#you can do so much if you don't do ragebait
demovamp · 26 days
cw – pedophilia, sa, rant in tags
( preface: this is 99% rage bait due to the influx of mha hate i have seen on tiktok !! i just needed to rant abt it for a sec because it makes me feel icky. just bcs it's ragebait doesn't mean i can't be upset about it. block and move on. )
i feel like it shouldn't be a "cringe" or "weird" reaction to being disgusted by the fact someone hcs your fav character as a rapist pedo !!
so fucking what if he isn't real? that's not the point.
the point is that someone made an "oc" just for the sake of making tiktoks about said oc being abused by hawks.
like, no other personality traits. just tiktok after tiktok of "hehe my oc was abused by a vv popular character!!"
it's worse that they used ai art.
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lunareiitic · 2 months
Okay now that everyone who hasn't caught up has left: let's talk framing of the IPC.
When Topaz released, a lot of you were ragebaiting and telling people you hoped their jobs exploited them when people were like "oh I like her as character." Notably, I personally haven't seen that kind of ragebaiting with Aventurine's backstory and the answer isn't just misogyny, but it is related to how little some of you pay attention.
Topaz and Aventurine are peers, and are clearly juxtaposed as two sides of the same coin. While Aventurine was a literal slave, his people wiped out Aventurine eventually gambling his way into the IPC to become a Stoneheart, his backstory doesn't actually differ that much from Topaz's. Remember: both of these characters are antagonists to our Crew when the audience learns their histories.
Topaz lost everything to the IPC. She's a kind of scary career woman nowadays, but you have to remember that her world was on the brink of collapse and her world's leaders sold their entire population to the IPC. While Topaz may come across as more well adjusted than Aventurine is, the IPC's main strategy is putting their victims in a position where they can't reasonably refuse. It's why Aventurine is such a good lapdog of theirs: since he's willing to bet everything in order to win. He's adept at playing desperate and risky. A lot of discussion of Topaz's character misses this coercion aspect of her backstory because of how it's framed.
The Topaz Interlude is less focused on Topaz herself and more on showcasing the dark side of the IPC. Topaz herself is put in a murky light: friend, foe, and unlikely ally all in one. Her arc in that interlude puts the theme in neon lights "IPC bad, they're solutions aren't necessary if people work together" and Topaz as the "villain" is then "Defeated" and she withdraws and takes the L, leading to her arrival in 2.1 alongside Jade for Aventurine's plan.
Arguably, Aventurine is worse than Topaz in a lot of day-to-day regards: he doesn't have Topaz's sense of compassion and desperate desire to do good, he's openly lying to the cast and doesn't care particularly about their safety, and is actively trying to put Penacony back in the hands of the IPC so they can turn it back into an interstellar prison. (We don't have time to explain why Prisons Are Bad. Go listen to Angela Davis and get back here.) His goals don't feel as evil because of several factors: the first being that HSR knows he has a tragic backstory and is milking it for all that it's worth. Dead parents? Dead sister? Dead culture? Enslavement leading to indentured servitude leading to a deathwish? They give him the game's first perspective shift so you're even more willing to empathize and sympathize with him and his plight, something they'd never do for Topaz, a character whose morality is considerably more conflicted and put on the spot.
Penacony is also a much darker locale than Belobog: when Topaz arrives on Jarilo-VI, we've already solved all of their conflicts (theoretically. we're trusting that bronya can fix all of the shit her mother wrecked), so Topaz arriving is a unifying force of characters we already know an like. Penacony is a lot darker, and you're already primed to distrust and dislike them since they're well. The Family. People who might be just as bad as the IPC. This creates a weird moral flip in the eyes of the audience if you're not paying enough attention: the plot isn't "Penacony bad, therefore IPC good now" it's pretty clearly "Penacony bad, IPC possibly even worse" and the fact that Aventurine has set them up to win should send shivers up the spines of the viewers. Does the Dreamscape deserve to exist? If the IPC gets their way, it won't matter what the answer is. And Aventurine has gone all in to make sure it's so.
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girlsrawesome64 · 2 months
ohhh please can you do cod match up for me?? i'm female, german, 27, aquarius and work as an artist and project manager at an agency specialised in classical music. at work i'm very organized, detail oriented and efficient, but in private i like to slow things down. i guess you could say i have two personalities: at work i like getting things done and have no problem arguing with people, but in private i literally hate calling the doctor's office lol.
it's very hard for me to take my brain off work and usually only achieve that by getting engrossed in a show or painting. i like cooking, not so much baking. my hobbies are reading, going for walks (how very german of me), playing with my cat. i can be very funny, but i am more introverted and a very good listener. my love language is acts of service.
my cod favourites are price, ghost and könig, but at the moment i'm leaning more towards könig.
thank you very much and lots of kisses 😍
and I AGREE::: (shorter and sweet ones now SORRYYt_t Cue some HCs/drabbley things:)
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 @/fairypurgatory on pin & @/jolvelyn on twt [art]
W: Intimidating newer man in your house O God, dark if you think about it (sprinkle sprinkle glitter sparkles on the war criminal), abrupt end
◈ After many sweet-talkings outside your respective doors, y'all had a date due at your place. If you cooked for him- omigod. Social expectations be damned, the clear thought and skill behind it… When he looked back up at you, eyes boring into yours, you were half worried you'd bought a serial killer home? (Which I mean, technically yes, don't ask too much about his job history-) But no, his ridiculously intense, maliciously-coded gaze was that one of determined enrapturement. ◈ It was an amusing juxtaposition to see him meet your cat. Tough guy, tryna be smooth, leaning on the side of the doorframe.. Before his intense focus was interrupted by something fluffy and he hit his head and almost cried. He's not the best with animals, but after enough visits they become casually inseparable, and a key part of the cuddle pile. If your cat wasn't spoiled already they were now. Hey, the pair of you aren't half bad at taking care of something.
◈ Doubly fell in love with you when he saw you popping off at work. He got called in for something important you left at home, god forbid, but of course he had your back, emergency key and all. He knows all too well the importance of things needing to go to plan. But forgive him if he just stared in awe like a motherfucker seeing you go off on someone.
◈ Oh, don't you worry. When your teeth are clenching looking down at your practice's phone number for that long overdue appointment- it's right there, just a click away,- König will snatch it from you. Mixed feelings, perhaps his confidence a little infantilizing, but… it's like a vice is undoubtedly unclamped as he waddles away with the dreaded compressed waiting room music (as if it was a totally normal thing to do). He'd confirm any details prior bending over behind you, rubbing your shoulder and cooing in your ear about it. Because of course you can do it, darling, but he's always there~…
◈ Takes great smug pride in a)taking care of you, if that's something you want- and b)being with you. Uh, yeah, the badass work-focused bigshot is his? And putty in his arms? That's right. So proud of showing you off to others at any possible convenience. 'Tries' to be subtle about it. Keyword 'tries'.
◈ He needs a break too. Proudly, toxic-masculinely denies any interest at first, but would ultimately happily waste away binging something with you. Colours and shapes reflecting off the TV onto his narrow, goofy lil' glasses, eyebrows slightly furrowed in focus as he guillibly complains about some ragebait. Uses you as a human weighted blanket laid on him, supporting your back with his chest.
◈ König's a prevalent yapper during whatever you do together. He plans as much as you'll allow, whisking you off for dinners, lunches- all expenses paid (or halfsies). Or elaborate hiking trails he insists you join him on, though sometimes he likes to choose the ones with tricky bits as an excuse to help or carry you.
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yuttikkele · 19 hours
please tell me more about gen z lotf au 🙏🙏
OFCCC!! i wrote a lot more about this than i thought i could, and i feel like i could keep going but i do wish to go to sleep! ty for the ask! (there was also an anon ask with this question, idk if it was you, but i'm just gonna answer this one lol)
the choir boys all know each other irl (obvi they still have choir together). everyone lives roughly in the same vicinity, but no one knows that.
they all met online during the pandemic. possibly through video games, twitter, or tiktok
how did this ragtag group of people all become friends? idk fortnite probably
i don't know much about fortnite, but it seems like it would start some friendships and/or rivalries. maybe minecraft or roblox too.
how they met and became friends is hazy, like how the beta kids became friends in homestuck. point is: they're all friends. pretty much.
some boys are closer friends than others, but they're all mutuals. they're all in like the same community. what community? that is a good question i should probably think of an answer
piggy uses the nickname people bullied him with as his online name. he gets cyberbullied and has ended up on many a cringe account, but it doesn't really bother him anymore. he likes to spread information, but he was a little self-righteous about it before he quit twitter. now he argues with people on instagram. piggy's also a redditor.
ralph usually just watches other people's content, but sometimes he'll post something and it'll get pretty popular because he's ralph and being well-liked is an innate part of his character. ralph does prefer to go out and do stuff than being online all the time.
simon is chronically online. being shy, he gravitated towards the internet. he's definitely a fandom girlie and has a tumblr (hi tumblr). he spreads positivity on the internet all the time. he's one of the good ones fr. i do hc simon as a Christian, so he does spread the Word a lot as an lgbtq affirming Christian dude
jack doesn't spend too much time on the internet. he also isn't allowed a lot of these medias by his parents, so that may have something to do with it. he does get upset when his posts don't get as many likes as ralph's
roger ragebaits and leaves hate comments all the time, but he has moments where he's nice. maurice memer obviously. sam and eric are the voros twins. i don't have too many thoughts about these guys just yet
they voice chat and sometimes video call
meeting each other irl for the first time led to the utter disgust at ralph's blindness in the fashion department
ok onto them reading lord of the flies cause i think this is such a funny concept
they all miraculously start reading lord of the flies as a class assignment at the same time
they all tell each other this and they're all like "loooool that's crazy we're all reading the same book at the same time"
i saw someone on my last post ab this say exactly what im about to say. it is truly the only way to go with this.
everyone's all "oh haha ralph's got the name of the first character AND he's blonde!" "piggy has the same name as peter's online name! haha how sill-" "WHY IS MY FULL LEGAL NAME IN THIS BOOK???"
the last person is jack btw if you couldn't tell
the exact names and character descriptions matching up a little too well with the boys startles them, but they still joke about it A LOT.
i mean, think about it, if you were forced to read this book in class and you find out you and your friends are basically the main characters, you would NOT stop cracking jokes about it.
"'ugly without silliness.' wow jack, william golding really DID put you in his story!"
they do start to get a little more freaked out when, yk, stuff starts going down in the book and they have to analyze it.
piggy's eventually like "OK we, or at least i, have got to figure this out." and he goes and does some research.
aaaaand that is all i can tell you for now :))
i do headcanon a lot of the boys as queer, but my hcs of them as gen z-ers do differ a little from my hcs of them as gen silencers.
piggy is a strict ally, his aunt is an ally, allies all around, until he realizes he is not so straight as he seems and is not really just an ally. bisexual
ralph knows nothing about the sexuality and gender biz he just does what feels right. he's pretty much demisexual/romantic tho.
simon is a gay dude. he is gnc and on the trans spectrum somewhere
jack is the only one using queer slurs, everyone gets onto him for it. he's gay, but he doesn't know it/won't accept it (because everyone in his life is HOMOPHOBIC!!!). when he does finally accept it, he is still using those slurs as slurs he is not reclaiming them.
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oscconfessions · 9 hours
Hi, I'm Green Heart, the owner of @OSCTWTDetox on twitter (yes i have tumblr but I don't wanna go public) and I want to come forward about something
First of all, I saw the confession that someone else made doing a shoutout to my acc and I thank that anon very much! But that's not really relevant rn, I kinda wanna get this off my chest
It's honestly sad to see how osc twitter cares so little about people wanting to do a step forward to stop toxicity in the community, but as soon as someone does something to (purposefully?) attract negativity, the community indulges in the toxicity and gives the ragebaiter more clout.
I don't want to close OSCTWT Detox because I strongly believe we need to and can do better as a community, but stuff like this honestly makes me lose hope.
I don't want to sound as I am begging for clout, but maybe if we care about the community being more positive, with less mindless callouts and less toxicity, you can help me with my mission.
I want to see the osc, especially osctwt, turn into the accepting safe space it claims to be.
Thank you
~ 💚
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nana2009 · 5 months
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Thank you all for the finterest! Since these questions are similar in a way, i decided to reply to them all in a single post ^u^ so buckle up! >:D
How did they meet? probs in college?????? but like, karkat's college. i think dave would be kind of indecisive on whether or not he should go to one, but a little before his obsession began he would enroll on the same one as karkat to stay closer. Dave firstly "befriended" some of karkat's friends(terezi or sollux likely?), which introduced them to each other and where the first contact was made.
Was it first-sight? I don't see dave as a "love at first-sight" kind of guy. He keeps emotional distance from others while simultaneously trying to garner their attention, and of course that mask pisses karkat off, which is what attracts his attention! dave can just say or do some outlandish shit and while others might ignore or put off as just another Strider Moment™️ karkat will actually engage with it and always, aaaaaalwaays fall for the interaction bait (^་།^)
Why did he obssess? because karkat pays so much attention to him! he is the one to always engage with whatever dave does until he kind of tries to sea how far he can take this douchebag-ragebait schtick. and dave is ecstatic of course, because he realizes 'oh my god someone is actually for real paying attention to me' i think thats the point in which an actual romantic attraction begins and thats how he descends eventually! searching for more and more attention because he craves it. being neglected his whole damn life, lost his only friends and now he has someone who gives him all the attention in the world. who wouldnt?????????
what did karkat think? he just thought dave was another annoying attention-seeker and didnt see any romantic implications (of course if he was a troll he would interpret it as blackflirting but since it's humanstuck here he just thinks dave likes pissing him off ) :P plus with a big friendgroup like his, it wasn't too out of common for him. that is, until dave got awfully clingy, of course....
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ilovetvtoons · 18 days
Regarding one of the recent posts I made just yesterday. I think that it's important to tell you guys when you make a gif and post it here and if someone else uses it for one or more of their own post, I think you should mind your own business about what their using your gifs for, cause yesterday I made a little post about Primos recent delayment announcement on Twitter, and used someone's Hailey's On It gif, and I said that we should watch Hailey's On It instead and hope that it gets a Season 2.
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The person I used the gif from got mad and hated that I was using their gif for "ragebait" and demanded that I never use their gifs again, never.
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Also, while they defended Primos, I'm aware of why that show has become so controversial, which is why I'm not interested in it myself, especially after seeing how toxic it's defenders can be, BTW. But I mostly just did that post for a few giggles and don't really care if it doesn't get much attention. I'm not really familiar with ragebait, but if it sounded like that's what I was trying to do, then I am so sorry, and I'll try not to do it again.
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While I'll try to honor the person's wish to never use their gifs again, I still called them out for freaking out on me like that. Cause I don't think this was worth them losing their mind over. The person hasn't responded to me, but that's fine, I'm just wanted to share my little experience with this and see what you guys think. If you reply, that is. If I'm right for doing this, don't attempt to harass this person because that's not what I'm trying to do, cause this is not a personal attack on this user. Just try to be mindful of those using your gifs for their post, but if someone is using your gifs for for really bad things like cyberbullying and sounds like they're actually threatening harm or even death on others, then that's where I would completely understand a freak-out along with a block and reporting.
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hogsnout · 2 months
Okay so in "Eartha" the main conflict is this highly abstract allegorical issue where the authoritarians in power sell people (at exorbitant rates) biscuits with disturbing and inflammatory sentences written on them, and the people, to show off their wealth & how much they care about the world, eat these biscuits in public while sobbing hysterically.
& it turns out that the words on the biscuit are procedurally generated and don't mean anything, of course!
So what I'm saying is, when I see discourse posts and ragebait, that is what I am thinking. What do you want me to do with that? There are real tragedies happening all the time, I can see them, I can feel them, and you expect me to cry over words on a biscuit???
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fruitguy · 1 year
A Velma rant
So, out of morbid curiosity I decided to watch the first episode of Velma (Pirated, of course. I don't wanna give them any views.), and holy shit that was bad. The characters don't even feel remotely like what they're supposed to be based off of. The comedy isn't funny and feels like its style is 10 years too late. The art style is alright at least, but that's about as much as I can say. In many ways, it feels like it was made specifically to ragebait people and farm in hate views (I saw someone describe this as "What the Quartering and people like the Quartering believe 'Woke' shows are like", and that honestly puts it perfectly. And given the politics of the lead show writer that are known, I feel that may have ended up being a bit more on the nose than intended.). I mean, it seems to have a downright contempt for the people watching anyways. And of course there is the big elephant in the room where they opened up with a shower scene, with all the girls being high schoolers who are 15, or at least around that age simply going off of Velma's bio (Why didn't they just make them College students or something?). So yeah. There is zero doubt in my mind that this will unanimously go down as the worst Scooby Doo cartoon. All you really need to know from this is that you should not watch this show. Not even out of curiosity, or if you simply must, again, pirate it. Do not give Warner Bros. your views. Bleh.
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lynchiangf · 1 year
☕️ any opinion on the film industry and the rarity of quality films
hi leonora! thank you for the interesting question <3
this is topic I'm currently pretty cynical about tbh :-/ I feel like there are currently so many reasons why good films are rare right now.
first of all there's the fact that often people don't get into acting/directing/etc on their merits but based on pre-existing fame or connections, meaning there's a lot of actually talented people who don't get their big break while mediocre performances are so common. being famous on tiktok or having a relative in the industry should not be enough to get you roles...
secondly there's the fact that the entertainment industry is incredibly American. it's crazy that so many people think that subtitles are too much work and that many only discovered that "foreign" movies can be good when Parasite came out. it's so much harder to get recognition from outside of Hollywood and outside of the anglosphere and this makes work that deserves attention go largely unnoticed.
third of all there's the fact that movies have to make a profit so the focus is on guaranteeing income instead of producing work that is meaningful or interesting... streaming services didn't cause this problem but did make it a lot worse imo; in addition to the dominance of redundant blockbusters and franchises, we now have platforms like netflix producing what are essentially ragebait films because they don't care about making art, they care about what people will watch.
finally there's the fact that many people have little to no media literacy and they actively embrace this. I fully admit to being a snob but I'd rather be a snob who watches foreign/old/obscure movies and reads classic lit than be a grown adult who only watches marvel movies and reads young adult books. many people have no interest in engaging with work that they see as even remotely difficult, it all has to be predictable and easy to digest. this just reinforces all the aforementioned issues.
in short I think the state of film today is very lackluster even though we do get gems occasionally. with streaming services like netflix being increasingly criticized (for what they offer and what they ask consumers to pay), there might be a slight change on the horizon, but I think the culture surrounding how we engage with media would have to majorly change for us to get consistently better films again.
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mindrat · 1 year
"Ed is not the only popstar to have gone from fawningly thanking reviewers for exposure in the earlier stages of their career to writing them off once they no longer need them, without a moment's thought for those debutantes who might actually still do. They are effectively pulling the ladder up behind them as if wishing to emulate Conservative Party policy on every social issue."
Good point but it's also slightly charitable to reviewers - you'll see publications like tQ review up-and-coming or underground artists (which is why they're so great) but the big guns like Pitchfork and Rolling Stone, or those at large news outlets, don't really do that.
The latter outlets seem to overwhelmingly publish positive reviews - there's maybe one ambivalent review in the first two pages of the Rolling Stone review page - for large artists, so you don't really get a feel for what you might actually like.
Pitchfork at least will sometimes have interesting analysis of the context of the music (even if that often means they don't much get around to the music itself), but most reviews are only worth reading if you disagree with them, because ragebait is fun.
That makes it even more annoying to hear pop stars whinge about reviews - it's true that Pitchfork hasn't given Ed Sheeran great reviews (and I don't listen to him, so I can't comment on their validity, even if they're fun to read), but most of the critical response to his work is positive, and Lizzo flipped out over a 6 from Pitchfork, which is technically better than average!
All of this is to say that reviewing big artists is only really useful if there's interesting social commentary or the reviews can actually help you make a decision as to whether to give the record a listen. Most fail at both counts, but pop artists should be pleased with this, because coverage is overwhelmingly positive.
Even tQ rarely gives negative reviews, though that's more because they review underground artists that they actually like - getting a review is inherently a sign that you're worth reviewing, and there's only two reasons that might be the case - you're either popular or good, and underground artists certainly aren't the former.
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mcl38 · 19 days
f1twt has been popping off since the race ended too. someone posted a clip of lando asking his engineer to "SPEAK up" bc you know, his engineer was giving him important information about the tyres and gaps to other drivers at that point. heaven forbid lando want to actually hear that information. anyway they posted that clip with this big rant about how "if yuki told his race engineer to shut up, we/f1 would be attacking him instead of laughing about it" and i was genuinely sitting there reading all of the replies like. people just say things without even listening to the 5 second clips they're discussing anymore because you can very clearly hear him ask his engineer to SPEAK up. it doesn't even remotely sound like shut up. (not to mention lando had been asking will off and on the entire race to please speak louder because he was having trouble hearing him). but point is these people really just say anything without 1 second to check if it's really true. i also. idk. as a poc, find it rlly weird to be using the actual racism faced by drivers on the grid to push an agenda against a driver you don't like, instead of viewing it as it's own separate and real issue? like do u actually even care about the racism or is it just looking for reasons to hate and push an agenda against another driver u care about. anyway sorry this is long, that pissed me off since i saw it but there are 0 braincells among f1twt as a collective so i rlly did not want to say anything and have them coming at me fjskcks
ok this is kind of bizarre bc i DID see the post talking about lando telling will to shut up and how yuki would've been crucified for it, but it DIDNT include the clip in it. tbh u couldve seen a similar take but i actually think ur misremembering the post, mostly bc no one was picking on lando for the 'speak up' radio (even outside of that post), they were talking about when he cut will off somewhere in those last 20 laps saying "i see i see i see, i'm pushing mate". and then the yuki fan CONTINUED TO SAY that lando's radio was 'nothing serious', they were just pointing out the double standard of how the journos / comms / fandom / marko rinsed yuki and claimed he was not fit for f1 because of his 'angry' radios. i do think that fan was wrong bc lando very much got similar critiques after sochi21, but to be fair to them most fans on twt weren't watching f1 3 years ago so like i wouldn't hold it against them. idk like twitter IS full of idiotic takes & the algorithm will push the most annoying ppl ever onto ur timeline in order for u to take the ragebait and engage, but like. i rly dont think this fan was hating on lando in general or was even in the wrong for venting their frustrations w how yuki is constantly carricaturised and underestimated. which again - maybe im talking abt another fan but its unlikely bc its this one who caught ALL the flack from all my lando stan mutuals so i think its the tweet ur also referencing.
anyways i dont think its necessarily making it a race thing to point out if theres double standards between drivers (especially re: british bias) even though again i dont think in this case they were correct specifically abt lando. but i also wouldnt find it outlandish to consider the outrage re: yuki's swearing is part of a bigger pattern of how east asian men r treated. i think yuki has been infantilised and woobified bc of his race and height throughout his career, and the cognitive dissonance created when he swears a lot (perfectly normal for ppl who dont speak much english / are ESL to swear liberally) is bc ppl cant concieve of the innocent little baby yuki in their heads being an adult man who can use swear words. and i think in that respect his career & public perception has had a similar trajectory to lando (who is infantilised for different non-race-related reasons lol), which is why i have a lot of compassion for yuki fans who r frustrated with it. especially in a casual liveblog situation that wasn't meant to be a Big Statement. but idk maybe thats my yuki bias showing
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futchcav · 1 year
two easy ways to be less mad online:
1. train yourself to read "X is Z" as "i experience X as Z."
2. train yourself to think about where someone is coming from when they make an "X is Z" statement.
example: I post "zoos are gross"
potential instant responses: do you hate animals or something?? / zoos do a lot of really important work, learn before you talk shit!! / zoos are exploitative hellholes and all you have to say on the topic is that they're gross?!
all of the above are truly wild responses, because I'm just a random person online posting about my day and not someone who is positioning themselves as an Authority On The Ethics Of Zoos. (I'm sensitive to smells and there are way too many fucking smells at zoos and a lot of those smells gross me out, and because of that going to the zoo has never been and likely will never be a pleasant experience for me, also monkeys just kinda creep me out for some reason.) those responses would make sense if I was saying that zoos are worthless/unethical/morally unimpeachable/whatever, and if I also had some kind of agenda here. like if I wanted to push for the abolishing/funding/canonizing of zoos and/or zookeepers. but I'm not! I'm a stranger posting a three-word opinion about my own experiences.
remembering that the vast majority of people online are Just Some Rando posting about their own little lives has power. you don't have to be mad all the time! you don't have to be constantly on the lookout for potential ethical quandaries in every expression of thought you come across! you, your mental health, and your community will be so much better off if you spend less time being mad online. you can spend that time and energy making actual, meaningful change instead of accusing tweens of being fascists for posting steven universe fanart. I'm not saying that online behavior has no impact on real people, and I'm not saying that there's no value to engaging in thoughtful political discussions online. but if someone is posting about their own experience & not positioning themselves as an expert on the subject/someone with an agenda ("zoos are gross" is a very different post from, say, "trans people are gross," as the second is clearly attached to the agenda of trans extermination)? just let it be. maybe keep a little tally on your notes app for each time you chose to not be mad online and when you get to twenty you buy yourself a nice candy bar.
train yourself out of the ragebait social media cycle that funds the advertising industry. use that time you would spend being mad to make a meal with food not bombs, or to go get narcan to keep in your purse, or do literally anything that isn't doomscrolling.
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