#(( MEME - Mission Briefing ))
wingsofilia · 2 years
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Like this post for a starter from Farina.
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hauntsolete · 11 days
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gxldensxldiers · 7 months
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coursechosen · 11 months
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
I write sm of Simon with like super cutie patootie sweet softie gf's and today is not one of those days!! What about Si with a sassy, snarky spitfire of a partner.
He's kind of always thought that he'd want some soft, gentle, domestic partner to offset the general frustration and struggle of his work life. Some bird in a frilly apron to coo and preen at him like a wounded puppy.
And then he meets her.
She's some intelligence officer brought on by Laswell in hopes of attaining information on targets before missions to keep things running that little bit smoother.
She's had to not only survive, but thrive in a cutthroat mans world industry for years, and she takes not one single ounce of shit from anyone.
Price will occasionally (and very much unintentionally) simplify things for her in mission briefings and she just kind of sits there with arms crossed and a raised eyebrow until he gets the memo that he doesn't need to baby her.
She never has to actually go out into the field, so whilst the guys are all training in the gym, she sits and plays games on her phone or reads some smutty romance novels.
She didn't expect to fall flat on her ass for Simon Riley, but something about how quiet and level headed he is makes her very much metaphorically swoon.
He knows it, obviously. He's observant as fuck. He sees the way she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth when she has to crane her neck in order to look up at him, or when he casually helps her with boxes of files and she shifts bashfully from foot to foot, trying not to ogle his biceps.
When they start dating, she's not even afraid of the others finding out because they're too scared of her to tease the two of them.
They move in together and she designates the guest room for all of his man stuff, only to find out that he has like three personal items and some chargers. "The fuck you mean you don't have an ugly PC?! You're a guy?" He's so confused at her confusion until later in their relationships when she tells him that all of her past partners were kind of (major) dicks and that's why she didn't really date anymore, until she met him of course.
She tries really really hard to hide when she cries before he goes off on deployment, and works ten times harder to find useful information that will increase his chance of getting home to her safe.
He buys her really sentimental presents and she tries to hide how touched she is by calling him the softie even though she shamefully piles all of his clothes on the bed with her when he's away because she misses him so much.
She buys him a dog in secret on the same day that he comes home with a cat for her and they just sort of stand there in their front entrance like that Spiderman meme where they all point at each other.
The dog and cat love each other, almost as unlikely a pair as their owners.
She and Simon go into work one day and she's got a unique, delicate little ring on her left ring finger and the guys are like 😦"You got married and didn't invite us?" "No you fucking plebs we got engaged."
Never did anyone think they'd see the day where Simon Riley got engaged and thought about settling down.
They also thought the two of them hated each other until Simon casually is like "Oh, yeah no she and I went to this great place the other night. Good steaks."
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sprout-fics · 2 days
Idk if you’re taking request rn or not but..I just had surgery on my stomach today and feel like absolute doo-doo. Can’t lift anything over 10lbs or really move at all comfortably. If you have the time and want to, I’d love some cod fluff 🫶🏻 no pressure of course, nonetheless, I shall survive without my delulu dreams :p <3
Hello anon! Apologies for the wait! Here's some post-surgery care fluff with the boys
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(Knife wounds tw, 141 & Reader, GN reader, Fluff)
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You don't remember much after you see the knife sticking out of your stomach
It was supposed to be a simple night sweep- an intel retrieval under the cover of darkness in a remote seemingly abandoned village
In and out, simple and easy. Silenced weapons, clean shots, and certainly no close combat
That is, until someone comes at you from the darkness with a knife
You hear Gaz's shout a moment too late, turning and ready to fire, before you feel a dull sort of pain bury itself below your ribs in a shallow wound
You get your shot off, but not before the blade embeds itself next to your stomach
You remember turning to Gaz, unable to see his horror stricken face from behind his NVGs, stumbling towards him...
and then darkness
When you wake up, you're back on base
The pain registers second to the sound of voices, and when you blink open your eyes you find all four members of the team gathered around the foot of your bed
"Having a briefing without me?" You quip, and smile when you see the relief on their faces
Gaz is the first to apologize for not watching your six, but you wave him off despite his downcast brown eyes. These things tend to happen. It could have been him, and you tell him you're glad it wasn't
The tension is dispelled when Soap tells you all the things you tried to say as you were med-evaced and in and out of consciousness, claiming you went as far as to confess your love for him
He gets a sharp look from Price for that, which is eased by the relief on his face. He tells you the blade missed any major arteries, that you'll be in the hospital for a few more days pending release
Of course, when you ask if the mission was a success he raises his eyebrows at you as if there's any other answer than 'yes'
Ghost is quiet as he lingers towards the back, but when the opportunity arises he doesn't miss the chance to make a wry joke at your expense
"Thought you had the stomach for this kind of work." He drawls, and when Soap snorts you roll your eyes. It's the needling kind of humor that he uses to mask the fact that he cares, and rather than offend you it brings for a familiar affection towards your LT
As Price says, it's a few days of boredom before you're allowed to be discharged, and in the time that follows you find yourself scarcely without company from the team
Price is the first to show, excusing his visit with the need for you to sign official paperwork and after-action reports. He gives you the debrief for the mission- but lingers after to smoke a cigar. When you ask if he has other places to be, he tells you he's ignoring the brass for a bit. Why would they complain about him visiting one of his best soldiers in medical?
He leaves a small bottle of whiskey after, with strict instructions to not indulge until you've been cleared by the doctors
Gaz is next, and you watch him in the doorway as he hesitates with a small bouquet behind his back. It's pretty, and he confesses he wondered on the way over if it was too much of a gesture. You can tell he feels bad about the whole affair, but a firm squeeze to his hand makes his shoulders relax
He spends the rest of his time with you sharing memes, and you laugh so hard your monitor beeps
Ghost shows up intermittently, and his first question is always about your pain level. You think he's looking for an excuse to go intimidate some of the nurses into making you more comfortable, but you assure him you're well taken care of
You can't sleep one night, and somehow you find him seated in the chair beside you, comfortable in the silence as he polishes his knives
Soap is the one to sneak snacks in past the nurses, and when you tell him you're under strict orders he only waves a crisp in front of you before you fold. It's always easy chatting with him, and he shares all the happenings around base- the drill sergeant who was busted for hiding a barracks bunny in his quarters, an intelligence officer who was organizing a contraband ring, the idiot rookie who got a black eye during target practice...
He always pouts when he has to leave, texts from Price telling him he needs to get back to duty dragging him away. He promises to come back later, and he always does
A selfish part of you isn't looking forward to leaving the hospital only because you enjoy the visits so much. You knew your team cared for you, but seeing them like this- taking time out of their day to keep you company, to ensure you are comfortable, and to simply spend time with you, is all the reminder you need to know you're exactly where you belong ❤️
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ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ (ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Touching your boyfriend’s arm is a regular occurrence, much to his exasperation (and amusement).
Note: for my ‘Touching Bucky’s Metal Arm’ square on my @marvel-smash-bingo card!
Card + Masterlist
Warnings: brief mention of sex. Pure fluff lmao
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It had never been an issue. The arm, that was.
Yes, your boyfriend only had one flesh arm. But his new arm, a very nice gift from the Wakandans, could be taken off. And you could tell he enjoyed this; the fact that his arm functioned more like a regular prosthetic than the one HYDRA gave him.
He took it off when he felt like it. When he showered. When he bathed. Sometimes he’d take it off when you two were being intimate. Though you never said anything, you reveled in the fact that he felt safe and comfortable enough to take it off during that time.
You liked him without it. And you liked him with it, too. You mainly liked goofing off with it. He pretended it pissed him off, but it was an obvious lie.
Once, after his shower, he’d left it sitting on the bathroom counter. And you, being a totally mature and responsible grown adult, folded all the fingers down—minus the middle one. Because that is obviously what a mature and reasonable adult should do in that situation.
“I’m very mature!” You argued with Sam and Sarah, laughing. Bucky, sitting next to you, gave you a Look.
“Hon, you used your fork and spoon to play the drums on my arm at dinner last night.” He reminded you.
“You’re just jealous because I’m musically gifted.” You huffed dramatically.
“It was a poor rendition of Never Gonna Give You Up or whatever it’s called.” He explained to Sam and Sarah.
“It was not poor. It was very good.” You told them. Sometimes you’d use his arm as a heating pad whenever a mission left you particularly sore. Sometimes that meant when it wasn’t connected to his torso, sometimes it meant trapping your boyfriend on the couch with you for 3+ hours.
And he enjoyed it. Really. He did!
“Never Gonna Give You Up is more than a meme song.” You muttered to your boyfriend on your walk home from dinner.
“Sure, babe.” He sighed, not sure what the hell you’re talking about.
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A/n; Graphics by the wonderful @saradika-graphics!
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upon-a-starry-night · 7 months
Number Neighbors Pt.7
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1k
Summary: When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little
Nat quickly became your new internet best friend- if not your only friend. She started opening up her humor to you after you trauma dumped and in return, you began sending her memes as a symbol of your alliance. Occasionally she would humor you with a random picture of a sunset or a tree. You’d already known she lived somewhere in New York thanks to the area code on the phone number but you enjoyed experiencing the small window into her life and the fact that she was comfortable enough to send you those pictures.
It was a huge step in your friendship in your opinion.
The two of you began texting almost nightly, you would share something about how work was going (not the same job as before that one kind of um- fell to pieces-literally), and some nights you’d share how you felt about coming home and being alone all the time. She always listened and provided a substantial amount of comfort and advice- and though she never said anything you had a feeling maybe she was going through the same.
She never opened up as much as you did, although there was one brief mention of a single sibling. But the way it was phrased made you too afraid to ask her about it. You could feel how ice-cold the topic was from across the phone. You wondered if she regretted telling you or if she even realized she did.
Nat loved her Avengers family with everything she had but there were some things she just couldn’t share with them. Talking to you- a kind of- complete stranger on the internet was almost therapeutic for her. Maybe it was just wishful thinking but even over text you had a warm and open energy about you. Maybe you wouldn’t judge her for everything she did-though you’d probably be biased based on your admiration for her. 
She wondered if you’d have that same energy in person. Wondered if you were the kind of person to talk with your hands or if you kept to yourself more. She knew plenty of people who were open over text and shy in person.
Sometimes you reminded her of Wanda. She thinks the two of you would get along. Not that you’d ever meet. You were Natasha’s secret guilty pleasure, and despite the small desire- she knew you two would never meet.
Without the heat of being “The intimidating Black Widow,” Nat felt more inclined to show you her more witty side, often ending in you sending a blurry picture of your middle finger or on one very specific occasion- A voice memo of you sneezing. Something about emphasizing your point of being “allergic to stupidity”.
She refused to admit she laughed at it for longer than she should have.
She told herself not to get too attached but in her line of work your overwhelming positivity and constant shenanigans were a welcome change from her often gloomy occupation.
Nat was used to texting you every other day by this point, when she began going on more frequent missions she found herself worrying that you would think she was ghosting you so she told you her work was complicated and sometimes required her to go offline for long periods of time. 
You told her you understood and sent her a meme about the economy before going into a long tangent about how jobs these days expected over achievement with minimal pay and it was outrageous. 
She didn’t quite understand why she was so worried about what you thought of her. Normally she wouldn’t care what anyone thought of her. The other Avengers were lucky if they got a text back from her on the same day- let alone more than a one-worded response.
She guessed maybe it was because she wasn’t used to hearing such good things about herself, the government was scared of what she could do (rightfully), the public had conflicting opinions about her- and most of the time it was only kids that looked at her without any fear or contempt. But you talked about how much you admired her bravery as an Avenger but also as a woman in such a public light with so much pressure on her shoulders. She was the first female Avenger after all.
One evening she made the mistake of telling you she didn’t think ‘Black Widow’ was all that. She had to sit through two hours of angry paragraphs from you and links to several videos of herself from the battle of New York and doing interviews for cable shows. She’d ended up apologizing and agreeing with you that she was the strongest Avenger.
 In reality, she sat on her bed for nearly an hour after your conversations with unshed tears she refused to let fall. That was the exact moment her heart had decided you weren’t a stranger to her anymore- and she didn’t have it in her to argue against it.
Your resilience was a trait she’d learned to admire, especially when it came to her… but not when it came to her choice of colored attire. 
I’m seriously considering the
possibility of you being a robot.
What do you think?
I think you're an ass.
I’m just saying-
gray is so monotone and you’re
Too fierce for that
So what color would you give me?
Maybe black?
Wow, a striking upgrade
Why not just suggest dark gray?
Or how about light black?
No, you’re obviously too
Sassy for black.
I’m thinking…
Your ability to perceive Nat through the screen never failed to amaze her. Truthfully she didn’t want to plaster her favorite color over everything because she was scared it would make things too personal. Too homey. But here you were guessing her favorite color just from her online personality. 
Truth be told, this was the most openly herself she’d been in a while. She wondered- if only briefly- if you could guess everyone’s favorite colors that easily-
or just hers.
I can see it.
Nat couldn’t keep the grin from overtaking her face. 
You were something else, weren’t you? 
It was dangerous how easily you could brighten her day.
She found herself not caring as much as she usually would about that.
A/n: I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!! Sorry I was gone for so long :( i'll keep updating this story as often as possible!!
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa
@natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal
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somarysueme · 8 months
Just finished Signalis for the first time and obviously there is a lot to unpack here and I can see from the fandom’s meme game that we’re all having a deeply normal one about this, but one thing in particular sticks with me. And that thing is that they had to send out specific instructions NOT to fall in love with your Replika unit.
Like “ACHTUNG: do not fall in love with your gentle, dedicated, untiring, unwavering girlbot partner. Do not hold her hand. Do not expose her to movies and smooches. Under no circumstances should you dance together to Schubert’s Stänchen after receiving news of your inevitable wasting death.” It has to be part of the official mission briefing!
They actually said “Our Great Nation is sending our best and brightest to spend eight years in total isolation before succumbing to radiation sickness and if we find out that any of you little shits have put lesbian feelings in the space we intentionally left blank, so help us God we will secretly dig great holes where Earth’s pores ought to suffice. PS their bodily fluids are all poisonous so jot that down.”
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trashlama · 1 year
This is basically a part 2 to →this←
I appreciate all the feedback for the first part! It really made my day, thank you!
Disclaimer the two memes in here are not mine. They just too good.
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Sensei wasn't kidding when he told tales about the New York City of old with it's diverse beauty hidden in the city's twinkling glow.
To think for the first fifteen years of his life that he lived in the ruins of this classic marvel. Unaware of it's majesty compared to the doomed world he was born into.
After shutting down the Krrangs' invasion coup, rescuing Raph from the slimy pink clutches of exterrestrial mind control, and Leo recovering from his near death experience. Things as the turtles liked to put it— "went back to normal as normal as The Big Apple could be".
Whatever that ment.
In these times of peace the ex-resistance soilder found solace in his menial lifestyle with the Hamatos when compared to the one in his previous timeline.
Not fighting for his life everyday was a definite plus for the raven-haired veteran.
No longer was his mind be plagued by the knowledge of pending Krrang assaults and inevitable carnage. Despite General Donatello's best efforts to fortify the Resistance base. Sirens that fore told destruction sounding off into the darkness still plagued the teenager's restless nights.
No more incidents and mission failures that resulted in multiple funerals in a given week. Trying to hold back saltwater spills as General Michelangelo added another drawn portrait to the wall of the fallen. Rows of those whose fates were cut short.
Gone are the daily intelligence meetings directed by the chief intelligence officer General O'Neil. Speeches typically held ending on a negative note despite her optimistic quips about pushing the pink tentacle freaks back and gaining the upper hand against these pests.
They tried. That's what mattered.
However Casey couldn't deny the jovial excitement of being in this time period.
Taking his Sensei's advice the young veteran had got to try the infamous Pizza. Rats were definitely a far cry from the greasy-delectable-gooyneess that is the New York stable and apparently could be found on almost any corner in Manhattan.
Crisp nights were spent hanging with the Mad Dog Crew. Video games, Lou Jitsu films, and bizarre mutant encounters kept things interesting. Something new always happening when he hung with the turtles.
It was strange being able to see his mentors in their youth, the crew not being too much older than himself. Their own personalities like his own were still developing, evolving into the people they'll become tomorrow.
Although some things never do change.
Especially when it came to his teacher.
It wasn't anything new when Leo said he was gonna go out for a while.
Raph— being the protective older brother of course questioned his blue bandana wearing sibling of his destination. Even though at this point it was a cycle of deflection with the red eared slider. Raph still tried.
With his normal nonchalant attitude Leo dismissed his older sibling's worries.
"Take a chill pill Raph! I'm just going for a midnight stroll— ya' know? Nothing to get yer panties in a twist~" the adult mutant turtle shrugged off, teasing his brother as he made for the door.
" Tch! Im'a just tryin'a look out for ya' Leo! No one knows where ya' keep goin' and Im'a tryin'a respect yer space and all but, were worried for you!" The alligator snapping turtle expressed flustered by his brother's reluctance to be open.
Casey wanted to butt-in but, he didn't want to cross any unnecessary lines.
He might know the future turtles of his time but, he didn't want to push too many personal boundaries with these versions of his family.
The two stared one another down for a brief moment before the younger olive-green turtle retreated for the exit once more.
For a second, onyx colored irises looked Raph's direction as if contiplating something only to swiftly shift back towards the door way.
"It's fine Raph. I'm just patrolling and then coming back, stop the worrin' Bro." Leo reassured. His smile didn't match what his pools of ink told.
The door like the conquering thunder in springtime, boomed when it slammed closed.
For a moment the foliage colored turtle towered in the entry way.
Casey could tell from the ninja's look that Raph wanted to chase after Leo. Find out for himself what his brother sought to keep secret from the rest of the Hamatos.
Only for the tired adult snapping turtle to turn and retreat into the confines of his chambers.
An awkward pregnate silence took over the room shortly after.
Donnie left first, muttering something about a project he needed to work on.
Only for Mikey to follow offering Casey Jr. to join the youngest turtle for games if he wanted.
Acknowledging the offer, Casey remained rooted to the couch in the main room. Lost in his own thoughts swaying between future and present time.
Memories of his past, the future that will never come to fruition. Flooded into his brain.
Casey knew where Leo was going.
More specifically who the red eared slider was going to see.
(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n).
In his time (Y/n) was a woman from Master Leonardo's past that he couldn't leave alone.
The Resistance leader lurked in the shadows of his desire, regardless if the (h/c) haired female was aware or not. Monopolizing you for his own selfish attachments. Held by a leash the blue bandana wearing turtle held short.
You were the Commander's.
Everyone in the Resistance knew—
And no one stopped it.
And those who did attempt to do so faced dire consequences. Usually ending up on a suicide run into Krrang territory.
Those who made it back rarely made the same mistake on aiding you twice. And if they did, they definitely wouldn't again.
Leo made sure of that.
Even the slider's brothers and close friend chose to ignored the obvious.
Many times Casey had tried to convince them. Pulling at his greasy raven strands in frustration at their lack of interest.
Not once did any of them step in. Never lifted a finger or spoke against their leader's wishes.
General O'Neil was too engrossed in her work to listen to Casey's "childish" worries. When bigger threats prowled the broken streets. The woman had other far more pressing matters to be consumed by.
General Donatello wouldn't even listen to the adolescent. Choosing to continue hovering over his abyss of data. Not even sparing the boy-soilder a glance. Orbs of night never straying from the ever-changing code that flew across bright illuminated screens.
Out of all them, General Michaelangelo's response was the most disturbing. The youngest of the generals sympathized with his elder brother. Actively choosing to look past your despair for the greater good of Leo's psyche and the Resistance.
For everyone—
But you.
Deep down Casey Jr. always felt like the box turtle knew what would happen if the red eared slider lost you. The elder having a knack for sensing people's emotions.
For the first three years you fought tooth and nail. Planned and replanned so many jailbreaks. Awaited your chance to disappear from Leo's grasp.
However nothing was successful. Always in the end being dragged back by the sewer's apex predator.
Casey assisted where he could with what limited resources he had at his disposal. Signing up for missions with you so that you guys may coordinate without the looming olive phantom haunting the shadows.
He tried to help you and you did too.
But he was just a kid and you were just the prey bidding it's time in the tall grass. You both were stuck in this hellish world in this false place of sanctuary.
At times without anyone asking, you'd play out the roles he needed in his life. Fluctuating between a big sister to a motherly figure depending on what you thought he needed.
Many times Casey was grateful for the support.
He felt for (y/n). That's why he did the best he could. He just wanted you to be happy.
Alas it wasn't meant to be.
By the fourth year under Leo's supervision you were defeated. Resigned to the shelled hunter who just won't leave you be.
Casey tried to spur you on. Reignite the flame that burned in your chest.
But you just couldn't do it.
Successfully the domineering leader had smothered your fire in his embrace. The coals of your soul being treated by snakes of possession that slithered into your ribs and whispers of adoration that rewrote the manuscript of your mind.
It was easier to give in than to keep hurting.
Casey couldn't watch that happen again.
He wouldn't.
The raven haired teenager already messed up the spacetime continuum with his presence.
What's a little more damage control gonna hurt?
Mind set in stone, he flipped down his hockey mask.
The faint squeak of the lair door did not go unnoticed by the other inhabiting residents as Casey disappeared into the night.
It was a close call but, thankfully he did not miss your performance.
It twas another quite late weekday night at the aging basketball court. Squeaking shoes alongside the whoosh of the webbed hoop were the best back up singers to the beat of your ball and the panting breaths that escaped your soft looking lips. His favorite song to go with his favorite basketball ballerina.
The air was warm despite the recent onslaughts of cold fronts recently. Not that the weather would deter you from your nightly routine. Sweat ran down the curve of your (skin tone) face. (E/c) eyes trained on the basket as you alternated between point lines.
Leo sigh, the fondness for the girl below evident in his love-struck gaze. Lips posed in a goofy manner, the turtle unable to withhold the emotions flooding his system from taking control of his facial muscles.
He loved watching you play. Everytime. Since the first time he caught a glimpse of your skilled layout.
The way you maneuvered while laying up your shot was something to behold. The graceful beauty in your moves complimented the NBA performance that you gave every single time you shot the ball.
Coordinated and enchanting
It was such a perfect combination.
The hearts in his gaze followed you across the court. Dancing a Devine ballet under the fluorescent glow of the fenced in stage with leaps that would make Micheal Jordan jealous.
So enthralled in the mystical sight before him, the red eared slider almost didn't pick up on the approaching foot steps that was heading towards his direction.
Within a microsecond the mutant ninja turtle withdrew his dual swords, the clang of the steel weapons hitting the metal of Casey Jr's gauntlet woke Leo of his trained focus.
" Casey Jr? What'cha doin' here? " The dumb founded look was not missed by the teen in question . Surprise extched across the young version of his Sensei's face.
He's been caught.
"I could ask the same thing about you ." Casey retorted. Shaking the turtle's blades off his gauntlet like the leafs in autumn trees.
Teddy bear brown eyes slide down to the figure in the court. Gaze softening slightly at the sight of the new but, familiar (h/c) haired woman.
" What are you doing Leo? "
The olive-green turtle was not pleased. A thin frown sucked in his bottom lip. Young inky orbs gazed at Casey Jr. Informing the other of the dangerous game that the teenage veteran was playing.
Trying his preferred recent method of escape, the adult slider deflected.
" Pfffh! None-ya business! " The ninja scolded.
" I'm an adult and I can do things on my own. It's me who should be asking ya', what you're doin' here? " Leo pressed, turning the tables to chastise the raven haired teen instead.
Casey wasn't impressed. So far during his time here it was nothing new when it came to the younger version of his master.
Taking the silence as his immediate answer, the blue bandana wearing turtle began to continue telling off the apocalyptic born teenager.
" Got nothin' to say? Great! Why don'tch'a run back to the lair like a good little boy and—"
" I know why you're here Leo and who for. "
Casey's interjection immediately shut up the blabbering olive-green turtle. His comment gaining the young mutant's undivided attention.
"What do you mean Casey?"
"Yeah whatcha' mean Casey?"
Leo swore he was going to throw himself right off this ledge.
From the shadows, the owner of the gruff voice emerged with two figures that backed up his lumbering stature.
There stood a definitely not happy Raph. Arms crossed his chipped plastron in obvious display of his displeasure with the scene. Brows furrowed at the two in front of him. Carrying the aura of a displeased mother ready to whip out the chancla.
Behind the alligator snapping turtle's left was a Donatello who was obviously here to capture Raph beating Leo's ass. Cause what else are brothers for?
Then to the irked elder brother's right was Mikey. Trying to get a comprehension of the situation the trio just walked into. Not wanting the end result to be just straight up violence without trying to resolve with talking first.
Casey did not expect this.
Before future boy even got the chance to speak, Leo rushed to answer the question. A dark blush erupting across his olive cheeks dusting them in a pinkish hue.
"It's nothing! Absolutely nothing! I think I am ready to head back now— " Leo rabbled trying to push the his brothers away from the scene just down below.
"Whatcha' hiding Leo?!" Raph roared. Pushing past his brother to walk towards the edge. Only to get the answer to his question.
Just not in the way he thought.
"Hello? Is someone up there?"
The blue bandana wearing turtle really hated his luck tonight.
For a solid few minutes no one moved or made a sound.
Leo would have to throttle them if they did.
It wasn't until the beating of your ball returned to fill the empty void is when the gang took it as the coast was clear.
Sighs of relief left all five of them as they took a moment to reassess the situation.
Not even a second later the three other color coded turtle brothers threw themselves at the ledge to see who had called to them.
Down below, a cute (h/c) haired girl dribbling a basketball across the faded court. Laying out shots and moves that would school them in less than five seconds.
Mischievous knowing grins stretched across the three brothers green complexions as they turned to look back at their brother.
" Don't you do it." Leo warned. Onyx eyes glaring at his brothers who were ready to explode from the sight.
And of course it was Michaelangelo who did first.
" Leeeooooo hass aaaaww cruuuussshhh!" Mikey squealed. Warm grey eyes brightening at the reveal. Shuffling closer to his brother with a dorky face.
"It all makes sense now why ya' didn't want anyone ta' know!" Raph laughed. His scowl quickly replaced with a shit-eating grin.
"Oh Leon, don't you know that we would've found out eventually?" Donnie mused. Making sure to use one of his pairs of robotic arms to get a pic of his blue bandana wearing brother's flustered expression.
They were all laughing. Well except Leo and Casey Jr.
"Okay, okay! Can you guys please leave now!" The adult slider begged, using his force to push his brothers further away from the court below where his ballerina was.
The ex-resistance soldier was at a loss for words. One moment the threat of a showdown with his master's younger self. The next, was a dog pile of fluff that could rival the amount of cavities you'd get from eating a whole store of nothing but candy.
"Come on Casey Jr! Let's leave Leon to gawk at his cwwrruusshh!~" Mikey gushed. Throwing a moss green arm around the younger raven-haired boy's shoulder.
Casey shrugged off the youngest brother's arm. Before replying with a grin of his own. "Okay Mikey, I'll catch up with you guys in a few."
Giving the doomsday boy the thumbs up the other three turtles siblings ran off ahead. Making sure to continue teasing their blue bandana brother with kissy noises as they departed.
They were assholes. But Leo loved them.
" So, what's up future-boy?" the red eared slider quipped. Raising an unamused brow to the fifteen year old ex-soldier.
"(Y/n). Stay away from her." Casey warned.
Anger burned within those inky abyss of the mutant's glare sparked by the teenager's response. His grip on his fore arm tightened and his lip grew tight with displeasure.
"Yeeeaaahhh— no. I don't think I will" Leo responded. Eyes sharp like the sheathed blades the turtle carried. The hockey masked teen returned the same look.
"You see sénõr— I'm in love with the sénõritá of my dreams" the blue bandana ninja stated. "It's a fact that the hero always gets the girl." He continued. "Every Lou Jitsu movie proves so and I the awesome handsome hero will win the heart of the girl. And —"
"How when you never talk to her?" Casey asked simply.
Onyx irises widen slightly. " Whatcha' mean? I might've not worked up the mojo yet but—"
"Leo, in my timeline you never spoke to (Y/n). Not until after the Krrang invasion." The veteran spoke. A shadow forecast his gaze the mask helping to aid in hiding his expression.
" You became leader of the Resistance and worked hard for many years. Too hard. I guess it hurt you so much that when you saw her again you couldn't risk losing her. Not again. "
" You didn't hurt her physically but, mentally. She wasn't the girl that is down in that court right now. " Casey admitted. His pitch voiced the despair he could still remember clearly in your (e/c) eyes.
Leonardo listened carefully. His expression serious versus his iconic clownish behavior.
The look reminded Casey of his Sensei. The years washed over the young ninja in a matter of seconds revealed by the receding tide.
"What I am saying is I'm watching you." The teenager sighed looking too old to be fifteen and too young to have served in a war.
Don't make me regret not doing anything now" Warned the boy-soilder. " I will tell your brothers of your problems if you don't fix them now."
A solemn look haunted the turtle's expression.
" Just treat her right " the raven hair veteran chirped. Gifting the adult red eared slider a reassuring grin and a pat to his shell.
" I will. " Leo confirmed.
"That's the spirit. Look I better scram I sure Mikey is won—"
Speaking of the box turtle, the cell in the future boy's pocket suddenly went off. The phone screen brighting up with the name of the person trying to contact him. Tiny speakers blaring the Lou Jitsu game theme song.
"Welp that's gotta be Mikey." Casey chuckled, swiping the phone out his pocket only to pause. Thumb hovering over the answer button.
" Just... remember I will protect her from you if I have too. " Casey reiterated. The neon green dots of his mask making his point clear even if his words didn't.
" Aye, aye Captain~" Leo confirmed giving the ex-resistance soldier a faux solute.
With a shake of his head the teen lifted his gauntlet to the neighboring structure. "See you later Leon"
"Right back at you Spiderman"
"Oh God no. Ask Donnie he can help you."
"O-kaaay.... see you."
"Adios amigo!"
With click spur of gears a burst of steam sent the graveling hook and Casey Jr flying through the illuminated metropolis back towards the lair. Regrouping with the rest of the Hamato clan.
Now that the mutant looney tunes was over, the blue bandana turtle could go back to enjoy his muse.
With an eager anticipation in his bones the turtle turned back to the aged court only to find that you were wrapping up for the night. Your usual (2f/c) towel in hand as you shrug on your (f/c) sports jacket. The sweat from your workout must've been turning cold.
Leonardo knows that he made a deal with Casey Jr but, it was hard not to follow the basketball ballerina home.
He'll just make sure she gets there safe.
Don't want another mutant rooster coming for the (e/c) eyed woman.
Next thing Leo knew he was back in his favorite camping spot, perched in the fire escape as he watched you unwind while watching your Lou Jitsu movies. Slurping down the top ramen that you ate religiously.
And like clock work you were out.
The blue color coded turtle knew he shouldn't.
Especially because of his deal with Casey Jr but, for Gram-Gram sake! This was his chance.
The night was young enough that the morning dawn wouldn't rise for a while. He had some wiggle room with this.
The quiet chatter from the television masked the faint creaky slide of the dingy window being opened.
The mutant turtle slithered into the sparse apartment. Finding the lack of personality to the place.
Was she possibly like April and spent all her money on school?
Upon inspection darks orbs found stacks of college books on the counter. Spines of the bemoths had topics about physics, engineering and mechanics.
She'd probably have a blast chatting with Donnie about his nerd stuff.
Somehow the thought turned the olive-green turtles gut but, didn't read too much into it.
Standing in the small space, Leo found himself already looming over most of your sparse belongings. Finding himself snickering or chuckling as he walked around the studio.
What you did have besides your surplus of top ramen bursting out of your little pantry in the area he assumed was supposed to be a little dollar-store kitchenette you assembled.
Stacked to the side of the crooked entertainment center in half-assed stack was an assortment of retro game cartridges, similar to the one Mikey retrieved from that merchant he went to for his Lou Jitsu game.
On the coffee table second-hand Jupiter Jim comics were splayed out amongst other papers. He assumes homework based on the frustrated mathematical problems written, scratched out, revised and rewritten again.
He hadn't meant to but, his wandering gaze made itself back to you. Somehow it always does. May the red eared slider be be awake or in his dreams.
He always found his way back.
Even when he doesn't mean to.
Subconsciously Leo apologized to Casey Jr for his dishonorable actions and how he was about to further break his promise.
Gulping down the saliva that pooled in his mouth. His left hand carefully caressed your soft (skin tone) skin a little grimy leftover from your show but, still just as lovely as the lashes that hid tired (e/c) orbs from his direct sight.
His thumb traced your cheek down the slope of your jaw before skimming back towards the soft plump object his dark gaze kept getting drawn back too.
He really couldn't help himself.
He was disgusting but, he couldn't deny the monkey that rattled in the ribs that caged it.
He really does love you.
Leaning forward the turtle pressed his lips on his thumbs target. Successfully devouring your mouth. His three digit hand came to hold your chin keeping your face in place so he may taste more.
Pulling away the grown mutant was basically a glowing red light bulb with how hot his face was.
He did it. He got his kiss but, the animal part of his brain wouldn't calm down.
It wouldn't accept just this one stolen kiss.
He had to have you. You were a drug like no other. Better than any endorphins he ever received from beating his brothers at their various competitions to having the last glorious slice of the pepperoni pie.
This was sooo much better.
Sorry Casey Jr but, I just can't stay away from her...
For a moment Leo really thought he could walk away.
Just admire from a distance.
Look, don't touch.
Allow (Y/n) to just live her life like the woman she was becoming. Just be happy for her.
But Leo was selfish. He knows this.
That's why he's gonna have to meet her. Somehow, someway. He needed to be closer.
These nighttime ballets can only sustain the zoo in his chest for so long.
With a sigh of content the adult slider petted the side of your sleeping face. Looming over you the turtle knew he couldn't leave until he stole one more sinful taste. Cradling the back of your head, threading strands of (h/c) with his large free hand.
He just needed it to last as long as possible. Just until next time.
Reluctantly the turtle left. Disappearing like the whisps of the departed without a sound.
The window sealed shut behind the vanishing olive ghost.
Upon arriving back at the lair Leo found there wasn't a soul left in the main room as he crept through the sleeping base and into his bedroom.
The red eared turtle was about to retire to the land of dreams when he received a light knock on his door. A moment of silence before an adolescent voice broke through the thin barrier
"Leo? May I come in?"
Shit. It was Casey Jr.
"Sure bud. Me casa tu casa~" the tired ninja yawned. Dark eyes examining the teen who entered, shutting the door behind him as he passed through.
"What's up Casey 2.0?" The mutant inquired. Raised frow to join in his questioning look.
Leo knew why he was here.
The ex-resistance soldier sighed. No longer hidden behind his hockey mask. Eyes like Raph's teddy bears pierced through his mutated being.
"How was your patrol? You got back pretty late." Casey sneered. The disappointment was evident on the teens face. Lip tucked downwards.
He knew.
Leo was sure of it.
"It was fine. (Y/n)'s practice took for eeevvverr! And I thought women were supposed to take twenty million years on their hair not their game!" Leo humored.
"Ha." Casey mocked.
Despite it being the blue color coded turtle's chambers. An uncomfortable spill of stagnant silence over took the room. Air sapped up by rising waters.
He was giving Leo a chance to confess. Be honest now.
But, the veteran already knew what the red eared slider would choose. The ninja was his Commander for fifteen years of his life after all.
"Welp Casey Jr, if you don't need anything else. Some of us need our beauty sleep~" Leo ushered.
Casey took the hint.
"Goodnight Casey."
"Goodnight Leonardo."
The raven haired teen didn't bother making a show out of his departure back to his own quarters. Knowing that their conversation was a good enough indication of trust in their future relationship.
There will be none.
Casey scoffed as he laid back into his bed roll that Splinter lent him.
Fucking Leonardo. It didn't matter if it was the past, present, alternative future that red eared slider mutant mother fucker was always the same.
Spacetime continuum his ass.
Some things just never changed.
¶¶Creater's Notes¶¶
I did it! I finished it! Against my need for sleep I have finished this part dooooonnnneee!
I hope you guys liked it!
This basically is a part 2 to →this←
Might come out with a little ✨bonus part✨ for this little two-shot series I got going.~
I was originally gonna put in this one at the end after the creator's notes but, I was too eager to get this thing out.
Just let me know if you guys want it or not.
Technically I finished last night before bed but, I wanted to proof read one more time before posting.
Catch you guys on the flip side~
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wingsofilia · 2 years
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Like this post for a starter from Fiora.
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portaltothevoid · 5 months
Console the Griever - copia x gn!reader
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Grief is a fickle thing. It hits everyone differently, some more-so than others. We all have to learn how to deal with it and sometimes, no matter how long it's been, we just need comfort and a safe space to feel. Reader is dealing with it being the first anniversary of the loss of a loved one and Copia steps up to be the one they can lean on.
warnings: grief, loss of loved ones mentioned (no descriptions), everything is kept as vague and broad as possible to fit many situations, emotional hurt/comfort
word count: 2.8k
ao3 link
You could feel your insides shaking, your leg constantly bouncing. The work day was almost over. Freedom was so close, even if the only thing you did with that freedom was stay secluded in your room drowning yourself in memories of things, of people, you could never get back. 
A notification popped up on your phone. One of your friends sent you a meme, most likely. That seemed to be the way you communicated lately, solely through memes. The energy to have a full conversation was nowhere to be found and you couldn’t be bothered to look for it. Your eyes fell on the date. 
Knots twisted in your stomach. All day you’ve tried to ignore it, but it was bound to catch up to you eventually. Scrunching your eyes shut, you focused on your breathing. This could wait until you got back to your safe haven – it had to. You took a stuttering deep breath as you organized papers on your desk. Biting your lip, you hoped these tasks could wait until Monday. Staying on track wasn’t an option today, no matter how much you wanted to. 
“Topolina, before you go, could you just email these idiote (idiots) and tell them we have a petting zoo for i bambini of the Ministry for educational purposes and not for ritual sacrifices.” Copia pinched the bridge of his nose as he returned to his desk after setting down the information you needed.
“Of course, Cardinal,” you said quietly, after a brief and quiet laugh left you.
“It’s Papa now, cara,” he solemnly corrected you. 
Great. Another slip up. Your shoulders slumped at your mistake. Couldn’t you just get it together? “Sorry, Papa, I keep forgetting…”
“Ah shit. So do I,” he chuckled as he wiggled his fingers at you, now covered in his white face paint. He wiped it on his black, designer tattered pants absentmindedly before he frowned, having spread the white paint elsewhere. A nostalgic sigh was pushed from his lungs. “I miss my white suit,” he muttered.
“Me too,” you mumbled.
“What was that, cara?”
“Uh, I said, I know you do,” you quickly spoke, covering your small slip up. Your only further response to him was a tightlipped smile. It was just pleasant enough and all you could manage. An angry email. That was your mission right now. Then freedom. You could write a brief angry email.
As you went on with your task, you missed how Copia’s brows furrowed in concern. He knew you’d been acting differently lately. He wanted to chalk it up to just an off day; everyone has them once in a while. Then you started to smile less, his stupid jokes and quips that would always make you giggle barely made you give him more than a “ha.” Something was going on, and even though you were his assistant, a close bond had formed between you both. He hated seeing you turn into a shell of your former self.
Once the email was sent, you felt the crushing weight of the shadows in your mind fighting their way to the surface. You needed to get back to your room. Your breathing started to quicken and your hands were shaking. “Email’s sent. I think that’s it for today, unless you need something else…” you trailed off, praying to Lucifer himself that he would allow you to go home for the day.
“No, no, that was it.”
“Okay, I’ll see you on Monday,” you responded quickly, gathering your things.
“You’re not going to be at dinner?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Um, no, I don’t think so… well, uh, maybe, I don’t know,” you rambled.
“Is everything alright, dolcezza?” You froze at this question. Dolcezza was a rare term of endearment. It carried more weight than the others. This wasn’t Papa asking you, it was Copia.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Your pitch rose, betraying you just enough to earn a raised eyebrow from him. You tried to make your voice sound happier, more even. “Everything’s okay. Just a long week. Case of the winter blues, you know how it goes…” When he didn’t respond right away, you finished making your way to the door. “Have a good weekend, Co– Papa.”
Keeping your head down, you rushed back to your room. With a pounding heart and a heaving chest, you breathed out a shaky sigh as your hand lingered on the now closed door. You threw your bag down at the foot of your bed before you fell backwards onto it, staring up at the ceiling. Dragging your eyes to the window, you noted the weather. Exactly the same as last year. 
The memories sucker-punched you the instant your mind made the connection. Tears rolled down your temples, and before long you were choking back sobs, not wanting the sound to carry to the nearby rooms. Bringing your hands to cover your face, you curled into the fetal position, where you let the wave of emotion, of pain ride its course. 
How had a year gone by already? How had several gone by? You were no stranger to loss, but it never gets easier. All you wanted was to just stop everything in the sense of responsibilities and duties and expectations. It was getting more and more tiring to hold it together in front of everyone. You were seconds away from breaking down today in front of your boss. Even before his… promotion… the two of you could have almost been considered friends, he had just experienced a multitude of losses himself and you couldn’t dump all of this onto him. He had enough to deal with and you certainly weren’t about to add anything to his already full plate. That being said, there were also the formalities that had to be respected. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sobs had quieted. A ding from your phone pulled you back into the present moment. Curiosity got the best of you to at least see what the notification was, despite planning to ignore it. A grimace pulled at your features as you saw it was from Copia. Ideas of what the text could contain raced through your mind; you forgot to do something important, he needed you to come in for a bit tomorrow, another email had to be sent, you really fucked who-knows-what up and you’d be reprimanded… Biting your lip in apprehension, you slide the notification open.
Papa Emeritus IV:  Are you sure you're alright dolcezza?? You really haven’t been yourself lately… I hope this isn’t too forward. I just worry about you topolina mia. I am free tonight if you need or want to talk about anything. –C
Well, that was certainly unexpected. You threw your phone on your pillows like it was a hot potato. A blush reddened your cheeks as your heartbeat sped up, finally not because of anxiety. 
He was just being nice. There was no need to read into this. With how much time you spent with him in his office, albeit in a work environment, of course he would know some of your mannerisms. He was incredibly smart. He didn’t get to where he was by being stupid. That being said… perhaps he would be the one to really be able to understand what you were going through. 
Over and over you read that text, your mind racing. Should you respond? What would you even say? Do you want to talk to him? Why is he being so insistent? 
Darkness fell over your room, so you got up to turn on a light, but that just turned into you pacing as you tried to decide what to do.
Again, you lost track of time ruminating in your own world. Your eyes widened when a soft knock at your door stopped you in your tracks. Taking a deep breath, you cautiously went to open the door.
Copia was waiting outside, chewing his lip nervously, as he held two plates of food. “I’m sorry I–” you both said at the same exact time. 
“Go ahead, Papa,” you nodded, encouraging him to go first. It still felt so strange to refer to him by his title.
“I, eh, I noticed you didn’t really have lunch and… you weren’t at dinner, so… I just wanted to bring you this. I promise I won’t bother you again. Well, until Monday. I guess it’s your job to be bothered by me, no?” he laughed nervously as he rambled.
He was here because he cared. So, you listened to the little voice in the back of your mind that was whispering to you how you were more than just an assistant to him.
“Th-thank you…” was all you could manage to say, in shock by the kind gesture.
“Have you been crying, carissima?” he whispered softly. Okay, and then with his use of carissima… That was a new term of endearment, which made your heart skip a beat.
“Is it that obvious?” you laughed humorlessly, but it died in your throat when you saw him regarding you with such concern. You stepped back, giving him room to enter. “I guess I could use some company if you want to have your dinner here… if you’re still free?”
“Certo, certo. For you? Always,” he said as he stepped inside. “I was, eh, hoping you’d say yes.” The shy smile he gave you melted your heart and you swore you saw the slight blush under some spots of his fading papal paint from the long day.
Although your apartment was on the smaller side, it was still large enough to have a kitchenette and a small seating area. One of the perks of having worked alongside senior clergy members for years. As you got some utensils and drinks from the fridge, Copia set the plates on your coffee table while settling down on the loveseat in the corner.
He smiled at you as you set down a couple juice boxes for him and some for yourself. “Before you say anything, I haven’t felt like going into town so I had to dip into the stash I save for you when I need to restock the minifridge in your office,” you chuckled. 
He just shook his head. “Everyone’s always hating on the juice boxes,” he playfully grumbled.
It didn’t hit you how hungry you were til you saw the plate of food in front of you and then when you realized he brought you your favorite. “Wait… how did… This wasn’t on the menu for tonight’s dinner, was it?”
“No, it wasn’t, but sometimes it’s worth it to take advantage of the perks of being Papa.”
He had literally gone out of his way to do this for you. Blinking back tears, you murmured a quiet thank you when you knew you weren’t going to start crying again from his kindness. “How has it been, now that you’re officially Papa?” you wondered in an attempt to keep the conversation light so you could actually enjoy your dinner.
“Eh, it’s pretty much the same as it’s been for the last couple of years. Well, as far as duties and things go, for me at least. They treat me with… a little more respect than before,” he shrugged. 
“I’m still not used to calling you Papa,” you admitted.
“Please, don’t,” he responded quickly. “When it’s just us, call me Copia. I don’t like… I don’t think there has to be such formality between us. We’ve, um, worked side by side long enough…”
“It’s nice to have a sense of normalcy?”
“Sì. Sometimes it just reminds of… what they did to get me here and…” he cleared his throat. “And I’d just prefer you use my name.”
You nodded, knowing he was referring to his own series of losses. Not wanting to encroach on heavy topics yet, you steered the conversation to movies you’ve seen recently, a book you thought he might like, et cetera.
Once you both had finished eating, Copia insisted that you stay put while he cleaned up. When he sat next to you again he turned and wondered, “Did that help you feel a little bit better, dolcezza? I really can’t stand to see you so… hurt.”
You nodded. “It did. It really helped get my mind off everything for just… a little bit. I can’t thank you enough, Copia. You… you have no idea how much this means.” Anxiously, you stared at your hands in your lap as you fidgeted. 
“This week… it’s the first anniversary of her passing, isn’t it?” he spoke with sincerity and a cautiousness as if you might break.
Biting your lip, you nodded again. “You remembered,” you stated.
“Of course, cara.” He took one of your hands in both of his. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here. I’m here for you, if you need me. You’re safe with me, always know that.”
The tears started to well up again. You couldn’t tell if the pressure in your chest was from the surmounting grief you tried to stuff down or from the gratitude of Copia trying to break through to you. “I can’t do that to you,” you shook your head, avoiding his mismatched eyes. “You have your own stuff to deal with. I can’t pile my shit on top of it…”
The hand on top of yours moved to cup your face as he turned your head so you could look at him. “If I couldn’t handle it, I wouldn’t be so insistent. I’m okay. Sure, some days are worse than others. That’s grief. It… it never goes away, but what changes is our ability to handle it and have space for it, to navigate it.”
As you looked into his eyes, you felt the dam break. Tears spilled over and for the first time in a long time, you let yourself be fully vulnerable in front of someone else. Without hesitation, he pulled you to him, cradling your head against his chest as his other arm wrapped around you, holding you close to him. This time, you weren’t solely sobbing from the crushing grief and memories of the past, but because finally you felt like you were able and that you wanted to share with someone everything that you had been keeping under lock and key. 
When you had calmed down enough to talk, you told him your story. You started with how you had lost one of your parents when you were young, how much it still bothered you, how you recently lost another close family member and the anniversaries were so close together. You shared with him how this week you just tried to keep your head above water. You were so afraid of disappointing him, but were too overwhelmed. He just listened. He took it all in stride as he soothingly rubbed your back to keep you calm and grounded. 
“So much of that I’ve… I’ve never told anyone,” you confessed.
“Do you feel better, lighter now?”
“I do. I didn’t realize how much I needed that. I… Just… Thank you, Copia. Thank you for listening, for insisting, for just… being here.”
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, carissima.” You couldn’t help but give him a quizzical look as you tilted your head to the side. “What’s that look for, hm? Do you honestly think I’ve thought of you as only my assistant? All this time?” His hand cupped the side of your face again with his thumb gently caressing your cheek.
“All this time?”
“Sì. You mean more to me than you know. I couldn’t stand to see you in so much…pain. I couldn’t… I didn’t want to keep my feelings to myself any more. I just hope–”
All inhibitions left you and you couldn’t stop yourself as your hand finally reached up for him to pull him close, stopping his words as your lips met his. The kiss was gentle, but the affection you both had, and could finally admit to both yourselves and one another, was unmistakable. When you parted, Copia couldn’t help but quietly laugh. “You feel the same, I take it?”
“I do. I mean, I have for quite some time now. It’s not just because of this moment…” you trailed off trying to find the right words. 
“We take things slow, then, sì? Even if just for tonight,” he smirked playfully. 
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as you nuzzled your head into his chest while wrapping your arms around him, squeezing him tightly. The ache was still there, but it had dulled considerably thanks to Copia. The smile wouldn’t leave your face as your space for your grief having grown two sizes. You didn’t have to go through this alone. Not anymore. Neither did he for that matter, because when the time would come, you knew you could be just as strong and supportive for him as he was for you. And there was no one else you’d rather have by your side.
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 — alejandro + rudy + könig
✎ my headcanons for @doodle-cat16's request for more sparring headcanons with young reader! i am very sorry this took so long ₍^. ̫ .^₎
✎ tags: young!reader, gender neutral!reader, all platonic relationships, fluff
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☆ alejandro vargas
♡ this man will laugh at you a lot. he likes sparring, likes how it gets his blood pumping and his brain working fast enough that he doesn't even have to think for his body to move, so he really gets into it (not as bad as soap, though). he won't accidentally break a finger or anything, he'll just poke fun at you afterwards.
♡ he pins you? he'll make fun of the face you made for days afterwards. you pin him? he'll make fun of how you planted your legs the wrong way. it's his form of teaching you, teasing you until it hits home; rudy tells you he only saves this "teaching method" for the teammates he likes.
♡ it's not something he does much, but he'll start "little" sparring sessions at random times and places with you out of the blue, just coming up behind you to spook you or going from just telling you something to trying to body-slam you to the ground. you tell him it's going to get him shot one of these days, and he just chuckles.
♡ no matter what, if he has the time he always makes sure he didn't leave any scratches or marks that are too bad, and if he does, expect sincere apologies and help with wrapping the bandages.
♡ alejandro always makes sure you're alright at the end of the day. he makes a point of it to find you before he leaves the base for the night (if he is able to leave that night) and ask you how your day went, how did training go, any news on a mission yet; you insist he doesn't have to, but now it's apart of his routine.
☆ rodolfo parra
♡ rudy is always very internally conflicted when he spars with you. he sees alejandro going rough on you, and how well you can fend for yourself, and he knows what you're capable of, but the grunts of brief pain that sneak out of you always make him cringe inside.
♡ he won't go easy on you, but he isn't that hard for you to pin either. he'll make sure his favoritism concern is hidden when you're sparring in front of a group or your superiors. when it's just the two of you on the field, though, you'll have to ask him to stop letting you pin him. he pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about with a nervous chuckle.
♡ a lot of the times, your sparring turns more into play-fighting. you just can't really take it seriously when he looks so worried to even tap you; it's pretty funny, honestly. most of the time it ends up with you sitting on his back triumphantly while he's face-down in the dirt, or you sitting on his shoulders and him meandering around, acting as if you've possessed him and are steering him around.
♡ rudy just loves messing around with you; after time, he considers you a close friend. he doesn't say it, but he feels like you keep him young (by that he means up-to-date on the latest memes and viral cat videos). he's always available if you need something from him, even if you just want to chat with him.
♡ one time, you had popped your head into the meeting room he was in with a bunch of other higher-ups, but quickly excused yourself once you saw they were discussing an important target. rudy followed you out, insisting that it wasn't that important, asking what you needed. you had just wanted to show him a funny video that made you think of him. he walked back into the meeting room with a smile, unfazed by the looks given to him by people who knew he felt you were his younger sibling by now.
☆ könig
♡ this man is like soap in the way he gets carried away during sparring; he will mangle you into a human pretzel and throw you down, saying something in german along the lines of "haha, got you!" you're waiting for the day he actually pumps his fist into the air in victory.
♡ when you first met könig, you weren't scared of him or his size like he can see in most people. he can feel it in their tensed fingers when he shakes their hand, he can see the furrow in their brow and the thought of what the hell, is this guy even human? but with you, he didn't see any of that. he felt your hand grip onto his and shake it up and down with vigor that felt like it came from multiple energy drinks and eyes that took his unusual height as a challenge.
♡ he will go easy on you, as he does with everyone (his death toll would probably be a lot higher if he didn't). this doesn't mean he doesn't go basically feral when you spar; he's spitting out curses and antagonizing lines in german every few seconds, leaving not a smidgen of chance for you to be able to hit him even once.
♡ you'll ask him afterwards what he was saying while he walks with you to get bandages and water, and he'll just sheepishly laugh and fidget with his hands while he tells you he was saying you fight like his dead grandmother. if he hadn't just bruised your ribs from flinging you over his shoulder, you would have cried laughing at that.
♡ könig will always check up on you after the match and make sure you're okay to go again, or force you to quit while you're ahead if needed. he'll always keep an eye on you during sparring day, especially when you aren't paired with him, just to make sure you're alright. he knows by now that you're able to withstand a lot more than it looks like you could, but he's always a little worried for you once he starts warming up to you.
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natasha romanoff x f!reader prompt: smile theme: fluff (tags beneath the cut)
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Agent12-84r: Dear lord, this is boring. Can I go home yet?
BlackWidow: In what world do you think I have a say in dismissing this meeting?
One side of your mouth twitched upward in a small smirk as you read her reply, stealing a glance over to where Natasha sat on the other side of the room. Her attention was trained dutifully towards the front of the room, a well-practiced look of cool detachment coloring her features. You’d been sitting in this briefing for over an hour; Hill was caught in another meeting and you were stuck listening to her replacement drone on about mission protocol you’d heard a thousand times before.
Agent12-84r: Aren’t you famous or something now?
Agent12-84r: Also, why does your username get to be anything other than a bunch of random code?
Natasha’s gaze dropped to the tablet screen in front of her for a moment, and she typed out a reply as the lecturer turned his attention towards your side of the room.
BlackWidow: Please don’t remind me.
BlackWidow: What makes you think I have control over that?
Agent12-84r: Are you saying you don’t?
The corner of Natasha’s lips twitched upward in an infuriatingly almost-smile, and she pointedly turned her attention to the speaker again. You spent so many of these seemingly endless meetings sending messages back and forth with Nat, and not once had you managed to break her composure. It had become something of a running challenge, and with each mind-numbing debriefing you became more and more determined to make her waver in her cool demeanor.
How you’d never been caught, you had no idea.
The man in front of you was droning on about correct recon procedure, and you slid your fingertips along your phone screen, scanning your images idly in search of some kind of meme that might finally break her. Most of them were ones you had exchanged with Barton on late night stake outs, and your continued to scroll for a few minutes before your finger paused.
You cast a look at the agent beside you before opening the image that had caught your eye, a small smirk playing on the edge of your mouth. You’d taken in front of a full-length mirror, a teasing smile on your face and the bathrobe you were wearing barely covering your naked body. Your hair was still wet from a shower, water droplets clinging to the smooth line of your sternum and leaving lines over your bare stomach.
Opening the options you opened your texts instead, and you cast another glance towards Natasha before pressing send.
Her phone buzzed quietly against the tabletop, and you trained your eyes forward as she glanced surreptitiously towards you. You watched out of your periphery as she opened the message, both pride and excitement blooming inside you as you finally saw her façade break, her lips curving in a smile. She met your eye as she sent a response.
Natasha: Oh, well now you’re in trouble.
tags: @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink​ @s0ftness​ @castieltrash1​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
For Yize
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
For Nkulu!!!
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
For Blaze
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
Ty sm!
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Yizé handles pain surprisingly well, considering that apart from his martial arts he doesn't actually get injured that often. He aggressively raps his knuckles against the nearest surface and clenches his teeth like "hhhhhhngnggh" when he's in pain lmao.
His worst physical wound was when he tripped and cut his forehead open as a child. He actually still has a scar under his hair. There was blood everywhere and you could see the hole. It gave his poor dad a heart attack.
His worst emotional wound was being told he doesn't belong at RSA and it that sense of imposter syndrome still lingers inside of him.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Nkulu is someone who was given too much free reign when it comes to the Internet, even when he was younger. He was making videos at like 13 or 14 already, with like.... a couple of friends and their friends as their followers.
If you ask him, his worst mistake was mocking his little sister while live for something that wasn't even bad, and it made her start crying. While said video wasn't exactly viral, "crying crab" did become a meme for a brief period of time, and it affected his sister very badly at school.
Nkulu feels terrible for it. Whenever he remembers the incident, his heart clenches and his stomach twists in disgust at himself, and the fact that he even laughed at his sister becoming a meme. He did apologise profusely to her, and the meme died quickly, but the guilt is still there and he makes it his mission to praise his lil sis as much as possible in his videos.
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
Tbh yeah, the worst pain Blaze has ever felt and probably ever will feel was when Finn ripped a chunk of flesh out of his arm in Bait. The wound was 3cm deep. He generally has a fairly high pain tolerance, especially to getting hit or punched, but when he really feels it he doesn't handle it well.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline @1dont-really-know
@kazumify @minteasketches @ramshacklerumble @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @the-banana-0verlord @skriblee-ksk @poisoned-pearls
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
secret notes part 7: pancakes for dinner
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Summary: Thor finds out your secret and Wanda finds a reason to go a little rogue.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: brief mention of blades; other than that, nothing bc this is a fluffy story [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: mutual pining; idiots in love; reader in denial; translations will be in the Author's Notes
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The common area was uncharacteristically quiet this morning; everyone either training or prepping for the upcoming recon mission meant that there was nary a soul in the usually bustling area of the tower. Save for Thor. 
"Hey, Thunder."
"Greetings, Lady Y/N." You busied yourself with fixing a cup of coffee as you listened to the ambient noise of the blond Asgardian fiddling with his phone. From the tapping and scrolling pattern you surmised the god was doom scrolling through TikTok. 
"Anything interesting on your for you?" you called out to him, earning a deep rumbling chuckle in response. 
"Just one. Something about karaoke and the songs that the divas of the group choose to sing. I think the song goes a bit like…gusto ko nang bumitaw."
"Ngunit ayaw pa ng puso," you continued the meme purely from muscle memory over seeing the same thing for weeks. It was a few seconds too late once you realized what you'd done. 
"I knew it!!" He stood up from the armchair and walked over to you. "You're the lark!" he said in a hushed tone. "Oh my brother will be so pleased with this revelation."
"Thor, no!" you pleaded, your voice hushed and frantic. "Please you can't tell anyone. Especially your brother."
"Lady Y/N, my brother has been beside himself trying to unearth the identity of his lark, desperately hoping that—" He stopped himself short before speaking any further. 
"What, Thor? Desperately hoping what?"
"No. I've overstepped. That is purely Loki's business and if he wishes to disclose that with you then I must respect that wish. But Lady Y/N you must tell him. He deserves to know the identity of the woman that's kept his mind running circles."
"I will. I promise. Just…just not now."
"You better. Or I will, Lady Y/N. He deserves to know."
"Brother what in the Nine Realms are you doing? You need to cease your haranguing of Y/N and allow her to prepare for her mission with the assassins." You sighed in relief as Loki walked into the kitchen area, placing a hand on your lower back. "Are you alright, darling?" 
"Fine, Mischief. I'm fine. It was just a misunderstanding." You turned your pleading eyes towards Thor. "Right, Blondie?"
He sighed. "That is correct. It was a simple misunderstanding, Brother. No need for concern." He quickly tucked his phone away, his session of doom scrolling concluded. For now, at least. "I'll leave you to your pre-mission rituals, Lady Y/N." And with that he left you in the kitchen alone with his raven-haired brother. 
"Must you truly accompany Agents Romanoff and Barton on this, dear Y/N?" Loki's tone was laced with concern. "This Ten Rings seems to have its fair share of formidable allies. Henchmen. Creatures they've subdued to do their bidding."
"Why, Mischief, were you reading up on my assignment?" you teased, trying to mask the effect that the realization had on you. How your heart was fluttering like a butterfly's wings in your chest. How his words almost made you feel like you were flying.
"Would it be so out of place for me to be concerned?" he asked softly, gently taking your hand in his, thumb stroking across the inside of your wrist. "Perhaps I simply wish for you to return safely." 
"I have two master assassins covering me. It's just a quick recon mission, Mischief. I go in, poke around some files, clone some drives, and get out. If anything fucks up, I can take care of my—"
"If anything goes awry I want you to call for me, Y/N," he cut you off. "I will be there in a heartbeat, this I swear to you." His hand traveled up your forearm, his fingers wrapping gently around the inside of your elbow. "Promise me, darling." 
"I promise," you replied in a rush of breath, as if your lungs couldn't hold in any air. "If things get bloody I'll call for you." 
The next moments happened so fast you barely had time to process it, let alone react. His other hand held you gently by the waist as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your cheek before he relinquished his hold on you altogether and strode out of the kitchen. By the time you gathered your thoughts and turned around all you could see was his retreating form as Sam walked in with a knowing smirk on his face.
"Shoulda walked in here a few seconds earlier, I guess," he joked. "Aren't you supposed to be prepping for your recon assignment, Y/N?" 
You could only respond with a nod, clearing your throat to shake yourself out of the stupor that Loki's actions put you in. "Uhh…yeah. Just gotta run a few errands and then I'll be ready. You want anything from the store?"
"We're running low on grape soda so…" You tapped your nose and pointed his way. "Thanks, lil bird. Say hi to Lance for me." 
You walked out of the kitchen waving off his comment with a playful scoff. 
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As Wanda made her way to the kitchen she heard Sam's comment about "Lance", who he still assumed was the name of the man you'd been seeing, making her stifle a chuckle. The smile quickly faded from her face the moment she saw that a certain god had been nearby and heard the comment as well, a crestfallen look breaking his usual confident, smug facade, before storming off to the combat training area.
She kept her movements as quiet and undetectable as she could manage, trailing a more than reasonable distance away so that he couldn't detect her or her magic. When she found him he was swinging his daggers left and right with the grace of a ballet dancer against a flurry of holographic simulated faceless adversaries. 
Something inside her broke at the unmistakable pain on his face, finally making her decide to make her presence known by blasting the last of the figures charging at him with her magic, and effectively ending the simulation program. "Maximoff," he huffed into the empty space. "How can I help you?" 
"You can tell me what caused that look on your face to start with." He scoffed at her request. "Is this about Y/N?" She knew that bringing you into the conversation so soon was a risk, not to mention a stab in the dark from where he stood. But considering that this might be her only chance at getting anything resembling a genuine reaction from him, she decided to roll the dice.
"I wanted it to be her," he answered, barely audible but it might as well have rung as loud as church bells for the sorceress. "I wanted her to be my lark. Ever since we'd realized that she was working within the Tower, I'd held on to hope that perhaps Y/N could have been the owner of the voice that sang of her emotions towards me." 
It took all her strength to not jump in place and scream it to the high heavens that it was you. "Wanted? Do you not want that anymore?" 
"It's becoming less and less of a probability in my mind," he answered with a scoff. "How can she be my lark if she is courting another?" 
She couldn't help it anymore, she began to laugh so hard that she began to clutch her stomach for some stability. "You mean Lance?" 
"I don't understand how this is humorous, Maximoff." 
Might as well go a little rogue, she figured. "She's not seeing anyone." She scrambled for a feasible excuse that didn't give away your visits to a recording studio. "Lance is the name of her contact at the grocery store. She places orders through him so that all she has to do when she stops by is pay. Hence the 'thanks Lance, I'll see you later'." 
Dammit Wanda, you idiot, he's the God of Lies, you better pray he doesn't see through your bullshit. 
"I see," he commented, his face stoic. "Thank you, Maximoff. For clarifying." 
"Anytime," she said, her inner fangirl jumping at the thought that he still held on to hope for the literal truth. "As for your lark? I really do hope you find her. Someone willing to express their emotions the way she has, I think at least, secretly wishes to be found." 
With those parting words she was on a mission to find Natasha. She needed backup for knocking some sense into you once you got back from the recording session you once again masked as errands.
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After a quick recording session, a trip to the grocery store for some grape soda and an extra few boxes to add to Thor's weekly supply of pop tarts, and a stop at the post office, you finally made it back to the Tower to pack for your mission with Nat and Clint. What you weren't prepared for was finding the Russian spy in your apartment's living room along with Wanda, looking like they were ready to beat some sense into you. 
"You have to tell him," Wanda spoke first. "I nearly went rogue."
"She really did. Y/N, you have nothing to worry about. He's not gonna hate you or suddenly stop having your back. Babes, I'm pretty sure he's just as in love with you as you are with him. And if all your little hand holding, hair tucking moments aren't enough to lead you in the right direction, you adorable idiot, then sit down and listen to what Wanda has to say." 
You sighed and took a seat on the armchair opposite your friends, opting not to tell them yet that you had every intention of telling every member of the team, and effectively the rest of the world, once you got back from your mission. Mostly because you were curious what information the Sokovian had to share.
"Sweetie, he said he wants it to be you." Your heart stopped beating at Wanda's words. "He's been hoping it's you since the first live show. So here's what we're gonna do. Either you tell him, or I--"
"Can I have a turn now?" you interrupted. She nodded, giving you the floor. "I'm going to tell everyone after the mission." Her eyes lit up at the announcement. "I've already set the wheels in motion. Tomorrow while we're gone, an invitation to my next live show will pop up in our mailbox for the entire team. When my show starts, I'll do it without Stark's glasses. The whole world will know." 
Your friends hopped up from their seats and tackled you into a group hug, squealing and giggling as if none of you had a care in the world. They helped you prep for the mission that you would leave for with Nat later on in the night, triple checking that every blade was sharpened and every cloning device was running as expected. 
Nothing should go wrong. But it didn't mean that nothing could. 
Once your bags were packed for the two days that you'd be gone, the three of you set off to the runway where the Quinjet was already prepped and waiting.
"Anything you need me to do for you two while you're gone?" Wanda shouted over the roars of the engine. "Any pets I should know about? Besides Y/N's god, of course." 
"Very funny, Wan!" You swatted her arm, having nothing nearby to throw her way. "Just make sure he's at the live show, okay?" She nodded giving you two cheeky thumbs up. "And text me once the upload I scheduled went live." 
"Make sure Tony doesn't go through my things while I'm gone," Nat called out. "He keeps trying to get material to create a reference of me in that holo-simulation training program of his." 
"I'll put a force field around your apartment. Knock him on his ass if he even tries!" The two women exchanged a high five before the three of you huddled in for a final hug. "Be careful, you two! No getting kidnapped by the Ten Rings, that's forbidden in the unholy trinity." 
"Don't worry if Y/N gets kidnapped she has a god on standby ready to rain hell on them for touching his girl." That made you swat Natasha's arm. "I'll go board." She took your bags as she and Wanda backed away from you. "Looks like someone wants to see you off, babes." She pointed her chin at the direction of a new comer, your heart stopping at the sight of Loki walking up to you.
"Hey, Mischief," you called over the engines, thankful that at least you could chalk of the hammering beat of your heart to being around the roars of the aircraft. "You decided to join the mission last minute or…?" 
He grasped your chin lightly and the moment his skin touched yours, the roars of the engines dulled down to a low buzzing, allowing you to hear each other perfectly. "Remember what you swore to me, darling." His thumb touched your bottom lip lightly, causing you to form a slight pout.
"I promise," you murmured, your lips moving lightly against his thumb. "If things get bloody I'll call you."
He gave you a little nod before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your temple. "Stay safe, dear Y/N." Then he pressed a lingering kiss to your cheek. "Come home," he whispered against your skin. He pulled away to press one final kiss between your brows, and you weren't quite sure because he'd brought down the little quiet bubble that dulled the roar of the engines, but you could have sworn he whispered, "Come home to me." 
Surely he didn't say that, though, you thought to yourself. When you took a step back you felt his other hand grasp yours and you gave him a smile as if trying to reassure him that you would be safe, squeezing his hand lightly like you were trying to tell him the words you couldn't utter. I'll be safe. I love you. Even if you don't. 
He brought your hand up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to your knuckles before letting you go, his eyes trained on you until you turned around to board the jet.
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Despite the knowledge shared by Wanda that you were not actually in courtship with anyone, Loki couldn't find it in him to tell you his sentiment in the plainest words. Not in a runway as if he was saying goodbye to you; he refused for it to feel like a goodbye.
So instead he whispered for you to return home. To him. And perhaps once you'd returned he could actually sit down and have a conversation with you about his affections, and whether you returned them. He was finished looking for the signs, the indicators; he simply wished to ask and bring your situation away from the blurred boundaries of ambiguity.
When he awoke the next morning, he saw two messages on his phone. One from you saying "Going into the Ten Rings base. If I don't text in five hours, take that as me calling for you to come save my reckless ass. Thanks, Mischief." A quick check on the message's timestamp told him you had a good three more hours to send a follow-up telling him you were safe.
The second message was a notification for a new video from The Lonely Avenger. As her voice filled the emptiness of his bedroom, he read the description, surprised to find more than her usual message that dedicated the song to him. "By the time this goes live I'm probably either in the air or offline doing something for work, so enjoy, everybody. And I'll see you at Groove tomorrow." 
In the air? Those words made the god sit up on his bed, checking what time the video went live and, on a pure stab in the dark, comparing it against the timestamp of your message. The air left his lungs as a smile found its way to his face as he concluded that the time of the song going live coincided with the time you were still en route to the base. 
"My darling Y/N," he whispered into the now quiet of his room. "Come home to me." 
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Translations: Gusto ko nang bumitaw – I want to let go already Ngunit ayaw pa ng puso – But my heart still refuses to
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston @ladyjames78 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
Loki: @calumance @severuslovebot
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