#zaina wayne-kent
queerbutstillhere · 4 years
Hi, honey!! I'm back on Tumblr hohoiii 😆 If you still accept prompts can I ask you for: Damian and Jonno's children (a boy and a girl, God knows why😶) are sent to the past and met their daddys who are recently dating. ((Please, make it extremely awkward, some Batfam too)) tysm😙
(Once again, thank ya for giving me a chance to work with these kiddos! I hope you like this!!)
The portal dumped them out in the middle of the air. Because of course it did.
The two screaming kid vigilantes grabbed at each other as they plumpted through the air. Zaina willed her fluctuating powers to kick in, and sure enough, the adrenaline caused the surge and she snatched her brother out of the air, slowing their fall.
"Oof! You're heavy!" She exclaimed, scowling down at him.
"I am not!" The younger teen, built like a rugby player, said with a scowl.
"Yes you are!"
She looked around, flying to the nearby roof and touching down on it, she "gently" dropped her brother to the graveled roof of the tall building.
"Where are we?" Malik asked, popping up and looking around.
He was already activating his lenses, which were glowing blue now. He looked around, turning a full circle.
"I think we're in Gotham," Zaina asked, walking to the edge and looking down.
"Really? Did he just teleport us away."
"... No, look."
Zaina pointed across the street to billboard on the side of a building, one that had Bruce Wayne, and something about Wayne Industries.
"Oh my God," Malik exclaimed. "Sis. I think we were sent back in time."
Zaina and Malik Wayne-Kent were the children of Damian Wayne and Jon Kent, they had been adopted at 5 and 3, respectively, and had lived with their parents for thirteen years now. Both were born Arabic, but had met Jon during a crisis in their Homeland, their mother having been killed in it, and Jon took very quick steps to make sure the kids were okay, and not long after, he and Damian decided to adopt them.
Zaina was eighteen now, and yet still shorter then her brother. She was only 5'5", and fairly muscular from having done gymnastics almost her whole life. Her black hair was cut short in a shoulder length bob, and she had darker skin like her father. She had, a few months ago, been exposed to platinum kryptonite, and had thus gained the powers of Superman. Only they were still on the fritz. It made her wince to remember the weeks when her hearing was changing, and when her eyes evolved. The good news was she didn't need glasses. Her father had wanted to take them away, but Zaina had begged and begged and made full persuasive essays and finally convinced him to allow her a trial period.
Malik was only sixteen and but he was tall, and broad in the shoulders. He played lacrosse and worked out and ran and all those things, and yes, he was in a rugby league. He was already a hottie at sixteen, and Zaina could not count the amount of girls she had chased away from her brother. His dark hair, more brown then black, was kept short, shaved on the sides and just a little bit of fluff on top. He had no powers, just his wicked sharp intellect and skills with technology.
They had both become teen vigilantes a few years back, having adopted adaptations of some of the previous heroes in their family line. Zaina had become Robin, with a bit of a twist on the uniform, it was more solid black, with splashed of color here and there, her boots, her belt, her cape, her gloves. So on. Soon she probably would switch to a Super title when her powers fully developed. Malik had made his own name, Batboy, until he felt he had earned the Batman title from his father. His costume was a lot like the Black Bat costume, and his cowl didn't completely cover his head, just came up his neck and around his eyes, his hair sticking out the top, and the classic bat ears poking up from the sides.
Their parents had both stepped down from their vigilante rolls for the most part while they were raising the kids, but when the siblings had started sneaking out, they decided to pick the rolls back up so they could properly train them, and watch their backs until they were ready to go out. It's doubtful they ever thought this would happen.....
Their game plan was simple. Find Batman or one of their uncles. Explain. Get taken back to the batcave, and then to the Watchtower so Waverider or someone can send them back to their time.
They split up after Malik resynced their comms, going to opposite ends of the town. Zaina was flying, scanning the streets, listening for the sounds of her family. And then, as it tends to do, her powers just gave out. She screamed as she started falling, scrambling for her grapple gun, which Malik wisely made her keep. And then she landed on something with a small thunk.
"Hey there, you better slow down a bit, shouldn't jump without a grapple in hand."
She recognized that voice. It was a bit younger, a bit more innocent and lively, but she recognized it all the same. She twisted in her savior's arms, looking up at Superboy.
"Pops!" She exclaimed joyfully, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
She probably shouldn't have done that.
Jon chuckled nervously, keeping his hold on her.
"I think you have me mistaken for someone else..."
"Oh. . . No. It's a long story, we need to find ba- Robin, or errrrr....." She paused, considering how she should do this. "What year is it?"
"Okay. We need to find Robin."
".... Who are you?"
"I'm also Robin, but from the future."
Malik had similar luck. He had been poking around the narrows, secretly hoping to find Red Hood, when the screaming hit him. His sensors started going crazy seconds before he could hear it, and then he took off, running through the streets and weaving between cars and signs to reach the source.
He burst around the corner and found a full on gang street fight going down, a couple kids stuck in the middle.
"Hey!" He yelled, his voice projected slightly by his tech.
A couple people paused and turned to him. He grabbed his Bo staff, fully expanding it and hitting a button to send electrical currents through it.
"Back away from the kids."
One of them scoffed, stepping forwards.
"It's one of them batkids. Soak 'em, boys."
Malik easily knocked out the first two, flipping off the third to get back out of range of their bats and knuckles.
"Oh ho! He thinks he's hot shit!"
More thugs rushed at him, but Malik was used to this, he easily beat them all down. Until one got behind him, arms wrapping around his upper arms and squeezing. Another grabbed his Bo at the insulated section, preventing him from hitting anyone.
Then there was a thump and the person behind him let go. Malik reared forwards, headbutting the person in front of him. He judo flipped them quickly before turning back to find the kids. They were huddled against the wall. He took a running start and flipped over some thugs, ducking past others until he was at the kids. There were three total, two younger ones, and a teen, not much younger then him.
"Hi," he said with a smile, smacking another thug with his bo. "I'm going to get you children out of here okay?"
They nodded rapidly. Malik considered his options and then looked at the oldest.
"I need you to carry the smaller one."
She nodded, quickly getting him on her back piggyback style. Malik picked up the other kid the same way. Then he produced his grapple and aimed for the roof. Once it was hooked, he put away his baton, and grabbed the girl with his free arm. They quickly were yanked up and swung over the crowd of gang members to the end of the Street, where it was clear and safe. His shoulder complained greatly, but it was fine.
When he landed, set down the kids and turned around, everyone was gone. Except a vigilante. Robin. His baba.
He recognized his father instantly, having seen enough pictures to know, even with the significant difference.
"Oh thank God."
Robin eyed him warily.
"Who are you."
"I think we best wait for-"
His sensors beeped in annoyance at the detection of two Kryptonian's. He turned and found his sister and a much younger version of his pops landing, Zaina on Jon's back.
"Sis! Are you okay?!" He exclaimed, ditching Damian to run to her. She jumped off and ran over, meeting him and grabbing his face, scanning him over.
"I'm fine! I heard all the fighting!"
"I'm okay, did your powers give out again?"
"Yes! I was up four stories and they dropped and-"
"I told you not to get that high!" Malik protested.
"Hey! Don't lecture me!" Zaina glanced to the side and froze. "You found Baba?"
"Are we going to tell them?"
"What else do you have in mind?"
"Doesn't that break time travel rules?"
Malik gave his sister an annoyed face.
"No- God, that's not- no, Z, no."
"Excuse me. We have questions," Jon said, stepping up.
"Police are almost here," Malik shot back, the lenses of his mask slightly blue. "We'll talk after."
After they cleared things up with the police, they headed to the batcave, and Malik immediately felt more relaxed in the familiar, yet older interior. He didn't hesitate to pull his mask off, looking around, noting the differences.
"Robin what is this?"
He glanced over to see Batman and immediately went still.
Bruce had died with they were young, they had barely gotten to know him, and Malik especially had very few memories of him... Zaina, on the other hand, gave a sob like noise and smacked her hand over her mouth. Everyone looked at her, confused.
"I'm sorry," she said softly, composing herself. She too reached up and took her mask off.
"You would like an explanation?" Malik questioned, even as he tapped at the screen attached into his glove.
"We would," Damian responded, eyeing him warily.
"I'm Malik Wayne-Kent, this is my sister, Zaina Wayne-Kent, and we're from the future."
Silence hung over the cave after his words and Damian looked thoroughly shocked.
"I'm sorry," Jon said, speaking up. "Did you say, Wayne-Kent?"
Damian opened his mouth, shut it once, and then spoke. "Please tell me you are Drake's children?"
"Afraid not," Zaina said with a head shake. "You're our baba."
There was another several beats of silence, and then Bruce seemed to put two and two together.
"And your other parent is..... Jon?"
Malik nodded. "Pops."
"Which makes me your grandfather."
Another nod from Zaina.
"You're kidding me. If you're joking right now I'll-" Damian clenched his jaw and looked up at Jon.
"Wait, are you two.... What half of 2019 is this?" Malik asked. "Have you not started dating yet?"
Bruce opened his mouth, looking at his son, and then back at his future grandchildren.
"Oh, dear," Zaina said softly, leaning into her brother. "I don't think they have."
"Wait so you're telling me we get married?!" Jon exclaimed, shocked.
"Uh, well in our timeline you do. When we got spit out here, we created a separate time line from ours."
"And. She . . . She has powers," Jon said, pointing at Zaina.
"I was given them by Platinum kryptonite," Zaina explained. "You wanted to take them away, baba, but I managed to convince you otherwise."
"Sounds like something you'd do," Jon said, nudging Damian.
"Shush, Jon, this is important. We have to get them back to their timeline before we change anything else accidentally."
Bruce was sitting there in silence and then he looked to his son.
"Damian. Are you two dating?"
Damian winced slightly. "Just a few weeks ago...."
"... Okay. I'm going to go prep the jet. We'll head to the watchtower."
The four watched him walk away. Then Zaina looked at Damian.
"It's really odd seeing you guys do young," she said, smiling lightly.
"I imagine so... We really let you two be vigilantes?"
"You didn't really have a choice. I hacked into the cave and then we snuck out every night until you decided to just train us."
Damian and Jon didn't quite know what to do with their children, just kinda awkwardly looked at them.
Malik finally turned and walked away, over to the dino. "Man, this thing is so old."
"Okay, you young pup," Zaina said with a laugh, following after.
"So whose all what in this time line?" Zaina asked, looking over to Damian and Jon, who were whispering softly.
"Pardon?" Damian asked in a cold tone she wasn't used too.
"Uncle Dickie, he's.... Nightwing?"
Jon nodded, his arm was around Damian now.
"Dick's Nightwing, Jason is Red Hood. Cass is Black Bat, Barbara is Batgirl slash Oracle, Steph is Spoiler, and Tim is .... Drake," their pops explained. "Obviously we're Superboy and Robin, and Bruce is Batman."
"Bruce is dead in your timeline isn't he?" Damian asked, walking away from Jon and torwards them.
They exchanged a look, and then Malik nodded.
"There was an accident.... No one could stop it. I'm sorry," he said softly.
Damian shook his head, gently hugging Malik.
"No. I'm sorry. How old were you?"
"I was only five, Zaina was eight."
"I remember him more then Malik," Zaina offered, looking sad now.
Malik, hugging his baba back, looked up to Jon, who looked contemplative.
"But, again, we accidentally changed your time line, so that may not happen. Just like you two may not get married, and you may not adopt us."
"... As far as I'm concerned those seem like fixed points in time," Jon said.
Damian sighed and pulled back, giving Jon a look, and then he hugged Zaina.
"Who am I? In your time?"
"First and foremost your our dad," she answered. "But you're also a businessman and Batman. Once Malik is old enough, you're going to give him Batman."
Damian nodded as he considered this, but went silent, stepping back to stand next to Jon.
They had a very awkward flight to the Watchtower, Zaina and Jon quietly chatting about their powers, and what Zaina had developed so far. Malik sat next to Damian, silently working on his tech, as always. He was obsessive about keeping it updated, always changing the programing. Some of his features didn't work due to the lack of connection to the Wayne Satellites of the future, but enough of them did that he could still preform scans, bouncing off nearby cell phone towers.
"What's that?" Damian asked, watching him tap at the screen on his forearm.
"It's my control panel."
"For what?"
"My OTL."
"It's. . . Optical lenses in my mask, look."
Malik held it up, flicked on the blue lenses and then turned, looking at Zaina. On his screen, a digital display of a file popped up.
"I can also do this."
He triple tapped it and it was projected up into a hologram.
Zaina leaned forwards, arms on her brothers shoulders. "Malik's a genius. He programs all his tech himself. Even uncle Tim and Aunt Babs can't keep up with him."
Malik flushed, looking down. "I just like programming."
"You'd never guess it, from his public appearance, but he'd a major nerd. Jock Nerd type."
"Okay Prep Jock, shut your mouth."
Zaina giggled.
"So, what are you two's vigilante names?" Bruce asked from the cockpit.
"I'm Robin," Zaina answered, looking up to her grandfather. "But pops and I have agreed once my powers and are more consistent, I'm going to take up another name, Supergirl or something."
"And I'm Batboy, for now."
Bruce nodded slightly.
"I know you guys have a lot of questions, but I am afraid we won't be able to answer some of them," Malik said. "There's somethings I don't dare mess with, timeline wise."
"We understand," Bruce answered. "this isn't our first time messing with time travel."
The rest of the flight was awkward silence. They got to the watchtower and confused everyone they talked to.
"Where's Waverider?" Bruce asked J'onn, who was on duty at that moment.
"He has not been around for several-"
There was a burst of sparks and then suddenly Waverider appeared in front of them. He gave Malik and Zaina a startled look. They waved.
"You two are much bigger," he remarked.
"Well, that's what happens when you aren't hoping around the time stream," Zaina said with a grin.
"Your father's are probably waiting for you," he said, walking over to them. "Let's go."
"Wait!" Zaina backed away, and then spun to Bruce. "I know you don't know me. But... Can I just give you a hug?"
Bruce chuckled and nodded, opening his arms. "Come here."
She ran over, crashing into his body, hugging him tightly. Bruce gently hugged her, rubbing her back.
"It's okay, I don't know what happens, but I understand," Bruce said softly, kissing her head.
"I love you, grandpa," she murmured softly.
"And I can not wait to meet you again, little one."
Zaina pulled away, reaching up and adjusting her mask. Bruce looked to Malik and held open his arms. Malik immediately gave in and ran over, hugging him. They exchanged no words, just hugged. And then Malik stepped back, and Waverider grabbed onto both of them.
"Goodbye, and thank you," Zaina said to the younger versions of their fathers.
"Bye! Be safe!" Jon said with a grin.
And then they were gone.
They appeared back in their time, right in front of their fathers at the batcave. Damian jolted slightly, and then raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, Damian. Jon."
"What's up?" Jon asked, setting down his cup of tea.
"Oh, not much, found your kids in 2019. Figured you might like them back."
"Indeed we would."
"Well, see you around."
Waverider disappeared again. Malik sighed and pulled off his mask, walking forwards and hugging his baba.
"It's been a weird day, and I'm ready for bed. Good night baba, good night pops. I love you," Malik said, heading towards the locker room.
"Love you too, kiddo," Jon called after him.
They looked at Zaina. "So what happened?"
"I'll explain over some hot cocoa and smores."
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triscribe · 5 years
(Follows the current Batman and new family members in order of appearance, their alter egos, their years of operation and ages. The Ultra Bomb Disaster of 2050 killed off a lot of superheroes, including twenty six of the active Gotham crimefighters, and also meant the remaining Bats took in a lot of orphaned meta kids who bolstered their ranks further with the next generation. Asterix symbol refers to someone returning to a uniform they wore previously):
Bruce Wayne (1997-2012) (22-37 years old):
Selina Kyle, Catwoman (1998-2023), Madam Cat (2023-2056) (22-47-80)
Dick Grayson, Robin (2000-2007), Nightwing (2007-2012) (10-17-22)
Barbara Gordon, Batgirl (2002-2008), Oracle (2008-2067) (15-21-80)
Jason Todd, Robin (2007-2009), Red Hood (2011-2039) (13-15, 17-45)
Tim Drake, Robin (2010-2012), Redbird (2012-2027), Bird’s Eye (2027-2048) (13-15-30-51)
Stephanie Brown, Spoiler (2010-2012), Batgirl (2012-18), Blonde Bat (2018-46) (14-16-22-50)
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl (2010-2012), Black Bat (2012-2050) (12-14-52)
Dick Grayson (2012-2014) (22-24):
Damian Wayne, Robin (2012-2020), Renegade (2020-2024) (8-16-20)
Colin Wilkes, Abuse (2012-2022) (9-19)
Kate Kane, Batwoman (2013-2025) (22-40)
Renee Montoya, Question (2013-2016) (23-26)
*Bruce Wayne (2014-2024) (39-49):
*Dick Grayson, Nightwing (2014-2026), Old Wing (2050) (24-36, 60)
Luke Fox, Batwing (2014-2048) (25-59)
Harper Row, Bluebird (2014-2015, 2020-2050) (14-15, 20-50)
Duke Thomas, Signal (2016-2050) (15-49)
Nell Little, Snitch (2017-2019), Spoiler (2019-2026), Snooper (2026-50) (12-14-21-45)
Tiffany Fox, Batgirl (2018-2025), Batwoman (2025-2050) (15-22-47)
Cullen Row, Agent C (2020-2091) (19-90)
Helena Wayne, Robin (2020-24), Batgirl (2024-27), Nightwing (2027-38) (11-15-18-29)
Mar’iand’r Grayson, Nightstar (2023-2050) (9-36)
Damian Wayne (2024-2038) (20-33):
Maya Ducard, Nobody (2013-2033), Shadowbird (2033-2063) (10-30-60)
Jake Grayson, Robin (2024-2030), Nightfire (2030-2050) (8-14-34)
Augusta Young-Gordon, Snitch (2025-2030), Spook (2030-50) (10-15-35)
Marigold Cain/Wayne, Batgirl (2027-2032), Gold Bat (2032-2050) (10-15-33)
Jasmine Todd, Robin (2030-2033), Catgirl (2033-39), Red Hood (2039-50) (12-15-21-32)
Jeremy Todd, Hoodlum (2032-2033), Red Bat (2035-2050) (12-13, 15-30)
Tawny Fox, Batgirl (2032-2037), Foxbat (2037-2048), Batwing (2048-) (13-18-29-)
Jack Drake, Robin (2033-2037), Redbird (2037-2050) (12-16-29)
Anne Drake, Spoiler (2033-2037), Batgirl (2037-42), Bird’s Eye (2048-) (12-16-21, 27-)
Richard Wayne, Impulse (2035-38), Dart (2038-45), Flash (2053-70) (10-13-20, 28-45)
Walter Brown, Spoiler (2037-43), Sparrow (2043-2050) (11-17-24)
Alf Wayne, Robin (2037-2045), Nightwing (2045-2050) (7-15-20)
Miguel Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2037-2050) (13-26)
Helena Wayne (2038-2041) (29-32): (Yes, a girl can be Batman too)
Lyn Row, Harpy (2038-2050) (13-25)
Suze Bennett, Sphinx (2039-2050) (15-26)
Carmelita Little-Reyes, Snitch (2040-2043), Spoiler (2043-50), Snooper (2050-80) (10-13-20-50)
Sarah Wilkes, Ballpark (2040-2050) (16-26)
Louis Gibson, Flare (2040-2050), Signal (2050-70) (15-25-45)
*Damian Wayne (2041-2050) (36-46):
Helena Wayne, Catwoman (2041-2050) (32-41)
Melba Young-Gordon, Batgirl (2042-50), Batwoman (2050-70) (13-21-41)
Danny Wilkes, Cornerback (2043-2049) (15-21)
Tasha Teller Fox, Redwing (2043-2048), Foxbat (2048-2050) (19-24-26)
Luna Wayne, Robin (2045-2050), Batgirl (2050-60), Catwoman (2060-) (10-15-25-)
Alf Wayne (2050-2074) (20-44):
Haley~Harry Kent Grayson, Robin (2050-55), Nightwing (2055-65), Superman (2065-) (10-15-25-)
Corey Grayson, Nightfire (2051-) (10-)
Thyra Gardener, Black Ice (2051-) (13)
David Queen, Gold Bow (2052-2058), Green Arrow (2058-) (15-21-)
Sumi Brown, Spoiler (2052-2060), Batgirl (2060-63), Sparrow (2063-) (10-18-21-)
Cassidy Harper, Hawkgirl (2053-2063), Blackhawk (2063-) (10-20-)
Curt Batson, Superboy (2053-2063), Captain Marvel (2063-) (11-21-)
Sam Smith, Blue Tornado (2054-) (14-)
Mirabelle Hall, Snow Tiger (2054-) (15-)
Kelsey Todd, Robin (2055-2057), Catgirl (2057-2061), Catwoman (2061-) (14-16-20-)
Bethany Drake, Spook One (2055-2063), Redbird (2063-) (11-19-)
Beverly Drake, Spook Two (2055-2063), Batgirl (2063-2070), Batwoman (2070-) (11-19-26-)
Jett Todd, Street Rat (2056-2060), Red Hood (2060-) (13-17-)
Zaina Zatara, Stagehand (2056-2062), Zatara (2062-) (12-18-)
Rosa Reyes, Blue Beetle (2056-) (12-)
Robbie Hawkins, Spark (2057-2064), Static (2064-) (13-20-)
Terry McGinnis, Robin (2057-2061), Red Bat (2061-2074) (12-16-29)
Benjamin Drake, Kid Flash (2057-2070), Flash (2070-) (11-24-)
Joey Todd Allen, Kid Mercury (2058-2070), Mercury (2070-) (10-22-)
Vicky Logan, Menagerie (2059-) (16-)
Archie Bloomberg, Kid Devil (2059-2064), Red Devil (2064-) (13-18-)
Hanna Hawkins Wayne, Impulse (2059-2062), Silver Bat (2062-)(12-15-)
Ricardo Little-Reyes, Kid Lantern (2060-2062), Darklight (2062-) (13-15-)
Lucille Drake, Spoiler (2060-2065), Harpy (2065-) (15-20-)
June West, Spin (2060-) (11-)
Janus West, Twist (2060-) (11-)
Matt McGinnis, Robin (2061-2066), Redwing (2066-78) (12-17-29)
Dale Donovan, Animal Kid (2061-2065), Animal Man (2065-) (16-20-)
Liberty Free, Eve (2062-) (15-)
Angie Row, Sphinx (2062-) (15-)
Samantha Wilkes, Slamdunk (2064-) (15-)
Tom Wayne, Robin (2066-2070), Nightwing (2070-2085) (11-15-30)
Penny Wayne, Pigeon (2066-2070), Robin (2070-74), Greybird (2074-90) (6-10-14-30)
Maxine Gibson, Oracle (2067-) (21-)
Abby Brown, Spoiler (2069-2075), Batgirl (2075-2080), Snooper (2080-) (12-18-23-)
Maia Wayne-Queen, Speedy (2070-2076), Black Canary (2076-) (12-18-)
Terry McGinnis (2074-2078) (29-33):
Helen Kent-Grayson, Supergirl (2075-2085), Superwoman (2085-) (10-20-)
Sidney Hall-Smith, Blizzard (2075-) (14-)
Teddy Drake, Robin (2074-2076), Bluebird (2076-2090) (11-13-27)
Zeke Brown, Spoiler (2076-2085), Spook (2085-) (12-21-)
Iris McGinnis, Robin (2076-2078), Redwing (2078-) (9-11-)
*Alf Wayne (2078-2085) (48-55):
*Terry McGinnis, Red Bat (2078-) (33-)
Mason Todd, Robin (2078-2085), Stray (2085-) (11-18-)
Marisa Kent-Grayson, Nightstar (2078-) (10-)
Cici Batson, Gold Hawk (2079-) (13-)
Carson Batson, Marvel Kid (2079-2086), Olympian (2086-) (11-18-)
Toby Delmont, Roadrunner (2079-) (10-)
Darion Wayne-Queen, Gold Bow (2080-) (12-)
Bruce Kent-Grayson, Nightwing (2080-) (10-)
Riley Grayson, Starfire (2080-) (10-)
Finn Snart, Captain Cold (2080-) (19-)
Cera Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2081-) (13-)
Vic Logan-Todd, Street Rat (2081-2085), Hybrid (2085-) (12-16-)
Scott Free Allen, Kid Mercury (2082-) (10-)
Tammy Row, Gryphon (2083-) (13-)
Remy Logan-Todd, Beast Boy (2084-2090), Beastial (2090-) (12-18-)
Tina Zatara, Conjure (2084-) (13-)
Sharise Hawkins, Spark (2084-) (15-)
Tom Wayne (2085-2090) (30-35):
Devin Wayne, Robin (2085-2090), Bluebird (2090-) (8-13-)
Shawn Wayne-Fox, Stopwatch (2085-) (12-)
Amara Drake, Red Beetle (2086-) (11-)
Kathy Row, Wyvern (2087-) (13-)
Ziva Zatara, Kid Devil (2088-) (12-)
Minnie Free Allen, Impulse (2088-) (10-)
Brian West, Kid Flash (2089-) (10-)
Penny Wayne (2090-) (30-): (Following in her great-aunt Helena’s example)
Martha “March” Snart-Wayne, Robin (2090-) (7-)
Valor McGinnis, Dart (2090-) (10-)
Selina Graysmith, Stormbird (2094-) (7-)
John Kent-Grayson, Superboy (2099-) (8-)
Joanna Todd, Cub (2100-) (10-)
Now, why did I put myself through this madness? Because I needed the full background prepared for my new story, HYPERTIME, starring March Wayne, Robin #26, and her cousin Lina Graysmith, the one and only Stormbird.
The multiverse is not prepared.
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