#/end complaint
heroesriseandfall · 1 year
Fanon mischaracterization of the Drakes is how I end up making a post defending Tim’s parents from baseless fanon bashing only to immediately after make a post complaining about their canon parenting.
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oddlittlestories · 3 months
Not having a laptop is killing me I swear
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cemeterything · 1 month
regardless of how you feel about homestuck you do have to admit that the story concluding with almost all of the major characters literally deciding to just say fuck it and abandon the story entirely is like. an absolutely iconic narrative decision. you know what i'm not doing this shit anymore. figure it out. bye.
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Steve when he gets Bucky back: Realistic version
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armourofayda · 2 months
my only complaint about dimension 20's trans rep, truly the only one because they are doing so so well, is their approach to characters (npcs) that use she/they or he/they pronouns. it feels very performative, without this set of pronouns being used. both for cassandra in FHJY and for bennett in burrow's end i haven't caught a single use of they/them pronouns. purely the first set. and at this point they might as well not include the 'they'.
it just feels so disheartening to see characters with multiple pronouns but only the "easier" one being used.
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nofacednerd · 4 months
Also while I’m talking about PJO, I really hope that the beach fight scene is badass in the show. Like Percy has not used his powers at ALL so far and I hope the beach fight scene we get hints of how terrifying he can be when he’s actually using them like in the later books
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A moment for a petty complaint:
When people are explaining how to weave in ends, in a tutorial or any video, and they say to "just follow the path of the yarn" or "double the stitches" and then proceed to do THIS
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That's a valid way to weave in your ends, assuming your yarn is wooly enough to not slip and it won't be super visible, but that's simply not what you've described.
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THIS is following the path of the yarn. It is also the superior way to weave in ends securely and least-visibly from both sides.
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lilykerhoas · 1 month
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floating, falling, sweet intoxication...
@shakeatradefeather's master. august 2023.
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justsalpals · 4 months
people being actually confused, or somehow disappointed?? by the random npcs in the first episode? couldn't be me. absolute highlight of the entire thing. these are my people.
justice for balthazar, the bad kids deserved to taste that chilli one last time
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oifaaa · 4 months
Now that I'm a good ¾ of the way through one piece I'm gonna complain about something that's kinda been bugging me; I don't like how little time the crew has actually been together - and I'm not saying this in the they get split up each island type way I mean in more the Brook was on that ship for a week before the 2 year gap and its not like the rest of the crew is much better from what I can gather from the time Luffy first met zoro til they arrived on sabaody about 6 months had passed if we're being generous I don't know something about the fact that usopp spent more time with that bug man then his crew annoys me so much
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be-right-bach · 1 year
can't believe an anime called buddy daddies did not end up being, in fact, just a silly little comedy of two hitmen raising a child together but instead an actual heartwarming, well written show about (re)learning to love and to be loved, about how the meaning of family goes way beyond blood and no matter how unconventional it may be, it's still as perfect and valid because it's yours and you wouldn't trade it for anything else
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souldagger · 9 months
so normal about the gender fuckery of the Polish murderbot translation (lie i am on the verge of tears)
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mastersoftheair · 2 months
on the point of including black people in the show (or any period show), a lot of the outrage can sometimes come across as performative to me. it's one thing to feel upset about how little screentime black characters get compared to white characters (a valid criticism, believe me, I Know! give me an hour and i could talk your ear off about how this constantly annoys me as a black person who's damned to enjoy period pieces), but it's another to Only get upset while not actually creating content for said black characters, Especially when fandom (not just hbo war, but in general) is famous for taking Extremely minor characters and creating entire worlds with them, to the point where you wouldn't know they're minor characters at all until you check out the source yourself. richard macon, alexander jefferson, and robert daniels each have only 20 or less posts about them (at the time of publishing this post). in my own fandom experience (within fandoms both big and small and old and new, whatever), i've seen more content (posts, art pieces, analyses, fics, etc) made for minor white characters in less than a mere week's time (it's not a competiton lol i'm just giving a perspective here). so idk. obviously, there's nothing anyone here can do about a show that's already been filmed and released. we got what we got. thas it. at least in the great wide world of fandom, you can actually do something about it, turning the big into small. there's precedent for that. otherwise it just feels like complaining for the sake of complaining
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anistarrose · 1 year
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[Image description: screenshot from The Owl House of King saying: "No one wants to think they've wasted their life following the wrong person." End description.]
The thing about rewatching Hollow Mind, after the finale, is realizing this sentiment isn't just about Belos's followers, or about Luz initially looking up to Philip. In fact, it's just as much about Belos himself.
No one wants to admit you spent years chasing a brother who didn't want to go home. Who wasn't the witch hunter he once claimed to be. Who, in every reincarnation, still won't become the person you wanted him to be.
No one wants to admit that — for the centuries you saw yourself as following your God, doing what He required of you to save humanity's souls, and wipe out the Devil's witchcraft — that you were the only one doing evil. That your devout faith and countless sacrifices were misplaced, and that your former home has moved on from witch hunts anyway.
No one would want to admit any of that, and in combination with Belos's personal obsession with being a hero, it becomes clear he was never going to admit it. Not even on his deathbed. Because that would be nearly four hundred wasted years on his conscience, four hundred years of following the wrong people, and how could he possibly let himself believe that?
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itsmeimcathy · 1 month
I FINISHED THE LEGEND OF SHEN LI 😭😭😭😭 Petition to make every cdrama from now on have an extra episode after all the Angst™ where our leads just enjoy Full Marital Bliss because ep39 HEALED MY SOUL godbless
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Man.... I can't stop thinking about Pac and the Risus Pill arc
Pac saying he took the pills because he didn't have any other choice, he was so hopeless he wants to take them until he doesn't remember anything
Pac saying "At least I’m not crying in some random corner in the Island expecting my friends to come save me, and nobody comes save me"
And then the thing he said immediately before that: "I lost my friend, I lost my friend’s friend, I lost my Egg, I lost my child, I lost everything, I'm– I was completely hopeless– so yeah, maybe I wanna be drugged and live my miserable but happy life. At least I’m not in that saddest place anymore."
The blood at Chume Labs
The three graves at Chume Labs
The message he wrote to Cellbit asking Cellbit to kill him if things got too bad, then changing it and saying "lock me up" instead.
The conversation with Fit, Fit pleading with him, and Pac saying "I don’t want to go back to that bad and sad place."
Pac, despite his grief and depression, finding an antidote and saving himself (with the help of his friends)
Literally everything from the Risus Pill arc makes me so heartbroken
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