slt4eolsen · 8 months
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slt4eolsen · 10 months
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Samuel L. Jackson
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slt4eolsen · 11 months
been on a hiatus, back now :)
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slt4eolsen · 11 months
New Obsession - Donna Beneviento
I find her infatuating. 
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slt4eolsen · 11 months
A/N - The storm. Whirlwind of emotions. Dr Cho fluff cause she’s hot.
Until We Meet Again
Chapter 8 - 
Alarms blare loudly as The Avengers rush towards the common room. A portal opens and Stephen enters.
“It’s the space stone,” Stephen says as everyone gathers around. 
“I can’t feel it,” Talia says confused trying to find the energy source.
“That’s because it’s on the moon.” 
A hologram of the moon shows and everyone gasps in surprise.
“The stone has transformed the moon into a weapon. It’s using the moon's influence on the earth to create natural disasters, we need to neutralize it before it throws our world out of orbit.” 
Bruce pulls up frantic news reports from around the world. You watch as horrific scenes unfold of people screaming in fear as Tsunami washes over destroying cities. Steve comes up beside you.
“Everyone. Suit up.”
“Alright everyone put these on.” Tony passes everyone a helmet. “These will help us breathe but will also be able to withstand anything the space stone throws at us, its main body is vibranaium so let’s just say it won’t break.” 
“What about the gravity?” 
“The time stone has created an inhabitable environment for us to walk on, mostly due to it needing a suitable gravity for itself.” (A/N - Don’t even ask.)
Everyone puts the helmet on and nods at Stephen. He conjures a portal, Ivan and Talia stand at your sides grabbing your hands before you all walk in. 
“Alright we just need to follow this tracker and we should be able to-”
“Uh, Tony I don’t think we need the tracker.” Clint points up and everyone follows his eyes. 
A blue beam of light shines high. You all gradually make your way to the stone, keeping your guard up. You stand 30 feet away from the stone sensing something wrong.
“Stop.” You raise your hand and everyone abruptly stops. “This is the space stone. It has the ability to give power to the user, right?”
Stephen nods not understanding.
“But it’s corrupted, I can sense it. It’s using its powers in reverse. It’ll try to give more power to itself.” You say. “Everyone step back.”
Talia steps forward holding her mother back. “Ma. I can hear your thoughts. It’s too dangerous.” 
“Talia, baby, I’m the only one here who can do it. You saw the state of the world, innocent people are dying and trillions more are at risk.” 
“Ma. Please.” Ivan says 
“I need you both to believe in me, okay? I can do this but I need you to promise me that no matter what happens you will not interfere.” You look at them both in the eyes and hold their hands tightly. They both keep their eyes on the ground. “Ne vous inquiétez pas mes petites colombes, votre maman reviendra toujours vers vous. Now promise me.” 
“We promise Ma.” You give them one last smile before turning to the rest of The Avengers.
“Hi, yes, we still exist. What is happening?” Tony asks.
“I told you before that my powers include absorbing energy. But the power stone also has the ability to do that. I have to absorb its power before it absorbs mine. You can’t get too close to it or else it’ll kill you” You say. “Now. Step back.”
“No. We’ll figure something out.” Wanda and Natasha step forward but you raise your hand.
“Please. Just believe in me.” 
“You are not about to risk your life for some stupid stone.” Natasha raises her voice slightly taking Wanda by surprise. You flinch back at her voice and she frowns. She looks into your eyes and softens.
“Okay. We believe in you. Just, please, come back to us.” Natasha says softly, you nod at her before turning your attention to the stone. Great, you think, another situation you’ll have to open up about.
Everyone steps back as you close your eyes. 
You clear your mind of your surroundings and solely focus your energy on the stone. You enter the stone’s atmosphere and feel a power overtake you. Blue energy wraps your mind as it pulls you closer to the stone, matching you to its height. Your mind goes fuzzy as you feel yourself lose energy. You can’t help but stay immobilized as purple whisps begin to leave your body. You feel yourself slowly succumb to darkness. Your breath turns cold. You think of your family and the smile you show as you take them into your arms again. You think of Natasha and Wanda as you finally reunite with them. You get closer to the stone, your life barely gripping to your body. You think of Ivan and Talia. 
You think of Ivan and Talia. 
Your senses come back to you and you open your eyes, burning with anger and determination as you face the stone. The ground beneath you rattles. You grab the stone and hold it tightly in your hand feeling your power return to you as you absorb it.
“I made a promise to my kids. Fuck you, you dumb piece of rock.” 
The power you feel running through your limbs makes you scream in pain. 
You think of Ivan and Talia.
The pain becomes unbearable. Your eyes move to Natasha and Wanda, their faces painted with horror and worry as they start freaking out.
You think of Natasha and Wanda.
Looking back at the stone you scream. You let all your pain pour into the stone, your helmet breaking. You scream until your lungs give out. 
The stone turns grey and explodes. You fall, letting the darkness take over you. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
Opening your eyes softly allowing yourself to adjust to the bright light surrounding you. There are IVs in your arms and you softly remove them before sitting up. 
“Hey hey, what are you doing? You need to rest, you took quite the blow.” You turn to your side and see Doctor Cho smiling at you. “Your levels seem normal but with the amount of minutes you were left without oxygen, I would like to be safe.”
“Ivan? Talia? Where are they?” You manage to speak out before coughing, your throat dry. Doctor Cho passes you some water before checking your vitals again.
“Everyone is okay, you managed to destroy the Space Stone but you almost died. They’ve actually refused to leave your side but Steve managed to convince them to leave same with Natasha and Wanda.”
“How long have I been unconscious?”
“A week. As I said, you almost died.” Doctor Cho says.
“Thank you, Doctor Cho.” A piece of your hair falls onto your face, Doctor Cho smiles and approaches you, tucking the strand behind your ear.
“Helen is fine.” She smiles. “You are incredible Y/N. Beautiful too.” 
You blush at her kind words before clearing your throat.
“I feel fine. I really need to see my kids.” You say. She nods in understanding.
“Your vitals are normal and you seem to have recovered quite quickly so I see nothing wrong with allowing you to leave.” You pull her into a hug and stand thanking her before you realise that you’re in a hospital gown completely naked underneath. “Clothes are over there. Bathroom over there.” You are completely red as she turns to leave giving you privacy. 
You quickly change before leaving the medical wing. You walk towards the common room hearing a commotion of people talking. You stand in the doorway seeing The Avengers, Nick Fury, Maria Hill and your kids. 
“So it just exploded?”
“Pretty much.”
“She just absorbed all of its power?”
“Pretty much.”
“Not even a scratch?”
“Pretty. Much.”
“That woman is pretty powerful.” 
“Yeah. She is.” You say at the doorway. Everyone turns towards you in surprise.
“NUGGET,” Steve shouts running up to you and picking you up spinning you around. You let out a loud laugh as he hugs you impossibly closer to his chest. “Don’t you dare scare me like that again nugget” You smile at him and your laugh grows louder when you feel yourself being lifted into the air. You look up and see Talia and Ivan, both hugging you and Steve.
“Ma, you’re okay. We thought we lost you.” Ivan whispers 
“Next time you decide to be a badass please make sure you give us a warning before you pass out,” Talia says tearily. You giggle at her before the four of you settle back down on the ground.
“I promised I would come back and I did. I wasn’t about to leave my family. I still need you guys.” You wipe their tears and give them one last hug before you feel yourself being tackled to the ground. The boys are currently crushing you under their weight.
“You mean a lot to me,” Pietro says burying his face into your shoulder. 
“Hey I’ve become quite attached to you so please don’t ever do that again,” Tony says.
“Who will make me food in the morning if you’re gone,” Clint adds.
“We still haven’t finished reviewing all the Cinderella movies girl, you ain’t getting out of that so easily.” Sam shuffles.
“I like it when you read poetry to me, it helps me sleep,” Bucky says calmly.
You chuckle at all the boys, holding them tightly as they snuggle into you, before hearing Steve confusedly say.
“When did you guys bond also when in the world did any of you do that together?” 
“What happens at 3 AM dark stays at 3 AM dark,” Sam says smirking at you before winking. You roll your eyes before ushering them off of you. You stand and look at everyone else smiling at you. 
Two pairs of arms wrap around you and you feel the comforting presence of Natasha and Wanda take over your senses. No words are spoken between the three of you as you embrace each other. You relax in their arms and they hold you tighter. 
“I’m okay. Don’t worry. I’m here.” You say. 
Everyone settles down as Fury approaches you.
“Good job kid.” Is all he says before walking away, Maria following behind him and giving you a small smile.
Everyone settles on to the couch and conversation ensues. You sit with Ivan and Talia on your right, Natasha and Wanda on your left and Steve sitting at your legs.
“Since when did Steve call you Nugget?” Sam says teasingly. You giggle when Steve’s face turns red but mostly at how Natasha and Wanda glare down at the man.
“It’s his nickname for me. An inside joke. I’m his Nugget and he’s my Stevie.” You and Steve smile cheekily at each other. That doesn’t help calm the way Natasha and Wanda glare at Steve. 
“How come he gets a nickname and we don’t?” Pietro asks.
“You never asked for one.” You say.
“We want nicknames,” Sam says.
After quite some time of sitting and brainstorming nicknames for the Avengers, because apparently, they’d die if you didn’t. You finally caught a moment alone for yourself to breathe. You couldn’t help but feel different this time around. Not less but more powerful although not by that much. You summon a small purple ball of energy and notice how there are small traces of blue and green. You watch curiously as the blue and green sway perfectly under your control. 
Sighing you turn your attention to the setting sun. Watching the sunset brought you peace of mind. You always thought sunsets were a beautiful way to say goodbye. You let yourself become captive to the beautiful orange sky.
“Hi, my loves, it’s me. It’s been hard living without you both, although, I know you’re always there. In my heart, watching over me and the twins, guiding us. I miss you both so much but that doesn’t stop how furious I am with the both of you. Why did you leave me? Why did you promise me forever? Life went on but my world stopped turning.” You shout at the sky. 
You sigh, heavily, because you know that they had no choice. Of course, they weren’t about to sit back and let the team go alone, after all, they were your family. You couldn’t blame them, they were heroes.
“My memory of you both will never fade, and neither will my love, but Ivan and Talia are homesick for a place they’re not sure even exists. I see it in their eyes. I can’t keep letting them live in memories, they’re 18 and barely experiencing life, it’s not fair on them. I’m hurting my kids. They love you both so much, no one could ever replace that part of you.” Your tears fall as you continue, Steve’s words coming back to you. “I love you both in every universe but I have had to remember you more than I have loved you. I deserve to love again. If you love me, set me free.”
You feel no tears in your eyes. You feel no sadness. No weight on your chest. No guilt. No pain. This was them setting you free. This was them letting you know that it was okay. 
“I will forever cherish the love we share, the love our love made, the love that continues to play sweet melodies in my heart. It is time to say goodbye but we will say hello again.” You feel the air around you caress your body and you know that you are free.
“Until we meet again.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - Some more fluff, kind of like the calm before the storm. Wanted to add some more character development towards the twins. We get to see some kind of bond between Natasha, Wanda and Y/N. More Stevie content here :)
Until We Meet Again
Chapter 7 -
You cover Ivan and Talia as they sleep peacefully on your bed, both of them drained from their surprise birthday. Wrapping yourself in your sleep robe you gently turn off the lights and close the door.
Walking towards the living room, your feet carry you to the doors leading outside opening them and stepping out. You close the door quietly behind you as you walk onto the balcony and lean against the railing. The soft gentle breeze of the afternoon blows blissfully against you, and your breath steadies, enveloping yourself in the peaceful quiet. You watch as the sky turns a beautiful hue of orange. 
“You want to talk about it?” 
Turning to your side you see Steve, he has two drinks in his hand, a fuzzy grey blanket and a warm smile on his face. Your eyes light up at him, and you both sit on a nearby couch. He sits closely next to you and you squish against his big brute arms. You both sit in silence.
Steve allows you to collect your thoughts, waiting patiently. Although he would’ve waited all night if that’s what it took. He didn’t care if you decided against sharing how you felt with him, he had known you for less than 72 hours and felt a strong connection pulling him towards you. He truly cared about you, he wanted to be your support.
“You don’t have to talk, we can sit here and watch the sunset, I just didn’t want you to be alone.”
An hour passes and the sun is now gone. Y/N looks up at Steve, relaxing more into his touch. Steve had always been her safe space, a piece of her soul died when he did, and she never felt safe within herself again. But the uplifting feeling of her soul being mended with the presence of this Steve is undeniable to her. No matter where she was in the multiverse, she always had her Stevie, she always had her brother. 
“They didn’t say goodbye. Everything happened in a blur, they were rushed off to battle so quickly that they didn’t say goodbye and part of me believes that means they’re coming back.” You quietly confess into the night sky. “I waited for days, patiently waiting to hear them walk through the front door. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years and yet some delusional part of me still thinks they’re coming back. They never left without saying goodbye so why would they start now?” 
Steve frowns deeply at your confession, shifting his arm up and wrapping it protectively around you. You sink into his side, your heart heavy. 
“I slowly came to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who I am. They promised me forever but left me with pain and suffering. What makes it even harder is facing the rest of you all. The Avengers were my family”
It’s quiet for a minute. 
“Nepenthe,” Steve says. You look at him with questioning eyes, tilting your head to the side. “It is an ancient Greek word, defined as the medicine for sorrow. It is a place, person or thing, which can aid in forgetting your pain and suffering. Let me be your nepenthe.”
You look, your eyes glazed with fresh tears.
“I’ve always wanted a little sister.” He adds, smiling at you. You wrap your arms around him and let yourself truly feel his embrace.
“Can I confess something to you?” 
“Of course nugget.” You can’t help the snort you let out.  
“Nugget? Really? I’m not a five-year-old Stevie.”
“I’m a 100-year-old man. To me, you are a baby. I also wanted to give you a nickname. Like a cute brother-sister thing.” You and Steve let out a hearty laugh.
“I can’t help how I feel towards Natasha and Wanda. I know they’re not mine but my heart screams for them, they invade my mind. Talia and Ivan are my world, it’s always been just us but seeing Natasha and Wanda with them I can’t help but let myself want that. Want them to be their mother’s.” You whisper, scared your words might hurt your angels in the sky. “The gut-wrenching guilt of that reality makes me question whether or not I am a good mother. What kind of mother would I be to replace their moms with two other women who like them? I barely even know them.” 
Steve ponders in thought before responding.
“You trust them?” He asks and you nod. “You are a strong woman. You analyse any kind of danger that may happen when it comes to Talia and Ivan. You’re careful and guarded and you keep them safe, you wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to intervene with their safety or their emotional wellbeing. You did not hesitate to nod when I asked if you trusted them. Something deep within you knows that the trust you have for them is love.”
“I can’t just open my heart like that again Stevie.” You sigh. 
“I don’t want to overstep but it’s been 18 years. You’ve grieved for them more than you’ve loved them. You deserve to love again.”
“It’s going to take a lot of time. I have wounds that are still open. The curse of my grief sprouting thorns on my soul, who would want to touch a love like mine.” 
“Show them your thorns and they will show you hands ready to bleed,” Steve says.
Once again you sit in silence, digesting what Steve said. You rest your head against his shoulder, you grow tired and feel sleep arriving on you.
“I trust you, Stevie.”
5:00 AM. You wake up with a newfound lightness. You do your morning routine before opening your closet. You grab a black noodle sleeve singlet, a pair of jeans and a pair of black shoes quickly slipping into your outfit. Tying your hair into a high ponytail you let yourself smile. As you walk out you see Natasha.
“Good morning Natasha, what’re you doing up so early.” Natasha smiles at you and matches your pace as you walk side by side towards the elevator.
“Training. Never know when the next infinity stone will appear. I want to stay prepared.” Natasha says. 
You enter the elevator and Natasha follows suit. The elevator door closes and you both reach to press the button for the kitchen, her hand brushing against yours. You blush and turn away before pressing the button. Natasha pulls back and you both stand side by side. You don’t know what possessed you to do it but you interlace your hand with hers. Natasha looks at you surprised and you give her a lopsided smile.
“I’m sorry but I needed to feel my hand in yours.” You say. Natasha stands at a loss for words at your sudden forwardness
You walk out, Natasha’s hand still in yours, and she obediently follows you. You turn towards her. “Would you like some breakfast?” Natasha nods wordlessly, her cheeks burning. 
You let go of her hand and she misses the feeling. You motion her to sit at the counter and she adheres to your request. You work around the kitchen, a comfortable silence settling over you both. Natasha watches you fondly as you work around the kitchen. Ten minutes later you set down a plate of peanut butter bites and a protein shake in front of her. Natasha’s eyes light up at the food.
“How did you know peanut butter bites were my favourite food?” 
“I have known you for 10 years, 7 of those years spent married to you.” 
Natasha can’t help the smile etched onto her face. She remains silent and decides to start eating. Once again a comfortable silence is settled upon you both as you start breakfast for the rest of the Avengers. Natasha helps you set the table, just as you both finish the Avengers make their way into the kitchen, absolutely ecstatic at all the food.
“You are heaven on earth.” Tony pats your head as he walks towards the food.
“Do you make breakfast every morning? If so, do you have a suggestions box?” Clint questions as he happily eats. Natasha rolls her eyes at him before throwing a plastic cup at his head. He grumbles at her but cowers when she stares him down.
You and Natasha stand side by side leaning against the kitchen counter watching everyone eat. You notice the twins enter the room with Steve and smile at them giving each of them a kiss on the cheek and hugging Steve before ushering them all off to eat. Talia sits next to Steve but Ivan hangs back and turns to Natasha.
“Uhm I was wondering if I could train with you. Don’t tell Talia this but my combat isn’t strong. I mean I’m the son of the deadliest assassin, a world-renowned spy but I can barely throw a roundhouse kick.” Ivan shuffles on his feet, his eyes glued to the floor. Natasha doesn’t contain her joy at his request.
“Of course, you can train with me, I’d be happy to train you.” Ivan jumps into her arms and smiles brightly at her. “Go eat, you’ll need energy.” Ivan happily walks towards the table and sits next to Tony, striking up a conversation with him. 
“Thank you, he took mostly after me. Talia has always been a bit more independent than him. She developed quicker when it came to her powers and skillset. They are both equals but his confidence falters even behind that tough exterior he tries to front. He’s sensitive.” You smile at Ivan as he and Tony bond over some science thing you do not know of. “He is incredibly intelligent though. His IQ rivals Tony’s.”
“He’s a super genius?”
“He may have powers but he leans more into the technical side of things. Talia was always exploring her abilities when she came to understand them. Ivan looked up to Tony, he always had his nose in a book, he studied Tony’s research and he thinks I don’t know but he has a whole lab in our garage.” You chuckle. Natasha looks at Ivan and admires him. She walks towards him and takes a seat next to him. 
You were sitting outside on the grass soaking in the sun. Feeling a presence behind you, you turn around and see Wanda coming to sit next to you.
“I overheard your conversation with Natasha.” Wanda says. “I can’t help but feel a little envious she got to have some alone time with you.” 
You blush at her words and it only worsens when Wanda giggle at you and scoots closer.
“What would you like to talk about.” You sense the questions Wanda is dying to ask you.
“Talia.” Is all Wanda can say, you nod in understanding.
“Talia adored the memory of her mom. When she was around the age of 7 she started sneaking into my room and would project my memories of her while I slept. As invasive as it was I couldn’t blame her, she was only a kid.” You giggle at the thought and Wanda smiles. “I was more proud than upset with her. At only 7 years old she managed to figure out her powers and utilise them to her will.”
“That’s incredible.”
“Oh, it only grew as she grew. Her abilities expanded and her powers connected with various types of energy sources. You can imagine my surpise when she caused a blackout within a 50 mile radius.” Wanda can’t help the sense of pride washing over her subconscious. “Talia may be powerful but she struggles with how to express her emotions. It took me by surprise when she was so openly comfortable letting you and Natasha see her in a vulnerable state.” 
“The connection we shared. It grows in me, It’s like a part of her grows in me. I feel it with Ivan too, of course, but Talia is more prominent.” Wanda admits.
“I feel her yearning for you. She wants her mother.” You say. “No one could ever replace the love I have for Natasha and Wanda but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn to open up myself to a new kind of love.”
Wanda wraps her arms around you and you feel yourself breathe, you feel free. Your shirt rides up slightly and she notices a scar. You follow her eyes and quickly cover yourself.
“Don’t. They're ugly.” 
Wanda takes your face into her hands and looks deeply into your eyes. She finds vulnerability, fear and hurt so she makes sure you see the adoration and love in her eyes.
“Show me your scars. Show me how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - Some cute stuff. Next chapter will be a mix of emotions. 
Until We Meet Again.
Chapter 6 -
Y/N smiles proudly as she places the last of the breakfast dishes on the dining table a makeshift banner sprouting the words. Happy Birthday. In perfect cursive writing. Plates of pancakes and waffles, bowls of fruit, and jugs of fresh juice and syrup decorate the table, and mini sandwiches are set across. Finishing off with the framed photo of The Avengers. Perfect Y/N thinks to herself. Her attention turns towards approaching footsteps. The twins walk in with their pyjamas still on, rubbing their eyes sleepily.
“SURPRISE” Y/N smiles brightly at her kids before running and hugging them in a tight hug.
“Ma, what’s happening?” Ivan asks slightly confused.
“Well since we didn’t get to properly celebrate your birthday due to all this craziness, I just wanted to give you both a proper 18th birthday breakfast,” Y/N says still brightly smiling at them. “You both deserve only the best. Now go sit.” She ushers her kids to sit.
The Avengers walk in slightly confused at the loud noises of laughter. They’re faces turn from confusion to happiness as they silently witness Talia flying above Ivan as she tries to pour the syrup into his mouth whilst Y/N laughs loudly. Their attention turns to the birthday banner, then to the food and back to the family. Steve walks forward.
“Happy Birthday! Ivan, Talia.” Steve smiles at the twins, Talia turns her attention to Steve, pouring syrup all over his face. Y/N laughs louder at that, helping him wipe off the syrup. 
“Thanks, Uncle Stevie,” Talia says before letting herself fall to hug him. Steve catches her and his face lights up at the name. Talia steps back abruptly. “I’m sorry Steve, that was innapro-” Talia begins to apologise before Steve wraps his arms around her.
“I would be honoured to be your uncle Stevie.” He smiles at her, he’s about to continue before a gust of wind swoops at him and he’s pulled into another hug.
“Yay, we have an Uncle Stevie.” Ivan cheers his mouth filled with pancake. Steve laughs at the boy and joins them at the table, he smiles proudly at the twins as they talk about whether pancakes or waffles are better. Y/N and Steve share a look of understanding and Steve starts to grab pancakes.
The rest of The Avengers stand a bit awkwardly to the side. Y/N smiles at them, slightly amused at their awkward shuffling as if they don’t live here.
“Grab a plate and eat, I made enough for everyone.” 
The boys don’t hesitate to run forward, sitting down and grabbing buckets of food, greeting the twins with happy birthdays. Y/N giggles at them, memories playing softly in her mind.
“Is this seat taken?” Y/N looks up to her right and sees Carol smiling at her.
“It’s all yours.” Y/N smiles back, Carol takes a seat and starts eating. Y/N looks back towards the rest of the table seeing a grumbling Natasha and Wanda, glaring harshly at Carol. They spot you looking at them, they smile innocently whilst you giggle softly at them. 
“Hey come sit with us,” Talia says to Natasha and Wanda. Their frowns turn to loving smiles as they sit on either side of the twins.
“Happy Birthday.” Natasha and Wanda say placing soft kisses on their foreheads.
“Hey, what’s this?” Everyone looks towards Clint as he holds a framed photo, inspecting it closely.
“Oh, that’s the only photo we have with our family, every year for our birthday we sit at the table with this and Ma tells us stories,” Ivan says, he grabs the photo and turns it to show the rest of the table. “We’re right there.” Pointing at your pregnant belly. Everyone stares at the photo and then stares at you. You shrink under their gaze, clearing your throat.
“We were having a family barbeque, it was a baby shower. That’s the last photo we took before, everything.” You slightly hesitate at the end, everyone gives you comforting smiles.
“Damn, I look good in every universe,” Sam says breaking the silence. Everyone laughs going back to conversating, you exhale and look towards Sam thanking him with your eyes for taking the attention off her. The photo makes its way to Natasha and Wanda. They stare intently at the photo mainly focusing on your pregnant smiling face. They smile softly. 
You stand up and walk to the kitchen. You reappear holding a red and blue cake with lit candles. You place the cake in front of Ivan and Talia. Everyone begins singing happy birthday, off-key. You smile at everyone pulling out your camera and capturing a photo of everyone cheering as the twins blow out the candles. 
“Alright, I feel as though it’s an appropriate time to ask.” Pietro stands. “How come he’s ‘Uncle Stevie’ What about your Uncle Pietro, you know, your actual uncle.” Wanda rolls her eyes at her brother, going to tell him off before Ivan cuts her off.
“I’ve always wanted a speedster for an uncle.” Ivan slightly smirks before cheekily adding. “But I don’t know if you’ll be able to keep up. Old man.” Ivan speeds out of the room before Pietro can rebuttal. 
“Oh. All my dreams are coming true. You are going down nephew.” Pietro shouts before speeding after him. Everyone laughs at the pair.
“I thought they were fraternal twins. Isn’t Ivan Natasha’s son, how did he get Pietro’s powers?” Peter speaks up his face turning red when you face him. “Sorry Ms Y/N, I hope that wasn’t overstepping.”
“That’s okay Peter. They are, although they have different physical DNA their powers source from both me and Wanda. Ivan gained his speed from Wanda although yes he is Natasha’s.” You smile at the young boy, unconsciously ruffling his hair, he smiles at the contact. Everyone nods in understanding.
“Alright guys, Y/N cooked so we clean, everyone start clearing the table,” Steve speaks out and you smile gratefully at them. Talia flops down next to you and spreads her body across you. Smiling at you.
“Thank you for the best birthday Ma.”
“Who said it was over.” You smile at your daughter's eyes as they light up with joy. You create a mental link with Ivan calling him back, he appears at your side seconds later. Pietro appears not a second after.
“Good try Uncle Piet, maybe you’ll get me next time,” Ivan smirks at his uncle. Pietro only smiles at the term of endearment.
“Alright nephew, I’ll let you win this time.” 
You stand and grab a perfectly wrapped gift from the kitchen counter. She presents it to the twins and they smile excitedly.
“This is from home, with all the craziness happening, you two are always on the top of my mind. Your moms and I promised to give this to you both on your 18th birthday when we found out I was pregnant. Now open it.”
The twins open the box and see a small metal box. Ivan recognises the design as the work of Tony Stark. He picks up the box and places it on the table, pressing the small metal button on the side. The Avengers curiously surround the family of three looking at the box. It opens and a hologram emits from it.
*Hologram Video Playing*
“Tasha baby don’t break it, I think it’s on.” You and Wanda chuckle at her. Natasha sits back down and shushes her wives.
The three of you are seated in the common room of the Avengers compound, you in the middle with Natasha and Wanda on either of your sides looking into the camera with wide smiles.
“Okay okay. Hello, I am your Mama, Natasha Roman-”
“HI MY BABIES, IT’S ME YOUR MOMMY,” Wanda shouts at the camera her excitement taking over. “You both are currently in here.” Wanda points at your belly getting distracted as she starts tickling your belly.
“Wanda, my love, calm down,” Natasha says as she looks over at her wife. Wanda sticks her tongue out at her giggling hysterically as Natasha throws a couch cushion at her face. 
“How can I be calm? WE’RE GONNA BE MOMS.” Wanda screams, Natasha covers her ears and you cover Wanda’s mouth before laughing at her childishness. 
“Baby, we’ll never get through this video if you keep screaming.” You say to her softly. “No more screaming okay?” Wanda nods and you take your hand off her mouth giving her a quick kiss. You turn to Natasha and place a kiss on her lips, Natasha smiles and continues on. 
“As I was saying I am your Mama. Last week we learnt that your Mom is pregnant with you two.”
“We are so excited to meet you both, even if it’s nine months away but that doesn’t matter cause we’ll get to spend the rest of our lives with you.” Wanda smiles brightly at the camera.
“And we wanted to make a special video for you both to remind you how much we already love you.” You say smiling down at your belly. “Mama, would you like to go first? No interrupting.” you look at Wanda with threatening eyes. She nods and continues to play with your belly.
“I grew up in a place where love has no existence, but even so, I managed to find my way to your mom's. I found a love so powerful that it’s expanding into both of you. You both haven’t even developed into full fetuses and I already adore you both. I promise to be the best Mama in the world. I promise to give you all my love, affection, and care. I will support you both in all your life goals, you both are a reminder to me that it’s okay to love. You both are everything and more to me.” Natasha stops and takes a deep breath, you and Wanda comfort her as she continues with slightly teary eyes. “You both are every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had.” Natasha gives one last big smile before finishing, her attention shifts to her side as she hears you and Wanda sniffling and snorting loudly. Natasha chuckles and rolls her eyes.
“Oh, don’t you dare roll your eyes at us for crying when you just delivered a beautiful, deep, and poetic speech to our unborn children,” Wanda says wiping away her tears furiously. “How are we supposed to compete with that.” 
You grab Natasha’s face and kiss her all over before placing a lingering kiss on her lips.
“Okay move over, my turn now.” You and Natasha roll your eyes at Wanda before giving her your full attention. “Hi, my little loves. Your Mama spoke for us all. I don’t want this entire video to be of me crying so I’m taking up the role of the fun mom although I want to say that I love you with everything I am and everything I will become. I will spoil you both endlessly, with my love and with Uncle Tony’s money.”
You laugh at Wanda. Natasha once again rolls her eyes.
“Detka this whole video will just consist of you rolling your eyes.” Wanda teases. She quickly dodges the couch cushion thrown at her. You stare down your wives and they stop attacking each other with cushions. 
“We just want you both to know that we have nothing but love for you both. You guys have already made an incredible impact on all of us.” You speak to your belly before staring lovingly into the camera.
“And we also want to remind you that it’s okay to make mistakes, we learn from them. You were born to be real, not perfect.” Wanda adds.
“Dream without fear. Love without limits.” Natasha continues. 
“No matter who you are when you grow up, we love you both endlessly.” You finish. You all look into the camera, holding each other and smiling.
A group of loud footsteps can be heard from behind as everyone rushes towards the camera. Tony is the first one to grab the camera.
“Hi Wonder Twins, I’m your uncle Tony.” He smiles at the camera. Natasha grabs the camera off him before hitting him in the gut. “Geez Red violence is not the answer.” He says winded.
Natasha sets the camera back onto its stand. As she moves to sit back down, everybody can be seen in the frame smiling brightly.
“Alright everyone introduces yourselves,” Wanda says.
“Hi, I’m your Uncle Stevie.” Steve smiles.
“I’m your Uncle Sammy and this is your Uncle Buck,” Sam says as he wraps an arm around Bucky’s shoulder, they both smile before waving.
“Hello, little ones I am your Great and Mighty Uncle Thor,” Thor shouts from the back.
“I am your Uncle Bruce.” He waves awkwardly.
“I am your Uncle Clint, your Aunt Laura isn’t here but she already loves you both,” Clint says. 
“I’m your Aunt Maria, this is your Aunt Carol and Aunt Pep,” Maria says softly towards the camera.
“And I’m your Uncle Petey,” Peter says swinging down from the ceiling. 
“Alright that better be everyone because this video is already long enough.” You say giggling at everyone. 
“We can’t wait to meet you both,” Thor shouts.
“We already love you,” Steve adds.
“I’m going to spoil you both rotten,” Tony yells. 
Natasha stands to turn the camera off, a small smile gracing her lips.
“We love you.” Everyone shouts in the background as Natasha smiles.
*End of Hologram Video*
The video pauses on Natasha’s face. Tears roll down the twins' faces as they reach out to her face. Y/N comes from behind them and hugs them both tightly.
“They may be gone but they love you both. For all that you are, all that you have been and all that you are yet to be.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - I am on a roll :)
Until We Meet Again. 
Chapter 5 -
Natasha and Wanda can’t help it. They feel a connection towards you and the twins. The bond only grows stronger the more they see you three. Natasha, Wanda and the rest of the team are currently sitting in a conference room. They’re debriefing on what happened with the time stone. Their thoughts are however on you. They try not to stare at your standing figure from across the room as you listen intently to what’s being said, giving your thoughts every now and then.
“She won’t disappear if you guys look away.” Clint whispers chuckling at them. They both shoot glares at him before Natasha elbows him in the stomach. He grunts loudly in pain grabbing everyone’s attention. You look at them and they cower slightly.
“Barton you good?” Fury stares at him. Clint gives a thumbs up and everyone turns their attention back to the meeting. “Alright what we know so far is that now the time stone has been neutrilized the rest of the stones have slowly been disappearing from our radars. That does not mean this is over. Everyone stay guarded, daily reports need to be given.”
The meeting slowly comes to end and everyone starts to go back to their respective areas. Only The Avengers, Y/N and the twins are left. You shift awkwardly in your place before Steve comes next to you, you visibly relax at his reassuring smile. Natasha and Wanda glare slightly at how close he is to you. 
“Would you like me to show you to your rooms?” Steve says. You and the twins nod, as your’re leaving Natasha and Wanda call out.
“Wait. They should stay on our level, it’s only me and Natasha, the rest of the rooms are empty.” Wanda says, smiling to cover her intentions. They want to feel close to you. 
“I’m okay with that. Ivan? Talia?” You look at the twins and they hesitate, contemplating wether or not they were comftorable before nodding. “Okay, lead the way.”
You all begin to walk towards the elevator with Natasha and Wanda slightly behind but still close enough to engage in any conversations. Talia and Ivan stare at Steve, Steve notices and smiles.
“You can ask questions if you want.” The twins both look at eachother and smile before Ivan steps forward and walks alongside Steve.
“Can we tour this place. I would love to see where my moms used to live.” Ivan looks away slightly, feeling shy. You smile at his cuteness. “I mean we never got to know much about our family or our mothers, the only memorabilia we have of them are gifts they gave us before we were born.” Ivan reaches beneath his shirt and pulls out a silver necklace with an arrow pendant. 
Talia reaches into her pocket pulls out a locket, she opens it to reveal a picture of Wanda and Pietro from when they were babies, she turns the locket and there’s a small inscription on the back. P & W Maximoff. The image is torn but preserved with magic. 
“Ma also tells us stories of our moms. We don’t have much else, it was all lost after the battle with Thanos.” Ivan looks towards Steve with hopeful eyes. “You were always our faviroute uncle if that helps our odds.”
Natasha and Wanda feel disappointed the twins didn’t ask them, although they know that it would feel weird to be around two women who have the same faces as their mothers but are complete strangers.
Steve smiles brightly at the boy before releasing a chuckle. 
“Of course we can tour the building. I’d be honoured, I am also honoured to have been your faviroute uncle.” 
Ivan jumps high and bangs his head on the ceiling as he celebrates. Talia laughs loudly at the dumbness of her brother. You shake your head at Ivan as he descends down grunting in pain. You all approach the elevator and get in. Ivan and Talia stand beside Steve as they continue their conversation, you already sense the fondness the twins feel for the man. You stand at the back of the elevator between Natasha and Wanda. You don’t know what urges you to do it but you decide to start a conversation with them. 
“Don’t take Ivan and Talia’s coldness personally. No one could replace their mothers. They still share a strong bond to them.” Y/N says quietly to the both of them, not wanting to attract attention to her words. “They’re still kids and extremely guarded and overprotective. They don’t show it but seeing you both confuse them, they don’t know wether to be sad, mad or happy to see you.” 
Wanda and Natasha digest what you say before Natasha decides to speak up.
“We don’t intend to intrude into your family. We’re just curious, we feel a connection to them and to you.” She confesses. “We don’t want to cross any boundaries but we would like to learn more about you three.” 
“I can’t” 
“Why not?” Wanda accidentally slips out innocently.
“Because it terrifies me how much you feel like them. I can’t pretend like my heart isn’t aching to reach out to you both. But you’re not them.” 
The elevator doors open and you quickly step out, walking alongside Steve before Natasha and Wanda can get a word in. The urge to embrace you bombards their minds but the look from Ivan stops them. You all continue down the hallway til you reach three rooms.
“Pick any room you like. Natasha and Wanda’s room are just here on the other side. If you ever need anything you can ask one of them, i’m only a floor below and F.R.I.D.A.Y is also here for you.” 
You walk towards the room on the end. You feel a sense of nostalgia as the door opens and you see the familiar layout of the room. Talia takes the room in the middle and Ivan takes the remaining room, your bags are already in the room as you all walk in. 
“We’ll let you all settle in.” Steve says from the doorway. You nod and turn away unpacking your bag onto the bed, you hear him walk away yet you feel the presence of two certain redheads at your door. 
“Just because I can’t see you staring at me doesn’t mean I can’t sense it.” 
Natasha and Wanda blush slightly at your bluntness. 
“We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Natasha says. “But we would like to finish our conversation from before.”
“What conversation?” The three of you whip your heads and see Ivan and Talia staring at Natasha and Wanda before brushing past them into the room. They take a protective stance in front of their mother looking at the two women expectantly. 
Natasha clears her throat before speaking. “We would like to get to know you more. You both have our last names. We feel a bond towards you all, we know you can feel it too.” Wanda nods in acknowledgement over Natasha’s words.
The twins don’t falter over Natasha’s words, instead they seem more guarded. Intent on protecting their mother, though their auras feel indifferent.
“It doesn’t matter if we feel anything towards you. You are not our moms.” Talia says with a slight attitude though her words feel empty and you pick up on it. “We are here for a mission. Not to bond with two strangers.” 
You can’t help but feel guilt as you listen to Talia. Ivan places a hand in front of Talia stopping her from speaking. 
“You’re upsetting Ma. Stop it.” Ivan looks at his sister angrily. Talia looks at your teary eyes and buckles.
“I’m sorry Ma I didn’t mean to upset you.” Talia says reaching to hold your hand. You smile at her.
“You didn’t upset me love. I just regret that you guys didn’t get to know your mothers. I feel guilty for putting all this pressure on you both, I didn’t know then how much it would affect you both seeing everyone, especially them.” You nod towards Natasha and Wanda at the door. “It’s not fair.”
“Ma you could never. You have given us a fulfilling life with all the love and care a mother can give and then some. You’ve taught us and nurtured us through our whole lives and alone too. We understand that is was hard.” Talia hugs Y/N as she continues. “We want to return the favour. You are the best mother we could have asked for.” 
Y/N lets her tears fall freely as she hugs Talia, she looks at Ivan and pulls him into the hug. 
“I do have to admit though. Seeing Mama and Mom in person, even if they aren’t ours, makes me want to run to them and hold tight. I’m scared I won’t be able to experience their love and I feel so wrong for it because of how hard you tried to triple your love for us throughout the years.” Talia whispers. “I just want to know what it would feel like to be held by her.” Talia breaks down onto the floor. The weight of her emotions getting the best of her. 
Y/N kneels down and holds her daughter tightly, comforting her daughter.
“Oh baby don’t you ever feel wrong for that. You deserve to feel your moms love, even gone her love is still as strong as ever. Her love beats in you. Her love lives in your heart. She could never truly leave you.” Y/N looks up at Ivan and senses he feels the same, she pulls him down and you hold them both tightly, their heads tucked into your neck as they cling to you. “That goes for both of you. They loved you so much they laid down their lives for you. Their hearts will always beat for you both and no matter what version of them throughout the universe they appear to us as, they will always love you.”
Talia and Ivan cry into your neck. You look up and see Natasha and Wanda standing there silently, tears in their eyes. Their hearts break for the kids, they feel their sorrow, they feel their pain. Y/N motions for them to come in and sit down and they do.
Wanda looks into Y/N eyes begging for permission, Y/N nods hesitantly. Wanda slowly scoots closer and lays her hand on Talia, she gasps at the feeling of warmth and love that radiates. Talia sits up, she feels torn on what to do. She looks at her mother and Y/N nods giving her a reassuring smile, turning to look at Wanda who opens her arms. Talia launches herself into Wanda’s arms, holding her tightly as she relishes in the feeling. Wanda holds her, no words said, she just holds her letting her feel the comfort of her embrace. 
Natasha places a hesitant hand on Ivan and he stiffens. He hated seeing you sad. He always tried his best to make you happy. He wanted you to know you were always good enough of a mother to him. You lift his chin to look at you and smile tearily at how he looks even more like Natasha. 
“You’ve always been my strong boy, grown into an even stronger man. It’s okay my love. I know how much you love me, you being able to experience the love of your Mama won’t change that.” 
He sniffles and sits up before looking at Natasha. Natasha places her hands on his face and he grabs a hold of them. He memorises every part of Natasha’s face, making sure to remember all the details before Natasha pulls him against her and embraces him. He wraps his arms around her and feels the love she gives him. 
They all sit there for what feels like hours before the steady calm breathing pattern become apparent to the room. Y/N admires the twins as lay against Natasha and Wanda sleeping peacefully, still clinging to them.
“We want to be there for them. Please.” Wanda whispers, tracing soft patterns on Talia’s arm.
Y/N looks at the both of them, the feeling as though she’s betraying her Natasha and Wanda, but as she looks at her twins she sighs knowing they need this.
“You break their hearts. I’ll break your spines.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - I did not proofread :) Also there will be a lot more of Natasha and Wanda content next chapter, trust in the process ;) Enjoy some cute Steve fluff.
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Until We Meet Again
Chapter 4 
It’s quiet on the Quinjet. Clint sits in the cockpit gently flying the Quinjet, the rest of The Avengers sitting around the base. The twins sit against the wall on both sides of their mother. 
“We’re all thinking the same thing, right?” Pietro breaks the silence as he looks around at everyone. Wanda slaps the back of his head before glaring at him. “Sestra that hurt. It’s not like I’m not the only one thinking it, the look in your eye says you’re thinking the same thing. Are we all going to ignore the fact those two not only look like Natasha and Wanda but are also dressed like them.” Pointing at the twins. Wanda hits her brother again and Pietro frowns before rubbing his head.
Ivan and Talia laugh while Y/N tries to hide her giggle, keyword, tries. It catches everyone off guard and they look at the three of them. Wanda and Natasha smile at them and Y/N blushes causing their smiles to widen. Y/N looks away, shy under their gaze, the twins look at their mother and then at Natasha and Wanda slightly glaring at them. They both look away, feeling a little uncomfortable. 
“Ah, the ice breaks. Anyways, may we have a backstory?” Pietro asks. He ignores his sister's intense glare. 
Ivan and Talia look at their mother for permission and Y/N nods. 
“My name is Ivan Romanoff-Maximoff. Our mothers are Natasha, Wanda and Y/N Romanoff-Maximoff. I inherited our Ma, Y/N’s, powers but my uncle Pietro's super speed from our mom Wanda. We never knew our mothers since they died before we were born.”
“I’m Talia Romanoff-Maximoff. I inherited our mom Wanda's powers and no matter what Ivan says I won when it came to inheriting our mama, Natasha’s, combat skills. Me and Ivan are twins. We never knew our family either but we hear endless stories from Ma.”
“I have mama’s skills too, you’re not that special. It’s Ivan and me by the way, it’s obvious who got the smart genes” Ivan corrects. “Grammar. Talia,” Ivan smirks at his sister, Talia rolls her eyes before slapping her brother on the back of his head. He shoots a glare at her before rubbing his head. Pietro smiles cheekily at that. 
Natasha and Wanda can’t help the smile that appears on their faces as they watch the twins interact, it slowly fades as they digest the information of the loss they shared. They both look at each other, feeling an unfamiliar bond towards the twins. 
“Alright, you two that’s enough. Ivan is mine and Natasha’s DNA whilst Talia is mine and Wanda’s, they’re fraternal twins, they were loved equally. Ivan is as much Wanda’s as he is Natasha’s and vice versa. Thanos happened in our world too, the only difference is we lost. I was married and my wives died in battle, so did my earth’s Avengers, I was heavily pregnant at the time so I was unable to be there, but even across the universe I felt their deaths, Thanos managed to overpower them. Once he had completed in wiping out half the universe he destroyed the stones, killing himself in the process” Y/N exhales.
Once again, the Quinjet is silent. Everyone stares sympathetically at the family. Talia and Ivan look away from the intense gazes of Natasha and Wanda whilst Y/N stares down at her necklace hidden beneath her suit. Their wedding rings hang there. 
“We’re here,” Clint shouts from the cockpit.
Everyone gears up. Y/N stands and the twins follow suit. Natasha and Wanda also stand. A little too quickly, although no one comments. The rest of the team gather around the exit as Clint lands the Quinjet. The doors open and Talia is the first to step out. She closes her eyes and feels the ground beneath her. She begins to walk and the everyone follows, they walk for ten minutes before Talia abruptly stops.
“Here” Talia says a bit breathless. Ivan looks at Talia worriedly going up to his sister.
“You feeling okay Lia.” 
“Yeah yeah I’m good, the energy it’s producing, it’s just making me feel a bit overwhelmed.” Talia says. “I’ve never felt this amount of power.” Talia stumbles to the side, Wanda comes to catch her but Ivan grabs her and pulls her away. Y/N looks at her daughter and places her hands on her face. She softly soothes her daughters mind.
“That’s enough, you did so well, i’m so proud of you love.” Y/N softly says to her daughter. Wanda steps back still looking at Talia, feeling overprotective. 
“Okay, I’m tapping in now.” Ivan says. “Please if you all could give me some space.” The Avengers move out the way. Ivan’s eyes and hands glow blue. The ground shakes as cracks in the ground appear, blocks of concrete rising. 
“Is anybody else feeling a bit useless right now.” Sam whispers to The Avengers. Natasha stares at Ivan, a small proud smile gracing her face. 
“These midgardians are quite the heroes.” Thor bellows. You smile at him as he stares in a somewhat childlike wonder. Ivan carefully places the last of the concrete to the side. Everyone stares down the large hole and see a deep cavern. 
“How are we supposed to get down there?” Clint asks. Thor jumps down and lands on his feet. Steve follows and tumbles landing perfectly. Sam uses his wings and hovers down. Tony uses his suit and flies down. Wanda grabs Pietro she uses her powers and floats them down.  Clint rolls his eyes before yelling down at them. “Alright so what about the normal people.” Ivan laughs at the man. Talia and Ivan each grab onto the mans arms and gently descend him down. 
You look at Natasha and she looks at you, you’re both silent before you hesitantly offer her your hand.
“Hold on to my waist. It’ll be easier.” You say. Natasha nods her head, a small faint blush on her cheeks. She wraps her arms around your waist and you feel your nerves haywire.You try and steady your breathing before you use your powers and drop down onto the floor with ease. Natasha lets herself linger around your waist before Ivan clears his throat, she lets go and you walk towards the twins. The twins look at their mother, silently asking if she’s okay, Y/N nods giving them a small loving smile. 
“Well damn.” Tony says looking past them on the other side of the cavern. The time stone floats, emitting green light, glowing brightly. Talia feels lightheaded and stumbles back til her back hits a wall and she slides down. Y/N and Ivan turn towards her and rush to her sides.
“I can feel it beating. It does not want us here.” Talia whispers. Talia closes her eyes feeling the power of the time stone in every part of her body. The cavern starts shaking and dirt falls from the ceiling. Two portal opens. Grey creatures emerge, red bug eyes with long arms and legs. They screech as they start gravitating towards the group.
Ivan faces towards them and lifts his hands a blue force field surrounding them. The creatures bang against the force feild screeching loudly.
“What in the hell are those things.” Sam shouts. 
“Whatever they are isn’t the issue, what are we going to do is!” Steve shouts back.
“I need you to get me to the time stone.” Y/N says quickly. “You need to fight them off for as long as you can, aim for the head. Talia stay here, Thor protect her.” Thor nods his head and stands guarded in front of Talia. Talia tries to argue back but the weight she feels on her stops her from doing so. 
Everyone circles around the force field preparing themselves. Ivan rises and pushes his arms out causing the force field to deliver a blow, making the aliens fly back giving everyone the upper hand. The creatures begin running back more aggressively and the fight ensues. Y/N takes out her battle axes and grabs onto Steve’s shoulders, he thrusts her up in the air and she slices through the heads of the creature in front of them, Steve catches her and they continue to the time stone.
Without thinking Y/N turns to Steve smiling. “Nice one Stevie.” Steve’s face is surprised and confused but before he can say anything more creatures begin to attack them.
Steve throws his shield, knocking three of them out whilst Y/N finishes with the final blow to their heads. They reach the time stone and Ivan runs towards his mother, raising his hands creating a protective bubble around the three of them. 
“Okay so how do we destroy it.” Steve begins to ask but is silenced when you envelope your hand around the stone. You mentally prepare your mind before you close your eyes and exhale deeply, focusing all your attention to the stone, keeping your breath steady, you begin to harness It’s energy. The cavern goes silent and Steve turns to look out of the force field. The creatures begin to shriek as they get pulled back into the portals. Ivan lowers the force field once they all disappear, the portals slowly close and everyone gathers around Y/N. Talia feels the weight of the stone slowly lift, she tries to rise, slipping before Thor catches her and helps her towards the rest of the group, Talia giving him a grateful smile. 
You clear your mind of the people around you, your surroundings. The stone beats heavily against your hand, your face remains calm as you use your powers against it. A scorching pain soars through your hand and you scream in pain. The ground shakes beneath everyone’s feet, you raise your other hand to stop anyone trying to intervene. Your eyes burst open, taken over by a bright green colour, you start to rise and scream, green light emitting from your mouth. A heavy blow of power shakes the cavern, blowing the team back as you rise high into the air, suddenly the green slowly fades as your purple energy takes control. You let out one more scream before you begin to fall. Steve catches you and holds you bridal style. You take a few minutes to calm yourself, you feel the power of the stone coursing through your body. 
As you open your eyes you feel your senses come back to you. Talia and Ivan are on either side of you, asking if you’re okay, their faces painted with concern. You look up at them and smile.
“I’m okay my loves.” You step out of Steve’s arms, the twins quickly supporting you by your waist. Opening your hand everyone stares in amazement, the once vibrating green stone was now grey. “I absorbed it’s powers.” Ivan forms a blue force field around it to contain it before handing it to Tony. He inspects it before looking at Y/N.
“It’s one of my abilities. I can absorb power. It doesn’t usually take this much energy out of me, but the time stone is the second most powerful of the infinity stones, I’m surprised it took so little.” 
“Alright good work team, let’s get back to the jet and report to the rest of the team.” Steve says. 
Everyone is silent on the ride back to the compound. The twins sitting together, Talia resting her head on Ivan’s shoulder as they sleep. Y/N is seated next to Steve across from Natasha and Wanda whilst the rest of The Avengers hover around.
“You called me Stevie.” Steves says as he turns and looks at you. “Back in the cavern.”
“Oh.” You blush in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. That was my nickname for my Steve. I haven’t fought alongside him in a long time, it must of been out of habit.” You apologise trying to avoid his blue eyes and the eyes of the rest of the team, seeming to have caught their attention.
“Would you like to talk about it?” You look at him and he offers you a warm smile. You smile back equally as warm. You nod and everyone perks up at your acceptance to talk about your universe.
“Steve was my best friend, he was my brother. I had known him since he came out of the ice, I was already working privately for S.H.E.I.L.D Nick kept me hidden due to my powers, I didn’t mind though it gave me the opportunity to live a somewhat normal life. I helped him become custom to the modern day world and we eventually became roommates.” You giggle softly at a memory. “He was so supportive of me, I called him Stevie because of how childlike he came to be when being introduced to new things. As time went on our bond grew, we both joined The Avengers and continued to stay together at each other’s sides, like when he walked me down the aisle of my wedding.” 
Steve looks at you with a smile yet sorrowfully. “And then Thanos happened.”
“Steve was always the noblist and our bond was always strong, strong enough for me to feel him fighting, I could feel his durability wearing off. I could feel the sadness rip through him as he accepted that we lost, I could feel his painfully peaceful death.” Tears began streaming down your face before you could try to stop them. “Oh God, I’m sorry, I’m such a mess.” You try to wipe your tears but you feel two strong arms wrap around your vulnerable frame. You look up to see Steve giving you a loving smile.
“I could never replace your Steve but I hope I can bring you some sort of comfort. Instead of being a reminder of the hurt you once felt.” Steve says soft-spoken. “I hope you don’t find this strange but, when I witnessed you overpowering the stone I could not help but think of how proud I am of you.”
You stare into his eyes before breaking down and throwing your arms around his large frame. He holds you steadily, letting you cry into his shoulder. You stay in his arms for 10 minutes, feeling yourself become exhausted, the weight of the time stone’s power gaining up to you. You lay your head on his shoulder feeling your eyes droop before softly talking out into the open.
“You could never hurt me Stevie.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N Please bare with me. Some of this I am pulling this out of my ass. Next chapter there will be more context within the group.
Until We Meet Again.
Chapter 3 -
Y/N stares at herself in the mirror, the image of herself faded. The years show on her face yet her youthful genes haven't let her down. Her mission suit weighs heavy nostalgia on her as she remembers the day Tony gave it to her, and the big smile on Steve’s. The suit is similar to Steve's, the feminine touches making it the perfect opposite. Her best friend. A sad smile makes its way onto Y/N’s face. The anxiety slowly creeps up on her as she thinks about seeing Natasha and Wanda again. Alive. Although they aren't her Wanda and Natasha. The heartbreak she feels about seeing the team. They’re not hers she has to remind herself. She thinks of Ivan and Talia, and how they’ll feel. 
She closes her eyes and steadies her breath before grabbing her bag and battle axes and heading towards the living room. Stephen straightens as she walks towards him and smiles.
“Thank you for waiting Stephen. Ivan, Talia! Are you ready?” Y/N yells. Footsteps are heard and you see the twins walking down the stairs. Y/N feels her heart stop. They’re wearing their mother's mission suits. 
Ivan has Natasha’s suit on. The suit is altered to fit his physique, suit all black with red lining. The black widow belt and chest harness fitted with all Natasha’s weapons mounted on his body. Her famous widow bites on his wrists. The suit fits his style, and changes were made to his standard. 
Talia has Wanda’s suit on. A long sleeve leather top with leather gloves and a red headpiece. The pants fit her legs and perfectly, the top is made with a metal-like material, with a cotton lining. The suit is dark red with black stripes. A leather cape attached to the top stopping at the knee. 
“Ma, don’t be mad please but we have been working on them for a year and-” Ivan started explaining quickly before Y/N threw her arms around the both of them. The twins looked at each other confused yet relieved to know their mother isn't mad. 
“I’m not mad my loves. You both look amazing, just like your mothers. Oh God, your Uncle Tony would be so proud of you both. Wonder Twins.” Y/N whispered. “Okay let me stop before I get too carried away. Stephen, we’re ready.” 
Stephen nods his head before turning around to face the fireplace. Y/N grabs Talia’s and Ivan’s hands and squeezes. Trying to comfort them but mostly her. Stephen summons a portal and turns towards the family. They nod their heads at him and they walk into the portal. 
The Avengers Compound. Still has too many windows Y/N thinks to herself. 
Ivan and Talia shriek as they look around. They stare in amazement at the interior of the large building. Their eyes shone with wonder and excitement as they take it all in. They never had the leisure of experiencing The Compound mostly due to it exploding. Y/N smiles brightly at her kid's childish antics as they run around the main entrance. 
“Please follow me, The Avengers are in the main common room,” Stephen says. The smile disappears from Y/N’s face and she turns serious. Stephen begins walking with Y/N following. Ivan and Talia get the hint and they walk slightly behind their mother on both sides. As they get closer towards the entrance Y/N creates a mind link to communicate privately with her kids. 
“I just want to remind you both that, yes, they look like your family but they could never replace them” Y/N says through the mind link.
“Ma, we know. No one could ever replace our true family, just because they have the same face doesn’t mean anything to us. We just want to protect you.” Ivan and Talia both smile at their mother. 
They get to the entrance and Y/N stops abruptly. The twins look at their mother worried and Stephen turns around. Y/N takes a deep breath and nods before smiling. They continue to walk and her breath stops. So much for the deep breath, she thinks to herself. 
Steve, Tony, Pepper, Clint, Pietro, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Thor, Peter, Maria, Carol, Fury, Natasha, Wanda and a few other faces she doesn’t recognise look at her. Y/N feels her heart in her stomach. They all look at her but mostly at Ivan and Talia, especially Natasha and Wanda. The twins look at them equally curious but they’re guarded. Stephen clears his throat slightly bringing the attention to him.
“Everyone meet Y/N, Ivan and Talia Romanoff-Maximoff, they’re who I was talking about, the family from a different universe,” Stephen says. You feel sick. You feel like you’re going to throw up and faint, your face doesn’t show but your shaking hands do. The Avengers and the others look surprised and extremely confused. Stephen obviously didn’t tell them who you guys were. You control yourself and look up towards the massive group of people. 
“Hello. It’s very nice to meet all of you.” Your voice comes out controlled, slightly breathless but polite. “My name is Y/N.”
“I’m Ivan” He nods towards the group in acknowledgement.
“And I’m Talia.” 
Steve is the first to step forward and introduce himself. You smile at him, thinking of your Steve. The rest come forward and introduce themselves. You greet them all politely as if you didn’t know them for years. You meet new people though. T’challa, Shuri, Okeye, Quill, Gamora, Drax, Nebula, Groot, Rocket and Mantis. You learn about a place called Wakanda and about The Guardians of the Galaxy. You feel refreshed meeting these new people. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m Natasha Romanoff.” Natasha rasps out. Y/N stands a little too straight and nods her head. Natasha eyes her curiously before looking at Ivan. Ivan stares back at her before looking away. Natasha moves away and goes back to where she originally was. Pietro and Wanda come forward. 
“I’m Pietro and this is my twin sister Wanda.” Pietro smiles brightly at you. You can’t help but smile back. You always had a soft spot for Pietro, he always made you laugh and you saw a baby brother in him besides being only two years older than him, when he died your smiles felt different. Wanda looks at you and smiles and you try to keep your best face on but your smile falters. You nod at them, Pietro walks away but Wanda lingers, Talia having her attention before turning away and following her brother.
“Alright now that we have all that sorted, I’m guessing Strange has you up to date,” Steve says as he looks towards the family of three. Y/N nods her head and walks towards where Steve stands, the twins following close behind. A large hologram of the world is shown. 
“I’m guessing these pins are where the portals are showing up,” Y/N says as she inspects the hologram closely. 
“Your guess is correct, we have it under control at the moment, but the portals are random we don’t know when the next one will appear. What we do know is that this is due to the time stone. We just need to track it.” Tony butts in.
“I can find it,” Talia says. Everyone turns their attention towards her. “Well based on what Stephen said about the stones must mean they give off some sort of energy. I can sense strong amounts of energy and pinpoint where it’s coming from. I just need some candles and quiet.” Ivan smirks at his twin while Y/N rolls her eyes at her daughter's oblivious bluntness. Talia looks around expectantly, raising an eyebrow at them all wondering if they heard her. 
Ivan rolls his eyes before turning to everyone. “What my sister is trying to say is if you could get her some candles and give her some space, please,”
Pietro speeds out of the room before coming back with a big box of candles and presenting them to Talia, she smiles at him slightly. She motions for everyone to give her space and they move out of the way. Placing the box on the floor, her hands glow red as she uses her powers to place the candles in a perfect circle, the candle lighting up. Wanda steps forward, she looks at Talia feeling a strong bond towards her. Her face is painted with surprise. Talia looks at her slightly, feeling it too. She shrugs it off and steps into the circle. She sits in the centre and crosses her legs. Talia closes her eyes and focuses on her surroundings, her senses feel heightened, and she feels herself being pulled into a trance. Her eyes burst open, a red hue shone over her usual green. 
“Berlin, Germany. It’s hidden in the very core of the Capital” Talia gasps out before pulling herself out of her trance. Bruce looks at the hologram and finds Germany. “They don’t even know they’re living among it.”
Everyone stands a little shocked and kind of intimidated. 
“Are you sure it’s Germany? There are no reports coming from there.” Bruce says looking up from his tablet.
“The stone wants to avoid being found.” Talia begins.
“It’s projecting.” Ivan steps in. “It’s sending you on a pointless chase. Amazing.” 
A beeping sound blares into the room and everyone looks at the earth hologram.
“A new portal has opened, it’s aliens. Athens, Greece.” Steve announces.
“Guardians got this,” Quill says. Stephen opens a portal and the Guardians run through, Stephen close behind. T’challa, Shuri and Okoye follow them, giving them aid. 
“Maria, Pepper, Carol, Peter, Banner, Barnes and I will stay here and check for any more portals that will appear. The rest of you, go destroy that damn stone.” Fury stays before turning away. 
Steve turns towards the rest of the team. 
“Looks like we’re going to Germany.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - The universe Y/N is going to follows a bit of the original storyline from the MCU but everyone is alive. this includes Tony, Pietro, Steve and obviously Natasha. Vision does not exist. 
Until We Meet Again.
Chapter 2 -
Doctor Stephen Strange stands tall as he looks at Y/N, Ivan and Talia Romanoff-Maximoff. The family of three stares at him. Y/N looks at the man and nods her head. 
“You don’t seem very surprised to see me Ms Romanoff-Maximoff,” Stephen says softly.
“I’ve known about you for quite some time,” Y/N states calmly. Alarms are flashing red in her head, sirens going off, and her conscience screaming at her to get this man away from her family. His appearance is foreign, he has similar features as your doctor strange, and still, he looks nothing like him. Yet the familiar aura surrounding his presence overflows her senses. Your mind still rages war within you as you invite him to sit. Ivan and Talia are still weary of the strange man analysing his every move with a piercing gaze. Y/N looks up at her kids and smiles. They're just like Natasha. Turning her attention back to the man her gaze softens slightly. “Loves. Please go outside I need to talk to Mr Strange.” 
The twins nodded and made their way out the back door, not before sending daggers towards the man as a warning. Y/N giggles softly at her overprotective kids. 
“Stephen is fine.” He says smiling sadly. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you for your sympathy but it’s 18 years a little late,” Y/N says, she sighs before leaning forward, hands covering her face as her thoughts run wild. “I thought you were just a bad dream, I didn’t expect you to become a reality.”
“I apologise, but it’s obvious you understand why I am here,” Stephen states. “After Thanos’s defeat, the infinity stones disappeared. Portals around the globe started opening and dangers from both past and future started appearing. The Infinity stones have to be contained and neutralized before more damage is done.”
“I want to help you, of course, I do but my kids are my priority and to hell with you if you think I am going to put them into any kind of danger,” Y/N argues. “I have a long list of loved ones, that even after 18 years, I am still grieving. My children will not be put on that list.”
“I understand that but trillions of lives are at stake. Thanos is defeated but the danger of the infinity stones is still at large. You and your children are the only ones strong enough to harness its powers.” Stephen argues back. 
“I don’t understand why you need me. I am someone from a completely different universe. I have no business with you or your universe. I’ve already fought my battle and I lost.” Y/N contained herself as she felt the emotion rise. Stephen straightens his posture and looks into Y/N's eyes. 
“Because this threat, threatens the fabrication of the whole multiverse. If the infinity stones find their way back to each other, the power would rip through the very blanket that separates our universes, destroying mine and your earth and every other version that lives within the multiverse.” Stephen continues seriously. Fear courses through his aura yet his face remains calm.
“But why me? Why MY kids?” Y/N says aggravated her voice raising. “There have to be billions of versions of me out there that have not suffered the same fate. It sounds selfish, I know that, but my kids are all I have, I can’t take the chance of putting them in danger, they’ve only just turned 18.” 
“There isn’t” Stephen confesses quietly.
“What?” Y/N says dumbfounded.
“There are no other versions of you. There are no other versions of Ivan. There are no other versions of Talia. There are no other versions of anybody with the power you possess. I have searched and found nothing but then I found you.” Stephen begins. “I apologise for invading your dreams but I had to find you. Our existence is being threatened and no one knows. Timelines will cease to exist, realities will be ripped apart. I’m sorry to be straightforward but if you do not come with me, your kids and life as we know it will disappear.”
“I don’t understand how this is happening. When this universes Thanos snapped he destroyed the infinity stones, killing himself in the process. How is it that your infinity stones became death machines.” Y/N said.
“They’ve been utilized somehow. A dark magic has corrupted them. I don’t have all the answers but you have the solution. I am begging you. Please.” Stephen let out before whispering. “The Avengers are alive on my earth. All of them. Including Natasha and Wanda.”
Y/N abruptly stood up. She turns and walks towards the dining room. She picks up the old frame, softly tracing the faces of her late wives.
“Please. Don’t.” Y/N says.
“Greif never ends. But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.” Stephen comes to stand beside her. “It may not be my place but, don’t let them be the price of your love for them. The multiverse depends on it. They depend on it.”
“Ma, let us do this.”Y/N whipped her head towards the back door to see the twins smiling softly at her. “We heard Ma and yes we know it’s dangerous and we know that you’re scared.” Ivan says. 
“But we are the son and daughter of three powerful women.” Talia steps forward placing a comforting hand on her mothers face.
“We don’t understand what we are stepping into, but we will always follow you. You do not have to fight this battle alone.” Ivan finishes. He wraps his arms around his mother and sister. Y/N steps back and looks at her kids placing a hand on their faces. “Please Ma, we deserve to fight for the world our mothers laid their lives down to protect.” 
“You are my happiness, my love, my hope.” Tears run down Y/N face as she looks into the eyes of her kids, their beautiful green eyes. “I am so proud to be your mother. Your moms would be so proud of you, you both are everything they dreamed you would be. If you both truly believe in this then I believe in it too.” The twins both stood up straight and nodded their heads. “Okay. Let’s go save the world, well multiple worlds.”
Stephen smiled as he silently witnessed the special moment between the family of three. He clears his throat.
“I’ll let you prepare yourselves. We leave in 5.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
Series - WandaNat x Fem!Reader.
Until We Meet Again.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Natasha Romanoff.
Coming Soon
Wanda Maximoff.
Coming Soon
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
A/N - This is my first fanfic. I hope ya’ll enjoy. Please tell me your opinions on it.
Warnings - Fluff. Sadness.
Wanda x Fem!Reader - Natasha x Fem!Reader - Natasha x Wanda
Until We Meet Again. 
Chapter 1 - 
Purple, blue and red balloons decorate the soft farmhouse. The smell of pancakes and freshly made croissants waft throughout the warm home. Various desserts are laid out across the wooden dining table, and perfectly wrapped gifts sit on a tall stool. A bright big banner hangs high across the threshold. Happy 18th Birthday Wonder Twins. 
Entering Y/N Romanoff- Maximoff. A lopsided smile graces her face as she looks around the finally finished house. Walking towards the fireplace she grabs a framed photo, staring lovingly and longingly at it. Y/N tears up a bit as her fingers trace the faded writing written across the bottom. “Can't wait to meet you wonder twins - Mama, Mom and Mommy. The Avengers and family are all huddled up into one big mess trying to fit themselves into the frame, an annoyed Natasha and a laughing Wanda can be seen huddled close to their smiling, pregnant wife in the middle as the photo is being shot. Memories flash through Y/N as she remembers the day.
“Jesus Tony they’re not even born yet and you bought them cars?!” Natasha exclaims shaking her head at the billionaire.
“More reason to name one of them after me. Their favourite uncle. Newsflash Red, Wonder twins belong to all of us, no way is Capsicle or Birdbrain gonna get the title of the favourite uncle.” Tony says as he smiles proudly at the two sports cars. Natasha rolls her eyes but looks at the man fondly.
“Thank you, Tony, you may be a tacky billionaire but you have a heart, I’ll give you that”. Natasha says teasing him slightly. They both chuckle in understanding knowing that this is how they say I love you. 
“You deserve it. All three of you do”. Tony finishes pulling the smiling redhead into a side hug.
“OKAY, NO FAIR. Tony is like a trillionaire with like literally nothing better to do with his time than to spend his money, he is so cheating at the favourite uncle contest. SPORTS CARS?! Seriously.”. Sam spews out as he enters the kitchen with several boxes of cookies, setting them down next to Steve and Y/N who were seated at the kitchen counter discussing baby names. 
Y/N laughs as she stares at the grown man pouting as if he’s been kicked and punched in the face. Steve rolls his eyes at Tony’s exaggerated style of trying to win before he turns his attention back to you. He looks at you, asking permission to touch your belly. You smile before rolling your eyes and saying.
“Cap you’ve known me since your ice age, you’re my family, no need to ask.” Pulling his hand softly towards your belly letting his hand rest on the big round bump. Steve smiles as he focuses hard on trying to feel the twins kicking. His smile widens til it reaches his eyes when he feels little feet imprints against his hand. 
“There are really two little humans in there”. Steve stares in amazement as he puts both hands on your belly smiling up at you with proud eyes. “I am so proud of you.”
Sam rolls his eyes as he opens his mouth filled with chocolate chip cookie bits. “I know you’re like from Jesus time but damn even they had pregnant women there. What do you think is in her? Dumbass.” He finishes before grumpily walking away chewing on his cookie and muttering under his breath about how he saved their asses countless times and that he should be the favourite uncle. 
Y/N can't help but giggle uncontrollably at the man, shaking her belly as she does. Steve on the other hand yells at him to watch his language before excusing himself to go lecture Sam on what time he was actually from and that he knows very well what babies are and how they are conceived. Y/N shakes her head still chuckling to herself as she looks down at her round belly, holding it fondly.
“Look. You two aren’t even here yet and you’re already driving your Uncle Sam crazy, your Uncle Steve to emotional ruins and your Uncle Tony to bankruptcy, especially with the pace he’s going at. I don't wanna even think about telling Mama and Mommy about the island in the Pacific.” Y/N whispers, afraid her mind-reader of a wife and her international top-secret Russian spy of a wife will hear her. “And the rest of your Uncles and Aunts aren’t even here yet. You both are so loved, imagine what it’ll feel like on the outside”. Y/N lets a few tears fall as she stares down at her belly with adoration, cursed with the emotional stability of a cloud. “I am gonna give you both the world”. 
Clint, Laura, Peter, May, Pepper, Thor, Bucky, Bruce, Carol, Maria and Fury all come to celebrate the life of the twins with the Romanoff-Maximoff’s. Smiles laughs and stories travel around the table as Peter helps Tony with getting the drinks while Pepper and May supervise them making sure Tony doesn’t try to give Peter alcohol, Steve and Bucky grab the various salads to place on the table, Clint barbecuing while Sam plates the food, Laura, Carol and Maria talking with Y/N and gushing over the multiple features the babies will come out with and finally with Bruce trying to get Thor to take his hammer off the table. Natasha and Wanda smile brightly at their wife, watching as she laughs along with her friends. 
Natasha thinks about her life. The loneliness, the loathing she had for herself, the paranoia, the crippling depression. Natasha then would never believe that she has a life filled with love and happiness. She went from a worthless weapon, a puppet for someone else to use to someone so worth loving she has two people who look at her like she's the moon, the sun and the stars. Natasha Romanoff used to have nothing… but then she got this family. Looking around at everyone, she’d be damned if she let anyone try to take them away from her. 
Wanda was old friends with grief. She succumbed to the pain of losing people. Her parents, her country, Pietro. Wanda never thought she’d find the light within herself again and then came you, a persistent and overbearing yet loveable and adorable constant in Wanda’s life and trailing right behind you a big softie with anger issues. Wanda waited, guarded with closed eyes, for the day death would take you both away but when she finally opened her eyes, there you both were looking at her with nothing but love. As time went on she finally let herself love again and as petrified as she was of losing you both she was more scared of losing the chance to love and be loved by you both. From then on, Wanda Maximoff kept her eyes open.
“Hey got room for three more”. Wanda and Natasha broke out of their trances and looked up to see their beautiful wife waddling her way over to them. Smiles broke free on their faces as they made room for her. “Jesus Christ I went from being a super-powered ass-kicking Avenger to getting tired from sitting up”. Y/N sighed as she rested her head on Natasha’s shoulder and laid her hand on top of Wanda’s. The two redheads both chuckle at their wife’s behaviour and press soft kisses to her head.
“You’re still as beautiful as ever detka”. Natasha says adoring her wife's attempt to look mad and rolling her eyes. Wanda giggles at this and places kisses all over her wife’s pouty face.
“And still incredibly cute when trying to look mad”. Wanda says. Y/N stops pouting trying her hardest not to look like a cheese ball but failing miserably in the eyes of her wives.
“Moya Lyubov, don’t be upset. If you think about it when you look across our backyard you see our family but you also see heroes, people who have seen so much loss in one lifetime. Me, Wanda and yourself included”. Natasha starts.
“But looking at you, we see life being created, a sign that there is hope. Hope that all the sacrifices and decisions we have made are finally being rewarded. These twins are pieces of all of us. They are our hope, our sadness, our happiness”. Wanda and Natasha both look you in the eyes. Tears stream freely down your face as you look at them, your heart aches with how much you love them. 
“But most importantly they are our love”. Natasha says wiping your tears away. You burst out crying even more grabbing everyone’s attention.
“You two are so freaking cute”. Y/N cries out as she tries (but fails) to keep it together. “SAM ROLL YOUR GODDAMN EYES ONE MORE TIME. I DARE YOU”. 
Steve Rogers, The Mighty Captain America, was too scared to say language. 
“Alright everyone there is a ten-second time limit on the camera, hurry up and get in for the photo”. Maria shouted over everyone. 
Natasha, Wanda and Y/N all sat in the middle as everyone tried to squeeze in as quickly as possible. Peter sat onto Thor’s shoulders, Carol hovering above everyone to fit, Fury being dark and mysterious in the background, Maria, Pepper and May standing a bit crouched behind Natasha, Wanda and Y/N, Bruce squeezed between Bucky and Steve, Sam using his suit to hover on the other side whilst Tony lays flat in the front striking a dramatic pose causing Wanda to burst out laughing, Clint flying to Natasha’s side accidentally stepping on her foot causing her to scrunch her face up in annoyance and finally Y/N smiling fondly at her wives. A bright light flashes and the memory is entrapped into the paper.
Y/N laughs as she looks up at everyone. Her family. She thinks to herself and smiles. 
Not related by blood. But bonded together by love.
Time freezes. Y/N didn’t know how long she was standing there staring at the photo but enough to know that she was now on her knees clutching the photo with shaky hands and that her tears soaked the frame, sliding down the glass. She felt two presence squishing her in the middle of a tight hug.
“It’s okay Ma. We are here.” You slowly look up to see your son and your daughter. Talia Romanoff-Maximoff and Ivan Romanoff-Maximoff. For a moment you get lost in their features. They rarely saw you cry, only on occasion, their hearts burned for you but even so, you always managed to smile at them and give them all your love and affection even if you were hurting. 
“I wish you both could have met them all. They all loved you so much. Especially your Mama and Mom. Their eyes would light up with joy whenever you two kicked. Mama would always say that you both got the strong kicks from her.” Y/N chuckled tearily, slightly rolling her eyes. Ivan and Talia both smiled upon hearing about their Moms, they always listened intently and in absolute awe whenever they would hear stories about their Moms from their Ma. Especially when it came to her telling stories about The Avengers, their family. 
“It’s okay Ma.” Ivan started looking down. “I know we’ve never met them but their memory lives on in you, they live on in your stories, in your eyes and…”
“In your heart,” Talia finishes, looking into her mother's eyes. She smiles wide and you’re winded with how much she looks like Wanda when she does, but you hide it. 
“Oh God you both inherited their poet genes, what did I do to deserve such loving and beautifully made kids.” You say wiping away the tears spilling out grabbing their faces and kissing them all over. The twins laugh and hug you even tighter.
“Alright no more crying, it’s your 18th birthday, it’s a time to celebrate,” Y/N says standing up still clutching the photo, she carried it with her to the dining table and sets it down amongst all the other things laid out. She ushers the twins to sit down and brings out two plates with pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, syrup and butter with a side of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches placing them in front of the twins before grabbing an all too familiar camera and taking a photo of the smiling teenagers.
“Happy Birthday Wonder Twins” Y/N says smiling at the twins. She looks at them and slowly sees as their faces go from smiling to confused. Ivan’s eyes light up blue as Talia’s light up red they both get into fighting stances. You look at them alarmed and severely confused. 
“Ma there is a strange man in hippie clothes walking towards us through a ring of orange light” Ivan says. You spin on your heel and see him. He stands in front of you slightly alarmed at the twins. 
“Ivan, Talia stand down he is not a threat. His aura is clear.” You say to them, softly soothing both of them. They both calm down but are still highly alert and in a fighting stance. 
“Hello Miss Romanoff-Maximoff, I am Doctor Stephen Strange and my earth needs your help.”
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
okay but who would like to read a fanfic about reader being from another dimension where she was married to wandanat and had twins but thanos came and they were killed (including all the avengers) so reader had to raise the twins on her own for 18 years (they have powers and reader trained them with all the training with nat and they know all about their moms) until doctor strange came from another universe asking for readers help and reader sees wandanat again and all this absoloute gay shit happens… if so tell me i’ll post it😭😭 cause my drafts is getting too full
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slt4eolsen · 1 year
Y/N: She’s a ten but she has daddy issues, mommy issues, anger issues and attachment issues.
Natasha: *Glares*
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slt4eolsen · 2 years
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slt4eolsen · 2 years
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