#yessss i love episode sets
theteasetwrites · 8 months
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon | S1E1 Thoughts
Okay I am gonna list all my positive and negative thoughts regarding each episode (I know no one asked but I feel like this is the only thing I am somewhat “qualified” to talk about ad nauseam on here).
⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️ do not read below the cut unless you’re okay with spoilers
Positive Thoughts
Norman’s acting is so good like?? Listen we all know he’s not Laurence Olivier and he doesn’t claim to be but goddamnit he nails the subtleties of Daryl’s expressions and conveys his emotions really well I think! I’m very impressed
Daryl hot
Obviously the cinematography, setting, and aesthetics are really cool. It’s both gritty but pretty!! I love the gothic architecture and how OLD everything looks, which is only exacerbated by the apocalyptic feel
Everyone in the cast is so good in terms of acting (well, I mean… Laurent is certainly there but he’s a child so we’ll be lenient)
Daryl hot
The walkers are great as usual. I love the burners. Really interesting! I’m kind of wondering if the “experiments” the people on the ship refer to relate to the burners? Maybe they’re making them like that idk.
I love the religious imagery. We have had cults and stuff in TWDU before but I don’t think we’ve had this Catholic vibe going on. I’m a sucker for anything nun related because I have a weird infatuation with them, so I’m all for it.
DARYL BATHTUB SCENE??? They put that in for the girls and the gays and we are LIVING for it
Daryl hot
Daryl is so reminiscent of early seasons TWD era with his witty lines and snark remarks. I feel like we don’t get to see this side of Daryl very often anymore, but now that he has his own show and is THE main character, we get to see those sides that have been neglected again. I also love how much he sort of scoffs at the nuns and their religion. Atheist Daryl we love to see it
It’s cool seeing people in France dealing with the same things our characters have dealt with since the beginning. It’s interesting to see these new parts of the world in this universe for sure
Daryl hot
I honestly just love thinking about how when Daryl gets home he is gonna have such a crazy ass story to tell everyone! It’s gonna be so cute to see him telling all the kids about how heroic he is and ugh yessss
Daryl deserves his own show. He deserves to be THE main character. People who said he can’t lead a show? Nah. Reconsider
I also love that Daryl MIGHT potentially save the world. Cool asf. And if anyone from the original series should save the world, I think it’s him.
Daryl hot
Negative Thoughts:
Okay. I have some very petty/subjective critiques. I realize a lot of you guys probably disagree with me but that’s okay! Don’t read my negative thoughts if you aren’t prepared to be annoyed with me lol. Once again, a lot of these are super petty/nitpicky
First thing that bothers me is that Daryl says he is from the Commonwealth. No. He is from Alexandria, thank you very much. Well, at least he should be. He should’ve been living at Alexandria imo but the finale didn’t really make it explicitly clear where he was living in that year time jump. Basically I just hate the Commonwealth because I have zero attachment to it and it’s just a stupid ass place that I wanna forget about
Daryl seeing Carol in his haze 🙄 … just annoys me solely because Carol annoys me. They could’ve just shown Judith because that would’ve made more sense to me. But don’t get me started, I don’t even want Carol in season 2. Anyway.
Laurent isn’t terrible but he’s kind of annoying in that “I’m so smart I know everything” way. Just very annoying smart kid at school who everyone hated vibes. Plus I just don’t think it’s realistic that he would be THAT smart just from being raised in a convent of nuns
I also fail to understand what they’re doing with Laurent. Is he just some kid that the nuns think is the messiah or is he ACTUALLY the messiah? Like are they gonna throw in a whole other supernatural religious element? Because Laurent conveniently knows Judith’s line from the finale “you deserve a happy ending too.” Right down to the letter. I find it cheesy as hell because I’m so tired of these blatant in your face parallels that are trying to be clever, which always involve children too like we get it children are basically the duck tape of TWDU. Don’t know what to do for this plot? Throw some kids in there!
Neither Positive nor Negative Thoughts:
I don’t trust the nuns. I think they’re gonna use Daryl to get what they want and they don’t really care about getting him home. Worse, I think it could be possible that Isabelle won’t let him get home. She already tried to keep him from using the radio. I’m not saying I hate her character or anything (I actually like her so far… as long as she stays friendly and not… overly friendly), I just think she’s way too invested in this “messiah” stuff to actually care about Daryl so I fear she will take advantage of him. We shall see.
Ok, those are pretty much all of my thoughts!
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booksandabeer · 15 days
Catch up tag
Thank you for tagging me, @somanywords. Always love an excuse to ramble on about things! 💛
Last song I listened to: Weak In Your Light by Nation of Language
Last thing I read: I fell down a Cat Sebastian rabbit hole (all the blame goes to @voylitscope) and read her Cabot Trilogy (mlm romances set in the late 50s to early 70s, mostly in NYC) within a few days. Her books are a little fanfic-y in ways that I find both delightful and frustrating at times, but mostly I'm having a blast. I've now read four of her books and I'm starting to recognize certain recurring patterns when it comes to characterizations and romantic/sexual dynamics, but luckily it's the exact kind of stuff that I like, so I'm not getting bored yet.
Last movie I watched: All of Us Strangers, which worked for me more as an emotional experience rather than a movie, or a coherent story, but I think that was the intended effect. Absolutely phenomenal performance by Andrew Scott.
Last tv show: I'm currently watching Shōgun (excellent in every way) and Fallout (bonkers gory fun), and I finished 3 Body Problem (the good parts were good, the bad parts were almost laughably bad—I'm surprised I made it to the end, tbh). I also tried to watch Manhunt, the limited Apple series about the Lincoln assassination and the hunt for John Wilkes Booth, starring Tobias Menzies. "Tried" being the operative word here. I've made it through 3 episodes and it's just not grabbing me at all. Even worse, some of the narrative choices make me actively angry. I doubt I will continue. Next up: Ripley and yessss, Kings.
Last thing I googled: "iwtv season 2 release date" (It's May 12th!)
Last thing I ate: chocolate cookie
Sweet, salty, or savory: I mean all of them are good but if I have to choose: savory!
Sleep: Would love to get some. Or at least more than 3 hours at a time would be fantastic.
Currently reading: Dreamland by Adam Soboczynski, which I find entertaining as an anecdotal memoir, but I had hoped for more insightful commentary on the cultural tensions between East and West Germany post-reunification as seen through the eyes of a Polish immigrant. But maybe that's just a case of false expectations on my part, rather than a flaw of the book.
And now the awkward part! Honestly, if you read this, consider yourself tagged. I genuinely enjoy hearing about what people read/watch/eat. But ok, I'll play and tag @some-october-in-the-future, @dontcallmebree, @burberrycanary, @thisonesatellite, @latums. No pressure, obviously.
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bcbdrums · 4 months
Top 10 Soul Eater episodes?
As in, favorite episodes?? Or best episodes??
I'll do...favorites I guess? If that's even possible my gosh... I'm hard-pressed at this point to find any I don't like, and others are like...yes this one and this one and this one and this one.... Like the whole underground battle series of like seven??? Is just one giant episode to me, lol.
ANYWAY.... FAVORITE Top Ten episodes, listed in airing order not a ranking cuz that's impossible, lol.
Now, to absolutely no one's surprise...
These are all Stein and/or Spirit feature episodes. Except maybe two. Here we gooooo!
Episode 4: "Engage the Witch Hunter! A Remedial Lesson in the Graveyard?"
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Why a fave? Okay well first of all...we get to see the four main characters fighting together against an enemy. The episode starts with the feeling of...okay, here we go... Like setting the tone of the anime after the concept and chars have been introduced. Gonna be a monster of the week thing, fighting new enemies and collecting souls. Like Digimon but not you know?
So we see awesome techniques from both Maka and Black Star and Sid as a char is super creative, so it's all that stuff to start with. And then...then we start to get that tiny bit of backstory at the end about Spirit and Stein and it's like, wait say what now?? The red-head is more than a comic drunk deadbeat dad? So then...
Episode 5: "Shape of the Soul – Enter the Ultimate Meister, Stein?"
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Yeah okay... I mean. Obviously. We see Stein and it's like whoa that design is creepy this guy is creepy and then we hear Spirit blubbering drunkenly about the past and it's like creepy and oh snap I am now sympathetic to Spirit and there is a far deeper backstory going on here with these adults cuz we had the privilege of seeing Sid alive before you know and suddenly he's dead in the prior ep so mystery and...yeah. And then it's very much presented as wow...Stein is...unbeatable. They're doomed. And that twist ending I was just as much huh??? as Soul was and I just. Got captivated by the backstory.
Episode 7: "Black-blooded Terror – There's a Weapon inside Crona?"
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More Spirit and Stein stuff. I swear that hospital scene was my favorite scene in the entire show for the longest time. It's hilarious, I still crack up watching it. The toes thing is just... And that way too long dramatic pause and camera pull before he reveals the divorce, and Stein freaking already knows and just...yeah I'm getting giddy thinking about it. But ALSO it's like, okay...now we've departed from the casual anime silliness. We skipped the 30+ eps of growth like Digimon and went straight to the big major character issue. Which you know, makes sense the further into the anime we go for this anime. But...yeah. It gets. Real. Not kids anymore. Crona with Ragnarok are hilarious I love them, and Crona is highkey relatable; Crona is every teenager to exist ever. But yeah then Soul's sacrifice, for Maka... It's just...wow. Yeah it got real.
Episode 8: "The Witch Medusa – Bearer of the Great Terrible Soul?"
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Truthfully, probably my favorite episode as things stand right now. My mind may change later. Why? Because obviously...Spirit and Stein get to fight together. We get to see what the future is... It's like seeing the past in Star Wars, the very beginning of Ep. 1 you know where we see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fight and it's like...yessss this is how things are supposed to be in a world that isn't broken. Seeing Stein and Spirit fight together like that is just... Yeah my heart is pounding thinking about how insanely awesome that is. Also Stein is hot. Plus more of that...not kids anymore. Maka's pure terror at sensing Medusa's soul, seeing her...seeing what a real witch is. Like yeah kid the little kishin egg monsters and magical cats you've been playing with are nothing. Maka realizes the world of meisters and weapons she's in is quite a bit different than her experience so far. And can we talk about how Maka wasn't going to leave Soul's side??? Was just gonna take the hit and die right beside him, because he died for her??? MY HEART! Also Stein is hot yes I know I said it already it bears repeating and man that...seriousness...the way Stein looks at Medusa, the way the witch knows who they are which in itself shows a greater threat... That utter gravity that falls over that moment at the end there, after Stein blocks her attack and it's like....oh snap. Now what? Not to mention all the new tiny details we get about soul resonance and the possibilities and how a weapon can take on features of their meister in the special attacks! (Spirit takes on stitches here on the witch hunter blade, and in the last episodes he takes on Lord Death's skull face on the kishin hunter blade. That's so cool...) Okay I have to stop. I could go on. Like I said...favorite episode as things stand right now.
Episode 13: "The Man with the Magic Eye – Soul and Maka's Diverging Soul Wavelength?"
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This one surprised me because initially I didn't care for it. I don't care for Free's design, shark!wolf just doesn't appeal to me. But over time this really grew on me. The writing is excellent and soooooo many major things happen. We get the first bit of touching on the morality issue, like, is DWMA really the correct moral power? Free says something about it and then it becomes a bigger theme going forward. We get the beginning of the black blood effects and the battle against/with it and the start of what all that means... The start of the "acceptance" theme even if it isn't named. We hear Soul's piano for the first time even though it isn't named as such until Brew. We get to see Soul and Maka both so confused but both so dedicated to each other, and the maturing starting to happen, that needs to still happen... It's a huge ep for their relationship. And also...Eruka. I love Eruka. All things Eruka. Any episode with Eruka is a delight. But yeah this episode is just SO deep and excellent, it needs more love. (Also in the candle room fight if you listen close we hear that Spirit has an outy belly button and I'm just alksjdahkjghsd how silly.)
Episode 14: "The Super Written Exam – Heart-Pounding, Reeling, and Restless. You're Kidding!?"
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Ehhh heheheh...heheh... Pure absurdity. Pure comedic awesomeness. Everything about this episode. I love things where many characters are featured in more than a cameo and get real attention. We see more of all their homes, more of what they do and who they are when not in battle... Spirit being an absolute fool... That hilarious buildup timer to the end of the exam... Blair ruining what should have been something GOOD agh silly cat I'm still annoyed, lol. I'm not gonna say much here since I said so much about the last episode but man, yeah. Just pure comedy gold, I never ever tire of this episode. "Giraffe, giraffe~" Heheheh.
Episode 23: "Dead or Alive – In the Rift between Revival and Dazzlement?"
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Okay like I said before... The entire underground battle, starting with the anniversary party, I consider one giant episode. I name all of those as favorites. I selected this one for here because it's where we get some of Stein's backstory I think? Flashback to he and Spirit as young teens, and we learn where Stein's mental state really is. We get to see more of his and Spirit's dynamic, how they work together both successfully and less successfully... Many headcanons borne of this battle in this episode. My gosh I just...can't put it into words in any brief way. I could write an epic length post breaking down nearly every line, look, gesture... And is this also the episode where the kishin emerges and my gosh if that isn't the creepiest most suspenseful moment I've ever seen. Also, we see more of Eruka! I adore her. And Free. But yeah whole episode... Fantastic.
Episode 25: "The Death Scythes Convene – Stop Dad's Staff Reassignment!?"
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And this episode...also silly and ridiculous, but awesome because we get to see a little more of the "adult" side of the DWMA and how things operate. Comedically yes, cuz Soul Eater is a comedy, but still there's quite a bit of seriousness too. Stein's madness as a plot point... But my gosh... Marie, Azusa... Justin... The dynamic between all the adults. I would give ANYTHING for a prequel anime where we get to see all these complete idiots in the academy and how it all went down between them. And my gosh we've had plenty backstory teased already with Stein's experiments against Spirit, Sid and baby Black Star... Seeing the adults as kids would be the perfect "reboot" series for me. Plus that basketball ending, bringing it all full-circle in terms of...okay, here we are again, and here we go again... Onto the next phase of the show/of our lives. It's a fantastic turning-point episode and I never tire of it.
Episode 31: "Drying Happiness! Whose Tears Sparkle in the Moonlight?"
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This one...so much happens here. We get delightful glimpses of normal life, we get the reminder that Soul plays piano which becomes important quite soon... We get the comedy of Spirit having to parrot Lord Death to Justin because they just won't make the kid take out his earbuds! We get a moment of Crona and Ragnarok actually getting along and having a normal conversation and ohhh myyyy gosshhhhhh I wish we'd had more of that in the show. I adore Ragnarok. But then...ugh. The saga of pain that begins. You get everyone reaching out, you get to see Crona happy... Marie after wandering around lost, saying if there's ever anything you need... Later inviting Crona to her home... Only to be betrayed. And the absolute skill and execution of the writing as they make us believe for a moment that Marie is okay in returning the pen...and then it's revealed that Crona put a snake in the coffee. Just. Oh man. Ugh the pain. Whyyyy Crona whyyy when you had the entire academy to back you up, everyone on your side, full protection from friends, from a death scythe who trusted you to invite to her home, from Lord Death who gave you a second chance... But you still betrayed them all. And then of course, that little snake then is the catalyst for SO much of what happens in the next episodes... Big deal. This ep is so huge. So many different feels...
Episode 40: "The Cards Are Cut – Medusa Surrenders to the DWMA?"
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Spirit feature, Spirit feature! I like getting to see a little more of Spirit's responsibilities other than hovering at Lord Death's shoulder waiting 800 years bound to Death City what the heck his poor death scythes for battles that will never come. I know logically he has other jobs as the death scythe, but it's nice to see him doing some of it and more of his relationship with Lord Death (those two raised their children side by side I mean come on there's so much comedic opportunity here). Also the sheer TENSION in the episode from the fact it's Medusa, and Maka's reaction, and Stein's reaction, and then the deal at the end... It's like...okay this is a serious tone-shift and no clue now what is coming. It's a lot of weight all at once leaving me feel like I'm in a whirlwind and kicks off the final arcs of the show and...yeah. This is a good one.
Also hey guess what!
Turning this ask into a tag game! So...what are your top ten favorite episodes??
@midnightcaptions @memethebum @chickycherrycola @blackbloodteeth @mellancholy-morose @beeejayy (that's right Sunny start interacting with fandom LOL) @takeyourcyanide @cannibal-nightmares
AND...anybody else who wants to take this on! Have fun!
And BONUS... Any and all episodes with Excalibur are awesome and if you don't love him you are wrong. That's okay you're allowed to be, you do you. 😘
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quodekash · 7 months
ployphach phatchatorn thanawat. she's not in dangerous romance, but man is she pretty and gorgeous and perfect. let's all just think about her for a second.
okay now that that's out of the way, continuing episode 7 of dangerous romance
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:( my boy
you silly little man kang, you need to know your limits
I know you wanted to be cool and to prove yourself by eating the spicy food (and also sailom definitely thought the raspy coughing sounds you were making from the spice were kinda sexy-sounding) but sometimes your own health and safety should be prioritised above impressing people
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AND HE IMMEDIATELY LOOKS RIGHT AT GUY BECAUSE OF COURSE THEYRE SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER (well, across the corner but its still technically next to him in my book)
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my boy looks uncomfy
I can't tell if its bc of the bar setting or if its bc he's right next to his enemy/crush and his enemy/crush is staring directly at him in a way that says "I want to destroy you" but in a few different ways
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I still dont know if they're going down the maxauto route or not, if its platonic or romantic, but either way their dynamic is incredible and I love it so much
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HE IS 17/18
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everybody say thank you kang
"thaaaank youuu kaaaaannngg"
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I think they're both aware of their feelings for each other but they're afraid of it/rejection and thus express those feelings through anger and I just can't wait for them to hate fuc
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they cheersed
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I can't tell what he's thinking
it could be anywhere from "im so tired" to "he's so hot" to "man I wish I was that bottle rn" to just completely unimpressed
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we all knew it would end like this
there was no other way it could've gone
(dear lord jesus please let them kiss in a moment)
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I have such a severe case of side couple syndrome idk if you've noticed
im making strange noises
they're so important to me
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I feel like its important for everyone to know that im currently lying on my stomach looking at my laptop with my feet in the air kicking, but im also balancing my pillow on top of my feet because I do that sometimes, and im doing incredibly well at kicking my feet while not letting the pillow fall
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oh he's recoiling
he has trauma we havent even begun to unpack yet
thinking back to the dog quote, where he implies his dad used harsh methods to "train" him, and he probably hit him a lot. the way he's yelling now, and the way kang is shrinking away in fear, keeping his voice low, avoiding eye contact, tells me this is bringing back a lot of repressed memories of pain and fear
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that was... weirdly kind
I think he realised he had an audience, and he has a reputation of goodness to maintain for his election, and he needs to make sure he's still got a good eye from the public, and the public happens to contain kang's friends
but behind closed doors, the monster of pure anger that kang sees him as emerges from the shadows, leaking from all the dark corners of their mansion, and kang shuts himself off to not have to experience the horrors looming above him in the shape of his father
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YES okay so my thoughts were right
my thoughts were: the 'so we can go official now?' clip is gonna happen this episode
its gonna be kang's bravery in standing up for auto that makes sailom agree to let them be official
but I wasn't sure how that would happen this episode because I wasn't sure if there would be a soccer match this episode
BUT HERE IS PROOF so basically im amazing and im gonna be right and we should all appreciate me
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is this connection how hes gonna end up at kang's house to steal and commit crimes and perhaps shoot kang's dad @respectthepetty
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well- I feel slightly better about it now
okay they do look lovely and pimfah loves it and doesnt like feel uncomfortable so thats good
I just. you would think they would wear something less fancy for a... soccer game
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felt that
my emotions are stored in my eyes bro, whatever it is, its coming out in tears
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GROUP HUGSSS I love group hugs
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bbnibini · 7 months
your profile picture reminded me that ascendance of a bookworm exists and now i must rewatch it Right Now Immediately
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Yessss please watch it! :))) It's a good way entryway to the series (that's how I got into it too!). The animation quality is kinda...bad but the source material makes up for it! Though I kinda admit I dropped the anime several times cause of the pacing and rewatched it myself (the novel is so much better imo;;;). (If you aren't big into watching anime like I am, WE'RE GETTING ENGLISH AUDIOBOOKS SOON AAAAAAAAA I'M SO JEALOUS OF THE JP FANS GETTING DRAMA CDs TAT. It would have enhanced reading the novels by a lot.)
Speaking of novels, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend reading the light novels if you have the opportunity! There's so much detail the anime had to skip over because of their episode limit per season, and some scenes aren't as impactful unless you read the original novel! (The orphanage scene in Part 2 in particular and the latter parts of Part 2). It has an aroace MC (finally, an MC I can relate to-), super detailed worldbuilding, well-written characters and disability rep too! Miya-sensei always does her research, even with things we might find insignificant. And it's always those details that make the light novels so re-readable!! <33
If you're really into worldbuilding, politics, general knowledge and found family, this series is such a comfort read! It can get really dark and disturbing though in some latter parts but it's always done with purpose. There's always thought put into the setting, the characters and the plot so if you care about that, you're gonna love it!
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unsleepingtales · 6 days
I am home for passover so I might not get to watch the whole thing in one go but regardless it’s time for episode sixteen!!
I’m so excited to finally get some backstories!!
They all look Great today.
Oh! Fun!
Thank god they’re looking at her file
Kipperlilly loved her friends :(
Oisin and Ivy pitched the ratgrinders :(
Did jace fucking kill these children
Something happened in those mountains
When you start saying a thing.
You really do gotta honor the cock.
A grim whisper of banana pancakes
Sklonda x Sandra Lynn you will always be special to me <3<3
Return of the van!
That’s so cool. That tree thing is so goddamn cool.
If they’re fucking with Gorgug’s house I’m gonna be so pissed off
Gileariel baby real <3
Brennan thank you for reminding Ally to talk to Bucky
Did Aelwyn get another five cats. Didn’t she have ten.
Yayyyy Aelwyn’s back <3
Fucking brutal
(vaguely British accent) I’m Kristen
I love how IMMEDIATELY Ally went in on the simulacrum
Hey I cast legend lord on you and nothing came up. Yeah.
AnUs mention!
I love that we all know these details about how wikipedia sorts things
Brutal! Honestly! The Abernant sisters don’t pull punches!
This is a joint ☺️
One of my favorite things about watching the intrepid heroes is the physical comedy. It has definitely informed my physicality when rping and playing d&d
Mastermind Rogue!
Hard cream soda oh god
Rizwalda 😭
Fascinated by the teacher evaluations. What mechanic purpose does this serve. Or is it just to immerse the players further in the school thing.
Second Kristen is straight because real Kristen thinks British people are straight
You need to respect my life!
Official date!!
What are you DOING
White knuckling control of the date setting
Yessss I love the pun
Ally’s thousand yard stare at the mention of the buzz saw
I love the chill music that plays when we see Mazey
He’s such a good friend
Brennan’s so good at the seething face
My bank tells me 😡
They’re so married
Adaine’s little ice cream party what if I cried
Sandra Lynnnnn
I’m not very good at being a kid. Oh god. FUCK.
I can be competent because you guys are there when I need you 😭
Oh my god. Mothers and daughters and mothers and daughters and mothers and daughters.
It’s alliterative!!
Poly Zara! <3
I do actually love the reading of the comments
Liar. Frumpy. Wrong.
Damn alright I guess that’s all for this episode of dimension20
Looking forward to next week! I will have just gotten home from a concert that I will be going to after a transatlantic flight that morning and also I’ll be done with essays one way or another so I’ll be all kinds of loopy!
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Mandalorian S03E02 is here and once again I will yell into the void about it
Grogu completely ignoring his baby seat in favour of Din’s lap is everything. EVERYTHING
Listen with a plot revolving about Mandalore culture AND purrgils appearing we’re BOUND to have Sabine at some point right? Please?
I already love R5. Droids with personalities are the best
Din is the most Dad™️ ever and I stan him hard
Din and R5 checking the atmosphere before attempting to breathe there is like the FIRST time this has ever happened in Star Wars lmaoooooo 😅 I’ve been wondering that for so long
I love how Din’s every day is just Take Your Jedi Baby To Work Day. Mines of Mandalore? Sure, why not?
The wiping shot transitions have become so integrally Star Wars that with any other movie or media I’d think of it as cliche or amateurish, but here I just accept it and even love it for it
Crab droid???
But seriously, if Sabine would reappear, would we also get another mention of The Duchess? Has Sabine’s work in some way been used in the Purge of Mandalore? Is that why she hasn’t returned to the other Mandalorians and laid claim to the darksaber as the one true ruler of Mandalore?
Does Bo-Katan seriously just spend her days moping around in her throne? Amazing
Bo-Katan’s murderous intent changing at once when the baby needs help omgggg
The view on destroyed Mandalore is really heart-breaking 🥺
R5 really just treats this as a good show huh
Ngl Bo-Katan just stepping off that ledge before activating her jetpack is kinda sexy 😳
Bo my love you didn’t fight side by side with a Jedi lmao, hasn’t Ahsoka made that clear?
If they let Bo-Katan keep the darksaber and reclaim her rule on Mandalore now I will commit crimes. Girl isn’t the right person to lead Mandalore, she’s shown that time and again
Yessss girl set him straight! You don’t need to be redeemed for that creed crap!
Okay FINALLY she’s letting go of her Death Watch bullshit
This feels like a staunch atheist watching a baptism lol
Aaaaannnddd ofc THAT happens
God the music is good ;-;
I will have to say that between today’s Mando and TBB episodes, TBB definitely captured me more, but this was cool too!
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judasisgayriot · 2 months
hello again! you once again prove yourself as the queen of heroes ramblings. you responded with so much detail so quickly! loveeee it :)
i wanna ask you more, i like getting your mini ted talks. what are your thoughts on sylar/peter as a ship? i personally don’t really see it in the show, but i’ve read some real good fics with them.
Hahaha omg I love you anon I’m glad someone enjoys hearing my unhinged rants about this show…
Soooo. Maybe the girlies will hate me for this one lol. Thing is, I can see how sylar/peter would lend itself to having some good fics written about it. Like, the concept is there, it has potential. The foundations for a good hero/villain ship are there, they are definitely set up as foils and parallels to each other, they have the whole ‘two sides of a coin’ thing going on. But like you, I don’t really see it in the show at all. It’s like they had the potential but didn’t actually execute it/make me give a fuck about it/make me remotely want to ship it, lol.
It is/was a popular ship in heroes fandom (lol heroes fandom in 2024 is like 12 people but hey) and I do see why for the above reasons. I actually think the episode ‘the wall’ is a great concept but again, they don’t sell me on it/execute it well/actually follow through on making me remotely believe they’d become friends by the end. Right before they break out, having spent what was apparently like 10 years of mind-time together in there or whatever, Peter still hates his guts and wants to smash his head in with a sledgehammer lmao?? (I mean girl same. The whole ‘peter has to forgive sylar, narratively and kind of literally, if he wants to escape the mind prison’ plot point grinds my gears. I think he should get to never forgive him ever for killing Nathan if he doesn’t want to lmao. Shout out to that one fan panel with Milo where he’s like ‘peter would never forgive him he would eviscerate him’ king you are speaking my fucking language lol. I digress.) like afterwards I can buy that sylar has latched onto Peter and wants to be his friend/wants Peter to like, model being a good person for him, but not that Peter actually gives a shit in return or wants anything to do with him lol
(Sidenote, that in itself is a rly interesting concept, and me and @buildarocketboys developed a fic idea about peter agreeing to like, ‘mentor’ sylar and hang out with him but if and only if he kept shapeshifting back into Nathan for him. Now THAT is fucked up and deranged and the good stuff and actually makes me, avowed sylar disliker, feel kinda sorry for the guy lol. Yessss let me marinate in the badwrongness of all of that and how Peter is the one acting fully insane. Anyway. I digress once more.)
Anyway I’m clearly also biased bc I used to like sylar as a character back in the day but sometime over my like 4 rewatches over the last few years he really started pissing me off lol. Now it’s not like I’m being an anti about him being an evil villain or anything, I love a problematic king and I’m a Nathan stan lmao. In fact I only really enjoy sylar when he is getting to be a proper fun cackling all-out villain, he’s actually enjoyable and funny in that mode. It’s the like 9 flip-flopped badly written redemption arcs they keep trying to give him like they’re trying to make me feel sorry for him bc his dad sold him to one direction or whatever, but sorry!! I feel nothing! He’s a whiny bitch and they should have just let him be killed off one of the first 900 times it nearly happened! I don’t have any sympathy and he���s completely lost me lol. So yeah. That does make me biased plus being a Petrellicest girlie and a Nathan stan and an Elle stan sorry I selfishly won’t forgive him for killing them 😔 poor baby serial killer I’m being such a mean hater. Stan my absolutely fucking awful morally confused self hating politician guy instead loooool
Well. All that to say that I see why people ship it, it has interesting foundations that could have led to something good but IMO it just didn’t, I can definitely imagine it has some good fic out there that can sell you on it, but I just don’t see their great poetic love or whatever. It’s soooo ‘baby’ ‘fellow associate’ core by the end lmao. And it actively annoys me. But I am just being a hater I know. Sorry to the cool petlars out there it’s all hashtag my opinion
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Proof Gabriel Luna and Y/N Thornberry are dating
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Summary: Some insta posts you two have posted and the fans have linked together as evidence of you two dating...
Notes: I haven’t seen any stories for Gabriel yet, he deserves the same love Pedro gets and this is a new format of story I wanted to try
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tloufangirl100: “Now why is Y/N there as well if she’s just a background character? Why would Gabriel actively pick Y/N to help promote Episode 6 unless Y/N doesn’t play a background character...”
Y/Nwithoutacause replied to tloufangirl100: “Maybe they’re together? Like together together! We’ve seen a lot of the behind the scenes picture and you can see Gabriel and Y/N are always together!” 
Pedropascalismydaddy: Lunaberry is real!
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Lunaberry4life: Of course Y/N is out here taking photos of her man! Like how are they not a couple?! Look at them! He looks so nervous to be playing guitar in front of her! If that isn't just so cute OMG
PascalLunaRamsey44 replying to Lunaberry4life: I would have never thought about that! They have so much chemistry, did you see them in the interview from Gabriel’s post of them promoting episode 6? Soooo much chemistry 
Lunaberry4life replying to PascalLunaRamsey44: Yesss! It's what made me really ship them, the way he would look at her. YOU DON’T LOOK AT FRIENDS LIKE THATJADFWEFERFRE
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fangirl2000: Isn’t this the set of the new Teen Wolf movie Y/N is filming? If Pedro’s there then we all know who else is going to be there too 👀
Pascalisdaddy Where Y/N goes Pedro and Gabriel follow
fangirl2000 replying to Pascalisdaddy: EXACTLY! LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! I BET GABRIEL TOO THE PHOTO!
Pascalisdaddy replying to fangirl2000: oh 10000%
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tloufangirl100: THIS IS FUCKING HOT
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PascalLunaRamsey44: Imagine if Gabriel bought her maccies! He definitely was the one taking care of her drunk
tloufangirl100: They're actually such couple goals like come on it’s obvious! tell us you're dating already let us have this
Lunaberry4life replying tloufangirl100: IKR! Let us have this! I can’t wait until they tell the world! They’re gonna have nothing but support
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Lunaberry4life replying to Pascalisdaddy: Did you see them on set? Y/N was practically sitting on Gabriel’s lap!
Pascalisdaddy replying to Lunaberry4life: NO?! SEND ME THIS! I NEED LUNABERRY IN MY LIFE
Lunaberry4life replying to PascalLunaRamsey44: OH MY GOD THIS COULD BE IT
Lunaberry4life replying to PascalLunaRamsey44: I REPEAT THIS COULD BE LUNABERRY OMG OMG MY ALARM IS SET
TAGS: Tag List Form
@iraot​ @gemimawrites​ @twopercentmilk​ @sxnshinebxckyy @nelsoomon @urnewghostfriend​ @sonhee-a​ @dizzyforyou-blog​ @grooveandshit​ @reyas-world @canpillowscry​ @jell0buss-37​ @androgynousgaz​ @not-a-unique-snowflake89​ @outl4wage 
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aprillikesthings · 1 month
Now that I've spent a good day thinking about how hot it is when Catra is a terrible person corrupted by setting off a portal, I'm ready to go back to (re)watching her try to be Good lolol
well okay more than one day.
I mean I literally spent the last four? five? days listening to songs off The Downward Spiral over and over while thinking about Catra and practicing my makeup for my Catra cosplay and ordering more of the things I need for it; like literally just staring off into space at work between phone calls thinking about Catra
I'm totally a well-adjusted middle-aged adult, thanks for asking!
Shit where did I even leave off
Oh right
SO HEY if you're new here, I've been rewatching all of the 2018 She-Ra, and I started doing it for fic-writing reasons but predictably I have become deeply obsessed. Anyway these posts sometimes have a lot of asides and commentary and references to other stuff and dumb jokes among a ton of screenshots, also (and it feels odd saying it this close to the end of the show) it's a RE-watch, so there's often spoilers for later bits of the story, also I keep trying NOT to just describe the entire plots of the episodes but I keep failing lol
s5 ep7 Perils of Peekablue
Adora's trying to become She-Ra (without an immanent threat) and then Bow and Glimmer distract her, and then the door opens on Catra and
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I literally did a YES YES YESSSS AHAHAH out loud bc this is the point at which Catra just starts OPENLY FLIRTING, as opposed to just uhhhh flirtatiously taunting I suppose lol
like you're SITTING IN HER LAP
Also while rewinding it to watch again I paused it at the most hilarious moment
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look at Catra's FACE
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help I can't stop laughing but also look at Bow's expression
Glimmer: omg I'm gonna get to see my dad Catra: *gets up and leaves*
But also I make this face when a cat leaves my lap before I wanted them to:
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Anyway they're a day out from arriving at Etheria
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Adora's trying so hard
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the intro finally changed!! I can't get a good screenshot but now when Catra (with short hair) and Adora (in She-Ra's new get-up) are fighting they stop much faster and they're both smiling omgggg
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and there she is!! with everyone else!!
okay I'm going to take way less screenshots etc of the underwater speakeasy thing because let's be honest: that part of the plot isn't what I'm here for lol
But yeah they're going to the speakeasy thing to get Prince Peekablue who can see to the edges of the galaxy and can maybe tell them where Adora and the others are because they don't know what happened
Oh also Spinarella is chipped and Netossa is realizing something is off/weird about her but doesn't know what
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Oh hey! You used to work for Huntara in the Crimson Wastes
Sea Hawk has pissed off approximately half the people in the room it seems (by lighting their ships on fire at some point)
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Scorpia and Perfuma are the cutest and I can absolutely see how they end up together
In my fic I originally had Adora talking to some kind of therapist but I wasn't sure they existed on Etheria, and last week I edited that bit so Adora is talking to these two (which makes the conversation more fun AND easier to write anyway)
Perfuma: "Scorpia. You should do things not because you're good at them, but because they make you happy." THAT IS ONE OF MY LIFE PHILOSOPHIES thank you Perfuma you're 100% correct and I tell people this ALL THE TIME
Mermista: "I might've set their boat on fire. Just to see what it felt like."
Sea Hawk:
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YESSSS I love this scene
Perfuma makes a flower, throws it to Scorpia as she sings, and she blushes and tucks it into her hair, these two are so sweet and cute
oh god I forgot that when "Prince Peekablue" get stung by Scorpia they go through the last half-dozen shapeshifts before turning into a (passed-out) Double Trouble.
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lolol instead of "cash cow" it's an insult to poor Catra
Anyway they have the info the Rebellion wanted!
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Horde Prime is pissed and has blockaded the planet, also half the people at the speakeasy were chipped....and now so is Mermista, though nobody realizes that yet
But also the phrasing of "She-ra stole his little kitten away" is just amazing
But also the last they heard, Adora and Bow and Entrapta had left to rescue Glimmer, do they think Double Trouble is talking about Glimmer here or what
(which. they did. they just also went back for Catra.)
Netossa realizes her wife (and most of the people around them) are chipped D:
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And a chipped Mermista is gonna drown them all
oh shit Micah is also chipped
Entrapta gets the comms working!
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"The Rebellion's been compromised! Horde Prime has them! We lost, I'm so sorry! We lost them!" --and then the comms go to static
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chicken-nugget64 · 2 months
i saw your post about wanting to try star trek (yessss, join us, we love you already 🤍)
i'm here to suggest you do indeed start with tos BUT i highly recommend looking up/watching the episodes of season one in order of PRODUCTION (and remember "the cage" is technically an unaired pilot. although interesting, it's not actually the first episode of THE show. kirk is not in it and all the characters are very different).
i think this makes the initial watch much less jarring as the costumes and characterization grows in a more natural way than the way they skipped around during the live tv era :) it's how i started my sister off and she agrees!!! it's also how i choose to rewatch the show every time I do :)
the sets and costumes may seem ridiculous, and they are, but just keep an open mind for what they were working with in the 60s and the 2pixel screens they were being displayed on. there's a lot of theater lighting and over acting for that reason but it grows on you!!!
i really hope you enjoy, they are so special to me and have been to many millions of people :) and even if you don't, i wish you the best day ever friend!!!
Ty for the recommendation to watch the production order! i switched to that list after I watched the first 3 episodes of the regular(?) order. i think it's done really well for a show in the 60s! And i enjoy how earnestly they take all the set pieces (the "alien" dog omg so cute). I've also noticed at least one person aboard the ship goes literally insane every episode. i kinda wish they had some character development and less of, that. But overall, its pretty good. i totally understand now why it got so popular in the first place.
My mom and i had fun with laughing at how utterly crazy it can get sometimes XD. The fact that both me and her enjoyed it is a miracle.
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So I was told this episode would make me mad....So I'm going in with a mocking point of view.
REALLY?! Tara and Luke have info on Voit before Garcia has information on Voit? LOL BITCH THAT'S YOUR ONLY JOB
THEY MET IN THE PROGRAM?! ...Except it's not? It's a support group for those affected by alcoholics? Lol some writer really has beef with someone in their life who claimed to be "improving" themselves, clearly. Drag it out for three episodes only to cut it off with a "Here's how we began, here's where we end" I mean, ok. That's on par with this shit season, so sure. why not. Gross. Luke should punch him. LMAOOOOO BECAUSE HE'S BEEN SO TRUTHFUL WITH YOU UP TO THIS POINT, PENELOPE? Oh, god! You know he's lying!? You stupid asshole, that's even worse! Aww! He does love his wife and kids. Awww....or she's a hostage. mmm Ew. Yeah. How many times do you call him, desperate McDesperateson? EWAH! DO NOT BRAG TO LUKE ABOUT YOUR GROSS SEX How dare you.
Ok, Dave, "that's a yes" made me smile. Oh gross. he does not get to be the hero here. PFFFFTTTT HER PUNISHMENT IS GO GET YOUR BOYFRIEND BACK?! Emily Prentiss you dumb hoe.
Here's the thing. Writers knew they were REALLY going to have to make one of them unlikeable for us to accept and not want Garvez anymore. So, I guess...Good job. I no longer ship. I have set this ship ablaze. Luke deserves so much better. He should not be comforting your dumb ass. Good. I'm glad you were shot. Too bad they're gonna find you in time and save your stupid ass and PeNeLoPe will be all googoo over you. Wow, yeah that was so dumb. I also don't believe it for a second. ~ohmygoooood! Tyler's phooooone!~  😱 Why are you apologizing to HIM?! He's the one who's lied to you every step of the way! Ahhahahahah yessss die bitch. Just like Alaska, right in her arms. Well that ending was once again out of character and stupid.
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: Haven
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
[I don't remember this much beyond a) it being one of my favorite s1 eps and b) Ishim being in it.  Heads-up.  Also, this episode is brought to you by me procrastinating on work and Jezebel eating ice cream… you can see which of us is living the high life :)]  
☠️☠️☠️☠️  [NORMAL]  That’s what I was wondering  [NORMAL PULLING A RHONDA HURLEY???]  YESSSS
Poor Logan  [I knowwww]
[That was a very malicious gesture with the gas, just saying… She looked like she was gonna set fire to him aksdjf]
[Ma'am just wants s'mores; she doesn't care about Logan alskdjf]  I sometimes wonder…. Did they not realize how unlikable she would be if they made her so angsty  [I think they think this is what being a "tough woman" is… They outright call it "girlpower" later]  Ooooof
[Oh, look, Jace's baby]
Also Logan says I didn’t say I was canceling… But… but.  You kinda did 🤣🤣🤣
[btw, I knew Ishim from Intelligence before I knew him in Supernatural, which is why I remember him from this despite not having seen that episode when I first watched this season]
OH NO!  The rednecks!  [THIS FEELS LIKE THE SPN EP!  With the Croatoan virus.  Where Dean's looking out the front window at the blockade?]  Yeah, strong SPN vibes
Creepy kid  [I was just typing that alskdfj]  Gotta love it
This damn kid… The kid’s the iguana
“Gimme my money”
[Technically, Max, you can still get s'mores on an Eyes Only mission]
["Eighteen restless spirits waiting for you to avenge their deaths" Ummmm SPN vibessss!  Also.  Let's shout about the corrupt cops while the corrupt cops could be listening… GENIUS]
The scene cut whiplash tho
[*aggressively bites marshmallow*]
Creepy kids like… creepy adult
Bitch I just said my aunt’s a doctor
[Ma'am spilling Manticore secrets to a bby :(  She gonna get him killed]  DOES SHE REALLY?  [I don't know…  I doubt it, but probably not for lack of trying, I see.]
This kid looks familiar 🤔🤔🤔
[Whyyyy is Logan on his own in Creepy, Creepertown?]  Cause he is a strong independent man  [Logan.  This isn't going well.]
[Oof, My Bloody Valentine vibes tho]  ☠️☠️
😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 aw man look at that… How quickly he noticed something wrong
[Well, at least they didn't pull out Logan's pool skills only for s2 jealousy reasons]
Ninja gf to the rescue!  (I thought she didn’t notice at first)  [ikr]
SAME, BARTENDER DUDE!  that would be me
“How did my screwed-up genetics become about you?” When you made it about him???  [MA'AM, EMPATHY]
 I still loveeee her hairrrr… Ack
Who is this kiddddd?
– – – 
Wench: I think it was the kinda-surreal, definitely-creepy vibes of this ep that made me remember it so fondly... tbh, it's definitely living up to my memory.  Forgot Max was so annoying in it, though, because it was overshadowed by last ep
Jezebel: I swearrr this episode is giving me whiplash… Like, even down to Max’s attitude.  She starts on something and it’s like oh, boy, here we go, but then she backpedals, and then goes full bitch again, and then apologizes.  And I’m like!! EITHER COMMIT TO BITCHDOM OR STOPPPP BITCHINGGG
Wench: s2 is gonna be funnnnn
Jezebel: *sigh* this show and circles.  Also this kid looks so familiar 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Wench: lkjasdflkj you and the kid… Go look him up then!
Jezebel: Idk but he was in an ep of spn too
Wench: Which?
Jezebel: “Party on Garth”
Wench: Huh.  No clue but good to know
Jezebel: Lol.  And the creepy vibe is amazing and a nice change
Wench: Seee!?!??!  I'm telling you, that's why I remembered it.  This is my favorite non-ep-17 s1 episode, and that vibe is why.
Jezebel: But yeah I think that’s all I have. Except omg them tipping that wheelchair over pissed me offfffff
Wench: See what I mean, though, by them just.  leaving Logan's depression behind?  
Wench: Like, it's coming up, but only in a "oh, they're fighting" way.  Not a "he just lost something important to him for the second time; he deserves adjustment" way.  Definitely not a "he considered ending things last episode" way.
Jezebel: I HATE IT! Like I get that was just a plot point for the episode but tbf that’s not a plot point you should use for just one ep.  That’s too heavy and too real.
Wench: And it's an issue that, like, actually affects people?  And requires serious work to overcome?  It.  Bugs me.  That it's just a minor thing that gets blurred past.  You know what I mean.
Jezebel: Now granted back then shit was different and triggers weren’t concerns in media. But still I fully get it
Wench: Yup.  Ready to go on, though?
Jezebel: Yes!
– – – 
[Not the tip-over joke.  Also… Bruh, why are y'all leaving the door open and unlocked]
They misheard the pulse as the purge
“I don’t know anything.”  I just came to yell with you a moment
[Ishim be back]  Ishim always be being an asshole  [He's decent in Intelligence]
Oh shittttt. Buddy needs the girl to kick his ass again
“Nothing.”  Buddy. Why didn’t you wipe your nose
Oooooof plot twisttttttt
[THE GRAVE DIGGING?!!?!? WE ARE IN AN SPN EP!  Where's the salt?  And the gasoline?]
[These people (Max/Logan) be kinda stupid]  ☠️☠️☠️  [That was kinda obvious ngl]  SPN would have been a very short show had it been these two  [Why, 'cause they'd die?]  Yes ☠️
[Y'all, seriously?  You couldn't clear the environment?  MAX HAS SUPER-HEARING; SHE DIDN'T BOTHER TO MENTION THE KID EAVESDROPPING?]  ☠️☠️☠️
Ishim’s so smol  [asdflkjaldkfj he really do be… He's so short compared to the others 😭]  I know!  [They're gonna think you're impersonating me with that emoji]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Well shit
Child.  You be a child
Creepy bby kid
[btw, I TOLD you the gas was gonna be used for arson]  ☠️☠️☠️
Is this the last time her seizures are this bad?  [I think so.  I don't remember them coming up again]
Oooof, he ded
This damn show... Bruh… Violent af
[Poor Logan, goodness]  WELL SHIT
SHORT MAN CAN’T GET CLOTHESLINED… But it’ll take out his eyeballs
He favors Willem Dafoe
[Max going: "Appreciate her or I'll steal her; I don't have a mom"]  ☠️☠️☠️ but she got a Logan she just doesn’t appreciate him
No.  She.  Didn’t.  [Ma'am.  “It’s good to know that when the superhero’s otherwise occupied, the sidekick’s ready to step in.”  How is that your definition of a nice thing to say?]  This woman-
– – –
Wench: We haven't had JamPony content in agessss :(
Wench: I think those go away in s2?  Think?  But the intro gets a monologue that... might be worse
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Ohhhh no spinning baby and angst talk! 😭😭😭  Lord help me
Wench: It's baddddd.  But anyway... endpoint!
Jezebel: Just like with the heavy topic of the last ep being pushed under the rug… Max’s seizures just suddenly reappearing only to not be mentioned again…. Will be equally as annoying
Wench: I always wanted them to show up in s2 because other transgenics show up.  Other transgenics who likely weren't told about their tryptophan deficiency.  And yeah, maybe not all of them have it, but we know the X5s do, so Alec, Biggs, and the other X5s should have had some kind of scene about that imo.  
Jezebel: Yeah
Wench: It would have been nice if it made her confront the relative comfort of her life, tbh.  Because she at least knows all this stuff about herself and Manticore, whereas the others are literally thrust into the deep end without warning,and all because she decides to take down Manticore and act like she didn't cause any problems.  Is it likely?  Nah.  Would it have been nice?  Yeah
Jezebel: Yeah that’s fair!!
Wench: Anyway, go on.
Jezebel: It feels like they either got bored with the seizure storyline.  Or it was too much to keep up with on top of the other story lines.  But then this being the ep AFTER Logan’s heavy ep… they needed to make him the hero even from the chair… and to do that she had to be down and out.
Wench: I could be wrong about them dropping it, btw.  But I don't remember it coming back.
Jezebel: Fair… But it also hasn’t been in like the past 4 eps… or more
Wench: This is true
Jezebel: So yeah it seemed so out of the blue.  Also what was the point of these people killing this family?  I know they said but I didn’t catch it and I’m like….
Wench: Basically... racism
Jezebel: Ahhhh 💔💔💔💔
Wench: When the Pulse hit, everyone blamed "outsiders.”  And that family had gas and food when everyone else didn't.  So the townsfolk came to the "obvious" conclusion that they knew what was gonna happen and shored up on supplies ahead of time.  Thus, they attacked.
Jezebel: Ahh 💔💔 that’s fucked
Wench: Yeah.  I don't think that storyline ever returns either.  Other than that, the Pulse basically isn't addressed.  They use it as worldbuilding, but don't do much by way of development with it.  Again: I think.  It's been a bit since I saw these episodes
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Plot holessss.  Gotta love em
Wench: BUT!  Plus side!  One more episode 'til Ben :)  And next episode is OC-heavy
Jezebel: BUT SAD?!  ACK!
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yoshi-ori · 8 months
ranking all 12 boys planet episodes
i didn't go back and rewatch all the episodes bc i don't have time for that but i did look at some of the youtube clips and the live + post-episode discussion threads on r/boysplanet to refresh my memory
the overall score is mainly based on how fun/boring the episode was and how much evil-editing was involved
i may or may not have been a bit too harsh with the scoring idk
12. episode 1 (2/10)
everyone looked so happy here (minus jiwoong who just wanted to sleep), back when they didn't have their hopes and dreams crushed
i enjoyed the brief snippets of the trainees fighting for the p01 seat, wish we could've seen more of that
funny moments:
when hui sang for the p01 seat "battle" and jihoo immediately gave up lol
i'm sorry but i've always found when the mentors talk to be extremely boring and they talk soooo much in this episode 😭 literal snoozefest
speaking of the mentors, i also don't like it when they laughed at the "bad" performances, like i'm probably just being sensitive but i always felt bad for them 😭
i don't like how much they also keep talking about the k vs g group thing like wdym you guys are besties (also it was just boring)
they also talk a lot about the trainees' dreams and how they've trained for so long and while i think that's sweet i also think it's kinda boring
11. episode 4 (2.5/10)
most of the training segments for this episode were just boring and sad but the two teams that didn't fail me were both hot sauce teams, like it was just good vibes and not really a lot of conflict
speaking of hot sauce, this was the first episode where we got good screentime and storyline for ollie and phanbin like yessss we love to see it
also some parts from the training segments that i did actually like were when yugeng and yang jun made up and when yedam gave up the killing part to shanbin, idk i thought those were pretty sweet and selfless moments and the mentors didn't show up so
the training segments were boring and sad and i snoozed through them
also daeul got evil-edited really badly and krystian got evil-edited even more which weren't fun to watch
10. episode 7 (2.5/10)
some more of my favorite performances in this episode, namely tomboy and limousine, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively. boy do i love the dual position battle performances
while i once again found some of the training segments to be boring i did enjoy nslocb and limosine teams since they didn't really have a lot of conflict and it was just good vibes
funny moments:
the rush hour conflict was not fun but i will say i laughed so hard when ricky and seongmin side-eyed the camera 💀
i know this was supposed to be a serious moment but the haobin massage scene made me laugh so hard 😭 it just felt so intimate and sudden that all i can do is just laugh. also the live chat comments were killing me
more evil edits yayyyy /s. this time we have the continuation of jingxiang's evil edit from episode 6 plus shuaibo which weren't very slay
once again, some of the training segments were really boring. i'm gonna specifically complain about butterfly bc they set up a whole storyline for junseo only for him to still get last? like girl what was the point of that other than making him look bad
9. episode 2 (3/10)
i like the part when they react to the first episode together it's fun and i do love seeing them laugh and compliment each other
some cool performances in this episode (nunu nana, the real, shut down), i actually liked these more than the episode 1 performances. the real is S-tier while nunu nana and shut down are A-tier for me
the training segments for the signal song test were a mixed bag between boring and not boring but i did enjoy seunghwan helping daeul and phanbin helping hui, i thought those were sweet. i think i enjoyed those moments bc they were wholesome and the mentors weren't talking LOL
the part where they call their parents made me cry but it's such a touching moment and idk it warmed my heart <3
funny moments:
woongki dancing to my bag in the middle of the night
same problem as the first episode, i found the mentor comments to be super boring and i sleep through them like how jiwoong slept throughout the entire song level test
some of the training segments were also boring and also just made me sad, especially when the trainees get scolded. also there's too many mentor comments zzzzzz
most of the signal song tests were pretty boring to watch and were honestly a drag. i think it's a combination of i don't like seeing the "bad/mid" performances plus the mentor's comments are boring
8. episode 3 (3.5/10)
i liked their dorm room shenanigans those were cute
i actually did like seeing the good signal song performances mainly bc they went by quickly and the mentors didn't speak much LOL
idk why but i find the part where the trainees pick their teammates for the k vs g group battle to be so fun, i liked the intensity of finding out the top 10 and waiting to see who the trainees will pick and what song they'll pick and stuff like that
funny moments:
anthonny's eye roll when it was revealed that the next mission is k vs g group again like bro same
when they were about to pick teams and haruto's like "GUYS don't forget about me remember when we ate together??" and then him running towards honghai's team in mach speed like 🫶🏃🏻‍♂️ when he got picked
when g-group burn it up team was trying to figure out who has the best abs and they weren't impressed by yutaka's skdlfjs
the arm wresting competition was so fun to watch, g-group needs to drink more milk or smth idk
the part where they practiced and filmed the signal song performance video was boring idk
i've noticed that this show tends to follow the exact same formula where right before a team is about to perform they like do this flashback where they show the team struggling but then it's ok all turns out fine and dandy in the end, which like makes sense ig since you gotta show the backstory and create sympathy towards the trainees but i still find it boring LOL. idk i just don't like seeing them sad and it just feels like it drags along forever to me
there's also some not-so-fun evil-editing moments in this episode, specifically with krystian and kinda jianyu which is sad
7. episode 9 (3.5/10)
i did enjoy the part where the switch and supercharger teams had to recruit other trainees into their team like idk i thought how they tried to convince them was fun to watch
the outdoor games they played were fun and a vibe
i also really liked the numerous eliminated trainees cameos/mentions in this episode like during that one outdoor game where they had to find their baby photos or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the guerrilla showcase for the trainees whose parents couldn't make it or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the artist battle live performances to support their friends 🥺
funny moments:
when shanbin pretended to get kicked out of smn when he just needed to use the bathroom like my guy just likes to do a little trolling
when phanbin revealed he learned the switch choreo just for funsies so he slayed getting the killing part
the en garde prank and seunghwan being an amazing actor like get that man an oscar, i'm convinced inyeon ent saw this segment and thought "we need to recruit him"
kamden twin reveal! and their awkward interaction LOL
ok i know i said i enjoyed the recruiting segments but the trainees getting kicked from over me and smn was just sad
once again the training segments were really boring, honestly probably more so than the previous missions since the mentors seemed to be more present this time around making it even more boring (idk if they actually were more present but that's just what it seemed like to me)
this episode is the second part of the smn conflict and probably the worst out of the three. people were relentless with him after this episode like mnet why do you hate matthew so much what has he ever done to you
6. episode 10 (3.5/10)
i love love LOVE the little prince musicals. as someone who loves watching musicals this is definitely one of my favorite things they've done on boys planet. the performances were all so fun and i loved seeing them rehearse and it was such a vibe. so many cute moments like gyuvin, yujin, and gunwook "fighting" over hui, hiroto and takuto pairing up together and seungeon forgetting his lines but not giving up and haobin and gyuhui slaying
this episode also has say my name aka THE superior song of 2023, this song won the artist battle, got a perfect all-kill, and won 29304823 daesangs in my heart <3
funny moments:
when they were guessing who the next star master is gonna be and phanbin guessed tbz juyeon, gyuvin guessed hwanhee, and woongki guessed ariana grande
ricky and ollie being paired up for the musical and ricky doing kabedon on ollie and them getting 0 stars for whatever reason 😭
junhyeon just making stuff as he goes during the musical
honestly this is kind of a minor gripe and doesn't actually affect my feelings towards this episode that much but i'm still salty about how mnet never released everyone's musicals 😔
more boring training segments yawnnnnn. these conflicts are getting so repetitive it's literally just the same thing: mentors check the team, mentors and dissatisfied, the trainees practice more, the mentors are happy. like bro at least show them singing/rapping more instead of just making it all about dance
FINALLY the smn conflict ends and i was pretty satisfied with the ending but i will forever be salty with mnet, like girlypop there was absolutely no need to drag that on for three whole episodes
also my bird died while i was watching this episode live so
5. episode 11 (6.5/10)
the outdoor games they played were so fun, lots of funny moments from that segment. some cute moments include phanbin's reaction to being a spy and hiroto's cute "dance battle" and "tteokbokki" aka when i lost the idgaf about hiroto war
also there weren't any training segments in this episode thank GOD
funny moments:
when over me team was doing the pulling up pants game and kuanjui just straight-up bit ricky's pants in his crotch area and over me started playing in the background 💀
leejeong doing badly at the spinning elephant game and everyone in over me team thinking he's the spy only to change their minds at the last minute for some reason?? (the fact that leejeong later revealed that he wasn't pretending to be bad and he did actually get dizzy but the editing made it seem like he was acting bad on purpose makes it funnier LOL)
matthew unintentionally getting the word right during the whisper game
the smirks gyuvin and somi gave to each other
normally i like elimination episodes but ngl this elimination wasn't as entertaining mainly bc there weren't a lot of trainees left. i was gagged by hui and gyuvin making it since i thought they were goners but that was it. also everyone just looked sad during this elimination idk maybe that's just me
everything after the eliminations (when they were picking teams and positions and choosing the killing part) was kinda boring ngl BUT i will admit i actually didn't catch the ending of this segment bc i had a critique for my art class so like maybe i'm not the best judge for that LOL
4. episode 5 (6.5/10)
as mentioned before, idk why but i really enjoy watching elimination episodes, especially after the episode is aired. idk i just like the suspense and the trainees trying to guess who will get called up and their reactions when someone's name gets called and the trainee being all shocked and everyone congratulating them and idk i think it's sweet. also i love the "hints" the star master gives they're so silly it's like playing six degrees of separation
also there's no training segments thank GOD
i love all the trainees' little intros and how they paired up based on the best mate contest those were super cute
the dance battles were all fun, idk nothing much to say here they all slayed
can i just say i was absolutely GAGGED during the hot sauce announcement like wdym all of k-group survived with some of them barely making it in. phanbin crying from happiness was so heart-warming 🥺
gunwook and hwanhee gossiping during the entire elimination was so fun
i also liked when shanbin and matthew were contenders for p01 and they talked about auditioning for boys planet together and stuff like that got me in the feels 😭
funny moments:
shuaibo doing moe moe kyun at gunpoint with junhyeon
yugeng telling yang jun all of his predictions and getting most of them wrong
the woongki vs keita dance battle was fun but the trainees' reactions are what really take the cake
ok i know i said i like elimination episodes but obviously i don't like it when my faves get eliminated and jang jiho being the only one left standing in the k-group aju nice team absolutely broke my heart 😭
also the trainees' speeches are pretty boring and they tend to get kinda repetitive pretty quickly
i was pretty disappointed when they suddenly made k-group win the dance battle competition when g-group was leading even if they did end up sharing the pizza in the end
the cultural appropriation prank was NOT it and (most of) the trainees laughing was also not it 😭
the hyunbeen prank also felt pretty mean and it felt like they were skinny-shaming him like idk maybe i'm being sensitive but yeah that was not a vibe
3. episode 12 (7/10)
i absolutely love the beginning when they introduce the top 18 through fun little films that reflect each trainee's interests and vibes and stuff like that part was so cool
the self-made concept teasers the jelly pop and hot summer teams made were so fun
i LOVE the sleepover and how they talked about first impressions like that is my absolute favorite conversation starter and everyone's just laughing and having fun and roasting each other and remiscing good memories and it's just so wholesome <3
funny moments:
the whole kamden jelly noona thing. no elaboration needed
junhyeon calling phanbin handsome but phanbin not hearing him correctly 😭
kamden asking if he has an american vibe and the other trainees just going "no"
when they tried correcting matthew's pronounciation on jiwoong's name but he still pronounces it like "jiwoon-hyung" anyway
jiwoong's "sorry what was the group name again?"
gyuvin's "sorry i forgot"
this episode is SO long like i would never rewatch this episode from beginning to end ever again ngl
on a related note, some parts of this episode dragged on for so long like the introduction and how to vote and the group name reveal and the members reveal. like i understand why since this was an actual live episode but yeah i'm not rewatching those parts again LOL
the stuff with the mentors was kinda boring, like i did enjoy the trainees making the flower headwear things and the cakes and the silly little song they sang but everything else was kind of a drag
i thought the fans' messages were really touching and stuff but for some reason i've never liked seeing other kpop fans LOL like idk it just gives me the ick (also partially the reason why i don't really like when mnet cuts to the audience's reaction during performances)
seeing phanbin cry and keita look so sad broke my heart into a million pieces 😭
2. episode 6 (7/10)
the ghost prank at the beginning of the episode was pretty funny
idk why but similar to the trainees picking their teams for the k vs g group batte, i find the trainees picking their songs and other trainees pushing them out to be so fun to watch, i love the suspense and overdramatization of it all
some of my favorite performances are from this episode, namely zoom and gang, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively
speaking of gang i enjoyed seeing their team interact the most, idk it's just good vibes and the only "conflict" that happened was trying to come up with a bunch of dance breaks but that was figured out relatively quickly
funny moments:
when gunwook pushed woongki out of tomboy and he acted all sad about it at first before strutting his way towards feel special
ricky winking at jiwoong only for him to get pushed out of love killa 💀
junhyeon yelling at shanbin to push out gunwook so that he can join ggang while gunwook is just trying to hide
jiwoong acting all silly and goofy and the birth of mattwoong
the sheer difference between woojin's timid vocals vs mingyu belting out man in love
same problem i mentioned before with the k vs g group battle, some of these training segments and the conflicts they faced were really boring
this episode planted the seed of jingxiang's evil edit before it fully bloomed in the next episode which wasn't a slay
1. episode 8 (7.5/10)
another elimination episode :D as mentioned before i enjoy eliminations and the suspense and yada yada yada
once again the intros were very fun and wholesome good stuff
i did quite enjoy watching the trainees go to their artist battle teams and their reactions every time someone joins them, like when the besties woongki and seowon ended up on the same team together or when everyone was so happy to see gunwook in en garde
planet camp tour was pretty fun, i liked seeing the trainees just vibing all around planet camp
the sports day segment was also super fun i loved it. lots of fun moments from the princesses to the chicken fight to the sudden genshin sponsorship
more gagged moments from this elimination, probably the most gagged i've been was when leejeong manifested ranking 23rd
funny moments:
the smn prank has got to be one of my favorite moments in the show. idk i just really like silly pranks like this LOL
hui practicing his why-i-should-be-leader speech in the bathroom is so funny to me like honestly mood
the training segments for the third mission were such a drag like dang why did you have to ruin a good episode like this smh (i mean granted it was less painful since the mentors didn't show up i think BUT STILL)
also some evil edits here with jingxiang (again) and ichan which were not a vibe
also this episode planted the seed to the mattbin smn conflict which lasted for an unnecessary two more episodes which was also not a vibe
this is all just my opinion no i don't take criticism thanks for reading
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larabar · 1 year
!!!!!YESSSS IM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!! the movie is v v fun and if you’re at all interested, watch the pilot episodes!!!! they’re SO fun i love these funky little ninja (it’s only two twenty minute episodes and it set off the entire show but they’re still delightful self contained :]) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bheV-9rYgthOqXb7aj8_xPXHrJw54y9V
:D!!!!!! IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT!! these sound wonderful ill watch em later ty for the link :))
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unsleepingtales · 3 months
Fhjy e2 reactions this episode is batshit and I love them but also I’m so sad
I’ll be so real gang I am stressed and have been in a downwards thought spiral so we’ll see how this goes yeah?
I love Adaine making her mage hand look like Riz’s ringed hand that’s so fun and lovely
Also the mage hand mini is so cool
Don’t patronize me, it’s bad 😔
Goddamn they’re good
Would you be interested in healing us?? Spare healing o cleric??
I love that they could heal the hangvan
The night yorb’s art is SO cute I need a plushie of it. I’m gonna just buy galaxy patterned fleece and make one.
It feels like a stretch???
It’s gonna bite!
I just thought if I acted excited it would be good
Naur 💀
Armor of ayda!!!
Go sit on a whisky bottle you punk bitch !
Duggan and Balthazar definitely explored each others bodies we’re all agreed on this right. In my mind they had something like the cowboy and the roman soldier from night at the museum had.
“This is hot” Emily I agreeeee
Perfect example of gambler’s fallacy but y’know what this did just reinforce it
Nothing I can do! Brennan. Brennan come on.
That’s a feat I took in LIFE
They THREW that that die TRAVELLED
“You know I’m always rooting for you”
No more probability smashing ok murph?
Y’know what for being fully run over by a van? 22 points of damage is not bad.
Was last episode really only two rounds of combat
He is So defeated
I’m hurting 😡
ALSO the portal is so cool. This battle set is amazing.
The blood on the windshield I can’t
Can she resummon Baby?? Has he died before I can’t remember?
“From when you ran me over” as if Fabian is not Solely responsible for the choices he’s made. Riz didn’t intentionally run you over babe you fell out of the van.
This is. Not great!
What hell!
Oh nooooo
Cmon Murph please
Oh god
Oh my god you are about to kill your healer
She had 23!!
Aaaaaaaaa oh god
:( I feel bad for the cute manta ray
Ally’s gonna sue you if they hit you
With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van ! Gorgug thistlespring the man that you are
Ok yeah that makes sense that was on the bingo
Ok so the van now holds the night yorb sealed in its roof and an angel in the engine. Fantastic.
That mural is beautiful
They’re so exhausted guys. School starts tomorrow.
(What an episode to air the week I go back to class and have Such A Bad Time Guys)
Don’t menace me!
It means something to me emotionally. Gorgug Car Guy Thistlespring <3
You wanted to do a bit so now we’re doing a bit. Suffer for your bit.
Does the back door of the van mini open?? Bc that’s sick
Ooooh Ally has custom spell cards with the d20 logo on them. Those are neat
He’s gonna stab these guys but it’s not with any of the normal zeal 😔
Just to try and feel something
Why do you guys careee you’re bugssss
Zac oh god
‘Guys I think Fig’s getting hit with the ballista right now’
She doesn’t even cutting words she just takes it 😭😭
It’s that era, The Ball 😭😭
Oh my fucking god
The noises of defeat they’re all making
I want an ice cream. Like the old days.
Just like that ART oh I’m gonna reblog that art of them at basrar’s so bloody after a fight
I love them. I missed the bad kids guys.
I think we’ve gotta go to sleep.
Love an aso callback
Love wins 💅
We’re done doing this!!
What kind of BULLSHIT
God this is so unhinged
No bonus action healing or anything Kristen?
So tactical. So late. So dead.
The slowest and saddest three point turn
The least enthusiastic stab
You didn’t! Have! To do it! You could! Have had! Ice cream! I! Want! To go! Home!!!
That Turncoat 😢
This is so fucking sad.
What the fuck man
I don’t know why anything happened. Why did any of that happened.
The shard of the day yorb
Fig why would you ask that.
Riz desperately trying to keep the group together is so heartbreaking
The fucking dry guys
Gotta stay awake in the dome motherfuckers
Oh my GOD
They’re gonna cry man
Dome art!
Brennan what are you about to do
Daisy Cubby!!!!
Fig. What.
I’M gonna cry.
Everyone’s gonna cry.
Is it fun man. Is it really.
It says fuck you zac ☺️ in beautiful writing!
Emily Axford the woman you are……….
What the fuck is happening right now.
Oh god oh no
This is so horrifying
Kristen. Kristen No.
I love the map!
Oh god.
Oh the Hallariel art is FANTASTIC
Are they going on their honeymoon. I have paused the episode to write this are hallariel and Gilear going on a honeymoon did they get married and not invite their kids because they were saving the world I’m gonna be so pissed
Oh the Gilear art is cursed
Okay they’re going on a cruise.
Gilear’s voice has dropped
Oh SHIT okay so I wasn’t that far off
This is just. So fucking sad. I know that it’s gonna get happier because it’s fantasy high but right now this is so fucking sad
They’re newlyweds??? So they did fucking get married?????
Leaving for MONTHS after your only child gets back from saving the world and you got married to one of his best friends’ dad without your child or your new spouse’s child there is so horrible oh my god. I am real life mad about this.
Ok interesting things happening with Gilear and luck. Is Gilear not gonna go see Fig at Mordred before he leaves for a year???
Guys there is still almost an hour left in this episode is it all gonna be this fucking sad
Oh my god he inherited the singing barrel pirates
Good for them being unionized
She’s got her own boarddddd
I love her
God they’re powerful this season
Oh thank god a loving mother.
It was… ssso tactical
That summer before junior year growth spurt/style shift combo is so real
Oh shit. The single mother struggling to pay for college storyline is gonna fuck me up monumentally I think. Fuck.
Scholarships are gonna be really important 🥲 line taken from my real life
Setting up a board is to riz gukgak what a spreadsheet is to me. I am him he is me.
Please god I need the thistlesprings to not make me sad
They’re so cute!!!!
Zac looks fucking near tears
Oh god any time Brennan’s face gets a little more serious and the music kicks in my heart just sinks
That does not make any sort of sense
Staying tight with your ex’s parents is also so real lmaooo
He had a toothbrush at her house??????
The bad girls are so important to me
They’re aaaall crying
And Ragh and Lydia!! Yay!!
Brb printing out the new Sandra Lynn art to hang on my wall
They’re so tired guys
Squeem is alive? Ok
Jawbone man.
Oh god. Literally.
Sobbing this is literally the high school mentality
Guys. Guys.
It’s a real crapshoot for me finishing things. Yep.
Babe that is not a measurement of classes.
Yes that is a thing you can do. You can take time off for extreme circumstances.
LOVE the Aguefort art. Slay.
Also love that the way Brennan gets into the Aguefort voice is to do the peace hands
He’s going on vacation with ayda?????
Ayda looks great
Oh God No
How could this possibly go wrong?
What is the quangle and why is it going to cause so many problems
Oh nooooooo
That’s so fucking sad christ alive
Oh god
“Does nobody respect the fact that it takes time to save the world” feels like the thesis of the season
Trackerbees breakup about to be confirmed??
Look at my best friend in the whole wide world and his pet rat. He’s so fucking pretty.
Aelwyn moved out??
Oh that’s lovely actually
Oh aelwyn looks GOOD.
And she’s got cats and is teaching middle school??? Good for herrrr
Awww that’s sweet
Oh right somehow I completely forgot that Fig did a fucked up devil deal
Oh god fig’s spilling on her shirt. Did she somehow swap fates with Gilear or something.
Sandra lynnnnnnnn
That is a good way to think about classes :)
Sometimes you really do just have to give Nothing constructive in an improv scene sometimes it’s better
Trackerbees breakup confirmed. Tracker’s doing great.
Still interested in the retcon or whatever happened with Tracker originally being a cleric of Lida and then switching to Galicea
Cassandra I’m sorry you and Kristen are both struggling so much
Oh Whatttt no
If Cassandra dies and goes to the astral plane I will be so sad.
Holy SHIT guys.
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