#zephyr windroe
Young Windroe bros (including Favio before & after coming out)
Octavian rocked a power metal mane.
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sanriosratz · 2 years
Jack Kingsley (my boy <3)
@eldritch-hall-asylum if you wish to read them, you may. you don't have to if you don't want to ^w^
I've sent this in, but I wanted to expand on it because it's also my headcanon! He has a special interest in linguistics/languages; he's fluent in a few (e.g. Braille (obviously.), German (he's a Windroe), French, Japanese, and Russian). Xe loves appreciating all languages and learning their linguistics of them. (this headcanon goes well with the demonsona headcanon)
With his braille SpIn, he knows a lot about it and can tell you all about how braille books are made (and is very upset and vocal about how damn expensive they are!!!!)
With a deep infatuation for biology; comes an odd skill for drawing gore and anatomy. No kidding. This kid's talent for drawing gore and anatomy is unmatched (possible hyperbole).
Is really, really bendy. Doing poses like this. The boy is flexible. (also, this goes along with the demonsona headcanon!)
^ a Huge FNaF fanatic and loves cosplaying (usually casually but does do full-on cosplays sometimes). Especially loves doing The Mangle because one) he relates to it on a certain level (yk being made then broken apart then made again? Being born, having his eyes amputated, being placed with Zephyr and Jack G, e.t.c. you get?) and two) he can freak people out with his bendiness.
if you wanna add anything, then do, if not then don't worry.
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windroe-pony-au · 2 years
Elspeth, a unicorn. 32
Richard, a unicorn. 32
Zephyr, a unicorn. 14
Octavian, a pegasus. 12
Ciero, a unicorn. 7
Favio, a pony. 5
Current arc: album arc
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What are SlenJack’s kinks? Do they have any kinks in which they don’t/do share?
Under the cut.
They don't really have that many kinks. The most they have is blindfolds and that's about it.
They're happy with being that simple.
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fresh new headcanon right out the oven just for you!
Jack G is autistic (shh let me self project. also Jill is ADHD) his biggest special interest is cooking and everything to do with food! oh and whenever he has meltdowns (which are rare for him, but tend to be quite extreme; he can go catatonic if it goes on too long without being calmed (haha i’m not projecting)) and only his husband or Jill can effectively calm him down from his meltdowns
Ajaidhduejdjs I love this!
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Zephyr: my mom had four kids, and you can tell that she loves us all the same.
Zephyr: but after the first two, she kind of... stopped caring.
Zephyr: she'll always go on; she was blessed with me.
Zephyr: and she was gifted Octavian.
Zephyr: then she had Ciero.
Zephyr: and she'll always remember the day she was diagnosed with the other one (Favio).
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Could you write a chapter, or even just as a drabble here, about Jack the smaller having a seizure? Like the one you wrote for Ben? It’s okay if not, I’m just curious, I also absolutely love your writing!
Wrote something short.
Jack having an absence seizure while out to dinner with his dads.
A family dinner with just the three of them was such a rarity.
Jack pushed around the peas on xer plate, while his father's spoke in hushed tones about whatever came to their minds.
"-and so, I said to Sebastian, "Give me my papers by Monday, or the consequences will be dire"."
"And what did he say, love?"
...which resulted mostly in boring, boring office talk.
Zephyr chuckled.
"Well, he said "Milan only gives us three-"!"
Luckily, for incredibly boring cases like this, Jack could just zone out; he could fully pull himself out of the conversation. It was a bizarre power, but he didn't know -!
Xe felt a hand on xer shoulder.
"Jack, are you okay?" Dad asked, concerned.
Jack hummed.
It was as if the had just came out of a dream.
Yet xe didn't feel tired...
"You were zoned out, we got rather concerned," Papa - big Jack - explained. "Poppet, anything wrong?"
He knew what had happened.
"Oh, no," Jack smiled. "Just another absence."
"Alright," Dad calmly said.
"...if you're sure..." Papa removed his hand from the youth's shoulder.
"I am," Jack nodded.
"Well then," Jack pulled something out. A menu. "What're we having for pudding?"
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Alright! So, a while ago, I had an Idea for the Windroes being involved in a documentary about Linore Windroe.
...this is the result of that idea, wherein they were interviewed about her.
Question 1: How Would You Describe Linore Windroe?
Zephyr: quite sweet, really… she'd let us lie on her bed and sing to us in Greek.
Octavian: Well, she was my grandma. You know, she loved us. She loved us all. She was a very loving person.
Ciero: she gave me the wrappers for some hard candies once. That was confusing.
Favio: I remember one time - she called me her "Elliot"… mom really couldn't handle that.
Elspeth: my mother was… beyond words. She was an actress. She was a model, a pro-immigration and anti-segregation activist, a mother… She was so many things. It's hard to find just one that defines her.
Question Two: Favourite Linore Windroe Film?
Elspeth: Oh, definitely "A Crisp Leaf in Winter". The scene with the train? Gorgeous. She used to sing the songs from it as a lullaby for Mr and my brothers.
Zephyr: I'd have to say… "London's Letter". The moment where her character realises what is in the envelope… Well, it changed me as a child.
Octavian: I didn't really watch any of Grandma's movies… Like, there were some that I saw, but none that… oh, God. I'm gonna sound really cruel, but… there were none that really held a place in my heart.  
Ciero: I remember seeing… She was Ophelia in a production of Hamlet once. It was recorded, and mom showed me it. It really spoke to me.
Favio: Oh, anything grandma was in, she turned to gold. You can't really pick when it comes to her. But, "Seamstress's Delight" was my… revival, I shall say, in my darkest time.
Question Three: Do You Have a Favourite Memory of Linore?
Elspeth: Yes, actually… I was nineteen - Zephyr was only a baby at the time, and I was staying with my mom for some support. I went for a little nap when he was asleep, and when I woke up… right in the corner of my room, my mother was sitting, holding my baby… saying "sweet little Ezzy, my baby boy."
Elspeth: you never think about how much it affected her - my brother's deaths - but it did. To her dying day. 
Zephyr: I had brought my son to see her for the first time - me and my husband had - and we sat him with her. She looked at him for a moment, and then… she sang. For the first time in nearly a decade, she sang.
Octavian: Yeah, my daughter came with me to visit her once, and grandma just began to softly style her hair. Brushing it and combing it, as if it were able to fall out with a single touch. Olly loved showing her her comics, and she recognised Batman right away. 
Ciero: I was about twelve, and we went to see her. I brought my dog with me - a beagle, Marty, my… first best friend - and he lay on her lap the entire time. And in that time, she was the most coherent I ever remember her being. 
Favio: well, I was sixteen - I had been out for about… two years. And Mom took us to visit her. Well, of course, I expected the worst. You know, deadnaming, calling me mom's name, but instead, she just looked at me and asked who the handsome gentleman was. 
Question Four: What Impact Did Her Death Have On You?
Elspeth: I was… lost without her. She was my mom, you know?
Zephyr: it was heartbreaking, truly. 
Octavian: I think I entered my worst depressive episode in years…
Ciero: I… it came at possibly the worst time for me. It just… added a lot of grief onto the pile. And… I broke down. 
Favio: …I miss my grandmother, every single day.
Question Five: Are There Any Last Words You Wish You Could Tell Her?
Zephyr: Thank you, for… everything. 
Octavian: I'm still hanging on, Grandma. For you and for the little girl you met.
Ciero: I am finally alive again. Happy. I'm now myself.
Favio: I made it, Grandma. I'm a designer now.
Elspeth: I forgive you.
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(my birthday is tomorrow :] imma be 17 that’s such a swaggy number)
haha i can imagine Jack K seeing Olly for the first time and being like “ew. why do you look like that?”
‘Eyes Jack’ is something that interests me a lot lolz! anything headcanons you can give me for Eyes Jack (maybe as a littol birthday present? /not forced /hj)
(Happy birthday! Hope someone gives you your birthday jabs!/j)
Sure, I'll give you some EJ hcs.
1) Jack can finally see how hard all of his outfits slay. And that's a win for him.
2) He can finally see all of xer favourite documentaries!
....especially the ones with a young Sir David Attenborough.
3) EJ retires Seed as a seeing eye dog a few months afterwards. She has been relieved of her duty, and she is the best guide dog a kid could have.
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Incorrect quote!
Under the cut for length.
[Jack is showing Bentley some of xer favourite rock and metal songs]
Bentley: hey, Jack?
Jack K: Yeah?
Bentley: how'd... how'd you find this music?
Jack: aw, man. That's easy. It was your dad.
Bentley: ...my dad?
Jack: Yeah, Bent. Your dad. Uncle Ciero.
Bentley: the guy that looks like sunshine embodied?
Jack: if she does.
Bentley: alright, uh... cool.
[15 Minutes later]
Bentley: hey, dad?
Ciero: hm? Yeah, pet?
Bentley: How did YOU of all people get into rock and metal?
Ciero: Oh, well that's quite simple, really. Patrick got me into it.
Bentley how?
Ciero: Well, he had some cd's that he burned, and used to play them for me when he were going to class.
Bentley: Oh. Okay.
Bentley: Hey, Pops?
Patrick: Yeah, Bean?
Bentley: how'd you get into like, rock and metal and stuff like that?
Patrick: picked it up from your uncle Octi. He used to play mix tapes when he drove us to school, and it spiralled from there.
Bentley: alright. Thanks, Pops.
[Much later]
Bentley: Yo, Uncle Octi?
Octavian: Yeah, kid?
Bentley: how'd younget into all this rock and metal music?
Octavian: Well... its actually a funny story.
Bentley: is it?
[Octavian grins and nods]
Octavian: Oh, yeah. See, when we were kids, our old man wasn't the best. And your uncle Zeph used music to deal with it.
Bentley: Uncle Zephyr?
Octavian: Yeah. Man can't show emotion, and listened to some of the hardest shit there is. I don't know, maybe it was the only way he felt comfortable expressing himself.
Bentley: Oh... okay. Thanks.
[Another while later]
Bentley: heyyyy, uncle Zephy!
Zephyr: what is it?
Bentley: I was talking with Uncle Octavian, and he said... you were the one that got him into metal music.
Zephyr: he did... did he?
Bentley: Yeah. And I was just wanting to know... how did you?
Zephyr: hm? How did I? How did I get into it?
[Bentley nods]
Zephyr: it was my grandma. She had a rolling stones vinyl that she lent to me, and I listened to it. Then, as my interest grew, I amassed a larger collection. And before I knew it, I had several vinyls, cassets, and cds at my disposal.
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Zephyr: what, but don't you don't want another child?
Jack G: of course I do. But I don't think little Jack is a fan of the idea... especially since he has your... tendencies.
Zephyr: ...what tendencies?
Four year old EJ, playing with toys: Sorry, Mrs. Silver, but you've bothered me for the last time. I'm probably gonna have to decompose you, or sell you on the black market.
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[Jack hands Zephyr a small shopping bag]
Jack: You can put this back in our room, it’s what I was gonna wear on our honeymoon.
[Zephyr looks in the bag. He snorts and looks up]
Zephyr: There’s nothing in here except for a tube of black lipstick…
[Zephyr realises what Jack meant. He looks at Jack with pleading eyes. Jack smirks]
Jack: Suffer.
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sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted, idk if you wanted asks about them together or separate
did Richard ever get along, or try to bond, with his sons? Was there ever a time when he genuinely cared about their well-being and not just making them into carbon copies of himself?
There were a few times he got on with the kids.
When Zephyr got elected head of his student council, Richard definitely cared for him.
When Octavian was younger, he was really good at American Football, and Richard could bond with him over that.
Uh... Ciero... they'd talk at breakfast?
As for Favio. There was a time when an older boy was giving him (before he came out) a hard time. Harassing him. Following him. Basically, it got to the point of nearly breaking into Eldritch Hall. And Richard definitely wanted to protect his youngest then.
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Young Favio: father said we are not to cry...
Young Zephyr: that is because Father seems incapable of human emotion. You are ten. Cry if you feel like it.
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Aight.So, I was just browsing pinterest - as I am wont to do. When I stumble across this image.
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And while I do not think much of it at first - I soon come to the realisation that this is a perfect face claim for a young Zephyr.
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eldritch-hall-asylum · 11 months
Bruce, to little Jack: I wish you were never born...
Zephyr, when adopting him: Listen very closely to me: you are perfect.
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