simpurnatural · 9 months
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simpurnatural · 1 year
I missed you all. I have returned to 33 drafts that need tending to. Fuck.
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simpurnatural · 2 years
Doctor Strange burying his own dead body like
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simpurnatural · 2 years
You wasted all our toilet roll?
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Note from Nat: “It was about damn time I fed you guys something. Gosh, writer’s block has been a pain in my ass but enjoy!“
Warning ⚠️: Not proofread, Spoilers for Moonknight (sorta)
Pairing(s): Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant x Reader
Okay it might seem a bit childish but even at the bright age of thirty-three, you still have an immense fear of the dark. So who would’ve blamed you for yanking the sheets over your head after hearing someone scuffle around your studio flat?
You bravely lifted the comforter for a split second to reveal a tall figure standing in the living room. Stifling a gasp you returned to your sacred hiding place before trying to reach for your sleeping husband. But the only thing your hand was able to reach was his jumper.
Where the hell was Marc and why was there a strange hooded creature just walking about your home? Perhaps if you just grew a pair and made yourself seem big and scary then the intruder would leave.
So once ten more minutes had passed and you mustered up enough courage, you shot up from the mattress like a bullet. After yanking your nightstand lamp from the wall and letting out a battle cry, you found yourself charging at the creature.
“Y/n stop! It’s me!” the thing held out their hands and shook their head repeatedly. “Babe. Put the lamp down,” He sounded awfully a lot like your husband.
“Who are you? And what have you done to Marc?” you shouted, pushing your uncombed hair over your shoulder. “I’m not afraid to fight...whatever you are,” you gulp, confidence faltering for a split second “Even in my nightie,”.
The person’s hood and mask retracted, revealing your disheveled husband’s face. Now that it was confirmed that the boogie man hadn’t broken into your home, you put the lamp down. 
“See? It’s just me,” Marc assures, trying to go in for a hug.
“Nuh uh uh Spector,” you tsk and waved your finger in disapproval. “Explain yourself and tell me why you’ve gone and wasted all our toilet roll? Or will I have to ask Steven?” you question.
“First of all, it’s traditional warrior armor for Konshu’s avatar-” Marc begins matter-of-factly. 
“Don’t talk to me about anime right now,” you scoff with arms now crossed.
“I’m not! I’m being dead serious Y/n,” Marc swears with a straight face and when he didn’t hear you retort, he decided to continue. “Konshu is an Egyptian God who I am the avatar for, in charge of protecting the travelers of the night in his name,” he explains in one breath.
“So you didn’t waste my toilet roll?” you ask after a long silence. 
“No,” Marc confirms, “I thought you’d be more enthralled to hear it,” he confesses as you remained in an upset stance.
“I am but I would like to speak to Steven now,” you inform and watched as Marc’s tired gaze turned into Steven’ soft smile.
“Hi love,” he smiles as the traditional warrior dress turned to a dapper all white suit. “Missed you loads,” he chirps until he noticed your not-so-enthusiastic  look. “Oh bollocks, what’ve we done now?” 
“Are you an avenger?” you interrogate, looking your husband up and down. “And are you wearing the same suit from our wedding?” you ask.
“It was the first thing that came to mind when I was told to suit up,” Steven shrugged. “And no, all that Iron Man jazz? Not for me, surely not,” he adds.
You decided to leave the discussion for another day when he wasn’t as tired. Picking up the lamp, you walked in direction of your shared bed. Steven stood there confused for a moment before you turned to him.
“Get ready for bed hon,” you say over your shoulder and plugged the light source back in. “We’re gonna finish Arriety,” you announce, switching on the television.
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simpurnatural · 2 years
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yeehaw!richard is the only kind of country boy that i’ll ever get horned up for 🤠
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simpurnatural · 2 years
T W O fine ass people in capes, in O N E month?
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simpurnatural · 2 years
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A message to the writers of the fandom from Javi 💜
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simpurnatural · 2 years
“C’mon ma, please” Fez said, his throat sore from shouting.
“You asked me to marry you and now you want me to walk out that door?” You scoff and held up your left hand that sported a large diamond rock.
“I don’t want you getting hurt cause of ma business, ya know that,” Your fiancé sighs with his gentle yet firm grip still tight around your other wrist.
“Oh please,” you groan before yanking out of his grasp. “Don’t be fucking selfish. I’m here for the long run babe,”
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simpurnatural · 2 years
I know it might be hard to make a follow up, but could you do a part 2 to Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Maybe the aftermath later on of Fez finding out about her Job and stuff?
"I might have a draft or two up my sleeve..." - Nat <3
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simpurnatural · 2 years
I need a part 2 of paybacks a bitch with Nate and reader !!! ❤️
I hate him in the show but live him here
"Hmm…. <3"
- Nat
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simpurnatural · 2 years
When you find a blog with a masterlist w/ hyper links that actually work
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"Aww my heart :( Thank you so much honey pie <3
I do try my darnedest" - Nat
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simpurnatural · 2 years
Work Wife - S. ROGERS
MCU Steve Rogers x Avengers!Reader - ShortFic
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Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
Note from Nat: “Got inspiration from Urban Dictionary’s definition of work wife!“
Warning ⚠️: Nothing!
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Avengers!Reader,
“Since when?” Sam gasped with a hand over his heart after you were out of hearing distance.
“What is it?” Steve replied clueless, looking around in confusion before his eyes landed on your departing figure. “Oh-Y/n?” he acknowledges.
“Yeah man, I didn’t know you two were a thing,” Sam explains causing the blond to chuckle and shake his head. “Was I the last to know?” he asks.
“No,” Steve assures, waving off his friend’s concern. “What made you think we were seeing each other?” he questioned.
“Y/n just walked on over here and said Here’s your dry-cleaning, Hon!,” Sam says in a duh tone, mimicking your soft voice.
“She’s just being nice,” Steve corrected and held up his freshly steamed white button-ups.
“-And then you said Thanks doll, you’re the best!” Sam mocks with his chest puffed out and arms flexed.
“I was thanking her!” Steve defends just as Tony came walking down the corridor.
“Right,” Sam scoffs and crossed his arms.
“What’s got you in a hissy fit?” Tony hums as he approached the pair. “Y/n just gave Cap his dry cleaning. No biggie,” the billionaire shrugs.
“So I was the last to know?” Sam grumbles, hands in the air. “Unbelievable,”
“About what exactly?” Tony pondered before answering his own question. “Oh the fact that those two most definitely have something going on? Welcome to the club, buddy.” he sighs, clapping Sam on the back.
“There is nothing going on between Y/n and I,” Steve denies and rolls his eyes. “We’re friends!”
“Friends don’t have sweet pet names, doll,” Sam teased.
“Tony has nicknames for everyone too,” Steve counters.
“Yeah well, you don’t hear me calling Y/n sweetheart,” Tony remarks.
“I believe the term we might refer Ms. L/n as is Captain Rogers’s work wife,” Vision suggests as he appeared through the wall.
“And where’d you hear that exactly?” Sam wondered with crossed arms.
“According to Urban Dictionary, a work wife is-A woman with whom you work, whose proximity and frequent interaction leads to her becoming your primary female companion during work hours-” Vis recites. “The rest is a bit suggestive so-”
“Oh no, please continue,” Tony insists, taking a swig from his coffee cup.
“It continues on to say-She will become a substitute for your wife while you are at work, providing companionship and support, but without the emotional and sexual elements. For a time. You will eventually develop a huge crush on her, but will think you've kept it hidden. You haven't -everyone at work will think it's obvious.” Vision concludes. “As far as I’ve observed, Steven does not have an actual wife,” he assumes.  
“So you agree that Steve and Y/n got something going on?” Sam prods.
“I would assume so,” the android nods. “Now if you will excuse me, I must tend to my work wife. That being Wanda, of course,” he adds before walking off.
“No shame in it Cap,” Tony reassures and goes on with his day as well. 
“Still was the last to know,” Sam grumbles, walking in the opposite direction.
Steve’s shoulders relaxed, thankful to be out of the hot seat. You then opened the vent over head and looked at your boyfriend. Dropping to your feet, you dusted yourself off.
“You almost cracked,” you tsk as you both made your way down the hall, hand in hand.
“How’d you even get up there?” Steve asked with a look of amusement on his face, glancing back to the vent.
“Clint,” you inform simply, an apparent skip in your step.
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simpurnatural · 2 years
“Crushing on You” 2 - Fezco
EUPHORIA Fezco x Reader
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Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
Note from Nat: “Posting this a little early because I think we all deserve Ashtray fluff to cope with what just went down“
Warning ⚠️: Swearing and hella fluff
Pairing(s): Fezco x Reader,
It’s beyond flattering and sweet to find out that Ashtray had a crush on you. Especially when he asks you to be his date to his school dance but not without being egged on by his older brother, (your boyfriend) Fezco.
[PART 1] || [PART 2]
“Yo Ash!“ Fezco hollers from the living room, “If you don’t get out here then I might take her out myself,” he warns as you twirled in your floral mini dress.
Then you see Ashtray’s head peek around the corner from his bedroom, “I need help with ma tie,” he mumbles.
“What?” Fez replies, looking away from you in a dreamy daze. 
"I gotchu, little man,” you laugh and walk over to his younger brother. “Lemme see,” you say, pushing his door open a bit.
“Thanks,” Ash mutters as he fumbled with his tie. “What’d I do wrong?” he questions.
“Well for starters, don’t try to strangle yourself,” you joked whilst loosening it a bit. “Do a little folding here, pull through here, tuck in there,” you say before stepping back to admire your work. “Voila!” you smile.
After helping him slip on his jacket, you rested your hands on his shoulders. Relaxing under your kind touch, he gave you a grateful smile.
“Let’s knock em dead,” you smirk before walking into the living room with Ash, arm in arm. “Tada!” you squeal to which Fez whistled.
“Didn’t need ma help or nothin,” He says, dapping up his little brother. “Have her home by nine,” he instructs and looked to you. “It’s his bedtime,” he explains jokingly.
“Fuck off,” Ash retorts with an eye roll.
“Picture time!” you announce, handing your boyfriend your phone. 
“Er’body say Ash ain’t a little bitch!” Fez says before snapping a couple of pics. “You two have fun now,” he smiles as he walked you both to the front door.
“I’ll get the car,” Ash offers before heading down the steps, leaving you with your boyfriend for a brief moment.
“And maybe you can show me what under that dress?” Fez says with a suggestive look on his face.
“You like it?” you blush as his hands rested on your hips.
“Hell yeah I do,” he chuckles, both of you watching as the car pulled up in front. “See you later ma,” he says before pressing a kiss to yours lips.
“Bye handsome,” you grin after reluctantly pulling away. “I’ll drive!” you tell Ash after making it down the stairs.
“Bet,” he replies before slipping into the passenger’s seat.
After pulling into the school parking lot, you watched as Ash grab something from the glove-box. It was a baby-breaths and rose corsage that contrasted nicely with your dress.
“For me?” you gasp as he tied it around your wrist. “You got everything all planned out, huh?” you laugh.
“I try,” he replies before getting out and rushing to your car door. “M’lady,” he nods once opening it.
“Thank you,” you say, giving a kiss on the cheek. “What a gentleman,” you sigh contently as you both walked towards the school. 
Ashtray’s face was just as bright as your corsage after that, not being able to rid of the smile on his face. The most important woman and female figure in his life was his date to the dance, he felt like the shit. 
“Hey Ash!” he friends greeted as they created a little circle around him.
“Hi Y/n,” one of the them waved the shyly, the same kid that outed him a few days prior.
“What’s up?” you nodded before your eyes landed on the prick that picked on Ash.
He was a bit taller than the other kids and was making his way over to the commotion. You were certainly not afraid to show him who’s boss in your heels.
“Hey Ass-tray, how much did you pay for her to be your date?” he teases, “I mean you probably used all your cash just to make her pick you up from school, huh?” he questioned as you pushed your way through the crowd.
“Thought I told you to back the fuck off?” you questioned, shoving him back a bit. “Are you crying?’ you scoffed, watching his eyes water.
“Mom!” he wailed and just then, a carbon-fucking-copy of this kid came strutting over.
“Are you mistreating my son?” she accuses as the music in the room cut out.
“I’m sorry but are you even aware of how your son mistreats his classmates?” you counter with your head to the side, looking to the boy cowering behind him.
“-You’re too young to be a chaperone” she rambles and continues to disregard your question. “Who’s your mother? Is she here? I’d like to speak with her,” she says.
“My mother? Do you know how old I am?” you laugh sarcastically, eyeing her up and down. “I think you’re too old to be wearing a mini skirt. Everyone in this room can see you ass hanging out,” you say and the crowd oohed.
And without another word, she took her son’s hand and stormed out. You stood there with a look of satisfaction as the music played before feeling arms wrap around your torso. 
“Thanks,” Ash smiles , your arms enveloping him in a tight hug. 
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about him anymore,” you reply. “Let’s get this party started!” you cheer before leading him towards the dance floor. 
As the night came to an end, you found yourself back in your boyfriend’s arms. You were showing him all the pictures you took on your phone that night.
“Ion think I’ve ever seen him smile like that before,” he mentions as you both looked through the photos. 
“Me neither,” you reply, “But I’m glad he had a good time,” you add.
“Ash ain’t never gotten close to anyone but me,” Fez says in a matter-of-fact tone. “But he care ‘bout you a lot ma,” 
“I remember how stand-offish he used to be,” you nod, recalling how Ash would barely speak to you. “He’s such a sweetheart,” you smile.
“Don’t let him hear you say that,” Fez warns jokingly before propping himself up to look into your eyes. “You’ll be a good mom one day,” he says causing butterflies to swarm your stomach.
“Tryna say something?” you ask with raised brow. 
“Maybe I am ma,” 
taglist: @stella25depp @saekoist​ @emptyporsche​ @yashtrayy​ @lselnerys​ @supertigerdestiny @prettiestofthemall1​ @unoffical-cyberslut @michaelmyerswife​ @scenesofobx​ @blitz-attacks​  
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simpurnatural · 2 years
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
“EUPHORIA Fezco x Spy!Reader
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Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
Note from Nat: “Been seeing a lot of Mr. & Mrs. Smith inspired fics so I thought of writing one about our favorite drug dealer! Sorry in advance since it’s short and might be ass.”
Warning ⚠️: Swearing, Implied Smut, [not spell-checked yet]
After being tipped off by an anonymous source about there being a drug dealer selling drugs to teenagers in East Highland, you were sent in undercover to sniff it out. But Fez ends up figuring out what you’re all about soon enough...
Fezco finally caught on. He found all your voice recorders, hidden cameras, and the manila folder with his name on it. You had initially asked for him to grab your make up pouch from your backpack. But he threw that request out the window and came storming back into the living room with the file in hand.
“Y/n,” Your heart dropped instantly. “That’s yo’ real name, right?” Fez asks as he skimmed through the papers.
“I-I can explain,” You swore, slipping your hand between the couch cushions. “Just hear me out, okay?” You pleaded, feeling for his hand-gun.
“How the fuck you finna explain this? You witha FBI and shit,” he replies and tosses the file in his hand onto the coffee table.
“I’m sorry,” You sniffled, standing up with the gun behind your back. “But this is gonna hurt,” you sigh before kicking him square in the chest, hoping that the table would break his fall.
Booking it towards your shared room, you left it ajar to see if he followed you. A twinge of guilt hit you at the realization that this fake life had come to an end. Countless I love you’s sent down the drain just like that.
You had fooled him good. Fezco honest to God believed that you had never held a gun in your life and was the perfect, innocent girl you pretended to be. When you actually were trained to kill and could off someone in a matter of seconds.
“Doin’ good over there baby?” You taunt from down the hallway after hearing him groan.
“That was hella fucked up ma,“ Fezco hollers with his back pressed against the wall. 
He reached over for your framed Polaroid picture and used the reflection to figure out which room you were in. You saw the glare of it from where you stood, shot it right out of his hand.
Hearing him gasp again followed by a thud, you thought the bullet shot through him somehow. Pushing the door open, your carefully peered out to check on him. Fez came running towards you once you exposed your position.
Kicking the door down after your failed attempt of closing it, you ran off to the other side of the bed. He wiped the blood from his busted lip and spat out the rest.
“Let’s settle this like grown-ups,” You panted.
“Fuck that,” Fez scoffed and took his sweater off. “I thought you was my ride o’ die,” he confesses. “Mr. & Mrs. Smith, ridin’ off into the sunset and shit,” he mumbles.
“Sorry I couldn’t fulfill your fantasy,” you huffed before pointing the gun at him.
“You should be sorry cuz’ you fake as hell,” he replies bitterly and you pulled the trigger. “Yo’ dumb-ass didn’t even check for more mags,”
“Shut up,” you groan and tossed it somewhere onto the floor. 
Fezco took this opportunity to quarterback slam you into the wall. Hissing at the immense pain, you landed a hit to his face. He came back with a slap to the cheek, even more pissed off.
“You dick,” you gasp, hand flying to your face. 
“Thought you liked getting a little rough ma,” he smirked before being hit at the side of the head with a lamp.
Grabbing the hand-gun again, you ran back into the living room in search for more ammo. He came running out with a gun of his own and accidentally knocked over one of his grandma’s paintings. Your ears perked up at the sound of something being shattered.
You didn’t hesitate to load your gun and began shooting through the wall. Fez dived and slid into the kitchen, exchanging shots with you. Both of you missing terribly.
“For a FBI agent-Yo shootin’ kinda like ya cookin’” he comments. “It’s ass,”
Pointing a gun towards his direction, you shot up the entire thing. Smoke began spreading through the house and it became hard to see. Fez caught you by surprise and tackled you to the floor.
Fists came flying into every direction, nothing was held back at this point. You slung both legs over his shoulders and pinned him to the ground.
“In any other scenario, I would totally fuck you right now,” you admitted.
“Likewise ma,” Fez replies before ripping you off of him and tossing you over the couch like a rag-doll. “Come on Y/n,” he teased with his fists raised. “Come to daddy,”
Grabbing a vase, you shot up like a rocket before hurling it at him. You chuckled as he doubled over and winced. Hair was in disarray and you were almost certain that there was broken shards of glass digging into your skin.
“Who’s your daddy now?” you smirked just as the vase came flying back over, shattering over your head.
“Two can play that game,” he assures, watching you try to run past him before catching you in his arms. 
Thrashing about, Fez knocked you into the countless amount of hung pictures. You were too out of it to fight back and was just trying to keep your eyes open.
“I know you could kill me if you wanted to,” you say, sliding down to the floor. “Just like you killed Mouse,”
“I ain’t gonna kill you ma,” he sighs and kneeled to your height. 
“Well you should because I might kill you instead,” you warned.
“You couldn’t if you even tried,” he scoffs, taking his place beside you. 
Then the sound of the front door opening and closing was heard. Ashtray came into sight with wide eyes before they landed on you two.
“I don’t wanna even fuckin’ know,” he mutters before heading to his room. 
It was silent for a few more minutes while you tried to soak in what just went down. First you were fighting and now you were sorta reconciling. The house was gonna need a paint job for sure.
“Y/n’s a nice name. I like that,” Fez smiles.
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simpurnatural · 2 years
hello darling, I'm a new follower and I like the way you write <3, and I would like to make you a request. what do you think about peter andrew! where the reader shows her new nipple piercings to peter and ends up in something smutty. take your time and thank you <3 my english is not very good, sorry :((
Passion & Piercings 
TASM Peter Parker x Reader
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Note from Nat: "Hello! Hi! Make yourself at home, love. Sorry, it took so long to write this but I hope you enjoy it!"
Warning ⚠️: Swearing, Smut, [not yet spell-corrected]
“Babe?” you shout from the bathroom, looking at your breasts in confusion. “Can you get in here real quick?”
“Yeah what’s-Hey when did you get them pierced?” your boyfriend questions and tilts his head to the side. 
You were too preoccupied by your upper half to notice that he was practically drooling at the sight. Peter has seen you shirtless countless times but this felt like a whole new world to him.
“I don’t know. Maybe yesterday when I was out with my girlfriends?” you shrug with your sweatshirt still pulled up to reveal your top half. “Didn’t notice it till now,” you say.
Girls Night Out was like a fever dream. You were only four drinks in and already wasted. Probably got your nips pierced at some tattoo shop which explains the new little heart tattoo on your index finger.
“Are they sore or anything?” Peter asks, totally mesmerized by your tits.
“Just a bit,” you mutter and poked near the ring, “I don’t think its infected though,” you sigh before pulling your shirt down. “What was I even thinking?”
“I like them,” Peter chirped as you walked past him and into the kitchen.
It took you both a moment to comprehend what he had just said, a dark shade of red scattering across his cheeks. But with the way the studs could still be seen through your white top made him go crazy.
“Yeah? Why?” you ask then looked over your shoulder. 
“I mean like you were hot before but now...I might not be able to keep my hands off you,” he confesses and spun you around. “Mind if I have another look?” he says, hands hovering under the hem of your top.
“Go ahead,” you respond before feeling the cold AC breeze hit your chest. “Someone’s excited,” you laugh as his warm hand cupped a breast.
“Does this hurt?” Peter asks, squeezing it slightly.
“No,” you reply as you tucked your shirt under your chin for easier access.
“How about this?” He wonders and pushes both breasts together
“Not even a bit,” you hum, very amused by his curiosity. 
“What if I did this?” he mumbles with his lips hovering dangerously close.
Your heart skipped a bit as his warm breath caused your breasts to perk up a bit. Peter sensed the goosebumps that spread across your arms before securely wrapping his lips around one.
“Peter,” you gasp as his tongue swirled around your pierced bud.
Raking a hand through his hair, Peter groaned around it which sent vibrations through your body. You moaned as he looked into your eyes with a lust-filled daze.  
“You like that. Don’t you?” he questions, now standing up straight. “You like it when I massage them like that?” he says and kneaded them gently. 
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, letting him slip your shirt off for you.
You remained speechless as Peter undressed himself and left you in your underwear. In one swift motion, he lifted you off the ground and placed you on the kitchen island. The cold marble made contact with your clothed cunt making you shiver. 
“You’re so hot,” Peter groans before capturing your lips. 
“Oh my God,” you moaned as he led a wet trail of kisses down your neck. “Fuck,” you muttered, feeling him bite at your sweet spot. “Peter-”
You were cut off by the feeling of his lips reconnecting with your breasts. He practically worshiped them, his attention consumed by them. Peter loved they looked and enjoyed just fondling with them at times.
He would find himself in bed laying on top of them like a pillow or gripping onto one as he slept. They were his source of comfort but were his weakness as well. 
Peter’s fingers were painfully slow at pulling down your underwear. You squirmed excitedly when finally got them off and closed the space between you both.
“Ready?” he asked, his cock rubbing up and down your folds. “I need to hear you say it,” he says and looked into your eyes.
“Yes,” you nodded before feeling his length fill your core to the brim. 
“Shit. You’re always so tight,” Peter chuckles, watching your eyes roll back. “Squeezing around me so much,”
He began rolling his hips back and forth while your tits bounced with every thrust. The sight was amusing, your back arching as he continuously abused that one spot. Neither of you would mind staying like this forever.
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simpurnatural · 2 years
:( this makes me so happy
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SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME: Special Features Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield Edition
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simpurnatural · 2 years
“Are You Jealous?” Pt. 2
Ikaris x Avenger!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
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Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
Note from Nat: “Inspiration to write has been low and writer’s block is so annoying”
Warning ⚠️: mAsCuLiNiTy
You realize after letting Ikaris stay at your place for a week and also caring for your sick-self that it’s nice having company. Bucky doesn’t take lightly to the thought of the Eternal moving in...
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“Wow!” you gasp, genuinely impressed at the sight before your eyes. 
“Did I get it right this time?” Ikaris asks as he unloaded the grocery bags onto your kitchen counter. “I made sure to get the almond milk since I know you’re lactose intolerant. But also got the tub of cookies n’ cream ice cream you asked for.” he informs before pushing his brows together. “Not sure how that makes sense but-“
“Thank you so much,” you sniffle before blowing into your tissue. “I haven’t been able to go to the store in a while and I’m sure you were getting tired of the Kraft mac n’ cheese,” you sigh, making him chuckle.
“You have my complete assurance that anything you make is almost as wonderful as you are,” he smiles and watched your face heat up.
“Quit sweet talking me,” you tsked, arms pushing him away playfully. “That face is gonna get you in trouble,” you warn as he gave you a knee-weakening look.
“How do you mean?” he jokes as he stroked his imaginary beard. “Wanna finish that show you so eagerly binge?” he proposes and you nodded quickly.
“You read my mind, Ikaris,” you say before pulling him towards the living room.
Upon plopping down on the sofa, Ikaris covered the two of you with a blanket. You snuggled into his side and he embraced you with open arms.
“I’m so glad that you don’t get sick,” you sigh whilst switching on the TV. “Not a lot of people would offer to take care of me,”
“I’m glad you accepted my offer,” the blue-eyed eternal responds as he watched you relax against him. “It’s the least I could do since you let me stay a while though I showed up unannounced,” he reminds.
“Mhm, rent’s due at the end of the month,” you mutter as the Great British Bake Off appeared on screen. 
“Rent?” Ikaris hums, “Is this your way of asking me to be your roommate?” he asks, taken aback by your words.
“I don’t know. Just like having company,” you shrug and looked into his eyes. “Would you want to move in?”
“Well, I’ll have a think about it and let you know before tomorrow. Is that okay?” he replies and you nod wordlessly with eyes now glued to the screen.
You were well aware of Ikaris’s plan of leaving tomorrow and continue to protect the world as an eternal. But after experiencing having another person in your home, you had to admit that it was really nice.
Not to mention that he had his own profile on all your streaming platforms, always offered to clean the dishes, and cared you while you were ill. Ikaris would be the perfect boyfriend roommate.
For now, he was gonna enjoy lounging on the couch with you, his girl. His heart began to race at the thought of this becoming permanent. Just that thought alone out-weight whatever cons about leaving that were on his list.
The topic of dinner was brought up and Ikaris offered to get the takeout you ordered from the place down the street. You were roaming around the apartment with pjs and robe on, then there was a knock at the door.
Opening the door a crack, you greeted by the winter soldier. Buck gave you a big smile as he held up a bottle of sauvignon and two wine glasses. The corners of your lips curved at the gesture.
“You haven’t been answering my texts. I mean granted you were upset with how I acted the other day but I just-” He blabbered
“I’m sick,” you say, making Bucky frown.
“Doll, why didn’t call? You know I don’t get sick,” he says and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner. “Could’ve drop by with groceries or-”
“Bucky-” you began.
“-I wouldn’t have left you all on your lonesome. Would’ve watched the Good British Bake Off and-” He continued
“First of all, it’s great and Ikaris offered to stay a bit longer,” you explain with a small smile. “Took care of me and everything“ you blush at the thought.
This made Bucky’s blood boil but he still forced a smile. He wasn’t mad at you whatsoever but he was mad at the guy that was trying to take his place. Who the hell did this guy think he is?
“Did he now?” he asks, peering into your apartment for any sight of the eternal.
“Oh he’s out grabbing the food we ordered!” you inform with a nod. “You can stay and eat dinner with us,” you prompted.
“Sure, why not,” Bucky shrugs, being physically unable to say no to you. “I suppose we could enjoy this some other time,” he says as he approached your wine rack. 
His eyes landed on the already open sauvignon’ bottle and his shoulders faltered from their place slightly. He bought that for you after the whole Flag Smashers tocable since it was your favorite wine. 
“Ikaris had some the night he flew in,” you explain, “I was really upset about it but he didn’t know that I was saving it for a certain someone,” you say.
Bucky’s ears perked up at this as he turned to face you and wrapped his arms around your frame. “Is that so?” he asks with a smile, “Who’s it for then?”
“Oh you probably know him. Ageless, good-looking fella with a vibranium arm,” you teased.
“I might’ve heard of him once or twice,” he says just as a thud was heard from the fire-escape. “What was that?” he questions.
You placed a hand on his chest to calm him down, “It’s just Ikaris,” you assure at the sound of knocking was heard. “Hey,” you smile awkwardly upon opening the window for the eternal. 
“Ah James,” Ikaris nods with a shit-eating grin as you took the food from him. “Didn’t know we were having a guest over,” he says.
“I wasn’t aware that you were still in town,” Bucky replies, “Thought you would’ve gone back to your dumb-ho or something,”
“Domo,” Ikaris corrects and follows you into the kitchen to plate the food. “Need help?” he mutters in your ear.
“Yes please, I probably shouldn’t be touching all the food with me being sick and all,” you chuckled and handed over the styrofoam to-go boxes.
“Good call,” Bucky nods as he grabbed the plates from your cupboard to set the table.
After finally taking your seats and having a few bites in silent solitude, Ikaris decided to speak up first.
“You know, she offered to let me move in,” he says and your face turned a bright red. “I’m not sure if you were joking or not but I’m really tempted to take you up on that offer,”
“I wasn’t,” you reply quietly as something creaked in Bucky’s metal grasp.
“Sorry,” Bucky smiles in embarrassment, his palm opening up again to reveal a abstractly bent fork. 
“It’s okay,” you assure and went to place a hand over his, “It happens. I’ll just get you another one,” you nod.
Coming back from the kitchen, you realized that you had just walked in on an intense staring contest. The two seemed like they were about to tear each other apart if it weren’t for your fingers snapping them out of it.
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat before speaking, “So Bucky, tell us what you’ve been up to recently,” you prod, trying to make the atmosphere less awkward.
“Well I-uh came back from Louisiana with Sam and just had a grand old time,” he starts off. “Er-I no longer have to go to therapy and I finally got a place in Brooklyn,” he says. 
“That’s great,” you smile genuinely, “I’m so happy for you,”.
“Yes, well done.” Ikaris nods, patting the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “Not a lot of men our age get to do that,” he adds.  
“Yeah well people who’ve reached the age of a hundred and seven are usually dead so I wouldn’t think so,” Bucky replies before eating a fork-full of rice.
“What about you Ikaris?” you ask, still trying to keep things civil.
“Myself and the rest of the eternals just finished fighting a celestial that emerged in the middle of the ocean.” he says as if it were no biggie.
“That was you guys?” you gasped, “You never told me this,”
“You never asked,” he chuckled, “I understand that you both took part in the fight against Thanos?” he questions.
“That’s right,” you nod, “It was crazy and the whole universe sorta showed up to help us out,”
“Yeah and where were you guys? Would’ve appreciated the help of the all-mighty eternals,” Bucky chuckled sarcastically.
“We were told not to interfere with the problems of men,” Ikaris replies.
“Well it wasn’t just us. Maybe if you guys stepped in then everyone wouldn’t have disappeared for five years,” Bucky counters.
“Don’t shift the blame on others merely because of your inconsistency to fight your own battles,” Ikaris warns.
“Oh you wanna talk about fighting battles? I’ll fight you right now,” Bucky dared as they both shot up from their seats. “Come at me, superman,” 
“I don’t wear a cape,” Ikaris says snarkily as his eyes began to glow red.
“Enough!” you shout. “First, Tony and Steve. Now you two?” you groaned at the oddly similar situation, feeling a throbbing migraine coming. “Do me a favor and get out,” you plead as you rubbed your forehead.
Bucky and Ikaris looked to each other out of confusion but when your glare landed on them, they knew. The creaking of Ikaris’s chair was the only thing you could hear beside the shuffling of their feet. 
You watched with arms crossed as Bucky let himself out, leaving your mind engraved with the memory of his longing gaze. 
“I’m sorry doll,” was all he said.
Ikaris followed right after with his duffel bag in his hand and sad smile on his lips. 
“I'll miss you,” he nods and you couldn’t help but let a single tear drop fall.
This almost sounds like we’re gonna need a part three perhaps?
Here’s the taglist of everyone who asked for a part 2, you’ll be added to the part 3 taglist! @cryingoverbonky​ @tomihoeka​ @alexrodriguez1296 @sebastianevanstuff​ 
Comment if you’d like to added to the taglist!
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