#you'll quickly see
instarsandcrimeah · 1 month
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I love Sif's design-
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Ooooo thank you for explaining the cult 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Would you be able to go in depth about how and why warlocks are hated or the general history or state of your world?
Hope you're having a good time zone 😊
not really because i haven't really thought about it! and this isn't really my own worldbuilding, this is the general consensus from high fantasy media in general:
Warlocks in general have a reputation for being evil, practicing dark magic, and making pacts with "bad" forces - like demons! they're thought to be servants of evil & are not to be trusted. their magic is usually chaotic and wild, unlike wizardry and witchcraft with are more careful and controlled - and their magic is learned, whereas warlocks get their magic from a powerful entity via some form of payment (ex: their soul)
really, warlocks can be good or bad or somewhere in between like any magic user. but due to the nature/source of their powers, they're seen as evil. the rarity of them only adds to this, since many do indeed get corrupted by their patron - or they sought out their pact for less than savory reasons
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defiledtomb · 1 year
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( ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛)
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damazcuz · 3 months
I've only had this account for about 5 years now. But I've been on tumblr for 13 years, since I was 16 and just starting to learn who I was, what transgender meant, what the world looked like at the time for a group I was swiftly realizing included me.
And for 13 years I have consistently used this site and stayed on, occasionally blog hopping when things felt stale or if things got bad. And things got bad sometimes. You'd get people calling you nasty things in your ask or replies or reblogs or tagging your username to sic their followers on you. And tumblr has always treated targeted harassment as a "Sorry you feel that way. That's not against tos though! Was this answer helpful?" issue whenever it's reported. They've never cared against abuse on their website, IN THE EXCEPTION of cases in which radfems and nazis have maliciously mass reported users for MAYBE hitting their breaking points and MAYBE snapping and saying something stupid that could be used as an excuse. Could be something today or four years ago in your archive but at some point, you had a bad day and posted something that could make tumblr say finally, we can get rid of a pest! or you were just transgender and said as much. A little too loudly in front of the wrong mod.
And this sounds so silly to say. But when you live in a website for 13 years and it's where you have your primary interactions with so many people and where you've met so many of your friends! It starts to feel like your community. Like an apartment building we all live in and visit each other's apartments and talk and decorate and laugh and play. And it's a bit of a dump and we all laugh about the crumbling peeling wallpaper and the slumlord that runs the place. We know the landlord isn't our friend, they just want us to pay rent until we're no good for it anymore. Produce the posts that make this site anything more than a hate forum, make the memes and the art and the posts that end up everywhere from your little sister's pinterest to your mom's Facebook to your uncle's meme subreddit. Keep up the garden and don't pile trash on the curb or you're out. This is "the queerest place on the net" only because queer people live here and hung on with our fingernails to stay here because if you have to leave, what's your fallback? You like your neighbors. They can't all come with you. They won't. Even the kind of crumbly parts feel like home after a while.
Like I want to clarify that Tumblr's reputation as a funny place to chill and scroll and meet people and see new things is not from the transphobes working on staff. Their job is to turn a profit or at least keep it LOOKING profitable, so the site can sell to the next moron to buy it out. The fun and joy of Tumblr is us. WE made this place. When you tear down our decorations and rip out our furnishings and toss us out on the street and look at what's left to show the next prospective tenant, it's a fucking dump. There is nothing left but the shittiest people in our neighborhood who are allowed to stay and make hate posts about us. There's the framework for "someone could make pretty posts here! It's a fixer upper!" But it's shit. It sucks.
I've been spiraling since yesterday over a couple of things I'm not taking well. One is work. "They can't fire us all!" I always joke. And people laugh. Last night my boss and I spent an hour and a half in this miserable fucking meeting, talking about the pressure pushing down on our load bearing team. We fantasized over all 8 of us being able to say "that's enough. I'm better than this. We are all walking out today and we will not come back. Don't text." And we can't. None of us can lose the stability of a full time job that pays kind of okay even though it's killing you. None of us can face that uncerainty. I left with chest pain. It was my first day back after major surgery. I went home and sat in one spot for over six hours almost unmoving, crying and just in disbelief of how unfair it is. We can't leave. But something has to give before my team dissolves and one of us puts a gun in their mouth. And then we all still have to make our shift. Who else will do all that? Who's going to cover, huh? Clock in.
And I spent the rest of my day, which ran to 4 am before I was able to sleep, wishing I could quit and hating what's happening on tumblr just as much. On a fucking blogging platform. Because this has been my fun sandbox for over a decade and it's always kind of sucked, it's full of cat shit and people throw sand at you and you're getting sunburned but it's fun here. You find your people to play with. And then it's like you remember oh yeah, other people here want me dead. The owner of this place wants me to die. He wants everyone that makes this place cool and fun to die. And he'll turn around and say "yeeeah well you shouldn't have joked about being mean to me." And it's like why am I here! Why am I making posts for YOU?
I can't leave employment. I'm only a couple of weeks, maybe a couple months away from homelessness at any given time, with how tight finances are. "Shoestring budget" would be generous. We're making it through sheer force of will. But I can't quit my job, and neither can anyone else.
But I can leave this place that I've hated and loved for so, so long. The other massive drain on my life that wants to see me shrivel and die. I can get up and go. We could all just go. Mass exodus. And I know it won't happen. Give it a week, ten days. People move along. Yeah, that sucked. Well, here we all still are. Still posting. Still tumbling. Still complaining about the landlord. But most people won't leave. How can you walk on your friends and community, knowing they won't all follow? But how do you continue to stay here watching this happen? I'm already listening to people tell me "so? that doesn't affect me. it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. and of course this happened, duhhhh." It's like, feel stupid for getting comfortable here. You should feel stupid for settling in and making it a home and thinking it would be fun here. If you are transgender you are not safe and you are not wanted. Not in the queerest place on the web, either.
It's not about the funny hammer car explosion """threat.""" It was never about the hammer car explosion. That was a dogwhistle through a megaphone to transphobes. Tumblr's darlings. Don't worry. I'll take care of this one that thinks she can speak up against me. And against you. And now there's a defined "REASON" for the ban. Why, Matt hardly knew he was banning a trans woman. All he knew was fear! He had no choice! And you can ignore the ACLU and the claims of systemic transphobia, that's something else. We fixed that!
I want this place to die because it is already rotting. We are scraping at the bones at this point. Walls are crumbling and there's a hole in the floor to the room below and the windows have long been knocked out and the boiler hasn't worked in years. They aren't going to fix it. It has never been the intention to fix it. They want you to leave or die. Whichever. Don't matter. Just get lost. I will find another tenant. I will find another person who will give me more ad revenue. You are replaceable in that sense. Someone else will join tumblr tomorrow. And tumblr will make a buck off them instead.
But they cannot replace the ways in which you and I have made this site livable and bearable and fun. And I want us to leave so that the husk of this place can collapse and blow away in the wind. I want tumblr to take a major hit and I want the loss of ad revenue to HURT THEM. I want a mad scramble to figure out how to fix it all. They can't. They won't. The fix has always been there and it's always been refused. Terfs will never be turned away from tumblr. Neither will nazis. "Sorry you feel that way, but that's not against our tos. Was this answer helpful?"
You know how they say, "it there are ten people at a table and one is a nazi and no one stands up, you have ten nazis"? This feels like that to me. If 20,000 of us wait a week, shrug, and resume joking and playing and say, well, yeah, it's sad that another dozen trans fems were banned last night. But I like it here...
It feels like that. Why are my trans sisters' archives of 5, 10+ years of life and joy being wiped clean? I can't even tell you how many posts I've seen from an op whose url I recognize from last week, but whose username is grey and icon default, because she posted something less than a day ago to say "yo this sucks. Fuck this place and fuck this guy." They've never ever found the terfs and nazis to ban them because they DON'T CARE. Those are the ones they prefer. That they cater to. Post about the ceo being a dumbfuck and in 12 hours, risk losing your community and the ability to look back at your life online. Clean slate. As if you never lived there. Oh, but tumblr isn't a transphobic place. We fired the one and only naughty transphobe on staff who was taking bribes to send out bans. Pay to win moderation. That person's gone. So it's okay and you don't need to worry. It's okay, I promise. It's the queerest place on the web. Get comfortable.
I love my job and I love this place. One of them is going to push me to the edge. But I can choose to leave one. You can choose to leave with me. They can't fire us all.
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ask-the-shichibukai · 6 months
How the Shichibukai Meeting went to Hell
(Ao3 Link)
Admiral Sengoku was a man of few words. That’s why there was only one thing he cared to say before bringing himself to open the door of the meeting room. These words are: «I deserve a raise for this shit».
Sengoku the Buddha, indeed.
Overseeing the Warlords' meetings everytime the Navy HQ had the brilliant idea of summoning them should be considered a strenuous job and as such deserving of the aforementioned raise.
It could only be compared to babysitting a bunch of overpowered hellspawn brats and being kicked in the balls at the same time. And that's only after lowering one's dignity to the point of considering the attendance of two mercenaries out of seven a success.
Sengoku took a long calming breath, staring at the door like it personally offended him: he could already hear screams and clear signs of property damage from the other side of it.
That wasn't the future he had envisioned when he was a cadet dreaming of becoming an Admiral.
Not at all.
Trying not to lose his proverbial composure, he entered the meeting room. Tsuru's understanding gaze gave him courage and hope. He valued her trustworthiness and strategic mindset, but the real reason behind his newfound hope was that she was the only one in the present company who could and would tame a hellion like Doflamingo if the need arose (and it often did). Scratch that, she and Hawkeyes, but the day he'll bother to show up at one of these MANDATORY meetings will be the day Sengoku's finally going to retire for good.
Unfortunately, today won't be that day because there were only three Warlords in the room: Sir Crocodile, the pirate empress Boa Hancock and that demon Doflamingo (damn him, why couldn't some celestial goat ever fall on his head from the clouds before one of these stupid meetings?).
They seemed to be this close to turn from screaming to devil-fruit-beating each other, unaware (or just uncaring) of the pletora of terrified and/or amused gazes on them. Tsuru's mischievous look belonging to the latter.
She even betted on the winner of that childish squabble. That traitor.
Sengoku sighed for the umpteenth time and cursed the day he let himself be persuaded to allow Doflamingo to sit next to Crocodile. It was a terrible idea and it needed an immediate rectification even if the thought made him feel like he had suddenly become a school teacher in the need of separating two misbehaving students.
The difference, he was reminded by a very high-pitched string of curses, was that these imbeciles were Warlords. Shame of society and overpowered brats, yes, but unfortunately still the best pirate assets the Marines have.
How the Mighty have fallen.
Today's topic of disagreement between the three was, apparently, a variation of the classic "who's really in charge of the Shichibukai between us" argument.
«I'm in charge here, of course! Number one - Crocodile actually lifted a finger to demonstrate his point - I'm the oldest and number two, I'm a Sir while you two are just overconfident brats» Crocodile levelled both of them with a judgemental stare, taking another exhale from his cigar. There was only one member of this group of nutjobs he was surrounded by that he respected. And that man wasn’t here and probably never would be if he had his way.
«Sir? -Boa snorted - I'm the Pirate Empress! And I'm undoubtedly the most beautiful one!»
«Fufufu! Your petty titles are so lame! It's adorable how proud both of you seem to be of them!» their claims were ridiculous. He was a Celestial Dragon for fuck's sake! Practically a God, with blue blood and all, compared to them.
The oversized flamingo stared at Boa behind his sunglasses and grinned.
 «Besides, for all your hatred for men in general, I think it irks you a little that your precious power doesn't work on us»
 «Bold claim for a stupid bird» Crocodile tried to hide his smirk feigning a cough, but it was’t very convincing.
«What the fuck are you talking about?!» Boa was fuming - literally fuming from sheer indignation- and reached over the table to take the pink-feathered man by the collar of his Hawaiian shirt and remind him of his place in the food chain. Unfortunately for her blood pressure, his grin didn't change.
«Try to say that again when you'll be a stupid block of feathered rock, you bastard!»
To the Marines' great horror, Boa actually summoned her love bow and shooted its arrows aiming straight at the smug face of Doflamingo. She really wanted to wipe that obnoxious grin from his face: he couldn't get on her nerves if he turned to stone, or at least she hoped so.
When the cloud of dust dissipated, everyone could see that half of the marines had been turned to stone, but that infuriating (now very smug) smirk was still there. To add unnecessary salt to the injury, Crocodile hadn't turned to stone, either. Just like the flamboyant cretin had predicted.
Sengoku took a look at the state of the room and his subordinates and, not for the first time that afternoon, thought:
 «I hate my life»
«I hate your life too, if it makes you feel better»
Apparently he had said that thought out loud because Crocodile had answered without even looking up from the terminal he was using to remind his subordinate to feed his dog. Never let it be said that Sir Crocodile isn't a multitasking man. The Baroque Works won't administer itself, after all.
«How- ho-how in Davy Jones's stinking locker did you do it?!»
Boa.exe stopped working from sheer indignation. She had never met men who were immune to her technique beside blind men and her beloved Luffy (she blushed at the memory and Crocodile scoffed). So how had the damn idiot and that reptile managed not to be turned to stone?!
«Oh, don't give yourself an aneurysm trying to work out why and why not. It's quite simple. You cannot be the most beautiful person in the room if I am right here! Fufufu, so it can't work on me» Doflamingo almost fell from his perch on that toy chair the Marines gave him at the look on the empress's face and then added just to rile both his colleagues up: «And Croco-boy here knows I'm right, that's why it didn't work on him either» his grin had gotten huge at this point. «Or he isn’t as straight as he wants us to believe»
Crocodile didn’t even deign that of an answer, just rolling his eyes in annoyance. Undeterred by the knowledge he was being ignored by the elder, Doflamingo spoke again.
«Hey, Crocodile, do you know why Captain Hook died? Because he used the wrong hand in the bidet, fufufufu!»
«Shut up!» Crocodile shouted at the nuisance sat next to him «Or, if you are really incapable of such a simple action, at least go find a poisonous snake to bother!»
Doflamingo opened his mouth to answer the insult, but he was interrupted by the meeting room’s door opening.
«Why is it that every time I bother to come all this way from Kuraigana Island for a supposedly important meeting everything I hear is just petty arguments?» the unmistakable eyes of the newcomer conveyed all his judgement at the childish display.
Everyone stilled at that voice so rarely heard in this room, like misbehaving children caught doing something they shouldn’t have done by their stern parent.
Dracule Mihawk had actually come to the meeting for what was maybe the first time in the world's history.
Sengoku felt the sudden urge to cry.
“My resignation letter! At last! East Blue wait for me!!” he thought, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye.
However, Crocodile hadn’t let himself be distracted by the situation and had tipped Doflamingo's chair with a silent snap of his hook under the table to make him lose his balance so he could kick him away in a blatant (at least to normal people) hint for Hawkeyes to sit between him and Doflamingo. There was no way he would keep suffering the pink-clad man’s presence any longer and especially no way he would keep doing it alone. If he had to suffer, then the elusive overpowered bird should too. It was only right in Crocodile's unbiased opinion.
Fortunately, Mihawk caught the not-so-subtle hint and sat between the two madmen who called themselves his friends. Doflamingo took offence at Crocodile for the way he had literally kicked him out of his chair but then he immediately calmed down thinking of all the ways he could pester both of them now.
“Oh, this meeting will be funny” he thought, perching himself on another chair. His grin sent shivers of undiluted terror down the backs of several marines.
Sengoku really regretted not having allowed Akainu to lead this meeting, but then he comforted himself remembering the new record this day represented for his reputation as the Warlords’ minder: Kuma, Jimbe and Moria entered the room at last, so now all the Seven Warlords were here.
But the universe hated him apparently because Boa Hancock was still glaring daggers at Doflamingo’s sunglasses, so his good mood couldn’t last long. In fact, a few moments later …
«Just because both you and the reptilian kingpin seem to be immune to my beauty – her eyebrow nearly twitched at that- it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work on the others!» she screeched, remembering the pink man’s previous claim of the whole group being immune to her love arrows.
“Why did she have to remember that idiot’s words now that things could finally start going according to the plan?” thought Sengoku, meeting Tsuru’s equally exasperated gaze across the table.
«Try again then, now that everyone is here. Let’s see if I’m right or not» was Doflamingo’s smug challenge. Everyone scoffed. Now, her eyebrow definitely twitched.
«Boa Hancock, you are an intellingent woman. Do not squander that by lowering yourself at the level of this imbecile’s words»
Hancock lowered the bow she had summoned at Hawkeyes’s reproachful tone. She was now ashamed to admit she did indeed raise to Doflamingo’s blatant bait, ready to show everyone how wrong that peacock was to doubt the power of her beauty.
The aforementioned peacock lost his grin at seeing his fun ruined, but then he turned toward the culprit and boldly put an arm around the swordman’s shoulders.
Men had been gutted for much less by the swordman and Doflamingo knew it.
Indeed, the king of Dressrosa found himself on the receiving end of a terrifying glare for his audacity, but the grip he had on the other's shoulder didn’t lessen.
«What’s the matter, Hawksy? Why did you stop Hancock-chan here?» now the glares digging holes at his head were two «Were you afraid that we would start thinking of you as a man capable of sexual thoughts if you hadn’t? Don’t worry, we all know the only woman in your life is Yor…Ehi!» he barely had time to complete his sentence before he had to save his sorry ass dodging the dagger the swordman had aimed at his head.
Yoru the Black Sword glinted menacingly at him from her place behind Mihawk’s chair.
«I just wanted to prevent her from making a fool of herself for your entertainment. And, if you must know, I don't care nearly enough about humankind for that» Mihawk said, rolling his eyes at the fellow Warlord's antics. «Now, take your arm off my shoulders before I remove it for you»
From the place at the other side of the swordman, Crocodile didn’t exactly burst out laughing at the hurt look on Doflamingo’s face - because he had too much style for that - but it came close. Really close.
Mihawk regretted having forfeited his usual spot at the head of the table (the furthest place from Doflamingo and Crocodile) in order to acquiesce to the latter’s request. He blamed Crocodile for that. And Sengoku, because an Admiral and a bunch of vice-admirals shouldn’t need him to babysit those idiots of his collegues. They should be able to do the job themselves if they wanted to be taken seriously as one of the three reigning powers.
So he turned the full power of his disappointment on Sengoku by fixing his unblinking eyes straight on his face.
«Was there a real reason why you wasted my afternoon with this pointless summon or can I leave?» he said without preamble as usual, voicing the thoughts of almost every person in the room.
When he didn’t hear any answer because the Fleet Admiral was busy saving the life of some nameless marine tangled in the proverbial web of Doflamingo’s strings, Mihawk finally declared the meeting a waste of his time. So, he put his feet on the table (to Crocodile’s horror) and lowered his hat over his face to shield his eyes from the room’s lights.
A nap would surely be a more productive way to spend his afternoon than whatever this circus is going to be. If they actually had someone they needed him to kill they could say that to him later. He didn’t care anyway.
Sengoku had finally managed to save that poor man’s life when he saw that even the swordman had decided to disrespect him by taking his nap there in the meeting room.
At that last slap to his pride, Sengoku the Buddha finally snapped.
«I had summoned you bunch of pirate scum to discuss the details of an hypotetical attack against the emperor Red-haired Shanks, not to sleep or try to kill my men!» he screamed and oh how freeing that feeling was.
A disturbing silence fell in the room, only broken by Doflamingo’s obnoxious laughter and the sound of Mihawk’s hat falling to the ground. Sengoku felt validated by that.
Then, something threatened to shatter his newfound enthusiasm: a surprisingly high-pitched shout from Moria.
«What?! Have you finally gone senile in your old age, Admiral?!»
A deep inhale.
One thing after another.
«Very well, given that nobody has voiced any objection to the idea, the plan is this … »
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vt-scribbles · 5 days
Posting this on my personal instead of on my book account-
There's a canonically transgender character in Find Your Wings, and I just KNOW that no matter how blatant I make it, people will still argue it isn't there lmao
That's okay, though.
In the end, it's not for the transph0bes. It's for the people who want to see the themes I put in.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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I like Tuvok canonically having a crush on Noss that he struggles through because it means that something about this stranded spider hunter appealed greatly to him and I want to know what that is
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lacunafiction · 1 year
i love how playground rivals (at least how i played it) means playful tsundere friendship that is still going strong 😭
Hi Anon,
R's friendship dynamic/tone (?) with the MC will vary based on your choices, but this dynamic sounds like a lot of fun. I know one other reader liked having a chaotic bestie vibe with them, while others try (and most likely fail) to rein R in. XD Exploring that new friendship will be fun; I have already written some of R's close friend scene variations.
I like showcasing that side of them; they could use a true friend. 😌
Thank you for this ask!
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Please remember if you’re enjoying Fernweh, that positive reviews/ratings motivate me and help the series grow! 💚
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tchaikovskaya · 5 months
while my mind is on headlights and my patronizing gripes about them, i'll add this: if it's raining hard in the middle of the day (like *insert the unfortunate idiom of domestic abuse* kind of rain when its still very bright out), and you're driving in somewhat dense/heavy traffic, do not put your fucking high beam lights on. the light bounces off of the rain droplets and makes visibility a billion times worse. for goddamn everyone around you. which makes everyone else put their high beams on bc they cant see SHIT. creating a dangerous and eyeball-searing feedback loop.
when you're driving in rain, esp on a lower-speed road, having your lights on is important secondarily [primarily is your own visibility obvi] for a) letting oncoming traffic see you, and b) letting cars in front of you see you in their rear view mirrors. some people even say that if its bright enough u can/should use fog lights to mitigate the whole light-water reflection effect, but iirc those usually dont light up the car's tail lights, which are important for cars behind you to see you. however i maintain that unless you're driving on a highway/interstate or some other "higher-speed" roadway with few stops/lights/intersections, if the rain/snow/fog is so bad that you can't see a car like 4-5 car lengths in front of you until they hit the brakes and you're Right There and you need to stop or significantly slow down, you're either driving way too fast for the conditions or following way too close. :))))
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singsweetmelodies · 7 months
Well you HAVE to be delusional to be a lestappie, I mean you have to be delusional to even like max lol but yeah, to be a lestappie you have to be delusional bc they literally spend no time together willingly, max is just delusional and Charles is polite
so true anon 🙏
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thedailyvio · 21 hours
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Day 124
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nozomijoestar · 4 months
The entire T8 story is on YT and I hyperventilated so hard you'd think it's not 30 something F right now but 55
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 6 months
my coloc complimented me on my pronunciation today and i'm like :"")
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Yeah I can tell people have lost their grasp on basic ongoing forms of oppression when they say things like "hatred of men and masculinity is one of the reasons trans women, BIPOC and Jewish men are persecuted" like what a non-sequiteur. Imagine being so ignorant of power structures in your attempt to """progressively""" defend men that you become transphobic
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immunetoneurotoxin · 2 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
Question. Did you actually read the books? Or is most of your idea of Rhaena (she's fantastic), Aemond and Daeron who are more like that father of hers you hate than you seem to want to admit, based on fanon?
I never speak about Daemon outside of the occasional Nettles post or how he’s a bad father I’m assuming your talking about the latter. I don’t hate any characters but not gonna pretend Daemon is a good dad. Half the people following me are Daemon stans. They either agree or don’t care what I say about him bc he’s not a real person 😂I’m not on any team so I’m not going to hate or support a character based on which side they are.
Daemon is not Mufasa in the books either he was never winning fatherhood awards. Even Otto Hightower kissed his daughter on the head. But I don’t jump in and out of the book when it comes to Daemon. My opinion on him is strictly HOTD which is why I only tag post with him HOTD. Daemon is not Ned Stark in book or show. It’s his fans only making “the father that stepped up” memes. There’s no casual viewer that would ever call him an amazing father because he’s not. What do you lose by admitting Daemon is not a good dad to his daughters? You can’t claim to love Rhaena and Baela and say it’s ok for them to be treated like trash and neglected. You love extensions of Daemon (not even Laena) to conjure up a family image but you don’t like them. They don’t exist to make him look like a good person they are young girls not PR agents. But you don’t have to pretend to like them just stop telling me he’s a good dad. If Otto or Viserys treated Alicent or Rhaenyra like this we would never hear the end of it. You could at least chalk it up to bad writing but saying he's a good dad is just a lie. You’ve never seen me defend anything Aemond and Daeron ever did so...I’m assuming your talking about my fanfics? I never speak about Daeron’s book actions and I don’t talk about Aemond outside of his parallels to Rhaena or the occasional silly shipping post. I’m just writing random stuff + delving into Rhaena’s feelings about how she’s treated. I actually wouldn’t be writing any of it if the show did that so don’t be annoyed with me be annoyed with Ryan. Mr. Condal who also claims Daemon’s family is his “brother and niece.” The guy who wrote him not even considering his kids as his family so how do you get perfect dad from that. What I post about or write for Rhaena (besides obvious AUs where she’s out of character) comes from what I’ve seen in the show mixed in a little with her book personality. 100% show Rhaena includes Daemon ignoring her so if my writing her response to being ignored confuses or bothers you, it’s probably because you pretend he’s not ignoring her. It’s actually impossible to speak about Rhaena without talking about Daemon’s neglect because she’s lived with him her entire life. She’s always next to him. I’m not making anything up I’m just going based from the show. Like I said I’m not on either team so I have no partisan views on anyone. I don’t have underlying reasons to saying Daemon is not a good father it’s just the truth lol I’m not a Daemon hater. Aemond is also a piece of shit if you go through my post I have more content critiquing him than Daemon if anything. Maybe you assumed I’m an Aemond simp extremist bc I ship Rhaemond but I’m not I just like that they have a lot in common and I think their personalities are interesting together😂 If Daemon smacked the shit out of Aemond for what he did to Rhaena and Baela I would have been perfectly happy. I don’t care if Daeron and Aemond behaved just like Daemon they aren’t her dad so *shrug* Again I wouldn’t even have this blog or be talking about this if people weren’t lying and trying to portray her as satisfied to be treated like shit. Anyways to answer your question my idea of Rhaena is realistic Rhaena. Not lost on me that people love the idea of ‘sit down, shut up, pour wine, support us, smile and nod at these people’ Rhaena......you don’t really like Rhaena. If my dream Rhaena comes to fruition in season 2 you will hate her and will be posting rants about her. I’ve already seen some Daemon fans insulting her for the Hightower husband and “making him look like a bad person”
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