#(only drinks that have salt and preferably sugar in them)
tj-crochets · 1 month
Hey y'all! I have to preface this two-part question by saying it is not based on something I am currently experiencing, but something that happened years ago 1. Can anaphylaxis cause low blood sugar? 2. How bad is a blood sugar level in the 40s? Again, based on something from years ago, not now (just in case someone skipped the first paragraph) Like, I understand that that's very low blood sugar and is bad but idk how bad? At the time it happened I was at an urgent care and, uh, not tracking what was happening super well (both the things definitely happened at the same time, but I am unsure if they were related things)
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moog-rt · 4 months
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader]
➨ Prologue
Next: Chapter One
You love your friends. You really do. But sometimes it needs reminding when one of them accidentally sends you to Hell.
Despite falling into the hands of Hell’s loveliest princess, finding a way back to the world of the living proves difficult as you tiptoe around its king.
Warning(s): blood, future nsfw (possibly?)(not in this chapter)
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
You were careful not to puncture the plastic biohazard bag as you struggled to fit it in your backpack. Your friend owed you big time for this one.
You enjoyed your job, but having to stay overtime was not the way you would typically choose to spend the free hours of your day. Unfortunately, one of your overachiever coworkers was closing as well, so you had to wait even longer than expected. She only left after you insisted on taking over her closing duties.
It took some convincing. You had to thoroughly explain how desperate you were to get out of some macho-man movie the guy you were seeing insisted on watching with you. It was a half-truth. You had no plans to spend any amount of time with him that night, but he had been heckling you for the past week about that fucking movie. Regardless, it did the trick since your coworker’s fiancé was obsessed with the same one, and she proceeded to go on a full rant about how much she loathed it.
All that matters is you successfully got her to leave, finished closing in record time, and finally got that damn biohazard bag zipped up safe in your backpack. With that, you were out the door and on your way to help your friend in their “time of need.”
Which basically translated to, “I need materials that are hard to acquire ethically, and if you love me, you’ll help.”
When you asked what on Earth they would ever need such a thing for, they told you they recently decided to dip their toes into the occult. What exactly that meant, you weren’t sure, and you didn’t want to know. You were just eager to drop off the biohazard bag and head home. You could see a nice hot bubble bath in the near future. Maybe a book and a fun little drink as a treat.
The brief walk to your car was surprisingly pleasant. You didn’t feel as though you were heading home in the middle of the night anymore as the days were growing longer. And it was that perfect temperature where you could wear a t-shirt or a sweater and still feel comfortable. Spring was at last beginning to bloom.
The sun was just about to set as you pulled up to your friend’s apartment building, which was thankfully only a short drive away from your workplace. You scaled a few floors until you got to their door. There wasn’t even a chance to knock before it swung open, and you were yanked inside by the collar of your shirt.
The room was dark save for a few dozen pillar candles that were lit around nearly the entire perimeter of the living room. The kitchen countertop was littered with all kinds of spices, some in containers, some in ominous Ziploc baggies, and most just spilled out across the faux granite. Looking closer at the floor in the center of the open room, there was a star with a circle around it drawn out in what looked to be salt or sugar. In the middle of it was a large black candle with a pile of what you assumed were the herbs from the counter surrounding it.
“Do you have it?” Devon asked as they pulled your bag from your hands. “We’re almost out of time. I got as much ready as I could, but this is the longest step.”
“I’m sorry. We? There is no we when you’re trying to sell your soul to the devil or- Look, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m not taking part,” you said as you helped them carefully remove the plastic bag, bringing it to the weird seance circle-thing. You dreaded the moment they opened it. Some of its contents were rather fresh, but some were a week or two old.
“Nobody is selling anybody’s soul,” your friend scoffed, tearing open the plastic after failing to undo your rather tight knot. You were not about to have that shit leaking out onto your personal belongings.
They instantly recoiled. You’ve never seen their face so shriveled up before. You wished you had your phone out to take a picture. They sat there for a moment before taking a deep breath and reaching their hand towards the bag’s opening.
You were going to gag.
“Stop! What are you doing?” you shrieked, stepping up to their side to stop them from actually dipping their fingers in. “Don’t you have gloves or something?”
“Did you bring me gloves?”
“You didn’t ask me to bring you gloves.”
“Then no, I don’t have gloves.”
“Can’t you just leave it in the bag?” you asked, shaking your head in disbelief. Sometimes you seriously questioned your taste in friends.
“No, the book says I have to use it to draw these symbols around the pentagram,” they said, sliding you the crustiest, dustiest book you had ever seen in your life. When you picked it up, you were worried it would crumble away from the way it crunched as you gripped the pages. Many of the words were blurred, including a portion of the title, which appeared to be in Latin.
You couldn’t understand it, but you remembered them saying it was something to do with summoning a demon. According to Devon, they can help you out with finances, academics, romance… You couldn’t help but imagine some horned monstrosity threatening your boss into giving you a raise or breaking into your teacher’s office to change your test scores.
“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.” You carefully handed the book back to them and walked over to their desk where you knew they kept some basic art supplies. A paint brush should work fine so long as they sanitize the living hell out of it afterwards.
You sat down beside Devon and watched them slowly dip the white bristles into the biohazard bag. The paint brush came out nearly black, as if they were painting with tar, but as it was pressed to the apartment floor, it left behind streaks of crimson. You had to lean away from the overwhelming stench of it. Iron and rot.
Devon had explained to you that they were initially going to use whatever blood they could squeeze out of a steak from the supermarket. The only problem was the ritual specifically required it be human. Obviously, that only left them with two options: Prick their own finger (though they doubted that would be enough) or murder.
That was, until they remembered what you did for work.
You landed yourself a job in a medical facility testing blood samples for all sorts of diseases. Sometimes you only had to determine the blood type or whether it would be viable for donation. Once the testing was done, the blood would be discarded.
To Devon, this meant you had unlimited access to such a valuable ingredient in their twisted little plan. It took quite a bit of convincing before you finally agreed. You were worried about the possibility of losing your job. Can you believe that?
The final symbol was drawn out, and you were wondering why you were still there. You told yourself you would be in and out. You wanted nothing to do with this. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity? Never in your life, would you have thought you’d be helping your friend with some demonic ritual.
You decided it was finally time to take your leave as Devon began chanting in Latin. That was enough fuckery for one day. God knows you want no part in whatever their little séance results in.
You were barely able to get to your feet when the lines of salt began to glow an ominous red. The floor within the pentagram started to crumble away into what looked like a void as you noticed your shirt being gently tugged in its direction. You backed away, not taking your eyes off of it.
There was a blinding flash, then the room was filled with a shrill, ear-piercing noise. It was as if a thousand souls were screaming out at once. You’re sure you yelled out in alarm, though you couldn’t hear it. Covering your ears did little to dampen the volume.
You were jerked forward suddenly as the soft pull on your shirt grew fierce. Glowing red chains manifested around your waist with matching pairs of shackles around your wrists and ankles. Your eyes followed them as they led back to the pentagram. Whatever they were attached to on the other side was a mystery.
Your cry went unanswered, and you spared a glance towards your dear friend. Their eyes appeared to have rolled back in their head, still chanting mindlessly.
The chains around you grew tighter, causing you to whine in discomfort. To your horror, they continued to pull you closer to the void. You tried with all your might to fight against it, throwing your weight back, legs stiffly digging into the plastic wood flooring in front of you. It was all for naught as your socks deprived you of any traction.
You only slid closer and closer to that gaping hole.
You screamed. You fell. You clawed at whatever you could get your hands on.
Then the ground beneath you vanished, and the world went silent.
Next Chapter
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I’m surprised it took me this long to do one of these for these two but here we are! A list of head canons and random thoughts I’ve had of them, with maybe a couple on other characters sprinkled throughout.
- Surprisingly enough, Cloud’s the more emotionally intelligent one between him and Zack. His social awkwardness just gets in the way and he struggles to show it to anyone other than Zack
- Zack and Cloud both know how to cook. Cloud having grown up with just his mother learned to help her out and Zack’s mother refused to let her son go off to Midgar without at least basic knowledge in cooking
- Despite Zack being the chronically flirty one, Cloud gets hit on more when they go to clubs and bars
- Zack hogs all the blankets like his life depends on it the second the temperature drops more than 10 degrees
- Cloud sleeps in boxers and nothing else. Unless it’s winter then you’ll catch him in a shirt as well
- Zack fucking hates doing the dishes. He will quite literally bribe Cloud to do them when it’s his night cause of how much he hates them 😂
- Kids absolutely adore Cloud and the blond never understands why despite going all soft on them and playing along with their dumb games when asked
- Zack once tried to convince Cloud it was a fantastic idea to get a dog for their tiny ass apartment but got shut down cause he got so excited over the idea he broke their dining table
- Zack came out of the closet after Cloud only because Aerith dragged him out by the ear and shoved him onto the blond
- Aerith and Tifa had an argument (not really it was more playful and halfhearted) over who would get Cloud as a best man/bride of honour cause they both wanted to put him in a dress
- Cloud wore a suit to Aerith’s and Tifa’s wedding and Zack was but hurt that neither of them wanted to see him in a dress
- Zack drinks his coffee black and Cloud puts enough sugar and milk in it your teeth would itch at the sight
- Cloud consumes salt like Zack does spice and neither of them can handle the others preference for them. Zack’s face screws up like he swallowed sea water and Cloud starts sweating at the mere whiff of spice
- Zack was so thrown off guard about all those people in sector 5, 6 and 7 knowing Cloud that he thought it was some massive, elaborate joke that everyone was in on
- Tifa was in mad denial about her feelings for Aerith but the second Cloud tried to ease her into the idea she caved pretty quick (she couldn’t stand the idea of Mr. Discovered Narnia himself giving her that talk)
- In Shinra days Zack most definitely used Kunsel to sabotage one of Cloud’s dates, only to discover the blond had never even gone on the date cause he thought it was a joke from his squad mate
- The only time Cloud ever showed an ounce of curiosity at gossip was when Vince had casually kissed Cid on the cheek before leaving and the latter had done nothing more than smile fondly after him
- Zack definitely mourns not having his mentor at his and Cloud’s wedding
- Cloud and Zack hung out so much in Shinra days that not only did Cloud get a fan club of his own, but a sub fan club that shipped the two of them together was created (and people lost their fucking minds when they spotted the two of them years down the track holding hands out in public)
- Genesis would have taken a liking to Cloud purely because he wanted to have a little protege like Angeal and the blond had enough of a spine to sass back and glare when Genesis had threatened him
- If Sephiroth hadn’t lost his mind to Jenova and all he would have been all too ready to go against Shinra and help take them down. Not because of his own feelings on any of the matters but because his friends had turned and he cared about them more
- Zack definitely got mildly jealous when he found out Cloud had been an avid member of Sephiroth’s fan club but had absolutely preened for weeks on end when he found out that he’d also been in Zack’s fan club
- Aerith proposed to Tifa and enlisted the help of Cloud cause he knew Tifa better and Zack unfortunately couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. But Zack did help keep Tifa distracted while Aerith made her preparations
- Barret is the unwilling dad of the group, Cid and Vince are the tired uncles that don’t actually know how they got there in the first place and literally everyone else are the chaotic children that only pull it together for eco terrorism and organised crime
- When Cloud gets sick he basically hibernates for like a week and only eats and drinks just enough so he doesn’t die. Zack freaked the fuck out the first time it happened and took him to the hospital after the first 24 hours of near constant sleep
- Zack becomes a big, whiny, clingy, cuddly mess when he’s sick and always tries to insist he’s all better the second he feels anything more than on the brink of death. Cloud almost spiked his food with sleeping pills so he’d just lie down and finally go to sleep and allow himself to heal somewhat
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skxnnycig · 13 days
Tips & tricks✍🏻
Here is some tips i have found helpfull. Please be careful and listen to your body etc.
1. Melatonin for better sleep. Helps you with night cravings and helps avoiding binges at night. If you get nigthmares from it like i do, i suggest you to take only litte of it and some nighttime tea. (No caffeine)
2. Try to always eat warm soups. They really fill you up. If soups aren’t your thing, try very low calorie noodles. Also always drink the warm water that you boil them up with, makes you full fast. (Low calorie noodles = rice noodles example)
3. Try keeping yourself busy. tiktok etc. might keep you busy for an while but you are most likely to eat/overeat/b!nge at somepoint. Cleaning your house or familys house works like a charm for me.
4. If you hate sports or intense activity, go for an long walk. If you prefer staying inside do some indoor small workouts through out the day. (Or if you are able buy a walking mat or treadmill). But i strongly advise going outside for a walk cause it helps with mental health burdens like anxiety. (Even tho it doesn’t feel like it really does, i know believe me)
5. If you smoke, go outside for an walk with your cigs. You get some cardio and ease the hunger with excercising and cigs. I do not suggest anyone to start smoking, its not worth it but if you do, do it while walking.
6. Coffee is a hunger suppressant. Drink lots of coffee but try not drink any couple hours before planning to go to bed. Then you have even more trouble sleeping and might end up bing!ng. (If coffee isn’t your vibe, LOTS OF TEA)
7. It is HARD to avoid EATING if you live with your family or visit them very often. If you struggle saying no or you are forced to eat, try the cup method. If you don’t know it already i suggest you to learn how to do it by yourself alone to the point you can do it unnoticiable. Basically take a cup (not see trough one) and fill it with water. Drink it out fully or only a half whilist dinner. Then start sp!tting the food you have to eat in it slowly. If you have a see through cup, just try to tell people the food is so good and only eat some of it. After that say that you are full and will save it for later.
8. Avoid emotional eating if it has clearly advantage of you. Instead overeating while being flustered with all kinds of emotions, try to understand your feelings. Example ask yourself: ”why do i feel like this?”, ”Do i really need to feel this way over something?”, ”what i can do to avoid feeling like this in the future?” And literally unpack the emotions that you are feeling instead of numbing them with food. Helps a lot when you just stop and think.
If you feel so down and annoyed because you blood sugar is down, allow yourself to have something low cal. Fruit, one piece of candy or anything, you name it.
9. Minimize social pressure for eating. This is a hard one if you have lot of friends who like spending time in restaurants or etc. Easiest way is that YOU come up forward with ideas what to do together, this will give them a thought of doing something else than eating and most likely they will offer ideas that don’t involve eating.
(Or you could just go full bezerk and isolate, but i don’t recomend it. Made me loose my social skills and gave me anxiety)
10. You probably have heard about the tapping method. It has been getting a lot of popularity on tiktok. Basically you just tap your face and body on certain places and it might help you with cravings, overeating and anxiety. If i can be honest didn’t work the best for me but give it a shot, might work for you.
11. Now in summer to avoid passing out (my fav hobby lmao), drink lots of water with salt. Every bottle of water i mix it with just a pinch of salt to keep me from passing out. You can buy powered electrolytes to mix with your water too. I prefer just the salt to cause it’s cheaper and i am a cheapskate.
12. Form rituals or strict routines but learn how to adjust them if necessary. This is HIGLY IMPORTANT cause if you freak out at family dinner or etc. Over calories or not having something that you usually have for dinner will cause suspicion. That can slow you progress and make it even harder. By routines or rituals i mean by just eating certain foods. Those are yous safe foods and its just makes life easier if you always know what to buy from the store and what you will eat. Also saves time.
13. It is true that if you feel shit = you eat shit. Do lots of selfcare and b!inging isn’t selfcare remember that. Do something that you enjoy to make you feel good. You are most likely to stick on your diet if you are not feeling upset. Do your hair, dye your hair, do your nails, whatever that makes you feel apprieciated. Take care of yourself cause you are on right path to achieving something.
14. If you are faced with a situation that you don’t know how many calories are in your food. Do not panic, handle it in a right way. My personal tip is to always go higher on the calories you assume is in that food. Many foods have huge ammounts of hidden calories. This is how you are more likely to be close of guessing the calories you are eating and can make adjustments for that intake in the future. (Usually the next day, do a 24 hour fast exmp.)
15. If you feel like nothing is working and the weight isn’t coming off, do a detox. Or maybe try laxatives, you might be constipated. If the laxatives works, good but do not abuse them or you will fuck up your natural metabolism. Not fun, i promise you.
16. NOT RECOMMENDED but in a case of emergency only. If you have b!nged and you feel shit, try p!rging. But please try to do it in a way that you don’t be too rough for your body. Drink lots of water FAST and do your thing. If its hard for you to p!!rge, don’t over do it. Give yourself a break and be wiser next time. To help with the emotional rollercoaster after overeating do something to distract yourself. Plan your next day in a way that you can minimize the damage from tha calories and avoid doing it a again.
17. Motivation & disicpline. This is also important but first look it up to know the difference between them to understand them and yourself better. My advice is to really think ”why”, ”how”, ”what for” and ”what after”. I suggest you to forget other people, you are doing this for YOURSELF and not for others. I know it is TEMPTING to think that ”omg when they see me when im at my goal weight, they go crazyy!!” But for real that won’t keep your motivation spike up for too long. This is new you & this is for you. Work on your discipline too by doing even small things you promised to do even tho you didn’t necessarily want to or feel like it.
18. To help with cravings eat ice cubes, warm soups, drink lots of warm water, fruits, bubblegum. Nicotine, caffeine etc. Or if you are gonna eat a full meal, prepare it yourself. While you are cooking the craving might go off and you can save the food or if it doesn’t you will eat something that you know how much calories it has.
19. Stomach growling, annoying asf. Try eating bites of ginger and drink lots of water. You can also mix them together if you like. Bubblegum doen’t help me sadly and just gives me stomach ache so thats why i like ginger and water. Energy drinks & coffee works too. To avoid embarassing moments carry a low cal protein bar always with you. For me they work fast and stops the growling. Try different options beforehand at home for a fast snack and see whats works for you the best.
20. Fat burners might give you a boost. They have lots of side effects including: damaging your liver, giving stomach pains etc. So be carefull if using them. There are some options of fat burners that reduce your appetite too. If you can’t use them or buy them, try other alternatives for fat burning. Ginger, ashagwanda, tea, coffee, berries, bell pepper, cinnamon, spicy foods, protein powder & drinks (keep them low cal tho) and oats.
🫶🏻 - Be safe yall & enjoy your day, you are going forward - 🫶🏻
Edit: lmao sorry for bad writing, i have dyslexia 💀
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paperback-rascal · 1 year
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This illustration is tied to an idea I came up with @kalm5, after I binge watched videos about various vending machines.
The explanation of the premise is under the cut/read more!
What if clones have only a set amount of meals per rotation? no snacks, no nothing - just the basic, the most effective meals evenly spread out throughout the day. It’s the only food they have. The only unlimited food item available to them without restriction is water... just plain water.
However, there are vending machines scattered throughout every Kamino training facility that can be used by clones for additional snacks (or even more “luxurious” items such as salt/sugar/spices, better grade chocolate, authentic caff/tea, weak beer/alcohol, etc.). The vending machines also have limits of items a clone can get per rotation to limit potential abuse of the system.
The availability of such items is depended on the status quo and performance score each clone has and develops over the years (the score is stored at the forearm chip, so to use a vending machine clones have to swipe their wrists against it’s panel) - the bigger the score the broader assortment of items are available.
Cadets get their points based on their exam scores, battle simulation statistics, etc.
The score clones got in their youth are later transferred as a base score at the beginning of their military career.
The success rate, performance on the field, getting medals, etc. is later added to it - raising it. It also can be lowered due to misdemeanors, refusal to carry on orders, breaking rules, etc.
Despite all CT-[numbers] clones having the same baseline of items available, there are variations or perks for each occupation: medics get different additional assortment of items than sappers, who have different perks than gunners, pilots and so on.
Maintenance staff has the same limitations as cadets. So 99 has the same level-access to goods as kids/teens, thus he can get like... Star Wars equivalent of stale salted crackers, granola bars and juice.
A major points boost is a promotion to higher military rank - especially to commanding position or high preference variants like ARCs or spec-ops (it unlocks more options)
The biggest availability, however, have CC-[numbers] clones.
Some of the perks are just simply locked behind a status quo. So even an perfect behavior and 100% success rate wouldn’t give a “plain” CT-number access to for example... alcoholic beverages - it’s only for CC-[numbers]. CC-[numbers] also can be locked out of certain perks if their score gets low enough.
The best example would be captain Rex who despite being a commanding officer can’t get the same items as his college, commander Cody. Due to Rex being a CT-number. So it’s always a bit awkward when he tags along with other commanding officers but he can get an energy drink or black coffee at best.
Funnily enough, of all software at Kamino, nothing is so well guarded as vending machines - it’s unhackable while the vending machines are borderline indestructible. It’s the most frequently updated/modified equipment due to clones always finding loopholes to cheat the system.
The origin of the vending machines was that Kaminoans tried to use the idea of conditioned response to encourage clones to train harder and be more obedient in the field - they hoped it would rewire clones brains, linking high performance with luxurious goods.
However what the long necks didn’t accounted for is that clones are well... humans and turned vending machines to social interaction that has an internal structure known only to clones. one of such interaction is that many clones with high performance score would often get items to those with lowered ones - especially at 501st where thinking outside the box is preferable military tactic by their general, thus many clones from 501st would end up with low performance score at Kamino framework despite being the most decorated of soldiers.
The same goes with Clone Force 99 who have 100% success rate, but also accumulated many misdemeanors and complaints.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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what do you think the chains favorite breakfast foods are (if they eat breakfast)
Okay I'm good now.
ANYWAYS, I split you ask into two sections: first, their favorite food ever if they can get their hands on it, the second what they like to eat on the road. And then a final unhinged rant at the bottom about the one thing about teenage boys/young men and their food that I'll never understand: Bacon.
Legend--I have a feeling that he likes sweets. Specifically, waffles with whipped cream and berries. They're a little burnt, but Ravio made them for him, so he'll pretend he doesn't notice (and grows to like them better that way). On the road, he'll go for coffee/tea (he's not picky) if one of the others make it, or nothing at all.
Hyrule--does he have a favorite breakfast food? Food isn't very stable where he comes from--Legend and Wild would spoil him so much in regard of expanding his palate. But I imagine that something like a fried mixture of beef/sausage, vegetables, and a starch (perhaps an even poorer version of an already poor person food Shepherd's Pie, perhaps? it could be a breakfast food) would be a sort of filling, tasty, and easy to procure/make/preserve food that he'd like. On that note, I would say something simple, easy to get and preserve, and hardy would be his go to breakfast on the road--maybe meat jerky.
Wild--Also a sweets person. Fruit cake, cinnamon rolls, frosted cupcakes, basically all the little delicacies he could get at a dumb party 100 years ago, he ain't picky, it's for breakfast and it's fueling a day long sugar high. On the road he, unlike the other Links, can be pretty creative with his breakfasts, and he likes his spice as well. So, I think he'd like Meaty rice balls.
Four--direct this question to someone else please. He has four voices in his head fighting to answer right now, and none of them agree. I surely dont know if he doesn't.
Time--Pancakes and farm-fresh scrambled eggs and toast with jam. Malon makes it for him. What can I say. On the road he is a habitual coffee drinker, he wouldn't be functioning in the mornings without it. But he'll also take a poached egg if he has the time (heh).
Warrior--unlike Time who is a habitual coffee drinker, he is a coffee connoisseur. He likes the breakfasts they serve at the castle--a lot of meats and fruits, expensive, and on top of it all, well plated. Not to say that he can't eat simply--he was in a war, mind you--just that he prefers not to. On the road, he strikes me as the kind that would drink those tasteless quick oats (y'know you just add water, shake and go?) and also be very vocal about much time (heh) it's saving him (being none). I don't know what the Hyrule equivalent of those are.
Twilight--our favorite country boy. I think he likes a true southern breakfast. Ham and pan-fried potatoes and eggs over-easy, with a side of cheesy grits and sausage biscuits and gravy like Uli used to make for him (I HC this man has a black hole of a stomach, out of all the Links). On the road he'll inhale a boiled egg or two (salted and peppered if he's feeling fancy) that Wild made for him. I also head canon that Twilight likes tea with an intensity. And not only sweet tea, but like, ALL of the teas. He gets obsessive. I literally have in my detail/subplot tracking documents for BDOR the following entry underneath chapter 8--Tea: "Twilight’s cure to Wild’s voice is tea. His cure to life’s woes is tea."
Wind--whatever his grandma is making, probably with seafood involved. I've had a crab-spinach-egg casserole for breakfast before, it was good, so I'll give him that. On the road, I can see him packing a lot of bread and some meat (dried fish if he can get it).
Sky--This guy honestly has me stumped. Do those on Skyloft eat Loftwing eggs, or are they considered taboo? They have a lot of pumpkins around--do they incorporate them into their meals?@needfantasticstories you know a lot of Skyward Sword lore, bequeath me your wisdom. Anyways on the road he's a meat and bread person like Wind. Practical.
Now, for my rant about young men and their food quirks:
Bacon. Bacon, as I have witnessed, drives the most reasonable of men insane.
I just a few things to say about this. I have younger brothers, and I born witness to many male sleepover parties. I--as the resident nasty fe-male XD--have been (forced) to cook for them in the mornings. Set a pile of bacon in front of them (or really any meat, but I have found that bacon has the strongest affect) and they turn into WOLVES. They start to crowd around and stare as soon as they begin to smell it (which hey, give me space in the kitchen, please!), snatch it up before the grease even cools, and then retreat into their separate corners of the living room/kitchen and scarf it down, all while avoiding eye contact and projecting just how much they don't care about the bacon they're eating (perhaps so one of the others don't take notice and try to steal it). There's an odd little ritual/rules to the thing, too: for example, it's frowned upon to take more than three or four pieces at a time, there has to be enough for everyone, obviously; but if you finish a second and third serving before some poor sod stumbles in and gets himself a piece--why that is acceptable, even encouraged. But at all times, you could feel them watching each other, judging whether each person had taken acceptable amounts. 6 at once, I have determined, is veritably considered too much, as I have watched an entire group of mid-late teenage boys chase another through the house and outside for this crime of greed. Another thing was the presence of literally any other edible food. If there was anything else--eggs, fruit, even something like a few slices of unbuttered toast or coffee or juice sitting out, this reaction was largely tempered--even if none of the boys took the other foods, they would take a meager one or two pieces of bacon and be satisfied, perhaps reassured that other food was present and their hope of a filling breakfast was not in vain. Most, at that point they would restrain themselves from eating anything (other than their bacon tax) and wait so that everyone could eat together. But the mad scramble that occurs when there is bacon and only bacon in the kitchen (even if other things are cooking, nearly done, and visible to them) is otherworldly.
I never saw it with anything else, not eggs, not fruit, not even sausage or any other breakfast food. And it must be noted that I was exempt from their little ritual of judgement--perhaps as the only woman, or perhaps as the cook, I was allowed to take as much bacon as I liked from the pile, once the initial wave had attacked and retreated with their bounty (and the strips of bacon had cooled enough that mortal human hands such as my own could pick them up). And while they behaved like beasts, I was always very politely thanked for making breakfast once it was over and the frenzy had abated.
Anyways, your ask got me thinking about Malon making a pile of bacon for the boys, activating the beforehand undiscovered "PANIC! BACON!" mode in their brains, and just being utterly confused as they turn into animals. Just the boys descend, and then a few shouts of "Thanks, Malon!" drift in on the wind as they scatter like racoons with treasure, leaving an empty plate spinning behind them.
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whorediaries-09 · 1 month
a pocket full of soul
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- don't get used to the sap ya'll it ain't lasting long 🥰.
little train. series masterlist.
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there was somebody at your door. knocking away like a maniac, about to break your wall, if you must. pushing up your reading glasses to your read you walked towards the door, book in hand, afraid of losing the page you’d been reading. you peeped through the eyehole.
it was sirius. clad in a soft cotton t-shirt, paired with black jeans, he stood in front of the door, his hands carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses. you opened the door, and he smiled wolfishly, sparing his white teeth.
‘let me in?’ he asked, handing you the bouquet. you moved aside, nodding your head.
‘please, make yourself comfortable.’
‘thank you, sweetheart,’ he said. his gray eyes raked over your figure clad in nothing but a hot pink silk pyjamas. your hair was put up messily into a bun and your nose covered in a mask to extract out blackheads.
‘uhh, i’m sorry I’ll go freshen up myself.’ he let out a bark like laughter.
‘honey, if there’s anybody who needs to be fresh within the walls of your home, then it’s me, not you. be comfortable, this is your house.’ you laughed at his silly comment, gesturing him to sit down on the sofa.
‘do you like the flowers? i can only hope you’re not allergic to them…’
‘i’m not, don’t worry. but what do i owe this sweet gesture to?’ he raised his left eyebrow, looking at you sceptically.
‘why, do you think sweet gestures are supposed to owe the other party something?’ you stuttered,
‘i-ah well, no.’
‘i can see you lying. if i must, i’m great at occlumency.’ you made a very fast attempt to block out your thoughts.
‘i’m an auror, i too am skilled at occlumency! doesn’t mean i go around reading other people’s thoughts!’ you exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him. he laughed, gesturing you to sit down.
‘can you get me a cuppa? i need to ask you something.’ he said. you sat down beside him, wandlessly summoning a cup, hot boiling water, a tea bag and a tray of sugar cubes.
‘i’m sorry i don’t have the kind you drink…i’m just the good old tea bag person…i don’t have too much tea…i’m not very fond of it…’ you drawled. putting in a couple of sugar cubes into the cup with hot water. you dipped the bag into the cup, then carefully handed it to him. he hummed gratefully,
‘it’s fine, sweetheart,’ the nickname rolled of his tongue so sweetly rasp, it made your stomach burst into intense collywobbles. ‘don’t me sorry. i know you prefer coffees…what was that? salted caramel lattes and a butter cookie.’ you gasp playfully.
‘you remember!’
‘of course, i remember. but actually, remind me to buy you a pack of butter cookies the next time i come back here.’
‘i can buy my own, you know that right?’
‘i mean, i do. it’s just fun to gift stuff other people.’ you hummed, nodding your head in reply.
‘i saw harry today.’ he said, taking a slow sip. you stare at him. he’s got his head lowered, as if he’s ashamed of something. he doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
‘did you?’ you whisper. you see his hands shake-the one he holds the cup with. he sniffs, as if trying to hold back tears.
‘i bought gifts for him you know? for his birthday. it’s in two days. but i still haven’t figured out how to give them to him. hell, i didn’t even know what my godson would like. god i feel awful.’ he whispers. after what seems like an eternity, he stares into your eyes.
‘it’s not your fault, sirius.’ you asserted, reaching for his shaking hand. he nods.
‘but you know, i just… feel like it is. even though it is not and i know i’m being unreasonable with my irrational way of thinking…but i can’t help but feel so fucking awful.’ you listen to every word he spills from his lips.
‘i understand, sirius.’
‘dumbledore told me he’d left him within the care of petunia-lily’s sister, and her husband. but i saw how they treated the poor boy today. he was carrying a huge heavy bag of groceries while petunia’s boy was kicking her all the way through the street for a bag of candies. what horrendous manners the boy had! while harry looked so sickly and thin and pale…yet somehow a carbon copy of james,’ he stops midway before chuckling ‘but he’s got lily’s eyes of course. i turned into padfoot, and followed them to see where they live.’ you nod, allowing him to continue. he squeezes your hand harder.
‘i’ve found where they live. i came here to ask you of a favor.’
‘what, sirius? i’ll help you if i can.’ you ask.
‘well, i’d like if you’d… you know act as a sales person and show up on their step trying to sell goods…’
the helmet on your head was heavy and tight. you rolled your eyes, gripping his shoulder hard as sat on the motorcycle. he whirred the engine.
‘are you ready?’ you nodded. from the mirror, you could see his bright wide smile as you clang onto him like a koala.
‘you’re not afraid, are you?’ he asked.
how sirius black had had you agreeing to this idea was of mystery. but you supposed it some sort of pity you felt for him. and somehow hated yourself for pitying him. he was the strongest and the bravest man you knew…yet here you were, pitying on him. or perhaps it wasn’t pity. maybe you just wanted to provide him the company he needed-he desired to get back on track on like. you remembered him to be a social butterfly as a young teen.
perhaps you were allowing yourself to be drained by his presence so that he wouldn’t be stuck on the parallels of death and paradise.
‘just hold on tight, and we’ll be off.’ he said. you wrapped your arms tenderly around his waist, gently striding your chin upon his shoulder. your thighs were parallel to his, the skin touching.
‘are you gonna fly?’ you asked timidly, apparently not very concealing about your fear. sirius couldn’t help but smile.
‘i was thinking, but now that you’re with me, i think rather against of it. you might crush my ribs.’
‘sirius black i’ll wipe that grin right off your face,’ you threatened. sirius merely laughed, apparently not very afraid of your threat. there was no reason to be-if you were quite honest with yourself, it was really only an empty threat. you slightly pinched his chest.
‘ouch, you hurt me, sweetheart,’
‘fly off black,’ you demanded.
‘oh, so we’re using last names now?’ he asked, grinning. ‘as you say, sweetheart,’ he said, whirring his engine and pushing off onto the sky. you unconsciously held onto his waist, tighter than intended to. the wind bites you on your face, and you hide it into the crook of his neck. he chuckles slightly, goosebumps kissing his skin as your warmth breathe fans over his cold neck.
‘i thought you wouldn’t be afraid?’ he teases.
‘just look ahead of you!’ you exclaim.
‘there’s nothing we’d bump into! except the birds of course.’ he’s right, of course, but you feel a twinge in your stomach every time he teases you. it’s a weird juxtaposition to be stranded upon, you think, because you really aren’t one who’s likes it when somebody teases you-you aren’t one who’s up for banter either. you find it to be quite obnoxious too, spewing unnecessary nonsense for the fun of it.
yet, somehow when sirius does it, your heart leaps with joy, and you feel yourself loosen up around him-comfortable around him.
you look down as you whir past the city lights. they glow subtly, creating a beautiful effect you want to engrave in your memory forever. they whizz past you, as he rides into the air. and suddenly, you find yourself sinking into the warmth that sirius black’s presence fills you up with. it’s a rare feeling you’re foreign to. it scares you, but you stay stranded, unable to escape the sweet feeling that tingles in the depth of your stomach.
it's as if you’re tasting the pleasures of life when he laughs, the sound loud and echoing in your brain as the city whirs past you into thin air.
to put in a short phrase, handling the wrath of petunia dursley or vernon dursley was not a child’s play. they’d lock the door at your face if they could if they’d be annoyed by strangers. but of course, there was a way to everybody’s heart in some way. with the correct charm and words, they could be easily melted into a puddle.
so, you turned up at their door selling the best sausages in the locality at a reasonable-no cheap price. while they weren’t very fond of pets, and didn’t appreciate you bringing your dog along with them, they seemed to have agreed to just for this bit for the dog seemed polite.
to demonstrate the quality of the sausages, you found yourself in the kitchen, sizzling up sausages on a little pan. sirius stood by you, unreasonably quiet as he observed the slight char on the sausages. you put them neatly on a plate, offering them to a kid whom you assumed to be their kid. there was no way he’d be harry-with the rather plump body, empty eyes and the mop of blonde hair. the familiarity with vernon and the child was almost uncanny.
‘who are you?’ a small voice asked, popping his head from the door of the kitchen.
‘come here boy! give the lovely girl some water!’ vernon barked as a form of acknowledging his presence. the boy nodded, walking towards the fridge, to fetch you some water. the quiet interaction was disturbed by the sudden barking of the black dog. it turned around his body, barking at harry who stood petrified by the fridge-afraid of the sudden barks. you could’ve easily recognised harry by his messy black curls, and the bright emerald eyes which hid the same shine of kindness as lily’s did.
‘calm down snuffles, c’me here,’ you said, raking your nails through his soft hair. it was eerily familiar to sirius’ soft and silky strands.
‘he gets agitated when he smells food.’ you explained. petunia nodded, staring at the dog who was now perched on your lap. with silent mischief, he licked the blonde boy’s plate, as if proving your statement.
‘oh, lovely boy,’ you cooed at the boy, ‘do you mind if i take a sausage?’
‘take a half from a half,’ he replied, his voice thick as he swallowed down the meat. you tried not to show the slight annoyance you felt at his words, breaking a small piece from the sausage. you rubbed a spot behind sirius’ ear, silently pleading him to not get out of control.
harry slid you a cold glass of water. this was the moment to steal. you could only hope you didn’t mess this up. it was tricky to do an invisibility spell wandless and wordless-but you had trained yourself thorough and hard to try and fight any situations which could barricade your way to success. all you had to do was to put the gifts along with the letter sirius had written him into the place where he slept.
it was tricky, yet done within the few spins of the second hand on the clock. you watched as the night sky darkened, from the dursley’s window, you decided to exit. this place was extremely suffocating, and within yourself you felt something snap. you weren’t expecting the dursleys to buy anything from you anyway, so you when they refused the offer to buy the sausages, you took the opportunity and ran for it, snuffles barking after you as he ran after you.
once outside the house, you breathed slow and heavy, watching snuffles transform into sirius. with a pocket full of soul, he took your hand into his, running towards the parking spot of his motorcycle.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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blues824 · 9 months
Continuing the TWST Boys Go to Reader's World??? headcanons, can I have the Third Years this time?
Reader is mentioned and only pronouns used are secondary pronouns. The amount of research going into this 😥😥
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Trey Clover
Favorite Country/City: A lot of treats that he makes are from France, so I believe he would love being on the tasting side of the whole ordeal. Plus, candied violets (originally called violettes cristallisees) originate from there as well. As for his favorite city, it’s basic but it’s Paris. It’s the dessert capital of France, so yeah.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: He is a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to multiple different cuisines, as people from all over have come to his family’s bakery. However, if he had to choose one, it would have to be Spanish cuisine. He just strikes me as the type. French food would come in second, but we are going by entrees and not desserts.
Favorite Drink: I feel like he would be a bit tired of tea, and coffee goes well with a lot of sweets but sometimes he wants something else. So, hot chocolate is a great go-to. Plus, you can spike it with bourbon or rum and many other things, and he prefers bourbon.
Favorite Souvenir: A cognac that he has used to cook multiple different things. He picked it up at a small shop in France, and the brandy is great for making sauces and for deglazing a pan. He rarely drinks it, but it’s of great quality.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He is an old soul, and with that being said, he likes older music. I feel like he would like songs in different languages as well. So, I think he would like the song Nunca es Suficiente, the Natalia Lafourcade version.
Favorite Movie: He doesn’t have a favorite movie, but rather favorite shows. He loves Nailed It!, Zumbo’s Just Desserts, Sugar Rush, but most importantly: The Great British Baking Show.
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Cater Diamond
Favorite Country/City: This guy is hard because he would want to go absolutely everywhere and he would love everywhere he travels to. However, he would say that he loved Japan the most, as the people were very friendly and it was the first time he actually tried hard to learn the language so that he could be respectful.
Favorite Cuisine/Dish: His canonical favorite food is spicy ramen, so I would say Japanese cuisine would be his favorite. But, he has a more diverse taste than just that, so he would probably like Eastern Asian cuisine as a whole. It has a lot of savory and spicy foods that he absolutely loves.
Favorite Drink: He is also a margarita lover, and even though a lot of them are sweet, they are still delicious. However, he orders salt rather than sugar on the rim of the cup because he doesn’t want extra sweetness from sugar.
Favorite Souvenir: He picked up a pair of chopsticks that he always uses. He has finally got chopstick etiquette down, and the set he purchased at a souvenir shop served as a reminder of his hard work.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He is so into both K-Pop and J-Pop that it’s not even funny. He is one of those fans that will tear you up if you didn’t know the words, their meaning, who all the members in the specific group are, etc.
Favorite Movie: I had no idea he was into skateboarding, so I have to say that his favorite movie is Dogtown and Z-Boys. It’s a documentary-type film about the Zephyr skateboard team who helped develop modern skateboarding in the ‘70’s.
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Leona Kingscholar
Favorite Country/City: He is not one to travel voluntarily, so you would have to drag him places. He does want to spoil you, so he will (hesitantly) go along with you. If he had to choose a favorite, it would be Sudan. He doesn’t have a favorite city, but rather a favorite state: the River Nile state. It holds the Meroë Pyramids, and he thought it was pretty cool that Sudan has the most pyramids in the world.
Favorite Cuisine: Pretty far from Sudan, but Argentinian food would be his favorite. They are known for having the best beef, and Leona loves having a good steak. The only downside is that it’s usually served with a few veggies or a chimichurri sauce composed of vegetables.
Favorite Drink: He doesn’t really care, so I would think that he likes beer. He strikes me as the type to have a glass bottle of beer that he holds nearer to his hip; the traditional uncle (Unca) pose.
Favorite Souvenir: When he first went to Sudan, he dressed to fit along with local traditions. He wore a jalabiya in order to maintain modesty, and he actually liked it and hung it in his closet for the next time he visited a country that prefers modesty.
Favorite Singers/Songs: It started as him getting into his edgy phase, but he did not want to go emo. He prefers rock, specifically AC/DC. His favorite song is Highway to Hell.
Favorite Movie: He usually falls asleep during every movie he watches. However, he did like the movie Silence of the Lambs. The way it left him disturbed and on-guard as well as made him want to stay awake is the reason why he would like such a gruesome movie.
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Vil Schoenheit
Favorite Country/City: Cologne, Germany. I’ve always wanted to visit, and it was one of my hyperfixations for a while, but that’s besides the point. The point is that Vil strives for perfection. Part of that is smelling great. Surprise, surprise: cologne originates from Cologne. However, the Cologne Cathedral was beautiful as well.
Favorite Cuisine: I feel like he would like Japanese food as his go-to, as a lot of their food is a lot healthier than others and he strives to be healthy. However, he would like Greek food if he were just going off of personal preference. Briam would probably be his favorite dish.
Favorite Drink: Do smoothies count as food or drinks? People have them for breakfast as they have fruits and veggies, but you ‘drink’ a smoothie. Anyways, his favorite alcoholic drink would be a martini. He is classy and elegant, just like the drink.
Favorite Souvenir: A piece of the Berlin Wall. The history behind it fascinated Vil, and he considers it his most prized souvenir.
Favorite Singers/Songs: Lovefool by Postmodern Jukebox (feat. Haley Reinhart). He heard it from a co-star, and he liked it. Yes, he continues his career in your world.
Favorite Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, as I believe that he loves Audrey Hepburn’s acting in that movie. He also likes Gentlemen Prefer Blondes because of Marilyn Monroe and her iconic character in that movie.
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Rook Hunt
Favorite Country/City: The city of love, the city of lights, Paris. As much as I didn’t want to do such a basic answer, he is a connoisseur of beauty, and Paris at night is a sight to behold. Plus, he speaks French, so why not go to the motherland of the French language?
Favorite Cuisine: His favorite food is canonically liver pâté, so I believe he would love French cuisine the most. However, I would say that Danish cuisine comes second, as they have something similar (a dish that is derived from liver pâté: leverpostej).
Favorite Drink: A French 75 goes a long way with this man. He loves a champagne cocktail. They are typically for celebrations, and Rook just wishes to celebrate life and beauty as a whole. No, he’s not an alcoholic, but when he feels content and exceedingly happy he won’t hesitate in indulging himself with one glass.
Favorite Souvenir: A lavender perfume. He loves how relaxing the smell is.
Favorite Singers/Songs: His favorite song is Love Like You, by Caleb Hyles. Look at the lyrics, and you will see why lol.
Favorite Movie: The Notebook, as it’s a classic film filled with romance. You also cannot tell me that this man is not looking for the Allie to his Noah. He wants a romance story in his life, and that’s why he travels so much.
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Idia Shroud
Favorite Country/City: I can’t decide between Greece and Japan, so I will say that they are tied on Idia’s list. The gamer boy doesn’t really go outside, but when he traveled to these places he absolutely loved it. He’s kind of simple, where he liked the capitals Athens and Tokyo the most.
Favorite Cuisine: His favorite food is just listed as ‘sweets’, and he hates raw fish. We are not going by desserts, but rather overall food, and luckily fish can be replaced by protein alternatives. Plus, the fish can be cooked. That being said, Chinese food would be his favorite. He loves the dragon’s beard candy.
Favorite Drink: He rarely ever drinks alcoholic drinks, as he is already very weak in build (remember his family’s curse?). Adding alcohol to the mix would be a disaster. However, he might like a light beer.
Favorite Souvenir: He likes board games, and while he was in Greece he learned to play Tavli, or Backgammon, and he purchased a board so that he could continue to play it with opponents.
Favorite Singers/Songs: He likes anime intros and outros, and like Cater he is very big on K-Pop and J-Pop, but also C-Pop and T-Pop. His favorite song is 夜に駆ける(Yoru ni Kakeru), by YOASOBI.
Favorite Movie: Your Name, as the two travel just to meet each other, but they have to get used to their new environments first.
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Malleus Draconia
Favorite Country/City: He loves Denmark’s castles, but specifically the Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. It houses the Danish Crown Jewels as well as the Coronation Robe, and the history behind each item fascinated the draconian prince. The Notre Dame Cathedral in France comes in second for its gargoyles.
Favorite Cuisine: Again, we go by overall cuisine rather than the desserts (otherwise he would choose the cuisines that contributed to ice cream’s existence). He actually can’t choose a favorite, as all is better than Lilia’s cooking. He does have a least favorite, and it’s modern American food. His favorite type of food is street food, as it really allows him to surround himself with the locals and just be normal.
Favorite Drink: He doesn’t believe alcohol is necessary to have fun, but he will indulge himself from time to time. His favorite is a cocktail called a ‘Corpse Reviver’. It’s a morbid name, but it’s the one thing that magic can’t do. He likes when red food coloring is added, as it makes his tongue red.
Favorite Souvenir: Bro probably has enough money to actually purchase the Danish Crown Jewels as well as the English Crown Jewels tbh. Anyways, he actually treasures a book he picked up called ‘Once Upon a Broken Heart’. He was unaware that it was the first book of a sequel series, so he purchased the rest as well as the original series, ‘Caraval’.
Favorite Singers/Songs: His talent is listed as ‘stringed instruments’, but his relent would go beyond just the typical instruments you think of. Is an electric guitar not a stringed instrument? This man is in a 5 Finger Death Punch phase, favorite song being Wrong Side of Heaven.
Favorite Movie: He loves Sleeping Beauty, mostly because of that scene with Aurora and Prince Phillip where they dance together in the forest. Also, he related to Maleficent because she was not invited to see the princess.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Favorite Country/City: His hobby is traveling alone, and I feel like he wouldn’t have a favorite location. He has been everywhere, and the only place he gravitated towards was Brazil. He went to that year’s Carnaval celebration and he actually really liked it. The parade floats were big and beautiful, there were many lights; it was just fun in general. The city of São Paulo comes to mind, as it’s the biggest city by population.
Favorite Cuisine: Part of why he likes Brazil is the food. Tomatoes originate from South America, and Brazil’s dishes hit different (I don’t think I’ve been to an authentic Brazilian food place, but from what I can see and from what I’ve tasted, I love it).
Favorite Drink: In the Trivia section of his Wiki page, it says that he likes potions that are said to taste bitter by everyone else. That being said, I feel like this would transfer to alcoholic drinks, so his favorite drink might be a negroni. It’s a bit bitter, so it suits his taste.
Favorite Souvenir: He picked up some spices in his travels to “better” his cooking (it didn’t help at all; his cooking still sucks even if he’s seen other people do the dishes he's trying to make).
Favorite Singers/Songs: He is what boomers would call “hip and trendy”, so he likes whatever is popular at the moment. Yes, this includes the meme songs that might go viral on TikTok, Instagram, and YT Shorts. At the time of writing this, his favorite song would be Paint the Town Red, by Doja Cat.
Favorite Movie: He liked the movie Crimson Peak. The costumes as well as the acting were amazing, and he loves learning about the Victorian Era and how both England and the United States were developing during the industrial era.
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cloudyswritings · 4 months
More Hallownest foods
Fried Hopper legs and Chips: This is essentially the KFC of Hallownest. Recipe below:
First remove the legs of your hopper, taking care to remove the tough connective tissue at the base of each leg completely.
Once all of the legs have been removed gently crack the chitin but leave it on the meat. This will prevent a buildup of steam under the carapace while it's being fried.
Roll each leg in a breading(ground nuts can be used for grain intolerant bugs) and apply a health dose of salt.
Finally dunk each leg into boiling oil and cook for 2 minutes, the center of the meat should still be moist and slightly chewy.
Next make the chips: they can be made from Fallowroot tubers, but if you have them Waste-gourds are preferable because of their rich flavor and crispy texture when cooked.
Add a pinch of whatever spices you prefer.
Finally, cook them until both sides are crispy.
Gel-Salad: A dish traditonally used for dessert, it consists of a rich jelly filling(usually green or blue) and a mix of spun sugar, frostings, and pickled sugar-root. It's served in a glass bowl and made to resemble the blue lake with small lilypads made of frosting.
The size and complexity of this dish generally reflects the importance of the event it's served at. this is partially due to the cost of the ingredients.
A variation of this dish using hemolymph gelatin is often used for carnivorous bugs and makes for a better savory after meal snack.
Soul-Cider: A drink made by fermenting pale-vine berries in soul.
This drink is especially time intensive to make, and fermentation can take upwards of 30 years to be finished. Nonetheless this drink is one of the most widely produced in Hallownest and is a significant export of the kingdom as a whole.
The material the fermentation barrel is made of can drastically impact the taste, so all of the best breweries in Hallownest have been in competition to find the best material. Rumor has it that one of them even approached the white lady and asked her for a cask made from her growth.
Miner's pie: A lovely meat pie commonly made by the miners of the crystal peak, the main meat of this pie is glimback meat, and though the miners can't generally afford to be picky about what they each only the choicest cuts of glimback are tender enough to eat(specifically those directly under the shell). Special care has to be taken to remove any shards of crystal in the meat being cooked, especially because ingesting crystals is just asking for them to begin growing inside of you. A traditionally topping for Miners pie is diced Fling-weed and mashed Fallowroot.
These savory pies are generally large enough to serve 3-4 bugs and are sometimes served out of the shells of young Glimabacks which have been turned into bowls(a practice which has endangered the species)
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cambria-writes · 1 year
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good day! been a little while since i updated this one too. honestly it's just because i forgot; the chapter was written and everything lol. the one after this is still in the work though, so that... might take a little bit. it starts to get spicy so i'm trying by best to not be a cowardly little ace and just get in there.
word count: 2,722 rating: M warning: people are shirtless and pantless/trouserless, mention of a panic attack, age gap but left up to interpretation, getting cockblocked by a phone call, swearing, so scarcely proofread it might as well be whiteclaw, let me know if there's anything else!
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓: 𝔏𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝔚𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯
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Waking up is a slow process.
The first thing you notice is that the pillow is softer than what you normally have at home. Your face is half engulfed in it in the best of ways. Like your head is cradled by a temperature controlled cloud.
The second thing that you notice is that, though the air should still be cool from early morning, half of you is warm. Almost too hot to bear; you can feel sweat beading on your collarbone.
The third thing that registers is that you’re very much not wearing your own clothes. It feels different, and definitely isn’t a dress, or whatever oversized shirt you’d otherwise be wearing to bed. And everything smells different. In a pleasant way your brain is still trying to make sense of.
You crack open an eye to look at what you think is the nearest window and take a second. Patrick Jane’s face is mockingly close. And you’re well on your way to being half on top of him; one arm holding onto his left shoulder and your right leg thrown over his left thigh. It wouldn’t even have been that bad, really, if his hand wasn’t also on your thigh.
Not entirely the development you expected after getting entirely too-violent flashes of someone else’s traumatic experiences. But also, unfortunately, not the strangest thing that’s happened to you in recent history.
You’re halfway back to sleep–there’s no way you’re going to stay awake to chance a conversation about all of this when you still have a raging headache–when you feel the hand on your thigh give the slightest of squeezes. Well fuck.
“There’s Tylenol and water on the chair,” Jane says quietly. His eyes stay closed. For all anyone could tell he still looks like he’s asleep.
You make a sound between a grunt and scoff. Pull your arm and leg away and turn around in bed like it’s no big deal. There is, in fact, a metal water bottle and two Tylenol on the chair Jane had pulled up the night before. You pop the pills in your mouth, unscrew the bottle and–
“Oh my fucking god,” you say, approximately, around a mouthful of lemon water and pain killers. Swallowing is almost painful and you can’t help but gag as the pills go down entirely wrong. Immediately try to flush them down further with more water and sputter and cough once you swallow. “Lemon? God, do you hate me?”
“You mixed your drinks last night. You’re dehydrated.” Jane takes a deep breath, almost a yawn, and runs a hand through his hair. His eyes are still closed. “You’re dehydrated,” he repeats patiently. “You might hate it but it’ll help. Drink.”
Throw your legs over the side of the bed and eye the bottle in your hands with utmost contempt. There’s no sugar in there, it’s just straight lemon juice in water. Maybe some salt. You’re pretty sure you felt pulp in there too. You swallow your pride and personal preference with another gulp of citrus water.
“Good gi–”
“No, nuh uh,” you cough and turn around, point a very tired finger at the man next to you. “You don’t get to call me that. Stop that.”
Jane finally opens his eyes, one arm thrown casually over his head and the other resting across his chest. The look on his face could only be described as a shit eating grin.
“Funny, I got the impression you liked that.” You scoff and take another drag from the bottle. “Do you remember what happened last night?”
It takes a second for you to bring the bottle back down from your lips. Yes, actually, despite how apparently very drunk you were, you remember everything very clearly. A little bit too clearly.
“You’re going to have to be a lot more specific than that,” you reply slowly, bringing your legs back up to sit cross-legged on the bed. You stare at the wall in front of you; get the feeling that looking Jane in the face is going to make you lose whatever little nerve you still have left.
“The panic attack,” Jane says simply. “Can you tell me what caused it?”
“You wouldn’t believe me,” you mutter, fidgeting with the near-empty bottle before screwing the cap back on. “It’s not the kind of thing you’d take seriously.”
This is when Jane slides himself up the bed to rest against the headboard. Reaches out to brush hair behind your ear to see your face.
“You wouldn’t lie to me. And with what you’ve been seeing and doing lately...”
It’s rare that he trails off like that, but you still resist the urge to turn and look at him. Take a deep, measured breath, and lean over the side of the bed to put the water bottle down on the floor.
“When I touched your hand when I was on the couch, I... It’s like I saw what you did. Back then. When you came home to...” It’s your turn to trail off. Wring your hands in your lap and screw your eyes shut. “I remember what the note said–the one on the door. I remember the lamp, how they were–how he displayed them. I panicked cause I thought, I mean, it’s crazy, right? Like, I have to have heard about this in the news, right? Or something? I’ve never experienced that before. So I just kind of...”
“Panicked,” Jane finishes, and you don’t like his tone. You can’t pinpoint what, exactly, it carries, but none of the options available sound good. Pain? Anger? Disbelief? Offense? Christ, this is so messed up.
“Yeah. I panicked. And then I tried to see if I could, like. See more? And I saw you driving up here. Jane, I saw the fucking mail in your hands. I could tell you which bills had come in.” When your breathing starts to speed up again, you feel a warm hand at the back of your neck. Makes you flinch, at first, but you lean your head back into it.
“Okay,” Jane says after a while, digging his fingers into the muscles around your spine to try and loosen them up. “Alright. What was in the mail?”
You scoff and open your eyes to blink away tears.
“One of them was the license renewal for your car. There was a phone bill in there too, and a notice from one of the private schools you’d looked into. And something from a relative, I think,” you list, trying to remember the return addresses you saw. “And a letter from Europe. I remember there were like, twenty stamps on it.”
Jane releases a rushed exhale. Like he genuinely can’t believe what you’ve said. Neither can you, honestly; it feels like it’s all just a big, surreal joke. Like someone’s going to bust through the guest bedroom door–which was left blessedly open–and say that you were actually hypnotized and that everything you think you saw was just a production of suggestion.
No one runs into the room. Jane scoot closer to you. The hand at the back of the neck moves to your shoulder.
“Skye. Look at me, please.” You keep your head tilted towards the ceiling and refuse to look down. “I’m not mad, I promise. Please just look at me.”
Though you don’t bring your head back down, you do tilt it to the side just enough to see his face. The calm smile on Jane’s face makes you want to scream. Turn the other way and wrap your arms around yourself.
“This is so fucked, I’m so sorry. Can we forget any of this happened? God, this is so fucked, this is so fucked.” You bite your lip and rock back and forth. This is absolutely another panic attack, god dammit. Try your best to keep your breathing steady.
When Jane tries to pry the arm closest to him away from your body, you put up a very cursory fight against it. Eventually, he just firmly takes a hold of your arm, puts a hand to the back of your neck again, and pulls you into him. It takes a few laboured breaths before you completely lose it. Grossly sobbing was not how you planned on spending your morning.
None of this is, actually, how you planned on spending any morning. But here you are.
Jane pets the back of your head and whispers things in your ear; you can’t hear much beyond the sound of your own sobbing and the blood flow roaring in your head. You vaguely, distantly realize that he’s not wearing a shirt when you ball your fists against his chest.
“That’s it, just keep breathing,” he says, eventually, a little bit louder, once you’ve been able to stop crying and at least try to breathe right. Feels like there are starbursts in your eyes. “You’ve been through a lot. This doesn’t help.” Puts his hands on your shoulders to pull you away just enough to look at you. “Have you talked to anyone at all?”
Shake your head and clear your throat. “N-no I–who would I have–no one would’ve understood. Who the fuck would I have talked to about any of it?” You try your best at a derisive laugh, but it sounds more like a sob. Before you can, Jane brings his hands up to your face to swipe at your tears with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked you how you were doing,” he apologizes, frowning and pulling you back into his chest. “I should have checked in.”
Shake your head against him and sigh. “Not like anyone knew what was going to happen to me.”
“No, you’re right, which is exactly why someone should’ve stuck around to make sure you were alright.”
You don’t have anything to say to that. He’s not wrong. But, christ, how were you supposed to afford therapy in the first place? And even if you could, how were you supposed to explain to anyone what happened to you without having them wholesale minimize everything at best, and dismiss your experiences at worst? Even Jane probably only sideways believes you just because he was there for like, most of it. You honestly don’t think you could get some PhD having suit-and-tie asshole believe your wild fucking tales.
“You’re thinking too much,” Jane says, and the low tone he uses makes his chest rumble. You swallow thickly and try very desperately not to think about the states of undress you’re both in. Now is a very bad time to– “You’re still doing it.”
“Sorry.” It comes out almost as a whine. Your hands flatten against Jane’s chest. The feeling of his heart beating under his ribs is oddly... soothing.
He pets the back of your head one more time before disentangling himself and standing up. You feel too cold and a bit too untethered without someone next to you. Jane nudges his head at you and asks you to turn around. You sniffle and give your face one last pass–wipe your eyes on your forearm and your nose on your hand.
Once you’ve turned around, still cross-legged with your hands in front of you, Jane takes his place behind you. And it’s all you can do not to moan when you feel his fingers wrap around your shoulders and his thumbs gently dig into the tension in your neck.
“Holy fuck, how did you know?” You sigh, wincing as your muscles are forced to let go of each other and relax. Jane huffs in laughter and slowly moves up your neck.
“I don’t think anyone would’ve missed the way you carry everything in your shoulders,” he explains, slowing once he gets back down to the collar of your–his–shirt. “Do you mind if I...”
He pulls his hands away when you move, reaching over your head to pull at the shirt. Your heart is thrumming in your chest like a whole swarm of hummingbirds, but it’s whatever. It’s fine. This is fine. Honestly the only thing even remotely making you feel like you’re preserving your modesty is the fact that your bra is still blessedly on.
Jane whispers a quiet “thank you” before his hands return to your back. This time, his fingers maneuver around your shoulder blades and the feeling makes the breath stutter in your throat. It’s absolutely, definitely extremely nice to have someone work on your back after the weeks you’ve had.
“You’re tensing your shoulders. Relax,” Jane asks over your shoulder. The sly bastard has to know that it’s not at all funny to be speaking directly next to your ear like that. And there’s no way he can miss the gooseflesh that covers your entire torso when he does.
But, obediently, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Your shoulders come down when you exhale, and you try to keep them as loose as possible.
It takes a second, but eventually you hear his say, “Good girl.”
You let out something akin to a frustrated growl and spin around, mouth open to say something. The words die on your tongue when you see the grin on Jane’s face, his hands still raised in front of him. Anyone else would’ve thought he was backing off.
“You kissed me last night,” is what you end up saying instead. “Wait, no, shit, that’s not what I–”
“I did.” Lowers his hands. Back to the calm and impassive face and voice again, god that’s frustrating. This time, though, you can see him clench his jaw.
Okay, that’s new.
“Why?” You can feel your ribs shaking and it’s taking everything you can muster to try and keep your voice steady.
“Because I wanted to.”
“Why?” you ask again, slowly sliding off the bed to stand next to Jane. He’s got one leg on the ground; you bump your knee into it.
For once, Jane is the one who has to look up at you, even if it’s not by much. Bite your lip nervously, and you can’t not notice the way his eyes follow the movement, just for a fraction of a second.
“Because you’re fascinating,” he replies, and the way he looks straight into your eyes makes it feel like you’re suffocating. You can see in your peripheral that he reaches a hand out. You expect to feel his hand in yours, but instead you feel the suggestion of a touch on your left thigh. Right over the graze.
“You’re at least a decade and a half older than me.”
This gives Jane pause. It’s not like it wasn’t obvious there wasn’t a sizeable age gap between you. He’d probably seen your date of birth back at the CBI when you were first there, and you’d definitely done your research on him weeks ago. The hand at your thigh retreats and Jane puts his other leg down, sits a bit straighter.
“If you feel like there’s a power imbalance and like I’m taking advantage of you, we don’t have to–”
“Ohmygod, no! No,” you rush to say, taking a step forward. “God, no, I don’t feel like that at all, Jesus. I’d be in a cab halfway home by now if I did.” Reach across yourself to grab your arm. “I just...”
Jane slowly grabs your arm and pulls it back down. You don’t miss the way his fingers stay at your wrist, over your pulse.
“Do you want me to take you home?” He’s speaking so quietly it’s he’s worried he’ll scare you if he speaks any louder.
He waits for a second and hums.
“Tell me what you want, then.” The hand at your wrists pulls you forward. You’re standing between Jane’s legs. Can’t take another step forward.
“I–what I...”
Somewhere, a shrill ringtone goes off. Neither of you move until it rings for the third time, when it’s obvious it isn’t your phone ringing. Jane sighs and it looks almost painful. You step back to let him get up and grab his phone. It stops ringing when he flips it open, but as he’s going through his missed calls, the phone rings again.
“I’ll be right back. Sit,” he instructs, and his tone makes you sit down on the bed immediately.
You can’t hear what Jane says as he walks out of the room.
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@fucklife-or-me @newavenger @yearningforsappho @mamacakeishereforfun @nastukee
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nagdabbit · 9 months
What's the difference between a quick pickle and regular pickles? Are you just half pickling them? Do you use a different brine?
huh. okay. quickles are, in the broadest sense, just not canned. think of it like this: quickles are marinated vegetables; pickles are the same marinated vegetables that have gone through the whole canning process.
if youre using a less than 5% vinegar, you should either make small batch quickles or just resign yourself to relegating a lot of fridge space to canned pickles cuz they're not gonna be shelf stable. quickles are not shelf stable and need to be refrigerated.
if im planning to keep them for a long while in the fridge, or im using a denser veg like carrots, ill actually heat the brine and seal my jars before fridging them, but that's not necessary. usually im making a micro batch for a meal—as in one literal cup of quickles.
also, doing micro batches means you can play around with recipes and marinating times without wasting a lot of ingredients if it turns out bad. like one large onion can make like five different quickles.
and since you're likely not fully canning a quickle, you have a little more leniency with the strength of your acid—cuz remember it's gonna be AT LEAST 5% acidity if you're planning on having shelf-stable pickles. all you need for quickles is: acid + sugar + salt, sometimes + water.
half cup rice wine vinegar, dash mirin, dash soy, 1 shallot thinly sliced, marinate for at least 20 minutes
half cup lemon juice, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 1 tbsp honey, pinch salt, 1 thinly sliced clove of garlic, several thinly sliced jalapenos (or other hot peps, but this is the only way i like jalapenos), marinate for at least two hours - EDIT: also really good if you heat the brine with a few sprigs of fresh rosemary before adding the jalapenos
2 cup cider vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tbsp salt, heat with 1/2 tbsp each of whole allspice, whole cloves, whole black and pink peppercorn, and 1 tsp each of whole mustard seed, coriander seed, pinch of caraway, two or three bay leaves, pour over sliced red onion, fridge at least overnight
1 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/2 white vinegar, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 1/2 tbsp salt, heat with 2 tbsp peppercorn (i load it up with black and green, usually a little more than 2 tbsp worth), 1 tsp chili flakes, 2 cloves garlic, pour over asparagus stalks, fridge at least overnight
1 cup cider vinegar, 1 cup balsamic vinegar, 3/4 cup sugar, 2 tbsp salt, heat until sugar is dissolved with 1 or 2 tbsp of cloves, 1 tbsp pink peppercorn, lots of fresh tarragon, pour over sliced beets, fridge for at least a full day
1 cup red wine vinegar, 1/2 cup maple syrup, hefty pinch salt, heat until lightly bubbly with a few sprigs of thyme, 1 tbsp black peppercorn, pour over carrots (we prefer small to mid sized whole carrots, but slices work just fine), fridge for at least a full day
i fucking love pickles. i would drink vinegar constantly if it wouldn't cause me great harm. go forth, pickle something
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enstarsurbanfantasy · 7 months
Crazy:B Introduction - POV Niki
[CW: Bloody, creepy nursery rhymes.]
There's a rustling of papers in the bedroom.
Niki sets down the wooden spoon and sighs. "Rinne, if you're going to invade my apartment, use the door."
No response.
He frowns at the pot of bolognese sauce. it's just about ready to simmer for a few hours, so he gives it a final stir, sets the lid on, and turns down the heat.
Niki turns the doorknob and...
There's no one there?
He advances on the desk, looking for clues. The papers on the desk are untouched, but there's a white powder dusting the floor. He crouches down to examine it, and--
He hears laughter.
Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu Do make tomorrow a sunny day, Like the sky in a dream one night. If it's sunny I'll give you a golden bell.
The front door unlocks. "Niki?" Rinne pokes his head into the bedroom. "Why are you on the ground?"
"Did you see anyone out there?"
"No. What's going on?"
"I heard a rustling in here, and there's ashes on the floor..."
Rinne touches the back of his hand to Niki's forehead, testing his body temperature. "Are you okay?"
Niki gives him a confused look. "What?"
"There's nothing there."
Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu Do make tomorrow a sunny day. If you make my wish come true, We'll drink lots of sweet sake.
Niki slams his head down. The first two verses of that stupid nursery rhyme have followed him all day and he's sick of it.
In a fit of anger, he sings the last verse.
"Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu, do make tomorrow a sunny day. But if it's cloudy and I find you crying, then I shall snip your head off!"
The singing finally, finally stops.
But then it starts again, clearly delighted.
Where are you from? From Higo. — Where in Higo? In Kumamoto. — Where in Kumamoto? In Senba.
He blinks. Tentatively, he sings.
"A tanuki is in the Senba mountains. A hunter shoots it with a gun. Boils it — Roasts it — Eats it. Let's hide it in the leaves."
There's another laugh, a warm caress from the floral-scented wind, and the unsettling presence disappears.
The next day, his local supermarket has a 50% off sale.
Their unit is called Crazy:B. Which is a bit stupid, because they're neither crazy nor bees.
Or, well, Niki isn't. He glances at the others. Rinne, with his gambling smile. HiMERU, placid and uninviting. Kohaku, with the face of an axe murderer.
He feels off-center. For so long, it's just been him and Rinne, them against the world. Having two new people is uncomfortable, as if he's accidentally overcrowded his skillet and nothing cooks right.
Well, if in doubt, food.
"Do you guys wanna come over? I can cook."
HiMERU grimaces slightly.
"I have pork, rice, aburaage, miso... how about inarizushi?"
"I don't mind Inarizushi," Kohaku pipes up.
"HiMERU agrees." His countenance had lifted slightly at the mention of aburaage. Niki suspects a preferred food.
A gleeful smile spreads on Rinne's face, and Niki hurries to cut him off. "Let's head to the subway."
There is something familiar about Oukawa Kohaku, Niki thinks, as he mixes rice vinegar, salt, and sugar in rice. As soon as Oukawa had passed the threshold of Niki's apartment, that unsettling presence had returned, and he wonders if it's related.
He carries the plates of inarizushi out to the living room, HiMERU and Kohaku conversing on the couch while Rinne flits about like a hummingbird testing nectar from three different flowers.
Kohaku hums as he bites into one of the inarizushi. The song is familiar, and Niki realizes... it's Teru Teru Bozu.
Kohaku looks up.
"You were in my house?"
Kohaku smiles, and sings a new nursery rhyme, the voice familiar after the past few days.
"Kagome, kagome The bird in the basket When, oh when will it come out In the night of dawn The crane and turtle slipped Who is behind you now?"
Niki doesn't know what the song means, but he's heard other people speculate on it too, so he knows he's not the only one.
Kohaku waves a hand. "I was curious."
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itsaash · 8 months
Hamptons Cubs: Rituals
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Prompt credit to @noots-fic-fests and character credit to lumosinlove!
Back to the Hamptons today! Everyone's feeling a bit better about spending the week together, now.
Rated M, 1500 words, Read on ao3, if you prefer
After their Monday reconnection ritual had been fulfilled in the early dark hours, Leo and Logan were slow to get up Monday morning, unable to leave the draw of their soft bed in a big airy bedroom so different from their brick walled apartment at home. And, they never missed a Monday. Of (re)connecting.
Finn’s Monday rituals were objectively less fun, and he was decidedly not looking at the closed bedroom door when he got up for his early morning run to beat the heat. Or when he left his room, showered and dressed. He didn’t hear anything when he gathered his laptop and bag of pens, printed pages, and phone. He put in earbuds and made coffee and a simple omelets for himself, like always. Just with salt and cheese and fruit. He wanted to make it for Leo too, and Logan. Would they be up soon? He didn’t want to make it now just to have it get cold.
He settled in to work at the kitchen island, dishes in the sink, pens and highlighters starting to sprawl across the countertop.
He played lo-fi in his earbuds and got into a good zone of work until the sun had risen well through the sky and the kitchen was bright the way only a summer day can be when Leo and Logan finally entered the kitchen. Finn looked up and froze for only a few seconds at the men in front of him. Leo was walking in first, and was looking back over his shoulder to Logan, he couldn’t hear them with his music on, but Leo’s smile was bright and sweet and the colour was high in his cheeks. Logan followed him, a smirking grin on his face and soft and loving eyes, fully trained on Leo. Finn’s heart thudded with the beat of the music, then he shook his head briefly, took out his earbuds and stood, putting a smile on his face.
“Morning!” Finn greeted.
Leo turned, smile staying bright.
“Well, morning there Finn. Getting work done already?”
“I’m not the one on vacation now am I? Let me make you something. I had an omelette, do you want an omelette? I told you you wouldn’t have to cook if you stayed the week. So sit down Leo, the kitchen is mine this morning.”
Leo laughed and took the stool beside where Finn had been with a flourish, picking up a highlighter to run through his fingers. Finn went to the espresso machine, knowing what drink Leo liked, and started it. It was ready in no time and he brought the coffee to Leo with a flourish of a bow.
“Your coffee, my guest,” Finn said. Leo laughed and took a sip with his pinky out, Logan snorted from the counter he was leaning against.
Finn gathered all his courage, held it tight, and turned to Logan.
“Do you like coffee, Logan? Can I make you one?”
Logan smiled and nodded slowly.
“Yeah, I like coffee, thanks, Finn.”
“Make him a double shot espresso, and then like triple the amount of sweetener you think a normal person would want,” Leo laughed.
Finn laughed too, turning to the machine. “One dentist’s nightmare, coming up.” He set the machine to whirling and turned back to Leo, still feeling safer talking to him.
“So, omelet? It won’t have more than three ingredients, but I think it’ll be not bad.”
“That would be amazing, Finn, thank you,” Leo said. “Thank you for having us, again. Said from my seat as your guest, now, of course.”
Finn went to the fridge for the eggs and cheese. “It is entirely my pleasure,” he said in his attempt at a French accent, which just came out nearly incomprehensible, but made them laugh, so that’s ok. Finn put the ingredients down, and then turned to put on some music. The machine had finished making the espresso, so he got down a green mug and pumped in the syrup, poured in some milk, and passed it to Logan.
“And for you, your morning dose of caffeine and sugar.” He made sure to pass it with the handle turned to Logan for him to grab.
“Thanks, Finn,” Logan said, looking him in the eye. “Can I help you with breakfast?”
“Do not let him use a knife or hold anything breakable or valuable,” Leo advised from behind his mug.
“ Pardon, I cook for myself every weekend mon soleil.”
Leo just gave Finn a not so sneaky wide eyed look, and a “mhhmm” to Logan.
“You could crack the eggs?” Finn said as he gathered the rest of the ingredients. Finn only had to fish out about 5 pieces of eggshell when he poured the whipped eggs into the pan. He added cheese and salt and set the omelette to cook.
“Any plans today, Finn?” Leo asked.
“Just work, really. I actually got a pretty big project given to me last week? I started on it last week, but it’s going to be a lot of work the next few weeks, at least. But it’s good, a big deal to be working on it and all that jazz. How about you? What are your guys’ rituals for Mondays? Anything you want to make sure you do today?”
“I’d say we’ve completed our Monday ritual,” Logan said with a smirk, looking at Leo with a wink.
“Logan!” Leo exclaimed. “Behave! We’re guests at my employer’s house in the Hamptons, not in a frat house,” Leo raised his cup to his mouth again and murmured, “you little shit.”
Finn knew his cheeks were red, but also could see they only had eyes for each other, so wasn’t too worried they’d notice his embarrassment.
“Mmhmm,” Finn said as he took a sip of his own, long cold coffee. “I heard that ritual’s completion this morning, myself .”
Leo did a full spit-take, coffee spraying back into his mug and across the counter. “Oh my lanta, what the fuck, oh Logan grab me a cloth, Finn I’m so sorry!”
Finn laughed, turning to check the eggs.
“For the mess or the sex noises?” he said cheekily with his back turned.
Leo coughed again, but Logan just laughed.
“Holy fuck, um, both? Shit,” Leo wiped up the counter and Logan brought the cloth to the sink, still laughing.
“I’m kidding, don’t be sorry,” Finn said. “Well I did hear you, but it’s fine.” Leo dropped his head into his hands with a groan. “It is! I put in earbuds and got work done and you two clearly look like you had a good morning, so it’s fine. Toast?”
Logan and Finn bustled around the kitchen, getting plates and waters and food. They danced around each other, unaware of Leo’s eyes following them both. Logan stood at the eggs, turning off the heat and tasting a bite from the plate.
“Grab me the red spice, Harzy? Just needs …   je ne sais quoi .”
Finn froze, standing tall but totally still. He set down the plates he was holding with careful grace and reached for both the paprika and the chilli powder, not knowing what Logan meant. He passed them to Logan with downcast eyes.
“Merci, oui, this one,” Logan said, still looking at the pan, sprinkling spice confidently. Leo was darting his eyes between them like he was watching a tennis match.
“What’d you call Finn, sweetheart?” Leo asked.
“Hmm?” Logan looked up at Leo, then Finn.
Finn and Logan locked eyes, brown to green, both surprised and guarded but reaching out to each other, for the sake of their past and their present.
“Taste ok, now, Tremzy?” Finn offered quietly.
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” Logan looked over at Leo, smiling. “Old hockey nicknames. We brought them back for each other in college,” he looked to Finn, “when we knew each other.”
Finn smiled and finally the ice cracked between them, letting the warmth beneath the surface bubble to the top. The absolutely wonderful, sweet moments of their semester together filled both their minds, and the broken ending no longer overshadowed the candlelit memories of Tremzy and Harzy hunched over wood tables covered in books, together.
“No one’s called me that in a long time,” Finn said.
“Me neither,” Logan said. “Is it ok if I do?”
“Yeah, for sure. Totally. You and Leo both, if you want. Whatever, it’s all good. You’re on vacation!” Finn rambled. Logan just smiled and put the food on plates to bring over for him and Leo. Leo smiled between them, picking up his fork.
“You’re both hockey boys? Well, I’ll be. What a nightmare you would’ve been together if you had grown up together.”
Finn felt his heart filling with sunshine warmth, not nearly as compressed and tight feeling. He put his earbuds back in and turned back to his laptop as the other two ate. His guests had food and he had work to do on his Monday and Logan was in his house, after all this time. With Leo. Just a regular Monday.
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thelustdevil · 9 months
Fueling those café au’s in my head... Part 2!
This time let’s look at what baked goods they would enjoy. 🫶🏼 (based on what I offer in shop & some new ideas!)
Part One: Drinkies!
Hitoshi S.
Will buy the cute seasonal sugar cookies, especially the cat themed ones during the spring & fall. Otherwise a blueberry muffin will suffice. If he’s really hungry a baked cheese & plant “sausage” turnover.
Denki K.
Frosted muffins, loaves & scones. The frosted matcha & vanilla crème Swiss roll is a favorite of his. But the frosted strawberry scone is a good second choice. Will be the one to order a breakfast bagel when super hungry.
Katsuki B.
He enjoys spice over sweet that much is true. He’s not one to order baked goods often, but there’s a hatch chili bread released during the later fall season that he will buy a slice or two of. If not, a savory maple sausage pull-apart roll every once in a while never hurt.
Izuku M.
Flaky pastries!! Always always. Chocolate croissant? Yes. Spinach feta croissant? Also yes. Spiced ham & pepper Jack cheese blossom? … yes. Quiches with buttery crust. Biggest yes. It’s used in so many dishes and so yummy in his opinion.
Shoto T.
Plain/simple flaky pastry or biscuit. Usually something to go along with his tea. There’s an orange blossom and currant biscotti that he’s grown fond of thanks to midoriya’s suggestion. Will have some quiche if offered. Not the meat heavy ones though.
Eijirou K.
Sweet boy loves some sweet loaf slices. He will indulge in pumpkin spice during the season. Otherwise the spiced loaf or apple crumble loaf are great choices. Will get the warm breakfast sandwiches on fresh bread.
Hanta S.
Contrast to his drinks and similar to bakugo, Sero likes the more savory pastries. The rosemary & tomato tart is the perfect snack. While the chili, egg & spinach blossom is a good breakfast option in his eyes.
Tenya I.
Cinnamon roll, no raisins but yes to cream cheese icing. Only once in a blue moon though. He allows himself to enjoy this with his classmates. Otherwise a buttery croissant will do, there’s no need for the excess sugar all the time.
Again this mf doesn’t go to coffee shops… Will take warm bread, he likes the softness of it when it’s freshly baked. The topped toast options are usually what he goes for. The special spices Ogura jam with everything bagel seasoning is a go to.
Learned to like the Ogura jam pastries because of Dabi. Will get the baked Ogura & sea salt stuffed rolls. There’s also a seaweed flakes croissant he enjoys with a sweet plum jam.
Mirio T.
Loves to try just the most American sounding baked goods. Apple strudel with cinnamon, strawberry & rhuebarb blossoms, Canadian bacon and cheddar boomerang? All yeses! Tamaki has told him countless times that two of those things are decidedly not American but Mirio is too busy ordering to hear him.
Tamaki A.
Is less shy when it comes to ordering pastries from his favorite bakery. Enjoys trying the new seasonal items. The sweet Sakura dango was a big hit with him. Will also get the milk bread toasted with a semi-runny egg & chives on top.
Shota A.
A bagel. He enjoys trying to different toppings but prefers having something easy to eat between classes and napping. Open to trying different kinds of bagels as well. Hizashi once bought him a breakfast bar and he enjoyed it. Still gets bagels though.
Hizashi Y.
Much like Tamaki, Hizashi likes trying the seasonal pastries. It only makes sense if he’s trying the seasonal drinks too! It’s the full experience. The toasted coconut & pineapple loaf was a surprising new favorite. So was the miso & cucumber tea sandwich.
*based on my view of them & their personalities*
Might do this for JJK or another fandom next. This has also given me new ideas for some trial goods in the bakery next week…
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akshaymehndiratta · 1 month
Akshay Mehndiratta: 6 Must-Try Mango Recipes for Summer Delights
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When the summer sun shines brightly, it’s good to know that the most popular fruit at the moment is the mango! As bursting with flavor and versatility as mangoes certainly are, they make for a perfect culinary adventure. You can get not only refreshing drinks but also to indulge yourself in decadent desserts. In this blog post, Akshay Mehndiratta, the food enthusiast, unveils 6 mango recipes that are beyond resisting and will definitely allow you to enjoy your summer feasting.
6 Best Mango recipes for summer delights by Akshay Mehndiratta:
Mango Sticky Rice:
1 cup glutinous rice (that is, sucked rice or sticky rice).
1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk is as well.
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 mangoes, fully ripped, peeled and chopped.
If you use toasted sesame seeds or toasted mung beans, this dish will have a better look (optional, for garnish).
Rinse the rice in cold water until it is clear. Allow the rice to soak in water for at least 30 minutes, or up to 4 hours.
Once soaked, drain the rice. Place it in a steamer covered with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Steam the rice for 25–30 minutes above boiling water, until it is tender. Alternatively, if you have a rice cooker, use it according to the directions.
While the rice is cooking, start making the coconut sauce. In a saucepan, combine coconut milk, sugar, and salt. Heat this mixture over medium heat, stirring regularly, until the sugar has dissolved and everything is well warmed. Be careful not to let it come to a boil.
After the rice is cooked, take it out in a bowl. Pour most of the coconut sauce over the rice. Mix it gently until all the rice is covered evenly. Leave for 10 minutes for the rice to absorb all the flavours. When ready to serve, transfer the rice to a serving plate or bowl.
Arrange the sliced mangoes alongside or on top of the rice. Drizzle the remaining coconut sauce over the mangoes and rice.
Optionally, garnish with toasted sesame seeds or mung beans for added texture and flavor.
Serve the mango sticky rice warm or at room temperature, and enjoy!
Akshay Mehndiratta’s recipe ensures a perfect balance of flavors, making it an ideal dessert to cool down on hot summer days.
Mango Lassi:
Quench your thirst with a glass of mango lassi, an Indian yogurt-based drink made with delicious mango puree. Akshay’s proprietary formula contains a dash of cardamom, elevating this drink to new heights of flavor and elegance.
1 mango, peeled and diced (or 1 cup mango pulp).
1 cup plain yogurt.
1/2 cup of milk.
Adjust sugar to taste (2–3 teaspoons).
A sprinkle of ground cardamom (if preferred)
Ice cubes (if you prefer)
Optional garnish. Chopped pistachios or almonds
In a blender, blend together the chopped mango (or the mango pulp), the plain yogurt, milk, sugar, and cardamom,
Mix until the smoothness and the homogeneity are achieved. If you want, you can pour more milk and the texture will be thinner.
Feel the lassi’s freshness and fix the sweetness by adding more sugar.
If you like something cold, you can also add a few ice cubes in the blender and then mix until the lassi is well cooled with ice chunks blended finely.
Now that the lassi is prepared, add them to the glasses.
Finally sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios or almonds if you desire.
Have right away and taste the best Mango Lassi.
Mango Coconut Popsicles:
Mitigate the heat with Akshay Mehndiratta’s superbly crafted DIY mango coconut pops. The secret ingredients in these frozen treats are fresh mango puree and creamy coconut milk, making them a healthier option for both children and adults to enjoy.
2 mangoes, peeled and chopped.
1 cup coconut milk
2–3 teaspoons honey or sugar (per taste)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional).
Popsicle molds
Popsicle sticks
In a blender, blend the cut mangoes, coconut milk, honey or sugar, and vanilla extract (if using) together.
Process until the mixture is well mixed and smooth. Taste the mixture and adjust if too sweet.
When the mixture is smooth, pour it into the popsicle mold, leaving a small gap at the top for expansion.
Insert popsicle sticks into molds.
Place the popsicle molds in the freezer for at least 4–6 hours until completely frozen.
When the popsicles are ready and set, pour hot water over the molds for a few seconds and take them out. Remove the popsicles delicately.
Serve Mango Coconut Popsicles immediately, have a good time!
Mango Avocado Salad:
For a light and refreshing meal, try Akshay’s Mango Avocado Salad. Ripe mango, creamy avocado, mixed greens, and tangy lemon come together to create a colorful and nutritious dish that celebrates the best flavors of summer.
2 ripe mangoes, peeled and chopped.
2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and cut into pieces.
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped.
1/4 cup fresh coriander, chopped.
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped (optional, for spicy kick).
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large bowl, combine diced mangoes, avocados, red onion, cilantro, and jalapeño (optional).
Pour the cool lime juice over the salad mixture. Lime juice is used not just for flavor, but also to keep avocados from browning.
Toss the salad slowly and carefully until all of the items are coated with lime juice.
Season your salad with salt and pepper to your liking. Adjust the seasoning to your liking.
After seasoning, gently toss the salad to ensure that the salt and pepper are evenly distributed.
Transfer the mango and avocado salad to a serving dish or individual plates.
Serve the salad immediately as a side dish or a light meal.
Mango Cheesecake:
Satisfy your craving with Akshay Mehndiratta Mango Cheesecake. Featuring a graham cracker base, a mango-flavored center, and a delightful mango glaze on top, this dish is sure to impress guests at any summer event.
Ingredients for Crust:
Mix in 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup granulated sugar
6 tablespoons melted butter.
Ingredients for Stuffing:
3 mangoes, diced and softened, mixed with 24 ounces cream cheese
Consider adding 1 cup granulated sugar and
1/4 cup mango juice or puree for mango kick.
Add 4 eggs, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and optionally the zest of a lemon for a tangy flavor
Ingredients for the topping:
Garnish with sliced mango and serve with whipped cream or whipped coconut cream if desired.
Prep your oven for baking at 325F (160C). Apply some butter/non-stick spray in a 9 inch springform pan. Provide your baking pans with parchment paper lining.
In a mixing bowl throw in the graham cracker crumbs together with the sugar and the melted butter for the crust till the ingredients are well intertwined. Fill the base of the pan with that mixture.
Make the crust in a preheated oven, baking for 10 minutes. It is now ready. Take it out from the stove. Let it is cool and things to make the filling.
In a blender or food processor, blend the cube cut mangoes until they become smooth. Keep it aside.
Directly in a mixing bowl, using a hand mixer, blend the cream cheese together with the sugar until the creamy mixture becomes smooth.
Mix together the egg, mango and mango puree ( if preferred) ,vanilla extract and lime zest, if preferred, and blend into the cream cheese mixture. Stir until the ingredients are good and smooth.
Pour the mixture onto the crust in the springform pan. Use a spatula to out the surface.
Put the cheesecake into the oven. Bake for 45–50 minutes or until the edges are firm but the center has a slight wobble.
Turn off the oven and let the cheesecake sit inside with the oven door cracked open for around 1 hour to cool gradually.
Once it’s cool, move the cheesecake to the fridge. Let it chill for at least 4 hours or better yet overnight to fully set.
Before serving, decorate your Mango Cheesecake, with sliced mangoes on top.
If you like you can accompany slices of Mango Cheesecake, with whipped cream or whipped coconut cream on the side.
Cut a slice, serve it up and savor every bite of your Mango Cheesecake!
Mango Chia Pudding:
Akshay’s recipe for mango chia pudding can be the perfect way to break the fast and to start your anywhere day. A healthy breakfast replacement that combines mango puree with chia seeds and coconut milk for the fiber, omega-three fatty acids, and antioxidants. it is a mix of fruit and dairy.
1 ripe mango, peeled and diced
1 cup — coconut milk (or whatever milk you choose).
1/4 cup chia seeds
1–2 tbsp of honey or maple syrup (depending on taste, quantity can be altered)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (typically optional)
Sliced mangoes, berries, or shredded coconut for topping (optional)
In a blender, pulverize the diced mango till it is smooth. Optionally, you can blend the mango with water or milk to give it a smooth consistency.
Whisk together the mango puree, coconut milk, chia seeds, and honey or maple syrup (if using) in a bowl or jar with vanilla extract (if apply). Stir well so that all ingredients form a homogeneous mixture.
Place the bowl or the jar in the fridge and let the mixture sit for 4 hours or best overnight to let the chia seeds do their magic and thicken the pudding.
By this time the pudding should have set, ensure you give the pudding another good stir to mix the chia seeds.
Take a bite of the pudding and finish up by adding more honey or maple syrup if desired.
Pour the Mango Chia Pudding into serving dishes or cups.
Finally, consider adding sliced mangoes, berries, or shredded coconut to the top of each serving for extra taste and texture.
Serve the Mango Chia Pudding chill and enjoy!
Akshay Mehndiratta has curated a list of 10 amazing mango dishes for you to try out this summer. This will enable you to fully enjoy the summer season. Whether you want a thirst-quenching drink, a light salad, or a mouthwatering dessert, these recipes will definitely satisfy your thirst and enjoy the rich taste of ripe mangos. Gather up your resources, get in your apron, and be ready to discover the wonderful flavors of summer that can make you happy.
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mono-red-menace · 4 months
this is just like. my belief,
but like honestly also a bag of potato chips isn't going to kill you, but it is kinda a nutritional void. you're getting a few nutrients, yeah, you're getting fat (which your body needs) and carbs (which your body needs) and sodium (which your body needs), but you're just getting those.
you're not getting something that's filling, so if you don't monitor your intake you'll go over on those, which can have negative effects on your health.
but like the potato chips aren't going to kill you. they're a good source of energy. maybe not the most nutritionally dense one, but they give you salt which can help you retain water you drink, and they've got lots of fat and carbs which are a good source of energy. they're like energy bombs.
they're fine to eat. just not in excess.
some things are easier to eat in excess than others, though. these things tend to be things like potato chips or candy or other things which are void (or nearly void) of nutrients your body needs, and full of nutrients that you can easily get elsewhere, while also lacking things such as fibre which make you feel full.
now, it would probably be best to avoid having these snacks around if you're prone to overeating them, and instead keep other foods around, which you enjoy, which you can snack on, which fill the same purpose.
for example, if you snack on a lot of candies, having strawberries or grapes or blackberries around can be beneficial, because they provide you with sugar, alongside other nutrients (i honestly prefer strawberries for snacking because they're high in fibre too and can be pretty filling)
but like, just not eating when you're hungry isn't good for you for that, yk?
like for one it makes you feel bad, which can cause you to want to eat these foods that aren't good for you even more, and it becomes a willpower game, and you're not changing anything like that.
but also like. hunger is your body saying it needs something. certain nutrients, more energy, something, and denying it that isn't good for you.
so like. there isn't shame in what you eat. if you eat too much of a certain thing, and you want to stop because it's impacting your health, try to think of alternatives which can fill a similar role as your snacks, while providing things like fibre/protein, which can have a filling effect, and other nutrients, to ensure you're meeting your nutritional needs.
DISCLAIMER: this post is made in opinion, and is based only on what was taught to me in my food science class in high school. i'm not a dietitian or a doctor or anything, my opinions are based on that of my food science teacher from over 10 years ago.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: dieting is bullshit and i'm not advising people do any of this to "lose weight" or anything like that. i am saying this as my opinion as to what encourages good mental and physical health, and i think weight is more often than not unrelated or at least indirectly to physical health.
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