#{ did he just break his own heart without realising it? mhmm. }
slasherslut444 · 3 years
~ kiss it better ~
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warnings: none, just fluff !!
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: reki kyan x gn!reader
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your legs slightly wobbling in an attempt to stay steady on the wooden board as your red-head boyfriend held onto your waist, rubbing your skin lightly with his thumbs as an attempt to calm your nerves. “promise you’re not gonna let go?” your eyes found his pleadingly “come onnnn don’t you trust me?”.
you took one look at his wide grin and felt some of those nerves leave your body, he always new how to keep them under control. “you ready baby?” “mhmm” still being able to sense your worries he presses short, light kisses to you cheek filling your stomach with butterflies in an instant. “okay! we’re gonna start off slowly, you got that babe?” you could see that look in his eyes again, the same look he had whenever he skated. a look full of wonder and excitement.
you start to feel the wheels move beneath your feet as reki slowly begins to walk, pulling you along with him hands still on your waist as yours stay clinging to his shoulders. you notice your legs starting to still as your confidence begins to build slowly, holding your head a little higher a smile starts to appear on your lips. reki notices, chuckling slightly in admiration “ready to speed up a little?” you nod flicking your eyes to him nodding making his chuckle grow into his usual infectious laugh “if you say so”
after adjusting to the slight increase in speed, you built up the courage to take your hands off of reki’s shoulders and holding your arms out in an attempt to balance yourself “there you go! , look at you you’re a natural!” joining in on the laughter you start to feel a rush of adrenaline as the wind blows through your hair. you get so caught up in the feeling that you fail to realise that the hands of your boyfriend slip from your waist. after a few seconds of letting you go by yourself, reki can’t help but cheer on his s/o in excitement “wooo! keep going (n/n) you’re doing great!” within an instant your mood switches, dread replacing joy as you realise your trustworthy boyfriend had in fact let go of you. you flicked your head around and realised just how far you had gone without guidance “reki you promised!!” he takes no notice of the waver in your voice but instead carries on shouting praises.
no longer feeling the confidence as before, the wobble in your knees starts to return and your arms start to flail. “reki!!” his praises stop when he realises your state, eyes widening “ah? oh no” your panic gets worse as your knees start to lose control, tilting the board back and forth arms flailing wildly. “stop!! you’re gonna-” an anomalous rock makes contact with the wheel of the board sending you flying in the air “fall”.
the pain washed over you in an instant, it’s bearable but somehow the embarrassment of falling in front of your skating god of a boyfriend made it worse. speaking of, reki’s with you in an instant rushing to make sure you’re not too badly hurt. “are you okay baby?” he tuts holding your wrists lightly, helping you to sit up properly brushing stray hairs out of your face pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. you whimper slightly when you realise the blood trickling down from your knee. his concern starts to grow as he brings his face closer to the wound “does it hurt?” when he doesn’t get a response he shoots his head up to realise a stray tear fall down your soft cheek. he brings his hands to your face, holding it gently as he swipes his thumb against your skin “hey...hey don’t cry sweetheart” he spoke softly, words dripping with worry “does it really hurt that bad” he ran his finger down your face softly before tilting your chin up to face him “i’m gonna need you to use your words baby” letting out a meek “no” he can’t help but smile at your tone, looking at you with so much love in his eyes, “why you crying then babe, huh? you know i hate to see you cry” his voice cracking slightly, you finally bring your eyes to his. “it..it hurts a little” he takes his hands off your face “let’s get you cleaned up okay princex”
as your sweetheart of a boyfriend reaches into his pockets for his mini supply of bandaids and wipes (he always carries them due to his accident prone of a best friend langa) you wipe away a few more tears off your face “here we are. okay, is it just your knee?” you shake your head slightly and bring your palms up so he can see your scraped skin. tutting once more he pouts his bottom lip feeling sorry for his s/o “aww you poor thing” he holds your left hand in his and brings the bacterial wipe to your wound feeling you cringe under his touch “i know it hurts i’m sorry” he hears you mutter something quietly, unable to understand what you had just said “what was that (nickname)” he moves onto your right hand as you speak up “you promised you wouldn’t let go” he shoots his head up, heart slightly breaking when he sees the sadness on your face “oh my god i’m so sorry baby” he brings you into his chest, careful not to cause anymore injuries and attacks the crown of your head with kisses “but you promised” he couldn’t stand to see you like this, he felt terrible. all he wanted to do was help you out but he hurt you, he’s never hurt you before and he hated it.
moving back out of his chest he takes your hand again, wiping it clean of grit and dirt “i’m so sorry. i’ll never hurt you again” you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in your chest “it’s not entirely your fault bub, i fell off the thing” he laughs lightly “i still let go when i told you i wouldn’t” you brung your freshly cleaned hand to his cheek “it’s okay reki, i forgive you” holding your hand with his own he leans into your touch, relief washing over him. “how about that knee huh?”
after wiping your knee clean he opens up the bandaid holding up it up to the wound, sticking his tongue out in concentration. once satisfied with the placement he presses it firmly down, swiping his thumbs over to keep it in place. he hums happily at his handy work “thanks rek-” “nope, not done yet” he leans down further and presses a lingering kiss to your knee, holding eye contact whilst lovingly rubbing his hands up and down your thigh. the pain starts to leave your body. “there” his usual grin returning to his face “all better”.
“thank you reki” “of course prince(ss), i’ll always take care of you” he gets up, holding out his hands for yours “come on i’ll help you up” you tilt your head in confusion “don’t you wanna stay? you didn’t get to skate today?” it’s true, he hadn’t even thought about himself because all of his attention was on his s/o and teaching them how to skate “but you’re hurt don’t you wanna rest? that was a pretty big fall” “it’s alright i don’t want you to miss out” he brings you up gently, helping you stand. “are you kidding?” wrapping his arms around your waist he brings you close “i skate every day babe i can skip out on one, plus i got to spend the day with you” you bring your arms around his neck bringing him down to you “i had a great day reki, i love you” you run your fingers through his unruly read hair “i love you too.. wanna go back to my place for a nap, you could stay for something to eat? my mum keeps complaining that you haven’t been over in a while, she misses you” reki’s mother always welcomed you into their home, she loved you and reki was so happy when he saw how well you got along. “i’d love to” when your lips finally meet it was a feeling that you could never get bored of, kissing reki was always wonderful wether it was sleepy pecks after a long day or full on make-out sessions, each kiss had so much love poured into them.
your lips only part because you yourself running out of breath, he takes this moment to push down on the back of his skateboard, picking it up “ready to go prince(ss)?” you nod again wrapping your arm around his waist, him draping his free arm around your shoulder kissing your temple. “let’s go get some rest baby, you did well today you deserve it”.
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and it’s done!! i enjoyed writing this a lot and i hope to write more soon ty for reading ~lucie <3
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 7 - Games
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Teasing and a little bit of Fluff.
Summary: Trying to make sure the two of you stay out of the bedroom, you suggest playing a game of Twister and Gojo's mind starts to wander.
A/N: Sorry if there are mistakes! I don't have a beta and get tired rereading the chapters over and over again. This is a little short but we have some fluff and feels and we get a little insight on how Gojo has been feeling. I'm building up to something, I promise!
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“Okay, left foot on green…”
With his right foot remaining on the red circle, Gojo spread his legs wide to place his left foot on the green circle towards the end of the mat. Things were easing up on his end when it came to work and he decided to take advantage of that by spending his free time with you tonight. What he didn’t expect was for the two of you to be in the middle of your living room playing board games instead of the usual physical activity that you both have grown accustomed to partaking in.
“Is this really how you want to spend our evening together?” he asked, taking the spinner from your hand as he proceeded to flick the arrow with his thumb and index finger.
You nodded your head, “We need to keep ourselves out of the bedroom. Otherwise, we will never leave...”
Gojo rotated his neck from side to side before replying, stretching to prepare himself for the awkward positions he was about to hold, “you’re making it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“Listen, game night is going to make up for movie night which never happened because we wound up doing it on your couch instead...”
A smug grin spread across Gojo’s face, thinking of your failed plan to have a scary movie marathon with him. You were hoping to catch the sorcerer squirm but what you didn’t expect was him teasing you thirty minutes into the film that inevitably resulted in you being fucked senseless on his couch.
“You’re really going to put the blame on me for that? If you were paying attention you wouldn’t have succumbed to my advances so easily,” he retorted defensively.
“You had your hand up my skirt!”
“Now, I told you what that skirt does to me,” he jokingly snapped, pointing his finger at you sternly before shrugging his shoulders. “I couldn’t help myself…”
“Okay, well how about the night we were supposed to go out for dinner but missed our reservation because you decided to rip up my dress on the car ride over…”
“Let’s not get too dramatic, I merely broke the zipper and I did buy you another dress.”
“Okay, how about last night?”
Gojo parted his lips, pausing to think how the two of you wound up naked in the shower instead of going to the karaoke bar with Rina and her friends.
“Last night... wasn't my fault,” he pointed out, arching his brow at you as he recalled the way you teased him into submission.
“Oh, yeah. That’s right…” you shyly replied, biting your bottom lip as you scratched the back of your head. “So, uh, what’s my next move?”
“Quick to change the subject, I see?” Gojo answered with an easy smile, “Put your left hand on the blue circle…”
With your feet on the green and yellow circles, you leaned your body forward to put your left hand on the blue sphere. Meanwhile, Gojo dropped the spinner on the ground beside you, suppressing a laugh as he watched you struggle to spin the arrow and call out his next round.
“The point here is...” you grumbled as you tried to adjust yourself back into a comfortable position, “...the two of us are getting carried away. I just think this little break might do us some good.”
“I don’t think working up a sweat is a bad thing,” Gojo insisted.
“Well, we can burn calories after I kick your butt,” you added on, waiting for the arrow to land. “Right hand on green...”
“For someone trying to make sure we keep our distance, you sure picked an interesting game tonight,” Gojo teased, finding his new posture which brought his face close to yours.
“I know for a fact that you can’t cheat playing Twister,” you reminded, before glancing up at him from under your lashes and inching forward to peck him on the tip of his nose. “Besides, I never said I wanted space, I just thought I’d change things up for the evening.”
Gojo’s smiled into your lips as he gave you a soft kiss in return, “if you think you can distract me by being cute, you are absolutely wrong .”
“We both know how much of a sore loser you can be,” you answered back, “I just hope you’re ready to throw yourself a pity party by the end of this because I am definitely winning.”
“Mhmm, whatever you say. Right hand, blue…” he continued, trying to pay attention to the game and observing you reach your arm slightly underneath him to place your hand on the circle.
He couldn’t explain when things became this comfortable with you. If he had known that hooking up with you would bring you both closer together as friends, he wouldn’t have rejected your offer that easily.
You’ve both already broken one of your rules. However, Gojo didn’t mind forgoing the “drinking” rule to decide whether or not the two of you wanted to hook up. You both no longer needed the excuse anyway, after a while it became painfully clear that regardless of what the plans were, things always resulted in the two of you tangled up in someone’s bed sheets.
The sorcerer spent a majority of his spare time alone, unaware of how much it bothered him until you came along. He thought about the way you described yourself when you were in a relationship with your ex-boyfriend, and wondered if this felt similar in any way. Not that he considered you as anything other than a friend...but he was curious .
You both were different in many ways but often clashed when it came to your perspectives on love. You believed that there was a person out there for everbody, that there was nothing like falling in love with somebody who looked at you as if you were their whole world.
Granted, those were your opinions when you were in a happy and loving relationship but Gojo always disagreed with you because he was convinced that relationships were messy and only brought unnecessary drama to the table. That’s why he had his own personal rule that was standard practice when it came to his “love” life.
He never hooked up with somebody more than once.
Rumors about his womanising ways only stemmed from the fact that he did actually have plenty of lovers. However, he could barely recall their faces and didn’t even remember their names. Sometimes they recognized him on the street, and foolishly attempted to strike up a conversation with the handsome, rich stranger who paid for their company.
Gojo would politely brush them off every time. His stone cold reaction broke the hearts of those who were lucky enough to even be in his presence. He surely didn’t need to pay for the escorts or call girls but the act itself was easier and he had the money to spend anyway. These acquaintances never asked him any questions about his personal life, which benefited him greatly because it left very little room for anything other than small talk. Once both parties were satisfied, Gojo would leave every encounter without ever looking back. Sex was a routine way for him to blow off steam or merely take care of his natural urges. However, you didn’t know that you were the first person who he consistently kept as company in the bedroom.  
Up until this moment, he had been suppressing his desire for you. Now that he has you, the sorcerer could tell he was getting greedy. He respected your wishes when you asked him not to see anyone else on the side but surprised himself when he realised that he had no interest in seeking out the strangers that used to keep him company at night.
Even though you both insisted that this new partnership had no influence on friendship, Gojo was observant enough to see that it was not the case. Little things were starting to change here and there, and he was carefully making note of it every time it happened.
For example, whenever he was off fighting curses, you started habitually checking up on him to make sure he was okay. One night when he was unable to answer his phone, he received a string of unusual text messages from you to find out what happened. He remembered calling you right after, teasing you to ask if you were worried about him. You surprised him with your fear, how you easily believed that something was powerful enough to harm him despite him repeatedly telling you that nothing could touch him. When you responded to his question with a sincere yes, an unexpected sensation spread across his chest. If he wasn’t paying attention to how much you cared about him before, he was more aware of it now.
To ease your worries, he made it a point to shoot you a text whenever he could just to let you know that he was alright. Although, he did sometimes forget which resulted in you panicking on the phone with him. Only this time, Gojo never made fun of your concerns.
In turn, he realised how fiercely protective he became of you and it killed him whenever he had to deflect your questions when you asked about his life. There was so much you wanted to know and so much that he wished he could tell you. However, he had every intention of maintaining this invisible boundary. The last thing he wants is for you to get caught up in something that you couldn’t understand. If he were to invite you into his whole world, that would only lead to you facing dangerous threats that loved to lurk in the shadows.
He would never forgive himself if something were to happen to you.
A few more rounds passed, and the two of you were intertwined in the most precarious situation. You were in a reverse tabletop position, looking like a crab with two hands and feet on the blue and yellow circles. Meanwhile, Gojo was in a plank position above you, his palms pressed on the red and green circle by your side, with one foot next to yours on a blue circle and another on a yellow circle.
You were shaking underneath him, desperately trying to maintain your awkward stance while Gojo appeared bored holding his own position with ease.
“Okay, I didn’t take your strength or height into consideration…” you groaned with a pout.
A chuckle escaped his lips, “give up, yet?”
“No…” you groaned, eyeing the spinner by your side as you reached for it with your right hand. You lifted your head slightly, your neck straining as you tried to call out the next move. “Left foot, green…”
Gojo picked up his leg but as he stretched himself out he realised that he couldn’t bend himself properly in that particular way.
Your eyes widened, watching him shake as he tried to rotate his body without lifting himself completely up off the mat.
“Or maybe your height is actually a disadvantage?” you questioned, ignoring the way your arms burned from holding yourself up as your heart raced with anticipation.
“Shhh, I’m concentrating...”
Gojo kicked his leg out one way and then the other, the comical image of his tall body in motion only made you laugh at his reaction. He tried his best to ignore the sound of your voice but knew that he could barely maintain his balance as he tried to find the green circle. However, he miscalculated the gravity of his own weight when he shifted to the left side of his body, his elbow buckling underneath and causing him to collapse.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, raising your arms up in victory, paying no attention to his body pressed on top of yours.
His face was buried in the crook of your neck, breathing in deep to inhale the scent of your soap. He felt your hand pat the back of his head lightly, indicating that you wanted him to get off from on top of you. He slowly unraveled himself, irritated by his own misfortune as he rolled onto his back to lay down beside you. He tilted his head to look at you, noticing you turn so you both were making direct eye contact with each other.
Gojo always knew you were beautiful. Nothing in this world could convince him otherwise but he never paid attention to the details of how pretty you actually were. Little things about you that made the gears in his head turn, from the gorgeous mane that sprouted on the top of your head, to the way your eyes sparkled whenever you were excited or how the curve of your lips was your secret tell to let him know exactly what you were feeling when you couldn’t find the words to explain yourself.
Why me? He thought to himself, if you wanted to fuck around with somebody then why did you ask me?  
A kiss on his lips snapped him out of his drawn out thoughts, he felt the pads of your fingers along his cheek, slipping lightly underneath his blindfold to reveal just one of those blue eyes.
“Ready for another round?” you questioned.
Gojo softly smiled, thankful that you haven’t grown bored of him just yet. He lifted himself up, bringing one of his hands to cup your face as he pulled you in for another kiss. His tongue parted your lips and he allowed himself this one indulgence as he trailed his hand to the back of your neck.
Whatever thoughts that were running through his mind, he chose to ignore. There was no reason for him to consider such trivial things anyway. You were spoiling him with your body, playing out the fantasies that plagued his mind. He was aware that his greed fueled his lust for you and honestly did not know what he would do if you were to ask him to stop.
He deepened the kiss, allowing the frustrating thought to play out in passion instead. You shifted your position, your hand falling to his chest as you gripped onto the collar of his tee. Still holding onto the kiss, Gojo lifted himself upright so he was seated and as much as he would love to take advantage of this current situation, he chose to pull himself away instead.
“Best of three?”
“That sounds good to me!” you replied as you circled your arm around his neck, before returning to kiss him again.
Gojo gave in for only a second, before cheekily breaking away and tapping you gently on the forehead with his index finger.
“Oh no, you aren’t doing this to me again...” he said, his hands moving to your waistline as he gently pushed you away from him. “You wanted to have a game night and we are going to see it through.”
He leaned across from you to pick up the spinner, before settling back down and holding it in between the tiny space that separated you both.
“Winner goes first.”
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one without a plan
Part 14 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Warnings | 18+ only
Chapter 14 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
Bucky had taken the opportunity whilst you were in the other room to give your bedroom a quick tidy and pulled on a pair of shorts from his bag. He hadn’t thought twice about where he wanted to go after leaving Sokovia, catching the first flight he could. He’d not even opened up his apartment, too eager to see you. Much to his dismay he’d found your apartment door unlocked but knew you must’ve been returning soon. It wasn’t ever his intention to end up in your bed, hell it wasn’t even his intention to kiss you but the moment he saw you and had you in his arms, he couldn’t help himself. He never could with you.
His heart practically melted as you peeped your head around the door, suddenly shy in your bare state. “Here doll” He reached into his duffel and retrieved one of his black t-shirts, throwing it your way. Although you obviously had a change of clothes available considering it was your own apartment, he wanted to see you in his clothes again. The memory he had of you in his shirt was one he found replaying in his mind time and time again; he was eager to see a repeat. 
“Thanks Buck” You smiled back at him and pulled it over your head, breathing in his scent as you did. 
Tentatively, he reached out with his left arm and without hesitation, you accepted his hand, grasping it in yours. With a gentle tug he led you into your kitchen, lifting you by your thighs as he reached your countertop, gently depositing you in his usual spot. After leaving a quick peck on your nose, he turned his back to you and finished off putting away your groceries.
You smiled to yourself as you noticed how he managed to put away every item in its correct place, owing to how many times he’d watched you do the same thing the past few months. 
“Are you staring at my ass?” 
You diverted your eyes away from Bucky's behind, unaware you’d been staring as he gave you a smirk over his shoulder. 
Finally finished, he turned to face you and leant against the wall opposite you, head cocked to the side as his eyes took you in; enjoying every inch of bare skin. 
“I really missed you doll” 
“I missed you too Buck” Lifting your arms, you reached out trying to grab at him but missed him by a few inches. 
A large grin spread across his face at your ‘grabby hands‘. “As adorable as you look, I need to get something off my chest.” 
You dropped your hands as you nodded, your interest peaked.
Bucky’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to put what he was feeling into words. On his way home he’d rehearsed over and over again what he wanted to say to you; but somehow he was coming up short. After seeing you, being with you, every coherent thought he had left his mind. 
Frustrated, he clenched his jaw as he felt his breathing become heavy, panic running through him as he realised he was messing up his chance. 
“You don’t need to say anything” You offered, seeing how uncomfortable and anxious he was becoming as he struggled to voice what he wanted to say. 
“I just-” He began before groaning as he continued to struggle. 
Jumping down from the counter you took a step towards him, your hand coming to rest over his heart, finger tips skimming where his flesh melted into the vibranium. 
“I know Bucky… I feel it too” You whispered, your eyes meeting his as you offered him a small smile, praying he understood. 
Raising his right hand, his fingertips grazed your arm before reaching your palm which rested on his chest, softly lifting your hand. Bowing his head, his lips brushed over your knuckles, paying every finger attention, littering them with kisses. His eyes closed as he pulled you closer to his chest, cradling you against him as he tucked your head under his chin. 
For the first time since the war, Bucky felt at peace.
Rather reluctantly he later left your apartment but not after giving you a stern look for leaving your door unlocked before. He’d gotten a text from Ayo to say Sam’s suit was ready to be picked up and that it would be waiting for him in the new gardens on the Avengers Tower. 
Pleasantly surprised at the quick turnaround, he made his way over there with the aim of getting back to you as quickly as possible, knowing you were waiting for him with a home cooked meal. 
Upon arrival, he took a few moments to admire the changes made to the building, the newly planted flowers and trees giving life to the previously cold tower. 
“White Wolf!” A familiar voice brought a smile to his face as he turned to face the young woman it belonged to. 
“My favourite broken white boy” She replied, grasping his hand and pulling him into a quick hug. 
During his time in Wakanda he got close with Shuri as she worked to fix him along with Ayo. Her feisty temperament reminded him of his sister Rebecca but it was her unwavering confidence in her own abilities that bonded them together. For someone who didn't trust his own mind for so long, it was refreshing to be around someone who trusted themselves so completely.
“Ayo not with you?” He queried, looking around and finding no one. 
“She’s bringing up the suit, she’ll be here in a few minutes.” 
With another smile Bucky gestured for her to sit down on a nearby bench, still thrilled to be seeing her. 
“I’m surprised you came to be honest… after the whole Zemo thing” He remarked, bowing his head in shame. 
“Unfortunately even I can’t fix stupidity.” With a cheeky smile she elbowed him in the side “So you’ve gotten over your ex boyfriend.” She joked, shooting Bucky a grin. 
“Oh here we go! I’ve told you before, Steve was not my boyfriend.” Shuri merely rolled her eyes as she held back a laugh at Bucky’s clear discomfort. “How did you even find out about Y/n anyway?” 
“Y/n? Who is Y/n?” With a loud gasp Shuri nearly jumped out of her seat in excitement. “White Wolf has a girlfriend! Ayo, Nomble, get over here!!” Bucky groaned as Shuri beckoned an approaching Ayo & Nomble who were carrying a large case between them. “I cannot believe it. Not only has the goat whisperer gotten a haircut but he’s got a girlfriend!” 
Bucky tried to be annoyed at Shuri, he really did but he couldn't contain the smile that graced his lips at the sound of you being referred to as his girlfriend. 
The group spent the next few minutes conversing back and forth before Bucky made his tracks home; leaving with the case containing Sam's new suit in his arms and a promise to Shuri to introduce you to her and go see a show once things with the Flag Smashers had been resolved.
After dropping the suit off in his apartment he made his way back to yours, pleased to find the door locked. 
You opened it up to him, inviting him in with a quick peck to his lips as you hurried back to the stove, stirring the sauce you’d been making. 
“How did it go?” You asked. You’d not gotten changed since he’d left, enjoying the softness of Bucky’s tshirt against your bare skin and his lingering scent. 
“It went well” He murmured as he made his way up behind you, arms snaking around your waist as soft kisses made their way down your neck. Bucky couldn’t quite believe this was happening, you’d both fallen into domestic bliss quickly and nothing had ever felt so natural to him. You’d both been dancing around each other for months now, never quite crossing the line but coming pretty close. He’d known the way you both acted around one another wasn’t how friends usually acted but he’d never let himself believe you’d ever want something more with him. But now? He was planning on thoroughly enjoying every minute with you, worried that somehow the bubble would break and you’d come to your senses. Until then he’d be greedy. 
“Buck-mhmm!” His hand had begun to wander and his fingers brushed against your damp sex. 
“Yes doll?” He asked rather too innocently as he pushed a finger inside you, slowly pumping it in and out as his lips continued leaving soft kisses on your neck. 
No words came out of your mouth as you dropped your head back to rest on his shoulder. His spare hand gripped you around your waist as your legs began to give out when his second finger slid inside and began to curl. Soft whimpers left your lips as Bucky continued thrusting his fingers inside you, your eyes screwed shut. 
“You’re doing so well doll” He muttered in your ear, completely transfixed by the feel of your body pressed against his. Your hips pressed against his as you rubbed your ass against his crotch, his cock rock hard in his jeans. 
The food in front of you was long forgotten as Bucky brought you closer and closer to orgasm. He continued whispering praise in your ear as his fingers continued to brush your sweet spot over and over again. Moans filled your apartment as you chanted his name, a sound Bucky could listen to on repeat forever. 
Bucky's hips thrusted against your ass one more time as his lips nibbled on your ear lobe, his voice sounding rough and gravelly as he issued his command. “Come for me Y/n” 
Your body complied as your orgasm erupted, your sweet release drowning Buckys fingers as you rode wave after wave. 
You eventually returned to your body as Bucky slipped his fingers from you, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean as he did. 
“Come to bed” He asked as he tried to pull your hips backwards with him. 
“Buck we need to eat!” You protested, giggling as you caught sight of his sulk. 
“But-” he began but was swiftly cut off. 
“You may be a super soldier with super stamina but I am not, I need food Bucky! Plus I made you meatballs….” Bucky perked up at the promise of food and begrudgingly let go of you. 
He set the table as you finished off the food, not trusting himself around you, knowing damm well he’d be carrying you to your bedroom in seconds if he got too close. 
You both ate in silence as you wolfed down the food you’d prepared, smiling to yourself as you realised you’d made him the very thing you’d promised him the day you met - the day he saved you from the creep in the lobby. 
“I finally did it” 
“I quit my job” You confessed as you wiped your mouth clean with a napkin. 
Bucky stared back at you as he grinned, not quite knowing what to say. 
“I had this crazy idea you see” Bucky didn't say a word as he took in every word you said. “My best friend was half way round the world and although he was technically there for work, he was seeing the world. And it got me thinking… maybe he’d want to see it with me?” There was hope in your voice as you explained yourself, finding yourself getting giddy at the thought of travelling. 
“You want to live on the road?” 
“Oh! No, I mean I want to see a lot but I think having somewhere permanent to call home would be good y’know? There’s something else… Before quitting my job I got offered an analyst position, remote working, great benefits… the lot” 
“Why didn't you say anything!” Bucky exclaimed, jumping out of his chair and kneeling down in front of you, pulling you into his arms from your seated position into a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you Y/n” 
“It’s with Stark Industries.” The super soldier went rigid in your arms, dread filling him up. 
“Do they know?” his voice came out far more timid than he intended. During one of your many heart-to-hearts with the man, he’d opened up about the events that took place after Steve found him. He still carried the guilt with him wherever he went and the regret he had over not resolving things with Tony before he passed still haunted him. 
“Yeah, I let them know we’re close after I got the job. They don’t care Bucky, they know you’re not him.” You tried your best to reassure him as you pulled back from the hug, leaving a lingering kiss on his forehead. 
Bucky sighed with relief, grateful his past hadn’t hindered your future. 
“So you’d like a super soldier tagging along for the ride?” He joked, trying to lighten the mood as he remained kneeled in front of you, his hands running up and down your arms as they rested on his shoulders. 
“If he’s up for it” You replied, grinning back at him. 
“I just have one request.” Turning his head, he began kissing up one of your arms, slowly reaching your chest. 
“I pick our first stop” 
Tag list: @iamtheonewhocares @indigo123789 @xpurpleglitter
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
I can't think of a specific scene, but I just want some angst with Tatsuya please!! Thank youu ❤️
Haha it pained me to write this,, I might’ve cried a bit while typing out some of the dialogue lmao idk why I went so hard with the angst 😭 it’s so long as well ajsjsk
Anyways, I hope you like it!! xx
Scenario: Himuro moving away
gender neutral reader
All good things seem to come to an end. All your life, you were painfully aware of this fact. You tried making some exceptions, but they just proved you wrong in the end. So why did you think Himuro was any different?
You and Himuro clicked almost instantly ever since he moved into town and into the house right next to yours. It was your typical cheesy boy next door love story, but it still filled your life with colour.
The two of you began as friends, spending an awful lot of your time together— walking to and from school, study sessions and just plain hanging out. But by far, your favourite thing to do with Himuro was climb up to the roof of your house and stare at the stars together. You’d think that with the sheer frequency of your visits to the roof that either of you would get tired of it, but you never did. The stars never failed to fascinate you. Moreover, you had memories attached to the place. This was where Himuro confessed to you for the first time. You remember it like it was just yesterday.
“... and then I slipped on one of the steps and landed on Atsushi and everyone looked horrified,” Himuro recounted his awful experience that day as you tried to hold back your laughter.
However, the imagery of it only made you laugh even harder, “How are you that clumsy?” you said between laughs, clearly mocking him.
Himuro clicked his tongue in annoyance and slapped your arm lightly. “Stop laughing. I could’ve really gotten hurt, you know,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment, even after you had simmered down and looked back up at the sky.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m glad you’re okay. But you’re just really stupid sometimes,” you smiled, meaning every word you said.
Himuro just rolled his eyes as a response before a silence fell between you two. It wasn’t awkward nor uncomfortable, the two of you just embraced each other’s presence like it was second nature.
“Hey, Y/N,” Himuro said, breaking a five minute long silence after fighting the nerves by himself.
“Mhmm?” You hummed, looking over at him and realising that he seemed unusually on edge.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sound of those words before your rational thinking came into play. “Well, I wouldn’t be surprised because you’re supposed to like me. You’re my friend, after all.”
Himuro visibly hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it. “No, I mean more than in a friend type of way.”
You felt yourself freeze up as you tried to process what you had just heard. “Oh,” was the only thing you could muster.
A few seconds of silence passed as Himuro grew more and more nervous. “Should I have not said anything?”
You still didn’t say anything as your mind tried to come to some form of coherent thought. “What if I told you I liked you back?” you finally said, so nervous that you were unsure if he had even heard you.
He certainly did though as his eyes lit up and a gentle smile fell upon his face. He didn’t plan this far ahead. Now that he had gotten his answer, his mind was in a frenzy. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you softly since it was the only thing he could think of to do at that moment.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head yes. And on that roof, under the stars, was where you and Himuro kissed for the very first time.
Ever since that night, the two of you would be all over each other. Of course, the change in titles was a bit awkward at first, but for the most part, the way you acted around each other wasn’t all that different. You’d still argue over your favourite tv show characters, you’d still laugh at each other’s jokes and you’d still meet up on that roof together. So really, nothing changed except that the two of you would hold hands and kiss every now and again.
It was perfect to you. You both really did love each other to the point where you could barely imagine a world without the other in it. Everything came so naturally with Himuro that it was so incredibly easy. You’d really never felt this way with anyone else before.
No one else around you was surprised when the two of you started dating either. When Himuro told Murasakibara about it a few days after you two got together, he even said, “Oh you two weren’t already a thing? Congrats, I guess.”
A little over a year had passed since you two began dating and things were going smoother than ever. Well, that was until one evening when the two of you were walking home after school.
“Hey Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something,” Himuro said, his voice softer than usual, making you stop swinging his arm playfully out of concern.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to say this, but I’m moving,” he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.
Your heart sank as you stopped in your tracks, forcing Himuro to stop too. “Moving? Where?” you asked, bewildered.
“Back to America. My dad got transferred again, so we gotta move,” he explained, hating how pained your expression was.
You felt tears prick your eyes as you processed the fact that this was actually happening. “When are you leaving?” you asked, praying that it was a faraway time like next year.
“Next week.”
You felt everything shatter around you. The wind that blew your way draining the warmth out of you entirely. “But they can’t just move him away so suddenly! Surely there are documents and other processes he needs to sort out,” You argued, trying your best to convince yourself that you could keep Himuro for just a little longer.
“No, it’s all confirmed. Most of the stuff at home is even packed up,” Himuro said, trying to fight back tears of his own as he brushed his hair out of his eyes in frustration.
“Oh,” your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. “So how long have you known?”
“About a month now. I was just trying to figure out how to tell you—“
“A month?” You exclaimed, raising your voice ever so slightly as you felt a wave of anger flow through you. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t know how. Plus I knew you’d get all sad and I didn’t want our last few days to be spent with you crying,” he explained, reaching his hand out to your face so that he could wipe the tears away.
He was quickly shut down by you swatting his arm away though, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
“How do you think this is any better?” You snapped. “I thought we told everything to each other. Now there’s no fucking time to do anything, do you realise that?”
“I do, but—“
“Save it, Tatsuya,” you cut him off as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “I just need some space.”
Just like that you stormed away, deciding to walk back home alone and leaving Himuro behind, confused and hurt. He knew that you weren’t actually mad at him. He knew that you were just lashing out your frustration onto him because there was nothing else you could blame. He knew that. But why did watching you walk away cause an ache in his chest?
Himuro let you have the rest of the day to yourself. He did send you a few texts asking how you were holding up, but they got no response. In any other situation, he would’ve just walked right over to your house and checked for himself, but something told him that he was the last thing you wanted to see, despite the time crunch.
Himuro didn’t see you nor did he get a reply from you the next day either. By the time the evening rolled around and he had heard nothing from you, he decided that it was enough. If he didn’t do anything now, the last memory he’d have of you would be your anger.
The raven haired boy walked over to your house and knocked on the door. Your mum let him in with a smile, not thinking too much of it since she was so used to having him over. When Himuro entered your room, he found you simply just laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.
“Y/N, are you just going to ignore me until I leave?” Himuro asked without even greeting you first.
You immediately sat up at the sound of his voice and stared at him from across the room. Now that you had run out of tears, you had slowly come to terms with the fact that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t really blame him. Your anger was uncalled for, but you didn’t want to admit it, not that Himuro was expecting you to anyway.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, voice raspy as though you’d just finished crying.
Himuro sighed as he felt his tension simmer down. He came in here expecting to tell you off, but it seemed like he didn’t need to do that after all. “You don’t need to apologise,” he said calmly as he walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Would you like to go up to the roof?”
A small smile fell upon your face for the first time in a while at the comforting words as you nodded in response.
Himuro took your hand and held it tight as the two of you headed up to lie down at your usual spot.
There was a full moon that night. Of course, the stars seemed inferior to the sheer brightness of the moon, but the night sky was still as gorgeous as ever. The two of you laid in silence for a moment to fully take in the sight. As you finally felt comfortable again, you noticed that you ended up matching your breathing with Himuro’s without even thinking of it.
“Do you really have to leave?” You said, directing your focus to your boyfriend, who was now more important to you than all the stars in the sky.
“I’m afraid I do,” he answered, squeezing your hand tighter.
“Can’t you just live with me? I’m sure my parents won’t mind. It seems like they love you more than me anyways,” you suggested, tone dead serious.
You watched as Himuro laughed at your idea. You could never get tired of his laugh. It was so soft and lovely that it made you want to capture it in a bottle and keep it all to yourself. “I wish I could, but my parents would kill me if I even tried asking them now. They’re so stressed about the move and I absolutely do not want to interfere,” he said, the moonlight making his dark eyes sparkle.
You took a deep breath as a moment of silence passed you by. Every part of you hurt to be with him, knowing that you weren’t going to see him again. It was a surprise that you could even talk to him normally without bursting into tears.
“Do you think we should call this quits?” You asked him, your fingers fiddling around with his.
“Call what quits?”
“Us. This relationship,” you clarified, looking at him with wide eyes. “There’s no way we can do long distance, especially after being so used to seeing each other every day.”
Himuro went silent for a second as he thought it over. This really fucking hurts. He hated thinking about it but this was the reality. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best,” he said.
You were fully aware that you were the one that suggested it, but now hearing him say that triggered the tears all over again. “Cool,” you croaked as you did your best to fight back the cries. It was useless though, because you quickly became a sniffling mess next to Himuro.
“Hey, come on, it’ll be okay. We can go back to being friends. I’ll text you,” Himuro paused to wipe away his own tears, “I-I’ll text you every day. And we can call, and play video games, whatever you want.”
Himuro shifted over and rested on his elbow so that his other hand could wipe the tears off of your cheeks. His tender touch sent butterflies to your stomach as you felt your heart ache. His hand moved up to brush through your hair, bringing some form of familiar comfort which slightly calmed you down.
“Promise that you’ll still be my best friend?” you asked him with your shaky voice.
“Of course. Who else is going to tell me that I’m stupid every day?” he joked, making you laugh through the tears.
“Can I ask you for a favour?” You said softly.
“It’s not going to be to stay, is it?”
You giggled once again as you shook your head. “No, it’s not,” you said as you sat up.
“Alright then, shoot.”
“Well, I know we’re back to being friends now, but can you kiss me? Just one last time?”
Both of you hated the finality of those words, but that was simply the reality of the situation. Himuro smiled and nodded, “Of course.”
He leaned in, pressing his familiar soft lips against yours in the softest way possible. He could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks. His hand moved to wipe them away as your fingers wandered into his silky dark hair. You didn’t want this moment to ever end. The feel of his lips against yours, the way he held you so carefully, the taste of the chapstick he applies to combat the coldness of your town— you didn’t want to say goodbye to it. You didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Eventually, he had to pull away, knowing that the longer it went on, the more difficult it would be to end. “Satisfied?” he asked you with a smile, wanting to move away from the seriousness of this situation.
“I suppose I am,” you said with a sigh. “First and last kiss on this roof, huh? How poetic.”
“Hm, I didn’t even think about that,” Himuro said, realising how absolutely bittersweet that kiss was.
Another silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything to know that the other was savouring these last moments together.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you said as both of your gazes were fixated on the sky once again.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I’ll miss this.”
“Me too,” he muttered before the two of you went quiet again.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you spoke again after a few minutes.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied, your name rolling off his tongue in the same sweet way as it always would.
“I’ll miss you.”
Himuro took a deep breath and ignored the break in his heart. There was nothing else he could do.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.”
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atsumus-girlfriend · 3 years
❛ 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❜ ― kuroo
↻ in which kuroo fucks you to the scenery of the tokyo lights
𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 degrading, praising kink, overstim and slight manga spoilers
↻ word count: 2.4k
↻ author’s note: kinda nervous lol <3
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having returned feelings from your boss was something you didn't foresee coming for months in the business atmosphere of volleyball. around him, you felt as if it had been solely around work, nothing more, nothing less.
nonetheless, you would accept that kuroo was an excellent boss to you. because of his background in high school, he was able to apply that to real life as an adult and it showed with the way he approached everyone in a friendly manner. his friendly manner was one of the aspects people talked about a lot, in fact and they found that as a good trait from him.
no one saw the other side to kuroo, though. the one where he also liked you but didn't make it the least bit obvious because of the positions the both of you were in. boss and assistant, a mindless open border, stopping the both of you.
but it got to a point that he couldn't take it anymore.
so when you were pinned against the wall by him on a late night in the office, it was no surprise that you were surprised by his flamboyant actions. kuroo hardened his grip against your hand, a grave look flashing on his face. it almost scared you that this man seemed more scary today than he would on most days. so outgoing, polite, smiley. now, you were given a whole new perspective.
your breaths had mingled in the air as you stared at kuroo's oh-so forbidden lips. if only you could taste them impelling against yours.
"do you still not get it?" kuroo asked you.
you furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head hesitatingly. you just wanted to leave for the end of your shift today but when kuroo frustratingly forced you against the wall, there was a palpable tension rising between the both of you as well as the bewilderment for you. it was unexpected for him to do such inappropriate things in a work situation, today was different.
"i like you, y/n." he confessed, his eyes softening.
your heart fluttered quickly. the thought of having him like you back was like a dream come true for you, seeing that you liked him over the months of working with him.
"y-you do?" you asked.
kuroo sighed and rolled his eyes. "no i don't."
"k-kuroo-sama, please be honest with me. if you're just playing, i'll leave." you were suddenly unable to meet with his gorgeous eyes, as yours trailed down to the ground with defeating embers. kuroo lifted your chin, making you look into them.
"i like you a lot. you kept distancing yourself from me, so i figure you did too." he confirmed. you were more than happy he caught on to you instead of doubting you.
then, he moved his lips to mould with yours. your eyes widened for a second, incapable to accept that this moment was finally here. but what was the purpose of not believing it here when it was forcing itself on you? you grinned into the kiss with that new belief of yours, scratching out the old one.
the lights were off at the office, hauling in that extra ounce of privacy with the dullness. you two were like shadows dancing happily, no one seeing you in amidst it all in your rituals. 
you kissed back his soft lips, feeling kuroo's hands trail down your body. the steamy kiss brought you onto your tippy toes, the intriguing insight growing to your fingertips as you cupped his white cheeks.
"you like that, don't you?" he asked.
"mhmm. . ." you answered, a smile evidently unable to leave your mouth. for it was proven that you and kuroo were together.
kuroo pushed you back against the icy wall, his figure dogging over you as his tongue moved into your mouth slickly. the sounds that willed his lips were elegant but simultaneously shying you whilst you drew your attention to them. though, you got confident at some point, wrapping your arms around kuroo's neck, wanting more in the moment.
he took the hint and palmed your ass. with the consent delivered through the rush, you jumped up and allowed him to catch you flawlessly in his arms. you let out a soft groan formerly to locking lips with your boss moreover as his hands scooped your butt, confirming you were on him safely. kuroo guided both of you to a table, your firm skirt trekking up your thigh so you could feel his shirt through your panties at a close extent.
the desk he brought you to was stationed by one of the big-city windows, giving you a preview of the range of lights in the city from the twentieth story. it was considerably different to be doing the deed here with kuroo, seeing as the vague lights felt distinctive to fuck around with. nevertheless, you admitted to the beauty of it and accepted to it all.
kuroo guided your body to staple against the desk and moved away from your lips, his hand palming your breast callously. no one could see you from outside anyways.
"can i?" he asked. his lust-brimming eyes coveted you, suddenly turning the whole situation without realising. but you were infatuated with the idea of having this man take complete control over your body, you nodded with agreement, hinting the consent.
a grin came over his screened face, softening the moment for a second. but he was back at it, tapping you back into the moment too. kuroo unfastened your shirt as another hand sneaked under your pencil skirt, lust moving in him like a beast.
you gasped, clenching your thighs as your initial reaction. you could feel yourself getting damp from how he stroked your clit delicately. a shallow smile came over your face to reveal your pleasure. you liked it just like that and he was doing it.
"you like that, don't you?"
you hummed in response and escorted his hand to move harder against your moistured clit. however, kuroo retaliated by catching your lips in another sweet kiss on the cold metal table. you were seeing stars in your eyes when he entered his fingers in smoothly, not needing your little instructions. he could do it himself and assured you quickly. 
small moans were emitted from the gasps of your kiss as you could hear the ungodly splashing tune his digits made to your womanhood. your eyes were squeezed tight in the sense that you didn't want to feel anything there but at the same time, desiring it so bad like a firing sense inside you.
"k-kuroo-sama, just like that." you pulled out of the kiss to let out another moan in the twilight of the closed office, where you and kuroo were just seen working your ass off for volleyball promotions. this was like a break from it all.
"my little cumslut. . ." kuroo smirked, pulling his fingers out. you opened your shut eyes, drawing your eyebrows together in the mishap. why would he take out his fingers at such a needed time?
despite that, once you looked at him you were sure as hell you wouldn't have the ability to walk for days. he had plans.
kuroo slid his fingers around one of your bra straps and pulled you up from the desk so your features were close together again, your breathing jumbled hotly. it was like you were nothing opposed to him, he made it feel like that and you were starting to notice that point of view.
"turn around for me." the instructions were blatant, yet clear and straight to the point that you didn't argue for a second. you got off the table and turned around, waiting for the next instruction. but, it was more of a do, a control.
kuroo pushed you down against the table. your ass was high in the air, in the sight of his wanton eyes. seconds passed as you took a look at what was in front of you.
the window.
where the view of tokyo was splayed out, a stunning scene to fuck to and kuroo knew that. he wanted you to see decadence as he brought you to places you've never been to. you blinked repeatedly at the lights of the city that seemed as if it was a light shop on its own. and the faraway sound of cars moving down below, it was all far away but in sight.
kuroo rubbing your ass was what got you back into the scene. he pressed his erection against you as he bent down to your ear, brushing his lips against your ear. your eyes reflected the lights of tokyo, swelled and full of bliss, he could see that.
"i'm going to make you suffer, kitten." he spoke softly.
you gulped.
"just be good for me and i'll love you after." kuroo said.
you had no idea there was this side to your boss but it was broadening in the obvious now. he was a degrading maniac that wanted nothing but for you to suffer in his wicked grasps.
with that, kuroo swiftly dragged down your skirt to reside at your ankles. you were beginning to wobble on your heels as his digits swiped down your dripping cunt. holding onto the other end of the table, you were slipping over the grip of yourself, wanting nothing but kuroo to take complete control over what you did. 
your boss noticed this reaction and squatted down to examine the liquid coming out of you. he pushed his face into your womanhood abruptly, his tongue plunging into the tunnel of warmth. you whinged, closing your eyes as he grasped onto your thighs harshly, humming alongside your pussy with that melodious sound of it. 
while his tongue moved wonders into you, you looked at the lights in front of you, sweat starting to drip down you casually. no words could leave your mouth at the elation he gave you, especially when he would smack your ass for the times you would clench.
"please~" you let out, barely a whisper. your voice was basically with the layers of shock. one of your hands sneaked back and found the bundle called his hair. you pushed him into you deeper, earning his groan. he shook his head, accidentally shaking his nose to push your pleasure higher.
"a-ah." your orgasm took place, soon coming on his face. kuroo let out a breathy sigh as you completely relaxed against the table, out of breath.
"you're such a desperate little bitch." he spoke, pulling your hair back. you whimpered, recognising that you had no rest from this man. he was no escape. his erection was felt prominently edging itself on you, causing your pussy to throb like it had never before.
kuroo pushed you against the table once again, emitting a dry gasp from you as you were driven to the edge by him. you heard him unbuckling his pants, understanding what was coming next. in an attempt to calm down your racing heart, you found yourself quite distracted from it to the point that kuroo slammed him into you surprised you.
you lifted your chest off the table for a second to catch your breath but was there even a point to that? you were left careless of again and clutching for the ounce spare of life. it was obvious that he wanted to leave with a sense of purpose within him and you were that perfect opportunity to feel that.
he pounded into you, holding onto either side of your ass. once again, wanton moans slipped with no relent desired. for the pure reason that you wanted him to know how you felt in this very moment—ecstatic from the confession and that he wanted to be with you.
you just wanted to be a perfect good girl for him now.
you comed against him, blinking at the display of lights, your own stars adding detiled to the already elegant view. the next time you were to see these lights, you were going to take a drive down memory lane because this was an unforgettable experience.
"you did so good." he said, pulling out.
you smiled to yourself as he walked around to your face. you rested your cheeks against the coldness. he blocked the outside view.
"again?" you asked him.
kuroo nodded. "i can't get enough of you. . .you kinda deserve it too, you've been good." blood was drawn to your cheeks as he stole you into a tongue kiss. you were barely able to catch up from the lack of breath you were receiving. kuroo had too much stamina, you weren't very sure you could keep up with him. although, you didn't want to be left behind either.
he reached the other side for your thighs as a sign. you happily accepted it, swiping your legs on top of the table roughly. it led to knocking over some papers but did it even matter at this moment? both of you were so into the moment to remember some papers on the ground.
you wrapped your legs around kuroo as he kissed down your neck to your open chest. by now, your breasts had fallen out of your bra which allowed him easy access for him to hook on his mouth to bring another type of pleasure to the table. 
at the same time, one of his hands took off your underwear easily, the air brushing your wet womanhood. it only caused more throbbing in the area.
your boss pushed his fingers into your already stimulated entrance as he attacked your chest with dramatic black and blue splotches. he was controlling for sure, yet sweet and passionate at the same time it got you feeling giddy on what he could bring next. you rolled your head back, one hand on the desk while one wrapped around his craning neck.
"does it feel good?" he asked.
"y-yeah, thanks."
"your welcome."
it was solely moments before he squatted down. kuroo spread your legs and licked the essence that trailed down from your clit while his fingers finished with your access. you looked straight ahead, moaning as you drew his messy hair.
"just like that, kuroo-sama. . ."
you let out a scream when you comed in his mouth again, letting out a loud hiss at the end. your shoulders suddenly felt heavy as you moved back to lay on the table. the tiredness consumed you as kuroo spread small kisses on your inner thighs, loving you like he promised you.
then, he got up, looking down at your half-lidded eyes with a softening smile. "go out with me, y/n?"
you smiled back. "okay."
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cloverque · 3 years
departure (haiba lev)
出发 (灰羽 リエーフ)
a departure doesn’t always guarantee a return
4128 words
post time skip! model lev, fiances, angst, concept of waiting, alt ending (w/ closure)
a (reuploaded) req for a certain lev lover <3
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Haiba Lev wasn’t the most level headed person. He was blunt, foolish, assertive, and sometimes, a simpleton. And yet, despite his innumerable flaws, you loved him.
You adored the discordant, entwined, looping threads that made up for who he was, his strengths and weaknesses, every fibre of his being. Furthermore, your love was unyielding; a delicate yet persistent wild flower, sprung from the cracks in concrete.
Your love for the male stemmed from your starting days in high school. It was a random encounter, in which he bumped into you in a hallway, and then somehow, you began fawning over the half Russian.
Inconspicuously, you would watch him from afar: walking by the gym to sneak glances, matching up your schedule with the volleyball club’s, just to catch glimpses of him during their laps around the school.
You were fascinated with the long limbed teen’s energy and presence on the court. He was handsome too, his facial and body structure flawlessly sculpted by God himself to be the epitome of masculinity.
Your puppy love and admiration for him motivated you to travel far and wide to watch his volleyball matches, with hopes that maybe one day, Lev would notice you.
Lev wasn’t the brightest with a few things, with consciousness of his surroundings topping his list. Your encounter with him had slipped his mind, since it meant only so little, and he never realised you were in the same cohort, for pete’s sake.
If it weren’t for Kenma, who had pointed you out among the spectators, he wouldn’t have realised you always watched their matches. So he decided to approach you after one, and asked if you were from Nekoma High. You were momentarily stunned, then gave him a radiant smile, one so bright he would never forget.
After that, the two of you hit it off effortlessly. Within a few months, your freshly sprouted friendship with Lev blossomed into something more. Years passed, both of you graduated, and the two of you were still going strong, happily dating. The now esteemed model and you even began contemplating on a larger milestone, one which would change both of your lives forever.
That is, until Lev received an ominous phone call that presaged the end of your current chapter.
It happened too quickly to say for sure what was going on. He had told you the night before, as he held you in his arms, that he would be gone for a while. That he needed to attend to some personal matters back at home.
Lev’s tone was a little too quiet when he broke the news. “I… gotta leave for a while, (y/n).“ He was holding you close, arms draped around your waist and legs tangled with yours.
You stopped circling your finger around his bicep to glance up at him. Studying the distant look in his green orbs, you raised your brows. “Okay, where to?”
“Russia. My grandma wants me to return immediately.” Lev’s attention shifted from the ceiling to your curious gaze. His warm, minty breath fanned your face as he exhaled. “I think I’ll take a while.”
“Oh…” You rest your cheek on his chest, lashes fluttering close as you murmured. “I’ll miss you, but I can wait. Just don’t keep me waiting for long, alright?”
“Mhmm, okay.” Smiling tenderly, Lev peppered your skin with kisses, making you giggle. You slowly opened your eyes to take in the way the moonlight from the balcony glossed over his flawless, pale skin.
Lev’s fingers hovered over the silver band on your ring finger, lingering there before taking your hand in his. His own matching ring clinked against yours softly when you laced your fingers with his, your warm palms heating up his cold ones as you dozed off, flushed against his chest.
When morning came, he was gone. You had failed to bid him goodbye as Lev‘s egression was committed silently. The days passed like any other, and you would text him once in a while to check up on him. However, you never received a response. Not on SMS. Not on social media. Nowhere.
Days trickled to weeks, months, and by the third one, you were too overwhelmed with paranoia. After deep recollection, you realised he never told you when he would return. Surely, his departure meant a return, right?
You had asked the Nekoma volleyball club alumni and his friends of his whereabouts, and they all told you the same thing: they didn’t know. Desperate, you attempted to contact his sister Alisa, but to no avail. Both Haiba siblings were uncontactable, and the calls always went to voicemail.
Over the days, your fear and anxiety manifested into dark rings, rimming your puffy eyelids. Life went on whilst your heart and mind ran rampant, and eventually, you stopped appearing at work.
Not a day went by without you thinking of him. Your fiancé plagued your mind and heart 24/7, and it was impossible to stop thinking about him.
Where is he? When will he return? What’s taking him so long? Why is he not home yet? Has he forgotten about me?
Did Lev forget that I’m still waiting for him?
The front door to your shared apartment creaked slowly, and a raven haired man in a dark suit shuffled in. He closed the door slowly, his pupils dilating to compensate for the lack of light entering the apartment. The once bright green plants lining the balcony were drooping in their eternal shade, signifying that the curtain had not been drawn in days.
The man slipped off his shoes and socks, taking notice of the unworn, white slippers by the front door, then shuffled in. You glanced up from the blankets when you heard the soft padding of feet.
Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest as your eyes grew wide with anticipation. “Lev?” You croaked, hauling yourself to a sitting position. “Is that you?”
The door slowly creaked open to reveal your colleague and good friend, Kuroo Tetsurō. Your smile faded away, and your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Sorry I’m not who you think I am.” The male stood by the now open doorway, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Ever since you stopped showing up at work, Kuroo would check up on you every weekend, and sometimes the posse would tag along too. The ex-captain had your apartment’s spare key, thanks to Lev, who randomly picked the holder during your home warming party.
You glanced down at the crumpled bed sheets as he walked into the dusty bedroom. Kuroo drew open the curtains leisurely, filling the room with a dim, blue light whilst multi coloured lights from the skyscrapers across the balcony twinkled with animosity. Specks of dust scattered in the air, latching onto the nearby furniture while some drifted aimlessly. The end of the bed dipped as he sat down, and you looked up to find him scrutinising you with a furrowed frown.
“Have you been eating well?” His eyes trailed over your sunken cheeks and jaundiced skin. Your face was devoid of your usual, radiant glow.
You glanced away from his piercing amber eyes. The eyes in the photos atop the nightstand bore holes into your soul as you rasped, “Why are you here? If it’s about work, I already told you that I asked my section manager to let me work from home–“
“(y/n), that’s not why I’m here.” Kuroo interrupted with a huff. Cloth rustled as he fished his phone out of his jacket’s inner pocket. With a few soft taps, he turned to you, and showed you his screen. You squinted your eyes and unconsciously leaned closer to read the blurry, digital print.
Your eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets as you absorbed the image below the title. It was indeed your fiancé, you could recognise his broad shoulders and otherworldly jawline a mile away.
Dressed in a crisp suit, Lev’s arm was linked with a dainty woman, whose diamond necklace scintillated under the harsh glare of camera lights. The pencil skirt clinging to her wide hips had a scandalously long slit that stopped at her upper thigh, exposing her red lacey panties by a hair length.
Both of them had sunglasses on, but only the woman had a gleeful expression, while Lev’s lips were pressed together tightly. Just like the title had stated, they seemed to be walking away from an edifice constructed of solely glass panels, and you instantly recognised it. It was a renowned, five star hotel. In Japan.
You were too stunned to say anything. Even your mind, which had been incessantly filled with nothing but your lover, was now blank. The information overload was overwhelming.
This is all too much.
Suddenly, Kuroo withdrew his phone, pulling you back to reality with it. “So, I’m guessing you didn’t know?” He raised a dark brow as he pocketed his electronic device. “The article’s from some lowly paparazzi, so I doubt anything’s true… But it’s blowing up on Twitter.”
Your eyes flickered from your trembling hands to the bed sheets as you began quietly. “I… I thought he left for Russia…” Gripping the covers on your lap, your eyes silently brimmed with tears as you continued shakily, “I don’t know what’s going on anymore. I’m so confused…”
Kuroo‘s gaze never left you as you began shaking uncontrollably. He knew that you were desperately fighting back your tears. It was something you did often back in high school: you would try not to cry in front of the team when they won a match, despite your voice breaks and your glassy eyes. It was something the boys found endearing, especially Lev.
The raventte cursed inwardly at his junior’s stupidity. How could he make such a lovely girl like you cry? Wordlessly, the male shifted closer and pulled you into his chest, surprising you but you didn’t retreat.
Kuroo’s gesture was nothing but friendly, after all. He patted your back reassuringly, and your bottom lip trembled as you clung onto his shirt.
Pitter patter.
Your tears fell like torrents, gushing endlessly as you buried your face into his chest. Gripping tightly onto his dress shirt, you cried into the fabric, wailing the pent up emotions you had kept at bay the past few months. You wept like tomorrow would never come.
A few days had passed and you finally decided to confront Lev. Seeing how he wouldn’t respond to your messengers, you decided to hunt him down and talk to him face to face. It was easy to track him down, thanks to the ‘lowly paparazzi’ website, which constantly updated his whereabouts. For once, you were grateful for his overbearing fans.
To be fair, you felt a little bad about his own privacy, but you were also too engulfed in a mixture of confusion, jealousy and infuriation to sympathise with him.
You had everything planned out, what to say and retort, and you had to remind yourself that as much as he deserved to be heard out, you also had a right to be upset with him. Especially after the emotional and mental torment he intentionally (or unintentionally) subjected you to.
But it was impossible to deny that you had hoped that he had a good explanation for everything. You prayed fervently that he would return to your arms, like he always did. Memories of past, better days solely stabilised you during this emotional period.
When the weekend arrived, you threw on a your coat and hopped into your car and drove off. Apparently, Lev and Khristina, were dining at a high class café, located in the fancier suburbs of Tokyo. When you reached there, you parked your car by the sidewalk and sauntered in, ignoring the valet who glanced at you then at your vehicle.
Honestly, you never thought you would see the day when you would resort to stalking your fiancé, just to have a talk with him. But this was no ordinary talk, and the half blood knew when he saw you walk into the café.
You were fuming, brows scrunched up with the angriest expression he had ever seen in his life. Lev jumped up in his seat, like he had seen the ghost of Christmas past, and quickly excused himself.
As he shuffled towards the entrance, he met you halfway and tugged you outside by the wrist. His strides were quick, and he hissed when you dug your fingernails into his hand in defiance.
“Let me go!” You snapped fiercely, like a tigress baring its jaws at its adversary. He released you from his hold when he reached his destination: the back alleys of the shops.
The silver haired man didn’t back away. He was looking at you with shock, hurt and something else. Was it fear, nervousness? You couldn’t tell. You were too frustrated with him.
“(y/n)… I can explain–“ He began, a hand outstretched but you cut him off.
“I told you I‘d wait, didn’t I?” You glared up at him with narrowed eyes. His aghast expression wedged the knife deeper in your heart as you inhaled. “You… You said you had to leave. And I believed you! But four months passed and you didn’t bother to contact me. Not even once…”
Lev ran a hand through his now disheveled hair, which was pushed back until now. “Please, let me explain. I had my reasons, I swear.”
You realised the engagement ring on his finger was nowhere to be seen. Your lover opened his mouth to explain when you deadpanned.
“Where’s your ring?”
Lev’s eyes widened, from fright or concern, you weren’t sure. His usually bright, green orbs would he glowing with love whenever he gazed at you, but not today.
“(y/n), I–“
“Love, who’s that?” Came a sweet, enchanting voice at the start of the alley. It was Khathrina, a long legged lady with platinum blonde hair that cascaded down her back in voluminous waves.
She blinked her thick, wispy lashes at you curiously, and you clenched your jaw in retaliation. Glancing at Lev, you hoped that he would put her in her place. Anything along the lines of ‘she’s my girlfriend’ or ‘fiancé’ would have suffice, but no. It was a far fetched dream.
“No one, my dear.” Came Lev’s response, and he walked past you, bumping shoulders into you in the process. You gasped quietly when he cast you a cold, once over behind his broad shoulders.
He had looked at you as if the two of you had never met before. It burned a hole in your stomach, and you were too stunned to react. Frozen in your spot, your facade crumbled with every step he took, further away from you and to someone else.
When he reached the woman’s side, the duo linked arms and departed without another word.
You fumbled with your keys for the hundredth time. It took you a whole five minutes to enter your apartment, and when you did, you slammed the door shut behind you and slumped to the floor.
What on earth was that? How could he do that to me? How is that the same boy I fell in love with?
You had driven over to confront Lev, but in the end all you got was a deeper scar. Everything made no sense, and your mind throbbed with confusion and fatigue.
Everything became blurry as tears overwhelmed your vision, and you tugged at your shirt, at the thorn embedded in your heart. It was so close yet so far and out of reach. Drawing your knees to your chest, you cried your heart out once again.
Moments passed with you laying at the entrance, gazing at the unworn white slippers speckled with dust.
Like before, days spun into weeks, months, and even a year. Eventually, you deserted your shared apartment and rented a place, one far away from your previous home. You had only taken your clothes and necessities, leaving behind the photo frames and everything else as everything reminded you of him.
It would be a lie to claim that you didn’t miss him, but you had partially given up when the news stated that supermodels Lev and Khathrina were now married.
It made no sense, really. Perhaps this was all a bad dream, you reasoned, fiddling with the silver band around your ring. Maybe you were in a coma, and this was all a lengthy nightmare that you would soon wake up from.
Yes, when you wake up, your fiancé would be next to you, lying in bed, chest rising in steady rhythms whilst the morning sun shines on his handsome face. Haiba would turn around to greet you good morning through half lidded eyes, and he would tuck your hair behind your ears with a cheeky, yet gentle smile.
There’s no way any of this is real…! We’ve come so far, and he loves me more than anyone can imagine.
But as time passed, you began to realise that, perhaps Haiba Lev had departed long ago.
(ALT. END)        
You fumbled with your keys for the hundredth time. It took you a whole five minutes to enter your apartment, and when you did, you slammed the door shut behind you and slumped to the floor.
What on earth was that? How could he do that to me? How is that the same boy I fell in love with back then?
You had driven over to confront Lev, but in the end all you got was a deeper scar. Everything made no sense, and your mind throbbed with confusion and fatigue.
Everything became blurry as tears overwhelmed your vision, and you tugged at your shirt, at the thorn embedded in your heart. It was so close yet so far and out of reach. Drawing your knees to your chest, you cried your heart out once again.
Out of nowhere, your phone began vibrating.
Sniffling, you fished it out of your coat and accepted the call blindly. “H-Hello?” You stuttered, rubbing away your tears with the back of your hand.
“It’s me, (y/n).” The familiar warm, low voice of Lev’s filled the silent room. Your eyes grew wide in shock, and you glanced at the caller ID to realise it wasn’t his usual phone number. “I don’t have much time, I’ll be gone by tomorrow, love.”
“Tomorrow? What?” You parroted, albeit dumbly as you raked your foggy mind for clarity.
You could almost imagine the frown on your boyfriend’s face when he blabbered. “Are you crying? I mean, were you…?” His voice trailed off, and you quickly blurted out that you weren’t.
A soft chuckle graced your ears and you felt the frustration and sadness from before ebb away. Leaning against the door, you listened attentively as he directed you to a location where he had agreed to rendezvoused. No sooner had he ended the call did you fly out of the apartment.
When you reached the park, you realised it was already midnight. You waited by a willow tree he had mentioned to you, and within a few minutes, he showed up.
You had lost all your fight and gave in to temptation. Throwing your arms around Lev, you held him in a tight embrace as you buried your face into his neck. Grinning widely, the ‘skyscrapper’ wrapped his arms around your back and rest his head atop yours, humming softly.
“I missed you, (y/n).” He had whispered softly, as if he was afraid that you would disappear any moment. “I’m always thinking of you, your smile, your smell…”
Shamelessly, he pressed his face against your head and inhaled it greedily. You giggled at the warm air tickling your scalp then looked up at him with glossy, doe eyes. “I missed you too. More than you can imagine.”
“Hey, I’m here now,” and Lev’s smile began to fade as he set you down onto your feet. Taking your hand, he guided you to sit under the beautiful willow tree. “I promised I’d tell you everything, and I will.”
As the moon waned in the night sky, you listened intently as the silver haired man explained to you what had happened the past few months. He went into detail that he had received a call from his tragically ill grandmother, that she had requested for him and his sister to return to Russia to see them one last time.
And being the filial grandson he was, he accompanied Alisa back to Russia. But upon their arrival, he realised that she was perfectly fine! Her real motive was to introduce him to a fair maiden, whom she had taken a liking to, and so she did. The girl just so happened to be another model, and one of pure Russian descent.
Lev explained animatedly how upset the old lady was when he told her that he was already engaged.
Your lover raised his ring finger to show you his gleaming band, and you almost teared up at the sight. He continued with a sigh, shaking his head as he relayed that she wanted Lev to give the girl a chance.
And in the end, he was forced to be engaged to her temporarily, until the octogenarian passed on.
So for now, they were spending some time in Japan, as the girl was determined to sightsee with her short-term fiancé. But eventually they would return to Russia, so that they could spend time together with his grandma.
It was, without a doubt, a peculiar situation. But a huge burden had been lifted off your shoulders, now that you knew why they were involved for a while.
“At first I didn’t contact you because I was unsure of myself. What to say, and to think…” He took your hand in his, and raised his head, green orbs gleaming with guilt.
He was threading carefully, something he hardly did, and your heart swelled. “But then it slowly turned into something bigger than that, and I feared that you would leave me because of this mess.
“I know what I did was awful and I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I hope you know how much I love you and that I think about you every single day.” Closing his eyes, he brought your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles tenderly. When he reopened them, he gave you a dejected, lopsided smile. “I always have.”
“Then why did you act like you didn’t know me earlier?” You dipped your head, sideways. “You know, in front of her?”
“I had to put on an act, just to please my granny… I didn’t mean to hurt you,” He squeezed your hand, “This is only temporary. Once it’s over, I’ll return to Japan as soon as possible.”
You swallowed the forming lump in your throat. He was about to depart again, the man you had loved for a decade.
“Promise me you’ll come back. Back to me.” Placing a hand atop his, you locked eyes with him, “Please.”
He brushed back the stray strands of hair to glimpse at your sparkling irises. Lev’s heart clenched at the eyebags under your beautiful orbs, and he leaned forward to press his forehead against yours.
“I promise.”
The willow branches hid two of you from the world as the two of you conversed for hours, catching up on everything that had happened. You spent the rest of the night holding each other in the secluded park, fingers entwined silently.
Lev departed for Russia once again when the sun rose. You had bidded him goodbye tearfully, knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak to him in, possibly, a very long time. Nevertheless, you believed in the promise the two of you had made, and that kept you going.
It was still a little sad to wake up every morning without him next to you. Sometimes, you would even mistake a morning zephyr for his breath against your skin. Watching your favourite drama series alone without his ignorant comments and boisterous laughter pained you with a smile. But despite the lonely moments, you pushed forward.
Haiba Lev wasn’t the most level headed person. He was blunt, foolish, assertive, and sometimes, a simpleton. And yet, despite his innumerable flaws, you loved him.
You adored the discordant, entwined, looping threads that made up for who he was, his strengths and weaknesses, every fibre of his being. Furthermore, your love was unyielding; a delicate yet persistent wild flower, sprung from the cracks in concrete.
And you knew that one day, he would return. After all, his departure was not permanent.                 
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shelby-love · 4 years
Chicago's IT Lawyer And Girlfriend
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: /
"I hate this." You whisper sleepily while fighting the urge to yawn. With your head against the window you scan the area in front of you.
So much press.
"I have to go there and give them a 5 minute long statement at 6 in the morning."
Kelly Severide doesn't fear the press and easily manoeuvres his car onto the free parking space, reserved for Chicago's finest law fighters only.
The muscled arms of your boyfriend easily turn off the car and wrap around you.
Bathing in your boyfriend's cologne is just the right thing you needed to be able to fight through the day.
"You got this. You're Y/N Y/LN." You snort at his words. They have a drop of mock in them but you know what he really means.
Ever since this case got out in the public, where you're representing an Interpol agent in a case gone wrong, you've been the news' favourite plaything.
Chicago's IT lawyer, they call you. Y/N Y/LN now holds serious weight. Luckily for you, you managed to snatch the heart of this hardworking lieutenant before you became so badass at fighting the law.
"I wish we can go eat after your shift is over," You admit. "But the press has been on my tail since this thing blew up."
Kelly isn't a stranger to the news outlets, he had his own share of being in the centre of their attention.
The kiss he gives you melts you in a puddle. It makes you weak in the knees like always and suddenly your stoney facade crashes and you become Y/N. Just Y/N.
"Crush them babe." Kelly encourages. "I'll be watching the news."
"Channel 9?"
"The firehouse watches you on Channel 6?" He tells you. Kelly just found out that his girlfriend is more in the spotlight then he ever thought possible for a hotshot lawyer.
"No, no, no... Channel  6 is rubbish. They make things up." You're quick to explain. "And what's even worse... They edit me to make it seem like I'm a heartless monster. I don't wanna be a heartless monster Kelly!"
"Okay... So channel 9 then?"
"Yes! That way when I meet your friends they don't think I'm heartless."
"You're not heartless baby." He says, his long fingers tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear.
You check your watch and realise that it's time to go. "I'll see you after shift?"
"Of course. Break a leg Y/N!" He yells once you're out of the car.
"Don't say that Kelly you know I'm clumsy!"
The 24 hour long shift is killing him. He spends more time in the common room than at the squad table because that's where the TV is.
After a lot of attempts he finnaly managed to get Mouch to switch the news to channel 9. Just how you told him to.
"Andy Holland. Never liked the guy." Mouch comments on the news reporter.
"Yeah like Miranda is any better. She just spreads lies." Kelly shoots back. The two channels are reporting things very differently and he's looking out for you.
"But it's kind of true." Brian agrees with Kelly. "Channel 6 makes it seem like Y/N's a monster. Andy gives her some credit at least."
"Thank you!" Kelly yells out to him.
"And why do you care Severide?" Cruz joins the discussion. "Sure she's hot and smart but there's no way you can get into her pants. Not hers."
This sparked Kelly's interest. They have no idea. "Oh really?"
Joe let's out a "mhmm" before retreating to the comfort of his bed.
At that moment, Kelly's phone dings, indicating a new message.
From Y/N [4:55 P.M]
Hey you left your wallet at my place. Want me to drop it off?
I'm meeting the client and my team at 7 and I'll be gone until the morning.
Night shift suckssss!
A smile sneaks up on his face without him even noticing. He types a reply quickly, full-heartedly inviting you to the firehouse with the simple message.
Just 15 minutes after the small exchange, you're outside the firehouse leaning against your sleek womanly car. You patiently wait for Kelly with sunglasses over your eyes.
You notice him jogging towards you and soon you're in his arms. "I missed you."
"We saw each other this morning Y/N."
You give him an offended look once you take your sunglasses off. "Can't a girl miss her boyfriend?"
"Yeah," He leans in for a tortured kiss, showing you just how much he missed you too. "She can."
You pull away blushing and move to grab your bag. Finally, you fish out his wallet and hand it to him. "Well. Here you go."
"Do you wanna come in?"
"Who? Me?" You're not really dressed to impress. You wanted your first encounter with them be normal. Normal as in you will dress up like a normal woman your age and act like it.
But in the outfit that consisted of a black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer and pointy heels you were meant for formality and formality only.
"I want them to meet you." He admits. "I realised how hard it will be to not talk about you. Everyone thinks that I'm way out of your league."
"Oh so your plan is to get me to meet them so you can brag about sleeping with me." For a second that thought hurt your heart.
"No, no, no, no... I just want to be able to brag about how amazing you are as a person. And how much I love you." He leans in until you're inches apart. "I want them to know that we're serious about each other."
He stays quiet for a moment before whispering "And also... They're fans of you."
"Well in that case." You loop your arm through his. "Let's go meet them."
"Hey Severide! Come see what they're saying about your imaginary girlf-" Mouch' words die right on his tounge when he sees who's on Kelly's arm. "Girlf-f-friend. Y/N Y/LN is that you?!" He points between the TV and your living body aggressively with his glasses.
"In the flesh... Mouch?" You remember his name because of the detailed description your boyfriend gave you.
"She knows my name! Oh my Trudy is going to be so happy." He puts his glasses back on and starts to work his way around his cellphone, eventually succeeding and calling Trudy Platt. "Stay right there." He tells you and dissapears. You can still hear him even though he isn't in your line of vision.
"How much did he pay you to play his fake girlfriend?" A dark haired man with an impressive mustache comes up to you. Absolutely chirping with joy, almost as if he isn't surprised at all. Mustache.
"Oh! You're Brian right? Or Otis? I don't know which one you prefer." You tell him shyly, embarrassed for not knowing what to call him.
"You can call me whatever." He wraps his hands around yours and places a kiss to the back of it. It brings slight blush to your cheeks and he sees that as the day's biggest victory.
"Okay Otis that's enough." Kelly steps in.
"Y/N Y/LN. I've heard so much about you." An older man comes up to you with glitter in his eyes. He enthusiastically takes your hand and instead of pressing a kiss to it like Otis did, he shakes it with such honor that surprises you.
"He's a fan." Otis fake coughs.
"Of course I am. Y/N I've been watching the news ever since it became public." He slowly pulls you away from your boyfriend and sits you at the long table. "I gotta say. You're great! Calm, cool, collected... A little bit cold but that's alright. My wife Cindy, let me tell ya. She loves you. Emphasis on loves."
You're lulled into his conversation that not even Kelly can get you away from him. Once you're done you realised one simple thing about the older gentleman - he loves to talk.
"Oh my my." Another voice appears by the door. "Y/N?"
"Um...hi. I'm here with Kelly nice to meet-"
The man pulls you into a bone-crashing hug. "You're with Severide?!"
The surprise in his voice and the knowing look on your boyfriend's face caught you off guard. "Yeah? He's my boyfriend."
You easily connect the name to the face. Joe Curz in the flesh.
"Hey, hey what's going on in here?" Another voice joins you and you recognise it. Truck's lieutenant and alderman, Matt Casey, joins you in the common room and stops when he sees you.
"Alderman Casey." You greet your old friend.
"Y/N Y/LN. Haven't seen you in a while." He gives your hand a firm shake for formality sake before you both drop the facade and pull each other in for a hug.
"Wait you two know each other?" Your boyfriend asks in shock. He did not expect this.
"Yeah. Matt and I met at a few events." You explain. "A few glasses of burbon and we were pronounced as friends. Didn't I tell you that?"
A pitch of guilt shoots through your body at the untold information but when you see Kelly smile you immediately relax. "Sorry I didn't tell you. Guess I forgot."
"Don't worry. How long until you have to go?" He asks you before sneaking his arm around your waist.
You check your watch. "An hour."
"Good. Let's have some fun." Kelly kisses your forehead and you join the rest of the buzzing firefighters.
When you leave the firehouse to go to work, you not only leave with the weight off your shoulders but a lot of new friends.
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lillupon · 3 years
Hello. How are you? Managed to catch up on some sleep?
So. You mentioned that if Wonwoo had called Mingyu, Mingyu would’ve helped him out with his heat. And I have to obviously imagine that scenario.
Speaking of imagining scenarios, it’s breaking my heart thinking about Mingyu imagining these Oscar-worthy, as you put it, scenarios of him getting back with Wonwoo.
“Mr. Jeon?”
Wonwoo exhaled, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, just the Alpha’s voice bringing him so much comfort and relief. Wonwoo felt a dribble of slick trail down his ass.
“Mr. Jeon, are you okay?” Mingyu’s panicked voice rang out.
“Mingyu.” Wonwoo whimpered. “Alpha.”
Wonwoo heard a sharp intake of breath. There was a long pause. Wonwoo began to feel regret at having called Mingyu. This was not fair to Mingyu. There was no way this could end well for either of them. It had been a moment of weakness. Mingyu always made Wonwoo weak, so weak.
After what seemed like eternity, just as Wonwoo was about to hang up, a rough, gravelly voice asked, “Wonwoo, are you in heat?”
Wonwoo tightly shut his eyes as he nodded his head, before realising that he was on a phone call and Mingyu could not see him.
“Mhmm,” was all he could get out. He wanted to touch himself so badly. But he would not do that without his Alpha’s permission. “I need you, Alpha. I need you so bad."
There was another pause, albeit a short one.
“I’m here, baby,” Mingyu replied, soothingly, his voice now a softer tone. “Your Alpha is here. Tell me, are you touching yourself?”
“No,” Wonwoo whined.
“Touch yourself, my pretty baby. Imagine that it’s me that’s touching you,” Mingyu crooned
Wonwoo scrambled to get his pants off. His hand found his cock, squeezing a bit, before beginning to pump himself. Wonwoo let out a relieved sigh.
“That’s it, baby. That’s my good Omega.”
Wonwoo preened. Mingyu’s gruff voice was driving him crazy. His bum was soppy with slick now.
“Get your fingers wet for me. Use your slick. Can you do that for me?” Mingyu asked.
“Yes,” Wonwoo breathed out, obeying the Alpha’s command. “Yes.”
“Good boy,” Mingyu praised. “Put your fingers in yourself now. You have to get yourself ready for me, don’t you? I won’t be able to fit, otherwise.”
Wonwoo teased his rim, like Mingyu would have. His breath hitched as a finger entered him.
“That’s a good omega,” Mingyu purred. “Put your phone on speaker. I want to hear how wet your are for me.”
Wonwoo, unable to deny Mingyu anything, did as instructed.
“You sound so good. You’re so good for me. Such a perfect Omega. So wet for me.”
“Only for you,” Wonwoo arched his back, preening under the Alpha’s praise. “Want you to feel good, too. Are you touching yourself?”
“Of course I am, baby,” Mingyu responded and Wonwoo, too hazy with lust before, just now heard how affected Mingyu sounded. “I’m imagining that it’s your mouth. You take me in so deep. Your mouth so velvety soft. You feel so good around me. Whether it’s your mouth or your ass. God, baby, I want to be inside you so bad.”
Wonwoo whined at Mingyu’s dirty talk. Soon, he had three fingers inside himself, sliding in and out, his hole ready for his Alpha’s knot. His fingers, ever since he’d been fucked on Mingyu’s knot, had stopped being enough for him. But Mingyu’s voice helped.
“Are you close?” Mingyu asked. “Put in your little finger in yourself. Imagine it’s my knot. Fuck yourself on my knot till you come.”
Wonwoo did just as Mingyu told him and within a few seconds, he came on his tummy, shouting Mingyu’s name. Through his haze, he vaguely heard Mingyu, too, reach his orgasm. The sounds of both their pants filled the room. A sort of comfort befell the room.
But, of course, it was short lived. Once Wonwoo had achieved orgasm and the worst part of his heat was gone, the terrible realisation of what had just happened, hit him. Intense regret washed all over him.
“Wonwoo?” a small voice called out for him.
Wonwoo reached out for his phone. He turned the speaker off and pressed it to his ear.
“Are you feeling better?” Mingyu asked.
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo shut his eyes so tightly, he could see stars. “I just.. I’m so..”
“It’s fine, Wonwoo. I’m glad you called me.”
Mingyu said that, but Wonwoo could hear the heartbreak in Mingyu’s voice. It made his own heart shatter into a billion pieces. Wonwoo did not think he could hurt anymore than he already had been. But he was proven wrong.
“Mingyu, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Wonwoo, it’s fine.” Mingyu repeated. "I need to go. Please don’t feel bad, but I need to go now. Goodbye.”
Wonwoo kept the phone pressed to his ear. A loud, piercing sob broke through him.
Oh, my god, I’ve never written smut before. This is my first time writing smut and it’s phone sex. I’m so embarrassed. My cat is staring at me, all judgy. My cat knows. Mummy’s sorry, Billie (my cat).
Unlike the other imagines I’d written, this was in Wonwoo’s POV. Writing this in Mingyu’s POV would have wrecked me. But I do imagine that while it hurt him like hell to have to help Wonwoo through his heat, Mingyu did not regret it, nor did he blame Wonwoo for it. It did, however, shatter him to pieces, and as soon as he hung up on Wonwoo, he too cried like a baby.
Welp, I hate myself now.
Have a great week! Happy June!
A happy June indeed! Wow, thank you for writing this (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I've been thinking about this scenario for so long and it's something I wanted to explore myself--particularly in Mingyu's point of view--but I'm still working on the main storyline for AEV, and I agree that it would be heartbreaking in Mingyu's POV. I wasn't really sure how I might portray his emotions. So I just kept putting it off, haha.
Gosh, these two boys are just so whipped for each other in your drabble >.< I love how Wonwoo turns to Mingyu for comfort, and how quickly Mingyu offers it. And can I just say I love the dynamic of Mingyu being a kouhai in the streets and a senpai in the sheets LMAo I adore the role reversal we get to see when they're in the bedroom.
This was super hot!! I hope you continue to write smut and minwon loving ♡
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redeadepression · 3 years
Heart to Heart | John Marston x Abigail Roberts | SFW
Characters: John Marston, Abigail Roberts Marston
Warnings:  It’s ‘mentions of’ everything because I don’t feel it’s fair to send you all in blind but also, there’s no sex in this story. |  Mentions of BDSM relationship, Mentions of Dom/Sub dynamic, Mentions of dubious consent, Mentions of Mommy Kink (dubious as to whether or not there is one 😂), Mentions of Humiliation Kink, Verbal fighting, Heart to Hearts, safe-words
Word Count: 3281
Summery: An argument leads to John accidentally exposing one of his kinks. Abigail is delighted by this turn of events while John is terrified at the thought of what she could do with this knowledge. 
~ Well, well, well if it isn’t me back on my bullshit. Enjoy this mess of feels that is set in the same universe as my other kink related John/Abigail works such as Apologies and Caught. ;)
Again, edited by me at midnight. So please ignore the typos. 
John stared at the canvas wall of his tent; eyes unblinking as he wondered what the plan was going to be for the day ahead.
Dutch had been increasingly petulant lately and John wasn’t sure exactly what he’d done to earn the man’s distain.
Or if he could fix it
If he even wanted to fix it.
He sighed heavily, bring a hand up to rub at his tired eyes. Desperately wishing he could sleep.
He had been awake for hours. Just staring. Thinking. He was starting to drive himself insane.
He’d tried to remember the last time he’d slept well. Frowning at the cloth in front of him as he came to the realisation that it had been months.
Footsteps behind him caught his attention and he finally ripped his gaze away from the wall, turning to see Abigail standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.
He turned back to his previous position. He didn’t really have anything to say to her lately.
She had been increasingly impatient with him and his lack of motivation and he himself was cranky and irritable from lack of sleep.
It seemed every conversation they had lately ended in fighting or fucking. He couldn’t really complain about the second part but if he was being truly honest, he was tired of that too.
Abigail had always been the dominant one in their relationship but lately he was finding her domineering personality intolerable even inside the bedroom.
She was pissed at him whether she knew it or not and while he didn’t usually mind being her plaything, lately he was suffering at her hand. Unable to complain because ultimately their encounters always ended in his orgasm regardless of his deeper feelings.
“Will you get up?” Abigail scolded, interrupting his thoughts. He didn’t reply, staring blankly ahead of him as he heard her draw closer. “John?” She asked, touching his arm lightly and exhaling softly as she caught sight of his face. “You look like crap.” She commented bluntly, making him scowl.
He turned to face her as she sat down on the cot next to him. Knowing her comment was meant in jest but also made out of genuine concern.
Or at least he hoped that was it.
“It’s still early.” He said eventually, eyes locking on to hers as he blinked wearily.
“It’s nearly Nine.” Abigail corrected, her tone implying that he was very lazy.
He stared at her sadly, admiring the way the sunlight played on her sharp cheekbones and made her hair shine.
She was beautiful.
But beautiful.
John placed a hand on her thigh, thinking momentarily before opening his arms and gesturing for her to lie in them. She furrowed her brows, looking annoyed before pushing his arms away.
“I ain’t in the mood.” She said briskly, adjusting the collar of her shirt before letting her hands fall to her lap.
“I just want you to lie with me.” John said frankly. Frustrated by her assumption and her rejection.
“Why?” Abigail asked, sounding irritated.
“Ugh.” John grunted, rolling his eyes. “Forget it.” He muttered, rolling away from her once more.
Abigail felt a tinge of regret at the way she had spoken. He had been annoying the hell out of her lately but he was a good person and he always tried his best for her.
She huffed a small sigh, placing her hand on his arm and rolling him back towards her.
“I mean why…” She struggled with the words. Not usually one to be comforting. “Why would I lie with you when you’re about to get up?” She asked, smiling as kindly as she could. He saw right though it. Sad eyes looking away from hers as he rolled away once more.
“Because I can’t sleep.” He answered honestly, surprising himself. “I always sleep better when you’re around.” He mumbled softly, feeling embarrassed by his admission.
“Oh.” Abigail said quietly, not expecting such an honest and open answer. John wasn’t usually this free with his feelings. Perhaps the lack of sleep was finally starting to bring him undone. “Well, I guess I could lie in for a minute.” She said as he turned to look at her once more.
“Forget it.” He grumbled, moving the covers off himself and pushing passed her to stand. Abigail watched him regrettably, standing herself and saying something about having breakfast together while John pulled his boots on.
“Mhmm.” He hummed tersely, pressing his heel into the dirt so it was snug with the sole of his boot.
“Why are you in such a crappy mood?” Abigail asked, her feathers ruffled by his dismissal.
“Could ask the same of you.” John countered with a sarcastic smile as he rummaged through his things looking for his belt.
“Well maybe sometimes your crappy mood rubs off on others and puts me in crappy mood.” Abigail snapped, trying her hardest to stay calm and prevent another fight. “Did you ever think of that?” She asked bluntly as John returned to her side, fastening his belt.
“Well maybe sometimes…” John began in a mocking tone. “You nag me too much and don’t give me a minute of peace.” He said, only a few octaves off shouting.
“Well maybe…” Abigail growled. “You shouldn’t be such a lazy bastard and I wouldn’t need to nag you as much!” She snapped.
“Well!” John began, seething. “Maybe sometimes…” He paused, huffing out a breath as he looked her in the eye. “I just feel like you don’t even love me.” He finished softly, clenching his fists as he slumped down hard onto the cot behind them.
Abigail swallowed her retort. Surprised for the second time that day by his candour.
She rolled her eyes, knowing he couldn’t see her from his position. She hated when he pulled this crap.
She turned to look at him pointedly, pursing her lips and sighing heavily through her nose.
“I love you.” She said tersely, slinking down so she was resting on the cot next to him.
It was John’s turn to roll his eyes. Tilting his head and giving her a look of contempt.
“You have to say that when I complain about you not saying it.” He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at her.
Abigail threw her arms up in exasperation.
“Well, what the hell do you want from me?” She asked in frustration. “You want me to not to say it?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
“I want you to mean it.” John mumbled, not taking his eyes off her. “And you could at least try to sound like you care.” He added.
Abigail exhaled sharply, sucking on her teeth with her tongue and then inching closer to him. She placed a soft palm on his cheek and nodded in his direction.
“I love you John.” She repeated firmly, as naturally as she could but her tone was dripping with condescension.
John glowered at her, not breaking his eye contact as he pushed the hand away from his face and let his arms fall by his side.
“Whatever.” He murmured, finally looking away. Feeling stupid for whining in the first place. He was a man. He shouldn’t be grovelling for affection like a lost puppy.
He was just tired.
Abigail snickered softly. Feeling bad that she had been so cruel. He was good to her for the most part and she loved him dearly. But sometimes he annoyed her so much that she found it physically hard to say out loud how much she adored him.
She inched closer again, her knee scraping his as she placed both hands on his cheeks and pulled his face close to her. Wanting what she said next to be something special that he would remember the next time he felt like complaining. She took a deep breath before she spoke.
“I love you baby.” She whispered tenderly, watching as John’s expression change.
His breath hitched momentarily, his cheeks flushing almost instantly as he averted his eyes. Staring off to the side as he tried his hardest to act natural.
Abigail frowned.
“What?” She asked, confused by his reaction.
“No, nothing.” John said hurriedly, shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. “Thank you.” He croaked, swallowing thickly and refusing to look her in the eye.
“Thank you?” She asked, pulling her hands away and giving him a once over.
“Love you too.” He muttered quickly, his hands coming to rest in his lap as he continued to look anywhere but her eyes.
Abigail’s eyes trailed from the flush on his cheeks to his hands in his lap. A smirk playing on her lips as she started to piece things together.
“Did you… Like that?” She asked softly, eyeing his badly concealed erection. John didn’t respond. His jaw clenching as he tried to compose himself. “You like being called baby?” She asked in a sultry tone.
John closed his eyes, inhaling deeply and refusing to engage with her. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been quite so embarrassed while he was alone with her. His body had betrayed him before. But nothing like this.
Abigail was smiling far too widely for the situation. She was grinning like an idiot as she leaned towards him. Taking advantage of the fact he refused to open his eyes and bringing her lips to his ear without his knowledge.
“Baby.” She whispered, making him jump and shiver violently. His eyes flew open and he looked to her with a panicked expression.
She was going to tell people.
Abigail studied the look on his face, feeling a little bad for playing with him like that. Lord knows she had her own kinks and he indulged them eagerly.
It just so happened that one of her favourite kinks was humiliation or more specifically, humiliating him.  
John knew this well and judging by the look on his face in that moment he was terrified of her getting her kicks using this newfound information.
“Don’t worry.” She chuckled, bringing her hand up to push his hair out of his face as she smiled at him cheekily. “Your secret’s safe with me, baby.”
“Stop.” John grumbled as sternly as he could.
“Come on John, you think you’re the first man I ever bedded with a Mommy Kink?” Abigail asked with a laugh, causing John’s eyes to widen in horror.
“I don’t have a Mommy Kink!” He exclaimed heatedly. “I just…” He stuttered. “I.. Sometimes I…” He trailed off, groaning in exasperation as he finally moved his hands from his lap and rubbed at his face irately.
“Like being my baby?” Abigail asked casually, shrugging as John exhaled forcefully.
“Stop.” He demanded gruffly. Danger in his eyes as he glared into hers. “It’s not… Like that.” He grunted. “I just, like the word.” He said, crossing his arms once more. “I guess.” He spat, shrugging and looking away.
Abigail hummed in reply, letting her hand trail lightly over his thigh as she thought. John fidgeted under her touch, desperately wanting to be mad at her.
“Is that why you always want to be the little spoon?” She asked after a moment, making John groan as he placed his head in his hands. “Or why you love it when I stroke your hair?” She asked, thinking out loud and making him whine.
“Please…” He sighed through his palms, begging her to let it go. He didn’t want this getting out. He didn’t even want her to know. The thought of the other guys finding out he loved to be babied made his blood run cold.
It was absolutely mortifying.
Abigail chuckled to herself, taking the hand that was on his thigh and letting it run through his hair. Her nails scratching at his scalp in just the way she knew he liked.  
They had been together a long time and during those long years John had only occasionally plucked up the courage to tell her about some of the things he liked. She always indulged him when he was brave enough to talk to her. But she was also well aware there were lots of things John thought about in the privacy of his own mind that she might never know about.
She never really understood his secrecy. She was an open book when it came to sex. He had known from day one who she was and what she liked. But she supposed a part of that came from her history as a prostitute. She couldn’t expect everyone to have the pluck that she had when it came to naming their kinks.
“You know you can talk to me about this stuff, right?” She asked after a long moment of silence. Her voice uncharacteristically soft as she brought her hand to his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. “I guess I just don’t understand why you always keep your desires from me.” She said quietly, thinking out loud once more.
John swallowed audibly, tongue darting out to lick at his lips before he pulled his hands away from his face.
“I’m scared.” He said quietly. Shocking her. John was never one to admit his weakness if he could help it. She’d once seen him carry two sacks of rice over his shoulder with a broken ankle just to prove he didn’t need to rest.
Of course he’d spent the next 3 days in bed with his ankle swollen up to the size of a large grapefruit but he’d made his point.
“It’s okay to like things that are diff-” Abigail began, being cut off abruptly as John spoke.
“No.” He said firmly, his face serious. “I’m scared of you.” He clarified, making her balk.
“Wha-“ She began, being cut off again.
“I’m scared of you telling people about the things I like because you get off on it.” He hissed, looking away from her sadly. “You’ve done it before.” He reminded her. “I… I like being pushed around and told what to do, okay?” He asked, taking a tangential turn as he tried to gather his thoughts. “But I like it, because you like it and only when we’re alone. When you involve other people it makes me want to die.” He said strongly, making Abigail blink in surprise. She had no idea he felt that way. She was under the impression he was into the games they played.
“You always take the things I say in our arguments and throw them back at me when we’re fucking.” He snapped crudely. “You want to humiliate me. I get it. I’m okay with it… Mostly.” He swallowed, pursing his lips as he held out his hands like it would help him think. “But, sometimes you go too far and… fuck.” He whispered, feeling a burning behind his eyes and trying his hardest to ignore it. “I’m… having a hard time reminding myself that you don’t mean it.” He said softly. Trailing off as he lost his momentum. “I love you but I... I can’t trust you not to hurt me.” He said tiredly.
Abigail moved her hand from his shoulder, placing it in her own lap and thinking carefully before she spoke. She had an inkling that sometimes she pushed him too far. But she always figured that if he had a problem with it he would speak up.
He was always so confident and outspoken outside of sex. She never would have guessed that he would be too timid to tell her off if he didn’t like something.
“I’m sorry.” She said earnestly, with a small shrug of her shoulders. “I had no idea.” She explained, knowing deep down that it didn’t help.
John eyed her suspiciously. It wasn’t like her to take responsibility so easily.
“Okay…” He replied after a moment. Unsure what to do now that she had simply agreed with him. If he was honest he had been expecting a blow-out fight.
“I thought you liked… everything.” Abigail said softly, not making eye contact as she spoke. “I’ll try to be a little more in-tune with what you want from now on.” She assured, placing her hand on his thigh and petting him softly.
“Okay.” John repeated, feeling silly for not being able to say anything else in the moment. He was still riding the high of letting out his feelings without a rebuttal.
“Maybe, we can come up with a word or something.” Abigail suggested with a shrug, making John frown.
“I guess.” He said bluntly, looking uncomfortable. He didn’t want to need a safe word. He didn’t want to come up with one just for him. He didn’t want to be weak.
Abigail followed his train of thought, feeling bad for him.
“There’s no shame in it, John.” She whispered, making him avert his eyes once more.
“Not for you.” He spat, a little more aggressively than he’d meant to. “You won’t be the one usin’ it.” He said, quieter.
“Sure I will.” She replied kindly. Trailing off and letting the silence fall over them as she tried to think of what to say next.
The day was getting on she had only intended to step away from Jack for a minute. Not to sit down for a proper heart to heart.
A small part of her was screaming that John needed her in this moment. But another was crying out that she needed to get away from him. Take time to process everything that was said so she could really take it to heart and prevent another fight in the future.
“Well anyways… It’s getting late and I want to check on Jack.” She said finally, trying to end the conversation as tastefully as she could.
“Okay.” John replied quietly. Not really sure what else to say. His chest felt weird and while the burning behind his eyes had dulled significantly; it was still there.
He swallowed thickly, staring at his hands as he waited for her to leave.
“So… No calling you baby?” Abigail asked with a chuckle, feeling the need to try and lighten the mood before she left.
“Well…” John said quickly, opening his mouth to speak but not finding the words. “I… I mean. Maybe.” He trailed off once more, his throat suddenly feeling very dry. “Maybe, maybe sometimes.” He sputtered. “Maybe when, you’re…” He paused, hands moving to his lap once more. “T-telling me what to do.” He stammered. A far cry from the confident, assertive man he had been during their fight, minutes earlier.
Abigail’s lips quirked as she looked him over once again.
“Alright.” She said softly, nodding. She really did want him to feel like he could tell her anything and if she was being totally honest, she definitely wanted to explore whatever this new kink of his was.
She figured if she played her cards right, she could be calling him a naughty boy and spanking him by the end of the week.
Once they’d worked out their safe-word of course.
She grinned lightly, trying to hide it as John gave her an incredulous look.
“Seriously?” He asked in exasperation.
“I’m sorry.” Abigail said as sincerely as she could manage before forcing herself to stand. She straightened her skirt with her palms before placing them on her hips and turning to him with the most serious face she could manage.
John blinked at her slowly, rolling his eyes.
“Go on.” He sighed, knowing full well she had something she wanted to say.
Abigail snorted, losing her composure and breaking into an all-out grin as she cackled.
“Well, Mumma’s gotta’ go get some breakfast.” She chortled as she walked outside and left him alone to regret getting out of bed.
Just to clarify I wouldn’t say John actually has a Mommy Kink per say, that was more Abigail teasing him. (not that there’s anything wrong with that, you do you as consenting adults) but he definitely does like being taken care of and babied in the privacy of his own tent/home. So do with that info what you will. ;)
Please let me know if you liked this/what you liked about it! I’m feeling a rush of motivation lately and would love to keep this streak going!! ❤
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softowlhours · 4 years
by the lakeside
bokuto koutarou(horror!AU)
it should’ve been the perfect summer getaway. you were both in need of some down time away from your busy careers. but things get a little eerie when there’s a voice in your head that isn’t yours and you find out that you’re not alone in that pristine white house on the hill.
genre: horror, angst, fluff if you squint
tw: descriptions of drowning, asphyxiation, strangulation. suggestive sexual situations.
a/n: i promise i’ll proofread this later and also write an epilogue but until then please enjoy this story it took me way longer than necessary to write. i’ve read it so many times that i don’t find it scary anymore. but i hope you do! :)
word count: 6k
my body feels like an empty shell sometimes, a carcass I am dragging around. when I look into the mirror I don’t recognise myself. i don’t recognise him, either.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
bokuto’s hair gleams silver in the glorious morning light. wind blows through your own strands as you zip past the lush green meadows. you could see the sheep dotted on the grassy planes like puffs of pure white clouds. far away, there stood giant mountains. their high peaks looked like they were breaching the baby blue ceiling of the sky. you only notice your gorgeous surroundings with half a mind, because your eyes keep trailing back to the man besides you. you admire his profile, the sharp slope of his nose, the chiselled cheek bones and jaw line. you zero in on the plush of his lips and it is then that you notice his teasing grin.
‘admiring the view?’ he asks.
‘mhmm. a sight for my sore eyes.’ and he truly is. your gaze drops a little lower. his toned chest peeks from where the buttons of his shirt have come undone. his biceps flex and strain against the fabric as he manoeuvres the steering wheel. he looks like a movie star, straight out of the golden age of film. the red vintage convertible he drives only adds on to your day dream. you can’t help but feel like a heroine starring in your own block buster romance. heat rises to the tip of his ears and the back of his neck at your shameless appraisal. bokuto notices the way lust is barely concealed on your face. he fucking loved the way you looked at him, like he was the guiding star you were always attuned to. the one for whom you’d always search for in an endless night sky.
‘your eyes are sore from staring at your computer screen all day everyday.’ he  ignores your attempts at flirting,  and instead addresses what has been eating away at his mind lately. he’s been worried about you. you often called him out for pushing himself to the point of breaking when it came to volleyball. but, you never noticed how you were inclined to do the same when it came to you own work; buried under papers and ink, day after day as your work ethic kept you confined to your study room. you being a best selling author, him a pro volleyball player; you truly were the power couple worthy of everyone’s envy and admiration, but your lives could get stressful at times.
‘kou, I’m sorry ‘m dragging you away from your routine. the game season starts in two months. you should be hitting some balls right now.’ you withdraw your hand, and he instantly misses your touch. you appear a little crestfallen as you opt to idly fiddle with the lace bordering your sundress.
‘hey,’ his voice is silky, tone slightly chastising. ‘don’t apologise. this was my idea anyways. we need some time away. from everything.’
‘you know that,’ he continues, ‘i’ll never be too busy for you, right? it makes me feel lonely when you just withdraw from me... shut me out.’ his face eyebrows furrow a little. ‘for you I’ll always carve out  time.’
bokuto had a way with words that always left you stupefied. they weren’t embellished and gaudy, like yours. all you ever did was spin fairy tales. Yes they were beautiful, but they were also false. unlike you, he always spoke from his heart, and you wonder if that was why his sentiments without fail reached others.
‘oi- don’t fall asleep.’
‘i’m not sleeping!’ you snap out of your reverie. ‘i’m sorry i… never realised you’d feel that way’ puffing out a sigh, you lean back lazily on the leather seat. ‘i haven’t been feeling much inspiration lately, and when i do write i just hate every word of it.’ 
‘maybe I should retire,’ you muse. ‘never write a word again. let people remember me as the genius author I’m not.’
‘but you are a genius writer!’ bokuto insists. ‘give it a fifty years and they’ll be teaching your work as a part of the curriculum. i’ve never read anything better!’
‘that’s because you rarely read!’
‘i am a picky reader,’ bokuto shrugs, cocking an eyebrow as he looks at you haughtily. ‘so congratulations that your writing actually piqued my interest.’
snorting, you pinch his thigh.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
it’s almost evening by the time you drive past a small sleepy town. the few houses have their curtains drawn. there’s a small supermarket and a polyclinic but you notice how the streets are mainly empty, save for a couple of children who play seven tiles on the roadside. fifteen minutes and more grassy meadows and sheep later, you arrive at what looks like the edge of the world. surely you’re being a little dramatic calling it that, but the road winds up the gentle slope of a hill and on top of it sits a pristine white house. bokuto pulls up the car in front of massive wrought iron gates, a chain holds it shut.
‘okay, but when nori said ‘vacation home’, this is not what I had in mind. Is he actually the heir to a conglomerate or something?’ you observe, definitely appalled.
‘uh- knowing his stingy ass, i’m not sure?’ bokuto sounds and looks puzzled as well, so you know he wasn’t expecting it either. he reconfirms the address konoha had messaged him. ‘do we climb the gates? because he never gave me a key or anything. he said the place has a caretaker who’d-’
‘how can I help?’
your heart leaps to your throat, and both you and bokuto snap your heads to your left to look at a man who stands on bokuto’s side of the car. neither of you had seen him approaching and it  was as if he were a magician, materialising out of thin air. old, sinewy and dressed sharply in a suit, he’s hunching to be at your eye levels. upon closer look the fabric of his clothes looked worn out and they fray at the edges. his hair is slicked back and he wears gold rimmed spectacles, its lenses the shape of half moons. his smile is serene, demeanour dignified but there’s shrewdness in his tone.
‘um- hi.’ bokuto greets recovering first. ‘i am konoha’s friend. i assume you’ve been expecting us?’
a beat passes.
‘indeed. allow me to show you around.’
bokuto parks the car under a shed close to the gates and you walk down the stretch of the garden. it is immaculately kept, and roses of all colours bloom neatly in rows. a giant sycamore tree stands close to the house, its branches brushing the roof. when you stand on the porch of the house the gate seems miles away. bokuto wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close to his side. he sneaks a soft kiss under your left ear as the caretaker opens up the door for you.
the inside of the house is splendidly furnished and it leaves you awestruck. simple but gorgeous, a modern castle of sorts. a cream colored leather sofa sits in the centre of the living room, the rug in front of it is white and fluffy. There is a box television- the kinds popular decades ago, and you wonder if it actually works or if it’s just for show. the chandelier above is a million crystals and an open kitchen makes up the far end of the living room. a stair case winds its way up. but, what truly catches your eye are the massive french doors which open up to the stretch of a green lawn. calling it a backyard would be a bit inadequate; for the trimmed grass meets the surface of a great lake, its water like molten lava reflecting the evening sky. you can see the outline of ducks waddling away, probably on their way home. the lake stretches out for almost a mile and after that you see nothing but the thicket of the woods. it is almost the end of july, so while the days are warm, the temperatures tend to dip quite a bit at night. you shiver a little and snuggle closer into bokuto’s side. the caretaker, in his monotonous voice,  explains to you how your room shall be upstairs,  the one to the right. there were four other rooms which were mostly empty and locked for the sake of easy maintenance. you tune him out when he moves on to the instructions regarding the heating and locking systems.
you’re entranced by the house, and standing there in its magnanimity you feel like you’ve been drawn into a picture book. you can imagine breakfasts every morning on the front porch. afternoons spent lolling on the grass besides the lake. you would keep a vase filled with freshly cut roses from the garden, in the centre of the kitchen table. spend the nights sitting in front of the fire place when winter laid its thick blanket of white snow outside. your high flying careers felt like a distant dream. your laptop back home could collect all the dust it wanted to. you could just stay here forever wrapped up in each others arms.
i’m lonely. i hate how you’re always away from home because of volleyball.
bokuto notices your distant look , the slightest way your lips are set in a grimace. it tugs on his heartstrings. makes it difficult for him to breathe.
bringing his mouth close to your ear, he whispers your name bringing you out of your head. you blink, biting back the ugly realisation that had just intruded your brain. you had never felt that way before, you had forced yourself not to. it was long ago when you had decided that you’d never make him choose between you and volleyball. or maybe that loneliness was something you’d always felt. but because you were afraid of it; you had hidden it under your skin, in between your bones.
if i could, i’d steal you away and keep you all to myself. in a cage just for me and you.
too afraid that he’ll somehow read your mind, you step away from him, disoriented by the venomous voice of your subconscious as you look around for the old man.
‘he left while you were zoning out, princess. said he’s going home.’ he pulls your back against his chest, long fingers begin snaking up a well known trail up your thighs. your cute little sundress does little to stop him. ‘he’ll be back by noon tomorrow, to tend to the garden and all that.’ bokuto speaks in between the kisses he’s placing along the side of your neck. ‘apparently, he lives in that town we drove by earlier.’
‘want to live in a house like this someday.’ he asks you, his voice hushed.  you rest your head back on his chest, as love and lust pools in your stomach and clouds your thoughts.
i’m scared someday you’ll leave me behind.
“me. you. maybe a dog. maybe… children?” he continues and your eyes widen at that.
‘you want all that?’
‘with you? yes I want everything. i’ll take everything that you can give me.’
you turn around and pull bokuto into a heated kiss. his chapped lips meld into yours and your teeth clack a little from the suddenness of your movement. by now it is completely dark outside and the living room is dimly lit by a lamp. bokuto seems unaware, too lost in you to be notice space and time. but, a weird sensation surrounds you. you feel the whisper of a cool breeze, a murmur disturbing the stillness of the house. with one hand, bokuto cups your behind. the fingers of his other rake through your hair. it’s a buzz now, like a thousand bees hovering over your heads. you feel dazed, you’re needy, you’re confused.
there’s someone else here. the two of you are not alone.
‘ow,’ you yelp in pain.
bokuto jumps away from you, but his hands are badly tangled in your hair.
‘I told you to tie your hair in the car!’ he is laughing. ‘it’s a nest in here!’
the buzzing dies down. the silence that follows is deafening. you wonder if you’re delusional with the lack of sleep.
as bokuto carefully weaves his fingers out he places a chaste kiss on the little crease in between your eyebrows. he finds you so cute, it physically hurts him.  
‘don’t worry, babygirl,’ his voice drops a few octaves. ‘windswept looks sexy on you.’
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
later that night as you are lie under the drapes and canopies, you notice how the bedroom is much like the rest of the house- fit for royalty. bokuto snores softly, but you lie awake with your head on his chest. his heartbeat is a mind-numbing rhythm. a thin sheet of sweat covers your bodies and you try to ignore the wetness in between your legs. you should probably change the sheets as well, but your body refuses to move and you don’t know where to find any new ones. sleep evades you so you let Bokuto’s question roll around in your mind. a forever with him. of course you would say yes. there was nothing more that you wanted than that. but the dread from earlier which you had managed to keep at bay with lust, slowly begins to resettle in the pit of your stomach.
he promises you an eternity now, but he’ll leave you behind soon.
you somehow clamber out of bed, making sure not to awaken bokuto. picking up his shirt from where it lies on floor, you put it on. the bedroom has identical doors from the living room, made of glass, and they open onto a small balcony. you draw open the lacey curtains and step out into the chilly night air. the sight that awaits you makes you gasp.  a fine mist rolls over the water, but the lake itself is still.  its surface is like taut cellophane. beyond the lake where the woods begin, it is pitch black darkness and you cannot tell where the woods meet the moonless sky. it’s a new moon night, but where you expect to see the stars is an empty hollowness. its eerily silent. too silent. no insects trill. no wind blows. you stare intently into the water for so long that you swear you see something lurking just underneath its surface.  the mist that hovers slowly inches towards the house, coiling like endless bony fingers.
that pool of velvety darkness, i wonder what it’d feel like against my skin.
come to me then. feel it for yourself. your voice, no, her voice purrs.
you whirl around to see bokuto. he’s standing a feet away from you, rubbing sleep from his eyes. 
‘whoah! easy,’ bokuto exclaims, surprised by your jumpiness. no way it had been him who had spoken moments ago. ‘what are you doing outside?’ he asks. ‘i nearly got a heart attack when I saw someone standing out here.’ 
you look back towards the lake, and you’re utterly confused. the mist seems to have instantly vanished. you can even hear the water now, softly undulating. it appears akin to a creased sheet of silk.
had you been hallucinating? dreaming with your eyes open?
you fight down the growing panic and instead walk over to him, squishing his cheeks. you softly kiss his pout. ‘aww. baby’s scared?’ you coo.
he grumbles something about you catching a cold but tugs you inside and you decide to let it all go. you’re tired and tomorrow will be a new day.
had you turned around, you’d notice how the stars were glittering like cold hard gems in the night sky.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you were pleasantly lazing about in the sun. the lake was a glittering blue and the woods looked benign during the day. they weren’t as dense as they appeared to be in the absence of light. from where you lay, the house looks like an entity of its own. imposing and regal. bokuto is dressed casually in a t-shirt and sweatpants as he plays around witha volleyball, tossing and spiking it all by his lonely self. you didn’t remember seeing him pack a volleyball, but then again somehow he always seemed to miraculously have a one at his disposal. today,  he hasn’t gelled his hair up in its usual style, so it flops onto his  forehead in a way you wished he’d leave it more often.
‘y/n! nice receive!’ he hollers at you.
he spikes the ball aiming straight for your stomach and you somehow manage to block his assault. thank god he hadn’t used a quarter of the strength he usually puts into his spikes.
your strong and annoying man.
‘you trying to murder me or what?’
he pulls you up to your feet. ‘i’ll be teaching you how to spike, drama queen. it’s insane how you’ve been with me for all these years and haven’t learnt a thing or two about volleyball. people would die for a one on one training session with me.’ he brags as he fetches the ball from where it had rolled off to.
you try to copy his motions, but what he can effortlessly pull off is an impossible feat for you. you send the ball upwards and jump as you try to match your timing to spike it. but before you can hit the ball it lands on your head.
bokuto is losing his shit, doubling over with laughter. and you try to look angry but end up giggling with him.
‘i give up!’ you complain. plus my boobs jiggle since i’m not wearing a sports bra,’ 
‘babe, thats kinda the point!’ he beams.
a perfect spike lands on his face.
‘owww, that’s foul play, y/n! ’ he yells. rubbing his nose, he walks over to you.
‘you should be punished!’ he scolds you, but places a kiss on your temple. his hands wander downwards to unzip your dress. he lets it fall to the ground. you know where this is headed. you think he’s going to kiss you so you close your eyes and lean towards him but before you can react, he’s bending down and suddenly you’re being lifted. he has you over his shoulders and your peals of laughter warm his heart. he hadn’t heard that sound in a while.
bokuto marches straight into the lake and dumps you in. the water is cool and refreshing, just as you had imagined it. it’s shallow enough so you’re chest deep in the water when your feet are planted at the bottom. his body glistens with dampness, hair a floppy wet mess. he was so beautiful, that even though it was irrational you felt a little bit shy. you’re splashing each other with water, the atmosphere’s light and bubbly with amusement. bokuto tries to catch you but you slip out of his reach. he is being his loud and  dramatic self as he falls face down into the water, complaining as he comes up with his eyes screwed shut. 
‘i swear i’d rather be blinded by your beauty than this water.’
you shake you head, feigning disdain and then you’re swimming away from him, towards the safety of the house. it must almost be noon, and you vaguely remember its time for the care taker to come around. you did not want to be seen in your wet underwear. bokuto calls out to you, apologising. there is water in your ears, it laps all around you as you swim. it dulls all sound and every other sense until the only thing you hear is your thumping heart. when you come up for air, you can see the blue sky, when your face is in the water you can see the stones and pebbles littering the bottom.
but, when you come up for air again, the sky is overcast. laden with dense gray clouds.
the water runs icy, lead flows through your veins. your body is sinking like a ship. it feels like you’re trying to move through viscous jelly. when you try to pull up for air you cannot break through, the surface traps you like its the cellophane you remember seeing the night before. a tight grip on your waist, abruptly pulls you under. your flailing hands try to grasp at nothing in particular. you wonder if its bokuto just messing around, but you know it isn’t. you don’t feel his presence anywhere. your fingers suddenly entangle into something. your eyes burn when you try to open them and look. jet black strands of hair, a bone white face, a mouth that is open like a gaping wound. you scream and nothing but gurgles and air bubbles escape you. you try to pull back but your hands are stuck in the weedlike hair. Funny you think of the evening before, when bokuto’s fingers had entangled in your messy hair the same way.
‘kou…koutaro!’ you try calling for him. you hear your disembodied voice, feel the water flood your mouth, your nose. but you feel all alone with that woman straight out of nightmares. fear has you in its grip, your minds a mush.
you hate him so damn much. you hate him, you hate him, you HATE him.  a voice repeats the same words in your head. you wonder if it sounds like your own or someone else’s. you cannot tell the two apart.
you feel a hand wrap around your arm, its large and warm and it feels like home. as it drags you out of the water the ashen face seems to quiver and distort. her eyes flicker open. they roll in their sockets but when they fixate on you, you see eyes just like your own. but they are transparent like marbles; burning with betrayal and accusation.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you wake up with a start to screams piercing the air. they are shrill and blood curdling. your hands are on your ears as you try to block out the sound but it only gets louder. it takes you a moment to realise that the screaming had been you. bokuto holds you in his arms, you can feel him shaking underneath your palms that grapple at his back.
he’s crying.
no! why is your bokuto crying? you pull away a little just enough to look at him, but the way his features are twisted in melancholy punctures a hole through your heart.
‘y/n, babe… babe,’ his lips quiver stealing away speech but he forces himself to speak. ‘ i looked everywhere in the water but I couldn’t find you. you were swimming and then you just stopped. i thought you were fooling around but you were down there for too long. so i come over but... I couldn’t see you anywhere at first. i panicked! holy shit... i was panicking.’ he shifts away from you, an arms length away. leaning back on the sofa, he stares up at the ceiling. ‘You weren’t even struggling, just stopped moving. Do you remember what happened?’ bokuto drags a hand down his face. he’s visibly distressed.
‘i don’t know what happened,’ you croack. ‘it felt like I was stuck. my feet wouldn’t come lose. as if someone was there with me in the water, holding me down…’ a sob escapes you.
bokuto pales a little at your description. but there had been no one but the two of you in the water. hell he hadn’t even seen any fishes.
he had pulled you under in the first place hadn’t he. there’s no one here but the two of you.
you remember not being alone in the water. you remember the heaviness. but nothing else.
bokuto opens his mouth to say something, but you cannot concentrate. the urge is too strong. before you can think, before you can answer. you are bending over and puking your guts out.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you spend the rest of the day, clinging to bokuto. and he doesn’t mind. he seems to be craving that constant feeling of your skin on his. something to remind him that you were okay, that you were here now. he makes his way around the kitchen with you stuck to him like a little koala.
“sit down on that chair just for a minute, y/n. i can’t find the plates!” he tries to loosen your chokehold on him but you only tighten it and bokuto booms out a laugh.
‘i swear you’re lucky you’re cute.”  
‘just consider this weight training.’
bokuto had put together a light meal. you reckoned you’d be unable to stomach anything too heavy.
‘we were supposed to be having fun. i feel like i’ve ruined everything.’ you mumble gloomily. you’re sitting on the chairs you pulled up around the kitchen island. a make shift dining table.
‘it’s okay. its enough to just be together.’
‘oh no been away from you for a five whole minutes.’ your expression is of mock worry as you rush over onto his lap. you immediately bury your head in the crook of his neck, his familiar scent calms you down. he chuckles at your antics.
‘do you think we can just go home?’ you ask apprehensively, still feeling bad about having spoilt your perfect little getaway.  ‘i don’t feel like staying here anymore.’
‘sure, baby girl .’ bokuto replies in a heartbeat, and you wonder if he feels the same unease in remaining here any longer.
‘we can leave tomorrow morning.’ he suggests. ‘it might be a bit too late to leave now. plus, caretaker-san didn’t even show up today.’
‘is it okay to just leave?,’ you ask.
from where bokuto sits on the dining table in the kitchen, he can see the doors in the living room that open up to the porch. it’s around three in the afternoon. the weather was beginning to turn awfully gloomy.
clouds slowly fill the sky eclisping the sun that had shined all day. it leaves everything in shades of gray.
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
you wake up alone in bed. the remnants of an eerie dream still lingers in your mind. you had been combing your hair, which was unusually thick, dark and long. you kept brushing the silky smooth strands, on and on and on, until they started coming loose in your hands. shuddering as you recall it, you turn around to see the wall clock read nine p.m. where was kou? at some point you had fallen asleep although you did not remember coming upstairs to the bedroom. he must’ve carried you from where you and him had been lying on the sofa downstairs, idly chatting.
your body is still heavy with exhaustion but you force yourself to sit up. hearing the water running in the bathroom, you call out to bokuto. ‘kou?’  you pad your way over to the bathroom. when you open the door there is no one inside. water drips from from a leaky tap into an empty bath tub. strange. where had the sound been coming from then?
you find yourself mesmerised by your reflection in the mirror right across from you. when you step inside the bathroom, the tiles are dry and frigid underneath your feet. the lights are off, however, the bathroom is faintly lit up by the light filtering in from the frosted windows. the bags under your eyes are dark and puffy, your lips look ashen. you look like you had lost a tonne of weight over the span of the past few hours. tracing a finger along the outline of your reflection, you notice how your eyes were a forlorn abyss. hollow like the dead.
mine. stay with me. don’t leave me alone. a voice whispers to you and you listen, enchanted.
you see the corners of your lips quirk up in your reflection. your expression twists into that of deranged happiness.
so, you’ll stay?
you don’t feel the smile on your face.
you’re backing away slowly. a scream dies in your throat.
that isn’t you. it’s her.
you’re running full speed out of the bathroom and you make it just in time as the door slams shuts behind you. the edge of your thin white slip gets caught in between but you yank it loose with enough force. bursting out of the room like a bat out of hell you’re hurtling downstairs. you have to look for bokuto. you must leave. now!
you’re me, i am you. he doesn’t love you, so just stay with me. I’m lonely.
you try to call out to bokuto but you cannot find your voice.
and then you see him. sitting on the sofa. the relief you feel is momentary. the old television is on, and the screen is grainy with static but bokuto’s eyes are intent on it. he’s still as if he were carved out of stone. he doesn’t acknowledge your presence just keeps staring ahead with an owlish gaze. you place a shaky hand on his shoulder and he finally turns to look at you.
his eyes that usually are like pools of golden honey are dark and murky like cheap kerosene. his features are sharper, more cunning. a devil in your lover’s skin. the mist outside thickens, appearing as if they were pale white walls surrounding the house.
i told you to just stay with me. you should’ve stayed with me in that cool dark water.
he doesn’t love you, i do.
suddenly bokuto is stalking towards you, his movements hypnotic like that of a panther, sinuously fluid, predatory. a feral look glints in those foreign eyes. he slams you against the nearest wall, his hands tightening over your neck. your head meets the hard surface with a thud. those large arms that have always felt like home suddenly feel empty and cold like a prison cell.
you’re just a prisoner in his cage. he doesn’t love you like I will.
black spots fill your vision, as your air supply is slowly being cut off. ‘kou- please don’t.’ you whimper. a flicker of recognition flashes through those eyes, but the grip around your neck only tightens. ‘kou-’ you call again softly. tears fall freely down your face. your hands go limp by your sides and in the process you knock over a vase that had been on table besides you. it falls to the marble floor with an obnoxious crash. the ceramic splinters into a hundred pieces. bokuto’s eyes widen and the darkness from his face lifts. it is as if a thick patch of clouds obscuring the moon had drifted past, letting its pure light fall to the earth once again. he’s your bokuto once again.
horror struck he lets go of your neck and catches a glimpse of the angry red fingerprints left behind like a morbid necklace. you collapse to the ground.
a door bangs shut somewhere in the house, startling you both. bokuto is about to crouch down next to you when suddenly the volume of the television is cranked up. the harsh static sound grates your ears, like a drawn out growl. there’s thumping coming from behind every surface of the house- the walls, the floors, the ceilings. every door, every window  swings open only to shut back with a bang, over and over until shards of broken glass lie like a carpet all over the floor. the house is alive with the breath of countless souls that live in its every crack and crevice. you both look on with horror as heavy mist begins to pour into the house. bokuto’s teeth chatter with fear, and he tries to get you to stand. he follows your gaze which is fixed to where your bedroom had been. and he sees it then. on the door which opens into the room, there’s a shadow of a woman. he can discern the long straight hair which she combs on and on and on.
‘f-fuck!’ he spits.
he harshly pulls you over his shoulders but transfixed you crane up your neck to continue looking at the shadow. hastily he manages to grab the keys which he had hung on a hook by the main door.  the shadow grows darker, more defined as if  whoever it belonged to was coming closer. he feels you struggling and you scream to be let down.the main door to the house is already open so with one last glance at the chaos behind, you are both bolting out of the house.
‘y/n, run! to the car. hurry, hurry, hurry!’ he shuts the door, hoping it would buy you some time. he’s not really sure what he’d just seen or what any of it meant. but thinking would come later. he grabs your hand as you start the mad dash across the front garden. you notice despite your compromised vision due to the mist, how the roses look wilted. the grounds gooey and wet underneath, and your feet sink into the soft mud making movement sluggish. but you don’t stop. moments later, the door behind you flings open with enough force that it comes loose from its hinges. the whole house seems to be angry.
come back here.
don’t leave me alone.
an overgrown root coils around your calf and yanks you back. your hand slips out of bokuto’s and he turns around, horrified, to see you being dragged into the ground. like you were falling into quicksand.
‘hold on to my arm,’ bokuto bellows, ‘and just don’t. let. go!’
the circulation in your leg is being cut off and you cry in pain. you can feel the disgusting way the soft earth keeps parting further to let you in. you want to let go, give in to the struggle. maybe it’d be better to just lie buried here, decomposing till you forget whats fear, whats pain.
your name is rolling off bokuto’s tongue like a chant. his muscles burn with strain. the sweat and slick makes his grip on you weak and he notices how you’re  letting go. he reads the resignations on your face. but why are you letting go? why are you trying to leaving him alone?
bokuto loses his footing and falls backwards and almost loses you, but he manages to interlock your fingers. he’s grunting with effort, and roars with frustration when it doesn’t seem to be working. it is then when you see the blood covering his feet, the glass splinters buried deep into his soles. in your haste to get away you never noticed how he had walked all over the shards with you over his shoulder. the ache in your heart swells. you know he’d never leave you behind. it was the two of you, or none of you who’d make it alive out of here.
the thought of bokuto buried deep into the ground, lips blue and crusted with mud gives you a renewed conviction. with the last spurts of energy you hold tight onto bokuto’s arm with one hand. the other digs into where you find soft but solid ground. you attempt to claw your way out and fight the drag of the noose around you ankle that tries to pull you in the opposite direction. away from bokuto. bokuto is inching backwards, his voice hoarse with all that screaming as he does his utmost to haul you out. 
rain begins to pour in heavy cascades even though there hadn’t been a single cloud in the obsidian sky. and suddenly you feel earth’s hold on you go slack. bokuto and your efforts come to fruition as your foot comes loose and you tumble straight on top of bokuto’s body. but its too early to celebrate. a loud thunderclap spurs you both into action and you run and run, fighting the burn in your lungs until you reach the car. bokuto, is grateful, infinitely grateful that the keys had remained in his pockets during that struggle. he hands you the keys and with no time to waste you’re  running to the car, afraid that something inauspicious might happen again if you didn’t hurry. bokuto notices with relief that the iron gates are not chained shut like they had been upon your arrival, and with some effort he swings them open.  bokuto clambers into the passenger seat and you floor the gas as you drive straight out of the gates, into a calm quiet night. 
it takes you a moment to notice that the rain had stopped. 
∷  ∷ ∷  ∷ 
the two of you are covered in dirt, in blood. absolutely shattered with exhaustion. bokuto finally feels the pain that had been dampened by adreneline. it now ignites like an inferno. he almost tears his lip trying to bite back a whimper. in the rear view mirror, you catch a glimpse of the house. it looks regal and imposing, as it had when you’d first arrived. you can see the dimly lit bedroom, the curtains billowing gently in a slight breeze. the glass on the doors is intact. the garden is immaculate once again and you can see patches of soft grass spread out where the mud had almost eaten you up alive just a few moments ago. a shaky laugh escapes Bokuto, and before you know it, feeling delirious, you’re laughing with him. 
bokuto’s phone rings and the sound cuts short your hysteria. with some effort he retrieves it from the dashboard where he’d left it two days ago. he had planned on not letting anything distract him from you on this short getaway. he puts it on loudspeaker.
‘they picked up!’ you hear Konoha say to someone and the collective sighs of relief are audible.
‘dude, where have you both been? we’ve been calling you all day. ms. nakamura told me that you never made it to my vacation home?’
‘ms. nakamura?’ bokuto rasps.
‘yeah, the caretaker I told you about?’
‘the caretaker was a man!’ you snatch the phone with from bokuto with one hand while other remains on the steering wheel. you’re yelling at the receiver like a mad woman. ‘we came to your villa, but that man opened the gates. listen, there’s something wrong with the house and lake behind it is-’
‘what lake? there are only corn fields behind my house. which is, by the way, a traditional japanese one. where the fuck have you both been?!’
you and bokuto look at each other in confusion, and you hit the brakes. you glance back at the house which is now far, far away. if you squint your eyes you can see the outline of a man at the gates. the lamp in his hand glows golden like a distant star.
a woman’s shadow is dark and lonely against the delicate lace of the bedroom’s curtains.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 212 prt 1
Matt and Rieva returned in the morning. Seeing Lance hadn’t come down with a fever, or bled during the night, Keith let his fiancé sleep. The vampire had been up a couple of times in the morning to use the bathroom, collapsing back into bed as if he’d been sleep walking each time. Rieva was of the opinion Lance should rest, Matt backing up with his fiancé said, both of them leaving within the hour of arriving back home to go to work.
Flicking the TV on for company, Keith woke Lance up with the noise. Shuffling into the room, his fiancé climbed onto the sofa next to him, an arm snaking around Keith’s waist for comfort. He got a very sleepy “I love you”, before Lance fell back to sleep again him. His scent was still off. It was still off and it still filled Keith with nervous energy. Managing half an hour sleep, Lance woke up, mumbling about needing the bathroom. His lover barely gone a few moments before he was back, gripping the doorframe with one hand, and his stomach with the other
“K-Keith... I think there’s something wrong with me”
Jumping over the side of the sofa, Keith caught Lance as his knees gave out. The crotch of Lance’s underwear wet and bloodied. Fuck. Fuck... no. This couldn’t be happening, fluid spilling down the inside of Lance’s shaking legs
“Nnngh... I dun feel good... I think the twins are coming”
Lifting Lance off his feet, Keith carried his fiancé over to the sofa. Squatting down between Lance’s knees, Keith was far far into panic mode
“Are you sure?”
“Mhmm... it... hurts...”
“Okay. Okay, let me get the keys and we’ll head to Platt. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay, baby. Just hang on for me”
Grabbing his phone up, Keith called Coran, yelling at him to be prepared because Lance was in labour. Finding Lance’s car keys up, he rushed out to the bronco, climbing in before realising he’d left Lance sitting in the living room. He didn’t know what the plan was. Why didn’t they have a birth plan?! Rieva said they needed a birth plan. So why hadn’t they made a birth plan!? Looking to assure Lance it would be okay, that was when he realised he’d forgotten the main component of this nonexistent plan.
Running back into the house, Lance was now sobbing on the sofa, both hands on his stomach, clearly in pain. False contractions had been bad enough, Keith sympathised over the amount of pain Lance must be in. Placing his hand on his mate’s arm, Lance was freezing, that couldn’t be a good sign. He was wearing a hoodie. Why was he wearing a hoodie? Lance should be wearing the hoodie...
“You’re going to be okay, babe. You’re going to be okay. We’ll get to you Platt”
Lance shook his head, crying harder as he did
“I don’t want to go... don’t make me go”
“Coran’s going to deliver our twins, you’ll be okay”
Snatching up the blanket Lance had come shuffling in with, Keith tried to wrap it around Lance’s shoulders, Lance slapping his hand away
“I don’t want him to take our babies away!”
His ego took that as fact, rather than fear. Anger prickling at the idea of their children being stolen away. Shit. Now was not the time. What was he forgetting?! Lance’s go bag. No. No. That was still in the back of the bronco
“That’s not going to happen”
“Please... please don’t let them take them away from me”
“They won’t. They won’t take them away. Can you stand?”
Lance whimpered at him, drawing back on the sofa. He didn’t want to leave his home. They’d come too damn far to lose the twins now.
Forcing Lance up to stand, between his legs was wet with red tinged fluid. The pain leaving Lance hunched. Lifting him off his feet, Keith rushed from the living room, fighting his own ego that screamed at him as he forced himself out the front door. Fuck. Fuck. This was not the plan. This was the plan, but Lance wasn’t okay so this wasn’t the plan. Shit. He needed to call Shiro... and Krolia... and the others... fuck... Clutching his shirt, Lance gazed up at him with glassy eyes
“I don’t want to lose the twins”
“You’re not about to. You’ll be okay, baby. You’ll be okay”
Getting Lance into the bronco, Keith skipped the seatbelt, covering Lance with the blanket before leaning over to crank the heating knob to full heat. Slamming the door closed, he rounded the bronco, climbing in beside Lance, who whined softly for him
“I’m here, baby. I’m here. It’ll be okay”
Shifting closer to him, Lance buried his face against Keith’s shoulder
“I don’t feel very good... it hurts”
“I know, sweetheart. You hold on for me...”
“I love you... I dun wanna leave you...”
“You’re not going to. You’re not going anywhere”
Kicking gravel as he pulled a U-turn in Lance’s drive, Keith’s heart wouldn’t stop hammering. Labour seemed so sudden. Lance hadn’t said anything about his water breaking. Wasn’t that a thing? In the movies it was a sudden gush... Where was the sudden gush? He might have no idea about this, but these things were supposed to happen in order! Lance was supposed to come tell him his waters had broken, then he’d soothe him, and they’d go to Platt, where Coran would be waiting happily to deliver their twins. This was not how it went!
Speeding through Garrison, Keith took a few turns wide as he tried to reach his phone to call his brother. The device sliding along the dash and deciding to stay on the opposite end. The last thing he needed was the red and blue flashing lights in the rear view mirror that were accompanied by a burst of siren just after Balmera. Shit. Lance was in labour. He was on edge. He didn’t need this shit right now. He could make a run for it... but the cops would follow... he really didn’t need a high speed chase. Fuck. Fuck... fuck. Slowing the bronco, the stop was less than gentle as he pulled onto the gravel shoulder, jolting Lance. Moaning at the sudden stop, Lance blinked at him, trying to focus
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay”
Watching the officer climb out of the patrol car, Keith nearly gunned the engine. He could put a fair bit of distance between them and police if he left right now... but Lance would be mad if he did that. His lover’s hand finding his and gripping hard as let out a long groan
“You’re okay. You’re okay... fuck...”
Squeezing his hand, Keith felt something break. For being so weak, his fiancé’s strength was there when they didn’t need it. Lance had a death grip on his hand, Keith not sure it’d ever not have his impression printed on it forever.
“Sir, are you aware of how recklessly you were driving?”
Keith had rolled the window down as the officer got closer. He could do this. Nothing was wrong... just his fiancé in labour... nothing to see here
“I trust you have some good reason for how fast you were going”
Lance let out a cry, the police officer looking alarmed
“Sir, is there something wrong with your passenger there?!”
The less Lance had to do with the police officer, the better
“It’s my fiancé. They’re in labour. There’s been so many complications with the pregnancy...”
“Sir, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the car”
No. Nope. On the other side of the car, the man’s college opened the passenger side door. Keith’s heart beat so loud it was echoing in his head. Lifting the blanket, the officer drew back, talking past the pair of them
“We need an ambulance. There’s blood”
Keith snarled, sorely sorry for having dropped
“We don’t need an ambulance. You need to let me get him to his doctor!”
“Sir, if you’re going to continue to be aggressive...”
Nope. They weren’t taking him and they weren’t waiting for ambulance to come all the way from Platt when he could get Lance to VOLTRON faster and safer for everyone involved
“Oh, fuck this. I’m sorry”
Turning on the engine, the officer at his door tried to stick his arm inside to open the driver door from the inside. Keith tearing his hand off the handle and shoving him back so hard the man fell on his arse. Sticking his head out the window, Keith threw a blanket apology in the man’s direction
“I’m sorry, but you have no idea what’s happening and I like him better than I like the pair of you”
Shit. Fuck. He’d gone and done it now. He heard the police fussing as he pulled off the gravel shoulder, hopefully Coran would deal with the fall out. The Garrison police kind of too shocked to get their shit together in a hurry...
“It’s okay. I didn’t hurt him...”
“You like me more than them...”
Swerving the bronco, the still open passenger door swung closed as he’d hoped it would
“I do, baby. I love you”
“I dun feel good... it hurts and I’m tired. You said your were worry”
Keith groaned at himself. He made a terrible criminal
“I know. You’ve got stay awake for me. You can do that for me”
“Wanna... push... ‘m scared”
“No! No pushing. You’re okay, it’s not that far”
“Bud my body says...”
All colour left Keith’s face. Nope. No. He didn’t know how to deliver a baby. Plus... Lance wasn’t equipped for things to be coming out of there... that’d hurt...
“You have to keep those legs of yours closed a little longer...”
“I dun know... they’re coming too soon... nigh...”
Squeezing Lance’s hand with his busted hand, there was no pushing happening in the bronco, Lance’s groan was too long not be him struggling
“Don’t you dare push!”
“Our babies are going to be born at VOLTRON. Remember the drugs? Think of the drugs...”
Lance nodded sluggishly
“I wan’ the drugs”
“See. You can’t push without the drugs...”
Lance went silent for a long moment, Keith taking his eyes off the road to look at him. Blood trickled from Lance’s mouth
“Babe? Babe, talk to me”
Covering his mouth, Lance coughed wetly, the vampire lowering his hand to show a gloop of blood in his palm. Fucking fuck fuck
“You’re okay. We’re nearly there...”
“I... love you...”
“I love you too, baby...”
The cops caught up with them just outside Platt, Keith had given up on all road rules by then. Entirely selfish and reckless, though he had made sure not cause any accident. Parking in front of VOLTRON, the cops were maybe 10 seconds behind him. Flying out the car, he ran around the front of the bronco, throwing open the passenger door to pull Lance out. The officers had to be confused as hell as to why he’d brought Lance to a twenty-four hour bookstore. Moaning in his arms, his fiancé still felt icy to the touch, Coran opening the bookstore door for him as he carried his precious fiancé inside
“Coran, something’s wrong with him...”
Striding towards the elevator, Coran kept up with him, casting a glance at the officers that’d followed him inside. Mashing the button, the doors opened, closing behind them as the lady behind the store counter moved to talk to the police. They were her problem now
“Keith? Are they with you?”
“I kind of drove off and upset them...”
“Ah. Well... we’ll deal with that later. I’ve got a bed prepared for him...”
Lance moaned in his arms
“Wanna push...”
“I know, my boy. I know, you’re being very brave”
Coran placed his hand on Lance’s forehead, Keith not stupid as he knew Coran had to be manipulating Lance’s quintessence or something
“I’m sure it does... How long has he been in labour?”
“I’m not sure... He was up and down a bit this morning and very lethargic, then he went to use the bathroom and came back saying he thought something was wrong. Something has to be wrong, he wants to push already”
“Not necessarily. His body is a tad peculiar. It maybe be a survival trait of breeder vampires. A long labour would put them in danger of capture or death... Or he’s simply interpreting the messages his brain is sending out in the wrong way”
Keith had clearly heard what Lance said and Lance clearly knew what he was feeling better than him and Coran
“No offence, Coran, but I’m second away from attacking you for being this close. I don’t want to hear “maybes””
“Right. Here we go, straight through and onto the bed if you please”
Lance clung to him as Keith laid him down on the waiting hospital gurney. Curled around his stomach, his fiancé looked so broken Keith found himself crying as kissed his forehead
“Don’t leave me”
As if he would. His ego was now going wild at the amount of people around his mate
“I’m not. I’m right here with you, baby. I’m here”
“I’m scared”
“I know... I know, but we’re going to meet our twins soon”
Looking up to Coran, Coran nodded
“Number two is absolutely right, my boy. Let’s take him straight through”
Coran was taking no chances it seemed. The amount of blood obviously overruled any standard way of going about this. Holding both of Lance’s hands, his fiancé panted through another contraction
“You’re being so brave”
“I dun like this at all”
“You won’t be giving VOLTRON a good Yelp review?”
“No offence, Coran, but id sucks”
Coran chuckled at Lance’s slurring
“I’m sure it does, my boy. I’ve got things ready, your Keith here has a lead foot”
“He apologised to the cops... and said he liked me more than them”
Keith let out a snort of laughter, taking himself by surprise with the noise. Lance grinned at him around his pain
“Yeah, yeah, I did. And I do like you more”
“I know...”
Wheeled into the room, staff were gathered waiting. Keith thought they’d be staying, but once the bed was positioned, the slowly filtered out
“For staff safety, it’ll be you and me in here, with a nurse for support”
“He’s too delirious with pain to hurt anyone”
“It’s because he’s delirious that we need to take caution. I assume you’re going to stay up that end”
Visions of finding Lance covered in blood came back to haunt him. Though Coran would be in control, he couldn’t face the blood
“I’m good”
“Excellent. Now, Lance my boy, I know it hurts. I need to clean you up and have a little look at your tummy”
“It hurds”
“I’m sure you’re if far more pain than you’re letting on. Let’s get you comfortable, then we’ll proceed. When’s the last time he had blood?”
“This early this morning...”
“Excellent. How much would say he consumed”
“Um... 10 bags”
Coran’s eyes widened, yeah. He got it. He should have called Coran instead of waiting
“That is impressive. Right, not to worry...”
“Telling me not to worry is making me worry”
“Oh, don’t worry. This isn’t the first baby I’ve delivered”
“There’s two of them in there. We’d like both of them, thanks”
Lance missed half the conversation
“Don’t let him take our babies away... I don’t want him to take them away”
“He won’t. We’re going to be the first to meet them”
Lance strained, trying to sit up
“I wanna see them”
“They have to be born first”
“It’s okay...”
Keith’s job was to keep Lance’s focus on him. When Coran had gone to run an IV line, Lance had tried to escape him, snarling at the fae as he tried to cover his stomach. Sitting with his back toward Coran, the werewolf rubbed Lance’s leg, a blanket placed across to protect his fiancé’s dignity as Coran examined him. Lance not loving being touched, and Keith not loving that Coran was seeing Lance so intimately. Covering Lance’s legs back up with the blanket, Coran was the only one smiling
“Excellent. He’s already started dilating, amazingly fast really. The muscle ring is much softer more pliant than normal. His body is fascinating”
Coran did not just disrespect his mate
“He’s not an experiment. He’s in pain”
“Yes. Well, his waters have broken, perhaps with time he would have been able to deliver naturally, but the blood loss is alarming. You keep him preoccupied while I prep for surgery”
This all felt way too fucking real now that they’d come to a stop. He and Lance were going to be parents. After months and months and months of waiting. After their macaroons had turned to cupcakes, then foot and a half long subs, they’d soon be in the world as actual living people. Leaning in, Keith kissed Lance on the forehead, nuzzling the spot that was still too cold
“I love you so much. I couldn’t be prouder to be your mate”
“I love you, too... I’m sorry...”
“Shhh, there’s no need to be sorry. We’re going to be parents soon”
“You’re going to be the best dad”
“I don’t know, you’re really fucking amazing”
“I’m... it hurts...”
“I know, baby. I know. It’ll all be over soon”
“You won’t leave, will you?”
“Nope. I’m here. I’m here with you”
“Mmmm... best secret fiancé ever”
“Hey, you’re not too bad yourself”
Lance bit his lip as another contraction hit, snorting his breath out through his nose through the wave. Keith repeating himself, as he’d done over and over again in the longest half hour of his life
“You’re doing so good. So good for me...”
“It hurts... I feel gross”
“You look better than you feel””
“You’re beautiful. Our babies are going to be beautiful... Coran’s going to make the pain go away real soon, you just keep holding my hand until it does”
Setting a small curtain up to prevent Lance from seeing his stomach, Coran fetched Keith a chair as he let the drugs seep into Lance’s system. Coming back to them, the fae was far too enthused, followed by a nurse who wore a very tight polite smile. The fae had been gone long enough that Keith wondered if he’d run off to leave them alone to deliver the twins alone. Lance was still fighting the urge to push, Keith trying to remember how to coach him through breathing
“I’ve rung everyone, let them know what’s happening. They’ll be forced to wait upstairs until after the delivery, purely for safety reasons. Don’t want someone losing a limb because they can’t wait to see our babies. Now, this procedure is major surgery, don’t be alarmed if Lance passes out, he’s under quite a lot strain. Keith, did you manage to remember Lance’s bag?”
“It’s in the car”
“Excellent. Now, Lance, you may feel the need to struggle. I want you to keep your attention on Keith. I’m not going to harm you or the twins. Please try to keep that in mind”
Keith didn’t think Lance would fight Coran, not in his weakened state. The moment the vampire saw Coran holding a scalpel as he checked his instrument kit, Lance wanted out of there, promising this was a false alarm and he’d come back tomorrow if Coran took the knife away. The drugs had kicked in, Lance was high as a kite if he thought anyone in the room believed it. Keith didn’t want his scary his face to be the first thing their baby saw, but the poor werewolf’s ego was mad. They wanted to see the twins already, but they wanted to see them without Lance being hurt or cut open to deliver them. His ego was a stupid animal. Coran hadn’t even started the incision and Keith felt faint from the scent in the room.
Growling through another contraction, Keith’s hand was crushed all over again, Lance throwing his head back, sobbing out a “fuck” as the wave passed. Ooooh fuck... he’d grown used to Lance crushing his hand, but that was definitely Lance pushing. He wasn’t supposed to be pushing... Drugged up Lance probably couldn’t stop himself from how badly he wanted the twins out and the pain to be over
“Uhh, Coran... I don’t think he’s waiting for you”
Placing down the scalpel, Coran moved back to table. Lance was naked beneath the sheet, the fae letting panic was over his face before composing himself in the same moment
“He’s started crowning...”
Nope. They may not have had a birth plan, but Lance was clear about “not pooping out a baby”! Keith snapping at Coran
“He’s not supposed to be!”
Coran snapping back at him
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berrychiffy · 3 years
Can we get part 2 of Michi's death? Can it involve Mondo getting therapy? And lots of hugs? And realising its not his fault????
Hi!! So sorry for the long wait on this! Was working on other things around this time! But now I’ve finished those other things, so now I can answer this ask! Yes, Mondo will absolutely get lots and lots of hugs and comfort from Nekomaru!! Ahhh, it takes a good while for Mondo to truly realize that the accident wasn’t his fault, but Nekomaru and Daiya will do their best to convince him it’s not his fault!
Anyways, here is the long awaited sequel to Cut Short!! Again, so sorry this took so long! Hope this doesn’t disappoint! Also, if y’all want a break from the angst, just drop a fluffy suggestion in the ask box!
Repairing A Shattered Diamond (The Death Of Michi Part Two)
Mondo hadn’t been in class for a while…
At first, Nekomaru found that to be normal. It was normal to take time off to grieve for a loss. Many of his friends had done that before. He’s even done that to grieve for his grandparents (on his mother’s side) back in his first year of middle school. So it wouldn’t have been a surprise for Mondo to take some time off to grieve for his friend.
It was when almost the entire month of January passed he became concerned. Not to mention that Mondo hadn’t been responding to his calls, texts, and voicemails.
And now, here he was. Standing at the biker’s doorstep. Hoping, praying that Mondo was doing okay. Hoping that he was alive at least.
He had only met Takemichi Yukimaru once in his life. That was when he had gone over to Mondo’s house for the first time to meet both him and Daiya Owada. (Will go into more detail about that in a separate ask lol). He seemed like a really cool kid. Hell, he kinda saw him as a little brother upon first meeting him.
It was a shame that was the only time he had ever gotten the chance to talk to the poor kid…
For someone so full of life like Michi to die at such a young age… Nekomaru’s heart ached for the kid just thinking about it. So… even if he tried, he couldn’t even imagine just how horrible both Mondo and Daiya felt.
Nekomaru was about to knock on the door, but hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he should be doing this.
But, after receiving a few texts of encouragement on his phone from his friends and family, he wasn’t going to back out now. Not after he’s drove all the way to Mondo’s house through the snow and ice on the road. And so, with a wave of uncertainty and determination, he knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
There was a loud curse, followed by someone shouting, “Coming!” He then heard the loud footsteps approaching the door. Right off the bat, he knew that voice didn’t belong to Mondo…
“Oh. Hey Nidai. What’s up?”
“Hey Daiya. Is uh… is Mondo here?”
Daiya’s smile had faltered slightly as he asked him this. That let Nekomaru know that something was wrong.
“Yeah. I dunno if he’s expecting visitors though…”
So Mondo wasn’t expecting company? That made Nekomaru even more unsure of himself…
“Um… is it cool if I come in? I just wanna talk to him for a bit. See how he’s doing, y’know?”
“Yeah, of course.”
After walking inside, Daiya tells him that Mondo was up in his room.
“He’s been sitting up there ever since the accident…”
“He never leaves his room?”
“No. Only time he does, it’s just to take a piss or something. Been trying to get him out of there for weeks. But… he just won’t come out…”
Nekomaru noticed the man beginning to tear up after his sentence. He could tell that he’s tried everything to get his brother to come out of his room. He put a hand on Daiya’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“I’ll go talk to him.”
Daiya let out a sigh and wiped away his tears.
“You can try. Doubt he’ll listen to ya though.”
After pausing for a moment, Nekomaru made his way up the steps and got in front of Mondo’s bedroom door.
‘Here goes nothing…’
Knock knock.
“Um… hey Mondo. It’s me, Nekomaru. Can I… can I talk to you for a bit?”
Dead silence had followed his question, prompting him to knock once more.
“Mondo, can we ta—”
“I’m busy…”
Bullshit. Mondo had been sulking in his room for one too many weeks. He needs to come out at some point.
“With what?”
Ah, he supposed that was valid. Taka did take it upon himself to bring him his missed assignments after all. But… he still has to get out of his room at some point…
“Need help with it?”
“Can I come in?”
“Please? I’ve… I’ve been worried about you…”
“…. Fine…”
Without hesitation, Nekomaru opened the door. He was greeted with a messy room and his boyfriend with his back turned and facing the window. There was a small pile of unattended worksheets on his unmade bed, dirty clothes scattered across the bedroom floor, and a plate of tamago kake gohan that had gone completely cold at this time on his nightstand. The unpleasant scent of BO lightly filled the air, but it didn’t bother Nekomaru. He was used to that scent, since he spends a lot of his free time at the gym.
He inched closer to his bed, being careful not to step on any of the biker’s clothes. He eventually made it to the edge of his bed, unsure of what to do next.
“Can I sit with you?”
“Do whatever you want.”
Nekomaru slowly sat down on the bed and moved closer to him. He had managed to get a closer look at his face. He still had his eyeliner caked on his face from many days ago. It looked to have been smeared and smudged after it trickled down his cheeks along with his tears. His hair was no longer in his signature pompadour and was instead down and disheveled. A few strands of hair were sticking up after going undone for so long. His lips looked very dry and cracked. Nekomaru assumed that was because he hadn’t been getting properly hydrated. He always told him how important it was to drink water daily. He wanted to tell him that now, but he knew that it wasn’t the right time and place to do so.
“How are you feeling?”
That was a painfully obvious question that he mentally kicked himself for. Mondo obviously wasn’t feeling good, not after all the time he had taken off from school. Not to mention the state of his room and his face was a dead giveaway.
“I’m fine… you?”
Yet, Mondo still felt the need to lie about how he was really feeling. It was an obvious lie. One that Nekomaru didn’t feel entirely comfortable calling him out for.
“I’m okay…”
The two boys remained silent for a while, both uncomfortable about the current situation. Eventually, Nekomaru’s attention was drawn towards the object Mondo held tightly in his hands.
“That the necklace you wore when you met my family?”
“I like it a lot. It looks good on you.”
“Where’d you get it?”
“I dunno…”
“Did someone give it to you?”
“That was nice of them. Who gave it to you?”
An uncomfortable silence followed Nekomaru’s question. He looked down at the diamond shaped stone pendant, then back up at Mondo.
“Who gave it to you?”
“…. Michi…”
He understood why Mondo had hesitated to answer that question. He decided not to press upon the issue with the pendant anymore. But what else could he talk about? How is he supposed to comfort his boyfriend? He’s never really done something like this before…
“It’s… it’s kinda funny. He gave it to me cuz I was nervous about making a good first impression that day. Said it was for good luck or some shit… guess it kinda worked…”
Well, he supposed all he can do is listen. He’s gotten Mondo to talk now (somehow), the least he can do is lend him an ear. So, he simply nodded and waited for him to continue.
“I uh… kinda forgot to give it back to him… until uh… that party we threw for him… I tried giving it back, but he said I could keep it. He… he said I could wear it…”
Nekomaru understood where this was going. Mondo was having that troubling feeling that the pendant somehow protected him on that night. If the situation didn’t end in such a tragedy, some would say a miracle happened. Nekomaru wasn’t sure about believing that the pendant had actually protected him, for he didn’t really think there would’ve been much of a difference if he hadn’t wore it.
“Fuck… I shoulda just gave it back to him anyways…”
Mondo clutched the necklace tightly and held it up to his heart. He then looked up at the ceiling and cleared his throat. Nekomaru could see tears forming in the biker’s eyes. He put a hand over his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“Hey… it’s okay…”
“Don’t. Don’t even say that to me.”
Shit, he fucked that up. It obviously wasn’t okay. He pulled his hand away from his shoulder, ashamed of himself. Shortly after, Mondo looked up at him rather coldly.
“Why are you here?”
Nekomaru had never heard Mondo use that kind of tone around him before. It was a jarring mixture of melancholy and annoyance. That tone kind of scared him in a way. But… he wasn’t gonna let that stop him from being there for his boyfriend.
“I… I just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing. That’s all.”
“Well, I’m fucking fine. Can you leave now?!”
If that was the best thing to do, he would’ve left Mondo to sulk a bit more. But Nekomaru was stubborn. And he was never the type to ignore a teammate in need. Especially his boyfriend.
“I also wanted to talk. Or… at least give you a chance to talk to me. I’ll listen to you, you know?”
“There’s nothing else to talk about. I’m fine, okay?! So just go home! Don’t waste your time on me.”
“I didn’t drive all the way here for nothing.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have drove here at all! Why the fuck would you wanna see someone like me?! I MURDERED someone! I killed my own best friend! I… I killed my little bro…”
Nekomaru was shocked to hear Mondo use such strong words. He knew he wasn’t the type to kill, let alone, hurt someone on purpose.
“You didn’t kill anyone. He saved your life. It was an accident. You were just drunk. You didn’t know what was gonna ha—”
“I shouldn’t have been drinking at all! Don’t you get it?! If I hadn’t challenged Michi to that dumb fucking race, if I didn’t drive my stupid ass into traffic then—then…”
Mondo let out a quiet sob as memories of that awful night played back in his mind. The painful look in Michi’s eyes as he stared back up at him, barely clinging on to his life.
“H-he would still be here…”
And with that, he flopped onto his bed and shoved his face into one of his pillows, trying desperately to muffle his “pathetic” sobbing.
It broke Nekomaru’s heart to see the boy he cared about in such a sorrowful state. In an attempt to ease his pain, he gently tousled his hair and said the words that played on loop in his mind ever since he arrived on his doorstep;
“It’s not your fault.”
Mondo lifted his head from his pillow and looked at his boyfriend in shock.
“W-why? Why are you still here?! Aren’t you mad?!”
Nekomaru gave him a sympathetic look as he continued to run his fingers through his hair.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“D-don’t you understand?! You shouldn’t even be around me after what I did! I’m a fucking MURDERER!! Aren’t you… aren’t you AFRAID of me?!”
Nekomaru put both his hands over his shoulders and gave him a sad, gentle smile.
“Don’t go around calling yourself a murderer, cuz you’re not. And I could never be afraid of you. I… I care about you a lot…”
That wasn’t what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell him something more. Something that means just a little more than ‘I care about you.’
“Well, you shouldn’t. What if I do something like this again, huh?! What if I kill someone again?! What if I killed you?!”
“You won’t. I know you won’t. You never have, and you never will.”
Mondo wanted to believe him. He really did. But… he just couldn’t. He couldn’t help but continue to cry and stare at him in disbelief.
“W-why would you even say that?! Y-you don’t know what the future holds! D-don’t you realize how bad I’ve fucked him over?! Tomorrow’s his birthday, y’know?! He’s supposed to turn sixteen! Daiya and I got him his own car and everything!”
He tried to wipe away the tears and mucus dripping down his face before continuing.
“A-and he was supposed to s-start school again! He’s supposed to be here! H-he’s supposed to be coming back from his new school, t-tell me about his day, t-talk about the friends he was supposed to make. H-he’s supposed to be out in the yard running around in the snow and throwing s-snowballs at the neighbors’ house!”
The memory of Michi bleeding out on the pavement, feebly gasping for air and clinging onto Mondo’s jacket was burned into his brain and playing on loop, taunting and tormenting him. Reminding him of his fuck up. Reminding him of the boy who will still be fifteen ten years later.
Forever fifteen…
Forever a kid…
Forever a kid who didn’t deserve to die…
“B-but I took that away from him! I took away his only chance to grow up and live his own life! A-and now… now he’s dead! And it’s all my fucking fault!”
He buried his face into his hands and let out a few shaky breaths for air. He then said something that Nekomaru would never forget.
Something that cracked his heart in two;
“I-I… I should’ve been hit by that goddamn truck instead… I had it coming… I deserved it…”
Suddenly, he felt a pair of hands cup his face and lift it up.
“Don’t you ever say that.”
The tears finally began to form in Nekomaru’s eyes as he gazed into his boyfriend’s glistening lavender eyes.
“Listen to me. No one deserves something like that. There are people out there who care about you. Your brother cares about you. All our friends care about you. I care about you. And… I wouldn’t know what to do with myself without you.”
His voice was so calm, quiet, and soothing to Mondo. That was a certain kind of tone that he hadn’t heard from Nekomaru before.
“I… I may not have known Takemichi for long, but I believe he wouldn’t want you to beat yourself up over what happened. He… didn’t really seem like the kid to blame other people for stuff like that.”
“B-but what if—”
“He was your best friend, wasn’t he? Blaming you for something that wasn’t your fault doesn’t sound like something a best friend would do.”
“But… but it is my fault. I-it’s all my fucking fault! Why c-can’t you understand that?!”
Mondo let a few more hot tears stream down his face while Nekomaru refrained from shedding any more tears in order to be strong for him. He felt like allowing himself to cry any longer would only make his boyfriend feel worse. So, he gently wiped away Mondo’s tears with his thumbs instead.
“It’s not your fault. It was never your fault. Don’t even blame yourself for something like this.”
Mondo couldn’t help but let out a choked sob at his boyfriend’s kind words.
“W-why are you telling me this?! The fuck makes you think this ain’t my fault, huh?!”
“Because it’s the truth. I don’t just think it’s not your fault, I know it’s not your fault.”
“Well, if you’re telling me the truth, why don’t I believe it then?! How do I know ya ain’t lying to me?!”
“Would I ever lie to you?”
Mondo hesitated for a moment. He couldn’t really think of time where Nekomaru had ever lied to him. It would simply be out of character for him to lie to his face.
“…. No…”
“So how come you don’t believe it’s not your fault?”
“I… b-because…”
“I-it is my fault! It just is! W-why are you even trying to tell me it’s not?! Why are you STILL trying to help me?! I-I don’t deserve your help! I don’t d-deserve you! Y-you shouldn’t be with a fucking MURDERER! You—”
Without a second thought, Nekomaru pulled Mondo into the tightest hug he had ever given him. He absolutely hated hearing those words coming from his boyfriend’s mouth.
“… I… I love you. You know that?”
Holy shit. This was the FIRST time Mondo had ever heard Nekomaru say he loved him. Not that it was much of a surprise. He kind of had the feeling that he loved him. He just wasn’t expecting him to actually SAY it.
“I’m only trying to help because I care about you. I’ve been worried sick about you. Y-you haven’t really been responding to my messages… I-I just wanted to know if you were okay…”
A new wave of guilt had splashed over Mondo. He was right. He had been ignoring everyone’s messages on his phone. Including his.
“That’s why I came here. To check on you. To… talk to you.”
This time, Mondo remained silent. He didn’t have any energy left to tell Nekomaru that he shouldn’t have come. That he shouldn’t be visiting a murderer.
“I don’t want you to blame yourself for this. Sure, you were driving drunk. And yeah, that was pretty stupid. But you didn’t kill Takemichi. You weren’t the one driving the truck. It was an accident.”
Mondo still wasn’t entirely convinced that this wasn’t his fault. But there was no use in arguing with Nekomaru.
“So just… please… don’t call yourself a murderer. Because you’re not. You’re an amazing person Mondo. And I love you. So much… don’t ever forget that, okay? Takemichi wouldn’t want you to forget that.”
God, Nekomaru was just so sweet. Even after Mondo tried to push him away, he still stayed right beside him. And that’s when Mondo finally let out the waterworks he had been holding back. He buried his face into Nekomaru’s chest and sobbed into it. He felt his hand rubbing circles into his back and his other hand stroking his messy hair.
“I-I’m sorry… I’m s-so sorry!”
“It’s okay. Just let it all out. I’m here for you.”
He continued to let out a few more ugly sobs as Nekomaru shushed him and whispered words of comfort into his ear. What the hell did he do to deserve someone so loving and caring like Nekomaru?
As both the boys sat on the bed, holding each other tightly, Daiya was peeking through the door. He couldn’t help but let out a few tears of his own, for he was so grateful that Nekomaru had finally gotten his little brother to open up.
From that day on, Mondo started returning to school and catching up on his assignments. Nekomaru, Taka, and Leon helped him with it, of course (Leon’s definition of “helping” was sneaking a photo of Taka’s homework and sending it to Mondo for him to copy). The pain and guilt didn’t vanish right away, but his boyfriend, his brother, and his friends stood by his side and slowly helped him to feel better every step of the way.
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radiojamming · 4 years
Ooh idk if you're into this but maybe some PeterElias? There's a running joke about them marrying and divorcing Multiple Times, I'd love to see what you'd bring to it (fluff, angst, comedy)
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They get married in Vegas.
It’s their fifth (sixth, if you count the time with the pop-up chapel-and-cereal-bar in Camden Market, but Elias really doesn’t want to think about that) time getting married, and the Elvis Presley impersonator is none the wiser. He simply gives a little shake of his hips, fluffs up his pompadour, and announces that, “In the name of all that is Viva about Las Vegas,” they’re husband and husband. Then he gives a very impressive hip gyration and Peter nearly dissolves into fog and laughter simultaneously.
They kiss under a neon archway before being set on their way by an electric guitar. Before they go onto their next plan of blowing a sizable portion of the Lukas family fortune at the Luxor, Elias feels Peter take his hand, weaving their fingers together.
“So,” he says, looking out at the sea of lights. “How long will this take, do you reckon?”
Elias almost consults the Eye. Almost.
- - -
Four months, apparently.
Four months until they’re trading barbed insults through a wall of sad fog that keeps manifesting in the corner of Elias’ office at inopportune times. It will appear like a bad magic trick before Elias hears Peter calling him a ‘horrible workaholic’ or ‘a sad little man’ or, worst of all, ‘a fashion-blind capitalist killjoy’.
Elias parries back by gleefully Knowing too much about what Peter’s doing, and deliberately putting obstacles in his way. After two unpleasant instances involving shipping containers, live jaguars, and police presence, Elias finally gets that little envelope he’s been waiting for.
He gives it a skim, not bothering to break the seal. He knows just as much as he Knows.
And he calls his lawyer.
- - -
Honeymoon number seven (Elias is calling the Camden cereal wedding legally-binding at this point) is in a Scottish castle overlooking the moon-blue hills of the Highlands. It’s a lonely, forbidding little nook of an already desolate area that gives tourists, as their travel agent called it, the ‘heebie-jeebies’, which means Peter loves it. He loves it so much that he breaks rank and kisses Elias under the crescent grin of the moon.
When they break the kiss, Elias looks up at Peter, at the silvery fog that clings to his coat like a second coat, at the pale light of his eyes. He smiles, despite himself, and runs his thumb over the inner edge of Peter’s hand. “I didn’t take you for such a romantic,” he says.
“Yes you did,” Peter retorts, without any heat to his words. His smile is tacked on at a slant, like a flag loosely attached to its pole. “You Know me, Elias.”
“Yes,” Elias says. His heart does something very peculiar, and he finds himself drawn to kiss Peter again. He nudges his nose against Peter’s cheek and says. “I Know.”
- - -
Kellie Lucas, Attorney at Law and no relation to other homonymic families, yawns into the speaker. “Hullo?” she mutters.
“Miss Lucas. It’s Elias Bouch--”
“Mhmm. I’ll start the paperwork,” she says, and hangs up.
Elias frowns at the phone before looking at the time on the screen. It’s half three in the morning, and he only just realises that calling her at such a time was probably a bit rude. However, he sees the last text Peter sent (since when does Peter text?) and he feels like it was probably the right thing to do.
He’ll have second thoughts by eight in the morning, he thinks.
- - -
“We’re not going to get married this time.”
“I mean it, Elias. I’m not signing anything this time. We’re never doing that again.”
“I agree. Absolutely not.”
“You never even took my last name.”
A sniff. “It’s a bit... regular, don’t you think?”
“You haven’t said that about the name on the bank account.”
“Well, my attorney’s name is Lucas.”
“With a ‘C’.”
“Yes, with a ‘C’. All the same, I think Peter Bouchard sounds lovely.”
“Horrible. Like someone with a stick up their--”
“Well, good thing we aren’t getting married again.”
- - -
Elias goes drinking on the Eighth Divorce. 
He’s not usually inclined to do such a thing, but this one stung more than usual. There were many, many unkind words exchanged, and the sense that perhaps-- perhaps Elias had done something wrong. What was the phrase Peter used? So used to prying into the business of others that you can’t mind your own?
Maybe he’s right.
And maybe three bowls of sangria is right.
Not like it does much for him, but it does have some psychosomatically calming effects. He sits in his own--
No, he is not miserable. He’s fine. He doesn’t need Peter and this tug-of-war they’ve been playing with feelings is utterly childish. If he really wants physical contact and a fleeting sense of romance so badly, he can hook up with someone like everyone else does. It may be harder to find someone sensitive to his... ah, unique features, but it isn’t impossible. Mentally, he goes through the list.
Too bloodthirsty. Too controlling. Too prone to destruction. Too... wormy.
By his fourth sangria, he wonders why no one is hitting on him the way they usually do. He knows in this way, he isn’t unattractive. Peter’s belittled his fashion sense, but he’s sure that the sleeves-to-the-elbows rumpled workplace look is still in fashion. And he Knows there are people looking at him, some with more hunger than others.
Then why...
He looks down at the little platinum band on his finger, and for the first time in ages, feels a very sharp sensation somewhere near his heart.
- - - 
By the Ninth Marriage--the reception of which is in Elias’ office, halfway up his desk with thrown rice being replaced by a knocked-over stack of papers on the quarterly budget--Elias thinks they might have a problem. But then Peter kisses his shoulder and tugs on his tie, then runs a hand through his hair and sets the carefully-moussed sculpting job astray, and Elias Knows something.
He Knows they’ll do this many more times. As many times as it takes.
Because he’s not himself without Peter, and Peter wants to be Alone as much as he wants to be with Elias. They’ll go back and forth; one marriage here, one call to Kellie Lucas there, and another matrimonial miracle some months or years after that.
And Elias Knows that this is what he wants.
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buckysdolls · 3 years
Chapter 8
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Bucky, Cap and Sam had returned from their mission a day after Nat and Fel had left for theirs. A few scratches and bruises, a little ruffed up but it was a simple in and out job. They all reported to Stark for a debrief before heading to their own rooms to shower and rest. Bucky eager and thirsty for Felicity rushed his shower and took route to Fel’s room. Bucky knocked using his metal arms, in hopes Fel would know it was him and that he was back. Though there was no response. Impatient, he knocked again getting angsty at Felicity for seemingly ignoring him. Deflated, Bucky walked away from Felicity’s door. He yawned and stretched as he reached his door, before entering he looked back at Felicity’s checking she hadn’t opened her door upon hearing him walk away.
Later that evening after taking a nap Bucky headed for the kitchen and living room hoping she’d be there. Upon entering Bruce, Cap, Sam, and Tony were conversing in the kitchen. Come to think of it he hadn’t seen Nat either.
“Hey Buck, good sleep?” Steve asked, patting Bucky’s back.
“Anyone seen Fel?” Bucky asked, he watched as Steve, Tony, Bruce, and Sam exchanged looks, avoiding Bucky’s at all costs.
“Don’t look at me, ain’t telling him” Sam’s voice went high pitched as he pursed his lips putting his hands up in defence.
“Tell me what?” Bucky inched closer to the group, his face an expression of uncertainty.
“She went on a mission with Nat?”
Bucky took huge strides towards them as he filled up with rage. Bucky had Tony by the neck holding him off the ground.
“Bucky” Steve yelled.
“A mission?”
“Hands off a kiddo!” Tony sarcastically spoke, he reached out his arm to signal for his armour. Steve and Sam pulled Bucky off intercepting a fight that was about to break out.
“Kiddo? I’m older than you pal” Bucky scoffed.
“Stop acting like one then!”
“She’s not a toy you can just throw about!” Bucky yelled, shoving Steve and Sam off him.
“She asked for it Buck! This is what she wanted. She’s got what it takes” Tony bellowed, silencing Bucky.
“She didn’t want this!”
“Well, you clearly don’t know her as much as you thought you did!” Stark snapped knowing it would rattle every inch of Bucky. Tony motioned for people to clear out of his way as he left the room.
“She wouldn’t have wanted this!” Bucky mumbled to himself, confused at Felicity’s decision to become a monster like how he viewed himself.
“She wouldn’t be a monster Buck. She’s still Fel, she would never be put through what you were” Steve said trying to comfort Bucky.
“She doesn’t deserve this. She deserves a normal life.  A life I could never give her. Look what we did to her! Being around us had brainwashed her into thinking this is even a good life. Thinking that she could be an agent for us” Bucky yelled, he picked up the closest object to him, a vase of flowers, throwing it and watching it smash. Steve, Bruce, and Sam flinched at the vase shattered against the wall.
“Really Bucky?” Bucky spun around meeting Felicity. His beautiful Felicity. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut as he looked her up and down. She’d been beaten but not bad enough to where she couldn’t stand.
“Fel!” Bucky rushed to reach out fer her but was too late, she was gone and out of his eyesight.
“She’s stronger than you think Bucky. She saved my ass out there.” Nat spoke up disappointed and left the room too.
Later into the night
I dried my hair with my towel as I paced my room back fourth. I tried not to let Bucky’s words get to me, I had adrenaline running through my veins from the mission. The speed, the chase, the fight… it was thrilling. Every moment of it. A knock on my door and the calling out of my name distracted me form my thoughts.
“Come in”
“Fel, what I said. You’ve totally misunderstood.” Bucky’s words were soft as he took a calm approach with me shutting the door behind as he entered.
“Have I? I seem to remember last time I went on a mission you thought I couldn’t handle it.”
“I told you it wasn’t because I didn’t think you could handle it. I didn’t like your role in that mission!” Bucky’s voice got lower as he got more heated saying each word.
“Then what is it this time Bucky? Please enlighten me.”
“I was scared god dammit!” Bucky threw his fist into the wall as usual when anger built up in him. I rolled my eyes, examining the hole in my wall.
“You’re paying Tony for that” I raised my eyebrows at Bucky, pointing at the hole he’s just created in my wall.
“I know how great you are. I know you’ll make the greatest agent.” Bucky walked up to Felicity, cupping her cheeks, and flicking her wet hair over her shoulder, pushing other strands of hair out of her face.
“I feel like I need to be with you to protect you on these missions. Yes, I know you could defend yourself, but I love you Felicity.” Bucky spoke so quietly but clearly, his eyes watery and his face covered in vulnerability. I rested my hands-on Bucky’s chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly. He lowered his head to rest our foreheads together.
“I wanted something normal for you. You don’t deserve to be dragged into this mess. The majority of us are broken Fel. But you. You’re perfect. I’m too selfish to let you go, so the least I can do is protect you” I listened intently as Bucky bared his entire soul to me.
“I don’t care about normality. I stopped wanting a normal life the moment I knew I was falling in love with you.”  I brushed my nose against Bucky’s as a sign of affection.
“Knowing I was falling in love with the Winter Solider I knew I had to let go of normality. Being an agent and working with you guys is what I want, it’s my real calling. Being around you helped me realise this” I listened as Bucky’s breathing became lighter upon hearing my every word.
“If you’re really doing this, you’re training with me so I can’t teach you all the tricks” I watched as Bucky smirked.
“You’ll have to fight Nat for that one”
Bucky pulled my body closer to him, we stared at each other for few seconds before colliding our lips together. His hands roamed up my thigh, hitching up my towel. I moaned into the kiss, enjoying every moment of our lips intertwining. I felt him smile into the kiss as his tongue licked my bottom lip, requesting entry. His tongue entered my mouth perfectly, pushing us against the wall I felt how hard he was, I was utterly craving all of him. I pulled away from the kiss, which made him pout and frown.
“Remember what you said to me before you left?”
“Mhmm course I do doll. You’re mine when I get back”
“Well, here we are” I said biting my lip and dropping my towel revealing my body to Bucky. I heard him growl as he allowed himself to roam his eyes my body, he grabbed my arm turning me around, turning my back to him. He lightly spanked me making me whine gently. Bucky quickly turned me back around, raising me up. I instantly wrapped my legs around him pushing myself against him as he walked us over to my bed…
I smiled at Bucky as he lay next to me propped up on his elbow. The duvet tangled in between us, and pillows spread across the room.
“That was amazing” Bucky said, I lifted the duvet up to my face trying to hide the heat burning my cheeks as I blushed. Bucky dragged the duvet from my face.
“Don’t. You’re too beautiful. I want to be able to look at what’s mine.”
“If you’ll have me? I don’t see my life without you Fel. This, all of this. Here. This is it for me”
I nodded, sitting up and clutching the duvet over my naked body.
“Of course, Bucky. This is it for me too” I leaned into Bucky kissing him softly, his hands settled on my back. We enjoyed the peace and quiet of the night as we drifted off to sleep wrapped up next to each other
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curekibouka-writing · 4 years
Blissful Tomorrow Chapter 3 (Pandora Hearts fanfic) (Completed)
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Summary: May you reach a blissful tomorrow as you open your eyes. For now, sweet dreams. 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
*This fic is also on FF.net and Quotev
Chapter 3: Hope
“My lady?” After a tediously long day of work, Break still decided to check on Sharon before turning in for the night. And seeing as her lights were still on at this hour, his judgement was, in all likelihood, correct. 
Maybe Sharon was up reading her novels again, he made a hunch as he opened the door, only to realise she was not reading. 
There she was, in a white nightgown and a pale pink capelet, curled up like a ball above her blanket, squeezing one of her pillows close to her chest. 
“My lady, you will catch a cold if you fall asleep like that.” 
Sharon bolted up, “Break! When did you come in?” 
“I did knock.”
“S-sorry. I was... ah! I was dozing off, mhmm, so I didn’t hear. Ahhh, it’s this late already, I had better turn in for the night properly.” 
She paused, taking notice of how inauthentic her claim was without Break having to call her out for lying. 
“Sorry...” she repeated.
“Why must my lady apologise?” Break smiled gently, “You are not in the wrong.” 
None of them were ever in the wrong. But all those around him seemed to suffer one way or the other.
Seeing that her hair was quite messed up from all the twisting and turning she must’ve been doing before he came, he retrieved her hairbrush from her nightstand, “Turn around.” 
She complied with a silent nod, her hands still tightly secured around her pillow. 
“Are you, perchance, nervous about tomorrow, my lady?” 
“Well of course I am!” She probably wanted to stand up and throw the pillow at something, but she refrained from anything beyond sulking when her hair was being combed. “It’s a contract! With a being from the realm of madness! How can I not be uneasy?” 
“Good point,” Break muttered curtly, it was not a topic he preferred to stay on either way. 
On one hand, he knew just how revolting creatures from the Abyss could be. 
On the other hand, he was revolted by the very notion that a child like her was obliged to form a contract with such creatures. 
“This is absurd! Allowing a Chain to reside in such a tiny body... what is Pandora thinking?!” 
“Xer-kun, calm down. I have no intentions of letting it pass either. This is about my own granddaughter after all, I will have a word with the executives. But...” 
But in the end, Pandora insisted that another legal contract should be made by a child of the Four Great Dukedoms after the return of the Baskervilles at Oz Vessalius’s coming-of-age ceremony half a year ago. Who knows which house the Baskervilles would target next time, they said. It was to protect the heir themselves too, they said. 
The Barma House had no heirs. The many children of Nightray blood had already tried and failed to make a contract with Raven, and their youngest son Elliot was still barely six years old. Ada Vessalius was only eight as well. Therefore the responsibility fell upon the Rainsworth House. 
Honestly, Sharon may be a teenager but she was still young. Pandora never had a contractor below the age of 15. But when Sharon heard of the duty pushed onto her shoulders, she calmly put down her teacup and smiled. 
“I’m glad to hear that I can participate in Pandora affairs at long last. Grandmother, you and Break and Reim-san are all already well-known within the organisation. I wish to do my part as the heiress of Rainsworth as well.” 
It was too soon after Shelly’s passing. Sharon must have been thinking with the mentality of ‘What can I do in my mother’s place?’. Nobody asked her to do it, just like how nobody asked her to stop grieving or stop crying but she still did so. 
“Break?” her voice returned to a soft murmur, “Were you nervous too when you made a contract with Mad Hatter? Just for reference.” 
“Not really.” 
“How come?” 
Because it wasn’t his first time. Because as far as the Abyss is concerned, he had already experienced (and created) too much madness to be fazed by a — relatively — harmless legal contract.
Madness that this child didn’t need to know yet. 
“When the time is right, I promise I will explain,” he evaded, and Sharon pouted, unsatisfied. He let out a few hearty chuckles, “Haha, please spare me the grumbles, my lady~~ My circumstances would’ve proven useless to you anyways.”
“Ah, have you not heard of the theory that Chains are drawn to humans which share some similarities with them? Unlike my Mad Hatter, surely the Chain you are going to encounter tomorrow will be one that is refined and clever. And gentle, well, most of the time~~” He pulled away from her as he finished brushing her hair. 
“Ohoho, now is clearly not ‘most of the time’, is it?” she hurled the pillow right at his head before he went too far off. (She was, however, no longer sulking.)
He let it hit him before catching it and putting it back on her bed, “Clearly not the time for pillow fights either. It’s time to rest your sleepy head, my lady.” 
“I suppose so,” sighing (it irked her to let him get away with this without so much as a smack from her harisen), she let Break tuck her in. Yet her thoughts were not so willing to leave her alone just yet. She closed her eyes, furrowed her brows, and opened them again, “What if...” 
“What if mother had been able to form a contract?” her throat was thick as her hand rested on the big ribbon (that her mother never made it in time to attach, in truth) on her capelet, “What Chain do you think would’ve been drawn to her?” 
To his luck, a layer of clouds shrouded the moon, draping a veil of darkness over their sight. He did not know what kind of expression he was making, but he did not want Sharon to see it. She was, after all, a clever girl. 
In all honesty, he couldn’t picture it at all, be it for her or her mother. No one would ever think a being from hell was befitting an angel or a goddess. But words slipped right off his tongue. 
“A beautiful one for sure, and kind. Maybe it wields the power to mend things, abstract things, things that seem beyond repair to anyone else’s eyes. Like a bond, a will... or a heart.” 
But like how a Chain this fantastical would never exist, the epitome of human beauty and kindness who had ‘mended’ him had already vanished from this dimension. Even though they had all wished things were different. Even though they had all wished for a ‘blissful tomorrow’ more than anyone had ever wished for anything. 
And that had marked the final time he would ever believe in such lies. 
Or so he thought at least. 
As the veil of darkness retreated from their sight, and he saw the small, frail, trembling, weary smile her lips curved into as she whispered “How I wish mother was here” with her tears flawlessly concealed long before they could escape. He found himself hoping that she would open those eyes glinting with nothing but innocence and joy when she wakes tomorrow. 
Hope is a fickle trickster, though it offers the best of deals.
“Cradle of light, cradle of light”
Yes, hope does illuminate, even in your slumber, even in your dreams. 
“Blown about by the winds of time” 
Though you never know when it would find another witless simpleton to hoax...
“Drifting on waves of dappled sunlight”
...or when it would sail through the dark sea to come prey on you again. 
“And, before you know it...”
Still, no matter how you reject it, it has its way to slither into your soul every time. 
“It reaches the shores of ‘a blissful tomorrow’” the knight and the lady finished in unison. 
Hope dwelled in the light peck he placed on her forehead, and in his words of assurance, “But my lady, she is here. Here in our song and our hearts.” 
She lives in you, my lady. 
Tonight, the trickster remained undefeated. 
Because, the knight reckoned, if it was for her...
A ‘blissful tomorrow’ was worth hoping for again. 
“Sweet dreams, Lady Sharon.” 
“Sweet dreams, Break.” 
End of Chapter 3
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softstraykids · 6 years
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⋆ ──────── ⋆ ✩ ⋆ ──────── ⋆
member(s): bang chan ft han jisung genre: angst with fluffy ending summary: best friends to lovers au! you and chan have been best friends for as long as you can remember but as high school comes around he changes, you change and you two grow apart. but that wasn’t the ending of your story with chan. it was just the beginning. warnings: bullying, minor violence requested: yes angst was requested a/n: loosely based on M.I.A by stray kids (nice to listen to while reading)
⋆ ──────── ⋆ ✩ ⋆ ──────── ⋆
chan and you were best friends from when you were basically born
as babies you’d play together at each others houses, take baths together, watch kids shows
literally you’d cry whenever chan left
every single baby video either of your parents had
nearly 99% of time had both of you in it
during primary school you were still really super tight
even with the whole girls have cooties going on
you’d go to each other house everyday
it helped you guys were only a few minutes away
both of your parents just had another child basically
all of your homework you’d help each other
if you ever got teased by any of the other guys cause they liked you
chan would always get mad at them and be super intimidating
they’d literally never come near you ever again
you both would share and trade food in your lunchboxes
both of you would have sleepovers every week
you knew everything about each other
chan would literally be the perfect friend to you
whenever there was a thunderstorm and since you were terrified of them
he’d literally sprint over to your house in the pouring rain without an umbrella
and dash into your room to calm you down
he’d wrap you in a towel so you wouldn’t get wet from him
and hold you while rocking you gently back and forth in your bed
while singing soft songs to you until you calm down and end up sleeping
he’d then wait for at least a full hour to make sure you don’t wake up
the whole time he’d gently pat your hair and smile at you so softly like you were the most precious thing to him in his life
and in all honesty you were
in middle school
everything was just the same as it was when you guys were in primary but you two were even more close
if that was even possible
you guys helped each other with literally all your problems
gossip sessions and movie nights were a regular
family vacations as well with both of your families
and pet names became a thing too
one day out of the blue chan called you jokingly
and you were so flustered and blushing so much he kept on going
“aw is y/n blushing, baby, baby, bab-” he chanted before you covered his mouth
“BANG CHAN YOU BETTER SHUT UP NOW” you jokingly shouted at him
he gave his puppy innocent eyes and had his hands up like he did nothing wrong
while you just sighed at him and shook your head removing your hand from his mouth
chan just gave you a cheeky grin before whispering in your ear “baby”
then bolting off
and baby became princess, darling, sweetheart, honey, pumpkin, bub, babygirl
the list went on and on
people often mistaken you two as couple
with how affectionate you two were
but both of you always denied it quickly
though every time someone did ask your heart always skipped a beat
you’d always ignore it
but you and chan were just and only best friends
though at school you two had different friend groups
all the classes you had with each other you sat together
and on some occasional lunches you hung out together alone
when all of the girls wanted to have a boyfriend
you never did
you had chan and that was the only guy you’d ever need
chan had the same mentality
it’s not like you weren’t friends with other guys
but they would never be as half as close with you as you were with chan
same thing for him
you loved chan with your whole heart
and he loved you just as much
both of you never wanted anything to change
but it did
chan changed
you changed because chan changed
and it was so so slow and excruciatingly painful
but you two parted
one happier than ever
one more broken than can be
or so you thought
it was the day before the first day of high school and you two were watching the sunset on chan’s roof 
it was a thing you two did 
and both of you loved it
you both would always snuggle into each other watching the sunset no talking
just comfortable silence with a earbud in each of your ears listening to music
“chan you remember our promise?” you asked looking at him nervously
he flashed you his signature dimpled grin “of course”
“don’t worry y/n i’ll never break it” he says so assured you couldn’t help but believe him 100%
and with that high school started for you two
that promise you’ll always remember 
you two made it so many years ago when you two were little
it was simple
and very cheesy
but it was chan’s and your promise
“we’ll always love each other no matter what”
your friendship meant a lot more than that but it was also perfectly summarised into that promise 
you never had a moment of doubt you two wouldn’t be able to keep it
but you should have
you should have thought about it
maybe it would’ve cushioned your fall
for the first few months of high school you two stuck together like glue
but then chan gradually became more and more busy with things you couldn’t even do
like the all boys soccer team
and the all boys basketball team
and the all boys swim team
and the list kept on going
you were always super supportive but also worried he was overworking himself
but when was he not
“chan please don’t overwork yourself” you'd beg as he signed up for another tryout
“it’s okay sweetheart i’ll be fine you’re there for me right?” he says full of ease
he kisses your forehead gently before smiling flashing his dimples like he always does and running off
and there goes your heart again
beating so bloody damned fast
“you gotta snap out of this just because you’re single as hell and chan acts like your best friend/boyfriend DOES NOT MEAN you can like him”
you say trying to convince yourself
and in all honesty you actually thought you didn’t like him
just that you thought he’d be a great boyfriend
but subconsciously you became less affectionate with chan worried that your feelings were real
making chan also become less affectionate
there were no more forehead and cheek kisses
but still lots of hugs
though that was the start of it all
in the next few months
there were basically nothing you did together
plus you two had zero classes together
but for the first two months or so you still made it work for both of you
you still had movie nights, sleepovers, family vacations, late night convos, study sessions
but then the excuses came piling in
missing all of the things you did together
for practice, parties, homework
then you two stopped actually texting and just made small talk
this went on for months and you did your best to try to ignore it
ignore that your friendship was crumbling and you had zero clue why
but when it really went all downhill
was with a simple text
“hey princess, sorry but i can't make it for sunday’s study session”
you didn't think much of it as chan nearly always bailed like this and just replied with
“that’s okay”
but that sunday you were walking past your favourite coffee shop that you and chan loved
and there he was smiling and laughing sipping some coffee with some gorgeous girl
you just stood there looking at the two of them
completely shocked not being able to process a thought
then chan leant over to tuck a strand of hair behind the girl’s ear
she blushed bright red and had a smile on her face
while chan just had that stupid adorable grin on his face
you didn’t realise you were even tearing up until you felt your cheeks wet from your tears
that was when you finally snapped out of it and sprinted home
you didn’t even know why you were so upset
was it because you guys got so distant that chan bailed on you and didn’t tell you he was going on a date
or was it because he ditched you for this girl
or was it because he liked someone?
and it hit you 
that was it
you fell for chan
you didn’t know how or when
but you fell for him hard and now it was way too late
how were you so dumb to fall for him
you were so so idiotic you thought as you cried yourself to sleep
you avoided chan the next few days just as much as you avoided your feelings and it wasn’t really that hard
since you never saw each other anyways but when he finally surprised you in the hallway by giving you a back hug
“boo!” he said in your ear
you turned around and gave him a weak smile not looking him in the eye
“hey” you softly said
he instantly was worried and your heart warmed at his concerned face
“you okay?” he asked
“yeah just really tired that’s all” you said dismissing his concerns
“oh okay i was going to ask you to go to my soccer game tomorrow night but please sleep instead” he says still concerned
"i’ll try to come” you say sincerely
“thank you, do you want me to walk you home and we can watch the sunset together?” he asks with a smile
“i’d love that” you say with a smile of your own
feeling maybe you and chan just needed some time to get close again
and maybe your feelings will go away and everything will go back to normal
wishful thinking, hope, all of that
gosh they were a complete nuisance
because just as chan said that you heard jisung shout
“i’m sorry i totally forgot we have an extra practice today because of tomorrow’s game i gotta go take care okay?” he says apologetically
“mhmm don’t work yourself too hard” you say trying to hide your disappointment
he just gives you a hug and ruffle of your hair
like he would to a little sister
and he ran off without a glance back
jisung who you were closest with out of chan’s best friends gave you an apologetic smile and mouthed sorry and left with him
there you stood in the hallway all alone with a bitter smile
as for the billionth time chan ditched you
it hurt
it hurt a lot
and you cried yourself to sleep again 
“you’re an asshole chan” you said to yourself
but why did you still love him you thought 
the next day you heard whispers of your name and chan
it was woojin and minho two of chan’s best friends
you hid to hear what they were saying
“why is chan still leading her on?” you could hear minho ask
“chan isn’t, he’s just oblivious” woojin said exasperatedly
“like yesterday jisung told me he offered to walk her home but he didn’t mention that it was because their parents wanted to have dinner together” woojin continued
“but he was at practice yesterday?” minho asked puzzled
minho put it together as soon as he said it “ah he bailed”
“exactly and now he has a thing with katherine i’m sure they’re going to be a thing soon”
i am so so so sorry if you’re reading this and your name is katherine
“she’s a bitch though” minho said in disgust
“not to chan, haven’t you seen them joined at the hip it’s like y/n never existed and katherine was the one there all along” woojin said tiredly
“fuck poor y/n” minho said with pity
you didn’t want to hear anymore
chan didn’t like you
he didn’t even care about you
and you realised you had a hopeless crush on a guy who would never even look at you that way
not only that he could not give two shits about you anymore
he chose someone over you
basically replaced you
it felt like someone just ripped your heart out
so you ran away crying
because of chan
but pathetically you still went to the final game
hoping for something
anything to make you believe something different
a sign that chan still cared
that he still loved you
not even romantically just as a friend
you didn’t even need him as a boyfriend just a friend 
your friend
chan and his soccer team won
with chan scoring the winning goal he was surrounded by people congratulating him
just as you were about to reach him
one of the soccer guys shouted “PARTY AT MY PLACE!!!!”
chan normally would find you and invite you to the party
and you two would go together
instead of even trying to look for you
he slung his arm around katherine and simply left
but as he was walking with everyone to the car park he saw you
though instead of going to you or gesturing to come over
he simply looked away and walked off
his arm still wrapped tightly around katherine
who looked back at you and smirked
then it was like in slow motion she kissed him and winked at you
and your heart simply broke
as you saw chan’s beaming smile showing off his adorable dimples
the smile you thought was only for you
the smile he now never showed to you
straight at katherine
you stood there alone on an empty soccer field
heart chipping slowly away
happy memories haunting you
then it suddenly hit you
chan broke his promise
he really didn’t love you anymore
how couldn’t of you noticed sooner?
the way he never checked up on you
or smiled at you whenever you were around him
how he never wanted to spend time with you in any possible way
and the fact he replaced you and was happier than ever
it was a wave of emotions that completely overwhelmed you
anger, grief, disappointment sadness, but most of all the haunting emptiness of your heart
you really did give chan your whole heart and he grabbed it and took off with it running
leaving you broken and desperate with absolutely nothing
your crying became sobbing
and you couldn’t stop no matter how hard you tried
the tears were endless and your heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly
over and over and over again
it suddenly started to rain and you could hear thunder
and you started to then scream and fell down to your knees
clutching your hair and trying to cover your ears
you couldn’t handle it
the emptiness of losing your best friend, your rock, your partner in crime, your absolute everything
the hurl of emotions overwhelmed you
and adding the fear of thunderstorms with chan not there
reminding you of all the past thunderstorms with him comforting you
it was too much
you collapsed
but just as you were about to hit the ground someone caught your head just in time
“holy shit y/n are you okay? can you hear me? fuck fuck fuck” cursed the guy who saved you
he quickly scooped you up and sprinted to his car
he knew the ambulance would take longer to get you to the hospital plus it was only 10 minutes away
he got to the hospital frantic with you in his arms
the nurses immediately calmed him down to explain
they then asked who he was
“i-i’m a friend” he said
if this was in 2 parts i’d cut it off here cause cliffhanger~
you woke up in a hospital bed with the biggest headache in the world
but right next to your bed holding your hand tightly completely asleep was one guy you wouldn’t have ever expected to see
han jisung
and weirdly for the first time in weeks you gave out a small genuine smile
the next week you didn't go to school due to your doctor’s recommendation
your parents were worried sick but you just told them you were fine
jisung visited you everyday and caught you up with your school work
you were really grateful to him for everything
being so caring for you when you were struggling a lot
lending you a shoulder to cry on
making you laugh and smile even though you felt like you were in living hell
and of course saving you
unsurprisingly chan didn’t even visit you even though his parents did
you didn’t even receive a single text from chan asking if you were okay
and that horrible stabbing feeling came back with a vengeance
but you were slowly dealing with the pain
you knew it would take months to get over chan
maybe years
you constantly missed him and you constantly wanted to hug him and talk to him
it was excruciatingly painful all of it
but you could get over him right??
when you went back to school after missing two weeks
you were surprised so many people asked if you were okay
when you said that to jisung he laughed
“y/n you are so dumb people love you like actually”
“wait what the hell are you talking about jisung” you ask so confused
“y/n you are one of the nicest people in school, you literally could not give two shits who they are, you’ll always help them out and be nice” jisung says
“but that’s me just being polite” you say frowning cutely
while jisung could’t help but think how adorable you are
“maybe to you but to others that’s being like an angel” he says with a smile
“well then what are you then?” you ask tilting your head slightly
“what do you mean?” jisung asks completely perplexed
“well you’ve been so nice to me these last few days even though in the past i’ve only sent you my notes for maths. plus you literally saved me” you say genuinely really thankful beaming up at him
jisung heart warms at your words
“isn’t it obvious y/n? i’m your knight in shining armor” jisung says eyebrows wiggling
you giggle as he jokingly swoops down in a low bow and kisses your hand
then suddenly he spins you into his arms and jokingly starts to dance with you
you kept on laughing and smiling as you two were having a ball dancing with each other 
but you had no idea someone was watching you two interact
the way that you were smiling at jisung
their fists curling up tightly without them realising
anger misting their logic and common sense
and their heart hurting much deeper than they thought was possible
because that smile they thought was only shown to them
and they missed your smile so so much 
the one they took away
just an hour later you found out katherine moved to your school
you knew she didn’t like you it was clear from the night of the game
but you really hoped you two would just ignore each other
fat chance
at lunch you were sitting with your friends
while jisung was at the table where chan was and the rest of the boys
suddenly the noise died down as katherine entered the cafeteria
chan whipped out a bouquet of roses walking towards her
and your heart was sinking as the quiet whispers grew
he then announced loudly
“katherine, over the past few months i’ve fallen for you so i want to ask will you be my girlfriend?”
she squealed, squeaked and screamed like some sort of seagull “YES!! YES!! YES!!”
sorry just stating the facts
everyone applauded as chan picked up into his arms and kissed her deeply
you looked away and you desperately tried not to cry
you couldn’t help but think
past few months huh? he really did replace her with me
it all added up he started becoming distant when he started to get to know her
replacing me with her  
your friends didn’t say anything since they knew if you said a word you’d end up balling
instead they tried to shield you from the whole scene
but just as the couple stopped kissing
katherine looked at you and the look in her eyes was clear
“he’s mine now”
that was expected but what wasn’t was chan looking at you with a satisfied smirk
your thoughts were running a hundred miles an hour
you felt like you were about to vomit
did chan really did do this publicly to spite you?
you knew he wasn’t the type for public proposals
if he did this to spite you
you couldn’t help but think he hates you
absolutely despises you
before your head could think of any other thoughts you heard a large bang
you see at chan’s table jisung standing up with his fists clenched looking really pissed off
and you see the chair on the floor upside down which explained the noise
the rest of the table looks either pissed or confused
depending on if they noticed the couple looking directly at you
the whole cafeteria was silent as he roughly swings his duffel bag with all his sports stuff over his shoulder
“jisung don’t” chan said warningly his voice firm and low
you would usually stop whatever you were doing when chan had that tone because that voice scared the shit out of you
but instead of being scared jisung scoffed
“don’t what? tell me chan what i shouldn’t do?” jisung challenged chan looking him directly in the eye
chan was taken aback usually jisung would back down instantly
“oh what? not be a completely asshole and actually a good friend to someone who is literally the best thing that. ever. happened. to. you.”
jisung said menacingly jabbing chan in the chest with his finger as he said the last few words
chan was speechless
if looks could kill katherine’s glare would’ve buried jisung 50ft into the ground
he wasn’t even fazed and sarcastically ended with a
“i really really do hope you have a happily ever after with her”
jisung says jerking his finger at katherine as if she barely existed
and spitting out her like saying her name would make him sick
katherine looked like she was about to send him to hell
you could see minho and woojin smirking along with a few of the other guys
jisung then walked over to you without a word and gives you a cheeky smile
and with the whole cafeteria watching including chan and katherine’s murderous glares
he literally just scooped you up into his arms not listening to your protests
“jisung what are you doing!! jisung let me down now!!” you shout while hitting his chest while he just chuckled at you
just as you two were about to leave the cafeteria
jisung turned back to chan who looked like he was torn between breaking down and crying and beating jisung into a pulp
“seriously i really do hope you’re happy with the she devil because that means the angel is all mine” jisung loudly announces while giving chan the cockiest smirk possible
chan can’t help but look at you
your arms wrapped around jisung’s neck, your head snuggled into his neck
it seemed like you were really comfortable not only with him but being in his arms like that
and then jisung kissed you on the forehead softly
making you blush and smile at him the way you used to smile at him
just like you did in the hallway
something in chan snapped
“she can’t be an angel if she’s slutting around” he says angrily not thinking twice letting all the emotions talk for him
instant regret floods him as he sees the broken expression on your face
even katherine looks shocked while there were collective gasps from all the students
“jisung put me down” you say firmly leaving no room for argument
jisung swiftly did and you could see he was about to sprint over and smack chan one
you lay a hand on his chest
“jisung no this isn’t your fight this is mine okay? let me handle it” you say looking at him straight in the eyes making sure he understood
you could see he did but the anger and stiffness never left his body
everyone watched as you walked right up to chan
you take a deep breath in as you finally look at chan after weeks
your heart felt like it was being repeatedly stabbed if that was even possible
oh god you missed him
you missed him so so so much
but you asked him trying to not let your voice shake too much
“chan did you mean that?”
chan’s heart broke too the moment he heard you say his name
gosh he missed you
what has he even been doing the past few months
was katherine even worth this?
he already knew the answer to that
all he wanted to do is say no to your question and wrap you up in his arms and never let you go
but he caught sight of jisung
and he couldn’t help but think you’d be happier with him
chan hurt you so much recently because of his selfishness and he just realised that now
his anger overwhelmed him and so did all the emotions came with the last few months of him realising he liked you
while you kept on treating him like a friend
dealing with some of his teammates constant teasing
knowing he could never be more than friend to you
all of it got too much
and he hated himself for being so weak and so bloody pathetic
not being able to put his emotions aside and just be there for you
instead he got distant and he met katherine
she was a good distraction
but she couldn’t be half as close to him as you ever were
though jisung didn’t seem to be like that for you
he didn’t seem like a distraction
and chan thought at that moment he really didn’t have a chance at all with you
jisung could make you happier than he ever could
and with that thought in mind he uttered out the one word you absolutely didn’t want to hear
“yes” he whispered out 
you heart didn’t break
it was crushed
completely utterly crushed 
chan absolutely hated you and you didn’t even want to know why
chan’s friends all stood up as quick as lightning
minho literally looked like he was about to beat him up
but you beat him to it
the slapping noise echoed throughout the whole cafeteria
tears were involuntarily slipping out of your eyes
“bye chan” you whisper
you walk out of there not glancing back
and the moment you walked out
you couldn’t help but think all hope for you two was gone
as a couple
as best friends
as absolutely anything
and the moment you got to somewhere private you sobbed your heart out
the next few weeks were consisted of you crying, being with jisung, avoiding questions about the whole cafeteria fiasco and missing chan like crazy
but then suddenly your books started to go missing
or there were ripped pages in them
nasty notes were left in your locker
you just thought people might not of liked you after the whole fiasco
but a small thought tugged at the back of your head
what if it’s katherine
you didn’t want to think that though you didn’t want to to think she was that spiteful
you were wrong
after a month of the bullying and not telling anyone
you were in the bathroom washing your hands hurriedly
knowing jisung was waiting for you in the art room to walk you home
you felt someone push your shoulder roughly
and you see two of katherine’s minions
“what do you want?” you hiss out at the two of them
both of them looked at you with hatred but you could see pity in their eyes
and that made your heart drop
“i want you gone” you hear a familiar voice ring out
there was katherine herself with the cruelest smirk you’ve ever seen
“why?” you ask trying to keep a brave front
“because chan is miserable with you around him without you he’d be so much happier even jisung would be better off without you then he can go back to sitting and hanging out with his friends right?” she says in the most horrid sickly sweet voice
but what she said pushed all your buttons
you still felt so guilty about jisung and how he wasn’t close with chan anymore even though he always says it was his choice
and that he hangs out with all the other guys just not as a whole group
plus soccer season was over
but you still felt so so guilty
then there was chan
you knew you still loved him with your whole heart
no matter how many times he would break it
and all you wanted was for him to be happy
but you knew leaving wasn’t the solution to any of your problems
no matter how much you wanted to
“fuck off katherine you’re just jealous chan still loves me and not you” you say smirking
inside you knew it wasn’t true at all and that chan probably hated your guts but this bitch was really pissing you off
you hit a really sore spot for her
you could tell
and a flash of doubt crosses your mind
what if he still does...but your thoughts were interrupted
“if you’re not going to fucking leave, this will be a regular” she cruelly says
then suddenly her two minions tie your arms and legs
tie your wrists to a plumbing pipe on the wall
and muffle your mouth
panic overwhelms you and as much as you struggle you know you can’t do anything
katherine first slaps you
you glare at her with so much hatred she actually takes a step back
but then she regains her composure, smirks and punches you
she slaps, punches, kicks you over and over again
until all the pain was a complete blur
you had bruises all over your body and your face
she finally stopped hitting you and her minions were long gone
the cloth over your mouth she roughly pulls down
“beg for me to stop or promise to leave” she threatens menacingly
“you’re a fucking psychotic bitch” you scream out and spit in her face
“just because no one fucking loves you including chan doesn’t mean making me leave will make him love you too” you brutally say in a low voice contrasting your scream
she screams and puts her hand up as you brace yourself for another hit
but nothing came
chan was walking down a corridor but something or rather someone came barreling into him
“jisung?” chan says concerned as he sees jisung panting trying to catch his breath looking really worried
just because he had a fall out with jisung does not mean he cared about the guy who was like his little brother any less
“y/n” jisung starts
and worry shoots up chan like a bolt of lightning
“what? what about y/n? is she okay?” chan couldn’t help but blurt out
“i don't think so she was supposed to meet me at the art class an hour ago but she isn’t answering any of my calls or texts and i have no idea where she is” jisung said looking like he was about to pull his hair out
“that’s not like y/n at all something must be up do you want to split up and look for her?” chan asks also worried out of his mind
he knew you were never the one to bail without a single notice
unlike him he guiltily thought
jisung not even answering his question looked at him straight in the eyes and asked sharply
“why did you let her go? i know you hyung and i know you didn’t want to say yes that day”
chan let out a sigh
“because she deserves better than me” he whispers out as if it was too painful to say
chan was completely devastated over losing you he wanted to be back with you so badly
to hold you, to talk to you, to laugh with you
but he couldn’t
he hurt you so so badly and you seemed like you didn’t want anything to do with him
“yes she really does” jisung says coldly
and it was like a knife pierced him as jisung said that
“but she needs you” jisung sighs out
“but what about you” chan said completely confused
jisung lets out a bitter laugh
“chan i like her a lot and i care for her a lot but all i want is for her to be happy and i know she’ll be happier with you than she would ever be with me”
before chan could reply or even process what jisung just said
they heard a scream from the girls bathroom
both of them bolted to the bathroom
both of them hoping you were okay
when they entered their hearts broke
you were bloody and bruised up tied to a pole looking like absolute death
while katherine had her hand up looking like she was about to hit you
both of your faces were etched with pure unfiltered hatred
jisung automatically grabbed katherine’s wrist
“don’t you even fucking dare lay another finger on y/n ever again”
“what th-” she started as she turned around then she saw jisung’s expression
her face paled significantly
“jisung” you said letting out a sigh as a wave of relief washed over you
your knight of shining armor
but then the softest hands started to untie you from the pole
and you saw a bed of some very familiar curls in front of you
ones you used to run through your fingers through on nearly daily basis
“c-chan?” you stuttered completely shocked
chan looked at you directly in the eyes
and you could see it all in his eyes
his eyes were glazed over with unshed tears
anger, sadness those emotions were all there
but most of all was the love he had for you and the worry
chan gave you a weak teary eyed smile and tried to keep his voice steady as he said
“hang on princess you’re gonna be okay”
your heart automatically sped up hearing him calling you princess
but your body eased knowing you really were safe
though you hated the reaction you had to him
the way he still can make your heart speed up, that you feel so safe with him
even though the last few months all he’s done was cause confusion, pain and heartbreak for you
“c-chan it’s not what it looks like” katherine said trying to defend herself
“not what it fucking looks like?” chan’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom
you’ve never heard chan sound so cold
“so literally a few hours after i break up with you saying it’s unfair to you for us to be together because i’m still in love with y/n you go and do this?” he spits out
your head started to spin when chan said he was still in love with you
you had no idea how to feel about it
absolutely no clue
at the same time jisung’s jaw clenched as chan said that
to all of you it was like being drenched in cold water
but chan’s voice breaks you all out of your thoughts
“don’t ever fucking come near me, y/n or any of my friends ever again” he said with such finality
you knew katherine never would
chan scoops you up gently as possible as he does he whispers to you
“i’m here now princess”
and with the thought that you were being carried too much these days
you passed out
hospital bed again you thought groaning internally
you look around and see chan and jisung fast asleep on the couches
suddenly someone enters and you see minho
he has a distant smile on his face as he comes over and hugs you
“are you okay?” he asks concerned
“kinda” you croak out
he gives a soft laugh handing you a cup of water
“let’s not wake these two up they haven’t slept in like 2 days plus the drama that would happen if they did” he says lightheartedly
you snort “you would love that” you say smirking
“of course i am THE drama queen of the school but for your mental and emotional wellbeing probably not a good idea” minho says with a wink
silence overwhelms you two for a few seconds before you quietly asked
“what happened?”
a painful smile on minho’s face appeared
“well chan got a full on beating from all the boys for letting this happen and dating that old hag”
you laugh again at minho’s disgusted expression when he mentioned katherine
“she got expelled by the way also she literally like legally can’t be in the 50ft radius of you” he adds
“thank goodness” you breathe out glad you don’t have to ever see katherine again
“your parents went ballistic is an understatement but they’re thankful to both jisung and chan but they kind of think you’re a bit of a heartbreaker” he whispers the last bit like a secret
“me? a heartbreaker? what a joke” you scoff thinking of how much pain you’ve been through the last few months
minho gives you a knowing smile
“well you have the two most sought out guys in school wrapped around your little pinky finger” minho says gesturing at the boys sleeping
“well the two most sought out guys after me of course” he cockily adds flipping his non existent hair over his shoulder
you giggle you love minho and his antics
“but y/n you need to choose who’s it going to be chan or jisung?” minho seriously says
“i-i have no idea” you stutter out having absolutely zero clue
you didn’t even know how you got into this situation where you had to choose between them two
“think about it okay? cause you need choose. fast” minho says with a warm smile and a ruffle of your hair before leaving  
your head was spinning you had no idea what to feel
chan you knew you loved as a friend
but when did that even become a crush?? when did those feelings sneak through the cracks?
you didn’t know how or when but you knew you still had romantic feelings for chan
but then there was jisung
your knight in shining armor
he was there for you when chan wasn’t there
he comforted you, cared for you and loved you when no else did
you didn’t deny your heart fluttered when he was affectionate with you or complimented you
but chan was never out of your heart either
and you didn’t think he ever could be
just a few minutes after minho left both boys stirred
“y/n?” jisung groggily said rubbing his eyes
“Y/N!!” he shouted rushing over to you giving you a hug as you laugh as he tightly squeezed you
“jisung i can’t breathe” you choke out
“oh my gosh i’m so so sorry” jisung says letting go of you quickly
chan looked at you two with a painful smile and says to you two
“i’ll let you two catch up, if you need me i’ll be at the rooftop garden” he says distantly and leaves
“y/n” jisung starts wistfully
and you know exactly what he’s going to say cause it’s jisung
“jisung please don’t, as selfish as it sounds i don’t want to let you go” you plead softly
he sighs and gives you a bitter smile allowing his arms to wrap around you as you snuggle into him
“as much as i want for you to stay in my arms like this, for me to ask you to be my girlfriend, and for me to take you out on the best date of your life on our 3 year anniversary, for us to make memories together and for both of us to fall in love with each other. it’s not meant to be”
jisung whispers into your hair and you know he’s right but you hate it you hate the fact he’s right
“you love chan in a way that you could never love me and while as pathetic as it sounds i would still be okay with that. you could never be okay with it. the guilt would be too much for you” he says smiling
“how can you bloody smile saying that?! y-you deserve the world jisung, the absolute world” you say trying not to cry thinking of how the hell did you deserve someone as precious as han jisung
“i can smile because i want you to be happy and you’re the happiest with chan. go find him figure this whole mess out because there’s one thing i know and its that chan is in love with you. now go to your prince charming.” jisung wipes your tears away and gives you a hug pushing you towards the door
just as you were about to leave jisung calls out to you lightheartedly
“we’re still best friends by the way that isn’t going to change no matter how smoochy you and chan get!”
you laugh and shout “deal!” as you close the door
the moment the door shuts jisung’s smile immediately drops
he knew being with chan would make you the happiest
but how is he ever going to find someone like you
his heart ached and he felt sick  
he lowered his head and shook his head putting his face in hands he said to himself “han jisung you’re such an idiot”
you on the other hand were going to the rooftop garden
the moment you got there you froze
what were you even doing?
what if chan didn’t love you?
what if you’re making a mistake in forgiving him?
what if he hurts you again?
your thoughts were making your head spin
before a voice interrupted them
“y/n?” chan says perplexed
you whip around to see chan sitting on a bench looking out onto a gorgeous skyline
“uh hi?” you awkwardly say sitting next to him on the bench
chan takes a deep breath and suddenly blurts out
“i’m so so sorry for everything, i thought i was doing the right thing and now i’ve realised all i was doing was hurting you”
“i’m still so confused chan what even happened between us? we were best friends” you say your voice barely above a whisper
chan sighs out before chuckling humourlessly
“i fell in love with you y/n” he breathes out
your breath hitched in your throat you were trying to process what chan said
“b-but why did you treat m-me like that?” you struggled to formulate coherent words 
“it was pathetic really i knew you didn’t have feelings for me so i became distant so my feelings would go away. katherine was merely a distraction that’s all. then you became close with jisung and everything came flooding back again. including the jealously which is why i said what i did in the cafeteria and i instantly regretted it but i thought you’d be happier with jisung which is why i said yes to let you go.”
chan finished wistfully
“though i always kept our promise and i always will keep it” he mutters under his breath giving you a look which melted your insides out
your heart warmed instantly 
chan didn’t forget your promise and he never broke it
but you were still completely shocked
you didn’t know what to expect from chan but it certainly wasn’t this
“but i think i did the right thing by letting you go, your smile came back because of jisung, the pretty one, i missed it a lot” he says giving you a soft smile showing off the dimples you loved so much
“so don’t worry about me you should go to your knight in shining armor” chan says with a smile that if anyone else saw they would think he was actually happy 
but you could instantly see the hurt and regret in his eyes
though he genuinely meant it
for you to be with jisung
only half of the sun was peeping out from the skyline 
and you told yourself by the time the sun disappeared from the skyline
as cheesy as it sounded you’d know whether to be with jisung your knight in shining armor or chan your prince charming
“watch the sunset with me?” you tentatively ask
chan looks at your surprised
then his eyes soften 
“one last sunset for old times sake” he softly whispers
chan puts his arm around your while you snuggle your head into his shoulder like you’ve done every single time before in the past
and you thought it’d feel different or weird 
but it didn’t
you fitted perfectly like always, warmth filled you head to toe, and you felt your worries disappearing and butterflies starting to flutter in your stomach
you intertwined your pinkies 
a silent renewed promise both of you thought 
and you knew just as the sun was setting 
you didn’t know when your last sunset would be with chan but this wasn’t your last one
because chan always was home and always will be home
your home 
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my gif take with creds!!
well this took me decades to finish hope you guys enjoyed my first angsty fic on this blog and let me know whether you prefer me writing angst, fluff or both!! it was a slow burn and kinda cliche with lots of cheese and i hate love triangles but it just kinda turned into one so forgive me. also thank you to my absolute queen ruby @changbeanie for giving me the motivation and advice to actually keep on writing this fic cause lol was ready to give up on this fic at least 10 times cause of writers block. and thank you to my lovely and cute bub anna @chenle for helping me with the messiest ending i’ve ever written. seungmin au coming up soon!!
as always don’t be afraid to leave me a message, a request or an anon!!! i always love hearing from you guys and getting your thoughts, feelings and feedback!!
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