#...and they probably took that dog to a shelter when they had that realization.
byanyan · 3 months
thinking about... byan making friends with all the pets of the foster families they've stayed with. them at a certain point finding more comfort in those friendships than any relationships they have with the family. ...thinking about at least one home where they were treated about as well as the dog, so when they ran away... they took the dog with them
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ozzgin · 7 months
Completely outside my usual fandoms, but I’ve been tempted to scribble out some ideas for the longest time.
Edit: Alright, alright. I’ve officially added CoD to my fandom list. Part 2 is out!
Yandere! CoD Headcanons: König x Reader x Ghost
Featuring two men, one mission, and a female reader that caught their interest more than they’d like to admit. TW: Obsessive behavior, violence, dubious consent, mildly NSFW
[Part II]
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It really shouldn’t be that fucking difficult. You go, you complete the mission, you return. Repeat. That’s what they’ve been doing for years. So much, in fact, that most of it is really just a sequence of mechanical actions, done so often they’ve become part of the subconscious. Crushing the throat under an armlock, stalking the target, mounting the suppressor before a sneak shot. Like driving a car, it becomes a learned routine.
Naturally there are elements of novelty to each mission. New teammates, new places, new requirements. It’s all part of the job. People come and go, comrades stay in your heart. What happens, however, when that latter part isn’t enough? Both Ghost and König have become accustomed to the classic rule: don’t get attached. Yet this time, for whatever reason, the nagging anxiety in the back of their heads just won’t go away. A pitiful need is clawing the walls of their pride, like a stray dog whimpering after the first sign of shelter. People come and go, but (Y/N) stays. Somehow this statement has materialized in their hearts and no other truth can be accepted.
They cannot pinpoint the exact moment this insidious feeling has nestled its way in. It started rather innocently. The first brief greetings were done on the loud, bumpy ride towards the temporary base. ‘Greetings’ is a generous word for it. Ghost had nodded at you in acknowledgement, and König merely glanced at you before staring into the distance.
You scarcely interacted with each other on the field, although that’s probably where their respect for you had gradually built up. You’re swift and efficient, nearly competing in ruthlessness. For König, the most memorable affair was you quietly twisting the neck of an enemy he failed to detect in time. His eyes widened upon seeing the barrel pointed at him, but just as speedily your form emerged from the shadows and you lunged at the assailant. Once the deed had been done, you merely lifted your hand in a thumbs up gesture and you went on. He remained there for a good minute, staring at the massive man you took down without hesitation. Similarly, Lt. Riley felt the cold beads of sweat forming on his forehead as his teammate shouted into the radio, demanding reinforcements. He wouldn’t make it in time and the anticipating guilt begun knotting in his stomach. He was searching for a solution when a prolonged round of bullets jolted him back to the radio. Moments of static silence, before you spoke in your headset: “Targets down. Out.” And just like that, you had vanished.
The realization hadn’t truly hit until they encountered you out of battle. They were going over the map when a small, dainty hand pointed to a random location. For a second they were startled, wondering if a civilian somehow entered their base. They hadn’t even registered your presence. Standing next to König’s enormous frame, you almost faded into the background as one of the furniture pieces. You were still in uniform, sure, but the heavy combat accessories and the dust of the bloodied fields seemed to have added more inches to your posture, at least in their imagination. You glared incredulously and inquired if it’s dementia or misogyny stopping them from recognizing (Y/N) (L/N). Ghost cleared his throat and curtly apologized for his reaction and König mumbled a continuation to it, suddenly and unexplainably awkward.
Such a faux pas would normally be swept under the rug. Had tactfulness and diplomacy been their key strengths, they wouldn’t be out here shooting people. But whatever embarrassment struck them on that particular day continued to linger, tugging their focus in a restless reminiscence. Until it finally occurred to them it wasn’t embarrassment persistently occupying their minds. Rather, and it should’ve been obvious, they have since become helplessly infatuated with you. The elephant in the room had gotten a name. But this particular elephant came with thick tendrils of obsession, spreading out relentlessly and asphyxiating any attempts to subdue it.
It really shouldn’t be that fucking difficult. Except it is. It’s hard for Ghost to look you in the eyes and give you the orders without clenching his fists and desperately trying to bury the avalanching thoughts of pushing you against that very wall, railing you until you forget his name. König can barely peek in your direction without being plagued by indecent images of your flushed, drooling face as he slams into your frail body.
Even worse is when the men become aware of each other’s intentions. Ghost had meant to check up on you after the latest expedition, but he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of König inspecting your wounds, his large hand resting innocently on your thigh as he squatted before you. You were in too much discomfort to notice, but it was clear to him. This bastard had a death wish. Days later it was König’s turn to taste the bitter betrayal when he heard your vibrant laugh approaching. You were thanking your companion for the entertaining workout and Ghost took advantage of your relaxed, distracted mood to place a hand against your arched back. That’s when he looked over with a predatory, malicious glint in his eye, as if marking his territory. You smiled, blissfully unaware of the suffocating tension within the room.
It’s no longer a matter of you accepting them or not. It’s who gets his hands on you first. You really must try to see it from their perspective, (Y/N). Put aside their love for you for a moment, and think about it. They’re only doing what’s best for you. Someone like you will never be satisfied with just any other man out there. You need a fitting partner, one that can protect you with imperishable, incessant loyalty. That’s truly the logical conclusion to it: there’s no one else for you. Just like nobody will ever compare to you in their eyes. And lamentably, you can’t afford to doubt their argument. The clock is ticking, and before they know it, the mission will be over and you’ll all be shipped to the next task. They can’t have that. They must act now.
“Isn’t it kind of early?” You ask, stretching up to check the ammunition shelves. Ghost asked you to help him gather some supplies from one of the storage closets, yet no one else is currently preoccupied with it. The hallways are empty and the only sound is your own shuffle between the cramped walls, emphasized especially by the tall man next to you. “I like to plan ahead” is all he answers. He bites his lower lip underneath the mask, contemplating his next step. How the fuck do you casually tell someone they’ve been your wet dream for months and you’d like to make it official, with or without their input? He should probably leave out the first part. Yeah. You don’t need the details of his nightly activities. Nonetheless, he has to make it clear who you belong to now. Afterwards he’ll deal with the pest that’s been wagging his tail around you.
“Oh, fuck this.” He eventually huffs out, exasperated. You jump slightly at the sudden outburst and turn to him, confused. He approaches you until your back hits the shelves, at which point he slams a hand above your head and effectively traps you between his sinewy arms. Perfect fucking spot. No, he shouldn’t get sidetracked. Plenty of time for that later. “What the hell?” Is the only thing that comes out of your mouth. His eyes are hollow, yet determined. A cold shiver runs down your spine and your eyes dart around the room, looking for an escape. At this distance you wouldn’t be able to tackle him down. He’s too big. Goddamnit. You grip his forearm, hoping to find some switch that pulls him out of this bizarre behavior. Ghost opens his mouth to speak, but the words dissolve into the explosive noise of the door ripping from its hinges. You yell at the sudden commotion.
König walks in, bending under the small doorframe. He seems to have just returned from the battlegrounds, vest splattered with fresh blood and sleeves scratched and torn. Despite the usual cloth draped over the head, you can discern a feral expression plastered on his face. “Du Landschlampe.” He growls and extends a hand towards Ghost. He clicks his tongue, annoyed, and is forced to release his hold on you to block the incoming blow. This is your chance. You nod at the Austrian man, grateful for his help, and proceed to sprint for the exit. Contrary to your expectations, he swiftly blocks your path and you slam into his body as the air is abruptly expelled from your lungs. You fall to the ground from the powerful momentum.
“You’re not leaving until we settle this”, König states in a low voice. Ghost reaches for one of his pockets and pulls out his hunting knife with a parading twirl. “That, I agree with. Let me show you exactly what happens to the fucker that messes with my woman.” König lets out a chuckle. “I was going to say the same thing.” You can only stare in terror.
What on Earth is going on?
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lxnarphase · 29 days
Imagine a street dog/stray dog Toji hybrid
listen listen listen ok??
stray dog!toji that left his old home because the family he used to be with just. turned out to be shitty to him, getting some damn cat hybrid that they ended up pampering and prioritizing over him. the main reason they even had toji was for protection purposes, but he was over it after they yelled at him for something that damn cat did
after that, he had been making it work to the best of his ability but he wont lie, it was definitely exhausting. those damn shelters would always prioritize the softer looking hybrids because 'he was tough, he'd be able to figure it out' and he'd be damned if he joined a rehabilitation program. he was in one when he was younger and he was not suffering through that ever again
so cut to present day, about a year and a half since he's been on his own, right?? and eventually he gives in, tired of dealing with all the bullshit he does and ends up applying for the rehabilitation program and he finds out its...actually a lot better ever since new people took over
after some stupid interviews that felt like a waste of time, he's placed with...you. some tiny thing that is surely gonna be scared shitless of him. yet you arent. it's weird, you're weird.
you're nice to him.
when he shows up to your home, a cozy lil place away from the city (he likes it...a lot, its calming) he realizes that he doesn't have much on him, just a few things in a backpack. but you fucking figured out what size he was in clothes and shoes and bought him things (you got him a damn heated blanket...he just got here and he already felt like a lil king).
hell, you even turned your guest room into a comfy space for the guy.
he's so fucking confused by you, you dont make any sense. but what really gets him? is when you present him with some...tiny, purple bunny plushy. he huffs when he looks at it, taking it from you.
"what the hell's this thing?"
"it's a bunny! i made it myself!"
"i know you probably went through a lot, so i made you something for comfort. i put lavender scent beads in it so it smells nice and calming too."
he doesn't say anything, just holds the thing in his hands. you...you made this. for him. because you wanted him to feel comforted.
you hear the faint noise of fabric moving and notice his tail is starting to wag behind him, and he knows it is. theres a cute lil blush on his face as he tries to make it stop but the more he glares at the dumb little bunny plush the harder his tail wags.
"ehehe, welcome home, toji."
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builtbybrokenbells · 10 months
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have you ever thought of Jake pretending to be a big tough guy? one that’s immune to the cuteness of animals? baby animals, even? or Jake that’s so certain he’s a dog person, that cats just aren’t his thing, but absolutely melting at the sight of a stray kitten you brought home? yeah, it’s probably a good thing. anyway, here’s that thought:
“Jake?” You called out as you gently kicked the door shut behind you. The sound echoed off the walls, bouncing down the hallway and landing somewhere amidst the empty living room. You weren’t sure if he was home, or if he was, what he was even doing. That was a minimal worry compared to the one you had for the kitten in your hands, bundled in a towel you had found in your backseat. “Jake!” You called a little louder, but not enough to scare the already nervous animal seeking comfort in your arms.
You carefully made your way down the hall, cautious not to move too suddenly. When you broke into the kitchen, the lights were off and the house seemed even more silent than before. Feeling a shred of defeat, you flicked the light switch on, realizing you would likely have to navigate this on your own. “It’s not so scary, is it?” You asked, looking down at the towel. From your position, you could only see the tip of an ear poking from the hole you had made for the kittens head. “We’re gonna get you all cleaned up.” You couldn’t help but feel a little anxiety at the thought of Jake’s reaction. In your time of knowing him, it had always been quite apparent that he was a dog person. Although the never spoke blatant distaste for cats, he also hadn’t ever given an idea that he was fond of them. Plus, since moving in together, neither of you had offered an idea as large as a pet, and you weren’t sure if he would be interested in such a big commitment yet.
“Who are you talking to?” A grumble from the doorway made you jump. You looked up, eyes wide in shock at the intrusion. Jake stood, eyes heavy and clad in only sweatpants.
“Did I wake you up?” You asked, regret apparent in your question. He waved you off, shaking his head, even though it was quite obvious.
“Just dozed off…” he trailed off, stare landing on your hands. “Uh, what’s that?” He raised an eyebrow, looking up to you.
“This? Oh, just an old towel that was in my car.” You gave a nervous laugh, not really certain why you were lying about it. He was bound to find out eventually.
“Talking to a towel? That’s new for you.” He noted, not believing a word you said.
“I wasn’t talking to the towel.” You defended, narrowing your gaze at him showing your distaste for his smart comment. “I was talking to myself.” As the words left your mouth, you understood that your answer had not made you seem any less insane. He watched you, eyes flickering between your face and your arms. Before you could think of anything else to say, a small meow broke through the silence. You two had a bit of a staring content, neither sure of what to say, nor what to do.
“Y/n,” he said, a hint of warning in his tone. “Is that a cat?” Your defensive nature turned into one of defeat.
“Yes, but before you get upset, he was tiny and alone on the side of the road. How could I just leave him there?”
“We can bring him to a shelter,” he offered, almost unwilling to discuss the topic. As hurt as you seemed, he just wasn’t sure if a cat was his first, or favourite idea for expanding the family. “That way he’s safe, but he doesn’t have to stay here.”
“Jake, just look at him!” You exclaimed, maneuvering the towel to show off the small animal.
“Nope, don’t want to.” He shook his head, casting his glance to the floor.
“Please,” you begged, now making it so the kittens head was fully in view, surrounded by the soft fabric. As nervous as it may have been, it was incredibly content just being held by you. “Look at his little face,” you cooed, gently scratching his head. Through the thickness of the towel, you felt a little purr, which only melted your heart even more. You took a step closer to him, making it harder for him to ignore you. Eventually, once you were in front of him, he couldn’t resist looking at you any longer. “He’s just so hungry, and little…” Only slightly, his head turned towards you. The stony expression he had adorned previously seemed to crack, softness taking over his eyes. His gaze flickered from the kitten, then up to you. After a moment, he gave in.
“Fine, we can feed him and clean him up, then we’ll take him to the shelter.” He sighed. You fought back a smile, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before he changed his mind completely. “We don’t have cat food.”
“I think there’s leftover chicken in the fridge from last night. Or there’s a probably a can of tuna or something in the cupboard.” You theorized. He looked like he was fighting the urge to pet the cat, so instead he nodded in agreement. He left your side, immediately following your verbal guidance. You took a seat at the table, making sure to hold the towel close to you while you did so. After a few moments, Jake took a seat beside you with the food you had previously mentioned. You carefully placed the towel on the table, straightening it out so the kitten could walk freely.
“You’re a little beggar, you know that? Come into my house and eat my food.” Jake grumbled, pulling out a small bit of the plain chicken breast. The cat perked up at the smell of it, immediately taking a step towards him. Instead of feeding it, he placed the food on the table. He repeated the action a few times, smiling more every time the kitten eagerly responded.
“He likes you.” You informed him, noticing the cat’s affiliation with his attention.
“He can like me all he wants, but he’s not staying.” He noticed the animals attention shift to the can sitting beside it, giving it a little sniff of curiosity. “You want to try that, instead? Chicken isn’t good enough for you?” Although his words were gruff, his tone was light. He opened the can, placing it in front of the kitten in a timely fashion. It immediately began eating away at the contents, just happy to have food. You both fell into a silence and you began to worry he really was annoyed with you. That was, until you heard a small mutter of words that made your heart swell with joy. “You like tuna? Is that your favourite?” The words were coated with affection, spoken in the same tone you would speak to a baby with. You couldn’t fight back the smile that broke onto your lips. Suddenly, Jake stood, going to the sink and flicking on the tap. He grabbed a shallow bowl, holding it under the stream for a moment. He returned to you, setting the bowl beside the can. You looked over to him, a smug grin stuck on your face. “What? He needs water, too.” He defended.
As the cat made itself at home, Jake slipped his arm around your shoulder. It was a silent show of affection, one that told you he wasn’t upset with you at all. When he placed a kiss to the side of your head, you were more than aware that this would be the newest member of the family. “He is kind of cute, isn’t he?”
“I think so.” You giggled, reaching out to give the animal a small pet. You both settled into your seats, content with watching the cat explore its surroundings. After a few moments of curious looks, it took a few steps towards you both. With caution, it approached Jakes hand that was resting on the table. Jake was still, watching it closely. Eventually, once it was familiar with him, it nudged his hand with its head. As if he was completely defeated, he let out a groan. Immediately after, he gave the cat a few pets. When the cat began to purr, his hard exterior melted away entirely.
He picked it up, the animal giving him no protest at all, and brought it to his chest. He held it to him, scratching behind its ear with a smile on his lips. “I think it would be okay if he stayed with us tonight.” He murmured, looking down at the ball of fluff in his hand. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Get you cleaned up and you can sleep in bed with us tonight?” As he spoke, the kitten let out a yawn, then it’s eyes slowly drifted shut. “You’re tired? You eat all of our food and then just go to bed? Such a hard life to live.” He cooed, but there was no hint annoyance in his voice at all. After a moment, the purring slowed to a stop, because the kitten had fallen asleep in his hand. Slowly, Jake turned to you. His eyes were glistening with love, completely wooed by cuteness of the animal.
“What do you want to name him?” You teased.
“Shut up.” He grumbled, but his attempt at sounding annoyed was futile. “Sparrow?” The word was barely spoken, so quiet that you almost missed it. You let out a laugh, nodding your head in agreement.
“Yeah, I think that’s perfect.” He gave you a grin, thrilled that you liked the idea. “I love you, Jake.”
“I love you.” He hummed as he leaned over and placed a kiss to your lips, quickly forgetting he ever contested the idea of keeping the kitten at all.
this post was made by a certified cat lover and Jake kiszka enthusiast. no, I will never recover from this. thanks for asking though
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lovemyself97 · 4 months
🍁𝒜𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏 🍁 JJK
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Summary: You have to give him his wallet back, why not now that you're stuck together because of the rain? Pairing: Idol!jungkook x foreign!female reader. Genre: Fluff, drama. Warnings: none (Thoughts are in italics) Author: Hello, dear reader. For the second part of Convenience Store, I took a little inspiration from the scene in the movie 101 Dalmatians (1961) when George and Anita met in the park, I hope you like it; There's a short playlist for a better reading experience.💗 Words: 1.2k
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When you woke up the next morning, the sunlight was blaring into the room through the cracks with a gentle breeze, the day seemed great, either because of the pleasant early fall weather or because of last night's encounter, you weren't sure.
Walking in the calm morning you remembered that there was a park near your apartment complex, which at this time of the morning would be empty, a walk through the park seemed like an incredible idea, since it was also a shortcut to your work; you did a mental note to stop by Jungkook's company on the way back.
The freshness of the air and the breathtaking beauty of the landscape were incomparable. You could hear the delicate rustle of dry leaves on the ground as you walked, the soft melody of a distant bird and the sun's rays filtering through the leaves high up in the trees, creating a surreal scene. You could see clouds in the distance, which was unusual at this time of year.
Remembering your friend's warning to take an umbrella with you, a small curse left your lips as you realized that the weather was changing quickly, the sudden gale making the leaves that had previously been on the ground fly in all directions and small drops starting to fall.
With no choice, you began to run for the nearest shelter, your clothes already soaked, your dress becoming a second skin by now.
But your plans took a different turn when you bumped into someone, a young man probably around your age, fooled by the weather, running along with his dog in search of shelter too, you would have seen him if a cheeky leaf hadn't fallen on your face.
The impact of your meeting made you overbalance backwards, the man tried to help you in the same hurry as you tried to get away from him. His dog, who until then had been following the frantic race, found a source of amusement in the confusion and began to whirl around the two of you; leaving you two too embarrassed and looking for everything but each other.
You finally managed to get loose and unwind the dog's collar around you. A lightning woke you two from your stupor, in a moment of courage you held his hand and pull him to you both run together, finding shelter under a leafy tree, whose leaves created a natural roof that protected you from the water.
When your heart had calmed down from the race and all the embarrassment, you allowed yourself to glance at the man, crouched next to you scolding his dog, he was strangely familiar for some reason.
You looked downward feeling your cheeks flush from the near miss when he quickly straightened up.
With a sigh, you decided to break the silence but stopped when he did. "Sorry about my dog," he said shyly. "He has this thing about circling people when he's very agitated. I'm surprised it happened just now." You looked down at the dog that was now lying at his feet. "It's okay," you replied, smiling.
"It wasn't completely his fault after all, I didn't look where I was going." You added; the instant your eyes met, you both froze, recognizing each other.
He broke the stare, clearing his throat. "Hi, again."
"I can't believe we've met again," you muttered without realizing it.
He moved closer, still keeping the right distance between you, but enough for you to talk comfortably. "Well, we don't know when this rain will stop..." he sat on a log sighing and tapping the space next to him, the cold began to penetrate your bones when you nodded as you bent down next to him.
"This is, uh... Bam, isn't it?" you asked when the dog approached asking for a cuddle, which you immediately answered.
Glancing around, you noticed Jungkook's affectionate gaze on the dog as he replied, "Yes." The rain dripped from his wet, mint-dyed hair; as you looked at him you remembered the real reason for meeting him.
Rummaging through your bag after Bam had started to doze off at your feet, thankful that the inside was dry, you quickly pulled out what you were looking for, his wallet.
And you held it out to him, a look of understanding passing across his face as he accepted it relieved. "Thanks, I didn't know where I'd missed it."
"I think we're even now, jungkook." You completed smiling at him and nodded. His lips twitched upward in his own smile and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence.
"Hey... I still don't know your name." He said as a question, looking over his shoulder at you, his attention totally on you. Your heart raced for not noticing that he had been watching you for a while.
"_____" you replied, boldly returning his gaze. He repeated your name with a curious look. "I don't understand." Jungkook muttered, frowning as he looked at the rain. You studied his face, trying to understand him.
"You treat me like a normal person, disregarding my status and fame," he continued, staring at you. "I know you're an ARMY, I saw the keyring on the side of your bag..." at the mention of it, your cheeks flushed, your eyes were everywhere now but on him. "And I'm grateful for that."
"I love our fans and respect all the love they give us, but sometimes I just want to be treated like a normal person." He confessed quietly, lost in thought.
"Even though I'm a fan, I see no reason to treat you any differently. After all, we're all stuck here under this tree, aren't we?" You smiled back, trying to lighten the mood.
It seemed to work when he smiled at you, there was something captivating in his gaze and you couldn't look away, too lost in each other to notice that the rain was losing its force until it stopped.
It wasn't until Bam barked, as if calling you both; you came out of your stupor noticing the dew that had formed on some of the creeping plants and the sun had come out again. He reached out to you and helped you up; his touch was gentle and comforting. You climbed out from under the tree, your legs complaining about how long you'd been crouching.
"It was really nice to meet you again, Jungkook," you said as you patted your dress trying to remove any traces of dirt; which didn't do much good.
"Likewise,____."he smiled back at you and glanced quickly at his wristwatch. "Drop by the company sometime for lunch with me and the boys, okay?" He invited you and with a nod went after Bam, not without looking at you once more; giving you one of those warm smiles.
You wondered how you hadn't noticed that he had dyed his hair yesterday; 'Maybe it was the nervousness of meeting him', you pondered 'It suits him very much...'
Your thoughts were interrupted by your cell phone vibrating, there were 9 missed calls from your boss, feeling the weight of responsibility on your shoulders you swallowed dry as you hurried your steps along the trail; nevertheless you couldn't help but be grateful for this unusual autumn rain.
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Author's note: I appreciate (kind) feedback, it's super important to me, so don't be a silent reader, fell free to tell me what you think.
<; [Do not copy. Original work of @lovemyself97, 2/17/2024] > (reblogging always helps!)
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Cinnamon and Sugar ║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚘 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎
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| CINNAMON AND SUGAR | main masterlist | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  4.2k | CONTENT: age gap, Joel being the main caretaker for Sarah's dog while she's away at college, intimation of situation involving assault/SA with no graphic or descriptive language/discussion, smut, dog being cute, Joel being a reluctant grumpy dog grandpa
| SYNOPSIS: Joel needs a better solution for dog care, and you're the perfect fit. When Joel in turn becomes the perfect fit for what you need, the lines between professional and personal start to blur.
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Sarah had more than surprised Joel when she came home with Cinnamon. He hadn’t even realized she’d be scouring the internet for listings and traveling to meet with owners, breeders, and shelters in search of the perfect companion. Joel’s stomach turned when he realized how many potentially dangerous meet-ups she’d gone to without his knowledge, all in search of a stupid dog. Of course it was partially his fault that she kept it a sworn secret; he wouldn’t have been open to the idea. He never had been. All  the time, patience, and money needed for a family pet never came into alignment when Sarah was growing up. He’d almost given in to a cat once since they didn’t require as much work, but he managed to steer Sarah into a fake robot puppy gift instead.
But now with Sarah heading into another semester at college, Joel was left with the task of finding care arrangements until she came home. Depending on what projects or planning he had going on, Joel could be out of the house 12 plus hours a day for three weeks straight and then the next couple of weeks would be just here and there type management on building sites where he could take Cinnamon along for the ride. He hadn’t always been fond of Cinnamon, but having a travel companion was nice. And, if he was being honest with himself, having her around while Sarah was away meant he wasn’t left with a silent, empty house. The guys would poke fun at him for carting around a Corgi, but he really didn’t give two shits about having a “girly dog” or whatever the fuck they were on about.
He wished he could do better by Cinnamon than an erratic schedule with kennels and doggy daycares one week and being able to ride in his truck with him for hours on end the next week. It was probably confusing for a dog, but there wasn’t much other option - until you came along. You were around Sarah’s age, that much he could tell when he answered the door that fateful day. You didn’t really have the same spitfire confidence he’d somehow instilled in Sarah, though. You had enough courage to knock on a random stranger’s door and offer dog walking and sitting services, sure, but there was something distinctly small and unsure in the way you carried yourself.
Still, you had a warmth about you that was undeniable. Joel’s instincts told him you were good people. Cinnamon took to you immediately, which was all the confirmation Joel needed to decide what could it hurt to have a more prominent, steady figure in the dog care mix. It was a hell of a lot cheaper than what the kennels and daycares were charging. It didn’t hurt that you were absolutely stunning. He felt like a creep whenever he snuck glances at you, but it was hard to ignore the delightful curves and valleys of your body. It was even worse when you gave him a genuine smile - bright and consuming, making it feel like the air was ten times thicker when he tried to pull in a normal breath.
As awful as it sounded and as awful as it was to think, he sometimes wished that you’d take more than just the one semester off from school. He was banking on you not taking up a summer semester, but that only bought him around 6 months of you being around. Every time he saw you, he became greedier. He wanted to see more of you. He wanted to explore more of you. He wanted to know more about you. He wanted you to know more about him. It was wrong to find himself so deeply engrossed with someone only a few years older than his own daughter, but he couldn’t help it. He’d tried - god had he tried - to keep it professional, to keep his distance. 
But you didn’t make it easy. It wasn’t anything you were consciously doing. He might lose his mind entirely if you were to ever intentionally pursue him. He wouldn’t be able to take much of a concentrated effort on your end before completely succumbing to every dirty, greedy thought he’d ever had about you. He hoped he wasn’t too obvious about his fixation on you. He didn’t want to be the stereotypical old pervert trying to poach some young skirt he had no business chasing.
He kept that safe, polite buffer between the two of you - until he just couldn’t bear it any longer.
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You knew you should’ve kept your distance - kept it professional. Well, as professional as “I just needed to make some money since I took an entire semester off after a breakdown, so I’m going to do the first thing that lands in my lap which just so happens to be dog walking and sitting for random people in the neighborhood” is. But as you sit here scratching behind Cinnamon’s ears, you knew it would’ve been pointless to avoid the inevitable of finding your favorite dog and favorite owner - or maybe longterm caretaker would be the more appropriate term.
Joel was something special. You’d never met someone like him before, never met a man like him before. Someone dedicated to his family. Someone focused on his work and successful because of it. Someone who was equally charming and goofy. Someone who actually listened to you when you spoke and didn’t try to insert their own take on what you “should’ve done” or condescendingly explain to you how and where it all went wrong.
He was the first person you’d talked to about the real reason you’d abruptly taken a semester off school. You hadn’t even told your parents about the party you never should’ve gone to, the drinks you never should’ve taken, and the friend you were too drunk to take care of. No one but Joel knew about the ongoing investigation and the severed friendship, all because you’d ignored your gut and didn’t put up enough of an argument with your friend about steering clear of that particular fraternity with the notorious reputation.
You’d even admitted to Joel that you felt guilty for coming out of the situation with nothing more than some mental and emotional damage while your friend had been through something no amount of time would ever make right. It should’ve been me and I feel like it’s all my fault were always met with an understanding, comforting touch and word from Joel. His reassurances were the first time you’d actually believed it when someone told you it wasn’t your fault and you experienced something awful, too. 
You’d justified spilling your innermost workings to him since he had Sarah to think about. He could warn her about things like this so she didn’t experience it, too. The idea that ripping yourself open and divulging the hardest, darkest thing you’ve ever been through would help someone else avoid the same experience took one straw off the camel’s back. It wasn’t much, but at least it was something. At least it was a good thing coming from something so wretched and vile.
But then your phone rings, and your fingertips freeze where they scratch Cinnamon’s ears. The number flashes on the screen, and it’s the school. You’d already given numerous interviews and statements over the past three months. They had been waiting for the police investigation to conclude before they made their own determination about the situation.
Your heart drops when the woman on the other end says “no criminal charges” and “insufficient evidence to support the claims.” It feels like a hollow victory when she says the two fraternity members in question would be allowed to finish this semester but are not welcome to complete their degrees at the institution. The indefinite waiver for your academic furlough would expire at the end of this semester.
Cinnamon’s anxious whining breaks your stupor, and you head out on a walk with her to clear your mind.
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The house is dark when Joel drives up. Your car was still here, which made the apparent empty house all the more odd. He didn’t realize how accustomed he’d become to coming home to you most nights. Maybe it was just the downpour that was making it hard to tell if a light was still on somewhere in the house. Joel darts from his truck to the front door and lets himself in.
The house is quiet, especially in contrast to the cracks of thunder punctuating the silence every so often. He calls out for you and then Cinnamon but hears nothing. He calls your phone. No answer. Just when he’s beginning to panic about where the hell you could possibly be, the front door opens.
If it weren’t for the downcast expression etched into your features, the sight of you bundling Cinnamon underneath your shirt would’ve been hilarious. You were soaked from head to toe, but Cinnamon’s head popping out of the shared collar of your t-shirt had miraculously stayed mostly dry. Joel helped lower Cinnamon out from your shirt and set her on the ground before straightening back up to inspect you.
“You’re soaked.” He sounds almost impressed with how drenched you’d managed to get.
“I didn’t realize it was about to rain, sorry,” you mumble. “I know Cinnamon hates thunder. I feel like an asshole.”
Joel glances down to a business as usual Cinnamon and back to you. “I think she’ll be alright. I’m more worried about you. Was startin’ to get outta sorts when the house was dark and empty but your car’s in the drive.”
“I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry,” you apologize, shaking your head.
“Hey, come on. It’s alright. Stay there while I get you a towel, okay?” Without waiting for an answer, Joel lopes to the laundry area to retrieve several large, faded pool towels and unfolds them for you. You whisper a thanks and gingerly wrap one around your shivering body. Now that you were back inside the dry, warm house, you realize just how chilly the rain had made you.
“You’re shaking, honey,” Joel observes. His hand hovers open nearby like he wants to reach out and warm you but is hesitant of the possibility of a negative reception. “Let’s get you—”
“The school called,” you interject. Joel visibly tenses for a moment. “The police said there wasn’t enough proof of anything to press any charges, but the school said they’re allowed to finish out the semester but aren’t welcome back after that. My hiatus expires at the end of the semester. So. Yeah.” A rigid lift and drop of your shoulders doesn’t quite sell the false indifference to the situation you’re attempting to convey.
Cinnamon meanders over to your feet and starts pawing at you and whining. “What is it, Cin? It’s alright. Everything’s okay,” you assure her - lie to her to prevent upset. When you look back to Joel, he’s pinning you with a heavy expression that you can’t quite discern. “What?”
Joel shrugs in an unconvincing manner just as you had. “Just wants to make sure you’re alright. Me ‘n her both.”
You deflate a little, letting your guard down a touch. “I’m okay. I just– I dunno sometimes. It’s a better outcome than what I had expected, but I still feel disappointed.”
“That’s because it’s a fucked up situation, honey,” he soothes. He takes a tentative step towards you and softens when your body relaxes the closer he gets. 
You’re tired of keeping up a front of being okay. You’re tired of pretending that you don’t want to wrap yourself up in the comfort of Joel. When his fingertips skim your forearm and wrap around your elbow, something inside of you snaps. You have to let go of the guilt from things that were completely out of your control. You had to stop telling yourself the story that you didn’t deserve to feel safe and happy after what your friend had gone through. You had to stop letting yourself and the bad things that had happened to you control your life.
Joel’s brows knit together, his eyes searching yours for some clue of where the wash of emotions would drift to next so he could be there before you were swept up in the swell of it. “You’re gonna be okay. I promise. I promise you, you’re not alone,” he vows. Cinnamon noses at your legs and huffs out a bark as if in agreement.
A chill rips through you with the towel draped around you now a sopping wet mess as well. You shiver at the contrasting warmth of Joel’s large hand delicately gripping your arm. He tuts and guides you upstairs to the bathroom in the hallway while he starts rummaging around Sarah’s room for what you assume are some dry clothes.
After a couple of minutes he rushes out looking flushed and nervous, only mumbling something about it being “safer” to go through his own wardrobe. You imagine he must’ve found something very normal for a college aged woman to have but not necessarily something she might want a parent to stumble upon.
Joel is back quickly with a bundle of clothing, and your chest feels tighter at the thought of being shrouded in his things, the smell of him surrounding and blanketing you. You accept the dry clothes and set them aside on the countertop.
“Do you, um– would it be alright if I got a shower? To warm up a little bit?” you ask through chattering teeth.
“Of course, of course,” he replies quickly.
“Okay good. Thanks. I’m pretty sure I’ve got a full chest of hair stuck to me from stuffing Cinnamon inside my shirt,” you snort.
Joel laughs under his breath at the mental image. “The, uh, the shower is– Sarah’s shower is sort of tricky. Haven’t fixed the lever yet,” he half mutters to himself. His eyes settle back on you, unsure of himself, before you fill in the blank for him.
“Oh, if it’s too much of a hassle, I don’t have to,” you counter. “I mean, unless there’s– if there’s some other shower?”
Joel visibly swallows hard at the meandering shift of tension towards something more intimate. “Yeah, come on, you can just use mine.”
He grabs the clothes from the counter and guides you quickly down the hallway through his bedroom. He gives you a quick look over before saying he’ll “be around if you need anything.” Your eyes burn into the back of the bathroom door where Joel’s retreating, broad back had just been. You undress and slip inside the shower, and you think Joel must’ve renovated it himself. It’s a spacious but cozy masculine alcove that is fairly clean. You turn the knob and relax into the heavy stream of water that quickly warms you.
The slip of water takes the chill of your body with it down the drain, and now your body can register the other prominent feeling surging through it. Your hand lathered in Joel’s body wash brushes over your hardening nipples, and you bite back a gasp. You know before your hand even travels further down that you’re going to be wet. Everything in the bathroom looks, feels, and smells like Joel. The ache of him not actually being in here with you is too much to go without. You don’t even bother to finish washing up and decide to turn the shower off.
You slap a towel around you and swing the door open. The room is empty. You walk out of the bathroom, dripping all over the carpeted bedroom floor, and turn when you hear the sound of heavy footfall ascending the stairs. Joel’s head is down as he runs his hands through his hair like he’s trying to shake something loose, and he’s in the doorway before it pops up. He stills the moment he drinks in your half-naked form. You can see him wavering on whether or not to act on the tension in the room when you don’t make a move to cover yourself or slip back into the bathroom for privacy.
“Joel.” It’s a choked whisper of a plea. His eyes flutter shut at the sound of it leaving your lips. You both know the unsaid thing trapped in the utterance of it.
“We can’t,” he protests weakly. He clenches his fists by his sides as he braves to meet your eye. You can see his resolve waning with every quick blink. You track the snake of his gaze down your dripping wet body.
“I’m tired of telling myself I don’t deserve to feel good.”
His eyes tear to yours at that. There’s a simmering turned blazing in it that makes your tummy do a flip. “I want for you to make me feel good. I want to make you feel good, too.” His jaw goes a little slack with your steady, firm admission. He feels it. He can’t deny it. You let the towel fall to the floor and walk towards him, and he leans into your outstretched arms. He doesn’t resist when you guide his mouth to your neck and chest. His tongue swipes and licks across you like he’s chasing the beads of water down your body.
A needy moan rips through you, and the last bit of resolve shatters. You work Joel’s shirt over his head as he yanks his belt and pants off. You stumble backward together onto his bed and feverishly grope and fondle every available inch of skin. You groan in unison when you drag his fingertips down and through the drooling entrance of your pussy. He tests two fingers inched inside you and plunges them to the knuckle of his fist when you roll your hips onto them, searching for that fullness.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he works his thick digits slowly back and forth. The damp heat of his mouth on your perked nipples feels like there’s a circuit of arousal between them and your clit where Joel’s thumb rubs in agonizingly precise, low circles.
“So pretty,” he breathes out before grazing a delicate bite of his teeth on a nipple. Your back arches off the bed at the sensation. Your fingers grip through his hair as you frantically push his head down, begging all the while please please your mouth please. A wicked grin curves the line of his mouth at your uninhibited plea for more.
“Yeah? You want me to taste you, honey?” he teases.
You’re practically in tears from the build up and the want and all of this charged energy between you two for the past few months finally coming to a head. You start to plead again, anything to feel his lips and tongue on your pussy, but it shifts to a sobbing whine when he lays a wide, lapping tongue down your slit. Your legs snap together at the sudden influx of sensation, and Joel is quick to drag your thighs onto his shoulders to keep you open for him. An arm over your lower stomach pins you into the fluttering lick of his tongue, and you’re gone the moment he sinks two fingers into you again.
The slap of rain against the window is a white noise much like the whirling silence in your mind as your climax grips you. You’re practically clawing at him to press his weight against you. He lets out a delightful hiss of pleasure when you grip the base of his cock. When you attempt to line him up with your entrance, he stops you.
“We really shouldn’t– I don’t have anything—” He’s faltering, stumbling over his words as he tries to come up with something to talk himself out of burying his entire length into you, to fuck you raw and hard and ignore all sane thought.
“I wanna feel you, Joel, so bad. Please,” you whimper. You know you shouldn’t. You know it’s not responsible. You can’t bring yourself to care when his stiff cock is weeping precum, ready to split you open.
Any and all restraint Joel can muster is no match for your soft whine for him. “S’that how you want it, honey? You wanna feel all’uh me?” he grunts. He presses himself against your folds and drags himself slowly through the pooling slick. Your hands cradle his face and draw him closer. 
“I need you,” you choke out.
“I’m right here, I’m right here, honey. I’ve got you,” he pants. 
He rests his thick tip right at your entrance and holds your gaze as he pushes into you. Your mouth falls open at the heavy split of him inside you. “Fuck,” he hisses. “Feel so fuckin’ good. Fuckin’ tight–goddamn.” You dig your heels into his ass to pull him closer. You’re nearly trembling with bliss when he bottoms out. Your body is a limp wreck when he starts moving in earnest.
“This what ya needed? Needed to be stretched out around me, huh?” he pants. You respond in a series of garbled, high-pitched moans. Joel’s eyebrows knit together with renewed concentration like if he didn’t keep focus he’d come right then and there. “Goddamn, been wantin’ this for so long,” he gasps, hammering his hips into the cradle of your thighs. His hand engulfs the back of your head so that he can prop it up and see in full the state he’s reduced you to, pliant and taking everything he can give you.
Your head lolls side to side gently in his grip, but you manage to lock eyes. It’s a fervid, reverential expression that you can’t quite understand being on the receiving end of, especially from a man as good as this. “That’s it–yeah, that’s it, honey. Right here. Tell me what I’m doin’ to you, huh?” he groans.
“You feel s-so good,” you croak. He rests his forehead against yours and lifts your hips up higher onto him. The slight adjustment has the entire heft and length of him kissing the mouth of your womb with each stroke. You let out an almost hysterical sound at the unyielding command of your body at his touch. The new angle gifts you with Joel’s expression of brows pulled together in pleasure, jaw loose, mouth hanging open and letting out a strangled whimper.
Like an animated corpse sparked to life with splintered lightning, your entire body jolts into an arc of ecstasy as your second orgasm crackles and slices through every nerve ending in your body. Joel fucks you through it for as long as he can before hastily pulling out and spurting all over your stomach with a deep growl reverberating through his chest. You entangle yourselves in each other as you come down from your collective highs.
“So good,” is all you can whisper like a chant. You rake your fingers through his dampened curls and feel as though your body has undergone a factory reset of sorts. Joel slumped over your form feels like a shroud of adoration and protection. You wish you could keep this moment suspended in time, able to visit it whenever and however long you pleased.
Joel’s breath fanning against your ear begins to slow and comes to a steady rhythm before he speaks. “You’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna figure all this out.”
Your school situation. The reality of having to go back there, a place that will never feel safe like it once had. A place where you’d made and now lost one of the closest friends you’d ever had. A place where you’d be expected to pick back up where you left off like everything was normal.
“What if it’s not? What if it’s not okay?” You hate yourself for popping the bubble of euphoria you and Joel had just created, but you can’t keep it in any longer. You can’t keep yourself closed off from Joel anymore, having finally let those gates break down and allowed the engulfing wave of want and need swallow you up. There was no going back on this, whatever this had been. Whatever it was.
Joel pulls back slightly to study your face. His jaw sets with determination even when his eyes stay so soft and gentle for you. “I promise. You ain’t alone. I’m here for you now if you– if that’s somethin’ you want, I mean.”
A lazy smile spreads across your face. “I think I’d like that a lot,” you whisper.
He grins down at you before capturing your mouth in a soft, commanding kiss. One that’s claiming and soothing. You’re getting lost in each other again when you hear the impatient scratch of Cinnamon from the floor. You both reluctantly tear away from each other and look towards the interruption. Cinnamon’s face says I’ve let you have your fun, now somebody get your ass up and feed me. Joel cracks first, erupting into a half-heartedly annoyed round of low laughter. You follow with your own fit of giggles.
He reluctantly extricates himself from the bed and helps clean you up with the towel you’d dropped onto the floor earlier. You’re both somewhat dressed as you head downstairs to tend to Cinnamon. Watching Joel indulge her and give her nuzzle scratches just how she likes fills you with a warm sense of confidence: with somebody like Joel by your side, looking after you and supporting you, things might just really end up okay.
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This was written for the @pedrostories Secret Santa Exchange, and it is for my lovely giftee @thirtysevenodddogs! I hope you enjoyed it!
Special thanks to @xdaddysprincessxx for helping me choose the dog breed and name.
Merry Christmas, ♥Puddles♥
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Role Reversal
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~3.2k
Summary: Y/n is the mob boss 😎.
A/N: Anon Request: Can you write a Silver Springs au where reader is the MOB leader and Wanda is the civilian one? Update, I’m finally home!! My dogs didn’t miss me really, and I am too tired to write tonight, but I will start tomorrow with the requests. Enjoy!
Warnings: none
Wanda smiles as she takes a deep breath and basks in the wonderful smells that surround her. She’s in her kitchen cooking and in that moment, she realizes this is one of her favorite places to be. She’d rank it third probably, and she’s grateful that she gets to do this every day. She’s the owner and executive chef of a restaurant downtown that she’d opened with her brother close to a decade ago. It catered to anyone who wanted a home-cooked Eastern European meal. After fleeing her country with her brother at a young age when her parents died, she’d been desperate to find a way to honor them.
She remembered her time in the kitchen with her mother fondly and it was with her that she’d learned to love cooking. Despite not being able to bring much of anything with them, Wanda had managed to bring the old shoebox that held all of her mother’s recipes in them. She remembered how daunting it was moving to America and only having her brother with her. They were poor and desperate for money, and they had lived in and out of shelters and on the streets for months.
It wasn’t until Pietro made a risky decision to get involved with the mob that things started to turn around. He started to make money, and despite not telling his sister how she had grown suspicious relatively quickly. She’d managed to get a job of her own while looking for a place for them to live.
Three months later, they were off the streets and making enough money to start saving. Wanda struggled to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, and it was one night when she’d been cooking to cheer herself up that her brother suggested she open a restaurant. She’d laughed at this and told him that there was no way she could do that. She didn’t know the first thing about running a restaurant. She was barely working in one as it is. She felt like she was just being run ragged as a waitress and wasn’t really learning much other than that drunk college-aged men tipped poorly.
The next week, Pietro had signed her up for business courses at the local university. They’d gotten into their first fight since arriving to America about this because Wanda was scared. She didn’t want to fail at something that could mean so much to her. She’d love to open a restaurant and be able to cook what their mother had taught her every day. That said, she was afraid that if she failed at this, she would fail her mother as well.
It took a lot of convincing, but eventually Wanda went to school, continued to gain experience at a better restaurant job, and 5 years later she and Pietro were able to get a loan to start their own restaurant.
Then Wanda had met you.
One night Pietro had come home from his job hurt really badly and Wanda had freaked out. She’d known that his job was a little risky, he’d told her that he worked security for various night clubs and businesses, but nothing like this had ever happened. He’d been shot through and through in the arm and someone had gotten a few good punches in before back up had arrived.
Wanda had interrogated her brother for nearly an hour before he finally cracked and told her that he didn’t work security. Well, he did, but he was more personal security for one of the city’s most infamous criminals. Wanda hadn’t reacted immediately because she’d honestly been waiting for her brother to smile and tell her that he was just kidding. When this didn’t happen she started screaming at him.
This ordeal unfortunately led to Wanda making a very bad decision that involved following her brother one night when he left for work. She’d followed him downtown to a secluded area near the docks where a group of people were waiting for him. She’d nearly been shot when she accidentally tripped over some old shipping crates, and her embarrassing squeal gave away her location quickly.
She’d thrown her hands up immediately because she hadn’t known what else to do. This group of four men and one women were all armed with guns, and the woman who Wanda realized quickly was the boss had two dogs beside her that she feared almost more than the guns.
“Who might you be?”
Wanda still remembers to this day how your voice had caused a shiver to run up her spine. She hadn’t been able to see you very well in the dark, but she could see you smiling at her as one of your henchmen dragged her towards you. Wanda didn’t even get a chance to respond before Pietro recognized her and cursed in surprise. He’d been pissed at her and told her to go home, but you’d simply shaken your head and told him to take her home himself. He wasn’t needed tonight.
After that disastrous night, Pietro had thought he’d lost his job and Wanda had felt horrible about it. She only had the night to worry about money and how this would affect them when she woke up the next morning to a knock on the door. Pietro was still asleep and after looking through the peephole and not seeing anyone, Wanda opened the door to find a huge bouquet of flowers in a vase on the welcome mat.
Sorry for almost shooting you.
You’d signed your name and Wanda had immediately taken the flowers and set them on the counter. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with them, but they were very pretty and it was very unexpected for you to send them. When Pietro woke up, his sister was sitting at the counter on her computer looking into the mob boss that had almost shot her last night.
Wanda was still a little dazed when she ran into you again and you’d been just as apologetic as your note. Wanda had somehow convinced you that it was fine and from there something unexpected happened. She’d start to see you more, and eventually the two of you were almost friends. You only hung out when you weren’t busy which wasn’t often, but you’d given the brunette your phone number and told her to text you if she ever got bored.
You and Wanda started dating around the time that you fired Pietro. You’d told him that he’d still get paid, but you didn’t want him on your security team anymore. You were always at risk and therefore so were the people around you. You didn’t want Wanda to lose her brother because someone wanted to try and kill you. Pietro had been a little ticked and this only worsened when he realized that you were interested in his sister. Wanda had been touched and she’d kissed you for the first time only a week later.
Now, nearly a decade has passed and you and Wanda were married with a 4-year-old daughter. Natalya was a handful and the spitting image of your wife. So much so that it weirded you out sometimes, but you loved your family and you hated when you were away from them for even a minute.
You’re busy at work tonight and had left Natalya with her favorite uncle until Wanda was home. You’d already told her that you would be late, and given that she’d been married to you for so long she realized that this meant not to wait up. She’d finish up her shift at 6 and take their daughter home for dinner and then bedtime. The sound of the kitchen door opening and little feet padding across the floor made Wanda smile before she even turned around.
A small body slammed into her legs and she couldn’t help but laugh as she turns to see her daughter smiling up at her as she held her tightly.
“Hi there little one. Did you have a good day?”
Natalya, or ‘little Nat’ as you’ve taken to calling her, starts to tell Wanda all about her day at preschool and then her afternoon with her Uncle Pietro.
“He’s gonna teach me to jump out of a ‘copter!”
This is said with the type of excitement that only a child is capable of expressing as said uncle walks into the kitchen to find the wayward brunette. Wanda shoots her brother a look that he just smiles at before shrugging in defeat. He might not get to take his niece skydiving anytime soon now that the cat was out of the bag.  
“Not until you’re older, milaya.”
Little Nat doesn’t have time to complain before her mom is picking her up and showing her what she’s been cooking. She loves how her daughter’s eyes light up in excitement and recognition at one of her favorite dishes. She’d been wanting to help her mom cook as soon as she could hold a spoon, and she knew these dishes well by now.
“Parikash, mommy can I have some?!”
Wanda smiles at her daughter but she shakes her head because this isn’t even close to done. She looks around to the other staff who are trickling in and realizes that her shift is almost up. She pinches Nat’s cheek when she realizes she’s frowning and she tries to cheer her up with promises of food soon.
“Sorry, Natalya this isn’t done, but we can have some of our own at home. What do you say?”
That’s how you find your wife and daughter when you arrive home a couple of hours later. It was an early night for you which you love and hate. Considering the circumstances of your last-minute change of plans you should be in a horrible mood. You might lose out on a lot of money because someone fucked up and was followed to the drop point for an important deal. That said, you could forget about that for now if you just allowed yourself to enjoy one of the rare days you’re home before Natalya’s bedtime.
“Mommy, you’re doing it wrong!”
You watch from the doorway as your daughter catches on quickly to Wanda’s ‘mistake.’ You know that your wife knows this recipe upside down, backwards and sideways, and she’s just testing your daughter to see how she’s learning. You both smile widely when she grabs the correct ingredient and tries to put it into the pot without cutting it. Despite being brilliant – you’re not biased at all, sometimes her enthusiasm causes her to skip important steps.
You blamed this on your wife’s similar excitement when she cooked, but Wanda wanted to pin it on you for some reason.
“Ah you’re right. So smart milaya.”
As you shut the door to the condo that you and Wanda have been living in for five years, the brunette immediately looks up at the sound. You really need to move your family to a larger place because the floor plan makes it near impossible for you to sneak up on anyone.
“Welcome home, detka. You’re early.”
You hear the unasked question but you just shake your head for now as you watch your daughter look up, and then realize that you’re home. She smiles widely and nearly trips twice in her rush to run over to you.
“Mom’s home!”
You hurry to meet her half way so she doesn’t fall on her face, and you let out an exaggerated groan as you lift your daughter up with a smile.
“Hey Little Nat. How was your day?”
Instead of giving you a play by play of events like she had for Wanda earlier, she just hugs you tightly before muttering under her breath. Wanda can’t hear what she says, but when she notices you frown a little she can’t help but wonder.
“You’re here. You’re never here.”
You can’t help but feel stung by the statement despite it being mostly true. You only see your daughter in the mornings since you’re usually out late at night working. You knew she wasn’t oblivious to this and that she was going to miss you, but seeing her so happy to have you here during the day makes you feel like a shitty parent. She’d requested that you watch some television with you while coloring and she would undoubtedly tell you about her day.
You take this time to head over to the kitchen to greet your wife with a tired sigh. She smiles sympathetically at you before meeting your lips for a kiss. When you pull away, Wanda’s shooting you a questioning look.
“How was your day, Y/n?”
You sigh again before shaking your head and muttering something about working with idiots under your breath. Wanda just chuckles at this before watching Natalya run out of her room and start to set out all of her supplies on the coffee table. You aren’t surprised to see what she’s brought and you know that you’re not going to be great at this.
“What about you, love? How was the restaurant today?”
Wanda tells you that work was good, but that she was glad to be home for the night. You agree with her and follow her to the living room when your daughter waves you over. You sit down and prepare to color absentmindedly as you talk to your daughter about her day, but you don’t get a chance to grab a crayon before the brunette shakes her head.
“No, Mom, watch.”
You smile and Wanda laughs as Nat decides she just wants to show you how to do it and she crawls into your lap with a fistful of crayons. You just listen carefully to your daughter tell you how to best color a giant fish. Wanda just watches in amusement as her wife who she is pretty sure still has her gun on her is instructed by their 4-year-old on the art of coloring. You sneak a peek at your wife and shoot her a charming smile.
“Mom you’re not watching!”
You immediately turn back to Nat and refocus on her drawing with a determined look.
“So sorry. Continue please.”
Wanda leaves briefly to check on dinner before she decides to just watch from the kitchen as you continue to humor Nat. You hug her close to you as you bask in the little free time you get with your daughter during the day. You know that your job isn’t ideal at all, not right now or long term. You want to be present for your wife and daughter and you need to try better. You aren’t sure how you could even consider leaving, but if you had the opportunity you had to take it.
As you watch your daughter color her fish like a rainbow you promise yourself that you’ll do better. You’ve always wanted a family, and you weren’t going to half-ass it because that wasn’t fair to anyone. You didn’t want your kids to be surprised when they got to see you twice daily.
You turn around while Nat’s distracted and look to Wanda with a sigh. You’ll have to talk to her about your plan tomorrow. Tonight, you just wanted to enjoy time with your family.
You jerk in surprise and it takes you a minute to realize that you had fallen asleep. You had just come in here to take a quick nap before dinner, and the next thing you know it’s nearly 8 o’clock. You frown as you stand up and try and find your wife. You figured that she was still downstairs since she wasn’t in the bedroom, and your assumption was proven right when you glance over the banister to see her sitting on the couch in front of the television with your two dogs.
“Hey, detka.”
You walk down the stairs quickly before you realize that you truly had missed dinner. It was mostly put away at this point, but you could see that Wanda had made a plate for you. You assumed the dogs were fed, and Boone even jumps off of his blanket to come greet you. Rogue only wags his tail when he sees you before laying his head back down in Wanda’s lap.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to miss dinner.”
You lean in and kiss her quickly before you steal Boone’s spot with a sigh. You’re exhausted from your day and you aren’t really surprised your nap turned into two hours instead of 15 minutes. You had needed the rest, but you didn’t like missing out on time with your family.
“It’s alright. You needed to sleep.”
You nod before glancing to the television to see what Wanda had been watching. You’re not surprised to see that it’s a nature show, and you turn back to her with a curious look.
“The little one is in bed, I assume?”
Wanda nods because she’d put Natalya to bed almost an hour ago. She’d wanted to stay up and wait for you, but despite her insistence she’d fallen asleep watching the elephants with Wanda on the couch. She’d used Boone as a pillow for most of the time because he was more tolerant of it than Rogue was. The older shepherd couldn’t comfortably accommodate a toddler, but luckily Boone loved to snuggle.
“Yes, she tried to wait for you.”
You smile at this and glance back upstairs as you consider going to kiss your daughter goodnight. You stop short though as you turn to your wife with a smile. She’s not sure what you’re going to say, but she definitely wouldn’t have guessed it no matter how much time you’d given her to think about it.
“While I was napping, I had a weird dream. I was the badass mob boss and you owned a Sokovian restaurant.”
You stand up with a stretch before you head over to the kitchen to grab yourself some dinner before going back to sleep. You know you’ve surprised Wanda because she doesn’t stop you or try to follow you immediately. She’s trying to figure out why you’d have a dream like this after so long. She’d been out of the business since Natalya was born and she’d convinced her brother that retirement had its perks. She wouldn’t be surprised if his new protégé didn’t take over within the next few years.
“You what? Wait, I don’t understand.”
Wanda struggles to stand from the couch because Rogue is dead weight and doesn’t want to move. He grumbles, but Wanda ignores him as she heads to the kitchen to try and get clarification. You don’t offer much as you put your food in the microwave before smiling and heading upstairs.
“Yeah, Little Nat was there and everything. Speaking of…I’m going to go say goodnight. I’ll be back.”
Wanda thinks about stopping you and asking you to tell her everything, but she figures that if it had been anything important you would tell her. She’s curious as to why you’d have this dream, and why you were the one to be a criminal. She doesn’t think about it for much longer as it occurs to her that this might have to do with the role playing from the other night…
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Imagine: crossing the line with your best friend. And instantly teasing him about it
The friendship between you and Derek Hale wasn't instantly for the first six years of knowing Derek he found you annoying. a high school girl and a 20 something year old. Dont have much in common..
Minus the fact that your best friend Scott McCall was a werewolf. and you were constantly being dragged into danger. Derek saved you from a virgin sacrifice. Which you then instantly told him to drop his pants afterwards. which was the first time you made him laugh as he said he would rather boil his manhood off and chop it off and feed it to the birds. which you then asked if it would grow back. cause of super healing. which he then had to tell you they couldn't grow extra limbs
your Senior year you were diagnosed with Cancer.. Derek was Long gone, and you were Sick. Scott offered and you accepted his bite. 50/50 you were other going to turn into a werewolf. and your body would Heal your cancer and you would be stronger, faster, heal faster, be invincible. Or you were going to die. you already had a 50/50 chance of living at least if your body regretted the bite. you wouldn't have to go thru months of cancer treatments.
you were Stunned it worked. honestly you thought your cancer would of muted the bite and you would of died instantly. it took a day to get better and then you were back to yourself. everyone moved on from beacon Hill. and Scott entrusted you, and Malia to watch the town. while He got to run off to LA. and open up a dog shelter and be a massive Jerk.
your Entire pack fell. and crumbled. and when Scott refused to come home. When a GOD appeared and was going to destroy the entire town and then the world. Derek came to the rescue and once God was taken care of. you and Malia both Left Scotts Pack. and you asked to Join Derek's. he said he wasn't an Alpha so you said you be Non Alpha together. and that's when the friendship started.
Years passed and you have Seen Derek shirtless countless of times. he would often do pull-ups shirtless while your trying to watch a movie while eating ice cream. and you often would Lick the spoon clean and have it against the container of ice cream in your hands (single serve ice cream container) and would wait until it was nice and cold before walking over to Derek to place the Cold spoon on his stomach.
Since he moved back and you and he became friends, everything has changed. he stopped seeing you as an annoying little kid. Who when Learned about werewolves asked about the Ogopogo. which is the Canadian version of Nessie. Derek thought it was adorable but he pushed that thought away and called you an idiot. you still stand on the idea it could be Real. you've seen GODS! a mystical Creature isn't extreme.
Now you were he's my Best friend. you spend almost every day together. you worked in your family's flower shop, he has his garage. you bring new flowers to the waiting room weekly. And have had countless dinners in the garage as you watch Derek and Malia working on vehicles.
Last night was no different, Malia was out with her Not boyfriend but sort of boyfriend. Parrish which. you All had an incredible Sense of smell- Malia other didn't care or didn't realize that you all could smell the musk of sex in the office. that they shared. Derek didn't comment on it. but you did. you preferred Parrish over Scott. you arrived at the Garage seeing the doors were all open as you realized why. the Smell was all over. from the waiting room to the garage to probably the office. Derek was hunched over a truck looking into the engine as you said "whoa!" he went back to his work as you walked over, "Can't they just have sex at home like another boring couple?"
Derek chuckled at that as he spoke, "I don't think they care."
"Really? I had No idea."
he sighed as you walked over leaning against the truck looking down at the truck. you were hopeless with vehicles. you knew how to jump a car. you knew how to check the oil. And how to change a tire. but you leave all the other stuff to Derek.
'your going to get your shirt covered in grease."
looking down at your pail pink tank top it was hot today. to hot to be March. you shook your head, 'I dont care. i hate this shirt anyway."
"Really why?"
"it's too low in the back." Derek loved that shirt. he would often find himself staring at your bare back. it was Low. It wasn't your purchase Malia bought it for you. when she was trying to get you laid. she had a few months of determination to get you a Lay or a boyfriend. but you turned down every guy she brought to you. All weren't good enough. Derek figured. He knew you only wore that shirt for two reasons. it was laundry day or if it was too hot.
"I like it." Derek mentioned as you chuckled. "yea, probably just because I fuss with it all day.' he didn't answer as you rubbed your neck. the smell was getting to your nose. it wasn't a horrible smell. but it just made your hair on edge. thinking about the last time you had a "partner" to tango with. your mind went to Derek's muscles as he was working away as you found your mind wondering.
Derek was having the same problem. he was wishing you would turn around so he could see your bare back. and he' was now caged against the truck. he couldn't leave without showing how turned on he was.
you walked away from Derek hoping the distance would give you clarity as you went to sit down on your chair. looking at Derek. you have always called him "A walking greek god status that was made from Marbel and created to torment the human race with his beauty." Derek wasn't Greek, but you couldn't explain how else he looked like he was carved out of marble. perfectly toned body, his abs were amazing, and his hands were strong and large. he was A Pretty boy. with a now more calm nature. No longer the big hot head he was when you were in high school he hasn't threaten to hit you over the head with a newspaper in years. Even his butt was amazing. you weren't much of a butt person. but you had to admit he had a good butt. the more you thought about Derek. and he's form. the more dizzy your mind got. then it hit you.. it was the Full moon tomorrow. you chuckled out realizing Why you were feeling out of shorts. the full moon your body was already tingling and you were already having slight mood swings. but as a women. who has a period.. your use to your body feeling funky and one minute being fine the next you wanting to bash something.
"What?" Derek asked as you looked over at him as he looked at you curiously, "Oh- it's the full moon tomorrow. I- I'm- ugh- the Smell Plus the fact it's a full moon tomorrow. I'm just- understanding why your heart is beating a thousand miles a hour."
"yours is going as just as fast." he stated. as you nodded your head, "yea. "
the conversation soon changed. to home repair. then the topic and thoughts calmed down, until you were having dinner with Derek in the small kitchen. you sat on the counter as you had a popsicle. Chery flavor as Derek spoke, 'can you Not? have that please."
you looked at him stunned as you asked why as he coughed. looking away, "It's already hard enough in here tonight.. don't- add to it."
'I can eat whatever I want. control yourself Sour wolf." you added as you sucked a bit of the top of the treat, looking over and seeing Derek. he was tense as you spoke, "it's cleared out alot in here."
"I'm going out for fresh air."
somehow between him declaring that and you telling him to stay you both ended up stripping naked and doing the "devil tango" in the kitchen. it was quick and afterwards, Derek asked you to go home with him. you agreed breathless and in a high. from what just happened.
now it was morning as you looked over seeing Derek was fast asleep as he's chest was bare as you looked around seeing your bra- what was left of your bra was on the ceiling fan spinning. well, part of it..t he another part was on the dresser. you couldn't whip the smile off your face. you were in Heaven. you have liked Derek for years. and Never thought this would happen.. Seven times..
so you laid there in heaven until you noticed your shorts. were also in need of repair the buttons and zipper were broken. with how fast Derek undressed you last night when you got to his room. you were stunned they weren't ripped in two. the only thing that survived was the Pink tank top that was it, everything else was destroyed.
"morning." hearing his husky voice you turned your body over to face Derek as he had a big smile on his face as you smiled, "hey tiger." he chuckled softly as you spoke, 'you destroyed my bra, ithink you won the battle with it." he chuckled softly as you smiled as you spoke, " So a soild 7 outta ten last night." Derek chuckled as he spoke "oh WHOA! seriously?" he chuckled looking at you as he spoke, 'what could i approve on?"
"i'll tell you again when we do it again." he chuckled as he slipped closer to you as he kissed your mouth as you smiled into the kiss as he reached down to kiss your neck as you moved your neck to give him more access as you smiled. until you both heard Malia's voice in the kitchen "HEY GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!"
you both froze as you whispered, "maybe she will go away."
Derek sighed heavily shaking his head, "doubtful... is this- was this okay? or was this.. a wolf thing?"
"A wolf thing? what the hell does that mean?" he sighed, "i dont- you don't feel.. taken advantage of? right."
you rolled your eyes, "if i did. i wouldn't be having you nibbling my neck." he nodded his head as you rolled your eyes. idiot.." you started to get up as he pinned you to the bed as he kissed your shoulder softly, "come back tonight?"
you breathed deeply as you spoke, "only if you come over for lunch."
he grinned brightly kissing your shoulder again. "I just- want you to know.. I want this. I wanted this for a while. this isn't just some- Fling.. i dont want it to be some Fling between two friends." you smiled as you reached up touching his hair softly, "it's about damn time. but we should go before Malia comes in here.. I need a shirt."
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vimara00 · 6 months
Hi everyone, It's Vi! 💕 How are you all doing?
These months had been quite hectic and I didn't have enough time to write so I'm very sorry about it. I missed writing for you guys so much! I'll try to update more frequently, ok?
So, I really hope you enjoy!
All characters' reservations to Horikoshi
All lyrics reservations to Taylor Swift
Warnings: none, sad but fluff at the end
Right where you left me
I recommend reading it while listening to "right where you left me" by Taylor Swift
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The news about Tenko's family murder and his disappearence were all over the city, but at that time, it seemed like nobody cared enough to look for him except for me. Tenko never really had any friends as everybody made fun of him cause he hadn't manifested a quirk back then, so he'd usually play with his dog and sister. The first time I approached him, it was raining, and he was sitting on a bench crying alone. I stood in front of him with my umbrella, covering both of us, offering a tissue, and I swore I'd never seen such a beautiful yet suffering pair of eyes in my whole life. I didn't know much at my age, but I could tell how much pain he was going through, so I became his shelter, his protector, someone he could trust. At least for a while...
We would play heroes every day at 5 pm on the park near his house so it was uncommon for him not to arrived on time. The last time we saw each other He had to leave early cause his neck was itching too much and he had promised he'll be back with a big smile on his face. I waited for hours but he never showed up. The next day my parents explained what had happened and I didn't want to believe them so I kept going to the same park, at the same hour, every single day with the hope that he'll appear.
They say, "What a sad sight"
I swear you could hear a hair pin drop
Right when I felt the moment stop
Glass shuttered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on I stayed there
Days became months, months became years and I was still longing for him to arrive. All my neighbors gave me their pitiful looks whispering 'what a sad sight' and how I needed to 'gave up and live my life like everybody did'. I also became a urban legend about the heartbroken lady whose cries could be heard at night and be gone by the time the sun rises
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
The same bench that we use to share our snacks was now like chains wrapped around my body that won't let me leave.
Tried to study, make friends and fall in love but my mind, my soul and heart stayed at that park
I couldn't understand how someone I knew for so little could have such an impact. Maybe it was my guilt that wouldn't let me forget or the anger I felt towards those who decided to look away when Tenko was desperately asking for help
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
I used to daydream about the day he'd arrived and that I'd be there for him, forever
I'm sure that you got a wife out there
Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware
'Cause I'm right where
However, at my twenties I realized that probably won't happen; to think that he may be dead was too hurtful for me so I obligated myself to think he would have someone waiting for him at home and that he'd be given all the love he deserved
When the war break through I stopped attending to the park so I'd prayed he won't appear now that I was gone. After some time, the heroes won and the peace returned to our country. Many city where destroyed and so was the park except for, much to my agony, that damn bench and it seemed like it laughed at me
Almost an year later, it was raining so i took my umbrella with me and went to the park, again but this time, someone was sitting there which was unusual as this part was no fully rebuild. I approched in silence in order to sit but this man probably heard my footsteps and looked up at me. My body had frozen, my umbrella hit the ground and the words won't come out of my mouth. I could recognize those ruby eyes everywhere even if they looked as sad and tired as they did now. Too catch up in the moment and the emotions that came with it that I hadn't realized he stood up and was in front of me
'So you really waited for me...'
My eyes were full of tears and so were his. He grabbed my shoulders delicately as if I was going to break and said 'I'm sorry I made you wait for so long. I couldn't find my way back home to you. I was too lost in hatetred but if you are wailing to be with me, I'll make all these years worth the wait'
And my heart spoke for itself 'I will wait another fifteen years to be with you' as we hugged each other in the rain
After that day, I kept my promise to never let him go and that we would both stay
I'm right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
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hbosucc · 6 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 3
A little shorty chapter today! I probably won't post a chapter a day forever, so enjoy while it lasts lol. Eventually I will run out of chapters.
Link to previous chapter
This chapter is also fairly tame. Swearing, dubious morals, discussion of ATN news. Smut starts in the next chapter after this one (chapter 4).
Thank you to anyone reading!! <3 I think all that any writer can hope for is someone, even one person, reading their work and enjoying it. So I hope you enjoy xoxoxo mwah
Chapter 3: Confrontation
“You work for fucking ATN?” I hissed over my coffee mug. We were at my favorite café near the school on my lunch break. Greg had a rare day off, so he’d been able to meet me last minute, though he hadn’t known I was going to confront him about his job.
          “I—I can explain,” His eyes grew wide.
          “Yeah, you’d better be able to explain that, Greg,” I said, folding my arms. “God, I finally find a guy I actually like, and he works for the fucking devil. When were you going to tell me about this? Were you waiting for me to sleep with you first, or something?”
          “No, no,” He sighed, putting his face in his hands for a moment before looking back up at me. “My family owns ATN. Well, my cousins and uncle do. Remember how I told you I was really broke? This job was my last resort, believe me, but I, like, really needed it. I was literally living in a men’s shelter when I started there.”
          “Fuck,” I said under my breath, taking a sip of my latte. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
          “I mean, first of all, it’s an embarrassing place to work, obviously,” He said, and I nodded. “Also, I just…I think…I mean, it’s not like I’m super rich or anything, but I think…in the past, some girls have maybe gone out with me, just because I’m technically part of the Roy family, so they expect that I will be. Rich, I mean, which I’m not.
          “And—and I thought you seemed really cool, and I wanted to get to know you without all of that…stuff in the way, at first.”
          I let his words sink in. He had lied by omission, yes, but I understood his reasoning.
          “It’s bad, I know.” He looked at me pleadingly. “I’m so, so sorry I didn’t tell you right away.”
          “You should be.”
          “I am!” Greg sighed. I had to look away, because the puppy dog eyes were coming out, whether he realized it or not. “For the record, I wasn’t trying to wait until after I—we—you know. Slept together? I was just nervous to tell you. I really, really am sorry.”
          “Could you quit?” I cocked an eyebrow. “The job, I mean.”
          “I mean—I could, in theory, but that would, um…” He trailed off, trying very hard to come up with an answer. Finally, I took pity on him.
          “It’s okay, Greg,” I sighed, locking eyes with him. “I wouldn’t expect you to quit your job, where you’re making God-knows how much money, for someone you’ve been on two dates with. I know that wouldn’t be fair of me.”
          “Okay, thank you, that’s cool, because I really…I don’t have a lot of, like, life skills, you know? And if I quit, I don’t know if—I mean, they might be so pissed about it, they might not give me a recommendation so I could get a new job, or anything.”
          “I know. I’m not totally unreasonable, you know.” I cupped my hands around my mug. It was warmer inside the café than out, but I still felt cold. “You have to do what you have to do, I get it. As long as this isn’t, like, your dream job, and you love working there, or anything.”
          “No, it’s nothing like that, not at all.” He shook his head vehemently. “I even asked if I could get switched out of ATN to one of the other divisions, but my boss got, like, really mad about it, and I had to stay.”
          “God, that sucks.” I blew out a puff of air. “So, what’s it like being Satan’s nephew?”
          “Well, to be fair, I didn’t really know him until pretty recently, so…it’s not like we’re close, or anything.” He played with the handle of his mug, and I noticed he’d barely drank any of his coffee.
          “This is so wild. I can’t believe it.” I shook my head at him, but let my lips form into a smile. I felt I’d probably given him a hard enough time.
          “Yeah, it’s pretty crazy,” He laughed, like he couldn’t believe it either.
          “Well,” I checked my phone. “I need to head back to campus, my break’s almost over.”
          “Oh, for sure.” We both stood and bundled back up, then headed out into the cold once more.
          “Thanks for coming to meet me. I know it was a bit of a drive for you, just to come get yelled at.” I bumped my shoulder into his—well, it was closer to his elbow, truthfully—as we walked down the salted sidewalk.
          “Hey, no worries. I should’ve told you sooner, I just…” He cleared his throat. “I like you, I guess? I mean, not I guess, I know, but I just…”
          “Do you want to come over to my place sometime this weekend?” I asked, once it was clear he was having trouble getting his words out.  
          “Really?” He raised his eyebrows, stopping for a second to look down at me.
          “Yeah. I could make us dinner, we could watch a movie, you know.” I shrugged. “If you want.”
          “That—that would be really cool. Yeah, I’d be, um, very down.” He said, a smile spreading across his face.
          “Cool. Text and let me know which day works better for you.” I stood up on my toes and gave him a quick peck, pulling back to look at him.
          “I will…I will do that.” He gave me two thumbs up and I couldn’t help letting out a laugh.
          “Okay. See you, Greg.” I crunched over the sidewalk to my car, stopping to give him a wave before sliding behind the wheel. Well, fuck. It looked like I’d be hitting the grocery store after work and coming up with a good recipe to make, all for some ATN asshole—though, to be honest, he wasn’t really an asshole. As much as I wanted to stick to my principles, I couldn’t help myself. I liked him, and I wanted to see more of him.
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jonesaf · 3 days
HEY HI HELLO THERE so sorry I didn't see this til today but YES absolutely been rotating them around in my mind for the last little while! I found out Ire was finally canon and 1. I am Delighted I actually love his design he's so cute, and 2. immediately went on the hunt for content and realized there's like. Nothing??? For ameire??? (Or canon Ire in general it seems???) Which surprised me tbh like Alfred is shipped with almost everybody and there's such a big Irish diaspora in the US, plus I just feel like they'd get on well personality wise? But I guess a lot of people lean into the father/son dynamic for Alfred and Arthur so Ire is almost always depicted as an aunt/uncle, which I personally don't vibe with as much but hey, to each their own.
Have a small handful of assorted (human au) headcanons to water your crops:
Ire (Aidan Kelly is the name I have for him) likes to write and has absolutely written poetry about Alfred. Can't decide if he actually shares it with Al or not but I reckon he's building up quite the collection
Does share at least some of his work with Al, and I like to imagine Alfred coming up with tunes on the guitar to match Aidan's poems sometimes - or vice versa, Aidan coming up with words to Alfred's music - just for fun
I get very touchy-feely vibes for them honestly? Not like, excessive PDA necessarily, but like. Standing/sitting close, little touches on the arms or shoulders, if they're at home one of them is probably draped over the other in some manner, forehead/nose/cheek kisses - just generally in each other's space
Took them a while to figure out how to sleep comfortably in the same bed - Aidan's all long lanky limbs taking up the whole bed and Alfred is no better TBH. They've both ended up on the floor at least once, not to mention all the accidental kicking/smacking each other.
Spooning is one of their solutions to this. As for who's the big/little spoon...I think they switch it up a fair bit BUT I also feel like Aidan would like being the little spoon a bit more tbh??
Classic "one runs cold and the other runs hot" pair with Aidan being the cold one (his hands in particular) while Al is always warm. Good for snuggles.
(Aidan will absolutely put his cold ass hands/feet on Alfred when he's not expecting it tho)
Aidan is a certified Sweater Thief. "Hey Aidan have you seen that red hoodie with the-" he's wearing it.
Both are big animal lovers - can't imagine them without at least 1 pet tbh. A cat I think, either Alfred's (or Aidan's) that he's had for years or a shelter cat they adopted together. Maybe a big dog later down the line too. (Irish setter/golden retriever mix perhaps? 👀)
So Much Banter - I like the hc that Ire likes people who can keep up with him and his wit and I think Alfred totally can, lots of banter and long discussions/debates and light hearted bickering with these two
Alfred struggles with reading books for fun bc he's very ADHD, but he loooves when Aidan (massive bookworm that he is) reads to him - it's a common pre-bedtime ritual for them
gotta stop here bc I have to go to bed rip BUT pls don't be afraid to send more asks if you wanna chat/share your hcs/ask me for more!! :D
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tarnishedinquirer · 3 months
Case: Limgrave Tunnels
During my visit to Roundtable Hold, I asked Master Hewg about upgrading my weapons. I was short on smithing stones, but what I did have was a map of Limgrave. I figured they wouldn't mark caves, since they're natural features. They wouldn't mark catacombs, since they're meant to be secret. But if there's any mining tunnels, they'd probably be the only "dungeons" marked on the map.
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And there it was, just south of the Gatefront Ruins, on the big lake.
On the way there I was accosted by crustaceans, but I also found some strange flowers growing in the water and shade. Not sure who this "St. Trina" is or if she even exists, but she definitely has the good stuff. If I find a recipe, I could use these to put my enemies to sleep.
Might profile her if I find any actual evidence she exists.
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Now a key skill in this line of work is situational awareness, which is how I noticed this ledge down below the elevator. Being immortal can make you a little reckless, so I figured I'd just jump down there and see what I can find.
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All I found was a dead long-neck with some runes on him. Useful, but not especially impressive. At the same time, it got me questioning how he got here. I checked, and there were a series of ledges below that should take me down safely. He wasn't stuck here, could've come down at any time. That is, unless there's a reason not to go any lower in the cave.
Better off on judgement until I go lower.
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Found some miners still working, but they were none too happy to see me. They look like the long-necks I've seen (mostly dead), but as I learned when I tried to use my estoc on them, their skin is hard as rock. Lacking anything that could smash through armor like that, I was forced to rely entirely on spells. Fortunate for me then that my Glintblade summons had no such difficulty. In fact, they seem more vulnerable to magic than most, which is something to keep in mind.
While I was exploring, I got accosted by giant rats. Following them back to the source, all I found was another dead long-neck clutching a smithing stone. The rats were feasting on the corpse before I interrupted, so I have to assume it was relatively fresh, and probably a fair bit easier on the teeth than the stony miners. Who had killed it?
Heading deeper in, I found another elevator, and realized that just like the previous one, there was a series of ledges leading around the side. Probably how they dug down here to begin with, or a safety feature in case the elevator gets stuck.
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On the lowest level, I found a wooden store shelter, with one last dead long-neck, being eaten by a starving dog. This one held a glintstone scrap. The same stuff that tips my staff, but clearly of much lower quality. Could probably throw it and do some damage, but that's it. Could he have been trying to defend himself, maybe from the miners?
I'd explored the whole cave, but things felt unfinished. Typically, a place like this has some big guy in charge, and I hadn't found the boss yet. Time to get searching.
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So much for situational awareness. I'd completely missed it during my previous climb down, a whole 'nother tunnel, midway between elevator stops. Took me a few tries to get to it, but here I found the largest collection of miners, and also the largest miners. These guys were a cut above the rest and used some pretty dangerous weapons too. No match for my spells, but the difference was noteworthy.
Now, before I went any further, I took a moment to go over what I'd uncovered. The way the miners would just ignore me sometimes, like they were in their own little world. The strange alteration of their skin, like they'd been fused with the rock. The long-necks tucked away in tiny, out of the way rooms, trying to defend themselves or flee.
It all reminded me of something. Maybe a story I read, or a place I'd visited, or maybe even a past life. A tunnel full of miners, where demons took advantage of their avarice to turn them into mindless servants, abandoning their very humanity to take on the traits of a dragon. This wasn't the same thing, but it was similar enough.
Maybe the final chamber would hold answers.
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One more elevator down, and I found an answer.
One of those giants—or trolls, I guess—crouched down, staring at a massive, glittering rock. He seemed less enthralled than some, as he immediately stood up and began to attack.
I'd gotten a tip from Kalé about "Stonedigger Trolls" and how they have an old wound on their heads. Might've been a useful tip, if I was a warrior or an archer. Instead, I just turned to my trusty spell, the only spell I know, and made short work of the monster. It dropped a medallion to enhance roar attacks, that said giants like this were originally enemies of the Erdtree.
Before I left I took a moment to really look at the glittering rock. It seemed metallic and run through with flecks of gold that glittered like stars. I felt a gravitational shift staring at it, and was forced to look away. I think I can figure out what happened from here.
Conclusion: This rock is what mutated the miners and troll. The fact it didn't affect dogs and rats tells me the mutation is as much of the mind as it is the body. Those who come into its thrall are changed, made into stone servants enslaved to dig out more and more of the rock. Only a troll took up residence here, and didn't take to kindly to the other thralls.
A bunch of long-necks came in here and it didn't go well for them. Revising a previous comment, I don't think they were fighting the miners. They were sitting too placidly, and only the ones sitting down carried rocks. They were meditating, but didn't survive the transformation. Only one of them escaped, but whatever was out in the lake was too scary, so he just sat between a rock and a hard place before he too perished.
So, that's a wrap. Time for lingering questions:
What about the lake is so scary?
What about the glittering stone is so enthralling?
At any rate, I got enough upgrade materials for a while. Maybe it's time to do something about my limited spell repertoire.
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mythgirlimagines · 11 months
In the Old Cartoon AU, Gundham would team up with Mikan to take care of animals for a day until Hiyoko butts in to bother Mikan, only for her to be the butt of the joke until Mikan offers her a dog which Hiyoko adopts reluctantly (Mikan and Hundham are on animal duty but will Hiyoko trash this pet shop of a friendly bond? Find out in “Perfect Pets”
I don't think we've seen them in this au before!
Mikan didn’t know why she was put in charge of a group of pets at a local shelter while the usual workers were out, but thankfully Gundham stepped in to give her a hand.
Everything was going fine until Hiyoko came. Mikan knew she was probably going to bother her all day, and Gundham couldn’t really act as a buffer for it, either.
There was one dog, though, who kept standing between them. That made it kind of hard for Hiyoko to do anything to Mikan, which allowed her to keep working with Gundham.
Hiyoko actually took a bit of a shining to the dog, and decided to spend more time with it when she finally gave in and realized she wouldn’t be able to get to Mikan then.
Mikan and Gundham were more than happy to help Hiyoko adopt the dog. Mikan was especially glad that the dog had a home now, but also that Hiyoko would probably be a bit busy to bother her for a while because of it.
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Y'know what, since i've fleshed out my new OCs a bit more i think it's time to explain them more in-detail! Starting with my danganronpa OC: yuriko togami (so needless to say: SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA AHEAD!!!)
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I have complete character sheets of her as well as my other OCs on arts and OCs amino (my username on there is VixinTrix)
Oh, and also i feel i need to prefice this by saying that the only danganronpa game i've played so far is trigger happy havoc. I've watched a youtube video a long time ago explaining ALL of the lore but i've tried to forget most of it so that it doesn't ruin my experience playing through the games so i may get some stuff about the game's lore wrong with this character, like i'm not sure if byakuya actually DID rebuild the togami corporation or if people just SAY that he did as a joke considering i only ever see people mention it in the comment sections of meme videos....but i mean...either way i guess it doesn't matter considering yuriko's mother CANONICALLY DIED BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN BE CONCIEVED so she's already not following established lore in that regard...
Yuriko (yuri for short) comes from a danganronpa AU where celestia ludenberg never died (how and why that is the case is up for your interpretation) and she eventually got married to byakuya, resulting in them having a daughter....that daughter, of course, being yuri!
Yuri was born as the heiress of the togami corporation, she lived a sheltered life so she never really had any friends aside from a borzoi puppy she got for her 13th birthday. Growing up all people could really see her as when they met her was just the daughter of celeste and byakuya so she felt the need to prove to the world that she was more than that so she took up chess and constantly practiced every chance she could, which eventually earned her the alias of the ultimate chess master
Personality-wise, yuriko comes off as very cold and harsh much like her parents though it's less "i'm so much better than you and i don't think you deserve my respect" but more "i genuinely do not care about anything that's going on and i just want to be left alone" which means she doesn't really emote much, but when she does she looks absolutely unhinged (think omori's battle portraits in omori)
Despite this however, yuri is very gentle and is quick to crack a joke when she needs to...though it's kind of hard to tell considering she always talks in a very monotone voice (my voice claim for her is simGM's portrayal of kourtney kardashian) plus she LOVES dogs more than anything and will sob uncontrollably if she sees a puppy
Due to the stress of being the heiress of the togami corporation and nobody seeming to care about her aside from who her parents are, she took up smoking weed sometime later in life and she became almost dependant on the substance (and yes, while i know smoking is a VERY SERIOUS thing, i feel like i need to mention that i got the idea of making her a stoner because before i actually drew her design, i liked making jokes about her recreating the "420 gucci gang, my mom took my vape" meme and stuff like that and it kinda just stuck)
Also like, a few days after i made her i realized i accidentally just reinvented my little nightmares OC myrtle soooo.....
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Though in my defense, myrtle and yuriko MAY look similar and have similar character motivations but I ASSURE YOU THEY'RE TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!! See, myrtle is a pretentious emo brat who takes things way too seriously and her whole story is her trying to fix the universe after she created a dimensional merge with her reality bending powers. YURIKO is a dog-loving stoner who plays chess and simply doesn't give a shit about anything
Also if you think about it, yuriko is pretty much just shaggy from scooby doo....they're both stoners with pet dogs who come from rich families....not only that but considering yuri is a DANGANRONPA OC, that also means she probably solves mysteries....god fucking dammit...
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amerasdreams · 11 months
went to bed early last night but then had cramps so I watched a show til like midnight. I realized - I can actually take meds for this and took aspirin and i think it helped.
Woke up feeling very tired and slow.... idk if the meds or didn't get enough sleep. Again. Both probably. I was like, how can I do anything. I didn't want to get out of bed. We were going to go early. Took me a while to find . Comfy clothes for hot day. Get breakfast. These things took me like 2 hours. I wasnr sure if I would go. Took more aspirin and caffeine. Felt better.
I was worried about . Seeing my niece , seeing my aunt.... but I talked to my niece and she talked to me! And my aunt didn't act mad at me for leaving grandma w my uncle the other week. She said she would pay me.
Fun talking w my cousins. Sadly my uncle lost his old dog. When camping his dog wandered off and they couldn't find him. It was supposed to rain. My cousins and aunt and uncle and Jocie played in the water. I talked to grandma and my aunt who has a 7 month old collie. We went and got ice cream from the little ice cream stand. I got French silk! Mmm. The last of my cash (w the tip). Sat around and ate the ice cream by the shop. My uncle makes us laugh as usual. It started to rain. We went in the shelter and my aunt opened a house warming gift. We gradually filed out and went home, more rain coming
I went to volunteer w the kittens at petco. Very cute. Let someone pet them. Said happy 4th to cashier.
Watched Interstellar with dad. Mom eventually. Then Voyager (also dealing with sending message to the past...) I wanted to see the fireworks but we were going to see them in my sisyers town (dropped jocie back on the way,my sister wasn't feeling good) but I had to go back to petco and mom didn't want to drive half hour to other toen then back. So. Fun actually watching a movie w my family (they usually just walk thru the room) but i do miss fireworks. I could have gone myself but I still am tired and didn't want to crash into another car.
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fruitless-vain · 1 year
I have a lot of videos that I’ll probably sort through later but general pride parade write up:
Did disc time yesterday to meet her needs so it would be easier to settle today, walked all the way to the parade to familiarize with being on a roadside, car sounds, get all the sniffs. She was very focused and on point with noisy motorcycle rumbles and such so we knew we were good to go. If she had been nervous just with traffic sounds we would’ve just gone home instead.
Got there early to get the perfect Yoshi spot and give her ample time to cool down from the hot walk, take in the environment, de-stress and get her in the relaxed n cozy headspace. We positioned ourselves by a sheltered bus stop so we could easily back away if she needed space but no one would be packed behind us and it gave us an easy 10ft of space where dogs couldn’t be passing behind us. She settled right out the gate after cooling down easily.
Totally relaxed with crowds buzzing by, people sitting near, I did have to tell a few people not to touch her as they just tried to do drive by pets. But everyone at least listened and moved on. Todays already stressful enough for her I’m not gonna make her tolerate 100 pets. Plus literally none of them asked. A couple Flexi dogs on the way to our spot which Yoshi handled like a pro, swapped sides and strutted by easily, maintained an easy settle with dogs walking by behind us on the other side of our lovely bus stop barrier.
Parade started with the dykes on bikes so that startled Yo, lots of loud revving. She curled in to my lap and really squished in, ears back, very stressed. She did shake for about a minute or two? But was able to calm down with pets and treats, I covered her ears to try to dull the sounds for her but she just hated having her head restrained like that she she opted out of that. The bikes were stopped in front of us while the rest of the parade caught up so she got to listen to the softer rumbles and gained quite a bit of comfort with the sounds before they left. Still sitting on me but the shaking stopped and her ears started to perk up for bursts.
Next was a marching band which she very much seemed to like, something about the brass instrument sounds really caught her interest and caused a lot of forwards ears, head tilts, and curiosity. Still curled up in my lap, taking treats a bit stressed but less stressed. Shuffled further back to add some space and have Jack be a barrier between her and the stuff going on.
Shifted to walking people and cars which is where she was really able to start de stressing and relax for. Popped off to the ground and started wanting to walk closer to the curb and sniff the things going by, less stressed more curious and wary. Someone gave us a freezie which I shared with her and she suddenly realized that this chaos brings sugar? Amazing! Enjoyed her cool snack and started laying down on the cement, mostly just people screaming and car honking at this point, pretty relaxed but putting her ears back when the volume gets too loud, no other stress signs. She saw fursuits, mascots, and an array of large props which didn’t even phase her.
Floats going by with loud speakers, at this point she actually took a small nap, her ears didn’t go straight back too much but may airplane at very loud spots, otherwise she was pretty much confident here, calmly laying down, perky eared watching, squeezing between Jack to get closer to the parade and see what’s happening. Some floats had bike horns that sounded like squeaky toys, she liked those very much. Started getting some of that post-stress energy where she got very wiggly and needed some good ol booty rubs, she tried to solicit attention from strangers at this point which I did veto since I didn’t feel she was totally actually wanting that. She was just releasing stress energy, not really consciously thinking about what she was doing. She settled down again pretty quick after that, mostly laying her head down, hip popped, just cozy.
There were some dogs in the actual parade, Yo handled most of them very very well, looking and looking away for a treat, calm and relaxed. There was one dog that she barked at, it was reactive and losing its marbles very close to the curb. I’m sad she barked but also? She didn’t even get up. She was still laying down popped hip, perky eared, didn’t even remotely try to lunge in the slightest. Just one single bark then disengaged and settled. With all the chaos and stress going on I’m pretty proud of her despite that moment.
She shook that off incredibly well, immediately back to being comfortable and content, no additional stress lingering or affecting her capacity to manage everything else going on.
Ending the parade we hopped in to the secluded bus stop to allow everyone else to follow it which gave Yo an easy 5 ft radius of clear space. When we left it was still busy and she was a bit pully, understandably so with the stress. Even with that she wasn’t too bad, still following directions, when we hit the first intersection she had already shaken off and loosened the lead with ample check ins. She was following me pretty well, moving away from people and swapping sides when asked to easily. Passing the dogs wasn’t a problem at all. Crossed the road when we could to get out of the crowds and that was pretty much that. Free loose sniffy walk home where any residual stress vanished.
She got loads of exposure, and any stress she did experience she was able to release and recover from very quickly. She’s becoming quite the resilient little nugget!
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