whimsymystery · 2 months
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Two albums that tickles my soul.
Anytime I'm walking through parks or doing magical practices, I love to have these albums playing.
Haley Heynderickx — I Need To Start A Garden
Adia Victoria — A Southern Gothic
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whimsymystery · 2 months
I love seeing art of the Christian pentagram ♡
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whimsymystery · 2 months
I can't deny that I have fallen a little in my practices. It's been a few weeks since I've last studied, and I could feel and see a drastic difference in me. When I was doing my little witchy stuff — meditating, studying, tending my garden, etc — I felt great! Confident! When I stopped doing those things I went back to my old scared self.
God has woken me up at an unusual hour to let me know that I'm still, and need to get back in motion! I no longer hear the comforting whispers of the Holy Ghost and it was guiding me out of this shell that I was trapped in for so long, and it has warned that I might go back in if I don't take action now.
This is my testimony for all baby witchs: new habits and change of lifestyle isn't easy. You might stagnate at times, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Keep moving forward!
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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Remember that God and Jesus love you more than anything no matter what anyone tells you. You are exactly who you were made to be. No matter who you are, God and Jesus welcome you with open arms.
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whimsymystery · 2 months
The Angel
After my baptism, whenever I closed my to fall asleep, there is always a vision of an angel next to me. Their wings covered my body, and they were always holding me in an embrace. I have never seen their face — it is always covered or turned away from me. The vision would always be in third person, never seen them through my own eyes.
I believe that God is allowing me to see that I have a spirit protecting me at all times. Safety and tranquility is what I feel whenever I see the Angel.
I would love to know if anyone else gets glimpses of their angels 💛
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whimsymystery · 2 months
Safety in Witchcraft
What’s not talked about enough in the spiritual community is mundane safety along with spiritual. Critical thinking is vital. I wanted to share a lot of my personal rules for myself that I have adapted into my craft.
Fire safety, never leave an open flame unattended. Ever. Always burn in an open enough area with a fire safe dish or on ceramic tile away from animals and children. If you leave the room extinguish the flame. Do not sleep with fire going. I know we want to keep that spell going even during a nap but sometimes we don’t wake up in time for danger. This is absolutely vital to keep you safe. It won’t ruin a spell I promise or anger anything. Please do not add those herbs to that candle. I know it’s nice and pretty but that is a fire hazard. Stay safe.
On that note always have an open window or a well ventilated area when burning items. That goes for herbs, incense, or candle. Smoke inhalation can ruin your lungs.
Rodents, reptiles, birds, any animal is sensitive to scents and have small respiratory systems. Be careful using anything around them. Research what can be used around them. I mean research! Cross reference. Use veterinarian hospital guides, not pro essential oil blogs. Please don’t put any essential oils on your pets. They can be seriously harmed.
Moon water actually molds, very easily. So can herbal blends if not stored correctly. Check frequently and use before end of date. Distilled water is your friend to prolongs shelf-life along is storing in a cold dark place.
Witchcraft and magic is not a replacement for medical treatment and medically prescribed medication. It absolutely can aid your treatment but it is never a replacement.
Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist. Especially if you have pre-existing conditions and need to take medications for it. Things can conflict and are deadly.
Also forage responsibly. Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant. Don’t even chance it. It’s not worth sickness or in worst cases death.
Do NOT ingest essential oils. I don’t care what you have heard from pro essential oil pages. The distillery methods are not safe for ingestion. It can tear up your stomach lining and throat. Cause extreme nausea and vomiting. Seizures and in worst cases death.
Some covens and practitioners are not your friends. Be cautious and use stranger danger. Be cautious and never give out all of your personal information online. There are predatory people everywhere, including in this community. Please be safe. Always use your gut instinct.
Please feel free in the comments and tags to add important safety pointers you have.
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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my memories of Ireland are all so soft and green 🌿
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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Bible magic and divination ♡
~Sleep with a bible under your pillow to avoid nightmares
~Keep bible open to David's psalm at the front door to keep roaming haints out
~To get an answer for a question to God, close your eyes and flip through the pages. Stop your finger at a verse that you feel God is drawing you to.
~Write down psalm 23 on a piece of paper to carry with you to protect from lightening, rheumatism, bad luck, and harm.
~Take the bible to a crossroad or outside on a windy day, let God blow the wind to a verse and read it.
~For arthritis or other ailments of the bones, take some lard or oil and rub it over the aching place while reciting Proverbs 16:24 or the Lord’s Prayer.
~For pain in the body, the place is rubbed “to the left”, while saying “Tame thou flesh and bone, like Christ in Paradise” seven times.
~Keep photos of loved ones in your bible to keep them safe and out of trouble.
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whimsymystery · 2 months
Clearing the allotment ground solo is a lot of work on my fragile back. Lord give me strength.
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whimsymystery · 2 months
Good Sunday to all!
I am reading the Book of Mosiah, and chapters 11 to 17 talks about Abinadi. These chapters has really touched my heart, because I have seen, once again, that those who walk with God has no fear in their hearts. Abinadi prophesied the potential future of King Noah and his people if they kept using the Law of Moses for their own selfish gains. Abinadi knew that he could die for saying these things, but he did it anyways. Even as Abinadi was dying by fire, he continued to speak! Not a single fear in his heart, as he already knows that God will bring him to eternal life.
I want to be like that. I want to walk without hesitation, no longer feel anxious, stop fearing the world when I know that God is guiding me in every breath that I take.
And I am getting there. I have done things that I would have never done in the past. Going out on my own was huge obstacle — I was bordering agoraphobia at one point, but as I got more into the bible and practicing witchcraft, I have gained more confidence. Little by little I will become like the prophets written in the scriptures. I walk with God close to my heart at all times. And it has helped me greatly. Amen.
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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whimsymystery · 2 months
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A protection sigil that I have made <3
I mainly use it protect any object that i absolutely do not want to be destroyed.
Free to use if you wanna <3 <3
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whimsymystery · 3 months
Tomorrow will be my first day clearing the allotment to start my herbal garden. I can feel my muscles getting sore already!
Should I post progress photos?
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whimsymystery · 3 months
This meme is a MURDER ATTEMPT.
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I am absolutely fucking serious. The original meme, without the big red denial, is someone's attempt to fucking kill people.
There is NO SAFE DOSAGE of pennyroyal oil. Even Mother Earth News says there's no reason to use pennyroyal essential oil for ANYTHING, even topically or as a fragrance, for fuckssake! That should give you some idea about how dangerous it is!
Pennyroyal tea, plant matter in hot water, is a traditional abortifacient. It is *incredibly* dangerous, induces abortion by bringing the body close to organ failure (and frequently pushing the system right over the edge, because dosage is impossible to meter), but I would drink a gallon of it before I took a half-teaspoon of pennyroyal essential oil.
Two teaspoons, taken across 48 hours, has successfully killed someone.
Three teaspoons taken as a single dosage killed the consumer within THREE HOURS.
The person who made this meme is PURPOSEFULLY, ACTIVELY, trying to get desperate people killed!
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whimsymystery · 3 months
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I got curious about herbs mentioned in the bible, and just had to write them down. Can't wait to add them to my garden!
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whimsymystery · 3 months
Who loves rosemary?
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Art by Mistmagia
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