ashis2gay4u · 3 years
A redraw of an older drawing of Remus Sanders I did a hot minute ago!!! I'm really proud of it💕💕
I've always envisioned Remus as the type to be more grunge/punk when he's not duke-ing around, and I've also always viewed him as the type to exaggerate his features in a more "Dark Fae" way, mostly just to mess with Thomas and the others.
...Plus, Remus with fangs and piercings looks really cool. I'm especially proud of the tentacle spacer. (I totally didn't spend ten minutes on that single piece alone, not at all)
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ashis2gay4u · 4 years
Blood Runs Thicker Than Water, A Vent Poem:
Blood runs thicker than water,
Yet the blood in my veins runs thin,
The feeling of it running freely burns my skin,
And makes me want to forget again.
You tell me you know me,
Say you know best,
That no matter what,
There’s no real point,
To this pain in my chest.
But there is,
And the blame is yours,
The feeling of my hands covered in blood and gores,
As I dig out my insides to show you my heart,
Blackened and burnt like the last cohort.
You say it doesn’t matter,
What goes on in my brain,
But whenever I hear it I still feel the same,
As that scared little girl who called out your names.
You’re not depressed,
You barely bleed,
Your mind is not some deadly disease,
You don’t know pain,
Know nothing of life.
And yet here I am, droplets dropping to the floor,
As I rub my arms,
Sore and covered in gore,
The gore made of blood,
The blood that you gave,
And yet, my head still hurts the same.
Does it amuse you to hurt me so,
Knowing full well what I know,
About you,
About them,
About her,
About all of the sins that you live in.
My father is a man who lights gas for fun,
My mother is a woman who flirts with the devourer of the sun,
My mom is one who walks with angels, but not quite so,
And my stepfather is one who deals with the masters of life so below.
Who am I to turn to,
My sisters not quite,
For they are not the definition of delight,
My cousin is cool,
But believes me not,
My grandparents are all fools, tied in a knot.
Bury me deep in the forest of old,
As I feel the fresh rain water,
Cleanse my very soul.
Blood runs thicker than water,
They all cruely say,
But I’d rather let the water,
Rush all the blood from my veins,
As I drown in this loneliness,
This sorrow of old,
And demand nothing more than to feel the cold.
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ashis2gay4u · 4 years
Brought to you by Hamilton, Ontario<3
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ashis2gay4u · 4 years
I Am Not A Robot (In One Post!!)
Nico di Angelo stared out his window, the skull head ashtray in his lap overflowing with ashes, cigarette butts, and burnt out joints, yet instead of ashing out the open window, he continued to ash into the tray.
He was sat on the ledge of the bay window, it being big enough to be a bed for an average height person. He gave a huff as he watched the boys playing soccer on the lawn across the street, smiling and laughing.
He can't remember the last time he laughed. Hell, he doesn't even remember what it sounds like.
Don't even get him started on his smile, because he's sure he'd rip his face in half if he even tried.
He put the ashtray aside, pulling his knees to his chest. He nestled his chin between them, continuing to watch.
One of those boys turned to look at him, and Nico froze as the others turned to stare him down.
"Hey!" one kid shouted, his black hair untamed, like he had just rolled out of bed, "Wanna join? Might be more fun than watching!"
Nico shook his head, "No, I'm good-"
Another boy, a Latino, shorter than the first, spoke up next, "But why not? We're one player short of a team, anyways!"
Nico stood up and leaned out the window, staring at the five boys there. "No, I'm good, thank you very much."
The blonde boy shrugged, "He doesn't want to play, guys."
"Awe, man!" the Latino said.
The Chinese boy shook his head and spoke up, barely loud enough for Nico to hear, "If he doesn't want to play, he doesn't have to... Plus, he kinda scares me."
At that, Nico slammed his window shut, glaring at them all. He flipped them off, and went to sit on his bed.
Curled up on his purple comforter, he fell into what he hopes will be a dreamless sleep.
He woke up the next day in a cold sweat. Everything was fine, up until he fell into that dark hole.
He hated that hole, with all it's horrid hallucinations and ghastly smells and horrifying noises.
He quickly threw the blanket away- how did it get on him and not below him?-, and stood up, going to take a quick shower.
He stared at his reflection afterwards, glaring into his own eyes.
He proceeded to brush his teeth, his eyes never leaving the stare into his own soul.
He had mastered this technique. Why? It was a distraction.
He quickly got dressed, before heading to his window, opening them up and sitting on the ledge, grabbing his lighter, smokes, and ashtray from beside him.
Just as he had taken the first inhale, a knock sounded at his door, followed by a sniffing sound.
"Dammit, Nico! I told you not to smoke in the house!" came the voice of his step-mother, Persephone.
He hated her, she was always switching between nice and mean with him.
"Fuck off, you bitch, I don't have time for you."
She slammed open the door, glaring at him. "You dare? I should call your father right now and-"
"And what? He won't fuckin' pick up. He never picks up. Not since Mamma and Bianca died, right?" he said coolly, smirking as she tensed up.
"Don't you dare mention her-"
"Suck it up, he cheated on you with her. Twice. And then once more with Hazel's mom. Yet you hate me the most. How so? Why not hate the man who cheated on you, because you aren't enough?"
Persephone merely walked over and smacked his ashtray out of his hand, his smokes and lighter flying out the window with it.
A loud crash rang out as the crystal skull broke.
"Don't. Smoke. In. My. House. You. Insolent. Brat!"
Nico pushed her away, grabbed his satchel from where it was perched against the windowsill, and nodded, "Fine. Next time, I'll smoke in your room, and leave all the ashes in your makeup and burn holes through all your favorite dresses. Cunt."
She was about to smack him, he could tell, so he did what he always did when she attacked him.
He jumped out the window, landing in her garden and rolling to his feet. He smirked up at her, "I think I crushed those pretty tulips that just bloomed! Sorry!"
She started screaming at him, but he was already in the garage, starting up his motorcycle. He took off down the street, heading towards his favorite place in the world.
The graveyard.
When he got there, he parked his bike and tossed his helmet to the side, sitting on his haunches in front of the gravestones before him.
"Hey, Mamma, Bianca. It's been a while."
He sighed, moving to sit with his legs crossed.
"I know I shouldn't break her rules, and I know I shouldn't fucking snap at her and piss her off, but she does everything she can to hurt me. I hate it."
He could feel the tears starting to fall, hitting his hands which were clasped so tightly in his lap he swore he was about to snap his own fingers in half.
"I had the nightmare again, Mamma, about-" He stopped himself, choking back a sob.
"I miss you, Mamma, Bianca. Sometimes I... I just want to be emotionless, like a robot."
"Hey, Nico... I heard from Persephone what had happened, I'm sorry she broke your ashtray, I know how much it meant to you," Hazel said softly, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Whatthefuckever, she can do what she wants..." Nico mumbled.
"You don't always have to be on top, you know," she replied, gently taking his hand in hers.
"I feel like I have to-"
"Because you can't show weakness, right? It's okay to be vulnerable, you don't have to act like the tough guy all the time."
Nico said nothing, merely stared out the window where his new plastic ashtray sat.
"You've been smoking a lot, lately."
"I know."
"You're just a baby, Nico. You shouldn't smoke so much..."
"I'm seventeen, Hazel."
"I know, but your lungs aren't fully developed yet."
"If I wanted advice, I'd go to a counselor or a medical professional," he snapped.
"...Better to be hated, than loved for what you're not," she said, before standing up.
He snatched his hand away, and she left, closing the door behind her softly.
It's been a year since he started watching the boys.
He sat perched on his window ledge as per usual, a new (although metal) skull ashtray sat in his lap. Persephone was gone, so she couldn't yell at him.
He stared out the open window, and noticed the black-haired boy and his friends were out front again, playing some demented form of tag.
The Latino looked up at him, and waved.
Despite his better judgment, he waved back.
He was just being polite, is all.
"Yo!" the blonde boy yelled, "Wanna play with us now?"
"What the fuck are you idiots even playing, anyways?" Nico questioned.
"TV Tag!" the black-haired boy said, smiling goofily.
Nico's heart stopped at that look on his face.
No, no. Not today. Begone, thoughts.
"What the fuck does that mean?"
The Latino stepped forwards, grinning wildly. Nico's heart did a flip.
"It's when you yell out a TV show name, and crouch down. The person can't idle by you, or tag you until you stand up. You can only crouch for ten seconds, though, but it's fair play to yell out another right afterwards!"
"That doesn't sound very fair at all, that should be illegal."
The blonde boy laughed, loud and booming. It made Nico's cheeks heat up.
Fuck, they're all hot.
"I like this kid!" he said.
The black-haired boy grinned, "Frank isn't here today, so if you want, you can fill in for him!"
Nico thought for a second, before putting out his smoke. He stood up, and promptly closed his window, disappearing from their sights.
"Awe, man! Percy, you scared him away!"
"I'm sorry, Jason, I didn't mean to! Besides, Leo probably did it, not me!"
"Hey! Jason, are you going to let him talk to me like that-"
"Gods, it's like watching a buncha old married couples. Maybe I should just go."
They all stopped talking, and turned to face Nico, who stood a few feet away, a smoke hanging from his lips.
"Smoking kills," the blonde boy- Jason, Nico recalled-, said.
Jason made a choking noise at the blunt tone, and the Latino- Leo, the black-haired boy had called him- laughed.
"Cat got your tongue really good, eh, Superman?"
"Shut up, you stupid Christmas Elf."
"Jason, how could you?" he said, faking a sob. He turned to the black-haired boy, "Percy, are you going to let him talk to me like this?"
Percy rolled his eyes, "No, Repair Boy. Jason, play nice. Leo, stop being dumb."
Leo gave a gasp, falling against Jason. Jason caught him, rolling his eyes in turn.
Percy turned to look at Nico, "Hey, name's-"
"Percy," Nico said, smirking. "The blonde is Jason, and the tiny shit is Leo. I pay attention, you know."
Leo gave a cry, "You've embarrassed me in front of the hot goth! how could you!"
Jason dropped him, "Well, it does give Percy an advantage."
Nico stared at the three, "What?"
"Why do you think we've been spending so much time outside since we first noticed you?" Percy said, chuckling. "Me and Leo thought you were cute. Everybody's been trying to help both of us win a chance, well, except for Frank, who's apparently dating your-"
"Oh fuck no. That's Frank Zhang? Holy shit, that kid is dead-"
"Wait! He's really nice, we swear-" Jason said.
"No, he borrowed my Myth-O-Magic cards a few months ago from Hazel and spilled pop on them. Hazel's kept him away from my wrath for this long, but no more. Dead, he will be."
They all stared at him for a few moments, before collapsing to the grass in fits of laughter.
"That's why you want to murder him?" Leo said, wiping tears from his eyes.
"We... We thought-"
"That it was cause of what he said last year," Percy managed to get the whole sentence out, before giggling uncontrollably once more.
"I'm surrounded by idiots," Nico deadpanned.
"Yep, indeed."
"Wanna play that game?" he asked.
Leo's face lit up, "Si, indeed!"
They all stood up, exchanged looks, and then yelled in almost perfect unison, "NOT IT!" before taking off in different directions.
Nico soon learned physical activity was not meant to be done in skinny jeans.
"Hey, Mamma, Bianca."
It's been two months since he's last visited them. He'd been so busy running around with Leo, Jason, Percy, Grover (Percy's best friend), and Frank (who turned out to be really cool, even replaced his deck with a limited edition one), and had completely forgotten his promise to visit them every day.
The first time since he was ten, nonetheless. He's eighteen now.
"I made some... Ah, friends, I guess," he said, not sure how he felt about having friends.
The word tasted strange in his mouth, he doesn't think he's ever had any friends, not like the five friends he had made.
"...I kinda like them..."
"Awe, we like you too!" Leo Valdez said, appearing at his shoulder.
Nico almost had a heart attack, "What-? Why-"
Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, and Frank Zhang stood next to Leo, each with a bouquet of flowers. Nico stared at them all.
"My Mama died when I was seven, she was buried just over there," Leo said, smiling sadly, "Next to my twin brother."
"My mom died when I was about eleven, I think, I was abandoned outside this military facility- nobody claimed me-, so I didn't find out until I ran into my sister out on a mission with Leo, who I had picked up along the way with my girlfriend, Piper."
"And you?" he asked, turning to Percy.
"Here for emotional support," he said, brandishing two bouquets of red roses.
Nico stared at them all silently, "So-"
"Maria is a nice name," Leo said, sitting down next to where Nico sat hunched in front of the graves, "And if she had even a bit of your face on her, I bet she was gorgeous, too..."
Percy sat on the other side of him, placing a bouquet in front of the graves, "I'm sure Jason's mom won't mind. Bianca... That name sounds familiar. Was she an archer...?"
Nico nodded solemnly, "One of the best. At such a young age, she was already on the waiting list for the Olympics."
Percy went pale, "I knew her. I met her and you at a casino years ago."
"You- You were the boy with the blonde? That boy you left with was-"
"Grover, yeah. Annabeth is my other best friend, but nobody can compare to the G-Man."
Jason stood off to the side, and silently slunk off to his mother's grave.
Leo sighed, "Guess we've all met each other before, then. I remember her, too, she and Hazel used to play hide and seek with me and my brother Sammy Jr. all the time, up until he died."
"Sammy... Jr...? The kid she had a crush on?"
"Yeah, I had a crush on her, too, until I met my ex Calypso. Boy, that went to Hell-"
"-when he found out she had tried to seduce me while I was on-and-off dating Annabeth," Percy finished.
"Woah... We've got some fucked up connections, don't we?" Nico said, smirking.
"Yeah, we do," Percy replied, leaning back against the grass.
"Where'd Jason go?" Leo asked, looking around.
"Over here!" came the voice of the blonde.
"Oh, he's paying respects. Come on, Leo, let's go do that, too."
"...I'll come with, I can talk to them later," Nico said, standing up with the other two boys.
"Are you sure? You seemed to be having a decent one-sided conversation with the dead, Neeks," Leo said, chuckling silently.
"Yeah, yeah, Valdez. Let's go."
"Happy birthday, Baby Bat Wings!" Leo cried, waving a party streamer around.
Percy laughed and swung his arm around his shoulders, Leo following suit.
Soon enough, Nico had six boys hanging off of him, Jason, Frank, Grover, and Will Solace- who was the latest addition to their little group- soon joining in on the group hug.
Nico can't remember when he smiled so hard, but he'd gladly accept his face splitting in half if this was the reason why.
He blushed a deep crimson red as his two crushes, Leo and Percy, kissed each of his cheeks respectively.
"You've been hanging with the unloved kids a lot," Persephone accused, glaring at her step-son. "You've never really trusted or even liked them before, what happened?"
"He's just magnetic, he picks up all the loose pins," Hazel says, smiling sweetly at the wickedly bi-polar step-mother.
Persephone sniffed, "Yes, but he really shouldn't. I looked them all up, they all have criminal records or bad school reputations!"
"I'm nineteen now, Persephone. I can do whatever the fuck I want."
She got a wicked gleam in her eye at that, "Yes, you're right. So, you're an adult, now... Get the fuck out of my house.”
Nico stared at her, before turning to Hazel, "Can she do that?" he questioned, looking like he had just witnessed the most fucked up thing in history.
She shrugged, "'Dunno."
"Call Dad, then, see what he says!"
"He won't pick up the phone, and you know it," Persephone replied. "You have twenty-four hours to get the fuck out of my house, before I call the cops for thievery, breaking into my house, and vandalism!"
"Excuse the fuck you-"
She pulled out her phone, dialing 911. "Try me, Nico. Where's your mother to save you from my wrath now? I should have kicked you out as soon as you turned sixteen."
Nico glared, and rushed up the stairs, calling Leo to come get him. He grabbed all his clothes, pillows, and blankets and threw them out the window, packing his more fragile stuff and personal items into his multiple backpacks, his satchel, and his one suitcase, and dragged them all downstairs.
He spat in her face before leaving, Leo and Percy (who had offered his much bigger six-seater as a substitute for Leo's pick-up), helping him load up all his stuff.
They drove off, and Nico felt truly alive for once.
"Don't be so pathetic, Nico, just sing! Come on!"
"Shut up, Jackson, I will not-"
"You called?" Leo sang, prancing into the room, dressed entirely in Percy's clothes. He wore a black towel wrapped around his head.
Percy rolled his eyes, "Oh gods, not this again."
"Oh gods, not this again," Leo said in a mock imitation of Percy, "Look, I'm Perseus Jackson! All tough, all sexy! Dumb skater boy!"
Nico laughed, "He was a skater boy, she said seeya later boy-" he stopped himself, realizing he had been singing the lyrics.
The two boys stared at him, "Wow..."
"Such beauty," Leo said, smiling.
"Amazing..." Percy said, in awe.
Nico blushed, "Guys, come on... I'm not that good-"
"Better than Percy, he sounds like a dying whale!"
"You wound me, you shit."
"Suck it, Aquaman."
"When, where, how ha-"
Nico let out a squeak, "P-Percy!"
"Jealous, much?" the sea-green eyed boy said, smirking.
"I'm gonna be sick," Leo said, fake gagging.
"Both of you are dumb, absolutely not," Nico said, noticing how Leo's face lit up and Percy's face fell.
Oh boy, was he as smitten with them as they were with him.
Another nightmare, and Nico woke up screaming, thrashing at his blankets as he tried to sit up.
The sounds of footsteps came echoing down the hall, and Leo burst in, wearing nothing but a white tank top covered in grease stains and a pair of red Deadpool boxers, Percy appearing behind him wearing Superman pajama pants.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked, concerned.
Percy looked anxious, "Nightmares, buddy?"
Nico couldn't help it when he started crying, reaching out to them like a pathetic baby.
They both swooped in and hugged him, Percy settled behind him and Leo nestled up against Nico's chest, both mumbling soft, soothing words and holding him tight, but not too tightly as to trigger a flashback of any sorts.
"Mamma... Bianca... And I-"
"Shh, take your time..." Percy whispered, rubbing his cheek against Nico's hair.
"Yeah, Neeks, don't rush yourself."
"I felt so... Vulnerable... In that cave. We got stuck down there for a week on a field trip to Greece, there was this gas..."
Percy tightened his grip around Nico's waist, and Leo burrowed deeper against Nico's stomach, his cheek pressed against it.
Nico took a deep breath, before continuing.
"We were trapped for five days. Mamma... Got sick first. The gas created hallucinations, and... Her heart couldn't take the horrors. She started screaming about a lightning storm, shoved us out of the way, and then... She tripped and fell, landing face first on those ground spike things..."
Percy looked horrified, but Nico didn't see, so he continued on.
"Bianca got sick next. The smells really got to her. She thought she was in a metal scrap yard, and got... The ceiling collapsed on top of her," he said shakily, "I was left alone for the next three days, until they found me. I was malnourished and traumatized, and Dad... He left. Business trip after business trip.
"Last time he called me was when I was eleven... He said he wished I had died instead of Bianca, she wouldn't... She wouldn't have been as much of a failure as I am," Nico said, his whole body shaking as sobs wracked his body, occasionally breaking free.
He felt vulnerable, so very vulnerable.
"The noises were what fucked me up the most, mixed with the smells and hallucinations of monsters and demons and... And my dead family..."
He broke down entirely, turning slightly to latch onto Percy. Leo sat up and clung to them both in turn, tears of his own spilling down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry," Leo mumbled, "I know what it's like to watch people you love die... I watched Mama and Sammy die in a fire... I started it..."
"I watched my mom get strangled to near-death as a kid... Stayed by her side in the hospital for a few days before I went off with Grover and Annabeth. Ran away to find the sick fucker who attacked her, this guy named Minotaur, he called himself..."
"We're all fucked up," Nico gasped, laughing silently.
"And vulnerable," Leo added.
"But that's good," Percy said, smiling softly through his own tears, "That means we aren't robots."
"Can you teach me how to feel?" Nico asked softly, "Can you turn my power back on...?"
"We'll try our fuckin' best."
After a year of living with the two, Nico said something that made the two boys stop and stare.
"I like you both. Fuck, I'm in love with both of you."
"What-" Leo questioned, ears going bright red.
"How-" Percy questioned, dropping his lucky pen Riptide, which he's had for years but never really used.
"I. Love. Both. Of. You," Nico said once again, even more bluntly than the first. "And I don't know how, I just know I do."
The two boys shared a look, before they both broke into huge smiles.
"Fuck. Yes," Leo said.
"So... How the fuck do we smash? Do we take turns or-"
"Percy!" Nico scolded, face flushing.
"Why don't we find out tonight?" Leo asked, smirking. "Would be a great way to celebrate our three-way."
"Wait, so-"
"Yes, Ghost King, I'd happily share you with Repair Boy," Percy said grinning.
"As long as I can be a bottom, I hate topping," Leo said.
Nico laughed, and instantly crashed onto the couch between them, moving the resumes they had been filling out.
The two snuggled up against him, and Nico smiled.
I am not a robot.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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ashis2gay4u · 4 years
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It's my best boy, Ashton DeAthey (who was the first character I ever wrote stories for and also and accurate depiction of most of myself personality and mental health wise, also I stole his name for myself when I came out).
He is 19-20 by the end of my series I'm working on, the Dragon Wars, and he's a lovely little bean (although he's actually 6c6" but eh). He's fully transitioned by the age of twenty, thanks to his (dead) supportive mom setting him up to get testosterone at age 13. Lovely boy.
Just... Please appreciate my best boi ❤
(And no, second design isn't canon)
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Clarisse La Rue sat on her bunk, staring at the floor in front of her. She had just gotten back to camp after spending the entire day driving around on her motorcycle, visiting every place she and Silena had previously gone, usually getting drunk and laughing at everything. 
She let herself fall backwards onto her bed, giving a small cry of anger as she glared up at the ceiling fan.
She still remembered her face, how scared and guilty she looked as Clarisse had knelt next to her, holding her head in her lap as Percy and the others watched.
"Charlie... See Charlie-" then silence. Those few words had Clarisse on the verge of tears, but she fought them back and stood up, glaring at the others as she drew her spear.
"She was a hero, you hear me? Betrayer or not, she was a hero!"
Nobody had dared question her, not after witnessing how Silena had tricked the entire Ares cabin into going to war when they vowed they wouldn't.
She felt a pain in her chest, her stomach wrenching as she remembered the blood on her jeans, her hands, her best fucking friend.
Of course, she wished she would have given up on her pride just that one time.
Maybe then Silena would still be around, smiling and laughing.
Smiling at her. Laughing with her.
That's all she wants, to hear her laugh, soft and sweet like chiming bells, to see her smile, wide and bright and pearly white.
Clarisse used to tell her her teeth reminded her of diamonds, glinting in the sun.
Silena always replied by singing the lyrics to Rihanna's song Diamonds.
Gods, her voice when she sang was like an angels, if they even exist in this cruel world.
She missed her friend so much. It was horrible, the pain she felt.
A second war, and while her friends and siblings basked in their victory, her mind is constantly drifting off towards Silena.
She wished she could stop. She wished she could forget.
But she knew she-
The Lethe water in the Hypnos cabin. She had heard that they had managed to concentrate it for those with extreme PTSD after the Giant War was over.
She quickly stood up without a second thought, lacing up her combat boots and tromping her way there.
She knocked on the door, and Clovis answered.
"Clarisse...?" he asked sleepily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
It didn't seem to work as he fell asleep right there. She clapped her hands in his face, and he woke up.
"Clarisse?" he asked again, "Why are you here?"
"For the serum. You have to have some of it left."
"A tiny bit, yeah-"
"I want it."
"Why?" he asked with a yawn.
She clapped her hands in his face again before he snoozed off again.
"Because I need to forget a PTSD segment," she said.
She wasn't wrong, she had nightmares every night, kept seeing her face everywhere.
Out of all the battles she's fought, nothing compared to the loss of Silena.
Nothing ever could.
"Uh... Okay, I'll be right back."
He walked into the cabin, and shortly returned with a small, clear vile with a slow moving, white liquid inside. "Here."
She grabbed it, "Thanks. How does it work?"
"Just concentrate on what you want to forget, a person, a place, an experience. Just remember this..." he stopped, staring her dead in the eyes, seeming wide awake for the first time since she met him, "Amnesia can be a blessing... But it can also be a terrible, terrible curse."
"Thanks, sounds cool and all, but I don't really care," she said, popping out the cork.
She chugged it right there, concentrating on everything she remembered about Silena Beauregard.
"Goodnight," Clovis said, closing the door.
She stumbled, coughing as she took a few steps away from the Hypnos cabin.
She tried to remember why she was standing outside the Hypnos cabin, but she couldn't.
Her mind pulled up a blank.
She couldn't tell why, but she smiled. A weight lifted off her shoulders, and she felt like she could take down a giant by herself.
Amnesia can be a blessing... Or a terrible, terrible curse, a voice whispered. Clovis' voice.
She didn't know why she heard it, but she guessed she must have heard it when the concentrated vials of Lethe were distributed.
She walked off, heading out to find Chris for a lovely one on one training session.
She was itching for a fight.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
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My pretty little Mudman. Isn't he gorgeous??
This boi haunts every sketchbook I own. I even painted him with watercolors for a friend. He's one of the characters I doodle the most. I don't know what to name him, though, any suggestions?
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Hey so, i love your sander sides chokers ideas,, and your art obvs, and i wanted to ask permission to try and make them?
Thank you so much!!! Honestly it took me like, three hours to figure out what would best suit each of them. The easiest ones were Virgil's and Remus', and I knew I wanted Logan's to be formal but it took me twenty different concept sketches to come up with his. Deceit's was also fairly easy, but I had to change the design because it looked too close to Roman's. All in all, very time consuming but I'm very happy with the results and I'm glad you are too!!!!
Also yes!!! Please do, just tag me as the original creator or such. I'm looking forward to seeing it!!!
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
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Sanders Sides, with their own personalized chokers!!
So,, I've been wanting to draw these babs for like,, months,, and finally finished coloring the Deceit a few days ago (didn't post them because I left my sketchbook at my Oma's and Opa's) so here we are!!!
@thatsthat24 ,, I really hope you like it!!!
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
If I Can't Have You
Percy Jackson sat in his cabin, knees pulled up to his chest. He stared out the window towards the beach, the smell of the after dinner campfire wafting in through it, a pad of paper and a pen beside him.
He hasn't left his cabin since they got back, hasn't even gone to visit his mom.
How could he, after he let her fall like that?
The underground lair of Arachne, Annabeth being pulled into the Pit. He remembered the fear in her eyes, how scared and traumatized she was.
And he couldn't keep a grip on her hand, he was weak after their last battle, and he couldn't-
He shook his head, grabbing the notepad and beginning to jot down thoughts running through his head.
Everything means nothing if I can't have you.
A knock at his cabin door had him jumping to his feet, prepared to run whoever it was out of his only safe-haven away from people.
"Percy?" came the voice of his best friend, and the son of Poseidon instantly let all his guards down.
"G-Grover-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before collapsing to the floor, sobbing so violently he felt his head would explode.
Grover opened the door, and instantly rushed to his side, "Percy, you okay..?"
"N-no, I-" he couldn't hold back the wail that he let out, and he flung himself at Grover, clinging onto his oldest friend like he was his lifeline.
Without Annabeth to support his lungs and heart, he may as well be.
Grover hugged him back, sitting down so he had a better grip on the other as he tried to soothe his friend, his grip growing tighter when Percy began mumbling something.
"Without her, I can't breathe, this is what drowning feels like..."
It broke his heart to hear his friend say this, and he began to cry himself, finally letting out the suppressed emotions regarding the girl he had saved with Luke all those years ago.
It felt like it was just yesterday that the three of them were laughing after their first quest. They went through so much together, he couldn't believe that one of them no longer breathed and walked among them.
It took them a couple hours, but they both finally managed to calm down enough. Percy untangled himself from Grover and stood up, scratching his head as he looked around in an almost lost manner.
"Do you want me to stay the night?" Grover asked softly, looking at his friend as he pushed himself to his hooves.
Percy nodded, his whole body beginning to shake again. "I'll move one of the bunks closer to mine, give me a second."
Grover couldn't let his friend do it alone, not when he was already suffering, so he helped him. They pushed the bunks together, and Percy instantly collapsed onto the beds, pulling a pillow to his chest.
Grover laid down next to him, "I miss her too, buddy... But she would want us to move on and get better."
Percy nodded, his face mushed into the pillow so it was barely noticeable.
He said something, but it was muffled.
"Can you repeat that..?" Grover asked.
Percy pulled away from the pillow and turned to face his best friend, eyes still shedding tears, "I know that, G-Man, but I..."
"Everything means nothing if I can't have her."
"Let's just get some sleep, yeah...? And then you're going to eat, and we're going to call your mom. It's been a month, Percy, she needs to hear from you."
Percy nodded, and curled up into a tighter ball around the pillow, and Grover curled up behind him, throwing an arm over his waist.
"Dude, that's kinda gay," Percy joked, his voice hitching on the last word.
"I know, but cuddles always help me calm down, so I'm hoping it'll help you as well."
"If you say so..."
They fell asleep like that, snuggled up to each other.
For the first time that month, Percy didn't have nightmares about that Pit, about watching her fall.
All he dreamt of was him and Grover at the beach, Annabeth smiling as she helped them construct a sand castle for the ages.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
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As a Canadian, I am proud to admit, that I, in all my bisexual boi glory, fuckin' h a t e the s n o w on a spiritual level-
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Share if you’re polyamorous or support polyamory
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
A Different Kind of Magic For My Poor Heart
Prompt: Write about how magic is the norm. Some excel at it, some are only okay, and others are against it completely, despite being able to use it. Your main character is the latter.
A/N: I used SAGA instead of LGBTQ+ due to the fact that I once saw a post referring to how it should be the official name instead of LGBTQ+ due to the fact that it's all inclusive, and I personally loved the idea.
Nico di Angelo glared at his reflection, staring himself down. He noticed how his black eyes flitted across the mirror, taking in every little imperfection of his face.
He noticed the bags under his eyes, his extremely pale skin with majorly contrasting freckles, the way his chapped lips looked too feminine for his liking, how his eyes were such a dark brown they were almost black, and not to mention all the scars lining his bare chest and shoulders, the long-lasting bruise around his neck like a choker he can never seem to get rid of or cover up.
A hard knock at his door had him spinning around, quickly putting on his black Punisher t-shirt, pulling his black Joker themed beanie tighter over his long black hair before grabbing and  adjusting his leather jacket.
He opened the door, gripping the strap of his Three Days Grace satchel tightly in one hand as he beamed at his crush, Percy Jackson.
"Hey, dude! You ready for our magical adventure?" Percy asked, his sea green eyes brimming with excitement.
Nico inwardly cringed at the word "magical". He hated magic, especially his own. He felt uncomfortable whenever his friends used their powers, even when Percy did.
Magic was a common thing in this world, but at the time and age he came from, it was looked down upon to use it in public. He still wasn't used to this time and age, his mind was still stuck in that time when magic users, people of color, and people of the SAGA community were all shunned and abused and used.
Nico nodded, exiting his cabin into the cold fall air, pulling his fingerless gloves tighter, hoping to cover more of his slightly exposed wrists.
Camp Half-Blood was a summer and year round camp for "disturbed" children and teenagers, according to the flyers and advertisements. In reality, it was a camp built to help young children and teens learn to better control their powers.
When he was ten, Percy and his best friend Annabeth had found him and his older sister Bianca and brought them here. Bianca instantly jumped on the train, and ended up abandoning him to join an all girls camp. He hated her for it for a while, but then he learned to accept it all.
Except for the fact that he was forced to use his magic everyday in order to keep himself from becoming homeless. That was the only downside.
He shuddered when he remembered how hard it was to survive without using his magic when he had ran away from camp.
He followed Percy to the borders of camp, where Argus, a mute man who has the magical ability to see everything around him, was waiting for them by the camp van.
He nodded at them, and Percy nodded back. Nico felt like a hundred eyes were staring down at him in disapproval, and due to Argus' nickname being the "Hundred Eyed Man" among campers, he wouldn't be surprised if it was the man himself.
He climbed into the back of the van next to Percy, only to have a pair of thin yet strong arms wrap around his neck.
"BABY BAT WINGS!" an excited voice shouted in his ear.
Nico rolled his eyes, "Shut it, Repair Boy," he said, turning to glare at one of his best friends, Leo Valdez.
He noticed that the others were already there, and Nico glared at Jason Grace, who was wiggling his eyebrows at him.
"Awee, but Neeeeeekssss~!" Leo whined, earning a light slap from Jason's girlfriend, Piper McLean.
"Leo, leave the poor boy alone. Look at him, he has depression!"
Okay, low-blow, McLean.
He groaned and sunk further into his seat, clutching his satchel to his chest.
Finally, the door to the front opened, and in a second, one Annabeth Chase became visible.
Nico hated her power most of all. Invisibility, one of the most hated magical abilities from his time period. It was most common among thieves and murderers back then. Worst part is, it's all of both Athena cabin and Hermes cabin that have the ability, and they're both filled with people most likely capable of committing these crimes.
He doesn't like Jason's or Piper's either. He doesn't mind Leo's and Percy's. It still bothers him, but as he knew Leo before camp- he met him when they had both ran away from their respective homes at the same time-, and he has a crush on Percy, it doesn't bother him as much.
But Annabeth... He didn't like her much. She was always nice to him, but he could tell she liked Percy too, and he disliked her for it, because although Percy may be bi, he tended to lean more towards girls than guys.
Not to mention, he knew she could murder him in seconds if she wanted to, so there was also that.
Nico huffed as Annabeth signed to Argus effortlessly, and he responded just as easily.
Miss Perfect, Percy's little Wise Girl.
He put his bag down at his feet and managed to pull his knees up to his chest, earning a strange look from Percy.
He smiled at him, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless, and Percy smiled back so warmly and brightly Nico swore he was from the Apollo cabin, with magical abilities as bright and pure yet dangerous as the sun.
Nico flinched and blushed a deep red when Percy swung his arm over his shoulders. Whether the older boy noticed or not, he didn't say. Nico had to fight the urge to snuggle up against him.
Lo and behold, he didn't have to hold back for long, because Leo- who knew about his crush on the water-bender- decided to be a very unwanted wing-man and climbed to the middle seats where he and Percy sat and sat down next to Nico, pushing him against Percy's side regardless of what his pride and dignity demanded of him.
He could feel Annabeth's grey eyes watching him from the rear-view mirror, and instantly cursed every single god he could think of for this cursed fate.
This... Was going to be one long-ass field trip.
Nico huffed as he face planted onto the bed of the hotel room in New Rome, the camp on the opposite side of the US.
He still didn't know who he was bunking with, because as soon as he saw the key-cards he grabbed one and ran, dragging his bag behind him.
He sat up and turned to face the opening door, only for his face to drain of color.
"No, you can not be my bed-mate!" Nico cried, glaring Percy down.
Percy looked taken aback, "But... Leo is staying with Frank and Hazel, Annabeth is staying with Reyna, and Jason is bunking with Piper. I've got nobody else to bunk with, and we only booked four rooms..."
"Who the fuck authorized that?" he demanded.
"Jason did?" Percy said, although it sounded more like a question.
"...Am I that horrible?"
Nico's head shot up at the cold, angry voice Percy was using. He's never used it on Nico or Grover, but he's directed it at everybody else, including Annabeth, at least once.
"What?" he asked, confused.
Percy's hands shook slightly, and Nico knew if he got anymore angry than he was, toilets and sinks and tubs would start exploding and flooding the place.
"Am I that horrible that the mere idea of me sharing a bed with you makes you wish you never came along? Do you actually hate me that bad? Do I make your skin crawl because I'm not afraid to use my magic? Is that it?"
"Then what the fuck is it, Nico?!"
There went the sink, two more to go before instant flooding of the hotel room.
"You, you? You what, Nico?"
The toilet exploded then. One more before doomsday.
So, naturally, Nico lost his shit, and went crazy-mad first.
"I DON'T WANT TO SHARE A ROOM WITH YOU BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, YOU STUPID MERMAID!" Nico finally snapped, wanting to get away. He could feel his own magic run rampant, the room temperature dropping to below freezing, shadows clawing at his clothes and the walls. He could feel the skeletons trying to break free from the ground, trying to come to him.
Percy froze, before making his way over to the bed.
Nico cowered, and put a hand out. Shadows shot from his palms, wrapping themselves around Percy's legs and knocking him down, "S-stay away. I-I know I-I'm disgusting. You like Annabeth, obviously, you always tended to favor her over me before. Sure, you've been really nice lately, but... You always fall back to her and Grover, a-and-"
He let out a hiccup, wiping at the tears he didn't even realize until now he had been shedding, and retracted his hands, the shadows retreating back into his body like clockwork.
The sink and toilet stopped flowing as Percy just sat there, sprawled on the ground still, staring up at Nico, who was now full-on sobbing.
"A-an' I know you don't want a... A pathetic k-kid like me... Somebody w-ho d-doesn't even like magic... And... I just wish you'd l-leave me alone because all I w-want is you but I can't have you and..."
Nico let out a light gasp as he was pulled against a warm, well-built chest.
Percy's chest.
'He smells like the ocean...' Nico thought, feeling all the strength he had leave his body.
He broke down, majorly. Wailing and all.
"Hey, hey... It's okay, Neeks... Come on, look at me..." Percy mumbled softly, rubbing soothing circles into Nico's back.
Nico let out a small sob, and managed to force himself to look up at Percy, who was looking at him with concern.
Great, now you're a charity case.
"W...Why are you still here...?" he asked in a small voice, trying to keep himself from falling victim to a panic attack.
"Because, Ghost King, I like you too," Percy replied, smiling softly.
Nico stared at him in utter shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure you liked me back, not to mention I'm older than you by three years, and..."
"You... No... I... What...?"
"Awe, I broke your poor little brain," Percy teased, and Nico let out a small laugh.
"In your dreams, Seaweed Brain."
"Hey, only Annabeth can call me that."
Nico instantly soured. "Sorry," he spat, "Mermaid-Man."
Percy's face instantly turned into one of apology, "I'm sorry, I-"
Nico laughed, "Now look who got fucked over! HA!"
"You little fuckin'-" He was suddenly cut off by Nico, who had pressed his lips against Percy's in a short, gentle kiss.
He was satisfied by the fact that when he pulled away, Percy was blushing madly.
"So ah... What now?" he asked sheepishly, and Nico grinned.
"One, be my boyfriend. Two... Go on a date with me?"
Percy nodded, "YES!" he shouted, only to seemingly mentally reel himself back in and say, "I-I mean, ah, yes, that sounds lovely."
Nico laughed again, smiling brightly as he wiped away the rest of his tears, "Great, let's go."
"Right now, yes. There's still daylight."
Percy smiled back, nodding as he stood up, helping the other boy to his feet as well.
He didn't let go of Nico's hand afterwards.
They went off, laughing and smiling and exchanging sweet kisses.
Nico may not like magic, but he enjoys how magical the trip turned out to be, he enjoyed how magical the sparks of each kiss he shared with Percy felt, and how magical the tingling of his fingers entwined with the older boy's felt.
He may not like the magic he's accustomed to, but the magic of Percy's hand in his, of knowing Percy is his, makes him hate magic a little less.
Just a little.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
First Burn, A Modern Valdangelo Hamilton! AU
When Nico di Angelo first saw him from across the room, he felt his heart doing back-flips and front-flips against his rib-cage. He turned to Hazel, who now stood next to him, and whispered, "That one there, the elf-ish boy... That one is mine; he has to be mine."
Hazel smiled, her golden eyes flashing with something Nico couldn't quite place, before she turned and headed off towards the boy in skinny jeans and suspenders.
Nico watched helplessly, mind racing, "What..."
What is she doing?
"Where are you taking me?" the boy asked.
"I'm about to change your life," Hazel said, smiling warmly.
"Why, lead the way~" he replied, smirking.
Nico let out a gasp when she led him right over to him.
Their eyes met, brown versus ebony.
Nico felt his heart stop.
Helpless, he thought, helpless against those gorgeous eyes.
"Hey," the boy said, and Nico, in all his glory, stuttered a reply.
"H-hey! U-uhm, N-Nico di Angelo!" he said, cheeks a bright red as he bowed.
"di Angelo, eh?"
"My brother," Hazel said, smirking.
"Oh, Leo Valdez! I'm a mechanic for Hades."
"T-thank you for ah, working so hard!" Nico said, his heart still racing.
"If that's all it took for us to meet, then it'll have been worth it~"
Nico was happy as he hung off of Leo's arm. After years of receiving love letters and sending them back, they were finally married.
Percy Jackson stepped up to the stage, laughing, face red and drunk, "Alright, alright! Let's get this party going! But first, from the maid of honor, Hazel Levesque!"
Hazel stepped up, her purple dress flowing behind her. She gladly took the mic from Percy, who patted her hair, before turning to smile at her older brother... And Leo.
"A toast to the grooms!" She said, raising her glass.
Everybody repeated what she said, laughing and smiling.
She looked around the room, and noticed Piper, Percy, and Will were already drunk, laughing as they talked among themselves.
"A toast to your union!"
"To their union!"
Nico looked so happy, but Hazel could see how Leo watched her every movement, her every word.
She brushed it off as him just listening intently.
"May you always be satisfied!"
"YASSS!" Percy and Piper screeched, earning laughter from throughout the room, as well as face-palms from Jason and Annabeth.
Hazel stepped down and went to sit with the others, sitting down next to Frank, who gently grabbed her hand.
She smiled at him, though her mind decided to wander.
She remembers that night. The dreamlike candlelight of the office party her father had hosted.
She remembered all the boys and girls falling over themselves to earn hers and Nico's praise, how many had failed.
But not Leo.
No, he had won them both over by storm...
"May I have this dance?"
Hazel jumped, whipping around to face the impishly smiling boy with chocolate skin, curly black hair tied back into a ponytail, and the warmest brown eyes she's ever seen.
Those eyes. She could stare into them all day...
"U-hm," she stuttered, forgetting her name as she stared into his eyes.
"Uhm?" he teased, smirking.
"I'm Hazel, Hazel Levesque-di Angelo."
"Leo Valdez. di Angelo, eh?"
Hazel blushed, nodding as he took her hand and placed the other on her hip, swaying them gently into a waltz of sorts.
Hazel felt complete, her chest was filled with warmth, her stomach aflutter with butterflies.
"You look like you've never been satisfied before," Leo suddenly said out of the blue.
Hazel's expression hardened, and her guards went up, "I'm sure I don't understand, you forget who you're talking to."
"I meant no ill will, I was just stating you're like me."
"I've never been satisfied, either."
Hazel couldn't believe it. There he was, perfect as can be, just like...
No, he's dead.
She turned to look to her brother as they parted ways, only to find he was watching Leo with a love-struck look.
He looked absolutely helpless.
So, she went over there and listened to him go on about Leo, and felt her face fall when he said, "That one there, the elf-ish boy... That one is mine; he has to be mine."
She knew he needed him more, so she gave up.
Her brother's happiness means more than hers, anyways.
"Where are you taking me?"
"I'm about to change your life."
"Nico di Angelo."
"Leo Valdez~"
Hazel was shaken from the memories when Percy announced that the activities will soon begin.
She turned to her brother and Leo.
Leo met her eyes for a second, only to look away and kiss Nico's forehead, causing the taller man to giggle.
At least Nico's his husband. At least she keeps his eyes in her life...
He will never be satisfied, and neither will she.
Leo knew it was a trap from the beginning. But with being promoted to the head of the work shop and with Nico and the kids gone, he couldn't handle the loneliness or the stress.
So, when Calypso came by, he didn't say no.
Gods, does he wish he did.
"Don't tell a soul," Leo snarled, glaring at Octavian and his lackeys.
Octavian smirked, turning to his brother, Luke. "Should we tell his husband? Poor, poor little Nico will be crushed!"
"I can prove I didn't steal from the company; I can prove it!"
The two brothers exchanged a look with Dakota, who seemed resigned.
The alcoholic merely shrugged, "Nobody was in the room where it happened."
"Is that a yes?"
"Uhhh... Yes," the three of them said.
"Great, I'll get started."
"Did you read the news?"
"Poor Nico!"
"He cheated on him, how ignorant-"
"Leo Valdez is a monster!"
"A cheater, too!"
Octavian and Luke watched and listened; they knew it was only a matter of time before the downfall of the enemy.
It was almost midnight when Nico di Angelo stormed into his husbands repair shop, slamming the pack of letters down onto the worktable Leo Valdez was sat at.
Leo looked up, and stared at his partner in crime in confusion, "Nico? What's wrong?"
"I saved every letter you wrote me."
"Oh? Why bring them here-"
"As soon as I read them, I knew you were mine, you said you were mine, I-I thought you were..."
Leo's eyes widened, "Nico-"
"Do you know what Hazel said when your first letter arrived?"
Leo shook his head, "No, but-"
"She said to be careful with you, that you'd do anything to survive. She was right, according to the news!" Nico's voice cracked, and he could feel his eyes watering.
Leo nearly fell out of his chair. "N-no, Nico, wait!"
"Do you know how much your words affected me? How good they made me feel? I was always so excited for the next one, your words flooded my senses, Leo," Nico said, glaring Leo down. "You built me a fucking castle made up of empty promises and broken trust disguised as love."
"Nico, just stop and listen-" Leo tried, eyes wide. He felt like he was being doused in gasoline and set on fire, the panic building up in his chest.
"I re-read the letters you wrote me, searched for an answer in every fuckin' line, looking for the answers as to when you were mine and mine alone... You published the letters she would write you, all so you could clear up where you were when all that shit happened at the company! In clearing your fuckin' name, you tarnished mine and ruined our fuckin' lives!"
Leo stood up, and took a step towards the taller man, only to have Nico step back, "Don't take another fuckin' step in my direction, Valdez!"
Leo winced. He and Nico both knew that on their wedding certificate, Leo had taken the others name.
That was a low blow, and Leo knew he deserved it.
"You told the world how you brought this girl- Calypso- into our bed! Do you know what Hazel said when she saw the news? 'You've married an Icarus; he's flown too close to the sun'. You're so paranoid about how others view you, so obsessed with carrying on your mother's legacy and work that you forget what's important!
"The world has no right to my heart! Has no right to my bed! They don't get to know what I fuckin' say on the subject!"
"Nico, please-" Leo begged, cheeks drenched in tears. He let out a hiccup, followed by an ugly sob.
Nico's tear drenched face contorted into something out of a horror movie, a look of pure pain and suffering, "As soon as somebody whispers something, you fucking scream in response!"
Leo was about to speak when Nico raised a hand, his lips breaking into a broken, watery smile, "I know about whispers, Leo, I've had them following me all my fuckin' life! Not to mention, I see how you look at my sister!"
"DON'T! I'M NOT NAÏVE!" he screamed, balling his hands into fists. "I have seen women and men around you, how they fall for your charms!"
Leo sat back down, defeated as he watched Nico walk away. He returned with a torch in hand, and tossed the letters on the ground. "I'm burning the letters you wrote me; they don't mean anything now. I'm burning the memories, the last bit of proof to prove that you're a decent guy, the last thing that could've redeemed you. You can just sit there and watch."
Leo didn't say a word, merely watched, gut wrenching at the sight as Nico set them all aflame.
"When the time comes, you can explain to Maria-Bianca and Sammy what you've done, the pain and embarrassment you've put me through, how you dragged our name through the mud."
Nico laughed almost hysterically, before going stone faced and ripping off his ring, tossing it to Leo, "You forfeit the right to my heart."
Leo stared at the ring as he caught it, eyes wide as he looked back up at Nico, "No-!"
"You forfeit the right to our bed."
"Nico, please just listen-"
"You sleep here instead!"
"No, I-"
"When will you learn, Leo?" Nico mused; voice soft for the first time since he got there.
"When will you learn," Nico said, voice raising to a shrill sound, "That our children are your legacy? That I am your legacy? That we are your legacy?! When will you learn?!"
"I'll try harder, I'll do better! Please-!"
"Stand back and watch it burn. Watch all that we've built burn to the ground!"
Nico stormed off towards the door, tossing the torch aside.
He stopped with his shaking hand on the door handle, before turning to flash that same, broken smile at Leo over his shoulder, his black hair messy and tangled, his ebony eyes shattered
"I hope that you burn," he said flatly, a sob ripping itself free from his throat right afterwards.
He left, slamming the door shut.
Leo sat there, gripping the ring he held in his hand, and broke down, crying and screaming.
Leo stared in shock.
"You've invented a new kinda stupid, the open-all-the-cages-in-the-zoo, kinda stupid, no, worse!"
"Do you realize what you've done, Leo?"
"IT.. It was an act of political sacrifice!"
Hazel froze, staring him down, "Sacrifice? I languished in a loveless marriage in Rome for a long time before I found Frank, and even then all I could think of was you for years!"
"But you know why I'm not with you? Because I saw how he looked when he looked at you, how happy he was! I know my brother like I know my own mind, you'll never find anybody as understanding and as kind...
“I love my brother more than anything in this world, I'd sacrifice my happiness for his every time! Nico is the best thing in our lives, so don't forget that you've been blessed with the best husband!"
"So yeah, congratulations! For the rest of your fucking life! Every choice you make is for my brother, give him the best life!"
Will stood by the bed, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, Leo, but with the entry point of the wound, she-"
Leo pushed Will out of the way, rushing to kneel by Maria-Bianca.
"P-papa, I-"
"Shh, I know-"
"I did as you said, I aimed my arrows high-"
"Shh, I know, sweetheart, save your strength and stay alive, please-"
"Where's my daughter? How is she? Will she survive this?! Leo, did you know?!" Nico cried, tears running free as he knelt next to his husband, brushing the hair from their daughter's face.
"Dad, I'm sorry..." Maria whispered, coughing.
"It's okay, it's okay, shush, sweetling, save your strength."
"I remember what you taught me... How we played piano-"
"Yes, I know. You always changed the tune," Nico whispered back.
He took Leo's hand, gripping it to steady himself. Leo squeezed back just as hard.
"I always changed the tunes..."
Nico began to sing, "Une deux trois quatre-"
"Cinq six sept huite neuf-"
"Good. Une deuz trois quatre cinq six-"
"cinq six..."
"Sept huite neuf... Sept huite neuf... Sept huite-"
You could hear a pin drop in the deafening silence that ensued the death of their daughter.
Nico stood up and left, Leo in tow.
"Can you imagine?"
"How cruel can the world be?"
"If you see Valdez walking through the streets and talking to himself, don't judge, he's going through the unimaginable."
"Poor Nico. First a cheating husband, now a dead daughter."
"Shh, here comes Valdez."
"Leo, you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Leo, we need to talk. You can't keep saying that."
Leo turned to look up at Nico, who was standing at his shoulder, "Why? You hate me."
"I don't, I could never..."
"I love you."
Leo looked up at him once again, shocked, "After all I've done...?"
"Yes, Repair Boy, after all that you've done."
Leo broke down at that, standing up and grabbing onto Nico, sobbing into his shoulder.
Nico merely picked him up and sat down, placing the Latino on his lap.
"I love you, Drago."
"I love you too, Angel..."
And they kissed. After so long, the sparks were still there.
And Leo fell in love all over again.
"If you see them walking, they're trying their bests."
"Nico called off the divorce, his father is pissed."
"Don't judge them, they're going through the unimaginable."
When Leo died, Nico was crushed.
"You always wanted more time... Now I'm stuck with just that..."
He had Hazel, up until she passed away due to a car crash.
He and Frank mourn together, and Hazel is buried near Leo and Maria-Bianca.
Nico visits them every year on their birthdays and death days.
He always leaves them roses from their garden. Always.
And for Leo, snapdragons. He was always obsessed with dragons, had managed to build a dog size mechanical one named Festus.
He and Sammy keep him company, with frequent visits from Frank and his friends.
He'll make sure the world will tell Leo's story.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Heroes Of Olympus Heathers! AU
Here's the character list, in case people get confused:
Veronica: Percy Jackson
JD: Nico di Angelo
Martha D: Annabeth Chase
Heather C: Nancy Bobofit
Heather M: Silena Beauregard
Heather D: Drew Tanaka
Ram S: Luke Castellan
Kurt K: Octavian Augur
Big Bud Dean: Hades di Angelo
Veronica's Mom: Sally Jackson
Veronica's Dad: Poseidon Jackson
Kurt and Ram's Dad's: Hermes Castellan / Jeremy Augur
Ms. Fleming: Hecate Hearths
Principal Gowan: Zeus Skyson
'[text]' signifies what Percy is writing in his journal.
Now, on to the story!!
Percy Jackson stepped into the high-school, taking a deep breath as he tightened his grip on his open journal and pen. Another first day at Hell.
A boy bumped into him, one of the jocks.
Percy froze, and glared at him, "Hey, don't be a dick-"
The jock laughed, "What did you just say to me, bitch?" he asked.
"N-nothing," Percy replied, inching away, realizing who he was.
"That's what I thought, wimp," he said, smirking. His best friend walked up to them, and pushed Percy into a locker.
'Introducing Octavian Augur, the lead quarterback of the football team, and his best friend Luke Castellan, the captain.'
'Octavian allows his dick to lead him everywhere, and has a sense of cruelty regarding everybody. He's also the smartest guy on the football team, which is like being the tallest dwarf. Luke is charming, but is obsessed with being known. He did everything and anything to make sure people knew where he stood, and who he was.'
"What you got there, sissy? A diary?" Luke laughed, pointing at it.
"What a fag," Octavian added, knocking it out of his hands.
Percy watched in distaste as the two high-fived, and went to pick up his journal, only to find his best friend Annabeth Chase standing there, holding it out to him.
"Here you go, Seaweed Brain," she said, smiling.
Percy smiled back, taking the journal from her and cradling it against his chest, "Thanks, Wise Girl."
"No problem, Perce."
"Another year of Hell, and then University or College. Did you get your applications replied to yet?" Percy asked, opening his journal to continue his entry.
"Yep, all of them."
"You sent out ten, how in-"
"You must forget why you call me 'Wise Girl', Seaweed Brain," she teased, laughing as he blushed. "What about you?"
"Nothing. I sent out five, and no reply from anywhere. I'm doomed if I can't get into New Rome University, it's where Uncle Neptune and Dad went and they're both top-notch marine biologists."
Annabeth hummed, staring off into the distance. He followed her gaze, and found them both staring at Luke's ass.
"I know, I know... But he has to still love me, I know he does..."
Percy was about to speak up, when people started clearing out the hallway. He quickly pulled Annabeth aside, and watched as the "Heathers" walked by.
They aren't all named Heather, but they definitely fit the trope in their own way; gorgeous, dumb, and cruel.
The first Heather stepped out, brushing her long, claw shaped, hot pink nails through her hair. She wore her usual emerald green outfit as she strutted down the hall, winking at the popular boys and sneering at the geeks and rebels.
'Introducing Drew Tanaka, the "Beauty Queen".  Bulimic, narcissistic, and obsessed with sex. Has a mean streak a mile wide.'
Percy didn't like her at all.
The second Heather stepped out, giggling as she stared at her phone, probably texting her boyfriend. She wore her usual yellow attire, which she somehow managed to pull off despite her black hair and crystal blue eyes.
'Silena Beauregard, the "dumb" one. She was sweet and kinder than the other two, but she got picked on for it often by her two best friends.'
Percy liked Silena, they used to be friends when they were younger, but then high school came and they stopped talking. He's sure she doesn't even know his name anymore.
The final Heather stepped out, donning her blood red clothes and scrunchie. She walked to the front of the group, seeming unimpressed with her friends.
'And last but not least, Nancy Bobofit, the queen fuckin' bee...'
Percy paused in his writings, before smirking.
'She is a mythic bitch.'
People started whispering about them, saying how they'd wish they were nicer, how pretty they were, how sitting at their table even once grants immunity, etc.
One guy made a creepy comment about a basement, nudity, a camera, and rats, but he chose to ignore it for his own sanity.
He watched as they went into one of the few non-gendered washrooms, fitted with three toilets, three stalled urinals, and three sinks each.
He suddenly felt the urge to pee, and after giving Annabeth a look of "wish me luck" he followed them in, heading into the first stall he saw.
Toilet, dammit all.
He could hear Drew puking in the stall next to his, and he cringed inwardly as Nancy said, "Pull it together, Drew. Bulimia is so last year."
"Yeah, Drew, maybe you should see a doctor," Silena added helpfully in a softer tone.
"Maybe you're right, Silena, I should."
The door opened, and the voice of Hecate Hearths, the student counselor, rang out into the room.
"Ah, Nancy, Silena..." She paused as she heard Drew puking again, "...And of course, Drew. Didn't you hear the bell? You're all late for class."
Percy quickly set to work in his journal, a plan forming in his head.
"Drew isn't feeling well, we're helping her," Nancy said sweetly. Her voice made Percy's blood boil, but he knew he couldn't back out now that the note was finished.
"Actually, Miss Hearths, I have the hall pass right here!" Percy said, flushing and stepping out of the stall.
Drew was now standing next to her friends, and the three of them stared at Percy in shock and awe.
Miss Hearth checked the note, and nodded. "Alright, but get back to class soon!"
As soon as she was gone, Percy found himself cornered by the three girls.
"Who are you?" Nancy demanded, glaring at him.
"P-Percy Jackson."
"Why would you do that?" Drew questioned next, eyeing him suspiciously.
"I want immunity," he blurted, "If you let me sit at your table just once, no talking necessary, people will think you at least tolerate me and leave me alone."
Nancy laughed, "Seriously?"
"I also do report cards and late slips!" he added.
"What about prescriptions?" Drew asked curiously.
"Sorry, Nancy."
Nancy grabbed his chin, squishing his cheeks, and moved his face side to side, "For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure..."
"And a symmetrical face!" Silena said excitedly, "If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have two matching halves. Very important!"
"Of course, you could stand to lose a few pounds," Drew said, smirking at him.
"You know, this could be beautiful... Some eyeliner, maybe some light eye-shadow and mascara, and we're on our way. Silena, get this boy some blush, and Drew I need your brush. Let's make him beautiful~"
"Let's make him beautiful!" the other two repeated, doing as they were told.
"Okay?" Nancy asked sweetly as she sat him on the counter of the sink.
"Okay!" Percy said excitedly.
Percy was nervous as they all stepped out of the bathroom during second period, his face all made up with a blue-green eye shadow, black eyeliner, red blush, and mascara. His hair was somehow tamed due to Nancy's harsh brushing.
People turned to look at the four of them, and once again, the halls erupted into whispers.
"Who's that guy?"
"Who's the sexy dude?"
"Who is he?"
Nancy smirked and pushed him to the forefront, and Percy gasped as he turned to see Annabeth staring at him, "Percy...?"
Everybody started fawning over him, and his face lit up like a lighthouse on the shore at night, "Fuck yes!"
Nancy smirked, turning to the other girls. She nodded her chin at Annabeth, who was staring at Percy with a look of shock.
"Let's see how much of a man he really is," she whispered.
Drew and Silena nodded, giggling.
"No, no way!" Percy said, "It'll crush her!"
Nancy's smile faded to a snarl, "Are we gonna have a problem here?" she snapped, glaring him down.
He gulped, backing away.
"You've got a bone to pick?" she advanced, backing him up against the lockers. Drew and Silena moved to block his only two exits.
"You've come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick? I'd normally slap your face off, and everybody here could watch~" she purred, smirking.
Percy suddenly became aware of everybody watching the scene in silence, and he felt his body begin to tremble in fear.
Drew snatched the note from his hand and headed towards Luke.
He barely managed to get it back from her, but he gripped it like a lifeline as Nancy snapped her head in his direction.
"Well, I'm feeling nice, so here's some advice, listen up, bitch."
Silena, in all her pure glory, began to speak, Drew following her lead.
"I like!" They managed to say it in sync, which scared Percy half to death.
"Lookin' hot, buying stuff they cannot~" Nancy sang, her voice much more attractive than her face.
"I like!"
"Drinking hard, maxing dad's credit card~"
"I like!"
"Skippin' gym, scaring her-" she turned and smirked towards Annabeth, causing Percy's blood to run like ice through his veins, "-screwing him~" she then pointed at Octavian, who waved.
"I like!"
"Killer clothes, kicking nerds in the nose!"
He scrambled back as her leg swung up inches away from his face.
It's official, he's died and gone to Hell.
"If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack!" Nancy snapped, advancing again, "Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke, in my Porsche with the quarterback!"
"Honey what you waiting for?" Silena asked, managing to slip the note from his grip.
He reached out for it, only to have Drew block his way, "Step into my candy store!"
"You just gotta prove you ain't a pussy, anymore!" Nancy said, motioning to Silena, who had already delivered the note.
"And step into our candy store~" the three said, smirking.
"Percy, Percy look! Luke just invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he's been thinking about me!" Annabeth said, rushing over, the note in hand.
"Color me stoked," Percy said nervously, feeling extremely guilty at the excited look on her face.
"I'm so happy!" she said, seeming on the verge of tears.
"Yeah..." he said, forcing a smile.
"McDonald's has always been my place to go, always. No matter where we move, it's always right there!" Nico di Angelo said with a small smile.
Percy laughed, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he payed for the coffees, "Yeah, but it'll make you fat."
"Not if you work out daily, it doesn't," Nico insisted, "Come on, do I look fat to you?"
Percy, in all his idiocy, made the mistake of eyeing him up and down, hoping Nico didn't notice how his eyes lingered on his lips.
Blushing, he said, "No, you don't."
"You have some... Interesting choice in friends."
"Yeah, I hate them, but I need them."
Percy said nothing, merely walked out.
That question is what was brought to the forefront of his mind as Nancy stood before him, hands on her hips.
"Nobody will talk to you, touch you, or even look at you! You don't get to be a nobody, you get to be dead to everybody!" she screeched, causing his ears to hurt.
Silena giggled, "I know who I'm sitting with at lunch on Monday."
Drew smirked, "Do you, big boy~?"
Percy turned to look at the others at the party, but everybody was turned away.
"Come Monday morning... Percy stew will be on the menu~" Nancy purred with a smirk akin to that of a wolves before it tore out the jugular of it's prey.
He fled the party, tears in his eyes.
"P-Percy, what are you doing in my room?"
Percy took a deep breath as he stared at the other boy, before smirking, all of his uneasiness fading away as he stepped away from the window.
"I'm sorry, but I really had to wake you."
Percy's smirk evolved into a huge grin, his cheeks flushing a dark red, "You see... I decided I must ride you 'til I break you~"
"Nancy says I got to go, you're my last meal on Death Row," he purred, moving to straddle the younger boy, "So shut your stupid mouth, and lose those boxers~"
Nico's face went bright red, and he pulled Percy down for a kiss.
The rest of the night went even better then Percy had hoped it would.
"She's dead! Fuck! I just killed my best friend-"
"Percy, calm down, love," Nico cooed, cupping the older boy's face.
"W-we need to call 911-"
"-and get ourselves arrested for murder?" Nico questioned, an eyebrow raised.
"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Percy shouted, on the verge of a panic attack.
"Suicide note," Nico said, standing up and grabbing a pen and paper. "Write."
"Hey, Dad!" Hades di Angelo said, smiling at his son.
Nico rolled his eyes, his grip around Percy's shoulder getting tighter, "Hey, son."
"How was work?" Hades asked, before changing his voice, "Oh! It was crazy! They wouldn't let me blow it up, but I did it anyways!"
"That's great, son."
"Thanks, Dad," Hades finally noticed Percy, who smiled weakly and waved shyly, "Hey, Dad, meet my new girlfriend!" he added in a poor imitation of Nico's voice.
"Dad, this is Percy. Percy, this is.. My dad."
"Hello, Percy."
"Hi, Hades..."
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Hades asked.
"Oh, no... My mom is making my favorite for dinner, fried salmon. With lots of ah... Salt."
"Oh, that's funny, isn't it dad? The last time I saw mom, she was waving out of a building you blew up seconds later."
"Yes, son," Hades said darkly, "Yes, it was."
"Uhm... I'm gonna go..."
"Drew! Silena! Open the door!"
"On no, oh no!" Drew laughed, locking the doors.
Silena gave him an apologetic glance, "No, no... No."
"You make our balls so blue~" Luke sang drunkenly.
"They're hanging sadly~" Octavian added.
Percy ran off, tears in his eyes and a burning rage in the pit of his stomach..
"Sword fight, eh?" Drew purred, the red scrunchie in her hair standing out against the green outfit she wore.
"What?" Percy questioned, staring at her deadpan.
"The sword fight in your mouth, idiot," Drew snarled.
"What? When-"
"Last night, yeah! Turns out the pretty girl was Percy Jackson dressed in drag!" a kid said from a few meters away.
"Oh, everybody is talking about last night, Percy~"
"You bitch-"
"Apparently not like you, mutt. Go slobber on some more cock, eh?"
"Sword fight, eh?"
"Nico, I-"
"I know, Sea Prince, I know. Come on, we'll make 'em pay~"
Nico smirked as he loaded up his gun, "Not real, just tranquilizers. My grandpa Kronos brought them back from World War two."
"Well... Okay. What do we do though?"
"Plant a note saying they killed themselves for being gay for each other."
"Hah! Brilliant!"
"Mmhmm, they made you cry, so now they'll pay. They'll wake up as laughingstocks."
"I love you," Percy said, kissing Nico.
He hummed against Percy's lips, "Our love is God, baby."
"We love our dead gay sons, whether they were pansies or not!" Hermes Castellan and Jeremy Augur said at the funeral, just before Luke's poor mother broke down in tears.
"My son!" she wailed, "My beautiful, beautiful son!"
"You're a fucking psychopath! Get the hint, Nico!"
"But, Babe, our love is God~"
"Then God is dead!" Percy screamed, glaring daggers at the other.
He stormed off, ignoring Nico's call of, "You'll be back, sure as day turns into night! Nothing can break our bond!"
Silena clung to him, gripping his t-shirt so tightly he was scared her nails would cut into his skin through the fabric.
"I stand in a boat... On a raging black ocean, low in the water, and nowhere to go... The loneliest lifeboat, filled with people I know..."
"I know, Silena, but don't worry, we'll make it to shore someday..."
"Percy, please, talk to us son!" Poseidon Jackson cried, waving the book Moby Dick around.
"Your problems seem like life and death," Sally Jackson added, staring at her son with tears in her eyes, "But believe me, they aren't!"
"You don't know what my life is like!" Percy screamed back.
"Yo, boy, keep it together~" Nancy purred in his ear.
"You've burned that red scrunchie, come join us in Hell!" Octavian and Luke said in unison.
"Somebody's here for you~" Nancy said, smirking.
Percy's eyes widened, and he rushed upstairs.
"Don't make me come in there, Percy."
"Go away! I'll scream, and Mom'll call the cops!"
"Don't you want to make s'mores with me? We can smile and cuddle while their screams burn out! Ha! Get it, burn out?"
Percy knew he had only minutes to figure out how to get away, when he spotted the bed sheets.
'He wants suicide so badly? I'll give him one he didn't plan...'
"Percy, open the door! Open the door right now!" Nico snapped, brandishing his gun.
"Don't make me come in there!"
"On the count of three!"
"Two- Fuck it!"
He kicked in the door, and froze at what he saw.
"No... Percy, why...?" Nico whispered brokenly, dropping to his knees. "You were all I could trust... Please don't leave me alone..."
The hanging body said nothing, merely swung back and forth.
"I can't do this alone," Nico sobbed, yanking at his hair. He suddenly got a crazy look on his face, onyx eyes wide and crazed, his grin so wide it could split his face in half, "Still, I will if I must!
He climbed back out the window, laughing.
"Percy?" Sally questioned, "I brought you a snack, blue cookies-"
She saw him there, hanging in the closet, and screamed.
His eyes opened.
"Drop the bomb."
Nico chuckled, "Oh, this little thing? I'd barely call this a bomb..." Percy gaped as the smile on Nico's face stretched, a crazed look in his eyes. “This is merely to trigger the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym, now those are bombs!”
Percy knew he didn’t stand much of a chance against Nico, but he also knew he had to try.
Nobody was going to hurt his friends anymore.
"I'm a fucking dead boy walking, and you're going down with me!" Percy shouted, tackling Nico to the floor.
Nico laughed, "I knew that noose was too loose!"
The gun went skidding far off, and as Percy was just about to reach it, Nico pinned him to the ground, smiling at him crazily. "I don't think so~!"
Just as his hands clasped around Percy's neck, a gunshot rang off.
Percy gave a sob as Nico spat up some blood, his beautiful onyx eyes wide in shock.
And then the unexpected happened.
Nico kissed him, sweet and gentle, before standing up and grabbing the bomb.
"I.. Am damaged. Far too damaged," Nico said softly.
Percy merely stared at him, not knowing where this was going.
"But you... You are not beyond repair," he added, looking up at him with a sad smile. He pressed the button on the bomb, the one to set it off.
"Stick around a little longer, make things better, it's too late for me."
"Please, no!"
"You beat me fair and square..."
"Please, stand back now, I'm not quite sure what this thing will do... I don't want my Sea Prince getting hurt," the younger replied, motioning with his hand for Percy to back up.
Percy took ten steps back, eyes wide in horror as the timer clicked down.
"A little further..."
Percy took a dozen more steps back, full-on sobbing by this point.
"Our love is God, baby," Nico said with certainty.
"...Say hi to God."
"You look like Hell," Drew said with a sneer.
"I just got back," Percy replied, walking up to her.
"Hey-! What're you-"
In one swift motion, he kissed her cheek, yanking the red scrunchie from her hair.
"No more. War is over. We're all damaged, we're all broken up and hurt, but that's okay! We'll heal, all of us! If nobody loves us now, someday, somebody will."
Drew put a hand to her cheek, blushing as she glared, "You stupid-"
"Shut up, Drew," Silena said, "Percy's right."
Percy smiled at her, and she smiled back at him softly.
He turned to Annabeth, who was sat in her wheelchair, "Annabeth, are you free tonight...? I was thinking, maybe, we could hang out..? Rent a movie, something with a happy ending..?"
"Are there any happy endings...?" Annabeth asked softly.
"Maybe not now, but someday there will be," he said confidently.
She smiled, throwing her arms open.
He eagerly obliged, hugging her tightly.
"For now, let's party!" A kid yelled.
For the first time since he first became a "Heather", Percy felt happy, and free.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
50 notes · View notes
ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Me: I'm so done
Me: idk why,
Me: but I am
Friend: ...the fuck does that mean???
0 notes
ashis2gay4u · 5 years
A Random Guy Has Appeared!
So, I'm sitting outside Tim Horton's, and holy fuckin' shit i shit u not, a guy just pops out of bushes nearby with the biggest smile on his face
He walks past, sees me staring in shock, and starts a short but odd conversation:
Him: hello!
Me: ...hello??
Him: how are you?
Me: ...good, you...?
Him: good. How're you doing?
Me: I- I'm okay??
Him: awesome!
He then walked into Timmy's like he did this everyday. Wtf. Wtf wtf wtf
Update: he has left through the bushes once more. I am confused, I am shook, and I'm honestly too tired for this bs. What-the-ever-living-fuck just happened?
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