treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
Hey would you like to plot with Rin or shirou perhaps ?
Oh shit, yeah! I'm down to plot with whomever- there's obviously Saber Mordred, Rider, or even the AU that I made which is Archer Mordred, or the Avenger version! Lemme know which one strikes your fancy and we can start up some plot talk!
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
The question posed that hangs in the air until an answer is given- everything is going according to plan! They would secure some chocolatey goods, maybe a cheesy dumb movie or two- a dinner under the stars, the whole nine yards, why not? Mordred has nothing better to do today than to pamper Terra, and boy does the alien deserve it all- that and the entire world to be honest. She’s been through so much shit, yet it’s not out of pity or anything for why the Prince does certain things for her- it’s out of actual love that Mordred didn’t even think she could muster up for someone, let alone another warrior. She’s not always the greatest at showing the most wholesome affection- and that’s prompted by the searing kiss that heats up, tongues idly mashing and exploring until they break apart- her girl clearly not noticing exactly what was happening while the kiss ensued. While she recovers, the blonde offers a sly smirk. “It was for preparation. I needed to distract you so I could do this.”
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And with that said, the Knight drops down to one knee, a velvet box placed upon the middle of her palm while she takes a breath. “Terlin Lockharde, I know this is weird from me, and I’m gonna mess this shit up really bad but uh.. You know I really like- I mean I really love you and I’ve never had someone like you in my life, or.. Well whatever you consider this is.. Alive, dead, undead? I dunno. ANYWAY, I think it’s time that.. Well being that our relationship has developed a lot and uh.. I know you feel it too- god I suck at this, huh? You mean the world to me and I don’t ever give genuine compliments lightly, you of all people know that. So uh, fuck.. Uhm.. What I’m trying to as is..”, and she trails off while she opens the box, a glistening ring. 
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“Will you do me the highest honor of marrying me?”
@treacherous-king​ asked: “💕 💍 💋 “You ready to hit the stores once all the leftover candy gets discounted?””
[Valentine’s Prompts]
It’d been a fairly common occurrence at the start: the Saber asking the alien out on a date, albeit with a little more emphasis on being more finely-dressed than usual, to which the archer obliged despite the limitations of her wardrobe. “Candy for two at a discount? Count me in~ As long as we get plenty of the good stuff.” “The good stuff” of course meaning chocolate, a delicacy that almost made her go as head over heels as her lover. It’d come as no surprise, considering she still remembered Mordred’s bellowing laugh at the reaction she’d had to her first bite of chocolate cake a long while back; she felt a bit childish due to her addiction for the sweet, but if anything, it’d only meant she got treated here and there specifically so the prince could see that reaction again, something that made her mind the good-natured teasing even less.
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Terra had been halfway through a joke about the dress she’d worn being surprisingly “battle-capable,” a callback to something she’d told the Servant before that for better or for worse, nearly every decision she made about gear and clothing were related to survival and strategy, when it happens - that being the swordswoman’s lips suddenly and roughly pressed against hers and a hand around her waist holding her close. There’s a barely-audible squeak of shy surprise heralding a poppy blush, but she doesn’t retreat, instead returning the hearty kiss with just as much passion. When they pull apart, she’s faintly breathless, a smile quirking her lips as she cradles her girlfriend’s jaw in one of her hands. “Not that I am complaining one bit, but what was that for~?” Either she’d been distracted enough with their banter and closeness to not pick up on anything that’d tip her off as to what was about to happen, or she was purposefully obtuse so that her knight could have her special moment, but either way, she’d wait patiently, aureate hues trained on viridian ones.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
She was out with the Master, some sort of...  Wyvern problem going on in a nearby town- reluctantly she allowed herself to be pulled from the forest home and pulled from relaxing from her girlfriend. Though she didn’t have to be happy about it! Instead- Mordred was even MORE snarky than usual while fighting off the beasts and backing them into corners, never once firing off her Noble Phantasm. Yet she’d utilize a majority of other skills like mana bursting, some kinetic energy blast, etc. These winged beasties are dropping like flies all around! If only the other two servants- Jeanne (Ruler) and Ishtar (Archer) were being a little TOO annoying at the moment- one being almost as snarky and the other just.. Bubbly and well just annoying. Why on Earth did her Master need these two when Mordred is like an all in one servant! 
After the bloody battle, the Knight returns to Terra’s home within the forest- nature itself greeting the Prince of Camelot as she continues her trek towards home.. Something she never considered that she even had in the first place. A home with someone who loves her- and vice versa for once. Breaching the door, almost breaking it off the hinges, she looks around for Terra who usually is waiting in the living room, yet.. There’s no sign of her. Until there’s some clanking in the kitchen and the smell of food wafting about.
“Yeah it went fine. Though I didn’t wanna be out today- I wanted a fuckin’ lazy day with you or something like that.”, it’s not hard to admit such around Terra- this woman deserves nothing but the truth always. Eyes glancing towards the table that is elaborately setup for the both of them, a cocky smirk appearing while she wanders into the kitchen to approach the Fialin from behind, arms wrapping around her waist tightly, and nose buried against her shoulder. “I.. Uh... Missed you though.”
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The alien had certainly made herself busy today: despite it being a romantic holiday, the Servant had unfortunately been tied up for a few hours with some reconnaissance tasks for her Master, leaving the Fialin to her own devices. While she had briefly stumbled over what to do to show her appreciation - neither of them were really the type for the aggressively frilly, pink, or perfume-scented gifts lining shelves in most of the stores she’d checked, and even beyond that, Terra hadn’t been sure what to get her partner since most things she wanted she was able to (and had) gotten for herself. 
That’s when it had clicked: a happy experience together, and one of their shared loves - that being good food and plenty of it. After some cooking tips from a comrade (she already knew her way around roasts and stew, but an actual chef’s sort of flair could only help!), she’d set to making a couple roasted geese for the pair to tear through, a pot of gravy made with the meat drippings, potatoes and root vegetables roasting in a different pot, a rustic bread, a spread made with butter and herbs, a salad with mostly freshly-grown or foraged ingredients- She’d certainly gone all out, maybe a bit overboard on portions even considering both of their appetites, but if this was how she’d spoil her girlfriend, she wasn’t going to hold back!
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She’s stirring the gravy with an anxious glance at the closed oven doors when she senses Mordred’s arrival on the porch - actually a moment or two before she’s even physically materialized - and smiles when she hears her barge right in, casting a bright smile over her shoulder without ever letting go of the pot she was stirring. “Good afternoon, love~ Did your mission go alright?” No mention of the immense meal in progress and a table obviously set up for two: she’d made her invite to her home intentionally vague for a reason, and hopefully it’d be worth the knight’s surprise!
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
💭 How the world is now vs. how it used to be way back in the day [Definitely not inspired by Terra wondering the same thing-]
“The world is just as shitty as it was back then, only back then there were less rules to follow- well unless you follow a King. Nowadays, you can’t even go into a lake naked to wash yourself but you could back then. I guess you could say back then it was more free than nowadays. But there still were some laws to follow that kept you from being beheaded or hanged. Or shot at by a bunch of arrows. Or started a whole war.. At least the horses are faster here! By horses I mean cars, mostly motorcycles. We didn’t have that shit back in the day- though we had dumbass Merlin.. At least you don’t gotta deal with his stupid ass around here yet.” 
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
I finally understand Troy Bolton. I too sometimes feel the need to let out a loud scream.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
 💭 marriage, family
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Marriage... What could she even say about that exactly? It wasn't unheard of back in the times of Camelot, in fact it was encouraged a lot of the times. Thought a marriage to the Prince? Well.. The Prince who wasn't even recognized as the Prince who turned against Arthur? The one who became a true villain in the wake of her mother's plan to rule Camelot which of course fell through or.. Did it? No one knows exactly. "I'm not against it, but I dunno who in their right mind would wanna marry someone like me.", though there's one person in mind.
However, as close as they are and as romantically involved as they are, it's still a bit too early to even pop that sorta question. "Do people even do questions anymore? It used to be parchment and a forced shit- which is why it was so encouraged to elope. Though, most hated it. Sometimes I would see a girl crying or a man just.. Hating life at that point because they were forced into shit they didn't wanna partake in. I felt for them, but at the same time I guess I didn't care because I had my own shit to handle. I dunno.. I guess times have changed now right? I don't have a fantasy about it, it's not a need but I wouldn't mind getting like.. Married I guess."
Though the next part of the question rams her. Family.... Did they mean family back then or family now? Or starting one? There's so many things to talk about so she'll cover it all. "I hated my family. At least I hate father but I didn't hate mother until recently. Gawain was an idiot, Agravain was always trying too hard- Gaheris should have died fifteen more times. Gareth was too childish. Merlin shoulda died too but guess what? His dumbass was stuck in Avalon. He coulda helped y'know. He saw everything and didn't prevent nothing, fuckin' fool..."
It's safe to say family is a VERY touchy topic for the Knight of Treachery though it's not her fault- that's just the hand she had been dealt. At least none of them are around now right? "But if you're talking about like... Starting a family... Then uh..." Again only one person came to mind.. Though it couldn't be possible with how they both are- one dead/not dead copy of a spirit and an Alien who.. Well she wouldn't get into that part. "If it were possible, I wouldn't mind having one, but I found one with some pals and my girl if that's what you're askin'."
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
It is that bad. There she is, in line getting herself and her girl some food- some sort of.. Fried pastry with a dusting of powdered sugar on top along with some cheesesteaks and Dr Pepper since apparently, they had no beer! Or even whiskey for that matter. There were a bunch of people in front and behind her, and naturally the Knight’s gaze is always drawn to Terra- watching her sit there and grab a falling phone for someone, those quick reflexes did come in handy in the bedroom and other places. 
Though it’s when he lingers.. How he starts staring at her and making excuses to keep standing there. Something burned inside the Prince.. Not anger, not spitefulness.. That envious green monster that dares to surface.. Jealousy. How dare someone gawk at the Fialin and what makes it worse is that Terra doesn’t even notice what he’s doing! He’s taking up her time and attention! Maybe it’s silly, but she quietly makes her way over there, food gathered within her arms while she stands behind the woman, emerald visage burning into the man’s pale blue. 
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A boring color honestly. Mordred could tell he was becoming more and more uncomfortable the longer she stands behind the Fialin, she could see the beads of sweat forming and begin to drip while be begins to back off before rushing back to the table full of his buddies after she smacked him around a few times with whatever she could find- mostly her fists after setting the food upon the table. It didn’t register that it took Terra awhile to sense her there, until she turns around and that’s when she practically jumped with a kiss- a kiss so searing and so demanding, so heated and passionate. Hands had taken hold of the woman’s face.. Fingers tracing the cheekbones while her tongue gently swipes at the warm lips.  This wasn’t only to send a message to the dickhead that finally left the area completely after seeing that display, but to also remind Terra just who she belongs to. Then once they part, though the sound her girlfriend made is hot and did coax some not so wholesome emotions outta her. 
FInally, when they break apart for air, well.. Mostly when Terra breaks away to breathe, Mordred slips into the opposite seat and unwraps the cheesesteak while she grimly listens to her beloved speak. The Knight’s lips form into a pout while brows furrow. “I know, but it doesn’t hurt to stake a claim on what’s mine in public. People need to back the fuck off.”
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@treacherous-king​ asked: “Combo time! [ STAKE ] for one muse to protectively and/or possessively stand behind the other to intimidate a third party. (Mordred behind) [ TENSION ] for one muse to get in a fight on behalf of the other. (Mordred fighting because she’s a shithead) [ CARESS ] for one muse to possessively kiss the other in public. (Mordred to Terra) ❝ i just didn’t like the way they were looking at you. like you weren’t mine. ❞ ”
[Jealous and Territorial Prompts]
It hadn’t seemed so bad at first - the alien was holding down the fort, or rather, keeping their seats saved at a table at this festival while the Servant offered to brave the line to grab them something to eat. Some burly dude strolling by had dropped his phone while trying to carry enough goodies for the friends he came with, and Terra had moved rapidly to snatch it before it could shatter on the gravel, passing it to the now-embarrassed man while he mumbled excuses about being more careful. Really, she’d been politely nodding through idle conversation, hardly paying him much attention since she was focused on making sure their spots and belongings weren’t taken, when she’d noticed him trailing off and looking slightly aside of her with a furrowed brow.
It’s somehow both surprising and unsurprising to see her girlfriend is the source of his unease: her latent power and (more so) her undaunted disposition could easily intimidate someone of any stature if she wasn’t happy, but it was more so peculiar that Terra hadn’t even sensed her approach. Then again, she was used to her proximity; to even the hypervigilant alien’s perception, the prince had unchallenged security clearance. 
The transition from harsh words to harsh blows was so quick she could barely keep up, but by the time she was trying to pull the Servant away, she needn’t have bothered: with gruff mutterings to cover his shock, he’s taking his items and stumbling off, leaving the scattered onlookers to look on in confusion and the two ex-soldiers to sort things out. “Mordred, you didn’t have to-” is about as far as the alien gets before her mouth is occupied, white-hot blush instantly spreading over her face at the insistent press of those lips, even a brush of tongue.
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As much as she didn’t approve of the needless violence, she can’t resist, giving into the kiss with a shy sound in the back of her throat before they part for air, before those words are spoken. ‘I didn’t like how he looked at you like you weren’t mine.’ Had he really? There were days she was incredibly aware of the effect she had on men and even women, something that was more due to alien pheromones and her athleticism than it was any deeper qualities at least in her opinion. However today, she hadn’t even realized if he had, or even if the Servant was exaggerating: she’d been a lot more occupied with keeping watch over their things and keeping a spot for her girl than she had with however the man had been glancing.
“Other people might be oblivious, but you and I know better. You know better, that what I have is only for you.” Well, besides her kindness, but really, her kindness had been part of what ended up drawing the knight in back when they were just friends. Fellow sisters in arms, just shooting the shit together- how long had it been now? Terra smiles wearily, finding one set of her thankfully-unbusted knuckles to run her thumb over, doggedly ignoring the stares from the handful of passerby who’d seen every second of that heated kiss.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
The way her girlfriend looks right now is just so.. Soft. Soft enough to always want to protect her, even though that goes against every rebellious and spiteful nature that she has- she swore she wouldn’t protect a single soul, humans don’t deserve to live.. But Terra isn’t human, is that the loophole? That because these two are so different that they just work? No.. It’s probably because of her Master- the one who is currently forcing her to save any bystander from immediate dangers that has to do with the Grail War. That includes the alien- but the more she got to know Terra? The more the alien grew on her and then.. Something blossomed within the Knight of Treachery. Something that shouldn’t have but it forced its way out of her before she could stop it- a blooming and radiant love that enveloped both women. 
Mordred didn’t fight it the last few times. She didn’t fight it now either as Terra looks at her with such hope, love and admiration. The earlier antics seemed to have vanished when the smile appears and for once? The Prince is stuck just staring at the Fialin once again. This smile right here? It turns her world upside down, it makes the sky so much brighter, and the happiness and joy beats down all the hatred and anger and bursts out of her- much like the aurora borealis explodes from the night sky- absorbing all of that darkness and painting a new beginning.. Terra is just that.. Mordred’s own Northern Lights. 
They were in such close proximity of one another, the vixen’s breath ghosting upon her nose making it wiggle just a bit until  she speaks and until Terra glances away. “They are important things, but I can’t say them here. Like you said, it’s gotta be private- between you and I.”, such a gentle voice releasing from a mouth that loses its smirk only so that it could fade into a genuine smile. 
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Honestly, though the Prince wouldn’t admit it, she was super ecstatic to see that Terra filled out the application as well- even though Mordred knew most of the stuff on there, like the preferred treats and whatnot, it’s still to have that tiny reminder of the effort the alien will put into something this.. sweet. Gaze settling upon her girl while that sly smirk once more appears, though it’s quick to stretch into a toothy grin while her arms entrap the woman’s waist. There’s no stopping now, and with that, the Knight presses a few kisses against pink cheeks, letting all see because she didn’t care! Everyone could know they were a thing, and not a damn thing would stop them from being together- even if she put in an application herself, which she didn’t need to, but Mordred knows that it would have sent her partner’s happiness to new heights. 
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“Other things, you never know, y’know? But it’s nice to be reminded, beautiful.”, again, not that they needed that to be said, but hearing it..? It stirred a lot of things up inside- all good things, but not all wholesome things if you get what she’s putting down. “I mean, I think you know what I mean. You just want me to say it out loud, right? That’s fine, I don’t mind. I could just pin you here in front of everyone and we can let them watch, right? I’m sure they’d enjoy the show we put on.”
If it tickled the swordswoman just as it would’ve the alien, she was in luck: Terra’s devotion and attention was a pretty instinctive side to her rather than a conscious decision (though whenever presented with one, of course her choice would be obvious.) Particularly when the woman she was enamored with tended to know exactly which buttons to push to further make her simper. The sly smirk is one she’s long since familiar with by now, even the sudden grin telling of something to come- and she’s captured! Years ago and with someone else, she might’ve wriggled away and protested, but here and now she actually giggles, those cheeks only growing pinker with her partner’s doting. 
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“If they didn’t come to mind, they can’t be that important~” She teases with words she’d heard once before, waiting for the affectionate barrage to stem before leaning to press her forehead against Mordred’s. Which stays there for a good moment, considering her eyes widen at the Servant’s assertion; she’s stunned for a moment before she pulls back, looking aside to steady her voice as best as possible before speaking again. Even so, her arms don’t leave their place around the prince’s shoulders. It made sense though, right? Her girl getting a much higher pitched voice out of her than anyone else didn’t just apply to fawning. 
“… I don’t doubt it, but I.. think that’s best kept between us, dear.” She didn’t need to say it, right? The alien knew it wouldn’t happen since it’d mean strangers eyeing her up, she knew that, yet the naughty threat didn’t fail to get her flustered anyway.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
Honestly, though the Prince wouldn’t admit it, she was super ecstatic to see that Terra filled out the application as well- even though Mordred knew most of the stuff on there, like the preferred treats and whatnot, it’s still to have that tiny reminder of the effort the alien will put into something this.. sweet. Gaze settling upon her girl while that sly smirk once more appears, though it’s quick to stretch into a toothy grin while her arms entrap the woman’s waist. There’s no stopping now, and with that, the Knight presses a few kisses against pink cheeks, letting all see because she didn’t care! Everyone could know they were a thing, and not a damn thing would stop them from being together- even if she put in an application herself, which she didn’t need to, but Mordred knows that it would have sent her partner’s happiness to new heights. 
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“Other things, you never know, y’know? But it’s nice to be reminded, beautiful.”, again, not that they needed that to be said, but hearing it..? It stirred a lot of things up inside- all good things, but not all wholesome things if you get what she’s putting down. “I mean, I think you know what I mean. You just want me to say it out loud, right? That’s fine, I don’t mind. I could just pin you here in front of everyone and we can let them watch, right? I’m sure they’d enjoy the show we put on.”
@treacherous-king​ commented on this post: “‘I mean I’m all for your attention to be on me all the time, Terra. That’s the whole point right? You know I like it when you look at me with such intensity and shit like that- I ain’t scared to show you what’s up though~’”
After how tickled she’d been after getting an “application” from the Servant, of course she’d wanted to send one back- and been a tiny bit forward while she was at it. Of course she’d get bashful now and then since it’s who she was, but there was no shame in flirting with your partner, was there? Even so.. even so, Mordred was a lot better at making her shy than the other way around, enough that her response already has Terra fidgeting rather than keeping up that warm stare she’d referenced in writing, speaking in a disarmed mumble.
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“Of course it would be.. who else would I be spending most of my time on?” See: all of her time on, almost, any time not spent working, studying, or brief outings with friends usually spent in the prince’s thrall one way or another. “What do you mean by ‘show me what’s up’..?” She wasn’t naive, she had some idea, but better to clarify than look like the impish one unintentionally.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
AU Servant!
Give it a read!~ 
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
[ MEND ] + [ SCOLD ] + [ INTERTWINE ] [Terra patching up Mordy of course. I'm totally copying your combo idea. (Also I know she could just heal wounds with mana but it's cute okay-)]
Blood is hemorrhaging from various wounds that have been partially cloaked in white cloth, the bandages tightly wound and already needing to be replaced, though there’s not much anyone could do at this point- it was hard not to use any sort of mana to close up the cuts, and even more so her poor right eye.. Having to be bandaged with ice and gauze as well since the bruising was horrid. Honestly, Mordred looked like she just came back from a slasher movie set- though the other guy deserved it. He was looking at Terra like she was a five-course meal! Though he couldn’t blame her.. But Mordred can still fight about it! And so the Heroic Spirit practically let fists fly until he pulled a knife and started stabbing her nonstop before high tailing it outta there. 
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Currently, Terra is playing nurse, though she really doesn’t have to, but it’s very appreciated seeing the alien fawn over her and get all worked up and worried. Though the scolding isn’t necessary... It’s going in one ear and out the other, however it doesn’t stop the Knight from also adding her two cents. “Well maybe if you would have told him to stop looking at you and drooling like an animal, I wouldn’t have punched his face in.” Now, that’s not a valid argument, but the jealousy continued to boil and rise within the Servant’s core. Fingers flexing and knuckles slightly cracking while she glares at the blood splatters on the ground. Though she’s pulled from those thoughts when a gentle hand slides under her own, palms pressing together and fingers interlocking. 
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“. . .”, this draws emerald visage towards the Fialin, just seeing her face is enough to melt a stone-cold heart. Normally, this isn’t the kinda thing Mordred would do, throwing herself into a fight against someone she actually can beat to a pulp, though it was Terra to stop her entirely, she never would have if they weren’t an item. Somehow, her girlfriend as more power over her than anything- honestly she never would have thought anyone would have that sort of pull.. Until now. “I’m sorry, babe. It won’t happen again.”, and a bonus since she never ever apologizes! Terra truly is a lucky woman, right?~
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
feel free to edit pronouns as needed! content warning for some strong language,  threats and implied violence.
to each other:
❝  you’re mine. only mine.  ❞
❝  i’m all yours.  ❞
❝  mine.  ❞
❝  yours.  ❞
❝  we belong to each other.   ❞
❝  you belong to me.  ❞
❝  i belong to you.  only ever you.  ❞
❝  i just didn’t like the way they were looking at you.  like you weren’t mine.  ❞
❝  you know i’m yours,  right?  i only have eyes for you.  ❞
❝  no one else is ever gonna have a chance with me.  you’re it.  you’re all i want.  ❞
❝  i chose you.  and i need you to trust that my decision is final.  trust me.  ❞
❝  wait are you jealous?  ❞
❝  aw,  baby.  it’s cute when you’re jealous.  ❞
❝  i don’t like the way they keep staring at you.   ❞
❝  i don’t like how they keep staring at me.   ❞
❝  are they making you uncomfortable?  i can do something about it.  ❞
❝  no one should even get to look at you unless you want them to.  ❞
❝  stop—  it’s okay.  they’re not worth your anger.  just kiss me.  ❞
❝  stop saying i’m jealous.  i’m not—  i just.  i don’t like having to share. ❞
❝  i’m not jealous,  who said i’m jealous?  ❞
❝  well if i’m all yours then kiss me like it.  ❞
❝  show everyone who i belong to.  ❞
❝  i’m gonna remind them you’re mine.  ❞
❝  i want everyone here to see that you’re mine.  ❞
❝  i want everyone here to see that i’m yours.  ❞
❝  hey—  look at me.  why are you all upset?  ❞
❝  you can’t keep getting your feathers all ruffled when anyone else gives me attention.  ❞
❝  they don’t deserve you—  i don’t deserve you.  but at least i’m aware of it.  ❞
❝  i promise there’s no one else.  you have my heart completely.  ❞
❝  hey,  is this asshole bothering you?  ❞
❝  tell me you’re mine.  ❞
to a third party:
❝  get the fuck away from them!  ❞
❝  look at them like that again and you’ll won’t be seeing anything.  ❞
❝  don’t you dare touch them.  ❞
❝  yeah it’s time to walk the fuck away.  ❞
❝  you’re gonna lose a finger if you don’t get outta my sight right now.  ❞
❝  you heard them,  get lost.  ❞
❝  lucky for you,  i don’t wanna ruin their night.  but i see you sniffing around here again you might not be so fortunate.  ❞
❝  you wanna lose a limb?  beat it,  fucker.  ❞
❝  see,  i woulda left it alone.  but you made them fucking cry.  so now you’re gonna lose your eyes.  ❞
❝  hey,  they said ‘no.’  ❞
❝  hey asshole,  shut the fuck up or i’ll make you shut up.  ❞
❝  what did you just say to them,  you little shit?  ❞
❝  oh yeah.  now you’re all quiet.  not so bold when you’re not the toughest guy in the room,  huh?  ❞
❝  get lost.  ❞
❝  go.  ❞
❝  leave.  before my patience runs out.  ❞
❝  get the fuck outta their face.  ❞
❝  hey,  that’s enough.  ❞
[ CLAIM ]  for one muse to possessively place their hands on their shoulders or hips. 
[ HOLD ]  for one muse to slide their arm around the other in a possessive way. 
[ SHELTER ]  for one muse to lean into the other’s side or hug them to seek comfort from a crowd or individual while in public. 
[ STAKE ]  for one muse to protectively and/or possessively stand behind the other to intimidate a third party. 
[ RESCUE ]  for one muse to intervene upon seeing a third party making the other one uncomfortable. 
[ CHASE ]  for one muse to interrupt and make a third party leave the other alone out of jealousy/possessiveness. 
[ TENSION ]  for one muse to get in a fight on behalf of the other. 
[ STOP ]  for one muse to break up a fight which started because of them. 
[ MEND ]  for one muse to treat the other’s wounds they got from protecting them. 
[ SCOLD ]  for one muse to treat the other’s wounds they got from fighting over them. 
[ CARESS ]  for one muse to possessively kiss the other in public.
[ TAKE ]  for one muse to passionately kiss the other,  fueled by jealousy. 
[ TAUNT ]  for one muse to flirt with a third party to try and get the other to act possessively. 
[ REMIND ]  for our muses to have passionate sex meant to remind one party who they belong to. 
[ EMBRACE ]  for one muse to dominate the other due to possessiveness/jealousy. 
[ LINKED ]  for one muse to hold the other’s hand in public to stake claim. 
[ INTERTWINE ]  for one muse to hold the other’s hand in public in a comforting manner. 
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
Putting the "Natural" in "Natural Disaster"
Name: Terra Lockharde Age: .. In human years or Fialin ones?  Do you like to cuddle?: Very much yes. Can we make-out?: ... Also very much yes. (Just mind the teeth.) A night in or dinner out?: A night in~ There can always be food, it'd just be more intimate that way. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Chocolate covered strawberries! What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm told I can be very intense- so imagine all of that attention and energy focused solely on you. Would you cook for me?: Of course~! Would you let me cook for you?: I wouldn't turn it down. You're a better cook than I am after all.
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
valentine's day application
Name: Age: Do you like to cuddle?: Can we make-out?: A night in or dinner out?: Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: What makes you a good Valentine?: Would you cook for me?: Would you let me cook for you?:
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treacherous-king ¡ 2 years
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~ Rules||About
~Canon/OC/AUs all welcomed here. 
~Fate Verse, AU, Modern, Fantasy, all adored.
~Reblog, like, etc. It’ll be real helpful so I can get out there and start writing with everyone! So thanks in advance!
This isn’t gonna be flashy, OH. Under the sub title is also where to find the links.
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