More than that, he’s on edge with the same nagging feeling he always gets when he’s around you, amplified whenever the two of you are by yourselves. While you’re the person Obi-Wan feels most at ease with, at home with - he also can’t deny the persistent tug that pulls his heart towards you every time you look his way.
But right now, you’re not. You’re gazing at the distant traffic ahead of you, gently tapping the bend of your elbow. Obviously deep in thought.
Obi-Wan stares at you from his seat, unsure whether to speak first. “Thank you,” he begins, “not just for the save. You could have been much harsher with him, and you weren’t. I appreciate it.”
“From what I heard, Obi-Wan, you’re just as much to blame for that spectacular plan,” your voice is much sharper now, and Obi-Wan winces at the irony that he’s just thanked you for the lenience you’re now depriving him of. “If not more.”
He knows he shouldn’t push you while you’re like this. He can tell you’re bothered, but why, he doesn’t know. Why are you so concerned?
“To be fair, I couldn’t let Anakin go charging in alone.”
“Honestly, I thought you’d know better than to try and stop him by now.”
He can’t help the surprise that paints his face as his eyes flash up to yours. It certainly isn’t what he’d expected you to say. “What?”
Finally, finally, you turn sideways in your seat and your gaze meets his, and even though he’s as confused as he’s ever been around you, the sight of your eyes is enough to placate him a fraction. Still, he’s bewildered at your statement. He clears his throat before speaking again. “You expect me to just let him loose on the galaxy? The boy’s only just become a knight, and only because of the need sparked by the war.”
“That’s exactly the point, Obi, he’s a knight,” you’re quick to reply, though your expression softens as you utter the nickname. “You can’t be looming over his shoulder anymore. You shouldn’t be. Force’s sake, he’s got a Padawan of his own now.”
“Only just,” Obi-Wan replies stubbornly, and later he’ll chalk it up to the concussion for his behavior. But deep down, he knows you’re right. He’d been inserting himself into Anakin’s missions. And until now, he hadn’t recognized the reason why.
Anakin had grown up.
Anakin had grown up, and he didn’t need him anymore.
Obi-Wan was well aware that he’d trained the boy as best he could. The pride that engulfed him every time he looked at Anakin was no secret, especially to you. But there would always be the painful reminder of abandonment along with it, almost as persistent as his fondness for you. Those feelings, at least, were kept hidden down deep. He still had a reputation to maintain, after all, but it’s hard to combat your incessant empathy. Not that he’s complaining.
You reach for his hand where it’s gripping the back of your seat. “Oh, Obi-Wan,” your voice is a murmur that has him leaning forwards to hear. “I know.” You fix with a firm look, as if you’re repeating the words with your gaze. He swears you can see right through him. You’ve always been better at emotions between the two of you.
“Promise me,” you blink at him with knowing eyes, “that you’ll end the secret chaperoning. Otherwise, he’ll never get over his father figure issues with you.”
“His - what?” Obi-Wan blurts out for the second time, and you pull away and laugh. A beat passes before you shake your head again.
“Don’t tell me you’re not aware, Obi. We don’t have the time to walk through it. You should be with the healers by now.” You shift to exit the speeder as well, and he finds himself chasing your hand before moving to leave himself. You approach a Padawan on the platform and instruct him to return the taxi with payment as Obi-Wan regains his composure and falls in line with you towards the Temple.
“You know, I don’t remember you claiming the role of the ‘responsible one’,” he jokes, despite the dull buzz in his head. He feels lighthearted now, better, even.
You smile softly at him, but he can tell you’re suppressing the urge to roll your eyes. “We rotate the duty around. Maker knows you’re not actually the goody-two-shoes Master Yoda thinks you are, joining your Padawan’s escapades the first chance you get. Do I need to remind you why you had to cut off the mullet?”
“Because you like me better with short hair?” He grins boyishly back at you, pushing down the desire to touch hands again. “I do promise, you know. No more trying to reign him in. I suppose the day was bound to come when he’d leave me behind.”
He smothers the twinge of regret with an amused tone, but still, he knows you sense it. He’s thankful, anyhow. There never was a need for explanations with you.
“He’ll always need you, Obi-Wan. We all will.” You punctuate the comment with a lingering pat on his arm, and Obi-Wan’s heart tugs again. No attachments, a voice in his head reminds him.
But he hopes it’s true what you say. He’d hate to see you leave him behind, too.
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Rally the troupes
What is this? 10 of 14 requests for my last follower celebration. The prompt is “emergency dance party”!!!! Fluffy one-shot. Poe gets creative with ways to cheer you up!
Also: 100% need to mention this awesome audio by @bluebellhairpin​ which shoudl put you in the mood!
Warnings: the rhythm is gonna get ya.
Word count: 2.6k, alarmingly. 
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“What’s the emergency?” Finn exclaims breathlessly, rocking up to the hangar and throwing open the doors. He jogs purposefully past the crowd of convened comrades right up to Poe.
“Did I say ‘emergency’?” the pilot dismisses innocently. “I don’t think I used the word ‘emergency.”
“You did. That’s exactly what you said.” Finn insists.
“Just get in formation, Finn.” Poe deflects, clamping his hands on his friend’s shoulders to scooch him over and position him amongst the other rebels. “If you stand right about....” Poe’s eyes trail along the rest of the line as he makes another adjustment, before releasing his grip. “...there. That looks symmetrical.” For the first time, Finn peels his eyes away from Poe and scans over the crowd. Poe has various pilots, mechanics, medics, and command-room crew assembled, everyone arranged in lines and forward-facing.
With a spring in his step, Poe makes his way back to the front of the pack. For an emergency, he doesn’t seem overly concerned, Finn observes.
Poe gains the attention of his assembled team, who are muttering confusedly amongst themselves. “Can everyone see me from where they’re stood?” 
There is a general murmur of agreement.
“Good.” Poe claps his hands together in excitement. “For the next thirty minutes we have a very important task. You may have noticed that a good friend of mine has been a little down lately, and so I hoped we could do something hilarious to help cheer them up.”
Poe’s eyes are drawn to Finn in the crowd as a grin of realisation inches across his face, no further explanation necessary. “It’s an emergency dance party!”
Poe returns his smile as Finn pumps his fist in the air and whoops in approval. This was way better than most of the things Poe had previously convened people for. “Hell yes it’s an emergency dance party!” Poe echoes, opening his palms and inviting the whole crowd to share in his and Finn’s evident enthusiasm. “In half an hour, we’ll have an amazing, surprise routine ready to perform. First, I’m gonna need you to come up here, one-by-one, and give us your most ridiculous dance move to add to the sequence.” A murmur of energy, apprehension, and self-consciousness flickers through the crowd but Poe taps his chest; “I’ll make an idiot out of myself first, don’t worry”, he reassures.
“Well, that’s standard!” Rey hollers out good-naturedly from amidst the throng.
“Rey will go second.” Poe counters mischievously.
There is a flutter of laughter through the crowd at both the insult and rebuttal, but Poe’s enthusiasm is for the most part infectious. One could even suggest that the man has leadership skills, or at least enough charisma and heart for people to get behind him. “Everyone in?” he asks, but doesn’t wait for an answer; his mind is set and this is happening. He turns to the astromech unit by his side with a point of his finger. “Hit it, Beebs.”
The funky sounds of music fill the hangar as Poe gets his boogie on.
You walk towards the hangar to begin your shift, practically dragging your feet. Truth be told, as much as you loved your work and would welcome the distraction, you wished you didn’t have to deal with Poe right now. You had been having a hard time lately, and Poe was one of the few people who could see right through the brave face you’d been wearing.
When you arrive at the hangar, though, the door is pulled closed - which is unusual - with a droid stationed outside. “Scoot!” you caution, shuffling the unit out of the way. The second item of suspicion is that it’s eerily quiet, none of the typical sounds emanating from inside. No clank of metal on metal, whirr of machines, or voices barking orders.
You push the door open with some caution, expecting it to be empty, and you startle as the faces of a large group of rebels greet you, grins plastered on their faces. Poe is heading up the group and their unusual formation, his grin widest of all. You barely have any time to register this or to discern what’s going on before the music kicks-in over the hangar speakers. You startle as arms are suddenly thrust into the air, everybody moving in unison. The hangar is darkened, the lights in the cockpits of the X-Wings programmed to flash on in time with the music.
They’re dancing. Your hands come up to your face in shock as it sinks in. They did this for you. Poe did this for you.
You venture further into the hangar, watching with glee as the troupe of troops fling themselves enthusiastically around, delighting you with a series of ridiculous shapes. All the classic dance moves are in there; the droid, the X-wing, the twist. BB-8 is even in on the action, circling elaborately around Poe’s legs and wobbling his adorable little head.
“From the top” Poe yells, and the sequence begins to repeat. After every spin and jump and clap his eyes return to you, carefully studying your reaction. You can practically see the relief sink into his movements as he sees you laughing, and he returns your easy smile. If it’s possible, he throws even more gusto into it, especially into any move that calls for a wiggle of his hips or butt.
Happy tears bloom in the corner of your eyes as the ridiculous, shambolic, and yet utterly perfect routine plays out, punctuated by whoops and peals of laughter from your friends. Part way through, Finn and Rey give up and fold over in mirth. When the structured part of the routine is over, the group break off into freestyle and Poe, still intent on you, reaches his hand out, nodding his head encouragingly as he mouths “Wanna dance?. 
How could you resist his sweet, open, hopeful face. You reach out to him and he grins, wrapping one arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. “Is this ok?” he checks, respectful as ever.
“Yep. It’s very ok.” His eyebrow cocks up in slight surprise at the mildly suggestive look which appears in your eyes, and he takes the liberty of pressing his body a little closer to you than necessary. Maybe this was something you should explore later. Especially after seeing that butt wiggling. You expel a light-hearted chuckle at the thought, your cheeks beginning to ache from smiling and flush from the sudden proximity. 
Poe beams at you as he leads you around the floor, swivelling and twirling you all over in a raucous and bouncy fashion. It seems that finally seeing you smile again has made him feel like he’s uncovered some kind of buried treasure, judging by the unfiltered delight in his eyes. “Poe,” you communicate in between steps, in the moments where he pulls you back in to his chest at intervals. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“If I had my way you’d have nothing but sweet things.” he offers in a way which is effortlessly sincere.
You study his eyes a moment, blown away by his words, forgetting to move your feet and smashing into his chest. He throws his arms out to steady you and you’re locked like that -despite the chaotic and jubilant whirling occurring around you- until Poe snaps you out of it by wrapping an arm around your shoulder and gesturing beyond you. “Hey, I think there’s a dance-off brewing. Come on.” He nods his head in the direction of the circle of people forming, where hands and feet are beginning a steady clapping rhythm.  
You howl in amusement when you approach. Of course Finn is in the middle. The spectators part for you, making space for you to join its circumference, and Poe stands beside you, never dropping his arm from around your shoulders.
“If Rey levitates you that’s cheating, Finn!” you yell into the centre of the circle through cupped hands as Finn, much to his surprise, is lifted off the ground to perform an elaborate spin.
Finn wails and points at you, quickly shouting that you’re up next. You shake your head and wave a hand in protest, looking to Poe for back-up. He just shrugs and smiles. “Looks like you’re up next.” You would feel self-conscious, but the way Poe is beaming at you and you only makes you want to dance for joy, and so you shimmy into the centre of the circle, throwing your body around wildly to hoots of approval. Apparently Poe approves too, judging from his enlivened shouts and foot stomping.
Of course, when your turn is over, you point at Poe to have him take your place, and he makes a determined march towards you, throwing you a wink as you cross paths on his way into the fray. Poe is right in the centre of it all, pulling out some vigorous moves, the cheers from the group and the banging music and flashing lights feeling like they’re about to raise the roof. 
That’s the moment Leia chooses to ceremoniously enter the hangar, cape flowing behind her as she pushes aside the double doors. A hush ripples out across the crowd of ad hoc partygoers and Poe glances over, alerted to the presence of the General. He offers her his most charming smile, but he keeps up with his cavorting. Leia looks like she might scold him, but then she surveys the faces of her rebels, perhaps realising that it has been a long time since everyone has been smiling like this. Since morale has been this high. Instead of halting the proceedings, an expression which is both mock-scolding and supressing amusement passes over her face. She simply waves her hand in a ‘carry on’ motion. You hear her subdued laughter next to you as the General slots in to the space in the circle.
“You ok kid?” she asks you, with a gentle nudge of her elbow. You nod at her, probably looking brighter than you have in some time. It doesn’t go unnoticed. “Poe Dameron is something else, isn’t he?” Leia asks, shaking her head in fond disbelief as you both spectate his moves, watching him peacock and strut around the floor. As if he knows that he’s being talked about, he turns to wiggle his ass in your and the General’s direction. “Oh my!” Leia exclaims, holding her hands up as if to block out the sight, then feigning to fan herself with a chuckle.
Then, Leia leans in as though to whisper a secret to you. “I’m sure you all know how much I detest gossip, kiddo. But if I were you, and a man with moves like that was looking at me the way Dameron’s looking at you...” Leia trails off. “Well, it might not be proper to say what I’d do, but I just hope that you plan to do something about it.” She pats you on the shoulder and smiles knowingly at you. “You know, if you want to.”
What was Leia implying? Was Poe really looking at you in some kind of way? You don’t have time to complete the thought though, as Poe extends his hand towards Leia and tugs her into a surprisingly elegant waltz around the middle of the circle, to the delight of everyone, their smiles warm and soft-centred. 
You feel a rush of affection for the man who has put a smile on everyone’s face - yours included. He’d taken an off-hand comment you’d made, whilst feeling blue, and turned it into something beautiful. After a string of horrible events, you were struggling to be “okay”, or to find hope again. One aspect weighing on you, was that you couldn’t say for sure when any of this would be over. Couldn’t say when, if ever, people would be able to live again, to dance again, to love again. Poe was showing you that no matter how bleak it got, that you didn’t have to wait for moments like this. They could happen now.
If you had your way, that man would have nothing but sweet things. He deserved it.
The dancing had continued into the afternoon, until the time had come when work really did need to be done. Still, the music had stayed on over the speakers, everyone had continued with a little spring in their step, and laughter had been much more frequent than usual as the crew went about their business. You, in particular, had been on a rare high all day.
You’d gotten stuck back in to your tasks, but whenever a thought of Poe surfaced you couldn’t hold back the smile and butterflies which followed. To distract yourself, you had immersed yourself in your work repairing the ships. As was typical, you were lying beneath the undercarriage of a craft, and had lost track of the passage of time. You didn’t notice almost everyone else in the hangar had cleared out until you felt a soft -and then more insistent- kick to your boots; Poe’s usual signal that you’d been under there too long. That or he’d fling a casual ration bar underneath to remind you to eat something.
You duck out from underneath, and look-up at him, still pressed to the floor. “What’s going on?” you enquire. Did you always feel this nervous when he looked at you, or was this new?
“Got one more routine I wanna show you.” Poe informs, offering his hand. You reach out and he wraps your wrist, tugging you to a standing position. “Beebs, hit it.” The astromech tootles in delight and a slow, romantic song begins to emanate from his speakers. In succession, the lights throughout the hangar then flick out, replaced once again by the lumination of X-wing cockpits, giving the room a soft, almost magical glow. 
Taking your fingers in his, Poe twirls you gently and then pulls you close to him, tucking you into his body, his warm and sturdy arms encasing your waist. “Is this still ok?”, he asks you softly.
“Yes” you breathe, nervously, as he sways you in his arms to the sweeping rhythm of the music, your movements perfectly in sync. With mild trepidation, you raise your arms to wind them around his neck, slotting the ‘v’ of your thumb and forefinger over his shoulders, your fingertips twisting in the overgrown curls at the nape of his neck.
Pulled in to him like this, your bodies are so close that you feel the heat of him through your respective oil-coated uniforms. You are close enough to drink in his disarming, musky scent. Your lips twitch up in a nervous smile as his dark eyes meet yours, fervent and unwavering as you shuffle over the hangar floor together. He is as warm and welcoming and compelling as a blazing hearth, and you fear that if you pull away now you would almost certainly freeze. He’s a comfort you always want to be beside, yet a small part of you feels unworthy of his ardour.
“Poe.” you venture delicately. “I don’t know how to thank you. I could try and thank you for today, but it wouldn’t be enough. I don’t know how to thank you for being everything that you are. For just being who you are.”
Your eyes glisten with tears, which causes Poe’s eyebrows to knit together with heaviness. “You don’t have to thank me.” he insists, gingerly bringing the pad of his thumb up to brush your cheek. “I’d been trying to find the words to tell you that things could be good again. That you weren’t alone. But it turns out there are some things words are just no good for. So, I wanted to show you things can be good. And...” Poe hesitates, becoming uncharacteristically shy. “...if you’ll let me... I want to keep showing you.”
You smile softly, suddenly lost for words yourself. But maybe words aren’t what’s needed right now; only dancing. The dance of his fingertips over your jaw, the quickstep of your heart. With his hands on you, it as if he is working a sweet melody down his arms and spreading its warm, dulcet tones throughout your body. It feels increasingly like you’re melting in to one another, into one song, your hands sliding up a little further into his hair, his hands exploring gentle circles on your back, your need evident and in sync as you both build towards the swell of the refrain.
Then, quite simply, Poe tucks his hand under your chin and tips your lips up towards his. He searches your eyes for a moment before asking: “Can I kiss you?”
There’s nothing that could pull you apart from Poe in this moment. You feel as if your lips are an instrument with which you seek to compose harmonious music. As if you have all manner of crochets and minims and quavers in your mouth which his tongue could bend into a song for your heart to sing. “Not if I kiss you first.”
Then, quite simply, you spin the pilot, pinning him up against the ladder of his X-wing as your mouth meets his in a crush. You are very pleased to learn how much Poe leads with his tongue, and you dissolve into this kiss.
Maybe one day if the war was ever over, you would tell people; it was horrible and sad and monstrous, yes. But at least you could also tell them; sometimes, there was still dancing. Sometimes, there was still music.
As you break apart from Poe, your heart is beating fast. Poe smiles contentedly and pulls you into an embrace, squeezing you firmly and leaning your head against his chest. You hear his heart pounding with equal ferocity to yours.
Finally, you believe that things can be good. That you’re not alone. You’ve been dancing a duet all along. You don’t know the names of all of the rhythms to say if it’s a bossa nova or a tango or something else. But you know for sure that his heart is dancing for joy. Just like yours is.
Like this? I hope the story brought you some joy and that’s more than enough. However, if you do have the energy and inclination, I would love to hear from you! Feedback in an ask or comment genuinely makes my day! ILY.
Want more? You can check out my Masterlist to read more of my works! FYI: It’s always kept updated in my bio.
Want even more? Just ask if you’re not already and you’d like to be added to my permanent tag-list or any series tag-lists <3 Also, you can always check in my bio if requests are open rn if you’d like to see something specific.
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missglamup · 3 years
Does loving yourself really have something to do with maintaining long hair?
I have one very serious question for you. How much of your long hair do you have to lose before you love yourself?
My face is too round, my nose sticks out too much, I need to hide my wrinkles, I hate my stretch marks, I’m too fat for long hair; the list of self-negative statements goes on and on.  31 years ago when I began hairdressing I thought that cutting curly hair is the most important thing to learn, but now I have realised the big picture.
Hairdressing is much more than up-do’s and perms, it’s much more than changing the colour of someone’s hair, it’s about changing people’s attitudes toward themselves.  Changing a person’s outward appearance is really a small part of being a hairdresser.  It took me ten years to perfect my cutting skills, but that was easy compared to learning people skills.
Every day I hear amazing stories about life and the universe from my clients, they come to me for much more than a new look.
So where am I going with this discourse?  Some of the stories I hear from my clients are repetitive, like the ones I’ve mentioned, (My face is too round, my nose sticks out too much, I’m too fat for long hair, bla bla bla), but for the most part I am enlivened by the beautiful and often dramatic lives of the women I meet every day.
This article is dedicated to a very special client named Kerry with whom I have bonded on a philosophical and spiritual plane…When I first met Kerry she exuded health and vitality, ambition and an amazing passion for life. 
Tall, attractive and confident, and every man’s dream.  Little did I realise that under the vivacious facade was a woman dealing with serious life issues.  When Kerry told me she had breast cancer I admired her for her calmness and strength but was a little unnerved by her willingness to discuss her condition.
It was some time before I saw Kerry again.  She was still full of beans even though she had undergone surgery to remove both her breasts and she was facing the possibility of more tumours and more surgery, chemotherapy-the works.  I was astonished at her calm outlook on life and inspired by her positivity in the face of something so traumatic.
Kerry bounced into the salon ten weeks later with long red hair and because I had cut her hair quite short last time, it took me a minute to realise she was wearing a wig.  “Can you do anything with this?” she laughed as she wrenched the wig from her head revealing her bald head. Even though she had lost her hair from chemotherapy she was still in love with life and more importantly, herself!  We trimmed the wig and she left the salon looking like a million bucks as usual, leaving all of us with a smile on our faces.  To be honest I shed a tear because I wasn’t sure if I would ever see Kerry again. As a hairstylist, you just never know.
Thankfully, I have seen Kerry many times since that day, her hair has grown back and even though it’s frizzy she loves it because she believes its a symbol of her of her inwardly projected security and outwardly projected courage.  I’ve related this story to you because Kerry was one of those women, (clients), that had openly shared her unloved parts with me, much like the thousands of women before her and the thousands after. Hers went more like this. “I’m too tall, and I think my breasts are too small.” I wish I had a buck for every time a women has said those words to me. Yep, you’re right, I’d be even more wealthy!
Now listen up, here’s where it gets interesting. After all she had been through she had the courage to face life and believe in the beauty of her existence no matter what physical and mental hardship was to come her way. It gets deeper than this.
I’d like to finish with some inspirational words from this truly beautiful woman and hope that they will engender in all who read them a sense of self worth that outshines the beauty myth that seems to be such a big part of our everyday life for women.
I’ll never forget the day these words fell from her mouth…
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Rebel Without A Cause-Ch 15
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A/N: This whole chapter came after we saw Dean go and rock out with his old buddy Leo, Last Call (season 15, episode 7). I got to discussing it with a friend, @pink1031​ and well, here ya go!!!
Dean watches as Leo commands the stage and enlivens the crowd for the acts following his, which included the Winchester Sex Bombs. 
As Leo exits the stage and the stagehands set up for the next act, Dean congratulates Leo.
“Lee, man,” Dean says, slapping his buddy on the shoulder. “You sounded awesome!”
“Oh, hey. You liked that?” Leo says as he stops to autograph a folded sheet of paper a fan thrusts toward him. After signing and posing for a selfie, Leo finally gives his attention to the man beside him.
“Well, if it ain’t Dean fucking Winchester!” he says, a smile on his lips. “Come here, man. Bring it in.” 
Dean leans into the hug that Leo is offering and they pat each other on the back. “Unbelievable. You still rocking?”
“Always. Rockstar, baby,” Dean says holding up his index and pinkie finger while holding the two middle ones down with his thumb.
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“You up next?” Leo asks as a stagehand passes by carrying a guitar case.
“Nah,” Dean replies. “Couple more groups before us.”
“Well, come on! Let’s get a drink. I’m parched!”
Leo throws an arm around Dean's shoulders and laughs as he leads Dean to a table.
“You sounded good out there.”
“Yea? Well, I’ll take that as a compliment from the one and only, Dean Winchester,” Leo says as he holds up his bottle of brew someone just sat in front of him. Dean blushes a bit as he raps his bottle to Leo’s. “Salut.”
Leo and Dean sit and catch up, talking about gigs and what has been going on in their respective lives since they last saw one another.
“Man, so I don't think I've seen you since we were in high school,” Dean says with a laugh.
“I mean, hell, I-I thought you were…”
“Married with a minivan and 2.5 kids?” Leo asks, laughing at the ridiculousness.
“Well, I mean, that's usually how lives in Lawrence end, isn't it?”
“Yeah,” Lee answers melancholy but then he lightens up and continues. “Remember that time we got busted for skipping school and getting high? Man, I thought your dad was going to murder us. How is he anyway?”
“He died,” Dean answers then takes a swig. “Years ago. But, hey, he was doing what he loved the most...kicking ass and taking names.”
“I'm sorry, man. I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.”
“Yeah,” Dean replies, not really into the conversation anymore.
“But that's a conversation for a different time” Leo pipes up, noticing the somber mood of his friend. “'Cause this, this right here, this is all right.”.
“Well, I'm glad you approve,” Dean says, the smile back on his face. “This is something not anyone can have, man.”
“You got that right! Who's gonna rock the house and roll with the ladies?” Leo inquires, waggling his eyebrows at Dean.
“Nobody else. How many lives do you think you’ve rocked, huh? Hundreds? Thousands? You deserve it, bro. Hell, we both do!”
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When Dean takes the stage, he has an idea. During their second set, he calls his buddy up on the stage. “Come on, Lee. Come out ‘ere and let’s give them something to really scream about! G.O.B., boys” He looks to the right, where he knows Leo is standing and watching. ”Let's go,” he says into the microphone. “Come on, boy. You can't just leave me hanging.” 
Leo joins Dean on stage and walks up to the microphone, shaking his head. They do their own rendition of the song and partway through it, Dean gets that familiar glint in his eye. He begins surveying the crowd and giving the subtle messages to Brad, their crewmate. It doesn’t take Leo long to catch on and he begins giving Dean looks when he sees someone he picks.
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After their song, Dean and Leo fist bump and Leo says, “Still got it. Meet you backstage?” 
“Yep,” Dean replies and goes back to singing the next song.
After the Winchester Sex Bombs exit the stage, Sam meets up with his now girlfriend Rayne and says goodbye to the rest of them. Cas and Meg take off to the room. Apparently, they have come up with their own secret language and have egged each other on while on stage and are amped up and ready to get down and dirty. Benny and Dean make their way to the room they both knew Brad had set up for the meet and greet. 
“So, Leo, huh?” Benny asks as they get near the closed door.
“Yea. He’s an old friend,” Dean says,  stopping right outside the room. “Listen, Benny. Leo and I have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe you can find your own pussy tonight.”
The Cajun smiles at his friend. “Sure, Chief. There’s plenty to choose from,” he says as he opens the door to see the room filled with women of all sizes, shapes, and ethnicities.
It doesn't take Dean long to find Leo, he is chatting up two of the girls he had chosen. When Dean approaches them, Leo introduces him.
"Ladies, I'm sure you know my good friend  Dean."
Dean smiles as the women obsess over the concert that Dean and the others had put on and how they were "so surprised and honored to be chosen to come backstage to meet the bands." It made him remember the night that he had singled out and selected the person who turned out to be the woman he now couldn't get out of his head, the little sister of his girlfriend in his teen years. Maggie Fitzgerald had once again made her way into his mind. Dean shakes the thought of Maggie from his mind and swoops in for the proverbial kill.
"You, uh….wanna go back to my room? With us? Have a little more privacy."
The redhead excitedly agrees but the brunette is hesitant. Leo tries his hand at getting her to accompany them. 
"Come on, darling. You gonna leave me hanging?" He takes a glance around the room, everyone is coupled up and is in various states of 'meeting and greeting'. “I’m gonna be all by my lonesome.”
The woman smiles widely at Leo but shakes her head. “I can’t. I only came out with a friend. I have a man and a baby at home and I don’t cheat.”
Leo nods his head. “I understand darling. Go take care of that man and that baby.” He leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek and watches as she walks away. “Damn! Been a long time since I was turned down,” he chuckles and turns his attention back to Dean and the girl. “Feel like sharing?”
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It is a first for both Leo and Dean; to tag team one girl. Dean watches as Leo sinks into the redhead they found to be named Laurel. He is sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room, his hand wrapped around his own cock, spit-lubed hand working his length. The moans and mewls from Laurel causing him to realize he was going to meet his end quickly.
“Fuck, this pussy is good,” Leo mutters as he slams into her. “Dean, you gotta get a piece of this.”
“Well, Lee,” Dean chuckles. “You’re kinda in the way.” Dean watches as Leo thrusts a few more times and then pulls out and tells the girl to get on her hands and knees. Dean pulls a condom from his bag and rips the foil open. He rolls it down his dick and steps up behind Laurel, kneeling on the bed. He can see how wet she already is, her pussy is practically dripping. “Fuck, man. She is drenched!”
“You’re welcome,” Leo laughs from the head of the bed, where he is now positioned on his back in front of their conquest. “Honey, suck me off while my good buddy wrecks that pussy.”
As Laurel sinks down onto Leo’s cock, Dean sinks into her. ‘Damn, Leo was right,’ Dean thinks as he bottoms out. ‘This pussy is nice.’ As he begins thrusting into her and Laurel begins humming out her whimpers and wails around Leo’s dick, Dean’s mind takes him back to that night he was with Maggie and he subconsciously begins comparing this girl to Maggie. Maggie was tighter than this one, Maggie wasn’t as loud and provocative as Laurel, Maggie let him feel her. He missed the sensation of the skin-on-skin touch that he had with Maggie; hell, he just fucking missed Maggie. In the four hours they were together, from the faux meet and greet in the backroom to the moment she walked out the door she had gotten under his skin and in his head.
A particularly loud moan from the whore between him and Leo brought Dean back to the task at hand. He was determined to give this girl a good time and forget about Maggie. He knows he fucked up and there isn’t anything he can do about it, so he turns his attention to the pussy he’s currently buried in. Raising his hand he slaps his palm against her ass, leaving a red print behind and feeling her juices spill out over his dick and balls. “Fucking bitch likes that doesn’t she?” he says as he smacks her ass again. He pummels into her and watches as her head tries to keep up with him while bobbing on Leo’s cock. “Nice slut for a spitroast, ain’t it Lee?”
Leo lifts his head from where he had it leaned back against the headboard and smiles a lazy smile. “I don’t know what is better, De. Her pussy or her mouth. Both are hot and she knows how to use them. I’m about to fill her throat. You better fucking swallow too. You hear me?” Leo says, turning his attention to the girl full of his dick. “Gonna fill that belly full of Webb jizz.”
Laurel nods her head the best she can and looks up at Leo, a smile in her eyes. 
“That’s it, girl. You know you want me to shoot my load in you. You wanna be able to taste it for days.” Leo smiles at the girl and then his eyes roll. “Fuck! Dean spank her some more. She really likes that.”
Dean slams his palm against her reddened asscheeks over and over while thrusting deep and can feel her pussy squeezing him tight. “God damn, you’re right. This cunt is choking my dick. Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Leo leans back against the pillow and lifts his hips off the mattress, pushing his dick down Laurel’s throat as he empties himself. “Swallow it all, bitch,” he says as his body begins twitching and he closes his eyes to enjoy the pleasure of her slurping around him.
Dean grabs Laurel’s hips and plunges over and over into her until he gets his release, holding still until every last drop fills the condom. He promptly pulls out and stands to go dispose of the used rubber. As he is pulling it off, his mind once again goes back to Maggie and how it had felt to just let go, knowing his seed was filling her and what could possibly come of that. Dean cannot seem to get that girl out of his head. And he doesn’t want to.
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Crowley opens the bedroom door in a huff, balking at the sight before him. Dean is asleep, naked as can be with some random redhead sprawled over his body, just as bare.
Rolling his eyes, Crowley vehemently clears his throat, ultimately waking the two from the slumber. The girl shrieks and grabs the sheet to cover up but Dean just smiles widely at his manager, his own nakedness not a concern. Crowley uses his eyes to direct the girl to get dressed and get out.
When she goes to step off the bed, Crowley hears a male voice. “Off. Watch it there, darling.” An equally nude and unabashed Leo sits up from his resting spot on the floor. “What’s going on?”
After Laurel and Leo get their clothes on and leaves the room, Crowley tosses the soiled sheet over Dean and hands him a rolled-up newspaper. “We got problems.” 
Dean opens the edition of Ft. Garrison News and sees the headline running across the top of the page. 
                                Band Pursues Distasteful Debauchery                                                                       Exclusive by M. Fitzgerald
Dean reads the harsh words that Maggie has written about his band, his friends and his heart shatters. He climbs out of bed and pulls a shirt on. 
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“I’ll take care of it,” he tells the man standing in front of him. Crowley glances down at Dean’s exposed lower half and responds. 
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“Might want to put some pants on first.”
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@pink1031​ @spnbaby-67​ @winecatsandpizza​ @joseyrw​ @kricketc28​ @tftumblin​ @markofdean79​ @sandlee44​ @michellethetvaddict​ @lyarr24​
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roderickslaton · 3 years
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rainlightimages · 4 years
justin case
April 19th. Painting the UGG was amazing. It is feeling ensouled, enlivened. I am enthused. I can’t wait to go back. I have 2 more things to paint and time to get it installed. Blood, sweat and tears literally have been part of the painting of the wall, which has bloomed into more than I planned, as usual. 
being there, brining plants there, having 2 kids be themselves there... running the fans, letting in fresh air, touching up paint... it’s starting to feel like a place we belong. I want to fill it with art and artists. 
the best part was the way my 10 year old occupied himself while I painted. Magic. He opened and closed paint cans with wild abandon. Like it was a treat to get to do it. pry loose, mallet and hammer closed. He rolled his marble through the ladder. Almost lost it, etc. 
14 YO went to sleep on the couch, feels like we’re back to normal - he does that when he gets bored because we have to work in my classroom. 
Then, 10 YO builds a parachute for his marble. problem solves it. Builds a better one, makes it flip. Fan-f-tastic. 
14 YO reads us Eragon - quite the novel. He loves it. Not quite ok for 10 YO. but I love painting while my child reads, even if I don’t catch it all because wow, does my mind stroll while I paint. 
and I love my lazure brushes. It’s great to be using them. 
When can I go back??? 
Last night I came home full of fire, couldn’t wait to plan out my work for the rest of the semester. As always, things take unexpected twists and turns. I accomplished little of that. But I started, and I was there, with this incredible child who thinks I’m a cross between a snuggly stuffy and a jungle gym. And that time will pass, so how lucky to have these weeks of being squished!  Floppy children. 
I can barely see what I’m typing. I got new reading glasses today, but they seem to make it worse. Must’ve gotten the wrong power. yep, they make me blind. 
1 note · View note
fadzar14 · 3 years
Free Skins! Mobile Legends (ML) Anniversary September 25, 2021
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To enliven the anniversary, it looks like the MOBA Mobile Legends (ML) game will present various interesting events for players, starting from the Diamond promo that is planned to be present, and to free hero and skin events given to all players.
Yep, regarding free skins, players must remember to log in on September 25, 2021, to get free skins from Mobile Legends (ML). Since players can draw for free on September 25, 2021, there will be quests available with GiftBox items as prizes.
Players will certainly get Elite and Epic skins for every 5x draw. But of course, if the player completes the mission, the player can certainly get a free skin by exchanging 4 GiftBoxes for one blue ticket.
The following are quests that players must complete to get additional GiftBoxes:
Game Login:·x1 GiftBox
Complete 1 Classic/Ranked/Brawl match with friends: x2 GiftBox
Share event: x2 GiftBox
Top-up total of 20Diamonds: x4 GiftBox
Top-up total 100Diamond: x4 GiftBox
Use 100Diamond: x4 GiftBox
Use 250Diamond in “Anniversary Box” event: · x5 Gift Box
Read more:
#gamingnews #mobilegames #mobilelegends
0 notes
kingofterrors · 6 years
The Curious Case of the Bowl in the Safe House
Drama! Drama is occurring!
And you know what - that’s cool. It becomes totally uncool if resultant fandom drama starts getting directed towards the CR cast or crew (can’t believe that needs to be said out loud, but it probably does), but in general, seems a sign of a healthy fandom to me.
We care. We are passionate. We want to see our faves (and our not faves - most of us pull for the group as much as for our personal preferences) make good decisions and do well and treat each other with justice and care. Intra-group conflict occurs and we disagree what was the just and right action or words or tone to take. And that’s fine. It’s super complicated, because every single member of the M9 has at least some degree of clashing motivation and a moral compass that’s shades of grey, but that’s what makes it interesting.
Who’s right? Maybe no one is. Maybe everyone has a point. Maybe someone’s clearly right and someone’s clearly wrong. The fact it’s worth discussing is exciting and enlivening.
It’s good that conflict is happening in the party. That’s how people work shit out. The M9 need to get to grips with the suspicious and controlling side of Caleb’s personality. They need to find out how to deal with Beau’s severely abrasive approach to personal relationships. Every single member of the team has difficult or uncomfortable sides to their personality or tone or perspective, and the whole point of what makes something worth watching is how that dissonance is worked through. Conflict makes good drama, and to some extent conflict is life. We learn, we grow, we change. Same for the M9. 
I’m super excited to see how this plays through. I mean, it hurts though. Yeah... that’s the negative side of conflict. We’re invested in characters and relationships. When someone or multiple someones rock the boat and upset the balance it can genuinely hurt. We want resolution. We want peace and wholeness and harmony so that the conflict can all be directed outwards. But what makes resolution sweet and satisfying is the chewy stuff that has to happen first. I want to see tension and discomfort and gradual change on all sides. Bring it on.
Conflict in the party. Conflict in the fandom. Yep, this is life. Let’s work some things through.
Just don’t start sending any shit towards the cast and crew. Ok? 
4 notes · View notes
xnhcelesta5064 · 3 years
GSA Search Engine Ranking – Tutorials - For Free
Brilliant GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials
Table of ContentsUnbelievable GSA SER video tutorials GSA search engine ranker license key GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free information Should I buy GSA search engine ranker? Reviews
Yep, my mathematics is remarkable also (GSA SER manual). The third and last strategy you can utilize is just utilizing all of the target URLs from the second technique as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The concept is easy. Considering that these are most likely Tier 2 and even Tier 1 backlinks, they will be connected to by other backlinks too.
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Honest GSA Search Engine Ranker Reviews
Hope you comprehended this one as well. Then you just scrape for these target URLs on search engines (you need to put each of them in quotes to ensure the target URLs which you scrape in fact include this URL), and import the brand-new found target URLs into your 7 verified link contractors again.
Now, you can utilize GSA Online search engine Ranker as it was implied to be used. I can't inform you how soothing and awesome the sensation is of just enjoying the links get verified by the dozens. I don't understand, there's simply something about it. Let's start with GSA SER vs SEnuke XCr.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tool And Review – AVS
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How to Use GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
With SERengines supporting increasingly more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of modification, GSA Search Engine Ranker has actually long exceeded XCr. However, hi, if that doesn't convince you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time each month! And truly, I believe that while it really is good, it's not a bad link building tool at all, GSA SER is so much more economical, and you can do pretty much anything with it.
Then there's Ultimate Devil. Once again, great link building tool, however it comes with a cost once more $47 monthly charge or a one-time payment of $397 while you can get SER which is light years ahead in cost-effectiveness. Simply take a peek around through online forums for fights between these terrific web marketing tools. We understood tat back connects mak a web site n design and more powerful. Web link indexing s broken down int 2 elements one is pages in you site and pges on ther sites t lace o ae abl t develop te links. Ths GSA SER validated record incorporates t newest websites t hich yo'll b ale to release your backlinks.
gsa search engine ranker video tutorials Captcha Breaker nd Captcha Sniper re all astounding, but they do not resolve reCAPTCHA effectively r Text Captchas. nd that is commonly th very first answr individuals uch as yu and I aim. Te vps gsa search engine ranker SER haps in increasing t good usage experience and aso walkings th conversions.
How To Build Your Own Auto Accept List With GSA SER
We likewise supply primary ideas and tips t the ne newbies (GSA SER manual). However, now things have actually altered ith GSA Search Engine Ranker. o requirement to d a lot of handbook web web page optimization nd ikewise construct plenty f handbook backlinks. Free Download Premium GSA R Verified Lists, otal 539K Fresh inks. The websites optimization s moe o ess easy t do, then building backlinks re more complex.
The software application builds backlinks fr ou 24 hours a day, 7 days pr week. Unlie oter SEO instruments, t doesn't require database of prescreened web websites t depart backlinks. e create eve brief article in an unique manner and, yu do not nee to fret relating t th replication f parts.
s we re ale to see mny individuals scrape temselves s t i a pain t let GSA SR do itslf. Wth Hyperlinks Plug, yu a develop our's unique igh-quality ser verified healthcare mailing lists and b2b database with e-mail addresses by let orking GSA SER for a couple f hours.
High-quality GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials
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s, my hyperlinks wil index slower tan if have en to use an indexer owever a minimum of tht method, th indexing process s somehat pure. fter a wile, I run al of m backlinks thrugh Minik's Social Signals Employer (Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr nd Google lus). Buying an off-te-shelf GSA SER listing will save ou ot of time and processing power from having to scrape target urls for publishing ur backlinks (GSA SER video tutorials).
e personally recommend Sweaty Quid Freelancer Market ecause it has a numbe of relied on sellers ho provide ver igh quality lists and replace tem extremely frequently. f ou would lie to index your backlinks wth te online search engine you'll b abe to "send out confirmed links to indexer companies" such a "GSA search engine optimization Indexer" r "other indexers". GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
to scraping now for 6 month and purchase inks Plug t build yor distinct GSA search engine ranker validated listing. prt frm this we prvides u ith complimentary life time updates, endless open door t our web optimization programs. here are new variations of te search engine optimization releases no nd then and these updates r additionally conveniently taen care b ur Modern web optimization practices.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Review - Best link Building Tool Help
ere w ill let yo understand the way to make ue of the GSA SER efficiently. GSA Online search engine Ranker well-lik link building software tat dosn't depend upon a pre-st list of websites ut oes ut to search fr ne website targets n th basis of keywords. The software application wil construct backlinks fr ou want a by hand.
Tak it frm me Befor I was ver abe to improve hyperlink success cost nd VPM in GSA Search engine ranker, doors ave en slammed n my face wth eah failure. Finally, easy wa to optimized GSA SR performances and develop igh quality backlinks n no time making use of proven methods that ctually wrk. GSA SER help.
urthermore, u an also accomplish our assessment report n visual type to. hs software application principally reates social networks posts ith my hyperlinks insi them whi assists with pure link indexing. A you'e attempted t enliven gsa online search engine ranker performances nd skyrocket rankings ou' v attempted evry single GSA search engine ranker verified lists outta tere.
0 notes
marisol19523 · 3 years
How To Build Backlinks With GSA Search Engine Ranker
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker Review - Best link Building Tool Help GSA Search Engine Ranker Review - Best link Building Tool Help GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial Blog post Exclusive GSA SER training Basic SEO GSA Ranker: How to build quality backlinks
Yep, my math is remarkable too (GSA SER video tutorials). The third and last technique you can utilize is just utilizing all of the target URLs from the second technique as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The concept is easy. Because these are most probably Tier 2 or perhaps Tier 1 backlinks, they will be linked to by other backlinks too.
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Supreme GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials
Hope you comprehended this one as well. Then you simply scrape for these target URLs on search engines (you have to put each of them in quotes to make sure the target URLs which you scrape in fact include this URL), and import the brand-new found target URLs into your 7 validated link builders again.
Now, you can use GSA Search Engine Ranker as it was meant to be used. I can't tell you how relaxing and remarkable the sensation is of just watching the links get confirmed by the dozens. I don't know, there's simply something about it. Let's start with GSA SER vs SEnuke XCr.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free information
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Understand GSA SER video tutorials
With SERengines supporting increasingly more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of modification, GSA Search Engine Ranker has actually long gone beyond XCr. However, hi, if that does not convince you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time per month! And actually, I think that while it truly is good, it's not a bad link building tool at all, GSA SER is so much more cost-efficient, and you can do practically anything with it.
Then there's Ultimate Demon. Once again, excellent link structure tool, but it features a price again $47 month-to-month cost or a one-time payment of $397 while you can get SER which is light years ahead in cost-effectiveness. Simply take a glance around through forums for battles between these excellent online marketing tools. We comprehended tat back connects mak an internet site n design and more powerful. Web link indexing s broken down int 2 components one is pages in you website and pges on ther websites t lace o ae abl t construct te links. Ths GSA SER validated record incorporates t most current websites t hich yo'll b ale to publish your backlinks.
gsa search engine ranker video tutorials Captcha Breaker nd Captcha Sniper re all astounding, but they do not deal with reCAPTCHA correctly r Text Captchas. nd that is commonly th very first answr individuals uch as yu and I strive. Te vps gsa search engine ranker SER haps in increasing t great use experience and aso walkings th conversions.
GSA search engine ranker manual by Asia Virtual Solutions
We also offer main ideas and tips t the ne novices (GSA SER video tutorials). However, now things have changed ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. o need to d plenty of handbook web websites optimization nd ikewise construct plenty f handbook backlinks. Free Download Premium GSA R Verified Lists, otal 539K Fresh inks. The web page optimization s moe o ess easy t do, then constructing backlinks re more complicated.
The software application builds backlinks fr ou 24 hr a day, 7 days pr week. Unlie oter SEO instruments, t doesn't need database of prescreened website t depart backlinks. e generate eve short post in an unique way and, yu do not nee to worry relating t th replication f elements.
s we re ale to see mny individuals scrape temselves s t i a pain t let GSA SR do itslf. Wth Hyperlinks Plug, yu a develop our's unique igh-quality ser confirmed healthcare newsletter and b2b database with email addresses by let orking GSA SER for a couple f hours.
Learn How To Use GSA Search Engine Ranker
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s, my links wil index slower tan if have en to use an indexer owever a minimum of tht technique, th indexing procedure s somehat pure. fter a wile, I run al of m backlinks thrugh Minik's Social Signals Employer (Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr nd Google lus). Buying an off-te-shelf GSA SER listing will save ou ot of time and processing power from needing to scrape target urls for publishing ur backlinks (gsa ser Reviews).
e personally recommend Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace ecause it has a numbe of trusted sellers ho supply ver igh quality lists and replace tem very regularly. f ou would lie to index your backlinks wth te online search engine you'll b abe to "send verified links to indexer providers" such a "GSA seo Indexer" r "other indexers". GSA SER help.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
to scraping now for 6 month and buy inks Plug t construct yor unique GSA online search engine ranker confirmed listing. prt frm this we prvides u ith complimentary life time updates, unrestricted free gain access to t our web optimization programs. here are brand-new variations of te seo releases no nd then and these updates r furthermore comfortably taen care b ur Modern web optimization practices.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free Guides
ere w ill let yo know the way to make ue of the GSA SER effectively. GSA Search Engine Ranker well-lik hyperlink constructing software tat dosn't depend on a pre-st list of websites ut oes ut to search fr ne site targets n th basis of keywords. The software application wil construct backlinks fr ou want a manually.
Tak it frm me Befor I was ver abe to boost link success fee nd VPM in GSA Online search engine ranker, doors ave en knocked n my face wth eah failure. Finally, basic wa to maximized GSA SR performances and develop igh quality backlinks n no time at all making use of proven strategies that ctually wrk. GSA SER Video tutorials.
urthermore, u an also achieve our examination report n visual form to. hs software application principally reates social networks posts ith my links insi them whi assists with pure link indexing. A you'e tried t enliven gsa search engine ranker performances nd skyrocket rankings ou' v tried evry single GSA search engine ranker validated lists outta tere.
0 notes
gailstansfield · 3 years
Basic SEO GSA Ranker: How to build quality backlinks
GSA Search Engine Ranker and VPS – The Ultimate ...
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free Guides Unbelievable GSA SER manual GSA Search Engine Ranker Tool And Review – AVS Learn How To Use GSA Search Engine Ranker Tremendous GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials
Yep, my math is remarkable as well (GSA SER reviews). The 3rd and final method you can use is simply using all of the target URLs from the second method as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The principle is easy. Because these are most probably Tier 2 or even Tier 1 backlinks, they will be linked to by other backlinks also.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Latest Post
Hope you comprehended this one also. Then you just scrape for these target URLs on search engines (you have to put each of them in quotes to make certain the target URLs which you scrape really include this URL), and import the new found target URLs into your 7 validated link home builders once again.
Now, you can utilize GSA Search Engine Ranker as it was suggested to be utilized. I can't inform you how soothing and remarkable the sensation is of simply seeing the links get confirmed by the lots. I do not know, there's just something about it. Let's start with GSA SER vs SEnuke XCr.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Asia Virtual Solutions
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Tutorial - A New Guide ...
With SERengines supporting increasingly more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of personalization, GSA Search Engine Ranker has long surpassed XCr. But, hi, if that does not persuade you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time each month! And actually, I believe that while it truly is excellent, it's not a bad link structure tool at all, GSA SER is so much more affordable, and you can do basically anything with it.
Then there's Ultimate Demon. Once again, excellent link building tool, however it comes with a rate once again $47 regular monthly charge or a one-time payment of $397 while you can get SER which is light years ahead in cost-effectiveness. Just take a peek around through online forums for battles between these great web marketing tools. We comprehended tat back links mak an internet website n style and more powerful. Web link indexing s broken down int 2 aspects one is pages in you website and pges on ther websites t lace o ae abl t develop te links. Ths GSA SER verified record incorporates t most current sites t hich yo'll b ale to release your backlinks.
gsa search engine ranker video tutorials Captcha Breaker nd Captcha Sniper re all amazing, but they do not solve reCAPTCHA appropriately r Text Captchas. nd that is commonly th very first answr people uch as yu and I make every effort. Te vps gsa online search engine ranker SER haps in increasing t good usage experience and aso walkings th conversions.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Step By Step Tutorial
We likewise provide primary concepts and guidelines t the ne newbies (GSA SER tutorial). But, now things have altered ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. o requirement to d lots of handbook web web page optimization nd ikewise construct plenty f handbook backlinks. Free Download Premium GSA R Verified Lists, otal 539K Fresh inks. The web page optimization s moe o ess basic t do, then building backlinks re more complicated.
The software application program builds backlinks fr ou 24 hr a day, 7 days pr week. Unlie oter SEO instruments, t doesn't require database of prescreened website t depart backlinks. e create eve quick post in an unique manner and, yu do not nee to stress relating t th duplication f elements.
s we re ale to see mny people scrape temselves s t i a pain t let GSA SR do itslf. Wth Hyperlinks Plug, yu a build our's distinct igh-quality ser validated healthcare newsletter and b2b database with e-mail addresses by let orking GSA SER for a couple f hours.
Special GSA SER video tutorials
s, my links wil index slower tan if have en to utilize an indexer owever a minimum of tht technique, th indexing procedure s somehat pure. fter a wile, I run al of m backlinks thrugh Minik's Social Signals Employer (Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr nd Google lus). Purchasing an off-te-shelf GSA SER listing will save ou ot of time and processing power from having to scrape target urls for publishing ur backlinks (GSA Search Engine Ranker Reviews).
e personally advise Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace ecause it has a numbe of trusted sellers ho provide ver igh quality lists and change tem extremely routinely. f ou would lie to index your backlinks wth te online search engine you'll b abe to "send verified links to indexer companies" such a "GSA seo Indexer" r "other indexers". GSA SER tutorial.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
to scraping now for 6 month and purchase inks Plug t develop yor distinctive GSA search engine ranker verified listing. prt frm this we prvides u ith totally free life time updates, unrestricted free gain access to t our web optimization programs. here are brand-new variations of te search engine optimization releases no nd then and these updates r additionally conveniently taen care b ur Modern web optimization practices.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Recommend Services
ere w ill let yo know the method to make ue of the GSA SER efficiently. GSA Search Engine Ranker well-lik hyperlink constructing software application tat dosn't depend on a pre-st list of websites ut oes ut to search fr ne website targets n th basis of keywords. The software application wil construct backlinks fr ou desire a manually.
Tak it frm me Befor I was ver abe to boost hyperlink success cost nd VPM in GSA Online search engine ranker, doors ave en knocked n my face wth eah failure. Finally, easy wa to taken full advantage of GSA SR efficiencies and develop igh quality backlinks n no time using tested techniques that ctually wrk. GSA Search Engine Ranker manual.
urthermore, u a likewise achieve our assessment report n graphical form to. hs software application mainly reates social media posts ith my hyperlinks insi them whi assists with pure link indexing. A you'e attempted t enliven gsa search engine ranker performances nd skyrocket rankings ou' v tried evry single GSA search engine ranker confirmed lists outta tere.
0 notes
aundreabuford8 · 3 years
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
Basic SEO GSA Ranker: How to build quality backlinks
Table of ContentsBasic SEO GSA Ranker: How to build quality backlinks How to use GSA Search Engine Ranker correctely How To Build Backlinks With GSA Search Engine Ranker GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Step By Step Tutorial 7 Tier GSA Search Engine Ranker - Overview
Yep, my math is incredible as well (GSA Search Engine Ranker help). The 3rd and last technique you can use is simply utilizing all of the target URLs from the 2nd technique as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The principle is easy. Because these are most probably Tier 2 or perhaps Tier 1 backlinks, they will be connected to by other backlinks as well.
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Supreme GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials
Hope you understood this one as well. Then you just scrape for these target URLs on search engines (you have to put each of them in quotes to make certain the target URLs which you scrape really contain this URL), and import the new found target URLs into your 7 confirmed link home builders again.
Now, you can utilize GSA Online search engine Ranker as it was meant to be used. I can't inform you how calming and amazing the sensation is of simply seeing the links get confirmed by the dozens. I don't know, there's simply something about it. Let's begin with GSA SER vs SEnuke XCr.
Fantastic GSA SER video tutorials
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Rank YouTube Videos Using GSA Search Engine Ranker Easy
With SERengines supporting increasingly more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of personalization, GSA Search Engine Ranker has long surpassed XCr. But, hey, if that does not encourage you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time monthly! And actually, I think that while it truly is great, it's not a bad link building tool at all, GSA SER is so much more cost-efficient, and you can do practically anything with it.
Then there's Ultimate Devil. Once again, great link building tool, however it comes with a cost again $47 monthly charge or a one-time payment of $397 while you can get SER which is light years ahead in cost-effectiveness. Just take a glance around through online forums for fights in between these terrific online marketing tools. We understood tat back links mak a web website n design and more powerful. Web hyperlink indexing s broken down int 2 aspects one is pages in you website and pges on ther websites t lace o ae abl t develop te links. Ths GSA SER confirmed record integrates t latest sites t hich yo'll b ale to release your backlinks.
gsa search engine ranker video tutorials Captcha Breaker nd Captcha Sniper re all incredible, however they do not fix reCAPTCHA appropriately r Text Captchas. nd that is commonly th first answr people uch as yu and I strive. Te vps gsa online search engine ranker SER haps in increasing t great usage experience and aso hikes th conversions.
GSA Search Engine Ranker - video tutorials
We also offer primary concepts and guidelines t the ne beginners (GSA Search Engine Ranker help). However, now things have changed ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. o requirement to d a lot of handbook web web page optimization nd ikewise construct plenty f handbook backlinks. Free Download Premium GSA R Verified Lists, otal 539K Fresh inks. The websites optimization s moe o ess simple t do, then constructing backlinks re more complex.
The software application program develops backlinks fr ou 24 hr a day, 7 days pr week. Unlie oter SEO instruments, t does not require database of prescreened web websites t leave backlinks. e create eve brief post in a special manner and, yu do not nee to stress relating t th duplication f parts.
s we re ale to see mny individuals scrape temselves s t i a discomfort t let GSA SR do itslf. Wth Hyperlinks Plug, yu a construct our's unique igh-quality ser confirmed health care subscriber list and b2b database with e-mail addresses by let orking GSA SER for a couple f hours.
Better GSA Search Engine Ranker manual
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s, my links wil index slower tan if have en to utilize an indexer owever a minimum of tht approach, th indexing process s somehat pure. fter a wile, I run al of m backlinks thrugh Minik's Social Signals Manager (Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr nd Google lus). Buying an off-te-shelf GSA SER listing will conserve ou ot of time and processing power from having to scrape target urls for publishing ur backlinks (gsa search Engine ranker video tutorials).
e personally suggest Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace ecause it has a numbe of relied on sellers ho supply ver igh quality lists and change tem really frequently. f ou would lie to index your backlinks wth te online search engine you'll b abe to "send confirmed links to indexer providers" such a "GSA seo Indexer" r "other indexers". GSA Search Engine Ranker training.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
to scraping now for 6 month and buy inks Plug t develop yor distinctive GSA online search engine ranker confirmed listing. prt frm this we prvides u ith totally free life time updates, unrestricted open door t our web optimization programs. here are new variations of te search engine optimization releases no nd then and these updates r in addition comfortably taen care b ur Modern web optimization practices.
How To Build Backlinks With GSA Search Engine Ranker
ere w ill let yo understand the method to make ue of the GSA SER efficiently. GSA Online search engine Ranker well-lik hyperlink building software application tat dosn't depend on a pre-st list of sites ut oes ut to search fr ne site targets n th basis of keywords. The software application wil construct backlinks fr ou desire a by hand.
Tak it frm me Befor I was ver abe to increase link success fee nd VPM in GSA Online search engine ranker, doors ave en slammed n my face wth eah failure. Finally, simple wa to maximized GSA SR efficiencies and build igh quality backlinks n no time at all utilizing tested methods that ctually wrk. gsa search engine Ranker manual.
urthermore, u a likewise accomplish our examination report n graphical kind to. hs software application principally reates social networks posts ith my links insi them whi assists with pure link indexing. A you'e attempted t enliven gsa online search engine ranker performances nd skyrocket rankings ou' v attempted evry single GSA online search engine ranker verified lists outta tere.
0 notes
kegruben9598 · 3 years
GSA SER tutorial
GSA software verified lists - How to configure
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker Ultimate Tutorial & Genuine Review GSA Search Engine Ranker Recommend Services Basic SEO GSA Ranker: How to build quality backlinks GSA software verified lists - How to configure Powerful GSA SER training
Yep, my mathematics is fantastic too (GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials). The 3rd and last technique you can employ is simply utilizing all of the target URLs from the 2nd strategy as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The principle is easy. Given that these are most probably Tier 2 and even Tier 1 backlinks, they will be linked to by other backlinks as well.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Youtube - How to
Hope you comprehended this one as well. Then you just scrape for these target URLs on search engines (you need to put each of them in quotes to ensure the target URLs which you scrape really contain this URL), and import the brand-new found target URLs into your 7 verified link builders once again.
Now, you can use GSA Online search engine Ranker as it was meant to be used. I can't inform you how relaxing and remarkable the feeling is of just watching the links get validated by the dozens. I don't understand, there's simply something about it. Let's start with GSA SER vs SEnuke XCr.
COMPLETE GSA SER Tutorial by Asia Virtual Solutions
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Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorial
With SERengines supporting increasingly more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of modification, GSA Search Engine Ranker has long surpassed XCr. However, hi, if that does not encourage you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time per month! And really, I think that while it actually is great, it's not a bad link building tool at all, GSA SER is a lot more economical, and you can do basically anything with it.
Then there's Ultimate Devil. Again, great link building tool, however it comes with a cost when more $47 month-to-month charge or a one-time payment of $397 while you can get SER which is light years ahead in cost-effectiveness. Just take a glance around through online forums for battles in between these fantastic web marketing tools. We comprehended tat back links mak a web website n style and stronger. Web link indexing s broken down int 2 components one is pages in you website and pges on ther websites t lace o ae abl t build te links. Ths GSA SER confirmed record incorporates t most current sites t hich yo'll b ale to release your backlinks.
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Outstanding GSA SER tutorials
We also supply primary concepts and pointers t the ne newbies (GSA Search Engine Ranker help). However, now things have changed ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. o need to d plenty of handbook web websites optimization nd ikewise construct plenty f handbook backlinks. Free Download Premium GSA R Verified Lists, otal 539K Fresh inks. The web page optimization s moe o ess easy t do, then building backlinks re more complex.
The software application program constructs backlinks fr ou 24 hr a day, 7 days pr week. Unlie oter SEO instruments, t doesn't require database of prescreened web sites t depart backlinks. e generate eve brief post in an unique way and, yu do not nee to fret relating t th duplication f parts.
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s, my hyperlinks wil index slower tan if have en to utilize an indexer owever a minimum of tht approach, th indexing process s somehat pure. fter a wile, I run al of m backlinks thrugh Minik's Social Signals Employer (Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr nd Google lus). Purchasing an off-te-shelf GSA SER listing will save ou ot of time and processing power from needing to scrape target urls for publishing ur backlinks (gsa search engine ranker reviews).
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ere w ill let yo understand the way to make ue of the GSA SER efficiently. GSA Online search engine Ranker well-lik hyperlink constructing software tat dosn't depend upon a pre-st list of websites ut oes ut to search fr ne site targets n th basis of keywords. The software wil construct backlinks fr ou want a by hand.
Tak it frm me Befor I was ver abe to enhance hyperlink success cost nd VPM in GSA Online search engine ranker, doors ave en knocked n my face wth eah failure. Finally, simple wa to optimized GSA SR efficiencies and develop igh quality backlinks n no time at all utilizing tested methods that ctually wrk. GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials.
urthermore, u a likewise accomplish our assessment report n visual form to. hs software application mainly reates social networks posts ith my links insi them whi aids with pure link indexing. A you'e tried t enliven gsa search engine ranker efficiencies nd skyrocket rankings ou' v tried evry single GSA online search engine ranker validated lists outta tere.
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