#// I'm missing some more but we'd be here all day if I listed ALL of them lmao
mused-like-roses · 8 months
🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr?
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
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// I assume we're speaking RP-wise, and if that's the case, then Discord is like my go-to! Overall platform wise, I'm prolly gonna flounder between Youtube and Crunchyroll.
// Hoo boy, this one is gonna be lengthy and off the top of my head so it'll be disjointed AF so... read more!
Super Mario 64, Sonic Unleashed/Adventure 2, Paper Mario: TTYD/Super, Legend of Zelda: BOTW/Twilight Princess, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Kirby, F-Zero, Pokemon, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Star Ocean, Dark Cloud, Just Cause, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Overwatch, Fortnite, Borderlands, Danganronpa, Sleeping Dogs, Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Judgment, Dragon Quest, Street Fighter, Tekken, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, The King of Fighters, For Honor, Senran Kagura, Ace Attorney, AI: The Somninum Files, The World Ends With You, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man (Insomniac), inFamous, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Oneechanbara, Devil May Cry, Dante's Inferno, God of War, Phantasy Star, Naruto: Ninja Storm/Shinobi Striker/Path of the Ninja, One Piece Pirate Warriors/Odyssey, Yo-Kai Watch, Spec Ops: The Line, Destiny, Enter the Gungeon, Red Dead Redemption, Code Vein, Earth Defense Force, Genshin Impact, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Shantae, Indivisible, Monster Hunter, Mafia, My Friend Pedro, Neir Automata/Replicant, Rayman, Rogue Galaxy, Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, Scarlet Nexus, Star Wars Battlefront, Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Watch_Dogs, Vampyr, Ys, Madworld, Halo, Castlevania, Bloodstained, Gunvolt, Mega Man, Gears of War, and Buck Bumble
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Alright, here we go
First and foremost I want to talk about what flying bark's animation has meant to me.
In a world where every day I see 2d animation being rejected for cheaper 3d and puppet animation at every turn, Monkie Kid's animation was the one of the first things that gave me hope for the future of 2D animation. I can't tell you how long I've been wanting a 2D animated show, growing up I wanted one so desperately, I craved good animation amongst the stiff 3D and flat storytelling, so when I got it, when Monkie Kid happened, I was so unbelievably happy. It was everything I wanted in a show, gorgeous animation, excellent voice actors, romance free and friendly to my desperate friendship-craving, romance-overstimulated brain and written in a way I enjoyed so much. I struggle to describe exactly how much I’ve adored everything this show has been up until this point. It truly is a masterpiece.
Monkie kid has kept me company during the lowest and roughest points in my life. I got to such a bad place mentally but Monkie Kid’s fast-paced, snappy, detailed, colourful bright animation brought light into my darkest mental times and not only helped me stay connected with people but kept me creating even when I wanted nothing more than to lay on the floor and never move again. I'm aware most of the flying bark team is active on the bird app and none of them are gonna see this most likely but I still just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for animating this show, thank you so much for giving it your all. Thank you so much for giving me something I’ve always wanted so perfectly. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for keeping me company at my lowest, thank you for sharing your joy of animation so I could catch some of those rays of sunlight and feel a little of that joy too. Thank you for your positivity and good vibes, thank you. 
I know so many people have gotten inspiration from flying bark and I have to add myself to the infinite list. My art has improved so much thanks to their inspiration. My style has developed, I’ve had so much fun, I’ve written some of my favorite works ever based off of expressions that the characters make alone. My last amv I made because I was so grateful for the animation that we'd gotten up to that point. I wanted to showcase, to thank, to appreciate. I didn’t know it would be a goodbye. Words can't describe all that flying bark's animation and even their storyboards have done for me. When nothing could make me happy, monkie kid wormed its way into my brain and somehow kept me in one piece. I know that wouldn’t have been possible without the animation that left me at the edge of my seat, breathless and laughing over how incredible it really was every single time. Every new clip, every new episode I’d pause and rewatch again, I’d rewatch over and over, I’d take screenshots of every goofy background character, I’d screenshot every expression I could, I’d go through episodes frame-by-frame, literally one at a time for hours on end just so i could catch every detail, I’d open my eyes wider and wider to try and take in every bit I could in a way I’ve never been able to do before because there is nothing else out there like monkie kid. There was nothing as fun and as joyful as every single frame that flying bark gave us. And I am going to miss that so much.
The fact that season 4 was a sendoff is so heartbreaking to me, it's hard to describe how devastated I feel knowing something that kept hold of my hand when I was facing hard hard things in my life is suddenly gone. I don’t know how to ever express how important this show has been to me, it’s kept me going and helped me get to a place where I could breathe again. It’s connected me with some of the greatest people I know. It’s given me incredible experiences, introduced me to what animation could be and I can’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt having to say goodbye so suddenly. 
I know this isn’t the end of Monkie Kid as a show. I know season 5 is still coming. And I also know Monkie Kid has lost a huge part of what made it unique and special, a huge part of its heart and soul. Without flying bark it feels like half the show is missing and although I hope I can still support the show, no one can deny the cavern-sized hole that is left by flying bark’s absence in it. The animation team has such an incredibly positive atmosphere around them that just absolutely radiates from the things they create. I am going to miss that so desperately in monkie kid. I’m going to support every other show flying bark works on, I’m still going to love their animation wherever it goes, but I am going to miss it in monkie kid like nothing else I’ve ever missed.
I do have some other thoughts regarding the new changes in monkie kid but I wanted to keep that separate from the actual farewell, so that’ll be it’s own post and I just want to end this by saying thanks for everything Flying Bark you’ve been a real one. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re already being missed so hard it hurts. Keep those good vibes and keep up what you’re doing. You all really are incredible and an inspiration to artists everywhere. We love this show because of the voice actors, because of the writers, because of the music but a great deal of people loved this show because of you. You’ve inspired a community of artists, you’ve inspired me. Thank you flying bark for everything you've given us, you gave it your all and I’m gonna carry the impact you left on me for the rest of my life. 
LOVE YOU FLYING BARK. Here's to a bright future. Thanks for everything <3 
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raedear · 1 year
Do you have any Joe/Nicky fic recs?
Do I ever, bestie.
Here are my bookmarks on ao3, which functions as a rec list really
Specific shout outs include:
He, Dreamless by @guarncre, which I read with a breathless hysteria I've never experienced in myself before
say the word (& I'll be your renaissance man) by @bewires. Everything by Lia, actually, but this happens to be my particular favourite that wasn't written as a gift for me.
If Never Again, If Every Day by @gallifreyburning & @takiki16. A true and proper gamechanger of a fic. Sets the standard we should all aspire to.
Leave the Window Open by superblackmarket, who has never missed even once in their life, their every fic is a joy
Continuity of Memory by AirgiodSLV, which I absolutely adore
i want to wear your sweater (i want to wear your ring) by @knoepfchen which is just flawlessly fuckin hilarious and wonderful. Once again, please read all of Laurel's fics.
some cupids kill with arrows (some with traps) by @nicolos surely everyone has to know by this point that soulmates of any fashion are my kryptonite
honey i’m lovedrunk (it’s what you do to me) by @maddielle, which was the first fic of Maddie's I read and I hadn't even finished it before I subscribed to her.
Exposure by @chinchillinator and its sequel of course, this whole series is such a balm to my soul in the face of the terrible fuckin gender politics I've seen in omegaverse fics. Legs never misses.
wherever you are and wherever you go by @werebearbearbar I can't read just one of melly's fics, I have to read them all like I'm eating my way through a family bag of crisps in one sitting, but this one literally changed the chemistry of my brain
this song is new to me by @captainshakespear entirely flawless ace!Joe fic. I think about it every single day.
Roll Initiative by @nanashi-07 never fails to have me in absolute bits, it's wonderful
the dark matter of you by @polarcell I still think Nicky should get to murder him a little. As a treat. For me. The emotions this fic inspires in me, good lord
Lionheart by @non-un-topo absolutely no one does a mystery like siggy, holy fuck. I was going to link Perferō but I think you should start at the start of the series and work your way through
whatever here that's left of me by asifnotbound. peach can absolutely do no wrong in my eyes and this fic showcases her fantastic range and emotional depth.
Old Olives by aeli_kindara I love this fic so fucking much
Ten Ounces by @the73rdpostscript do I think of this fic every goddamn day? Yes. Yes I do. Read postie's fics I swear to fuck.
nothing here that is not sacred by @sixth-light. No one does it like sixth-light. No one. This just happens to have demi!Joe and I'm so outrageously here for that, but please just consider this the jumping off point for reading everything she's ever written.
Recover what was lost by @pinkninjapj, a stunning change of pace for me here, I know. Anyone who's ever talked to me for more than ten minutes knows my heart beats Retrograde, but I need to show love to Recover as well, which I have read easily a dozen times.
Shattered Pieces by AraSigyrn. I think of this fic every goddamn day.
with every inch of my heart by @smilebackwards what if Nicky had a Michelangelo and I cried about it many times????
walk inland by ScribeofArda fucking hell this fic does me in each time and I ADORE it
Departures by spqr I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much I love this fic. It makes me see shrimp colours.
In Pursuit of the Best Taste by PastyPirate they're rival bakers!!! It makes me so happy!!!!
This list is definitely not exhaustive, we'd be here forever if I listed every fic in this fandom I love. I've absolutely forgotten top tier fics and writers, but they're in my bookmarks for sure. Please go through all the authors' back catalogues too, because there is so much wonderful work in this fandom.
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Hello! Are you hyperfixated on RedactedAudio?
Do you want (need) to know who to follow to cultivate your dashboard and feed your gremlin brain good, good boyfriend roleplay content?
Cool, I’ve got you, and I’ve got hyperlinks. Buckle up.
(Note: This is by no means a comprehensive, objective, or complete list. I've only been in the fandom for six months or so. I have biases and favorites and limited time. I hope to update this list periodically, and if you feel I've missed someone, please feel free to reblog with your additions! I just would have loved a guide like this when I got into the fandom back in August and wanted to spread some positivity~!)
@angelnoodlesoup: she/her
Sophie is just one of the sweetest David stans that's ever existed who writes, like, the sweetest things about him. Her posts are just going to make you feel warm, fluffy, soft things in your heart area; give into the sweetness. Highlights: Sophie writes this adorable timestamp series of vignettes exploring Davey and Angel's day, but I'm particularly attacked to their David/Angel neighbors to lovers AU~
I was actually going to put Max in the visual content portion of this post, because they post delightful Redacted edits on Tiktok (under the same username, highly recommend~), but then they made a uquiz that gave me an existential crisis, so here we are. Highlights: This quiz sent my whole server for a loop and has made me reconsider my relationship with Lovely as a character and kin; it's a great time.
@batch-of-pengwings: robin/bird, she/her
Robin, an absolute sweetheart who makes all the fun ask games that keep the community interconnected and thinking and talking which is just really sweet and fun in the best way. Highlights: The Winter Wonderland game is the one who went around most recently, and it’s so fun to engage with the fandom and discuss who we think is stupid enough to get their tongues stuck on a telephone poll~
@bicyclepainting: they/them
Clover, the fandom's resident Smartass, doing the lord's work and reminding us all how fucking smoochable Aaron is on a regular basis on top of being the coolest astrology nerd don't give them your birth chart you will be perceived /lh Highlights: No one is doing Aaron/Smartass like they are; like, read and absorb the delicious, domestic delight that is them. I also recommend their deep dives into the Redacted bois signs, if you're into that; they're very thorough and fun to read!
@cashandprizes: she/they
My Lexi, my queerplatonic soulmate… She is on a quest to dissect and critique fandom brick by philosophical brick, and I both love her and fear her in equal measure. (That’s a lie, I love her infinitely, more than anything, but she is in fact incredibly intelligent and intimidating.) Highlights: Come for the scathing insights into gray-morality and DD:DNE’s place in fiction, stay for the stripper!Gavin fic they’re working on and their sequel to Lasko’s SexTember audio because she really wanted to make him cry
@ejunkiet: she/her
EJ, the very first of my Redacted loves~ Not only is EJ an endless well of kindness and positivity, but she also writes fucking bomb ass everything. You get angst, you get smut, you get fluff- We stan a multitalented, ace queen. (She also writes really cute CastleAudios fanfiction and original stuff as a cherry on top.) Highlights: EJ writes just some of my favorite David/Angel smut; she captures Angel's little shit nature perfectly. She's also written the sweetest thing of Damien meeting Huxley's moms that I can't get enough of~
@dominimoonbeam: she/her
Domini, truly one of the pillars of the fandom. I don't know what'd we'd be without her fantastic fics or her original novellas or her fantastic, beautiful, rarepair-creating brain. Highlights: God, there's too many to choose from! There's the Sam/Darlin fake dating AU that has us all gripped by the proverbial balls. There's the David/Darlin tattoo shop AU that has me frothing at the mouth because tattoo artists are stinkin hot. That's not even getting into their Cam/William fic, because god, that is such a good rarepair. We love two immortals finding love with one another, we really do. My personal favorite has got to be their Huxley/Darlin piece though, because Darlin gets to be cute and awkward and so, so loved in it.
@frenchiefitzhere: she/her
Frenchie, the fandom's unofficial (but basically official) Marie Greer, not only a gorgeous writer but also the creator of the most fantastical and unique fansongs (who makes original audio content to boot~) Highlights: We would be nowhere as a fandom without the Marie/Colm greer backstory and saga or her audios as the Greer Matriarch herself, but personally? Her Imperium!Lasko/Adam fic kind of changed my life, I'm kind of obsessed with it.
@friendlyfaded: he/him
Miles, the king and professor of the rarepairs! Beware, you will leave his blog wishing for fics for a ship that doesn’t actually exist yet. It’s unavoidable when you read the careful, creative, thoughtful way he considers seemingly silly pairings and makes them gorgeous. Highlights: I recommend his whole rarepairs with prof tag for a snack and his Sweetheart/Lasko/Milo fic for a whole meal~
@gingerbreadmonsters: she/her
Ginger, literally one of the sweetest, friendliest people in the entire Internet. I cannot adequately describe the absolute magnificent poetry of Ginger's prose, so you just have to read it for yourself. You will not be disappointed. Highlights: Ginger's Milo/Sweetheart series is for if you're feeling sweet, and her Vincent/Lovely/Gavin/Freelancer foursome fic is if you're feeling spicy~ Or if you're like me and are longing for an character we'll never see again, you can read her gorgeous, Doctor Who-inspired look in Marcus's mind.
@glassbearclock: she/her
Beans, also known as the best Milo/Sweetheart writer in the game. Their banter is taken from the mouth of god and first name Erik last name Redacted himself, and you could not convince me otherwise. Highlights: I’m a big fan of her sweet, wholesome, Jewish!Milo sick fic, but aYO her Milo/Sweetheart first date fic is so good y’all like goddamn Sweetheart phases through their door and makes Milo faceplant it on accident man that shit is so good
@horrorscoupes: they/he
My beautiful, darling Lotus, my gloriously deranged brother in arms (affectionate). The way they write each and every d(a)emons is just so -chef kiss-. Highlights: I think about their Regulus/Doll fic, like, literally every day, it's just yummy and depraved. Though, for a true taste of genius, for a galaxy brain treat, you've got to read his Shark!Vega/Pet masterpiece.
@k9rage: he/xi
My beloved Calico, our helpful Image Description fairy. He is just so cool and writes the most glorious smut like the world has ever seen. As of publishing, he's writing a Vega/Lasko street racing AU that's gonna be just smoke ash cinder fire hot. Highlights: You need to read his Damien/Gavin waxplay fic; like, this changed my life, I think about it daily. Ooh, AND his Aaron/SmartAss/Gavin threesome fic, because he didn't do all that thinking and imagining for us to not appreciate it. I'm also reccing @calicostorms, his other blog and spotify, so you can get at his stellar Redacted character playlists!
Lovely, absolute stand-out writer in the fandom! Would you believe they have a whole (as of posting) 95 works for the RedactedASMR fandom on AO3? There’s <2000 fics, which makes Lovely a whole five percent of the fanfiction on their own. That’s wild and so hella cool. Highlights: Literally everything they write. Explore their extremely well done masterlist, it’s beautifully put together, and you’ll find something you love. (I’m particularly fond of the Darlin/Vega fic they wrote based off of one of FriendlyFaded’s posts~)
@romirola: she/her
Dr. Romi, the one and the only and one of the legitimate sweetest goddamn people that has ever existed. You've never met a more polite, darling person in all your days. How did she write all these thousands of words of art while getting a doctorate? God, I wish I knew... if only we could also be so beautiful and wonderful and accomplished. Highlights: You haven't existed until you've read her Milo/Sweetheart Tangled AU; like, what are you doing here? GO. (I also deeply recommend her found family Shaw Pack + Sam fic, if you're looking for something that's still ongoing!)
@sealriously-sealrious: they/them
Chrys who writes- no contest I think we can all agree- the best Huxley that this fandom has ever seen. He is just so well-explored and so multifaceted, just the top-tier himbo content we all need and deserve. Highlights: Huxley and Freelancer at the aquarium, Huxley and Freelancer going camping, sfw, nsfw, whatever you want, we've GOT. (There's even some imperium!Huxley, if you're so inclined >:))
@starlitangels: she/her
Starlit, another absolute powerhouse of the fandom. Just look at this masterlist, I think there’s something here for literally every character. That’s what babes call RANGE. Highlights: The way they explore the Shaw pack is so fun; I’d highly recommend her fic exploring Gabe and his backstory or her fic exploring the Shaw’s future pups~!
@taelonsamada: she/her
A pillar- or should I say fence post?- of the fandom and just an utter peach. Always has a nice word to say and says the best nice words about Sam and Darlin- Highlights: Her nsfw Geordi/Cutie fic holds a special place in my heart (the blindfold? the gag? Be still my beating heart), but you haven’t lived until you’ve read her Shaw-centric Ranch AU~!
@teasandcardigans: she/her
Mads, another lovely creator that could be in either section of this post- that's how talented she is! Not only is she a lovely writer but she also designs the most fun Redacted stickers! Also, she's got the only Redacted fan tiktok that Erik has confirmed seen and liked, can't not mention that it's so cool Highlights: Honestly, there's too many to mention! A really popular of hers is a "What If" echo-esque reimagining of everyone's stories which is so fun, and my personal, biased favorite is her Alexis & Gavin fic hear me OUT-
Cait, out here doing the most and the best. They’ve run the Redacted Winter Gift Exchange for the past two years, connecting blogs who might have never spoken to each other, inspiring creativity, and spreading holiday cheer~ Highlights: I recommend taking a look-see through the “Redacted 2022 Winter Gift Exchange” tag- much thanks to Cait for making it possible- to consider if you’d like to join next year! Until then, there’s a compilation of their cute headcanon posts to inspire you!
@zozo-01: she/her
Zo, one of the sweetest people in the fandom~ Not only is she a fantastic writer, but she is also one of the friendliest people in the space! Constantly excited and supportive and positive and a joy to follow and befriend. Highlights: Her Sam/Darlin Deity AU is going to change the world and break some hearts, I just know it. (Just like her Alexis and Darlin meeting fic broke mine-) If you're not up to getting your heart broken and just want a friend, I recommend asking her about her Powerpoint of Bollywood scenes that could be Sam/Darlin moments~!
@andr0leda: she/they
Androleda’s art is so gorgeous in that most of them are uncolored or working with a smaller palette, and it just makes those colors stand out and the line work all the more elegant. Highlights: Their wolf!Darlin piece got so popular, and you can see why! It looks like the cover of a really cool YA fantasy novel. Also, her Sam/Darlin art just melts the heart- the gentle hand, the key around the neck-!
Kays, a fantastic artist who plays around with the prettiest, brightest colors and has the prettiest (hottest) fem listeners. They also have super fun Redacted playlists! Highlights: Their Sweetheart, Valentina, is kind of smokin hot, I mean look at her, but also good lord, have you seen their Warden like lock me up anytime hello-
Bow’s art just makes me so soft and gooey inside I dunno. Their art is so pretty, and they always have the most expressive faces. Not to mention the colors- like, Bow uses the simplest but most emotionally evocative shades of pinks and blues that make me inexplicably feel things, and I love it. Highlights: Literally all their Davey/Angel is the sweetest, but I also have this deep fondness for their imp!FL and Vindemiator pieces, because look at these deep, mournful blues, they’re beautiful!
@cascadiiing: they/them
Atlas creates the most beautiful, squishable, smoochable characters on top of being the most beautiful, squishable, smoochable (platonic) sweetie in existence~ they’re so sweet and friendly on top of being so talented at such a young age, and I would protect them with my life. Highlights: Their Sam kind of makes me so lovesick, I could barf- he’s just that pretty. Their Alexis/Christian art is fanart of my own fic, I’ll grant you, but it’s also so fucking pretty look at the dreamy colors and it MOVES-
Where would we be without Clara, like honestly- What really stands out about their art is- other than the overwhelming talent- the obvious thought and joy that went into designing the outfits. Only the best from our resident fashion design student! Highlights: literally everything. If I must be specific, the David design pinned to their blog is utterly ahdhkakshdjsk, and I am particularly partial to their Alexis design, because I love my beautiful, possibly complex lady okay-
@fregget-frou : he/they
Mal has the prettiest Listeners; I’m lowkey in love with all of them~ I love the way he does such fluffy, voluminous hair, and I dunno, all their listener OC’s have this fashion model-esque glamour and posture about them that’s really attractive. Highlights: Of their listeners, Mal’s Angel has got to be my favorite. Look at this fluffy-haired cutie! Look at this menace! I would also propose to them, they’re gorgeous!
@gwenifred: she/her
Gwen draws the most gorgeous, swoon-worthy Huxleys and is just a big sweetpea to boot. Her and Pali sharing OC’s and art trades here and on Twitter is a testament to how friendly and sweet the fandom can be! Highlights: Everything she draws is gorgeous, but you haven’t lived until you’ve seen her animation work!
@ice-palace-art: They/It/He/Dae
Darby has some of the most beautiful designs, I can hardly stand it. He creates the most gorgeous, realistically proportioned characters and listeners, and they’re just really smoochable okay let me live- Highlights: It has this one piece of Gavin and Lasko having a sleepover that fills me with the warm fuzzies every time I see it, and their Aaron design fills me with longing I am hopelessly in love with their dad-bodded Aaron.
@itsdaifuku: she/her
Y’all don’t even know the little happy stim storm Fuku’s art sets me on; like, all her art is so cute and joyful and somehow colorful even when it’s in black and white? It just gives the vibe of life and vibrancy constantly? How does she do that? Highlights: Literally, everything she draws is gorgeous and sweet, though her designs for the Shaws and their mates are so S-tier and so cute. (I’m also particularly fond of her designs for Love and Alexis, my favorite characters, I’m biased, sue me)
@mr-laveau: he/they
Laveau, my favorite Milo kinnie~ (Yeah, I said it out loud; I’m callin you out.) Charming, thoughtful, friendly, much more talented than they have any right to be when they’re also so funny and sweet, AND also writing at their other blog @bratty-telepath. You’ve never seen such a double threat. Highlights: Literally, everything he makes. All his designs are colorful and gorgeous and filled to the brim with deliberate, intentional details (though I am incredibly partial to their Alexis and Darlin designs and the parallels he included between them.)
Nai is a fucking blessing unto this fandom, and we are not worthy. You haven’t really lived, haven’t experienced all the pure, positive silliness that this hellsite has to offer until you experience Nai’s Redacted Actor AU. It’s pure serotonin, and we’re all here listening to Boyfriend ASMR, I know we could use it. Highlights: Other than said AU posts (which really are so fuckin good), have you seen their drawing of Vincent and Sam’s Monarchal ball? Ooh, and if you go to their tiktok under the same username, you can see some of the really cool dating sim they’re working on!
@nanowatzophina: any pronouns
Na’no is not only a must follow on tumblr, but I also highly recommend their tiktok if you wish to wade through the horrid cesspool of that app (I say with tiktok as one of my top social media sites- we have a codependent relationship) Their art is super cute and expressive, and I get massive gender envy from the way he draws hair and teeth. Highlights: Her aspec Freelancer is just so close to my heart; I adore Avery so deeply. Also, the way they draw imperium!Vega and Pet makes my heart fucking melt and want to jump out my chest- the size difference, my god
@obsessivedino: they/them
Mint’s contribution to the fandom cannot possibly be overstated. Their art style is just so clean and neat and with the cutest expressions, and I love their designs so much, especially for the d(a)emon bois I just ahhhhh Highlights: If you’ve joined the official unofficial Redacted Discord server, you’ve seen their adorable stickers reminding you to kick that ass or hydrate unless you want to die-drate, and you haven’t truly embraced life unless you’ve seen their two-year anniversary masterpiece. Ooh, or pocket caelum!
@palilious: she/her
There is no Redacted fandom or fandom list without Pali, and we’ve all accepted that. Her style is so uniquely and instantaneously recognizable as hers, and everyone adores it, including but not limited to GBA, Nomad, and Cardlin! Highlights: Literally everyone she draws is so pretty, though I have a soft spot for her Vincent or her Nomad drawings if you’re looking for more VAs to listen to!
@pearl-kite: she/they
Kirehn has the most huggable humans and the most awe-inspiring d(a)emons. The way she draws the d(a)emons with constellations worked into the designs and color palettes is just so gorgeous and purposeful and thoughtful. Highlights: Their Vega is so frightening but beautiful, you just can’t look away from him. I’m also particularly in love with their Darlin!
Do y’all ever do this thing when you see an ethereally beautiful person and you have no words, all you can do is giggle like a vapid schoolgirl(gn)? That’s me with all of Anna’s paintings: no words, just awe. Highlights: I don’t even really like Gavin, okay, he’s not my type, but lord above, Anna’s Gavin is something else. Their Sam also has those Captain America, boy next door good looks I imagined, it’s like they took him right out of my daydreams.
@ryokoaoi : they/them
Ryo has the absolute cutest, most adorable art style, one can barely handle it! Everything they draw is just so pretty and so colorful and detailed and sweet. (Except the sad things, those are less sweet but gosh they’re still so pretty.) They also have this Magic Swap AU that they design that is so fun to read about! Highlights: Their swapped! Gavin and Avior designs are so fun, I adore them deeply, and if you need something to cheer you up, you can always depend on their DAMN pieces that always include a little invisible Caelum to bring you joy~!
@slushrottweiler: she-they
There is nothing like seeing Slush’s signature blue linework on your dashboard, it’s such a sweet treat- or spicy. There are also very good, very spicy treats. Her blog is a magnificent roulette wheel of blue surprises. Highlights: I love their Sam/Darlin stuff, especially this one because wowee them shoulderblades, but their HuxDami BA piece takes the cake.
Spooky has my whole heart and wallet and my other heart if I had one I fell in love with their rich color palettes and shading and Alexis right away and had to commission them. Could not recommend enough, they were a treasure to work with~ Highlights: I’m not biased- okay yes I am but not now their Alexis is fuckin smoking hot but also their Cam might be my favorite Cam look at that smile-!
@sri-rachaa: she/her
Rae is such a treasure to this fandom, we hardly deserve her. Her art is so ethereally pretty and delicate? The way she draws hair and noses and silhouettes- her line work is just phenomenal. Everything she creates is just a delight to look at. Highlights: The Southern Siblings AU is a gift, a treasure, a boon that cannot be ignored. I’m also a big fan of her Lovely OC who is ridiculously pretty~
@tankwolf : she/her
June has been posting fanart for only two months, but I’m already absolutely obsessed. I just find her monochrome character portraits so visually engaging and interesting. I would love so badly to be friends with her listener OC’s… Highlights: …or more than friends, because her Sweetheart is something else good lord. I would just love it if June could stop putting the hot people in crop tops please (but also don’t cause whoa)
All the fanart Terra creates is so bright and vivid and colorful and expressive, they’re really such a treat to see and experience. I’m a sucker for the colors they use, cause it makes my lizard brain all happy and go “shiny pretty happy.” Highlights: Everything they draw with the Shaw Pack is pure dopamine, like this one of the bois and their mates hanging by the pool. I am particularly attached to this piece from Milo’s HBS, because they’re so fucking in love, your honor, I love them.
@thefablefoxart : she/her
Angelina’s Redacted couple series is one of the truest delights of the fandom; like, they’re so colorful and cute and just adorably designed. I’m also deeply in love with the way she does hair. Everyone just has really fucking good looking hair, and I can’t get over it-Highlights: On top of the aforementioned couple series, I just want to bring attention to this adorable chibi Sam that she drew- it brings me so much serotonin- and their Darlin, Kai who I wish would just give me a shot okay I have a Southern accent too-
If you’re reading all the way here, I hope you found the post helpful and smiled while making your way through it! Or both! The RedactedAudio fandom is truly one of my favorite spaces on the internet; it’s so intimate and creative, and I’ve found some amazing, perfect friends here, so I hope you will too 💖
again playing around with the formatting please stop hurting me tumblr I’m trying to be nice
If you can see this, I love you, and you’re watching me try to format this post so tumblr doesn’t cut off the bottom of it please ignore the Android behind the emerald curtain go about your day
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willow-lark · 1 year
10 MORE byler fic recs!!!
with the discussion going on in our fandom lately, i wanted to try and uplift some really good fics i've read recently! pls check them out and show the works and authors some love 💕💕 (also thank you to the wonderful @andiwriteordie for motivating me to make another one of these. check out all of her fics along with these ones! :D) (also, my other rec lists: x x x)
we'd be great together by makeit_pink (T, 1/1, 2.6k) - mike and will are having their weekly movie night when they end up sharing a kiss. short and sweet. so, so cute and full of fluff!!
The Manuscript by @whereyouare13 (T, 2/10, 10k+, ongoing) - it's 1997. will byers is a popular sci-fi author, but his editor has rejected his latest romance book. things only get more complicated when mike wheeler re-enters his life. i am a SUCKER for reunion fics and i love will's relationship with robin in this one!! i CANNOT wait to see what happens next.
let the stars fall by @etchedstars (T, 1/1, 3k) - the world is ending. mike and will share a moment. oh??? my gosh??? i literally have not stopped thinking about this one since i read it. legitimately haunting. beautiful prose. mwah.
don't you know the truth (that i'm so in love with you) by mikeslawyer (G, 1/1, 14k) - soulmate aus my beloved. this one is SO GOOD!!! top tier angst right here. and the ending??? the ending??? my HEART. i'm sorry i'm not more eloquent but asdfgjkljk
i'll be watching you. by @beanieblogs (G, 7/?, 12k, ongoing) - in autumn 1983, hawkins national laboratory kidnaps will byers. he and el then escape together. HELLO??? THE concept of ALL TIME. it's more about the willel sibling bonding than byler so far but you should read it anyway. gosh. this is great.
7. träumerei by @tenderforgs (G, 1/1, 3.5k) - a beautifully done character study of will byers. i'm really obsessed with the prose & description in this one. just stunning!!
the body is a blade by @tenderforgs (T, 1/1, 1.6k) - GOD just kill me now will all of these beautiful will character studies???? augh. i want this fic tattooed on me. literally weeping.
Every eye trained on a different star by @ohfallingdisco (G, 1/1, 2.9k) - will comes out to bob. everything i never knew i needed. i miss bob every single day. this is so so good!! it really made me tear up.
stars by the pocketful by @thesapphicbard (T, 1/1, 1.1k) - will and mike share a sweet moment. THEY ARE SO IN LOVE!!! completely adorable. this is the kind of fic that i need to have 5 other apps open to read bc every line is so squee-inducing. i love it sm.
Mike Wheeler's Guide to Being a Supportive Friend by @mike-wheeler-ik-what-you-are (T, 1/1, 1.1k) - a guide to supporting your best friend when he comes out to you. god i love fics like this!! i'm never not down for a good delve into mike wheeler's brain. lighthearted and really funny!!
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majaloveschris · 8 months
I need to vent a little.
Even though we had the Page Six article of Chrisba meeting Harry and Meghan and that Mark started following Justin, things had been relativly quiet. No big drama, no something that seemed too important. This morning I woke up to this whole Carlisle and IMDb thing, and I don't know why, but it's usually the Carlisle house and blurry pictures that make me realize how much I hate this whole situation. I'm just tired of it.
I made this account around April 2022, a year and a half ago. Looking back at it, it's crazy how things have changed. How all of us changed. How our view of Chris has changed.
My only goal with this blog was to share my opinion about this and my point of view. In the beginning, I think most people were confused about what's going on here and why everything was so weird. People were freaked out because of her age, and 16 years turned into racism, fatphobia, and people who support nazis.
We all said and still say it's going to get better, but when? I find myself not wanting to talk about this or deal with this whole situation, especially on those days when life feels too much for me. I don't want to argue with anyone; I don't want to argue whether the Carlisle house is his or if they are going to live there or not. I don't want to argue whether he was in a blurry picture or not. I don't want to argue whether they are real or not. I just don't anymore. I never wanted to convince people that I'm right or that I know what's going on, because I'm not. I only want to share my opinion; that's it, and sometimes people here make me want to leave much more than this weird whatevership does.
I'm just tired of them. Tired of their stupid followings, likes, and comments...Of their stupid stories filled with little signs and tired of them tiring to make this believable when they are clearly incapable of selling whatever this is. I'm tired of their games, and I'm surprised that they aren't tired of playing them. I'm tired that now even those who aren't involved are trying to "troll" the fandom for attention.
Whenever we think it's getting better, they just do something even worse, and it obviously has an effect on us. His actually being in love with her and wanting to spend the rest of his life with her (which seems very unlikely when you look at them) would mean he is okay with their values and that he agrees with them. I think I could "forgive" him for this being PR, but if he wants to actually be with her, I don't want to support that with my money and time.
There are always and will always be people who cross the line when it comes to their favorite celebrity, but this situation seems to get the worst out of everyone, of those who are directly and indirectly involved. Since the very first Las Vegas day, we have been shown that if you want to know what is actually going on, you need to look for clues. On videos, on pictures, among somebody's following list, or among those people who liked something, I know that now people say, Why do we even care about whom he dates? I didn't really care that much about them being real or not until her and her friends pasts came out. Up until that point, the only thing that bugged me about this whole thing was that Justin and Alba seemed to troll the fandom for attention, and I didn't like the way they tried to take advantage of Chris and his fandom.
Some people can't seem to understand the actual problem with him being connected to them. I don't want to support someone who is okay with the behavior of Alba and her friends. But it's hard to believe and seems impossible to me that the man we'd seen for 20+ years has never existed. He is not that good of an actor, and I don't think somebody would be able to play a role for decades.
I have a lot of movies with him in them that I love and want to rewatch, but this whole situation makes it really hard for me. I only see him. I see him when I look at Colin, or Andy, or Ransom, or Steve, or any of his characters. I miss that guy who was always smiling and laughing during an interview. I miss the guy who seemed happy and healthy. Right now he isn't even the shadow of his old self.
I don't want this to come across as me complaining. I know that nobody forces me to be here. I know that I could just delete this blog and go on with my life, but I like having my blogs. I like coming here and talking to my friends; I like seeing funny edits; and I like making funny edits. I would love to talk about his projects, make edits, and share photos and videos. I had so many things in mind prior to the whole wedding thing, which may always remain in my gallery and my drafts.
I will still continue with this blog, but I needed to write it down how I feel, because I think a lot of us feel this way. I'm staying; I'm not leaving because I need to know how this whole thing is going to end, and I still have some hope in him.
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
Another Sandman drabble from my prompt list. This one's for the prompt "You're my person" and takes place in the "Lots O Kids AU "
“You’re my person” Hob whispered softly, stroking a finger down the side of Morpheus's cheek as they lay curled together on their bed.
"And you're mine" Morpheus whispered back, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned into the comfort of the touch and the quiet shared moment.
"And this is our safe place" Hob went on, continuing the familiar lines of the mantra  they'd put together years ago, when they had first moved in together and facing the displeasure of Morpheus's parents, on top of the normal pressures of trying to build a shared life, had made safe places feel scarce indeed. 
"No one can take it from us" Morpheus answered back, shifting even closer to lay his head down on his husband's chest, the warm safety of Hob's arms coming round him. 
"You, and me, and babies three" Hob finished, pressing a kiss to the top of Morpheus's head, smiling into the eternal birdnest of his hair.
"We'll need to alter that now I suppose," Morpheus sighed, nuzzling into Hob's neck, "Now that Daniel's here."
They'd had to change it once before, when they'd brought Hope home. It had originally been 'Me and you and babies two', when it had just been Orpheus and Robyn. Morpheus had been trying to work out how they could alter it to keep the rhyming scheme now that they were fostering Daniel but hadn't yet come to an answer he felt suited. 
"We'd likely have to change it up soon anyway" Hob said with an exaggerated sigh. 
"Orpheus informed me, very dourly, I might add, that a twelve year old is far too grown up to be lumped in with the babies. And then Robyn and Hope got started saying nine and six were also quite respectively advanced ages and well…"
"They are indeed 'growing up like weeds' as Johanna so succinctly put it" Dream chuckled softly. 
But the mirth faded quickly, and he sunk back against Hob, the prickling agitation that had necessitated this impromptu cuddling session creeping back into him. Hob of course couldn't fail to notice, and carding his hand through Morpheus's dark hair he asked softly:
"Still not feeling so great?"
Morpheus gave a grumble and tried to curl tighter into the warm circle of Hob's arms, hoping his husband wouldn't press. But he had no such luck. 
"What’s got you down exactly?" Hob asked softly, tilting his head in a very uncomfortable looking angle to try and catch Morpheus's eye. 
Morpheus sighed and reluctantly sat up, to save Hob's neck,but missed the closeness immediately. 
"Its not…" He started,  then stopped, running his hands over his face with a groan as he tried to work out exactly how to express what he was feeling.
"It's not that I'm unhappy per se, quite the opposite, actually. " He finally said, worrying a corner of the blanket Hob had pulled over them with his thumb, avoiding Hob's eye.
"I'm very happy, incredibly happy, more than I ever imagined I could be, everything has been going so well and…"
He paused again, trying but failing to keep a shuddery sort of half laugh, half sob from escaping as he said: 
"And I think perhaps that's why I'm so frightened"
Hob's arms were around him again instantly, pulling him in close once more, surrounding him in a feeling of protective love even as the tears he'd been trying to hold back the whole day finally started to fall, staining the blanket with little round patches of damp. 
"I-I keep thinking, sometimes, that  it's all too good to be true" 
He finally looked over at Hob again then, reaching out to clutch at Hob's free hand with his own, squeezing tight. 
"Sometimes I worry that this," Morpheus motioned with his other hand around their bedroom, their home, the refuge they'd built together for themselves and their children, "Is all some sort of wonderful dream."
The tears were falling faster now, and Morpheus couldn't stand to keep looking at Hob's kind, wonderful, worried face. He couldn't see him that clearly anyway as his vision blurred, and so turned to bury his face in the crook of Hob's neck, Hob's arms shifting in turn to pull him even closer.
"Sometimes I think-I think I'll wake up one day and find that none of it was real. That there is no house or children, or-or us."
Morpheus was shaking now,  exhaustion from the anxiety that he'd been fighting back for several days now, ever since they'd brought Daniel home,finally catching up to him as he finished with a choking whisper: 
"That I'm actually still…all alone"
There was a moment's silence, and then Hob turned his head to press another kiss to Morpheus's forehead..
"Oh love…"
There was a short shuffle as Hob lowered them both back down onto the bed, tugging the blankets up around them so that they were pressed close under a star-strewn cocoon of warmth, his hands returning  to running long, grounding strokes through Morpheus's hair.
"It's not a dream duck, I promise you. It's all real. If it wasn't, the bills I'm sure would be lower, and neither of us would ever have to brave the grocery stores or fight tooth and nail to get the kids to eat a darn vegetable." 
A watery laugh wisped out of Morpheus despite himself, and Hob smiled back before continuing. 
"But it is. This really is your cluttered house, your crazy kids, your creaky husband--"
"You don't creak" 
"I do" Hob said decidedly, pressing a kiss to the tip of Morpheus's nose. "I creak and the kids cry and the bills keep coming and we fall asleep too exhausted to make love half the nights"
Another watery laugh came out, a bit stronger this time. 
" And then we wake up and hear Orpheus singing while Robyn's hammering at something, and Hope bosses them both around and Daniel just laughs and laughs and laughs and it's our real messy chaotic wonderful life" 
Another kiss, to Morpheus's mouth this time, deep and grounding, chasing out the cold ache of anxiety and tears with the warmth of their shared love.
"And you're here in it"  Hob said, as he finally broke the kiss. 
"I'd never wish to be anywhere else." Morpheus said with a contented sigh, his eyes closing as he nestled into the pillows, arms wrapping around Hob.  
"Our safe place" Hob whispered, twining their fingers together. 
"No one can take it from us" 
There was a pause.
"We'll…figure a new rhyme out at some point" Hob said with a giggle, and Morpheus leaned in to kiss him again. 
Thanks at @windsweptinred for inspiring me to start writing these drabbles for my Sandman AUs!
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mcflymemes · 1 year
SPY / ESPIONAGE PROMPTS, PART TWO *  assorted lines from popular spy & action films
i've read your file.
i want my life back.
you'll never make it out of here alive.
we're probably never going to get that dinner, are we?
for a moment, i thought you wanted to kill me.
thanks for the warning.
it doesn't matter what you do. only matters what they think you've done.
it's not that i don't care about you. it's that i don't care about anyone.
let's make a deal.
you said you could help us.
there are no accidents. we create our own fate.
you see through people.
adversity is a great teacher.
it's so rare in my line of work to find someone who's just there to listen.
rescind the kill order.
you know, i'm really starting to not like you.
the world is run on secrets.
if you run, you die.
trusting a thief can be dangerous.
i'm a good guy. but sometimes i do bad things.
can you fly a helicopter?
i'm glad it was convincing.
i've been building a profile on you.
this is what you are meant to do.
they knew my name.
oh, you made it. thank god.
it's not what time steals... it's what it leaves behind.
i will do what is asked of me.
the news will tell them there will be no more secrets.
it's a simple mistake.
i thought you'd be back by now.
i think one day you will understand.
don't give them all of you. that is how you survive.
did you really think i was going to give you that list?
oh my god, i think i fucking love you.
you don't get to come in here and try to fix everything.
you know where to find me.
that's what we do, right? we put ourselves in danger so that others are not.
sometimes you got to work with people you don't want to eat with.
i have the name of the mole.
don't give me that shit. you were gonna leave me?
i trust you about as far as i can through you.
where the fuck are you?
why does someone want you dead?
you have the power to decide whether i die in vain.
after you turn me in, you will be a hero.
are you good guys or bad guys?
in six months, the information you have will be obsolete.
let's go home.
even if i did partner up with you, we'd still only have one brain.
trouble never sends a warning.
you want answers? get back in the car.
you said you had answers.
i never worked for you.
we're not partners. this is a marriage of convenience.
i'm putting you on leave, effective immediately.
i'm my own bitch now.
do what you can to stay alive.
you must become the missing piece, and they will tell you anything.
the world can burn for all i care.
i wish you the very best... for at least six months.
we're all gonna die one day.
there's another life waiting for you if you want it.
i never had a single day of freedom.
you're not made.
you can have excuses or results. not both.
i warned you about him.
are you going to lie till the very end?
let me help you with your bags.
it's only for tonight.
it's nearly impossible to disappear in the world we live in today.
you knew what would happen once i got into that room.
you've got some balls breaking in here.
you worked for me.
you were too fucking scared to do it yourself.
you must learn to sacrifice for a higher purpose, to push yourself beyond all limitation.
you're wanted in 18 different countries.
we're armed because we mistrust each other.
the world is in chaos.
truth and lies. people like us don't know the difference.
who won? and what was the fucking game anyway?
they will come after you, wherever you are.
tell him i have what he wants.
when you tell the truth, you look different. your eyes change.
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storiesbyjes2g · 3 months
3.88 So special
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Sophia and I had a full day of wedding prep ahead, so I woke up early the next morning to take Rosie out for a nice, long walk. Even though we've taken the dogs pretty much everywhere we went over the past few days, I felt like I had neglected them. So much had gone on, and I didn't have time to give them my focused attention and wouldn't be able to for the next few days. Since Rosie was the energetic one, I figured she'd appreciate some one-on-one time outside.
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Our day began with instructions from Mama to meet her at an address in Tartosa. It was a house on a hill with a breathtaking view of the ocean and close access to nearby shops and beaches. The place was beautiful, but why were we there?
"What is this place, Mama?"
"This is your honeymoon rental. Surprise!"
Sophia gasped.
"Wha... Mama! This is too much. You don't have to pay for the wedding and our honeymoon."
"Luca," she said in a warning tone, "if you are fortunate enough to provide for your children like I do, you will. I hope you'll get the chance to know what that's like."
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Before I could rebut or say anything more, she sent us away with a list of errands while she stayed at the house doing whatever she was doing in there. Don't get me wrong. I was grateful to keep some money in my pocket. And I understood why she did all this. I just hoped she wasn't spending all her money on me. True, I didn't know exactly how much money she had, but I didn't think we were a wealthy family. We were always comfortable, never extravagant, but she still had to work for a living. She still had a long life ahead of her, and I wanted her to enjoy everything she worked for.
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Our list landed us at the bakery first.
"Hi... I'm here to pick up a cake," I said to the man in the window.
"Ah! Yes, I spoke to your mother this morning. Just a minute."
I rarely had to tell sims my last name, and it felt a bit odd to say. I honestly hadn't said it since...maybe high school. Wow. But saying it to the guy with Sophia beside me, knowing this time tomorrow she might have my name... I was so proud...and very turned on.
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"Here you go," the man said. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you."
"We've got cake," Sophia said.
"Mmm hmm. There's no turning back now."
"Is that so?"
"Yep. It's in the wedding handbook. Once the cake has been secured, no one can cancel the wedding."
"Hmmm. I like this rule."
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On our way to the flower shop, a clothing store with fancy, expensive suits and gowns in the window distracted us.
"Look at these," Sophia shouted. "Could you imagine wearing something so expensive?"
"Imagine it? Absolutely. Dropping the coin, no way."
"Right? It's crazy!"
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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mama walking toward us from a few blocks away, so we left the store to find the flower stand we were supposed to hit up next. But when we got there, it was closed.
"Don't tell me it's closed," Mama said when she found us. "It's not even 6:00 yet!"
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"Maybe they went out for lunch or something," Sophia said.
"Yeah," I chimed in. "We could wait a few minutes and see if they come back."
Mama sighed.
"Fine. Let's go sit over there so we don't miss them."
The large fountain near the shop had the perfect vantage point to wait. I personally didn't care if we got the flowers or not. The venue probably had more than enough decorations already. But this was Mama's show, and if she wanted more flowers, we'd wait. It was a nice day for sitting around and taking in the sights. The sound of the water bubbling in the fountain and the random cool mist on my neck provided a refreshing respite from the all the running around we'd done that week. But after a while, I think we were all a bit restless.
"I wanted to elope," Mama said.
She never talked about wanting to marry Dwayne, so I needed clarification.
"Elope with Dad?"
"Mmm hmm. I was so hasty. Once I decided we were meant for each other, that was it. I didn't care about a dress and a party. I just wanted to be with him. He was the one who wanted the wedding."
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"So, what happened?" I asked.
"Mommy happened. I wore Ali down and convinced him we didn't need a wedding, but there was no changing Amina Pope's mind. And believe me, I tried." She began to laugh. "Oh, I was such a brat that day. I was about your age and still so immature."
"Where was the wedding, then?"
"In her backyard. I may not have been able to sway her on eloping, but I would not back down on getting married immediately. I threatened to take Ali to the beach and do it without her right then if she didn't get onboard, but she convinced me to wait just one more day so she could get things together and invite my Aunt Nay. Remember Billie? That was her mother. They were best friends. Anyway...it was Winterfest, and-"
"You got married on Winterfest?"
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"We sure did."
With us getting married on New Year's Eve, could this be the beginning of a family tradition? Holiday weddings?
"I was blown away when we got up. Mommy had turned the whole house into a Winterfest wedding wonderland. She was a designer and always kept our house looking nice. She designed your room!"
"Sure did. She loved you so much, Luca. She did everything for you, just like she did for me. All I've ever wanted to do was be an excellent mother, just like her. I know you think I'm doing too much, and I might be, but it's what she would do. And I want you to feel special how I felt special."
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"You always make me feel special, though," I said. "I don't need extra flowers and a giant house to feel that... But I appreciate what you're doing."
Sophia cleared her throat.
"I hate to break up this tender moment, but I need to start getting ready for tonight."
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Mama checked the time.
"It is getting late. You guys go. I'll deal with this."
She gave us the keys to the house and sent us on our way. We walked back to the house in silence, Mama's story weighing on our minds. Well, my mind, at least. I loved hearing about Gammy and stretched my brain, trying to remember just one moment. But I was too young. I couldn't even conjure her face without seeing a photograph.
"Luca! Look!"
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Of course Mama was fixing up the house for us. I should have expected that.
"This is so special," Sophia shouted.
What was special was finally being alone with her. Maybe I could convince her to free me from all the wild thoughts I had at the bakery.
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We stepped into the house, and Sophia looked around. I kept my eyes on her. All I could think about was how we were going to spend three glorious days holed up in our room, and I wanted to get started expeditiously.
"Don't look at me like that," she said.
"How am I looking?"
"Like you want to devour me. We don't have time."
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"Pretty please?"
"Come on. Let's see the rest of this house."
She left me and went outside, so I followed. We had the perfect view of the ocean from the patio, and Sophia was beside herself.
"Uuuuggghhh why can't it be warmer?? I just want to dive in there right now! This is so beautiful!"
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I was rather impressed myself. Mama really outdid herself.
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robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
thank you for the tag @bluntblade! (i'm embarrassed this took me so long. also i've never been good at ranking things so uh don't consider this list in order of most favorite or anything)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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Character I think about if I'm having a bad day <3 This scene between the windows in Partners in Crime never fails to cheer me up. Also: "You're not mating with me, sunshine!" Theeeeee best platonic relationship with the Doctor IMO.
Varl (Horizon)
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Aloy did not appreciate this good dude nearly enough. I want Varl to be my BFF. T_T But HFW happened and... I won't say too much about that or we'd be here all day. He's alive in my head and that's all that matters.
Cimorene (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
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Cimorene! She's no-nonsense and clever. She wasn't a fan of being treated like a princess so she went and "got captured by" a dragon so people would stop bothering her, and helps her cook and organize her library. I mean, goals.
Loki (MCU)
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I wasn't into the MCU when it started getting big, and in fact I didn't see any of the movies until I read someone on Tumblr (c. 2012) going on about (paraphrased) how awful it was that people liked Loki because he was the absolute worst and if you liked him you were a gross immoral person and you should feel bad. So I went and watched this Avengers movie everyone was talking about. And guess what haters? He is terrible and I love him.
Parker (Leverage)
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Although I am not brave enough to throw myself off buildings, sometimes I amuse myself by thinking "what would Parker do?" and since a canonical option involves stabbing someone who's bothering her with a fork and jumping out a window, the thought cheers me up even if I can't do that.
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
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He just wants people (aside from Crowley) to leave him alone in his bookshop. He never fits in with his "side" but tries to do what they want anyway, because that's the good thing to do, and he wants to be good. I can relate so hard, buddy.
Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
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Ok so... I totally had a crush on Michael J. Fox and I was already interested in linguistics back when this movie came out, and then here's a main character voiced by him who was a linguist! Milo had to be my favorite :D
Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
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I will fully admit that some of my initial love of Elena came from her AI covering my panic-flailing self early on in the first Uncharted game (I'm THE WORST at games with guns, even on easy, it's actually embarrassing) - but she impressed me right away when she was not overly impressed by Nate. And her snark game is on point.
Zeb (Star Wars Rebels)
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I feel like Zeb needs more love. Comic relief character who actually has an unbelievably tragic backstory! And his story has so much untapped potential! We never really get to explore what happened with Lasan, and then then dump Kallus in there with his defection to the Rebellion and his whole *handwaves* history with the Lasats and eventual apparent (b)romance with Zeb - and the show had so little to say about it! Huge angsty storytelling miss right there. (Dave why.)
Brian Finch (Limitless [2015])
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This dude! Lovable but he would be SO exasperating to deal with IRL. His arts-and-craftiness just resonated with me. He was always making stuff out of toothpicks and yarn and papier mâché and clay and and and- I'm still mad this show only got one season.
zero-pressure tags: @mari-mary, @ayaitch, @hannahmationstudios, @inomakani, @fogsblue, @nerd-artist, @singingkestrel, @prototypelq, @tjerra14, @artekai or just consider yourself tagged if you want to do it!
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miasiegert · 3 months
CATS Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre - Hudson, FL (with Pics)
Thanks to Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre for renting our set and having us for the past two weeks in the Junkyard. It's always a delight working with Chaz, and we got to know an incredible cast and crew. I'm not sure how many hashtags I can use so I am going to include the cast list here for pics that arrive since all of you are so talented at Tumblr (the cast is so intrigued by Superfans, btw!)
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We had many challenges with a dinner theatre because the stage is very small in order to accommodate tables. As well, actors serve patrons so I needed to design an outfit to protect the costumes and suspend disbelief. And from patron reactions, we've been told this is one of the best openings, if not the best opening, and the best show/costume the theatre has had to date and hoped we'd be back, which was very, very kind of them.
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Pouncival, played by Isaiah Mayhew
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Electra (u/s Bombalurina) played by Rachel Knowles (so sorry for the bad photo quality--she's stunning!)
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Misto played by Kory Randles
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Pounce, and these two randos, what losers. :P
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Mungojerrie/Macavity split track, played by Andre Spathelf-Sanders and yeah, this jerk who keeps showing up. I adore the whole cast to bits truly but we're planning on cosplaying Green Lantern together and he was the first to get my "Archer" references in the make up classes. If it's ever of interest, I'm happy to sometime talk about my make up classes and what to do when there are "mistakes" with what I call the Bob Ross Method.
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Demeter by Iraya Catalina is making an argument that maybe all Demeters need to be Filipino because she slays!
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Jennyanydots and her incredibly supportive husband. She was one of the most delightful people to work with, hilarious, fun, loving, amazing hugs, and just a joy. I've never had a Jenny almost refuse to take the Gumbie suit off (which is a huge compliment). What a joy.
David was the make up designer for all of the designs except Bombalurina's, and I taught about 5-hours of make up classes.
The magic of an incredible LED screen came into play as there were cool effects, such as a first person POV of a cat going to the junkyard (bringing YOU into the show) and the sky changing with the hours of the day, the moon, everything. The lighting designer Dalton Hamilton was wonderful and provided the following photographs. All costumes designed/created by David and myself (The Costume Asylum/Siegert Creative):
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I am going to try to get some rehearsal pics and one of the funniest bloopers ever but I hope this is a nice start. Happy Sunday, I'm happy to be home, but I miss these kitties so much already!
Apologies if I missed tagging anyone, y'all know I'm really trying with Tumblr very hard. Oh! Rhagan Carter (Rumpleteazer) is the Dance Captain! Knew I forgot something.
Also... is there a way I can add text when I add a bunch of pics at once to name the actors? I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I keep clicking in between photos and hit return and nothing!
Each passing day, I become more and more of that "how do you do fellow young people" meme, I swear.
If there's anything specific you'd like to know, feel free to ask or comments in general. Not sure how long it'll take to get back because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, flew in, and today is a "fuck it, let's order dominos" day. ... but... ordering dominos... is hard. moving is hard. falling down the stairs... easier than anticipated. 0/10 do not recommend.
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bloodhoundluke · 9 months
—❦ luke h. prompt list
send a possible story request & a number (or multiple) for a luke fic/drabble 💓 i don't write explicit smut or supernatural stories etc. please consider getting to know my earlier work if you want to request something, so you'll have an idea what i am comfortable writing, thank you. the list is made up of prompts i've found on pinterest, some of them i came up with myself and some are taylor and 5sos lyrics + the vampire diaries quotes! i love taylor swift and tvd so i couldn't resist the urge not to include those lines hehe &lt;3
"Have we met?".
"Don't do this to me".
"Me and you? Incredible".
"Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry".
"I think you're just afraid to be happy".
"You're blushing".
"Is that my shirt?".
"I'll kiss away the pain, baby".
"You're adorable when you're tired, you know that?".
"Am I not good enough?"
"Am I coming with you on this trip?". "No?". "Then why are my clothes going with you?".
"Why are you so stubborn?".
"I can't think straight with you".
"I hate you".
"Go with me?". "As long as you hold my hand".
"Oh! You're jealous".
"Can we stay like this forever?".
"Are we on a date right now?".
"I am so happy to call you my wife/husband".
"Shit, I missed you".
"I love you and only you. Nothing will ever change that".
"You don't own me".
"Just go hang out with x. You've gotten real good at that".
"You know this means nothing, right?".
"Please, take a break".
"Baby, I could do this all day".
"Shh, you don't want the others to hear, do you?".
"Show me how much you missed me".
"Stop distracting me".
"Mmh, I love to hear my name falling off those pretty lips of yours".
"Practice makes perfect".
"This was a mistake".
"What if I bring beer?".
"I don't have anyone anymore." "You have me."
"I told you to leave, but you didn't. I gave you the chance!".
"Say you never loved me. Say it".
"How bad is it?". "It's bad."
"I didn't ever think we'd be here, like this."
"Don't give me that silent treatment".
"I'm not leaving, I promise".
"I'm not grumpy". "So why didn't you stay in bed and cuddle with me?".
"I know your friends don't like me." (HIGH - 5SOS).
"Problem was, I thought I had this right". (LIE TO ME - 5SOS).
"I did not need your help!" (ME, MYSELF & I - 5SOS).
"When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes, you're the only thing that I think I got right" (LOVER OF MINE - 5SOS).
"It's hell of a ride loving you" (HAZE - 5SOS).
"Well, maybe we got lost in translation. Maybe I asked for too much. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up." (ALL TOO WELL - TS).
"But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. And it's 2:00am and I'm cursing your name. So in love that I act inside, and that's the way I loved you". (THE WAY I LOVED YOU - TS).
"You told me you loved me. So why did you go away?". (LAST KISS - TS.)
"I hope I never lose you, I hope it never ends... I'd never walk Cornelia Street again". (CORNELIA STREET - TS.)
"Don't want no other shade of blue but you" (HOAX - TS.)
"The first rule of truly living is to do the things you're most afraid of". (THE VAMPIRE DIARIES).
"I was feeling epic". (TVD)
"Do you like who I am, or do you miss who I was?". (TVD)
"I've been in love. It's painful, pointless and overrated" (TVD)
"There is no such thing as a bad idea. Only poorly executed awesome ones" (TVD).
“I’m too smart to be seduced by you.” (TVD)
“What kind of a stupid question is that? Why did I have a thing for you?” (TVD).
request a post here! here's an example: "angst with #43, luke's and y/n's relationship is falling apart despite trying to fix everything". (you can be more specific if you want to!). can't wait to see what you guys come up with! much love 🥰
© bloodhoundluke.
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eossa · 11 months
How I'd Make Tumblr More Profitable
Yes, this is going to be controversial, since I know nothing about the behind-the-scenes spending, economics, and all that jazz. But I've been on Tumblr for long enough to have a rough idea of the userbase wants - which is what positions Tumblr in a niche other sites don't really utilize. Most of the points I list here are about improving the experience of existing users, as keeping users might be harder for tumblr than attracting new ones.
Please note that this posts reflects my personal opinions and some stuff I've seen people complain about it. Do not attack me over anything I've written here, it's not worth my time and I will resort to blocking if I'm being bothered. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged!
[under the cut because this got quite long] [last updated 20th July 2023]
Features to Add
Block posts. Xkit has/had this feature, it was great. Sometimes I just don't want to see a specific post, and others probably agree with that.
Send asks and replies from sideblogs. Would literally make a lot of things easier and better.
Delete individual reblog additions from a post. Sometimes, you have a post where there is one"relevant" addition, multiple "irrelevant" additions ("yes!", "[repeated phrase in bold]", "this is a must reblog"), before there is a "relevant" addition again. But right now, you can only remove all reblog additions, not just individual ones. I feel like this would be a neat feature.
Direct blocking of anon hate which also tracks the IP and blocks the associated account(s). No rights for cowards, that's all I'll say.
Features to Bring Back
Reblog chains. Prev tags are the backbone of lots of interactions on here. If I click on someone's username in a reblog chain, I want to see that post on their blog, not their blog starting from the newest post. The loss of this feature is one of the things people constantly complain about in the replies of @changes.
Several text formatting options. As a theme maker, it would be nice to have proper preformatted text again - it makes code so much more legible. Other formatting options I miss are marked/highlighted text and text lines, which are really helpful to visually break apart passages of text.
Features to Ditch
Tumblr Live. There I've said it. If I want to see stuff like that, I have TikTok, IG Reels, Pinterest Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Twitter also has something like this. It's oversaturated, and aparently there are still enough cyber security concerns that it's not even accessible outside of the US and Canada.
Ads in lightboxes. Especially on mobile, there are already more than enough ads on the feed, no need to add more nested inside other elements.
Features that Make Money
Pay for NSFW. If this site allowed full nudity etc. again but hid it behind a paywall, we'd kill two birds with one stone: The site would probably still be allowed on the App Store, and the money influx would be huge. The userbase would also increase again.
(If Tumblr Live is kept.) Pay to snooze Tumblr Live permanently. It's the most complained about thing in changes' replies, so I feel like people would pay on a subscription base just to not see TL anymore.
Pay to increase limits. 250 posts per day is the maximum that can be posted - and there are people hitting those limits. If there was an option to buy a higher limit (500p/d, 750p/d, etc.), people might generally use it. Like those add-on charges for mobile data. Same goes for posts in the queue, posts in drafts, images in a photoset and so on.
Pay to pin posts at the top of a tag or search result. Ebay Kleinanzeigen has this neat feature where you can push your small ads to the top of a search query so that more people can see it. This could be a cool feature to try, as it would work in a more content-aware way than Blaze does.
Pay to buy inactive URLs. There are some really cool usernames on here that are taken by blogs that haven't updated for 5+ years and only have one post (or none at all), and I feel like it would be neat to be able to buy one of these cool usernames attached to an empty account. To make sure that usernames attached to redirect or something else don't get bought, tumblr should send an e-mail to the username owner - if the user doesn't react to that for 3 months, the usernames changed owners. [added 13th July 2023]
Existing Features to Improve
NPF posts. I feel like a combination of legacy and NPF would be neat. Think selecting a main element like in the legacy editor (e.g. video, image, audio) and then adding a caption that can add different content types like NPF does. Or at least create a better overview over NPF variables and release the full base code with documentation to make things easier for the web designers on here. There are more issues with the NPF format but I won't list everything people dislike about it here.
Block people. The block feature should make sure that the person being blocked doesn't see any posts made by the person they were blocked by, even if those posts were reblogged by another user. Also, like IG does, there should be an option to block either just a specific blog or the IP address attached to block side-blogs and other accounts of that user.
Color palettes. The color palette options for the dashboard are generally a nice idea but I think it would be better if there was a dropdown menu to choose a palette from rather than having to click through all the different options. For example, if I want to go from Cement (light mode) to Dark mode, I have to click through 10 options until I reach Dark again. There has to be an easier way. [added 20th July 2023]
Other Improvements Needed
Nuke spam bots. Users are reporting all the spam bots, yet, it doesn't seem like they are dwindling in numbers. Also - at least this is how it's being perceived by the userbase - tumblr isn't doing enough on their end to reduce spam bots. This is definitely something that needs to be fixed.
End hateful and criminal activities. It's the year 2023, yet there are still outright N*zis, violent tr*nsphobes, literal p*dophiles, and other people committing to the daily bit of hate speech and other illegal activities (fraud too considering all those fake GoFundMe sites) on this website. I'm not saying free speech should be banned but there is a bright red line between what is free spech and what is hate speech (or should get you jailed considering fraud and p*dophilia).
A through-out, perhaps even interactive, beginner tutorial. "The site is too complicated to use for new users!" – then explain how it works in easy terms, with examples, images, and videos. Every other application or web app has walk-throughs, just do the same here.
Improved ad relevancy. The ads I see on tumblr are usually so out-of touch with the userbase, and many of them feel like the sort of stuff you see on a spam-ridden torrenting site. I feel like increasing the relevancy of ads to what the users usually blog about would cause a higher click-rate and turn-over-rate than the current ads do.
There is probably more I could add, but that's it for now. Should I make any later additions directly to this post, I will mention it to prevent misunderstandings. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, let me hear about it in the replies or reblogs of this post.
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aelaer · 1 year
for the whumpy prompt list: 🎧
I don't even know if you remember submitting this babywarg, and I *know* it took 3 years, but in my defense, 2020 was a shitshow after I asked for whump icon prompts. If you don't remember, this one stood for sensory deprivation. And here's a 6k fic to fill it!
This originally started very differently, then Wong took the reins and never let go. The first two parts were deleted/moved around entirely, and Stephen's POV disappeared as Wong decided this story was going to be from his POV. I would apologise that I am using the kidnapping trope *yet again*, but I'm not that sorry, either.
So canon Endgame doesn't exist in this fic world though I don't get too much into it beyond some hints with character endings and the timeline. It's probably mid-2019 in terms of timing (no 5 year jump). I'm not sure who, if anyone, is Sorcerer Supreme because of this. I also accidentally did the "insert plot into the prompt" thing that I have a bad habit of doing and made this way long. And finally, I don't know Latin; I just used a dictionary and a conjunction table to try and make something cool.
Grem's a character from a side-issue comic that I've appropriated and who has appeared in some of my earlier works. He's "played" by Rupert Graves. With a beard. 
Thanks to @coolnemmythings for betaing the majority of this and helping me brainstorm an ending because it finally pushed me into completion (more on that below).
Finding the Way Back Home
The Avengers found out Stephen was missing by happenstance. Peter, once he had discovered where Stephen lived, made it a habit to visit the Sanctum on what he called "slow days" when he was in the area. Wong had gotten used to him over time. 
Naturally, one of his visits corresponded with when a team of sorcerers uncovered Stephen's ambush site. Normally this would be fine as official Kamar-Taj matters were discussed nowhere near Peter. Wong couldn't hear the passing conversations of the distant apprentices and acolytes in the hallway adjourning the foyer of the Sanctum, so it should have been fine. He would entertain the young man for a few minutes, tell him Stephen was busy, and then lead him out. 
Just as Wong was about to give his excuses, he learned that the kid had super-hearing and that the conversation Wong couldn't hear was very, very audible to Spider-Man. It was a rather unfortunate time to discover such a fact.
And once Peter learned the news, it was just a matter of a few texts before every Avenger knew.
"We'd like to help out," Tony said, being the first to call Wong. Wong had given his number to a couple Avengers on the off-chance Stephen was wounded while working with them. He hadn't expected his number to be used in this fashion.
"Us sorcerers handle our own affairs," was Wong's gruff reply. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be retired?"
"Special occasion."
Wong said, "We're fine," hung up before Tony could retort, then sighed. Stephen would be displeased if Iron Man ended up dying after all the work he did to save him in the multiple future fiasco. He was just happy Stephen managed to get to 16 million—from what he understood, a couple other "winning" timelines were absolutely dismal on a global scale—but that was another topic altogether.
Then Tony gave out Wong's number to the others.
"It really would be no trouble," Steve said. "We consider all of you our allies after Thanos."
"You're supposed to be retired, too," was Wong's exasperated retort.
A pause. "Well, I did pass on the mantle of Captain America to Sam, sure, but that doesn't mean I don't go out in the field here and there. Just less public."
Wong hung up on him, too.
"We really would like to see him safe," was Bruce's call.
Bruce was a little harder to hang up on; he had been visiting the New York Sanctum frequently for meditation purposes, to better understand and work with the other side of his personality and come to some sort of balance with it. According to Stephen, Bruce had achieved something like this on his own in other futures, but he was certain the resources at Kamar-Taj could help him achieve this faster and with potentially better results.
Still, Bruce Banner was not a sorcerer. "I appreciate the offer, Doctor Banner, but this is a matter for our order," he told him, then hung up before the other could retort.
"It's pretty slow right now; you'd be doing everyone a favor in letting us help," Natasha admitted when she called.
Wong pulled the phone away from his face to sigh; if it weren't for the very slim chance of Stephen potentially calling him, he would have turned off the damn thing. "Weren't you supposed to retire from field work, too?"
"People like me never retire," she answered. "Think on it, Wong."
He grimaced and hung up.
"You have to let us help!" was Peter's plea. Peter had been barred from the Sanctum until the issue was settled—Wong knew that Stephen wouldn't want the kid involved—but apparently Tony Stark was more than happy to give Peter Parker his phone number, as well.
"Stephen would want you to stay out of this," he told the kid without ceremony, and hung up on him, too, though he felt a little bad doing it.
This was getting ridiculous. The other Masters had decided the Avengers shouldn't be involved, but if they had to endure what Wong was enduring, maybe they'd change their minds. Besides, the extra eyes wouldn't be a bad thing to have, at least in Wong's opinion. 
By the time a sixth call from an Avenger in under an hour occurred, Wong was ready. He surrounded himself with sorcerers in the Masters' strategy room as they discussed leads and next steps, then let the phone ring.
The Masters caved in less than two hours. Part of it may have been due to the Avengers' resilience, but Wong liked to think that setting his ringtone to Beyoncé's "All The Single Ladies" helped encourage the use of outside help. They agreed that the Avengers could assist them, though they were taking absolutely no responsibility if anything untoward or deadly happened to them. The Avengers didn't seem to care about the warning, which didn't particularly surprise Wong.
The dead security cameras near the site of the ambush suggested magical tampering, which meant that every two to three Avengers was paired with one or two Masters. The tracking was long and it took everything within their power to narrow down the search to the three most likely locations out of the many that Mordo had passed through over the last year.
(They were 99% certain Mordo was behind Stephen's disappearance. For the past several months Mordo had been stealing former students' abilities to do magic—and on three occasions, ended up killing the former student instead. The Masters of Kamar-Taj had been actively hunting him down for some time, doubling down when they learned Mordo was gathering followers. That Stephen's body wasn't found instead is a miracle, but it made Wong worry as to what Mordo could possibly want with him.)
They decided to infiltrate the three chosen locations as soon as they narrowed down the list. All the Avengers that had been allowed in (eight of them sans Peter because no, Wong wasn't going to be responsible for a minor no matter how close he was to 18) were on standby and allowed themselves to be split into groups by the Masters without contest.
Wong ended up with Master Grem of the London Sanctum and Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Natasha Romanov—all the supposedly-retired-but-not-quite-yet Avengers. Exasperating.
Still, he couldn't say that he minded having them at his back in such an unknown situation. With a lesser sorcerer, the Order could have set monitoring wards on all the rogue sorcerers’ known locations to go off whenever another made a gateway into the area. But Mordo was one of the best and such magic would immediately alert him and his followers to the order's knowledge of their current bases and send them into hiding, and all that work of the last few months in tracking them would be lost.
The original plan, before all this, had been to track Mordo's movements for a pattern until they could ambush him and his followers. With Stephen taken, though? The time for waiting was over. Still, it was largely unknown what they would find at their assigned location—a dilapidated, Soviet-era warehouse in Eastern Europe—so having experienced company was no bad thing.
He was especially grateful for the Avengers' presence when it turned out that the warehouse was not devoid of life. Ten of Mordo's recruits (only four of whom were former students of Kamar-Taj) were present and quite willing to kill him if necessary. He and Grem alone would have been very hard-pressed. With the three Avengers helping them, the fight took only a couple minutes, the most difficult of the group being two of the rogue sorcerers that proved more creative than their counterparts.
Those that survived the fight were quickly disarmed and restrained for later questioning, and it was easy enough for Wong to push a portal around each person to the rarely-used cells of Kamar-Taj. He frowned as he considered their number; that was a significant number of recruits in what seemed to be an unimportant building. 
"That's convenient," Tony said as he watched the portals take the surviving combatants.
As Wong opened and closed the portals, Grem scanned the building for any remnants of magical use, carefully scanning above and below as he slowly circled around a single point. He stilled, then squinted. "There's something in that corner office." He pointed.
Wong saw Grem, Steve, and Natasha take off to the office, then turned back to his own task. Tony Stark stayed with him to guard his back as Wong finished securing their prisoners and had the bodies of those who did not make it portalled to the morgue within Kamar-Taj.
As the last body was flown through the portal, a streak of red burst out of the corner office and onto the larger warehouse floor. Wong would recognize the Cloak of Levitation anywhere, and it currently darted to and fro about the space as if searching.
"As you can see, the Cloak's fine," Grem called as he left the office, the other two Avengers in tow. When he got closer, Wong could see the scowl on Grem's face. "But I don't think that's the only thing this building's hiding. There's something else here, Wong, but I can't see what."
"How did they manage to separate it from Stephen in the first place?" Natasha asked. "From what I've seen, that thing is quite protective of him."
"It is," Wong agreed. "But there are some complicated spells in existence that may temporarily incapacitate a relic, even one as unique as the Cloak. Mordo is a skilled enough sorcerer to perform such a spell."
Grem hissed between his teeth. He was performing another pivot on the spot as he searched the area with his third eye yet again. As he ended, he shook his head. "Nothing. We're going to need to do a more manual search, and we may need to split up to better cover ground."
Wong, though, remembered something that happened after one of the fights during the War of the Infinity Stones. "That may not be necessary," he said, and looked over to the man beside him. "Tony, you are able to scan for heat signatures with your suit, correct?"
"Sure can, Wong." Tony paused and began to scan the interior, slowly pivoting on the spot, then froze halfway through. "Basement, northeast corner. One person lying down. Looks like it's empty otherwise."
"Useful," Grem remarked as he immediately headed towards the stairs. As one they followed him, hurrying their way to the stairwell, descending to the basement, and then making a sharp left to head in the indicated direction. They encountered no one else along the way, as expected. Despite this, when Tony said, "That door up ahead," both Wong and Grem paused before they could reach it. Wong held up a hand to halt the others. The Avengers wouldn't see it, but the magic upon the door was very evident to them.
"Wards are more your thing, Wong," said Grem as he eyed the door up and down. "But even I know this is quite a piece of work. I didn't realize Mordo knew all these warding spells."
Grem was right; the warding was very intricate. It was no wonder they could not find Stephen through his magical signature alone; the spells set about the room were put in to prevent such magic from having any use. A closer study of the details within the intricacies of the design showed that any attempt to remove the wards or force one's self into the room by magic would have dire consequences for not only the caster, but the person held inside. 
Wong pursed his lips together unhappily, then glanced over at the Avengers. "The wards set on this room mean I will not be able to enter, not in the usual way. Not easily."
"Do we even know if it's locked?" Natasha asked, eyeing the door up and down.
"It doesn't matter if it is or isn't. The warding includes spells against non-approved visitors touching the doorknob, and the side effects of doing so are not pleasant."
Tony's repulsor flared. "I can blast it open."
Wong shook his head. "No; too much kinetic energy. The wards might see it as spells and react negatively to you."
"Yeah, but if it's Stephen inside, I'll take my chances," Tony shot back.
"The same consequences that fall upon you also happen to the individual contained within," Wong said, and he heard the man hiss in frustration.
"I hear you," Grem muttered in sympathy. "Wong, your dispelling is faster; how long do you think it would take you to remove all these wards?"
Wong shook his head. "Hours, likely. Too long of a time for my comfort." Behind him, he heard Grem mutter a curse under his breath.
Steve stared at the door thoughtfully. "So we don't want to touch the doorknob, but we can't blast it with firepower. What about just—knocking the door off its hinges?"
Again Wong shook his head. "I can't use magic against the door to do so."
"No, I mean, I can do it," Steve clarified. "Just brute force, no firepower. It would be a lot less kinetic energy than a repulsor blast and I won't touch the doorknob."
Grem looked sidelong at Wong. "I don't see anything in the wards that would react negatively to that scenario. I don't think the average person could knock this down, but they weren't expecting us to bring anyone else."
Wong studied over the wards once more himself, and brute force that didn't have enough energy to be mistaken as magic was not warded against. "I think that may be our best shot," he agreed.
"Then step back," Steve said, and the team gave him some room. 
The Cloak, on the other hand, continued to hover closely beside Steve with an urgency that Wong wouldn't have known was possible on a piece of fabric before seeing the Cloak with Stephen.
"Cloak," Wong said. As it turned to him, he told it, "You can't enter the room. That warding could do you serious harm." The Cloak stiffened, as if offended by the suggestion. Wong resisted the urge to roll his eyes and gestured to it. "Come on. Stephen would be very upset if you got hurt."
That Cloak remained stiff and unmoving for another three seconds, but Wong gestured again and its shoulders slumped in resignation and it moved itself beside Wong. 
Steve then put himself in a braced position. He had a shield—not the iconic Captain America shield, but a smaller black one that was more rectangular in form—and used that in his lead up run towards the door to force it open with his shoulder.
The door flew open and Wong watched Steve—and Tony, who immediately followed—carefully for any side effects. When none happened, he spared a quick glance at Grem.
"I'll keep a watch out here," Grem said quickly. Natasha nodded in agreement and moved her gaze down the hall.
Wong inclined his head, again told the Cloak, "Stay out here," then followed the other two men in. He immediately felt when he was cut off from his magic by the wards and grimaced at the foreign wrongness of the feeling. But he could still sense the wards, so at least Stephen would have hopefully realized that he was in a warded cell rather than drained of magic.
Speaking of.
The room was mostly bare except for a cot, a chair, and an IV pole in the corner. Laying on his back on the cot was Stephen, stripped of his outer clothing and left with only his tunic and pants. His upper left arm's sleeve was cut off and the arm itself was bandaged, while further down an IV tube was connected to his forearm. A neat line of stitches crossed over his left temple, and some sort of feeding tube was inserted into one of his nostrils and taped down to his face. Both lines led to the IV pole, which held what looked like saline and a bag that Wong guessed was used for tube feeding.
Steve slowly approached the bed. "That noise should have woken him up. Is one of these lines drugging him?"
"Possibly," said Tony, "But this doesn't look drugged. I'm getting really weird readings on his vitals."
Feeling unusually bare without the connection to his magic, Wong approached the bed with the same caution as he asked Tony, "What are you seeing?"
"Elevated heart rate just under 120 bpm, and—" He paused as if listening to something, then said, "Right, the suit can't quite scan brainwaves of other people to the detail of an EEG—yet—but I can get a good picture. FRIDAY's saying that it looks like the brain of someone awake, not someone drugged or asleep."
"Does that mean he can hear us?" Steve asked.
"That means he'll be pissed we're talking about brain stuff without his contributions," was Tony's remark, but his tone fell flat. Suddenly his helmet disintegrated away as the nanites retreated from his face, and he turned his attention from Stephen to Wong. "What're we doing here, Wong? Is this magic or something else?"
A good question. "I won't be able to find out here," Wong answered, then strode forward and carefully removed the cannulas from both Stephen's nose and arm. "Grem, do you see anything on Stephen that prevents him being removed from here?" he called as he worked.
Beyond the warding of the room at the open doorway, Grem performed a gesture before tapping his own forehead. He squinted. "Nothing I can see, Wong. They weren't expecting anyone to get through the door or enter the room through a portal. You can carry him out."
Wong nodded once, then frowned down at Stephen's tall, lanky body. He looked at Steve and Tony. "I don't suppose one of you could—"
"Got it," Tony volunteered, and Wong stepped aside as the other man bent down and carefully picked Stephen up. The way Stephen's body remained utterly limp made something clench in Wong's stomach.
He's alive. Stop it.
They left the room soon after that. The second they were out the Cloak was fretting about Tony back and forth from side to side, and in the hall Grem already had a portal set up and ready. But it led to the infirmary at Kamar-Taj.
"No, his room at the Sanctum," Wong said.
Grem frowned, but closed the portal. "Why?" he asked as he started up another.
"You know he's not fond of being in the infirmary. He complains that it's 'too open.'"
"That was before shit hit the fan and everything changed," Grem answered and, well, Wong knew that Stephen had changed significantly in ways he still hadn't come to full terms with. It hadn't been that long since he had Returned, not really. What was eight months, after all? But he hadn't gotten Stephen's opinion since, so, his bedroom.
The portal opened in the hall now led to Stephen's chambers in the Sanctum, which was a sizable bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. The Sanctum had sensed Stephen's love of the dramatic when it had formed this room for its Master when he was first instated there: the building had installed a bedroom with dark mahogany furniture with intricate carvings and delicate curves around the edges, with even the computer desk and bookshelves not being spared the finery. The star of the bedroom was the ostentatious four post king-sized bed with a top canopy and a cream-colored comforter that had red accents with a design that resembled the embroidery on the Cloak of Levitation.
Now that he thought of it, the motifs on the furniture looked similar to the faded design in the checkered lining of the Cloak, too. Interesting. He spared them no further thought as he walked in and flicked on the light switch from across the room, bathing the dim room in a golden light.
Tony lowered Stephen into his bed as Grem and Natasha entered last, and the portal closed in behind them. The Cloak immediately lowered itself over Stephen once he was laying down. Wong, in turn, started casting what Stephen liked to call 'diagnostic spells' and ever since he said it, the term had stuck in Wong's mind. That was largely what they were: spells that identified what was wrong with the body and spirit, and so could aid a sorcerer in narrowing down the possibilities in what was happening to the person and if it was magical, multidimensional, or mundane in nature.
"I'm not quite sure what I was imagining for a sorcerer's bedroom, but I don't think I was expecting the computer," Natasha said.
"Why not? He has a phone," Steve asked.
"That Tony gave him," she answered.
"You should have seen the brick he was carrying around before," Tony complained. "And if that hadn't drowned in the Hudson, I'm not sure if he would've taken mine. I had to nearly threaten him."
"We find email quite handy, actually," Grem said. "And I really love the Google suite. Calendar, Docs, Sheets."
Tony cracked a smile. "So wizards do their business over Google's servers, huh?"
Grem winked in reply. "Wouldn't you like to know." He cast a look at Wong. "I'll let the others know that we've found him. I warrant they've seen the cells and morgue by now, but I'll double check on that. I'll send an apprentice to wait in the hall in case you need a runner." Wong only grunted in reply. With a quick, "Thanks for your help, mates," Grem made a portal and left the room.
It took a few minutes of various spells and analysis, but eventually Wong came upon an answer as to what was keeping Stephen unconscious—and he felt his heart drop into his stomach as the realization came. His poker face fell and he murmured, "Oh, Stephen." But he banished the sorrow quickly; such an emotion wouldn't help Stephen. Instead, his face became stone as he began to bark orders. "One of you needs to get the lights; make it as dark in here as possible. When I remove this spell from him, I need you all to be as quiet as possible, and if you must speak, do so in a whisper."
Natasha's loose stance immediately stiffened and she took a step closer to the bed to look again at Stephen. She pursed her lips as the rest of her face hardened. "Sensory deprivation?"
"Unlike anything you can imagine," Wong answered grimly.
Steve was now frowning. "Do you think he was like this the entire time? How long was he missing?"
"Between thirty to thirty-six hours," answered Wong, already starting the preparations for the removal spells. They would take a couple minutes to fully set up. "I don't know how long they have kept him under this spell. If it has been for that full length of time, just note that he might not—be fully in his right mind."
"Then we should give him some room," Tony said, with a note of sympathy that admittedly startled Wong. Before he could make anything further of it, however, Tony was already ushering the other two away. "We'll wait in the hall, Wong."
Steve's expression was clearly one of worry as he walked away, Tony's prodding quickly understood. "We'll be here if you need anything." He flicked off the light switch as they left, and the door softly closed behind them.
Wong slowly exhaled and looked at the Cloak. "Up," he ordered. The Cloak raised its collar, but like the stubborn, fickle thing it was, didn't obey immediately. Wong didn't have time for this. "If you don't want to hurt Stephen, you'll get off immediately and wait until you're given permission to touch him again," he snapped, his anxiety for his friend making him shorter than usual.
That did the trick. The Cloak lifted itself, albeit reluctantly, and set itself hovering on the other side of the bed instead. That was fine.
Everything would be fine. Stephen would be fine. Wong forced himself to take a deep breath once again.
As he performed the last of the preparations for the spell's removal, Wong could not help but remember the last time the spell had come into conversation. Unsurprisingly, the conversation had been with Stephen, perhaps two to three months after he had become Master of the New York Sanctum.
"Why does this spell even exist?" Stephen asked Wong as he gestured to the open book on his desk. Wong had made the mistake of entering the New York Sanctum library to find something while Stephen was reading through one of the Ancient One's old tomes, and thus the first fellow master available to hear his complaints.
"You're going to have to be more specific," was Wong's dry answer.
Stephen grimaced and clarified, "Excidit Sensus. It's utterly inhumane."
Wong went to the bookshelf where he suspected his quarry lay. "Compared to contemporary methods of interrogation when the spell was created, it was likely considered a more humane option."
"Incorrectly so!" Stephen shot back, fuming. "This spell removes everything: sight, hearing, touch, all sensations. If you keep a person like that for, say, forty-eight hours, there is a significant chance of hallucinations, anxiety, and depression. The ability to do the simplest tasks deteriorates upon freedom, and if this goes on longer than that, the results can be catastrophic!"
The librarian paused to look over at his colleague, who was slowly (perhaps inevitably) becoming a friend. "I am simply explaining the likely rationale behind its creation," Wong said. "That doesn't mean I endorse its use."
Stephen exhaled. "Sorry. Right. I just wasn't expecting to see something like that."
"For what it's worth," Wong said as he found the book he wanted, "that spell hasn't been used in over a century. Very few sorcerers would have the power and skill to successfully apply it, and there are none in Kamar-Taj who would consider using it now."
"Good," was Stephen's answer, and the conversation ended.
How could Mordo fall to such lows?
Wong finished the prep work and stalled no longer; Stephen had been suffering for more than long enough. He moved his spell work that he performed on the side to hover over the prone man, then in one gesture, settled it upon his body to release the spell. He steeled himself for the fallout.
It came all at once: at first Stephen was utterly still, and then he inhaled sharply and audibly as his eyes flew open. He immediately squeezed them shut and then cradled his hands near his chest, every breath shuddering. To Wong's alarm, the little light remaining in the room glinted on the wetness of his cheeks. He was crying very, very silently.
Still, he did not say anything; the sound of breathing may be too much for Stephen at that moment, never mind conversation. Instead he waited for some sort of cue from the other sorcerer. Opposite him, the Cloak fretted as it swung back and forth in silent worry through the air; it clearly wanted to envelop its Master and it was only Wong's strict word that kept it from doing otherwise.
When Stephen did speak, several minutes later, it was barely above the volume of breathing. "I forgot—how much they hurt."
Wong could not help but exhale in dismay. Stephen made it easy for others to forget that he experienced what would be categorized as chronic pain. One eventually learned to cope and live with such a thing until it became a background ache on normal days, or so he understood it, and his friend had perfected that act a long time ago. However, Wong had not considered how the reintroduction of feeling to his hands would affect Stephen. That was his folly—he was only glad that Tony had the sense of presence to get all others out of the room. 
The sigh caused Stephen to freeze. "Who's there?" he whispered.
He tried to keep his voice just as low. "Wong." He paused to gauge his reaction to his voice; Stephen did not flinch, and so he added, "And the Cloak." That was the most relevant, for now. The Avengers were out of sight in the hall and could wait a little longer.
Stephen's breath shuddered. "Give—give me a minute. Just—give me a minute."
He kept his response limited. "Take your time."
The silence sat for longer, the only sound being of the soft breathing from the both of them. All other sound from the rest of the Sanctum was completely muted. Eventually Stephen carefully moved an arm down from his chest to his side on the bed, and the Cloak took that as permission to reach out and lightly touch him. Stephen stiffened before relaxing and breathed, "Cloak. Right." He swallowed. "How long?"
Wong exhaled. "Thirty to thirty-six hours, if you were under the whole time."
"I was." He kept his voice at a whisper. "You need a report."
"It can wait." He kept his voice at the same volume. "The Avengers helped in your recovery. Stark, Rogers, and Romanoff are outside."
A pained look crossed over Stephen's face. "They can't—they can't see me like this."
"There is no shame in your condition," said Wong, "but I will not press it."
Stephen clenched his eyes shut. He swallowed. "Please."
Wong inclined his head and concealed his alarm; Stephen never begged. "I'll be right back." He rose and cast a silencing spell around the room to filter out all noise from outside, then left the bedroom.
Three pairs of eyes met Wong as he closed the door behind him. "How is he?" Steve asked.
"He'll recover, with time," said Wong. "At the moment he does not wish to have any visitors. You may call in a few days." That should be enough time, hopefully.
"Understandable," Natasha said.
"Ring us if there's anything else you need," Tony added. "And let Merlin know that if I don't hear from him soon, I'll be making a house call."
Wong didn't doubt it. "Noted. You know the way out."
After they turned the corner of the hallway, Wong turned his attention to the apprentice hiding in the shadows; the runner Grem sent. "Bring up a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of herbal tea. Soup should be largely broth." He had no idea what a stomach living off a liquid diet for two days did to solid food, so he'd have Stephen start small. "Keep others away unless it's urgent." The apprentice bowed and took their leave.
Wong sighed, letting his emotions flow away from him now that he was alone in the hall. He only allowed himself a brief moment before he solidified his serene expression and entered Stephen's bedroom once again.
"It's me," he whispered. "Food's on its way."
Stephen hadn't moved in the short time he was gone and his eyes remained closed. He was conscious enough to make a face at Wong's words, however. "Not hungry."
"It'll be waiting for you when you are." The joy of everlasting heat spells on dinnerware. He then considered his next words carefully; Stephen had been unusually emotionally vulnerable the last few minutes, but it did not mean he wouldn't start to close up if he was too brazen. "Would you prefer solitude or company?" Straightforward, yet not coddling—a statement that could be said in any normal situation. Stephen was often allergic to sentimental emotions, especially if they were because of his condition. He'd rather tend to his own wounds than for anyone to see him less than capable. It was only if Wong acted unaffected and casual that he could slip past that shield in times like this.
Stephen was silent for a moment. "Company's not unwelcome," he muttered. "Quiet company, at least."
"That is expected," said Wong. And once Stephen's meal was here, he was ready to sit in silent meditation and companionship as his friend recovered his senses throughout the rest of the evening.
I was stuck on this damn ending (after Stephen was brought back to New York) for over two years. The issue was I wanted to have something with Stephen and the Avengers, as well as a scene from Stephen's POV that Wong could access. I could never make either scene fit, so I just went with my gut and tossed them. The deleted scene from Stephen's POV will be posted on tumblr once I get this fic up on AO3.
The majority of this was written pre-MoM so I just kept the bedroom description as I had imagined Stephen's room back in 2020.
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Part 19 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~8.9K
My mom stayed for four more days.
That first day with my mom in the city consisted of getting lunch in said city because my mother demanded it. So Liz took us to a place called Marc Forgine. It was basically overpriced and deconstructed foods. We enjoyed what we got but catch me missing it next time. I know Liz took us there to try and woo my mother, and it worked. Like a charm.
Next, we walked. Yes walked. To the 9/11 Museum and the memorial pools. Which my mom was grateful for. It was eerily silent while walking around. It's like there was a bubble around us at all time with how quiet it became. Liz talked about how she only came here twice. Once while she was at NYU and again when the museum opened up, that led to a line of questioning from my mother about Liz's time at NYU. Luckily the conversation steered away from the typical "Y/N, when are you going back to school?" Bs that I got.
After that, we decided to make our way back up towards Soho. Like the true tourist my mom was being, she stopped at almost every little bodega and mom-and-pop shop. She claimed they were "cute" and "historic." While she's not wrong, she sure knew how to waste time. But it made me happy to see my mom dawn a smile I hadn't seen in a while.
Even though this was the first day of many we spent with my mom, this day had an excellent memory tied to it. My mom found out about my very famous girlfriend and seemed to deal with it very well. Not that should wouldn't have. I mean, she knows I'm gay. And she loves that Liz got us into some exclusive places for dinner. But it's just nice not to hide someone special to me. I only bring that up because later that Tuesday night, when it was just Liz and I before Max came over for Avengers, Liz shyly told me she'd be speaking to her mom about us soon.
At first, I didn't know what to say. But when the words came to me, I told her I'd be there to support her no matter what.
By the way. Yes, I enjoyed Avengers. I would've enjoyed it more, but from the moment Natasha Romanoff came on screen, Liz's eyes were on me. It didn't help that her first scene is what it is!
Don't worry once Max went home after the movie, Liz made sure to let me know who I should have eyes for.
I have marks to prove it!
Anyways! Every day after the first day played out very similarly. We'd get up early, and either have breakfast at my apartment or join up with my mom and have brunch somewhere in the city. Then we'd visit museums, parks, and other touristy things my mom wanted to do. Times Square and Katz Deli were two bucket list items for my mom, so we made sure to do that as soon as possible.
Without a doubt, this whole thing was a blast, and despite Liz only getting recognized a handful of times, these days were some of the happiest I've had in a while.
And yes, I got the time off for all of this from Max; however, this time, it costed more than a phone call with Chris Evans.
Max: Dude, come on!
Y/N: You can't be serious!
M: Says the employee who has days off like that's her job! Plus, I know you'll be asking for more in the future.
I groaned into the phone, knowingly how frustratingly accurate my best friend can be.
Y: Fine!!!
M: You'll do it?
Y: Yes, I'll ask her.
M: Ask her what?
Y: I'll ask my girlfriend. Elizabeth Chase Olsen. If you, my best friend Max, could get tickets to the premier of Multiverse of Madness.
M: It won't be that hard.
Y: You're insufferable.
M: And yet you love me.
Y: I'm starting to question why.
After a couple more minutes of banter, I end the call promising the whiny redhead that yes, I'll ask Liz and try and convince her to give Max a ticket. How that will happen? I have zero idea.
Anyways it's now Saturday. I still haven't asked Liz, and we just got done saying goodbye to my mom after dropping her off at the airport when Liz received a call. I turned the volume for the AUX down and let Liz peacefully take the call as I continue the drive.
Even though I couldn't determine what was happening, it sounded good. My thoughts were only confirmed when I saw my Lizard start smiling. That smile could do wonders. I manage to pull my eyes away since I'm the one driving. I would hate for Liz to end up in an accident and forget who I am.
Could you imagine?
After a few minutes of inching closer to home, Liz ends her call and looks towards me. I glance at her and smile at the sight before me. Liz has her bottom lip pulled into her mouth as she beams a big toothy grin at me.
"Yes, my love?" "I have news!" She squeals. "I can see that! Do you want to tell me now or not when I'm behind the wheel?" I ask that jokingly but Liz takes careful thought of my question before turning back to me. "Now!" She shoots out before kissing me on the cheek. That has to be some news! I reach my hand over and give her thigh a little squeeze. "Good ahead!"
"That was my agent-" "Marla?" Liz lets out a little huff. "No, she's my publicist! Rhonda is my agent." I roll my eyes. It's all the same thing. "Okay, sorry." I sarcastically reply, earning a slap on the arm before she continues. "She told me that HBO is wondering if I'd be interested in being a lead in their new show! Isn't that exciting!"
I mean, yes. That's so exciting! But that means the real world is coming back, and Liz will have to be apart. I can feel myself getting worked up, and I'm too busy letting my own thoughts clog my brain that I forgot to even reply to Liz.
"If you don't want me to take it, just say so," Liz says, hurt pulling me from my mind. I turn towards her with panicked eyes. "No, Liz, I'm sorry, I jus-" She doesn't bother listening; instead, she turns up the volume drowning me out. Feeling defeated, I turn and focus on the road letting my dumb brain try to think of ways to explain myself and how to apologize.
When we pulled up to my apartment, the tension in the car only got worse.
Liz was quick to unbuckle herself, but I was faster to lock the doors from my side of the car trapping Liz in so we could talk.
"Y/N, let me out." She sternly tells me while not bothering to look at me. "Liz." I reach my hand out to her and calmly place it on her high. I watch her body relax to my touch, but she refuses to turn to me. "I-" Shit. I really should've thought about what to say.
"I- I think this is a great opportunity! It's exciting, Lizard. I meant to respond to you earlier, but I just got so wrapped up in my own head. I love to see you succeed! I love knowing that people want to work with you and have you as the face of their projects. But.. I-" Liz finally turns to face me. She can look into my eyes and see I'm telling her the truth, not just something she wants to hear. "I'm enjoying what we have now. I just don't want you to go back to your life and realize that I can't keep up or.. or worse. You realize that I don't deserve you..." Those last couple of words have been dancing around my mind for a while. I didn't mean to let them slip out. But it's too late now. I open my mouth to say more, but the words I want to say are stumbling over one another.
I didn't notice that I went quiet and was staring at my cup holders until Liz placed a hand under my chin and lifted it so I could see her face. Correction. So I can see her eyes. Her kind green eyes that make me melt. Liz doesn't say anything. Instead, she wraps herself around me and lets our embrace do the talking for now.
I don't know how long we sat like that, but eventually, Liz pulls back and cups her hands around my face. "Why do you think I told you about the gig in the first place?" She asks me in almost a whisper like she's afraid I'll break from loud noises. Silly but caring.
I don't know why Liz asked me, so I answer with a shrug earning a tight-lipped smile from her. "I told you about it because I wanted to talk to you first. I wanted to know what you thought. How you felt? What you think I should do." Okay? Liz knows I'm a little slow today, so she leans in and kisses my nose. "You're my girlfriend, Y/N. I wanted to talk about this opportunity with my girlfriend. I want to know what my girlfriend thinks." I put my hands on top of her hands, which are still resting on my face. "I'm sorry. I just got scared for a second and-" "We're both over-thinkers." I smile. Liz and I get each other. But we're also like Liz said. Over-thinkers. We let ourselves get trapped in our heads. So conversation like this needs to happen.
Liz pulls me in for a soft kiss on the lips. I still smile into her lips from time to time because it's so outrageous who I'm kissing.
After a couple of seconds of silence pass, Liz breaks the air.
"Y/N. I enjoy what we have." I look up at her; her eyes, but to my surprise, their shut. "I don't want you ever to feel or think that I wouldn't. I also never want you to feel or think that you don't deserve what we have. What we're building too." She opens her glossy eyes. "I love you. I feel you. You deserve this happiness that you feel. You deserve to be loved. I am willing to give that love to the stars in the sky and back. You deserve us. You're more than enough. Okay?" I don't trust myself to speak because I know my voice will crack and the tears will start. So instead, I just nod and let my head fall against Liz. She begins to shower me with kisses. "We're in this together."
"I love you, Lizard." I look up to see Liz wipe away some of her tears and chuckle at the nickname she still receives.
It takes a bit more time, but I eventually unlock the car door, and before Liz steps out, I stop her one more time. "Take the job. I'm serious. I don't care where it takes you. I'll be there. We're in this together, my love." I step out of the car before seeing Liz's reaction, but I still catch a glimpse of it when she hops out of the vehicle. She scrunches her nose up and shines a big smile. Yep, this is the woman of my future.
The rest of the morning is spent relaxing and movie-watching in cozy clothes. Liz has slowly been educating me on the things I should've seen years ago. It's been fun! But we've concluded that she's more artsy and old school than I am in our movie choices. We're both still a little tired from earlier, so it wasn't long before we ended up crashing on the couch.
When I open my eyes, the sun is still out and shining on us, so I know it's still Saturday. Or I hope it is. I go to lift myself, but my body reminds me of the weight on my chest. I dart my eyes down and see the dirty blonde hair of a certain sleeping beauty. She has her arms on each side of my body and her mouth slightly open. She looks so cute that I take this opportunity for a little "payback." I manage to grab my phone from my pocket and take a picture of her sleeping.
After cooing over the photo, I set it as her contact photo for me and sent it to the Y/N & Twins group chat. Since I'm awake but can't move, I decide to spend some time on my phone catching up on things I've missed since Liz and my mom visited.
Not surprisingly, the news being tailored to me is now full of Marvel news and lifestyle updates.
I didn't even know they were releasing a Black Widow movie! I remember Max crying about Natasha for weeks, but I don't remember why... I bet she's happy she's getting her own movie.
I keep my volume low as I watch the latest trailer for Black Widow. I keep the volume low for two reasons. One, I don't want to wake Liz. Two, I'm not only afraid of what would happen if I woke her but what would happen if she woke up because I was watching a thing about Natasha. However, the question remains Should I since I just watched The Avengers? Probably not. But I'm bored at the moment, and this is here.
However, as soon as I start this New Trailer, it starts showing me scenes from movies I haven't seen. So maybe this isn't a good idea. I watch it cut to multiple movies before it's a scene of her and arrow guy. I quickly close out the video before anything else could happen. Or get spoiled for me.
I open the Y/N & Twins group chat, and before I can even think about what to stupidly do next, I get a call from the MK. Without thinking, I answer it, and before I can even share a greeting, MK interrupts.
MK: Where are you??
Does she sound stressed?
Y/N: At home?
M: With Liz? Why are you whispering?
Y: Yeah, who else would that be? And she's sleeping.
M: Wait, so she's back in the city, and neither of you told me?! Bitches.
I stifle a laugh as I squeeze myself out from under Liz. I make sure she is unbothered and comfortable before heading into my room.
Y: She surprised me earlier this week. We've just been enjoying our time.
M: Wait, did she meet your mom?
Y: Yes, and before you ask, everything is good. It all went well.
I hear MK let out a sigh of relief.
M: How long is she in town?
Y: My mom left this morning
M: Not your mom Y/N.
Y: Oh. Uhhh, it's kind of TBD.
I hear MK let out a small squeal.
M: Okay, the three of us are going out tonight! Wear something nice!
I go to try and argue, but I hear shuffling coming from MK's phone before she comes back.
M: Gotta go! Bye Y/N!
She draws out my name before she hangs up.
The call ends, and my phone returns to my group chat with the twins. They're both awwing over the photo, and MK thanks me for the new piece of blackmail.
"Babe?" I hear a groggy Liz call out. I put my phone away and walk back into the living room. Liz is now sat up. Her hair covering half of her tired pouty face. "Hi, love," I whisper to her as I kneel in front of her.
"Where'd you go?" She asks with a frown. "Your sister called-"
"Which one?"
She seems more awake and slightly worried. "She wants us to hang out tonight?" Confusion forms onto my girlfriends face. "Just you two?" I shake my head and sit next to her on the couch. "No. Us three." I pull Liz close to me so she can lean her body onto mine.
Liz thinks about it for a moment before she nods to herself. "Okay." She buries her head into my side, causing me to lift my arm and gently place it down her body. I lean my head back and close my eyes, just enjoying this relaxing aftern-
"Wait.. she knows I'm here?" Liz looks up with wide eyes. I look down at her in a duh-like fashion before the dots connect.
"Oh. Yeah... I might have sent them a pic of you without thinking about it." "Them?" Liz leans up, so she's sitting next to me. "Your sisters?" "How? What pic?" I pull my phone out and show Liz the group chat with the pics. I watch as her eyes scan the words in front of her before she hits the pictures. I see a quick smile appear on her face before she looks at me and tosses my phone at me. The second I catch my phone, a pair of lips are on my own, along with a body straddling me. What starts as a quick kiss turns into a steamy minute make-out session.
Once we pull apart for air, Liz scrunches her face up at me. "Payback, huh?" I smile at her, and without saying anything, I show her that the pic is indeed her new contact photo. Her eyes peer over to my phone, and I watch her face drop. She slowly moves her eyes back to my own and gives me a vicious smile that is happy and shocked. I don't have to wait too much longer until once again I'm being showered in kisses.
Once Liz gives me mercy, she stops and pulls back. "I love it."
"Good, because I love you." I boop Liz's nose earning a laugh from her. "What time did my sister say to meet her?" I tilt my head in thought. "Uhh, I'm pretty sure she didn't give me a time or place." Liz rolls her eyes and slides off me and onto the couch. "Great. That means it's going to be somewhere fancy." "Are you sure?" Liz moves her head to face me. "Positive. But I'll double-check with her."
Liz reaches in her pocket for her phone, but I guess she remembered that she had left it in the kitchen when we returned from the airport. "Need me to call it?" Liz shakes her head. "No, I'll find it." I watch Liz huff before getting off the couch looking for her phone.
I find my phone, and thankfully I only have a couple of texts and none of them urgent.
I click on the texts from Robbie I find myself smiling down at them.
"Got this earlier this week! (picture attached) Thank you for being my worry detective all these years. Your support still means the world.
Now go enjoy your time with Y/N."
I can feel myself getting a little teary-eyed, and I know Y/N felt the air in the room change because, soon enough, I have a pair of arms wrapped around me with a body pressed up against my back.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" I turn around to face Y/N. "Nothings wrong." I shove my phone into her left hand so she can see what I see. I bring her right hand into my own and pull myself closer to her.
"Wow." My ears catch Y/N's whisper. "That's amazing." I feel Y/N kiss the top of my head. "I'm proud of him, Liz." I look at my girlfriend. "Me too."
She positions my phone back in front of me. I grab it and look back down at the picture.
Robbie's One Month Sobriety Chip.
I feel Y/N squeeze me, pulling me from my phone. She has her jaw clenched, and I notice she does that when she is holding in a question or a concern.
"What's up?" I put my phone in my pocket and focus my attention on Y/N. "How often do you and Robbie talk?" She asks in a calming tone. We've talked about Robbie still being in my life, but I guess we never did talk about how much he's still in my life. Does that make sense?
"Once or twice a week?" I think about it. "But It's mainly check-up texts on one another. Does that bother you?"
Y/N takes a moment to think about her following words. Which is something I've come to respect about her. She never wants to be rash or rude. Although sometimes she gets trapped in her own mind.
I grab her by her hands and lead her into her bedroom. I bring her to her bed and playfully push her onto it, with me following suit and sitting down next to her. I hope she doesn't think I am cheating or would cheat on her.
"Talk to me, Y/N/N." I poke her forehead. "What's going on up there?" She gives to a small laugh and grabs my hands. "Is he really okay with us?" That wasn't the question I was expecting.
I nod at her. "Of course. He's made it very clear multiple times. Y/N, as long as I'm happy, he's happy. And trust me." I break free of her and put my hands onto her shoulders. "I'm happy. I'm grounded. I'm safe. I'm loved. I'm happy." I look into her eyes, and there isn't a hint of sadness. "Than I am too." She leans forward and places a kiss on my lips that just means more.
When we break apart, I let my hands drop from her and grab my phone. I hold it up to her, causing her to look at me, confused. "You can look if you want."
That look of confusion I got was even worse than the one before. "Liz." She grabs my phone and sets it on her desk beside her bed. "I trust you. I trust your words. I don't need to look through your phone to prove that. All I need is you. Seriously Lizard. Just you. Got it?" I nod my head and let the smile I have hurt my cheeks. "I got it, my Coffee Girl." Y/N grabs my phone and hands it to me. "Text him back. Tell him you're proud of him, and you'll be there for him. And if you want to let him know that I'm there for him too, then that's fine. But no pressure or anything, my love."
I can get over how perfect my Y/N is. Who does this kind of thing for their partners ex? I smile and do what Y/N tells me to. In addition to that, I decide to call MK. I put her on speaker so Y/N and I could both ask questions. It warms my heart how comfortable my sisters are with Y/N. I know MK is closer to her, and I had suspicions for a while, but after this week with Y/N, it all went away. I'll never tell Y/N that, though.
The call went just how I suspected. MK wants us to have a high-end dinner at 7. So that means we have to wear something nice and fancy. Y/N visibly gets concerned when she realizes that as well. I give her a look, but she ignores it. But I know the reason.
Once I'm off the phone, Y/N immediately gets up and starts searching her closet. I instantly follow her into her closet and turn her around, so she's facing me.
"Stop." "But-" "No buts. Step out of the closet." She gives me a cheeky smile making me roll my eyes. "Come on." I stick my hand out to her, and she grabs on. I pull her into the living room, making sure to grab a tote placing our wallets, phones, and whatever else for tonight in it.
"Where are you going?"
"We are going to my place!" I give her a cheery smile while placing her Dodgers hat on her. I admire her and give her a quick peck before she asks, "What for?"
"You were about to spend countless time in that closet going over everything you own. I know what we can wear tonight. But it's at my place, so we're going there. Plus, it'll be good to be there, and who knows, maybe we can stay there tonight."
Liz gives me a wink and another quick kiss on the lips. "Now come on. Get your shoes on, and let's go." Liz turns her back to me to put on her pair of chacos while I slip on a pair of my vans. Once Liz is done, I scoop her up and spin her around, listing to her squeal and yelling at me to put her down.
Once her feet hit the floor, she tries her best to look upset, but she only ends up looking cuter, earning a shower of kisses from me, causing us both to laugh.
Before I know it, Liz has my keys in her hand as we walk out of my apartment building hand in hand.
It hit me while we were on the road that I had never been in a car with just Liz. Like no one else with us. This was also the first time Liz or I had driven each other around.
She's very safe behind the wheel, but I see why she usually has drivers. NY can be hectic, and that's why she prefers LA. Speaking of that, when is she going back?
I quickly get that thought out of my head and keep a hold of Liz's right hand whenever it's not on the wheel. I rub my thumb along her knuckles and catch myself staring at her side profile. She's so beautiful, and I can't believe I get to call her mine.
But the world still doesn't know...
Ugh, why do these thoughts keep invading my head today?
"Y/N." I lift my eyes to Liz's before she shifts them back to the road. Apparently, I was just caught staring at her neck. "You okay?" She asks with a smile. I nod and kiss her hand. "Just thinking."
I don't want to bring it up, but I guess I should.
Just as I'm about to open my mouth, Liz curses and yanks her hand out of my own, grabbing hold of the wheel, shifting it quickly to the left, and slamming on the brakes, causing me to make that "hgghhh" noise. 
I didn't have time to register what had happened before Liz was out of the car and running towards a kid that had fallen onto the road.
Once I got out of the car, Liz already had the kid sitting on the curb. I got a good look. I can see that it was a young boy, maybe six or so. He was holding onto Liz's side crying. I was about to rush over, but the number of people yelling and honking at me to get my car "out of the fucking way" was too much to ignore. Luckily I recognized we were near Liz's building, about two blocks down. Liz looked up and nodded to me that I could go. She mouthed a quick "I love you," warming my heart and making me do the same.
After I parked the car at Liz's building with help from Mr. Madison, I made my way back to Liz. By the time I made it, the boy was standing next to another woman talking to Liz. I assume this is the boys mother, but I have no clue. I'm just going to guess it's his mother.
The closer I got, the more I could see Liz peering her eyes. She was looking for me. I didn't quite get why until I saw her fidgeting with her rings and fingers. I quickened my short walk and made it to Liz's side before she knew it. Liz grabbed onto one of my hands and gave it a big squeeze.
The little boy seemed frightened by my sudden appearance causing him to grab hold of his mom's legs. My heart broke at that sight. Liz saw this while the mother was completely oblivious. Or maybe she was used to it?
Liz made sure to position herself in front of me while maintaining eye contact with the mom. As the conversation between the two grown-ups was coming to an end, I watched as Liz shined the boy a smile. The boys face instantly lit up before he looked away. I went to move, but Liz stopped me as she crouched in front of the boy.
"Jack, can you look at me?" Liz quietly asked the boy, who I can guess is named Jack. Jack looked up to his mom, who nodded at her son. He turns his gaze to Liz. "Are you feeling better?" The boy shook his head yes while looking away from her. It was then that I noticed that this kid did take a nasty spill. He has a scrap up one of his arms and on his knee. They aren't bleeding at the moment, but I know they probably sting hence why he was bawling earlier. "Now, I know you got scared earlier, but that doesn't mean you should just run away. Okay?" Liz keeps her voice and tone calm and gentle as she talks to Jack. "Jack?" The boy lets go of his mother's leg and hugs Liz. Something the mother and Liz weren't expecting but being the perfect person she is, my Lizard allows the hug to happen.
"I promise I won't run away again," Jack says as Liz pulls him out of the hug. "Thank you, Jack." The boys mother quickly scoops him up and places him on her hips. Liz gets up from her crouched stance and gets in front of me once again. I try to listen to the goodbye between Liz and the boys mother, but Jack is looking at me like he's studying me. I'm not sure what to do in this moment. Clearly, there's something going on behind the scenes with this kid, and I don't want to do or say anything that will be wrong. But something must've gone right because as Jack and his mom start walking away, I get a little wave from Jack. I go to wave back, but Jack has already looked away.
I watch the smile on Y/N's grow as Jack gives her a wave. She raises her hand up to wave, but Jack got bored of her and looks away, making me laugh.
"What?" Y/N looks at me, confused. I shake my head. "Nothing. You're just cute." "Pretty sure that's you." I feel Y/N's arms wrap around me and pull me into a quick hug. "You were amazing." I give Y/N a look. "With the boy. You were amazing." I don't exactly know what to say. "You okay?" Y/N now looks at me with concern.
I nod. Because yes, I am okay. I mean, I was scared that I did hit that kid, but the relief that came over me when I saw how far he was from Y/N's car was astronomical. Before I thought about what to do, my mind took over. I quickly scanned over Jacks body and assessed what was hurt. I knew he was going to cry no matter what I did, so I took him over to the curb as quickly as I could. We couldn't just hang out in the middle of the road. Thankfully he latched onto me. Maybe it was because he thought I was safe, or perhaps he just needed to hold something or someone.
Giving Y/N that nod to tell her to move the car was the scariest part of the whole thing. I didn't want her to leave, but I knew she had to. I also didn't know who this boy was or where his parents were. And selfishly, I was worried about myself. I didn't want anyone to recognize me and for pictures to be taken of this moment.
So eventually, when a worried woman came around the corner calling for her son, I felt better.
I nod to Y/N and pull her into a kiss. "Shall we get going?" I ask as I feel her lips form a smile. "Lead the way."
The walk to my place was quiet, and I think Y/N knew I just needed to destress because the whole walk, she let me play with her hands and fingers as she held me close. Every once in a while, I'd feel a quick peck on the top of my hat. Every time it happened, I'd smile and let a quiet giggle slip out. I didn't even care that we were in public.
Speaking of which, that's a conversation for another time.
As I close the door to my apartment, I hear Y/N let out a "wow." She turns to me, embarrassed knowing I heard, but I walk up next to her and rub her back. "It's okay to let an inside thought out." I tease her earning an eye roll. "I'm just saying I forgot how beautiful your place is. It's perfect." Y/N smiles at me, and the look in her eyes is pure. She loves this place, and so do I. "Come on." I smack her ass and set my hat and tote down on the kitchen counter before pulling her into the bedroom.
"I thought we were here for clothes, not this." My mouth drops a bit at Y/N's sassy tone. "Don't be naughty! We are here for clothes! That, however." I point to her and the bed that she is sitting on. "Is for later. Now stay there!" I watch Y/N blush as I walk into my closet, which I haven't seen in a month.
After a few minutes of searching and going through every possible fit for Y/N and I, I believe I have found something suitable. But just to be sure. "Dress or suit?" I yell out from the closet. I get no response. So I ask the question one more time, once again earning silence.
"Y/N!" I walk out of the closet, and my girlfriend is gone. I then try my best to hunt for her. She's not in the living room, kitchen, guest room, or either bathroom. There's only one other place.
I open the door at the top of the steps, and it's like the outside world stops existing. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful sight. I'm watching the woman I love talking to my plants. It's adorable, and damn I'm so happy I asked Scarlett to come by and take of my garden. She's so unique and tender with my plants. It's probably because last year, when she was over, I scared her half to death when she started picking my fruits too early. How and why? I don't know.
I continue watching Y/N. I don't want to disturb her because she looks so happy. She says she has a grey thumb, but I know I will change that.
"It's rude to stare. You, of all people, know that." Y/N turns to me with a wide-ass smile on her. "How'd you know?" Y/N walks to me, extending her arm to pull me up. "I heard you coming up." I place her lips on top of mine. "So, were you just checking on the garden?" I ask with kid-like glee. Y/N wraps her arm around my waist, turning me around so we both face my garden. "I remember that this jungle was up here and you hadn't asked me once to go and check on it, so I was worried that it'd all be dead, but it's thriving more than ever! How?" Y/N turns to me. "I have friends Y/N! But I never asked because you told me they'd die under your care. So that kinda warns me off!" She opens her mouth to argue, but she knows I'm right. "I can learn!" Her saying that makes me happier than she realizes. "I know you will, my Coffee Girl!" I pull her into a long passionate kiss.
"So, did your friend leave this?" Y/N holds up a Black Widow action figure. I grumble at seeing it. "Yes, my friend's kid left it." "Is the friend who I think it is?" Y/N shyly asks. I know Y/N loves me, but there is something that lights a fire in me whenever we've seen Scarlett on screen. And I know Y/N once commented about Natasha Romanoff, but I can't help it. "Yes, it is." I pull away from Y/N, wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible, but Y/N catches my wrist. "Lizard, my love, you know I have eyes for you!" I sigh. "I know. I know. I'm trying." I kiss her cheek before running up to the plant I was talking to the first time she came here.
"Did you name her yet!?" Y/N asks excitedly. "Umm, yes, I did." I'd forgotten the name until just this moment, but yes, I did name it. I named it that day she was last here. "Do you want to guess?" "Planty?" Y/N asks in all seriousness. "Nope." I reply, popping the P. "Leigh?" I smile at the thought that she thought I named a plant after one of my characters. "Nu-uh. Last guess." "Murray?" I shake my head, confused at that last guess. "Noah," I reply. "I think it's a cute name for a boy or girl, so why not give it to a plant." Y/N's face lit up hearing me. "I agree. It's beautiful." Y/N then reaches her hand out to Noah and shakes its leaves. "Nice to meet you, Noah." I laugh and look over at my Coffee Girl, realizing how goofy she is and how lucky I am.
"Are you sure this about this?" I ask Liz for probably the millionth time since exiting the car. I know she's getting annoyed, but she looks back at me, smiles, and reassures me that I look flawless as we leave the elevator onto the restaurant floor. She's fast walking because we may have had a bit of a hiccup getting her, and by hiccup, I mean Liz and I couldn't keep our hands off each other once we both saw each other in our first.
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(Y/N's fit)
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(Liz's fit)
But anyways, it's that kind of fancy tonight. And the restaurant is at the top of a New York skyscraper. What is my life?
I look over Liz as we get closer to the opening of the restaurant, and she takes my breath away again. She must've felt my gaze on her because the next thing I know, I'm getting scolded as she hooks her arm around me and pulls me to a table with an already waiting MK.
"Nice of you two to make it!" MK stands up from the table and sprints to me first. "Y/N!" I can practically feel Liz burning a hole into MK. I politely hug MK back before she moves on to her sister. Liz lets MK wrap her up into a tight squeeze as MK gushes about how much she's missed her. "Okay, let's sit!"
We're sitting at a typical-sized square table. MK is in the middle with Liz and I across from one another. I notice that all the seats have water waiting for them, including the fourth unoccupied seat. Weird.
"So tell me everything! What have you two been up to? How was Y/N's mom, and what is up with your guys' look tonight? Black and White? Bride and Groom?!" Liz chokes on her water at the sound of that. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It has to be good, right? Meanwhile, MK is nothing but smiles as she looks between the two of us.
"Babe, you wanna take this one?" I wink over to Liz as MK gags at the sound of "babe."
"This is going to be a long dinner, isn't it, Mary-Kate?" Liz bluntly asks her older sister. MK gives a teasing smile and grabs Liz's hand "what are sisters for!"
We're now halfway through our appetizer, and everything is going smoothly. The waiter just left with our orders. MK and I have been hitting it off while catching up. Y/N has been keeping it light and fun. We have also brought up Y/N's mom, and MK was delighted at how much she loved New York City and me. However, that led to this: "So when is Y/N meeting Mom and Dad?"
I physically watched Y/N fix all her attention on me. "Soon," I replied. "I've already texted mom about Y/N, so she knows-" "But not Dad?" I see Y/N shift in her seat as she goes to stop my sister.
"No, it's alright." I hold out my left hand to Y/N. "Dad will find out when I feel comfortable." I calmly let MK know. But I can feel my adrenaline spike. She nods at me, but we both know what might happen when Y/N and my Dad meet. I hope it doesn't. I close my eyes briefly to try and ca-
"What about the world?" "What?" I look at my sister, confused. "When will the world find out about this one?" She points her thumb at Y/N like she can't speak for herself. "I mean, everyone thinks you and Robbie are still together. Don't you think that's a little unfair?"
I glance over to Y/N, who looks just as shocked as I feel. "Where is this coming from?"
"It's not coming from anywhere, Lizzie. I'm just saying tha-"
"That what?! That everyone should know my fucking business all the time?"
I'm getting louder, and I don't mean to. I can feel the lid about to pop off.
"Liz, I-" I once again stop my Y/N. "You hated everyone knowing all your shit all the time. Why would you want that for me?" I spit back to MK, who is surprisingly being calm about this. Or maybe she's doing it for Y/N.
"Lizzie. I understand that, and I'm sorry. You know I don't want the media in your life like that. I just think." She looks from me to Y/N and back to me. "I just think that it's kind of unfair for Y/N to be... hidden? I don't know if that is the right word or not."
What is she talking about? Y/N isn't being hidden from the world. She's just-
"MK." Y/N stops my sister, who turns and looks at my girlfriend. "I appreciate you for always looking out for me. For us. Liz and I. But her and I have somewhat talked about this. Think about it like this." Y/N leans forward in her seat to be closer to the table. "Does the world know about me? No, they just assume. Now, does the world know that Liz is bisexual? Once again, people assume." Y/N takes a pause. "Now would I love to be out and have people know that I'm dating THE Elizabeth Olsen and that she is my girlfriend, yeah to a certain extent, but the bottom line is, is that this is all new for Liz. I'd wait a thousand lifetimes until she was ready to let people know about her, Robbie, us, whatever" I watch Y/N smile as she says that, but she doesn't look at me; instead, she looks down and at her lap almost as if that realization hurts her...
"Plus." Y/N looks up to MK. "She's there for Robbie right now. And I am too. We'd just hate for the news of their separation to happen for him at a time like this. I mean, imagine-"
"The media would tear him apart," MK says as she gets it. Y/N nods and gives her a short smile before darting my eyes to me and then away.
"Fuck. I'm sorry, Lizzie. I wasn't trying to worry you or stress you out or anything. You too, Y/N." My sister looks between the two of us, and we know she means it. She has this twinkle in her eyes right now that she only gets when she's either really drunk or sincere. Wait, maybe that's both at the same time?
The tension has simmered down a bit by the time the waiter comes around and tops our waters and wine off, allowing Y/N to excuse herself.
I'm happy. I'm happy. Don't cry. Don't cry.
I keep repeating this inside of my head the whole trek to the granite-coated bathroom.
It's so stupid. I don't know why I'm letting myself get so worked up about this. Of course, Liz wants to share me with the world someday. No, this isn't just a phase. She made that clear earlier today, so why am I being an idiot about it now? I said what I said at the table, so why do I feel like that is a lie? Why does my brain do this to me?
It's not too long until I'm standing in the middle of a stall with my head resting on my arm, holding in my tears.
"Y/N?" I lift my head. I didn't even hear the door open up. "Y/N? Please tell me you're here." I stand up straight and wipe whatever water I had surrounding my eyes away before taking a deep breath in and unlocking the stall door.
"Y/N?" Liz appears in front of me, and her smile quickly shrinks when she sees my face. I guess I didn't do a good job at hiding my emotions. "What's wrong?" Liz cups her hands around my face as she pushes us back into the stall.
I bite my lip and look into the worried green eyes of my Liz. "I'm sorry." Liz shakes her head, confused at me. "Sorry, what are you sorry for?" I watch her eyes slowly begin to scan my body, and I didn't know why until I remembered what had happened with Robbie. "For leaving." I clarify so she doesn't have to look for cuts or anything.
"I just thought you really had to pee, but minutes upon minutes went by, and we got a little worried." Liz chuckles to try and lighten the mood.
Minutes? I swore I just got here.
"I'm sorry." Liz grabs hold of my face, so I have to look directly at her. "Stop apologizing and tell me what's going on, my Coffee Girl."
Where do I start?
"Everything I said at the dinner table, I believe. It's just..." I take a deep breath in because I need it, and I'm still holding my tears. "I think what MK said got to me a little. Because I'd be lying if I said that I don't feel hidden." Liz is intently listening, and her eyes tell me what's going through her head. She blames herself.
"But Liz, listen to me. I would wait a thousand lifetimes. Hell, I'd wait a thousand of a thousand lifetimes because I'd be with you. At the end of the day, it's you and I. You got that? I love you. And I won't stop." I chuckle a little bit, making Liz look at me. "What's funny?" She quietly whispers to me.
"I think that's another reason why I needed air or to calm down or to do whatever the hell I'm doing in here." I look around the stall as I say that. "It made me realize how much I do love you." I smile at Liz, who looks like she is about to break. "Does that scare you?" I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, kissing the top of her head before moving out of the big, so I'm face to face with her.
"Not at all." Liz crashes her body onto mine to avoid the tears slipping out because we both know that the last thing we want to do is look like a mess when we return to the table, whenever that is.
Okay so they've been gone for like fifteen minutes. So either they both fucked off and left me with the bill or Liz couldn't control herself and is having her way with Y/N.
Could you blame her?
Sorry is that inappropriate?
Anyways the waiter is finally placing with our meals and the girls have yet to be seen. I swear if they left.
I'm about to say screw it and dig in when I notice the fourth meal across from me. I know Liz whispered something to the waiter. Did this bitch really order a second meal? This place ain't cheap.
I'm so caught up that I almost don't notice a short haired blonde walking up to my table.
"Seat taken?"
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting to happen when Y/N opened up her bathroom stall but this conversation wasn't one of them. Hearing what she had to say hurt but I completely get it.
Not only is it hard to date a celebrity but it's hard to date one that isn't out and is technically still in a relationship with someone else. It's tricky and hard but hearing her say all the things she said just made one thing clear.
I love this woman with all my heart, and I'll do my hardest to let her know that. She's my rock. My supporter. She's my soulmate.
Which is going to make this next part a little fun.
Before we step out of the bathroom door Y/N and I give ourselves a look over. We definitely don't look the same as when we entered but we look close enough. As long as we don't have make up running down our face and spilled wine on our outfits I think we're okay.
"Okay so." I take a look at my phone to double check the time. Yep. She's here. "Liz what-"
"When we get back to our table there's going to be an additional person there. I called someone when you got dressed earlier and decided to surprise you. This was before how the last twenty minutes have gone but honestly you might need this right. And watching you will make me feel loads better. Just don't be nervous."
"You do realize that makes me even more nervous right?"
I give Y/N a cheeky smile before pulling her into a kiss. A kiss that starts of innocent before my lips leave hers and trail down to her neck. "Liz." Y/N moans out as I start sucking on the skin of her collarbone. "What are you doing?" That's the question I was waiting for. I stop and give Y/N a devious smile.
"Just making sure she knows what's mine."
I went to pull my shirt closed but Liz slapped my hands away and opened it back up. "Let her see."
What the hell did Liz mean by that. Who is this other person? The fast walk back to the table was filled with questions like these and with the memories of the conversation prior forgotten.
As we got closer I could see MK talking to short haired blonde but that's all I could see the back of this blondes head.
It wasn't until I sat Liz down at her seat and moved to my own that I saw who it was.
"Are you going to introduce yourself?" The raspy blonde spoke to me. She spoke to me!
"Oh uh Y/N." I extended my hand out and try my best to keep my nerves inside.
"Scarlett." The Black Widow herself shook my hand.
I darted my eyes to Liz who just so happens to be in the middle of a conversation with MK.
Once Scarlett and I got done with our pleasantries I made sure Liz had her attention on me when I mouthed the words "you're dead." To which only got an eye roll and a heart she formed with her hands making sure no one saw.
"So Y/N." Oh God Scarlett's talking to me again. "Liz says you're watching the Marvel movies for the first time." I nod. "That's correct."
"So I was wondering if you had a favorite character yet? And don't say Wanda because I'd know you'd lying." Scarlett smirks at me while I look from her to Liz and back.
"You want me to be honest?"
"I'd want nothing more."
Scarlett's going to get me killed.
Part 20
25 notes · View notes
armpirate · 7 months
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 12 minutes
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After she visited me in the hospital, I didn't think I'd go almost three weeks without seeing her. Nothing. Not even once. At all. Both Soo and my mother were with me all the time, especially my mom. She just wanted to make sure that I was fine and that my condition didn't get worse over night -something that was kind of impossible, but well. 
So the only thing we've had for the past three weeks were constant texts and late night calls, where we'd both admit how bad we're missing each other.  
These days have gone by way too slow without seeing her. And the way my brain has registered every single aspect from her, and replayed it in my brain every time my head went blank didn't help. I just wanted to sink my head in the crook of her neck and lose myself in her floral scent, while she hugged me back tight.
That's why I didn't hesitate when Soo told me about Tammy's "party" to celebrate that she got the role in a play. Of course I'm happy for her and I'm going there to support her, but she isn't the main reason I'm going there -although the last thing I want tonight is to get out of my house. 
Everyone would kill me if they ever heard me saying that. 
I breathe in deeply, feeling nervous all of a sudden while I'm standing in front of the door to Tae's pub. And I'm able to hear my heart beating loud and fast against my chest when I recognize the back of her head, and I see her hair waving when she moves it. 
Tae rushes to greet me, smiling big, and seeming more excited than I am right now.
—She has no idea you were coming —he pats my arm—. Go for it.
—Jungkook! —Melanie cheers, getting our attention.
Receiving another pat from Tae before he walks behind the counter, I start making my way to their table, walking among the crowd until I finally join them. 
—I couldn't miss your party —I cheer for Tammy, pulling her in for a hug.
After she steps back, her first reaction is to pinch my cheeks and thank me for coming. And the rest do the exact same thing, even Soo and Mark -probably because they didn't expect me to get out of my house and drive all the way here after what happened. 
I can feel Y/n's arms wrapping tight around me when it's her turn, while I hold her close by her shoulder. I'm unable to hide my smile when that fruity scent fills my nostrils for a few seconds. There it is. She hides her face deeper in the curve of my neck, allowing me to feel her cheeks curving with the smile she's trying to hide. 
After she steps back, Tae also joins us and hugs me. 
—You're finally back —he hugs me properly now—. This is asking for a round of shots to celebrate, doesn't it?
We all are grouped together for the first two rounds, but soon after we start separating into smaller groups. At some point, Mark heads to one of the tables with Tammy, to spend some time with some of his friends, Melanie, Soo and Y/n stay together in their table, while Tae and I head to the counter -he even jokes at how he's kept my spot completely clean and unused when we walk there.
Even if we are apart, and somehow engaged in different conversations, our eyes meet through the room. It's like living that first time all over again, both of us being unable to move our eyes away. And it doesn't seem like either of us want to. It's been too long to keep our eyes away from each other. Maybe we aren't being subtle at all, because Soo sends me a message on how she's about to throw up if we continue with the Twilight stare contest.
I lift my right arm, kissing a particular spot on my wrist and that I know she recognises by the way she smiles and shakes her head. 
Y/n walks in my direction, supporting her weight on the counter, before she asks for a refill. 
—Hey —I smile.
—Hey —she smiles back—. Do you come here often? —she jokes.
Probably it's the excitement of seeing her so close after so long, but I giggle at that lame joke, scrunching my nose and forcing myself to turn around and face in the same direction she is.
—Having fun? —I ask.
—Yeah —she nods, resting her hand on the counter—. And it'd be better if someone stopped staring at me.
—Says the person who's taking notes of my every move —I snap back, lifting my eyebrows. 
We look at each other for a few seconds, ending up smiling wide when we're aware of how close we are.
—I've missed you a lot —she says first.
—I missed you, too —I move my hand over the surface carefully, caressing her hand with my pinky—. You should feel lucky this is a secret, because the way I wanted to kiss you in front of everyone when I saw you... Babe, you would've been embarrassed.
—You speak too much —she leans to me, getting even closer—, but do too little.
—Cocktease, better find an excuse for us to leave, because you're coming home with me right now.
—Wait just a little bit more —she finally says.
That "a little bit more" lasts for almost one hour more, before Soo and Mark, and Melanie decide to leave after making sure where we all should be meeting tomorrow.
Y/n leaves the pub first, and later I find out Tammy will stay a bit longer because she found a poor victim to entertain herself with tonight. When I get out, I find her hugging her own body. 
—Do you need a ride?
Her giggles vibrate through my body as I hug her from behind and kiss her neck.
—I'll only accept it if you take me on a motorbike.
—It's the only transport I know.
Still holding her by her shoulders, I pull her closer to my body as we walk towards my already repaired motorbike. Y/n stops by a certain spot, tracing her finger over the little scratch she made the night we met and that's completely gone now.
—Should I kick it again?
—Don't even think about it —I warn her, hopping on the motorbike—. I'm already marked by you, you don't need to mark anything else.
I hand her one of the helmets that I left hanging on the handlebar, and I help her to place it properly and tie it up while she stands next to me. I playfully spank the side of her leg, motioning her to the empty spot behind me.
—You sure you can drive?
—Yup —I wink at her.
I don't drive her home though. At least not yet. Instead, I drive her to the studio, making sure she will receive the gift I bought for her almost a month ago, and that I've been keeping like it was the most expensive treasure.
—Do you have to pick something up here? —she looks at the studio.
—Something like it, yeah.
Holding her hand tight, I guide her steps towards the studio and close the door behind us once we're inside. While I walk to the room where I usually work to get the necklace, I hear her speak:
—You know, today you reminded me a lot of the day we met —she laughs—. I think you're wearing the exact same fit...
She stops smiling suddenly when she spots me getting out of the room, looking at her while I rest my body on the shoulder that's against the door frame.
—Nothing —I shake my hand.
I walk to her, trying to seem as calm as possible, although right now I'm way too nervous to say a single word without babbling. 
She looks completely gorgeous tonight.
—You look even more beautiful than the night we met —I rub my thumb on her chin.
—Does that mean I wasn't beautiful enough back then? —she teases me.
—Maybe —I joke.
She punches my stomach jokily, still giggling and laughing until I manage to link our lips together softly and gently, trying to taste every bit of this moment. I can feel her fingers pulling me in closer, digging her fingers in my hair.
—I love you —she whispers out of breath, breaking the kiss.
Did she actually say it or am I making this up right now?
—I don't think I've heard properly —I peck her lips
—I love you.
—Again? —I land a kiss on her cheek.
—I love you.
—Hmm... One more time? —she cackles with this one last question, humming after when I kiss her neck.
—I love you, Kook —she whispers, wrapping her arms around my shoulders—. I love you, I love you, I love you —I repeat.
—I love you, too —I say back, tucking one of her locks behind her ear—. You have no idea, baby —I kiss her again—. Also...
Trying to mock our first night, I hide the necklace in my closed fist when I move it behind her ear, only opening it to show off the necklace when I move it in front of her eyes. 
—I bought it the day before I had the accident, and I remembered I left it here the night I was planning to give it to you.
Smiling big, she takes the necklace by the silver chain, adoring the snake shape on her palm.
—You've always said you liked the snake tattoo —I mention, trying to fill in the silence—, and this necklace reminded me of you. This way, we both will have something that reminds us of the other.
She caresses the heart-shaped pendant with her thumb. And while I know she isn't the type to cry for the minimum thing, I can see her lower lip trembling and her eyes watering, although she's trying to hide it by looking down. 
—Do you want to cry?
She nods at the question, sobbing in a matter of a second. I pull her closer to my body again, feeling her cry on my chest while I wrap my arms around her, making sure I spread kisses all over her exposed shoulder.
—Hope you're crying because you're happy, and not because it's ugly and you don't know how to tell me.
I try to joke around to make her feel better about this. And I get it. Y/n laughs while tearing up, holding onto me.
—I'm ruining your shirt —she giggles, stepping back to check on the fabric.
As if I care about my clothes being stained with makeup right now. 
I lower my face to the spot she's looking at, seeing the stain she's probably worried about. Shrugging it off, I rub the reverse of my hand on it and proceed to ignore it when I realize it won't be gone that easily. She suddenly laughs at my reaction, and only then I think it's safe to take the necklace away from her.
Y/n instantly understands what I want to do, because she lifts her hair, helping me to hook the necklace around her neck -even if it takes me a bit more than expected to close it.
She cups my face with her hands, leaning to me to lock her lips with mine. That kiss escalates quickly. It goes from soft and pure, to a passionate one full of lip locking and sucking -the sounds coming from it just warning us where this will lead to. But I don't want to do any of that here. And even less now.
—Not here —I place my hands back on her waist. 
—Why? —she pinches my sides playfully, knowing that's get me to squirm and smile.
—This isn't a good place —I manage to say—. You're too special to do it here.
I would bring girls here constantly because I didn't want them in my place, or because I wanted to win them over before they took me to their places. Y/n is the girl I want to make love to, care about her through every single movement and breath. She's the girl I want to sleep with and wake up next to to start the day properly.
She deserves better than a quick fuck in my former bachelor pad.
✸ ✸ ✸
All those sweet and cute kisses and giggles quickly turn into filthy sounds as soon as we get to my house, unable to keep our hands to ourselves the moment we cross the door.
She whines with every thrust, holding onto the sheets while I keep pounding into her while grabbing on her hips tight.
My hands slip over her body, squeezing her tits as I try to lift her torso. Reading my intentions fast, she pushes her body up, until her back is against my chest. My thrusts go back to a slower pace when we're in that position, and I'm able to spread kisses all over her shoulder and neck.
—Stop forcing your arm —she asks between gasps, although it sounds more like a scold.
—Babe, I can't help it —I try to thrust in deeper with every move I make—. I want to have you in every position, take you from every angle —I kiss her jaw.
It's been way too long to hold back. I don't even care about the slight pain in my arm. I need her right here and now.
—You didn't think about that? —I manage to ask.
—Yeah —she moans when two of my fingers pinch her nipple gently—. Every day. I missed you so much.
—That's why you're giving me a third one? Hmm? —I buck my hips, moving a bit faster.
Her head falls over my shoulder, while I hold her close to keep her in that position. I recognise her expression when she puckers her lips and squeezes her eyes shut.
—Look at me —I ask her—. Keep your eyes on me when you cum.
She opens her eyes almost instantly, giving me a pleading look when two of my fingers move through her soaked slit, focusing on her swollen clit while my cock pounds into her. Moving my fingers in circles, I drive her closer to the edge. 
She cries my name, and holds onto me as if her life depended on it -nails digging on my skin tight, while her other fingers grasp the back of my head. I can tell she's fighting to keep her eyes open, but they just end up closing at the same time her head falls back over my shoulder. 
A few more thrusts and I feel my release filling the latex, before I go completely still inside of her. My head falls on hers, while my hands just caress her body carefully.
Turning our bodies, I let us fall back on the mattress. She rolls over her body though, still in between my arms, to  allow me to meet her sparkly eyes and wide smile. She moves my wet locks away from my eyes, caressing down my forehead and cheek, letting her palm rest there -something that gives me an inner peace that nothing else has ever given me before.
We stay in silence for a few minutes, just looking into each other's eyes, as if that was enough to communicate -and at this point I'm convinced it is.
—I need to ask you something —I mutter in a low tone.
I have the question clear in my head. There's no way I'm going to mess it up.
—Do you... When you... Wait —I sigh, looking away from her as I try to find the right words to use—. Remember when you asked me what we are? —she nods— What do you want us to be?
Her gaze slowly moves away, falling over my chest and a particular spot in my room, and silence suddenly surrounds us. 
—Umm... a couple —she whispers, still looking away—. I mean, I know we kinda are one now, and it won't make much difference. But when I talk about you, I want to be able to say that you're my boyfriend —she explains, moving her gaze back to my eyes.
If she weren't here right now, I probably would be jumping off the bed right now.
—That's exactly what I want —I cut her off—. So from now on we are...
—Dating —she finishes for me, almost singing the word.
I nod, chuckling after how cute she looked and dragging her closer to me, leaving ho gaps between our bodies.
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