kurtvonney19 · 4 months
rope around my neck
worn like a bow
displayed and tight
tightened by my hands
strangling in my throat
raging like a murderer
hidden and violent
created by my mind
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
a claustrophobic chameleon
doesn’t know what color the walls are
as they close in around him
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
a shadow
a stain
my blood soaked past
the tireless efforts
to scrub myself clean [of you]
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
[shaking myself by the shoulders] i will get better. i will continue. i have no goddamn choice
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
my self doubt is the enemy
i am equipped with naught against it
no armor, no weapon
i bow my head, preparing for its familiar blow
the drip of blood
it does not fall
i am left unmarred, unscarred
my cliche
a “knight in shining armor”
but you are so much more
my Atlas, carrying my weight
my love it must be heavy
set my world down every once in a while
i can bare it
with you by my side
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
overthinker overthinker overthinker overthinker
how far can i bend you before you break?
doubter doubter doubter doubter
when will you tire of reassuring me?
killer killer killer killer
how long until i slaughter us?
mourner mourner mourner mourner
if i kill us, how long will you wear black?
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
“if i kill us, how long will you wear black?”
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
the feeling returns home // like an old dog // i greet him with a smile // finally, a sense of familiarity
he stays for a while // longer than usual
familiarity becomes a straight jacket // home becomes a prison
(i can’t remember where the door was)
my greeting becomes a scream // the old dog cowers // my smile falls away
the feeling returned home // he stayed // there is no door // he does not leave
the dog dies // who will join him first // the feeling // or me
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
self sacrifice
i scream at God
“what do you want from me?”
with tears streaming down my face
the salt my offering to Him
i have nothing left to give
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
you see my stranger
you undid my mask
and i covered myself in you instead
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
i live in my own peripheral vision
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
and because someday
someone will ask me what my favorite piece of music is
and i will tell them
but until then
i will wait
for the person who asks the right questions
and who deserves the true answer
because to give up those answers
to someone who doesn’t know my soul
is a sin in and of itself
and because how
do i start to explain
that it’s a song from the movie
that helped show me what love is supposed to be
and let me love the world
and allowed me to see the light that it has to offer
how do i give that over to someone
how do i gasp out the title
knowing that i’m sharing my soul
im giving part of me over
the sixteen year old girl
who sat on the porch
at six in the morning
sobbing to the new day
as the sun peaked over the trees
and the birds woke up
and people got in their cars
and lives carried on
and no one saw the sobbing girl
expect for the piano and violin
and they played so sweetly
and made her feel less alone
in a world of isolation
for eight minutes
the world stood still
as that song played
and she sat
and realized how lucky she would always be
to breathe
to hear
to see
no matter what
because she was loved
and the piano and violin were playing
and she was loved
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
i was made to occupy my own space
not to be confined to grays and similarity
my eyes are meant to shine in natural light
my body was meant to dance in a living room
with plants and music surrounding my turns
i was made to host others in my space
not to be confined to a small room
my home is meant to be filled with books
and the love of my life
and paintings i’ve collected
and candles i want to smell
and cats that need petting
i was not made for uniformity
i was made to live in my own space
humans CRAVE making something their own
what other options do i have now?
i am saddened by my lack of creativity
in a world where i am meant to be a part of something bigger
but all i can imagine
is the day where i’ll be allowed to paint my kitchen green
and make tea in a kitchen big enough to slow dance in the natural light
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
someone should’ve told me
no one tells you what it’s like
when you grow up and start making decisions
trying to learn what the wrong and right ones are
no one tells you what it’s like
to be guided by your emotions
in an almost reckless manner
or about the people you’ll hurt
as you try and learn to love others
and yourself
no one tells you what it’s like
to learn what you’ll forgive in people
and what people won’t forgive in you
no one tells you what it’s like
to push everyone away
because it’s easier to be the enemy again
then to be loved in any capacity
oh the people you’ll hurt
no one tells you
my mother never warned me
about the pain i would cause
as i tried to navigate this world
where everyone seems to understand their role in the play but me
my actions feel guided by strings
i’m a puppet
i’m out of control
but why?
when did i give up control of my actions?
and for what reason?
why does the puppet jump around and perform?
who is it performing for?
who am i performing for?
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
“you built a personality around love and then you fell in love”
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
i have built bunkers for the ends of days
everywhere i’ve lived
in the hearts of all i’ve loved
preparing for a doomsday
you took the tools out of my hand
told me to stop building
that doomsday wasn’t coming
i was safe
i could build a home
i could rest
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kurtvonney19 · 7 months
i want to love the way you love
to create a home
and to be able to call it home
and know that’s it’s mine and that i made it
and that i share it
with the people i choose to love
and be able to say i chose to love them
i carry you in everything i do
the way i take my tea
the way i speak
god i hope i never lose the parts of me that are you
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