#- average!! and over one freaking filling!
fissions-chips · 4 months
why do teeth have to be so annoying. why. why are you hurting for no reason we JUST did this two months ago.
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rashoumon-homo · 2 months
BSD Men - Would they be good at giving head?
BSD x Gender Neutral Reader, NSFW
Includes: Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Chuuya, Sigma, Nikolai, Atsushi, Fyodor, and Akutagawa
Author’s Note: Just a quick lil headcanons post to fill the void of content while I work on Bottom Dazai Week! A little low-effort compared to what I usually post, hope that’s alright :)
(Ranked roughly from best to worst)
Holy FUCK bro, YES.
He’s good at it and he knows it
He moans into it like he’s the one getting off
He’ll have you coming on his tongue in less than 2 minutes
And he swallows too- gladly! He insists you taste amazing
Knows his anatomy too - all the spots to lick and suck to get your toes curling
Way more skilled than expected
This man literally sat down and studied before even his first attempt
Knows your anatomy better than a doctor atp
You had to remind him to relax at first because even though he was doing everything right, he was as mechanical as a robot
As he got more comfortable with it, you both had more fun
Prefers other types of sex but will gladly give you head if you ask
Absolutely - if he feels like it
You know how he is, picky with taste and texture of things he puts in his mouth and whatnot
But if he’s into it, he’s hella skilled
Definitely won’t swallow, but he’ll give you head for longggg periods of time, making you cum over and over
He’s just having fun with the tactile experience and with seeing you come undone under his touch. Boosts his ego a little lol
Oh yeah for sure
He gives head to tease though, not to get you to finish
Always looking up at you from under his lashes because he knows it gets you flustered
For some reason gives better head when he’s drunk
But he usually stops before you can cum because for him, oral is ideally just foreplay
Points docked for that :(
Yes and no
He’s more inexperienced, so the first few times are a little clumsy
But he’s determined to learn how to please you
With practice and guidance from you, he’ll come to be really good at it! You just have to get through the awkward phase first
Y’all already know he’s a freak
He’s got plenty of skill and enthusiasm but he gets bored quickly
If it’s taking too long to get you to cum, he will flat out give up
He’s always coming up with new ways to do it as well (don’t ask what that means) so hopefully you’re willing to put up with his weird-ass, occasionally morally concerning ideas
Not perfect initially but eager to learn
Inexperienced and over enthusiastic (too much teeth 😬)
Wants so badly to please you
Probably needs some guidance at first
Good luck convincing him…
He sees giving head as a sign of submission so he’ll likely flat out refuse for a very very long time
If you can sway him, he’s about average in skill
Not much experience, since he hates doing it, but he picks up the skill quickly
Surprisingly gentle and cautious with his mouth (whether for your sake or his is unclear)
Do not cum in his mouth. He will pointedly spit it out because he’s grossed out and will likely sulk about it after
This guy does not enjoy giving head and it shows
He’ll do it on rare occasions but his discomfort is palpable and kind of makes it not fun
If you finish in his mouth, he’s spitting that shit out. No offense to you personally, he just finds the idea of swallowing gross in general
Stick to other types of sex I beg of you
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hadesrise · 1 year
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summary ➳ harry noticed you’re not like any other slytherin
pairings ➳ harry james potter x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, mutual pining, foul language, reader being an adorable slytherin, touch-deprived harry, just the chosen one thirsting over reader lmao, mentions of making out, soft!slytherin reader, pet names ( darling, love )
author’s note ➳ rewatching harry potter made me recall the time when i used to fantasize about two persons from supposedly rival houses falling for each other and saying “fuck it” to their rivalry before making out. yes, it's typical, but i like it just the way it is.
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Of all the houses in Hogwarts, it’s well known that Slytherin is the most disliked one due to their personality that doesn’t seem to include kindness regardless of how others treat them. This might have only been a stereotype that students from other houses pushed on Slytherin, but they had a very reasonable excuse for thinking of Slytherins that way because of a particular blonde haired snake and his goons that terrorize anyone and everyone they come across. Not only that, but most people from Slytherin are unpleasant to say the least and Harry can only name a few who aren’t, like Professor Slughorn for example.
So, understandably, Harry thought you’re going to be as unpleasant as other Slytherins too after Hermione accidentally bumped into you and dropped her books to scatter all over the ground. The Golden trio were walking down the hallway leading towards Hagrid’s hut, talking to one another about how Professor Trelawney freaked out again today at Divination, with Hermione carrying books more heavier than usual (the two boys offered to carry them but she refused), before they turned a corner and she collided on a rather hard chest.
She was going to apologize, but her eyes — in sync with Harry’s and Ron’s — landed on the green colored tie with silver stripes, and the blood immediately drained from her face. It’s not like she can’t defend herself, considering she sucker punched Malfoy on the third year, but dealing with a bunch of snakes can be really exhausting sometimes and frankly, she isn’t in the mood to fight with them today.
Without a word, Hermione crouches down to pick up her books. Much to their surprise, the Slytherin knelt down to help her gather the heavier and thicker books Ron and Harry were about to pick up.
When they finally made an effort to look at the unusual Slytherin Hermione bumped into, Harry was surprised to see a very good looking and attractive boy with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that seemed to spark under the light. Despite the books being heavy, you carried it easily as if they have the weight of a feather, placing another book on top of them — Harry figured you were reading it before the disaster struck.
“Are these books from Hagrid?”
The Chosen One felt his stomach fill with butterflies and heart suddenly beat rapidly at the sound of your soothing voice.
He was so used to Slytherins having that obnoxiously annoying voice, where he doesn’t know whether to cover his ears or rip them away from the sides of his head. But your voice was, even with a tone deeper than average, smooth and gentle. There was no hint of venom, distaste, unpleasantness, or despise. Just curiosity and interest. Harry also noticed you called Hagrid by his name rather than the awful big oaf other Slytherins call him all the time.
“Oh, uhm... Yes.” It took a while for Hermione to overcome the surprise and provide an answer.
“Interesting,” You hummed quietly. “I should drop by Hagrid and burrow some of his books too. He must have the book of Ancient Magical Creatures.” Muttering to yourself, the Golden trio couldn’t help but crack a smile when you seem to forget for a split second that you weren’t alone.
Gathering some courage, Harry decides to break your little bubble by hesitantly speaking. “Er — excuse me?”
“Yes?” You turn to look and catch his emerald eyes.
“You can come with us if you want. We don’t mind.”
A tiny bit of smile forms on your lips, almost unnoticeable. “With pleasure. Though, I don’t suppose it’s alright for Gryffindors to walk around with Slytherin.” You glanced around, “Some of the people from your house doesn’t tolerate their fellow Gryffindor hanging out with the rival house.”
“I think you’re okay,” Ron says reluctantly.
“If you say so.” Amusement flashes across your eyes. “Also, I’ll carry these books instead.” You didn’t let Hermione protest as you began to walk nonchalantly towards Hagrid’s hut with a slight delay to your steps; Harry figured you were purposely walking slower than your normal pace so it would be easy to walk with your shoulders lining with theirs.
You introduced yourself to them after successfully burrowing a book from Hagrid that you were searching for.
Ever since then, Harry would find himself scanning every classroom he’s in to look for you, taking mental notes of the similar classes you have together, and if you’re nowhere to be seen, he would just attempt to at least catch a glimpse of you in the Great Hall by the Slytherin table. Sometimes, when he’s fortunate enough, your eyes would meet his across the hall and you would give him the faintest of smile before returning to your meal. Other times, when the both of you are free, you would talk with each other for a while until the next class comes.
Spending his time with you made Harry notice things — such as how you’re mostly quiet, which isn’t very common in Slytherin; their loud voices being very distinguishable in the Great Hall explains that. You’re also a bit of a bookworm as he often sees you carrying or reading them around, it made him wonder why you weren’t placed in Ravenclaw, but he suppose being interested in books doesn’t automatically make someone a Ravenclaw. He also noticed the way your facial expression rarely shows rapid or strong emotions, mostly expressing boredom to anyone and anything around you, if not, your face just remains emotionless with a what Harry knew was called resting bitch face. Though, your wonderful eyes do spark seemingly brighter when you’re with him.
Another brilliant thing is finding out you don’t tolerate any of Malfoy’s bullshit.
You seem to disagree with everything the blonde says, which leads to Malfoy spitting some nasty insults in attempt to get under your skin, only to cower away when you raise a brow at him paired with deadly calm expression, which is much scarier than anything in Harry’s opinion. You were definitely not like any other Slytherin he’s ever met.
“Ron, getting a detention at potions isn’t a good reason to set Professor Snape’s office on fire!” Hermione hissed.
“But ‘ermione, he’s horrible!” Retorts Ron and turns to his best friend to plead, “Back me up here, mate!”
However, he doesn’t receive a response as Harry was too busy ogling at a particular someone by the Slytherin’s table, his hand not moving from the parchment that began to be soaked in black ink due to his quill being pressed on it. Ron and Hermione looked at each other questioningly and followed Harry’s gaze, their eyes landing on you eating quietly while ignoring the chaos members from your house were bringing. You almost looked peaceful despite surrounded by loud chattering, laughter, and the clinks of utensils against the plate.
Your patience isn’t high; you often get annoyed easily, but the way you’re unbothered no matter what’s happening around you made it seem like your patience was limitless.
Hermione rolled her eyes after realizing Harry was waiting for you to notice and rolls up the parchment she had before whacking the back of his head with it, successfully snapping him out of his daydream. “What do you think’s gonna happen if you just stare at (Y/n)?”
The Chosen One cleared his throat, taking a glance at you and quickly returning it to his best friends. “What am I supposed to do then? I can’t just walk up to him in front of other Slytherins.”
“I’d rather see you do anything than ogle at him everyday and act like an idiot.” She sighs exasperatedly.
For a boy who survived the Killing Curse and Voldemort’s multiple serious death threats, he was one hell of an annoying dork when it comes to love. He was painfully obvious with his growing crush towards you, even other Gryffindors had begun to suspect it, yet haven’t done anything to change the relationship you two have — sure, it can be called friendship, but Hermione and almost all of their friends could agree it is more than that. They couldn’t honestly contain their frustration at Harry being content with just this.
“It’s no use, Hermione.” Ron whispered when Harry went back to ogling at you. “He says he’s not going to do anything about it unless he’s sure there’s a chance.”
Sighing, the bushy haired girl shakes her head and slumped on her seat defeatedly.
How long do they have to deal with a lovesick Harry?
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Searching around the school grounds, Harry finally found you reading by the Black Lake, not caring that your robe might get dirty as you sat on the ground and read another book. It was a windy day that sent calm energy throughout your body, the rustling of leaves and the sound of lake soothing you more than usual, allowing you to focus more on the context of your book. You loved the silence where no voices or other noises can be heard, just the sound of nature slipping into your ears.
Harry slowly approached as to not startle you, but felt himself relax after you pay him no mind and sat down beside where you are. The sky seems brighter than he remembers, with only small particles of cloud littered all around.
“Are you feeling well?” You asked without looking up from your book, and Harry hugs his knees to his chest, watching the wind cause waves of water on the lake.
“Better now that I found you.” The seemingly flirtatious sentence was uttered in complete sincerity and seriousness that even Harry himself didn’t expect. The tip of his ears turned bright red in increasing embarrassment as you snapped your eyes to him, seeing an adorable blush spread rapidly across his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
You hum, slamming the book shut. Harry was now staring straight ahead at the lake, as if there was something interesting in it, making amusement appear on your usually expressionless face. “Look at you blushing, Potter. So adorable.” You whispered the last part, almost teasingly, and he blushes even more.
“Well, you’re adorable as well.” Harry dares meeting your eyes. His heart bangs even more loudly in his chest after seeing the almost loving look in them, finding himself admiring you.
All playfulness leaves your face as you stare into each other’s eyes with a mirroring hint of adoration. You shift to lean back on one of your hand while the other rise to brush a hair out of Harry’s forehead, before cupping his cheek, admiring the way his emerald eyes sparked under the warm sunlight. This is your first time seeing his face close and having the time to focus on his features more; you knew Harry was attractive the moment you set eyes on him, but you realized he looked almost ethereal at this point, making your heart flutter.
“Your eyes are really captivating,” You muttered, barely audible but reached Harry’s ears nonetheless.
He chuckled breathlessly, “I got it from my mum.”
“She must’ve been such a wonderful woman then.”
Your thumb gently rubbed his cheek and Harry couldn’t help but lean to your touch and close his eyes. He’s been touch-deprived for long, being touched with care and gentleness made him weak in the knees easily. A coo escape from your lips; an unlikely sound for Slytherin to make. Before Harry could process what was happening, you had set aside your book and pulled him to your lap, settling him between your legs. Harry blinks, surprised.
“I’m seriously soft for you, Potter. Too adorable.” You sigh, burying your hand through his dark locks and softly scratching his scalp.
Getting over his initial shock, Harry relaxed and made himself comfortable, letting his body rest against yours as he laid his head on your chest. It worried him that you might hear his rapidly beating heart, but honestly couldn’t bring himself to care when you were being so generous, holding him, playing with his hair. If others were to see you and him like this, they would certainly assume it’s the end of the world for two rival houses to be cuddly with each other when they usually spit hatred.
Though, after meeting you, Harry had begun to believe not all Slytherins are bad — it’s just that people, including himself, unfairly stereotyped them as a bunch of evil-doers only because of the choices that older people from Slytherin made in the past, which the young Slytherins are definitely not in control of. There are questionable Slytherins like Malfoy and his goons, but they’re not a reason for others to start generalizing that all students from the snake house is evil.
Slowly and albeit hesitantly, Harry wraps his arms around your back and nuzzles your chest. You’re absolutely different from other Slytherin members, but he still found it odd that a Slytherin is this nice and affectionate, especially when you’re usually quiet and socially distant, preferring to be alone with slightest bit of annoyance directed at your fellow housemates.
Closing his eyes as sleepiness start to fall over his eyelids, the Chosen One wondered why you’re only doing this with and to him. He’s never seen you with anyone before, and when he did, you always maintained clear distance from them, as if they held contagious disease. It made him feel special in any way, but also confused.
His sleepy voice make you chuckle softly. “Hmm?”
“Why are you so affectionate with me?”
Your hand playing with his hair abruptly stops, and for a second Harry thought he made a mistake of mentioning it. However, relief floods him when you went back to massaging his scalp. “Isn’t it obvious, Potter?”
He shakes his head. Don’t want to assume.
Silence falls as you stop your hand again. Curiosity of your expression plaguing his mind, Harry opens his eyes and looks up without moving from his laying position — his breath almost stopping when he came across a very loving gaze staring at him like he was the entire universe. His heart swell as heat rushes to his cheeks. He attempted to hide his face by burying it on your chest, but you held him still, hand cupping his cheek once again.
You don’t even give him time to react before you captured his lips on yours, practically stealing Harry’s breath away. Just a gentle kiss on the lips, but enough to make his brain fuzzy.
Pulling away before he could reciprocate, you smiled. Not a forced one, but genuine and coming from the bottom of your heart. “Does that answer your question, Harry?”
Despite the fluttering of his heart and the urge to jump up and down in pure joy, Harry pouts. “Not enough.”
You chuckled. “I need to be persuasive then.”
Needless to say, you both missed the next class making out by the Black Lake and not caring about getting caught.
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Ron and Hermione were freaked out. The reason lies with Harry, who’s been in an awfully good mood the entire day to the point even Malfoy can’t get through him and he began noticing some good qualities in some of the Slytherin members. Don’t get them wrong, Harry being in a good mood is great because the boy deserves a day without constantly fighting for his life and feeling like everyone’s against him, but attempting to find the good qualities even in Malfoy? That’s when the two gets really concerned.
When lunch break comes around, Harry was still in a brilliant mood, smiling to himself because of whatever merlin knows. Ron and Hermione shares a look as they continue to eat, observing their best friend who began to look for you in the Slytherin table, his smile immediately widening after he sees you.
Hermione turns around just in time for you to look up from the foods and meet Harry’s eyes. Unexpectedly, a soft smile appears on your lips as you wave at him, not caring when your housemates see it. Harry chuckled, waving back, before you returned to eating your food in silence. The three of them witnessed Malfoy mutter something that caused you to roll your eyes and smack the back of his head with the book you were reading before.
“So,” Ron began after he and Hermione looked back at Harry. “Is there something you’re not telling us, ‘arry?”
The said boy only raised his eyebrows, unable to contain his grin.
“Come on, Harry!” Hermione urged.
Before anyone could respond, however, someone took a seat on the empty space beside Harry — turning their heads, they were surprised to see you there.
“Hello, love.” Harry almost melted at the pet name. You gave his best friends a polite smile, “Excuse him from your conversation for a moment, Hermione, Ron.”
“Of course, go ahead.” Neither of them could honestly deny a polite Slytherin no matter how much they want to.
“What is it?” Harry questioned, more than welcome to talk with you. However, you seem to have a different idea in mind as you leaned in without a word and captured his lips in a lingering kiss, hearing gasps erupt from multiple places — mainly Ron, Hermione, any Gryffindor who were wondering why a Slytherin paid Harry Potter a visit, Malfoy, his goons, and some other Slytherins who just happened to catch the moment. Few students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had their mouths open in shock as well.
There was a smug look on your face when you pulled away, smirking at Malfoy who was previously babbling some nonsense that you couldn’t possibly like Potter and are probably just using him. By the looks of it, you had succeeded in proving the blonde ferret wrong.
“What was that for?” Harry asked breathlessly. You caught him off guard.
“Oh, nothing. Just proving to gits that Gryffindor and Slytherin are sometimes compatible if it’s with the right person.” You shrugged, resting an elbow on the table and putting your chin on the palm of your hand. “In short, I wanted to prove people wrong who says we can’t be together since you’re a Gryffindor as I am a Slytherin.”
“Wait, someone told you that?”
“Rumors of us being seen making out by the Black Lake travels fast,” You sipped on Harry’s pumpkin juice, which he didn’t mind even the slightest as he blushed, avoiding Ron’s and Hermione’s wide and intrigued eyes. “One little bird from Ravenclaw thought it’d be wise to practically squeal it in the hallways that the rumor’s impossible because of our houses rivalry.”
You snort, “As if we give a fuck about that.”
For the first time, Harry actually saw the Slytherin in you.
And he wasn’t going to complain, not when you’re not like any other.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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berrinlee · 1 month
Hear me out, a vampire like reader x sbg cast. Like they don’t drink human blood but they do drink phantom blood (do they even have blood?) Maybe reader had actually been in the cycle longer, giving them more experience with the phantoms? Like in the day time just your average goth but when it strikes twelve? Those phantoms better pray. I think it would be funny if they were the youngest, like Aiden but with more maturity? 🩸-anon
author’s note : I LOVE THIS (you can be 🩸 anon!!)
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concept : vampire!reader with sbg group
genre : hcs + one drabble, vampire au (only reader)
content : gn!reader
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first meeting the group
⠀ › ⠀being honest, the group thought you were some newly found demon that lurked the phantom realm.
⠀ › ⠀they were freaked out when they saw you just recklessly eating off the flesh of each phantom and slicing all of them into pieces.
⠀ › ⠀at first you seemed like a maniac but the more they saw the more that ashlyn felt like you were doing it like you knew what you were getting into.
⠀ › ⠀as they were watching you assassinate each phantom and clear the area for them, aiden felt most fascinated and was about to jump in as soon as you killed them all until you started sucking on the phantoms flesh
⠀ › ⠀the group was looking at you with pure disgust (while aiden still had that smile on his face)
⠀ › ⠀logan stared at you, aiming his shotgun at you and as soon as the bullet almost hit, you flinched. then you were gone. gone?
“i’m offended.” you hissed, crossing your arms. your clothes were drenched in blood. as logan was about to shoot you again, you kicked his gun to the side and wiped the blood dripping on your chin with the back of your hand before licking it.
the others didn’t know if they should run but tyler confidently held his weapon at you “are you gonna be a problem?” he grit his teeth as he watched your smile fade “are you?” you asked, your hand curling into a fist.
first impressions
⠀ › ⠀the group concluded that they wouldn’t hurt you (unless you do something wrong)
⠀ › ⠀aiden was mostly fascinated by your skill and asked a lot of questions
⠀ › ⠀tyler was wary of you and would get protective when you go anywhere near taylor. he thinks you’re a psycho.
⠀ › ⠀taylor was a little wary but she did wanna warm up to you, she had questions to ask too
⠀ › ⠀logan seemed to be timid around you, his guard was always up. he had mixed feelings about you.
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn felt slightly troubled abt an addition to the group, but she really pondered when you said you’re way more experienced than them. she had many questions to ask. and those questions weren’t all about your abilities. (some, not all!)
⠀ › ⠀ben was quiet around you, he didn’t stand out very much.
drinking phantom blood
⠀ › ⠀it would freak them out when they all meet up in one area and you seem to be missing
⠀ › ⠀and then after a few seconds, you come back with blood all over your shirt with a dumb smile. they look at you with a weird face and you just stare at them like “wazzup ma dudes?”
⠀ › ⠀sometimes it’s like they have to keep you on a leash because of how reckless you can be
⠀ › ⠀they would get scared and start running from you when fresh phantom blood gets all over them and your pupils just grow bigger as the scent flows to your nose
general hcs
⠀ › ⠀i like to think that you get way more energy when you drink the blood of phantoms so when you do, you’re like an unleashed beast.
⠀ › ⠀compared to the others, you’re not scared to go in a phantom-filled area. you just make sure you’re prepared.
⠀ › ⠀in the real world, you deal with terrible body pains because of the adrenaline
⠀ › ⠀aiden is very playful and challenging towards you
⠀ › ⠀you and aiden are literally a power-duo
⠀ › ⠀when you and tyler still haven’t warmed up to each other, he would hate it when a phantom would be behind him and when he hears a loud squash; he would turn around and see a phantom’s body on the floor with their head being held by your sharp teeth with a shit-eating grin
⠀ › ⠀ben heals your bruises because you get hurt as much as aiden does
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nicksbestie · 2 months
hi!! if you’re still doing requests, can i have a chris sturniolo x autistic reader in which reader has a habit of misplacing or losing things, but on a particular she keeps consistently misplacing losing a lot of things that she loves or that she needs and it all results in her having a very bad meltdown in which chris helps calm her down and eventually comforts her in the process?
Meltdown - C. Sturniolo
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Summary : You're so lucky to have such a caring boyfriend who knows exactly how to help you in moments of distress <3
Warnings : Meltdown, emotional overwhelm
Word Count : 805
Pairing : Chris Sturniolo/Reader (romantic)
A/N : i loved this req!! neurodivergent reqs are amazing, please keep sending them <3 reminder that ableism is not welcome here!
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There were a lot of tendencies that you loved about being neurodivergent, and a lot of the time, you didn’t view yourself as any less than the average person, but there were always a couple traits that really frustrated you when it came to living as an autistic person.
You hated losing things. Not knowing where things were made you very anxious, but unfortunately, you couldn’t seem to stop doing it. No matter where you placed things, or how many times you reminded yourself that they were there, you always managed to end up losing them. 
It was like your brain just blocked out the part where you moved them to a different location, or when someone else told you that they’d put them somewhere else, and you couldn’t find them for hours after that. It often caused you incredible frustration, especially if you’d lost more than one thing at once, and sometimes fueled you to the point of tears. You hated how much this happened to you, but you had no idea how to go about fixing it in any way. Luckily, you were very supported by your boyfriend, who was always good at finding things. 
A lot of the time, he had been the one that moved the lost items, or the one that had seen you move them, and kept a mental note of where they were because he knew you would more likely than not, forget where they had been placed. He had quickly become an expert in keeping those situations from escalating into meltdowns, but sometimes you were just so upset about not being able to find important things that there was nothing he could do except help you find them and just comfort you the best that he could. 
Unfortunately, one of those times was today. You had gone out to run errands, and Chris had come with you, even though it was just a grocery store trip. He often came with you, picking out a bunch of random food for both him and his brothers, some for videos, some just for fun. Because of this, he often wandered into different aisles than the one that you were in, thus going out of your sight. However, you had always remembered what aisle he was in, and he had always texted it to you just in case you forgot. But this time was different. 
Chris had walked away to go to the bathroom, leaving you standing by yourself while picking out the things you needed from that aisle. You weren’t concerned, he had done this before, and always came right back, so you kept moving, grabbing things off of the shelves and putting them into your cart before turning into the next aisle over. Time continued to pass and you tried to brush off the anxiety that was beginning to roll in, but after fifteen minutes and no return of your boyfriend, you couldn’t help the freaking out that was going through your mind. You began taking longer breaths, trying to relax, and moving through the aisles around you to find Chris, but when you had gone through four of them and couldn’t see him anywhere, you couldn’t deny the tears filling your waterline. 
Chris was arguably the most important thing in your life, and the feeling that you had lost him was too much for you to handle at any point in life. He wasn’t responding to your text asking where he was, and this only fueled the anxiety even more. The tears in your eyes had started falling by this point, still moving between aisles and hoping to see his familiar figure. 
Chris had no idea that you were panicking. His phone had died while he was in the bathroom, and he had gotten distracted looking at some of the weird flavors of donuts and Oreos he’d seen on a small stand. It wasn’t until he heard soft crying near him that he realized what had happened, and immediately ripped himself away from the display, turning around to see you wandering between aisles, wasting no time in getting to you and pulling you into a hug. 
Feeling the way that your shoulders shook against his body broke his heart, realizing the effects of what he’d done, despite it being unintentional. He whispered comfort to you, not caring about the people that had slowed down their walking to stare at the couple having a moment in the middle of the bread aisle, only focused on you. Apologies flew through the air along with promises to never leave you, and he refused to let go of you. He led the rest of the grocery trip, getting everything you needed for you, pausing every so often to wipe tears off of your face or to kiss the top of your head.
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
A Heath the Gargoyle part 2? It’s going to be the 1 year anniversary for his story soon (you posted Dec. 29 2022) and I’d love to see the couple’s relationship in a more established/long term phase. Maybe Heath is getting ready to propose so Y/N doesnt end up “dying alone eaten by local strays”?
I can't believe it's been a whole freaking year!!! Time goes soooo fast! Okay, I didn't make it the 29th...but I'm close ^_^
Gargoyle (Heath) x F reader
Word Count: 3.5 K
General Plot: You and Heath go to a childhood friend's New Years Party.
Previous Parts
TW: nsfw gargoyle smut, extremally awkward party conversation, p in v sex, flying and being in high places if heights bothers you, discussion of depression, hurt comfort dynamic
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“Are you sure this looks good?” Heath asked you, shifting on his feet and plucking at the silver tie you’d fastened to his neck to match your sparkly dress.
“It's perfect!” You beamed, smiling up at him and swatting his hand. “Don't look so nervous!” 
“I don't want to embarrass you,” he said, uncharacteristically shy. 
You snorted. 
“I’m more worried about the opposite,” you sighed. “Just…take anything they say with a grain of salt.” 
“What does that mean?” He asked. 
“Grace and I have been friends since we were kids because my mom works for her dad’s company…I kind of had to be her friend. Don't get me wrong, we were really close when we were kids,” you said. “But now I only see her for her annual New Year's party for my mom's sake. It's all I can stomach…how do I say this…she's kind of…competitive….You'll see.” 
The two of you stood on the doorstep of her boyfriend’s obnoxiously large house, the sound of the party inside filling the chilly night air. You wore a sparkly dress, and Heath a sharp suit customized to fit his wings. 
“Maybe they didn't hear me.” 
You hit the doorbell again, and it let out a hollow DING. 
“I’ve got it!” Someone shouted behind the door. 
You heard the sound of footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal Grace's boyfriend Mark. 
He was a better than average looking guy with blonde hair cut in a trendy style, wearing an expensive suit.
“Well…hello!” Mark said, his head tipping back to meet Heath’s eyes. “You’re…” 
His mouth hung open for a moment, at a loss for words, then they both spoke at once.
There was an awkward pause before you stepped forward and hugged Mark. 
“Thanks for having us over, Mark!” You beamed, shoving a bottle of champagne in his hand. 
Mark blinked for a moment as you pushed past him, pulling Heath behind you. 
“Grace’s in the kitchen!” He called after the two of you as he shut the door. 
“Hiiii!” Grace squealed as you pushed through partygoers to get to the kitchen. 
It wasn’t particularly difficult since Heath was bigger, harder, and wider than anyone in the room.
Grace looked beautiful, dressed in a glittery champagne bodycon dress. She'd always been lithe, her profile spruced up by a new pair of boobs Mark had bought her.
As usual, her party was perfect, every detail considered. There was a bartender wearing a bow tie serving drinks, the perfect music playing, and fresh flower arrangements everywhere. 
All the furniture had been removed to create a dance floor, and someone had specially designed gold lights to set the mood.
“So this is the man himself!” Grace exclaimed, looking up at Heath with wide eyes. 
“Gargoyle,” you corrected. 
“Right! Right! Henry, wasn't it?” 
Heath gave her a humble smile and stuck out a hand to shake hers. 
“Heath. Nice to meet one of (Y/N)’s friends.” 
She held his hand a moment too long before she dropped it.  
“(Y/N), shame on you for keeping him hidden away!” 
You blushed and put a hand on Heath’s arm, unsure what to say. The two of you had been half hibernating for the winter. You tended to get a bit of depression during the cold, dark months. Heath was more than happy to snuggle up with you and his fluffy little cat Aero and cuddle, which is all you really wanted to do from November to April.
People usually imagined gargoyles sitting stoically in the snow and menacing passerbys, but Heath liked to nest, tucking you both in piles of warm blankets and reading to you while you shared snacks.
Her eyes traveled from the tip of his folded wings, down the trim suit was wearing, to his clawed feet. 
“I can see why,” she went on, her mouth hanging open for a moment before she caught herself. “I'm so glad you two came!” 
“I've been missing my best friend! Let's get you some drinks!” she squealed, leading you out of the kitchen.
Heath glanced down at you and raised an eyebrow.
“Best friend?” He mouthed at you, and you shrugged. 
“Pomegranate martinis for us,” she said to the man behind the bar. 
“What do you like to drink, Heath?” Mark asked, appearing with the bottle of champagne you'd brought and handing it to the bartender. 
“Whatever you've got with Whiskey.”
“Gotcha, big guy,” the bartender said, tossing bottles elegantly as he made the drinks. 
When you were all set up with beverages, Lily led you out onto her back patio. 
“Look at this,” you said, taking in the beautiful outdoor space. “You've been hard at work! It's beautiful out here!” 
She'd put in layers of neatly trimmed flowers and bushes, which were dusted in snow. White lounges were arranged to make comfortable seating areas warmed by blue glass fire pits. The massive pool glowed, steam drifting up from its surface. It looked like it had come straight out of a magazine. 
“Isn't it? Mark got the best landscaper in the state! I'll give you his card!” 
She frowned at you. 
“Oh, you're still in that icky old apartment, aren't you?” she asked.  "You've got to get out of that place. Aren't you afraid of mold? It's terrible for your complexion."
“(Y/N) lives with me. Gargoyles like high places, so I have a flat downtown,” Heath corrected her, then smiled down at you. “Though the only plants we have are potted.” 
“Heath is really good with plants,” you said, smiling back at him with warmth. “He’s made us a whole jungle on the balcony!” 
“Hmm,” Grace hummed, eyes dropping to Heath’s large hands. “You look like you're good with your hands, Heath. You’ll have to come by sometime and give me some lessons.”
Heath’s eyebrows rose, glancing down at you for help. 
“How’s work going, Mark?” You asked to change the subject. 
“Mark got a promotion,” Grace said before he could answer. “He's a senior account manager at Dawson and Shields.” 
“Congratulations, Mark,” you said politely. 
He raised his drink and put a possessive arm over Grace’s shoulder. 
Before anyone could speak, one of Grace’s’s friends practically ran towards you, eyes on your hulking boyfriend. 
“(Y/N)!” Mary wailed, throwing her arms around you in a way she’d never done before. 
“Oh…Oof!” you gasped, catching her weight. “Uh…nice to see you again, Mary. This is my boyfriend, Heath.” 
He put his hand out to shake hers, but she shoved her body past it, attempting to plaster herself to his chest.
“We do hugs here!” Mary brayed. 
He took an awkward step backward, gently pushing Mary off of him with one large hand. 
“Sorry,” he said, tapping his nose. “Your perfume. My kind is very sensitive to scent.” 
He folded his big body down and tucked his nose into the spot where your neck met your shoulder, tapping a small kiss into your skin and subtly sniffing your neck as if he was cleansing his pallet. 
Mary’s face turned bright red, and she took a step back. 
“Are you still working at that bookstore?” Grace asked, filling the awkward silence.  
Before you could answer, she turned to Heath.
“I've been trying to tell (Y/N) it's time to get a grown-up job for years now. I mean, who works minimum wage at some shabby little bookstore at our age, don't you think?” 
Heath glanced at you and tipped his head to the side in a way you recognized as annoyance, though didn't look it. He took a sip of his drink to hide his frown.  
“What do you do, Grace?” He asked when he’d straightened his face.  
Excited to talk about herself, she went on, her hands waving around as she talked. 
“I'm a beauty influencer!” she said. 
“Beauty…influencer?” Heath asked. “I'm not sure I know what that means.”
She stuck out her chest to show off the Chanel necklace resting just above her cleavage. 
“I model jewelry, makeup, and nails,” she said. “Then I do reviews on all the products!” 
“Oh..uh…neat,” he said, trying to be friendly for your sake.“I didn't know that was a job. Do the brands pay you?” 
Her bright smile fell for just a moment before she plastered it back on. 
“Well…No, but I'm hoping to get some sponsorships this year!” She said. “I have 1,000 followers on TikTok!”  
Heath gave her a blank look. 
“Tik… Tok?” He asked, glancing down at you for guidance. 
“Um…it started as an app for teenagers to lip-sync popular songs, but now lots of people use it!” you explained. 
He raised his eyebrows but was at a loss for words.  
“What do you do for work, Heath?” Mark asked. 
“I own a shabby little bookstore,” he said before taking a long drag of his drink. 
“Oh!” Grace said with a stilted smile. 
There was another incredibly awkward silence. 
“Well, I think that's wonderful!” Mary cheered, squeezing his elbow. “There aren't enough brick-and-mortar stores these days! Everything is online!” 
Heath brightened, though he took a half step away from Mary.
“We do a lot of online business, as well.” 
He brushed his heavy hand over your hair, affectionately. 
“We?” Grace asked. 
“I made (Y/N) my co-owner.” 
“Wow, sleeping with the boss, (Y/N),”  Mary snickered. “I never thought you had it in you.” 
You blushed, but Heath folded you under his arm. 
“It’s the other way around,” Heath chuckled, brushing his thumb over your bare shoulder as he spoke. “(Y/N) is the boss. She’s got more of a mind for business than me. I'm just a book nerd, but she’s a marketing genius. Sales were dropping the year before last, so she managed to turn the store into more of a destination. Since she took over things, we've started focusing on hard-to-find antiques and hosting auction events. Profits have quadrupled.” 
“Oh!” Mark said, snapping his fingers. “Of course! You own Gargoyle Book Gallery! That's a legend! My boss loves antique books...first editions and all that. He raves about your spot all the time!” 
Heath tipped his drink at Mark. 
“Donny Shields, right? He comes by for poker night.” 
“Poker night?” Mark asked. 
Heath nodded. 
“Some guys from the Business League come over on Saturdays to play a couple of hands of poker and shoot the shit,” he explained. 
Mark’s eyebrows shot up. 
“I'd love to get in on that!” He said, eyes almost green with envy. "Can't imagine the conversations over that table!"
Heath shrugged. 
“We’ve got a full table now, but if a spot opens up, I’ll ask the guys,” he said. 
Grace decided too much time had passed without anyone paying attention to her. 
“Now that Mark is on track to be partner, we are going to buy a new house!” she said. “I don’t understand how you can stand to live in a tiny apartment!” 
Mark looked at her like he did not, in fact, want to buy a new house. 
“We’re still discussing it,” he said. 
Grace smacked him on the arm. 
“Don’t be silly, Mark,” she said. “With your raise, we can afford something bigger!” 
“I mean, I spend a lot of money on your stuff for TikTok, Grace,” he murmured. “Maybe if you were pulling in some revenue-” 
Grace smacked him again, harder this time, and gave him a look that said, “Shut up if you know what’s good for you.” 
“This place is really nice,” Heath offered Mark, trying to be diplomatic. “Plenty of room for a family.” 
They both spoke at once. 
“We aren’t starting a family.” 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought when I bought it.” 
You and Heath glanced at one another and took long sips of your drinks. 
“I have my career to think of!” Grace said while Mark found somewhere else to look. 
“That’s a pity. You’d be a great mom!” Mary said. “You could be a mommy blogger. Your fans would love that. You and Mark would have beautiful babies.”  
“Of course. We have excellent genes,” Grace said, enjoying being complimented. 
Her eyes slid mischievously to you. 
“What about you two?” she asked. “Are you thinking of starting a family?” 
You and Heath’s eyes met. 
“Maybe,” Heath said. “If you want to.” 
Your cheeks warmed, but not from embarrassment. 
“I’d like that,” you said. 
Grace frowned. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she asked. 
The two of you looked at her, confused. 
“You know, because of your mental illness. You wouldn’t want to pass that on to your kids…and how can you be a good mom with depression?” 
Your heart dropped, and tears flooded your eyes. It shouldn’t have gotten to you. You knew how Grace was, but it still hurt. It was something you’d always felt a little insecure about. 
Heath’s mouth fell open, and he shoved his glass into Mark’s hand. 
“It was nice to meet you, Mark,” he said before he scooped you up in his arms, and with a heavy pump of his wings, the two of you shot up into the night sky. 
He flew a couple of blocks away, before he stopped and hovered in place.  
Tears slid down your cheeks, leaving an icy streak as they cooled. 
“Are you okay?” Heath asked as the two of you hung suspended in the cold December air.
You sniffled, wiping your tears. 
“Yeah…I told you…Grace is competitive. She doesn’t like anyone looking better than her,” you whimpered. 
You felt a low growl in his chest. 
“That’s no excuse,” he said. “I think you’ll be a great mom. I’m not the least bit worried.” 
“But what if she’s right?” you asked. “What if I’m a terrible mom? What if my kids are messed up or something?” 
Heath let out a chuff with no humor. 
“That’s nonsense, teacup,” he said. “Depression is pretty common…and you manage yours just fine. Nobody is a perfect parent, and everyone has different challenges. Grace sounds like some kind of eugenicist. It’s creepy, to be honest.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked. “You don’t wish you had a perfect girlfriend like Grace?” 
Heath laughed out loud. 
“Grace is not the perfect girlfriend. Sooo far from it. I kind of feel bad for Mark, to be honest,” he said. “You on the other hand…” 
He tucked his head in the crook of your neck, smattering kisses over the skin. 
“You are smart…sweet…patient…incredibly patient,” he whispered, kissing you or nibbling with each word. “I have no idea how you put up with that woman.” 
“You get used to it,” you murmured. 
He tipped your face up to his. 
“I don’t want you to get used to that kind of meanness,” he said. “I don’t want to control who you see…but I don’t like them. I’d rather spend the rest of New Year's with you if that’s okay, not some snobby weirdos.” 
He adjusted you in his arms, nudging you to loop your legs around his waist. You pressed yourself against his warm body to chase away the chill of the night air. With one arm holding you to him, he cupped the nape of your neck, guiding your lips to his with the other. 
He tasted like oaky whiskey, making your mouth water. His heavy kisses chased any thoughts of Grace or the party away. 
Hovering in the inky night with the twinkling lights of the city sparkling in every direction, your only focus was Heath’s thick hand holding you securely in place and his lips on yours. 
You ground your hips into his body, delighted to feel his hardening shaft meet your core. 
His hand slipped down your neck, tugging the front of your dress down with a stiff jerk. The straps snapped, and your breasts tumbled out. 
“Heath,” you gasped, but he hushed you with another deep kiss before speaking. 
“It’s dark. No one can see us. Let me make you feel good.” 
He dipped his head, drawing a peaked nipple into his mouth. The contrast of his hot tongue and the chilly air made you quake. He licked and sucked one nipple and then the other until you’d completely forgotten everything going on below. Your world shrank to just Heath and all the decadent things he could do to your body. 
Your head fell back, pleasure snaking up and down your spine as he delighted you. Thick fingers roughly shoved the skirt of your dress up your thighs, and he traced your slit, growling at how wet you were for him. Another swift jerk and your shredded panties were fluttering a hundred feet down to the snowy earth. 
You gasped his name, but he was high on your scent and taste, wholly focused on giving you pleasure. He screwed two fingers inside of you, opening you up for him. You let out a needy whimper when they pulled out for a moment but were quickly replaced with his tail, thrusting in and out of you. 
You hardly heard the buzz of his zipper, your eyes rolling back in your head. With a tight thrust of his hips, his tail slipped away, and his thick cock filled you. He clutched your ass with a deep, satisfied grunt. 
A hundred feet up in the sky, you didn’t dare unhook your arms from around his neck, so you were at his mercy as he slammed his shaft into you. You bleated lusty yelps with every smack of his heavy balls against your skin, clinging to him for dear life. You were dizzy from fear blending with pleasure, your breaths ragged gasps. There was nothing between you and falling to your death but Heath’s enormous arms and powerful wings. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, (Y/N),” he growled into your ear, practically feral from the way your channel spasmed around his cock. You were tight, wet, hot, and the only woman in the world he wanted. Gripping your ass, he used your cunt like a fleshlight, slamming his cock into you over and over again. 
The tip of his naughty tail circled your clit, pushing you closer and closer to your end until there was nowhere else to go, and you went careening over the edge. With the addition of your pussy strangling his cock he couldn’t hold back any longer, his final thrusts savage and bruising.
Your stomach dropped as he lost control of his wings for a moment, and the two of you dipped into a free fall for a few seconds. You felt his searing cum fill you as you screamed into his chest. The confusing sensation of falling and his cum filling your womb slammed you into another unexpected orgasm. You bounced in his arms as he steadied the two of you. 
“Heath!” you gasped, your nails digging into his neck. 
“It’s okay, teacup, I’ve got you,” he muttered as he titled his wings, and the two of you streaked across the city. 
Instead of heading home, he deposited you on the roof of a tall building downtown. 
“Wait here,” he said, zipping his fly, and before you could say anything, he swooped away. 
When he returned a few minutes later, he was holding a bottle of champagne. 
“Where did that come from?” you laughed as he settled next to you and tugged you into his lap. 
“I stole it from a party going on down there,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, they have plenty.” 
You giggled, leaning back into his chest, while he popped the top, aiming the spray off of the edge of the building, before tipping a little into your mouth.
There was a pop, and fireworks exploded in the sky across the city. 
He turned you around to him, slipping something out of his pocket.
"I wanted to do this tonight...but things didn't go quite as planned..." he said, appearing suddenly nervous.
You tipped your head to the side, confused until he opened the little box in his hand revealing a pretty ring.
"Heath!" you gasped your hand going to your lips.
"(Y/N)," he said. "Since the day I hired you, my world changed. At first it was just a fantasy crush. I mean, as your boss...I felt like it was wrong to act on it...but something about you is irresistible. It was impossible not to fall in love with you. Impossible not to steal you away.
Then we started dating and for awhile, I thought that was enough...but as the year went on...I realized I was happier than I'd ever been and you seemed...happier than I'd ever seen you...So...I want to make this permanent. If...you want that..."
Your eyes danced from the ring up to Heath's eyes. More fireworks bloomed in the sky, and you could see them reflected in Heath’s dark irises.
"Are...you asking me to marry you, Heath?" you asked.
"I guess I forgot the most important question," he said, giving you a shy chuckle. "(Y/N), will you marry me?"
Tears filled your eyes again, but this time for the best reason.
"Yes! Of course! I love you, Heath! I want to be with you forever!" you said.
“I love you, too (Y/N). Happy New Year,” he said quietly, slipping the ring out of the velvet and slipping it on your finger.
“Happy New Year, Heath,” you said tucking your head into his cozy shoulder and watching the fireworks make your engagement ring sparkle.
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anime-addict-362 · 1 year
Better Than a Street Whore
CW: NSFW, Shigaraki x Y/N, bottom Shigaraki, he threatens to kill Y/N a lot, begging, overstimulation, lots of kissing, half-assed written aftercare, Y/N switches between degrading his dick and prasing him for being good, I wrote this within 2 hours, forgive me, it was out of boredom promise
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Shigaraki stood in front of Y/N. Why did she need to be there? She was hired by All For One, but she didn't do anything. Just sat around on her phone all day.
Despite her lack of work, All For One demanded she be there, and he was not allowed to kill her. Damnit.
"Can you leave," He asked, annoyed with the sound of her nails clacking on her phone screen.
"Nah," Y/N didn't even look at him, still typing. "Big man wants me here. I gotta be here."
"Why," Shigaraki scoffed.
"I dunno," She shrugged. "Ask him, he's your master or whatever."
"And what is up with that," Y/N rolled her eyes. "Master used outside of the bathroom? Weird."
He blinked. What was she talking about? What did she mean, outside of the bedroom?
"Don't tell me you're confused," She finally looked up from her phone, to look at him amused. "Not bitch boy being a virgin."
Not allowed to kill her. He was allowed to hurt her.
She dodged the glass that flew towards her head with a yelp, and she grabbed her phone before she could drop it.
"I'm not a virgin," He yelled over the glsss shattering.
"Jesus," She mumbled. "It was just a goddamn joke. The fuck is wrong with you?"
"Real fucking funny," He rolled his eyes.
"So," She asked, standing up fully. "Who'd you lose your virginity to?"
His eyes widened. "None of your goddamn business!"
He wanted to dust her when she approached, but no, he wasn't allowed to.
"I bet you used that nomu," She pouted, ignoring his rage filled look. "You needed to feel in control for once so you took something you could order around with no consequence."
"I- I absolutely-"
"Or," She smirked, running a hand on his tense stomach. "You had it fuck you until you couldn't breath, just to get out of your mind for a bit. I could only imagine the cock one those things-"
Shigaraki smacked her hands when she started estimating the... girth of a potential nomu penis. "They don't even have a penis!"
"Oh," Y/N looked to him. "Still big fingers. One is around the size over a bigger than average human dick. I get you could take multiple though-"
"I'm going to murder you," She yelped with a laugh as he reached for her, and she ran.
"No killing me," She squealed as he threw her on the couch. "It's not allowed! Your master wouldn't like it!"
He groaned. Of course he told her about the rule. "Just- Leave. Get out."
"I can't," She shrugged, relaxing back. "Not for a few weeks."
He walked away, but like a fucking dog, she followed with a giggle. "So? Did you fuck the nomus?"
"No," He yelled.
"You can tell me," She pouted. "I'll share one of my fucked up sex stories if you tell me yours."
"No," He scoffed.
"Virgin," She accused.
"Shut up," He grabbed another cup but she was taking it from him before he could chuck it at her.
"Are you a virgin," This time, her tone of genuine. "No laughing, promise."
He blinked, confused on why she cared... Fuck it. Maybe it'll get her to back off.
"No," He answered honestly. "And it wasn't a nomu, you sick freak."
She shrugged. "So who was it?"
Shigaraki moved uncomfortably, shrugging. "I don't remember her name. Just a hook up from awhile ago."
"So it didn't mean anything," She looked judgey. "Have you had any meaningful sex?"
He scoffed. "I lead a very large group of murderous villains. What makes you think I have time for feelings?"
She shrugged, and he jumped at her grabbing his hand. She held it up by the palm, then traced his fingers once she turn it upright.
"Are you trying to kill yourself," He mumbled, watching her fingers trace his calloused hand.
"This is not nearly a suicide attempt," She chuckled. "How do you have sex with absolutely no feeling behind it? I never understood the hype around that."
He gulped as her hand continued up his arm. "I- I don't know. It's just how it is."
She hummed, a hand going to his chest. "You're not pushing me away."
She was right. He wasn't.
"I don't have meaningful sex," He tried to tell her, both of her hands now on him. "I don't let feelings get involved."
"That's not exactly what meaningful sex means," She mumbled, pulling his shirt up suddenly. "At least not to me."
He helped pull the shirt off. God, it was hot in there. She shoved him against the bar, hands holding his waist. He was awfully skinny, so she grabbed quite a bit of him just like that.
"I'm going to make you feel so good," She whispered, going to his neck. "Gonna let me? Let me make you feel amazing."
He huffed, staring at her body, that was pressed up against his. He gasped at the bite on his neck. "Fuck- Yes. Yes Y/N."
She grinned, bringing a hand up to wrap in his hair. She held him in place while she kissed him, roughly. He groaned, gripping the counter behind him.
"You're hot," She grinned, hands swiping over his ribs. "Lead me to your room."
Was he really about to do this? Was he really about to have sex with a woman he finds insanely annoying?
He didn't need to answer that, because the way he pulled her to his bedroom was answer enough.
Y/N pulled him back into a rough kiss the second the door was closed, pushing him against it.
"Now, listen up," She grabbed his face, holding it in place so he stayed looking at her. "I want you touching me, so go put on those silly gloves you have."
Shigaraki huffed, but listened. He moved to his nightstand and grabbed them, slipping them on easily. Once on, Y/N was back in him, kissing him, hands wandering.
He leaned down after a few moments, and picked her up to wrap her legs around his waist. "Okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay," Y/N confirmed with a small smile. She removed her arms around him to pull her shirt off... God, he better not drop her. She would be pissed.
In his defense, he seemed to be somewhat strong. At least enough to hold her.
Once the shirt was off, she proceeded to kiss down his neck. "Lay down on the bed, Shigaraki. Sit me right on you."
Shigaraki wasn't sure he had it in him to refuse. Not with the way her sweet voice sounded, so close to his ear, the way her hand tangled in his hair, the other running down his chest again.
So he sat on the bed, making sure Y/N's legs weren't trapped under him before he laid back. He didn't even think over how good Y/N would look straddling him.
Y/N smiled when she noticed Shigaraki's eyes wandering. "Like what you see?"
"It's decent," Shigaraki huffed.
Y/N pouted at that. "We both know that's a lie. I can tell by the way your face is already burning, you think much different."
Shigaraki gulped, looking up to Y/N. "I don't-"
"I also feel your hard on," Y/N chuckled, putting her hands on either side of his head. "Why not just tell me how you feel? You might get something in return."
He stared at her. "Like?"
"You're a smart man, Shigaraki. Look at our position and take a guess about what I'll do to you," She chuckled. "So? Go on."
He looked her in the eye. "You're fucking infuriating."
"Ouch," She put a hand on her heart. "Keep going."
"You're... attractive, I guess," He cleared his throat, refusing to let his voice crack right now.
"Attractive? Care to elaborate?"
God fuck, this woman.
"I hate you," He groaned, feeling a hand move to the waistband of his pants.
"I'll leave you all hard if you don't start doing what I ask," Y/N's voice was lower now, as if she wss threatening him.
He didn't care though. He could get himself off. He didn't need Y/N to make him come, even if he would probably regret it later... What would Y/N do?
Would she suck him off? Or would they just start having sex? He would enjoy either way but-
He gasped at the hand that grabbed his face, forcing him to look to Y/N. "I'm sitting right here, about to give you the best orgasm of your pathetic life and you're ignoring me?"
"No- I wasn't ignoring you," He went onto explain. But it was hard to explain the way his thoughts got caught up. It didn't matter though, because he remembered what she wanted.
"You're so hot," He huffed, grabbing the wrist of the hand that still held his face. "You're... Pretty too."
Y/N knew the word "pretty" wasn't ever in his vocabulary, but it did sound good coming out of his mouth, in that shaky voice.
"Pretty huh," She grinned, kissing him and finally letting go of his face. "You're pretty yourself, handsome."
He gulped at the compliment. He wasn't sure he liked the compliment, it sounded unrealistic. Him? Pretty? Handsome?
He wasn't given a lot of time to think it over, not with Y/N moving between his legs and pulling his sweatpants snd boxers off in one swipe.
"Y/N," He huffed, feeling her kiss the inside of his thighs. Why was she so bold? Why was she so close?
She kept kissing him, feeling his breathing picking up the closer she got to his dick. She really wanted to see him come, and she wanted it to be the best he's ever had.
Not that would be that hard. She's not the most experienced person in the world but compared to some random woman on the street? Odds are she was way better.
After a few moments, she reached down to her shirt pocket. Sweet, she still had a few condoms left.
"You know, I do think you're very attractive," Y/N spoke up, opening the condom. "I'm sure a lot of the fucked up women on the street want to have some fun with you. Probably even some men."
Shigaraki huffed. What do you say in response to that? Thanks?
"That being said, I think you're a little of a whore and always accept when someone asks to fuck you," Y/N's words made him tense.
"I am not-"
"What I'm getting at," Y/N interrupted him. "Is that I have a hard time believing you don't have some sort of STI. God knows what the people around here have. Especially Dabi."
Shigaraki scoffed. "I don't have an STI."
"Yeah? And who tested you, and when," Y/N raided an eyebrow. "I'm already lowering my standards to give you a decent orgasm, one better than those street sluts can give you, don't get picky now."
Shigaraki gulped as she slid the condom on him. "So what? You think I have a STI and you're still going to have sex with me?"
Y/N grinned. "Oh I'm not fucking you until you get tested. I'm just gonna get you off, and you're gonna get me off. But I'm sure I'll have to teach you, I doubt you know how to properly please a woman."
He glared at her. "Why are you suddenly being a bitch?"
She raised an eyebrow. "So you do know how to make a woman come? And you know, not one of those fake ones. I promise, I won't fake it."
He didn't even know what to say. What do you say to anything she's saying? She was nuts!
He groaned when her hand grabbed his dick, which was now completely covered by the condom. "If you're not gonna fuck me, what's with the condom?"
"You don't have running water here," Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Your dick is probably gross. Again, you seem like a great fuck, but I'm lowering my standards for you. They are practically rock bottom right now."
Shigaraki glared at her harder. "I could kill you at any moment."
"You're right," She smiled softly, starting to jack him off at a gentle pace. "You could. But you're not going to. You like me calling you gross. You're practically whimpering just because my hand is wrapped around your filthy cock. It twitches whenever I insult you. You fucking love this, being under me, just taking my insults."
Shigaraki groaned when she squeezed his cock suddenly, and very hard. He felt like he was close, all her dumb (and very untrue...) words were getting to him.
"Y/N," He gasped, trying to get her hand off of him.
"Beg," She grinned wildly. "Beg me to make you come, tell me how much you love me degrading your filthy cock. Do it."
He whimpered, grabbing her wrist. God, her grip was fucking tough.
"Please," He whispered.
"Please," He yelled out, holding her arm. "Fuck- Please Y/N, make me come. Degrade me, do whatever, just please, make me come."
...he was pathetic. What was wrong with him?
Y/N hummed, loosening her hand. "Keep going."
"Fuck," He breathed out at the relief. "Please Y/N, god fuck, I need it. I'm so close, please."
He might kill himself later, honestly.
She chuckled, and moved her hand, just enough to get him to come. "I've heard better. But I guess I can't expect too much from you."
Shigaraki moaned, stomach tensing. "Y/N- Oh god."
"C'mon," Y/N grinned, hand moving quicker. "You can come, Tomura. You're doing so good, keep going."
Her suddenly, sickeningly sweet words made his heart tighten, and he eyes roll back. "Fuck- Y/N- please."
She leaned forward and kissed him. He moaned in her mouth, a hand going up to her back. He needed something to hold.
Y/N hissed as his free fingers caught on her skin, but just moved her hand quicker. And it worked, because he was moaning aloud again, as he came, filling the condom.
He whimpered when her hand didn't stop, and moved the hand on her back to her hip to grab more. "Y/N, please, I came already."
"It wasn't good enough," Y/N kissed just under his ear. "I wanna see you crying. I wanna hear you yell my name, I need you begging me to stop because you can't handle how good it feels."
Shigaraki let out a sob, her hand not letting up the quick pace at all. "Y/N- Its too much, please."
"You're doing so good," She whispered, and kissed his jaw. "You're taking it so good, you're being so good for me. You can take another one, I know you can."
He nodded slowly, barely aware of the fact he was drooling. He laid his head back as she kissed him. She was so sweet now. What changed? Did he do something to make her want to be nice all of the sudden?
"Y/N," He moaned quietly against her lips. "Please- I don't think I can-"
"You can," She whispered again, sending a weird feeling through Shigaraki. "You're doing so good already. I know you can be even better."
He felt another sob rip through his chest. "Be mean again- Stop."
She hummed, kissing him. "Why would I be mean when you're being such a good boy? You deserve to be treated nicely after listening,to me so well."
He moaned as her hand twisted around the head of his cock, spreading the come throughout the condom. "I'm- I'm close again- Y/N, god."
"Good boy," She hummed. "C'mon, be a good boy and come for me."
He sobbed and he felt his orgasm build up again. It was a lot, almost overwhelming. "It's- I'm coming- Y/N," He moaned shakily as he came, feeling tears fall as her hand helped him through it.
"Good job," She whispered, stopping her hand. "Such a good job."
He took a deep breath, but it only came out uneven and shaky. He yelped when her hand tightened and moved down the length of his cock slowly.
"Y/N, please," He sobbed, hands shaking, and hips pulling away.
She laughed, pulling her hand away. "Now tell me... Was that better or worse compared to those street whores?"
"Better," He sobbed again, her legs just barely brushing up again his cock. "So much better- Fuck!"
She couldn't stop grinning. But she decided to have some mercy, and stop touching his dick until he calmed down. For now, she just held him, arms wrapping around him.
She sighed at the sob and his arms wrapping around her back, tears wetting her shoulder. "You did such a good job, Tomura. Go ahead and rest."
Why was he still crying? It was done, they were done. But her consistent praise wasn't helping.
"Take a deep breath, Tomura. You did so good, you're done," She kissed his neck. "C'mon, take a deep breath now."
He was way past the point of feeling silly, so he just listened to her, taking a deep breath. He noticed something wet on his hand so he looked to where it restrd on Y/N back.
"I'm sorry," He breathed out, noticing he definitely made her bleed with scratches... It was hard to go out and get nail clippers, okay? Fuck off.
Y/N found the apology comical. He threatened to kill her multiple times and now he was apologizing for a scratch. She made the decision to lot laugh though.
"It's okay," She smiled softly, kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna clean you up, okay?"
He shook his head. "No- I need to make you-"
"It's okay, Tomura," She sat up, out of his arms. "It's alright. You're tired, you need to rest. And I'm going to clean you up."
He nodded, wiping the tears from his face.
It took a few minutes for the embarrassment to set in. It seemed the moment Y/N was cleaning his come covered dick was the moment he lost his humanity, and was officially a disgrace of a villain.
"Oh stop," Y/N scoffed as he tried to pull away. "So dramatic, its just your own dick."
He huffed, face red. "I'm good- Please leave."
"Uh huh," She finally stopped, throwing the towel next to the bed. "Get your eyes off my tits, perv."
"Put your shirt back on," He argued back.
She shrugged, and grabbed her shirt. "I'll be downstairs," He watched her get up and walk out his bedroom. "You owe me an orgasm!"
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lyneyswife · 3 months
I know I said I’d write Wriotheslay smut next but I was rewatching my favorite franchise and got a bit carried away~
Ghostface x f! reader
{synopsis} Home alone and you get a call from Daddy Ghostie.
Word count: 1.7k
{content warning} 18+, NSFW, phone sex, masturbation, stalking and obsessive behavior,pet names.,
You had just turned off the shower.
The water's soft dripping filled your ears in the silent steamy bathroom.
As you step out wrapping a towel around yourself, you can’t help but notice the slight crack in the bathroom door.
You were home alone, parents were out on a ‘anniversary date night’ but still you could have sworn you left it closed, nonetheless, you brushed it off assuming it was nothing.
There have been recent reports of murders in town lately, some film student freak is trying to replicate the ‘stab’ movies again. Even managed to kill off a few of your classmates, a high school jock and some dumb cheerleader.
Not like it was any important loss for anyone, it wasn’t like you were trying to be unsympathetic yet you figured maybe everyone might have a better time at school now that, they aren’t running the lunchroom with their dumb clique, returning to reality. Wiping a small space in the steamy mirror to see yourself dry off as you ran the towel down your wet, warm skin that still had still lingering steam dancing off it.
It was the house phone.
It caught you off guard, nearly jumping you out of your skin., Glancing over at the clock it was just past a little past 12.
Who could be calling at this hour?
Keeping the towel wrapped firmly around yourself you creep out of the bathroom over to the landline on your dresser.
You answer the phone, it's stupid really to answer a phone call this late.
“Uh-, hello? Who’s calling-“
“You tell me, scary night, isn’t it? With all the murders and all, it seems like it’s right out of a horror movie or something.”
“Funny, you gave yourself away Jess nice go to sleep you whore-“
You joke hanging up the phone and placing it just next to the receiver, a small laugh leaving your lips as you walk back over to the bathroom and finish slipping into your nightwear.
It’s simple really, just a simple pair of pj shorts and a little tank top.
In reality, it was nothing but the average pajamas for you but to him, You knew what you were doing.
Jess and you were both in the same class as the two recent murders, ‘Casey Richards and ‘Chad Anthony.’
They both were very sweet people, you and Casey even talked on occasion. Jess was probably just trying to scare you and get a reaction out of you, she knew how much you were getting anxious and paranoid about these killings.
Laying back onto your bed growing lost in thought until-,
Again? Seriously— you were gonna beat her ass.,
“Jess I thought I told you-“
“What if I told you this wasn’t Jess?”
You pause,
“Well then who is this..?”
You couldn’t help the small chill that ran down your spine and you subconsciously glanced around the room at all the dark empty windows.
You sit back down on your bed, leaning back against one of your hands as one holds the other snugly against your ears, why not entertain yourself with this for a bit, not to mention his voice was pretty sexy?
“Not Jess,”
He reiterated and you couldn't help but chuckle softly to yourself, biting your bottom lip slightly at the sound of his voice.
It caused you to rub your thighs together a bit,
those shorts sat perfectly against those plush thighs of yours.
God did he love blue on you-,
“You always answer the phone for strangers this late?”
“I don’t know, do you always ring unsuspecting girls this late..?”
“Maybe, or maybe just the cute ones who are dumb enough to answer.”
You paused, swallowing nervously as you sat up Straight, Was this a subtle insult or flirt? You couldn’t tell-,
“I like blue on you sweetheart it brings out your complexion.,”
You immediately looked to the window by your bed, was he looking in right now? Could he see you..? The phone was still in a tight hold you slowly leaned towards it looking out it until the sound of a static voice snapped you back to the fact that he was still on the line.
“I wouldn’t look out there baby, you never know.. could be a monster or something out there..”
He teased, his voice sending a throb between your legs your hand slowly reaching down to the aching excitement between your legs as you lay slowly onto your back.
“Y-you can see me right now..?”
A soft groan could be heard from the other end of the phone, and heavy breathing. Was he..?
You were going to take advantage of this-
“Keep touching yourself doll.,”
He stated in a firm tone seemingly ignoring your question as you slipped your eager little hands into the rim of your shorts underneath the flimsy lace of your panties.
“Just like that.”
As your hand reached your wet slick folds you gently and shyly ran your finger along them bringing a soft low moan to escape those pretty lips, god were you just perfect, and all for him.,
Pushing down and probing your fingers at the tight entrance of your eager little hole, drawing out a louder whimper as you tried to tuck the phone into your shoulder-,
“Don’t do that. I want to hear you, lift the phone back up.”
A small Whimper leaves your lips as you shyly raise it, a dark hue across your face. What were you doing? Are you really touching yourself just to the sound of his voice? The same man that killed your friends.,
Groans and heavy breathing fill your ears from his line. Along with the sound of wind and leaves rusting, oh he was watching you, and not only was he watching you he was getting off to you. But-, why did this turn you on so much more?
Running your delicate little fingers along the slicked excitement of your pussy as you ran a finger against your throbbing clit, this felt so so wrong but so good at the same time. God did you look good too, laying in your pretty little bed as your legs twitched and spasmed to the sensation of you playing with yourself to his voice.
He wished it was him too, to replace those fingers of yours with his own, he would watch as the slick would practically bathe his own pointing the tip of his blade against the plush of your thigh, not enough to draw blood but enough to dent the skin. Watching as you would writhe and squirm desperate to pleasure yourself against his long digits all while trying to avoid that pretty little skin from being cut.
Fuck you were just perfect, he wanted— no needed to have you.
A sharp moan of yours snapped him out of these fantasies, his eyes locked onto you through that little bedroom window you conveniently left open every night. You were just asking for it weren't you? Fisting his cock at the sight of this wasn't enough, but it would do for now., admiring the stiffness in his hand from his hard member before he continued to pump his hand around it, only imagining you wrapped around him instead of his stupid hand.
“F-fuck..So eager, bet you wish it was my cock instead of those pretty little fingers huh? Stuffing your cunt full while you scream, while I hold my knife to that pretty little throat of yours—s-shit...Do you want that baby? Want me to stuff you full of my cum?”
A loud Mewl left your lips as you pumped your index and middle finger out of you quickly, wet noises along with the sounds of your moans and whimpers filled the room, desperate to please yourself to the sound of his voice. God did you wish it was him, this total stranger— you have never wanted to be fucked more in your life.
“I-m gonna—”
You whimper, your orgasm building in your lower abdomen, an almost burning sensation that sends shocks and racks of pleasure through your body
Legs twitching and trembling., as your eyes flutter shut, hand shaking around the phone.
He grunted into the phone, his strong demeanor slipping as it was quite apparent that he was close, losing his grip.
That was until sudden headlights shined through the house, music from your parents' car blaring in the driveway as you immediately gasped and dropped the phone. Pulling your hands from your aching cunt, the feeling of your climax ripped roughly away from you as you sat up.
You mutter before a soft chuckle leaves your lips, snapping you back to reality as you run a free hand through your hair before looking at the phone you dropped picking it back up and slowly raising it to your ear.
The line was dead, he must’ve hung up.,
You hope at least as you hope so.
Your parents come inside and you of course greet them after cleaning yourself up quickly, asking about their date and how it went before heading back up to your room for a bed, as you walk into your room you can’t help but notice a Polaroid photo sitting on your bed next to your slightly open, blinds obviously pushed around and shuffled from someone climbing in.
It sent a small chill down your spine as you remember for certain that you didn’t leave that there nor do you even own a Polaroid.
Reluctantly creeping over to pick it up, it was a picture of the prettiest cock you had ever laid your eyes on. The tip was pink and slightly swollen from obvious friction, soft cum leaking from the tip trickling down that girthy shaft, at the base sat a gloved hand that wrapped around it firmly, glistening with his own fluids., You could only imagine how that could and would feel inside you.,
Then the sound of a voice from the phone caught your attention, the same phone that you left on your bed earlier.
Raising it slowly to your ear all you hear is—
“That's just a teaser for what's to come, baby, don't worry I'll make you more than just cum next time.,”
Before you could even respond he hung up cutting the line, a small chill ran down your spine, reality setting in as you finally realized the seriousness of this situation. This wasn't just a creepy stalker, this was a killer, a slasher, a psychopath.
One who couldn’t wait to get his hands on you next time., just wait.
(If anyone has any pointers, suggestions or things you’d like to see me write pls do lmk !! ^~^)
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bored-storyteller · 10 months
Warning: gore, cannibalism (between ghouls)
Author's note: I realized that I was much braver with Uta at first. Let's try again.
Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x Human!Reader
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What is mine
There is a smell of blood in the putrid air. Your blood.
The ghoul holds you in its arms like a sacrificial victim.
“That's mine.”
“I didn't know, sorry...I'm not the type to go around stealing other people's food, believe me.”
Looks nice, him. He has dyed blond and blue hair that escapes from his wildly done bun. His locks fall on a face that would look like an angel's, if it weren't for those veins that flow like streams from the black and red eyes of a demon. He doesn't have to shine with intelligence since he doesn't wear the mask, or maybe he trusts too much in his abilities, for someone so average.
Uta picks you up when the younger ghoul hands you over to him: you are cold, you are shaking, you are crying. He doesn't know if you're paralyzed with fear or blood loss from that wound on your shoulder.
Your blood tickles his sense of smell, and his palate. Your fingers grip his sweater, and he holds you just tighter. He doesn’t blame the other one, your perfume is intoxicating now that your flesh is uncovered.
He mustn't be happy to give up on you, he wouldn't if Uta weren't so much stronger than him.
The Mask Maker gently puts you on the ground, he feels your fear: you are afraid of everything now, even him.
That person tried to take you away from him, to keep you for himself. And that person expects him to get you now.
“Luckily I'm hungry.” He says as he looks into your eyes. If you can be more afraid than you already are, he doesn't know. But it doesn’t matter.
The ghoul with the beautiful face was going to say something, but it's hard to talk when your vocal cords are torn.
The carotid artery hangs from the bite mark like a slack string, part of it between Uta's teeth; a flick of the tongue and it disappears between the lips.
The eyes of the predator victim are wide open, incredulous. Gorgeous, perhaps.
How long can it take for that slit throat to heal? A lot of time. Too little.
Uta bites again, blood gushes, there is a muffled scream.
The taste of that meat has nothing to do with the smell you give off, but Uta is hungry.
He's hungry, and your broken skin makes him lose control.
Someone must be eaten by him.
That ghoul wanted to eat you.
He wanted him to eat you himself.
He was about to lose you, in a way or another.
His hands dig into his chest, the intricate black patterns on his fingers covered in ferrous red.
“What a greedy you are... you already ate, huh?”
The stomach of the other demon is full, Uta wonders who is in there: “It was he a boy? A girl? Young or old? An unfortunate student? All of them?”
Uta smiles. That won't be of any use now that it's out of the body, it's not right to waste it.
He won't even need his intestines, right?
And the heart? What does the unfortunate one do with his heart?
The bones crunch as they crack and open, like the crust that covers the filling.
Maybe it still moves, or maybe it doesn't, but it doesn't matter.
The teeth sink in like in an apple, they tear it, now there is no more life. But is the soul still there?
Uta is full, but still gobbles it up. He devours that body that is not meant to be eaten, that modifies his, that drives his mind crazy. Assuming Uta can go any crazier than that.
No, he can't freak out, there's you. But Uta is crazy to love you.
Your voice sounds desperate. How long have you been calling him?
He looks at you with his delicate face smeared, the top of the other ghoul's skull hanging from his fingers gripping his blond hair.
Now he comes to you, he promises you. He just has to make sure you don't get eaten too.
“Is there still a soul in these eyes?” He asks the half head as he brings it up to his gaze. He can't even tell where the jaw and tongue have gone, but that's not a problem.
Those eyes that stare at him glassy and half open Uta hates them. He doesn't even bother to remove them from the eye socket; he rips the first one off with just his teeth and swallows it whole, then does the same with the other one. It's not difficult, and if inside there is the core of that stupid, then he lets it rot in his depths together with the remains of his body.
Now there is no more danger for you.
The head rolls away, no one will wonder what happened to someone like him. It's a ghoul who disappeared in the fourth ward, at the end.
Uta calls your name as he leans in front of you, sweet and gentle as ever.
He watches your hand press on the wound on your shoulder: "Let me see." He asks you softly.
You obey, but you still smell of terror. You've never seen him eat like this, not someone like him.
The fingers that used to butcher now fearfully touch the edge of your wound.
"It's not serious... you’ll be ok, everything is fine." He murmurs reassuringly, barely licking the blood that drips from you. It will be enough to remove that hateful taste from his tongue.
His hands take your face, holding it like never before. His thumbs wipe away your tears and massage your cheekbones as he contemplates you. The blood is now on you too.
He looks into your glassy eyes and something unknown stirs inside him.
He is losing you. It's the only thing he can think of. You seem so distant now.
How he can stop you, unarmed as he is. Not even the idea of consuming your body to hold you within him brings relief, and he doesn't know why you upset his functioning.
But Uta is bizarre, there is no situation in which he follows a rule of his.
You are so different from Renji to him, your delicacy makes you complicated and elusive. Your delicacy prevents him from breaking you.
He can't afford to lose you too, he understood it when his chest tightened on smelling your blood. You and Renji are the only things that still make him walk in this world, which still allow him to experience lively emotions. It's not the RC cells that risk driving him crazy, it's you.
“I love you.”
His whisper is so sweet you might think he's about to cry.
It seems strange to say, those are not words that are well suited to a language like his, especially in a world where secrets must be kept between the ribs. But that's the only thing worth letting you know right now. A ghoul love, a clown love, but it's love.
And he almost gasps when he sees your eyes light up with life again, as you look at him as if you were seeing him for the first time.
He doesn't expect to find your arms around him, nor to meet your lips.
You kiss him like it's not okay to do, like he hasn't just eaten someone. You don't seem to mind the blood smearing your face, the metallic taste on his tongue. You seem to ask him to swallow you, but there is no room for you.
The lovers: two crazy people kissing among the remains of a corpse.
It's a good stage for you two.
“He wanted to put you in his place…” He whispers as he holds you like he never held you.
“You wished too?”
Don't you already have your answer?
Your eyes travel from him to over his shoulder, but his hand covers them. He stares at the grimy tattoos on his knuckles for a split second, wondering how they got there.
It's to protect you, perhaps, or to protect him who is wrong and rotten even among monsters.
“Forget it.” He tells you.
You shake your head. He's covered you so much in ghoul blood that at first glance you wouldn't be able to tell who the perpetrator is between you two, but all those red marks on you are testament to his touch.
“I don’t want to do it. I don't want to lose anything about you” You tell him, and there's an adoration in your voice that he always pretended not to hear.
“No. Will you take me home?”
He gives you a quick nod, and just watches you as you climb onto his back. Your grip around his neck is reassuring.
“You'll make it?” You ask, as if he's never brought you like this. He scoffs at you as he settles your legs on his hips.
He's so grateful to feel your weight on his back and not in his stomach.
“I feel heavy actually, you say it's your fault?”
You huff, and your heel taps playfully on his thigh. He pinches you lightly, affectionately.
You are alive, he wants you to be alive. There is no one in the world who could look at his melancholy and smile as you do, marveling at a monstrous beauty.
What criminals you and he are, walking off into the night, away from the eyes of the world, leaving behind the trail of sinful blood.
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
can you do Itachi comes back from a long mission and you know what he will do with his s/o (nsfw)
Oh nonny, this is just what the doctor ordered!!
Her so hungry, desperate to fill his appetite!!
NSFW; cock warming; light food fucking; I’m feeling things today; let’s make dinner.
Yea so, Itachi is into cock warming. He’s what I refer to a closeted freak. Only gives in to this sort of thing after being gone for so many days.
This time, it’s weeks and this man is hungry. Not for the plate that is sitting before him, but for the woman that is white knuckling his knees as she sucks his cock beneath the dining room table. Desperate too, any average day would have the world thinking what a polite and beautiful couple they are. What goes on behind close doors is another story.
Itachi feels rather good this evening, his cock throbs in her mouth and the visual is even more gorgeous to him when he looks down and sees her lips puffed around him. Thumbs her cheek as she swirls his tip. Soft eyes wandering up to his as she pops soft lips off his cock. Luridly kissing up and down his shaft. Trying not to ruin her appetite, she makes to shuffle away. So she can eat dinner and then get on with dessert.
‘Fuck that, I’m not done with you.’ He groans, ‘turn around, get on your knees and back your ass up.’
How sinful of her to think Itachi would be ok with just a little tease to his manhood. Three weeks woman, she’s treaded dangerous waters with that little display. Out on a mission for three fucking weeks, he’s anything but normal. No privacy, his woman not around. There were things you did not taunt a man with upon his arrival and one of them was the sacred flesh between their thighs.
As she assumes the position, he rucks down her house robe and wrenches down lacy panties. Thumbs the wet seam of her entrance, then presses in. This was a new situation for him, exciting. Could he manage to eat his dinner before cumming? Probably not.
Lazily scoots to the edge of his seat, pressing the tip of his cock at her sopping wet cunt. Using just a thumb to inch it in, than drags it to her clit. It was definitely an awkward angle, but they’ve done weirder.
‘Meet me halfway, baby.’ He lurches, cock sharply angles into her slit. When she lifts from crouching, she slides barely to the base of his cock.
It felt so good though. Drops his fork and grips her hips. Planting his feet firmly on the ground to support this audacious little maneuver, and bottoms out.
‘So good.’ Her whimpers are muffled under the table, how beautiful her pussy looked canted up at this angle. It’s glistening moisture shines in the lighting, so pretty.
Even better when he smeared it with sauce from his plate. Just a little spice to the clit, nothing annoyingly hot. Ran those sauced fingers down his shaft each time they pumped into one another. The heat mixed with the cool air made the sensations contrastingly pleasant.
‘You like being fucked under the table like a cat in heat?’ Itachi grunted between words. Gently slapping her sensitive little nub as she threatened to cum so fast.
‘…gods, ‘Tachi. Please, yes. You feel so fucking good.’ There was nothing for her to grab or anchor too. Being mindful of her cheek to the wood floor, Itachi ground his hips gentle but fast.
‘How good?’ Smacking ass and gripping it for his own sake, on the verge of cumming. His other hand held the the edge of the table to stabilize himself.
‘So fucking good—so close.’ Her soft mewl has Itachi bursting at the seams.
But he needed more, and so gripping her hips tighter. Itachi used what minimal strength needed to essentially lift her up and down his cock. Excitement soon became desperation and next he found himself kicking the chair back and using the table with both hands for stability. Legs on either side of her hips. Itachi fucks downwards into his whining mess of a wife. Dragging his length over and over in and out. Her juices cream and ring at the base of his shaft, now he was close.
The taut squeeze and pulse of her plush walls coaxed his cock to throb and thicken, he groans. Gods it was so good when she came around him, even better when she was inconsolably moaning his name. Creamy, warm and thick as oil, Itachi fills her cute little hole up with his cum. Slowly thrusting it deep down, and the angle making it that much easier to fuck it into her.
Picks her up, cock hard and needy still. He discards half of the kitchen table into the floor, slips his cock inside her again and fucks her five ways to Sunday there. Reams a gentle grip at her throat and kisses her panting lips as she cums all over his length again. And again, this woman was not getting any sort of reprieve from his desires. Three weeks was too long to go with out the warmth of your woman’s slit to pump your cock into. Itachi presses her knees to chest and fucks her even harder as she mewls out sirens moan, how god he feels when consistently kissing her cervix. Filling her sweet velvety walls a second time and watching as it threatens to leak out from her depths as he slows his ravenous thrusts.
She’s not too pleased about the china being shattered as Itachi’s bullish behavior was not unsolicited but rather brash. Cleaning the mess, he kissed her cheek.
‘My apologies.’ Mhm, get to cleaning boy she says, but reciprocates his kisses with her own. They’ll just order delivery and salvage what they can for his bento tomorrow.
The usual goes form here. Eat dinner once it arrives, take a shower together. Cuddle up and read their books in bed. They are rather normal in most regards. Turn off the lights and go to bed.
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narraboths · 2 years
10 for SC for the kisses prompt.
(I love your writing very much! Thank you for sharing!)
They do love their grand gestures. Dramatic saves, protective suits, rooms filled wall to wall with flowers, reasons why a Super and a Luthor becomes the synonym for power couple, instead of sworn enemies. They make history with them, after all.
But sometimes, it's the little things. The ones that just happen, no forethought, no elaborate planning; things that come to them like second nature. 
(Kara reaching out to rub the tensing muscles in Lena’s back before a big speech, Lena absent-mindedly smoothing out the tired crinkling of Kara’s brows with her thumb when Kara’s perched on the couch next to her, stuck on a tricky paragraph in her article. Kara handing a cup of coffee to Lena the second she pads out into the kitchen in the mornings, morose and still half-asleep, Lena turning the heat off under the pancakes that Kara was going to burn in another second. Kara always holding out her hand for Lena’s when they walk, and Lena already reaching to take it.)
Their first kiss happens like that, too, just another beat of life. 
They’re in Lena’s office, another one of Kara’s just dropping by to say hi, and I bought some donuts too! visits, a ploy they both know is to make sure Lena takes a break and consumes something other than coffee during the day. Kara’s already saying goodbye – she really has to run, she’s expected back at CatCo, but they’re still holding onto each other, smiling, giddy with a sugar rush and the fake seriousness of Kara’s tone when she reminds Lena “it’s movie night, don’t be late” and the teasing in Lena’s voice when she replies “I wouldn’t dare”.
They don’t remember who initiates the kiss. It’s a small thing, feather-light, over in a second, something neither of them thinks about when they lean in to say goodbye. The moment doesn’t even register, at first, because it feels so natural, so right – it takes a frozen second of incredulous looks and did-that-really-happen for it to sink in. (Their second ever kiss, a stumbling, giggly, breathless affair that sweeps the table and ends on the couch, happens a minute later).
Their first public kiss is much the same. 
It’s CatCo, this time, not L-Corp, Lena striding through the bullpen for a meeting with Andrea, but she stops by Kara’s desk on the way. Kara raises her head at the sound of Lena’s approach, then rises a little from her seat, beaming like she always does, a regular sight for the CatCo staff. But Lena only halts for a second now, cupping Kara’s cheek as she murmurs hello, darling and bends down for a quick peck. Then she’s already marching on towards Andrea’s office, not even breaking her stride, and Kara’s already back in her chair, a dreamy look on her face, maybe, but hard at work again, ignorant of the shocked murmurs around her. A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment.
The half of the bullpen who most certainly did not miss it has a terrible time trying to convince the others that dude, I’m not making it up, Lena freaking Luthor KISSED KARA really did happen on their average Tuesday afternoon.
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shockinglysubmissive · 11 months
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I'm Okay
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) x AFAB!Reader (GN Pronouns)
Warning: angst (slight), office sex, fingering, squirting, pussy eating, unprotected sex, cream pie
A single text was the last contact you had with him, and it left you flooded with fear. 'Stay far away from down town. I'll meet you at your home when I can'. You knew he was facing an intense villain attack. It was all over the news. But even after the villain was subdued, you still hadn't heard from him.
You ignore his message, needing to see him now. Your relationship was still young, so this was the first time he had faced an intense fight while you had been dating. Fighting through the crowd of reporters outside his agency, you get to the lobby. A few recognize you, and try to stop you for questions. It was a miracle that you made it to the double doors of the building without throwing an elbow at a reporter trying to grab you.
A twinkling bell rings, letting the two interns standing guard know the door had been opened. "Hey! You can't be here!" Red Riot tries to stop you, not recognizing you right away. "It's Fatgum's order." He steps closer, reaching a hand out to stop you from passing by the desk. Pure adrenaline got you to this point through the crowd, you weren't about to sit and wait like a nobody.
"No offense, Eijiro, but I don't give a fuck. Now can you please step aside and let me see my boyfriend?" Struggling to keep your voice level, you look at the red head, locking eyes with him. You look between him and Suneater, almost challenging one of them to stop you now they know it is you.
Glancing at Suneater, he finally caves. "You keep watching, I'll take them back to Fatgum." He sighs before leading you up to his office. The halls seemed longer than usual as your anxiety and stress continue to build the longer you go without seeing him. Eijiro knocks firmly on the office door, wanting to get his attention.
"This better be important Red Riot." A tired voice calls out, the faint sound of shuffling can be heard before the door is unlocked and opened. "It better not be a reporter making Suneater freak out again. I don't think I can handle that today." The taller than average doorway is filled with a large man leaning against the frame for support.
You are greeted with the muscular form of your boyfriend. His clothing is torn and tattered, covered in a mix of blood, sweat, and dirt. The filth on his face was smeared, as if he was in the process of washing it off when he opened the door.
"Sorry... They um... didn't want to wait." Stepping aside, Taishiro is finally able to see you. His shoulders relax and he moves to let you enter the office.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted, and could you tell Tamaki I'm sorry too? I shouldn't have reacted so harshly when you were just doing what you were told." You keep your voice low, now feeling embarrassed by how aggressive you were when you entered the building.
"Thank you for bringing them here. Just a bit longer and I'll come down to talk to the press." He assures him, giving him a tired smile before shutting the door again. He stands with his hand on the door looking at you for a few seconds. "We will talk about you not listening to me later. I shouldn't have to worry about the press tearing you apart to ask questions after dealing with a villain."
His tired body passes by you, slumping down in his desk chair, looking at the mess of bandaids and antiseptic gels. Grabbing a wet rag from a bowl of warm water, he rings it out. He looks into a small mirror and starts cleaning his face again. Guilt twists like a knife in your gut, and you move closer to his desk. "Can I help you? I was just so worried." Your voice feels small as you speak.
"Actually, I would love that." Sensing how bad you feel, he flashes you a quick smile, rolling his chair back to make space for you. Moving in front of him, you clear the mess of papers and sit down on top of his desk. Spreading your legs, you make space for him to slide between them to get closer to you again. He hands you the rag, still wet with hot water. Leaning forward, you let your body hover just above him.
You gently dab the cuts and scrapes littering his pale skin. His eyes fall closed, letting you clean the dirt from his face. Your free hand rests on his shoulder to stabilize yourself as you meticulously clean the bleeding areas. Switching to the gel, you carefully apply it to the deeper gashes. Once you are sure that everything has been cleaned, you press your lips to his. Not expecting the soft feeling of your mouth, his eyes open quickly.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Seeing you all beaten up scared me. I needed to know that you were still my Taishiro under these injuries." You set your hand on his cheek, your thumb brushing small strokes. You're careful not to rub against a bruise on his jaw. A large hand rests on yours.
"Hey. It's just a few bumps and bruises. Nothing changed. This happens from time to time. I shouldn't have worried you by sending that text then not reaching out when I got back to my office. I'm still getting used to having someone else worry about me." His golden eyes lock with yours, trying to give you comfort. "I just knew I wanted you far away from any danger. I didn't stop to think that you would be freaking out until you heard from me again."
"It's not your fault. I knew what I was in for when I started dating a pro hero. Now, I think I've gotten your face patched like it should be. Do you mind if I look at the rest of your body? I can see a nasty looking cut on your shoulder. Could you please take this off?" Your hands trail down the solid muscles of his chest, grabbing the rag and dipping a clean corner into the cooling water. He shrugs the tattered and torn remains of his jacket off, letting it fall to the floor to give you access to his torso. Even the undershirt he wore was barely intact enough to stay in his body. "I wish I knew it was that easy to get you out of your clothes." You say under your breath, only half aware that he can hear you.
"All you ever need to do is ask nicely. Please and thank you go a long way, my love." He flashes you his beautiful smile, attempting to hide the wince as you clean the deep cut. Reaching down, you set one of his hands on the fat of your thigh. "Huh? What are you doing?"
"Squeeze my thigh like a stress ball if it hurts too much. You don't need to pretend to be fine around me." You try to ignore the way his huge hand easily covers most of your plush thigh. Applying more pressure to his cut, you feel his fingers tentatively tighten, testing if he would hurt you. "That's it. I just need to apply a bandage, then I can clean the minor scrapes and you're all done." Pressing firmly on the wound to properly apply the bandage, he grips down tighter on your thigh. "Are you still doing ok?"
His knuckles go white from the grip he has on the fat of your thigh. "It doesn't hurt. But dammit. I wasn't expecting it to feel so good when I squeezed your body. You didn't even react." He forces his hand to relax, looking up to your face.
"I told you that you could use me as a stress ball. I've got a high pain tolerance." You keep your voice gentle to reassure him. He lifts his hand to run it through his messy hair. "Is everything ok?"
"I know we agreed to wait. But seeing you on my desk, leaning so close to me, telling me to use you as a stress ball... Well it's getting hard to resist you. All I can think about is pushing those soft thighs to your chest while I work you open on my cock." His face flushes red with embarrassment as he confesses. "I would never do that without your approval, but I don't want to keep it a secret how I feel about it or how badly I want you right now."
With the fear of his well being finally gone, you are able to take in the tent that had formed in his loose fitting hero pants. You couldn't deny you wanted him too. The thoughts had been creeping into your mind the entire time you had been cleaning him up, but you didn't want to take advantage of his shaken state of mind by throwing yourself at him. "Is this the best time? I mean you have all those people outside waiting for you. And your interns. I don't want to keep them waiting." Your voice comes out as ramblings, trying to rationalize this.
"The press will get bored soon enough. I can send a message to the boys telling them they can take the back exit and leave whenever they want. I never make them stay to talk to the press unless they want to. I don't want to overwhelm Suneater with that just yet. They won't be suspicious of anything." He explains, his face suddenly falling. "I'm not trying to pressure you into this. I just wanted to make sure you know those things won't be an issue."
Your throat feels dry as you try to speak. "Y-you want me? Right now, I mean. Even after getting injured? You must've used so much energy expelling all that fat. I would understand if you're not really in the mood." You continue rambling until two large hands grab your thighs and pull your ass to the edge of the desk.
"You're so cute when you ramble, but I'd much rather have your lips against mine." Your hands meet his broad chest as your body falls towards him. Leaning closer to you, his lips catch yours, tasting like sugar. You don't fight him, though you remain aware of where your hands are sitting so you don't irritate any of his injuries further. His hands fumble their way up your thighs, thick fingers hooking under the elastic of your lounge pants. "Lift up." He instructs against your lips, unable to bear to break the kiss any longer than the brief moment.
Tentatively, you lift your ass just enough for him to get the waistband of your pants around the curve of your ass. It takes effort to pull yourself away from the kiss, shallow pants leaving your kiss-swollen lips. Your skin starts to stick to the wooden surface of the desk as soon as it touches. It was in this moment, where you no longer had the material of your pants, when you remember you had been in such a rush to get here, you never put panties on. The slick from your cunt starts to puddle beneath you.
"You seem excited, and I haven't even taken my pants off. Though it's a good thing you're this wet. It'll make it easier for you to take me." His calloused thumbs rest on either side of your lips, spreading you open to give him a better view of your clit. The cool air sends a chill down your spine and you find it increasingly difficult to keep from fidgeting. One of his index fingers gathers your slick before easing its way to massage your deepest nerves. "That's it. Good job. Just relax for me and I'll make you feel so amazing." His voice is soft as he showers you with praises, his middle finger nudging against your entrance.
Your hands fall back to brace yourself on the desk, soft moans leaving your lips as your breathing becomes labored. His thumb circles around your clit, occasionally brushing over it directly to make your body jolt. When his ring finger breaches your slick wall, electric waves course through your body. He doesn't stop his movements, letting your pussy clench around his thick fingers. The hand that had been teasing your clit moves higher, pressing down lightly just above your pelvic bone through the fat of your stomach.
You don't have time to feel insecure as his fingers buried deep inside you curl up as if they were trying to touch his palm. The hand pushing down lightly adds even more stimulation to your g-spot, pressure building on your core. It doesn't take long before the pressure hits its peak and you feel as if you're going to bust.
"Tai~ you gotta stop. It's too much." You gasp out, trying to find the strength to push him away. A chuckle leaves his lips as his fingers quicken. His golden eyes focus on you, taking in the way you thrash around, begging for him to stop so you don't make a mess. Something unlocks within him and he can't help but imagine how pretty you would look crying from pleasure.
"Just let go. Stop holding back. I know you can do it for me, my pretty little one. You trust me, right?" He coos, only picking up the pace when you grab his wrist. Around his fingers, clear liquid gushes out, soaking his hand and the desk beneath you. He is reluctant to remove his hand, but he is too greedy and impatient. His head dives between your thighs, all previous injuries and exhaustion long gone as he laps up the taste of you. The sounds that leave your mouth are heaven to him, only encouraging him to ignore the hand tugging his hair in an attempt to separate him from your sensitive core.
It's not until your hand travels through his hair, brushing against a bandage that he pulls away. The pains from before slowly ebbing back to the front of his mind. Catching your breath, you sit up enough to look at him. Through his torn and tattered pants, you can see the obvious erection fighting to get freed. He sees where your attention has landed, and his face turns a deep shade of red.
"May I remove your pants?" You bat your lashes at him, seeing his slight hesitation. His large frame shifts nervously in his desk chair before letting his desires get the best of him. He finally nods and guides your smaller hands over his bulge. Just knowing it is you touching him is nearly enough to have his seed spilling into his clothing. You are delicate with everything you do, unzipping his pants and tugging them enough to free his leaking cock.
You were prepared for him to be large. Even in his thin form, he was over 220cm. But you were shocked by how pretty it was. His tip was a deep shade of red, matching the color on his face. Drops of precum leak out of his tip, allowing you to use it as lube as you pump the length slowly. The skin along his shaft felt so warm and soft in your hand. The tuft of blonde hair at the base was trimmed to keep it manageable, leading its way up to disappear under the remaining pieces of his shirt. Your head starts spinning and you release the breath you didn't realize you had been holding.
"Don't make me wait. I'm dying to feel myself buried inside you. I don't think I'll be able to last." He groans through gritted teeth, heels digging into the ground to keep from fucking into your small hand. "Your hands feel so good. I bet your pussy will feel addicting." The moans leaving his lips made it hard for you to stop. You just want to focus on the sounds he is making, and to feel him spill his seed in your hand. He can see it in your eyes that you don't plan on stopping, so he grips your wrist. He easily overpowers you, prying your hand off his twitching cock.
"No!" You look at him with your bottom lip jutting out. You were right there. Just a few more pumps and you would have felt the sticky cum you were desperate for. His hands grab your thighs and drags you off the desk so you fall in his lap.
"What are you whining for? I was the one with the denied orgasm." He lovingly teases you in an attempt to distract you from his large tip easing between your lips. Your eyes lock with his, and the golden eyes are hazy with need. Hooking your legs over the arms of the chair, he eases you down in him. "I'm going to push in now, ok sugar?"
It takes insane patience on his part, fighting the urge to slam into you, and fill you with his cum. You aren't sure how long it took, but eventually, your cunt is stretched wide around him. His tip kisses your cervix and you dare to look down. The sight between your legs was nearly enough to make you cum. Only half his shaft is able to squeeze inside you. Your slick drips down the rest of his length, making his lap wet.
"I... Oh fuck... I was so right about how good you feel. I don't think I'm going to last." His head falls back, bruised chest rising and falling rapidly. With his feet planted flat on the floor, he thrusts into you. You roll your hips slowly, already falling over the edge and clenching hard around him as you cum. Your orgasm triggers his, and you feel painfully full of his seed, pushing your stomach out. His shaking hands lift you off of him and place you back on the desk. Being moved away causes your stomach to drop and you reach out to him.
"Aw. Don't be like that, sugar. I'm not leaving you. But I do need to eat to regain my strength. And it just so happens that you can help with that. After all, cream pie is my favorite dessert." He winks up at you.
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chalk-prnce · 1 year
You sure we're out of their sight?
in which you can't admit that you like komaeda, let alone liking a boy. warnings ; internalised homophobia, breakdowns male reader x komaeda nagito
im so sorry for never posting! i forgot all about this account and focussed on my ao3 account! but im here now so, enjoy that "Car lights" fanfic i promised but a different title.
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The sun had already set, a premature twilight settling over the horizon as you stared out with the entire universe on your shoulders. Perhaps you should be more glad to get away from the city for a bit, even if you were only about 20 minutes away. Your friends proposed to all go out tonight, but you refused. You can't function properly if you don't figure yourself out and quick.
Sand crunched under your shoes as you breathed a hissing intake of air- it wasn't the best day for you today. You had drove to the nearest sea shore after a long day of battling your own disgust to something you'd rather not name. Even labelling it was shameful but tempting. If you say it aloud, usually it confirms it in your mind. For example- saying how much you love watching shitty sitcoms that you found hilarious when you were about 10 at the age of 17 going on 18 kind of seals the deal on it. A verbal contract- a shameful confirmation. 
Your tank was about one fifth filled up, and you were running on fumes of hope that it would still be able to take you to the nearest gas station after you're finished brooding. Even after being here for what felt like days, you still hadn't been able to figure yourself out. What are you really even freaking out over? What is your problem? Your dilemma? 
Komaeda Nagito. 
About a couple months ago, you two had met in the library on not the most friendly terms. However over time, you somehow managed to look past it and you two kept coming back to that same spot in the same library. 
"..Pride and Prejudice.." The ivory boy mumbled, sitting beside you as he leaned against his elbow on the table. "..You've truly never read this before? It's such a famous piece of literary artwork. One of the most famous actually.. Makes sense that someone so painfully average like you wouldn't know that."
He talks so much to you for someone who despises the very precense of the Reserve Course. "...Shut up, of course I knew about it- I just never found it interesting so I blew off reading it." 
You both scoff at eachother before sliding the book into the middle of the table and read it together, pointing out small bits of the book every now and then. 
"..I'd never fall for someone like Mr Darcy.. So cold.. so cruel. Even for money- seriously! That'd fuck me up." 
"..Well- I'd assume you wouldn't fall for someone like him- he's a boy." He let out a small laugh through his sentence- pushing you out of your thoughts. You couldn't believe you let that slip. 
"Right- nah, I'm just saying y'know. If I was a girl and liked guys, I'd never choose him." A slight awkward silence ensues after that awful slip up from you. It's only after a whole chapter does Komaeda begin to speak again.
"Would you though?"
"Would I what?"
"..You know, date a boy?"
You fiddle with the corner of the pages, sucking on your teeth before breathing out a small string of words. "..Relationships are tiring." Is all you can pull out from your mouth before going back to reading. It was an nice way of getting out of the topic. You could've easily said no- but for some reason you remained vague. 
"..That's not answering my question. Are you seriously that incompetent?" He sneered before leaning his hand on the seat of your chair, his head lulled to the side of both of you. "..Don't answer that actually, I know you are that incompetent." It was hard to tell in that moment if Komaeda was against the idea of homosexuality or not- he was always mixed signals. You open your mouth to say something; but now he was much closer, you could feel that sultry voice vibrate down your ears, and so you close your mouth and stay silent. 
"..You've gone quiet. Are you truly that stumped by my question?" He hummed, chills now digging it's needles into your back. "..I suppose it is quite the hard question, even for an Ultimate it could stump them." That's a weird thing to say, especially from the suspicious implications. 
"..You talk too much. Just keep reading." Is all you breathe out before you flip the page over and Komaeda shifts back away from your chair. The moment ends.
But it wasn't even the fact that he was in a much higher position than you- a high standing pedestal than your excuse for being a "symbol".  Perhaps you're over reacting about the wrong thing. Komaeda had a reputation for despising all reserve course's to the core. A more filthier piece of trash than him (if that was possible in his mind.) The purest scum of the Earth. You should be running for life, and you would if you were in the most rational state of mind. But you're quite obviously not. He's going to eat you alive but god you wonder how it'd be if you did so first. Laying back onto the hood of your car, you shriek out a loud groan and grip at your hair in frustration. You don't know exactly why you're so stressed over him, someone who's merely a friend. Barely, actually- more like civil accquantainces who had common interests and that was all. He despised being seen in public with you; if his classmates ever walked into the library whilst you two were there, he would quickly but quietly shuffle to another nearby table. 
In the earlier months of your accquantainceship, you would've scoffed and insulted him after they left. But now, you simply look at them crowd around as they ask how Komaeda is before leaving. You felt like a frog amongst swans, something so dirty and unfitting to be with.
Silver glints of the moon fracture over the tides, the serene scenery surrounding you was ethereal, a song for the eyes. You've been here for about 5 hours, sitting in different positions all whilst rubbing your temples or banging your forehead onto your knees. It's getting harder to ignore this, to ignore him. Why are you here? You want to go home, but it feels like an obligation to stay and sort this out before you begin to lose your head. You'd honestly rather cut off your wings so that you can not fly into the sun but rather fall into the mighty blue beasts teeth than confront these ghastly thoughts of yours. Komaeda, Komaeda, Komaeda. You've never felt more stress over a name such as his. You should be cast to the wolves for these thoughts. But what thoughts? Your head does not contain blasphemies and your mouth has not committed any heresies. So why are you so troubled? Perhaps you do know, but if you even dare mention it you'd finally commit said heresy you so very feared. You can't say it. You won't dare think it. You refuse. You won't do it. 
But you can't stop- you've already done it. You imagine how perfectly your arms would fit around him, how easily your hands could mold together and your eyes would easily find the pearls of the deep dark in eachother's irises, how wonderfully your lips would fit like a jigsaw. 
You can't remember exactly how you became enamoured by him. Perhaps it was when you accidentally let your stare linger longer than you intended. That day, Komaeda brought in a book that you could only find via an online bookstore due to it being quite a strange piece. Turns out, he was absolutely infatuated with it, and rambling about it came easy to him.
"..The Book Of Disquiet is quite the interesting read- it was never finished, but it's easy to get how the book ends. The heteronyms that Pessoa created for it was intentionally made to be...boring. I've done alot of research on him- he really delves into the whole "Terrible Paradox of Self Awareness" topic- noting to the reader that writing and doing and saying is all completely meaningless yet continues to write, do and say things." The Lucky Student trails off, flicking back and forth to pages of his notes page he did on the portugese author, explaining and going through each little bit. 
You absorbed it in like a sponge- his voice was calming and his eyes were soft as he looked at the pages like it was a puppy. His hair was falling perfectly down his face and spilling onto his shoulders, his eyes shining with a glimmer you've only seen in the stars. Komaeda's beauty could never be put to justice through photos. Not even paintings could immortalise his visage- a night sky within his eyes and the sun within his soul. It was as if you were in an trance. There was a subtle breeze in your imagination as you stared- that was until you realised that was because Komaeda was waving his hand infront of your face.
"..Hello? Are you alright?" That was a first. He doesn't ask that often. "..You seem pretty out of it. It is quite warm in here.."
"..No. I'm fine. Keep reading." And the moment ends.
In your dreams, you described it as simple infatuation, but in reality it was not as airy and feather-light as that. In your nightmares, you described it as a deadly desire, but in reality it was not as short-lived and capricious as that. But to call it anything else in your own conscious mind? You'd rather be ripped from your organs.
But you don't want to keep thinking about it. You don't think you can do it any longer in this swealtering heat of the night. It was humid, but it barely felt like any air was being circulated around the Earth. One last sigh leaves you before you get up from your indented place in the sand and wander off to your car. It was an alright car, not the best and it was used by alot of past owners but it was the best you could get at your age. You pull out your keys and make sure to shake and jingle them a bit just so you can hear the clacking against them, hoping it'd snap you out of whatever this was. Opening the door and slamming it once you're inside, you push your keys into the engine and twist. Your car moans and groans several times, and you could've sworn you felt your heart shoot down to your gut. Your repeated attempts to twist your keys and turn on the engine are almost ridiculed by the curdling screams of the exhaust. Oh, come on. How did this happen? You take great care of your car! Not a single scrape or dent or even a mere collision with any other vehicle. What happened?
Ah. Right. Your tank- it was only one fifth full. Shit.
Well, now you're stuck at this beach with more rocks than grains of sand. His luck is rubbing off on you. Great, there you go again! You always just have to find some way to mention his name even in the most dire situations. What's wrong with you? A loud bang clanks against the hood of your car from the hail that was now pouring down, mocking you as you replicate those bangs onto your steering wheel from your forehead. Atleast you had shelter from it. But you had no money to call a repair work, and almost all of your friends were out for tonight. Oh, but who else is in your contacts that IS free? 
Komaeda Nagito.
You fully groan at his name, your hands dragging the skin of your face up and down. Do you really have to resort to this? It's either him or you stay in the hail with your car as shelter on a school night. God, and who knows how many assignments you probably have to do right now? You feel like crying. You end up crying. 
Hot blobs of salt run down your cheeks as you feel the overwhelming sense of dread. Nothing was going right for you today, nothing at all. Your bones feel heavy in your skin, your eyes straining to keep up with the amount of tears leaving you. Your car has no gas, it's hailing loudly and you're caught between the tides of pain and rapture as you stare at his contact on your phone. You hadn't even figured out the reason of why you are here. Maybe that's for the best. It'd be more awkward to face Komaeda if you had figured it out- but does that mean you most likely know what's wrong with you then? Are you in denial?
"...Hello?" His gravally voice seeps through the audio output.
"..Komaeda, can you come pick me up? My car broke down at the beach- I can't get home and I have no money to call repair services." Your voice is cracking and crumbling as you call, your hands occupied with either your phone or holding the wheel. All you hear is a groan that interrupts a 5 second silence. "..Please- after this I'll never call again, I promise-" All you hear is a beep. He hung up. What did you expect? Why would he ever come and help someone as pathetic as you?
You fall back into your seat, hands dragging your face again before you grumble to yourself under your breath. Why do you care so much? His attention burns your skin and his precense warms your nerves. You could practically melt at the thought of him. This isn't right. It just isn't right at all. It's disgusting, it should be illegal to feel like this for another man. You feel ashamed like you've committed murder. Being burnt at the stake would be a worthy punishment for this. Oh but the more you deny and refute this, refute him, the more you can't push these feelings down. It's all you're thinking about. 
So now you're stuck here and potentially broken what little bit of friendship you had with Komaeda. Great work. Aren't you just the most intelligent man alive? 
You huff it out in large and saltier blobs of misery, soon letting your exhausted eyes fall heavy. You're sitting in your car, hail now slowing as you drift off into probably one of the modt uncomfortable positions possible. In your dreams you envision a timeline where perhaps one of you were a girl instead, and loving eachother wouldn't need to be so compromising. Or perhaps a timeline where loving another boy wouldn't be compromising.
Soon enough, you're awoken by loud thuds and thumps against your window, you can barely make out what it is banging your window due to how much more the rain was pouring down now. A loud groan leaves your throat before you roll down the window, and your eyes finally open fully. That frizzy tuff of white cotten, now flattened by the rain is all too familiar for you. You stare at it. But not at his eyes.
Komaeda Nagito.
You both stare at eachother, stoic yet painful words were folded into the corners of eachother's eyes. It's been about 10 seconds you've been staring at eachother through your car window.
"..You truly are so incompetent, aren't you?"
"..Driving all this way and you didn't even think to fill up your tank. On top of that, you call me of all people to solve this pathetic problem of yours and you're not even going to say a thing to me when I arrive."
He came here? But he hung up?
"..Are you blind? Are you deaf? Hello??" Komaeda sneers at you, grimacing at you. It's hard to see eachother through the rain.
"...you came."
He shuts up at that, and despite the rain, you can see his eyes soften. "..I did. You called me, you sounded.. stressed. So I came." But why?
"..I don't why I did. It was like I needed to. It doesn't make sense." He sighs before looking away. You narrow your eyes slightly, softening them too before you get out of your car and closing the door behind you, leaning against the soaked metal.
At this point, the only source of light came from your car lights, blaring from it's home to display all the droplets of rain that passed it. "..What happened?" His voice was quieter than quiet. Despite the rain being louder, you could only hear him. "..You don't usually go out so late. I thought your friends invited you out?"
"..You paid attention to that?" He nods. "I just needed to figure something out." He hums.
"..Well, have you?" You shake your head.
"..Maybe I can help. What is it you're troubling yourself with?" You huff.
Both of you wander over to the hood of your car, sitting ontop of it. "I can't tell you. I'd honestly rather die than do so. You'd rip me to shreds."
"What? Are you striving to become an Ultimate or something? It couldn't be that bad." You scoff and lay back onto your hood.
"..Remember that conversation we had a couple weeks back? You asked if I'd ever.."
"..Date a boy?" You nod. "..What about it?"
It takes a lot of courage to continue this conversation. "..What would.. what do you- think? Would you ever date one?" He shrugs. "Probably. Why? What does this have to do with anything?" How dense can someone be?
But that gives you a little something. He might. 
"..Put two and two together you fucking moron." At this point, you're getting tired of running away. Your feet are calloused with how much you've ran away from this problem of yours. You need to decide it now.
You glance over at his face and you see no malice in his visage. Perhaps he isn't here to taunt you. He's probably trying to understand what you meant. "..Ah." Is all he says before laying back onto the hood with you. "Whatever you decide for that, despite how..painfully filthy you are... I'll support you." 
He heaves alot during that sentence. Maybe it's due to the rain or maybe it just took too much out of him to try to be nice to you. You both look up, squinting through the rain. "..How long have you been out here?"
"..About.. 8 hours..? I don't know. I needed to find some space." Komaeda hums in agreement as he combs his strands back. "Fair enough. But you might catch a cold." That's new. "Since when did you care, Main course?" You could just about hear the small chuckle under his breath.
This all felt like some strange peace treaty between you two. It was no longer insults but rather it felt like light-hearted jokes. Like you two had known each other forever. "Would you rather me let you out to die from pneumonia?" You laugh and shake your head. Your laughter simmers down and you both look at each other, you hadn't looked at him for the entire time. Looking at him almost made you sob. You don't know if you can do this.
"So... what made you start... thinking of this whole liking boys thing?" He asks with a careful tone, talking to you at this moment felt like a delicate activity. You can't tell him that. You just shrug.
"So you pull me all the way out here, just so we can lay in the rain on your hood?" You smile at that but you shake your head. "..I don't think I can tell you why. I don't want to ruin this." You gesture to the little space between you two. "It's taken me so long to just say I potentially like...boys. I feel like I should be atoning for this."
"No shame in liking guys. You don't need to tell me why then," You thank him with your silence, ", Any guys you like right now though?" You slap his shoulder and he puts both hands up in the air with a smirk. "What? It's a genuine question!"
Eyes roll as you simply return to looking up at the crying sky. "Perhaps. Do you?" He shrugs. "Perhaps."
"You can't just copy my answer. Give me something here."
"You're not giving me a thing here. How about we both give small hints?" It's a good idea and so you agree. "Hair colour?" God that is the worst question. He'll easily tell who it is then. "That's way too obvious!" A small huff leaves him before he goes back to thinking. "Hm, fine.. which course is he in?"
The thing is, you don't know anyone else in the Main Course other than him and Kazuichi. He was your neighbour for a long time and you two grew close as friends. But he didn't know that, did he? "..Main Course." You awaited a scoff or a remark of how you don't deserve to love anyone from the Main Course, but he just hums.
"..Would you like to know mine?"
It almost takes your entire being to not say yes so eagerly. He clicks his tongue in amusement.
There's a strange casual coolness in his voice, as if he hadn't just said something that completely shook you to your roots and make you question everything about him. This contradicted everything about him! What kind of weird enemies-to-lovers experience did he have?
"..Shocking, I know. Seems like we're in similar situations, unfortunately." Komaeda remarks, however he has a smirk on his face that gives you a bad feeling that he knows. Maybe you should give in to defeat.
"..Don't you hate us? Why would you ever want to love one of us?" Your inquiry is the one to make him finally scoff. "..I never wanted to. But I had to accept it soon enough, I have enough things to eat away at me. I didn't need another." It felt slightly insulting but you got it. It was exactly like you and this gay situation. "..That's...fair enough. When did you finally accept it?"
"..About.. A month or two ago? I had let it waste away at me for about.. 4 months." 6 months. You've known him for 6 months.
"..Wow.. You've been in love with some dude ever since the day we met and you didn't bother to tell me? I'm honestly betrayed, Komaeda."
"Well I didn't exactly see you as a friend back then, did I?" That caught you off guard. "So that means you see me as a friend now?"
"Perhaps." That leaves a smile on your face.
You two stay out on your hood for another 5 minutes. It's getting cold. It's very late.
"..You figured it out yet?" His voice sounds less sultry, now it was more careful and smooth. You shrug.
Over the course of 5 minutes, 2 things went through your head. Should you just give in to defeat and tell him and potentially ruin everything or should you just say no and just get him to drive you two home and send a service for your car later? The latter sounds tempting. It's such a cursed mindset- it felt like a fruit from a poisonous tree. Your thoughts were fickle between the decisions of defeat and stubborness. All your troubling thoughts brutally clawed at your face and brain, infecting it like your brain was filled with scorpions. Your tolerance was beginning to simmer and sizzle. Perhaps you thought about it too much. Maybe you're overthinking. What if you gave in to defeat and he rejects you? It was all for nothing. But he doesn't owe you that affection just because you came out to him within the same day. Why can't you decide? Why won't you hurry up? Why, why, why?-
Your thoughts silence. His lemon grass eyelashes fluttered at you like rare butterflies in the spring morning. You take one more breath.
"I like a boy from the Main Course. I can.. confirm that now. I'm not the most.. okay with that fact but.. I can't let it eat me away aswell." You smile weakly at him. Looking into Komaeda's eyes, you can see glints of a smile in them. He seems proud of you.
"But I... uh.. don't think he likes me back." He cocks his head slightly to the side. "Why do you say that?" This might also give it away.
But your rational reasoning had been long gone from your brain ever since you started crying and screaming on a beach in a broken down car.
"He doesn't exactly like Reserves." You cover your mouth to giggle as if you just told someone the dumbest secret ever. His eyebrow raises at you. "Oh?"
"..Aha.. Ahhhhh... Yeah. What about your Reserve Crush? Does he like Main Courses?"
"No. He always scoffs when he sees me."
"I would too." You already do.
"Why wouldn't he like you though? Despite how painfully average you are... You're quite stunning in the moonlight. And somehow you're able to make me laugh everyday." You are quite the comedic genius.
"Because I'm no Ultimate. I've heard the way he talks about the Ultimates and I'm never going to live up to that. I wish I could. I always wonder if I'm ever going to."
"Maybe he's let go of that aspect of hatred from you." He suggests, looking over at you. "..Maybe he sees you as something even more." It's your turn to raise an eyebrow. "..How would you know that?"
"My luck is that of the stars. I might be right." Komaeda winks before staring deeper into your eyes.
"My troubles lie exactly with if he'll like me or not right now, and supposedly your luck will help me?" He shrugs. You two have become ever so much more closer on your hood, sitting upright. You two haven't made this long of eye-contact ever. You two haven't made this type of contact ever either. He's beautiful. You can feel his cold breath against you.
Over the course of your time together on your car with raining weeping onto you, Komaeda came closer for warmth and you came closer to try and hear his small tone. It's only become more apparent of how little space there was between you two. You have a strange feeling on where this is going with how close he is becoming.
"Are you scared?" You nod slightly. He probably noticed your eyes shake between his lips and the surroundings and back to his eyes.
"I feel like someone will see us."
"Through the car lights? I doubt it. Do you still want to deny yourself this? I can stop if you want." He backs away slightly as a demonstration, but you catch his shoulders and shake your head. "...There is nothing to run from. I'm not scared. I only have one more worry on my mind but... it's nothing you should be concerned about." And he smiles.
"Would you..let me answer your troubles?"
You're unsure of what he means, however you aren't given much of a chance to question him. You feel a cold pair of lips press against yours, and you feel complete. You two complete eachother, knocking their air out of eachothers lungs as you hold hands and kiss on your hood. "..Don't let them see my face." Is all you mumble through your muffled lips as you two, push eachother up against the car, holding eachother like life lines. "I don't know how to be without you." Komaeda mumbles back, digging his nimble hands into your hair.
It feels like fireworks as you finally break away and look at eachother. Your finger tips slowly trace to his knuckles, holding his hand tightly as you two continue to watch the tides rise and retreat.
"...Would.. would you.. like to go back now?" You nod. You two get off of the vehicle and enter Komaeda's. You leave with smiles and blushes between a silence.
The rain stopped at that very second.
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gatzilksis-2 · 7 months
The Grand Return (2)
(this story includes fart kink and other adult elements)
chapter one here
Chapter Two: Beginnings
I met Tony Gonzalez first. I had sat in the expansive lobby of The Chicken Spot, a family-owned business with only 3 locations. He'd come out from the back of the restaurant, donned in the collared shirt of a manager. My jaw nearly fell to the floor.
Tony was six feet tall and average body size, dark tan skin making his big smile stand out. His hair was long, in a dark, curly ponytail behind his head. He extended a large, callused hand, and I couldn't stop staring at his dark, happy eyes. I shook his hand and noticed chest hair behind his open collar. "Hey. Cal, right? I'm Tony."
His hand was so warm. I already had the biggest crush on him. Tony had interviewed me, and then I hadn't seen him for a while. I got hired, but I opened while he closed.
Opening was where I met Vince Martino. He was the prep guy while I opened service. Vince had an olive skin tone with perfect features and an average body, but he was tall and broad-shouldered. His black hair was cut short, and his pale green eyes sparkled behind spectacles. The best part about him was his butt, a tight but thick ass in his standard black pants.
Vince was hot, and we got along well. When business was slow, we talked and shared stories. A few mornings after my first day, I walked into the back to get something from the cooler. Like always, I walked through behind the prep area, where Vince was cutting tomatoes.
I walked directly into a thick cloud of fart, most likely more than one. I didn't say anything, passing through and taking a moment to freak out in the walk-in. He was hot, and he had great farts. I needed to find a way to encourage them.
I left the cooler and walked back through, the cloud staying in place. "My god. Is that the drains?"
"Sure." Vince gave me a sly grin.
"What?" I smiled. "Did you shit?"
"Nah, it was all air." He winked at me.
I moved on, silently thanking whoever for Vince.
A few weeks in, I worked over my usual shift, filling in for someone at night. I finally saw Tony again, walking his sexy self past me with a wave. "Hey! You liking it?"
"Yeah!" It was all I could get out.
Tony went into the office to talk to the morning manager Pam. Not two minutes later, Pam came out quick, fanning her face. I suspected the best option and asked, "what happened?"
"Tony farted in that tiny office." Pam continued past me and walked around the corner.
There was no one else around. I crept around the corner and up to the ajar office door. Tony was counting down a cash drawer. I thought quickly and knocked. Tony pushed the door open, and I put my head inside.
I wasn't expecting the pungency of his fart. It was noxious, bordering on offensive, but it was also extremely sexy to me. "I just wanted to say thanks for hiring me, and I hope your night goes well."
"You, too, Cal." He showed his bright smile, as if he hadn't destroyed all the air in the room.
Fall turned to winter, and business was super slow.
In the morning, Vince and I didn't do much but talk, the weather outside frigid and ugly. We were by the front wall with the registers, but he backed up while I was talking, stepping a yard back. He squinted one eye and then sighed.
"Did you fart?" I asked, though it couldn't have been more obvious.
"I don't know." He grinned in mischief. "Does it smell?"
It hit me as he asked the question, the same smell as before only slightly weaker. "Yeah. A bit."
A few days after that, Vince ran up to me in the drive thru and dropped three audible rippers in sequence. I tried to escape the smell, but he trapped me in the little drive thru area. "What's wrong, Cal?"
"You stink." I pushed him, and he ripped another one. Both of us fell into hysterical laughter, until a car came to interrupt us.
A few mornings later, I went outside to smoke with Pam. It was freezing, but we lit our cigarettes around the corner, protected from the wind.
"Oh my god." Pam blew out smoke and shook her head. "You know how I had to help close last night? Tony and I went out to smoke, and he just squatted and let out this HUGE fart that went on for too long."
"Really?" I was mentally screaming, instantly excited.
"Yeah!" Pam hit her cigarette and blew out smoke. "Tony is always, always farting, and sometimes it smells like death."
It was the greatest sentence in existence. "Really? At work? I never work with him."
"You will soon."
Another amazing sentence!
Pam continued, "Tony's gonna start opening three days a week."
I held in my gasp. "Cool. He seems awesome."
"He's cool, but he stinks!"
Next time!
We see the extent of Tony's gaseous abilities and deeper connections between Cal and Vince!
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showtoonzfan · 11 months
Since you mentioned Hell being like an alternate version of Earth essentially, how do you feel that kinda conflicts with the point in Charlie's whole plan for rehabilitation? I mean, she says things are bad down their for sinners (or in general), but, I mean, there's a freaking rehab in the Sloth Ring and the Queen of Gluttony is a good person who cares for her people. Maybe she's just refering to the Pride Ring where the sinners are contained, but aside from that, I feel like these factors kinda lesson the stakes and purpose of her hotel as Hell isn't really that bad in comparison to how she describes it.
I think the obvious problem that stems from this is that when Viv wrote the pilot for Hazbin, she CLEARY didn’t have the idea of the seven rings fully scoped out in her head at the time. Charlie’s dialogue never indicated that she was talking about one specific location and one form of demon species, not even just her dialogue but Katie’s too, the “Demons ALL over hell are duking it out to gain new territory”. Charlie meanwhile always kept saying “Hell” as in ALL of hell, or that’s at least what an average viewer would have assumed, especially since the nine circles are mentioned so people would just assume Viv’s taking from Dante’s Inferno and that the rest of hell is also filled with sinners…or demons so to speak, since Viv also never made it clear that her interpretation of “demons” are sinners who got sent to hell. No one would have been able to predict that there were also other hellborns in this world, especially since Charlie flat out says “as most of you know I was born here in hell” as if she was the ONLY member who was.
And I should make it clear that I’m not saying having Hellborns is a bad idea, it makes sense in my opinion….it’s just that…yeah, most of the stuff we learn for Helluva contradicts the plot for HH. There’s therapy in hell, there’s REHAB in hell, there’s JAIL in hell, there’s organized crime in hell, Hell has an overpopulation problem and yet IMP is allowed to kill and make MORE sinners end up in Hell every day, Heaven has really strict laws against their own kind so what makes people think they’d welcome a sinner, the list goes on. The whole point of the hotel was to send damned souls into Heaven because Hell (or should I say the pride ring, see how stupid that sounds?) is overpopulated but it’s weird that the rest of hell is just…completely unaffected by this.
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syntia13treeman · 4 months
Case files 02.01
what I think happened in:
Case 02.01, the case of "Portrait of Daria Gray" or "The artist becomes the canvas."
Daria's story is pretty straightforward. What we know about Daria: she's a struggling left-handed artist who used to wear a lot of hand-me-down clothes from her sister, and she doesn't like the way she looks. At some point she decides to get a bit of a makeover and, among more mundane things, she starts shopping for a new tattoo. She finds a deal too good to be true (it is) offered by one 'Ink5oul'.
Ink5oul is sketchy as hell, and definitely has something supernatural going on. The tattoo they gives Daria (with no input from her, WTF! - paintbrush, floral patterns and glittering symbols) hurts much more than it should, but also heals almost instantly.
Looking at the tattoo (which is 'perfect') fills Daria with sudden desire to paint an autoportrait (which comes out 'perfect'). And once that is done, looking at it again makes her realize she can adjust herself (and make herself perfect).
So she takes her painting tools, most notably a pallet knife, right to her own face (and soon pretty much every other body part) and gives herself an impromptu plastic surgery. Which goes on uninterrupted for several days (???!?!!?!) until her room-mate Sarah comes home. Poor Sarah walks in on Daria while she has a knife stuck in her jaw, understandably freaks out and punches Daria, at which point half of Daria's face collapses under her hand like putty.
Having no idea that her room-mate has been touched by the spooky, Sarah comes up with the only rational explanation she can think of, which is that Daria poured some acid on her own face (which is very comic-book logic, but maybe Sarah paid more attention to Batman than chemistry and biology class as a teen).
So now Daria has severely disfigured face, and also is officially considered suicidal and a danger to herself and must go to therapy. (Honestly, she needs therapy).
There are two things, aside from the obvious, that grabbed my attention here:
The voice. Narration in the first case was that of a pretty normal email - a little bit rambly, a little bit disjointed, referencing things that the recipient would know about that we can only infer. The second case had a perfectly average forum thread. This case... also starts out with pretty realistic voice - right until the moment Daria stats talking about the tattoo. Then suddenly this story gets ridiculously verbose. The way she describes the studio, the tattooing process, the tattoo itself, the painting process and finally the 'adjustments' - the details, the wording - there's no way a regular person talks that way. Not in real time, not about a traumatic event that they very much don't want to talk about at all. So where is this coming from? I think it's the ink. Until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume that Ink5soul's tattoo somehow infused Daria with power to 'express herself' perfectly in whatever medium she's using - be it words, paint, or her own flesh.
Invasion of privacy issues all over the place. First Daria's tattooing session is streamed for who knows how many Ink5oul's fans without her say-so, and then her be-damned therapy session gets intercepted by some weird basement government branch. Daria glosses over the former and doesn't know about the latter, but they are there. And there was that private email in case of 'Not-Arthur' too. I wonder how present this theme will be in rest of the show. One thing I can bet on: if one of the cases doesn't deal with a conspiracy theorist yelling about government spying on them, I'm gonna eat my hat. (And the poor paranoid guy will be 100% right, just not in the way they think).
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