#(Idk is this too much? I just have grown a lot since started writing him)
crazylittlejester · 28 days
honestly, the fandom dismisses wars trauma a little too much. Have you noticed it’s always never brought up in his character studies? And when it is, it’s totally brushed off him and cia had a WEIRDDD age gap. It’s also weird hyrule warriors never acknowledges this. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be recognized in LU but idk. It’s just weird how quickly the fandom brushed over all that. What’s your opinion? Cuz you have cool opinions lol
Disclaimer: Everything you’re about to read is my opinion and my interpretation of a game. I’m not talking about headcanons (unless otherwise specified), I’m just talking about my experience with the game and everything else. All of this is from MY perspective interacting with the canon material from both Hyrule Warriors and Linked Universe. Also! I am dyslexic, my bad for oddly autocorrected words or weird spelling mistakes
A huge reason I started yapping so much on this blog was because I saw a lot of people either actively disliking Wars, making fucking INSANE comments about his body, overly sexualizing him, or just straight up dismissing him all together and it helped me get over my posting anxiety because it genuinely made me so upset. He’s been my favorite character since only a few posts into LU (i originally liked Twilight better based sheerly on design but it took like only a few posts before that changed), and I love HW Link in general, and I thought it was actually crazy that more people didn’t like him. I’ve written several of my own characters studies on him, some of which I’ve posted, others lay trapped in my old laptop in the form of a full on analysis paper, never to see the light of day
You can send a full grown man to war and he will come back with trauma, imagine what happens when you grab some poor teenager and tell him everything relies on him. Literally forget Cia for a minute, Link as a teenager was taken and shoved into a full on war where his men turned on him and in order to survive, he had to kill. Monsters and hylians alike, it was him or them, and he’s the one who made it out. Not to mention he was constantly running all over the battle field trying to prevent the hylian captains from being defeated, and he most certainly lost many people he cared about just because he couldn’t get there in time. He had to carry around the guilt that this war was started because some sorceress was obsessed with him ON TOP of that
This was said earlier by an anon on a post I reblogged, and I’ve been saying it myself for months but I will say it again: If Warriors had been a girl and been obsessed over that same way, I fucking GUARANTEE you people would be taking it more seriously
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I literally just typed in the character name and the game she’s from and that is what google had to say about her. If an older man was described as ‘harboring serious affections’ and having a ‘desire to claim’ a teenage girl I literally don’t think it would’ve been glossed over or ignored like it is
I don’t think nintendo was ever gonna elaborate or really recognize it in the game, they never go super in depth on anything in Zelda games from my experience, and I doubt Jojo will really get into it in LU mainly just because she has so much going on with eight other dudes and potentially two more (based on the header on the linked universe blog)
I saw a lot of characterizations of Warriors and opinions of him that made me so confused and also a bit mad, such that he is a womanizer or a stupid twink (of which he is neither), and that’s a huge reason I started writing fanfiction for this fandom. Firstly to just create more content for my favorite character because I rarely saw any that focused on him, and secondly because I didn’t like some (NOT ALL) of how I was seeing him characterized. (i cannot emphasize enough: NOT ALL people in the fandom characterized him this way, I saw plenty of amazing and beautiful characterizations of Warriors)
I do not think he is a womanizer at all, in fact I fully believe his flirtatious behavior is a defense mechanism. I think his ‘woman problems’ are the fact that he’s afraid of women (especially older women) he doesn’t know or trust, but also that’s just my opinion. And I am genuinely a bit worried that now that people have stopped talking about how they noticed he seemed off a few updates ago and now that they’re saying he’s back to normal that people are going to start reducing him to a stupid dramatic twink again, as if Warriors was not the one who came up with the initial plan to fight Dink and was not the first one to fight him. As if this is not a man who lead a god damn army. As if everything he’s done and everything he is no longer matters because he’s ‘pretty’
anyways I have a lot of thoughts about him in general and im just glad the fandom has been treating him better as of late, but i am a bit worried it’s just gonna go back to how it was
thanks for the ask!! sorry i got a bit carried away 😭
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spectersgirl · 7 months
Hey everyone! This wasn't anything anyone asked for yet again, and idk what made me decide to write this but I just wanted to put a hugeeeee disclaimer and TW for SA. If you are sensitive to this topic, it's the entire basis for this fic (a situation is described but not in detail) so I suggest you skip this one and take care of yourself.
*incredibly personal anecdote* Admittedly, this was incredibly cathartic to write, as I directly based this on something I experienced and still work through every single day, with a lot of details changed. If you are also a victim of SA, I'm sorry. It was not your fault, and you couldn't have known they would do what they did to you, no matter the relationship you shared prior. All of that being said, if you do choose to read this, I hope you get something out of it.
Harvey Specter x Reader
The way you felt when you walked into the lobby of Pearson Specter Litt only to be greeted by sight of the man directly responsible for the greatest source of trauma in your life, Dylan, felt nearly as horrific as when it all happened. You froze in place, unable to move or speak as you watched him shake hands with someone you didn’t recognize. It felt like the earth was moving in slow motion as you stood there, unable to move or breathe or think. You watched him walk with the other man he was talking to, totally oblivious to your presence a mere 15 feet away. You stared blankly ahead, your heart rate rising and jumped when a hand touched your shoulder gently.
"Hey woah, Y/N are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost?"
You looked up at the source of the voice and the hand on your shoulder. It was Mike Ross, who was undoubtedly there to retrieve you so you could sign some final paperwork in regards to the lawsuit your company had just won thanks to Mike's hard work. You owned a small clothing company based in Brooklyn and one of your designs had been completely ripped off by a larger brand, but the suit was far from on your mind at that moment.
"I- I need a minute" You said hurriedly, rushing to the nearest bathroom.
You stood in the mirror, clammy hands and white knuckles shakily gripping the edge of the counter as you attempted to collect yourself. Your breathing was ragged and the room was spinning. You closed your eyes, doing everything you could to make the panic stop. You felt a little angry at yourself for the way your body reacted to seeing him, but you’d deal with that later. Finally, your breathing started to return to normal, heart rate slowing to a more reasonable speed.
You knew you'd have to explain what had happened to at least Mike, and probably anyone else that saw you run. You had never kept secrets from each other, but this was something you were too ashamed of to tell even Mike. You knew logically that you had nothing to be ashamed of, you knew it wasn't your fault that this happened to you, but that little voice of doubt in the back of your head screamed that you should've turned around and left.
Mike and you had been friends since childhood, keeping in touch consistently even through the busyness of life. He was one of your closest friends. You'd been to the PSL offices many times, becoming close with all of Mike's colleagues, and even custom-designing some dresses for Donna and suits for Harvey, the two people you'd grown the closest to in the time Mike had worked at PSL. Donna had become one of your best friends in the city since moving to Manhattan only a couple of years back, and you and Harvey had recently crossed the threshold of more-than-friends and were now in the stage where you pretty much spent every night together at either your apartment or his condo. Mike knew about your budding relationship with Harvey and although he pouted for a while, he eventually got over it, stating that as long as nobody got hurt, he was fine with it.
The bathroom door opening jolted you from your thoughts, and you looked up with petrified eyes at Donna. Her face had concern written all over it as she walked cautiously to you, saying nothing as she held her arms out. You accepted the gesture graciously and hugged her as if your life depended on it. She had no idea what you had been through either, nobody but you and the man from earlier did, but she knew that something was terribly wrong.
"What happened, Y/N?" She asked as she sat down with you on the small ottoman that sat in the corner of the room. "Mike told me you freaked out and ran in here, he wanted to help but..." She trailed off, gesturing at the women's restroom.
You sighed, looking down at the floor and attempting to ignore the sick feeling in your stomach.
"I've never told anyone this..." You started quietly, looking up at Donna finally. She nodded encouragingly, placing a hand on your back.
"When I was 19 and in college, I met this guy. We hit it off and became friends, we had a couple of classes together and studied together and eventually, I grew to sort of like him. One night, he and his roommate had a party that I went to, and I started drinking like everyone else. He just kept filling my cup for me and before I knew it, I was hammered. I didn't know it then but he was pretty much sober. He told me he wanted to talk somewhere quietly and he took me to his bedroom, and I was so drunk that I didn't realize what was happening before he took my top off and... he had me doing things I never would've done if I was sober. Not yet with him, at least. It ruined me for a really long time. I still think about it, wondering if I should’ve done things differently. I had liked him so much before, that I didn't understand that everything that happened was assault. He got me wasted so he could take advantage of me. He never talked to me again and avoided me in classes the rest of our time at that school, and I haven't seen him in years until just now when I saw him in the lobby. I had a panic attack. I used to get them a lot after it happened but they don’t really happen anymore. I just really hope they don’t start coming up again, that darkness is something I never want to feel again.”
By the end of your story, there were tears pouring down your cheeks. Donna handed you a tissue which you took gratefully. When you finally looked back up from your lap, there were tears in Donna's eyes. She wasn’t able to find the words for how horrible she felt for you, and how angry she was at this guy for doing something like that.
“Y/N I… I am so sorry you went through that. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better right now?”
You thought for a moment, feeling a weight come off your shoulders as you realized how good it felt to unload the burden of this memory for the first time. You shook your head.
“No, but we can leave the bathroom. I think I’m feeling a little better” You responded, hearing the tiredness in your voice.
Donna smiled sadly, standing and holding a hand out to help you up.
She walked with you back to her desk, and your head stayed on a swivel, watching for any sign of him.
Donna clicked around on her computer screen once you reached her desk, and looked back up at you after a moment.
“Harvey won’t be back from his meeting for another hour or so and I know you’re exhausted from all of that so if you want, you can take a little power nap on his couch, I'm sure he won't mind. You don’t have to but, I just want you feeling better.”
You could’ve cried at how much she truly cared. You nodded weakly.
“That would be really nice, thank you Donna.”
“Of course honey, go right in.”
It took you all of about 20 seconds to fall into a deep sleep once you laid down.
Harvey returned to the office, stopping at Donna's desk when he noticed you passed out on his couch.
"Uh, what's up with Y/N?" He asked the redhead, who stood and walked to an empty conference room, waving him in with her. She closed the door and spoke quietly, not wanting anyone to hear.
"Something happened and I'm sure she would want to tell this story herself, but it's something you should know." Donna started, bracing herself to tell the abridged version of what you'd told her only an hour ago.
By the time she finished telling Harvey what she knew, the anger was emanating off of his being. His fists were clenched and his jaw sat in a tight line.
"Who's the guy and who was he meeting with? I'm gonna go pay him a visit."
"Harvey you can't just go talk to him, he doesn't even know she's here-"
"Talk to him?! Please, I'm gonna fucking lay him out!"
"Please, just let her talk to you and if that's what she wants, then do that. I know you care about her and I know you want to protect her, but do that how she wants you to. Don't make this worse for her."
Harvey sighed, frustrated that he couldn't go throw the dude through the window right then and there, but he begrudgingly understood what Donna was saying. As much as he wanted to put this guy in the dirt, this wasn't his fight to fight unless you asked him to, and he would do anything you asked.
He quietly entered his office, busying himself with paperwork and anything else that he could find to be both productive and quiet as he periodically looked up, watching you peacefully sleep.
You woke eventually, you had no idea how long he let you sleep but you were certain it was longer than the hour you were expecting.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Harvey greeted with a smile, but you could see the fear in his eyes. He could fool others with his poker face, but not you.
You said nothing but held your arms out, beckoning him to you. You knew he had to have asked Donna what happened, based on the look on his face. He stood and walked to the couch to join you. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you in a way that felt like your pieces were fusing back together. His warm hands rubbed up and down your back, softly kissing the top of your head before pulling back and speaking.
"Y/N, Donna told me what happened, I know you probably would've wanted to tell me yourself but she thought I needed to know. I am so angry that something like that ever could've happened to you, especially when you were so young. I want you to know that if there's anything you want me to do to this guy, I'm gonna find a way to do it."
Tears fell from your eyes yet again, and Harvey wiped them away gently with his thumbs.
"Thank you. You don't have to do anything, just being here with me is more than I could've asked. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it, about him, it just felt... embarrassing. I didn't want to burden you. I don't want you to have to constantly look over your shoulder just because of me."
Harvey took a deep breath before he took your hands in his, looking into your eyes with passion pooling in his own before he spoke again.
"Y/N, you could never be a burden to me, okay? I would go to the ends of the earth and back to make sure you’re safe. The idea that I couldn't protect you from everything you've gone through because of that asshole makes me weak in the knees, it makes me feel sick. From here on out, if someone’s making you uncomfortable, if you feel unsafe, anything... You can always call me. You can come to me. I will never let you feel that way again, that’s a promise.”
Tears flowed from your eyes both from the mental toll the last few hours had taken on you and at Harvey's words. He's never spoken so passionately, so candidly with you before.
You felt your hands trembling even as he held them tightly, despite him trying his best to soothe you. You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes for a moment, trying to collect yourself.
"For not being the guy who comforts people, you sure are good at it." you said with a slight grin. "Thank you. For everything."
Harvey smiled, glad that you were feeling okay enough in that moment to make a joke. He opened his mouth to say something, but got interrupted by a tapping on the glass door of his office.
"Y/N, hey! I came to find you earlier but you were asleep. Are you okay? What happened? Donna wouldn't tell me anything, she just said you should tell me?" Mike asked frantically, clearly still worried about you.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Donna was right, this is something I should tell you myself. I should've told you a long time ago." You started, waving him inside so you could tell him everything.
Mike and Harvey listened intently, and you saw both of them physically stiffen and get angrier the more you told them, despite Harvey having already heard from Donna. Harvey had poured himself a drink, and by the looks of it, a very strong one. He paced the floor as he listened, presumably to expel some of his energy on something other than finding the guy and putting his fist through his face.
"God, I wish you would've told me back then, I would've beat the shit out of him. But I understand why you didn't. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I hate that he did that to you, but I'm so proud of you for being so strong all this time. I just wish you didn't do it alone."
"Thanks Mike. I was just felt so much shame, that I didn't tell anyone. I couldn't."
"I know. It's okay, I'm glad you told me. I'm sure Harvey already offered but if there's anything I can do..."
You nodded, telling him you'd let him know.
"Ok, I'm gonna head out but call if you need anything?"
"I will, thank you Mike. You're a good friend."
He smiled before giving you a hug and leaving, giving a firm nod to Harvey on his way out, the two men's silent way of communicating their mutual agreement to watch out for you.
Harvey decided to take the rest of the afternoon off to be with you, despite your insistence that he had a shit ton of work to do and that you were feeling better.
"Honey, you are the most important thing to me right now. This'll all still be here in the morning.”
You smiled softly at the nickname.
“Right now, if you want to that is, I'm going to take you back to my place and we can sit by the fireplace with a glass of wine and talk for a while, and I'll run you a hot bath and you can just relax while I cook us dinner."
You took his face in your hands and kissed him softly.
“That sounds perfect.”
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judes-hoe · 2 months
Idk why possessive jealous trent gets it going for me but ughhhh!!! Could you pls write jealous trent situationship fic, may be at a club or something? Ofc you can decide too! It’s okay if it’s too much and you cant xx
Gonna make this a blurb🫶🏻
Trent invited you to go to the club with him and your mutual friends. You could say you and Trent are a situationship at the moment, you’ve both been hanging out a lot since meeting through these mutual friends. You have grown feelings for Trent over your time hanging out and talking with him and so has he but he’s been trying to figure out ways to ask you out. But tonight watching you in the club, the way you swayed your hips to the music with your friends, smile on your face. What made me almost lose control was when a random guy came over to you and started talking to you asking you to dance, you smiled at the guy and politely declined. The guy still talked to you, that’s when Trent came over to you; jealous as ever. He walks over next to you and puts and arm around your waist and pulls you close, you smirk knowing he’s showing his possessive side. The guy got the hint and left, which made Trent turn to you. “You’re mine, I mean, sorry, will you be mine?” He said changing his voice mid sentence. You just nod with a smile and kiss him.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat😁
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 6 months
totally random and don't know if you've been asked this before, i've read your fics and drabbles, i absolutely love your voice in them, considering how you write Ian and Mickey so well, i'd give a penny for your thoughts about Mickey's lil bridezilla notebook. do you think it's full of collage pages? mostly text? magazine scraps? does he color code shit? ugh i love him sm 😩
oh my god i forgot the most important thing!!!!!!! did he ever let Ian have a complete sneak peek through it? cause i think he probably skimmed through it with Ian while the planning was on board, but Mickey probably stored it somewhere safe as a keepsake after the wedding....what if one day Ian just happens to find it and looks through it fondly and Mickey catches him on the act, oops, they have a talk about it, idk, Mickey having a lil notebook just does something to my fragile heart 🤧🤧
hello 😌 thank you for asking - i do actually have some thoughts on this, in the way that i think mickey's wedding notebook goes through several stages.
i think at its creation, it's more of a dump-book. mickey's at his stream-of-consciousness, hunting-and-gathering phase. there's no organization - no rhyme or reason - mickey is stressed and overwhelmed and he's just gluing shit right into that motherfucker, filling the pages as quickly as he can turn them. he doesn't really have a Vision yet - he just knows he's gotta prepare for it, especially since ian doesn't seem too interested in making decisions.
come to jesus moment. mickey slaps down a stack of pictures he's cut out and goes to start adding them, only to realize he has no blank pages left. he's filled the whole thing. that can't be right, can it? it's a big notebook, and the stuff he just cut out for it is real good shit so he's gotta make room. gotta start from page one. gotta thumb through it and pull a 'wtf' face because he doesn't even like some of this shit? why'd he put it in here? tulips??? who did that! okay, time to pump the fucking brakes.
paring down. re-evaluation. ian walks into the living room one night and mickey's cross-legged in the middle of a sea of ripped papers. like some sort of hamster. ian thinks perhaps divorce is on the table, only to come closer and realize mickey's cutting shit out and pasting it into a new notebook, the glue stick caught between his teeth like a cigar (Alternate Title: Ian's Come To Jesus Moment.)
notebook 2.0 is born. there's significantly less...everything. the Vision is starting to come together. debbie gives him these little color tab bitches that he can stick between the pages so he knows where to put things. Music. Food. Flowers. etc. mickey sits down with ian again and flips through it, getting his thoughts on different things. out comes the big red marker - circling - crossing out - starring. he can see ian trying to sneak closer looks across the table, but mickey's grown very attached. it's his hopes and dreams in here, motherfucker! ian can look at it later. after he finds the chiavaris.
That Bitch. this baby is in her final form. mickey knows what he wants and knows he's got the power to haggle, secure, or steal it all when he's got his notebook tucked under his arm. she's also good and solid when he smacks lip over the head with her after he makes a passing comment about being a groomzilla. she is everything.
when he does finally see his notebook again after many years, it's because ian is thumbing through it, this teary, fond look in his eyes as he sits in a sea of boxes. mickey doesn't know if he should be embarrassed or proud or what. a lot of their wedding day ended up shifting on its axis for a ton of fucked up reasons, so as gorgeous as she is, a lot of her didn't actually get to see the light of day.
but ian is innnn lovvvve (aaaaat laaaaast my looove has come alonnnggg). so much so that for their ten year anniversary, mickey walks into their little get-together and immediately recognizes a ton of the details. like they've jumped out of the pages of his notebook and into reality ten years later. ian is a sneaky fucker! and mickey has excellent taste.
and he's just really glad that he cut out that disgusting tulip arrangement in his first notebook purge.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Adopted Spider Part 3 (Final Part)
I think Spider would be really confused when the truth comes out. Because, he doesn’t know who to believe anymore. His dad— his real dad, Jake —always told him that Paz was a good woman, was someone he should be proud to be the son of. But, Quaritch told him that his mom died because of Jake, that she (and Quaritch) died in the Great Battle, leaving Spider an orphan. I think the boat scene would go differently too, because Quaritch and Jake would both be trying to get Spider to come to them and Spider just doesn’t know what to do.
“Spider, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay, just take a breath.” Dad soothed, reaching towards him. Spider had missed his dad so much, had missed his voice and his hugs and—
“He said you lied.” Spider cried. “He— he said Paz was a part of the RDA. That you killed her! He . . . he said he’s my real dad.”
“I’m your dad. I’m the one who taught you to walk and hunt and fish— “
“Because I never got the chance!” Quaritch shouted from Spider’s other side. “Your mother never got the chance.”
“Spider, we can talk about everything tomorrow, I promise. But, ‘Teyam’s hurt and your Mama needs you— I need you. You need to come home.”
“You left me.” He whimpered. “You left the forest.”
“We were always going to come for you— “
“They didn’t.” Quaritch snapped. “I was the one who protected you from the general. I was the one who took care of you— “
“He stole you. Tuk and your mama haven’t stopped crying since that day.”
I do think Spider would go with Jake and I imagine one of his siblings waiting off the edge of the boat and zipping away with his brother as soon as they have him. They don’t stay to watch the fight, but Older Sibling drops Spider off with their family and then Lo’ak and Kiri head back to the shipwreck, worried about their dad. Neytiri is with Neteyam, who is asleep but stable (Neteyam lives in everything I write at this point, lol). And Tuk, who was pressed against her mother’s side, launches herself at Spider as soon as she sees him. Neytiri does the same, fawning over him and holding him and— well, I don’t think anyone would let him out of their sight for a while after reuniting.
I think that no matter how Spider and Quaritch’s relationship was, he’d feel bittersweet when the man dies. Especially since it was Jake who killed him. I also feel like after they were reunited, there would be an adjustment period for everyone.
For Spider, he’s grown and changed in his time away from his family. He learned how to sharpen his own knives and knows a lot of English swear words now. His hair is worse for wear, but when he lets his mom take him to wash it, he ends up crying. Because, he missed her so much. And he had almost forgotten how nice it felt to have his mom hold him.
He can keep up with his siblings a bit better out of the water and excels under the water, since he doesn’t need to take breaks to breathe. He tires out faster, given his smaller body and how unused his muscles are to so much time underwater. But, he can stay under a lot longer and he learns how to use their weapons fairly quickly.
His siblings probably try to go back into their old dynamics, but some of the jokes just aren’t funny anymore and none of them know how to talk about Spider’s time with the RDA. He has nightmares now, more than he ever had before.
This ended up being a whole ass fanfic idea, but IDK how it would end. With angst, probably. Might make into a fic eventually, I never know where I’m going when I start having ideas, lol.
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
idk if I can ask u this but what is ur opinion on arata and kotaro
hello first off SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO ANSWER but no i don't mind giving my opinions on the side characters
Arata and Kotaro are actually two of my favorite side characters! I didn't like them that much at first to be honest but they've definitely grown on me a lot recently.
I think Kotaro is really overlooked actually. Like I still see people bring up his actions in the main story when he’s moved on a lot past that, and then just write him off because of it. And I mean, it’s probably because he never got too much screentime between then and Power of Unity, but since he’s been making more regular appearances I think they’ve taken his character in a really interesting direction. He initially became a singer because he wanted to be a cool older brother for his baby brother and just happened to see RW at that time, which pushed him into street music. He just did it as a passtime because he was sort of good at it. However, RW did have a big impact on him, just like it had on An and Akito, even if he was only sorta casual in the street music scene. He admits in POU that the reason he never went further was because he was afraid, and seeing VBS putting their all into it inspired him.
It’s sort of subtle up until Light Up the Fire, but Kotaro doesn't have a lot of self-esteem or confidence in his singing. I think the first time it's ever brought up is in Power of Unity as far as I remember, where he asks once or twice if he's holding everyone back. LUTF makes it really clear that he has a lot of insecurities: he believes he's holding everyone back and he believes that he has no talent compared to the others. And that's what sticks out to me, because 3/4 of VBS have felt the same way. Kohane, Akito, and Toya all at some point or another believed they were holding everyone back, be it because they were a rookie, lacking talent, or had no resolve. Kotaro has been all of those and it’s obvious that he is written the way he is to serve as a mirror character to those three. He's had the same insecurities but the way he goes about dealing with them is totally different. While VBS had each other to rely on, Kotaro doesn't have a singing partner or group. He's a solo artist. And while he works with VBS, Arata, and EVER, he isn't part of any of their groups. Even Arata who also works alone still has Souma, but more on that in a minute.
(Also just an aside, I think he’s a mirror to Kohane slightly more than the others, and that slightly being the fact that VBS is what got him inspired to take this seriously, because that’s how Kohane got inspired she saw the others and wanted to be just like them, she wanted something to throw herself into and give her all to. The fact that she’s the main one who tries to call out to him when he breaks down in LUTF I think also plays into this, like it seems to hint that she’s able to relate to him.)
I really think Kotaro is much more than how he was presented in the main story and could definitely become a pretty strong side character if he ever got an event with a bit more focus (like how Vivid Old Tale gave Nagi a lot of screentime or POU had a lot of focus on Arata). Also clpl have you ever considered giving Kotaro a partner please give him a partner. Considering you rubbed in how important singing partners are before now why haven't you even tried to give him one?
Arata has definitely been given more development than Kotaro and I genuinely think he has one of the best arcs of any side character. Like he starts out as a rival for Akito, a foil to Akito. He's basically everything Akito wants to be, and also kind of a dick. Him getting beat by Taiga though, even though it was a small moment, was definitely an important turning point for him because it put him on the same level as everyone else. Because even he has someone better than him.
Oh and his development in POU was so good I'm probably gonna go on a little tangent about his relationship with Souma now because it's so important to his character. Arata's doing all of this for Souma. Souma was the one who wanted to do street music, Souma was the one who took Arata to RW, everything was Souma's dream, but it was still important to Arata. They were partners after all. But that's what it is. Were. Even if Arata wasn't the one who was in that car accident, it still took a toll on him. Souma has been forced into a position where he isn't going to be able to achieve his dreams, so Arata has to carry all that weight on his back. Surpassing RW suddenly has become so much more important to Arata because he wants, needs, Souma's dream to become a reality. The thing is, with how caught up he was in doing everything for Souma, he approached everything on his own. Surpassing RW isn't something he can do alone; the original was a collaboration between several groups, there's no way Arata could do it alone. He needed to work with people again, which he finally realised in POU.
Actually I think one of my favorite moments in his arc has to be his showdown with Taiga in LUTF. Because he's been able to overcome what was holding him back, he's actually able to get closer to Taiga's level. That is, until Taiga drops the "we're not so different" bomb. Because that moment is so powerful. Because at that point we see Arata as less of a foil to Akito and more of a parallel to Taiga. Both of them went through a similar loss of a partner, and Taiga uses that to get under Arata's skin and he goes for a deep cut. Souma is incredibly important to Arata, and Taiga knows that and had a similar experience of losing someone important to him, and is able to see exactly what’s still holding Arata back from reaching his full potential. Arata is doing all of this for Souma. For Souma. Taiga points out that Arata isn’t carrying Souma’s dream, he’s clinging onto the idea to cope with his grief. The thing is, Souma can’t surpass RW anymore. Arata’s loaded that responsibility onto himself, without even considering his own feelings on the matter. As Taiga says, Arata is good, great even, but he can’t be the best unless he asks himself if he wants this. Arata can’t even say that he is carrying Souma’s dream, that he does want to do this and he isn’t just clinging onto the idea to cope, and it crushes him to the point of leaving Shibuya.
Honestly I think leaving was what was best for Arata in that moment. Because he does need to take a step back and just let himself actually process his grief. Because even if Souma is still alive, that partnership was still lost and Arata had dedicated everything to that partnership and to Souma, and really he still does. And honestly I think this is what he wants even if you take Souma’s dreams out of the equation, but he needs time to himself to think about what he wants. I don’t know when we’ll next see him again honestly it might be a while but I’m interested to see how that goes. Arata is surprisingly developed and nuanced for a side character and the fact the devs managed to do this across 3 events, two of which he only appears in for a couple chapters is insane. Oh yeah also I like him a bit more than Kotaro if the wall of text wasn’t obvious.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you write a platonic concept for Kelsey (Fazbear Frights: The new kid)?
Honestly, the book had an interesting plot twist, but i still don't know what that boy is.
I'll see what I can do. The story is good but idk if I can make this that long, I'll try! ^^;
Yandere! Platonic! Kelsey Concept
(Fazbear Frights: The New Kid)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Social isolation, Dubious friendship, Implied clingy behavior, Gaslighting implied.
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Kelsey is someone who's easy to get along with.
In fact he appears to be the perfect person and friend!
It's really... suspicious, actually.
He's too perfect.
Kelsey is extremely nice and has perfect looks.
He immediately gets along with everyone at school.
He even speaks with you.
He's so perfect even you fall for his charisma and charm.
When he asks if you want to hang out and be his friend you accept eagerly.
You don't suspect there's anything wrong with him at first.
Kelsey's perfection is certainly not human.
Yet most others around him are so caught up in how nice he looks and acts that they don't realize he's abnormal.
There's just something wrong with his wide blue eyes and smile...
But it's hard to figure out what.
Kelsey would just act like the perfect friend.
Everyone wants to hang out with him but what's weird is Kelsey only wants to hang around you.
You don't think there's anything wrong with that, maybe he's overwhelmed and you just so happen to be the person he's most comfortable with?
Kelsey would come off as someone wanting to be on your good side.
He looks like a person who just wants a friend and is adamant on being yours.
Did you... look like someone who needed a friend?
I feel you'd slowly start to reconsider how you feel about Kelsey the longer you know him.
That feeling of perfection slowly melts away, making you wonder if Kelsey is even human.
He just feels so... artificial?
He isn't even that much of a yandere, just... a strangely supernatural friend.
Kelsey doesn't ever part from you and it's just eerie.
He's always hovering around you, bringing attention to himself wherever he goes.
At some point his constant attention makes you unnerved.
He feels off.
He seems so happy to be around you... even when you're doing nothing.
Maybe you'll even grow scared of Kelsey because of how inhuman he feels.
You can try to part from him, but he never leaves you alone.
People call you crazy... saying you're just paranoid.
Kelsey's a totally normal guy!
Is... is he really?
Maybe you are being scared of nothing... Kelsey's just trying to be a good friend!
Unfortunately you're never able to completely shake the feeling of something being wrong around him.
No person is this good.
You aren't even sure why he's so desperate to hang around you!
He's always somewhere around you... those blue eyes of his digging into your soul as he offers to spend time with you.
You give in at times and... have a lot of fun, actually.
The issue is... you're never alone.
Sounds nice, right?
Not when you hear knocking on your door and Kelsey's voice asking to be let in.
Any friends you once had leave because they either think you're crazy for hating/being scared of Kelsey or they just... go missing.
Ever since Kelsey came to your school you've slowly grown more alone...
Now Kelsey is the only one there for you.
Now... Kelsey is your only friend.
Your best friend....
Once Kelsey situates himself in your life, you two hang out all the time.
What else are you supposed to do?
You're never alone... even if you want to be now.
Your friends left... but Kelsey has stayed.
Kelsey reassures you he'd never leave his best friend.
So... it's just you and him now.
It's perfect... just like him.
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theteasetwrites · 1 year
Merciless Beauty
Chapter 4: Only Your Word
❧ Pairing: Knight Daryl Dixon x Princess Reader ❧ Era: Medieval fantasy AU ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: references to sexuality (ooo spicy), women not having rights I guess?, idk what else ❧ Word Count: 6.5k
❧ Before You Read...
❧ Glossary
❧ In This Chapter: Four months have passed since Sir Daryl first escorted you outside the castle walls, and you've grown quite fond of him, just as he has grown fond of you. However, there's trouble afoot with the mysterious Sir Negan and his Saviors gaining the upper hand against King Ezekiel's forces, and it is revealed that Sir Negan's threats hold more water than you initially thought.
❧ A/N: Ayyy this is a fun chapter. I loved writing in Michonne and Maggie as reader's ladies-in-waiting! And yeah, the princess and the knight are starting to fall for each other. Lots of mutual pining going on. Oh, and a really, really cute scene between them at the end... I also loved her convo with Ezekiel. Oh, and Shiva makes an appearance too! Just lots of fun stuff this chapter.
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The lady’s lips curled into a mischievous smirk, while the other lady side-eyed her with a similar expression of impish delight.
“What are you looking so smug for, Margaret?” you asked, letting your needlework settle into your lap. “And you, Michonne? Did you not come from the duke’s bed this morning, hm?”
The dread-locked woman’s smile faded, but Margaret only bursted out into a loud cacophony of laughter. “Oh, you’re both lecherous, lascivious, unchaste women.”
“I am not!” you replied quickly, serious in your tone. “Not that it’s any of your concern, but I’ll have you know that I am as pure as the driven snow. Michonne is the unchaste one, I tell you.”
“There’s no reason I shouldn’t court the duke,” defended Michonne. “We’re of the same social standing. It is you, your highness, who is sleeping with―”
You dropped your embroidery hoop once more, this time with more fervor as you scowled at your lady-in-waiting and pointed accusatory in her direction. “I am sleeping with no one!” you replied. “And you’d better not spread that rumor, Michonne. I’m quite serious.”
Margaret stood from her chair to cross the solar and throw herself dramatically on the upholstered chaise lounge upon which you sat. With a flourish, she grabbed your hoop and tossed it carelessly upon the timber floor. 
“Excuse you, madam!” you laughed.
“Tell us about Sir Daryl,” she replied, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She nudged your shoulder with increasingly impatient shoves as you remained silent, hindering a giggle.
“Yes, tell us about how gallant he is,” laughed Michonne.
“Is he quite… muscular?” prodded Margaret.
Informing your ladies-in-waiting about the several excursions with the knight you’d made in the last four months was quickly becoming regretful. They’d been begging you for over a week to spill the details, each time insisting upon something more happening. But, alas, there wasn’t much to tell. Sir Daryl was your friend, yes, but nothing more. He cared for you, and, in many ways, you cared for him. He wasn’t like any knight you’d ever read about, he was… unconventional. He obeyed his lord, but he abided by his own code of conduct first and foremost. That code of conduct was not purely based in chivalry, as most knights seemed to be. 
That all being said, he was still so valiant, heroic, noble, even, in his own way. He was both the perfect picture of a knight, and the exact opposite. It almost frustrated you how much of a contradiction he was, and it led you to think of him much more than you would’ve had he been completely straightforward and easily understood, but he wasn’t. Even after five or six different trips to the outside, you still couldn’t quite get a handle on him. It thrilled you more than you were willing to outwardly admit, but inside you, you did feel a strange tickle at the pit of your stomach whenever you heard his voice call your name, or his hand touched you to instruct you with his knife, after he insisted that you learn to defend yourself against the Dead.
In your thoughts, you’d become too lost to recall Margaret’s question, until it boomeranged back into the forefront of your mind―is he quite muscular? 
A man’s figure had never really intrigued you before. What you knew of most men in court was that they were most often clad in loose-fitting tunics that failed to reveal any kind of silhouette. Daryl dressed not too dissimilarly, but the minimal armor he wore was tight-fitting enough to outline the brawny frame underneath. There were times he’d had to strip himself of his outer layers, namely his cloak and his surcote, until he was just in his linen shirt and chausses. Despite every convention that told you to pay no mind to the man’s undergarments, you found it nearly impossible not to allow yourself one or two curious moments to look upon the knight’s build. 
Of course he was quite muscular, he had to be. Though during your outings he did not wear a full suit of armor, he still carried about his person a heavy baldric and a greatsword, as well as an arbalest and a myriad of other weapons you could not bear to count. But he seemed soft, too, not having flesh that stretched thin over his lean muscles. No, he was still quite bulky, and warm. Very warm. So warm you but had to stand beside him to feel it. 
It occurred to you then how much time you’d spent thinking about the knight’s body, and how close you’d been to seeing it bare.
“I do not know, Margaret,” you lied. “How would I know such a thing?”
The lady narrowed her olive-colored eyes with knitted brows that further served to question you. Disbelief had characterized the ladies’ attitudes towards your denial, though it was true that you’d never touched the man more than a hug. If that was love, then perhaps you were in love, but you weren’t quite that naïve. At least, you weren’t naïve enough to admit it. 
“All knights are muscular,” answered Michonne matter-of-factly. “Let her highness be. Poor thing must already receive quite the thumping from Sir Dar―”
“Thumping?!” you replied, your horrified voice resounding over the ladies’ raucous laughter. “You’re terrible!”
The ladies’ mirth soon died down to a faltering giggle. Margaret sat up straight as she reached her hands up to fix her pearl-encrusted hennin, adjusting the translucent white veil back to its original dignified position. 
“Have you thought of it?” she asked with a smirk. 
“Of what?” You feigned innocence until the last possible second. It wouldn’t be befitting of a lady to even insinuate that you knew what she was talking about, but you did. From the moment he first put his hands on you, you knew of that desire, though you’d convinced yourself it wasn’t him who sparked it, but just the feeling. Any man could give you that feeling, right? Not just some knight… 
“Of laying with him?”
“No, not at all,” you lied again. “That would be wrong, you know that. We’re not married, and we could never be married, anyway. In any case, my feelings are not of that nature.”
Even as those false words tore through your vocal cords, you knew it was wrong, and you realized then, with a pit forming in your stomach and a rush of tingles surging through your veins, that you did feel some kind of attraction to the knight. It was evident in every thought of him that lingered in your mind long after he’d leave you alone in your chambers after a day of frolicking in the meadows and listening to the soft-spoken, knowledgeable man speak of every herb and tree and flower, his voice both gentle like a whisper and rough like sandpaper. 
You found that an emptiness creeped up on you at times when he wasn’t near you, a sense of something missing that had taken root inside your heart. When those roots were torn from you, you would soothe yourself with the recorded memory of his voice, his face, his body… 
Perhaps I do feel something for Sir Daryl, you thought to yourself.
But it didn’t matter what the true nature of your feelings were. The truth was that you could never admit these thoughts to anyone, not even him, and especially not your father. 
It wasn’t like you found yourself rather fond of a man like Duke Richard, who was below your class, but high enough to be your suitor. A knight was below nobility. Higher than the serfs, but too low for a woman of your status, the highest status. He would’ve been able to court a lady perhaps, like Michonne or Margaret, or any woman of noble birth, but not you. Certainly not you. 
So you willed the thoughts from your mind whenever they materialized, however they did so. The difficulty was in denying yourself the strange pleasure you felt from thinking of him, the longing. It was nearly unbearable to send those enchanting little shivers away, or to tear your gaze from him when you spotted him from a distance in the courtyard or the great hall. Oh, how you wished to allow yourself the thrill of thinking of him and his sweetness, his kindness, his devotion to you… But it was much too risky. 
What you didn’t know, though, was how he ached for you, too.
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That very same evening, you’d been called to dinner with your father in the great hall, just as usual, but there was something on the king’s mind. His joviality was much more subdued, almost to the point of melancholy, but he kept his spirits up artificially. Smiles were propped up on crutches and laughs were haphazardly pieced together by glue. In fact, he hadn’t been himself for a while, but it was a gradual change in demeanor that seemed to evolve into a darker shade of blue as the days went by. 
There was much for him to be saddened by―the world was broken, he was indefinitely grieving the tragic loss of your mother, but these things had always been there since the Scourge began. No, this was something different, but you weren’t going to prod him, since it seemed that he himself wanted to display his usual image of jolly optimism.
As you poked at your generous helping of pheasant and turnips, the king talked at length about his plans for the upcoming annual jousting tournament, to which you simply nodded and interjected occasional brief acknowledgements. Noticing your lack of enthusiasm on the topic, he ventured to change the subject.
“I’ve been told you’ve fallen ill several times when I’m away,” he said, garnering your attention rather ungraciously as you bit your tongue in the midst of chewing on the tender game. As you dabbed your lips with your cloth serviette, he continued, his voice not coated in distrust or suspicion of your subterfuge, but drenched in fatherly concern. “Tell me, what seems to be the ailment, my dear? I could send for the apothecary… I’m concerned for you. I couldn’t bear to think…” His voice quivered before it trailed off into nothingness. Reaching across the surface of the wooden table, he grasped your hand. “Speak to me.”
What were you to say? Oh, father, I’m perfectly fine. In fact, I might be falling in love with a knight who is so graciously sneaking me out of the kingdom when you’re away! Or, if you continued the ruse, you were sure that the king’s apothecary would diagnose you with a typical case of hysteria, or perhaps a wandering womb. Perhaps both. A woman’s medical health was scarcely taken seriously, and besides, there was nothing wrong with you, anyway. If you were found to be hysteric, there was a chance you’d be married off immediately to whatever suitor was closest at hand. Afterall, the first and foremost remedy for a hysterical woman was sex with a man. Something about “sexual frustration” and the “healing properties of semen.” You weren’t entirely sure, as you’d put down that book on common medical ailments about as soon as you picked it up. It all seemed like hogwash to you.
“I’m fine, father,” you replied with a smile, though you still had to work up some kind of story to explain your illness. “It’s just… headaches.” That seemed to concern him more, though you were sure any description of symptoms would cause him worry. “It’s nothing serious. It’s probably just… foul air, or something of that sort. Nothing to worry about.”
You startled for a moment when a loud chuff from the tiger (yes, the tiger) at your father’s feet reverberated through you. “Oh!” you breathed, your hand holding your heart as you calmed. “Shiva… Father, may I feed her the rest of my pheasant? I’m full.”
The king seemed distracted now, his eyes roaming aimlessly towards the roaring fire of the hearth. “What? Oh, yes…” He pursed his lips to make a kissing sound at the cat, to which the great animal stood on its four feet. Her warm amber colored eyes followed his hand, which pointed towards you as you held out the game for the tiger. 
“Come here, my pet,” you cooed, having become quite accustomed to the exotic animal in your home. Ezekiel was never a conventional king, after all, and he took great care of Shiva, so why not keep her in the house? She was a beautiful creature, slyly slinking across the great hall with her prize after receiving a gentle pat between her ears from you. 
And now, you raised your eyes to look concerned at your father, whose behavior as of late worried you. “Now, won’t you tell me what’s on your mind?” Not only were you fretting for him, but it took the weight of your deception off your shoulders for a moment as you shifted the conversation to him. “You’ve been acting stranger than me. Is it…” The Saviors, you wanted to say, but you had to be careful, as the king must not know that you’d heard about the attacks, and that you’d known all this time that his trips were to meet with neighboring kingdoms to discuss what to do about the infamous Sir Negan and his band of violent plunderers. 
And, of course, there was the issue of… what you’d heard the man had wanted. You hadn’t heard word of this threat in months, not since you eavesdropped on your father’s conversation with the constable, but it hadn’t left your mind since. In fact, the only times you could forget about it were the times you spent close to Sir Daryl, who seemed to whisk you away on a new adventure each time you climbed on the back of his horse, holding tight to his waist and feeling the warmth of his broad back as you rested your chin happily upon his shoulder. His warm, earthy scent had lingered, too, as well as the feeling of his strong, brawny frame barely fitting in your arms’ grasp. 
Oh, yes. Father. “What is troubling you, father?”
In his heart, he knew you deserved to know, but he’d been dreading it until the last possible second, until he knew for sure whether or not the threat was completely legitimate, and not just some dramatic ramblings of a negligible ne’er-do-well. Now, though, it seemed that the threat of Sir Negan and the Saviors was very real, and very serious. 
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearing his throat as he straightened his back and narrowed his warm brown eyes to a dark, foreboding stare. Whatever he was about to say, you were half-certain you’d know what it would be, but that look on his face was not encouraging. Could it have been worse than what you’d already heard? Of course it could… It’s much more common for things to turn worse rather than better, you’d come to realize.
“There has been… something troubling me for quite some time, daughter. I―I was… not anticipating worrying you with the comings-and-goings in the kingdom. I always tried to keep such things off your mind, to not burden you with matters of petty crime or town gossip, but there’s…” He shifted again, a discomfort contorting his face as he tried to hold back a grimace. You’d never really seen such anger hidden behind his eyes, coming out so visibly. It made your heart race and your hand shake as you raised your goblet of cider to your lips. 
“My dear,” he sighed, “there’s peril in Alexandria. I must admit, I didn’t think it was this serious, but I’m afraid I can’t deny it any longer.”
A silence followed, torturing you as you waited for him to speak again. “Just tell me,” you said. “Tell me what’s happening.”
Please don’t give me to that man.
Knowing he was now left with the consequences of delaying his vague warnings, he inhaled deeply before speaking, his voice eerily calm, though you knew such a tone hid a terrible anxiety. 
“For the past four months,” he began, “the constable has been dealing with some… unsavory characters. They’re not from our kingdom, in fact, we do not know where they come from, other than a that it is a fortress known only as the Sanctuary… It’s a group of thugs. Racketeers, extortionists, thieves, whatever you want to call them. They’re led by a knight who calls himself Sir Negan.” At this point, he let out a heavy, deep huff. Even the mention of the man’s name seemed to disturb him. It certainly disturbed you, your body shivering as you inched closer and closer to the reveal of whatever terror was troubling the usually jovial king, and whatever news you were to receive regarding Sir Negan and his… desires.
“Sir Negan,” he continued, “he’s a very bad man… I won’t go into the details in front of you, because it’s surely nothing a lady needs to hear, but there is something you need to know.”
No, please… Please, father. 
In any other situation, the feeling of his warm hand cupping yours would’ve been welcome, but now, it only seemed like an attempt to reduce the blow of whatever terrible news you were about to receive. You felt as though your blood was rushing to your head, coagulating around the top. You blinked hard and sucked in strained, short breaths. 
To make matters worse, he drew out the heavy, unbearable silence of anticipation until the last possible second before he spoke again, finally relieving you of your anxiety, though you only felt like fainting when the words were fully processed by your dizzied mind. 
“He demands your hand in marriage.”
Pulling your hand away shakily you palmed your forehead, as if such a movement could possibly put an end to the incessant pounding. 
Though you knew this was coming, and you’d tried to prepare yourself to hear it for the past four months, you’d hoped that the knight would’ve been defeated, or he would’ve called off his threats when Alexandria’s militia cracked down on his men’s crime sprees, but no, this was not the case, and now you had to face the fact that this wasn’t just some idle threat or empty effort at intimidation, it was real, and it was getting closer. 
The king uttered your name a few times, but it was a blurred sound. Only when you blinked yourself back to reality did you process his words. “My dear…” He seemed near speechless, too, but his voice pulled through. “He’s left us numerous… messages, all of which threaten to seize the throne of Alexandria by force, unless I give you to him.”
But you wouldn’t, you thought. Please, father. You wouldn’t. I know you wouldn’t. 
This time, both of his hands reached out to form a cradle around yours. No longer was it a foreboding presence, but a comforting one. You raised your wet eyes to look at him, a small smile forming. How could he smile at a time like this? 
He squeezed your hands, then spoke in an almost dulcet, sentimental tone. “But I’d let this castle burn to embers before I would ever let a man like that take you away.”
Thank God!
“Oh, father,” you sighed in relief, though it was a short-lived comfort. The thought of your kingdom that you loved so much burning to the ground, or being ransacked and sieged by such scoundrels… It filled you with a rage and a fear and a sadness beyond anything you’d felt before. You didn’t know you could feel so hot, but your anger was prickling at your skin like the wild flames of a raging fire. “But… we cannot let them kill our people, take our kingdom. Can’t the constable form a battalion to fight them? This… sanctuary… If you know where it is, you could send a cavalry of your best knights to wipe them out, couldn’t you?”
“That’s the problem—we have no way of knowing where the Sanctuary is. We’ve tried capturing a Savior, interrogating him, but he was so loyal to Negan, even said he was Negan. They all say that—‘I’m Negan. We’re all Negan.’ All we know of Negan, besides his rather bold demands, is that he wields a spiked mace and wears black plate armor. Besides that, we know from neighboring kingdoms that they, too, have been weakened by the Saviors, and it appears that, if we tried to form a coalition against them, our combined defenses would not be enough to hold against them. Their numbers are great, and it’s only a matter of time before they stir up more trouble, which is why I’ve decided that you are to be accompanied from now on by a personal bodyguard, just in case.”
You perked up at that, back straightened and eyes staring wide at your father, not so much in shock, but in excitement, because you immediately had a particular knight in mind. 
“Of course, we’ll still be trying to get whatever information we can, following leads to see where this Sanctuary is, but first and foremost, I want my daughter to be safe, no matter what. Day and night. Always under the supervision of a bodyguard.”
Oh, please, father… Let me choose him. 
“Yes, father,” you replied with a nod, and a sweet smile, as you prepared yourself to beg on your knees to choose. Of course Sir Daryl would have to be your bodyguard, no question. You trusted him more than any of the king’s guards, and you were sure that every other knight in Alexandria paled in comparison to the gallantry of Sir Daryl of House Dixon. And besides, you felt safe with him. “Pray, who will you assign to be my bodyguard? Or will I be able to choose?”
The king raised a wiry gray eyebrow. “Oh… Well, I was thinking of assigning one of my guards, but is there someone in particular you had in mind?”
Trying not to appear too eager, you shrugged your shoulders as you picked up your fork to play with the leftover cold turnips on your plate. If you weren’t trying to remain nonchalant, you would’ve screamed his name to the heavens—Sir Daryl! 
“I’d like to think about it,” you said. “I will let you know soon. I’m rather spent. I think I’ll retire now.”
With an exchange of goodnights and I love you’s, you retreated to your quarters with a spring in your step, eager to next see Sir Daryl, and to ask him to be your protector, officially.
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The wind stirred up a flurry of leaves in the distance, while a dark cluster of clouds began to converge above you. A single, featherlight droplet landed upon your cheek, but you only smiled up at the gray sky above you. It was good to feel the rain. Back at the keep, your father would never allow you to set foot into the courtyard in this weather for fear of you catching cold, and perhaps that made the rain all the more magical for you. Its forbiddenness only perpetuated your intrigue. 
When a chill wind made you visibly shiver, you were reminded of the knight’s presence as he draped his heavy wool cloak over your shoulders. “We should go back,” he said, his voice low and raspy. You’d grown so comforted by it, its scratchiness akin to the very same wool you felt tickling your fingers as you bundled yourself up. 
“Just a little while longer?” you asked. After a while, you’d begun to notice Sir Daryl was more accommodating to you when widened your eyes or spoke with a particular lilt. In fact, you couldn’t recall a recent time in which the man had said no to you. “Please?”
He bent his outstretched leg with a huff, resting his elbow upon his knee as he debated for a moment, knowing full well that your saccharine pleas were going to win out in the end anyway. In fact, he didn’t want to head back, either. He wanted to stay planted in this circle of overgrown grass, surrounded by the ancient standing stones that towered over the two of you, making you both feel so small, so unimportant. Somehow, it was a welcome relief for both of you, being in this world where status and circumstance didn’t seem to matter. 
Whatever fight was in him, it melted like an ice cube over an open flame when your lips curled into an effortless smile, your gaze directed at him, and only him. Just a little smile sent his way was enough to make him feel more special than any nobleman. So, he gave in, as he knew he would. He always did. 
“Just a little while,” he agreed, leaning back on his forearms to stretch out his legs once again. Closing his eyes, he held his face flat up to the sprinkling cloud above, with a slight upward tilt of his pleasantly hairy chin. You followed suit, leaning back to turn on your side and admire his profile—his short, snub nose, wispy brown hairs hanging unruly over his forehead and climbing over his cheeks like overgrown ivy. Somewhere in the darkness of his mop of wavy locks, there was a sliver of pale skin poking out, identifying his ear. It was one of the many small details of him you admired, and you found yourself wanting to outstretch your finger and just trace the helix of his ear, but your shyness overcame you, as it always did whenever you thought of touching him. Lately, you’d thought of touching him in places you’d never even seen drawings of before. Actually, you almost had no idea what to expect of those places, but you imagined them nonetheless.
“Daryl?” you asked, letting your head fall into the cradle of your arm as you tried to memorize this angle of him, just for your own pleasure. He was making you so selfish, in that everything he did was becoming an indulgence for you. 
“Hm?” he answered with a grunt. 
In a matter of moments, you had to actually think about what you were going to say. You hadn’t thought that far ahead, you just wanted to say his name. Maybe, in your subconscious, you really wanted to ask if he’d let you hold his hand. Your innocence wouldn’t let you do much more than that, but even that was more than you should’ve done. 
“What are you thinking about?”
Your breath shuddered when he turned to look at you, his eyes sleepy and soft. “Nothin’.” That was a lie. He’d been thinking about you, as he always did these days. He was thinking about all the things he was too afraid to do, and how he might’ve done them if only he could gather the strength to. 
“That’s impossible,” you laughed, using your arm to prop yourself up until you were looking down on him. His eyes followed you curiously, and yours trailed down the buttons of his charcoal colored pourpoint. The garment was tight-fitting, hugging the man’s strapping frame. When your eyes reached his belt, you ripped your gaze away, back to his face. “How can one not think? I’m always thinking.”
“Just… wasn’t thinkin’ about anythin’ in particular. What were you thinkin’ about, then, princess?”
“Well, lots of things, like how it’s dangerous for us to be out here.”
“No shit,” he snickered playfully. Though you’d never really heard such language used in front of you before, you found it quite amusing when the knight cursed. 
“I mean, with the Saviors… Surely you’ve heard of them.”
“Mm, heard some talk about it.”
You wished you could've been so blissfully unaware enough to say you’d only heard “some talk.” You wondered just what kind of talk he’d heard, and if he knew of Negan’s plans. Only three nights ago had the king confirmed your worst fears, and it plagued your mind more than it had since the first you heard of it. That reminded you… At some point today, you’d have to work up the courage to ask the knight to be your bodyguard. Just how on Earth were you going to do that? 
“What did you hear?”
He felt the shiver in your voice, but it didn’t seem to be from the cold wind or raindrops. It came from inside you, and now, he grew a little worried, as if you knew something he didn’t. He sat up slowly, almost cautiously. “Not much, just that the constable was strengthening Alexandria’s defenses in case of an attack. Why? Did you hear something more?”
“Well… Yes. There’s more.” As you debated on whether or not to tell him of what troubled you so, you felt a tightening around your body. Daryl’s gloved hands were wrapping you more snugly in his cloak, to which you raised your head and smiled up at him. Without any words between you, he met your gaze, and offered a slight smile in return. “Thank you.”
“You seem cold…” he replied quickly, trailing off before clearing his throat. “And sad.” 
Actually, you were quite warm, but it was the sadness, and the fear, inside you that made you shiver. “I’m a bit melancholy. I… do not know if I should tell you what troubles me.”
He chewed his bottom lip while his brows furrowed in concentrated thought. He had to tread this territory carefully, knowing his position. Status dictated everything, from the food one ate to the clothes on one’s back. Despite how close he felt to you now, he couldn’t risk knowing too much of what he wasn’t entitled to know. But, then again, he’d already broken almost every rule in the book, all for your sake. If he decided that he could break yet another rule, just to alleviate the sadness in your heart, he’d find a way to forgive himself.
“Princess,” he said, the reiteration of your title having become somewhat of an affectionate pet name for you, now that most verbal social niceties were extinct between you two. “I don’t wanna… stick my nose where it don’t belong, but, if I may… You should know that you can tell me anything.”
“I can?” you replied, relief lighting up your face even at the idea of finally being able to tell someone of your worries. When you recalled the contents of what you were about to tell him, the color drained from your visage.
He only could focus on a few of the keywords, but they were the ones that melded together to fill his heart with dread—Sir Negan… demanding… hand in marriage. 
No, was his first thought, and it slowly morphed into a whirlwind of dizzied pleas that bounced off the walls of his head, directed towards whatever unseen force directed the universe and made his worst dream come true. For you to leave, to be taken against your will and to see the real evils of this world, that was something he hadn’t been able to quite fathom, though it plagued his mind whenever he remembered the risk of developing these feelings for you. He should’ve known all along that as soon as he allowed his inescapable tenderness for you to invade every nook and cranny of his heart, he’d have to face some kind of ache much greater than his fear of his affections going unrequited. No, this was much worse. The prospect of you getting hurt was beyond any other pain.
“But my father won’t let it happen,” you added, only slightly abating his worries. Still, he knew about men like this. They’d stop at nothing to get what they want, especially in a world where it’s just too easy to take. “But Sir Negan’s threats terrify me. I… wonder if it would be better for the kingdom, to spare so many lives, for my father to just—”
“No,” he interjected. “No, that’s not an option.”
As always, you were amused by his sudden boldness. “I do not want the kingdom to fall because of my father’s pride.”
“It’s not pride,” he replied. Never in a million years did he think he’d defend the decision of a monarch, and yet, here he was. “It’s the right thing to do. He loves you. No one should ever just give away someone they love.”
And then it hit him, his lips hanging open ever so slightly, chapped against the cold wind. Like the Red Sea, his mind diverged into two disparate voices, one that seemed to be his own, the other, some much more chivalrous caricature of himself.
First, his own voice choked out: I love you. 
The farcical knight replied, Shut your mouth, you lecherous fopdoodle. No you do not.
Yes, I do.
No, you do not. Lust. Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
If you spit another useless bible verse at me, I’ll drill a hole in my head.
And, in a matter of milliseconds, the voice left, with only Daryl’s own inner voice there to come to terms with what his feelings really meant. 
I won’t let anyone have her.
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With night came the usual routine—Daryl thought of some distraction to occupy the guards before he escorted you back to your chambers. This time, his cautiousness led him to latch your windows shut himself, and to leave a freshly sharpened knife upon your bedside table. 
It only reminded you again of what you’d yet to ask of him. 
“Daryl?” you said, halting him in his tracks just as he was about to take his leave. “May I ask something of you, if I haven’t asked too much of you already?”
Before he turned back to face you, he smiled sweetly to himself, a smile he had to hide from you, lest he seem too eager to serve you, but, oh, he was. He lived to serve you now. Not the duke, not the king, not even God—not anyone else but you. 
“Yes, milady?” he replied formally. It almost threw you for a loop, the way he could swing so effortlessly between decorum and familiarity. “And don’t give me another shiny thing.”
Actually, you weren’t even sure if you had any more shiny things to give to him, since you’d given him a different piece of jewelry each time he returned you home safely. “No,” you replied with a chuckle under your breath. “It isn’t that. I actually wanted to ask… Well, my father says I must choose someone to be my personal bodyguard, and…” Swallowing hard, you shrugged your shoulders as a girlish bashfulness overcame you. Unbecoming behavior for a princess, your etiquette instructor would’ve said. “You make me feel safe.”
The voice inside his head returned for a split second, just to frantically reiterate what he’d said earlier: I love you I love you I love you I—
“And I know you’ve done so much for me already that it’s terribly ungracious of me to ask you to do such a thing, and you are under absolutely no obligation to say yes, but—”
“I’ll be your bodyguard.” Indeed, he was sure he would not be able to handle the idea of any other man protecting you in such a... thorough way.
“Oh?” You sighed as the tightness escaped from your diaphragm. “Oh, Daryl, thank you. I don’t think I could ever repay you for anything you’ve done for me.” But how you wished you could, in ways that your innocent mind couldn’t have even fully fathomed. Your heart and your body, however, knew all too well. 
“You don’t owe me anything,” he said bluntly. “You don’t owe anyone anything.”
But you could still give him something. Not jewelry, but something that symbolized much more than that. 
The sparkle of the flame that reflected against the steel of the knife upon your bedside table attracted your attention as your mind instructed you to cross the room and take the blade in your hands. Strange, you’d never held a knife before. Well, only steak knives. 
“What the hell are you doin’?” asked the knight. “I said I’d do it.”
“I am not going to kill you, sir,” you laughed, crossing back over to him with your other arm outstretched, the long, flared sleeve of your scarlet houppelande hanging most elegantly before him. “Hold my sleeve, if you please.”
The knight’s gaze turned characteristically suspicious, with narrowed eyes studying your almost mischievous face. After all, you’d never done anything like this before. “Why?”
“Just hold my sleeve… Keep it steady.”
Cautiously, he took the end of the fabric between his calloused fingers. It was soft, like everything about you. Luxurious silk of this kind was truly hard to come by, and he almost feared he’d ruin it just with one touch. 
As you raised your dominant hand, the one that held the knife, he began to worry. “Careful with that thing,” he said, following the blade with his eye as you raised it to your sleeve, just below your arm. His confusion at your actions was overwhelmed by his irrational fear that you’d cut yourself. 
As the long vermillion shard of your sleeve fell to the floor, he nearly let out a gasp. “Now why the hell did you do that, woman? This some kind of new fashion statement?”
“No!” you laughed, bending over to retrieve the fallen garment. With the knife now replaced on your nightstand, your delicate fingers worked to fold the piece of fabric into a triangular shape. Despite his suspicions, he didn’t dare assume he knew what you were doing, until he did. “Ahem… Sir Daryl of House Dixon, oh gallant knight, will you accept this favor, and be my champion?”
If he hadn’t been frozen in awe and confusion, he might’ve laughed at your sudden formality, but you seemed serious. “What?”
That response almost stripped you of all your shaky confidence. Almost. “Have you never accepted a lady’s favor?”
Never been given one. 
“I, uh… Why?”
“Why what?” you laughed.
“Why are you giving this to me?”
You rolled your eyes, as to you it was obvious. Who else would you give a favor to? Besides, he was the only knight you knew well enough to do so. 
“Because a lady always bestows her favor upon her favorite knight.”
He swore he could feel every nerve in his body twitch and tighten with every second he replayed that word in his mind. Favorite. He was sure that in all his life, he’d never been anyone’s favorite anything.
“So, will you accept?”
Words were never the knight’s strong suit. At times, he found actions to be much easier for him to communicate through, and this seemed to be one of those times. 
He wasn’t sure of the official ceremony, or if there even was one, but he was already a bit weak in the knees anyway, so he decided to let himself kneel before you, hand held out to accept your favor. 
Only three words persisted in his head when you delicately bestowed the red sleeve upon his palm: I love you. 
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated!
Series Masterlist Next Chapter ➳
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shadowbriar · 2 years
could you do some writings for cedric please ;(
Series of Pleasant Firsts - Cedric Diggory
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Pairing : (F/M) || Cedric Diggory x Reader Word Count : 3k Warning : None. Notes : When the walls between love and friendship starts to crumble, will any of them be brave enough to take the leap of faith and tear it to shambles? Idk how to describe this story. It’s just fluff. Thank you for requesting!
She watches as he tries to break his own record at stone skipping with a wide smile. He’s always been so gifted with outdoor activities. Both muggle and wizard sports, he seems to be a master of it. How his cheeks are always tinted with rose colour from the burn of the sun, his skin gleaming from the sheer layer of sweat. Cedric Diggory is a one beautiful boy, indeed.
She misses this. Spending quality time with him, just the two of them. Having separate houses in Hogwarts were starting to create distance between them. It didn’t help either that the friends they made with were not of the same circle. Him with his popular little Miss and Mister Perfect friends while she finds comfort with the more quiet and reserved flock.
“Come and take a dip with me.” Cedric says with a smile, panting as he takes his top off.
“No.” She says short, looking back to her book “I’d rather stay in the dry area, thank you very much.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve even got your swimsuit on, it’d be a shame to not test it in the water.”
She didn’t budge, glueing her eyes to the pages.
“I promise your book will still be here once we’re done.” Cedric says, taking her book away gently as he tosses it to the picnic basket “Besides, you kind of owe it to this lake. Remember how we would always go here every other weekend? It’s been ages since, so you have to take a dip.”
He didn’t let her have another minute of thoughts as he pulled her by the waist, practically dragging her to the body water. Her scream echoes as he throws her in, soaking her entire body with the cold water. She wanted to be angry at him for not giving her the chance to take her cardigan off but it’s hard to stay mad at him. Especially when his eyes glisten as he chortles like this.
Their smiles bloom even wider as she begins to splash water on him. They playfully drown each other until he admits defeat, evidently letting her win just to please her. Now they’re standing close in front of another with smiles still tucks on their lips, making the most of time to study each other’s features.
A lot has changed in him. Cedric was always a beautiful boy and yet somehow he’s grown even more beautiful as if it was ever possible. His jawline is more defined, cheeks more hollow as he lost his baby fat. It was as if his face was sculpted by a Greek God and Goddesses themselves.
“You’re staring.” He says, biting down a smile.
“So do you.”
“Have I ever told you how pretty you are?”
She blushes.
“Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
And there it is. Any guy. Not I would be lucky to have you.
It’s frustrating at times how gentle and tender Cedric’s gesture could lead her on. There are more than a handful occasions where she could have sworn that he sees her more than a best friend. The way he treats her has changed to how he did when they were still children. To admit embarrassedly, she feels like Cedric is treating her like a lady instead of a mere friend.
A lady he wishes to win their heart.
“Let’s not talk about boys, shall we. I have just enough girlfriends chirping in my ears about them at school.” She says with rolled eyes, walking to the edge of the lake “I’d have my head if you too decide to lecture me about them.”
Cedric smiles, amused as he swims further to the middle “Why, what do your friends talk to you about?”
“You know, how everyone is apparently dating everybody else. How they’ve got their first kisses already and how pleasant a date in Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop is. All those sappy things I’m sure your friends are also on about.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” He chuckles lightly “I’m sure they’re not half as bad as you moan them to be.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re always swarmed with beautiful perfect girls who are willing to drop their knickers down for you anytime around the clock. I, on the other hand, am not so lucky with a romantic life.”
“Come on, that’s hardly ever true. I’ve heard a lot of my guy friends talk about you.”
“Well the next time you hear any of them talk about me, do send them my way. I’m tired of waiting for some guy to finally ask me on a date.” She groans, feeling pathetic on herself “I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.”
Cedric raises his brows, “You haven’t had your first kiss?”
“Nope.” She shakes her head, getting off of the lake “Pathetic am I not?”
She walks to their picnic spot, placing her wet cardigan on a tree close by so it could dry. She dries herself with a towel, brows slightly furrows at the sight of Cedric coming out of the lake too. He’s usually not out until the sun’s down.
“I have an idea.” He says, looking quite unsure of himself “But you have to promise me you wouldn’t kill me and throw my body to the lake.”
She raises an eyebrow, “How do you mean?”
“To tell you the truth, I haven’t had my first kiss yet either.” Cedric admits, cheeks looking rosy at the confession “I’ve only lied to my friends so they would get off of my back.”
“Who did you tell them you had your first kiss with?”
She went mute. 
The flush on her cheeks are probably more crimson than his now. His eyes were still glued on her, intently examining her reaction. For the first time in her life, she’s seen Cedric being this flustered.
“So seeing that we have a common problem and how I had dragged your name into my lie, I was thinking.. Maybe we could just.. You know, have this over with?”
She blinks rapidly, trying to process his words. He’s still standing there, unnerved. His eyes were still anticipating an answer, fingers fidgeting as he waited patiently for a sign.
She asks hesitantly, “You want to.. Kiss me?”
“Only if you’re fine with it.”
She silently pinch herself, trying to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. Cedric Diggory is really asking her for a kiss. Though his reasoning is plainly based as a friendly favour, she still finds it hard to accept the fact that he wanted to kiss her.
He grins, sighing in relief, “Brilliant.”
“So how would we do this?”
“I- I don’t know.” He admits, sounding unsure himself “I mean, we’d just.. You know, kiss.”
“Okay. Of course. Right.” She nods timidly, trying to maintain her composure “Should I keep my eyes open? Or would you find it more comfortable if I close them?”
“Open them, please.” He says softly as he takes a step closer, placing her hand on her jawline “I’d like to see your eyes.”
She nods.
It’s getting harder for her to stay relaxed. With every inch he’s closing in, she finds her body to be more rigid, afraid that one wrong movement would make him pull away and change his mind. She wanted this, Godric knows how badly she’s prayed for this. She could only hope that he wouldn’t hear how loud her heart is thumping right now.
“I’m going in, okay?”
She could only reply with a nod.
She closes her eyes as his warm breathing meets her face. Within seconds she could feel Cedric’s soft lips touching hers, gently brushing over each other. She could feel the electricity jolting through her body with every peck. For a first kiss, he surely knows his way around.
“Wow.” He breathed as he pulled away, eyes still closed as if he tried to cling onto the feelings longer “We should’ve done that sooner.”
“Shut up.”
She shoves his shoulder playfully, trying to hide her tomato face.
The kiss would certainly haunt her mind for days, if not months from now.
“So, uh, we’re still friends, right?” Cedric asks, rubbing his nape “I mean, the kiss.. It didn’t change our friendship anyhow, right?”
She bites down the heartbreak, nodding and smiling instead, “Of course.”
Again, she could have sworn she saw the disappointment reflecting on his eyes. As if he was feeling the very same bitterness she’s feeling right now. But as he said it himself, the kiss changes nothing. They’re still friends. Just like they’ve always been.
Just friends.
The Hufflepuff boy runs to her, a smile plastered on his face. It seems like he’s been searching for her around the castle with how many beads of sweat trailing his face. His face was slightly red, panting as he tried to control his breathing.
“Hello, there Champion.” She teases, fixing his shawl that was slightly misaligned from all the running “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I’ve been looking for you.” He says in between his pants “You would not believe what has just happened.”
Her brows furrow, intrigued at what he’s saying, “What, what happened?”
“I’ve asked Cho Chang to be my date for the Yule Ball and she said yes!”
The smile on her face starts to dissipate. Her eyes were starting to look blank as she let the words sink in. He’s asked another to be his date. How foolish of her to have expected him to ask her instead.
“That’s brilliant, Ced.” She says with fake excitement, smiling though it could not reach her eyes “I’m very happy for you.”
“Thanks.” He nods, looking proud of himself “I have to be honest with you, I was worried she would’ve said no because I heard Potter was planning to escort her too. Thank Merlin she chose me instead.”
She nods, still forcing a smile, “Good for you, Ced.”
The rest of his words went in and out of her ear with no remark. Only becoming a background noise she tries so hard to quiet down, feeling suffocated at its ringing. Though he’s always been surrounded with girls, there has never been one Cedric was evidently interested in. Everyone just comes and goes, becoming one of the many names mentioned in his stories. 
She’s always known that one day or another she would have to face the day when he would find a girl and have his world gravitate towards her. Leaving her alone as a lost satellite. No matter how much she wanted him to know that he is her sun, she knows that in his universe, she was just another passing star.
“So, uh, how about you? You’re going with McLaggen, so I’ve heard.” Cedric says, bursting her bubble back to reality “I didn’t know you two are close.”
“No, no we’re not.” She says flatly, not looking at him “He’d asked me but I haven’t said yes. I was waiting for someone else but I supposed I’ve hanged McLaggen for too long, I should give his answer now.”
“Wait, you were waiting for someone else?” Cedric asked, stopping their pace “Who?”
“It doesn’t matter, Ced.”
The sparkle on his eyes dulls down as the puzzle clicks, “You were waiting for me, weren’t you?”
“Just forget it. It’s not like we owe each other anything.” She says harshly, her tone coming out a little bit more rude than she intended “Besides, not everything has to be shared with a friend.”
Cedric’s eyebrows rose, looking offended, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m just saying,” She turns to see him, hands balled into a fist as she tries to control her disappointment that is now transforming into anger “We should stop gatekeeping each other's feelings because it’s getting toxic.”
Cedric was appalled. He doesn’t understand where all her anger was coming from. If anything, he should be the one to be angry at her. She was the one who’s gotten a date first before him. He should be the one saying all these hurtful truths.
“Consider said feelings gone. From now on we don’t know each other.”
She nods, holding in the tears threatening from her eyes, “Done.”
Ever since their fallout about their Yule Ball date, neither of the two has exchanged a word to another. Still, that does not mean he doesn’t get her full support through his tasks. Her worry was growing deeper and deeper with each task passed. Though Cedric won first place on the second task, knowing how Harry barely got out of the water in time was enough of a nightmare for her to live with.
Screw their argument, she thought. She’d rather have him break her heart daily than to live with the thought of him away, not knowing if he was safe or not. If she has to live the rest of her life with him being oblivious of her feelings then so be it. Any of that would be better than not being able to comfort him when he’s in trouble.
And so she finds herself struggling to meet Cedric. She squeezed herself into the crowd of Champions and their supporters but the blond boy was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he’s gone elsewhere right after the second task score announcement was made. Helped Cho to get warm or something.
But just before her heart turns desperate, she hears her name being called.
She could recognise his voice anywhere, anytime. Before she could call him back, Cedric has already wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in a big wet hug as he pulls her close. Her body heat is his only source of warmth, gritting his teeth in coldness as he rests his head on the crook of her neck.
“I was so worried they’d taken you to the lake.” He says, frantically examining her face “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about!”
“Merlin.” Cedric sighs in relief, pulling her back close to his chest “They’re trying to get me killed, for real. If not from the tasks then from a heart attack, I swear it.”
“Don’t say things like that.” She protested, feeling scared of the thought “You know I hate it.”
Cedric couldn’t find a word to utter. Instead he just chuckles lightly, tightening his embrace on her. Helga knows how much he misses having her in his arms. He peppers her forehead with kisses, trying to ease both of their worries away.
She didn’t know what happened but the waves of emotions made her cry. The worry, the stress, and frustration of not being able to be there with him has driven her crazy. Now that he’s here, giving her the very embrace she’s longed for, she couldn’t help but to shed a tear or two.
“Hey, listen,” Cedric says, breaking the hug as cups her face, gazing on her eyes deeply “I know that things haven’t been pretty lately and I know I have the bigger part at fault in that, but I really can’t spend another day without you anymore. If you want to hate me, then hate me but hate me close so I can still see and touch you.”
“No, I’m not done.” He cuts fast, still frantic from the jolt of adrenaline “I know we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember but I’m willing to burn that bridge and build another one with you. I don’t want us to be just friends anymore. I want you to continue being my first. My first friend, my first kiss, my first heartbreak, everything.”
She cries, nodding to his words.
“And if you’d have me, I’d try my best to be your very last. I know we’re still young but being there in the lake- Screw it.”
Spending no other second, he finally seals their lips. The very same feelings they felt years ago when they shared their first kiss by the lake washes over them. In fact, this time the feelings were magnified. Their despair and crave for one another has certainly enhanced their hunger.
She finds herself melting under his touch. Cedric’s kiss was more demanding than she last remembered them. This time he kisses her with greed, trying to make sure that she knows just how aching he is without her. He wanted her to know that she is the only remedy to his thirst.
“Wait,” She says as she breaks the kiss, earning a confused and disappointed look from him “What about Cho?”
“She understands.”
Cedric paid no mind to his words before continuing the kiss. He has certainly found something new he hates most in this entire universe- being interrupted as they kiss.
“Wait, Ced.”
Cedric lets out a huff of exasperation, “What? What is it this time?”
“Mr. Diggory.” An authoritarian voice calls from behind. Cedric has to bite the embarrassment down when he turns to see Professor McGonnagal eyeing them two with her strict eyes “You are expected at the Headmaster’s room along with the other Champions. I’m sure the two of you can continue your business later.”
Cedric nods, pursing his lips in embarrassment, “Yes, Professor.”
Professor McGonnagal gives one last nod before turning her heels to go into the castle.
She has to bite down her laughter as Cedric turns back to see her. Her cheeks were pink, embarrassed yet feeling blissful at the same time.
“I have to go now.” Cedric says softly, smiling yet looking like he wanted to stay “I’ll find you once I’m done.”
She nods, grinning, “Alright.”
“I’ll come back to that.” He says as he plants a chaste kiss to her lips “And that.”
“Just go.” She says with a giggle, smiling in between his kisses.
Cedric smiles, pulling her into another kiss before finally walking away.
She watches as his figure slowly drifts away. Her heart is still swelling from the new reality she’s trying so hard to comprehend. She bites her lower lip, trying to prevent herself from grinning like a lunatic. From then on, she knows that whatever first she has to do, she’s sure that they would only be a series of pleasant firsts with him.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
hi! i love your writing! if you’re taking requests could i maybe get tartaglia (and alhaitham and itto if you write for them too) with a really affectionate s/o? thank you!!!
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Aaaaaa thank you!!! I’ve already done one super similar involving childe but lemme whip something up for ya ;)
Oh boy Itto is gonna be fun I just fucking know it he’s so chaotic~
Warnings: flufffff, lots of toothache inducing sweetness, gn! Reader, swearing, not proof-read.
Character: Al’haitham, Itto, childe.
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This man is the human representation of a stick, I love him.
He’s serious boy™️
How he ended up with someone like you no one fucking knows
At first he found your constant shower of affection a little annoying especially when he was in the middle of work
Once he realised his moodiness wouldn’t dissuade you from showing his boobs him all your love and attention he inevitably gave up
He didn’t realise it at first but he actually grew to want your affection as well
Like he’d just be reading his god awful books or doing paperwork (idk what scribes do tbh) and her suddenly be like
“Huh I feel like something you is missing and it feels odd” he misses it
People have pointed out that he seems a lot more relaxed and less like a god damn plank when he comes into work
Truth is it’s just because you spent the entire morning showering him with cuddles and kisses :)
He’s so used to it at this point he’s even grown to holding your hand or giving you cute cheek kisses in public!!
Truly a miracle!
When he had a bad day he used to dread coming home and having to deal with other people kaveh but now he finds that you’re the first thing he runs to if things haven’t been going right!
He finds your head pats and sweet reassuring kisses to be the best cure for his frustrations!
People still will never figure out how he managed to woo such a affectionate and sweet person but neither of you care!
Man deserves to know what affection is.
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A puppy incarnate
Pat his head or give him a kiss on his cheek and man’s gone
It does boost his ego though so be warned!
I don’t imagine he’s ever had much physical affection before!
Being a oni people are usually against that
So when you first started officially dating and you randomly hugged him or smothered his goofy face in kisses he was flabbergasted
Absolutely bamboozled
The second you showed him affection you basically signed a life time contract with his heart
Refuses to let anyone touch your “designated holding hand”
That’s reserved for you and you only!
You know that meme where someone drew a heart on a guys hand and he refuses to wash it in the shower?
Yeah. He’s that guy.
He tried to use it to his advantage once since you seemed to give him kisses whenever he was being particularly dumb just to make him forget whatever shenanigans he was up to
So I’m return, he started being dumb(er) on purpose!
Lots of kisses!!
Of course you knew what he was doing but how could you refuse his goofy grin and those puppy eyes!
Has been winning a lot more beetle battles since he discovered you’ll give him hugs and kisses when he won~
Kuki is honestly so fucking relieved that someone else can deal with him besides her
My girls been through it with him
There’s never a time when he won’t want your affection!!
Bad day? Head pats, hugs and kisses!
Good day? Head pats, hugs and kisses
He’s super proud of it too!
Like pda is an absolute necessity for him!
He just has to show off that his hand is the one your holding!
If you wear makeup up and leave a lipstick mark on his cheek he will not remove it!
Over his dead body!
Had to clean it off while he was asleep
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*slaps childe* this bad boy can hold so much affection
At first he was definitely taken back!
He’s a harbinger and a battle maniac
The last thing he’d think someone would do to his is to grab his hand or arm while happily kissing his face (if you can reach this tower of a man’s face)
Honestly anyone taller than thoma scares me
So he definitely froze!
Blushy booyyyy
Tried to play it off by teasing you back but it didn’t really work considering he was a flustered mess to begin with
It just resulted in you rolling your eyes and kissing him again
Which also resulted in his brain shutting down
He will get jealous if anyone else steals your affection away from him
Even if it’s a kid that just gave you a hug!
Evil! His person!!
Is very similar to Itto in the fact that he’d be hard pushed to wash anyway any kind of affection you give him!
Pda is a yes too! Not as much as Itto because he still had to stay in guard and he doesn’t wanna draw attention to you too much ;-;
Gets super cocky too
Whenever he wins a particularly difficult fight he demands rewards!
Which of course the rewards being your smooches!
This man has never once even thought about asking you to stop
He’s busy? That’s ok, you can just sit on his lap and hug him while he works
Man’s sleeping and he just look so adorable that you have to kiss his nose or forehead?
You’ll send him into the sweetest dreams he’s ever had!
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It really makes me feel so happy know ya’ll like my work aaaaa!!
Requests are still slow to finish as I’m still feeling bleh but I appreciate everyone’s patience! I will get them done I promise~
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sailorsally · 1 year
Sally's Purcon Chronicles
(heads up, this is a long post)
I am on the last leg of my journey back home so I think it's the right time to write up what my experience at purcon 7 was like, as something I can look back on (because it's inevitable that time will fade some details) and maybe as a little guide to many first time congoers next year.
Purcon 7 was the first con for me too.
I met Misha on Friday evening for 'Cocktails with Castiel'. I was at a table with 9 other people and we got to talk to him about 10 minutes. He arrived late of course. Seeing him step into the room was the most surreal feeling, not going to lie. I think up until then my brain hadn't really comprehended properly that the actor man is real. He sat down at the table across the room and for a while my eyes were glued to him in a desperate attemt to make it familiar to my brain as quickly as possible that he existed in this space and was very much real. There were mostly female fans there so even though he was still a couple of tables away from us you could distinctly hear his deep voice amongs all the talk at times and I did cherish that.
I inquired further and it did very much sound like he was talking about my favourite Georgian dish, too. Which tbh almost made me cry on the spot but I pulled thru it to tell him that hearing this made me very happy because I've been watching Roadfood a lot and imagining what it would be like to see Georgian food featured there, even though I know that is highly unlikely since it's not that big of a deal in the US. This made him very sad and he got all 🥺 and apologized that there aren't many Georgian restaurants in US and looked like he was on the verge of crying so I assured him once again that it was fine and he couldn't do anything about it. (Though he had this 'you can see gears turning in his head' expression for a bit so I wouldn't totally exclude seeing Georgian cuisine on Roadfood in the future idk 😂).
When he finally got to our table, he said hi and sat down and our hellos were kinda delayed and everyone stopped talking for a bit (understandable xD) so he took it upon himself to get the conversation flowing and started asking where everyone was from. There were three people from France and they told him about their travel to Germany and how they hadn't had the time to sleep yet. I asked him how long his journey took and he said about 18 hours so I said "okay you win then. Mine was just 12". So he asked where I was from and I said Georgia and right away he asked me "Tbilisi?" [the name of the capital] and not gonna lie, I have huge respect for Misha and I know he is a clever fella but I never expected for him to know the name of the capital by heart and also pronounce it so damn correctly (honestly to this day I have never met a foreigner who doesn't butcher 'Tbilisi'). I was very impressed by this and a bit shocked tbh but I managed to get out 'yeah. Born and raised' so he of course asked what the situation was like in Georgia atm. I said that not that good, like in most places in the world rn. He wanted to know more so I said politically it's been complicated because of the influx of Russians and how the population of my city has grown twice because of that. Then I joked that he should come visit us to restore the balance, tbh I was desperate to keep the conversation flowing, and boy it was worth because the next thing he said was thee most insane thing that I could never have imagined in a thousand years: he told me he has been to Georgia, years ago! 🤯 And how the family he was staying with in Georgia cooked him one of the best meals he has had! in his ENTIRE LIFE!
This was the biggest chunck of out conversation. I know this is not something that will excite the general public here but it was damn special to me personally and I shall forever cherish this lil conversation with him 💗
I did also manage to revel to him that I had only ever seen Supernatural from S4 to the finale, so all his episodes exclusively and he said that was the only right way to watch it 😂
On Saturday I had a photo op with him. It was all very fast paced, so no proper exchange of words but I did get to watch him for a bit because he took a lil break before the person in front of me got their turn. It was very hot in the room so he drank some water, sanitized his hands and took a peppermint. When it was my turn he looked at me and highly likely recognized me from the day before so he winked at me and opened his arms and I just went straight into them and hugged him and he hughed me so so tight!!! 🥺 I was trying to remain respectful but the man wouldn't let me breathe 🤣
On Sunday, I got to ask him a question about the extra poem in Russian edition of his poetry book & we got to argue about the color of my pants 🤣
(thank you so much for this iconic pic, Bex ❤️)
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Later I got my art signed. They were rushing the autos because Misha had a flight to catch so he was pretty stressed at autos. I jokely apologized for bringing it to his attention that something had gone 'wrong' with his book in Russian and he said no he was glad that I did bring that up and how he'd have to talk to his publisher about that actually. Asked him if I could give him a gift - a belt buckle. He said sure, so I did and in the rare moment of bravery I said I hoped he'd wear it and then winked at him 🤦‍♀️
I think this pretty much sums up my direct interractions with the actor man over the weekend.
I know M&G and alike are expensive as hell but if you can affort it I would say definitely get them. It's the only time you'll get with him up close and personal. As far as entrance tickets go, I had a weekend ticket for section 3 and for someone with bad eyesight it wasn't the best option, I wish I had been closer to the stage. All in all, if I had to categorize the extras as best to worst it would go like this:
- Cocktails with Castiel
- Photo Op
- Autograph (I believe autos usually give more time to talk to him and it was rushed just this one time because Misha needed to catch a plane)
Also: Yes, this is an 'actor centric' con but you will get to make new friend and finally see your online friends too which tbh makes this whole experience what it is! Shoutout to the wonderful @bexfangirlforlife @blanketforcas @deancrowleycas , I loved spending time with you so much! You made my first con experience very special 💕
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claritys-silly-things · 7 months
Idk this is somewhat of an au. Just a bit of writing bc I got bored.
(Stan is very used to a routine and finds it weird if things aren’t the same way apparently. I wrote basically this line so many times without even realizing 😭 it may change as I edit this, as this is from pre-editing clarity)
[After editing clarity: if you have any questions, comments, concerns or constructive criticism, feel free to give any, because I probably missed stuff in my current half-asleep state. Otherwise, enjoy!]
Stan was waiting by the bus stop, as he did every morning. It felt weird not to do so. He’d been doing it since third or fourth grade after all. It was just routine.
Before Stan could think too much about how long his routine had stayed virtually the same, his best friend Kyle walked over. He was without his ushanka today, something that happened a lot more since Stan said once that Kyle looked good without a hat. Stan didn’t mind.
Stan waved while he watched Kyle make his way over.
Pale, usually decently clear skin and fiery red hair. Green eyes that were brighter than his hat when he wore it, but still went with his accessories regardless.
Stan always found himself observing his super best-friend intently, but wasn’t sure why. He just figured he found Kyle neat, as you should with your best friend.
“Hey dude!” Kyle said, waving, before taking his normal spot next to Stan. “How’s it going?”
“Good,” Stan replied with a small smile.
“Glad to hear,” Kyle said.
They stood for a bit in silence, though not an uncomfortable one. They were such good friends that they could go a while without saying anything and not feel awkward.
After a few minutes, Stan pulled out his phone. He opened an app and started scrolling. It wasn’t long before Kyle was watching over his shoulder.
Stan was used to it at this point. Sheila let Kyle have a phone, of course, but she set up a ton of unnecessary, at least in Stan’s eyes, settings to the phone as Kyle got older. One of those was having the screen time off until after school ends each day, with the restrictions lifting at 3 pm.
Which led to Kyle using watching over Stan’s shoulder as a form of entertainment most of the time. Stan didn’t mind though. For some reason, he really enjoyed when Kyle took interest in whatever was on Stan’s phone and leaned in. Just. His super best-friend. Pretty much close as possible.
Stan shook whatever weird could-be-interpreted-as-gayass thoughts he had floating around from his head and switched his focus back to whatever random shit was playing on his phone.
He tried to at least.
All he could actually focus on was Kyle leaning his chin on Stan’s shoulder from behind to watch Stan’s phone. Kyle was fully leaning on Stan’s shoulder, close to his face, and Stan felt red.
He didn’t know why, but he felt a bit naseuos all of a sudden.
“Oh, dude sorry but I don’t think it’s the best idea to be so close,” Stan said, voice sounding tight.
“Oh, are you alright?” Kyle asked, sounding worried.
“Yeah. ‘m good. Just need to breathe for a sec…” Stan said, trying to calm his cramping stomach.
what the actual fuck was that about Stanley?! Stan said to himself in his head.
The naseua had calmed down, but now Stan had to address the reason as to WHY he had become naseuos in the first place.
Well, he knew that he used to puke around Wendy when he still liked her…
But that would mean…
Stan shook yet another thought from his head.
God, what was wrong with him today?
Yeah, no. Thats something to unpack later…
Right as Stan finished his thought, Kenny and Cartman arrived.
Kenny had chilled a bit on his lowkey-kind-of-perv-y ways as he’d grown, but Cartman was still a bit of an asshole. Stan honestly would’ve thought something was wrong if he wasn’t.
“What’s up f**s?” Cartman said as he patted Stan HARD on the shoulder, shoving him a bit. “Hope we didn’t interrupt a make out sesh or something.”
Cartman started laughing to himself. Kyle just glared at him, and Stan watched as he walked over to yell at the bigoted boy. A normal thing for the four friends to have play out.
“Hey Stan,” Kenny said from under his parka.
He wore it less often now, but it was a cold winter day, and the extra layer probably felt nice.
“Hi Ken,” Stan said with a greeting high five and fist-bump.
They stood for a bit watching Kyle and Cartman argue before the bus got to their stop.
They all climbed in, Kenny and Cartman sitting more to the front to gossip and be social, while Stan and Kyle sat at the very back of the bus.
Stan took out his phone again, plugging his earbuds in and clicking on his playlist. He stuck one headphone in his right ear and gave the other to Kyle. Listening to music together was an every day occurrence to them. One of Stan’s favorite moments in any day.
Kyle leaned on his shoulder, and after Stan made sure no one was watching them too closely, he leaned his head on top on top of Kyle’s and closed his eyes for a bit.
He wondered how far Kyle must be leaning down to pull off the leaning, but Stan didn’t want to interrupt the moment with unnecessary movement.
All too soon, they were at school, and they had to separate before anyone called them GAY.
Not that that was necessarily a bad thing, but they didn’t want people to label them as something they weren’t. They were just…best buds.
At least, that’s what Stan tried to get himself to believe.
Whatever. Let’s just get inside, get to our lockers and go to first period. No more gay thoughts about your best friend, Stanley, Stan thought to himself.
And with that, then walked into school for the day.
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svtglitch · 2 years
muffin for you
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requested by @leech4ns: oooohhh also i just saw your reqs are open!!! 🥺 if it’s okay can i request a fluffy coffee shop au with chan (svt)? absolutely no rush and i’ll love whatever you write 💗
a/n: ty sol for requesting !! it means a lot :3 i hope you enjoy this !! i rewrote this like eight times idk why but open ending bc writing juice ran out oopsie
genre: fluff sm fluff, acquaintances to lovers, coffee shop au
pairing: athlete! lee chan x barista! reader
word count: 0.5k 
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You loved the smell of coffee and pastries. That’s why you ended up working at the campus cafe. Working there had a breeze since your friend, Mingyu, had trained you. It's been a few months since you’ve started but you already have favorite regulars. Boo Seungkwan, a music major with the best gossip and the best tips. Jeong Yunho, he’s from a different school but he just loves the way you make coffee and he will admit that proudly. And Lee Chan, the shyest athlete you’ve ever met. Lee Chan always comes in a rush everyday before practice and he always has a shy smile when he apologizes.
At one point you timed when he comes in so you can make his order before he shows up. Finally after two weeks of timing, you figure out about the time Chan comes in everyday. You still remember the day you first tried it out. The door's bells jingle its familiar tune and Chan comes in with a sheepish smile.
“Hi Chan! I made your drink early so you don’t have to wait. Let me just put some ice in it and I’ll be right there, Mingyu will ring you up.” You say as you scoop some ice into the cup and a muffin bad with a cute note to cheer him on.
“Oh my god, do you have a crush on little Mr. Lee Chan? Very subtle and smooth, y/n.” Mingyu teases.
You groan at Mingyu’s antics since you usually bully the overgrown child. You just know this is gonna be a daily thing.
Fast forward to now, the crush you’ve grown for the cute and not very punctual soccer player has grown like weeds in a pretty bed of flowers, annoying and too much. Mingyu has been persistent in getting you to confess, yet you’re still hesitant. What if he doesn't like you or, worse, thinks you’re weird. 
Mingyu whines as you two are on break,”Come on y/n! He has to like you. You literally save his ass everyday and give him a free, emphasis on free, muffin with a cute encouraging note everyday. That dude must love you. I mean I would love you for that; I love free shit.”
“Mingyu I hate you, why would I need to know if you would love me. I wanna know if I have a chance with Chan, not your beanstalk ass.” You say as you roll your eyes. 
You see Mingyu pout as you get up to put on your apron and go to take orders. You walk up to the counter still bickering with Mingyu to see Lee Chan right in front of your face.
“Hi y/n! Practice was canceled so I came early today. Do you think I could get my regular with your phone number, maybe?” Chan says with a shy smile and with his phone stuck out.
a/n: tell me how you feel with a reblog or comment!
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cricket-reader · 11 months
hii!! love your writing its intoxicating!!! idk if you’ve seen the movie Easy A (if not DO IT!!! its on Netflix) but if you have i was thinking a fem (or gn if youre more comfortable with it) reader x bucky fic thats along that line where reader is like Olive and bucky is like Todd? maybe lots of angst/fluff/smut or whatever this prompt takes you. honestly anything as long as it has bucky comforting reader through whatever you choose? again if you havent seen then feel free to ignore this and thankya!!!
Easy A
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox | Taglist
Summary: after a truly awful date, you are comforted by Bucky. (High School AU)
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, non-con kissing (not Bucky), Brock Rumlow being a prick, fluff
Word Count: 3,470
A/N: Sorry it took so long. It took a while to find inspiration, but here it is! I hope this lives up to your expectations 💕💕
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How could life get so messed up?
You find yourself asking this question a lot lately. It was a simple rumour. Something that you could should have stopped—no, prevented.
In fact, you could have prevented all of this. So in hindsight, this is all your fault.
That doesn’t mean, however, that you deserved this… right? Sure, some people probably definitely thought you did. What, being the campus whore? The virgin slut.
It was a simple white lie. But it grew into something so much bigger. Something you could never outlive. Rumours spread fast. Especially on a campus. Almost like the wildfires along the west coast.
Despite never having sex in your life or even having your first kiss, you were the sluttiest, dirtiest, whore out there.
Whilst all that isn’t true, you sure felt dirty. It seemed as though everyone believed the rumours. Sure, you had done nothing to dispute them. If anything, you only encouraged them. That was just you being stupid, you realise that now. Despite all of that, you wished that someone could look through the stupid lies. Because everyone had to be idiots to believe them.
Thinking back on it, this all could have been avoided. If you didn’t tell your former best friend that lie, none of this would have ever happened. It was the snowball effect, and it had grown out of proportion.
It only truly hit you in the face when Brock Rumlow tried to make a move on you.
You didn’t put it past him to believe that you were really a whore. He was quite daft. Regardless, when he asked you out, you had foolishly believed that he liked you for you; not for your fake self. He took you out to eat at the fairly nice seafood place in town and everything. You should have known that it wouldn’t end well.
It started off fine. You both made small talk and ordered drinks and food. Then you saw Bucky. He was the guy you had liked for a long time, not that anyone besides your old best friend knew that.
He was singing a cheesy happy birthday song with his colleagues. You giggled at the sight, not expecting such a serious guy to do something like that.
It all went downhill from there.
You panicked when you saw your former friend, Sharon Carter, sitting at a table across the room. You knew that Sharon has had her eyes on Brock Rumlow for a while—since first grade to be exact. It evaded your mind until you saw her. You knew then and there the mistake you had made.
Even if she was no longer your friend, you felt horrible. Sure, she hadn’t been too friendly to you after all the rumours and lies spiralled out of control, but you were better than this. Surely there was some sort of girl code about this kind of thing, right?
“Shit… shit, shit!” you mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” Brock asked, confused at your sudden change in demeanour.
“Sharon is over there!”
You huffed. “She’s been in love with you since the first grade.”
“She’s my best friend.”
“I thought you two weren’t speaking anymore.”
“We’re not, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not my best friend or that I should be out with you.”
Brock frowns. “Her and I don’t have anything in common.”
“And you and I do?” This was such a bad idea. That was the mantra playing on repeat in your mind. This was a horrible, terrible idea.
“Yeah.” His voice wavered, cracking a bit. You could see his brain scrambling to come up with anything.
“Like what?”
“Like… I hate Kae too.”
You rolled your eyes. Kaecilius. The man that hated you from day one—ever since one of his Zelots—what they called themselves—overheard you talking to Sharon in the bathroom. A religious self-centred prick that thought his ways were better than everyone else’s. Nobody’s liked him.
You scoffed, “If that’s our connection, I should just date the entire school.”
“Haven’t you?”
That right there. It should have been a warning to you. But you just shook your head, brushing it to the back of your mind to focus on something more important: getting out of there undetected.
Before even eating your food, you managed to convince Brock to leave. It wasn’t soon enough because Sharon saw you. Alone with Brock. On a date.
The betrayal on her face hit you like a punch to the stomach. What even was your life anymore?
You both rushed out of the restaurant. Tears were threatening to escape from your eyes, but you willed them away.
“I’m sorry about that,” you apologised, walking to the car. You opened the door to get in, but Brock shut it before it even got halfway open.
“Uh, I’ve got something for you.”
You tilted your head, hoping it was something romantic.
He flicked up an orange gift card. “Two hundred dollars to The Home Depot,” he said with a big smile on his face.
Your face crumpled in confusion before the realisation set in.
This wasn’t a date. No. Of course, it wasn’t. Not really. It was a way to get you to–
“Bam,” he said, all smug. As if he has done something.
“I didn’t realise this was a–“ Now the tears really were starting to form. You didn’t listen as he explained himself. You didn’t care enough to hear what he had to say. You didn’t care because once you finally thought someone had shown an interest in you, it blew up in your face. Hell, maybe you’ve deserved it. Going along with all these rumours. It was bound to bite you in the ass one way or another.
You took a breath, resolving yourself to all the age old question. “So what did we do on this date?”
“Whatever two hundred bucks gets me.”
And with that he leaned in, grabbing your chin to push his lips against yours.
Warning signs flared in your mind. Just what the hell did he think he was doing? You pushed him away. “That’s not really how it works,” you tried to explain.
He wasn’t hearing it. “It’s okay,” he muttered before closing the gap again. You hit his chest, trying to get him off of you.
“Stop!” you cried out, so fucking done with today. “I’m not really having sex with people for money. I’m saying I’m having sex, but I’m not having sex for money.”
You didn’t know what about your explanation was lost on him. How he could listen to that and still continue, maybe he just wasn’t listening in the first place.
He leaned in again, trying to reassure you. And yet again you pushed him away. “Stop! No, no! Stop!”
“What? Come on just relax, babe. It’s alright.”
It was as if he didn’t hear you the first million times you said it. It was as if you didn’t repeatedly push him away. Or maybe he was just dumb enough to continue pursuing you when you clearly didn’t want it.
Whatever the case was, you didn’t care.
So, yet again, you pushed him away. His back hit the car, and you walked away.
“Come on, this is bullshit! I paid you.”
You turned on your heel and flicked the card back at him. “Well now you didn’t.”
He yelled after you, upset that he didn’t get what he wanted. Tears began trickling down your face.
You heard your name being called out, a familiar, friendly voice. You turned around to see Bucky, white button down and all, walking towards you.
“Bucky… hi,” you couldn’t hide the way your voice wobbled even if you wanted to. You saw his fists clenched as he watched Brock’s car skirt away.
“Hey, you alright?”
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m fine.”
He frowned, not believing you for a second. The moment you walked in with Rumlow, he was angry. Be it jealousy or knowing you deserved so much better than that prick–probably both—he hated watching you two together. It was wrong.
“You sure?” Bucky frowned. He hated seeing you cry. Especially over some jerk that didn’t deserve you in the first place.
You sniffed, rubbing your nose. This day has been so awful. You just wanted to go to your warm bed, curl up and cry. If god took any liking to you, you wouldn’t wake to see the next day. But why would he after all you had allegedly done?
“I uh, just got off my shift. If you uh needed a ride home,” Bucky offered.
Despite the fact that you had just been harassed by a guy you foolishly thought you could trust, you put your trust in this one. You just hoped Bucky was better. You had no reason to be weary of his offer. He had been nothing but nice to you even when the rumours and lies began their torrent on your life.
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?”
“Nah, plus my ma would kick my ass if I left you here alone.” The corners of his eyes crinkled as he chuckled. It was adorable. “Or my sister, or Steve’s ma. Hell, even Steve would try to beat me up.”
Now that was an image. Tiny, little, asthmatic Steve trying to beat up bulky, tall, strong Bucky?
You giggled in spite of yourself. Bucky always seemed to know just what to say.
You both climbed into Bucky’s car before he took off. It was silent for the most part, letting you think back to everything that had happened today.
You watched Bucky as his hands gripped onto the steering wheel. His mouth was set in a heavy frown, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head.
“What’s up, Buck?” You tried your best to sound like Brock’s actions hadn’t bothered you as much as they had.
He sighed, glancing at you for all but a second. He rolled up to a red stoplight and used that moment to look you in the eye.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Hmm? Oh, Brock? No, no, no. Not physically anyway.”
His eyes searched your face. He was clearly distraught. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Why?”
“I didn’t get out there soon enough, if I just got outta there sooner he wouldn’t have… and you wouldn’t have had to–”
“Light!” you nudged him.
“Right! Sorry.”
“And hey, it’s not your fault, Bucky.”
Bucky’s knuckles were white as snow. He was clenching his jaw so hard, you worried he might damage his teeth. “He wouldn’t listen to you. You said no. Multiple. Times.”
Your heart ached because you knew Bucky wasn’t going to let this go. Because he actually cared. His eyes stayed on the road, and you were surprised the asphalt didn’t spontaneously combust into flames with the ferocity behind his glare.
“But I got away, I’m okay.”
“And what if you didn’t, huh? What if I was too late? You deserve so much better, you hear me?”
You didn’t even realise he was staring right at you until you looked back at him. You were stopped at a stop sign. With no one behind you, he didn’t feel any need to keep driving.
His face morphed into pure horror as the tears began rolling down your face. You looked away from him again, to your lap this time.
“‘M sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to yell, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and laughed. What even was Bucky Barnes? And why the hell was he always so inherently good?
“Bucky,” you sniffed, “I’m not upset about you yelling. I’m… It’s just… you, you care? About me?”
His brows furrowed. “Well, of course I do. You’re a great person. Your sweet and smart—”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Come on. You’ve heard the rumours, James. You aren’t living under a rock and you’re not stupid.”
“Exactly, so I’m not stupid enough to believe the lies being spread around. What I can’t seem to figure out, however, is how you got mixed up in all of this.”
“It’s a really long story.”
Bucky shrugs, “I’ve got nowhere to be.”
That is how you and Bucky ended up on top of a nearby cliff, sitting on the hood of Bucky’s car, eating snacks you got from a gas station. You told him most of the details to your unfortunate series of events that led to this moment. Bucky only stopping you every once in a while to ask questions or make threats to anyone that he claimed deserved it.
You felt like a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders. The best part of it was, you actually thought that Bucky believed you. He held no judgement and was a total sweetheart the entire time—well, besides the times when he teased you. But even then it was all in good fun.
You shouldn’t have expected anything less from the guy that was a complete teddy bear once you peeled back his intimidating layers. He was a good man, through and through. Nothing and no one could take that away from him.
When you finished, you leaned back to look at the stars. “If I ran away and changed my name, would you come with me?”
He chuckled. “I don’t know if that’s the best course of action to take.”
“What else can I do, Bucky? You’ll be the only person that believes me!”
“Maybe I’m the only person that needs to.”
“Yeah, right. What if my supposed sex life gets passed around so that everyone knows about it. Employers? Schools? The government? I’ll be screwed!”
“Why would the government care?” he guffawed.
“I don’t know, okay! Stop laughing at me, you jerk! This is a serious crisis.”
“Okay, sorry! Sorry!”
“It’s hard to believe you’re sorry when you’re still laughing.”
He calmed down enough to stop his laughter. “Look, you and I both know this won’t go away overnight. You did dig yourself into a pretty deep hole. I don’t know how we’re going to fix it, we just will, okay?”
“Okay, and what’s in it for you?”
He hummed, taking his eyes off of the stars to look at you. “Well… I get to help you. Maybe I’d get to spend more time with you too.”
“And why would you want that?” You look down at him, surprised to find him staring back at you.
He shrugs before looking back at the sky. “You’re pretty cool.”
“Mhm, and did you make this assessment before or after all these rumours started?”
“Way before.” He looks back at you. “Maybe that night I wasn’t ready for my first kiss. The night you covered for me, and you didn’t get anything out of it. You just did it out of the goodness in your heart.”
“I… didn’t think you’d remember that…”
“Of course, I remember. I’m practically kicking myself right now for not actually kissing you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He hummed his agreement. Your heart beat faster as his eyes dropped to your lips only momentarily. If you had blinked, you would’ve missed it.
He cleared his throat and got up. You followed after him, frowning as he took a deep sigh. “What’s wrong?”
He looked back at you, anguished. “Sorry, I didn’t mean… I’m trying to do this right, y’know. I don’t want to pressure you or anything and this is all wrong.”
“I’m not following,” you cut his ramblings short.
“I’ve… I’ve liked you for a long time… I just didn’t say anything because… well, as Steve put it, I’m too chicken shit.” He chuckled. “I should’ve done it sooner, I guess.”
You didn’t know how to respond. You were speechless. You wondered just how different your life would be if he had confessed sooner. The fact that he felt anything for you at all was… it was… you didn’t even know.
“God, this is the worst possible time to tell you. I’m such an idiot! I’m so sorry, just forget I said anything.”
“What… what if I like you too?”
Bucky froze. All of him hoped that would be your response. Truly. But he didn’t want to take advantage of you. You had just gotten done with what was probably the shitiest date of your life. You had been ostracised by everyone else. And he was the only one who held an olive branch to you. It wasn’t fair to you.
“I… I can’t… not in my right mind would I ever dream of taking advantage of you like this.”
Your face twisted. “Take advantage? Bucky, how can you take advantage of me if I like you back?”
He sighed. “You’re not thinking straight. I’m just the first guy who wasn’t a complete dickwad to you, so naturally you would like me.”
“Bucky, stop. I have liked you… for a lot longer than I care to admit. This isn’t me being desperate for any positive human connection. I genuinely like you.”
He bit his lip, looking so conflicted it hurt. You wanted to ease his worries. He shouldn’t feel that way. Not when you truly cared about him and have for a while. You’d like to think you deserved something good in your life. And if that good just so happened to be named Bucky? Well… who were you to deny it?
You advanced toward him, looking into those pale, stormy blue eyes. He said your name, a warning tone lying underneath every syllable.
“Tell me you don’t want this, and I won’t push any further,” you murmured. You were so close to him you could feel the heat from his furnace-like body. He stared into your eyes, thinking about how damn lucky he was to have such a beautiful view tonight.
“You sure you want this?” Bucky just had to ask. He needed to be sure. He didn’t even know what this was. It could be just a simple kiss, maybe a one-night stand, or, if he dared to hope, a relationship. Whatever it was, he would take it. He would be grateful for the chance to hold you, to kiss your lips and maybe more.
“Have I not made it clear enough yet?” You smirked at him. Bucky’s tongue wet his lips, a moment you traced with your eyes. He was gorgeous.
His hands cupped your face as he leaned in. You both closed your eyes as your lips met. You let him take the lead, not one hundred percent certain what you were doing.
Most people when looking back on their first kiss, regale about how horrible it was. How awkward it was and how terrible it panned out.
You were not most people.
It was easy to follow Bucky’s lead as his lips moved against yours. You hoped you were doing good with your first kiss. You hoped he liked it. Because you really liked being kissed by him.
When you broke apart for air, you opened your eyes to see him grinning like a love-sick fool. It was so endearing that you pulled him into another quick kiss.
“I never thought I’d get to do that,” Bucky murmured against your lips. They were still held in an impossibly adorable smirk that made your insides melt.
You knew right then and there, you wanted him to be your first. Your first everything. Your first kiss, your first real date (because you sure as hell weren’t counting the shitstorm from earlier as your first date), your first boyfriend, your first lover.
“I really like ya, doll. Maybe we should do this again sometime?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “maybe I can skip the awful date next time though.”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind… next time you could have a nice date. With a pretty nice fella if I do say so myself. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he’ll treat ya right.”
You smirked. “‘S that so? Maybe I’ll just have to go on that date and see for myself.”
He smiled even wider. You didn’t think it was possible. “Really? Does that mean you’d wanna go on a date with me?”
“Yes, you buffoon. I thought you were supposed to be a lady’s man.”
“Hey now,” he chided, “weren’t we just having a conversation about how awful rumours could be?”
You chuckled with him as he pulled you into his arms. He pressed a gentle kiss into your hair.
“I think we should get back before my parents send out a search party.”
He laughed and agreed. Bucky drove you back to your house. Instead of curling up and crying in your bed, you ended up smiling like a lovesick fool until sleep overcame you.
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Bucky Taglist: @harleycao @hallecarey1
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starfiretruther · 1 year
i feel like ever since comics left the silver age there has been this bizarre nearly fetishistic desire to associate robins with this stripping of innocence that has to do with you fundamentally still seeing them as the child robin figure for it to be shocking. like killing robins, having them be in these toxic relationships, showing them being sexualized (often by notably older chars) is all part of this really uncomfortable still ongoing trend. and i’m not saying that as robins grow up they can’t experience sex and sexual exploration or dark themes, i actually think ntt’s take on this was really honoring of dick and explored what it would be like to grow up under the robin mantle and also what it would take to come into one’s own identity afterwards, but usually this trend makes me really uncomfortable, like how dick has been written to be sexually assaulted multiple times (ive never seen it done tactfully), or how more than one adaptation has harley make a comment about how much dick has grown up (ew), or how they wanted to kill tim drake with aids in the 90s (they instead went with extrano). i guess while there is nothing technically wrong with making an adult male character a little sexy, the modern obsession with dick’s ass feels like an extension of this to me still. like dc and it’s fans don’t know how to be normal about robins. idk if that makes sense or maybe i project too much but i just really wish there was more skill and intention with writing robins and less schlock and awe
hm while i don’t disagree i feel like the general ‘stripping of innocence’ happened to most child or at least happy go lucky characters (e.g. bucky barnes), not just robin. Robin stands out cuz they’ve been the most recognisable child/sidekick hero in media. Comics in general took a turn to darker (less fun) “serious” stories in the 80s. Robin in particular has been a target for hate since the 60s because fans thought he made batman campy and gay (there was the whole seduction of the innocent thing where they said batman and robin were coded queer messaging trying to indoctrinate the children). I think rather than Dick, Jason got hit with the most ire of the editorial and fans and when stories kept getting darker and darker, he became an unfortunate victim. Dick (at least in this time period) had a lot of dignity, getting a well-thought out coming of age narrative through nightwing and being firmly cemented as a respectable, reliable adult hero (thanks to the titans and his romance with kory). While comics always had a touch of fanservice, his sexualization really started around the late 90s and had a resurgence during the n52-rebirth era. I think any of his prior sexualization was standard male fantasy stuff (this guy gets all the ladies type thing). I think in Tim’s case they weren’t going for a “let’s destroy his innocence “ thing and more of a way to both modernise him for a contemporary (90s) audience and also distance him far away from the gay allegations (how ironic lol). They still wanted the kid watson to Batman’s brooding sherlock but also just more “normal” so the kids relate. Which is why they made him a cheater etc and i know how tf is that better but they really didn’t want him to be gay fhdjfj. I don’t know much abt the aids story pitch though. Steph and Damian are also better examples of “stripping the innocence” storylines for Robin than Dick and Tim. Steph also had a tragic death, and Damian’s first introduction is as a child assassin (antithesis to innocence). I agree that it’s weird people are so weird abt robins (and child characters in general) but imo it reflects more on an audience’s (and editorial’s) insecurity regarding childish, campy things because why are you mad at the camp medium for being camp? Learn to have some fun LEWSER.
I feel like most dick grayson fans feel so strongly abt this is because they like his prudish and insecure ntt characterisation (and so do i tbh it’s very interesting) and also the multiple SA storylines that a) never got resolved or b) were handled poorly. BUT that dick grayson hasn’t been in comics for a while now. We haven’t seen any acknowledgment from dc’s editorial that dick is a rape survivor, he’s been consistently characterized as a confident metrosexual (eww hate that word) guy both in his civilian and superhero persona (and that agent 37 grayson thing is the biggest culprit here). He’s also retroactively being portrayed as a smooth talking flirt in his robin days now so clearly that’s what they’re going for (imo i think they’re doing what they did with tim to dick's robin just to make him look more “normal” and relatable and straight).
Dick’s robin era is still treated as peak batman&robin era and he’s still a symbol for innocent, “simpler” times. He’s gotten the most grace when transitioning from child to teen to adult hero. On the topic of his sexualization aka the butt issue, it’s only cuz he’s one of the most popular male hero they can sexualize. I genuinely don’t think there’s any malice from the editorial since Dick has been an adult for 40 years now and there’s nothing wrong with sexing up his stories BUT ALSO i get why fans are upset cuz they’re deliberately ignoring his past characterization and sexual history to make him into a more palatable, marketable character. And tbh it’s been going on for long enough that it might as well be his defining character trait now :/ .
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httpiastri · 29 days
JACKIE YOU GOT IT RIGHT OMG but now i’ve just been made really curious as to which part of that previous ask gave it away (was it the 2022 mention? that would kinda make sense, i think)
the synchronicities with pepe are all insane?? some of mine are just outright weird but like even your pokemons situation is so cool because it all makes me feel so 😵‍💫🌟💫 because i love knowing that everything and everyone is interwoven and connected yk? and about pepe being represented by a lotus flower… honestly pepe has surprised me sm since i first found out about him because sometimes he just ends up liking certain things i don’t expect him to all because he’s a driver and stuff like if he ended up being secretly spiritual with little good luck rituals or whatever i wouldn’t be surprised anymore and i LOVE that about him (i also love him)
and AAAAAAA omg the pepe shaving blurb had me feeling so 😊😊 too like the details in it are so essential to the plot and it effectively launched me even deeper into the pepe obsession because how could you just casually write about hugging him from behind and not expect me to go absolutely insane
also there was a point of time where i had every pepe tag hidden for me from any social media platform because just his name or face would have me going so insane and my only way to tackle that was to hide him from myself so if that doesn’t say enough about me idk what will 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
and being able to call him dorky?? AAAAAAA my pepe happens to be a little cocky so idk if ill get to say that anytime soon but one day i will 🤞🤞
p.s. i love getting your replies too!! it literally fuels me through the day and i’m so grateful that you’ve been so sweet and accepting of me while supporting my pepe obsession (and even contributing to it, to be fair)
- 🪷💗
okay this got way too long because i spiraled so im putting the little cut thing here :))) im so sorry
yay yay yay !!! pls lmk if you think im like outing you too much here if you wanna keep a secret profile bcs then ill delete some of this, but like it was kind of because of the 2022 part? but mostly bcs of the spirituality part!! because i remembered that when i posted a couple of pepe gifs months ago, i saw your reblog of them and thought like "oh! pepe fan!! i like this person already" and i started looking through your blog 🤭 and like omg i must say, about your like manifestation post…. im very good at doing or saying stuff like that just for fun but recently they've started to come true quite often?? like i manifested clem's win in zandvoort last year… i said "arvid and luke will be the first f3 winners" several days before the first f3 session…. me and a dear friend talked about how lando would get his first win like two days before miami…… idk i think it's time for me to manifest a pepe win 😭😭
and god yes yes i agree!! i actually have a crazy fact here that i wasn't gonna say but i think i've said it on this blog before anyway so… my actual first name (i have several first names, no not middle names…. my parents wanted to be "funny" but it's actually a pain in the ass a lot of the time) is lotus…….. i couldn't make this up 😭 my mom always said it was because of the flower but my dad said it was bcs of the car ofc because it was more sneaky than naming your daughter like mercedes or ferrari lmao. and so that you chose that emoji, which is so dear to me because ive grown up loving lotus flowers and having plastic flowers all over my room and just 😵‍💫🫨 and okay i had a huge ariana grande phase when i was younger and i used to love "baby i" so much that my parents got me a tshirt of it for my like 13th bday… and guess what song came on first when i pressed shuffle on ☄️ anons pepe playlist today? THAT SONG 🙃 and guess where i used to keep that shirt (i never wore it)?? on my bedroom wall, and guess what used to stick up from that tshirt?????? A PLASTIC LOTUS FLOWER. I COULD NOTTT BE MAKING THIS UP 😭 sadly ive moved out of that room but i will do my very best to look for an old pic as proof because this is actually a bit insane to me…..
but yes i would also not be surprised if he came on a pod some day or whatever and said that he is a little spiritual and like u said has a lot of like pre-race rituals and :(((( cute
i'm very glad to hear that you liked the shaving thoughts !!!! i may have posted some more…. esp important stuff in the tags of that one 🫠 but aaaAaAa!! im going insane too!!! just the thought of hugging him is so !!!!!!!! i think hugging him would be so so nice? i feel like he can be very firm with it because he's just too strong, but then there's always some little detail that's so soft and that just makes your knees go weak 🥺 like he whispers something sweet in your ear before pressing a quick kiss to your neck… or he pulls away from the hug but keeps his hands on your hips, holding your lower bodies close… and the way he looks into your eyes so intently when you tell him about how your day was, his smile never leaving his lips and- 😭 idkkkk and just the thought of hugging him when he's not wearing a shirt, like i feel like he would have naturally warm skin? so cuddling up to his back would be so cozy ??? your nose tickling the skin between his shoulder blades or your cheek resting on his bicep or something…….. 👉👈 (and omg resting on his bare chest in bed aaaaaaaaaaaa dont get me started)
bby you had the tag hidden?? please??? 🥲 understandable tho to keep sane and focused ig… bcs idk how to not think about him all day every day tbh, anytime i see him its just 🫠
shsjshjssj anons being fans of anons 🥺 idk if ive heard that song before but it fit so well with the two of them 🥺🥰 kisses to the editor 😚😚
waaaaahhh your asks fuel my days too 😭 when i woke up to this ask this morning i got so giddy hehehe and im always longing to hear more from you <3333 and god youve contributed sm to my obsession too aaaaaaa !!! so glad we get to share this (and with everyone else here too) 💗💗
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