beccawise7 24 minutes
The taste of you on my tongue still lingers. The smell of your skin, as you dove into me over and over...still fresh in my mind.
Your voice, issuing beautiful commands as you pleasured me for hours.
Your touch. Your presence. It's everywhere, and I find myself simply longing for more of you. ~becca wise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 45 minutes
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Feeling kinda cute. Might conquer the world a bit later. ~beccaknows7馃挏馃枻馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 10 hours
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beccawise7 23 hours
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Being late is always a good idea. ~beccawise7 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 1 day
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Sunday and all I want is this. ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 2 days
You make me sick as awoman.
What are u doin writing this ahit and speaking like u doo about sex and women all about?
U should get some morals! Soo groas to swxualize men and women.
U are disgusting.
Goodness, I normally don't respond to hate because I'm careful where I place my energy. But, in reviewing the last 3 Asks to my page, you sent all 3. Noted not only by your lack of proper grammar, spelling, and name calling but the off-putting vitriol you spewed.
So, I'll just take a moment to say ignorance can be cured. However, stupidity is a choice. I'm afraid here - you fall into the latter category.
Speaking as a woman who is successful and quite in tune with herself sexually. I speak for myself and anyone who identifies with the words and emotions I write.
Since you don't identify in this manner (although if you tried it might help your nasty disposition), perhaps you should kindly move along and focus on healing whatever is hurting you so much that you need to lash out at anonymous people on the internet.
Take care, darling. Maybe play with yourself a bit more. (Trust me-it helps.)馃槝
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beccawise7 2 days
Good Morning. 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 2 days
Dancing with another's mind before you ever touch their body elicits a higher level of connection. ~beccawise7 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 3 days
馃憜馃憜馃憜 This. Remember your worth. 馃挏馃枻馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 3 days
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Friday Feels. 鈽曪笍馃挏馃枻馃挏馃枻鈽曪笍
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beccawise7 3 days
I'm a bit enthralled by your page!
You have a way with words and seem to have a sense of humor from readins some of your posts.
I'm curious if u would answer a few questions ?
What music do you like? What is ur favourite music or song and artist and why?
Favorite writer or poet?
Do you believe people deserve to be forgiven for the wrong things they do?
Is the love and connection thing you write about something you seek or have or think it finds you?
How would u suggest healing a broken heart?
Really like ur page. Thanks a lot for posting things that make sense.
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it!
Sure, I can answer a few of your questions.
Music: I love ALL types of music. Literally everything. What I listen to usually depends on what I'm doing or feeling at the time. My favorite artist right now is Dermot Kennedy. Saw him at RedRocks last year and by far the best live show I've seen in years. A lyrical talent indeed. Without Fear is my fav album of his. :)
Fav. Writer or Poet: ohhh, this is tough. So many. But my most read: E.E. Cummings, Wilde, Frost, Keats. Tolkien, Tolstoy, Austen, Bronte.
This love thing:
I'll just say this. I don't seek anything out except things that make me learn and grow. I live my life how I want to live, and I meet amazing people through my lifestyle. Do what you want to do, be true to yourself, kind to others, and everything else falls into place.
Healing A Broken Heart:
Give yourself time and stay productive. Life doesn't stop when our hearts are hurting. Keep disciplined habits and give yourself time to heal.
Forgiving people:
100% I believe people should be forgiven for things. We all mess up. I try to show grace to others in hopes others reciprocate. That doesn't mean you should accept bad behavior routinely. You can forgive someone and choose to walk away. Loving people from afar,when necessary, is self care.
Thanks for reaching out & good luck to you!
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beccawise7 4 days
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Connection to our spirit is essential for growth. Some are searching for something more than a 'normal' life and often have difficulty finding it.
For a few of us, we paddle out on the big blue and wait. Reminded how insignificant we are in the vastness of her perfection. The energy flowing all around us feeds our souls.
There's patience in waiting for just the right moment to drop in and find our peace.
Some say we've lost our sanity by doing what we do, but for a sliver of time, we feel the energy of the ocean as we ride the wave to shore.
In those moments, we know there is something far greater than us at play in the universe, and peace descends in the midst of the ride.
Our soul's thirst quenched in sweet, sweet perfection.
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beccawise7 4 days
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When his simple touch speaks volumes...
Mine. ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 4 days
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The best mornings. 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 4 days
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Hold on, love...
I haven't had my coffee yet...
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beccawise7 5 days
That person let you down, and hurt you? I'm sorry.
They betrayed your trust, lied, and shattered your spirit in a million different ways.
Worse, they made you feel as though you weren't worth enough respect to be honest with.
It feels like you were played for a fool.
But make no mistake, darling, the fool in the circumstance was the one playing with the Queen on a chest board of their own design.
And he forgot a very important lesson...
Queens always rise after a fall.
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beccawise7 5 days
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Not in the slightest. 馃挏馃枻
~ Batman is the best... Don't even try to fight me on this. Dark. Twisty vigilante... absolutely. ~beccaknows馃挏馃枻
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