#;Spots and mischief (ic)
spottedmischief · 29 days
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Yelps in surprise and whines. He wanted to eat play with a porcupine but instead his nose ended up hurting because a few of the quills got stuck.
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rrking · 3 months
Teaching Astarion how to hug tho 🥺
He is so awkward, never knowing where to put his hands because you aren't a mere conquest - you're his beloved. He doesn't want to tar you with that same brush.
"Astarion, I'm freezing!" You whine, running up to him and pressing your face into his chest. Faerun is in the dead of winter, and your vampire is colder than usual. He's like a block of ice.
"Actually... I'm not sure if you're the best person to come to..." you wonder, a hint of mischief in your voice.
"N-No, no!" he panics, forcing you back against his body with an iron grip. His arms are so stiff, it feels more like a scroll of holding than a hug.
"Don't go to anybody else. I don't want to see you in the arms of anybody else..."
His admittance is cute, especially when he's so bashful about it.
"Hold me."
Astarion tries. He awkwardly pats your back and doesn't quite understand why you aren't pulling away yet. The hug is over. Isn't it?
"Put your hands on me."
Straight away, he's got them on your chest, your pert nipples peering through the fabric rather distracting...
"Not there," you huff, taking his hands and winding them around your back. He leaves them there without a word, but they're limp now.
"With some feeling. Snuggle me."
Your words just don't compute. Even when you try nuzzling into his torso. He pulls his arms a little tighter, but it's more like a rope pulling taut than a comforting hug.
"Tighter than that. Hold me like you're stopping me from falling into a muddy puddle."
He leaps into action and lifts your entire body up, spinning you playfully to where he would consider a dryer spot. It's enough to illicit giggles and smiles but as he places you back down gently, you realise he's got it. When he's lost in your eyes, pleased to hear the sweet sound of your laughing and watch the way your mouth curves...
His arms are just right, they're almost cradling you.
There is a pause.
But you snuggle yourself into him like a cat searching for a soft place to sleep, letting him hold onto that fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Astarion doesn't need to be told that this is the correct way to hug, because he can feel it.
Before long, he is surprising you with hugs and genuinely enjoying them as far as contact goes whilst he's trying to repair his relationship with sex and intimacy.
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lev1hei1chou · 19 days
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: How can Gojo say no to his precious miracle? Masterlist
Gojo strolled through the grocery store aisles, his child happily seated in his arms, their eyes scanning the colorful array of goods. They had a strict agreement – no more toys. Their home was practically bursting at the seams with stuffed animals, action figures, and toy cars. Spoiling their child wasn't on the agenda.
But fate had a funny way of testing resolve.
"Look, Daddy! Look!" The child pointed excitedly at a shiny new toy display, their eyes widening with wonder.
Gojo's heart sank as he noticed the coveted toy, a miniature version of their favorite superhero. He braced himself for what was to come.
"No, sweetie, we talked about this," he said, trying to keep his voice firm yet gentle.
The child's enthusiasm quickly turned into a full-blown tantrum. They flopped onto the floor, kicking and screaming with all the dramatic flair of a seasoned performer.
"Please, Daddy, please!" they wailed, fat tears streaming down their cheeks.
Gojo glanced around, feeling the eyes of other shoppers on them. This was not how he envisioned their trip to the store.
"Okay, okay, shh," Gojo whispered, crouching down beside his child. "Let's make a deal. If you stop crying, I'll buy you something special."
The child's sobs subsided into sniffles as they looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Really, Daddy?"
"Really," Gojo confirmed, offering a reassuring smile. "But you have to promise to behave, deal?"
"Deal!" the child agreed eagerly, wiping away their tears.
With a sigh, Gojo rose to his feet, maneuvering the cart towards the checkout counter. He could already imagine the look of disbelief on your face when they returned home with yet another addition to their toy collection.
As they waited in line, Gojo surreptitiously glanced around for the perfect distraction. Spotting the ice cream display nearby, a mischievous grin tugged at his lips. Ice cream before dinner? Why not? It's much better than a new toy.
"Hey, kiddo, how about we get some ice cream?" Gojo suggested, trying to sound casual.
The child's eyes lit up with delight. "Ice cream? Yay!"
Gojo quickly grabbed three cones, hoping the promise of sweet treats would keep the peace a little while longer.
With ice cream in hand, they made their way out of the store, the child happily slurping away at their treat. As they approached the car, Gojo leaned in close, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
"Now remember, no more tantrums, okay? You got your ice cream, so you gotta be good," Gojo said, wagging a finger playfully.
The child nodded eagerly, their cheeks smeared with chocolate and vanilla. "I promise, Daddy!"
As they drove home, Gojo couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that a simple trip to the grocery store would turn into a negotiation worthy of diplomatic peace talks?
Back at home, they were greeted by you, who raised an eyebrow at the sight of the ice cream cones.
"Ice cream before dinner?" you questioned, a hint of amusement in your voice.
Gojo shrugged, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Just a little treat for our little negotiator here." He raised a cone at your direction and beckoned you to take it as a 'consolation'.
The child beamed proudly, holding up their half-eaten cone as if it were a trophy of victory.
You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. "Well, I suppose one ice cream won't hurt. But what's this?" You gestured towards the toy tucked under Gojo's arm.
Gojo feigned innocence, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, just a little something I couldn't resist picking up."
All you could do was laugh. "You two are incorrigible."
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frostironfudge · 11 months
Devour - Bucky Barnes
Summary: the new pics of seb have me in a vice grip so here is Bucky on a Mediterranean getaway with you
Pairing: mafia!bucky x fem!reader
Word Count: 880
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, sm/ut, or/al fem receiving, dirt/y talk, allusions to previous smu/tty times, d/s vibes, sorta mafia bucky?, sorta soft moments, also prinţesă means princess (romanian)
A/N: this picture got everything to life for this drabble @sebsgirl71479 thank you for this picture
Main Masterlist
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The heat is sweltering.
Drops of sweat mimic the condensation on your pink drink’s glass. Taking another sip you grumble the ice watering down the sweet and sour concoction. 
“Something amiss?” Bucky’s tone is light teasing from behind you. 
“Drinks all watered down.” You pout, still not turning to look at him, too comfortable in the lounge chair, kindle resting on your thigh. 
The breeze finally comes in drawing out a sigh from you and your eyes close. Soon enough the sun’s heat diminishes and your breath hitches. 
The scent of amber and bergamot fills your senses urging your eyes open. Bucky leans over you, gold sunglasses perched atop his head.
Your eyes trail over his stubble growing in, as he swallows you watch his throat and then follow that trail to the necklace that half dangles still caught in his white tank top. 
That same necklace that grazed your kiss bitten lips last night, soothing the heat spreading over your skin. 
An easy smile on his face, his ring clinks against the glass. “Here,” he says handing you the replacement drink and he stands, “Can’t have my best girl pouting can I?” 
You roll your eyes and he pinches your cheek a habit he formed early on both out of endearment and knowing it annoys you. 
You admire his outfit, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Fuck the drink you want to drink your man in. 
“See something you like prinţesă? You have that look on your face.” Azure eyes that put the Mediterranean seas to shame glint with mischief. 
“Oh, I see something I love.” You flirt back, admiring the way his eyes crinkle as his grin takes over. 
“A moment ago,” He returns to his original spot, the one where he hovered over you.
“You seemed as though you saw something you want to devour.” He smirks, head dipped low, lips brushing below your ear, you whimper. 
The pendant of his necklace brushes over your sternum. Cold against warm.
“Bucky—,” Your words meld into a moan when his lips trail down your neck, he leaves open mouthed kisses and your hands find his shirt tugging on it wanting him closer. 
“A little temptress in this swimsuit of yours,” his larger palm traces from your knee up your thigh and you arch but he only continues over your body till he pinches your hardened nipple through the fabric, “Fuck.” 
He reclined the lounge chair further back, caging you in, your leg now wrapped around him. 
Bucky’s lips are on yours, needy, frantic, cock straining against his pants and your hands wandering but pulling him closer. 
He chuckles into the kiss as your fingers aid in the fall of his sunglasses and his hair coming loose from the bun. He loves how needy you become for him. 
How beautiful you look sun kissed and kiss bitten from the night before all of his marks proudly displayed across your chest, shoulder, the one he left on your inner thigh. 
Bucky growls as a particular grind of his hips makes you moan as your clit begs for more attention. 
“Please, Bucky, please,” You plead pushing the soft blue shirt off of his shoulders. 
“Want to taste you, my temptress.” He cups your jaw, thumb stroking your lips, you suck on the tip of his finger. 
“I want to taste you too.” You nip at the flesh, Bucky smirks above you. 
“I’d have whipped this outfit out sooner.” He laughs when you huff frustrated, then groans as you grind your hips to his, smirking up at him when he affixes you with a pointed glare to behave. 
“I’ll eat you out right here, prinţesă.” He says in warning, hand moving to cup your mound. He can feel the heat of your skin, his own favourite concoction waiting between your thighs. 
“Is that supposed to scare me?” You raise a brow, “Because if I remember right, no one else sees what belongs to the White Wolf.” 
His eyes blaze with something deeper than lust, his possessiveness and protectiveness for you a known fact in his ruthless world. 
“Hmm, well if anyone does see,” He kisses your cheek, then trails his lips down your neck, over your chest the warmth of his mouth preceded by the cool necklace over your abdomen. Bucky settles between your thighs, pushing them apart but pulling you close. 
Nose brushing over your clothed cunt and the sight is so erotic you can’t help but moan. 
“If anyone does see you pleading and pleasing me they know you are mine temptress. As they should.” 
The fabric is peeled away and your folds are soaked, he hums pleased before his tongue runs over your aching cunt. 
You keen as his lips latch onto your clit, your fingers tangle in Bucky’s hair. 
“Which one of us is in for a treat?” Bucky questions rhetorically as you tremble beneath him, his rings digging into your thighs. 
Bucky moans, at your taste, “We’re to remain here my temptress. I want to have my fill. You will give me how ever many I want won’t you?” 
You nod.
“My good fucking girl.” He praises, mouth back on you, your moans pleasing his ears and your taste satiating as well as growing his hunger for you. 
Bucky Taglist: @slutforsexyseabass @almostcontentcreator @stevesmewmew
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amorfista · 10 months
"Beach lookout's nap"
The Dad Batch (and Omega) deserve a day of blissful relaxation, I don't think there's anyone out there who wouldn't agree!
While Tech is taking the best nap of his life [Part 1], Omega and Wrecker joined efforts to make the coolest sand-Tipoca city [Part 2] there is out there!
Echo and Hunter might have gotten concerned about the ruckus [Part 3] that these two started to cause...
Crosshair, on the other hand...?
He couldn't give a flying kark.
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...or least that's what it would seem like.
Even through a slit of sight, nothing escapes the skillful sniper's eyes. Watching his brothers (and sister) from the distance, he peacefully swings on his hammock, a couple of meters above the ground and (hopefully) far away enough from the mischief that is, apparently, stirring among his siblings.
This state of bliss comes to a halt however, when the crackle of a comm breaks through the sounds of nature.
“Omega to Crosshair, come in Crosshair!”
"For the love of the Maker", he thinks to himself.
Admitting his defeat, Crosshair opened his eyes fully and stared at the palm leaves above, casually spotting a palm weevil crawling over them within a split second.
He took a deep breath as he pressed the button of his own commlink, making sure to drag his words to let Omega know of his displeasure as he spoke:
"What do you want?"
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Alright, alright, alright.
I know I said that I'd post a version with 1-2 tats and then the full body, but I just could NOT choose which tat to leave on😭 so now you get the zero tats as the "HC" version, and...
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(also i know that he shouldn't have an ice vulture in this hc where he never left the batch so he never met Mayday, whoops)(SORRY FOR THE HUGE POST TOO)
This was so. Much. Fun. Not all the tats have a HUGE, INTRINCATE meaning but, honestly? I'm just SO HAPPY with the result.
Some of the tats are very pretty so, I thought I'd clean them up and show you guys! Might even make stickers in the future!
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@arcsimper5 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the hammock idea, plus the wonderful story that you've written around my drawings!! You're a sweetheart!!♥♥♥
@grinningnexu THANK YOU! for the thousand amazing tattoo ideas!
@nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius THANK YOU TOO! for the ice vulture idea; I'll make a sketch for his back tomorrow!! ♥
@wwheeljack @freesia-writes the no-tat version is the og now XD
I'm very, very happy about the drawing. The colors and background were super fun to make. The perspective might be wonky but I don't mind, I'll get better at it eventually xD
Taglist: (PM or @ to join!)
@dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @staycalmandhugaclone @callmesunny04 @ginnymilling @sunshinesdaydream @blueink-bluesoul @cloneloverrrrr @moon-wrecked @idontgetanysleep @tech-aficionado @followthepurrgil @renton6echo @queen-jiru @shoe-bag @eyayah123 @eloquentmoon @and-loth-cat @ladyzirkonia @stardusthuntress @bambambunny
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kaciidubs · 8 months
Thinking abt minho eating pussy like its ice cream....
Like mans would full LATCH onto your shit,then tounge fuck you....(ASJGKDJSHVKWNWKCJQJ-) AND AND HE WOULD SO SPIT ON IT- IM- 😍🫣🤭🤭 then your eyes turn glossy n shit and your like "damn....why he fucking my shit up 😔?". He would also take your ability to walk by eating you out...LIKE HOW?!?! (ive NEVA got my poosay ate before so ion know what it feels like 😔💔)
Kitten Licks
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Jellyfish nonie, I fully believe Minho would be the type to HAPPILY spend his hours lazily licking and eating you out like you were the worlds finest soft serve ice cream!!
❣ Summary: Greed was a devilish thing to a man who simply wanted to eat you like an ice cream cone. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 458 ❣ Warnings: Slight Dom! Minho, oral, fingering, spit play, degradation, implied multiple orgasms, pussy drunk Minho ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Minho is referred to as Min, Reader is referred to as Kitten and greedy ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been spread on your bed - it could’ve been a day, a week, two hours, 45 minutes, the concept of time evaded you as you fought the roll of your eyes; your chest rising and falling with heavy pants.
“M-Min- Minho-”
He hummed against your clit in response, the act only serving to make you arch off of the bed with a choked moan - you were so sensitive, so fucking sensitive and he was the cause of it all.
“Kitten,” he huffed, pulling away from your pulsing cunt with an air of annoyance and sheer audacity, “if you have something to say, then say it - I’m sort of busy here.”
Oh, how you wished you could punch him, but he’d essentially finger and tongue fucked all the strength out of you - all of the sense out of you.
Your legs were bent at the knee and spread on the bed, his head previously laying against the inside of your left thigh as he lazily licked and suckled at your clit, nimble fingers stroking at your dripping hole and bringing more of your arousal out for him to lap up.
You’re not sure how many orgasms he was able to pull from you just from this technique alone; it felt like after the first one hit, each one that followed came in waves that were slowly built off of the previous, each one more intense, lasting even longer. 
“Please, I want you.”
“And you have me, don’t you?”
The nonplussed look he leveled you with sent chills down your spine, your walls clenching around the two fingers stuck within you like a placeholder, pacifying you until he was ready to give you something more.
“Oh - you’re just being greedy, aren’t you?” He tsked, curling his fingers to graze the softness of your g-spot, “Four- Five orgasms, and you’re still not satisfied - not until you’ve been stuffed full of my dick, hm?”
A flash of mischief streaked across his face, and before you knew it he was sliding a third finger past your sensitive walls, setting a pace that flexed the muscles in his bicep and made the veins in his arm pop.
“Oh my g- Minho!” Your body writhed - well, as much as it could as he kept you spread for him with even stronger arms, incomprehensible moans and babbles leaving you through choked sobs and electrified overstimulation.
���Give me two more,” he gritted before dipping his head down, lapping messily at your clit before licking around where his fingers were currently drilling inside of you, collecting your arousal in his mouth before spitting it right back onto your pussy. “Two more, then we’ll see if you’ve got enough sense left for my cock.”
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siribaes · 5 months
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KOFI SIRIBOE X blackfem!reader
SUGGESTED TUNES 💿: Drank In My Cup by Kirko Bangz, Drunk in Love by Beyoncé, Refill by Elle Varner
WARNING: 18+, SMUT, Henny D*ck from Kofi lol, praise kink, semi-rough s*x, unprotected pinv (wrap it up kids)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: beware of typos & mistakes lol, and this one is for my petite girlies (*cough* self-insert) / GIF CREDIT: @tishrivers
Low rumbles of movement awoke Y/N from her sleep. Y/N stirred for a moment as the movements continued, shifting slight in her spot. She cracked one eye room, immediately welcomed by the pitch blackness of the room except the silver of neon light from a side table clock.
2:16 AM.
He’s home.
Y/N yawned as she sat up from her bed. Stretching her arms and legs she flipped the blanket off her, getting up from the bed. Y/N softly padded out of the bedroom and downstairs to the source of the noise.
She could see a shadow stretch from the kitchen and into the hallway. Smiling slightly to herself, Y/N tip toed her way to the kitchen. Her smile grew wider as she saw the culprit behind the noise.
He stood with the fridge partially open, the light illuminating his beautiful angular features. His brows were furrowed, as his coca-cola brown, yet borderline blood shot red eyes scanned the shelves of the refrigerator. Y/N chuckled softly at his expression while he had spoon held in his mouth. Y/N’s eyes traveled to the island where a large bowl filled with ice cream sat. Immediately she knew what he was searching for.
“Kofi,” Y/N spoke aloud. Immediately Kofi turned to her, taking the spoon out of his mouth. A slow syrupy smile grew from his lips.
“Bottom left drawer.”
It took a second for the information to sink in, for Kofi in his buzzed haze. It did though, Kofi’s eyes lit up, his smile grew even wider, as he turned back to the fridge. He bent down opening the drawer and pulling out a brown bottle of chocolate sauce.
“You the G.O.A.T., baby,” he murmured as he closed the fridge.
Y/N walked to the island, watching Kofi pour a generous amount of chocolate sauce onto his ice cream. He took a huge spoonful and shoved into his mouth. A groan erupted from him, a dangerous one that should’ve not sent tingles through Y/N body, but did anyway. He had that effect on her always.
“It’s good?” Y/N asked. She lifted herself up and sat on the island counter next to Kofi. She caught huge whiff of the Hennessey he must've been sipping on from earlier on.
“I fucks with this Vegan ice cream heavy,” Kofi proclaimed, pointing his spoon at the bowl.
He took another spoonful as his gaze dipped towards Y/N’s bare legs, it fully registering her sleep attire, a huge Destiny’s Child band t-shirt and short shorts. His eyes traveled back upwards to Y/N’s gaze, a bit more heated than previously.
“You taste better tho,”
“Kofi, don’t start,” Y/N chuckled, playfully swatting his arm. He jokingly cowered and continued to devour his dessert. “How was the club? Y’all have fun?”
He nodded slowly, setting the spoon to the side, and scratched at his beard.
“Yeah. Good vibes. Good music too...Tre was in better spirits since the split," Kofi mused, his eyes slightly danced as he absentmindedly scratched at his beard. He turned towards Y/N peering down at her. Large, calloused hands found themselves at the soft flesh of her legs, the pads of his thumbs rubbed on the tops of her thighs. A warmth bloomed underneath Y/N's skin, while butterflies flew around in her stomach, and dampness pooled in her panties. "You should've been there with me."
A soft moan threatened to escape Y/N's lips, she choked it back before she spoke.
"M-Me? Be responsible for interrupting boys' night, I dunno about that, baby."
Kofi tipped his head to the side, a sly grin bloomed across his lips. A flicker of mischief appeared in his eyes. He stopped rubbing at Y/N's thighs and instead gave them gentle squeeze. Y/N whimpered slightly, causing Kofi's grin to grow even more.
"Maybe it was a good thing, I was bricked up thinkin' about you, anyway," Y/N's eyes slowly trail down, seeing the large print behind his black jeans. Kofi palmed himself and groaned. "You gon' help me, pretty girl."
Y/N nodded quickly, immediately bringing Kofi down to her, crashing her lips against his. Initially, a kiss that was heated and messy, turned slow, and passionate. Kofi's tongue swirled around in her mouth, she tastes the sweetness of the vanilla ice cream and chocolate, with the slight bitterness from the Hennessey. He kissed her so softly and sweetly, that it put Y/N a daze. It was all mere distraction, as Kofi slid his right hand down her shorts curling two fingers inside of Y/N.
"Kofi," Y/N whimpered as Kofi's fingers began to slowly pump in and out of her. "Fuck, baby!"
Kofi peppered kisses on the side of her face, nibbling on the outer shell of her ear.
"I feel you tightin' up, let me see ya pretty ass cum, baby," Kofi drawled, his LA-New Orleans accent slipping through, spurred Y/N even more.
The pleasure began to pulse through her as she felt herself clenching around Kofi's thick fingers.
"I'm-I'm gonna cum baby, fuck!" Y/N mewled.
"Let go, baby. I gotchu," Kofi rasps.
Her orgasm pooled out of her, flooding Kofi's fingers. He thrusted his fingers a few more times before he pulled his fingers out of her. Y/N slightly pouted at the lost of Kofi's touch. He chuckled softly before he sucked on his two fingers, swirling his pink tongue around them.
"Turn around for me," Y/N happily obliged, she quickly discarded her shorts and panties, flinging them to the side. She turned and faced the counter. Y/N stood on her tippy toes, excitement rushed through her as she heard the sounds of Kofi undoing his pants. Y/N almost crumbled as Kofi's rubbed the head of his dick between her soft, wet folds.
"Don't play, Kofi. I need you," Y/N whined, attempting to draw him further inside of her.
Kofi's hand came crashing down on Y/N's ass, it echoed throughout the kitchen. She yelped, slapping her own hands against the marble counter.
"Relax, Y/N" Kofi groaned has he continued to rub himself in her folds. "So fuckin' hard-headed, gimme a minute baby,"
"Sorry, "Y/N moaned quietly.
After a few more seconds of teasing, Y/N's prayers were answered as Kofi finally plunged into her warmth, completely bottoming out before he began to drill into her.
“You feel too good baby," He's deep inside now, with his large hands gripping at Y/N's waist, Kofi continues to grind his dick into her, with rough, sloppy strokes. "Fuck you so tight, all this shit for me?"
Y/N could feel herself gushing at just the tone of his voice. A sweetness managed to cut through all of the hoarseness and lust. It always drove her crazy when he did shit like that. The familiar thrumming of her orgasm, hurdled towards the surface, she squeezed and tightened around him. Kofi moaned at Y/N gripping him.
"You close?" Kofi asked, already knowing the answer to his question.
"Yes baby, I'm gonna," Y/N's orgasm shot through her before she could finish. She whined and moaned as Kofi continued to fuck her through it.
"You still with me pretty girl?" Kofi rasped in her ear.
“Mhmmm, Kofi, shit!” Y/N babbled, her mind only zeroed in the pleasure between her legs. It was too much trying to keep with Kofi too.
Kofi grabbed a fistful Y/N’s coils bringing her upwards, not all the way, but far enough that she couldn’t use the counter to support herself.
“I said, you still with me pretty girl, hm?”
Y/N nodded. A sharp slap on her ass caused her to whine, a small punishment for not responding. Whether he liked to admit or not, Kofi was a words kinda guy. He loved to hear how he made you feel, even if it was garble of incoherent nonsense, he needed to know that you were there with him, present for it all. Still, the words choked on her tongue. Another slap, harder than the last, had Y/N squirming underneath Kofi. Another slap was soon to follow, but Y/N responded before he could.
“Yessss, baby I’m with you! Fuck meeee!"
"Fuck, I'm about to nut. You gon' take this shit like a good girl, huh?"
"I will baby, fuck, give it to me please!"
Kofi went into overdrive, fucking Y/N wildly. She felt him swell inside of her. His bulbous hammered at her spot, sending her into throws of pleasure, so much so she felt tears prickle in her eyes.
"You so pretty takin' me, fuck I'm cumin'," Kofi groaned as he spilled inside of Y/N. They both shook and moaned together, as Kofi slowly fucked his cum inside of her. He slowly slipped out of her, his breath on Y/N's sweat-slicked skin. Kofi tapped his finger Y/N's waist, signaling her to face him. She turned around only to be greeted by his glistening, cum-dripped, shaft. It was still hard.
"I wanna see that pretty ass face when I cum inside you," He proclaimed, slipping right back inside Y/N, ready for round 2.
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utahimeow · 8 months
i think wrio has a cryo vision (? I've never played lmao) and im just imagining temperature play w him ..
cw — nsfw content. minors dni. temperature play, fingering, handcuffs, nickname ‘princess’
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there’s mischief swimming in wriothesley’s crystal eyes.
it’s contagious—you can’t help the giddiness that flutters in your stomach as he locks your wrists behind your back with his handcuffs. perhaps it’s nerves.
“i’m gonna try something,” he says, voice gravelly, as his massive, scarred hands spread your thighs apart. “that okay?”
you swallow hard, but you nod your head. the curiosity eats away at you, a million ideas scattering about in your head. is he gonna blindfold you? plug you up? what if he starts speaking in a weird voice? starts roleplaying?
the pad of his finger on your clit makes you suck in a sharp breath of air. he circles slowly, teases you, until you’re bucking your hips and he’s baring his fangs at you in a mean grin.
he prods at your opening where there’s an embarrassing amount of slick drooling from you already, like you’re begging for him. he slides just the very tip of his ring finger inside, no more, and you squirm, a greedy attempt to swallow more of him.
“wriothesley,” you whine. “thought you said you were gonna try something new.”
he doesn’t say anything, just quirks an eyebrow, and suddenly his finger becomes ice. he presses his entire digit inside you and you’re squealing, a shiver racking your entire body as the cold spreads like fire throughout your entire body. you try to press your thighs together but wriothesley is far stronger, and he keeps them apart.
“f-fuck,” you yelp, eyes rolling into the back of your head when he curls his icy finger upwards, making you jolt.
“how does it feel, princess? tell me.”
“c-cold,” you whimper, to which he chuckles.
he fucks his finger in and out of you slowly, letting his cold skin drag over every inch of your warm, gummy walls. it’s like torture—your stomach coils with pleasure, but you’re squirming away from his icy touch, but you want more, but it’s too cold.
wriothesley slips a second frigid finger inside you, and your moans never stop—they’re so thick and so long and so cold.
“wr-wriothesley, please,” you say, gasping as he thrusts them in and out of you with increasing vigour. “wanna cum.”
“feels that good, huh?” he teases, keeping your legs pried apart with his huge hand, never relenting despite how you rut your hips with every one of his movements.
“y-yes, ugh,” you whine, the handcuffs jingling behind your back as your lover brings you closer and closer to your climax. your essence drips down his wrist and he licks his lips at the sight, growing tight in his own pants from the way you throw your head back and writhe in pleasure.
“cum for me,” he coaxes, angling his wrist so that his fingers can sink even further inside your pussy, can press against your sweet spot even harder, can make your stomach finally erupt with white hot pleasure that has you arching your back and crying out his name with bliss.
later, when he unlocks the cuffs and takes them off your wrists, the first thing you do is smack his bare chest.
“next time, i’m gonna handcuff you and stick a hot iron up your ass. as revenge,” you bark. wriothesley bursts out laughing as he massages your wrists.
“oh yeah? look me in my eyes and tell me you didn’t like it.”
he pauses, eyes locked upon your face. he waits. and waits.
times like this make you wish you were a better liar.
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soulaires · 9 months
Whiskey on ice.
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pairings: Aaron Warner x Fem!Reader
summary: What’s the best thing that ever happened to you and why is it (drunk) Aaron Warner?
warnings: alcohol, ooc(?) Aaron Warner, kissing, suggestive themes, fluff, and a light smut!
« words: 2.09k ┇ao3┇reblogs are appreciated! »
🪩:: voicemail ; read my other aaron warner fics here.
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The phone buzzed insistently on your nightstand, waking you from your deep slumber. Groaning, you fumbled for it in the darkness, squinting at the screen.
Kenji’s name illuminated the room.
Of course, it was fucking Kenji. Damn you, Kishimoto.
“What the fuck do you want?” You mumbled, your voice thick with annoyance and sleepiness.
“Hey there, sunshine,” came Kenji's sarcastic voice through the speaker. “So sorry to interrupt your slumber, sleeping beauty.” Kenji slurred, clearly drunk.
“Kenji, it’s two in the morning,” you groaned, rubbing your eyes. “What’s going on?”
“Well, I’ve got a little situation here,” he replied, his tone strangely cryptic.
Jesus Christ.
“What kind of situation?” You asked, growing more concerned by the second.
“Aaron fucking Warner.” Kenji deadpanned.
“He's had a bit too much to drink,” Kenji explained, his voice full of amusement.
"Tell her I love her!"
You grinned when you heard Warner’s drunken voice in the background cutting kenji off. He definitely sounded as if he’d had a bit more to drink than usual.
“And he's a little... clingy and needy, to say the least.” He continued.
“Kishimoto, tell her I love her!” Your boyfriend's voice can be heard in the background.
“He says he lo—” Kenji paused, his phone shuffled loudly and your eyes narrowed at the sound. And then you heard Aaron on Kenji's phone a second later.
“My love, I love you,” Aaron said to the other line.
“I love you too, Aaron.” You replied, smiling.
“You’re the most beautiful person I have laid my eyes upon, angel. My pretty love,” Aaron continued. “You are my face of aphrodite, The human embodiment of all of my desires, my beloved.”
You felt your cheeks heat at the compliment, biting up a smile, “Oh don’t you think that’s an exaggeration—“
“No,” Aaron cut you off firmly. “It is not, it’s the truth, my love. You-you are-“
“Warner, give me back my phone, asshole!”
As you fought back a laughter, you still can hear your boyfriend’s drunk voice in the background.
“Drunk Aaron Warner?” you repeated, trying to wrap your head around the image. “I thought that was a myth.”
“Oh, it's very real,” Kenji assured you. “And I need your help to wrangle him. He won't stop talking about you, and he's insistent on seeing you.”
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. The thought of a tipsy Aaron Warner being affectionate and flirtatious was too tempting to resist.
“I'll be right there,” you said, already throwing on some clothes and grabbing your keys.
“Okay, we will just try to make him drink water,” Kenji assured you.
“Oh my fucking god—no, Warner, you fucking tell her that! That’s too much information, man. Disgusting.”
You hear kenji rant, not entirely sure you wanted to know what drunk aaron was spewing to kenji.
“Y’all need to leave me alone to y’all’s sex life, for real.” Kenji mumbled as he turned off the call.
When you arrived at the designated meeting spot, you spotted Kenji standing by a black car. Aaron Warner was leaning against the vehicle, his normally impeccable suit rumpled and his tie hanging loose. He looked a little disheveled, but his green eyes sparkled with mischief as he caught sight of you.
“There’s my pretty baby,” Aaron slurred, pushing off the car and stumbling toward you.
You couldn't help but chuckle at his unsteady gait. "Hey, darling. Having a good time?"
Aaron grinned broadly, his trademark stoicism replaced by an endearing warmth. "The best time," he declared. "But it could be even better if you were here with me."
Kenji rolled his eyes as he strutted off to you and Aaron. "Take him home, will you? He's been driving me crazy all night." You only nodded and gave him a smile.
As you led Aaron to the car, he leaned into you, resting his head on your shoulder. "You're so pretty," he slurred.
You couldn't help but blush at his candidness. "I think you're pretty great too, Warner."
With some effort, you managed to get him into the passenger seat. He insisted on holding your hand during the entire drive, peppering your knuckles with sweet, slightly drunken kisses.
"You're amazing," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "I'm lucky to have you."
As the ride goes on, Aaron’s hand had traveled from your hand to your inner thigh, caressing it and making you shiver from his touch.
“Aaron! We’re on the road, hands to yourself!” You told him, pulling out his hand from your thigh.
“‘m sorry, love, can’t help myself.” He mumbled. “You just smell so good, makes me wanna…” after that, you can’t understand the incoherent words he was saying.
“uhuh,” you mused, “keep your hands to yourself for a moment, yeah?” You told him as warner only grunted in response.
When you arrived home, you helped him out of the car. He stumbled a few times, but you were there to catch him each time. Inside, you settled him on the couch, where he promptly draped himself across your lap.
"You're comfy," he mumbled, nuzzling into your thigh.
You chuckled, running your fingers through his tousled hair. "I'm glad you think so."
As you went to the kitchen to grab him some water, you felt him following you.
His hands firmly gripped your hips once more, drawing you close to him in an abrupt, passionate motion. A gasp of surprise escaped your lips as his forehead lowered to meet yours. The faint scent of alcohol lingered on his breath as he nestled his nose against yours.
"I just want to make love to you tonight, angel," he murmured, his words causing your breath to quicken. His intentions were crystal clear, and you felt your resolve waver in response to his desire.
Breathing becoming shallower, you struggled to maintain composure as he continued, his hands descending to firmly grasp your hips, pressing your body against his.
"Not— not tonight," you stammered out, fighting against the powerful pull of his closeness.
"I just want to make you feel good, my sweet girl," he whispered, his voice laced with desire. His hands slid sensuously down to your waist, pulling your hips into a slow, intoxicating dance with his.
"Want to take care of you. Always want to take care of you."
You moistened your lips, trying to regain control, all while Aaron's hips moved against yours, making it increasingly difficult to resist. You exhaled a deep breath, attempting to stay collected.
"Not tonight, baby," you whispered back, your voice trembling.
His lips lowered beside your ear, sending shivers down your spine as they brushed against your skin. "I always take care of my love," he purred, placing a lingering kiss along your neck. "Always take real good care of you, my sweet angel."
"Let me take care of you tonight, please."
"Not when you've drunk so much," you replied, your voice wavering. With great effort, you managed to step back out of his embrace, resisting the urge to grind back into him. "Let's get you to the couch. I'll get you some water."
Aaron sighed deeply, his hands halting their explorations. You guided him down the hallway towards his couch, and he plopped down onto it. You fetched a glass of water from his kitchen and handed it to him. He downed it quickly, and you set the empty cup on the coffee table.
Turning your attention back to him, you noticed his disheveled work clothes. "How about I help you get ready for bed? Does that sound good?"
A sly grin crossed Aaron's face as he replied, "That depends. What are we doing in bed?"
"Sleeping, Aaron," you asserted firmly. Bending over, you took hold of his hands and gently tugged him from the couch. "Come on."
After helping Aaron into his bed, you slipped in beside him. He immediately curled up against you, his arms enveloping your waist.
"You're incredible," he whispered, breaking the silence.
You couldn't help but snort softly and shake your head. "And you're drunk," you replied.
"No, I'm serious," he insisted. "You're so smart, kind-hearted, funny, perfect. You're... you're too good for me. Much too good for me."
A frown creased your brow as he continued, his words spilling forth in a torrent of insecurity. "And I can't help but wonder how a heart like yours could ever love a heart like mine. You deserve someone better."
"Stop that, Aaron," you warned, your voice gentle but firm.
He shook his head vigorously. "Shush. Do not worry, my love," he murmured. "I'm far too selfish to want to give you up now.
"I will keep trying to be better to deserve you, my beloved. Please remember that," he said earnestly, his gaze locked onto yours.
"Aaron..." you began, but he interrupted.
"Please don't ever get tired of me," he pleaded. You looked at him, your heart swelling with affection, and kissed his forehead.
"I won't, love. You have me until the end of the universe," you assured him.
"I love you," he declared, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that held your attention.
For a moment, you were captivated by the depth of emotion in his eyes, as if his "I love you" carried a significance beyond words.
"I love you too," you whispered back, feeling a warmth spread through your heart. His head tilted slightly, a softer expression on his face, his lips parting in a gentle smile.
His gaze remained fixed on you, and you sensed that his love was something profound, something that words could never truly capture.
After a moment of silence, he spoke up.
“Love?” he asked tentatively through the dark.
“Hmm?” you answered.
There was a brief moment of hesitation before he spoke.
“Will you at least kiss me?” he asked.
“Of course, pretty boy,” you replied.
You leaned in, his lips seeking yours. The kiss was passionate and filled with an intensity that made your head spin.
As the night wore on, Aaron's clinginess increased. He refused to let you go, holding your waist tightly and pulling your head into his chest. He rested his head on your hair, and maybe nuzzle your neck affectionately.
his head shifting along the pillow for a moment before you felt him brush his lips against your forehead. Your eyes closed, a smile spreading across your mouth. And then gradually you both fell asleep.
The soft glow of dawn crept into the kitchen as you tiptoed in, careful not to make too much noise. You knew Aaron had indulged in one too many drinks last night, and he'd likely be nursing a hangover this morning. Your heart swelled with affection for him as you prepared to make breakfast, wanting to take care of him in the best way you knew how.
As you quietly scrambled eggs and toasted bread, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of how your relationship with Aaron had evolved.
Just as you were about to flip the eggs, you felt a pair of strong arms encircle your waist. Aaron's chin rested on your shoulder, and he hugged you from behind, his body warm against yours.
"Morning, love," he slurred, his voice thick with sleep and the remnants of alcohol.
You chuckled softly and turned off the stove before turning in his embrace. "Morning, Aaron. Head hurts?"
"Mhm," he hummed, nuzzling your neck as if seeking comfort.
You reached up to run your fingers through his disheveled hair, a soothing gesture that seemed to help alleviate his discomfort. "Remember what I said last night?"
He pulled back slightly, his green eyes searching yours with a playful glint. "Y’know something from the kitchen."
You raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out which of his drunken declarations he was referring to. "Which one?"
He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, a tender, lingering kiss that left you slightly breathless.
And then it clicked.
"You said you wanted to take care of me and make love, but I said no because you were drunk," you said.
A faint blush crept across your cheeks as you remembered his needy and flirtatious behavior from the night before.
Aaron smirked, a wicked glint in his gaze.
"Well, I’m not drunk now." He said, smirking.
Oh Gods.
Your heart raced as his hands roamed your waist, pulling you closer. "Aaron, your hangover—"
He silenced your protests with another heated kiss.
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Authors Note:
Woohoo 🫡 here’s a short fic for y’all since I’m still finishing up
the 12k+ Aaron Warner 7 evil exes fic (only 1 and a half chapter left) 🥸 anyway, enjoy!
English is not my first language and this isn’t beta read! And also my first time writing a fic 😮‍💨
Please let me know what you think :)
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wjhik · 3 months
More dad!Jude please‼️‼️
Y/N’s POV:
Jude and I, along with our three energetic kids, Arlo, Lily, and Mia, were getting ready for a delightful day out. “Alright, everyone, let's get our shoes on! We’re going to have the best lunch ever,” I announced, fixing my breezy sundress in the mirror. Jude was wrangling little Mia into her shoes while Arlo and Lily giggled, racing around the house. “Don’t run in the house! You’ll break something!” I yell out to my 4 and 5 year old to get their attention. “I want ice cream!” Arlo exclaimed to his father, his excitement apparent as he tugged at Jude’s hand.
“Of course, buddy, but let’s have some real food first, yeah?” Jude chuckled, tousling Arlo's hair affectionately. I smiled at the sight, my heart swelling with warmth as I watched my husband effortlessly connect with our children. I couldn’t ask for a better man to be the father of my children. 
As Jude and I were following behind our children who were leaving the house, he pulled me in by my waist. I was shocked by the sudden action and gasped, “Jude!” He looks into my eyes and then down to my lips. “You look delicious, my love.” He leaned down to peck my lips. I protested into the kiss. “Baby. Not now.” I said sternly, but secretly blushing at my husband's actions. He let go of me and let me walk out of the house, him following close behind. He curved his neck to see if our kids were watching and gave me a quick spank. “Jude!” 
After a satisfying lunch filled with laughter, spilled drinks, and mess, we made our way to the park. Arlo took charge, leading his sisters on a wild adventure through the playground while Jude and I watched closely, trailing behind them. We share knowing glances. “Do you ever remember us being that full of energy?” Jude whispered, his hand finding Y/N’s as they strolled along the path.
I grinned, squeezing his hand gently. “I wouldn’t trade this chaos for anything in the whole wide world” I replied, stealing a quick kiss. The kids, oblivious to their parents’ tender moment, continued their antics, racing around in a game of tag that seemed to have no end.
“Lily, mind your sister please.” Jude chimes in. Just as he said that, the youngest got pushed over in the midst of the chaos caused by the older two. Jude and I jump up to check on Mia. She’s crying loudly, however she is fine. Jude picks her up and bounces her up and down in an attempt to cheer her up. 
“Now, what did I tell you guys?” I asked the kids. “Be careful.” They said simultaneously. “Yes, and did you do that?” I followed up. “No, mama.” They said once again. I crouched down to speak to them at their level. “Right. Now, I want you to go to your sister and apologize and give her the biggest hug.” I told them. They sprung up and jumped up at their dad in an attempt to reach their sister. Jude squatted on the floor and put the baby at eye level. They smothered her with hugs and kisses and she started laughing her little bum off. Mia wriggles in Jude's arms, trying to get out, so he lets her down. She waddles back out to the small grass hill where she and her siblings were playing and the fun began once again.
As the sun began to set, Jude and I scooped up our children and moved to where the spring fireworks would be taking place. We found the perfect spot to settle down and laid our fuzzy picnic blanket out. Jude and I lay down with Mia in his arms. Arlo and Lily snuggled up between us, their eyelids gradually growing heavy with the promise of dreams. Mia, nestled in my arms, gazed wide-eyed at the colorful bursts in the sky as Arlo pointed out the shapes and sizes of them. 
As the final firework fizzled out, the kids now fast asleep, Jude leaned in close to me, his voice low and suggestive. “You know, watching fireworks isn’t the only thing that lights up the night.” I laughed softly, feeling a familiar spark ignite between us. “I think we can manage to find some more sparks later,” He teased, his eyes dancing with mischief as we gathered our sleeping children, Lily and Arlo in their father’s arms and me pushing Mia’s stroller and headed home, the memory of our playful day lingering like a sweet summer breeze.
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holdmytesseract · 6 months
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Catch Me If You Can
Jotun!King!Loki x fem!Æsir!Queen!Reader
Summary: You and Loki play a little 'game' in the forests of Asgard.
Warnings: hide and seek? chasing? handcuffs? thirst, swear words, fluff, spice and very suggestive smut, of course - because it's for LGG ;)
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: If I remeber correctly, it's @lokisgoodgirl 's birthday today. 😁 Therefore, I wrote a lil' something - and I know that you love this AU, so... Happiest of Birthdays, my wonderful, talented, beautiful friend! I love you! 🥰❤️
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @theaudacitytowrite @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @valencia-rou @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @linaax @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @glitchquake @icytrickster17 @lokidbadguy @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @lokiforever @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @km-ffluv @jaidenhawke (Continuing in the comments)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Loki Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
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The wooden ground beneath your feet rustled and crunched; aching a bit underneath your weight. Your steps were precise. Almost calculated. No twig snapped or cracked - luckily. Every wrong step could give you away. You had to be fast and quiet.
A cakewalk.
You stopped a second to look up in the sky, which was almost impossible. High, thick trees shielded your view. But there was no doubt... It would get dark soon. Time was running out.
Your breath was laboured; left your lips in small clouds of smoke.
It got cold.
You didn't feel the coldness, though. Your body was heated, due to the running and high adrenaline level within your system. Hot blood pumped through your veins.
The sheer inaudible sound of a breaking twig caused your head to snap behind you.
Nothing. Yet.
You quickly found your focus again, adjusted the sword, which was strapped to your back and kept on running; quietly cursing underneath your breath. You had worked hard for this advantage - and now you had squandered it.
He was close. You could tell. You weren't stupid. And if you'd make one wrong step now or stop, you were sure that he'd catch you. Something you couldn't allow to happen.
As you were running, your brain worked hard to choose the right path - which wasn't easy. The forest was huge - and yet he had 'found' you that quick. As if you were a wounded animal; leaking blood in the ocean. And he was the shark, smelling the blood. You needed a plan. Right now.
The gears in your head started to turn and when you passed by an all too familiar glade, it fell like scales from your eyes. Of course! Why didn't I think earlier of this!
If you can't outrun him, let him outrun you.
You smirked; quickly making a sharp left turn.
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Your eyes scanned your surroundings ahead and when you spotted the huge fir, which had been split by lightning, you smiled.
Exactly where I wanted to lure him.
You looked behind you for a moment; swearing that you saw something blue flash between the trees.
Got you.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
Intentionally, you slowed your tempo; let him get closer - until you could practically feel his presence behind you.
You stopped at an old oak - exactly the one you had to stop; pretending to catch your breath. But your eyes kept on roaming the area around you. There was nothing. No one to be seen.
And then everything happened fast.
He literally came out of nowhere, big, blue, veiny hands winding themselves around your waist like a tendril, before bulging muscles tore you (gently) to the cold, moist mossy ground. You knew it was going to happen, but nevertheless you didn’t see it coming.
"Got you, my queen."
You shook your head; giggling. It wasn't quite easy to tame yourself at the sight of your husband looking so dashing in the slowly sinking sun - but somehow, you managed.
A dark velvet voice purred from above you.
Loki was hovering over your laying body. His hands pinned your wrists to the ground; holding them in a firm but not painful grip. Your legs were secured between his knees; powered by the warrior's strong legs. The leather of his loincloth strained against the king's thick thighs.
His abs clenched with every sharp breath he took; hot breath fanning against your face.
"You wish, my king. What do you dream about at night?"
"Mhh," you purred.
A deep chuckle rumbled through Loki's chest; a few strands of curly raven hair falling into his face. "Mostly you, darling... And the sinful sounds leaving those pretty lips whenever I worship the holy temple your body is."
You had to swallow hard, in order to not squirm or squeak up at his words. His charming, tempting words never failed to affect you - and you had a hard time trying to not let it show right now.
Now wasn't the right time to give in to his seductive words. Loki could be a mischievous scamp - and you knew exactly that he would use his silver-tongue to trick you into losing. But not today. Time to beat him at his own game.
You bit your lip and stared directly into his beautiful ruby eyes. "Tempting. As always..." You pulled him into a passionate kiss; lips moving against his, teeth clashing.
You kept on biting, nibbling and sucking on his lips, when you started to move. With your hands firmly tangled around his neck, you managed to stand up; forcing your husband to get on his feet as well. Loki's palms glided over your back to settle on your ass; squeezing the supple flesh and yanking your hips into his. You couldn't help the small moan which slipped past your opened lips; feeling Loki latch on your pulse point.
The Jotun king's eyes fluttered shut. A moan threatened to leave his throat, but you swallowed it whole by even depending the kiss.
Once Loki was completely lost in the little make out session, you acknowledged that the time had come for you to turn the tables.
Focus, Y/N, focus.
You brought his mouth back on yours, before you started to back him up. Only a few more steps...
"...but your silver-tongue won't save you this time, my king. You won't win this game."
Right after your words had left your lips - and Loki confused, he stepped inside the trap you had build decades ago. A rope slung itself around his ankles and brought the hunky warrior to his knees, before pulling him off the ground. The trap was reckless; didn't show any mercy and caused Loki to end up hanging upside down on a tree, above the ground; dangling helplessly back and forth.
While Loki yelped up in surprise, you just giggled and stepped closer. "Told you so, my love." You tapped the space between his strong pecs with your hand; feeling the dark, fine hair which grew there tickling your palm. Loki was way too stunned to answer something in that moment. He just stared at you, then at your hand and back.
"Tag, you're it!" You giggled with a wink and turned on your heels to run away.
All you heard was a loud groan of your husband, followed by his voice calling out to you. "Little minx! Just you wait until I have freed myself!"
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It took Loki longer than you expected to free himself from the little trap you had lured him into. It gave you just enough time to complete the plan you had forged inside your head to walk victorious out of that little playful game of tag and hide and seek.
And now that the tables had turned, time was on your side. Not much longer and the sun would be replaced by the moon; announcing your victory.
Checking your surroundings one last time, you started to climb a big, high oak and settled on a strong branch; leaning against the stem. This tree was perfect to hide yourself in. Thick with leafs to keep you shielded from Loki's view but not thick enough to keep him shielded from your view. You smiled to yourself. The victory is mine.
Time passed - and was running out for Loki. While he made use of all his hunting and tracking abilities, you were literally enjoying yourself up in the tree; watching a few wild animals and listened to the bird's songs.
You had gained enough distance and left the perfect amount of clues for your husband to find you just when the sun was about to set.
He may be the best hunter and warrior of Jotunheim - but Asgard is my playground, you thought to yourself with a smirk, as you watched him approach you through your binocular.
You watched your husband's head snap into your direction; fierce ruby eyes scanning the area. He froze in all his movements for a moment; just listening and observing, before he started to walk straight towards the tree you were hiding in.
You prepared yourself for the final step of your plan; getting into position and loosening the rope attached to your belt.
When Loki was in earshot, you reached above yourself and broke a twig into two, gaining his attention. After all, you needed to make sure that he was walking past this oak.
He took the bait.
Smirking, you climbed into position and directed your gaze beneath you. The king had learned to move quietly as well, but nevertheless you could hear his heavy boots crushing the small twigs and leafs underneath their weight. After all, he was taller, stronger and bulkier than you.
His steps got closer and closer, until he was right underneath the branch you were sitting on - and that was your sign.
You jumped - and landed directly on your husband.
The force of your jump swept the Jotun king off his feet, causing him to land on his butt with a yelp for the second time today. Loki didn't hurt himself, but was way too shocked at what just happened to react. When his brain finally caught up, you had already tied the rope you carried with you around his wrists. Makeshift cuffs.
"Got you, my king," you said with a smile; copying his words. "Again, might I add." You winked at Loki; standing up.
The king sighed and shook his head. "What a tragedy... The best warrior of Jotunheim, defeated by a woman... But your victory is highly deserved. You always had the upper hand."
Loki stayed quite for a moment, before he gazed up at you and gave you a smouldering look, accompanied by a sly smirk. "I came here to win, but..." He inhaled deeply; licking his lips. "Losing to you, my darling wife is so much more fun..." He wiggled his eyebrows and lifted his cuffed hands.
He really likes this.
You giggled and bit your lip. "Uhh, does the powerful king of Jotunheim likes being cuffed?" A dark, sexy chuckle left Loki's lips, which almost caused your knees to buckle. "If it's by his queen, then yes." An idea formed suddenly in your mind at his words. You smiled.
"Be careful what you wish for, husband," you leaned down to whisper into Loki's ears. It sent a shiver down his spine. You could tell.
You reached for the loose end of the rope and tucked at it. "Stand up, prisoner. Time to bring you back where you belong to." You winked at your husband; telling him subtly to play along, if he wished to - and he did. Following your orders, he stood up. "Yes, my queen."
You led him through the Asgardian woods then, back to the palace. It was pitch-dark when you reached the majestic building. Without further ado, you brought him not to the dungeons, of course, but to your chambers...
As soon as the thick, wooden door fell shut behind you and him, your lips were on his; kissing Loki passionately. With one hand still wrapped tightly around the loose end of the rope and the other resting on the strong muscle of his right pectoral, you pushed him backwards; navigating your husband where you wanted him to be - on the bed. Loki let you, of course; was way too lost in the kiss - until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, causing him to fall back.
Ruby eyes stared up to you as he chuckled. "I see I am back where I belong..." Loki mirrored your words and climbed further onto the soft mattress; smiling smugly. "I like that. Do I get a reward now for all the efforts and exertions I had to endure on this little... chase?"
"A reward?" You asked; rounding the bed.
"Oh yes."
"Hmm..." You hummed in a thinking manner; climbing on the bed, too. "You'd love that, wouldn't you?" The question had barely left your lips as your hand landed on his muscular thigh. Loki's eyes snapped to where your palm met his flesh. He grinned.
"Can't you tell, my queen?"
Loki's breath hitched; hips involuntarily bucking.
You knew, of course, exactly what he meant. The tight leather loincloth around his hips didn't leave much... space after all.
"Oh, I can tell, prisoner. It's quite obvious, but..." You let your hand glide upwards; ghosting shortly over the obvious evidence.
"I'd like to hear you say it," you purred.
You smiled; pushed him back on his back. "And what would you like as a reward?" "Untie my hands and I'll show you." Loki winked.
Loki took a deep breath; smirking. "Mhhh, a woman who knows what she wants... I like that, too." He adjusted himself on the bed; tried to seductively lay on his side - which wasn't easy being handcuffed.
"May I receive an reward for my fearless bravery?"
Biting your lip, you climbed on top of Loki; settling on his lap - which caused an almost obscene groan to leave his lips.
Your answer was short and strict and before Loki could blink or even react, he found himself cuffed to the big, comfortable bed; wrists strapped to the bedpost.
"You see, prisoner... I won this little game. Fair and square. So, this..." You gestured towards him, then placed your pointer finger on the skin between his pecs; slowly running it down his chest and abs. "This is my reward. Tonight, I am in control."
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spottedmischief · 29 days
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"Have ya ever heard the sound of your own bones crack?”
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"Would ya like to???”
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alxtiny · 8 months
Millennium Falcon | Park Seonghwa x Reader
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Synopsis: where you snd seonghwa build the millennium falcon
Pairing: idol!park seonghwa x gn!reader, domestic au
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: implied fem reader can be ignored
Notes: to quote Agnes ‘its so fluffy I could die’
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Seonghwa's charismatic voice resonated through the quiet room as he spoke to his fans via a youtube live stream. Contentedly talking about his fascination with star wars and the new LEGO set he received recently. The warm glow of the screen illuminated his face, casting gentle shadows on the features that you had come to adore.
Sitting beside him, you watched with a soft smile, intrigued by the genuine interaction he had with his fans. You loved this soft and nerdy side of him that he so freely showed to his fans, much unlike his demonic alter ego on stage.
It had all started with a simple idea: building the LEGO Millennium Falcon. The iconic spaceship lay in pieces across the coffee table among miscellaneous food wrappers, a testament to the teamwork and determination that had fueled your late-night endeavour. The clock on the wall had long lost its relevance as hours melded into one another. Yet, time was of no concern when laughter echoed in the air.
Seonghwa's fingers delicately manoeuvred the tiny LEGO bricks, his eyes focused on the task at hand, his tongue sticking out the slightest in concentration. His hair, usually so meticulously styled, was slightly dishevelled from all the times he'd run his hands through it in thought. With a playful grin, he glanced at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Are you sure you're following the instructions correctly, Y/N?" he teased, a twinkle of amusement in his gaze.
You rolled your eyes in mock exasperation, nudging his shoulder with yours. "Of course! I'm just taking my time to make sure it's perfect."
"Perfect, huh?" he chuckled, shaking his head. "I've seen your 'perfect.' It usually involves a little extra icing on the cake."
You gasped, feigning offense. "Are you implying that I overdo things?"
Seonghwa's laughter filled the air, and you couldn't help but join in. The sound was infectious, wrapping around you like a warm embrace. As his laughter subsided, he turned his attention back to the LEGO set. Silence settled between you, but it wasn't a heavy silence; it was the kind that spoke of comfort and ease.
As the pieces clicked into place, you found yourself lost in thought. This simple activity had brought you closer to Seonghwa than you had ever imagined. You marveled at how he was just as goofy and down-to-earth as he appeared on camera. His charm was magnetic, not just for you but for his fans as well.
" ‘Who are you talking to?’ Atiny seems to be curious about the other voice huh?," Seonghwa spoke up as he read the questions his fans sent, his gaze shifting towards the camera. "Well to answer your question, I've got someone really really special here with me tonight."
Your heart skipped a beat as he gestured to you. Shyness crept over you, but the warmth in his eyes was reassuring. You gave a small wave to the camera, scooting into the frame, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as the comments section exploded with greetings and hearts.
"Say hello, Y/N," Seonghwa encouraged, his voice gentle.
"Hi, everyone, I’m Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you all. " you greeted, your voice tinged with a touch of shyness.
The comments section lit up with enthusiasm. Words of welcome and compliments flooded the screen, overwhelming you with a sense of acceptance. It was a bit surreal, but Seonghwa's presence by your side made it easier to handle.
"Y/N, you're amazing!" one fan commented.
"Seonghwa, you better keep up with her building skills!" another chimed in.
Seonghwa's eyes sparkled with pride as he read out the comments, but then one caught his attention: "Move over, Seonghwa. Y/N is stealing the bias spot!"
He burst into laughter, showing you the comment. "Looks like you're becoming a fan favourite already."
You playfully nudged him. "Don't worry, I won't steal your fans."
Seonghwa smirked in amusement. "Just wait till I tell Hongjoong that you're looking at others, ‘ATEEZ's ultimate fan’-nim ."
"Hongjoong said not to look at other oppas, we can still look at unnies though" one comment replied.
Seonghwa chuckled, his gaze shifting between you and the camera. "Hold on, hold on. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, that’s a good point though."
With a mischievous glint in his eye, he continued, "But seriously, guys, thanks for all the love. She's pretty special to me too."
You were glad Atiny were so accepting of your position in Seonghwa’s life and granted you their approval with any hitch, bar a few delulu fans. An fear of being shunned was gone and their positivity made you want to be friends with all of Atiny.
The rest of the live stream was a blur of conversation, laughter, and a few impromptu dance moves. You felt a newfound sense of belonging, as if you were a part of something bigger than yourself. Since Seonghwa's fans embraced you with open arms, you felt like you were part of their extended family.
As the live stream came to an end, Seonghwa leaned back against the couch, letting out a heavy sigh, his arm casually draped around your shoulders. You exchanged a glance, and a shared smile spoke volumes. The screen finally went dark, and you both burst into laughter once again.
"Looks like you've stolen my spotlight," Seonghwa teased, nudging your shoulder.
You playfully nudged him back. "Well, maybe I'm just that charming."
He chuckled, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "You are."
The room was bathed in a warm, golden glow, the remnants of the live stream still lingering in the air. The LEGO Millennium Falcon sat partially completed on the table, owed to your hardwork. The night had worn on, and as you both exchanged stories and shared your dreams, you hadn't noticed the gradual transition from darkness to dawn.
Seonghwa yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Wow, time really flew by, didn't it?"
You glanced at the window, where a soft morning light was beginning to filter through. "Yeah, I can't believe it's almost morning."
He turned his gaze to you, his expression soft. "You know, this has been one of the best nights I've had in a while."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and a warm smile spread across your face. "I feel the same way."
Seonghwa leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "So, what do you say we wrap things up and finally get some sleep?"
"Sounds like a plan," you agreed, your voice soft.
With a yawn and a stretch, you both stood up, stretching your stiffened limbs. As Seonghwa turned off the lights and led you to the bedroom, a comfortable silence enveloped you. The exhaustion was apparent, but it was a content kind of tiredness that came from spending quality time together.
You both settled into bed, instinctively curling up next to each other. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you in close. The warmth of his embrace was soothing, and you nuzzled your head against his chest.
"Goodnight, Seonghwa," you murmured, your voice filled with a sense of peace.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he whispered, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
As the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, you both drifted into a peaceful slumber, the world outside fading away. In each other's arms, you found solace and comfort.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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Taglist: coming soon
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torustars · 2 years
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gojo satoru has had his crushes but he can't explain whenever he's with you, all he feels is pure happiness and silly lil butterflies. you're his first love, and this time he plans to show it.
⊹ gojo satoru x reader | 0.9k words
⊹ tooth-rotting friends to lovers fluff, edited
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when gojo first laid eyes on you, he knew you were the first person he’d ever fallen for.
of course, he had his fair share of people who had taken his interest and made him decently happy. but that couldn’t compare to what he felt with you, as if he was in heaven and you were the angel greeting him at the gates to paradise. which was quite hilarious to say, as he often referred to himself as the devil, who causes mischief and havoc within your little world. but, it didn’t take long enough for gojo to find out that you didn’t mind how silly and stupid he was, in fact you enjoyed it. and that was the first time he’d found himself lovestruck over someone.
gojo never tried to hide the fact he loved you, nor did he try to point attention to his little feelings. he just seemed to be a bit lucky that you were oblivious of his intentions. he, himself, didn't expect to find himself buying simple things that reminded him of you.
yet here he was, sliding his card into the skinny slit of the card machine before he thanked the worker, leaving the bakery with a small box of your favourite cake. minutes felt like years before he reached his destination. with a small bounce to his walk and a stupid grin on his face, he walked up to you with electricity of excitement running through his veins.
he towers over you, leaning above you with the same stupid grin his face had plastered since he left the bakery. you look up and make eye contact with him, a soft smile appearing on your face.
“well hello there, bright blue eyed sir,” you tease and watched gojo’s eyes roll. he took a spot beside you and set the cake down on your lap before wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“hi sweetheart, did i make you wait too long?” he hums and tilted his head at you with playful eyes that hide his adoration for you. you shake your head, reaching to open the box of cake.
“who would’ve thought that gojo satoru would remember what flavour of cake i like,” you reached for the fork inside, taking a piece before putting it in your mouth. you felt the icing melt in your mouth and your eyes closed in enjoyment.
gojo stares at you attentively, his heart warming up while he watches you eat the sweet delight in your hand. he doesn’t waste the opportunity to take his thumb and swipe it across your lips, wiping off the leftover icing. his motions bring your attention to him, seeing him place his thumb into your mouth and humming at the taste. you immediately look away, a flustered expression appearing on your face.
he lightly chuckles, not being able to get over how adorable you looked while blushing. “y’know, i think this is starting to be my favourite type of cake,” he comments.
you nod and hum in agreement, finishing the last bit of cake. “didn’t you tease me for liking it?” you raise an eyebrow, only for gojo to shrug in response.
“i have a habit of changing my mind,” he replies.
you laugh and look at him, “and is that why you decided to ditch your students to hang with me?” his lips pursed before shrugging once more.
“perhaps, what is it to you?” he challenges, not expecting your face to move closer to his.
“i simply think it’s cute that you make time for me,” you smile innocently, his cheeks burn a light pink and he reaches to flick your forehead. you whine as he looks away, muttering how cute you were before turning back to you.
“you deserve that,” he points out while you aggressively rub your forehead in hopes that it would soothe the pain.
“for what ‘toru? i didn’t do anything,” you huff, trying to flick gojo’s forehead as revenge. he clearly saw what you were doing, moving away from you but instead you continuously moved closer. gojo grabs your wrists as you stare at him, realizing the position you were in. he smirks slightly, giving you a playful look as you continue to stare at him, cheeks red and your body starting to warm up.
gojo takes the chance to pull you closer, centimetres away from your face while you both make intense eye contact. he observes your facial expressions, watching for any discomfort. he came to the conclusion that there was none besides fluster and he couldn’t help but laugh.
you narrow your eyes at him, giving him a glare and he immediately shuts up, giving you a smile full of mischief. “what are the chances that you’re gonna slap me if i kiss you,”
“what do you mea—” gojo cuts you off by pressing his lips against yours, letting go of one of your wrists to cup your cheek. you melt into the kiss and close your eyes, leaning into his cheek slightly.
your lips molded together, unable to pull away. you move to snake your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his. you eventually were the first to pull away, softly panting to gain some air into your lungs.
gojo’s face was flushed, cheeks a dark red as he focused on your face, looking for any discomfort again. you give him a quick kiss as if you were reading his thoughts. “it’s a low chance, but a definite high chance that i’ll kiss you back,” you mention, gojo twirling the ends of your hair with his finger.
“then i guess it’s a high chance that i’ll kiss you once more,” he softly said before kissing you once more.
he could’ve never guessed that a kiss could feel so magical with the person he loves the most.
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© torustars (2022). do not repost, copy or translate any of my works or layouts. reblogs are appreciated!
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outtoshatter · 6 months
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Inspired by @christinesficrecs, I'm going to do a few author spotlights! No one can stop me. I am going to shower love upon my pals and boost other writers in this fandom.
Up first we have @halevetica! She has so many options for readers!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Leave Me in Ruins | 66K+ | 48 chapters tags: friends with benefits, slow burn, miscommunication
Summary: Derek finds himself in a difficult spot when he mistakenly sleeps with Stiles. The two agree to forget it but Derek can't. Before long, its becoming a regular thing, now Derek has to deal with the issue of falling even more for Stiles or losing him all together.
Stiles never dreamed of waking up next to Derek, but it's now a regular thing. However, he has to keep his emotions in check so Derek doesn't realize how he truly feels all while keeping their 'relationship' a secret from the pack and fighting the new big bad in town.
Like it or Not | 80k+ | 56 chapters tags: fake dating, enemies to lovers, mutual pining!
Summary: Stiles works as the editorial assistant at Vogue. He loves everything about his job except for his boss, Derek Hale. Derek Hale is the worst and Stiles hates him. But when Derek drags him to the yearly awards dinner within the company, he is forced to play boyfriend for the night to make Derek's ex jealous. Things couldn't get much worse…or so Stiles thought.
Same Old Song and Dance | Rated: E | 125k | 91 chapters tags: Alpha Derek, hunter Stiles, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers
Summary: Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
One shots:
Cute Together | 4k Summary: When Stiles gets stuck on a ski lift he meets Derek, who is scared of heights. He helps keep Derek calm until they can get rescued which leads to Derek teaching Stiles to ice skate. Along the way he helps Derek's two friends get together.
Promise | 3k Summary: Derek is stuck in the airport after his flight gets cancelled on Christmas eve when he meets Stiles Stilinski. Stiles is a friendly stranger that convinces Derek to have a little fun while stuck in the airport. His night with Stiles has more of an effect that Derek thought it would.
Feels Like Home | 4k Summary: Derek has spent years trying to quell the storm in his chest. The one that makes him feel lonely, like he doesn't belong. When searching for that feeling of home in New York where, he lived with Laura, he runs into Stiles Stilinski, who insists on Derek staying with him while in town. Derek shouldn't be shocked to find that Stiles feels like home.
Things to look forward to (aka works in progress!)
Shatter my Reality | 32k so far | 23 chapters to feast on! tags: mutual pining, jealous Stiles, ~magic~ Stiles, Stilinski twins! Summary: Months after the nogitsune, Stiles starts to see his own face around town. He dismisses it as PTSD. That is, until Lydia starts having a feeling that Stiles is going to die. As the pack scramble to find out what is going on, Stiles is forced to face a ghost from a past he didn't know he had and a future that seems to threaten his place in the pack.
Tangled Crowns | 23k so far~ | 14 terrific chapters to enjoy! tags: royal au, prince Stiles, prince Derek, magic Stiles! Summary: Flattery. Derek's life is full of it. Fake smiles, fake compliments, fake people. It's exhausting.
Desperate for a night away from the high expectations and rigid life of royalty, Derek escapes to a small tavern where he meets a sweet, attractive, genuine man who only gives him the name "Mischief". He has Derek swooning by the end of the night, and Derek doesn't swoon. Their night together, the first and only real connection Derek has had in years, if not his whole life, ends too soon, and he must return to his responsibilities.
Stiles isn't ready to give up on the mysterious, handsome "Samuel" that he met in the tavern, convinced they have a connection. He finds himself risking family secrets and even the peace of his own kingdom just to keep that connection even when it seems impossible. As circumstances force them together despite betrayal and aching hearts on both sides, Derek must fight both his heart and Stiles while Stiles struggles to prove to Derek that everything between them is real.
Go check out Halevetica's AO3 page and enjoy! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, maybe even drop a comment!
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padfootagain · 23 days
Only an Almost (IX)
Chapter 9: Testing Feelings
Hello!! Here is another chapter! Will Sam’s plan work???
Hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 2163
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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On paper, Sam’s plan sounded both brilliant and simple.
This night out with your friends did sound, indeed, like the perfect place to make you jealous.
Andrew had spent most of the evening with his friends, including you. You looked ethereal tonight, he wasn’t sure how you did this, how you could always make his heart skip beats by the mere sight of you. Perhaps, if he knew how, he would ask you to stop.
The group was now splitting into tinier cells, some levitating around a game of pool, others chilling by the bar, while some where still lost in conversation by the table around which you had gathered at first. You were off to get another drink. Sam leaned closer to Andrew, the two of them having remained sitting in the booth.
“The brunette over there is staring at you.”
Andrew frowned, before turning around to take a look, trying to spot the person his friend was talking about. It was easy to notice her, indeed. When Andrew locked eyes with hers, she didn’t look away, only threw him a flirtatious smile. He was the one to turn back to his friend with a blush.
“Sam… I don’t know if I should…”
“Ha! No! Don’t back down, now! We’ve talked about this, and this is the best plan we have. So, get out there, flirt with her, and see what happens with Y/N. This woman is perfect! She’s beautiful, and very clearly interested in you. So, don’t make her wait.”
But Andrew made the ice-cube of his whiskey twirl, and didn’t stand up.
“What are you thinking about?” asked Sam, who knew his friend a little too well.
Andrew swallowed back the lump in his throat, before answering in a whisper, still staring at the brown liquid in his hand.
“What if she doesn’t care? What if she doesn’t give two shites about me flirting with another woman? Do I really want to know the answer to that question?”
Sam rested a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder, squeezed for a few seconds.
“No, you don’t,” he answered earnestly, making Andrew look up again. “But you need to. You need to, Andy. Trust me.”
Andrew finally nodded, emptied his drink, and finally got up. He gave the woman a timid smile as he approached her. She was sitting at the bar, alone. She was pretty. In another life, he could have fallen for someone like her. But in this one, you were filling all of his heart already.
“Hi,” he spoke quietly, his voice deep and warm although a little hesitant. “Sorry to bother you, and feel free to say no if you don’t feel like it but… can I buy a drink, by any chance?”
She raised a playful eyebrow.
“I don’t even know your name,” she fought back, and he liked the way she smiled with mischief all over her features.
“Andrew. The name’s Andrew. And you are?”
“Lovely name.”
“Yours is pretty basic, but it’ll do.”
He couldn’t help but genuinely laugh at that.
“Hey, it gets the job done. You say it, and I come running.”
“And why did you come to me? I wasn’t calling your name.”
“Hmm… no, you weren’t. But according to my friend over there, you’ve been staring. Which is highly impolite. So, I thought I should buy a drink.”
“If I was impolite, shouldn’t I be the one buying you a drink?”
“You can buy round two and three, so we’re even.”
She laughed, and the sound was lovely. All Andrew noticed was that you were bringing drinks back to the table. You frowned, looked around. And then you saw him, and frowned some more, as if you had been searching for him, but were surprised to find him there, with someone else.
As he focused on Marissa again, Andrew could think of nothing but you.
“Well, you should buy me that drink, then, so I can quickly repay my debt,” Marissa answered, and Andrew ordered another whiskey.
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You were looking at him and Marissa, Andrew wondered if his plan was working.
Daphne and Sam and the rest of the gang were somewhere else, lost in the dim lights and crowds of the busy pub. He was discreetly looking at you over there, standing near the table where some of your friends were gathered. Others were playing pool, some were simply scattered around the place. But everyone was lost in conversation… except for you. You were standing there, staring at him, with an unreadable expression on your face.
Did it hurt, to see him flirt with another woman?
Marissa rested her hand on his forearm. He didn’t feel anything at the touch, but he let her anyway. He even leaned a little closer, for good measure, staring at her dark eyes again. She was beautiful. You were all he could think about…
“When is this wedding then?” she asked, the tone one of conversation, but there was something syrupy in her voice that was meant to lure him in.
“In about four months now! Time flies.”
“Have you decided who you’ll go to the party with?”
He laughed, a little too loudly, just to show you that he was having fun. That he could laugh without you. That he didn’t need you.
He was lying through his teeth.
“Not yet,” he answered while staring right into this stranger’s eyes, making his voice a little deeper than usual on purpose. “Do you have suggestions?”
“I mean… I can think of a possibility… depending on what happens between then and now.”
She held up her open palm, and Andrew knew to place his phone in her hand. She entered her phone number.
“I have to go for tonight, but I hope you’ll call me soon,” she said, handing him back his phone, and her smile was tempting enough to melt a glacier.
Andrew nodded, gave her a wink. She moved closer to kiss his cheek, and he let her, bending a little to offer his skin to her lips. They were warm and soft, he could feel her lipstick on them. He wondered if you were still looking.
She gave him another warm smile; and he returned the gesture, bid her a goodnight and a safe trip home.
He didn’t look at you again, instead he grabbed his glass of whiskey, and downed the burning liquid. He turned towards the bartender and asked for a refill. He recognized your footsteps behind him, and he thought you would stop by his side, but you didn’t. You made a beeline for the bathroom instead, and his heart leapt in disappointment.
“Andy! Get your arse over here!” Alex shouted from somewhere behind him. “I need your word for a story! Daphne won’t believe me!”
Andrew shook his head, a fond and amused smile on his lips as he turned to his friends, taking his new drink with him. He kept an eye on the door to the bathroom while he joked with Alex.
“I was sick,” Andrew defended himself.
“We were thirty minutes before a show, when this guy just gives us the most cringy sound I’ve ever heard. Somewhere between a prepubescent getting hit in the balls and a dying pig.”
“I had the flu, and was completely stoned on steroids to keep my voice somehow functioning.”
“Excuses, excuses! He got us all panicking, thinking he wouldn’t be able to perform.”
“And I did!”
“How professional…”
“Thanks, Alex…”
“… to perform while higher than a fucking boeing!”
Andrew playfully rolled his eyes, making everybody laugh.
He caught a glimpse of your jacket as you hurried from the bathroom to the door of the pub.
“Ha… Y/N’s calling?”
“Fuck off,” he merely answered his bass player, making Alex chuckle.
“You’d better hurry before she leaves you behind.”
Andrew didn’t answer and merely followed his friend’s advice, emptying his drink before leaving the glass discarded on the nearest table.
You were pacing a few meters away from the entrance of the bar when Andrew stepped outside.
You froze as you noticed him.
“Y/N? You’re okay?”
You blinked at him, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Yeah,” you breathed.
You looked paler than usual, your eyes were a little red. He wasn’t sure if it was due to fatigue or tears.
“Are you sick? You want to go home?”
You hesitated, but finally nodded.
“Yeah, I… I think I’m gonna head home. I’m tired and… I had a bit too much to drink.”
“Give me a sec, I’ll grab my coat.”
“I’ll call a uber. Anyway… you’re not sober either, you can’t drive, Andy…”
“It’s almost one in the morning. It’s late, let me take you home, okay?”
“I… I’d rather you don’t.”
Andrew narrowed his eyes at you.
Did it mean that his plan was working? That you were jealous?
“Why not? Did I do something wrong?” he asked, feigning innocence.
You took a couple of seconds to answer, your expression still unreadable.
“No… no, you didn’t. But I don’t want you to accompany me. I don’t need your help.”
He was taken aback by your answer, by how much it hurt to hear those words coming out of your mouth.
“I just… I was just trying to be helpful.”
“You seemed busy enough tonight… Don’t you have someone else to go home with?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Are you jealous?” he asked, trying to hide how impatient he was, how he hoped for the answer to be a yes.
You scoffed, hands coming up to rest on your hips.
“Don’t be ridiculous, we’re not dating! You can sleep with whoever you want.”
“You’re jealous,” and this time it was more of a statement than a question.
“I’m not! We’re not dating! We’re not exclusive! If you want to have fun with… whoever that was, then go ahead! Have fun!”
“We just flirted, nothing serious.”
“You got her number, that’s a win!”
You hesitated for a moment, but asked the question on the tip of your tongue anyway.
“What’s her name?”
“Marissa,” he answered, and you looked away as he spoke her name.
There was a tug to his heart… it came from both satisfaction and guilt.
“You know… we can make a rule about that,” he offered.
“About what?”
“About… the arrangement stopping if we want to sleep with someone else.”
You scoffed again, your arms moving once more, this time to cross before your chest.
“What makes you think you’re the only person I’ve slept with these past couple of months?”
You flinched when his face fell.
“Have you? Slept with other people while we…?”
The question remained suspended in mid-air, and Andrew tried to blink away the stupor and the pain that came with your words. There was no air left in his lungs, like a punch in the guts…
“No… no, I haven’t,” you admitted. “Have you?”
“No, I haven’t.”
You’re the only one I want, he wanted to add, but he didn’t want to spoil it all by saying something so stupid.
You remained silent, and so Andrew pulled out his phone and got a uber for you.
“Can you text me when you’re home? Please? Just to make sure you’re alright,” he insisted, and you easily yielded.
It took you a couple of minutes to walk closer to him again. He was surprised when you took his hand. He ran his calloused fingertips across your soft knuckles a couple of times before interlacing your fingers together.
“Can we… can we add that rule of yours? We stop our arrangement when we meet someone else?” you asked, fleeing his gaze.
“Okay, let’s do that.”
“So… are we going to stop our… arrangement? Are you going to see Marissa again?”
You didn’t see his reassuring smile, you were looking at the curb instead.
“No… no, I don’t think I want to see her again.”
You finally looked up at him.
“You’re sure?” you asked, but Andrew’s smile grew more tender as he nodded, and he let his free hand move upwards to rest on your cheek.
“I’d rather have you,” he confessed in a whisper, voice deep and sweet. He noticed how you leaned into his touch.
He wanted to kiss you, he wondered if you would let him… but then there was a car coming, and you took a step back as the headlights illuminated your frame while they came closer, like a halo around something divine.
“Goodnight, Andy,” your voice was soft and tender as you spoke, and he guessed that your words meant more than their usual meaning.
He gave you the most loving smile.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
He watched as you disappeared in the car, waited as the engines roared a couple of seconds before the vehicle started to move, stared as the car drove away.
He smiled.
You were jealous. You wanted him to have no one else. It meant that you cared. You cared. You fucking cared…
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