hygieiahub · 1 month
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hygieiahub · 1 month
just a reminder...
...that your best today doesn't define your calibre in life.
maybe you did very well. maybe you didn't. either way, one day cannot define your capabilities.
you're amazing everyday because you do your best everyday, no matter what that 'best' looks like. you're the best ✨
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hygieiahub · 1 month
here to remind you...
...that your struggles have always had to give up against you.
you might think that you had to lose against certain situations in life, but guess who is here today?
it's you! maybe not the version of yourself that you imagined but a version of you that has fought, gotten hurt, and yet prevailed to reach here, today.
be proud. you've been amazing. and keep going, no matter what ✨
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hygieiahub · 2 months
Panic attacks are a common symptom of anxiety disorders and can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. They are not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. it is not wrong to experience a panic attack. They occur when a you experiences a sudden and intense episode of fear or anxiety. They can be extremely distressing and overwhelming, but they are not something that you intentionally brings upon yourselves.
Coping with Panic Attacks
1. Remind yourself that these feelings of panic are simply exaggerated stress responses. They are also very normal in your situation.
2. Although they feel dramatic and worrying, the sensations aren’t likely to be dangerous. Usually they will pass, and nothing worse is going to happen.
3. Interrupt the tendency to add to the panic by starting to worry about the feelings, and how they might affect you – both now and in the future.
4. Keep the present as your focus. Don’t let your mind run wild. Assume the persona of a detached observer. Simply ‘notice’ what is happening inside you right now. Try to be curious instead of anxious.
5. Focus on your breathing. Try to slow it down. Take deep, calm, steady breaths from your diaphragm. Notice how this helps – both mentally and physically.
6. If you are cold or shivery put a blanket round your shoulders. You want to feel comfortable and comforted.
7. Try to ground yourself in your environment. Notice the feel of your feet on the carpet, or run your hand over the fabric of the chair.
8. Be patient. Wait it out. Let the feelings run their course. Eventually they’ll fade and you’ll return to feeling normal.
9. Take it easy, and relax, when you feel the symptoms end. Give yourself time to recover from what you’ve just gone through.
10. When you return to normal, think about how far you’ve come. Think of how well you have coped – despite tremendous challenges. You know you will survive, and you can deal with these attacks.
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hygieiahub · 2 months
it's never too late to begin.
6 Things to Tell Yourself Today
1. I matter.
2. I’ll get through this.
3. I am a beautiful.
4. I deserve to be loved.
5. I can find peace, happiness and contentment.
6. I have the power and the will to survive.
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hygieiahub · 2 months
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hygieiahub · 2 months
“...We would never tell someone with a broken leg that they should stop wallowing and get it together. We don’t consider taking medication for an ear infection something to be ashamed of. We shouldn’t treat mental health conditions any differently.”
– Michelle Obama
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hygieiahub · 2 months
make it a resolution to take care of yourself better that you did the previous year.
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Embracing the journey to a brighter, healthier 2024. Let’s make this year about nurturing our minds, bodies, and mental health🌟
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hygieiahub · 2 months
"Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." - Earl Nightingale
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hygieiahub · 2 months
Why you need to care about your mental health as a highschooler
Mental health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being.It plays an increasingly significant role during our high school years.As high school students, you are at a stage in your life where academic pressures, social dynamics/trends, and personal growth can have a profound impact on your mental health. The purpose of this blog is to highlight the importance of mental health for high school students and provide valuable insights on how to nurture it.
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