#(i'm only halfway but i already got so many recordings.... takes too much space on my ps5)
telamons · 1 year
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No matter how bitter the truth that awaits me, I will press on.
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fabdante · 3 months
MORE reboot thoughts because I'm having fun with it:
-I keep thinking of Dante squatting in the abandoned remains of Paradise after the events of the game, when he's in a bad headspace and self isolating. Maybe feeds the local stray cats, too, and has kinda adopted a black cat as his own.
As a more positive thing: I also like the idea of him rebuilding the place as some kind of homeless shelter or halfway house- but one of the good ones, warded against demons and cops alike. Or maybe him giving it to Kat and them forming a new Order (maybe renaming it the Protectors, like from DMC2?) there.
I'm not sure where he'd get the money and manpower to rebuild the place, tho, unless he got a hold of Vergil's wealth or somehow made enough to buy the place (assuming Vergil didn't already buy it). There'd still be so many issues with paperwork. It's not like he can exactly prove that he's supposed to inherit the place, even if Sparda and Eva willed it to him. I'm not sure if he could even buy the place or run it how he'd want to, given his criminal record. Same issue with Kat's criminal record. But its still a nice idea.
Could also see Dante just going "fuck the paperwork" and warding the place against demons and veiling it from the cops* and letting (as much as he can of) the local homeless population just turn the place into a tent city. Not as good as actually having the place fixed up and running as something official, but its better than just letting all that space go to waste.
Not sure how much Dante would actually do this one, tbh, since I'm not sure how comfortable he'd be letting people in to his old home. Even if there's nothing really left there but ash and memories and his parents' paintings, it was still the place he and Vergil grew up. Might be too personal.
*= Its not really clear what the rules for the Nephilim's powers ARE, so maybe Dante can hide things from sight, like illusion magic? I mean, the demons kinda did that, so ??? But if not then ignore this, lol.
-Headcanon that there are a lot of half demons and people with demonic heritage running around after the end of the game, just given how many demons there were integrated into human society under Mundus. I doubt all of them would be on Mundus' side, even just out of fear. Maybe after Mundus is gone, they can all rally around Dante and Kat instead? And help him and Kat build a better future? Maybe some good demons too, that never had the courage or the power to really openly defy Mundus/protect humanity before this? Idk, I just like the idea of Dante not being the only non-human good guy around, y'know? Same with Sparda. And Eva, tbh. I mean, making a nephilim takes a demon AND an angel, so presumably Eva wasn't the only one to rebel and fall in love with a demon. It'd be neat if we could see more of that, even if it was just second or third hand accounts of the relationships.
-Headcanon that Dante hangs out by Assiel's statue, sometimes, post game. He's not really sure how aware she actually is, since Phineas said she was slain, but she still turned her head and spoke to Dante when he approached her for help, so he talks to her anyway. Thanked her for her help, telling her that they killed Mundus, told her what happened with Vergil, told her about Sparda and Eva... Just. Anything. He thinks of it as kinda being like hanging out with his cousin. Or at least visiting her grave. Or both, sometimes.
He probably repaired her statue, too, as much as he could. It'd probably take some welding gear and extra metal and such, assuming he couldn't just use his powers, but hey, he's got time. Maybe tried painting her statue, too- if that's not too weird.
-Kinda inspired by the Vergil Chronicles, but I like the idea of Dante just clearing out a space in Limbo for him and Kat to just chill in. Maybe go on a date in? Just. Somewhere nice, and pretty to look at, and fun to walk around. No demons. Not sure if Dante can bring snacks into Limbo with him, but maybe he'd try anyway, for her? Or they could just eat when they get back to the real world, whichever.
(Idk if Limbo is even a thing anymore by the end of the game, but this idea was cute, so I'm sticking it here.)
-Headcanon that Dante's ill-fitting jacket in the game is a keepsake from an old boyfriend of his. Dante bounced before being around him could get the guy killed, but they were still fond of one another, and it probably could've been good if Dante had stayed/things were different. Dante kept the jacket as a memento of their time together. (I know it doesn't have to be that deep, I just like this headcanon.)
Oh these are fun!
I have thought about the idea of Dante returning to Paradise after the events of the game. I know it's one the reboot fandom considers a lot and I like seeing everyone's different takes. Me and my girlfriend had an AU once set entirely around the concept of Dante, Kat, and other survivors of the crash of Limbo City rebuilding Paradise as a sort of home base and it was always a fun one.
I had also never considered Dante with illusion powers, that's interesting. It always seemed like something more in line with Vergil but like you said there's not really any info on what powers Nephilim in the context of the reboot do or don't have and how universal all of these abilities are!
I'm also a big proponent of there being more morally nebulous demons and half demons in Limbo City. In a lot of my writing (most of which are WIPs right now) there's a lot of characters who are either full or half demons who are fairly autonomous with a lot of moral range. It's something I always liked about the reboot specifically, how we get a lot of implications that the demons are more morally complex then a lot of the ones in the preboot (given we have characters like Phineas who confirm that there were demons rebelling against Mundus and such)
As for other accounts of Eva and Sparda's relationship in the reboot, I find them really interesting. I actually wrote a meta post about them once that's just highly speculative on the nature of Eva and such (Part 1, Part 2 there's two parts). I've been meaning to do a follow up also I just haven't had time to finish it up. I'd also like to write a one shot about my view of their relationship which might not be everyone's cup of tea but I find them very interesting.
The idea of Dante returning to Assiel is very sweet! And the idea of Kat and Dante having their own little zone in Limbo/hell is very fun to!
The jacket idea is fun to! I tend to headcanon that Dante is a bit of a magpie for jackets, so my explanation for it's size was that he'd shoplifted it a while back asdfghj I like the boyfriend angle though it's cute!
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one where model Y/N is attacked in Paris.
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blurb: Harry and Model Y/N are in Paris for Fashion Week 2020 earlier this year. To celebrate her first time walking for Gucci, Harry decides to take her out for a dinner date when a crazy youtube prankster attacks her while leaving the restaurant and Harry get furious as standing up to defend his girl.
word count: 3.5K
warning: rude and disrespectful attitude, invasion of personal space, violence, anxiety attack quote. DON’T read it if you feel uncomfortable.
author’s note: HIII, I know this took me a while. I was working on it when I got a cold and just couldn’t think of anything to finish writing this, but I’m much better now for god’s sake. I’d like to apologize with whoever requested this for taking such a long time to post it and say a huge thank you or requesting this too! This is completely inspired by what happened to Gigi Hadid in 2016(I guess) and I remember seeing this video and thinking why someone would do that, also, Gigi said once that the guy was lucky Zayn wasn’t with her sooooo I guess I just think Harry would be so furious because even though he’s a very chill guy, his girl safety and well being is the one thing that matters the most to him.
gigi’s video for the ones who didn’t see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjsPmjqmcvs
       February 27th, 2020
   Today was the first time that you ever walked for Gucci, and it was amazing, you were beyond happy because getting where you are today being a short model and only being 22 years old it's something to be proud of. It hasn't been easy all the time but you were slowly making your way to the top and that's more than enough. And you were highly grateful for Harry either, of course you walked Gucci's show because of your talent and hard working and no one doubted that, but Harry did a important role in your newest contract with Gucci because you met the team because of him and his Gucci obsession. But anyway, the fashion show was amazing, and you had Harry on the crowd cheering for you all the time and God, he was so proud! He couldn’t even handle himself. He was recording everything and even got up when you did the catwalk next to him as he kept taking multiple pictures. If you have to be real, almost 90% of those pictures looked really bad because he wasn't focusing on the phone but he also wanted to register this moment and when you'd look through them later you'd actually laugh because most of them had a very blur image.
    When the fashion show ended, he had to congratulate you backstage. As you were starting to take off your outfit, you listened to your boyfriend's rough voice making you turn around to face him and see the biggest smile on his face, you could clearly see his dimples on the side of his cheek. He walked over to you instantly wrapping his strong arms around your figure hugging you so tight that you were even afraid that he would get the feat of ruining the rest of clothes you still had on.
— You were so great, I'm so pround of you! — Harry said on a low tone next to your ear before breaking the hug and looking carefully to your face. You had this crazy green eyeshadow that were halfway gone by now which caused him to chuckle — I love your eye look, it looks fabulous! — Harry said making you bend over to stare at the mirror behind you only realizing now you haven't finished taking off your makeup yet. You stand straight again giving him a mocking expression as you grabbed the makeup wipe you were using from the makeup table behind both of you.  
— I know, I'm thinking about wearing this everywhere because it's just really fashion! — you ironically said taking a smirk out of him as you turned around sitting on the chair in front of the mirror so you could have a sight of how you're makeup were doing — But thank you, you know I appreciate it!
— I do! And that's why I'll congratulate you by taking you out for dinner tonight! — Harry said walking towards you resting his hands on both of your shoulders squeezing them gently as he bends over giving you a small kiss on your neck.
— Oh, like a dinner date? — You'd ask with a smirk on as you felt goosebumps on your kiss with his little kiss.
— Exactly like a dinner date! And later, we can have our own private celebration! — He'd say with a  smirk on his lips as you finished taking your makeup off — What d' you think? Sounds good? — He asked you and you nodded at him and just some minutes later you both were out stage going back to your hotel in Paris. Harry called Jeff and asked him if he could make a reservation for both of you for tonight around 8 pm and he glady did, so as it was already 6 pm and as you both were probably the one couple in the world who takes the longest to get ready, you'd come back to the hotel and started getting ready already.
    Jeff made an appointment for both of you to go to Le Cinq restaurant which is located near the Eiffel Tower and Arc of Triumph. You absolutely loved Paris at night, for some reason it seemed more magical and interesting to you. The weather, the lights, the fashion and the language that you learned to master well through the years warmed your heart whenever you’d go there. When you were a child, you got used to always hearing your mom tells you:’’whenever you’re in love, go to Paris’’, and for this reason Paris was one of the first places where you and Harry traveled together as couple. Harry didn’t use to travel a lot for by the way. MOst of the time, he used to travel for work, so this changed a lot since you started dating because you love to travel. You’ve always been a free spirit person, the kind of person that goes wherever the winds takes you so with the time Harry became like this too as you started taking him to do the craziest things on the craziest places around the world.
    You felt the car slower it’s velocity as it got closer to the front of the restaurant, and you both could see by the window that the front was packed. As it was Paris Fashion Week, there were a lot of celebrities in the city and usually, fans settled in front of popular places around the city hoping they’d have a chance to meet their favorite celebs and even though you were already used to crowds at this point of your life, they’d still make you a little nervous, especially when it was in places not well known to you like a city you don’t live on.
— You’ll have to guide me because these shoes are really high and I don't want to step on anyone's feet — You said to Harry while putting your phone in the small black Prada bag you carried with you with your head down looking carefully to it because you’ve lost the count of how many times you thought you had put the phone inside your bag and you didn’t.
— It's alright! Hold my hand because there are a lot of people here! — Said Harry bringing his left hand up to your face to put a lock of hair of yours that fell in your face behind your ear and you nodded to him. Harry was really protective over you, and he has been that way since the beginning of your relationship. He’d always put your safety first anytime you’d go out together. When it was his about his concerts, you’d usually discuss about the fact that you want to be in the audience and he wants you to be backstage. It’d taken you a few minutes to convince him that everything was going to be fine, but it would also have days that it didn’t matter how much time you try to convince him he’d beg you to stay backstage so he could be relaxed during the performance. But you were grateful for him being that way, you were grateful that he cared so much about your well being because you know exactly how much some relationships can be destructive and you felt lucky to have someone this good in your life. Of course he wasn’t perfect, neither of you were but who is? He tried his best and that’s what matters the most.
    But anyway, Harry held your hand tightly and opened the car door, immediately feeling the camera’s flashes burning your faces and listening to some fans starting to shout. Harry’s bodyguards got between both of you and the crowd guiding your way to the entrance of the restaurant and you felt the heat from the crowd instantly even though the weather in Paris was only 59°F, it’d feel lot warmer until you entered the place. And that is one special kind of a place, The decoration was perfectly splendid, gorgeous and marvelous if you must say. The touches of gold and light blue mixed with the yellow coloration of lights and the spectacular french food scent brought a cozy and elegant vibe.The restaurant was a little full, nothing out of the common and you observed the many different sizes of tables and the groups of people in it.
    You both were taken to your table that was located next to the windows but wasn’t actually on the windows at it still had people outside and it feels weird to eat with people watching you. Anyway, Harry as the gentleman he is pulled the chair for you as he always did even though you had told him there’s no need for that. You both ordered glasses of your favorite white wine, neither of you were heavy drinkers but as it was a celebration it was much needed. The date happened naturally, just as all the laughing, talking and even gossips. This the casual couple gossip that you two would have, but it happened naturally. None of you ever felt like you had to pretend to be anybody else except yourself around each other.
    During the night, Harry would get lost in your face admiring your features while you’re talking. He would admire the way your eyebrows move when you’d change expressions, the way your eyes would form a very tiny line when you tried to see something that was away from you, he’d admire your smile and the sound of your laugh anytime you’d remember of something funny or he’d tell you something funny and he’d think of how lucky he is to have you, because even though he knows that sometimes he can be a pain in the ass(just as you can too) , you’re very lucky to have one another and to have someone who would make you feel this great and free about who you are. Because who you are is exactly who you need to be. Of course both of you believes that changing and envolving it’s the most important thing to do and sometimes you’d be surprised to see how much you both grew from the beginning of your relationship until today and that would bring smile to your faces. He feels lucky to be able to call you his girl, and god you loved when he’d do it. You loved when he was about to present you to someone and say ‘’This is my girl Y/N’’, it’d cause you to open a big smile because it felt natural. You’re his and he’s yours, period.
    When you both decided it was time to call it a night Harry paid the check against what you wanted because you wanted to pay this time. You’d honestly hate to have people paying for you, and this would usually be a point of discussion between you and Harry. You don't know why but you hate it, and it's just the gentleman in Harry wanting to spoil his girl again and again until he get tired of doing it, but he never does.
   You were about to leave the restaurant when Harry slid his right hand around your waist bringing you closer to him very calmly to kiss your cheek.
— I know you want to say hi to everyone but just walk to the car, alright? — He'd lowly talk next to your ear making you look at him with a serious expression — It's for your safety, love! It's late now, and we don't know who's there. — And he was right, it was past midnight now and there were still some people out there. How can they stand there in this cold weather? But anyway, you agreed with him as you both walked your way to outside. You felt flashes again, blinding flashing lights making you look to the ground as Harry held his hand on the back of your back guiding you to the car.
    As you walked towards the car, you felt a small hand touch your arm and you looked over to see a little girl with probably 12 or 13 years. She pursued tired eyes, and your heart ached with just the thought of keeping walking back to the car because you had no idea of how much time she’s been outside waiting for you so you stopped walking and bend down a little to get close to her height which made Harry stops walking immediately looking a little surprised but he understood when he saw you taking a picture with the little girl and how your face lightens up after it. You asked her what was her name and her age and she answered that her name was Lily and she was 13 she told you that she wants to be a model just like you when she grows older and that melted your heart. You smiled at her and told her that she could do whatever she wanted to and told her that when she grows up and becomes a model, you’d love to walk a show with her. When you’d stand up again you saw Harry looking at you with a small smile on his lips. He couldn’t deny he loves your kindness to every person in the world. It made his heart happy to know that he’s with someone with the same life philosophy than him. So he turned around to open the car door for you when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist lifting you up and you froze.
— What the fu... — You'd shout before starting to hit him on his arms with your elbows as you'd move your legs trying to kick him with your heels. You'd feel flashes on your face and heat on your body increasing. It was the adrenaline and you were furious at this point. — Get...Off...Me — You'd shout as you'd hit his face with your elbows as well, Harry looked over to you and stormed out. He'd swear he'd never been like this in his life, he'd basically run to behind the guy's back and put his arm around his neck, Harry'd give him a punch right in the middle of his back and a slightly kick on the back of his knee to destabilise the guy which put you free by the moment he started to fall. Harry's bodyguard would hold you immediately trying to push you away from the crowd as you looked at Harry pushing the guy away from you.
— What the fuck were you doing? — Harry'd shout right into the man's face and watch as the man started to walk away from the crowd but Harry would go after him. Harry swears to god he couldn't even feel his body at the time. He was completely numb, moved by adrenaline and all he wanted to do was to beat the shit out of that man. — WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? — Harry'd shout walking after him getting no response which just made him angrier. At that time he didn't care about the cameras or whoever was watching him, he couldn't calm down when someone threated his girl safety and personal space. It didn't even need to be you. If he saw anyone threatening a woman's safety, he'd freak out in anger.
   You felt the bodyguards strong hands trying to push you away from the situation because that's what Harry would want him to do. He tried walking you towards the car, but you were reluctantly screaming for Harry because he could get himself hurt if he didn't come back to the car now. The other bodyguard walked after Harry grabbing him by the arm and Harry turned over to look at him with so much anger on his look and you'd swear you never saw him like this but then he did started walking over to you again.
   You finally entered the car and closed the door. You felt in panic. Basically paralyzed, you felt your anxiety attacking and your hands shaking. You could literally hear your heart beating so fast and loud that it scares you.
— Go get him! Follow him to hell. I don't care! Take him to the police office! — You'd listen to Harry talks firmly to his bodyguards as he opened the car's door and entered in it. He took a deep breath and turned his face to look at you. His heart broke at that moment. You were a mess. You couldn't even feel the tears leaving your eyes, but he did see them. He saw your hands shaking and how scared your eyes looked and at that moment all of his anger left his body — Love... — He'd sigh getting closer to you while wrapping his arms around your now-fragile figure. He could feel your entire body shaking on his arms. He caressed your hair with one of his hands as he hugged you tight to calm you down. He'd look to the driver and make a sign for him to start driving back to your hotel — Are ya okay? You're hurt? Did he hurt you? — He'd talk on a calm tone squeezing you a little on his arms. You'd lift your head up to look at him with red wet eyes shaking your head to him.
— I'm sorry! — You'd say lowly. He did tell you to walk straight to the car, and you didn't listen to him.
— It's not your fault, love! — He'd say wiping some of your tears and then carefully kissing both of cheeks — Don't worry about it, everything's gonna be fine, alright? It's okay!
   You'd spent the rest of the ride in silence. A comfortable silence. You'd be laying your head on his shoulder while holding his head getting your breathing and heart back to normal and your phones would start buzzing with notifications of what happened but none of you would see it, not now.
   When you got to your hotel, you'd get out of the car in the garage. You'd both walk slowly to the elevator and slowing to your room. You entered the room going directly to the king sized bed and throwing yourself in it because you felt like getting in a coma and just waking up to a time where all this drama would go away. Harry'd walk towards you and sit in bed beside you. He'd put both of his hands on your shoulders massaging them slowly.
— I'll prepare you a bath, so you can relax a little before sleeping, how's that sound? — He'd say trying to cheer you up a little bit.
— Sounds great, thank you love! — You'd turn your head to look at him with a forced smile on your lips. Harry'd bend down to kiss your hair line before leaving to the bathroom.
   He'd try his best to make you feel the most comfortable to sleep tonight. He'd prepare you a bath. He'd give you a message, he'd brush your hair for you but actually, he loves to do that. He loves to brush your hair before you go to bed, it was more like a routine for you both. He loves to feel your long locks on his fingers and to feel the sweet scent of it. He'd cuddle you until you fall asleep too, he'd even be the big spoon tonight so you could sleep on his chest breathing his perfume because he hoped that'd make you have a good night of sleep.
   And after you did, he'd look on the things on his phone. All the posts about you being attacked in Paris and him beating the guy who did it were just too much and he felt sorry that you'd have to see and read all of those stuff as soon as you unblock your phone. A lot of your friends texted him asking what happened and if you were ok. He'd answer the closest ones only, like his mom and Gemma, your mom, Bella and Jeff. He didn't know what you'll decide about the next fashion shows you had to walk, but he also knows that no one would blame you if you just chose to come back home in NYC.
  Harry didn't sleep at that night at all, he couldn't stop looking for what happened and why it happened. The next day, it was everywhere in the media and later you'd found out that the guy was a youtuber and he was making a prank when he posted his stupid youtube vlog with "I pranked Harry Styles's girlfriend and he punched me" as a title. You'd sue him for sure. You don't like taking those kind of actions, but it was necessary, he had to understand that you cannot disrespect people like this, specially people you don't know.
  After that you'd probably understand why Harry is so protective over you and Harry would actually get ten times more protective, if I had to be honest. But as the time passed by and quarantine came you both would leave it behind and move on with your life because in the end of the day you both will still have one another.
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big-tiddie-squad · 3 years
I did it again.... 😶🤫
The Tease in the Recording Studio
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"Try it again, but more seductive. We're going for a sexy vibe for this song, you have to make them feel like YOU want THEM." The producer in charge of the recordings offers. "You've got this, the fans already want you. You just need to give a little extra back to them."
Bangchan runs his hands through his hair. He's been singing the same part over and over, bringing forth his most charismatic personality, but Ms. Park says it's not enough after every recording. "Alright," he sighs, "let's try it again." He puts the headphone back up to his ear but you can see he's tired and confused on what she wants from him now.
"No problem, have a quick drink and we'll roll it back and start at the beginning again." The woman watches Chan through the glass studiously, then turns to you to apologize, "I'm sorry we're taking so long Ms. Y/L/N, but the job isn't done until it's perfect. I know you've been waiting here awhile but I appreciate you being patient with us. It shouldn't take much longer."
You always liked this recording producer. She was brilliant at her job and she's also very sweet and always allowed you to sit in while recording when you got bored of waiting at home. "It's fine! I understand completely. Can I say something to him before you start again though?" You ask.
"Words of encouragement are always welcome. Go ahead!" She shows you what to press to speak to him. You wet your lips and speak clearly through the small mic. "Channie?" He straightens and smiles at your pet name before replying right away, "Its okay if you wanna wait at home sweetheart, I know it's taking me a bit to get this right but I'll be home at some point tonight, you don't have to wait for me."
"What-? I'm not going anywhere," you laugh, "I just wanted to let you know that you can do absolutely do this, I know you're tired but I also know that you've got this!! Just know I'm here to support you!" You offer up a cheesy grin and wink at him causing him to laugh as well.
"Of course I do. I'm sexy after all right? Singing seductively should come easy to me if I don't think too hard." His eyes brighten and he puts his headphones on before giving his producer a thumbs up to signal he's ready.
"Here we go again!" She says cheerfully, as you sit down on the couch to watch your boyfriend make magic happen.
A frustrated growl leaves Chan as Ms. Park tells him to take a break. It's been over an hour and he's made no progress. He chugs his water bottle and slams it down. You don't typically see him this angry and maybe it's caused by sitting here for so long but... it's kind of hot. He only gets aggressive when you guys are intimate, becoming a whole other person it seems. You get up to go eat something with him while you all take a break.
You both sit in the small break room together as you watch him eat the small sandwich you brought him from home hours ago.
"I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong?" He complains, furiously taking a bite. "How can I not have given off the right vibe by now?" He licks his lips and you're thighs close on their own, stirring up memories of what the two of you did last night. His tongue seemed to have a map of your pussy memorized. Oh how he took you on a mind altering trip. Bending you to his will, literally.
He notices you're staring into the distance and waves a hand in front of your face, "Y/N? You okay? Maybe you should go home and go to sleep now, it's already 11:18 at night." He reaches down and puts his hand on your knee, you'd worn a cute black skirt that comes about halfway up your thighs. Thanks to his touch alone, an immediate urge woke in you and caused you to almost jolt from the contact. Apparently, your poker face needs some practice because Chan picked up on it almost instantly. His eyes dilate a bit as he watches you take your lower lip into your mouth and your breath hitches.
"Oh princess..." he coos at you teasingly, "does my little love need some special attention?" He slides his hand up from your knee to your thigh and begins to stand up and lean in slowly, almost like a predator stalking his prey. "Well, do you?" Every nerve in your body is firing off and your brain is giving you a fight or flight command, but that's what he wants right? He wants you to feel like prey, like you need to run. You wonder if you don't back off... if you were a bit disobedient, maybe this time you could take charge...how would he react?
Wouldn't hurt to find out right?
"Why does it matter? It's not like we have any time for you to do anything about it." You smirk at him, folding your arms and leaning back. His face goes slack for about .5 seconds before his eyes turns a whole new shade of brown. So dark you could be lost in them forever. "Excuse me-" he begins, teeth gritted, just as the door opens to reveal a newly energized producer.
"LETS GO PARTY PEOPLE! We need to get this done and I feel like this next take is gonna be perfect!" She's comes and goes like a hurricane leading the way to the recording room, with you and Bangchan following behind.
Once you all get to there, Chan immediately goes into the small sound proof portion to begin. However, his eyes continue to flit to you, and you can tell he's a little annoyed with being interrupted in the break room. Especially after your last comment.
Ms. Park tells him he's definitely giving off the right kind of energy atm and to keep his head space where it's currently at for the song.
And then you have a wonderful idea. Seriously, you should be an evil temptress. He nods at her but doesn't take his eyes off you for long as he starts singing. Perfect. You look at the back of his Ms. Park's head making sure she's focused on what she's doing. Before swiping your tongue slowly and suggestively over your lips, making full eye contact with Chan. He stumbles over his words, and Ms. Park sighs and asks him to start over, jokingly saying that that was just a warm up.
You smirk it feels nice to have control especially when he isn't able to do anything about it. You're almost positive that this will come back to bite you in the ass but.... it's kind of fun. So you continue. You lean forward and dig through your purse, fishing out a sucker, but as you do you begin letting your breasts tumble out as much as possible. His voice has a slight subtle change to it. And the producer claps her hands excitedly. So far so good.
You sit up and unwrap the sucker placing it in your mouth as you open your legs widely before crossing them, knowingly giving Chan a peep show. His voice is radiating through your body now causing a deep aching in your cunt. Damn was this what Ms. Park was wanting from him. You didn't know how you felt about other girls receiving this special type of feeling from him. A small sting of jealousy courses through you and though you know how deeply you've both fallen for each other. It's just a song, you tell yourself.
You decide to keep taunting him, and you finally run your tongue of over the sucker. You twist it against your lips before sucking it into your mouth, cheeks hollowing as you slowly pull it back out of your mouth smiling at him. His eyes haven't left you this whole time, and the dangerous and almost feral look he gave you was making you clench at nothing. Your pussy was already slick causing your panties to grow wet with your need. You didn't realize how much you were testing him.
He was already harder than hell but thankfully Ms. Park couldn't tell with his sweats and baggy hoodie on. He didn't know where you got this cocky and teasing attitude from but he couldn't wait to take you home and fuck it out of you. You'd never purposfully been this much of a tease before and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it. He takes a breath before going into his solo part in the song and in that exact moment, he knew you were going to be punished tonight.
You'd waited for his part to come up and just before it did you spread your legs to show off your soaking panties slowly slipping a hand down over yourself and rubbing gently. You were so caught up on teasing him you hadn't realized how sensitive you'd gotten. The moment you pressed onto your clit you're mouth opened a bit and you wiggle slightly at the stimulation.
And BOY does Chan notice, his hips jerk forward slightly. Chan watches as your legs close tightly around your wandering fingers, wanting so badly to to replace your fingers with his own. He's in the clear now. Finishing the song with a lusty, almost dangerous note as he sees you bring your fingers up to your lips and suck your own juices off of them with a minx-like grin. You pull your skirt back into place and pop the sucker back into your mouth.
"THAT WAS IT! THAT WAS AMAZING! It's exactly what we needed! We are DONE!" Ms. Park yells whilst jumping up and down. She turns to you and thanks you for your support. "I don't know WHAT you did on lunch to help him get the right mood but whatever it was we might have to have you in here more often!" She laughs. You all gather your stuff and part ways once you get out of the building.
Chan wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in tightly before leaning down, voice rumbling in your ear, "you have awakened a whole new side of me I hope you know that."
You look up at him with the biggest most innocent grin you can muster, the friction of your thighs rubbing together and the meaning behind his words and tone setting your stomach alight with a monstrous sexual hunger. The walk home was difficult for many reasons and at least one of them was because Chan had slipped his hand under your top, fingers brushing your bare skin and adding to the discord of tingles you already had.
"Who would've known you could be such a brat," he says as you both make it to your apartment. He opens the door and let's you walk in first slapping you on the ass and causing you to squeak out in surprise. He enters behind you and locks the door before quickly grabbing your hand and pinning you against the wall. Your lips meet and you can taste his need, the pure desire to ruin you tonight. His hand sneaks into your skirt and panties feeling how wet you were for him. You moan at the contact, your body almost crumbling in on yourself. "Chan" you manage say. "Babygirl- you have a three second head start." He tells you voice coated with a dominant and feral tone as he removes his hand from your warm sheath and licks his fingers clean. "1.......2...." and before he could get to three you bolt for the bedroom, the immense need to run taking over. You haven't even made it 5 feet away before you hear him say three. Before his foot steps are sounding behind you. And all you can think is.
It's going to be a long night.
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lemonmeringuecry · 3 years
The Cubs at Disneyland
Hi, so I've been trying to do this for awhile (ever since I drew Lo in a Mickey Mouse hoodie) but when the queen herself, miss Hazel, said she needs them to go to Disney... well I wrote this. And drew it. Because I'm me.
So anyway, here's the drawing and below is the fic
Tw for a couple mentions of food but I think that's it
Credit for everything @lumosinlove
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Leo bounced a bit on the balls of his feet, goofy smile at full force while he waited to board the plane. He had grown up going to Disney World with his family. Living in Louisiana, Florida wasn’t too far away, and Eloise and Wyatt Knut didn’t let being adults stop them from enjoying the magic of Disney. When Leo was born, his parents were beyond excited about the prospect of going as a family, getting mickey ears, collecting pins, and making memories.
The first time he went, Leo was five, his favorite Disney movie was the lion king, and an expression of pure joy was permanent in his pale, blue eyes. Over the four days they were in the parks he got to go on rides, eat themed sweets, and meet his favorite characters.
After that first trip, Eloise started a scrap book. The book, titled ‘Disney World 2006’, was soon filled with pictures of Leo at the entrance gate, Leo with pineapple dole whip halfway to his mouth, and countless of all three of them taken by the photographers.
A favorite picture of Eloise’s was near the back, this one of her son with Simba. When Leo had spotted the cast member dressed as his favorite character, he all but threw himself at the lion costume clad employee. Leo’s mama had taken many pictures of the two lion cubs together and they were beyond adorable.
There are more scrap books from 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017. Throughout the years of pictures Leo never looks less than ecstatic. Even though New Orleans will forever remain his favorite place in the world, Disney is a close second to home, which is why this trip with his boys is such a big deal for him.
The Lions are currently on a short break in the season after their game against the Coyotes and the cubs are going to spend a few days at Disneyland in Anaheim.
Finn reaches forward to grab Leo’s hand who is standing in line in front of him.
“Sunshine, are you excited?” He asks. Leo tilts his head around to look at his boyfriend and nods eagerly.
“We’ll take that as a yes,” logan chuckles sleepily from behind Finn where he is standing with his head resting on the red head’s back. Evidently waking up at 6:00 in the morning to drive to the airport wasn’t ideal for him.
Leo lets out a low, impatient groan, still bouncing, “I need to be there like right now. Can’t we get on the plane already?”.
“We haven’t even been waiting that long. I think they’re about to call our section though, Peanut,” Finn answers him, trying not to let his amusement show too much.
A crinkly noise cuts off Leo’s response, “Now boarding rows 1-10,” a voice says from over the loudspeaker. Leo stands up straighter and turns to his boyfriends, “that’s us!”
“I know Nutter-Butter, go on, let’s get you to Disney!” Finn says as he pats Leo’s butt lightly, moving him forward, onto the jet bridge.
The boys get settled into their seats, Finn by the window, Logan in the middle for maximum cuddles, and Leo on the aisle for the leg room. For the first half of the flight Logan sleeps while Finn and Leo share a movie, but all three boys are wide awake by the time the flight attendants come around with drinks for the second time. The rest of the flight is spent chatting about practices coming up after the break, things they need for the apartment, and what they are going to do first upon arriving.
Once getting off the plane in California, they take the shuttle from John Wayne Airport to the Disneyland hotels. They are staying in the Adventure Land tower, closest to the park. By this point all three boys are buzzing with the infectious happiness of Disney. After unpacking and getting settled into their hotel room, the cubs proceed with their plans of shopping and getting dinner in Downtown Disney. First thing on the agenda is to procure mouse ears. Logan, Finn, and Leo make their way to World of Disney in order to find the widest selection of ears. Leo has a collection of his own ears at home, including his favorite pride Minnie ears, but for this trip he wants to get new ones along with Logan and Finn. Leo and Finn decide on classic Mickey ear hats, while Logan picks out Minnie ears with a lavender bow. They all get sweatshirts too, as is custom.
After a pleasant evening of enjoying the atmosphere and getting dinner at Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen (Leo’s offense towards their attempt at Cajun cuisine is only partially a joke), they call it night. They head back to the hotel, brush their teeth, put on pajamas, and cuddle up in bed. After a busy day the three boys quickly fall asleep, full of anticipation for the day ahead.
Something you should know about Leo is that when it comes to Disney, he is hard core. Their first morning there is an early entry in Disneyland park.
“Rise and shine, party people!” Leo calls as he entera the main part of the hotel room from the bathroom. Logan and Finn are just now waking up, but they aren’t remotely tired. The pure excitement radiating off their boyfriend is contagious as well as the promise of a day of fun.
“Butter baby, how long have you been up?” Finn’s question is alarmed yet distinctly amused.
“Since 5:30,” Leo responds off-handedly. Logan and Finn share a look, then turn it on Leo. Undeterred, Leo spins slowly in a circle in order to show off his carefully constructed outfit. He is wearing his favorite light wash Levi’s, paired with the crewneck he bought yesterday (light gray with vintage looking Mickey & friends). Underneath his sweatshirt he is wearing his Pizza Planet t-shirt, ready for when it gets hot later. Leo’s outfit is accessorized with his new Mickey ear hat, white air Jordan 1’s, and his Tinker Bell lanyard filled with pins from over the years.
“These things take time! Now y’all go get dressed, we have to be in line by 6:45,” Leo says. With that both Finn and Logan get out of bed and into their clothes in record time. On their way out of the room, they pick up their ears and backpacks from the desk by the TV.
After a brief stop at the Starbucks in Downtown Disney, the boys make it into the que of people lining up at the entrance gate. Once 7:00 hits, the lines start to move into the park. As Logan, Finn, and Leo enter, they gaze around in awe. At the end of Mainstreet sits Sleeping Beauty’s castle, tall and glorious. They walk hand in hand down the lane of colorful, old fashioned buildings, chatting excitedly about what to do first.
“Alright babes, what’s up on the agenda?” Finn asks.
“I don’t even know the options, what do you say Le?” Logan continues.
They end up heading over to Tomorrow Land first. They go on Star Tours and Space Mountain while the lines are short, then bounce around Fantasy land as they make their way across the park. Around 8:30 all three boys start to get hungry so they grab a bag or two of beignets from New Orleans Square. After breakfast, they hit their favorites in Adventure land (Finn fucking loves Indiana Jones), Frontier Land (Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a fan favorite), and New Orleans Square (Logan might not stop singing ‘Yo Ho a Pirate’s Life for Me’ for weeks).
Around noon the cubs exit Disneyland Park and walk across to California Adventure. After lunch at Wine Country Trattoria the boys bop around Cars Land, Hollywood Land, Pacific Warf and Grizzly Peak. The lines are a lot longer now that it’s afternoon, so they take it in stride and spend their waiting time talking, cuddling, and playing games. They end up going on almost every ride as well as hitting the extra good ones twice like Incredicoaster and Guardians of the Galaxy (still a fan-fucking-tastic ride but Leo misses the Twilight Zone theme).
By the time they finish up in California Adventure for the day, it’s almost time for Fantasmic, and Leo has yet to tell his boys that he got them reserved seats. The cubs meander back to Disneyland but when they start to near Frontier Land Finn picks up the pace.
“Sweetheart, what’s the hurry?” Leo asks with a knowing smile.
“I wanna get good seats for Fantasmic, I haven’t seen it since I was little!” Finn replies.
“Orgasmic? I like the sound of that,” Logan slides in with a smirk.
“Baby, no!” His boyfriends exclaim at the same time. Logan giggles which gets Leo and Finn laughing as well.
“And Finn, I got us seat reservations for the show so no need to rush,” Leo tells him. Finn’s response is to jump on Leo with a fierce hug and a drawn out “Yay,”.
The cubs enjoy the water show immensely, all snuggled up and bundled in sweatshirts once again to fend off the cool evening air. They point out little details to each other with intertwined hands and gasp aloud at the pretty fireworks. Once Fantasmic is over they do a few more rides, then head back to the hotel, sleepy after a full day. The boys fall asleep quickly again, ready to do it all again the next day.
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X-men preference - how they flirt with you!
Charles x reader, Erik x reader, Hank x reader, Logan x reader, Kurt x reader
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: yo yo yo, this is my first x-men related fic but I've been so engrossed with the fandom recently that I'll definitely be writing more :D (also the reader is a teacher at the mansion) - Honey
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• Charles was very discreet with the way he flirted with you, wanting to get to know you more.
• He'd spend more time with you between classes, asking you about your abilities, talking to you about your life before you came to the academy, etc.
• Before you two were really close, he treated you in a strictly friendly manner. As you both grew closer, his feelings manifested into physical actions.
• Small hugs, kissing you on the cheek, instinctively clutching your hand at the sense of danger, and even you letting him into your mind.
• Obviously, it was pretty clear there was a thing between you.
• After a few months, you realised you liked him, too.
• You were both in the courtyard one evening, Charles talking about recruiting some new students.
• The way the purple sky reflected on his glassy eyes, his stubble-littered jaw, soft lips curved at the edges as he spoke.
• As he was halfway through a sentence, you impulsively leaned in and placed your your lips onto his.
• It took him a second to realise what was happening, but once he caught on he firmly kissed back, closing any remaining space between you.
• After a while, you both leaned back, a smile lingering between you both.
• "I really like you, Charles."
• A small chuckle escaped his lips as he cupped your cheek.
• "I didn't have to read your mind to figure that one out, y/n."
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• Erik was NOT subtle with the way he flirted.
• Eying you up and down with a smirk, staring at your behind when you weren't looking, wrapping an arm around your waist whenever you were near.
• He was just naturally affectionate, which you certainly didn't mind.
• He'd randomly bring you flowers in the middle of the day, because "they were on sale and just reminded me of you."
• And when others were off on a mission, he'd insist on cooking you dinner.
• The way you really knew that he liked you was that he'd sometimes open up to you about his emotions.
• The only person he's talked to in the past about his feelings was Charles, but it always ended in arguments.
• But often he'd wake up in the middle of the night and go downstairs to see you, also downstairs & wide awake, drinking hot cocoa.
• It became a weekly tradition for the both of you to have a cup of cocoa on a Sunday night, usually around midnight.
• When you were both downstairs, he'd talk to you about his childhood and his mental health. You were always there for him, listening to every word.
• So one sunday night you were creeping down the stairs, waiting to find Erik in the kitchen with 2 mugs of hot chocolate.
• However, instead of preparing your hot drinks, he was stood next to the record player. "Care for a dance?"
• Slow music played as you swayed across the floor.
• That night, he told you that he loved you. And, of course, you said it back :)
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• As soon as you and Hank met, everyone knew he had a crush on you.
• Whenever you talk to him, touch him in any way, or even flash him a smile he'll automatically blush and get all flustered.
• "Hey Hank, I really like your sweater!"
• "Uh..m-my sweater? I uh...I don't...um, thank you."
• Once he became more comfortable around you, he started to flirt a lot more.
• Teasing little jokes and compliments were thrown back and forth a lot between you both, as well as longing glances when the other isn't looking.
• He loved to have you in the lab with him, and you were completely happy supporting him & listening to him drone on about his discoveries.
• He had been working on a serum for months, when one day he finally cracked it.
• He was working at his desk in the lab, you directly opposite reading a book, when he suddenly erupted.
• "YES!!! I'VE DONE IT!"
• You saw the small vile he was holding and automatically knew what he was talking about.
• You ran over to him and instinctively gave him a hug, him gripping you just as tight.
• However, you also absentmindedly went in for a kiss.
• It was small and light, and you pulled back straight away.
• "I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't ha-"
• He cut you off by pressing a firmer kiss to your lips, his hands gripping your waist with delight.
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• We all know that Logan can be a stupid bitch when it comes to emotions.
• So when he realised he had feelings for you, he immediately distanced himself.
• He rarely showed up to meals, seldom participated in group activities, and avoided you at all costs.
• The only time you saw him was between classes, making your way to your next group of students and seeing him lurking in the corridors.
• His sudden withdrawal came so randomly to you & the other x-men, though.
• He'd often help you grade papers, drive you to the local convenience store for grocery shopping, and even help you cook meals for the staff.
• But all that stopped once he figured out his feelings for you.
• And frankly, you were sICK of it.
• One night, you got back late from visiting a family member. It must have been 11pm by the time you arrived back at the mansion, and the only thought that played on your mind during the drive home was Logan.
• Once you got in and put your bag down, you went straight to Logan's room. Trying to keep your cool, you knocked three times on his door.
• No reply.
• "I know you're in there, Logan. Let me in!"
• No reply.
• So, you let yourself in. And there he was, sat on his bed, flipping through a book, not at all surprised that you'd let yourself in.
• Once he saw you stood in the doorway, brows furrowed, he stood up and walked towards you.
• "Everything okay?" He grumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
• "No, Logan. Everything isn't okay. Why are you ignoring me?"
• You closed the door behind you, walking closer to him.
• Without a second of hesitation, he strode towards you, pushing you up against the wall.
• He waited a second before cupping your cheek and kissing you, teeth grazing your lips.
• Let's just say...you didn't get much sleep that night ;)
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• Kurt was similar to Hank when it came to expressing emotions, yet he was certainly more romantic.
• Yes, he could get easily flustered around you, but he always found a way to turn it into a romantic situation.
• He'd write you small poems on sticky notes and leave them in your room, buy your favourite chocolate and put it under your pillow, and even pick you flowers from the gardens to surprise you on a bad day.
• It was obvious to everyone - including you - that he had a crush on you. And sure, you liked him too, but you wanted him to confess his feelings.
• When I tell you this boy was whipped; he was WHIPPED.
• Spill some water? He'll he there to clean it up. Break a glass? He's already scooped up the pieces and put them in the bin. Trouble grading papers? He's right behind you with the marking scheme to keep you on track.
• Although you'd tell him so many times that you can do it by yourself, he was eager to treat you like the princess that you were.
• It was the evening of your birthday when he confessed his feelings.
• The x-men had thrown you a party, and when the festivities were over, he stayed to help you clean up.
• "Y'know, I never managed to give you your birthday present."
• He told you to close your eyes and stick out your hand. Once you did, you felt him take your hand, and suddenly you felt a cool breeze against your arms.
• You opened your eyes in awe at your surroundings; you and Kurt were on top of the Eiffel tower, gazing down at the French city behind you.
• "Holy shit, Kurt - this is s-"
• He cut you off, placing his lips on yours. He didn't add too much pressure, waiting for you to respond, but loosened up when you lifted a hand up to cup his cheek.
• Your lil blueberry just wants everything for his queen <3
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111 Pt.1v [Wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
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Please read part 1 of this story to get to know the characters that are going to be in here.
There will be some special characters in here,and that is: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit And @aceofspadegrass .these two have inspired to write this so please go follow them they are very great people 😆
Sumarry: Dori's Characters are stuck in the universe where Dori is,and now most of them need to start to get jobs,while the rest of his characters need to be in new school's
Warning!: Fighting(yelling), Mentions of a bit of blood
Genre: Fluff,Angst,Comfort,Crack
Ila woke up by stretching her limbs,as she got up from her bed and got ready for the day. She went down stairs to make some breakfast which was the typical Eggs and bread that she would always eat,After eating she heard a faint meow coming from behind her,she looked back to see her black kitten Niragi "Well good morning Niragi" She said as she patted the kitten's black head. Niragi meows as he rubs his head against It's fingers,she smiled down at him while picking him up and feeding him after that. After feeding Niragi she heard her phone ring,she pick it up "Moshi moshi?" She said through the phone " Moshi Moshi?,what do you mean by that gurl??" Someone said through the phone with a faint laugh " Oh it's you Chloe, I thought it was my boss or something geez" Ila chuckled as she sit's on one of her bar stools that were in her kitchen"so what's up?" "Well I was thinking maybe we could go to that ice cream shop that's near your house? I'll invite Ace too" Chloe said through the phone"sure!,but I have to visit a friend of mine after" Ila said "Let me guess who's this friend of yours is...is it Dori again?" Chloe giggled "yes,yes it is Chloe..why??" "Oh nothing,it's just that the both of you seem really close" She said " I mean we are close,but we aren't a thing you know" " Yeah yeah I know that,maybe me and Ace can a company you to his house?" Chloe asked " Sure thing" Ila said.
After how many more minutes of chatting she ended the call,she got up and went to her room to get ready.
Right now Everyone was in the living room, silence filled the air until Dori broke it"since today is Sunday,all of you could look for new jobs while I deal with Suguru,Ryuichi,and Mugi's new schools " Dori said,everyone nodded while Niragi just snickers is confirmation "um,Dori kun?" Taketo said" Yeah?" "I'm actually in a band...and uh,I don't know if I actually have a specific job...like what jobs are there anyway?" Taketo said,chuckling nervously "maybe you could go talk to a friend of mine,he's in a band and he plays the drums. He said that he needs an extra guitarist in his band" Dori said as he crossed his arms over his chest"what's the bands name?" Taketo said in excitement "oh it's called-" "Why are we focusing on his job?,you know we need jobs too right?. Dori kun?" Someone said,the voice that said that belonged to Fukami that was sitting right next to Niragi as Fanta was on his lap "I mean,you know what your job is right?,like you literally own a whole Café named 'Coffee and Vanilla' " "He owns a Café,tch!. My job is more better then a stupid Café" Niragi said with smug look on his face "Niragi!" Dori said to him"what?,you know what my job is right?" Niragi said,as he looked directly at Dori's eyes.
"Come on guys,we should stop fighting and figure this out ourselves" Ryuichi said"Y-yeah..i agree with him,please stop" Suguru said while adjusting his glasses "it's settled then,all of you already know what your jobs are. Now all I have to do is take Taketo to a friend of mine and then I'll deal with schools" Dori said,as he got up "tch!,this is bulls**t" Niragi said as he got up,and pushed Dori aside"excuse me?" Dori said with a glare at Niragi's back "I said that this is all bulls**t!" Niragi yelled,finally looking at Dori's direction"I was the one that let you live in this house,and fed you!,without me you'll be in the streets by now!" Dori yelled back "G-guys,please stop fighting.." Suguru said,standing up in between them "GET OUT THE WAY YOU NERD HEAD!!" Niragi yelled as he pushed Suguru aside"Niragi!,be careful of your surroundings!" Fukami said,as he helped Suguru get up from the floor"oo~,this will be some spicy sh*t" Mugi said,taking out his phone to record "Mugi stop that!" Ryuichi said,as he tries to grab Mugi's phone away from his hand which he succeeded "I AM STILL NOT CALM BY THE FACT THAT I'M IN THIS STUPID WORLD,I'D RATHER SUFFER IN THE BORDERLANDS THEN HERE" "Well there is no way you will come back to the Borderlands!,Niragi you're safe now here with us!. No more deadly games and Suffering,why?..why do you want to go back in to that world!?"Dori yelled"G-guys...i think I'm bleeding" Suguru said,Fukami looked at him with a worried look,Niragi looked toward's Suguru,his eye's widen as he saw the blood coming from his nose now on his white T-shirt "i-i am so sorry-" Niragi said,but was quickly cut off by Suguru"No! No!...it's okay..i'm fine" Suguru said while wiping his nose"No you're not fine Suguru,Dori kun..do you know where you keep the first aid kit?" Fukami asked"Yes,it's in the bathroom upstairs" Dori said,as he pointed toward's the stairs "ありがとうございます、どりくん[thank you very much,Dori kun]" Fukami replied as he guided Suguru up the stairs into the bathroom "Niragi-" "I knew it I was going to hurt you all" Silence filled the room once more,but Dori decides to break it" No Niragi please look at me, son-" "Son?,who do you think I am?..your son!?" Niragi said with a cracked voice"After all I said to you,you called me your son!?" Niragi once again said with a cracked voice,but this time he was crying a bit"Maybe we should give you guys some space" Ryuichi said with a soft voice "Come on Mugi,Fanta" Ryuichi called for the both of them"Tch,you two are just both worthless-" "Mugi!" Ryuichi yelled as Fanta growled at him"Okay okay fine,I'm coming" Mugi said as he stubbornly walked towards Fanta and Ryuichi that were halfway up the stairs.
Now all that's left was Niragi and Dori. Both of them sat on the couch in silence,neither of them wanting to start the conversation. Dori just blankly looks at his black wooden coffee table that was in front of them,right now in his head..he could only think of what he said to Niragi,particularly yesterday night when he was talking to his dog Fanta,he said that him and his characters make a good family.Niragi sniffles"Hey,Niragi...come here" Dori said patting the empty space of the large couch that was right next to him,Niragi got up quickly and sat right beside him,his head low and tears were falling from his face to the floor. Dori hugged him side Way's,bringing him close "It's all my fault that I hurted him..even though he is actually myself.." Niragi said,finally calming down"Niragi..i-" "Dori!,ya in there??" Someone yelled from the front door "Quick!,go upstairs!" Dori whispers to Niragi,as Niragi got up and went up stairs into one of the rooms"I'm coming!" Dori shouted as he walked towards the front door.
He opens the front door to see Ila,Chloe and Ace" You told me to come over right?,also..you don't mind if I bring my friends right Dori kun?" The hijab girl said,smiling softly at Dori"oh yeah it's fine,come in come in" Dori said as he moved away from the door so that the three girls could come in. He closed the door behind him as he guided the three girls to his living room"This is such a nice place you live in Dori!" One girl said,the voice belonged to Ace " Oh uh, ありがとう" Dori said smiling at her.
Dori went into the kitchen and gestures Ila to follow him there. Ila got up and excuse herself from her friends as she went to the kitchen where Dori was making some food"So,what is it that you want to talk about?" Ila asked him,crossing her arms against her chest"Well,I don't know if you will believe me or not...but um" Dori went silent for a bit,his eyes,his dark brown eyes..scanned across the kitchen room as he thinks on what he is going to say next. He bit his bottom lip and started speaking again "My character's are in my house" He said with a serious tone,Ila chuckled "what?" She said with a smile on her face while fixing her hijab "It's true Ila Chan,and what I meant characters..i meant that they are real people who looks just like me,that is right now in one of the guest room's" Dori said,looking her in the eyes,her also dark brown eyes"So your character's are right now in their room's- wait...HOW MANY of your character's?" Ila asked Dori "Six,six of them" "Which are?" "Fukami Hiroto, Niragi suguru..the Borderland version and the middle school Version of him,Taketo from EVEN,Ryuichi from Koe Koi,and Mugi From Scums wish" Dori explains to her,Ila's eyes widened "We will talk about this later-" "No!,Fanta come back!!" Both of them rushed out if the kitchen to look at who was yelling..turns out it was Ryuichi chasing Fanta l,running circle's in living room where Ace and Chloe was. In Fanta's mouth there was basically a black box that is meant to be a box for glasses "Wait..if Dori's there,who's this dude.." Chloe said,looking back and forth from Dori to Ryuichi thar finally caught Fanta"Ryuichi wait up-" Suguru went down stairs with tissues that were plugged into his nose,he paused at his sentence when he saw Ila,Chloe and Ace in the living room "Suguru come back here!,I'm not finish cleaning you" Fukami then went down the stairs"Oh,I did not know that we were expecting visitors"Fukami said,eyeing Ila and her friends from head to toe"Can all of you shut the frick up?,I'm trying to relax here ya know" Mugi pop's himself out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist,his bangs wet"what's all this rucuss??" Niragi then went out of his room with squinting eye's,which is a sign that he was annoyed "WAIT IT'S NIRAFFI!" Chloe then suddenly said,pointing a finger at Niragi "And Nerdragi" Ace said,pointing at Suguru "this is going to be one hell of a mess" Dori sigh's as he pinched the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes.
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punkrock-writer · 3 years
Space Cowboy- part 5
Never Fight a Man With a Perm
Pairing- Din Djarin x F!OC 
Warnings- Swearing, Mentions Blood, Canon Typical Violence. The Gang from Chapter 6 are dicks. 
A/N- Howdy!! I’m so sorry this took so long to come out. I had a bad case of brain rot this past week and did not want to type, but it’s here and I hope ya’ll like it! I’m kind of nervous about this chapter because this was the situation that inspired the entire story, so please let me know what you think! 
I’m going to try to have the next chapter out quicker! Put who knows, I got worms in my brain! 
Masterlist AO3 
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After almost taking another roll around the ship — thanks to Din's lack of a warning — Sedona was now aware of what hyperspace felt like. It was actually rather calm, quiet, and still. She wished she could see it, but she didn't really know if she should attempt to enter the cockpit. Instead, turning to face her bags, she figured it was a good time to get some real clothes on. The child cooed sadly when she set him down in the sleeping compartment, and though she hated to, she ignored him and knelt by her suitcase. Searching for something somewhat warm through the clothes that were packed for Florida was proving difficult. She settled on black leggings, an old grey Ron Jon Surf Shop hoodie, and a pair of soft crew socks. A sports bra and a fresh pair of underwear completed the 'look' and she gathered her things and headed to the shower room.
Not before quickly turning back and grabbing her deodorant, because, yuck.
With a deep breath, she decided it was finally time to look at herself.
Nothing was exciting or truly different to note about the person reflected back to her in the foggy mirror. It was the same girl, blue eyes, short brown hair, but now there was a brand new massive bruise on her left temple. Her dark circles were deeper, and her eyes were tired. But other than the wound there was nothing new. She discarded her pajamas, and slipped into the clean clothes, she never thought it would feel this good to be fully covered. Her arms all the way to her toes now concealed in comfortable fabric, and she was grateful. She quickly put her hair into a folded bun, and set to her second task, putting that extra bacta patch on her head.
Peli made it look much easier. Whatever it was, was slimy and hard to get a grip on, but once it was placed, it stuck. So now she had a slightly lopsided, oversized band-aid on her head. And she knew it was going to hurt like a bitch to yank out of her hair. Taking one last look in the mirror, she sighed.
Honestly, she looked like she was about to go take a plane trip back home, and it tugged her heart a little bit.
Shaking her head she picked her things back up and opened the door to exit into the hull. A shiny helmet of beskar startled her, he must've just jumped down from the cockpit, as he was facing her through the ladder. She tried not to think too much about the way he stared for a bit too long, most likely just assessing her change in appearance. Before she could say anything he turned sharply, stepping over to where the child pouted in the sleeping compartment. She scooted by them, heading to put her things back in her bag. And when she straightened up to see what he was doing, he was already halfway up the ladder, taking the child with him.
Sedona tried not to dwell on it too much, it's not like he knew her, he barely even trusted her. He didn't owe her any more kindness than he was already giving her. But it really didn't help when she felt like she knew him. She needed to get that idea out of her head, she didn't know jack shit about what went through his head. Seeing someone on screen is so much different than actually being around them, and Sedona had to make sure she didn't get too comfortable too fast— she couldn't afford any slip-ups. So for now she would take it slow, tiptoe around the Crest, and do what she needed to do when called.
In pursuit of being quiet, she decided now might be a good time to check her phone. She settled herself in the sleeping compartment, purse in her lap, and plucked it from the bag. The time read 10:34 am, and obviously, there was no way of telling if that was right. Her calendar read two days since she had been ripped from her hotel room, and she was pretty sure that would be reliable. As long as she had some way of knowing how long she'd been here, she could keep herself grounded.
It didn't even cross her mind that she should try to find some way to get back home.
Sedona dozed off after a while, curled around her purse in the sleeping compartment. Her circadian rhythm was thrown off, or maybe it was like some kind of space-sickness. She was just tired, and she didn't know what else to do. The plot was getting scrambled in her head, and until Din jogged her mind in some way, she wasn't going to risk getting a headache thinking about it.
So she slept, the soft hum of hyperspace lulling her into relaxation, no matter how uncomfortable the bed was.
That was how Din found her a few hours later. Curled like a lothcat around one of her smaller bags. The child gurgled in happiness at the sight of her— he was the reason they were down there, wailing incessantly at the ladder. He didn't understand why he liked her so much, but if he trusted anyone, it was the child. So he set him down next to her knees, a position they had just recently been in. The child began climbing up her legs, and Din could only look on in amusement as she grumbled something incoherent.
The toddler reached his intended destination, her shoulder, and began to tap his tiny hands on her cheek. Din couldn't stop a small smile from breaking his features, thankful for the helmet once again. Her eyes popped open, panic clear on her features as she turned to look at what was tapping her face, and a smile overtook her.
"Hey little guy, how'd you get up there." Din pretended not to notice the roughness of her voice or the sleepy smile that turned to face him. "Oh I see now, you had an accomplice."
She slowly sat up, taking care to hold the child steady. She folded her legs in front of her, setting him in her lap. The child smiled up at him, and before he could stop himself, a gloved hand reached out and stroked his ear. Din wasn't used to showing affection in front of others, especially people he didn't fully trust. But the atmosphere was so relaxed, and it seems his body reacted before his mind could stop it.
"Did we stop somewhere?" Her quiet voice broke him out of his trance, his head snapped back up to meet hers. She looked worried, her eyes searched the helmet, and her teeth caught her bottom lip. Din told himself he was just observing a possible threat, analyzing her tells.
Subconsciously, that was a different story.
"No," he paused to clear his throat when it came out in a whisper. "I've picked up a job, I'm changing our course, and we'll be there in an hour... I just—" well Din didn't really know why exactly he felt the need to warn her. "I just wanted to know if you had... anything to tell me." Right, just trying to get information. Her eyes seemed to light up in recognition, her brow furrowed in concentration.
"Who- or what is the job exactly." She looked confused still, her eyes zoned in on something in the distance, deep in thought.
"It's with an old... acquaintance of mine." His voice was rougher than he intended, still not really enjoying the idea of the job. But by the way her eyes darkened, he knew it was probably going to be a big mistake.
Sedona's mind instantly hooked onto the information and dragged it from the depths of the scramble. This situation, she knew well. This episode, she had watched, many times. For the plot... not for the way the red lights danced off beskar or the amazingly hot fight scenes.
No for the plot.
She knew what she needed to do.
"They betray you, they're going to try and shove you in a cell and leave you there... and a droid tries to shoot the baby— and they're all massive dicks, every one of them." Okay. That sounded crazy, she didn't mean for everything to tumble out like that. According to the way Din suddenly stood straight and alert, she probably didn't say the right things. "Wait... but you get out of it, no one gets hurt— except for the assholes— but they deserved it a-and you get money."
He just stood there, still as a rock. She couldn't imagine how all of that sounded to him. He probably didn't even know what the mission was supposed to be, and she had already informed him it was doomed from the start.
Yeah, I gotta work on the info delivery.
He let out a long sigh. His fingers twitched at his side, he probably would've rubbed his forehead in frustration if he could. She could feel herself shrinking in the silence, she unconsciously held onto the baby in her lap a little tighter. He cooed at her, seemingly sensing her anxiety. His little 3 clawed hands tapped at hers that held his waist.
"Well... like I said, an hour." He then turned and quickly made his way to the ladder. Climbing into the cockpit in almost record time. Sedona let a long sigh escape her, bringing one hand up to rub her eyes. She wasn't tired anymore, anxiety had squandered that quickly.
She had to either, A. Figure out some way to keep Din from being tricked and captured. Or B. Make sure Grogu doesn't alert the droid of his presence. For some reason, the situation felt wrong. She knew this mission was on course to go sour, but there was a bad feeling whispering at the edges of her mind.
Everything was feeling super, extra, bad and it was making her stomach hurt.
Or maybe she was just fucking starving.
Sedona realized she had never eaten the 'bar' Peli had given her. And an all-liquid diet the day before probably wasn't helping her whole, situation. Moving the child from her lap, she placed her feet on the ground. Thankful for her socks as the cold of the metal seeped through the fabric. She walked over to her suitcase— not really remembering where she had put the food— the entire evening leading up to her fight with Toro was a blur. When she didn't find it in her purse, she searched through her suitcase. Her hands touched the foil wrapping, and suddenly there was another presence at her side.
The little green gremlin was a bloodhound for food, it was like he read her mind and teleported to her. Letting out an excited squeal when she brought the bar into view, Sedona couldn't help but laugh with him. Sitting cross-legged in front of her suitcase she invited him to sit with her. And with more adorable grunts and snorts he sat down in between her legs, eyes never leaving the bar.
"Okay we can share, but don't tell your dad" she whispered, he made a soft coo in response. The bar looked like someone had put a granola bar through a grinder, and then reformed it back into a bar. Not exactly the most appetizing thing, but food was food, and the little guy seemed excited. She broke off a small piece— yes she had witnessed the child swallow a frog whole— but he was so little in front of her, so she went by baby rules and gave him something small. He grabbed it in his little hands, and then she broke off a piece for herself.
It was dry, and tasted kind of like a protein bar, but not at all like a protein bar. It was just different, but with the way the child inhaled it, she knew it was probably worth eating. They carried on like this till it was gone, Grogu munching happily, not minding the crumbs that fell into his lap. She was able to choke it down with the assistance of the water bottle that still sat in her purse. But eating didn't seem to help the way her stomach twisted in worry. When she wasn't distracting herself by watching the child, her mind wandered dangerously.
She couldn't tell if the walls her mind had put up the moment she dropped on the Crest were finally crumbling. Or if something was actually wrong. Her head was starting to hurt again, and now with a stomach ache, she felt like she was starting to break down. She needed another distraction.
Crumbling up the wrapper she turned to her suitcase. The child babbled a little, probably wondering if she had more food. Instead, she was just looking for anything; she moved through everything in the bag, toiletries, bras, a journal. And then she felt something solid. Her boots! She had honestly figured she didn't have any shoes here. Those had been the first thing to come out of her suitcase when she got to her hotel. But now, pulling her work boots from the depths, it was the first time she had actually been excited to see them. They were beat up hiking boots, with the perfect amount of ankle support and non-slip bottom to make it in space.
"Well, are you gonna let me put these on or what?" She said to the child in her lap, he tilted his head with a coo. She slowly started to straighten her legs, he made a squeal and then started to wiggle away from her. She laughed, helping him get off her lap and setting him to the side. He grunted, loudly, instantly very mad at her. She chuckled again, trying not to notice the way her hands shook as she began to lace up her boots.
Grogu toddled over to the ladder, reaching his arms up toward the cockpit. She couldn't help the smile, she finished tying her boots, standing, and headed over to the child. He was hanging from the 3rd rung of the ladder, obviously getting his speed from his father, she was able to catch him just as his 3 fingers slid off the metal. She rose and looked up with anticipation, obviously he wanted to go up there, and that meant she would have to... talk to Din.
She swallowed, but the baby in her arms let out an impatient squeal, reaching his arms up. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Um... D-Mando" she called, catching herself on the name quickly. "G-The kid wants to come up, i-is it alright if I bring him up." She hated the way she was stumbling through this, it shouldn't be that difficult to ask, but she almost shaking in fear at the prospect of being dropped off on the next planet. Her subconscious was telling her the Din she knew wouldn't do that, but this wasn't the Din she 'knew', this was a stranger. God, why did this have to be so complicated?
There was a long daunting pause. "Just don't touch anything." She let out a sigh of relief, and quickly attempted the climb to the cockpit. Proving to be much trickier with one hand. Her head breached the hole, and in front of her was something amazing. The cockpit of the Razor Crest lit up with the blue streaks of hyperspace. She stopped, awestruck at all of the buttons and levers, all of the details laid out before her. She didn't even notice the child wiggling out of her grasp.
It was beautiful, but also so terrifying. She watched the expanse of space whiz by, something her mind could've never been able to comprehend. And as she stared, she didn't notice when the pilot's chair slowly turned.
"You can come inside." She jumped at his voice, eyes meeting the helmet she didn't know was facing her. She quickly shut her mouth, just now realizing Grogu had made his way to Din's lap. Slowly, she finished the climb up the ladder and found herself at the door to the cockpit. Tentatively she stepped inside, eyes still wide in wonder, and made her way to the chair behind Din's left shoulder. He turned back to the controls, or more back to making sure the child didn't touch anything. She sat down slowly, still not entirely certain this was all real.
Swirling blue was constantly moving above and before her, it was mesmerizing, she felt herself getting lost in it. She could probably look at it for the rest of her life. It was the perfect distraction. Or until someone broke her from her daze, but she didn't expect that to happen anytime soon. Instead, she sat quietly, trying to take up as little space in the room as she could. Her thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind, she was allowed this brief moment of peace.
Sedona had held it together surprisingly well, though it was more likely she was in shock. Numb is what she would call it, seeing everything moving around her, but she didn't really feel it. A mild form of disassociation is probably what a therapist would tell her, her body was in survival mode while her brain just followed, screaming from the shadows. But at this current moment, her mind was quiet, the rolling blue was enough.
Comfortable silence, the baby sleeping, his snores being the only thing breaking through the hum of hyperspace. The pair sat quietly for what seemed to be a long time. It was the first moments of calm both had experienced at the same time, hopefully, it wouldn't be the last. In the past, the silence would have irked her, gnawed at her stomach. She probably would've started a conversation with anyone in the room. But now, it felt okay, her mind felt at ease for the first time since she'd got here. She ignored the voice that whispered, maybe it's him.
A sudden beeping broke through the serene atmosphere, Sedona jumped, while Din only moved his helmet. His hands reached out to flick some switches and punch some buttons.
She secretly wished she might be able to figure out what it all meant, but she wasn't going to get her hopes up.
"We're dropping out of hyperspace, hold on." It was an off-hand comment she realized because she didn't even have time to straighten in her spine when the ship seemed to lurch forward. Her hands flew to her sides, gripping the seat quickly. With the sudden movement, all of her anxieties flew into her throat. And as another giant space ship came into view, another emotion came forward.
"Oh, those fuckers." The words were growled out before she even knew her mouth was open. Her eyes widening in surprise as a T-shaped visor snapped to face her. She could only shrug in response, it was the truth. Deep down, she was glad to know her shock-induced state hadn't taken everything from her, she could still talk some smack.
That was going to cause problems.
"You're staying on the ship, with the child." He had turned back to the controls, grasping the handles with gloved hands. The child in question had just woken up, cooing curiously at the scene change. "Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble, or whatever you said happens." She heard him and understood. But she was focused on trying to figure out how the hell she was going to hold her tongue when she knew what was about to happen. Din seemed to notice her unease, his helmet shifted slightly toward her, most likely confused by the white-knuckle grip she still had on the seat.
"You're going to have to gag me." The realization came suddenly, it was the only way, she did not trust herself to keep quiet. Din fully spun to face her now, even without seeing his face she could tell he was surprised and mad. She aimed for his eyes beneath the black visor, "It's the only way to shut me up." He let out a long sigh, that ended more in a frustrated growl.
"Are you serious?" His voice was sharp, serious disbelief. She nodded, it was ridiculous she knew, but with all the choice words swirling in her head, and the way she didn't have full control of herself, it really was the only way. With another growl-sigh he leaned down, ripping off a strip of material from his cape, and handed it to her, then he more or less shoved the child in her lap. "Just go— take him to the sleeping compartment, and... do it yourself."
She stood and left quickly, not wanting to anger him further. She staggered her way down the ladder, Grogu laughing at her struggles. She was panicking, her eyes darted over everything quickly, setting the child in the compartment she went over to her things. She zipped her suitcase closed, then hooked the handle to one of the nets that hung on the wall, hoping that would keep it out of way. Then with her purse, she made her way over to Grogu and climbed in after him. He babbled excitedly, not picking up on the frazzled emotions that were rolling off her in waves.
"We are going to have a totally chill time in here." She said to the child, though it was also mostly to herself. She adjusted till her back was against the wall, and allowed Grogu to clamber onto her lap. "It's gonna be totally cool and nothing bad is going to happen, alright?" Her voice had risen multiple octaves, and it seemed the gremlin had finally caught on to her panic. He tilted his head at her, making a much smaller, almost sadder sound. She instantly felt bad; making shushing noises, she rubbed his little back as he pouted up at her. The ship started to wobble, Din was maneuvering it into the bigger space ship, she held onto the little creature. And with a big thump, they were stopped.
Sedona let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Grogu's ears seemed to perk up at that, he settled down onto her lap. Listening carefully to the noises above her, she could hear Din moving around before steps began to descend on the ladder. He paused in front of the compartment, carefully observing the situation. Sedona could only stare back, doing her best not to let him know how scared she was, but he probably had a fear sensor on his helmet. Before he could turn away her voice betrayed her again.
"Di-Mando... could I have a weapon." It was a whisper, she was doing the best she could to hold herself together. But this was becoming more and more real by the second. He stared at her for much longer than she wanted, even Grogu made a small whine at the atmosphere. Then his hand moved to his wrist, tapping something, and a compartment opened adjacent to the one she was in. She peaked around the corner, eyes widening at all of the weapons laid out. And she almost laughed at the sight of her pink taser, placed there among all of the space gadgets. He grabbed that, setting it in front of her.
Without a word, he turned, fingers working at his wrist again. Almost simultaneously, the weapons doors and the door to her compartment shut. While the side ship door opened. She and Grogu were alone in the dimly lit compartment. He turned to look at her, head tilting in confusion. And she could only shrug in response.
There was silence on the ship for what felt like hours. Sedona and Grogu sat quietly, only the child breaking the silence with his babbles. She would shush him quickly; not really knowing when the crew would be joining the ship, and she didn't want their cover blown sooner than it needed to be. When his fussing became a bit more persistent, she gave him her keys that were still tucked in her purse. His big eyes widened further, entranced by the shiny metal and jingles.
Because how else do you calm a baby you don't know what to do with, you give it your keys. Fuck.
A heavy sigh passed through her as she leaned her head back against the wall. She's trying desperately to keep her emotions under control, obviously, Grogu could sense them, so if she was calm, he was calm. And that was most important right now. Her mind was constantly on edge, just waiting for something to happen. She didn't want to tie her mouth yet, fearing it would startle the child. Instead, she chewed on her lip, distracted by the soft tinkling of her keys.
The wait was soon over.
Metallic footsteps were making their way up the ramp. Thinking fast she tied the strip of fabric around her mouth, then held the child close. He cooed, moving his head up to face her before his ears flicked up in surprise. She tried to give him a smile.
It definitely looked absolutely horrifying.
His little features contorted into a frown, and a whimper was heard before the footsteps on the ship drew closer. They both snapped their heads to stare at the unmoving compartment door. Ears perked, listening closely as she heard someone ascend to the cockpit. There were noises outside of the ship, people were gathering, she felt her heart rate increase sharply. She squeezed them further into the corner of the compartment. The mattress creaked so loudly in the silence, but thankfully the noises coming from above them seemed to drown it out.
Her brain had ceased its flow of information. She wasn't sure who entered the ship first, it could be Din for all she knew. But she knew there were about to be a lot more people, and then shit was going to go down. Her mouth had gone dry thanks to the fabric, and the child had started to whine. She tried to shush him, but it came out more in weird hissing sounds. His eyes bugged out as he looked at her in fear, pushing his arms against her chest. She moved to set him down behind her, pretending her heart didn't break at the sight. She maneuvered herself more to the front of the compartment, leaving the keys behind for him.
She almost didn't notice the grumbling that followed the metallic clink of someone leaving the ship. The person was complaining, aggressively, but the voice was definitely not human.
Of course. That shitty droid.
The one emotion that had been hardest to keep at bay was rising up again. It coiled in her throat, sharpening her tongue with nasty thoughts. She hated this group, and all the shit they say to Din and the violent betrayal. She didn't know how she was going to be able to handle it if it happens right in front of her— the fabric in her mouth was going to be her saving grace. She really did not want to risk making this even worse for Din than it already would be.
And sure, she knows they get their due karma in the end. But the nagging pit in her stomach, the feeling of wrong, was eating her alive. She reached for the taser that sat at the front of the compartment and maneuvered her back to Grogu. If that compartment opens, she was going to fight like hell.
And that's how she waited.
And waited.
Back turned to the child as he jangled her keys around. She waited as voices crept closer to the Crest. As someone made their way up the ramp, then another. Until something was set down with a heavy thump, and a murmur of voices filled the hull. No one was really saying anything of importance, just fighting about who got to sit where. Sedona turned her head back to the child, who was now also listening attentively. His ears perked, owlish eyes met hers, the keys now forgotten in his little hands. He made a small 'ooo' sound and pointed to the compartment door, and she shrugged, holding her finger up to her mouth in a shushing motion.
Then there was the sound of the hatch closing, her head snapped back to the door. Trying to picture the scene behind the metal. She heard someone climbing the ladder, and then there was more grumbling. It wasn't long after, the ship began to move, she braced her hands behind her back as the compartment rocked. She looked back at the child, who was now back to jangling the keys around, she tried not to cringe at the sound, hoping they couldn't hear it.
She couldn't help thinking how insane this was. She was sitting in a space ship with a little green alien, gagged, and listening to other aliens argue. Her breath had started to quicken, and she could feel her pulse thumping in her neck.
This is so fucked up. What the hell am I even doing here. I'm going crazy-
Her spiraling thoughts were cut off when she felt a small hand on her back. She turned, blinking away a tear that had formed in her eye. Grogu made a tiny coo, his eyes wide. She instantly felt bad, he could sense her distress and it was making him feel bad. But she almost let out a sob when the little creature leaned forward, setting both his arms on her back in a tiny hug. A strangled noise tore through her throat, lifting one of her hands to pat his wrinkled little head. He made a snorting noise, one of the cutest things in the world, before plopping down and playing with the keys again. The interaction so small, but it had immediately calmed her down.
God, I can see why everyone loves this little shit.
She felt the atmosphere speed up, and the telltale feeling of hyperspace overtook the ship. A sound she recognized made her snap her head back to the door. The weapons hold adjacent to the sleeping compartment was open. She hadn't even heard their earlier conversations, too entranced by the little guy. She couldn't remember who had opened the door, but from the grumbling, it sounded like the one she hated most. Everything was happening much faster, but it felt as if time had slowed. She distantly registered the thump of someone jumping down the ladder, then the doors closing, and someone immediately hitting them.
"Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay. Okay, I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space too." That voice, God she knew that voice. Her blood boiled as she listened further. "So let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore."
How ironic, she almost rolled her eyes.
"Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian." The voice was much closer than she wanted it to be.
"Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy." There was a pause, Sedona gritted her teeth around the cloth. "So they say"
"Then why are they all dead"
And there was laughter. She heard a sharp giggle, the kind that makes your lip curl. And she felt herself shaking— she wanted to say something so fucking bad. She didn't know how Din could just take all of this.
"Well, you flew with him, Xi'an— Is he as good as they say?"
"Ask him about the job on Alzoc 111." Their voices grated her ears. Subconsciously she really did want to know what happened on Alzoc 111"
"I did what I had to." But this voice, with his calculated roughness, broke her heart. She didn't know how much more she could take before words started leaving her mouth. She heard a female voice, and her hands curled into fists behind her. She could hear what they were saying, but it wasn't fully registering anymore. Her ears rung with rage, the feeling of the child still leaning against her back was the only thing keeping her from ripping off the gag and screaming.  
Her eyes narrowed at the continued jeering and insults. She tried to blink away the tears of anger that burned her eyes. Pressing all of her weight into her arms, her muscles tense. Ready for what was coming next.
The ringing in her ears didn't stop, even as a fistfight took place outside her door.
Only when she was suddenly faced by the people she did not want to see, did everything come crashing back to the surface.
The trio looked at her in shock, Din out of her view. She sees Mayfield's mouth moving as he walks closer to her, but she only picked up the last of his sentence.
"— you get lonely up here buddy? Huh." He stepped up to the compartment, Xi'an sauntered after him. Sedona tried not to focus on the way the other woman's gaze twisted into disgust. She turned her head to meet all 3 of their eyes, Burg looking even more devil-like up close.
"Why do you have your bed warmer tied up like that huh?" Din didn't answer Mayfield, she couldn't even see him, but with the way Burg had his arm locked out of view, he was probably being held back. "Is that how he kept you, huh, Xi'an? Is that how he likes 'em?" The woman in question hissed in response, and she settled herself against the door. Knife still held loosely in her hand.
"Didn't take you for the type." She snarled at Din, her eyes predatory as they shifted away from Sedona. "Maybe that code of yours has made you soft."
And suddenly there was another voice. Though not really a voice, instead it's sounded like an angry cat in the other room. Muffled, and full of rage.
It wasn't till she noticed the others were just staring at her in silence, that she realized it was her. She was snarling like a rabid dog, her mouth has developed a mind of its own. Thankfully all the words were swallowed by the cloth.
"Well let's see what she has to say," Xi'an said with a sickening smile, sharpened yellow teeth on full display. The next actions happened so quickly, Sedona honestly didn't realize what transpired. There was a flash of metal, as Xi'an's hand darted out like a snake. A searing pain appeared on her left cheek, and the cloth holding her words in fell away. She felt herself gasp, her hand instantly flying up to cradle her cheek. And then there was laughing, the trio laughed at her pain, and it only made her angrier.
"I said," She placed her hand, now sticky with blood, behind her back. Bracing herself. "I've got a penchant for smokes and kicking douches in the mouth. Sadly for you, my last cigarette's gone out."
And with that statement, her right foot flew out. Connecting with Burg's jaw, a sickening crack rang through the hull.
Then there was chaos.
The Devaronian stumbled back, his own hand coming up to clutch his jaw with a growl. Mayfield and Xi'an jumped for their weapons. But before anyone else could cross the threshold of the sleeping compartment, there was a blaster shot— and the metal door collapsed shut. Din had shot the control panel to the door, no one could get in, or get out without the use of his fancy wrist control. There was aggressive banging on the door, Sedona feared it might dent. She could hear swearing and shouting from the other side, but she wasn't done. She sat up on her knees, slamming her hands against the metal a few times. If Din wasn't going to say it, she would.
"Fuck you Xi'an! I wanted to be your friend so bad!" She could hear an aggressive snarl over the other commotion. Burg roared, and then there was a particularly loud thump against the door.
"Fuck you, Burg! Your breath fucking reeks!" Her voice had a heavy growl in it, all of the rage she could muster put behind her words.
"And fuck you, Mayfield! Prison is going to make you it's bitch!" Her voice had risen to a scream to counteract the noise. And with a few more slaps against the metal, she sat back down. Her hand coming up to the cut on her cheek. Xi'an's blades were so sharp, they cut deep and thin. A perfect slice, that was going to leave a nasty scar. It was then she realized the other creature in the room.
Grogu let out soft whimpers at the commotion, he was trying to hide behind her purse. Her stomach dropped at the sight, instantly letting out a soft coo of her own, she reached her hand out to him, trying to let him know it would be okay. But another voice broke through the pandemonium.
"Dropping out of hyperspace now." She scooped up Grogu, and he let out a small cry of protest. But she knew what was coming next. The ship lurched foreword suddenly. "Commencing final approach now."
"Cloaking signal now" Grogu let out a scream as they were suddenly airborne. Sedona's head crashed against the ceiling of the compartment with a thump. They slammed back down, the wind getting knocked out of her lungs. Trying to catch her breath she glanced down at the child, who was relatively fine. Just panicking by the way his massive eyes stared up at her. The ship stopped with a heavy crash, and she heard the droid speaking again. But she was far more distracted by the little green hand straining to reach her cheek.
"I'll be okay buddy" she whispered, bringing her hand up to gently grab his. He frowned, babbling urgently at her. She gave him as much of a smile she could muster, hoping he accepted it. "You don't have to heal me, I'm all right." Truthfully, she wasn't really all right. Her cheek was burning, and from what she could feel, the cut ran from just under her jaw bone, all the way up to her cheekbone. A neat slice, that was still steadily leaking blood. She set Grogu to the side and reached for her purse, fishing out the travel pack of tissues, and holding one to the cut. It wasn't stitches or magical healing space goo, but she hoped it would at least stop her from bleeding all over Din's bed. A loud smack interrupted their tentative peace. Mayfield's voice followed.
"Don't think we forgot about you girl, we'll be back for you!" There was laughing, and for the first time since the door had opened, the wrongness flooded back to her stomach. She focused on taking deep even breaths, for the sake of the child who whimpered beside her. She heard a fast beeping, and then someone jumping from the ship. They were leaving, and her heart only seemed to race faster. She waited till she heard the particularly loud thump of Burg.
"Din," she cleared her throat, voice coming out raw. "Don't let them capture you." She wasn't sure if she was just talking to an empty hull, or if the Mandalorian could even hear her raspy voice. 
She just hoped desperately if he had, he would listen.
I’ve never done this before! But please message me if you’d like to be tagged, and I’ll try to figure it out along the way! 
@thekingofthegoats @cosmicbreathe @daddydjarinxx @gallowsjoker 
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xanderwithanx · 3 years
Chloe does night-time diary posts on HER tumblr, so I'm going to start doing them here, sometimes. It would be nice if you read it, but, please, don't feel obligated! This is more for me to write.
(I got tired of my normal journal, I guess. It's full of bad poetry anyway. Besides, where's the thrill of losing anonymity in a physical notebook?)
I've basically been asleep and depressed for several days, because I had withdrawal after not being able to get my adhd meds. But, I got it today, and DID THINGS. (This is SO much better than before!)
Today, I went to a small café or restaurant (focused on tea) called Alice's Teacup that was Alice in Wonderland themed! My long-standing obsession with Alice in Wonderland knows no bounds. It was a really cute place. I got pumpkin pancakes, and some really good iced tea. Like... REALLY good iced tea.
Still, it seemed like the entire place was geared towards having a pot of tea and snacks with your friends, which left me a bit lonely. The person I asked couldn't come, and by the time I heard back, I was more than halfway there. Still, I read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and watched Monty Python on my phone, so I still had a good time!
I dressed pretty eccentricly and effeminately all day, but, with my facial hair, I was ALWAYS coded as a man, even by people on the street! Pastels, a stupid hat, a crop top, and facial hair was a winning combination.
On my way, I was stopped by some guys soliciting for charity. I don't make a habit of stopping for strangers on the streets of Manhattan. What if it's a scam? What if I'm being pressured to buy something? What if it's a strange political rant? But, I had already taken my earbuds off, I wasn't in a hurry, and I'm terminally polite. The first guy said he liked my energy, which seemed to come from a genuine place, because I liked his too!
They were asking for donations for a breast cancer charity, the United Breast Cancer Foundation. After a discussion, it seems like the charity helps pay medical debt, medical bills, and other practical needs, which is much better than *some* others I could name. I regretted not being able to give their minimum there, as it was pretty high, but told them I'd give what I could when I got on the website.
I... did not. Money is tight, because I'm bad and irresponsible with money, even though this is more than a worthy cause. I didn't NEED to go to that tea place, and I don't NEED to spend so much money on food. Sure, I can justify it: I wanted to go to that place for so long, and it was near the college anyway! But, if I was responsible with money, you KNOW my friends direct fundraising drives would go first, worthy charities second. Still, I feel bad about it.
Then, I went to the college library, to get books to start my thesis research. I have literally been unable to go to the college itself, aside from getting my ID, so this was great! There just wasn't a reason. It was... very empty. I went to the library stacks, which was deathly quiet and deeply haunted by the old books. I half expected something to pop out at me, as I turned the stacks, but I wasn't even paranoid or anxious. It was like I was in something else's house. I was welcome, but on thin ice.
I picked up an irrelevant psychology book on the "schizophrenia problem" from the 1930s, out of morbid fascination, and quickly put it down when it threatened to shatter in my hands.
Some students walked past (which was a suprise in those monastic basement library stacks), and I added something to their conversation, in a totally natural and casual way. But, omg the poor girls, I made them jump! Luckily, I'm the least threatening person on earth, and we laughed it off.
After a lot of hunting, I got 5 out of my 10 books (for the most part)! (The rest are, sadly, online. I like to read physical copies.) Strangely, I only came in with a list to get 3 books out of 6.
Most of the books I got are about art in the AIDS crisis, which is the core of my thesis, I think, all with different value. One about exhibitions, one about the larger narrative of those gay artists, and another contradicting the larger narrative.
I also got a book about "Art and Homosexuality". Just, the parallel construction of both "art" and "homosexuality" across cultures and times, from earliest history to the modern age. It wasn't on my initial list, but I'm really excited to read it.
Finally, I got a book called "The Thief, the Cross and the Wheel", about the pain and spectacle of punishment in Medieval and Renaissance European art. I'm mainly interested in Italian Renaissance art of the crucifixion--and its masochism--for the second quarter of my thesis.
The rest are online, and Should mostly focus on Bacchus in the Italian Renaissance (especially through art) and what I call the art of "gay liberation", concurrent with the AIDS crisis (i.e. The Cockettes). These two topics make up the last half of my thesis.
I'm SO excited to get started!!
I even got to cross the college's sky-bridges! (The college is a few skyscrapers.) Still, the loneliness and novelty were kind of the same thought. Imagine if I had been here before COVID, or, if COVID hadn't happened. Who would I have been able to meet? What would the college buildings mean to me? Because, for now, they're just buildings. But, I got to see the street from above, and that was amazing!
Just walking through New York--the Upper East Side--on a cool, sunny day was beautiful. It takes 20-30 minutes to get from my place to the college (and the tea place), but it was great being able to listen to my music (a lot of They Might Be Giants on the playlist today) and see the city. You know, people, super cool old architecture being pushed out by terrible new architecture, and pigeons.
Oh my god, the pigeons. I took pictures, but none of them are good. I kept thinking about how pigeons and doves are functionally the same. We domesticated pigeons, which is why they're here, and no one is stopping to notice them? Even the ones that were splotched with pure white, like doves? There's only so many pigeons you can take until they're just white noise and a nuisance, I know, so don't think I'm blaming anyone! But it's so hard to look away from these quirky little birds.
Also, at one point my walk, I was vaping very strategicly. The mental task of searching through library stacks will do that to you, when you already have an addiction to nicotine. I made sure no one was around, and no one would be affected. I stopped on a corner next to an old, ornate Catholic church while the traffic light changed, and I almost juuled right next to a priest! I'm glad I stopped. I don't believe in Hell, but, I would have walked down there myself had I vaped at a priest. Still, the church advertised itself as LGBT+ friendly, so maybe they aren't so trigger happy on the damnation. Either way, I DIDN'T vape at a priest today, which is good.
Once I got back, I spent a few hours watching things with my amazing girlfriend Chloe, who you may know here as @cisphobiccommunistopinions. She is so beautiful, and I love her more every day, every time I see her. God, it's almost been 5 years!
I just wish I could spend more time with her. She's in Virginia, and I'm in New York. Like she said to me earlier, I'm flighty at the best of times, and, with my lack of object permanence for the digital world, I find myself not giving her the attention I deserve, or, the full connection I long to have with her. We used to live together. Luckily, someday we will live together again! All these problems won't be forever, and we can live together again.
We watched a lot of things, but we're pretty deep into Serial Experiments Lain right now. It's a postmodern anime from the 90s, and, wow, do I have no idea what's going on in it. It's about the internet, and potentially schizophrenia as well. However, I'm obsessed! One day I'll be able to crack this artistic code, and it's unreality, thematic knots, and double-meanings. I will probably understand it better on the second watch. I don't see myself in Lain, but I see my 14 year old self in her, when I had just developed schizophrenia. Her cyberpunk fate seems like it's railroaded towards tragedy, but I want to save her, even if it's silly and irrational.
I told Chloe that I was scared about spilling apple cider on my library books, and she referred to it as "The Great Apple Juice Disaster of September 11, 2021." To which I said that it was the second worst thing to happen in New York on that date. It was funnier if you were there, and also were in my brain at the time.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm meeting some online acquaintances from the college's "Queer Srudent Union" at a Japanese Culture Fair in a park. (I do not know which park.) It emphasizes "fun"! I don't know them very well, but they're friends with the one person I know irl, so it should be good.
Tomorrow night, I should Probably head downtown to check out a gallery show by MFA (masters of fine arts) students at Hunter! After all, I was in a group project with one of them, and they're absolutely brilliant. I missed the Thursday gallery opening by a landslide, because of the aforementioned lack of adhd meds and Being Asleep, which I infinitely regret. I could have listened to all the artists and curators talk about their art and exhibition! Maybe I could have even talked with the artists and curators. But, it's best for me to go sooner, rather than later, so I don't forget. And, I REALLY want to go.
It's "This dialogue which happened to be present in all other dialogues" at the Alyssa Davis Gallery. From the email I got, "Each of these works observes a threshold of transition. [...] [These] intimations [are] of a frame of mind shared by the artists. These works perform, record, access, engage, document, and entrap, embalming the viewer within the gallery space."
sgp is a really good artist, by the way. Their work is just next-level. Be sure to check out their art, if you have a chance. Let me link their portfolio: https://saragracepowell.com/
(I highly suspect spg and the other member of my group project ghosted me afterwards, but I understand. I was really in over my head. Still, they're both really sweet and kind people, don't get it twisted!)
I ALSO really want to see The Cake Boys. They're performing at the 3 Dollar Bill in Brooklyn on September 26th. (It's only $15!) They're the only all drag king collective in NYC! (Are... there any Other all drag king collectives out there?) Other than the fact that a lot of them are trans or nonbinary, which I love, this show is a totally non-judgmental competition for over 40 drag kings! I've heard their shows are hilarious and unique.
I just have to wait until I have $15 to spare. I... didn't eat dinner tonight, because I'm irresponsible with my money and don't want to ask my parents for money... again. Don't worry, it's literally fine, and I don't make a habit of doing this!
Which reminds me! For my birthday, my parents gave me a gift card to Lush! I'm definitely going to Lush tomorrow, which will be great. I would describe my personality as "Lush store employee acosting you about a bath bomb demonstration", so I'll fit right in.
I also made a transition timeline, to show how much I've changed on testosterone. For the better, I hope! I really believe I'm becoming, if not Have Become, the man I was always meant to be. It's so strange to look back at who I was not too long ago, and to know the absolute pain I was in. It's also strange, in a good way, to see the man looking back at me in the selfies. I'm so much happier now! Much more candid in my pictures, at least. But, I know that I'm so much more comfortable as myself than I was even 6 months ago. It's strange. Sometimes I think to myself, "I don't pass yet; I'm not who I Need To Be yet." Then, I look at my selfie from today, and... I'm THERE. My mind just hasn't caught up with my amazing, natural, normal reality.
The end. I have to get ready for bed, (even though I could be partying on a Saturday night in the city. I'm lame.) If you actually read this, I am kissing you on the mouth right now. I hope it made you calm down tonight, like a terrible bedtime story. If you didn't read it and just skipped to the end, don't worry: you did the rational thing.
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
For the "your love story" game
Kuroo (obviously) for crush, I love the makes a (secret) bet but they fall for real trope. (I love me some angst to fluff), she/her pronouns, I'm an ISFP-T, long (like halfway down my back length and I'm about 5'6 I think) brown to blonde ombre hair, blue eyes, Caucasian. I really like the cold and the rain and think kisses in the rain after being chased after an argument or something are super sweet and romantic. I love the fall (especially the way the leaves look and how it smells) and the winter. I like cupcakes and Halloween is my favorite holiday.
Okay my precious 🥺 anon...so very few of these character details were mentioned and I’m sorry if you don’t feel it was personal enough but I really tried and I think (hope) you’ll love it anyway. Ilysm
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Your Love Story with Kuroo Tetsuro!
“Oh I bet you won’t,” were the words that would forever haunt him.
“Hey there, kitten,” Kuroo teased, gently brushing a stray lock of hair over your shoulder.
“Wh-what do you think you’re doing?” you ask, looking at him as if his head had grown three sizes.
“What? Can’t a guy just say hi to a cute girl on their way to the library?” he asks, and your eyes narrow in suspicion.
You don’t know what to do with that so you do nothing and just continue on your walk.
“So anything in particular you’re looking for today?” he asks, his fingertips trailing over the titles of the stack of books in your arm. “I could carry those for you if you like.”
“N-no,” you say, shaking your head awkwardly. Why is the hot volleyball captain talking to you again? You think to yourself but because you’re curious you don’t shut it down. Maybe partially that and also maybe you’re too nervous to actually ask for more information so the easiest route seems to be what’s best.
He doesn’t talk again until you get to the library and he actually looks...nervous? No that can’t be right but there’s a hesitance as you reach the door.
It seems to fade away and he moves closer into your space and you instinctively back away.
“Whaddya say you grab coffee with me sometime?” he asks, and you look around to see if anyone is watching, recording, something because it feels incredibly strange that you’re being cornered by one of the most popular guys on campus and he’s asking you out?
“No,” you say again, because you’re not really sure what’s going on but it can’t be good.
He visibly flinches and backs away and for a moment you feel guilt trickle down your spine.
He nods at you and starts to back away but you’re curious so you stop him with a single word. “Why?”
He shrugs, “I think you’re cool…”
“Okay,” you say, before you can stop yourself and the smile he gives you is bright enough to warm your heart.
“A CLOWN CAR?” you gasp in surprise. “Kuroo where the heck am I supposed to find a clown car in the middle of town?”
“I guess you’ll just have to look for one,” he says with a casual shrug.
‘I swear, if I can’t finish this list I will murder you,” you lie, it’s already been one of the most amazing days you’ve ever had and you want nothing more than to finish out the game and give him a huge kiss to his cheek.
It’s your third date and he’s arranged a Scavenger Hunt just for the two of you. It’s by far one of the most awesome things you’ve ever participated in and you absolutely love the adventurous feeling that makes your heart race whenever you find a new item.
“I may have an inside source if you’re interested,” he says with a raised brow and you feel yourself flush.
“No, that’s cheating…” you say, and he nods in agreement.
But then when you’re still looking twenty minutes later, he nonchalantly mentions that Lev has plans to go to the circus in a suburb of your city and you visibly deflate with relief.
So maybe it’s cheating...but since the tip came from the creator of said, game you think maybe it’s okay.
“I could kiss you!” you squeal, not even thinking about the connotations.
“Well what’s stopping you?” he asks, leaning down in and overdramatically puckering his lips.
You shove his shoulder until he’s a little further away and try to hide the heat on your neck and cheeks.
“Stop that, we’ve got a clown car to find!”
“Dude, have you kissed her yet? I’m not waiting another three weeks. If you don’t make a move soon I’m just going to steal your jacket and you’ll have to do what I say then!” Lev said, a sly grin on his lips.
“First, my jacket wouldn’t fit over your gigantic shoulders, but more importantly, it’s not something you can rush,” Kuroo said. “A lady needs to be romanced.”
Tears trickle onto your cheeks.
A bet...you were just a bet to him…
“Oh hey, you’re here too! Look Kuroo they’re here too!” Lev says, waving to you with a big smile.
Kuroo turns and you see his eyes widen just a little and that’s it. You aren’t frozen anymore and you take off toward the door moving as quickly as you possibly can.
The rain hits you the second you’re out the door but you ignore it, you’re not going back for your umbrella, not when he’s there.
Of course, of course you were a bet.
Why did you honestly believe anything differently?
He’s one of the most popular guys on campus and what are you? You’re a giant nerd that gets excited by things like scavenger hunts and science puns.
It hurts.
It’s only been a few weeks but you really did let yourself fall.
You hear him calling your name but you can’t respond, not and risk the chance of him seeing your tears under the rain. You won’t give him the satisfaction to know he got to you, you can’t...if you show weakness he wins.
He wins.
It's a battle.
It was never love.
It’s a war.
You don’t know if it’s just your feelings taking over or if you’ve just had a mental break but you stop. The cold rain pouring over your skin and clothes, you feel it’s icy breath inside your lungs and you turn to him and force a smile.
You walk closer.
He tries to cover you with an umbrella but you pay it no mind.
You step into his space and you wrap a hand to the back of his neck and you pull him in.
You kiss him with everything you have. Every bit of love, pain and pleasure you’ve felt these last three weeks. You feel him start to pull away but then he leans in and he kisses you back and you bite at his lips, tasting the salt of your tears. When you pull away you can feel your own heart shatter in your chest.
“Job well done, Captain.” you say, before turning around and walking away leaving a frozen Tetsuro behind you.
“You feel the rain pouring down on you again and it feels right, because somehow it would have been so much worse if the world around you seemed brighter or happier when there was a gaping hole in your chest.
“Just give me five minutes,” he says, in a rush to catch up to you.
It’s the first time you’ve forced yourself out of the house in three days and of course you just had to run into the one person you didn’t want to see.
How many fucking people are in this town anyway? 3?
‘Sure,” you say, turning to him with a blank expression. “Say whatever it is you need to say, Kuroo. So I can get my shit done without a shadow.”
“I-I didn’t really expect you to do it…”
“I don’t have all day, so talk.”
Your name leaves his lips and if you were weaker, you’d focus on the way it sounds broken or the way his eyes go soft and sad when he says it.
But you’re not.
This is war and you plan to win.
“I’m so sorry, please you heard all the wrong parts of that conversation…”
The nerve of this guy.
“Okay, and the right parts were what exactly?”
Kuroo seems nervous as he rubs a hand awkwardly on the back of his neck.
“I uh, the bet was not really about being captain or anything it-the guys wanted to give me a push to um, to make a move on you.”
“Okay, is that it?” you say, blinking at him trying to remain unphased.
“I-um, no?”
“Then what is it, Kuroo? What? You were nice to me for a few weeks and I was nice back and suddenly you give a shit about my feelings now?’ you say, shaking your head at him. “You should have thought about that when you accepted a bet that meant playing with someone’s feelings as if they were just a toy.”
“What? What do you mean? Kit-”
“Don’t. Don’t say that word to me not ever again,” you say, coldly gritting your teeth together. “You got your kiss Captain, and you’ve explained. We’re done here.”
It’s your name breaking on his lips that pierces through your chest like a knife.
“I love you-” he says, his hand gently wrapping around your wrist to keep you in place.
You almost give in...it’s so fucking tempting. He’s gorgeous, and funny and that smirk is a weapon you weren’t prepared for and seeing him vulnerable like this, it’s not fun and it doesn’t warm your heart at all.
“So you took a bet and then you fell for me and now I’m what? I’m just supposed to say, oooh okay Kuroo I love you too, let’s be together forever?” you ask with the most ridiculously fake enthusiasm you can muster.
He looks like he’s about to say something sarcastic, just a teasing remark. Something that would have settled you before, but now would be like a piece of barbed wire digging into the pits of your stomach.
“You’re the one that took that bet, Kuroo but I’m the one who lost.”
Two months go by.
Well...57 days.
Every day there’s a yellow gerber daisy under the wiper blade of your car.
Every day it hurts.
You’re just about to tell him to cut it out so you can move on when a familiar figure approaches you.
“So uh, look I’m not trying to bother you or anything. And if you want me to go away I will just-I want you to know that I messed up talking about that stuff but Kuroo says that’s okay because you deserved to know...but also like he’s sad all the time now and I don’t think I can fix it…’
“Lev, I appreciate the effort but-”
“No no, listen. He’s never umm… don’t tell anyone but Kuroo’s never really dated before. I know, he seems like a cocky asshole...he is a cocky asshole actually, one time he made me-”
“LEV!” you say, unable to listen to his rambling for much longer, as much as you did kind of did think his puppy dog personality was adorable.
“Anyway, that’s not important right now. He just-he’s liked you for a long time so the guys were teasing him, just little stuff y’know and Yaku said it was time for him to make a move on you because he uh-he’d wasted too long at the sidelines. So then I said if he didn’t get you to kiss him I’d steal his place as team captain. It wasn’t even really a bet, but the guys backed me up just because they knew nothing would be worse to Kuroo than letting me be captain, even for one game.”
“While I appreciate the...story I have other things to do. Could you please ask him to stop with this?” you say, pointing at the flower still sitting on top of your car.
“BUT HE LOVES YOU!” Lev says, with all the power of his nearly seven feet tall frame.
“I know,” you say.
The words hit differently than you expect and instead of pain or glass shuddering it’s sunshine and warmth and butterflies. It’s the way he smiled at you as you tried for the third time to get a picture of that sheep that wouldn’t stay still. It’s the soft way he wiped your face with a napkin after he bumped into you making the whipped cream from your dessert splash on your nose. It was dozens of small moments just like this that screamed. “YES I LOVE HIM”
“It’s too lat-”
“It’s not, you can have him, he can have you, you guys can be happy. Just-Just tell him you love him too.”
“I-” you don’t know what to say to that because that hole you’ve had in your chest, the emptiness...a single thought of him could patch it up in an instant.
“Lev? What are you doing here!”
His tone was sharp and cutting as he tried to drag his friend away but before you could stop yourself you rushed forward and wrapped your arms around his back.
Kuroo froze, you held tighter.
“It’s not war,” you say quietly into the soft fabric of his jacket.
He just stands there, seemingly too nervous to turn around and face you.
‘It’s not war, Kuroo...you messed up but it’s still love. It can still be love.”
Slowly he drops his grip on Lev’s shoulder and he turns to face you.
“I-” he swallows visibly. “What does that mean exactly?”
“It means I’m still upset by what you did but I love you and I’m not going to make myself miserable over it anymore. You can make it up to me...if you um, if you still want to I mean,” you say, the nervous flutters in your belly coming back in an instant.
“YES! YES! JESUS FUC-YES,” he says, pulling you to his chest as if he’s terrified you’re going to disappear.
“Kuroo you’re such a nerd...wait til the rest of the guys hear about this,” Lev says, grinning like a smug calico.
“Lev,” you say, and he turns to you with that same grin. “If you so much as think about this moment ever again you’ll be wishing I’d just killed you.”
His eyes went wide and he slowly backed away from the two of you.
“You-you’re just as bad as him!”
Kuroo smiles down at you, his eyes are a bit glassy but you don't mention it.
“That’s my girl.”
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Heeeey! Would you please write (a smutty story or headcanons, whatever you prefer) the reader's first time with 70s Brian where she akwardly admits she's still a virgin (even though she's at university)? Thank you in advance! (P.S. I just discovered your blog and I'm in love with your writing 💖💖💖💖💖💖)
I think I did something a little like this here. Anyway, I want to do this one too! I went nuts with the length (can you tell I’m thirsty for 70′s Brian???)
It’s  4137 words so...yeah a long one-shot for the soul! I hope you enjoy it, (I did not proof read, so it could be shit, I apologise if it is the case!)
You and Brian have been dating for quite some time; you met thanks to one of your professors, he had asked for a project to be done in teams, seeing as you and Brian were at the top of the class your professor decided you would be paired together to leave your classmates to fend for themselves. Although you didn’t know Brian that well, you had seen him around campus a lot and he was in almost all your lectures too. When you met at his place and you noticed his guitar you asked about it and conversation came easy between you. Brian was sweet and clear, he could come across as a bit shy but in reality, he was just very formal. You liked that. And he liked that you were so curious and eager to know more about anything that caught your attention. He found out you were taking guitar lessons a few months after you started going out, he thought it was cute from you to try to understand how he did the things he did. At the same time, Brian admired your dedication to your studies and family business. Your father had a large store in downtown, your family has a lot of money and you are aware you are lucky for it, but it is exactly for this reason that you have little experience in life.
When you met Brian you had never been to a concert, perhaps the ballet but it had always been with your parents. So upon hearing this, Brian had to take you out and show you the life you were missing out on. He took you to a deep purple concert - not without showing you as many records as he could. And after the concert, he took you home and made sure you got there safely.
While the band started to take off he worried you wouldn’t know what to do at the bars whenever you went to see them play, and you didn’t miss a show. You would stick to the bar and wait for the boys to come to you, which they always did at the end of the show. Usually, Roger would get there first with a girl or two in his arms somehow.
This night is different, you have been together for almost eight months and you have started to get more and more comfortable with each other. Intimacy is starting to escalate, for a few weeks now Brian will wrap his arms around you and crash his lips onto yours. You’ve found yourself kissing him back and pulling him closer too. It has also been evident to the rest of the band, with Roger even questioning his bandmate when the last time you two slept together was.  
As you wait by the bar, you see the blonde drummer come into view with a tall girl by his arm already. You smile up at him and he leans into you to kiss your cheek. 
“Night, Y/N. Liked the show?” He wonders. 
You nod and turn around to follow him as you comment on the newest song they debuted tonight. 
“How do you do that thing with your voice? It’s so high!” You shake your head in amazement. 
Roger smiles and shrugs, the girl with him giggles at this. 
“Swing by rehearsals, I could teach you.” He offers. 
You are about to reply to your friend when a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you jump, scared of this closeness to a stranger. 
“It’s me, it’s me!” You hear Brian chuckle behind you and bring a hand to your chest and the other to cover your mouth. “Sorry!” 
“Roger you should’ve warned me!” You yell at him. 
“No fun in it that way.”
Brian turns his head on your shoulder and kisses your neck, sending a shiver up your spine. You reach down and touch his arms before settling and leaning back onto him. 
He raises his long arm and calls for a beer, once he gets it you pay for it instead. 
“My treat!” You shush him when he refuses to let you pay for him. “A reward for an amazing show.” You explain. 
There is a cough not far to your right, where Roger sits with the skinny girl on his lap. 
“I’m buying a round for the band!” You announce and hand the barman the money. 
You don’t do this often, in fact, you only buy them drinks after difficult times, when the band hasn’t had a gig in a while. You see it as a way of lifting their spirits. 
For the rest of the night, you chat with the band as you find a table to sit at. Brian pulls you closer and wraps his arm around your shoulders, his hand falls free on your shoulder and you lean back onto his chest to look up at him from time to time. For a few weeks now you have been considering sleeping with him, it was a big deal though; it would be your first time. So you did not take it lightly, you wanted to be sure of it. So thinking that tonight might be the night, you had worn a pretty dress, it was slightly see-through but you it felt nice on your body. Your hair was pulled up in a half ponytail and your makeup remained as natural as ever. 
You and Brian are the first to leave, you are not planning on going back to your place because of course your roommate would be there, Brian’s place seemed more appealing for this matter. You wonder if it was a good idea, but looking at the clock and at Brian’s band and flatmates it is clear that you will at least have a few hours to yourselves.  
As the two of you walk out of the bar and into the chilly streets, you pull on Brian’s hand and make him stop halfway to his car. 
“Hey, Bri?” You wait until he turns around to see you. 
Standing on your tiptoes you bring your hands to his chest, skin visible from the open shirt he is wearing, and give his lips a tender kiss as you pull his coat closed over his body.
“Can we go back to yours tonight?” You say, and Brian places his hands on your hips nodding. 
“If that’s what you want…” you nod this time.
It comes as a surprise to him, he does not want to get his hopes up; maybe you just want to literally sleep with him tonight, as you have done on multiple occasions already; although most of the previous times it had been due to long study session or because you two where to drowsy to attempt going home/taking you home.
And he is not gonna lie; he has been meaning to take you home and have you in his bed…it just does not seem like something you want at the moment. Your boyfriend is quite the observer, he notices your blush anytime he slides his hands under your skirt when you make out, the way you try to hide your surprise from him anytime you feel his erection on your thigh when you half straddle him… you have never gone all the way with him, and Brian has started to wonder if that might be because you have never slept with a man before.
Brian is not proud to admit he has recently touched himself thinking of you, and thinking of being the first man to have you makes him go wild. So of course, if you wanna go back to his place he will take you, and he will do to you as much as you allow him to, as much as you want him to do to you.
The ride there is quiet, as usual, you listen to the radio and make comments about the show, sometimes Brian tells you about something you did not catch from between the crowd. 
You get to the small apartment in a matter of minutes due to the light night traffic. 
When you get inside Brian takes your coat and drops it on the couch along with his. Turning around he shrugs as if he is wondering “what now?”. To answer you cup his face and kiss his lips slowly. It starts as something sweet and innocent, you feel his lips curl up into a smile against yours and wrap your arms around his neck, playing with some strands of his curly hair.
It takes him a moment to understand what’s going on but as he does, he pulls your body closer, squeezing your butt against him, and his lips move against yours a little harder, taking the lead to coax you into allowing him to show you the way. You moan into his lips and feel his tongue slip inside your mouth. 
Brian pushes you into the wall, sliding his hands down your ass he pulls you up so you sit on a small table where he usually leaves his keys when he comes in. You whine but let him set you up there feeling a warmth growing between your legs; something you really have only felt with Brian. You feel hot and a bit aware of how your dress is riding up your thigh you let your hands slide down Brian’s front and pull your legs apart, opening up just enough space for him to stand between your knees when you pull at his waistband. Brian loses no time, dropping his hands on your S/C knees to let them drag up your thigh and up to your hips when he was close enough to push his nose against yours, teasing your lips but not quite touching them.
You pull his shirt out of his pants and slip your hands under the fabric to touch his stomach, his hot breath falls on your neck and you throw your head back to allow for him to kiss your delicate skin. Smiling you feel his hard-on pressed on your thigh and blush at the unfamiliar soreness in your insides as if you crave for him.
As if instinctively, you roll your hips against his, getting some sweet friction but just a little. Brian has never gone this with you so his judgment is clouded as to what to do, how to proceed…he needs affirmation that you want to go on. So he brings his eyes to level with yours and whispers to you.
“Y/N, love…” His thumb rubs circles on your hip, “do you want to…continue with this?”
Your eyes stare at his for a second before you look away in embarrassment. You nod, and as Brian is leaning in to kiss you, you speak up.
“But you have to know something…” you grow nervous. “I’m, I… I know it’s ridiculous coming from someone my age, but…I am a virgin, Bri.”
Brian’s brows rise up, although it is not something he is completely surprised to hear about.
“And you want to change that tonight?” Brian asks openly, “do you want to have sex?”
You feel like a child, giggling at the clarity of his words, but yeah, you do! With him! And you tell him so.
“Yes.” You decide to be as clear as he is being, “I want to lose my virginity to you.”
Your wording makes Brian’s heart flutter with pride and excitement. He knows this must mean a lot to you, otherwise, you wouldn’t have waited so long to do it. The way you have put it also makes Brian realise you don’t just want to do it and get it over with, but you want to do it with him.
He pulls your chin up and kisses your lips, this time he tries to remain calm and not push you harder into the kiss.
“In that case, we should probably go to my room,” Brian whispers.
You shiver and nod, biting your lip as he pulls away from you and offers you his hand to hold when you jump off the table. Your boyfriend leads you through the hall and into his room next to Freddie’s and across from Roger’s. The two of you walk in together and Brian closes the door behind you. 
You look around his familiar room, a spotless space filled with books and scientific magazines. A pile of schoolwork still lays on his desk. Absentmindedly you reach to the side of your dress and pull the zipper down. Brian watches you and slides his hands under your arms to pull the dress off of your body. He kisses your exposed skin, starting with your shoulder and then your shoulder blade working his way down your back as your dress falls flat on the ground. You close your eyes and feel Brian’s hands on your waist before he looks for the clasp of your bra and unhooks the little metallic pieces. You hold your bra in place with a bright red face while he pushes the straps off your shoulders.
“Let me see you, love,” Brian whispers into your ear and caresses your arms you help you relax and drop them by your sides.
As you do so, you turn around to face your boyfriend. He stares into your eyes for a moment, grabbing your face with tenderness, and then lets his gaze fall down on your almost naked body. His hand goes to your breast and cups it with a delicate touch, squeezing it gently. You are almost ashamed to admit that it feels great, but you wonder now how it would feel to touch his naked chest. Without a second to spare you reach out and start undoing the buttons on his shirt till it falls open and you can push it off of Brian’s skinny body. He smiles at you and watches as you touch him, both of you trace lines only you can see on each other’s bodies and once your fascination is overpowered by lust you reach up and Brian pulls you close to kiss one another. This time you are both feeling hot, needy and just hungry for the other’s body.
Brian slides his jeans off and kicks them to the side, touching your legs and pulling your panties away as he leads you to the bed. You lay down and see Brian come up to you, not without dragging his lips along your thighs and hips, biting at them as he goes and leaving small red marks. Nibbling on your sensitive boobs and nipples before he comes to face you. His lips caress yours and you breathe heavily against his.
“Brian…” you mumble, not sure how to tell him you need him.
He brings his hand between your bodies and digs his finger in between your parted legs, finding your pussy wet and ready for him. His eyes close and he groans from the feeling, resting his forehead on yours; hearing you gasp at the sudden touch. You reach up and squeeze his shoulders, rolling your hips against his fingers now.
Brian admires your body for a full second before moving his thumb across your clit, rubbing you with expertise. You hide your head on the crook of his neck, breathing through your mouth and moaning when he puts a second finger inside you. It is obvious that Brian knows what he is doing, he brushes his lips on your cheek before speaking in a lower tone than usual.
“Do you think you can cum for me?” He buries his nose in your neck and bites on your skin, “hm?”
You reply by nodding and you grab his face in your hands to pull him down for an open-mouthed kiss that lasts little more than a few seconds as Brian pumps his fingers in and out of you, finding the right angle he opens his eyes to find you pulling away from his mouth. You moan out loud, louder than you would think decent, but it’s something you cannot help. Your leg shakes and you chase Brian’s fingers for more of that sweet pleasure.
Brian feels trapped in his boxers, but he wants to bring you to the edge if possible before he actually fucks you. He hears it is best if you’re wet on your first time, so he is making sure you will be ready and he won’t hurt you - at least not for long.
He loves the sounds coming from your lips, he pushes his nose against yours and catches your delirious breaths as they come.
“Brian…” you moan against his lips, a knot coming together in your belly, pulling at all your strings, starting from your spine. “Is this…?” You hum and push his hair back, closing your eyes, “it feels so good!”
“And it can feel even better.”
Brian grazes your lips with his, rubbing his nose on yours at the same time his thumb runs over your clit.
“Show me.” You moan again, your hips rolling against his hand once again, lost in that fruitless chase for an orgasm. “Brian, please show me!”
Your boyfriend pulls his hands away, noticing your whines as he does so, but he rushes to discard his underwear and looks up at you as you stare at his hard cock, absentmindedly you lick your lips and pull your hair behind your ear. Brian hates to tie his own hair, and he really loves it when you let yours down too. So once he is aligned to your entrance, before going further he undoes your pretty little half ponytail.
You giggle and put your hands on his chest.
“Will it hurt?” You mumble.
Brian has little experience with virgin girls, so he is left opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
“I don’t think so.” He shakes his head full of curls.
“Alright, just…just be gentle, Bri.” You touch his collarbone and pull on his necklaces to get him to hover over you.
“Always.” He assures you and kisses the top of your nose.
This gesture makes you feel safe every time. You giggle and kiss his nose back before he announces to you that he will go on.
You take a deep breath and feel him rub his cock along your folds for a moment before he finally enters you. It feels as if something breaks, and you gasp when it stings, however, Brian continues to push all the way inside your pussy.
“Are you okay?” He whispers, almost feeling bad for how good it feels for him.
He could tell your hymen was still there, he pushed past it easily and knew you felt it from the sudden breath you took through your teeth. But oh, dear Lord did he feel good…you were so warm and tight around him. He waited for you to get used to his body before trying to move again, and you opened your eyes a few seconds later, giving him a little smile.
“Yes, it just stung a bit…” you admitted, “not your fault, I think you can move now.”
With a raised brow he asks in silence if you are sure and by slipping your arms around his neck you let him know he can go on.
Brian pulls out slowly, watching your face as you stare into his eyes, you still feel some pain but as your boyfriend thrusts back into you over and over your breathing starts to get worked up and you feel yourself grow wet again, your legs wrap around Brian’s body and you close your eyes in ecstasy, daring to roll your hips against his now. The only sound in the room is the one fo skin slapping skin and you can’t stay quiet anymore, moaning his name and digging your nails into his back.
“Brian…” you feel his nose on your neck and throw your head back so he starts biting on your skin. “That feels so good…s’good, Bri!”
Brian grunts against your skin, feeling your walls welcome him, your hips rolling to the rhythms of his thrusts, he pulls on your leg and his grip on your thigh tightens.
“Uh-hu!” He mumbles, “oh, you feel so amazing…” he praises. “Cum for me, love.”
Your hands slide down his chest when he straightens up, he pulls away from your face and leaves you gasping for air as he stands on his knees and grabs your hips, Brian thrusts harder into you and your hands shoot up to the headboard rocking back and forth as you use it for support. His cock hits a spot unknown to you every single time and you cry out in pleasure. His name loses meaning as it falls from your lips and while he wants you to cum first he feels himself on the edge as your walls start twitching around him.
“I’m-I’m…” your toes curl with the strength of your orgasm hitting you, finally your body is tied up in your lower belly, everything explodes suddenly and you feel your pussy contract against Brian’s hard cock that still fucks you relentlessly. “Brian!”
He looks down at you, arching your back on his bed, screaming his name in nothing but pure bliss. You look like porn but he loves it. He loves watching you like this, and he cannot help but looking forward to seeing you like this again and again.
The guitarist cums a couple of seconds later, spilling his cum on your belly. You watch the hot spurts pour onto your body as Brian gives himself a few strokes to finish. His eyes are closed and his mouth hangs open as his head is thrown back and his Adam’s apple appears protruding on his neck.
He lets your legs go and you wrap them around him with the little energy you still have.
“I thought you’d be gentle.” You whisper with a tired smile on your face.
Brian steps back, tapping on your legs, and grabs some tissue paper to clean himself up before coming back to bed and cleaning you up, apologizing for the mess.
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, “next time we should just use a condom,” you make a pause, “I think my sister is on the pill, maybe I should look into that…”
Brian finishes cleaning up and kisses your knee as he comes back to bed. He cannot help but want more of your naked figure while you lay there with your knees bent and parted, chest still heaving from the lovemaking.
“What?” Brian looks up before pressing a couple of random shallow kisses on your stomach and breasts.
You hum in response to his actions and watch him come up to your face, he gives you a peck on the lips.
“So are you thinking this will be a regular thing?” He tries to mask his excitement but fails miserably by the look on his face. 
“Well, of course!” You grin. 
The two of you breathe heavily as you lay in his bed, your bodies still tangled together. Brian sits back with his head against the headboard and pulls you so you are laying with your back against his chest. 
“I have really been missing out!” You say, pulling his arms tighter around your middle after he covers your body with his sheets. 
Brian chuckles and kisses the top of your head. “I think it was worth the wait.”
There is a knock on Brian’s door and you frown as he yells back at whoever it is not to come in. 
“Don’t come in, what do you want?” You feel his body vibrate behind you. 
“Hey…uh…can I open the door now?” It sounds like Roger. 
“No!” Brian warns him, but the door is slightly pushed open by a grinning Rog. He waves at you with amusement. “Get out!” 
Your boyfriend pulls the covers further up your body and reaches to throw a pillow at his friend, but you stop him as Roger speaks up. 
“Since the whole building knows that you are here, Y/N, I was thinking I might as well invite you to our band practice tomorrow morning.” 
There is a wave of embarrassment washing over your whole body as you hear this but you have known Roger for a while now and you decide to handle this with as much grace as you can. 
“Thank you, Rog. I would love to be there!” 
Roger gives his bandmate a smug smile and calls a goodnight to the two of you. 
“You know, we had our doubts that Brian was not a lady-pleaser but now…” Rog pointed his finger at the two of you, “sometimes it’s good to know you’re wrong!”
“Leave!” Brian yells at his friend. 
“Goodnight, lovebirds!” Roger calls and there is some whistling coming from the hallway. 
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