yamikawas · 2 years
i see u really liked what i sent yesterday, so ill send it again.
i love you!!
i love you and i will forever <3 never forget that, okay?
- yoomtah
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transexualpirate · 2 years
im just in a weird mood i guess *shrugs* *commits several felonies*
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moneeb0930 · 9 months
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Cancer is not a disease but Oncologist from Osh State Medical University, Moscow, Russia Gupta Prasad Reddy (BV) says cancer is not a deadly disease but people are dying of it only because of negligence.
According to him, cancer can be removed if only two methods are followed. Methods are : -
1_ Avoid all sugary foods first. Because if you don't get sugar in your body, the cancer cells die naturally or naturally.
2. Then mix the lemon chip in a glass of warm (BOILED) water. Drink warm water mixed with this lemon at 3. one hour in the morning before eating. The cancer will be gone.
A study from Maryland College of Medicine found it is a thousand times better than chemotherapy.
3. Eat three tablespoons of organic coconut oil every morning and evening, it will cure cancer.
After avoiding diabetes, undergo one of the following two treatments. Cancer cannot hurt you. However, negligence or indifference does not excuse.
Please note that to protect people from cancer. Gupta Prasad has been spreading this information in various ways including social media for the past five years.
He asked for dissemination of information, so that everyone could know about it.
He said, "I've done my job. Do your part now and save people around you from cancer!.
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Things that have been heard in Public Places
Part 1_ Swimming Pool Changing rooms
Little girl: "Mom! There's a cockroach there! Aaaa!!" *Pointing at something that is definitely a butterfly*
Friend 1: *Banging on the door* "Hey! Get out of there faster! "
Friend 2: "No."
Lady: "Are you done!?"
Girl's voice: "No, Mom! Why do you think I would stay in the changing room if I was done!?"
Boy: "Mum, can I jump in the swimming pool?" Mom: "You just got out of it after 1 hour, so no.. "
Mom: "C'mon son, change faster!"
Her son: "Why?"
Mom: "What do you think!? Because there's other people waiting outside! "
Friend 1: "Hey, did you know this tan isn't going away for the next 5- 6 months.. "
Friend 2: "Yeah, I know. So what? "
Friend 1: "What if you get married? You would have to go to your wedding like this!! Haha!! And more importantly I would have to come to your wedding like this! You've gotta postpone your wedding, or I ain't coming.. "
Little brother: "Sis, did you know, I don't bathe before coming to the swimming pool daily.. "
Sister: "Yeah. Well, guess what? No one does. But you don't hear them saying that, do you? So shush. "
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Chapter 1_[Cover 2]
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just-antithings · 6 months
Not exactly an anti thing, but recently I've seen many people gatekeeping fandoms, aka who is a fan and who isn't. And after checking their blogs it seems most of them are antis.
I saw recently : anti said ( people watch jjk , aot and demon slayer then call themselves FAN , no they are not FANs , they just saw something and liked it.)
And I have to say:
1_ ( saw something and liked it ) isn't that the definition of being a FAN?? Like they do the same thing.
2_ (Being a FAN) is something that people can choose to claim or decline. Like my friend have watched 2 animes and calls herself a fan , I've watched 20+ animes and I will not call myself a fan . If you want to be polite you should respect that.
3_ many people have anime blogs but the majority of their post are about jjk , aot and other popular animes of course new fans will watch those first . It's the most known ones that attract the most attention.
4_ people start being a fan from somewhere, why does it matter how it starts? If I become a fan of Tolkien by reading The Hobbit first and another person starts by watching Rings Of Power , why does it matter? Attacking others for NOT BEING FAN ENOUGH will eventually cause death of fandoms and I mean all fandoms not just animes
This attitude towards new fans can be seen in pro shippers too , but I have mostly seen it in antis so I thought it was worth mentioning.
ugh yeah that’s pretty ridiculous
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vilochkaaa · 6 months
your dobson art has made my heart grow 5 sizes larger. I just wanna squish him,,,,
It makes me very happy and warm at heart to hear that!!!💕💞 :3 /gen
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give u the cheeky little devil Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ
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floralfractals · 2 months
I don't know anything about measure theory, re: f(x)=x on [0,1], what's the deal with integration?
ohh well i guess i did kinda say that without explaining huh. let me elaborate
measure theory is all about sizes of sets, in a generalisation-of-probability-way. the probability of event A is 0.5, the probability of event B is 0.8, the total probability (of any outcome happening at all) is 1. or the measure of set C is 2, the measure of set D is 0.002, the total measure (of the ambient space) is infinity. whatever.
but what is integration if not calculating the space under a curve? is that not dependent of the measures of the sets underneath them?
lets first talk about "regular" (Riemann) integration. basically, suppose you have a function f: R -> R. it has some kind of fun graph, and youd like to find the surface between the graph and the x-axis. one way to do that is by approximation through rectangles. yknow, draw some rectangles of fixed width, put their heights either just under or just above the graph of f, add up their surface areas and bam! you have a numerical method of approximating the integral. or you could make the rectangle width smaller and smaller for exact results. thats integration. heres a visual.
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ok cool so problem solved right? we know the area under the graph? surely this holds for every function?
well, no. suppose we have a really fucked up function. for example, let f(x) be equal to 1 if x is rational, and 0 otherwise. the above method wont be able to determine if the area is 0 or infinity, or something in between!
thats where measure theory comes in. we give sets a measure (notation: m(A)). this measure is not negative, and if you take the measure of two sets that dont overlap with each other, then their measure is the sum of their separate measures (in notation: m(A ∪ B) = m(A) + m(B) if A and B are disjoint. this is called sigma-additivity (the sigma means that it works for countable infinitly many sets as well)). easy! now we can define something called the indicator function 1_A(x), which is 1 if x is in A and 0 otherwise, and we define its (Lebesgue) integral to be ∫ 1_A dm = m(A). usual linearity applies for finite sums (so if a and b are numbers, and f and g are functions, then ∫ af + bg dm = a ∫ f dm + b ∫ g dm) (wacky things happen when sums are infinite: they might become infinitely large, or infinitely negative, or not converge at all).
this solves the issue of our crazy function f we just defined: notice that f(x) = 1_Q(x), where Q is the set of rational numbers. thus, ∫ f dm = m(Q), which (in one of the most natural measures, called the lebesgue measure*) is zero. done!
now for your question. the function f(x) = x on [0,1] (for our purposes: f(x) = x if x is in [0,1], and zero otherwise) cant be written as a finite sum of indicator functions. that means that our newly defined Lebesgue integral wont do without a bit of work. as it turns out, we can take limits in the Lebesgue integral, as long as our sequences increase (in math notation: if (f_n)_n is an increasing sequence with limit f, then lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_n dm = ∫ f dm). thus, we need to find such a sequence.
it's probably best if all functions in our sequence are finite sums of indicator functions, since we know how to integrate them. one such sequence with limit f is given by f_n = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n 1_{[k/n, (k+1)/n]}. that looks kinda scary, but if we let n go to infinity, this turns out to be equal to f almost everywhere (some points are counted twice since the intervals [k/n, (k+1)/n] and [(k+1)/n, (k+2)/n] have some overlap, namely {(k+1)/n}, but we dont need to worry about that since m({(k+1)/n}) = 0). heres another visual.
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as you can see, though, when we go from f_2 to f_3 we have some parts that increase and some that decrease. that sucks because now our limit trick wont work! to solve this, notice we dont have that issue when we go from f_2 to f_4, or from f_4 to f_8. thus, the sequence (f_{2^n})_n would work, since its limit is also f!
now we can do a big calculation. please bear with me (its just this paragraph i swear)! we have ∫ f dm = lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_{2^n} dm, so lets solve ∫ f_n dm for any n first. we have ∫ f_n dm = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n m([k/n, (k+1)/n]) = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n^2 = (n-1)(n-2)/2n^2. we can work with that, so were ready to take the limit: lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_{2^n} dm = lim_{n -> ∞} (2^n-1)(2^n-2)/2(2^n)^2. that looks scary, but luckily its equal to the slightly less scary lim_{n -> ∞} (n-1)(n-2)/2n^2, and thats just 1/2.
therefore, ∫ f dm = 1/2. which is also the value of the riemann integral ∫ f(x) dx, by the way.
you see that we needed a lot of calculations, so its probably not surprising that i needed an entire whiteboard to do this.
maybe this would make you think that lebesgue integration is inferior to riemann integration. however, as it turns out, most applications of this rely on proving that a lebesgue integral ∫ f dm is equal to some riemann integral ∫ g(x) dx, and we can just solve that with our calculus skills.
also, since the integral relies on a measure, we can do some silly shenanigans with that. for example, the ergodic probability measure related to my sickly son (lets call it n to avoid confusion with our earlier measure m) has n([0,1]) = 1/2, and n([1,2]) = 1/4 (in general, n([k-1, k]) = 1/2^k). i used this in my thesis to integrate the function floor(x): turns out that ∫ floor dm is infinite, but ∫ floor dn = 4 :)
hope you enjoyed doing some measure theory with me :>
*: the lebesgue measure is probably one of the more intuitive measures. an interval [a, b] has lebesgue measure b - a, so m([0,1]) = 1. this also means that a single point has measure m({x}) = x - x = 0, and a countable union of singletons (like Q) therefore also has measure m(Q) = 0. however simple this measure is, it also gives rise to some wacky crazy properties! for example, there exist sets that cant have a measure, but you can only construct them using the axiom of choice. scary!
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neocatharsis · 9 months
NCT 'Golden Age' The 4th Album
1 Baggy Jeans https://youtu.be/GMKdOs66F8A
2 Call D https://youtu.be/5mMaNcrRd1g
3 PADO https://youtu.be/Vc_kx2P-jJs
4 Interlude: Oasis https://youtu.be/xh14WSYlIYk
5 The BAT https://youtu.be/32CitrXqh34
6 Alley Oop https://youtu.be/VrrrbwBd8GE
7 That's Not Fair https://youtu.be/neW3g485cmI
8 Kangaroo https://youtu.be/UDqh9et0omA
9 Not Your Fault https://youtu.be/1_-FV_vlMa0
10 Golden Age https://youtu.be/gJnLVHkLKqc
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gayhokage · 1 year
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okay so i did my best to try and translate the map shown at the sakura con panel but there may be some errors / things i couldn't read or make out so don't take this as 100% accurate
also looks like the map from Stampede is tilted compared to this map when you consider the locations of Jeneora Rock and July
(not my pic. i yoinked this off twit so if anyone else has a better / clearer pic that'd be helpful :] )
putting the japanese text under the cut
街1_市ノヴェムバ : 1st City November
街2_市ディセムバ : 2nd City December
街3_市ジュライ : 3rd City July (notice the X on the map over July)
街4_市オーガスタ : 4th City Augusta
街5_市オクトヴァン : 5th City Octovern
街6_市メイ : 6th City May
街7_市 : セブテムバ 7th City September
(there's a kanji in all these names that i cannot make out, if anyone else can read it^)
《シップの_》 (i cannot make out all the kanji here, but i think it's supposed to be the people who live hidden in the old ships from the big fall aka "Vash's home" (trimax chap 12))
エドワーズ (Edwards)
ブロウアップ・ヒル (blow-up hill(?))
ウィッチズ・エンド (witches end(?))
ヴォルドール (Voldoor) (this was the town from chap 1 of trigun)
ジェネオラ・ロック (Jeneora Rock) 
カルカサス (carcass (?) i think was briefly mentioned in chap 2 of trimax?)
未踏の地 - unexplored land
赤道 - equator
(there's that small X just above ノウヴェ that i cannot make out)
the text at the bottom with the arrows (i believe) means to show the direction in which the ships crashed during the big fall)
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kayleigh-83 · 2 years
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Downloads Folder Organization
I'd been meaning to write something up about this for a loong time, I have been asked about it before, but also just find it interesting.
Once upon a time (aka less than two years ago) I'd spent most of my Sims 2 career with an entirely unorganized downloads folder. As in, everything was just thrown willy nilly into the folder and that was it.
I finally decided I was going to completely rebuild my downloads folder, and I spent almost a month working on it. A big part of it was setting up proper folders in a way that made sense for me.
My biggest priorities for downloads folder organization were knowing what I have in my downloads already, in order to be able to easily remove things I no longer wanted, and to track custom vs. default replacement things easily.
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First off, the Build & Buy section. In here I sort by creator. I do also have a Misc folder for creators who I only have a few items from. Once I have more than 50 files or so, they get their own folder. Beddings, custom foods and OMSP's go into their own (maybe foods should be in mods???).
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Clothing has subfolders for each mesh, with the creator's name first, then the specific item that it is.
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I always keep a preview image in the clothing folders - this may take up a bit of space, but it's still essential for me so I can know what's what and easily prune, including when I can remove a custom item because I've downloaded a default version of it.
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Inside the hair folder I subdivide by male and female.
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Within each, I prefix each file and a corresponding preview image with a number. So all the files starting with "1_" belong to each other. Again, this is so I can easily add and remove things and see what I have in my game. If I want to remove a certain hair, I know I'm getting all the files associated, and I don't need a subfolder for every single hair. So I can easily scroll through the images to see what I have.
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My defaults are divided like so - the default root folder has things like replacements for dishes, books from the bookshelf, food etc (non buyable or wearable things).
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All my default folders for clothing and hair follow the same system as my custom hairs do - they're numbered, with a corresponding photo. I can't say enough about how much easier this makes it to swap out defaults when you find something you prefer, or when you can replace a custom item with a default one. So much easier!!
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Mods have some subfolders for larger mod setups (like ACR or Turn On/Off replacements) or for ones that fit under a certain umbrella (things relating to hobbies and skilling, or relating to kids and toddlers specifically) and the rest just hang out in the general mods folder, uncategorized.
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Looking again at my root downloads folder, you can see I also have some other categories I didn't go into, but they're fairly self explanatory overall! Posing contains all my poseboxes and back drops. Sims is for any Sims I download from other creators. My Traits Mods have their own entire folder here, since there were so many subfolders in it to keep it straight, I didn't want to bury it another level inside the mods folder.
Hope this helps someone who might be looking for inspiration or ideas to organize their own folders!
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dia-souls · 1 year
🦋 Admin Afra talks :
⚠️ Important notes ⚠️
Please read carefully
Hello friends.
I think you have noticed recently that the activity of our blog has decreased a bit and we apologize for this. The fact is that the admins are very busy with school work, and if your requests are replied late, we really apologize. We will do our best to answer your requests as soon as possible. And we need to inform you we will close requests very soon . So you can send you last requests just for a few days .
And the other thing is that Dia-soul blog plans to publish its first novel soon. This novel is about Rukiyui ship and is written by me, Admin Afra. This novel is supposed to be published on April 15th. And there are several options for how to publish this novel that I want to provide you. And choose whichever one is better in your opinion.
This novel includes 20 chapters
1_ Three Chapters in a week ( on Saturdays, Mondays, Wednesdays ) A drama CD on Fridays and old requests during the week.
2_ Two Chapters in a week ( on Mondays and Fridays ) A drama CD on Sundays and old requests during the week.
3_ Two Chapters in a week ( on Saturdays and Tuesdays ) A drama CD on Fridays and old requests during the week.
Please note that this is my first novel and it may not be perfect, but I tried my best to make a great story.
Also, I have to give special thanks to my dear friends who helped me in this project.
@irsas-stuff : I don't know how to thank you dear. You read all the chapters every day and told me your opinion. You certainly have a big role in this project.💘🥺🤗
Admin Avery : I really owe you. English is not my native language and I had many typos and grammar mistakes and you, my dear friend, were kind enough to edit my story. I love you and thank you.💞
@rukiyui-fanblog : Admin Shina, I think this story would not have been written without you. You were the one who gave me the idea of ​​the story line. Your idea for this story was great and I am very happy that you trusted me to use your idea for my novel.💞
@diakaoni : Honestly, since Yui was supposed to be Ruki's lover in this story, I didn't think that Carla would get into my story, but it seems like it happened unintentionally. Since I haven't played Dark Fate yet, I don't know Carla's character very well and it was hard for me to write him. Thank you dear Kaoni 🥰. You guided me very well to write Carla's character.
@misslittlefounder : Admin and I chatted a lot and I am very happy to say that she is now one of my best friends. I can't say how much I fell in love with your OC. She is a wonderful character. I shared the idea of ​​my novel with you and you encouraged me for the second book. I really want to be free from school as soon as possible and we can write the second seoson of this book together in the summer. Where your OC Yuu is going to appear.😁
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ahmedtayeh · 8 days
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Cancer is not a disease but Oncologist from Osh State Medical University, Moscow, Russia Gupta Prasad Reddy (BV) says cancer is not a deadly disease but people are dying of it only because of negligence.
According to him, cancer can be removed if only two methods are followed. Methods are : -
1_ Avoid all sugary foods first. Because if you don't get sugar in your body, the cancer cells die naturally or naturally.
2. Then mix the lemon chip in a glass of warm (BOILED) water. Drink warm water mixed with this lemon at 3. one hour in the morning before eating. The cancer will be gone.
A study from Maryland College of Medicine found it is a thousand times better than chemotherapy.
3. Eat three tablespoons of organic coconut oil every morning and evening, it will cure cancer.
After avoiding diabetes, undergo one of the following two treatments. Cancer cannot hurt you. However, negligence or indifference does not excuse.
Please note that to protect people from cancer. Gupta Prasad has been spreading this information in various ways including social media for the past five years.
He asked for dissemination of information, so that everyone could know about it.
He said, "I've done my job. Do your part now and save people around you from cancer!.
السرطان ليس مرضًا، لكن عالم الأورام من جامعة أوش الطبية الحكومية، موسكو، روسيا، جوبتا براساد ريدي (BV) يقول إن السرطان ليس مرضًا مميتًا ولكن الناس يموتون منه فقط بسبب الإهمال.
ووفقا له، يمكن إزالة السرطان إذا تم اتباع طريقتين فقط. الطرق هي :-
1_ تجنب جميع الأطعمة السكرية أولاً. لأنه إذا لم تحصل على السكر في جسمك، فإن الخلايا السرطانية تموت بشكل طبيعي أو طبيعي.
2. ثم قم بخلط شريحة الليمون في كوب من الماء الدافئ (المغلي). شرب الماء الدافئ الممزوج بهذا الليمون عند الساعة الثالثة صباحاً قبل الأكل بساعة. سوف يختفي السرطان.
وجدت دراسة من كلية الطب بولاية ميريلاند أنه أفضل ألف مرة من العلاج الكيميائي.
3. تناول ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة من زيت جوز الهند العضوي كل صباح ومساء فإنه يعالج السرطان.
بعد تجنب مرض السكري، قم بالخضوع لأحد العلاجين التاليين. السرطان لا يمكن أن يؤذيك. لكن الإهمال أو اللامبالاة لا يبرران.
يرجى ملاحظة أنه لحماية الناس من السرطان. قام غوبتا براساد بنشر هذه المعلومات بطرق مختلفة بما في ذلك وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على مدى السنوات الخمس الماضية.
وطالب بنشر المعلومات حتى يتمكن الجميع من معرفة ذلك.
قال: "لقد قمت بعملي. قم بدورك الآن وأنقذ من حولك من السرطان!.
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Romanoff's Delight
_Chapter 1_ Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
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Warning: Mentions and descriptions of abuse, and eating disorder. I think that's it. If there are any more, I should add that's also a trigger warning, lmk. I do not control what you consume online. You have been warned!
A/n: If any of the content is triggering for you, do not read or skip the y/n pov part since that is the only part of this fic that I put a warning for. If you chose to read this fic and have been triggered, please seek help and do not send any hate to me or any other amazing mutual writers out there just b/c you chose to ignore warnings! I will come after you if any of you do! You have been warned!
A/sn: age gap relationship. Nat is 33 and r is 20. Sry if i failed to put this up earlier 😅
A/sn 2: This fic was heavily inspired by Bazzi's new album Infinite dream. If y'all are interested plz go listen to it on Spotify or apple music or anywhere it's available. Also, I found it interesting that there is a dessert out there called Strawberry Romanoff and its origin is really interesting. so I was inspired to name it after our fav Tasha Bear.
<! --- --- > - means the start and end of anyone's pov
Word count: 3,906 🤷‍♀️ If any of that matters. Also sry if it's very long for a first chapter 😅
"Does it hurt?" Asked the rabbit. "Sometimes," said the skin horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are real, you don't mind being hurt." - Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit
_Earth 616 Norway_ 2016_
As Natasha arrived back at her safehouse from the store, she finished the rest of her coffee and briefly prepared herself before leaving the car for anything that could be secretly waiting for her inside. With a careful step, she entered her trailer house as quietly as possible while holding her gun in front as a safe way to take point of the area if it ever was unsafe. When Natasha had come across her bedroom, she had let her guard down when she had heard her friend snoring away on her bed. Just then, as she kept her movements as quiet as possible, a look of mischief bore her face as she got closer to see if her friend, Mason, was still asleep before lightly kicking him awake, causing him to gasp in surprise.
"You're in my bed."
"I'm.. I'm not under the covers," he says to justify his reason for sleeping on her bed, even if he wasn't under the covers. Yet, that didn't mean she wasn't unhappy about it.
"Got everything on my list?"
"Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver's licenses. Mix and match; you should be able to stretch it to 20 or so identities."
"Fanny Longbottom?"
"What, are you 12?"
"That's a legitimate name," he says, chuckling. "We got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered, and septic tank will flush in a couple of weeks. But you know, I have a guy coming for that. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It's just a 20-minute drive. And I've got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs."
"Nice," she says as gratefully as she can without giving away how distraught she is at how easy it was for the Avengers to break apart and take sides over a political deal multiple countries had signed. However, that quickly fails as Mason immediately senses that not everything is ok. Or so he thinks, as Natasha had only ever called him when she needed something, nothing more. Though she longed for a family she's never had, the Avengers she strove so hard to keep together make it as though it wasn't as it seemed or something she hoped it would be.
As Natasha deflected Mason's attempts to get her to open up a little about how she felt about the situation, Mason soon realised that maybe he should stop trying as she's only kept him at arm's length—making him walk away disapprovingly. That night as she's settled in, she cracks a beer and heats a can of soup. At the same time, she watches one of her favourite James Bond movies on her laptop to comfort her as her concerns about her life begin to come to the forefront of her mind in the hopes of straying off any nightmares she might have tonight. With the stress of her situation and the mail brought from the Budapest safe house, the last thing she needs is a nightmare to deal with when she's spent the past few days staying out of Secretary Ross's radar.
_Earth 01 New York_2016_
<!--- Y/n's pov
When I returned to the house from school and settled in, my mind began drifting over to the many binders that contained photographs of our so-called family since I had lost all interest in finishing any of my homework. As I picked one off my bookshelf in my bedroom, I began to look through all the pictures of my very early years from the day they took me in. When I reached the end of my early years, especially my first picture in the whole album, I always found it strange that there was nothing written or even an image of how I was found or why I was left at their doorstep, leaving me to die potentially. However, as tempting as it is to think about all possible scenarios of why they chose not to tell me or leave anything regarding my origins, my feelings about my longing for a home, better life and relationships with other people that I could never have become increasingly evident. Let alone accept that I would never be accepted because I wasn't normal like everyone else. Especially the fact that I have eyes that are two completely different colours already says a lot. My right eye is green, while my left eye is brown. Heterochromia is what they call it. However, mine was complete rather than the normal variation of partial or split, leaving me to wonder which eye colour I was supposed to be born with since my body clearly couldn't choose one.
That night as I lay restless, I pulled out a picture of my beloved grandfather from underneath my pillow, savouring all the stories I'd heard about how close I was with him. And not to get too philosophically profound, but from observing families afar from my times outside, I'd like to think that from the time we were born, the world would feel it was in our hands. Something we can grasp within our hands, new, exciting, and worth exploring. Something I think we once had, our first experiences of the world take the form of love, some of its joy, and may even warmth. Others' first experiences, however, are of the less fortunate. They may not even know that feeling of love, joy or warmth until they become adults. However, at only five years old, nobody once told me to savour that sliver of a taste of love and happiness while it lasted.
Because once it's gone, you can never get it back. Since the day of my grandfather's funeral, I realised my childhood had ended, and so did a piece of my heart. From that day on, my family was never the same. Or should I say my "foster parents?" Ever since they had mysteriously taken me in, I've never really known what to call them since they've never felt like family to me, let alone be anything but parental figures in my life. I've known them to constantly fight while going on a spree of breaking anything they can get their hands on and treating me like I wasn't their own. That didn't mean I wasn't at least grateful for giving me some of my basic needs, no matter how much of that was out of pity. Since the funeral, they began to fight more often, my father's family started getting into each other's throats, and lastly, his family began targeting my mother again as if she were the cause of my loving grandfather's passing. And soon enough, I was also thrown into the deep end.
Little did I know, that would also mean that I would lose every piece of who I was or what it felt like was happening. Though that would be the first of many funerals, what struck me at the time was how I could never wrap my mind around others' perspectives of how or why people love to say and believe that children do not understand and have the concept of death. Still, to this day, I can't understand those others' perspectives of how children understand death. I've always seen it as a naive frame of thinking of how children see and understand the world. And quite frankly, I find that to be insulting. However, I am not a child anymore, and I find the feeling to be mutual regarding children. Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse them for condescending behaviour to outright call a child stupid for a concept they may or may not have. Yet, I may be biased to my own experience at that age, whereas I think children at five years old can somewhat grasp the concept of death just as much as they can understand love and joy.
In the year or two that followed, I began to have unhealthy feelings of self-consciousness, frequent thoughts of suicide and contemplated self-harm in many ways. At the time, I could not define the meaning of these feelings that were happening simultaneously. That is until I vocalised the word depressed to myself by asking myself if I was depressed. Yet, I was still in the process of understanding all those feelings and why I was always in a distressed state that caused me to cry myself to sleep, no matter how terrified I was to sleep alone at night. I even began weighing myself every week to see if I had met my mother's expected weight she wanted me to be causing my relationship with food to be compromised. Gradually, I started reducing the amount I ate every day. That's until I only ate half of what my small plate could contain, just like what my mother hoped I would. Yet the more guilty I felt about it as I craved more and ate more in secret.
As I grew older, those feelings of depression and its friend anxiety grew more unbearable, causing me not ever to eat whenever those feelings started to spiral inside my head and eventually led me to skip school altogether. I would also have days where I only ate two meals a day or did not even have a proper meal. I would even go on for days on meals consisting of peanut butter sandwiches or sandwiches containing only butter and sugar, only to briefly switch to appropriate meals as I was told by my mother to avoid any added blame or abuse.
To add to the pain I got through daily, my mother would even say the most demeaning things about me since the funeral, leaving me to feel like they were true even after all those years. And when I started to believe those lies, I began looking at myself in the mirror and seeing myself as the monster she saw in me. When I turned twelve, that's when I started to realise how twisted my mother's ways were. Then before I fully understood what was happening to me, I was found in an expected predicament of being forced to psychologically convince myself that I was romantically and sexually attracted to boys, not girls, when I was seen blushing one day at school over some boy I never even liked. In reality, I've always been romantically and sexually attracted to girls long before I was even aware that homosexuality was highly frowned upon. I even once cursed whoever had given me powers when they occasionally flared up. I never knew where they came from, much less who my birth parents were. Even at that moment, I questioned what it meant to be home or even to be a family. As the reality of the moment crashed down on me, that's when I knew the answer I'd been looking for lay within my heart. This torn-apart family, this house, and this life are none of those things I was made to believe. Hell, even this reality I was living in didn't feel real. Not when I spent most of my life without knowing what it's like to have feelings and be separated from the outside world.
Meanwhile, my older brother had it easy—way too easy for my taste, at least for me. I know it's shocking to me, too, to see that I'm not the only child. In fact, my brother, Dominic, is their only biological child. He's everything every parent wants in a child, even more so for a boy. Although I'd like to disagree, I'd admit I love him as much as they do. Both of us had our fair share of sibling rivalry and heartfelt moments. However, I can never agree on or bear at any given moment how easy it is for all of our family and extended family to argue and defend him as if he were their lord and saviour for the family's good reputation. Yet, I somehow put a bad name simply by breathing. That isn't to say that I despise him for being the golden child. It wasn't because of this toxic concept of family that made me love him, but what he did for me, or at least tried for my sake, as he was the only one in my dysfunctional family that saw me as his family whom he loved.
Since then, my days have felt like nothing but a constant mind-numbing nightmare. Though, the universe occasionally likes to sprinkle in bittersweet moments to mess with my mind to make it seem like I'm invertedly going insane. But if I were, I wouldn't be surprised if it was caused by the kind of life I have. Although lately, these days have felt a lot more gruelling than usual. You frustratedly sighed as you put your grandfather's photo underneath your pillow and got out of bed, knowing you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anytime soon and that it's been hours since being woken up by your parents fighting again. As you rummaged around your room to find something to distract you, there was only so much you could do to make your life a little better.
Sure, listening to music does help cope with the noise, but not enough to make it better by any means truly. For drawing, it's nice but not enough to give you some substance to occupy your time and mind before wondering when it's safe to go back to sleep. Then there's writing. Many of us use a powerful tool that some take for granted. At the same time, writing can give us pleasure. Yet, people don't know that writers such as myself write and create these imaginary worlds because we crave to be able to not only have a better life but also to wish to live in a different world without any setbacks. However, this hour wouldn't be great to do as well since, you know, it requires peace and being able to hear yourself think. As your parents' fights got a bit louder as the night dragged on, you resorted to listening to music, daydreaming of what it would be like to live in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a few changes, and absentmindedly making paper stars.  
Little did you know that your and Natasha's life would change that night as you added more green stars into your jar while she wrote in her journal.  --- >
After Natasha had written in her journal for the night after watching two James bond movies, the power in her trailer home faded out just as she was about to start another film. "oh great.." she grumbles while her cat, Liho, briefly looks at her as if asking what she's complaining about before going back to sleep on the couch.
She gets up and changes out her pants for cargo joggers, a light jacket, and light-up gloves that wrap around her hands so that she doesn't need to bring anything else before putting on her boots to assess the issue or if she begrudgingly needs to get more gas for the rest of the night. As she stepped out, she was met with a gush of cold wind that immediately made her shiver, and she wished that the power to her safe house didn't go out until morning. Yet, like all adults, she puts up with it and grabs the hardware kit from under the stairs. After assessing the issue, Natasha begrudgingly cursed Mason for getting her a crappy generator that's said to last for 12 hours when it only lasted for five hours when the tank was full. She detached the generator link, put her empty gas container into the passenger seat of her car, and drove into town for more gas.
When Natasha came back, Liho eagerly greeted her once she opened the door, causing Natasha to always pick her up so that she could even step inside the house. And just like always, she fondly smiles at Liho's antics every time she comes and greets her. Even if Natasha wasn't gone that long, she has a small reminder that she has someone always waiting for her at home, furry companion or not; it's one of the small things she cherishes. Once she has gotten herself comfortable on the couch again, this time with Liho in her lap, she unexpectedly let out a yawn before clicking on a popular series on Netflix, Stranger Things, to watch just until she falls asleep.
Meanwhile, y/n finished making another green paper star and dumped it into a jar containing other paper stars she had made. Deciding that it was enough stars for the evening, Y/n securely screwed the lid back on and decided to return to bed. However, after she got up and stretched, she let out a big yawn before taking off her headphones, hoping that her parents had finally gone to their bedrooms for the night. As Y/n ensured they were asleep, she sighed in relief before peeking at the clock to see what time it was.
3:00 A.M.
It read in bold red, making it mock Y/n for even being awake at this hour, just like it did to Spongebob. With that thought, Y/n let out a deep breath as a subtle gesture to remind herself that she'll be ok. Worries and stress still plagued Y/n, even in the back of her mind, so Y/n grabbed Ryan, her stuffed lion, into her arms and finally went back to sleep.
As Natasha decided to opt for her bed instead of the couch that night, she finally lays peacefully asleep with Liho curled up at the foot of her bed. As both women drifted deeper to sleep, Y/n and Natasha found themselves at two different ends of the same ethereal dreamscape.
"Woah… Where am I?" Y/n says, astonished at how ethereal everything looks. As a feather falls near her eye, she looks up and sees flower petals of all different colours and white feathers rain from the sky.
Not too soon after, she's greeted by her stuffed lion that Y/n loves to hug at night, only to take the shape of an actual lion not too soon. Puzzled by what was happening, Y/n got on the lion's back and took her to a waterfall that lay within a bushy groove well beyond the luscious flower field. When she gets off the lion's back, she pets its head before hesitantly walking into the body of water, where the waterfall fills a large pond. Y/n becomes perplexed at seeing her opposite reflection in the water as she stands in front of the waterfall. Her reflection showed the same raven hair she had. Yet, her skin was soft and fair, with greenish blue eyes and freckles littered across her face's sinuses, unlike Y/n's mismatched coloured eyes and smooth olive skin.
Then, as if on cue, the sun shone brighter, revealing a mysterious figure standing in the cave's shadows behind the waterfall. When trying to get a better view of the person, Y/n felt like they were compelling her to get closer. However, as she got closer to the mysterious person, the farther they were, making it seem as though it was impossible to get to them. Almost as if it was the definitive embodiment of chasing a shadow. Finally, as Y/n had stopped putting effort into catching up with the person, she found she had been able to get close enough to reach out to them. As she did, they began to fade away just before she could get a glimpse of them.
However, she felt at a loss before Y/n could process what had happened. At the same time, Y/n found herself at the end of the cave with a door embedded into the wall. She felt a sense of familiarity as she took in the door's regal yet indigenous design. Yet, she couldn't place where she may have seen it before. The door had a wonderfully crafted natural walnut-coloured frame, a gold border that laid flush underneath the natural walnut frame and added to the gold frame was black steel moulded into swirled designs. Next, the doors themselves had a beautiful smooth espresso oak wood finish, and on it was a big heart-swirled design at the top made out of the same black steel on the gold border. Finally, the handles were made out of gold with a curve towards the end. With open-minded curiosity, Y/n approached it and gently opened the door. Behind it was a bright passage that resembled something similar to what Tony Stark would design. Then without hesitation, she walked through the door while her lion walked along with her as moral support.
On the other hand, Natasha was in the middle of a debilitating nightmare. During the point of the agonising part of her nightmare, she was abruptly relieved of her pain and entered an ethereal-like dream. It was so abrupt that it took her a bit more time than usual to adjust to the natural bright light of the sun, only to realise that white feathers and flower petals of every colour fell from the sky. As Natasha takes in the beauty of the luscious flower fields, a marbled-coloured pig with a collar appears to greet Natasha with an eager oink. But then, the pig began rooting at Natasha's calf as if telling her to walk in the direction to her right. At first, her reaction was to shoo away the creature. Doing so only encouraged the pig even more. After much-rooted insistence from the pig, Natasha gave in and followed the pig into a forest just after the field of flowers and into a clearing within the forest's heart.
In the clearing, there were boulders; some covered in moss surrounded the edges of the clearing in a particular order. And on those boulders were engraved symbols, except for the one directly in front of Natasha. On that large boulder were a door that was embedded into it and the only one that was heavily covered in moss and a few mushrooms and cosmo flowers. To her discontent, the door had the same design as the ones from her time in the Red Room, making her quite hesitant to approach it to see what was on the other side.
Similarly, Natasha also felt compelled. Only when she was in front of it did the door open itself. There, as she stood in front of the open door, it showed nothing but a bright passage waiting to see what awaited her. At that moment, she closed her eyes and exhaled deeply before going through the door. Yet, because of the amount of blinding light at the end of the passage, she kept her eyes closed only to realise that the blinding light turned out to be the sunlight coming from her window, that she forgot to draw in the blinds last night. However, as Natasha was about to pull in the blinds to get more sleep, she quickly realised she was not alone. On instinct, she reached for her gun to quietly assess if the girl sleeping next to her was hostile. Still, Natasha doubted that the girl was hostile when she saw her hugging a quirky orange bear in her sleep.
taglist: @adi06lena @mrscromanoff @togrowoldinv @procrastinatingsapphictrash
dm me or drop in an ask if you ever want to be added to this series. Or if y'all just want to talk, my inbox is open. So don't be shy talk to me.
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afra-blueraz · 11 months
Oh girl I read your bio and you said you play video games. Are u a gamer? Please say yes please say yes please please please please say yes.
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Ummm .....No????? Hehe just kidding 🙃.
Bro I'm not a normal gamer. I'm a pro gamer 😎. my whole game life is for horror games. I started with minecraft when I was younger but now I'm into horror games so much. I still play minecraft for fun but my favorite games are horror games.
1_ Fnaf or five nights at Freddy's
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If you are afraid of moving dolls, this is the best game to scare you. Apart from the horror sequences, I love the story. Although the story is very complicated, I love how it kept its potential for a horror story. However, I really hate the main character, William Afton. A psychotic man who kills his children and... 😑
2_ Poppy play time
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A game similar to Fnaf, but very different. This game also has a very interesting story with great potential. I am impatiently waiting for the third chapter.
3_ Silent Hill 2
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No comments just great.
I have played other different games like Minecraft, Mobile Legends, Victoria 3, etc.
Also, I have recently ordered HDB and MB from DL games. But since DL is more like a novel, we cannot consider it as a game. Right?
Recently, I want to play Genshin and Amanda the advanturer. Because I have seen many clips about it on YouTube and I think it has a very interesting story, but I have to wait a bit because my console is broken and it may take two months to provide enough money to buy a new console. 😭
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I'm sure it's a great game. I really love to play it.
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magical-bear-dubin · 8 months
Hi, how are you today? Any New? Are you feeling good? And wouldn't you mind if I ask a few questions?:
1_ what do you think happens if someone casted animal friendship on you?
2_ I cast friendship
3_ .....
4_ can I get a long bear hug please?
Bonus question: why do some people send asks to other people anonymously and then tag themselves?
Im fine, nothing much really. If you want i can elaborate a bit in DMs
Now to answer the questions:
1) apparently this doesnt work on animals with low intelligence, and i can assure you im much smarter then that. But i will still play along because who wouldnt want to befreind me?
2)//it worked
4)dont mind if i do, come here to get a hug you little bumfuzzle!
Bonus: i think its so it could be read like a letter/note
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