#yes the feeling of shame for my art. AGAIN ((i'm trying to get rid of this feeling))
pupcha · 24 days
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guess who 😈
and I have this art with beta—
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I also have a lot of sketches that I hope to finish in the near future (don't pay attention to the fact that there're a lot of Howdy here....)
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(hum)beta!Wally (eechy pspsps 🫴)
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I don't know what else to show you, so I'll show you (the old ones) art for my mutual :]
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Margo for @//thelone-copper ; (I don't know his name 😔🥄🥄🥄) for @//dxkjf
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
I have,, a new Genshin oc 👀 hope u don't mind me sending in so many asks dsdjgjshd but I had to tell someone about her
Her name is Lilith (Lily) and she's a cryo catalyst user from Mondstadt and a senior member of the investigation team. She was childhood friends with Kaeya and Diluc but the Crepus incident pulled them apart. I don't have too many details of her backstory pinned down yet but I've already figured out all her skills and talents and her voicelines lmao so I guess I'll share those instead:
About Kaeya - Friendship: Captain Kaeya… he's an enigma alright. It took me years just to get under that mask of his, and even now I'm still not sure if what I'm seeing is the real him. That said, once you get to know him, he's a loyal and reliable friend. The best anyone can ask for.
About Kaeya - Eyepatch: Kaeya's eyepatch? Why are you asking me?…you think because I'm the closest to him that I would know what's under there? Haha, don't be ridiculous, I hardly know him well enough to pry into his secrets.
About Diluc: I knew him when I was still a knight in training. He was… different back then… happier. Now, after all that's happened… well, best if you go talk to him yourself if you want to know more.
About Albedo: He's brilliant! I admire him a lot—not just for his alchemical genius, but for his dedicated work ethic. Unlike a certain other captain whose name I won't mention, Captain Albedo would never drink on the job.
About Jean: Ah, Acting Grandmaster Jean… though, she's been doing this for so long I feel like she should just take the title of Grandmaster. She seems to be good at everything except taking care of herself. Maybe I should bring her some lunch again today…
About Rosaria: Would it be sacrilege to say I agree with her views on the church? In fact, I have never been a fan of the Church of Favonius. If Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, should not its citizens have the freedom to choose how they worship their Archon?
About Lisa: Is she still calling me her "little helper"? Ugh, when will I be rid of that nickname…
About Venti: Ah, that bard who has recently become Kaeya's drinking buddy? I… admit I may have a distorted judgment of him, as I have yet to see the lad completely sober.
About the Vision: Ah, this is my proudest achievement… though, I'm not sure if I can call it that. I was just in the right place at the right time. Anyone else would've done the same.
Favorite food: Nothing warms the heart and soul like a nice bowl of soup! What, you think just because I wield cryo that I can never get cold?
Least favorite food: I will never understand this city's love for alcohol. Not only is the taste repulsive, it clouds the mind and impairs judgement. …How can Kaeya drink so much of the stuff?
Lilith's Hobbies: Did you know that there's a grand piano in the Knights' headquarters that no one uses? Such a shame that this beautiful instrument goes unappreciated. Say… when you next have time, would you like to come in for a private concert?
Lilith's Troubles: There's just not enough time to do all the things I want to do. If only Captain Albedo's alchemy could add more hours to the day… hmm…
More about Lilith - I: My research? Oh, you misunderstand. I'm merely a member of the investigation team, not an alchemist. However, I have helped Captain Albedo with various experiments, so I've picked up a few things.
Kaeya's About Lilith: Lilith? Heh, I've known her for quite some time now. Yes, we're friends. Are we close? Hmm… let's just say that she understands me in a way that most people in Mondstadt cannot.
Fun facts/backstory?:
Kaeya calls her his little lily (only in private or when he's trying to tease her)
She and Kaeya drifted apart after Crepus' death, but once Diluc returned to Mondstadt Kaeya began approaching her once again. They rekindled their friendship but Lilith knows Kaeya's keeping secrets from her. She just hopes he can one day trust her enough to reveal the truth.
Kaeya hasn't told her about Khaenri'ah or his past, but just the fact that she was one of the few people who were actually friends with him before the Crepus incident puts her in his circle of trust
She's shorter than Kaeya and he will not stop teasing her for it
They're not dating (yet)
Lilith got her Vision when the library of Mondstadt caught fire (this is canon but it happened like way back in the day so I'm bending the timeline a little lol) and she rushed in to save the books. This was before she became a knight and was just working as a helper around the library (hence her voiceline about Lisa). She was able to save several rare manuscripts thanks to her newfound power keeping the flames at bay. Afterward she was awarded a medal by the Grandmaster but she always considered the Vision her true reward. This event is also what pushed her to become a knight in earnest so she can use her powers to protect Mondstadt
I just realized that both of my Genshin OCs' visions match the characters I paired them with lmao
As a playable character she'd likely be a main/sub DPS whose focus is critting the hell out of your enemies. She'd synergize well w cryo resonance. You'd want her on a freeze team bc her charged attack summons an icicle and counts as a heavy attack so it can deal shattered damage
Haha whoops this became really long dskfjdjd but uhh hope you enjoyed reading about Lilith!! I'm still trying to figure out what she looks like so there may be art on the way soon 👀
Blinking at this 20 page essay in front of me haha but please don't worry about sending me too many asks. If you're okay with my shit reply times then spam my inbox with anything.
Is there a cyro catalyst in genshin yet? I don't think so (maybe signora but she's not playable yet) but it's such a good fucking concept and I want it. It would look so pretty or elegant or we could be throwing snowballs goddammit. But can I say how much I love voice lines??? As much of a lore junkie that I am, there's something about voice lines that send me. If you have any more voice lines. please feed me.
Side note: "…How can Kaeya drink so much of the stuff?"
I'm pretty sure it's borderline confirmed since Venti drinks to forget his ptsd...I'm hard eyeballing Kaeya for the same reasons.
Can I say how fucking hot it is when characters don't pry into each other's business? Just having that mutual trust that you can take care of whatever you're dealing with, and if you can't, you can come to me for help without feeling ashamed. I'm not self-reflecting at all, what do you mean? But I'm enjoying this dynamic a lot. Feels very healthy and I support that. But hey, double cryo has a pretty good element synergy bonus haha. Speaking of criting, my Eula has a 15% crit chance....
But if you do create art or more lore, please share with me! Unless you already have and I haven't seen the ask yet haha.
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duskyskz · 4 years
Blueberry Claws - H.H.J
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Warnings - Halloween Au, mentioned assault, choking, Hyunjin!Dom mild tones, slight violence
Word Count - 4.7K
A/N - ahaha this .. turned out way longer than I meant to ohno I'm sorry Hyunjin had my heart in a vice grip lately
Part of @nightshade-minho and @mini-meanhoe 's Halloween collab!
Elbow deep in ruddy earth, you kneel among the undergrowth of your garden, plucking away stray roots and weeds. It’s not your favourite part of the day, but you pride yourself in the exquisite berries your growth produces, and adequate sunlight is a must in bringing the sweetest fruits. Autumnal chills creep down your spine, warning you of setting sun and cooler nights looming over the forest horizon. It is a quaint little house, settled carefully between the curve of the river and the forest border, a hat’s toss away from the village settlement, and you enjoy it that way - far away enough for privacy and undisturbed peace, yet not isolated enough to be unreachable and dreary. 
People weren't the only viable company, anyway. Your neighbors came in the form of passing badgers rummaging through your compost, squirrels and mice poking their noses through cracks in your windowsill while you bake, the sweet smell of sugar and jams luring in a furry audience you felt obliged to entertain, tossing crumbs and peels into the open yard. 
You raise your head away from the mud at the screech, glancing upward. 
“Hello.” You greet your most recent visitor. The magpie quickly climbed upon your friendlist, introducing itself with a persistent knock of its beak against your poor kitchen windowpane. It came back the next evening, and the one after that, never missing more than a day in it’s routine to rob you of your pie crusts. 
“Are you hungry?” 
“Croak!” You suppose that’s a yes, considering the intensity with which the bird stares down at your precious blueberries. 
“Come on, then. Lunch wouldn’t hurt me, either.” 
“Can you believe that - that witch!” You stomp along the pavement to your front door, slamming it open. “The audacity to even imply my pies are anything but organic!”
Positively fuming, you don't entertain the absurdity of venting your frustrations to a corvid. At times, you think to yourself the little blackbird almost understands you - head tilting in accordance with your words, nodding when appropriate and watching your dutifully as if awaiting continuation. 
Then it’s attention switches from your wild gesticulations to the fresh batch of muffins cooling on your counter, and your suspicions of a higher intelligence disappears, leaving you to sweep cake crumbs off it’s feathers. No, plunging neck-deep into hot cake is not wise, you’d point out later. 
Maybe the loneliness does get to you after all. It’s a little embarrassing to admit how reliant you become on the magpie’s company. Its’ shrill croaks and glassy eyes became a comfort to you, a presence your day no longer felt complete without. Brushing your fingertips over the delicate feathers on its back, you rest your chin on your other palm. 
“It’s a dreary winter coming, birdie.” You muse, humming at the overcast sky. Masses of grey and washed out blues tumblr over the hills, warning you of approaching snows and rains. “I should fix the roof hatching tomorrow morning - be a shame to freeze my toes off before the solstice, wouldn’t it?” 
 The magpie doesn’t reply, and you don’t expect it to, but the slow blinks as you speak convince you your words don’t fall on deaf ears. 
“As long as I don’t have someone warming my bed, I better do all the warming myself.” Springin to your feet, you set to work on tidying the front yard. 
“Would you care to join me to fetch new hay for the roof tomorrow?” 
Your unconventional companion opens his beak, groaning. Then it snaps down into the ground, impaling one of your finest strawberries. 
Ah, well. 
You can only guess what a magpie must tend to in a day - you weren’t about to keep it from important bird tasks.
Your window panes quiver with the force of the hurricane, creaking sadly in their wooden frames. You have no idea what time it could possibly be, but judging by the time already passed since sundown, it’s way into the late night. Dismorphed figures haunt the outside, shadows passing over your bedroom like a predator, and you burrow deeper under your covers. Of course, approaching winter was harsh. In the hillside, mountain winds rolled down rocky foundations to crash into your humble home with rapid force. Turning onto your side, you press your head against the pillow to mute the whistle of the wind through your thin walls. You’d patched the roof last week - but you had yet to insulate the walls fresh, and chills made themselves known through cracks and gaps in last year’s worn overlay. 
With a soul-crushing snap, your window is thrown open as the lock gives way to hurricane, two fragile glass planes whipping open into the dead of night as you curse your luck and scramble out of bed to grasp the handles before they’re torn off entirely.
Yet something past the glass grabs your gaze before you can pull them shut, petrifying you in place. You don’t know if it’s the rain freezing your feet to the ground, or the unfiltered terror, but you can’t even scream as your eyes meet the vividly yellow ones across your garden.
Hunched above your blueberry bush, in a cloak of pitch black, stands a creature you’ve only seen in manic sketches in the village hall prior to tonight. Its’ spine seems bent, somehow, too long and too skewerd to fit precisely in its body, leaving two lumps protruding from its back. In a pale face, boxed in by wisps of black, you can only focus on two luminous eyes, zeroing in on your figure with far too much attention for your liking. 
In its knifed claws it grips a branch of your favourite plant, mangled and weeping blueberry juice onto the dirt. Maroon splatters blot the beast’s face, but you don’t gaze long enough to separate fruit from the blood of some poor soul. 
Maybe your blood will be next on its beak. 
Yanking the window shut, you tumble into your bed, curling as tight as you can into the duvet, shielding your head. Maybe it’ll go away if you don’t make noise, holding your hands to your ears. 
Maybe it’ll just go away.
It’s been three days since the storm, and coincidentally, three day since you’ve last seen your closest friend. Really, mayhaps this was a sign your friendship should extend elsewhere, and not the local corvid populace. Shovelling pastries into your hamper, you venture out into the open air for the first time since that night.
You’re still unable to clean the wreckage in your front yard. Somehow, the thought of laying your hands on the same branches that unknown horror touched fills you with dread, and you can’t bring yourself to rid the leftover mess. You had enough jams and preserves stockpiled to last you the whole winter if need be - if you weren’t financially obliged to sell most of them, anyway. 
Fitting yourself with a scarf to guard from temperamental weather, you wrap the wool tightly up to your nose as the first leaves fall from the oaks beside you. 
You love your town, you really do. 
The whimsy of nearby streams rolling over lustrous green fields is a wonder to wake up to every morning, and the walk into town is always a pleasant meander under centuries-old oaks and pine trees, spying on the conversations of woodpeckers and crows.
Yet, among all the commotion, you find yourself missing one particular croak. Never quite the same elegant cry as the other birds, but particular and endearing in its own right. 
And entirely missing from your life for half a week.
Passing the stone gates, you keep to the right of the road to make space for idle carts and horses wandering the streets. Carefully, you unload all your stock onto the market table - this stand has your name carved into the wooden leg, and you pride yourself on being a regular enough attendant to warrant a reserved place. 
The day flurries by you in a mess of clinking jam jars and passing coins. Afternoon had already set in a while ago, traversing into the evening by the time you begin wrapping up your last sale. Bidding goodbye to the market staff, you hoist your (significantly lighter) basket over your forearm, leaving the town square. It’s not dark yet, bare wisps of the night inking over your head as the sun lowers over the woods, letting you lose your train of thought in the scenery.
You feel the last pricks of stress leave you as your thoughts drift to the hallowing creature from nights ago. Perhaps your mind, in its hazy and exhausted stade, played up the vivid shadows and reflections in the moonlight? Yes, surely. There’s no way an animal this size and fright roamed your woods unacknowledged - The only terror you knew was the fabled warlock, but nobody has seen his face in decades. You weren’t even sure what he looked like. All tales of warlocks the library gave you marked them as haunted men, selling their soul for mastery of dark arts, giving up their limbs for a hint of inhuman power. Some had horns, you’d read. Some, a devilish tail winding between their legs, while some gave up their own eyes and replaced them with animal counterparts for better senses. 
It scared you more than you’d like to admit, the more you entertained the possibility of a being so twisted hiding in the depths of your woods - but was Hwang Hyunjin even real, or a figment of townsfolk imagination? 
Entangled in your own head, you fail to notice the arm lashing out to grab your elbow and yank you violently sideways, slamming your back into the brick wall between two buildings. 
“Ouch!” You rasp out, catching your breath, but your scream is broken by the hand quickly winding around your throat.
Great, after a shitty week you were going to get robbed, too! 
“Don't you try open your mouth again, you little bitch.” A coarse voice hissed against your cheek. You tried to reel away from the terrible stench of his breath, but with your back against the wallside, it was impossible to weasel out. “Made quite a pretty penny at the market today, didn’t ya?”
A large, cold hand snuck down your waist, over the ribbons tying your corset shut, and you were sure you’d retch when clammy fingers started tugging at the knot. 
“Where are you hiding it, then? Down your vest?” One sharp pull leaves your corset flying open, exposing your skin to freezing night air, shielded only by a thin undershirt. You try to shake your head, but the hold on your neck makes it impossible to even curse. “That’s a bit thin, isn’t it? Not much to hide under such flimsy fabric -”
You heave in a breath as the tightness around your throat suddenly wanes, disappearing, and all weight lifts from you. Eyes watering from the lack of oxygen, you blink rapidly to clear your vision, stumbling back as you find focus. 
Shrill cries tear from your assailant, angry red oozing from the gash above his left eye, arms flailing maniacally to chase away the blur of feathers thrashing around his head. Slinking down to catch your breath, you pull your knees to your chest to steady your breathing, though the scene before you grows more gruesome every time you blink. 
You can’t tear your eyes away, even as the bird dives down again, embedding its razor claws in the man’s eye socket. The screams are terrifying, but you don’t have the thought to wonder how no one else came to check the commotion. 
Maybe nobody wanted to.
In muted horror, you watch as the man finally lands a hit, thrashing the tiny bird into the wall opposite with a numbing crack, spinning on his heel to face you once more, though his one eye struggles to find your face. He stumbles forward, lurching in your direction, drops of fresh blood flying at your feet.
“What are you, a witch? I should burn you alive -”
You’re sure you’re hallucinating as he topples to the pavement, struck by a surprise force. Hunched over him, in a flurry of black feather, sits a mass you know  you’ve seen before. For a moment you think, another bird? A whole flock? But then the feathered cape shifts, raises, and you realise it’s one pair of  heavy-set wings protruding from a broad back, arms poised to strike over and over at a target long void of defense. You feel sick - everything that unravelled in the last few moments makes your stomach churn, and you vomit onto the floor between your feet. You can’t watch the blood any longer, listen to the crunching sound of tendons snapping and bone breaking, rolling over as you feel your legs give way to jelly.
You can feel yourself swaying, gently. You don’t feel the ground, but you know you’re moving, head balanced on something pillowy and warm, but still solid - what a weird combination. 
There’s something holding you up by your legs, and another clutching onto your back. You have half the mind to open your eyes when you’re coherent enough to, knowing you should be alarmed given the situation you just vaguely avoided. But this is nice. Your lift your eyelids barely enough to take in your position, head propped carefully on a shoulder. You can’t see much beyond the collarbone your nose is tucked into without outing yourself as awake, so you settle for breathing in deep, lulling your nerves with the scent of ash and fern. It's safe, comforting somehow, in a way you’ve never felt comforted in. Your forehead grazes his cheek, tips of his dark hair tickling your skin as you heave out a sigh and press your face deeper against the warmth. 
“I’m sorry I left you, Birdie.”
His voice is gentle, too. You let it ring in your head, soft whispers and words you can't quite decipher but appreciate nonetheless lulling you back into shallow sleep. You recognise your surroundings by the shift of light, stepping out from the tree canopy into wide hillside, catching last rays of sunlight. 
You think he’s going to wake you and ask for a key, but your front door grants him access with just a single flick of his wrist under your knee. You’ll have to ask him about that later.
Nudging his way inside, ducking to fit past the low doorframe, your saviour swiftly marches to your bedroom, confirming your suspicions. The layout of your house was entirely too familiar to him for it to be the first time he’s visited the premises. Or the second, if you count the night visit three days back. When he lowers you onto the mattress, it's with such care your heart skips in your chest, and you pray he doesn’t hear it stop entirely when you feel his fingertips brush over your shoulder to pull the blankets over you, strong arms straining under his shirt as he moves your head from his shoulder and you immediately miss the heat. There’s a cup of water by your bedside that wasn’t there before, and when satisfied with your placement, he steps away. Your eyes blink open fully when you feel his presence leave your side. 
“Are you leaving?” Your voice sounds small even to you. 
“I wasn’t sure you’d want me around.” He answers after a hesitant pause, kneeling by your bed. “You - You looked really scared that night. I never want you to be scared of me.” 
You sit up, reaching for the glass of water which he swiftly passes to you to soothe your throat and wash out remaining bile. Your skin still burns in the places that asshole touched you, and you hiss when your fingers rub the sore spots on your neck, before a larger hand wraps around your palm, bringing it down to glare at the bruise.
“I won’t apologize for what happened to him, though.” The venom in his voice makes you still. “That filth got what he deserved - I should have taken his other eye, too.” 
“...Is he dead?” You’re not sure you should ask.
“No. I left him breathing, but I can’t guarantee someone will find him in time.” 
“You left him blind, that’s enough Hyunjin.” His head snaps up at the name, as if he didn’t expect the confrontation. “You’re the magpie that’s been visiting my garden this summer, aren’t you? You’re the fabled terror in our woods.”
You say the last part with a smile, but the warlock  lowers his head still, glancing down at the blanket curving over your hips.
“....Yeah.” He mumbles, observing the many silver rings at his knuckles. “Is that too much for you?”
“What do you mean?” You scrunch your nose, confused, when he doesn’t elaborate. 
“At first I just came to visit because of the garden, but every time you saw me you’d talk to me like I was a person - Like I could understand. And I know you talk to the others too, like that ugly goose -” You want to scold him for calling Truffles ugly, but he carries on without pause. “But in my head it was just, nice. Even if I couldn’t reply, whenever you speak, there’s no darkness in me. Nothing but you.”
Hyunjin frowns, not wanting to meet your eyes yet. His hand grips the edge of your duvet, straining the fabric as his wings twitch.
“I was so fucking mad at myself when you saw me. You looked so small, so petrified - and of me. And as much as I wanted to take you into my arms and reassure you I couldn’t.” 
You can’t deny it, you were scared then. But knowing the man before you now, the events of today and the large part thunder and your own exhaustion played into your fear that night, you felt none of the apprehension now, resting your hand atop his shaking ones. 
“Maybe you wouldn’t want to see me again, if you’d guessed what I was after that. So I let you be, watching from a distance, because I couldn’t bring myself to let go completely. And today, fuck -” He runs a clawed hand through his locks, pushing hair out of his face to finally look at you, golden eyes rooting you to your spot. “I should have snapped both his legs for even thinking to touch you.”
“But maybe that’s my own vice.” You watch soft pink lips form words you’re not sure are real. They could have been your own imagination, for how quietly he speaks. “Maybe my love would be too much for you.” 
The silence that follows his confession is crushing to both of you, for entirely different reasons. 
You barely wrap your head around the idea of being loved by him before he pulls his hand away from yours, accepting rejection he knew was coming. It’s not until he stands that you breathe in, catching the edge of his jacket before he can leave you again.
“It’s not.” You state. “It’s not too much.”
You hope he doesn’t mistake the quiver in your voice for doubt, because you’ve never been so sure of something in your life. 
“Do you mean that?” The hopeful lilt to his voice sparks your heart alight, he’s at your side in seconds, long feathers sweeping the floor below his feet as he moves. “Are you sure you want me the same way I want you?”
“I do.”
You nod to reassure him, sliding further down the bed to make space for his larger frame. Hyunjin slinks in next to you, crawling over to hover above you, taking in the way you look finally beneath him. His feathers block out most light, sun long set. You can barely see, but before you can complain about missing his ethereal beauty, a candle flickers alight by your window, and another on your bedside table. Another, and yet one more afterward, until your bedroom filters in a warming glow from a dozen shy fires. 
Ah, warlock things. 
“It’s okay,” Hyunjin hesitates still, lips stopping millimeters away from yours as the last strings of hesitation cling to his thoughts until you urge him to move. “You can touch me.”
His lips are warmer than anything you’ve ever felt, moving over your mouth like fine malt wine. There’s a quiver in his hands when he brings a palm down to cradle your cheek, running his thumb over the smooth skin as his tongue runs over your teeth. 
You don’t notice your legs spreading open to allow him between your thighs until his knee bumps against your core, bundling your skirts in his fist to pull them down and off. 
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited to have you under me like that, birdie.” Hyunjin whispers. “All for me, at my mercy - you look so good like that.”
The irony of him using your own nickname for him on you is lost in the moment you arch your back into his touch, pressing your still corseted chest against his palm. Every place he touches has you needing more of him, every part you can reach. 
“Undress me, please.” 
“Gladly.” Nimble fingers pluck the bow of your shirt open, lifting it over your head. In the cocoon of his wings and candle light, you feel a love you’ve never known before. Discarding his own shirt next, you hardly have a moment to take in the exquisite expanse of his chest before your field of vision is taken up with glimmering navy feathers, Hyunjin’s head dipping to swirl his tongue over your nipple. Your grip in his hair makes him keen against your chest, groaning over the sensitive flesh between his teeth.
“Are you - You’re a virgin?” The idea of him being the first to make you feel so open, the only person to see you react to such intimate touch gets him harder than Hyunjin thought possible. 
“Ah, yeah…” You nod. Were your reactions so telling? You suddenly felt even smaller, caged between his arms and the pillows, watching his tamarind eyes flicker.
“I’ll love you well, birdie. Don’t worry.” He blows cool air onto your damp bud and you feel like crying. One hand leaves the space by your head, pinching your other peak. At first gently, testing how far he could push your limits to get you melting at his touch, then harder when you moan at the slight burn. 
Your hips rise to rub against his thigh, unknowingly seeking out friction to aid the dampness gathering in your underwear. His hand meets you there, slipping a finger under the band of your panties to snap it against your skin for your impatience, and you still immediately, recognising his dominance even without prior warning. 
“Be good and wait. If I own you, I’m taking my time with you.” There’s a hard edge in his voice, something about the empty threat makes you want to push his buttons until he snaps. 
You don’t need to wait much longer.
Ridding you of the last scrap of clothing you had left, Hyunjin has you bare and displayed, every part on show and within his reach. Slower than you can take, he drags his thumb on the inside of your thigh, kissing and nibbling the delicate skin just inches away from your dripping cunt. When his thumb finally, finally rubs a circle against your clit you whine his name so loud he nearly bites down hard. Still, he holds his pace, pressing his thumb in patient patterns against your nub as his teeth mark up your thighs.
“Jinnie, go harder, please.”
You know you fucked up when he glances up at you, brows quirking in amusement. 
“I said I’ll take care of you, y/n. If you want to cum, lay there and take it.”
You’re thankful he has a shred of mercy for your sanity, because your pleas seem to have a marginal effect on his movement. 
You eat your words when Hyunjin forces two fingers inside your already wet slit, scissoring you open with harsh flicks of his wrist. His lips remain stuck to your clit, and the sudden assault on your senses has tears rushing down your cheeks.
“W-Wait! Hyun, wait, I don’t want to cum yet!” You don’t really believe he’ll listen.
“Don’t you? But I thought you wanted me to hurry, birdie?” The mockery in his voice makes you clench, and you’d flush if you weren’t so close to orgasm. “For someone not ruined before, you beg for a dick so well.”
“No...Not yet, I wanna cum on you, please.” 
Hyunjin can resist many things - spells, curses. Killing a man on multiple occasions. 
Your whimpering voice as you beg for him to take your virginity in your own bed, wrapped around his fingers and blushing from his tongue is not one of those things. 
“Fuck, okay.”
Pulling his fingers out, your lips part at the emptiness, but your nerves prickle with knowledge of what awaits you next. Hyunjin is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, sweat dampening his forehead and eyes peering right into your heart whenever your gazes meet. You’re hypnotised by the way muscles in his back tense when he kneels between your thighs, urging you to open up for his fit. You only catch the briefest sight of his length, but it’s enough to make you gasp in anticipation at the size and thickness of his base. 
“You’re sure you want me?” Your legs wrap around his waist as he asks, not yet penetrating you, only resting his length on your slick core. 
“I want you more than anything I’ve ever dreamed of, Hyunjin.” You channel all your love and trust into your words, daring yourself to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. 
Feeling the stretch of him is euphoric, inch by inch, more than any discomfort could hope to reach. Your focus on the flex of his forearm propping him up beside your head, the tantalizing way his mouth curls in a moan of your name when he bottoms out, placing his seal on you completely. 
“Tell me when I can move, alright?” 
“N-Now, you can move. Please move.” You’re gonna go insane if he doesn’t ravage you right now, digging your nails into his bicep. Hyunjin starts off slowly, gentle languid strokes brushing over your walls. With every move, he feels you relax, the tension in your legs loosening into desperate longing as you pull him deeper into you, trapping him against your body.
You open your eyes only to grab his hand, wrapping it around your throat. His hips stutter, before he grips you fully, squeezing the sides of your neck until your moans turn to broken cries of his name.
“You’re such a cute little whore, love. What a dirty pussy you’ve been holding out on me.”
The smirk he looks down on you with is downright filthy, degrading every shred of dignity you had left, but you don’t take in anything but him, his hips slamming you into the mattress and the hot breath against your ear. “Are you gonna cum from that? My good girl, just like that...Let go and cum under me.”
He pulls his hand away from your neck, allowing you to heave in a breath and scream his name. Hyunjin holds you down by your wrists above your head, thrusting relentlessly as you cum around him, shaking and sobbing from the overstimulation at your centre. He allows himself to release then, as your whimpers quieten and he rides out your highs with you, filling you to the brim. 
You stay entwined for a moment as you catch your shaky breath, coming out of the headspace Hyunjin fucked you into. When he pulls out, you fight the urge to clamp your legs shut as he holds your thighs apart, admiring the way his cum spills out of your rawed hole. 
“Let me clean you first, birdie.” 
You nearly drift off in the blissed-out feeling that envelops you as he wipes your legs clean with a warm, damp cloth, stroking over tingling bruises with adoration. 
When he’s finally satisfied with your state, Jinnie allows you to tug him back into bed with you, arms immediately coiling around your middle to press you into his chest, nose nuzzling against the crown of your head to breathe in your scent. 
“I meant every word I said.” He mentions, speaking against your forehead. His lips tickle you with every word and you’re so tempted to kiss him again just because you can. “ I really do love you.”
“I know, Jinnie. I love you too.”
Tag list - @defsbxessi @godlyaj @palet-innie
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fic-dumpster · 2 years
Omi? Still there? Have you come to check again? If yes! I'm glad but not about the fact that this mishap still has it's effect on you. I'm new to Tumblr - and I started writing because @solaceinarts told me something. Something that i didn't realize much at all; which I'll come later. But first, after reading your all those updates I thought I should drop by and say a few things :-
People have always been easy to judge,easy to be judged. I've really learnt it in hard way which in turn has made me less interactive,less communicative. I hope it doesn't come to that.
I used to write,umm, poetries ,poems that could burn your heart ,poems that could heal your bad memories like the sweet smell of morning dew. But then,i was accused of plagiarism one,two ,three - each time a fellow writer stepped up for me. Fourth one was too much. I couldn't take it even if I got a few friends who were willing to fight for me,i stopped writing. I lost my muse. I've discarded my poem dairies in rage just to get rid off the negativity.
I created Tumblr just out of whim and i met @solaceinarts . She told me "if not now, then when?" She too has gone through some shit too and man the courage she holds after all that. I totally adore her ,deep down to the bones!
She told me that one day you'll get bored of all these things. Things that you used to enjoy wouldn't make you happy anymore. You'll be busy and laugh at your childish behaviour.So, when you feel like you're ready for something, something to create, never let that urge die. That's what makes you go one step further where you were before. People? Who? Them? Did they know how much you worked on a single creative piece before posting,did they know how much you hesitated before posting? Nope they don't. They probably wouldn't, maybe never. But you?you know the hardwork behind your every post ;you'll still be blaming yourself for killing the artist in you. I thought for days and realized people will judge, even after you're gone. It's a shame how people don't understand the importance of "little things" that makes all of us happy. I don't know if I'll ever face a situation like this but if I ever do - well I've no idea how I'll react.
Leave everything if you would! But don't let it burn the artist inside you. please don't let it die :)
don't come back until you feel like. Your mental health isn't an extension of people's feedbacks of your creative workspace. I still have tons of art journals poems ,poetries , stories that i used to do only for myself after slowly getting my muse back. But I'm never gonna post them. It's a trophy that I've achieved just for myself not for those prying eyes waiting to jab at me.
I would still like to talk to you if you're willing :)
stay good and I'll try to hunt you in ao3; although I don't have acct.
I apologise if you feel triggered by reading all these. I've PTSD issues so well I'm kinda afraid of talking and what might trigger a person at any moment without your knowledge.
take your time!I'll still be here, waiting, unless some shit happens to me. You need a long break,a break that promises you no turning back but i know writers don't whither easily.
Haaaa my point is I'm here if you wanna talk. Lol i got carried away & Oops !quite long and vague.
~yours truly,
NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!! 🥺💕🫂😭💕 and ty 🥺💕 for still talking to me even though I suck at dming. Y’all r so cool and nice 🥺💕. I appreciate your words, and I'm thankful you took some of your time for me 🥺💕🫂.
I think I’m better now, still not going to post asks/stories as fast as before for different reasons… yeah, I got triggered by some anon (sounds dumb ik but that’s the awful part of triggers, they do whatever they want, whenever they want). My therapist taught me some exercises, not to get rid of them awful feelings xD, but to have more control over these emotions. So im good im good.🤸🏻‍♂️💕
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XI)
It was a love story, from the very beginning.
Ally... Protector... Best friend... And something else... (Part II)
Hello my friends! How were you? Are you enjoying the hiatus?
I'm bringing you another meta from my Destiel Chronicles, this time is the second part of this one...
I want to mention my friend @agusvedder because she made the gifs of this meta and she discussed the episodes with me. Thank you girl!
Now, let's start this...
Best friend (second part)
In this second part I want to talk with you about 5x08 "Changing channels" and the way Dean was so worried about Cas...
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Gif credit @50shadesofsubtext
Immediately after Castiel disappeared, and reappeared in the sit com, Dean is the first in asking...
DEAN: You okay?
CASTIEL: I don't have much time.
SAM: What happened?
CASTIEL: I got out.
DEAN: From where?
CASTIEL: Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be.
DEAN: What thing—the Trickster?
CASTIEL: If it is a trickster.
Gabriel interrupted, and Cas is pushed against the wall, he recognized his brother but Gabriel sent him far away.
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Gif credit @winchcstr
Again, the first one asking for CAS, is Dean.
DEAN: Where did you just send him?
TRICKSTER: Relax, he'll live. ...Maybe.
But Dean can't stop worrying about his best friend, when they arrived to a motel, thinking they get rid from tvland, Dean is the one, again, who's worried about Cas.
DEAN: I'm worried, man. What that SOB did to Cas. You know, where is he?
When they were talking in the car, Dean was worried too bc he thought the Trickster knew Cas, and that made him feel uneasy...
That's why when they figured out the Trickster was an Angel, and they captured him, and Gabriel revealed his identity, the first thing Dean wanted to know is about Cas.
DEAN: Well, first of all, you're gonna bring Cas back from wherever you stashed him.
DEAN: Yeah. Or we're going to dunk you in some holy oil and deep-fry ourselves an archangel.
GABRIEL snaps his fingers. CASTIEL appears.
DEAN: Cas, you okay?
CASTIEL: I'm fine. Hello, Gabriel.
So when you watch Changing Channels, you can see how Dean was worried about Can sthe whole episode. Asking him twice if he was ok.
That's what friends do, isn't? Or... Maybe more than friends??
But to finish this best friend second part, I wanted to share with you this scene...
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This scene is from 5x03, is the last scene between CAS and Dean, I think Dean was honest here, and I want you to keep Dean's words in your mind, because he really enjoyed this first hunt alone with CAS, he is saying here he is happy... The same thing he said to CAS when they went out from that place where Dean tried to make Castiel to lose his virginity.
But... I think Cas felt a little offended, bc Dean called him "And you are not that much fun." And Castiel face is like "What did you just say?" 🤣 And he flew away immediately.
And something else...
Immediately after episode 5x03, the first hunt together, and Dean trying to flirt with CAS... We were introduced to 5x04 "The end".
In that episode we know Zachariah made Dean traveling time to see the consequences of his acts... An apocalyptic word ruled by Lucifer inside Sam. Maybe another way to manipulate Dean, and maybe everything was a lie. But, and I know, there's a lot of metas written about how in that hypothetical future, Dean and Castiel were lovers. And I believe that too. I won't talk exhaustively about that, because as I said before, there's a lot of metas talking about this. I just wanted to point two things that called my attention and made me think DEAN AND CAS WERE LOVERS in this alternate future.
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This "stretching" Castiel does knowing Dean was watching, is very suggestive and very seductive. He did it on purpose, in a attempt to seduce Dean.
After this, the second big scene that showed us, Castiel is different from the others to Dean, and not just Dean from the future, but our Dean, was this dialogue.
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Our Dean separates friends from CAS. Because he knows Cas is different, because CAS is "something else" for him, so it has to be for future Dean too. Another thing Dean knew from himself... Like the pink panties...
And what about made Cas angry? After 5x03 in which we saw how Dean made Cas almost prayed for him to accept helping him, he keeps enjoying make him mad...
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Look at that expression in Dean's face, he is enjoying listen Castiel be so grumpy about the call. I swear Dean is thinking Castiel is cute.
Let's jump now to episode 5x10. We had a very interesting phone call between Dean and Cas, and Sam as witness...
DEAN: Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him.
SAM turns to look at DEAN.
CASTIEL: I won't lose him.
Here, Dean calling Cas huggy bear??? Weird, and is weird bc Sam turns around to see his brother with a WTF? Face... Yep... He just called Cas a huggy bear. Something cute.
But this won't finish here... We need to make another jump, this time to episode 5x16 "Dark side of the moon." Remember that episode when Dean and Sam dies and went to Heaven? And remember what Dean was wearing in one of his memories?
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Gif credit @thejabberwock
DEAN: Kind of trippy, right?
SAM: Yeah. (Sam looks at Dean’s shirt.) More trippy. Um. Apparently, you ‘wuv hugs’.
Dean covers his T-shirt.
DEAN: Shut up.
So Dean... You wuv hugs from a huggy bear??? 😏💕
But that's not the only thing that happened in that episode that gave us juicy subtext for "more than friends" plot...
When Dean approached to Baby, Castiel contacted him by the radio. I mean... Cas contacted Dean and not Sam...
Dean leans in the driver’s side window.
DEAN: Cas?
CASTIEL: (on radio) Yeah, it’s me.
Dean gets back in the car.
And Dean said something very interesting...
DEAN: You gotta stop poking around in my dreams. I need some me time.
And he says this with shame in his face... Yes people, CAS ENTERED IN DEAN'S DREAMS SO OFTEN THAT DEAN HAD TO SAY THIS!!!!!!!!
How many times Cas entered in Dean's dreams?? We will never know...
And talking about dreams... Let's make another jump to 5x13, Dean was dreaming this...
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People... You are going to love this... My friend Agus pointed it to me and I just lost my mind...
First of all there's a demon... Then the angel arrives and the Anna... Is that correct? Ok...
The demon in red is Anna right now, why? Bc Anna was the bad girl here, trying to kill Sam and then Mary... But who's the angel that surprised Dean??? Mhm... Cas.
And Anna just appearing with color red on his head. Like ... Did you get the message? 😏
To conclude:
I know there's a lot in this season that talked about Dean and Castiel's friendship, but there was a lot of subtext too that showed us that they weren't just friends... There was always this exciting dynamic between them, this eye fucking and this flirting mostly coming from Dean. It was new for him, and at first, he felt this was like a game. At the same time he was discovering Castiel's loyalty and protection over them, and his irresistible cuteness as part of his personality. Enjoying his grumpy side too.
Dean discovered in "The end" that those "confusing feelings" had lead them to a relationship... But to a huge change in his friend too.
I will be talking about how they shared their "daddy issues" and how this affected both of them in the upcoming chronicles, if you are thinking I'm missing Castiel's search for God... I'm keeping that bc is so related to Dean's decision for saying yes to Michael.
I hope you like this and I will see you in the next chronicle!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @hippyatheart80 @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh
Buenos Aires May 15th 2019 7:27 PM
If you want to be tagged in these chronicles, just let me know.
Previous Volumes from season 5
Vol. IX
Vol. X
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Can you do a piece about the route where Amisia figures out the PC's blood color and is suddenly inspired? I'm curious about what would happen in the long term.
Ever since you had somehow more or less (un)luckily weaseled your way into Amisia’s hive, you have regularly had to “help” the blueblood out in her artistic ambitions. If this would have been what Earth considered part of such, it wouldn’t have been much else of a Problem.
However, in your case, it meant largely helping Amisia make her paints, aka helping to murder some kids you had never met before. At some Point, you had decided to try and numb yourself to the horrid fates of the troll deliveries your friend received. Trolls had a fucking weird way of handling friendship, you thought, but you dared not to call into question whatever Alien conventions you might offend. Like hell you’d risk the more or less safe place you had right now.
You had lost track of all the days and nights that had passed since you had set foot into Amisia’s home. She did not allow you to leave the hive without her by your side, and considering the crazy shit that you had endured outside all by yourself or with these other weirdos, you hadn’t much to object on the matter. Frankly, if you ignored all the strange oddities about Amisia, and trolls as a whole for that matter, you didn’t have such a horrid life. Sure, you often wound up hurting yourself in the massive hivehold the highblood held, but the medicalizer was never not ready to tend to your injuries.
You were currently busy on the Sofa polishing your small friend’s huge axe. carefully having placed the sharp side away from you, just in case. Not the faintest interest in feeling the blade cut through your thin hide once again, sprawling everything in red. Whilst she had been no less fascinated and kinda obsessed with your bloodcolor, Amisia had started to become sort of huffy and strict the more often she saw how clumsy you were and as a result ended up with stupid scratches and cuts that you could do well without. She loved pointing out what a waste of rescources the spilled blood posed in her eyes, which in turn made you furrow your eyebrows at her.You often used calm moments like this to reminisce about your life, how you ended up here, and what you’d do in the future. As your towel wiped across the shimmering, blue surface of the axe for the third time by now, you had come to the conclusion, that you’d never find home again.
Your eyes moved up to look at the empty canvases. Well, not as empty as they used to be. There were red squiggles everywhere now, only rarely actually depicting a recognizable shape. You directed all your attention at the cute drawings in order to ignore the light burning you felt in your eyes when you realized that your dumb face wanted to tear up.
No no
, you thought,
it’s no use to feel blue
, bluer than her you couldn’t be.Your Hand lifted to quickly rub your eyes and move the axe to lay beside you on the messy sofa as you heard light footsteps approaching quickly from the entrance. “Oh, gross, you’re crying?” Amisia’s voice rings in your ears despite her not having been that loud at all. In General, she tended to be on the less loud side, which you appreciated.The troll was carrying a paperbag in her hands, both dainty hands clutching the dark, somewhat wettened paper softly when she stood there in the doorframe. “Yes, what of it?” you almost snapped, but instead restrained yourself in order to sound no less confident than before. Not that you had ever been actually confident here before, like, ever. But this was a great moment to start!Amisia’s messy eyebrow rose sceptically and she frowned, scrunching her nose up ever so slighty. “Well, nothing! I’m just asking! Is a troll not allowed to ask her friend why they’re crying These nights? Jeez.” Oh, she was doing the Thing again. The huffy Thing. You loved it when she did it usually, but sometimes it could be seriously annoying, since it usually also meant that she switched into stubborn mode.You played with your own fingers in your lap. She eyed your hands. Then she came a few steps closer, not letting her gaze wander off of your hands. “No, no, you can.” you began, somewhat hesitantly. “I just sort of… didn’t think you wanted to know.”“Usually I wouldn’t. Considering your disgusting mutant self I should rid myself of you, but you’re a precious thing with brilliant Color!” she said. “What? Oh yeah, red. Right.” you muttered, rubbing your neck. “Well, tell me! Maybe I have something good for you to reward your efforts.”God, she still thought you’re her pet now, didn’t she? You sighed with a tad frustration, kindly ignoring the insults as always.“I remembered that I will never get home.” you say and rest your face in your hands for a Moment. “Back when I was still there I never regarded it with much sympathy. I’ve always wanted to go to space because I wanted to get away from my family. We were… really estranged.” Amisia nodded, not looking like she was actually listening, but then again, she always seemed like she was thinking of god-knows-what and yet attentive to her surroundings. So you just suspended your disbelief and continued. Meanwhile, the troll was rummaging in her paperbag.“You probably don’t even know what a family is.” “Nope, I don’t. But go on!”“Well, my Family was pretty much just my parents - uh, lususes I guess? And that’s it. They never actually harmed me but I never felt like what I did was enough for them. But… now that I know I will never see them again, I sort of still miss them. Weird, huh?”When you looked up you found the artistic troll sit beside you on the Couch, chewing something. You had no idea what she was eating there, but it had legs. most foods had. You had numbed yourself to the fact. Just nod and chew. That’s what you did each meal. Amisia looked up from the crumbs in her claws and stared you straight in the eyes. You felt pretty weird about it. Time to look elsewhere!Your look trailed to the canvases again. “You’re pretty weird in general, but that’s probably just you being the alien you are.” Amisia said. “I have no idea what a family is, but you know, you’re my friend, and this hive is now where you live too. It’s still mine! As if everything in here, don’t misunderstand me.” God, how hastily she felt the need to clarify that. You had never had any Intention to claim anything in her hive as yours. You felt like that would be ungrateful and in bad taste. “That can maybe not make up for the loss of your own home, but like, maybe you won’t feel as bad about it someday anymore. I for one, am pretty glad you appeared here.” Weird that she smiled. You looked at her with utter surprise, but pleasantly so. “No one else has the Color you provide me with!”Oh. Of course it would be this.“I like your crimson so much! It’s gotten me out of the stump of not being able to actually art. I like it so much, I bought These fucking oblong meatproducts because they’re vaguely more like your red than the others!” Amisia reached into her somewhat trashed paperbag, pulling out what looked like a legged hotdog.  At this point, the limbs on the food didn’t faze you the slightest anymore.What was even more interesting was the fact that she said she bought them purely because their red reminded her of yours. That was actually Kind of sweet.You smiled.She took a Moment when she saw your smile, then reached the oblong meatproduct to you. “But they still aren’t nearly as pretty as your disgusting, shameful blood. Even gross Things can be pretty, ahah…” The highblood appeared surprised at herself and scratched herself behind her ear somewhat embarassed. “Take it already before I eat it myself!!!” she then bursted out, visible frustration taking over her face like a swat shield protecting it’s wielder. You grasped the hotdog and the blueblood looked at you expectantly, moving her feet up and down. “Well? It may be a bit less warm than before. Some weirdo wasted my time trying to talk me into sharing with him.” You… had sort of a vague idea who that could have been. You didn’t mention that to her, however, and took a bite of the foot.Oh, it tasted amazing! Much better than anticipated, actually. The meat tasted nothing like anything you had on Earth, but was tender and practically melted on your tongue. You sighed, so very content.“Ch!” You looked at your friend. She was having that very weird smile on her face, like the first night you had met. Fascinated and pleased. “What?” You said.“Nothing!! Just glad you’re not crying anymore!”You surpressed an affectionate chuckle, instead choosing to smile toothily at her after you swallowed, and with great happiness, you found the highblood smile back at her, with rosey cheeks (or well, the blueblooded equivalent).
How nice to know she actually cared enough to comfort you.
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superredcorp · 4 years
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It was Defence against the Dark Arts Class in Hogwarts. The Hufflepuffs and the Slytherins were joined together in this class which was led by Professor Cat Grant. As soon as the students had all gathered in the classroom, she announced the day's subject: Boggarts. Most students, who knew what they were, got a little nervous. And as soon as Professor Grant explained the basics about the creatures, the remaining ones got flustered and uncomfortable as well. No one liked to openly present their fears. No one wanted to feel that vulnerable. However, it was nothing that was up to discussion and the students knew better than to protest in Professor Grant's class. So they did as they were told and collected in the room, in front of a big closet which was already rumbling.
"Now, remember the spell. Riddikulus. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, we've heard the joke before, it's nothing original. Chip chop.", Professor Grant said. "You, the girl who's name I can't remember, you go first."
A Hufflepuff girl shrieked a little when the teacher's finger pointed at her. She gulped and stepped forward. She seemed to be trembling. "Wand at the ready. I'm going to open the closet now. Riddikulus. One, two, three.", she opened the door and a whirling shadow came out. It swirled around until it formed the shape of a spider which was the size of a big dog. The girl stared at it, mortified. Then suddenly her eyes showed determination, she lifted her wand and yelled "Riddikulus!"
The spider slipped and landed on it's back, long legs high up in the air - with grapes starting to form on them like grape vines. A few students laughed and the girl let out a relieved giggle.
"Good. Next one.", Professor Grant said.
One by one the students went forward, facing their nightmares - from wild mystical creatures to bad grades.
"Alright.", Professor Grant said, looking around. "Miss Luthor, you're up next."
On the other side of the room, Lena was standing with crossed arms, leaning against a desk. When she heard her name, she looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, no. I'm not doing that."
"Oh, you are. You may think you're too good for this class, Miss Luthor, but it is a lecture and it is obligatory. So, unless you want to meet with the headmaster..."
Lena scoffed. But one more look at Professor Grant's stern face and she faltered. She rolled her eyes. "Fine."
A few feet away, Kara stood with her two friends: Winn, who was a Hufflepuff as well and Mon-El, who was in Slytherin like Lena. Kara had spent some more time with Lena the past couple of weeks and they had grown closer. Kara was the only one really trying to make a connection with her. And she'd always been very compassionate and attentive. That's why she was the only one in the room who noticed the quiet tremble in Lena's voice when she caved or the way she took her steps to the front rather hesitantly, through she tried to appear tough. Lena seemed to know what was going to come out of that closet - and she was really scared of it.
"One, two, three.", Professor Grant counted and opened the closet door once more. This time the Boggart took its time. It didn't come out as a wild whirl of blackness ready to transform. Instead it stayed in the pitch black of the closet. Then suddenly, a hand grasped the frame of the door. A foot stepped out, wearing heels. The rest of the body followed slowly, anticipation building up.
It was a woman, wearing nice clothes and an evil expression on her face. Kara recognized her instantly and her eyes widened. She recognized her from the Daily Prophet's articles. And others did too because whispers and murmurs interrupted the silence in the room.
"Wait, guys. Isn't that...?", Winn hushed.
"It's Lillian Luthor. Lena's mom.", Kara mumbled, concerned.
Lena was frozen on the spot. She stared at her mother - or the boggart disguised as her mother. Who now started talking. "You are a disappointment, Lena. Your father never should have brought you here. You ruined everything. You are a disgrace. Pathetic. Useless."
Behind her suddenly another figure came out, joining her hateful speech. It was her brother. Lex Luthor. "Worthless. Your real mother is better of dead. You would have been such a disappointement to her. It would be no surprise if she got herself killed on purpose. So she would be rid of you."
Lena had meanwhile dropped her wand. Her hands covered her ears, trying to block them out. Hot tears streamed down her face. No one was whispering anymore, everyone gaped with their mouths open in shock. Even Professor Grant was speechless for once. She obviously hadn't expected this.
Kara couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't bare seeing Lena like this, couldn't bare hearing all those terrible things that the boggart was still spouting at her with an endless amount of shame, anger and hate. She stormed forward, running past her classmates and slid in front of the young Slytherin, who was whimpering heartbreakingly desperate, with her arms spread wide, in a protective stance.
Her eyes narrowed. She knew what was coming but she was prepared. The boggart started swirling and forming new for it's new opponent. Soon enough, it had finished it's transformation. Kara released a shaky breath as she stared her worst fear in the eye.
Death Eaters. Death Eaters who broke into her home when she was just a child, who killed her family for being muggleborns and squibs, who made her an orphan. She may have gained a new family in the Danvers' and she loved them, loved the sister, Alex, she got out of it but the trauma of what happened still cut her deep. Her whole world had been taken from her in that night, in that moment.
Kara raised her wand and screamed "Riddikulus!", directing all her anger and pain towards them. The force hit the boggart so hard that it, or well they, flew back into closet which fell backwards and shut close. Kara breathed heavily. Then she quickly turned around to see how Lena felt but she had to find that she was gone. Kara scanned the room, seeing her run out of the door just in that second. Without second thought, she took off after her.
She ran across the corridors of the castle, looking around, trying to find the Luthor girl. Finally, she found her, sitting against a wall, her legs close to her chest, her arms wrapped around them and her head buried between her knees. Kara came closer, slowly and kneeled down in front of her. She eyed her carefully. By the movement of Lena's shoulders, she could tell that she was crying. Kara gently touched Lena's arm. The Slytherin's head shot upwards, rapidly trying to brush away the tears but failing rather miserably.
She sniffled, looking down at her hands. After a few seconds of silence between them, she said quietly: "You must think I'm pathetic."
Kara's eyes widened. "Why would I think that?"
Lena gave a devastated, dark chuckle. "My greatest fear is my own family. I'm a Luthor, my fear should be muggleborns touching me or not being able to learn dark magic. I'm going to be the laughing matter. Why did you even help me back there? They're gonna take it out on you too."
"Don't say that.", Kara said softly. "You're not like your family. You're good. You are a brilliant, kind-hearted, beautiful soul. No one can take that away from you. I believe in you. That's why I helped you... You're my friend."
Lena looked up at her. There was so much pain in her eyes. But also hope and gratitude. "Thank you, Kara. Really. I... I don't know how to thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. Not for that.", Kara smiled. She scooted around her and sat down next to Lena, putting her arm around her and pulling her close. "I will always protect you. And I will always be here for you. I promise."
It had been an hour since the incident in Defence against the Dark Arts class. Kara hadn't left Lena's side since then. They had a free period afterwards anyway so this was easy to do. Soon enough class would start again though and they didn't share the same one there. So Kara wanted to at least spend the rest of their free time together. At one point, Winn came running towards them. They had found a secluded space where no one else was, to talk without anyone listening or staring. "There you are, guys! I've been looking for you!", he said.
"Is something wrong, Winn?", Kara asked worriedly.
"No. Well, actually, um. I just wanted to see how Lena was feeling.", he stammered, fidgeting with his fingers.
Lena frowned. "Well, that's nice but... you don't even know me."
"I know! But I- well, I-", he began, sighed and looked at the ground. Then he sat down and started again. "Look, I... I know how you're feeling."
"I doubt that.", she said, with a raised eyebrow.
"No, really, I-", he sighed again. "When you two ran off, Professor Grant interrupted the lesson. That's why I didn't get my turn to face the boggart. But I still know what shape it would have taken. I know how you feel because... because I know what it's like to be scared of your parent. The boggart would have turned into my dad."
Kara and Lena blinked a few times, uncertain if they'd heard correctly. "Really?", Kara asked sadly.
Winn nodded, looking down at his hands. "My... my father is also in prison. Regular prison because he's a muggle. When he found out that my mom's a witch, he... he lost his mind. He killed six people."
"Oh my god, Winn, I had no idea.", Kara exclaimed, reaching over to touch one of his hands. Winn let out a sad chuckle: "Yeah, well, it's not really something I go around bragging about. I didn't want anyone to think less of me."
"No one would do that!", Kara was quick to respond.
"Are you sure?", Winn returned with a question. "Because I'm not."
"There's always people who will judge you for your family's mistakes. I'm proof.", Lena said bitterly. She looked over at Winn. "Why did you say something now?"
The boy shrugged. "I guess, I just... I wanted you to know you're not alone... with that feeling. That there's someone who gets what you're dealing with."
"That's... that's very considerate and... very nice of you. Thank you.", Lena said, a small, shy smile forming on her lips.
Winn smiled back. As did Kara who started clapping. "Hey, look, now you have two friends!"
Lena laughed and the other two joined in. And Lena did feel better, included, happy. She had friends. Well, she had a friend and... and she had Kara because she couldn't quite call Kara a friend. She embodied so much more than that. She wasn't just her friend, she was her hero.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. VI)
It was a love story, from the very beginning.
Prelude to The fall
Hi again!! And now we are here, in the last volumes from season 4.
I'm gonna talk in this one about the foreshadow to the fall, and I will extend Castiel's fall to next and last volume too.
I want to mention my friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs specially for this metas and discuss with me the Destiel scenes. Thanks a lot girl! 😘💕
Ok, without any other addition, let's start with the analysis.
Dean... I can't...
Cas was observed by his superiors, they watched every step or word he said to Dean. Even so... When Dean was praying for help, Cas went to see him immediately.
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The answer to Dean's prayers was immediate. Dean had sounded desperate, and Castiel couldn't reject go to see him. (My heart...)
Dean asked CAS to help him, but Castiel had his orders... He already had lost his position for getting too close to this man, and now... Now he was desperately asking him for help...
CASTIEL: I'm not sure what I can do.
DEAN: Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up.
CASTIEL: It's a prophecy. I can't interfere.
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DEAN: Why? 'Cause it's "divine prophecy"?
DEAN So, what – We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen?
CASTIEL I'm sorry.
Let's just stop in this scene... I want you to see Dean's face in the gif... He's desperate, and he's trying hard to convince Castiel, to drag him into his circle, but Cas had Heaven breathing on his neck ... He wanted to help him.. but he couldn't.
And I put in red those words because this scene, my friends, is a huge parallel of the fall, the scene in the green room in 4x22. Even CAS is saying I'M SORRY AS HE WILL SAY I'M SORRY TOO IN THAT SCENE. How this scene ended? Well after Dean getting mad at him ...
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Dean passes by Castiel, but look at Castiel's sad face... He doesn't want Dean get mad at him... He really wants to help him, so... He decided a strategy to "HELPING DEAN INDIRECTLY" by giving him some important information about Archangels protecting Prophets...
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Castiel looks up, at Heaven...he knows this will cost him a lot... And it will as we will see in "The Rapture" (in volume V). But after looking up at Heaven, he fixes his eyes with Dean's... He needed to know if Dean had get the message... And he did...
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Castiel even greeted him with a good luck. He's playing with fire here...
So yes! Huge foreshadow here my friends... The good thing is Castiel finished helping Dean... As it will occur in 4x22.
Second time Dean prays...
In the episode 4x21, after Castiel received his punishment in Heaven and was brainwashed, Dean prays again desperate, bc Sam was locked trying to get rid from demon blood. That was very hard for Dean, and he was suffering horribly for his brother. He needed help. But this time Castiel attended the call... Two and a half hours later.
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Look at Dean's face, he is in pain, and he looks at a side because he isn't just in pain bc his brother is locked and fighting against that demon blood, but because the only help he could ask for didn't came, Castiel didn't came in Dean's desperately prayer. And his face is screaming, with a little tiny of shame, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SUFFERING BC MY BROTHER AND YOU MADE ME WAIT HERE SCREAMING FOR YOUR HELP? WHY?
Dean is hurt because Castiel made him wait two and a half hours knowing he was in pain.
He maybe recalled that time in the motel, when CAS answered his prayers right away, and helped him with Sam... And now...
CASTIEL: What do you want?
DEAN: You can start with what the hell happened in Illinois.
CASTIEL: What do you mean?
DEAN: Cut the crap. You were gonna tell me something.
CASTIEL: Well, nothing of import.
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Cas is marking Dean here that Heaven is watching. They are listening, look at his face, he knows Dean pushing so hard can make him break, he wants to help, but he can't, he was brainwashed, but that crack is still there, that crack connects him with this man, his weakness.
Dean looks at him, when he said I CAN'T. Maybe he get the message there. They are not alone. But even so, he insists .
CASTIEL: Get to the reason you really called me. It's about Sam, right?
DEAN: Can he do it? Kill Lilith, stop the apocalypse?
CASTIEL: Possibly, yes. But as you know, he'd have to take certain steps.
DEAN: Crank up the hell-blood regimen.
CASTIEL: Consuming the amount of blood it would take to kill Lilith would change your brother forever. Most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to kill. There's no reason this would have to come to pass, Dean. We believe it's you, Dean, not your brother. The only question for us is whether you're willing to accept it. Stand up and accept your role. You are the one who will stop it.
This, over there... 👆 That's Heaven manipulation. This words were bout on Castiel's mouth. He was sent by Heaven specifically to fulfill a mission... To make Dean accept to obey Heaven. They sent Castiel bc they know Dean and Cas relationship is special enough to make Dean fell for manipulation.
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And he fell for it ... Castiel is listening, he knows Sammy is Dean's limit. And he just used him, as Heaven asked him to do it. And he is hating himself for that for sure...
CASTIEL: If it gives you comfort to see it that way.
DEAN: God, you're a dick these days.
Dean is disappointed with him, this isn't the Castiel he knew, the Cas that helps him, the Cas that sat by his bed in the hospital, watching him cry, and telling him the whole truth he has. Or the Cas that confessed him in that park that he had doubts and he wasn't a hammer. Yes ... He is just like any other angel now.
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So... To the Hell with everything, Dean accepts the offer, he was really desperate. Castiel had fulfilled his mission...
Castiel's incongruent behavior
... or part of it. Sometimes I felt he was on a test by Heaven, they should ask Castiel for his loyalty, and they sent him to do three things he wasn't agreed. He maybe wanted to answer Dean's prayers right away, but Heaven should said to him: NOT YET CASTIEL, LET HIM WAIT. LET HIM BE MORE DESPERATE, WE NEED HIM MORE DESPERATE.
And the second mission was to release Sam. You can see the scene and the expression in Castiel's face is eloquent. He is suffering by doing things he is against it, he had his doubts still there... Why he has those doubts after the procedure of brainwashing?
The third thing he had to do, is very very symbolic: He called Anna, to a trap. Angels took her to Heaven. Heaven locked Castiel's rebellious feelings and doubts. And he let that happen... But not for so long... Because he was made to be free.
To conclude:
Season 4 showed us a parallel with Dean praying for help worried about Sam, in the first one (foreshadow of Castiel's fall in the last episode) CAS answered his prayers right away and, although the big eye of Heaven over them, he ended by helping Dean.
The second time after receiving Heaven's punishment for give information and be too close to that human, he didn't answer right away, maybe by Heaven's order to make Dean accept obedience to Heaven.
Castiel was doing the three missions with doubts and pain. Things that will lead him to the fall.
His hear and his actions were totally disconnected.
I hope you like this, sorry because it took me so long, is beacuse I'm writing too metas about the ongoing episodes of Supernatural!
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @hippyatheart80 @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia
Note: If you want to be tagged in my Destiel Chronicles, please let me know.
You can read the other volumes here:
Vol. I
Vol. II
Vol. III
Vol. IV
Vol. V
Buenos Aires April 9th 2019 12:33 AM
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