#zeke tower of fantasy
kakushino · 9 months
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Zeke, baby... All I'm gonna say is-
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nian-7 · 2 years
im begging can u pls do zeke and king with a short s/o 😭
yep, i can! enjoy, anon!
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Zeke, King x gn!reader
them with a short s/o fluff
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-Zeke does seem to be a bit more protective over you. He gets a little protective, possibly because you are much shorter than him and he doesn't want you getting hurt.
-He is quite emotionally driven at times which is why he'd be very persistent on protecting you all the time but, he knows when to back off.
-He doesn't tease you for the height difference at all, he merely just finds you cute and will mention it.
-He ruffles your hair a lot. He does it as a greeting or a goodbye. It's become a habit for him to do it at this point.
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-King seems like the type to pat your head. He doesn't know why he does it but he just tends to pat your head.
-He likes to see you compare his hand size to his. He doesn't know why but he likes to see your small hand on his.
-He picks you up a lot. When you're tired of walking or just if you ask. He gives you piggy back rides or honestly whatever way he you wanted but he will always put your safety first.
-He'll tend to give your hand kisses as well by bending down slightly to kiss the top of your hand or he'll kiss the top of your head as well.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
tags: @enderempresss16
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rohansdisciple · 2 years
me , shirli , zeke , and franz trying to stop the heirs of aida 😍‼✌🏾
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I couldn't even finish the quest because of my suppressor level and my level in general 🥲 . idk how to get the CS up more tho 🚶🏾‍♀️ .
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astranne · 2 years
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zeke x gn!reader
notes // don‘t mind me, i‘m just brainrotting over the story line of tof while not being able to finish the last chapter because my cs is too low. so here i am, with my first tower of fantasy work 😌 why zeke? because i‘m bitter about him and his stupid ass running around and me having to follow him. i have conflicted feelings about him, and conflicted feelings always result in angst xD
warnings // angst, me theorizing about marriage customs on aida but they‘re probably wrong anyways, traveler (mc of canon story line) is female, not edited nor proofread
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Marriage was a… complicated concept on Aida and Hykros. People die, and this often, so why should you tie yourself with another person, with the risk of loosing them too soon, leaving you behind, with nothing but the fact you were married?
Of course there were always people who marry, had children like families of old, but it wasn’t and still is not a common practice. It‘s not practical, there is simply no use for it. So why waste time and resources, when simply living together works just fine?
But you and Zeke… you wanted to marry him, always had and when he asked you, to take his name and be his partner and lover, you said yes. You said yes to him and your shared future, yes to a family, together with him and Shirli.
Yet you wouldn’t have thought he would leave you behind, leave you and the promised future with you two together.
Of course you knew and could understand how he wanted to save his sister, not wanting to believe in her end, not wanting to be the one to pull the trigger.
This is why you love- loved him. He is so fiercely loyal to those he loved, to the people of the shelter, to his sister, to you. Or so you thought.
And so you watched, because you were no fighter, you supported Zeke from the sidelines, how Shirli slowly became worse and worse, time ticking and her horrifying end near. You saw the desperation in Zeke‘s eyes, the trembling hands and his bitten, bloody lips he chew in worry.
You tried to help, anything to help Shirli and Zeke, but you never felt more useless, when Zeke took his sister and went with the Heirs of Aida, leaving you behind, alone. And as if that hasn’t been enough, as if he didn’t hurt you enough, the traveler, who had stranded not too long in your shelter, ran after him, her voice calling for Zeke. He didn’t return to you, instead he left with a woman to safe his sister. As if his promise to marry you never existed.
And now? Now his promise was nothing but words without any meaning, his love nothing but a farce. Your heart, which had loved Zeke for years grew cold, and so did you.
When Zeke finally came back, you weren’t there to greet him.
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ujungyu · 1 year
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flare-queen · 8 months
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Attempt of tower of fantasy
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tof-writings · 1 year
Sorry if it's too much..but Zeke with sfw alphabet?
Zeke SFW Alphabet
An: ZEKE!!! BEST BOY!! I LOVE HIM!! YES!! If you want Zeke from the trailer which we see like a second of him..(it'll be like a reunion and all) re send the ask and I'll do it!!
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A = FFECTION [How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? Do they enjoy PDA?]
Zeke would be a bit affectionate, but in his own way! He'd make sure you're fine after battles and patch you up if you aren't! He's not much on PDA.. probably when you two are alone he'd be more affectionate.
B = EAUTY [What is their favorite part of their partner. Body part, trait, anything?]
His favorite thing of his S/O? Either their eyes, smile, or just their voice. He probably loves to listen to you talk (unless it's not nonsense/hj) and just to look into your eyes..and make a small smile whenever he sees you smile so happily!!
C = OMFORT [How do they comfort their partner? Ex. after a panic attack or bad dream?]
This man would try and comfort you, but knows personal boundaries and won't push them. He is respectful of you!! He would help and be gentle, but he'd also be a bit confused. (Idk..either he doesn't know..or he somehow does from taking care of Shirli?)
D = EVOTED [How devoted are they in a relationship?]
He is pretty devoted. He would be loyal and can be a really in love guy, he just doesn't show it. He is awestruck from you!!
E = NDING [If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?]
Oh nooo..how he would do it? He would probably go somewhere nice, maybe the outskirts of Astra Shelter and have a few nice seconds and minutes together..before absolutely breaking his and your heart. He would be pretty quiet.
"..I'm sorry, Wanderer. I just feel like it's right. This is my goodbye, and my wishes for you to find someone better."
F = UTURE [What is their ideal future with an s/o? Marriage? How would they be domesticly?]
After all this Heirs of Aida and Shirli is saved, he would probably want to have a break, hang out with you.. probably get married with you! He would smile a few times when he does, and behind the scenes, Nemesis is trying to calm down a bawling Zeke.
G = ENTLE [How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?]
Zeke is probably really gentle! He might have some rough edges, but he's fine! If you see is model..he has his abs showing..(omg he's so fine) so he'd probably be a bit strong. mentally? He would be gentle, probably saying stuff more gently to you and feeling he isn't Astra Shelter's leader and he can calm down for a few..
H = UGS [Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?]
His hugs are pretty strong, but is caring! He would hug as goodbye if he has to do something away from you, or he missed you after you went somewhere. He does it in times when you need to separate from each other or when he knows something might happen.
I = NTUNE [How intune are they with their s/o's emotions? Can they read their s/o well?]
He probably could tell your emotions. He notices small details! (Good or bad..) He can tell the small scrunch of your eyebrow, and the twitch of your lip. He is quite all knowing at small details.
J = EALOUSY [How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?]
I feel he won't get too jealous. He would get a bit tense if someone tries to flirt with you. People probably know about your relationship, or not, so they might know to back off because..who wouldn't be intimidated by a towering man with red eyes and muscles??
K = ISSES [Good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?]
This man probably is good at kissing, but most times it's like a quick peck. He loves to kiss you on your lips though. For where he'd like to be kissed? Probably also on the lips, or his cheek. (Extra: if it's like a almost suicide mission, he'd probably get so scared..poor baby,, and would 100% kiss you so deeply that it'll make you loose your breath, he just was so scared!! :( )
L = LOVE LANGUAGE [What is their love language? Gift giving? Quality time?]
Love language of his? Probably quality time! He just likes to be near you, it makes him feel calm knowing you're right there and you aren't gone.
M = MEMORIES [What are their favorite memories with their s/o or family?]
Some favorite memories? If you and Shirli are close, probably watching you and Shirli just have fun together, running around and making boring tasks fun! Another favorite? Probably seeing you were waiting for him, and you fell asleep. You looked so peaceful, and he couldn't help but smile.
N = ICKNAMES [What do they call their partner?]
He wouldn't really use nicknames, mostly your name. Rarely he might use dear, love, or my (name).
O = PEN [When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?]
He slowly reveals it. If you do the main quest, if I remember quickly he tells you pieces of it? (SCREW SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS..I WANNA REMEMBER MY BBG ZEKE)
P = ATIENCE [How easily angered are they?]
He's patient, but also can get angry a bit fast if you say something specific, or too close to home.
Q = UALITY TIME [How would they spend time with a partner? What are dates like?]
He'd love to just be in your presence, even if you two do different things. He would be sweet with dates, bringing you around simple places, walking around Astra, so and so.
He probably would love to do your hair. He seems like the best at doing it. If you do his hair? He might keep it in for a bit, but he might get slightly embarrassed and take it down.
S = ECURITY [How protective are they?]
He's protective, but not in an overbearing way. He will protect you in fights. Do you see those cutscenes where he fights!? Bro is majestic..(except when he was a follower..bbg missed so many times..)
T = TINY ONES [How do they feel about kids? How would they act with kids?]
He probably has a soft side to them, reminding him of Shirli when she was young.
U = UPSET [How do they act after a fight? Would they be the first to apologize?]
He would be a bit tense and would be stiff with his words. He wouldn't really apologize first, mostly going for a walk and clearing his head. After that, he would apologize. He doesn't want to hold grudges with you at all.
V = ALUE [How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?]
This relationship to them is important! But also he wouldn't like it sometimes because the tradition of killing someone close to you if they're becoming an aberrant..he dealt with Shirli becoming Nemesis..he would probably try his damnest to save you too, though. It's pretty strong, he loves you dearly, and you are at a tie with Shirli on how important you are to him. (I really feel like we would be #1 but.. Atlas..)
W = HOLE [Would they feel incomplete without you? What is their worst fear, what causes a hole in their heart?]
He would 100% feel incomplete. He just feels something missing without you, like everything is so bland. His worst fear? Having to kill you if you fall into aberrant hands. He gets so scared, that you shouldn't be surprised if you see him coming over, saying he just wants to see you..you always know he thought of that, and you reassure him. (Man almost died from something every wanderer has dealt with..like wanderer has been through hell and back and he almost DIES from one hit..sorry bbg)
X = XENOS [What is something about them that is strange? Something that most wouldn't like]
He always has a blank face most time. He never really shows much emotion. His voice is nice, but it doesn't show much emotion also. You need to study every detail of him to find stuff about him.
Y = ANK [What do they do that makes their partner mad? That makes one wanna yank they ass?]
In the main quest..(SPOILER) in Warren snowfield..bbg was hurt and you told him to stay, and he still went??! HE DOESN'T LISTEN MUCH IF IT INCLUDES SHIRLI, HE WILL 100% RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE SHIRLI..(AND YOU!!)
Z = ZZZ [What are their sleeping habits? Do they snore? Is the schedule fucked up?]
Sleeping habits..he overworks himself sometimes, but he sleeps at a schedule. he snores sometimes whenever he knows it's safe, showing he is relaxed. He probably sleeps on his back or something.
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kenmaiii · 2 years
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is the bunny boy train over yet bcuz *gestures at Arven*
love a kind well-meaning guy thats a little bit of a show off
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clover5510 · 6 months
thoughts on simulacra stories, change in mc's lore and aesperia's main story skip
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im late on this one probably (and this is more of a ramble) but i created a new acc yesterday and said a lot of wtfs to the changes made in the first part of aesperia's mq (im currently otw to banges).
i mean i did like that shirli accompanied us from the start of waking up till the end of exploring the ruins cuz' 1. more shirli time helps establish a bond between her and mc, 2. zekes initial reaction to shirli disobeying fits in the scene better now
tbh i did miss the part where we fly up the sky and shoot a plane/skyship(?) down during the assault cuz i thought that was cool, and i liked it better when franz didnt straight up say zeke is connected to the heirs and he didnt almost spill what time retracement was all about- LIKE, FRANZ SHOULDVE STAYED AS A DISCRETE/SECRETIVE CHARACTER WHO KNOWS MORE THAN WHAT HE LETS ON
and i think it disrupts mc's lore a bit cuz in the old version we had gone through our first time retracement there in hykros and have realized with the second one in claire's quest that mc is currently the only one in the game who isnt affected by time retracement/remembers the past timelines, (mc's connection to time retracement is important i feel) pointing out the motifs here
i also noticed that they added more emphasis on the mystery of mc's identity with shirli continously questioning it and franz (and elric probably) having his suspicions(?) i like that they changed "mc being part of district 9" to "mc being part of an unknown district but will work with district 9 for now"
defintely making a seperate post to ramble about mc's lore more
i started spewing extra wtfs in the events afterwards, CUZ SERIOUSLY WHAT. it felt like i got hit with a pan after that dialogue with franz about uploading the memories 😭 then all of a sudden im going to vera, LIKE WHAT IN THE AIDA IS GOING ON.
i did realize eventually that the story was skipped for some reason, so i watched a vid the next day to get it cleared up. this change was terrible really 😭 maybe convinient for some older players (who like me, intended to get things done quick upon creating a new acc) but not for newcomers, cuz it ruins the flow of the story and the surprise of entering new places gradually.
its a better experience to slowly connect with characters as the journey progresses instead of suddenly meeting a bunch of em in the middle of the desert like "am i suppose to know who you are already??"
(ALSO THEY REMOVED COBALT B FROM THE START AND FRANZ GAVE US THE VEHICLE INSTEAD NOOO. this contradicts her simulacra side story, as it was emphasized there that they had met before and we meet her again in mirroria)
speaking of which, i feel that the simulacra stories shouldve been integrated into the main story instead of it being on the side for players to come back later (ig i just enjoy lining up the plot in order instead of it being out of sequence)
yes i understand that the mq would take longer if they did that BUT THE FUTURE INTERACTIONS WITH CHARACTERS WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE/FEEL NATURAL
like something twitches in my brain when i think about how much i love the reunion of shirli and zeke but realize its a side story LIKE WHY. THE REASON MC ACCOMPANIED SHIRLI ON THIS TRIP WAS CUZ THEY NEEDED TO FIND THIS MAN AND DRAG HIS ASS BACK TO ASTRA AND YOURE TELLING ME ITS A MF SIDE STORY 😭 I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE POINT OF THE PLOT.
also is it just me or the simulacra stories have better "atmosphere/mood" than the mq? like i love the camera shots and angles during dialouge sequences and cutscenes, and mc seems to have more reactions/personality? i need more of them 😔💚 and i will continue to ramble on a different post.
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enderempresss16 · 2 years
Can yall tag me when someone eventually starts writing "x reader" fics for Tower of Fantasy? I'm starving for content over here- 💀
(Edit: because so many people are finding this now, I just want y’all to know that every time I see a new tof x reader fic on here, I reblog this post & link it, or I reblog it on my dash under the “#tof x reader”, so if you guys are still looking for some fics we managed to get a couple out already. :>)
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 years
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rohansdisciple · 2 years
me and zeke storming the heirs of aida base 😍‼✌🏾
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bonus :
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shirli looks so tired and confused omg 🥲 .
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nasirlye · 2 years
Started playing Tower of Fantasy and I only have three words so far...
Zeke, my beloved
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loveisyura · 2 years
zeke is hot.
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reshramlove1ob · 2 years
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Didn't feel like shading this one, but ye
Zeke and Shirli's relationship is so sweet <3 too bad Zeke would prolly kill even his closest friends to heal Shirli hah-
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tof-writings · 10 months
Yaas someone writing tof content finally! Ur sfw zeke alphabet was so cute! I'd love to just see more fluff with him I'm obsessed. Like how soft he is on the inside for shirli, then we get him to warm up to us and care for us like he does for his lil sis! (HAVE U SEEN HIS LEAKED GAMEPLAY IM DROOLING HE'S EVEN HOTTER NOW AND LOOKS FUN) love ur blog xoxo!
Thank youuu!! I love him so much..he's my favorite!!! I fell for him as soon as I saw him!! The new update is exciting..I can't wait to see him again..
I was really happy to write for him for once..I love him and I need more content of him!! You/Your Character and Shirli are most likely the most important things he has!!! And I needed to get that out! (I WENT FERAL..)
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