#(though i never understood anon hate in the first place)
killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
I'm bored so please go ahead and send me asks! If you check my tag "send me asks" all of the ask games I've ever reblogged should be there! And if you don't wanna use those, that's fine! Just send me whatever's on your mind. I'm so bored so please come talk to me!
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The Experiment
Note: requested by anon! You gave me a lot of creative control, so I hope I captured what you wanted. Also thanks to @foxyanon for helping me decide what kind of business he's in ;) 
Warnings: 18+! fluff/smut.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You married Sihtric at first sight.
wordcount: 4,8k
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You still couldn't believe how handsome your husband was. So very, unbelievably handsome… and not only that. Oh, no, for he was handsome, but he was also incredibly hot and ridiculously sexy. You couldn't keep your sunglasses-hidden eyes off him as you sat on a lounge chair beside the resort's swimming pool, making sketches and doodles of his features while he was making business call after business call. And those never ending business calls were the only thing so far you didn't like much about him. He had told you he was a businessman through and through, running a successful woodworking company. And successful it surely was, for Sihtric was showing it off by sporting fancy watches, expensive shades, designer blouses which, for some pleasant reason, always hung open to show off his ripped body, and in his tattooed hands he always held one of the latest smartphones, which he used for business of course. 
Him doing business wasn't your main concern though, you were a successful painter afterall, so you knew all about doing business and you understood like no other that some deals just couldn't wait. What actually bothered you about your husband doing business at this very moment was that you were on your honeymoon, and a honeymoon was no place for business. At least, not that kind of business. This five day getaway you were on right now was arranged in order for you and Sihtric to get to know each other, you had been married at first sight nonetheless, and you had only said 'I do,' about 48 hours ago after having just met him moments before saying those very words. So who exactly your husband really was, underneath that smoking hot appearance of his, was still a mystery. A mystery you were eager to solve.
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To your horror you found out that your friends had signed you up for the marriage experiment about two months ago, and you quickly received the news you were chosen when a match was found. You would've never participated in something like this on your own account, but you understood why your friends had signed you up. You had been single for years, always with your head between the canvases and your clothes smudged with paint. You were not interested in the dating scene, as men would only take advantage of your looks and your wealth, so you were never really in a position to meet a potential life partner on your own. You simply didn't trust anyone you met through the various dating apps you had tried before, so when you gave this experiment a thought, you figured it wasn't all that bad of an idea to be matched blindly to a husband in an "arranged marriage", however medieval that may sound.
And therefore before you knew it, you were dressed in the most beautiful wedding gown and you walked down the aisle on your own, towards your future husband; one Sihtric Kjartansson. And he looked dashing, dressed in a fancy all black tuxedo with matching black shoes, his hair braided and the sides recently shaved, and that was only what you could see from the backside. It was when he turned around that you felt a hint of relief, for he was remarkably stunning, and you felt a rush of excitement when you noticed the tattoo on his neck. His facial hair was well kept, his smile showed you a good set of teeth, and also indicated that he didn't hate the way his mystery bride looked, and when you were close enough you noticed his beautifully mismatched eyes.
You awkwardly greeted each other and you both giggled like teenagers once you were holding hands as the officiant began the ceremony. You saw his fingers were tattooed and you felt his hands were a little clammy, like yours, and you also noticed how couldn't keep his eyes off you and had to fight a shy smile each time you looked up into his eyes.
Everything seemed to happen so fast, and you tried to focus on the beautiful man in front of you as he vowed to love you, to honour you and to protect you for as long as he may live. But before you could truly comprehend what you were participating in, you were suddenly brought back to reality as you were pronounced husband and wife, and you knew that everyone who was there to witness the marriage was expecting to see a first kiss too. Sihtric gave you a look, a silent question if it was okay to give you at least a peck on your lips, to which you shrugged shyly and then nodded. Your husband smiled just as shyly as you, and as he leaned in he cupped your cheek with one hand and gave you a quick but rather firm kiss, which took your breath away while both your friends erupted in cheers and whistles.
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During the wedding dinner you were given some time to interact, and so you found out about his job and also that, after he had joked around one evening with some friends who were his best men at the wedding, he had applied for the experiment. To his surprise he was matched, with you, and he confessed he felt like he wasn't truly there in the moment, as everything felt like a strange dream.
'A good dream, though,' Sihtric quickly added, not wanting you to think he had regretted his choices, 'but it's a lot.'
You agreed and told him you felt the same, admitting how nervous you had been the whole day.
'Oh, me too,' Sihtric snorted, 'I panicked a little this morning. But,' he cleared his throat and seemed to consider his next words carefully, 'I, eh, yeah… when I turned around and saw you, my worries instantly faded away.'
You blushed and tripped over your words as you nervously picked at your food, not able to make a proper sentence or reply to him as he simply had you speechless by just his good looks, his charm and his sweet yet sexy smile. You just couldn't think straight whenever he spoke, for his honeyed voice was so warm and calm, and it weakened your knees the more he leaned in and the softer he spoke to you as the dinner progressed. You could listen to him talk forever, and you wondered why on earth a guy like him couldn't find a partner on his own.
'The dating scene is… harrowing,' he said, 'and I'm constantly busy too, I have no time to go out and date.'
'So you thought rushing into marriage was the best option?' you joked.
'Oh, it wasn't the best option, lady,' Sihtric grimaced, then chuckled, 'it was my only option.'
You both laughed and, to both of your displeasure, were interrupted when some of the guests present wanted to hold a speech. Both yours and Sihtric's friends had made speeches, in which you were told more about each other by the people who were close. So far there wasn't a single thing you didn't like about your husband, and he seemed pleased to find out you were a well known painter.
'So you are a busy person too, I take it?'
'I am,' you agreed while finishing your dinner, 'but I work from home, so I decide how much and when I work,' you shrugged, then looked at his plate, which still had some pasta left, 'are you going to finish that?'
Sihtric smiled and looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes, 'I actually was going to finish this,' he chuckled, 'but whatever's mine is yours now, right?' he winked and shoved his plate towards you.
'Husband of the year,' you mumbled with a grin.
Sihtric laughed and failed to keep his eyes off you, and he told you he also worked from home but that, unlike you, he couldn't just decide to call it a day.
'I receive calls and emails day and night,' he said and sipped his wine, 'that's something you need to know about me. Not everyone can deal with that.'
'I suppose it will be okay,' you smiled.
But you found out during your honeymoon that it wasn't that okay for you, and when an incident occurred while he was on his phone, you both got to see a whole different side of each other.
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After the wedding dinner you were both exhausted and left the party early, finding alone time with your husband in the hotel suite down the road from the party venue. The entire day had been overwhelming for you both, and you desperately wanted to shower and get out of that tight fitting dress, which became suffocatingly tight after you had finished Sihtric's pasta.
The hotel room was decorated romantically by your matchmakers, with candles and rose petals all over the place. Sihtric, being somewhat old fashioned, insisted on carrying you over the doorstep and you immediately felt his strong arms were a safe haven. He carried you over to the bed and you both awkwardly stared at each other as you sat on the sheets, both still fully dressed.
'Can you, eh, maybe help me get out of his dress?' you asked with burning cheeks when you realised you could not undo the zipper on your own.
Without hesitation Sihtric jumped up and first helped you take off your heels before he led you to the bathroom, where he carefully unzipped your dress and traced his fingertips lightly over your exposed back as he locked eyes with you by looking into the large mirror above the sink. You smiled sweetly at each other, and Sihtric then told you the dress was fully unzipped so you wouldn't need his help anymore, and he left you alone to shower and dress comfortably. 
After your husband had showered too and appeared out of the bathroom wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt, you felt flustered and it became clear to Sihtric too, who went out of his way to crack a few silly jokes to make you feel comfortable around him, and to show you he was not as intimidating as he may look, before he joined you in bed. You went over the events of the day together as you enjoyed the silence around you, laughing at how ridiculous everything was once you thought about it, and you both kept moving a little closer in bed as the hour progressed.
'I think I got really lucky,' Sihtric hummed softly while he stared at you.
You shyly agreed you felt lucky too and told him you thought he was way out of your league, to which Sihtric in turn confessed he felt the same about you. And it was inevitable that, as you continued to stare into each other's eyes while you laid next to each other, you eventually felt his lips pressed lightly onto yours. He pulled away again quickly though, still afraid to cross any boundaries with you and afraid that he may want more affection than you, but once you palmed his cheek and leaned in towards him he wasted no time in capturing you into a rather needy kiss that left you both breathless and with warm cheeks.
The next morning you were to be at the airport before noon to catch a flight to a warm island, where you would celebrate your honeymoon and really get to know each other. During the flight Sihtric couldn't really answer any emails or calls, so it was quite a pleasant trip as you were comfortably cuddled up against him while you were mindlessly sketching in your notebook. Sihtric quietly enjoyed watching you create the most amazing creatures and landscapes out of nothing, and it captivated him. He had looked you up online the night before already, as you took a shower, and he was surprised to see how successful and talented you were, but he was also surprised to see that somehow your arranged marriage had already made headlines. You saw it too before you boarded the plane, after your agent had texted you the articles, and you hated how Sihtric was now suddenly dragged into your ridiculous tabloid life, but he took it rather well and shrugged it off as he had made headlines too with his own company from time to time.
Once landed and en route to the resort you noticed how Sihtric's phone was constantly ringing and vibrating, and it seems the amount of calls and emails were just never ending. You figured it was because he hadn't been available during the wedding the day before and also not during the flight, so he had to catch up. He tried his best to give you his attention while he took call after call, and you told him not to worry about it. The day after, however, you became a little worried about it, as the non-stop calling had continued through the night and still continued through the day as you sat beside the pool. You had noticed Sihtric slip out of the bed numerous times in the night to make a call on the balcony, and you could hear it truly was about numbers and deals while you pretended to be asleep. You didn't mention it to him, as he was so sweet and caring whenever he was not using his phone, but it began to irritate you.
'So… your friends said during their speeches that you are adventurous,' you brought up when Sihtric finally sat down next to you again at the poolside, 'how about we go do something fun?'
Your husband was game immediately, but before you could get up and make way to the hotel room, he already received another call. And this continued as you left the hotel too. Sihtric apologised after every call, and you tried to take it as best as you could. To your delight he was really present during the activities you planned last minute, such as ziplining and cliff diving, and you truly understood why you were matched up as your energies matched entirely. Sihtric realised it too, and you both discussed it during dinner that evening.
'I could fall in love with you,' Sihtric said, 'if I haven't already.'
'I could too,' you smiled, 'whenever you're not on your phone,' you added lightheartedly.
'I know,' he sighed, 'I know it's a problem, and I'm really trying… you know, to make this work.'
'I know,' you agreed, 'and I know I said it wasn't going to be a problem, but it's… I didn't expect it would be such a big part of your daily life. I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it, but it's pretty rough. I mean, we're on our honeymoon,' you shrugged lightly, 'so…'
'I know, you're right,' Sihtric said and he sighed when his phone rang again.
You both stared at the incoming call, and you were pleased when your husband didn't answer the call and instead took your hand.
'How about we go have some fun tonight?' he asked with a cheeky smirk.
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And a fun time you had later that night. Your husband had switched off his phone and took you out to a random club on the island, where you had drinks and danced the night away while touches lingered, smiles were contagious and kisses were stolen from each other's lips the whole time. And the night proved you had been right before; you could truly fall in love with Sihtric, even if he was still a stranger to you in many ways. And it was evident that your husband felt the same way, for his hands held your waist while you danced together, all warm and sweaty from the crowded place and the tropical temperature outside, with your buttocks pressed against his groyne and his lips grazing your ear as he spoke.
'Fuck,' his half drunken laugh sounded in your ear while his hot breath caressed your cheek, 'I think I'm in love with you, darling.'
'I think I'm in love with you too, babe,' you giggled and turned to face him, his hands never leaving your body and pulling you closer once your eyes were locked with his.
'Is that the alcohol talking?' Sihtric asked after he had leaned in, resting his temple against yours while you continued to move to the beat.
'No, I'm not drunk,' you laughed, your hands finding his warm neck and keeping him close, 'maybe a little… are you?'
'Maybe a little,' he grinned, 'but… you really like me?'
'I do,' you half shouted over the music, 'do you really like me?'
'Of course I do,' Sihtric smiled and lifted your chin up with a tap of his fingers, and he brought his lips towards yours, touching lightly, 'you're my wife.'
He then kissed you for a long moment as if no one was around, and you felt one hand slide down your frame and to your thighs, while he still kissed you, and he snuck his hand underneath your short dress while his other hand landed on the back of your neck. He dragged his lips back to your ear and laughed mischievously before he spoke.
'This,' he breathed with a smile as he teasingly dragged his fingers over your thinly clothed folds, 'is mine,' he chuckled and bit your ear playfully, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine as your breath hitched in your throat.
'Is that so?' you taunted with your hands on his chest, underneath his fancy and unbuttoned designer blouse.
'It is so,' Sihtric claimed, and your lips crashed into yet another fiery kiss.
'We never consummated the marriage,' you said after the kiss was broken, 'did we?'
'We did not,' your husband agreed, and you both smirked at each other, 'finish your drink, and I'll call us a cab back to the resort.'
You gulped down your drink and excused yourself to the toilets before leaving the club, and you told Sihtric to go and call a cab outside and that you'd meet him there. You found him at the side of the road shortly after, and he was on his phone. You walked up to him and, as you expected he was calling a cab, moved closer to kiss his cheek. But you stopped abruptly when you heard Sihtric speak of huge amounts of money and the name of his business fell in the conversation too. A sudden irritation took over, which Sihtric noticed, and he gestured as if apologising to you for making, yet again, another business call. When he finally hung up you found out he hadn't called a cab yet, which annoyed you even more because that meant he had taken a business call immediately upon stepping out of the club, and so you told him in your anger that you'll be inside again and that he should come find you once a cab would finally arrive. Sihtric was confused and not sure if he should follow you back inside the club or call that cab, as he had no experience yet with a slightly angered version of you, and so he thought it was safer to keep his distance and remained outside. He called a cab and, naturally, made a few business calls while waiting.
To make your annoyance worse you realised Sihtric hadn't followed you back inside the club, but had instead stayed outside, and you sighed at the thought that all men are dumb and need to have everything spelled out for them. You wanted him to follow you, you wanted him to take your hand and say sorry and kiss you, you wanted him to hold you in his arms while you'd wait outside for the driver to arrive… but none of that happened. Instead, what did happen was that some guy recognized you, as he clearly was a fan of your work, and because he was a fan of your work he thought it was appropriate to grope you. You punched the man between his eyes in response and, moments later, Sihtric saw how a huge security guard had picked you up in his arms to kick you and your "fan" out of the club.
'What the hell happened?' Sihtric scoffed as he immediately came over, 'our ride is here-' he stopped talking when he saw your reddened first and the man's bruised nose, 'wait, did you punch that-'
'Yes!' you snarled, cutting him off as you walked over to the cab, 'while you should've punched him for me! But you were too busy with your stupid business. You vowed to protect me, well, guess what!?' you threw your hands up, 'you already failed as a husband!'
You got in the backseat of the cab without looking back at your husband, and he quickly snapped out of his surprised state to follow you and jump in the car too. The ride back to the resort was completely silent, Sihtric knew he fucked up and he knew you were right. He had already broken one of his vows, and you hadn't even been married for three days. His phone kept buzzing the entire ride, but he knew better than to answer any business calls right now.
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'Are you okay?' Sihtric asked as you both walked up to the resort entrance, after he had paid the driver.
'Fine,' you said curtly, walking ahead of him, and he had to skip to keep up with you.
'Are you hurt, baby?' concern clear in his voice.
Sihtric then took your hand to stop you from walking and made you face him.
'Are you mad at me?'
You didn't answer, you just gritted your teeth and clenched your jaw before you looked up at him, furious at his stupid question.
'You vowed to protect me,' you said again, pulling your hand out of his, and you shrugged, 'and you weren't there.'
'I know, and I'm sorry,' Sihtric said with regret in his eyes, 'but I had to take-'
'Take a call, I know,' you rolled your eyes, 'that's all you seem to do.'
'Well I'm sorry!' he raised his voice and threw his hands up, 'I'm sorry, okay! I told you I'm a busy guy-'
'We are on our honeymoon!' you snapped, 'I am also a busy person! But you don't see me painting here for hours on end or arranging venues for my next exhibition, do you?!'
Sihtric opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted when his own phone buzzed again and added fuel to the already explosive fire.
'I… I really have to take this,' he mumbled painfully embarrassed, and you watched him bring his phone to his ear, but before he could reach it you snatched it out of his hands.
'Sihtric is on his honeymoon!' you shouted at whoever called him and flung the device across the street.
You both watched as his phone bounced on a firm green bush, and then off the cliff on which the resort was located, and a vague shattering sound was heard seconds later which told you his phone had landed on the rocks near the beach below. Sihtric stood there, frozen, his hand still next to his face and shaped as if he was holding his phone, while you stood there gaping at your own actions. You swallowed hard and looked at your husband, who was in a complete state of shock and couldn't seem to close his mouth, like you, except you suddenly began to chuckle which turned into a howling laughter. You covered your mouth as you couldn't help your laughter at the absurd moment, and to your surprise your husband suddenly snorted and bursted into a laughing fit himself.
'You… you just ruined a deal which was worth about three million,' he laughed and then covered his mouth with his hands as another state of shock hit him, 'sweetheart- you… you just… oh, gods,' he gasped, and began to laugh again, but it was a maddening laugh this time.
'Only three million,' you snorted, 'that's pocket money for you, isn't it? You'll live.'
Sihtric laughed and then sighed, rubbing his face, 'Yeah, I'll live,' he said and shook his head before he laughed again, 'fucking hell,' he scoffed.
'Besides,' you shrugged and finally stepped through the resort entrance door, 'I'm worth more than three million.'
You stopped walking when you noticed Sihtric was still more or less nailed to the ground after losing a huge business deal, his hands on his braided hair, and you turned to face him.
'So are we going to consummate this marriage now, or what?!'
'Good gods,' Sihtric mumbled to himself, with a smitten smile on his face as he watched you storm towards the elevator, 'she's insane and my wife. I really did get lucky.'
He stalked towards you as you waited impatiently for the elevator, and he had wrapped his arms around you and pushed you inside with him. A short and surprised yelp left your mouth, but you were quickly silenced by your husband's lips while his hands roamed all over your figure as the doors closed.
'You're really something, aren't you, sweetheart?' Sihtric husked in between kisses.
'Something too much for you?' you raised a teasing eyebrow and bit down on your lip as you smirked, your hands lightly tugging at his unbuttoned blouse.
'Oh, I can handle you, darling,' your husband gave you a cocky look, 'don't worry about that.'
'I don't doubt that,' you said, 'but the real question is,' you paused and exhaled sharply as you traced your fingers down over his skin, from his neck to the leather belt which held his jeans, 'can my husband satisfy me?'
With that question unanswered, the elevator arrived at your floor and you stepped out, swaying your hips a little extra as you walked to the room, and your husband surely enjoyed the view as his eyes were fixated on you while he followed you and already imagined how he was going to satisfy and ravage you, you know, as a good husband does.
Sihtric slammed the door shut behind him and he reached for your arm, pulling you towards him and kissing you deeply with a newly discovered hunger and passion. His hands were all over your body and in your hair, his tongue in your throat and his trapped arousal poked you almost bruisingly as you were pressed against him. You melted in his touch and got lost in his kiss, hastily taking off his blouse and your hands were fast to work his belt as you pulled him towards the bed and unzipped his jeans. His fingers slid underneath the straps of your dress, and he lowered them along with his hands down your shoulders.
Once naked you laid down on the bed and Sihtric climbed on top of you, while the room filled itself with the thick and warm breaths you both took in between the constantly sloppier getting kisses. You gasped when your husband pushed his length inside you, after the teasing became unbearable at last, and your eyes widened in surprise while your lips curled into a dazed grin as you felt the size of him.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed and chuckled darkly when he looked at you, 'yeah, you better like that,' he kissed you and bit your lower lip lightly, 'because that's the only cock you'll be getting from now on.'
You squirmed at his possessive yet harmless words and giggled as your lust filled eyes trailed down his body and back up to his eyes, and you smiled almost wickedly.
'Well… you're not the only one who got lucky then it seems,' you purred, after which Sihtric smiled and kissed you, before he fucked you with a mixture of lust, fresh love and a slight hint of anger as you truly challenged his authority in this marriage just moments ago.
His hands grabbed your hips as he rutted against you, hitting all the right spots for you as you clawed at his biceps.
'Oh, god,' you moaned, your eyes nearly rolling back, 'right there,' you breathed as the bed creaked beneath you and the headboard rhythmically banged against the wall.
'Right there?' Sihtric husked as he showed no sign of slowing down, 'yeah? You like that?'
You murmured inaudibly as you could only moan and gasp at the way he completely ruined you, albeit lovingly and passionately, fucking you right out of your mind. And after you came screaming his name, he followed shortly and fucked you through his high with slow, deep strokes, and he brought his lips to your ear as his arms were wrapped tightly and safely around you.
'All… fucking… mine,' your husband rasped before he kissed you again.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @il0vebeingdelulu @thenameswinter99
If you want to be added/removed from the taglist, message me 🖤
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
I'm thinking of that type of reader, sweet and naive but so morally and mentally broken after Yujiro's violence that she may not realize that her strange relationship with her father is not normal at all.
A naive reader who doesn't understand why everyone, especially her brothers, look on in confusion and horror when a huge horrible mountain of muscle kisses her in front of witnesses and maybe even touches her all over. Just for their reaction.
And Hanma brothers, who stand there just shivering, each having different obscenities in their minds about their stupid sister, but they try to behave appropriately, blowing off excited steam when left alone.
I love the way you think, anon. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
(I apparently can’t answer asks without spitting out a small story, so I apologize. I have no idea how to shut up and this is why it takes me so long to answer lit rally anything! (ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ))
You've been so sheltered your whole life, holed up in your home by your mother who lived in a constant state of fear that your father may find you. You never understood why she would chose to procreate with someone she believed was so awful, or what was even so dreadful about the man to begin with. She kept everything from you, shooting you an icy glare if you so much as uttered his name. If she hated the man so much, why were you even born? It all seemed so unfair.
Whenever you looked outside and saw a father walking hand in hand with his daughter or when you watched a tv show with a supportive and kind father figure portrayed in a loving home, you would feel a pang of jealously, be overcome with sadness. Why couldn't you have that? You spent all of your youth home schooled, constantly moving from place to place for as long as you could remember, never staying in one home for more than a year. It barred you from any normal social interaction you should be having at your age, kept you from any lasting friendships. Since an early age you felt like half of yourself is missing, and you didn’t know what to do about it.
All you really have are your brothers, both of whom you love very much, and you know love you in return. But even they have been mostly barred from you by your mother, kept away in fear that their presence may summon your father and ultimately lead to your demise. You feel stagnant, suffocated, and unable to grow-like a shell of who you should really be.
But then one day, something changes. You wake up to a man in your bedroom, imposing and dominant, leering over you with a horrible smile as soon as you wake up. It’s alarming, and you found yourself struck with an innate fear as soon as you witness him. However, you note that your mother is also in the room, hidden away in the corner. Though she refuses to look at you, her presence feels reassuring and gives you an instant clue to who this man is.
This man introduces himself as your father, and though you are still incredibly leery of this situation, the joy you feel over finally meeting him clouds your better judgement. When he asks you to follow him, you concede without much prodding.
From there your life changes drastically. You get to see much more of the world then you did under your mothers care, and while that in and of itself is quite exciting, it also fills you with a trepidation that you have never felt previously. Because of that, you usually end up clinging close to your father’s side when you are out and about, feeling much more secure when you have him around for protection.  Often this seems to cause him irritation, and you have found out quite quickly that when your father is upset nothing good will come of it. You’ve seen what happens to those on the receiving end of his fury, been on that end quite a few times yourself, and it’s the worst kind of hell you can imagine. The first time you witnessed Yujiro’s true rage was also the first time you could truly grasp your mother’s life long concern over you, and the realization hit you like a ton of bricks. This is why she had raised you the way that she did, shielding you from the monster you didn’t realize your father was.
But your new life wasn’t all bad, and there were moments when your father actually showed you kindness, treating you like true family. He’d take you out to lavish restaurants and resorts, bought you pretty clothes that you never dreamed of owning. You had access to salons, your hair and makeup done up in ways you yourself would have never had the skill to accomplish. You were no longer a child, but you had also never felt so… mature. The lovely clothes he provided you hugged you in all the right places, accentuating features of yourself you previously concealed. Thick mascara and cherry lips made you look like an almost entirely different person, someone much more alluring than you ever imagined you could be.
In certain rare instances, your father would even show you affection. The hugs and kisses weren’t how you envisioned they would be- much more intrusive, something you would expect from a lover and not a family member. But he assured you it was fine, that this was all normal, that other fathers just didn’t have the courage to truly appreciate their daughters like he did. He told you the only children he had ever had were sons, so you were special and needed to be treated as such.
He wanted everyone to see just how exceptional you were, witness how gorgeous his baby girl was. So when he paraded you around the underground arena he so often frequented, pawing at you with that devilish smirk on his lips, kissing you so deeply you felt like you were choking, you couldn’t quite understand the strange looks you got from the people around you. Sure, his heavy handed doting felt a little uncomfortable, but shouldn’t these public affections be better received? Maybe the people watching were just shy, or like your father said, not brave enough to handle this type of flagrant love.
… And maybe you could convince yourself of that for strangers, but when you caught a glimpse of your brothers during these public moments of intimacy, a pit would form in your stomach.  It was like staring into a tempest, a swirling miasma of revulsion and anger reflecting back in their piercing gaze. They had never looked at you with such disgust before, and you couldn’t help but feel as if you had done something horribly wrong.
You HATED feeling that way. The guilt was overwhelming; you couldn’t stand the thought of Baki and Jack being upset with you. You knew it had to be in part due to your closeness to Yujiro, you knew they never were big fans of the man, and their distaste only seemed to grow the stronger your bond with him became.
You felt as if your family was finally coming together, you didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize this new life. You would have to talk to Baki and Jack about it later-you were willing to do just about anything to get back in their good graces.
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Imagine being Clints sibling and falling for Druig:
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Requested: anon
"I still don't like him."
"Of course you don't." You knew he was only half-joking now, but he didn't used to. He hated Druig. He hated how stubborn he was, how cocky, how you annoyed over your feelings for him when you weren't sure he even wanted to be friends with you. He hated that this idiot changed you so much. You were his happy sidekick, always smiling, always trying to find the silver lining in the worst possible situation. You could make him laugh no problem and understood unlike anyone else in his life that sometimes that's all he needed after a long day or a mission gone wrong: a little joy. You were his ray of sunshine. If that moron couldn't see that in you and appreciate it, then he didn't deserve you. End of story.
"How old is this boy?" Clint smiled, already knowing the answer and that you hated this question. He had a little more respect for him after what happened. You weren't supposed to be on your own. You never should have been involved in the first place, and yet there you were, trying to fight off Ikaris with what little training your brother had given you. There was no time to think about that though, you just had to figure it out. They all thought you were dead. You shouldn't have survived that kind of fall, miraculously you did, though he didn't know it at the time. Druig fell apart. He'd only been cruel to you because he didn't know how to be soft, he didn't know how to express those kinds of emotions. He was the one who tore Ikaris apart, he could have taken the earth with him if Makkari hadn't realized you were still breathing. When he ran to you, his hands shaking, that's when you knew your feelings were reciprocated. You've been together, and he's been overly protective, ever since.
"You're older than Laura." You reminded him, setting down another plate. Druig was coming to family dinner, a tradition that'd started months ago when your relationship was still new. Your brother wanted to know everything about him. Your sister-in-law loved him from the start, called him a sweet boy when he offered to clear the table. Clint wasn't so sure. He didn't like Druigs powers, his mind had been messed with enough, or the fact that he was so much older or that you were together at all. It didn't help that Druig reminded him, often, about your near death experience. Where Druig saw strength, your brother saw a world without you. You couldn't blame him for what he was feeling, you just wished there was something he could do to warm up to him. If saving you wasn't gonna do it, what would?
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fangirl-writes · 2 years
Enemies to Lovers
JJ Maybank x Reader
Requested by anon: Hey babe 🤭 i want to request a jj x reader but if you have too much stuff to work on it's ok, you can just ignore it :)
JJ and reader aren't the best of friends (kind of an enemies to lovers), one day they're on the boat and she falls to the water but she doesn't know how to swim and jj jumps to save her. Ver cliché and i love it lol then their relationship changes a bit, and eventually it becomes romantic.
Warning(s): near-drowning, swearing, arguing, underage drinking, etc.
Notes: This is super cute and I love cliché too, don't worry. I hope you enjoy :) I made it take place in the first episode of the first season and the last episode of Season 2 because I thought it would work the best. Enjoy!!!
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It wasn’t that you and JJ hated each other...
Well, okay, yeah, it kind of was. You’d been this way since third grade when you both became friends with John B. and were practically fighting for his attention. 
It intensified tenfold when you moved in with your grandmother, who was a kook, after your parents moved out of outer banks when a better job came along.
You promised them that if they let you stay in outer banks in the summers, you’d go to school where they lived the rest of the year.
To say that put a strain on your already bad relationship with a certain Pogue was putting it lightly.
“Hello, gentleman and JJ.” You greeted them as they pulled the HMS Pogue up to the dock where you and Kie were waiting for them.
“Don’t start,” John B. chided and you simply rolled your eyes.
JJ glared at you and Pope elbowed him in the side.
You got along fine with everyone else. They understood your predicament and still considered you a Pogue despite your non-Pogue status. Hell, if they did they were hypocrites because Kiara was technically a kook, if you want to look at it from a financial standpoint.
“Got some juice boxes?” John B. asked, jokingly, gesturing towards the cooler that Kiara was carrying.
“Oh, you know,” She replied, playing along. “Just some yogurts, carrot sticks.”
“How about my kind of juice box?” JJ asked, making a swipe for the cooler that Kie swings out of his reach as she steps on the boat, using the blonde’s shoulder for leverage.
“Yeah,” She popped off the lid, revealing a case full of Coronas, and handed them out to each of you as John B. drove the boat away from the dock.
It was the morning after the hurricane and a much needed time away from everything. Besides, the waters were fresh and no one else would be out today.
“My grandma has invited everyone over for lunch when we’re done here,” You said, plopping yourself down next to Pope as John B. drove off.
“We don’t need her charity,” JJ said, crossing his arms.
“Sorry, let me rephrase.” You replied, annoyed. “Everyone but JJ is invited for lunch.”
JJ flipped you the bird and you rolled your eyes.
The two of you argued over the stupidest shit ever. Who could catch a bigger wave, who could hold their alcohol better, whether or not Scooby-Doo was the best cartoon ever created. And you prodded him about his hair, his weed, his dirt-bike, how he smelled after a hot day, anything you could find to insult him about, you did (and vice versa).
It drove the other Pogues crazy. You were almost as bad as Sarah and Kiara.
You kept mostly towards the center of the boat, sitting by the driver’s seat where John B. was. You were wary of the water, having never learned to swim.
Of course, growing up in outer banks you would have thought you’d have learned at some point, but nope. You were probably the only one in the whole state of North Carolina who couldn’t swim.
Nobody gave you a hard time about it, though, not even JJ. Which you were thankful for.
“Pope, take the wheel, I need a beer.” John B. said, trading places with Pope and joining the group.
“Let me show you a party trick,” JJ announced, getting up from his seat.
All the Pogues laughed good naturedly and watched him go.
“Terrifying,” Kiara said with a smile.
“Hey, Pope, can you go a little faster, please?” JJ asked, setting himself up at the head of the boat.
“Oh god.” Pope replied.
“Here we go, I’m moving,” John B. said, moving the stand behind Pope at the drivers seat. “We’ve tried this like six thousand times.”
“I got this!” JJ replied, nonchalantly. “It’s gonna work!”
“You’re gonna kill yourself,” You told him.
“No way, I’m a master, watch and learn.” He said.
You rolled your eyes.
He placed one foot on the landing and raised the beer bottle up, his mouth hanging open.
Of course, all of the beer missed his mouth and splashed onto the boat and all of you.
"Oh my god, you’re getting beer in my hair.” Kiara complained.
Both Pope and John B. began vetoing his actions, shouting and telling him to stop and JJ being JJ didn’t listen, just kept letting the beer soak his face.
“JJ, quit it!” You said, getting up and grabbing his arm.
Just as you did that the boat hit something, sending you and JJ tumbling into the water.
JJ resurfaced immediately, groaning something about his heels touching the back of his head. The rest of the Pogues checking on each other and making sure no one was hurt.
“Y/N, you good?”
“Y/N? Oh, god, Y/N’s in the water!”
Everyone began panicking looking around the boat to try to see you.
Before anyone else could even think of jumping in, JJ was already gone, diving into the murky water to find you.
You couldn’t see much between the water and the sudden throbbing in your head. Your senses were cut off and you had a hard time regaining awareness.
You could faintly hear your name being called and your vision was slowly darkening, air running out. You began losing consciousness.
Before everything went dark, you saw a figure swimming towards you. Was that...JJ?
JJ swam towards you as fast as he could, your body sinking faster with every second. Small panic began to rise in his chest as he swam to you, hoping, praying, with everything he had that he was able to get to you in time.
You were already knocked out, he couldn’t let you drown. Not because he did something this stupid. Not ever. He couldn’t lose you. 
He reached you, finally. He wrapped an arm around your waist and started swimming to the surface.
It was difficult with your dead weight, but he refused to give up. His muscles burned, but he was almost there.
The Pogues let out shouts of relief when he broke the surface, quickly taking you from JJ’s arms and laying you out on the boat floor.
“Fuck, anyone know CPR?” John B. asked.
“Don’t look at me, bro, I don’t have any spare breath.” JJ said, joining the group from the water. 
“I do, I do,” Kiara said, pushing the boys aside. “I was a lifeguard for a few years.”
Kiara began pressing against your chest.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. All the way to thirty.
“Come on, Y/N.”
“Come on, Y/N, don’t give up on us.”
“Pull through, honey, come on.”
One. Two. Three. Four. Five-
You coughed, a concerning amount of water spilling from your mouth as you opened your eyes.
Everyone let out sighs and laughs of relief as you sat up and heaved, filling your lungs with much deserved air.
“Holy fuck.” You said after a minute.
That caused a round of laughs from everyone.
“Are you okay?” John B. asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good.”
“Lost my beer, though,” JJ complained, leaning on his knees.
You caught his eye and he seemed to soften, almost like relief had washed over him.
“Congrats, JJ.” John B. replied, sarcastically.
“Guys...” Pope interrupted, looking out at the water. “I think there’s a boat down there.”
“JJ, where are you taking me?” You asked as he pulled you along by your wrist.
“You, Y/N/N, are going to learn to swim because I’m not saving your ass again.”
“Charming.” You replied with a scowl.
It was a keg-party night. After all that had happened, it was a way to act as “normal” as possible. If at all possible.
JJ had dragged you away from a particularly interesting touron who was telling you about his family’s beach house in California and why they came to NC instead.
“I can’t swim, jackass, you know that.” You said, feeling all the more anxious as he dragged you along.
“Yes, I know that, that’s why I’d be teaching you.”
You frowned. “You? With me? In the water? Are you sure you’re not just trying to drown me?”
JJ scoffed. “Jesus, I’m not that bad of a guy, I don’t know why you hate me.”
You ripped your wrist from his hold. “Me? Are you fucking serious? You’re the one who’s been treating me like shit since I got back.”
He didn’t say anything else just huffed and continued walking. You followed despite your better judgement.
You felt stupid coming all the way out here. Surely it would only lead to a fight and you really didn’t want that, especially after everything that had happened after you found that boat.
You thought you were going to lose it when JJ and John B. hung off the side of that motel, so very nearly caught.
You’d hugged them both when they got back to the boat, but you and JJ went right back to bickering when he whipped out the money and the gun he’d swiped from the room.
You stopped, nearly running into JJ, when you reached a dock, one of the only ones left after the hurricane.
“This looks like a good spot.” JJ said.
The anxiety had settled itself in your stomach and you started to feel sick. “Are you sure about this?”
He nodded. “Course! I’ve been swimming my whole life, you couldn’t have a better teacher.”
“I could think of a few.”
He stuck his tongue out at you and you smiled unconsciously.
Even though the two of you argued all the time, you were still friends and would do anything for each other. Sometimes is was hard to remember that.
JJ peeled off his shirt and you avoided looking at him, a small blush you hoped he couldn’t see crossing your face.
You heard the sound of him splashing in the water and looked over.
He was about waist deep in the water, his shirt, shoes, and socks laying on the beach. “Come on, let’s do this.”
You gulped. “I don’t know...”
You looked over at him.
“I won’t let you drown.”
You believed him, if not just for the fact that he’d already saved you once. But, even though you’d say you didn’t, you trusted him.
With a heavy sigh, you began to strip down to your suit.
You waded into the water, gripping JJ’s hand tightly as the water got higher on your body, about waist deep. All the farther you usually went.
“We’re gonna go deeper now, okay?” He said.
You nodded tightening your hold on his hands.
He moved backwards slowly and you followed him, only stopping when the water was at your shoulders.
“When we move back, we’re not going to be able to touch the sand anymore, okay? Are you okay with that?”
If you weren’t so scared, you’d have been endeared by how considerate and soft he was being with you.
You nodded again. “Yeah, yeah, okay...”
You both moved deeper into the water and you nearly panicked when you felt the drop off.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” JJ released on of your hands to hold your face and make you look at him. “I got you. Put your hands on my shoulders and I’m gonna hold your waist, okay?”
You did as he instructed.
“Start kicking your feet a little okay? It’ll help keep you afloat. See my legs? Do what I’m doing?”
“Okay, okay,” You began kicking and soon you were bobbing slowly in the water with him, the waves softly licking your neck. “This isn’t so bad.”
JJ smiled. “Think you can let go?”
You latched on to him, tightly. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
He laughed. “Okay, okay, let’s try a different approach.”
With you clinging to him, he walked back over to the shallows where you could touch again.
You detached yourself from him and stood back unsteadily on the sand.
“You’ll have to learn to float first. You’ve seen all of us do it right? Where we lay on our backs?”
You nodded.
“Okay, I want you to try it. I’ll hold your back while you lay down, so even if you do it wrong you can’t sink.”
You smiled shakily back at him, and JJ coached you, encouraging you to relax and breathe deeply as you laid back in the water.
“See?” He said, his hand barely touching your back as you floated. “You’re doing great.”
“This isn’t so bad,” You replied.
You could feel his eyes skimming your body as you floated there. You didn’t say anything, but filed it away as information for later. A confirmation that he found you at least a little attractive instead of completely repulsive.
“Are you ready to try floating on your belly?” he asked, and you nodded.
JJ helped you right yourself, and then put his hands on the your chest and belly as you leaned forward. Tensing, your back arched to keep your head far above the water.
“I’m not sure about this anymore,” You said.
“Relax.” JJ said, “Spread out like you were before, the water will hold you, and I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen.”
He had you concentrate on taking deep breaths a minute before you were ready to take the plunge.
Surprisingly, once you did it, it didn’t seem so bad.
“You’re doing great, for a Land-Pogue.” JJ said, teasingly making you shake your head at him. “Now you’re gonna have to swim. I’ll still hold you, but start kicking your feet...”
You did quite well, swimming from one point to another where JJ would stand.
“Great! Now we’re gonna try a challenge. I’m gonna go a little further out and you’re gonna close your eyes and try to swim to me under the water.”
You bit your lip. “I don’t know...”
“What, Land-Pogue, you don’t think you can do it?”
“No!” You snapped in reply. “I just...I don’t know! Let’s just do it already!”
Huffily, you closed your eyes and crossed your arms.
A few seconds passed and you could hear him moving around in the water. “Okay, try to find me!”
You took a deep breath, plunging beneath the waves and opening your eyes. You spotted him about ten feet away from you, also submerged in the water, his blond hair floating around him. He waved at you and you began to swim towards him.
You tried to focus on his face or his necklace floating around in the water instead of looking at his chest or the way his shorts were floating around a certain area. It was harder than you thought and you hated it.
You grabbed his shoulders with both hands when you reached him and the two of you pushed up to the surface.
“Awesome! You’re doing really great.” JJ praised.
The sun was setting behind him, creating a halo of orange light around his head and making him look like a Greek god. 
You blushed. “Thanks.”
Feeling your legs tire, you stopped kicking and lowered to reach the sand, only to not feel it beneath you.
You gasped. “JJ!”
He grabbed your waist, righting you.
“I thought you said we wouldn’t go further out!” You shouted, moving closer to him again, heart pounding.
“Sorry, but you were doing so well! You don’t need the shallows as support.” He replied.
You sighed. “I’m just tired. My body doesn’t get this kind of exercise much.”
JJ smiled. “You don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer, but you can join us in the water during boat rides now.”
You smiled back, softening your grip on his shoulders to wrap them lazily around his neck. He still had a loose hold on your waist, pulling you closer to him as you relaxed.
You were nearly nose to nose and you could see the softness in his pretty blue eyes that were glowing in the sunset light. They shifted to glance down at your lips for a second before meeting your eyes again, something in them almost asking for permission.
Almost instinctively, you began moving forward.
He did the same and you were nearly there before you leaned back, coming back into your head.
“We should head back.” You said, looking down at the water that was swishing between you.
“Oh...” He sounded disappointed. “Yeah, yeah, you’re probably right. They’ll be wondering about us...”
Fuck this. You thought ducking as the guy with the fucking machete swiped at you. If you ever saw Ward Cameron again, you were going to punch him until you broke his punk ass nose.
JJ jumped on the guy’s back, trying to disarm him. He rammed his elbow into JJ’s shoulder, knocking him off.
“Kie!” You called.
She turned in time to duck under the guy’s swipe with the knife only for the swing to finish coming around and knock JJ in the face.
You watched as his eyes fell up and his body careened over the side of the railing, falling heavily into the water below.
“JJ!” You screamed, diving in after him immediately as Kiara kicked the machete guy in the chest, knocking him over.
“Y/N!” She cried. “JJ!”
You were holding him, his unconscious body so light in the water he floated in.
“Come on, JJ, wake up, please wake up.” You pleaded, turning him over so his face was above the water, he immediately became heavier. “Please, please, please, I can’t lose you.”
You heard a splash beside you and Kiara had jumped into the water.
“Shit, JJ.” She said, swimming over to help you hold him.
“Come on, JJ, stay with me,” You pleaded again, holding him and kicking your legs with all your might.
“I didn’t even know you could swim,” Kiara said, grabbing one side off JJ.
“Later.” You replied, holding onto him tightly. “God, come on, J, stay with me.”
“John B.’s coming,” Kiara said, somewhat desperately. “John B.’s coming, okay.”
You weren’t sure if she was reassuring you or herself, but you hoped to god it was true. You weren’t a strong swimmer and Kiara couldn’t hold both of you up, but, God, you’d gladly drown if it meant JJ could live.
That realization was hitting you hard, but you could barely think about how much you loved him when you were trying so hard to just keep him alive.
You could hear a boat’s engine not far away.
“John B.!” Kiara yelled. “Help!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You whispered, feeling your legs beginning to ache.
Numerous shouts of JJ’s names were heard and you felt immense relief as you saw John B., Pope, Sarah, and Cleo heading over to you with the boat.
There was a slew of commotion as you got him into the boat as well as yourselves. It was mostly a blur of voices and actions and anxiety.
You practically clung to JJ as the boat began to take off a few feet before stalling out.
The others around you shouted and asked John B. what was going on with the boat, but you were only focused on the unconscious boy in front of you.
“We gotta go!” Someone shouted as you began to do chest compressions on JJ.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
“I’m trying! Forward or backward?”
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
The engine sputtered as John B. yanked on it.
Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen.
“If everyone just tries to relax!”
Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty.
“He’s pointing at us! Hurry!”
“We gotta go!”
Twenty-one. Twenty-two. Twenty-three. Twenty-four. Twenty-five.
“I’m trying, okay?”
“Please wake up.” Kiara pleaded next to you, shaking JJ a bit.
Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty.
The engine sputtered to life as you leaned down, pinching JJ’s nose and breathing into his mouth.
“JJ, wake up,” Kiara pleaded as the boat began moving.
You could feel his blood seeping into your hair as you breathed another puff of air before sitting up, preparing to do chest compressions again.
The blood flowing down the side of his head made your anxiety spike, but you couldn’t stop. Not now.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
“J! Please! Please!” Kiara begged.
“Wake up.” John B. said next.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
“Please, get up!” She was sounding more desperate by the second.
“You gotta wake up.”
Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen-
His eyes shot open, the water beginning to pour out of his mouth.
“There you go.” John B. said, relief flooding into his words. “Yeah, yeah, cough it out. Cough it out, baby.”
JJ was coughing, turning over on his side to let the remaining water leave his body.
“Hey, buddy, there you go,” Pope said. “Welcome to the land of the living dude.”
You let out a happy sigh of relieve and practically threw yourself onto him, hugging him tightly.
“Woah,” JJ said, gravely, looking around at his friends.
“Hi.” Kiara said, relief evident on her face.
“Sup?” JJ replied, slightly confused, wrapping his arms around your back to return the hug.
The reply got a round of tired laughs and you pulled away from the hug, leaning off of him so he could breath.
“Just always looking for attention, huh?” John B. joked.
“Whatever it take right?” JJ replied, playing with your fingers, feeling a little dizzy.
Kiara took a waded up cloth and pressed it against his bleeding head. “What the hell happened?”
“The blunt end of a machete.” Kie replied.
“Machete?” JJ said, sitting up straighter.
“The blunt end.” You reiterated, lacing your fingers with his.
“Next time, duck.” Cleo said.
“I’ll try to remember that next time, thanks.” JJ replied.
“Y/N, I didn’t even know you could swim.” John B. said.
“That’s what I said!” Kiara replied.
You laughed. “Yeah, well,” - JJ’s thumb was rubbing the back of your hand - “Somebody thought to teach me.”
Kiara and John B. shared a look, something secret and almost smug that they both understood.
Pope was looking back over at where they were pulling the cross back onto the ship. “This shit ain’t over.”
“No,” John B. replied somberly. “It ain’t.”
The group faded into a small silence as they drove their lifeboat away from the ship. And the gold. And the cross. And the Camerons.
But they were right. It wasn’t over.
When you reached land, the girls got out first, taking to laying themselves out on the sand while the boys heaved the boat onto the shore.
“Good job, guys,” Sarah said.
“Good job,” Kiara threw out too.
“JJ, you all right there, buddy?” John B. asked as you walked over to them.
“Yeah, still a little dizzy.” He replied, allowing you to move his hair aside to look at his wound. The blood had stopped, but he’d probably have a headache for god knows how long. “Okay, anybody know where we’re at?”
“Deserted beach. Unknown island.” Pope replied.
“I’ll take that as a no.” JJ said, watching as you sat down next to Kiara. “Plan A, huh, Pope? That went well.”
Morale was unshakably low.
“This is the lowest we can go.” Pope replied. “We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone.”
“The gold, gone.” Sarah said.
“Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I’d say we’re at a dollar fifty.” JJ said.
You huffed a laugh.
“That’s more than I got on me,” Kiara said.
“That somehow doesn’t make me feel better.”
This conversation was a serious downer.
“Yeah, you’re right.” John B. said. “But I mean we’ve...” - he shrugged - “we’ve had some good stuff happen, right?”
Leave it to John Booker Routledge to see the silver lining.
“Name something.” Pope challenged.
“Um...” Him taking a moment to think was telling. “The boiler room.”
The looks he got were unconvinced.
“What? If the boiler didn’t explode, I wouldn’t have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn’t have gotten the Zodiac and gotten us out of here.”
“That wasn’t luck.” Cleo replied with a shake of her head. “That thing was gonna blow the second I stopped feeding it.”
“Stealing my thunder, Cleo...”
Note to self. You thought. New girl is a pessimist.
“Okay, Pope,” The boy in question looked over. “You’re related to Denmark Tanny.”
“And I lost all of his inheritance.”
God damn it, Pope.
“You know what?” John B. stood up, walking to look out at the water. “Guys, this is it. This is the Pogue life. We are in the Caribbean. It’s our own little slice of paradise.”
You shook your head. John Booker Routledge.
“With my best friends. With my family.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t wanna do it with anyone else.”
That was heartwarming.
“Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing...” John B. said, walking over to where JJ had been carving into a tree. “JJ.”
He pointed at the water. “I was looking at those burly lefts.”
JJ grinned. “There’s some slabs out there.”
“Just a few.”
JJ observed the water while you observed him, quietly.
“Y/N, just learned to swim, ready to take it a step further?” John B. implored.
“I won’t rain on your parade but no thanks.” You replied.
JJ smiled, winking at you. “I could teach you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Right.”
“Kie, you see that? I know you wanna get out.”
“No boards.” Kiara replied.
“Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards.” John B. said.
You nudged her.
“Pope? Come on, man.”
“They do look pretty tasty.”
Ah, “The Brain” experiences pleasure.
“Oh, yes, they do.” John B. said, feeling spirits lifting.
“There’s nobody around,” Pope said, standing. “We could squat here for a bit. Kind of belongs to us now, huh?”
“You got a point.”
“Six-way split?”
“Pogue-landia.” JJ said in a posh accent that made you laugh. “I claim thee Pogue-landia. I like the ring of it. I’m gonna make a flag. It’s gonna have a chicken on it, with a coconut bra, smoking a J, in crocs.”
That got the girls to laugh.
“I could use a J.”
“Can we vote on this?”
Everyone began talking but JJ was still staring at you. He bent down as everyone began walking away. “Thanks for saving my life.”
You smiled. “It was a team effort. And I couldn’t let you drown. We’re even now, right?”
He grinned wickedly. “Yeah. Even.”
For the first time you leaned in to kiss him with no regrets and he kissed you back. It was almost heavenly, the way his lips moved with yours.
“Hey, lovebirds, we got work to do!”
“Quick macking and start working!”
You laughed and JJ took your hand and pulled you up. “Mind your business! I shall take no disrespect of the Queen of Pogue-landia.”
There were several groans and arguments shot his way as everyone gathered at the beach, but you smiled. All of the rational thoughts leaving your head. Maybe this really was paradise.
Or maybe JJ had let you drown that day on the boat and this was just some comatose dream.
JJ squeezed your hand, almost as if to reassure you that it was all real.
Whatever came next, you were ready for it. And glad you learned to swim.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
todays the day, it's your birthday | 60s!elvis x gn!reader
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summary: you never really liked your birthday, but elvis helps change that.
warnings: none
wc: 1.7k
note: happy birthday to me! have a birthday fic as a little celebration, i got a list of requests from a anon awhile back and decided to put them all in one fic! enjoy!
masterlist | request | taglist
"i hear it's someone's birthday!"
you turned your head from the kitchen table to the sound of the voice, giving elvis a fake smile then going back to eating your cereal. he kissed the top of your head and sat next to you. "was gonna make you breakfast but i guess you've already beat me to it"
you sighed. "i told you, i don't celebrate my birthday." you held your hand up as elvis opened his mouth to respond. "no, don't say anything. it's fine, really. i just want to have a normal day, please?"
birthdays were never your thing. you couldn't remember the last time it was enjoyable. from growing up with nobody showing up to your birthday party and to now being an adult with just a couple of friends, it was just another pointless holiday. this was your first year being with elvis and as the day approached, you made extra sure to remind him you wanted to do nothing for your birthday, to act like it's just a regular day. but elvis wasn't going to listen to you, was he?
he placed his hand on top of yours, sitting there silently trying to come up with a way to change your ways of thinking. elvis knew you hated the day and he understood why however he wanted to change that for you. little did you know, he had a whole day planned for you whether you liked it or not. he glanced at your unpainted nails, the corners of his lips perking up as he came up with an idea. "why don't you let me do your nails?"
you gave him a look, squinting at him suspiciously. you put your spoon down back in the bowl and turned to him. "why?"
he scoffed at your response. "why what? am i not allowed to pamper you? hell, i'll do your makeup too, why not? c'mon baby, let me do something for you." he begged.
it was cute seeing how hard elvis was trying to cheer you up, you knew he wanted to do something for you for today. you almost felt bad. letting out a sigh, you agreed and finished up your breakfast as elvis went upstairs to get everything he needed to do your nails and makeup. he was definitely a little too excited, but seeing him happy made you happy at least. he sat you at the dining table, pulling a chair up next to you. "alright, little one. red or pink?" he asked, holding up both bottles of nail polish.
"hmm." you looked back and forth at both bottles, thinking hard about your decision. "pink." it was one of his favorite colors and personally his favorite color on you. although, you already knew he wanted you to pick pink anyway. he grinned as he opened the bottle, taking your hand and starting on your nails. "you gonna let me paint your nails one day too?" you joked.
"oh lord." he laughed, trying to not lose focus on your nails. "the guys might tear me apart if you do."
"do you really care if they do though?"
he held on tighter to your hand to stop you from moving so much. "baby, i'm elvis presley. laughin' at me is the last thing i'm worried about. you have to promise you'll make em' a pretty shade of pink too. now stop movin' so much."
next was your makeup. elvis wore makeup on stage quite often so this wasn't anything new to him. "please don't poke me in the eye." you said once he brought out his eyeliner.
he scoffed at you. "honey, i've been doing this for years. have you ever seen me poke myself in the eye?"
"yes!" you exclaimed.
"alright, that's enough from you."
to your surprise, he gave you some pointers that you didn't know you needed. showing you how to do some sort of smokey look to your eyes and making them pop out more. he topped it off with a dark shade of red lipstick, a color he always loved seeing you wear. he held up the mirror towards your face, proudly showing off his work. "if this music thing doesn't cut out for you, maybe you could be a makeup artist." you said, looking at your face in the mirror. "y'know that ain't such a bad idea."
elvis set the mirror back down and stood up, placing his hands on his hips. "now that that's all done, i'll let you do your hair. put somethin' pretty on too. we're celebratin' whether you like it or not."
"you tricked me!" you gasped.
"i sure did, now go get ready!" he left you in your bedroom as he went back downstairs, preparing for the best birthday you could ever ask for.
you returned downstairs to elvis holding a picnic basket in one hand and a guitar in the other. "goddamn, look at you. so beautiful and all mine, how did i get so lucky?" you felt your cheeks get warm at the sudden compliment, finding yourself fall in love with elvis all over again. "i should be asking the same thing, what's all this?"
"it's nice out, not too hot. thought, why not go for a little picnic? i had some help packing us lunch and the gardeners aren't here, it'd just be you and me." he smiled.
the love you had for this man was beyond any other type of love you'd ever felt for anyone in your life. him being so determined to make this the best birthday you've ever had just made you feel like the luckiest person in the world. "that sounds lovely, actually."
"perfect, let's head out then." you linked your arm with his as the two of you walked outside around graceland to a specific spot elvis had set up just for you.
the atmosphere was perfect. there was a slight breeze in the air, the birds were chirping along as they hung around the garden and the roses he let you plant when you first moved in were at full bloom. elvis had laid out a large checkered, blanket in the grass and even set out a couple wine glasses just for the two of you. he set down the guitar to the side along with the picnic basket in the middle as you both took a seat on the soft blanket. you were in awe of the perfect setting in front of you. it reminded you of a scene from frankie and johnny, if only you were both wearing yellow.
elvis brought out his guitar after you both ate and had a few drinks, singing happy birthday to you in the most heavenly way possible. you clapped excitingly, smiling from ear to ear. "who knew you could make happy birthday actually bearable?"
"you gonna sing it for mine?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
you let out a loud laugh, "that's funny." you said, taking a sip from your wine glass. "elvis, you've heard me sing. i can't even play the guitar."
"hmm." he moved over to you and took the glass out of your hands to set it on the sheet. placing the guitar in your lap, he sat behind you and positioned your hands around it. "follow my lead." and with his hands on yours, his fingers adjusting yours, he made a quick attempt at a guitar tutorial. to be fair, everything he said went a bit over your head. but it was sweet that he tried, at least you got to sit in his embrace for a little bit. he played you a couple more songs afterwards, giving you a mini concert right in front of you. "how'd i do?" he asked, setting the guitar back to the side.
"not enough gyrating." you joked.
"i'll show you gyratin'" he growled, crawling over to you and flopping his body onto yours, attacking you with kisses.
you let out a yell, attempting to push him off. "elvis! my hair!" you whined. elvis only showered you with more kisses, tickling you softly in the process. "stop!" you laughed. "baby! i'm serious!" elvis gave you one final kiss and grinned at you, taking in your beaty. "i love you, darlin' i really do." he sat up and pulled you up alongside with him, letting you sit in his lap. "i love you more. thank you for this. you made today a little more enjoyable."
"oh baby, it ain't over yet."
elvis took you around to the many go karts him and his friends often ride around in. personally, you aren't the biggest fan of them. they scared you a little and you were always nervous when elvis was out riding them. "c'mon honey, let's have a little fun. three laps around the house, bet i can beat ya!"
"oh i don't know, these things scare me a little." you chuckled nervously.
"come on! i promise you'll be okay, i'll be right behind you. or in front of you, however it goes." he begged.
you let out a huff, caving in. "alright, fine."
elvis taught you how to drive them, giving you a quick run down and giving you the safety talk. he strapped you in before getting in his own kart, strapping himself in. "you're on, presley."
elvis smirked at you, "whatever you say!"
he counted down and off you went, speeding around graceland with elvis right behind you as the wind flew through your hair. it was a new experience for you, almost a little scary. but you laughed and yelled along with elvis, enjoying the ride. elvis loved seeing you happy, full of excitement. he turned a awful day into a good one. when he's with the guys, he'd play dirty. but because it's you and it's your birthday, he was gonna play nice. even if that meant letting you win, which he did. you pulled into the front where you both first started, hopping out of the kart and jumping up and down as elvis pulled after you. "in your face! i told you! who's the winner now!"
elvis stepped out of the kart, shaking his head in defeat. "goddamn, you're crazy." he laughed.
"it's my birthday! im allowed to brag." you crossed your arms.
"okay, tone it down a notch." he pulled you close to him, kissing you. "lettin' you get away with it cause it's your birthday."
"best birthday ever." you grinned. "maybe i don't hate my birthday anymore."
"now that's what i wanna hear." he wrapped his arms around your waist, gazing into your eyes with all the love in the world. "happy birthday baby, let's go have some real fun now."
taglist: @aconflagrationofmyown @butlersluvbot @arianatheangel-girl @steph-speaks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s @annoyinginternetgirl @flwrs4aust
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optiwashere · 4 months
A few Asheera questions for ya in the mail hope you don't mind
Whats Asheera's least favourite food? Like most hated
What does Asheera's laugh sound like, does it compliment Shadowhearts witch cackles?
Do her older siblings tease her? Do her younger siblings look up to her?
What was it like coming out to her parents (obviously a smooth and easy transition judging by the fics)((pun unintended))
Thank you~
Heya anon! I absolutely don't mind questions about my favorite half-orc 💜
She'll eat practically anything, but if she catches a whiff of cooked cabbage anywhere in the dish it's going to be a challenge for her. She cannot stand the stuff.
You know those laughs that start out wheezing, almost airy/breathy before turning into full-throated laughs as the person makes themselves laugh harder just by laughing? Yeah, it's like that.
Her oldest sister, Yetza, loves telling "embarrassing" stories about her. I'm pretty sure I mentioned in one of the fics - one of the wedding ones, maybe - that she does this kinda thing lol. Her youngest brother, Fanel, is a wannabe adventurer in his very early 20s and he definitely looks up to her. After everything that happens with the Absolute crisis, he basically hero-worships her at that point.
It would have been when she was 19-20. She wasn't beholden to any one deity then, so she never thought physical transition was something she could really ever do. Her family is relatively poor, she wasn't particularly religious for a long period of her life, and she never knew any wizards growing up. At least, none capable of permanently polymorphing her. Anyways, she came out to her father first while working with him — it was completely by happenstance that she told him first in the middle of working on a project to help her prepare for apprenticing with a local blacksmith for a year. He was definitely confused because she never "seemed" girly to him, but he was accepting. Just confused for a long time. Her mother immediately understood when Asheera told her though. Maybe she wouldn't have put it as seeing Asheera as her daughter the whole time, but it's more like a lot of disconnected puzzle pieces were placed together and suddenly made sense with the whole picture laid out before her.
Thanks for the lovely questions!
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matan4il · 1 year
Another amazing meta. 💙❤️ Every time I feel doubt creeping in on whether buddie will go canon, I head to your meta to remind myself that it'll be a crime not to follow through.
And this week's was... wow. So much happened in only a handful of scenes. That "solid ground" line from Bobby. The second I saw the GIFs for it I instantly thought there's another Buddie/Bathena parallel.
But the moment that really got me was Eddie return to the couch with beers only to find Buck asleep. It reminded me of the trope where the couple who haven't seen each other for a while, are all set to get jiggy, one goes to the bathroom and comes back to their partner sparko on the bed and sighs. So when you said it's the most naked they could be without removing their clothes, I understood you completely.
I honestly looking forward to the rest of the season, especially their date night. ☺️
Hello, my darling! Thank you SO MUCH for the kind words about my 612 meta! :D I'm so happy that you liked it. And honestly, every aspect of Bathena in this ep (though that "solid ground" line was probably the highlight) screamed that they're paralleled with Buddie. It was stunning!
YES! Hon, that is exactly it. Because whenever that trope happens, we're not meant to read it as "these two aren't interested in each other," we're meant to understand that they have reached THOSE levels of domesticity, of comfort. And that's what we see with Buddie in this ep.
I'm very much looking forward to their date night as well! I still can't believe no one else posted this spoilers pic of their poker night before I did. I was so sure I couldn't be the first one, it's why I phrased it as a question... But it makes me so happy the entire fandom went crazy over it, 'coz yeah, same! That poker game scene is gonna DELIVER. I just know it.
If it's okay, since you sent me a second ask and I'm falling behind, I might answer it here too, if it's alright with you?
Omg that anon just made me realize that it's not just the couch Buck hasn't really picked. So he was living with friends (frat house as the anon called it), then Abby's apartment, and then he chose the loft with Ally, obviously expecting it to be there home (and I may be misremembering but wasn't it her choice). I can't believe I never realized that.
I don't hate the loft either, and your right, it fits his bachelor lifestyle. It definitely feels like a bachelor pad, but now I can't get over the fact he didn't choose it alone, for himself.
This is in continuation to the anon asking about the loft. You're both absolutely right! From the way Buck and Ali interact with the sales lady, it's clear that Ali HAS a lot of say, and that she saw Buck's loft as the place that would be her other home. Did she have the final say? We don't know. But at the end of the day, the way he presents it is that this would be the first place he gets on his own.
So IDK, I'm still mostly positive about the loft. Did he choose alone? No. 'Coz he did have a gf he was committed to, and even if they weren't at the stage of fully living together, they were on the road there (a bit similar to how we saw Taylor in his loft in 5a, TBH. And yes, that very much strengthens the similarity to how he didn't choose the couch). But he was so enthused about being "an adult" who supports himself and is paying for his place on his own. I can't overlook that. And much like the whole idea of how a journey through the wrong r/s is needed in order to find the right one, that's how I kind of feel about the loft. It's not Buck's ultimate destination (that's Eddie's house), but it is an important step on the way there...
Thank you, darling! Hope you have a beautiful day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
Does Mortimer know about Vlad? If so , what does he plan to do about it?
i am delighted to receive your inquiry anon...
allow me to tell you about the alternate universe that exists only in my mind...
bella disappeared (ALIENS?), came back with no memory of her past, and then took a long journey from strangetown to pleasantview to bridgeport where mortimer now lives and works, and where cassandra attends college. on bella's road trip to bridgeport, she drove thru moonlight falls where she met vlad and told him about her odd predicament.
so vlad vaguely knows about her piece of shit husband but bella didn't tell mortimer about vlad. pardon my language 💋
if mortimer knew about vlad, he would feel angry, possessive, and vengeful. he would probably try hard to prevent bella from leaving him, not because he loves her, but for his own ego. he'd be more upset at bella than vlad.
as a general rule, vlad prefers to stay out of human affairs that don't concern him. but if bella really wanted it, vlad could surely find a way to give ole morty a big scare, for funsies.
thank you for the question!
some more thoughts about my version of the goth family below the cut
mortimer is a successful cutthroat entertainment lawyer in the city which is how he made all his $$$. he first met bella when she was an up and coming fashion model from a working class background, while he was already established in his career. even though she didn't know it, bella had a promising career as a model which could have led to further tv appearances and business ventures. he saw her potential star quality and he convinced her to drop out of the spotlight to be a stay at home wife and mother instead, out in the pleasantview suburbs. naive, starstruck, and still unsure of her place in this glamorous new world, bella fell for his charming facade and the picture-perfect life he promised her. as their marriage went on, she started to realize who he truly was, and as a result she grew resentful of him and felt trapped in a gilded cage. although some part of her enjoyed motherhood, another part of her felt like this choice had been made for her by her husband's wishes, and wasn't something she might have chosen for herself if she could have a do-over.
BELLA worked as a model for a short time when she was quite young and she is only really known in niche fashion and social media circles. you can still find grainy photos and videos of her runway work and her magazine campaigns on the internet if you search for them. she is remembered for her great runway walk and her timeless, elegant beauty. her striking appearance and her mystique (what happened to this rising star? why did she disappear from the fashion world and the public eye?) has contributed to her small cult following.
MORTIMER had already been seeing DINA CALIENTE on the side for a while so bella's disappearance wasn't that hard for him to deal with, although it was great for his social image to play the heartbroken husband. his wife hated him and she was getting old anyways, he had to find excitement and romance elsewhere.
CASSANDRA has fond memories of her mother. as a teen, bella often took her out to the city to go shopping, to the spa and the salon, and out to lunch with her fun and fabulous friends while her father was at work. they bonded over fashion, which mortimer never particularly cared about or understood. to cassandra, bella was the cool fun parent, while mortimer was the strict fun-police. even though her parents doted on her and gave her everything she wanted, cassandra always thought something between her parents wasn't quite right. bella's disappearance has left a hole in cassandra's heart that feels like it will never heal.
and during all this, alexander is too young to really know what's going on, nor does he have as close a bond with bella as cassandra does.
so yeah <3 goth family drama!
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Not sure if this is your thing but could you do an El gets a really bad period that makes her very sick with lots of care from Jordan 🥹❤️
Thank you for this request, anon!! I love this one!
It didn’t surprise Jordan to see her girlfriend’s shoes placed beside her door. Eliana stayed with her so often that she practically already lived with her.
“Hey, babe,” Jordan called from the entryway as she took off her own shoes and set her car keys on the table by the door. “You’ll never believe what happened at my lecture today.” She started towards the living room. “I swear, it was like something straight out of Gilmore Girls. So these three guys came busting in during the lecture, wearing medieval knight costumes and shouting this girl’s—” Jordan stopped talking the second she saw her girlfriend curled up on the couch, squeezing her stomach. Her face was red and blotchy and she was crying.
Immediately, Jordan’s smile fell. She ran over and crouched in front of Eliana. “El, baby, what’s wrong?” she cupped her face, stoking Eliana’s cheek with her thumb. “Why are you crying?”
Eliana sucked in a trembling breath, her face full of pain. “Period,” she mumbled in a teary, quiet voice. “Jor, it hurts so freaking much.”
Jordan sighed, nodding. She understood well how horrible Eliana’s periods could get. Jordan was relatively lucky with her periods because she got minimal cramps and they didn’t last long, but Eliana’s lasted up to a whole week and her cramps were awful.
“It’s okay, El,” Jordan soothed, running a hand over her girlfriend’s lavender hair. “It’s okay. Have you taken any meds?”
She shook her head.
“Have you thrown up?”
She shook her head again, and sniffed, “I will though. I feel sick.”
Jordan nodded. “Okay. Well, I’m gonna grab you some meds and the heating pad.”
“Meds won’t stay down.” Eliana closed her eyes, another tear falling and Jordan wiped it away.
“I know, but take them anyway. They might help.”
Eyes shut and face screwed in pain, Eliana nodded and Jordan stood up, jogging to the master bedroom and going into her bathroom. In the drawer where she kept her tampons and pads, there was also a little box of cramp meds. She took a couple of pills from the foil casing and went back, stopping in her fancy kitchen to grab a glass of water.
She went back to Eliana, and sat on the edge of the couch. “Sit up, baby, you have to take the meds.”
Eliana opened her eyes that were still wet with tears and sat up. Immediately, a cramp hit her with the movement and she gasped, curling up so much that her forehead touched her knees. “Ow,” she whined in a strained voice and Jordan set the pills and water down on her living room table, pulling Eliana into her arms, rubbing her back.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” she soothed. “Just breathe. It’ll ease up, just give it a minute.”
A minute passed. Then another before Eliana could uncurl. She’d started crying again while curled up and her eyes were red and pouring tears. “I hate this,” she groaned, using her shirt to dry off the tears. “This sucks.”
Jordan hummed in agreement, grabbing the meds and the water. “Here,” she said, holding the pills up to Eliana.
Eliana popped the medicine in her mouth and then let Jordan hold the glass up to her mouth. When Jordan took the glass away and she swallowed, the meds and water hit her stomach like a brick and she immediately paled, sweat running down her back. She knew what was about to happen.
“Jor?” she muttered to her girlfriend who was now walking away to grab their heating blanket.
Jordan stopped, looking back at Eliana. “Yeah?”
Eliana said nothing at first, swallowing as her mouth flooded with saliva. “Fuck,” she then cursed, jumping up from the couch and running to the guest bathroom since it was closer. She didn’t bother shutting the door, just running in and collapsing, thrusting the lid open. The water came back up, now looking yellow and bringing with it chunks from the McDonalds pancakes she had for breakfast. Her period hit around noon, so she hadn’t had lunch.
Jordan came into the bathroom and Eliana felt her girlfriend lift her hair and fasten it into a clip.
Groaning, Eliana let her forehead rest on the porcelain seat. She was trying to take deep breaths, and Jordan was rubbing her back.
“Are you empty, El?”
Jordan got her answer when Eliana lurched with another violent heave before more liquid splashed in the bowl. Some chunks got stuck in her throat and Eliana coughed, trying to get them out.
“Baby, just breathe, you’re—”
Eliana coughed until her gag reflex was triggered and another large stream came up, slow and painful and leaving her panting for air. The smell was awful and a little sweet, and she gagged even though she was likely completely empty now. Though it didn’t feel like it, she had to be after puking so much. Right?
Jordan began wiping Eliana’s mouth with a yet wad of toilet paper before dropping the toilet paper into the mess and flushing it down.
Eliana moved back, slumping against the wall, chest heaving. “I hate being a girl,” she declared. “This is the worst!”
Jordan smiled a little sympathetically. “Are you done?”
The poor purple-haired girl nodded pitifully.
“Okay. We’ll try meds again later. I’ll get the heating pad and we can cuddle and watch TV. Sound good?”
Another nod.
It took a little while for them to get to the couch. As soon as Jordan helped Eliana up, the poor girl’s face went three shades paler and she spent five minutes gagging dryly over the sink. Jordan fanned her face with her hand and stayed with Eliana while she splashed water on her face and rinsed her mouth. Then Jordan kept an arm around her girlfriend’s waist as they made their way back to the living room.
Eliana put on Greys Anatomy which they had started watching together after New Year’s Day when Eliana had said she had never watched it and Jordan and Keiko began to rant about how it was their favorite show since they were in high school. Eliana had to admit, she was a little obsessed with it and she was only in the second season.
Jordan got the heating pad and turned it on, handing it to Eliana. As soon as Jordan sat down, Eliana wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s neck, her legs going over Jordan’s lap and cuddling close.
Jordan couldn’t help but smile. The heating pad on Eliana’s stomach was warm against her side, and she relaxed against the couch.
She was tracing shapes on Eliana’s back with her finger for a while before she smiled and giggled a little. Surprised by the sudden laughter since neither of them had said anything and nothing funny had happened in the show, Eliana pulled back enough to look at her and ask, “Why are you laughing?”
Jordan’s face had it’s usual brightness on. “You said you hate being a girl,” she grinned.
Eliana pouted. “So?”
Jordan laughed a little more. “I just pictured the gender-bent version of you.”
Eliana’s eyes widened. She couldn’t help but smile a little at her girlfriend’s reason for her goofy smile. “Yeah? And how do I look? Abs?”
Jordan shook her head. “No, no abs. But you still have your ass. And your hair is short but just long enough to pull into a manbun.” Still smiling, she leaned in and kissed Eliana on the cheek. “But gender-bent you isn’t half as hot and adorable as the real you. Personally, I love that you’re a girl.”
Eliana felt warmth burst in her chest and her smile widened, her cheeks becoming hot. “Yeah?”
Jordan nodded and kissed her. “Yeah,” she said, bumping their noses together. “You’re the best girl in the whole damn world.”
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shinra-makonoid · 4 months
(cw dysphoria & sex life, wanted to ask some questions) You've posted in the past, that you're only into cis men and that you had relationships (and I also think you're a top). We're sorta in the same boat, while I'm bi, I'm more into men. I wanted to ask, how open are you with your partners? I'm afraid that any cis man who would date me would try to pressure me into PIV, because that's what nearly all FTM porn is about. And some T4T people online act so weird that I'm afraid to end up with a trans man who wouldn't act any better, but instead of "let me fuck your pussy", it'll be "pussy4pussy". And if I think further, it boils down to the same issue with hypothetically dating a woman. Some trans women also act weird about trans men, and cis women... either lesbian-leaning or I'll have to go to a bullshit circus called "het dating culture", though from this POV straight women who don't care much about natal penises feel the safest. Basically, I feel like most people who're open to dating trans men, only desire those parts of us that are "leftovers" or resemble our AGAB. I know it's my paranoia and dysphoria speaking, together with the experience of casual lying and manipulation/gaslighting, so I wanted to ask someone who seems to have more experience than me.
First of all, I don't think I have that much experience. I don't currently date anyone and I have no interest in pursuing anything in that regard because obviously I'm focusing on other stuff these months. I can't tell you anything about women either for obvious reasons.
I'm more ambivalent to trans men now as my thought process kinda changed. Like... I do think the T4T culture is often uncomfortable but it might also be a place where you feel safe, understood and secure. There aren't many cis people who are careful and/or who actually do the work themselves before dating you, so you will end up having to go about dumb stuff like the idea you can be a top. And like... Sure it can be done, but it's a hassle, and for my part it really makes me uncomfortable, which eliminates very quickly the person from the dating pool.
My last ex that I dated was a cis gay guy, who didn't ever think about dating a trans man before, and was shook when I told him I was one. He was a huge bottom so he was relieved when I told him I could top and all. But he was still a cis guy, and he told me he went to see porn to "see what it's like" and would talk about how he was okay/wanted to touch my parts and... Idk if it's dysphoria or if it's just him being awkward about it but that made me feel super uncomfortable because I do everything to not think about those parts of me and it's like everything about us was making me think of it. He didn't have any/much understanding or maturity in regards to what he would do/say would actually be harming me unless I specifically explained it to him and it was tiring. Is it a maturity issue or a cis issue exactly idk. But after that I reconsidered T4T mainly because these issues wouldn't arise, and in some way I'd be free of the pressure to perform at a "cis level".
I never got pressured to get PIV sex but I had one guy asking me several times if I'd be open to being pregnant at some point because he was gay but he was also a hardcore alt right and that was also uncomfortable. Usually cis people just assume you only have the PIV possibility and you have to do a whole explanation about how you can do it other ways and it's just boring. I hate that this is a subject, and I specifically hate this is the main subject everyone is worried about any time you discuss something a bit serious in terms of relationships. It is very superficial.
I'm super open about my desires (like being a top, a sadist, hearing the other guy moan etc) and what I don't want (being touched, pregnancy, piv etc), but it doesn't mean the cis partner actually understands it because it's often a bit too strange and most cis people are actually super vanilla.
Hope that it helps? Thanks anon for the ask.
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walkawaytall · 8 months
Fic anon here! No worries about publishing (or not, ofc). I was in another fandom that involved a lot of very meta+crack minifics shared on anon purely for silly purposes and while we don't do that so much in this corner of the SW fandom, the inspiration just like hit re: your name
While I'm jabbering in your inbox, for your fanfic write asks: 5! 7!
Oh, good, I'm glad I didn't commit a faux pas :). Thank you!
Onward to answers:
5. Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
This is really just an inside joke with myself (I mean, I did make a Tumblr post about it, but I haven't drawn attention to it on the sites where I post, and no one has mentioned that they noticed), but there's this half-heard argument about something Luke dubs "The Snakebite Incident" in Speak Louder and...okay the thing is, at the time that I wrote Speak Louder, I had written The Short Stick, posted it, and then taken it down a couple of hours later because I was self-conscious about it for some reason, and I had plans to totally overhaul The Short Stick or whatever. I needed something mind-numbingly stupid for Han and Leia to argue about, and The Snakebite Incident argument was in The Short Stick. So, I stole the short bit of dialogue from my own story, dumped it in Speak Louder as this argument that Luke is tired of hearing because they're both unreliable narrators, so he never gets the full story, and every time the situation gets brought up, they fight about it, and everyone is over hearing the same argument.
And then, months later, I reread The Short Stick after letting it chill for awhile and I don't hate it. I'm not self-conscious about it any more. But, crap, I gutted that one argument for a different story, now I have to come up with something equally stupid for them to argue about, right?
Or. Instead...they can have the same argument, almost word-for-word with a few variations. Because the entire point of this argument is that everyone around them only gets some of the details, no one has 100% of the story except Han and Leia themselves, and they keep having it to the annoyance of anyone within hearing distance. (Though, Han does learn a grammatical lesson between Speak Louder and The Short Stick and corrects himself before Leia can get to it the second time around.) So, yeah, I'm probably going to keep including it in things if it fits and doesn't become excessive because I find it funny.
7. Share a line or paragraph you’ve written that you don’t think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don’t hoard cut sentences and passages like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
Here, I'll share the start of a story that I'm pretty sure started with, "Let's do a bottle-episode-style story!" (I think I've started three different stories with this concept and a proper bottle episode has never emerged from these attempts) and not much in way of plot or purpose. I'm not going to resurrect this. It's never going anywhere because it had nowhere to go in the first place, but it's a moment, I guess:
Leia was going to lose her mind or murder Han Solo — though she supposed the two actions weren’t mutually exclusive. They were supposed to meet with the leaders of a small cell of rebels who’d been fighting their own battles against the Empire unaided on Mimban. Leia’s goal was to offer aid in exchange for the group officially joining the Alliance. The entire trip was supposed to be short — land, meet, negotiate whatever terms needed negotiating, leave — but when they arrived in the small, dingy, building where they were supposed to meet their contacts, they were told they needed to wait.
It had been half an hour. Half an hour spent sitting in a small, poorly lit room where the temperature seemed to vary wildly by the minute with only Han for company, and Han was beginning to get antsy. Leia fully understood the struggles of sitting still, of waiting. She’d never been particularly good at it, and had developed several subtle ways over the years to move and fidget without others catching on. She knew the feeling of a spring in her torso coiling ever tighter until she finally had to move. She also knew that Han’s restlessness was excessive in a way that almost seemed calculated.
First had been the leg switching. He’d initially sat with the ankle of one leg crossed over the knee of the other. A few minutes in, he’d switched legs. Leia herself had shifted her weight at least once in that time and, had she not been looking directly at Han at the time, she likely wouldn’t have noticed. Except he kept doing it every minute or so, with the frequency eventually increasing to every twenty seconds.
Every twenty seconds. On the dot. Leia counted.
She sighed, all but shivering as the temperature in the corridor they waited in dropped for the third time. “Shouldn’t have to wait much longer,” she said, a hint of apology in her tone.
Han shrugged. “I got nowhere to be.” He shifted his legs again.
Leia studied him for a moment. “You can go outside for a bit if you want. See the sights.”
He looked at her incredulously. “I’ve seen these sights, Princess. Trust me, I’m good.”
She pursed her lips. “Okay, well, I’m going to need you to stop moving your legs every five seconds because I’m about to lose my mind.”
fanfic writer asks
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi hope you're having a nice day than yesterday xx What you wrote earlier was interesting to me, that Louis withholding him saying I love you to Lestat was because of Paul. I was thinking to myself past couple of days why he hadn't said it yet. And yeah I guess its because he does love Lestat, it's just because he doesn't want to tell him I love you and then lose them :(
Anyway I hope you don't get annoying anons jumping on this ask but yeah it just made sense what I read that you wrote :)
All good, thank you for asking. 💕 (As a side note: I think my day and the other anon's (or one of those anons at least) day could have been much better, if they had been both a bit more precise... I only saw much later how some people weaponized Louis withholding the "I love you" - so if I may: other nonny if you see this: please don't assume I know everything^^ - tell me what exactly aggravates you, please, so I can react. The asks yesterday were too vague and escalated quite a lot.) Ok, sorry, now back to "you".
For show!Louis his last "I love you" is always and tightly connected to Paul killing himself. AND he has the nagging suspicion that Lestat has something to do with it! AND he doesn't want to repeat the feeling of saying it and then losing him, yes.
That in and by itself is... something, right. 😅 It would stay his tongue on the words, no matter what his feelings are - and these feelings are powerful indeed, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is, despite that suspicion.
Now, book!Louis does withhold and punish with silence. That is a canon character trait. The writers are also aware of that. The show has given us hints of that during the laying-low era, too. Louis is fully aware of the fact that Lestat cannot stand being ignored - and he does use that knowledge.
BUT - ignoring, deliberately riling Lestat up (as we have also been shown) has not that much to do with the "I love you". Or lack of it. Imho.
Because, again: In the show, Louis accepts Lestat's offer despite the suspicion that has something to do with Paul's death. And they don't talk about it.
Only AFTER the fight/DV does this get addressed (and no, I do not see any of this as any justification just to be clear. The whole thing is a huge, difficult mess with layers upon layers). Anne made it very clear that Lestat had nothing to do with Paul's death (that theory has been around), and though it may seem logical... Lestat probably was only an ass with his comment in episode 1. Like, he can be that, right^^.
And because they only address it after the assault, an "I love you" is totally out of the question then. For a long time.
That is also why the "my love" comments both hurt so viciously in the final scene of episode 7, because they're both using the words as weapons then. Louis to deceive, and Lestat to wound. And they hurt themselves with them, too.
As I said in another post, all this is only one more indication, imho, that the writers have done their homework in regards to characterization, because this is Louis in "Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis":
“I know what you need,” he said. “You need one person who is always on your side. Well, I’m ready to be that one now. I don’t know why I tormented you, made you pay for asking, made you come all this way. I always knew I was going to come. Maybe I thought you’d lose interest because I never really understood why you wanted me in the first place. But you’re not losing interest, not even with the whole Court, and so I’ll come. And when you tire of me and want me gone, I’ll hate you, of course.”
This is Louis, shortly before he and Lestat get back together - this time for good.
Note the actual words here: "I don't know why I tormented you, made you pay for asking"
Not being able to say something, and not knowing (or not daring to realize, to really get to the bottom of it because you know it will hurt) why one doesn't say something and being aware of the fact that it hurts your s/o can exist in parallel, unfortunately.
You can hurt your partner while at the same time desperately trying to protect yourself. I believe that is the case with the "I love you".
Jacob so fittingly said it: "Go to therapy, mon cher."
Find the "why".
(Hope that makes sense to you?^^)
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TW Emotional Abuse? Familial problems, general trauma, addiction, drugging, sa/hospitalization, very depressing
Hello I think I’m asking for advice mainly on how to escape my situation or even just support/resources. I currently live with my older sister who hasn’t ever really been close to me but instead has been more of a negative person in my life. I haven’t been able to stop crying rethinking the situation I’m in since it feels emotionally paralyzing.
My parents sort of forced her to take care of me at a young age so as a result she naturally hates me and is stuck with me as I am with her. After a long bout of traumas/fights etc from leaving our abusive household together we sort of were bonding since we understood each others pain and we kind of had to, our checks together were the only things stopping us from being homeless but still are which is why I’m really stressed out.
After we moved in together to our first apartment however my older brother had also been having issues at our parents so I let him come over whenever he felt like. He was doing meth and didn’t let me know but instead lied and said he was clean, eventually meth got into my system after he stayed for 2 days possibly when he let me try a cigarette for the first time or I’m not sure if he laced my weed but I ended up in the hospital for two weeks unaware of instead thinking I had finally broke my brain until I saw my hospital discharge papers. I was in psychosis for almost 2 years on and off going back into hospitals mainly because I became so suicidal I couldn’t take it anymore, I hardly remember the past 3 years of my life either because I didn’t create memories I loved or it was just so stressful my mind blocked it out.
What really halted my recovery was my sister letting my brother come back around after I came out of the hospital because she felt bad for him. She’d put up paintings he’d make while on meth on the kitchen wall and when I’d cry and ask her to take them down she’d basically make me feel guilty for feeling the way I did. This only made me worse and it’s taken 3 years for me to get back to a place mentally where I feel safe but the last time she let him over here was still a month ago, I just finally couldn’t take it anymore and told him to leave and not come back. She let him back in the next morning though but kicked him out when he inconvenienced her instead.
Earlier this year I tried going to a program called Job Corps because it was a free ticket out of the state but straight to a gov facility, at least they’d give me training for a trade certification and some needed skills, mainly a new environment. However my sister didn’t like the idea when I mentioned moving out or leaving for the year so now I’m just washing dishes for 14 an hour instead of studying like I wanted and need to. I try not to throw the term abuse around but it just feels emotionally damaging how i haveto live in her shadow all the time.
I’m scared of moving out not because of having to support myself but her being left with a financial mess, she also had told me that leaving would make things harder for her and just be “running away”. I’m in my early 20s and she’s 10 years older yet my job is what’s keeping us from being homeless I mention it just cause it’s weird she went to vacation a few days ago even though we’re broke and I give her most of my money when I get l paid, and even then she’ll get mad if I buy something she thinks I shouldn’t have.
I just constantly feel alone like I’ve never heard of someone being in this sort of situation so I’ve never heard of anyone being able to leave it behind either, I guess I’m mainly asking for hope after letting this all out I don’t really have any left but I’m trying, I appreciate it.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. Please know that you're not alone in experiencing this, and I have answered a few other asks from people in similar situations as well.
It's important to remember that while your sister may have some resentment over having to take care of you growing up, that doesn't explain or justify becoming abusive to you. It sounds like you have a complicated dynamic between your siblings. It seems that your sister feels pity for your brother and doesn't understand why he makes you uncomfortable, especially considering your hospital visit and suicidal thoughts.
It's not up to your sister to determine where you will work - you are your own self. It sounds like she is emotionally abusive and doesn't respect your autonomy, especially if it means moving out. It also sounds like she may be financially abusive as well considering that you give her most of your money when you get paid, and controls how you spend your money. Part of why your sister may be discouraging you from leaving is because it would mean that she can no longer take advantage of you.
Leaving this kind of situation is not simple or easy, but there are a few suggestions. While this resource is in reference to domestic violence cases, these tips on leaving an abusive situation can still apply. Here is a masterlist of international crisis lines you can contact, which may be able to help you get in touch with someone who can assist you in this process.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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toxicpineapple · 2 years
Can I say something about the post about Shuichi being the only one believing in Kokichi?
I think that's the biggest bullshit of the fandom, Shuichi just say he never understood Kokichi when he dies, but, out the ftes, he barely think about him, if you compare to others antagonist×protagonist dynamics from the others games, you can see that Shuichi really don't give Kichi a lot of attention.
Kiibo probably it's the one who believed in him the most, or maybe Gonta, and if Kaede and Rantaro survived more they probably it would be in this list (or I want to believe)
About Kaito I think a little.... Controversial, I think that because I really wanted him to show that he believed in Kokichi at the end, which is not exactly what happens but I can't say that I don't think it's badly written because I do, but precisely because it doesn't happen part of me doesn't think it's right to say that he believed it, and it even gets in the way of liking Oumota even, even though the two of them are two of my biggest favs
Of course it's just the way I see the things, I can be wrong.
good takes anon except the kaito bit—the post trial scene where kaito says he still hates kokichi was a mistranslation and he never actually said that <3 kaito chose to help kokichi with his plan because he thought it was good. i think in the end kaito really did believe in kokichi and want to carry it through which is why he went on with the plan in the first place.
but also throughout the game (chapter two, chapter four) kaito makes attempts at reaching kokichi, chasing him around in chapter two to talk about the motive videos, yelling at him in chapter four when his behaviour starts getting more erratic. i wouldn’t call that “believing in him” so much as i think it was an earnest attempt at figuring him out and definitely more than shuichi ever made lolol
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Hi I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but is it odd that I really wish everyone around me knew I was demiromantic ace? Only my mom knows and I really wish I could tell my friends but I rly don’t think they’d take it seriously. Yet it’s like, I wish ppl knew bc it “explains” so much about why I hate being teased abt not-crushes and such, or why I feel disconnected and even uncomfortable with romance discussions? (I’ve only had 1 crush before ever). I almost wish there was like a video game statistic floating over my head saying “shes demiace”? I’ve never feel pressured to tell ppl and I know it’s not their business / it could be risky telling them, yet something in me just wishes the world knew and saw it as fact, if that makes sense? (Thanks for ur time and we love what u do!)
I don't think it's odd. Being understood and open is something that a lot of people want or find important. And it's one of the big reasons why a lot of people do choose to come out.
To be clear the general advice, 'you don't have to come out if you don't want to' isn't saying you shouldn't come out, or anti-coming out in general. But more that coming out should be something you do for yourself because you want to, not something you should feel obligated to do. A lot of people people choose to come out for very good reasons, and wanting to be understood and wanting to be open with their identity are two of them.
It is hard to navigate, because you're right that sometimes people will be dismissive, won't take the time to actually understand your labels, etc. And there's always pros and cons to weigh, and there's no wrong choice to make except what feels wrong to you. My general advice though is if you do choose to come out to your friends, try and get a support group in place first. And that can even just be joining an online ace/aro group who'll support you, and having people in your corner who do understand your labels can make a huge difference. Having your mom to support you can help a lot too.
Another is when it comes to less understood identities especially, sometimes it's easier to come out to one person at a time. Make your coming out a conversation where they're invited to give their thoughts and ask questions. Some people are always going to be dismissive/believe what they want to, but I've definitely found this is more likely to be successful than coming out to a group at once, especially if anyone in that group undermines you at all.
All the best, Anon! Good luck!
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