#Also as I speak I am drawing more Robbies
clownsuu · 1 year
mermaid asker here! love your art its a lot of fun to see and a huge inspo
im glad you liked my thoughts so heres octo robbie i love him
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at first i was going to give him a "normal" skin color and then i was like. hey. hes NOT human. slap his regular colors on that bad boy.
hope you like it. i think robbie is great. please never stop drawing him (or do. im not in charge of you)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks @buffythevampirelover for the tag! This game looks fun!
Rules: answer as few or as many as you'd like!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
TSP: Lexi was! TSP started out as a school project, and we had to create a character sheet for our first person narrator! That was "Alexia" who is now just "Lexi" (but her full name is still Alexia).
SOTL: The concept! "School for fairy tale characters" was basically it. I got discouraged a bit when I found out this concept already existed, but that didn't mean I couldn't do my own take!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
My favorite types of intros for TV shows are original theme songs or very catchy instrumental music. 30-60 seconds is a good length. I'd hope that for TSP and SOTL. Hope this isn't a cop-out.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
TSP: My favorite characters to write for are Lexi, Gwen, Akash, Robbie, and Carmen. Lexi because the arc I gave her is an exaggerated version of something that speaks a lot to me. Gwen because I wasn't expecting her to be as interesting as she ended up being planned to be. Robbie and Akash because of how funny and sweet their dynamic is. Yes, I love them separately, but they're a package set. Carmen because she's just so damn interesting I love studying her under a microscope.
SOTL: I am barely into writing it, but it's Jack at the moment. Shocker, he has three chapters while Tierney and Úrsula have one each! But the reason is that he is average at everything, but he doesn't let that get him down! He's funny and relatable and a dork.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
TSP: Hm, good question. The only thing coming to mind right now is Young Justice (the cartoon). Starts out with this fun group of kids, becomes extremely dark. Ensemble cast. Sneaking around. Superpowers. Fight scenes. Drama.
SOTL: Insert fairy tale retelling here.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
TSP: Juggling everything. The world building, I guess. Making all the characters distinct was something I struggled at for a while, but I'm getting much better at it. Trying to figure out how the world works is challenging, but I am having fun. But juggling all the moving parts to make it cohesive is a challenge.
SOTL: What is plot?!! Also battling my ambition to do every fairy tale ever. I'm gonna have to make a lot of background characters that will get their own side stories separate from the main series to get all that I want. I probably will do that.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
TSP: Yep! Alium has a lot of fantasy creatures, animal hybrids, and fun things I just made up. Custos the dragon is the only truly prominent one right now. He's a blue fire dragon and is adorable. I also have kitsunes. Animal hybrids include unibison, ferretsnakes, cowyotes, beaverducks. Things I made up include the elemental foxes and blue hedgehogs.
SOTL: Hofiwi is an anthropomorphic bear! She was cursed to be anthropomorphic, this is not a normal thing in this world. I love her and she's just planned at the moment. Can't wait to do more.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
TSP: Hovercrafts, dragons, teleporting, trains, and some other power-based travel
SOTL: I'm still figuring this out no one has gone anywhere yet. Dragons or carriages would be cool. Maybe I can mix them with something modern to fit the setting.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
TSP: World building! Specifically the power database since that will be the backbone for everything.
SOTL: Reading fairy tales... I need to do that more
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
TSP: Powers, diverse cast, queer/disability rep
SOTL: same as TSP but fairy tales!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
If I see one (1) fanart between either my life will be complete.
This was fun!
Softly tagging @mk-writes-stuff @jezifster @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @sleepywriter00 @mysticstarlightduck @sarahlizziewrites @writernopal @gottestod-writes + anyone who wants to join!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - giving a slightly harder nudge than usual cause I really want to see what y'all have to say! Still optional obviously
Blanks below the cut!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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favesgrave · 10 months
since i am so normal i started up an earthspark warrior cats au and then my friends (hi friends @echoblaze5 @benadrylcandlewhack @velvety-vixen @badgerdigsbones @satellitedish38) brainstormed more ideas for it so big thanks to them. anyways here's the stuff under the cut:
okay so i'm still chipping away at actual plot but the current sort of story is that megatron (he's called stoneheart in this au and badger came up with that name so ty badger) led his own clan that was basically the decepticons and went to war with the autobot clan. at a certain point he has a bit of a change of heart and is like "so guys. maybe this fighting isn't worth it"
his warriors are understandably like "dude what the fuck do you mean. we've been fighting for YOU and now you're backing out. traitor" and he ends up getting chased out. optimus (who i havent thought of a name for yet) is like "oh you silly goose. if you want peace then come on over and live with us!!!"
it's. a big adjustment.
he goes from stonestar to stoneheart and literally no one but optimus trusts him because they used to be pretty tight
also this has no big impact on the plot but i thought it'd be cool if autoclan (that is NOT their actual name i am working on it!!!) lived in a cave on a mountain and decepticlan (again not their name) lived on an island in a lake to sort of resemble how things were in g1. you know with the ark in the mountain and the nemesis underwater. yeah you get it
ANYWAAAYSSS. decepticlan's a bit messy after they drove out stoneheart because they didn't really think that far ahead, it all just kind of happened. starscream (who i'm gonna call finchshriek for now) is like "guys i'm the deputy so duh i'm the leader"
back in autoclan barn cats dot and alex join with their apprentice-aged kits robby and mo!!! most of the humans r probably kittypets (suggested by echo) but the maltos are barn cats and they r small enough to lay on fluffy ears
everyone loves fluffy ears
eventually dot and alex have two more kits, twitchkit and thrashkit! because yeah if we can have kits with the prefix "flip" then they can keep their names
stoneheart's been a warrior in autoclan for a while now and optimus is like "hey. hey watch this" and makes him twitchpaw's mentor when the time comes
okay pretty much everyone was talking about this (except me cuz i was drawing) but miko is a hardcore kittypet with a spiked collar and her owners put pink streaks in her fur. she follows bulkhead around a lot and talks his ear off. and we came to the conclusion that bulkhead is also a valid warrior name!!!!
also elita is the deputy of autoclan. i might name her something like rosethorn
twitchpaw and thrashpaw's warrior names r twitchflight and thrashkick
nightshade, jawbreaker, and hashtag also exist. nightshade already has a warrior name so that one was easy. jawbreaker might be called something like boulderjaw (or who knows might just say fuck it and keep jawbreaker) and for hashtag, we settled on the prefix "flash"
jawbreaker's mentor is gonna be grimlock. hashtag's will be rosethorn
i just thought of this while typing but i think the dinobots could all just be a random litter of kits wheeljack found abandoned in the wounds and he'd adopt them
speaking of wheeljack!!! he is missing an ear and has a bobtail because velvet said so and is absolutely correct. that's kinda it for him for now
bumblebee is called beestrike!!! as an apprentice he was friends with breakdown (who i might call blueleap or blueskip cuz he's got a fearless attitude or whatever) and they'd meet up at gatherings and sometimes in secret by sneaking out of their camps. ben was like "bee could be like how graystripe was whenever he saw silverstream and make little cat biscuits" and yeah that's pretty much him. once the war breaks out their friendship becomes strained and even when there's peace, it's gonna be a little awkward at first
i dont know if i'd bring knockout into the au but he was easy to think of. he's decepticlan's medcat and is named scarletshine
this was probably unintelligible but i had to make the post somewhere
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adamantineaura · 2 years
Little introduction if I do end up posting
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My name is Louie, (not really. everyone just calls me that, but if you get closer to me, you'll know my real name) and though I have been around tumblr for quite a bit, I have never posted, on any of my previous accounts. Let me just tell you a bit about myself and the things I like and dislike
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Name : Louie (but i already told that) Ethnicity, and nationality : Finnish Pronouns : She/They/He/It, no preference, use anything, switch it up even Gender : I'm still questioning, but cis female for now, I suppose. Not like I care about my gender, though Sexuality : Questioning this too Religion : Agnostic theist (?) Occupation : I guess a student? I don't currently go to a school, but I'm supposed to go to a learning institute at some point, if I'm correct I'm a minor, and I am also autistic, I was diagnosed in 2020 or 2021
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Hobbies : Hiking or overall nature exploring, drawing, (both traditional and digital) dancing, (I do it on my own now, used to be teached) singing, (I'm very bad, but it is very fun) Music : Rock, metal, dance, pop? I like anything you can dance to. And practically everything, depending on my mood. Those listed are just my most listened to. Favourite songs at the moment : Hola - Miranda! Mary on a cross - Ghost, but I prefer the Nomy cover Government Hooker - Lady Gaga Supreme - Robbie Williams I just threw out the love of my dreams - Weezer Heartbeat/Hope - Rachel Rose Mitchell Stripper - Achille Lauro Dead but Pretty - IC3PEAK I was made for loving you - KISS Little Fang - Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks 10 is enough for now. Of course these will change, but man I will always love these songs, always TV and Movies : ATLA , (but I'm still watching (yeah I know in 2022) no spoilers no no no ) the Jurassic Park movies, Total Drama, Pokémon, My Little Pony, (look it's fun to watch it for nostalgia okay...) Games : Hiveswap, The Genesis Project, Roblox, Cuphead, Match Madness, (it's a really fun little board game, I find it very comforting when played alone) Cards against Humanity Other stuff I like : Homestuck, (basically my favourite thing at the moment) Schleich figures, history, mythology and mythical creatures, fantasy, animals (I'd love a career that had something to do with them, they're so precious, all of them)
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Zodiac : Aries Birthday : April 11th MBTI : ISTJ Enneagram : 5w6 Languages I can speak : English, Finnish (I'm supposed to be learning swedish but man it's so stressful) Pets : Three cats, and one wirehaired dachshund (They are the best, so lovely) Friends : Phil, Kanaya, Jeremy, Dave, Simi, Michael, Tyler, Frost (and many more. If I talk to you on a daily basis, or even less, I still consider you to be my friend. Be nice to me and others, and you're my friend)
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That's all for now... Thanks for reading! If I do end up posting, it will most likely be my drawings, or ramblings about my interests...
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cobrakaisb · 3 years
hi bestie! i’ve had this idea for a while, but i haven’t seen it. can you do like a head cannon of what miguel, robby, and eli/hawk would be like as an older brother? it can be totally based off what you think :) thank you <3
of course! sorry it took me a while but i needed to to be perfect. i also added two bonus boys at the end (hope you don’t mind). little note: i wrote this with a fem reader in mind because of the mentions of periods. 
Having the Cobra Kai boys as older brothers
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you and miguel are so close
the age difference does not affect him at all
he is very protective of you before cobra kai
but once he joins cobra kai that over protectiveness 📈📈📈
let’s just say that this kid is bothering you
miguel definitely notices and scares them off
you act annoyed about it, but you’re highkey grateful that he did that
“my brother is the all valley champ so back the fuck off”
you were so excited for him at the all valley
you wore one of his cobra kai shirts and everything
miguel is so supportive of whatever extra curricular you do
karate? yes he stans, theater? you bet he’s at all your shows, dance? you know he’s bringing you some flowers, another sport? he’s at every game cheering for you
miguel knows about periods, and he has no shame in buying you tampons/pads
“hey y/n, i noticed you were running low so i got you some more” 🥺🥺 
you wear his hoodies all the time
they are very big on you, but very comfy
you help him with sam
“i punched her in the face” “what why?”
“y/n what do you think about this?” “it looks great miguel. sam will love it”
when he dates tory you're a little on edge about it
“miguel, weren’t you like trying to win sam back two days ago?” “i like tory now” “okayy” 
johnny loves you as much as he loves miguel
y’all hang out together
his friends are your friends and vice versa
your friends definitely think that miguel is cute but “eww that’s my brother”
when miguel is in the coma you blame johnny
“he showed mercy because of you! you did this!”
but then you cry into his chest
when miguel wakes up you’re at school
you don’t find out until after school when carmen picks you up
you hug him so tight, rambling about how much you love him
“i love you too y/n now get off me”
you can’t keep up with his love life
“y/n i’m with sam again” “what?” 
overall your bond is amazing and you couldn’t ask for a better brother
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you and robby both live with your mother (because we aren’t basic here)
you’re the odd one out (your mom does drugs and robby sells them)
“you got caught with molly? i thought you and sara were hooking up?” “the drug y/n”
when robby starts being friends with those punk kids, the two of you start to drift
you actually go to school, unlike him
“just skip y/n” “no robby”
it isn’t until he gets back on track because of daniel that you two start getting close again
“i’m gonna get back on track y/n i promise” and you believe him
you go to the skatepark with him
he skates while you read or draw or skate (whatever you’re into tbh)
when you’re on your period robby will buy you stuff, but he doesn’t like to
he feels so awkward about it
“um are these the right ones?” “yes thank you”
robby gives the best hugs (idk why he just does)
i feel like robby is also really good at reading emotions
like he knows when you’ve had a bad day at school or when you’re stressed about something
he also knows how to cheer you up :)))
“i know you did not just eat cereal with water???” “and what about it?”
when your mom comes back after being gone for days robby pulls you behind him
because he really doesn’t want you to be exposed to that
you cry into robby’s chest once she leaves
“why can’t she just be our mom?”
when daniel asks robby to move in with him he denies
but quickly explains that he can’t leave you
daniel tells robby that you can come too
“thanks for helping my brother mr.larusso, i really appreciate it”
you definitely walk in on robby and sam making out at some point
“hey robby- oh my god i’m so sorry” slaps hand over eyes and immediately leaves the room
when robby pushes miguel off the balcony it's the first time you’re genuinely scared of him
you visit him in jail, but it takes awhile for you to go
“i’m sorry y/n” “i know robby”
you just understand each other
when robby joins cobra kai he tries to get you in too
you agree to one lesson, and know it’s not for you
you have many arguments about this
“he’s brainwashing you!” “he knows what’s best for me, for us!”
robby feels so betrayed when he finds out you’re staying with johnny
the two of you definitely drift after that, but you find your way back to each other, you always do
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okay so before he flips the script you defend eli, no matter what
you cry with him about the bullies and definitely try to fight kyler more than once
you wear his sweaters (fight me on it)
you encourage him to do karate
when he flips the script you’re very happy for him he finally feels confident in himself and you love that for him
now the roles are reversed
hawk protects you now
no one even dares to look at you because they are scared of him
i feel like he has a tattoo for you, whether that's your name or your favorite flower idk but he gets one for you
“um wow okay we’re doing that now” “do you like it or not?” “yeah but i wasn’t expecting it”
sometimes he’ll let you pick his hair color “how about purple” “maybe” 😉
he definitely flirts with your friends “hello ladies!” “hi hawk!” “get out!”
you’re the only one that is allowed to call him eli
“eli i need ten dollars?” “for what?” “a snack” *hands over the money*
“eli can i have your sweatshirt? i’m cold” “yeah take it”
“i can’t, me and eli are going to the movies today”
one day you’re sitting with him and his minions (you refuse to call them friends) at lunch
“so eli” -one of the cobra kais “shut the fuck up! you can’t call him that!” -you
hawk has a proud brother moment
anything that you do hawk is like “fuck yeah that’s my sibling!”
his friends are not allowed to look at you, talk to you, have a crush on you, or even think about you
“woah dude she’s hot” “that’s my fucking sister! stay away from her!”
“eli who’s your friend-” “NO!” 
as eli he will buy you period products but is very shy about it
as hawk he will not be caught dead in that isle of cvs
“eli i need them!” “i don’t care! i’ll drive you there and you can run in and get them”
when hawk breaks demetri’s arm you don't speak to him for weeks
you confront him about his new behavior
“this is who i am!” “no it’s not! you’re not my brother!” 
you’re crying and then storm off to your room
that breaks him
is highkey the start of his redemption
when he’s at the fight at the larusso house, and he sees demetri about to get his arm broken, he thinks of your words: “you're not my brother!”
literally motivates him to fix things
you see hawk and demitri and just know that your brother is back
you hug him so tight
“you were right y/n. i’m sorry” “of course i was. i’m always right” “gee thanks” “love you”  
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bonus demetri:
he is a nerd, you are a nerd
the two of you watch star wars, marvel, harry potter, etc. together 
“daddy anakin” “please shut the fuck up”
you want to punch him in the face because he is so sarcastic 
it gets on your nerves 
bust out laughing when johnny makes fun of his pi shirt 
“stop laughing” “if it’s funny i'm gonna laugh”
even though you’re a nerd you’re cool 
like you have a lot of friends in your grade 
“demetri if i don’t talk to you at the halloween party that’s why” gestures to his costume 
listen to his rants about how eli’s changed 
you try to give him advice, but it doesn’t work out
so proud of him when he joins miyagi-do
“i'm glad you’re stepping out of your comfort zone” 
demetri tries to get you to join miyagi-do
if you do join great more sibling bonding
if you don’t join no biggie y’all are still besties
y’all go to the comic book store together
its sibling bonding time
you threaten to fight hawk after the laser tag thing 
“hey asshole you leave my brother alone!” 
you sign his cast first
you definitely write some inside joke that only the two of you understand
you see him kissing yas and do a whole 🤮
“so you dating yas?” “idk why” “just checking”
very obvious about your distaste for her
when him and hawk become friends again you’re very wary
“he broke your arm” “he apologized” “he broke your arm!!!”
eventually you and hawk are on semi decent terms
“demetri forgave you and that’s fine but i’m still not over it”
your relationship = the perfect mix of love and teasing  
bonus bonus king bert 🙌🏻:
you are older than him by like a year
but you’re still besties for life 
you’re very proud of him when he joins cobra kai
“im joining a karate dojo” “period pop off”
you always ruffle his hair 
cheer for him at the all valley
“yeah bert!”
but also like you can’t watch 
when he gets eliminated you cringe 
he’s sad about it 
“i just wanted to impress you” “im very impressed bert, you did great” 
your opinion matters so much to him
he’s such a small cinnamon roll 🥺🥺
seeing him with the older cobra kai boys makes you soft
“y/n i’m going out with hawk and miguel can you drive me?” 
bert admires you a lot, like you are his hero
y’all are the best sibling duo and that’s on period
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earliebirb · 3 years
steve/tony, fluff, (newly) established relationship, 3250 words
Tony stares absentmindedly out the airplane window as he puts his phone up to his ear, watching people run back and forth, performing last-minute engine checks. Some of the guys look sweaty and out of breath.
From the comfort of the air-conditioned Stark Industries private jet, he feels a slight twinge of sympathy for the people having to suffer in the humid summer heat.
He loosens his tie and sinks deeply into his seat, closing his eyes with a massive yawn as he listens to the ringing tone. He hadn’t been able to sleep very well throughout his five-day stay in Tokyo, too anxious about the contract to rest properly. 
The ringing tone goes on for a few more seconds before ending with a click, replaced by an achingly familiar voice greeting him in his ear. 
Tony’s eyes spring open. Outside, an aircraft marshaller walks by, speaking rapidly into his walkie-talkie.
“I had a blueberry muffin for lunch today. One single blueberry muffin.”
“It didn’t even taste that good. I couldn’t finish it. Too dry.”
“Tony, that’s not good. Is that all you had for lunch? You should really eat—”
“The meeting went well, by the way. Mr. Watanabe finally signed the contract, everything went as planned. My ride to the airport, however…”
“I told you things would go smoothly, you had nothing to worry about. You’re a brilliant negotiator—”
“The traffic? Fuck. I had to keep shifting in my seat to avoid pins and needles.”
“That sounds awful, are your legs okay—”
“Did you know that Tokyo is number nineteen on the list of cities with the worst traffic congestion in the world? I know that, because I looked it up on the way to the airport. But boy, did it feel like it deserved the number one spot. I think I lost feeling in my ass.”
“I did not know that. And, uh, is your ass okay—”
“Thank God for my private jet. These plush seats are the best things I’ve ever spent my money on.”
“That’s objectively not true, and you know it—”
“Then again, I think these seats in particular were Pepper’s choice? We remodeled the airplane’s interior like… two years ago. I couldn’t be bothered to meet with the airplane seat people and I just told her to pick whichever looked best. I had much more important things to tend to, like sewing up the holes in JARVIS’s Christmas stocking.”
“I am concerned about how you sort your list of priorities—”
“Hm, that’s right. I think it was around two, three weeks before Christmas and I didn’t want JARVIS to be upset about the whole stocking thing, you know?”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t have—”
“Also, you’re right, the single blueberry muffin was a bad idea because now my stomach won’t shut up. So I’ve ordered some pasta for my in-flight meal. Robbie’s making it, you’ve met Robbie—”
“I’ve met Robbie, yes, he’s—”
“Larry’s replacement after he resigned. Gotta say, I was sad to see Larry go. Guy worked for me for seven years. But then there was that thing with his grandma, and he had to leave, so… But! Robbie makes a mean carbonara, maybe even better than Larry, don’t tell Larry I said that—”
“I don’t even know Larry like that, how would I—”
“Mr. Stark, we’re ready to go.” The pilot—Paul—emerges from the cockpit, staring at him in anticipation.
Tony nods and makes a few rapid gestures with his free hand that he supposes Paul is only able to interpret perfectly after years and years of working for Tony. The gestures roughly translate to something like “Copy, I hear you, just let me wrap this up and then I’ll let you know when I’m done. Capiche?”
Paul—bless him—just gives him a curt nod and retreats back into the cockpit. 
“Anyway,” Tony takes a deep breath and puffs his cheeks out with the exertion of his exhale, “I called because… I got a feeling, Steve.”
“A… feeling?”
“Just— A gut feeling. A feeling in your gut. Inside of me. Like a hunch?”
“Okay,” Steve says patiently, his voice low and warm, “what are you feeling?”
“I… got a bad feeling. Today. A few hours ago. The feeling came to me when I was sitting in traffic, and I just— I feel like something bad’s gonna happen today, Steve. I can feel it in the air. In my heart. In my gut. In my joints.”
“Your joints? Like… the feeling old people get when it’s about to rain?”
“Okay, maybe not in my joints. Also, are you calling me old, grandpa?”
“I did not, you told me you felt something in your—”
“Anyway, so yeah. Where was I? Oh, right. Feeling. Bad feeling. Like, like, I don’t know, something bad’s gonna happen. Like an accident. Like a plane crash.”
“God, please don’t say that. You’re scaring me, Tony.”
“And I guess, I just called because I… I feel like I need to do this before the plane crashes and I die a violent and fiery death.”
“Nothing bad’s going to happen, Tony—”
“Like, if I didn’t do this today, maybe I’d never get to do it, you know? And, uh, okay, I’ve honestly been ranting to stall for time, but the longer I keep it in the more nauseous I feel, so maybe I’m just gonna do it now so I can die in peace—”
“Do what? And stop saying that—”
“Look, I’m trying to be brave and honest here and— Wait, actually? Maybe I’m being a coward because if the plane actually does go down, I won’t have to face the consequences of my actions, so I guess I’m just going to say fuck it, and say that I love you.”
“The plane is not going to— Wait, what?”
“I, uh. Love you. I’ve known it for a while now. And, uh, I know we’ve only been dating for like, a week, but—” Tony blinks. They’ve only been dating for a week. 
“...Fuck.” Tony can feel his own pulse starting to race. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
They’ve only been dating for a week. What is he doing? What the hell is wrong with him? Normal people don’t do this. 
“Fuck. Shit, I mean— Uh, I’m sorry. That was super weird, huh?” Tony laughs nervously. He closes his eyes, gritting his teeth and cursing his stupid brain. Of course it’s weird. He always gets too attached to people way too quickly. No wonder Pepper was his only long term relationship. She was the only person who could put up with him—everyone else just got weirded out. “Uh, see you tomorrow? Or not. Fuck, sorry, I’m just gonna hang up before this gets—”
“Tony, wait.”
“...Yeah?” Tony says, hyper-aware of how breathless he sounds. His heartbeat is ringing in his ears. Everything is going to be fine. Right? Right. The worst thing Steve could do is… break up with him.
Oh, God, that is the worst case scenario. He really should’ve just kept his stupid mouth shut. 
“Tony, are you freaking out? I feel like I can hear you freaking out from all the way over here.”
“No, I’m not, of course I’m not. Who says I’m freaking out? You have no proof. I am calm, I’m calm as a clam, is that the saying? Did I get it right? Or was it happy— Anyway, I am absolutely calm, I’m the calmest I could possibly be. Any calmer and I’d be asleep. I’m—”
“Tony. Breathe.”
Tony forces himself to drag in a slow breath as he grips the arm of his seat with his free hand, focusing on the soothing hum of the airplane’s engine.
“Look, Tony, I—”
“No, listen. I’m sorry I jumped the gun, I hope I haven’t weirded you out or anything. You really, really don’t have to say it back to me. I mean it.”
“No, in fact— Please don’t say anything. It’s fine. Let’s just pretend this never happened, okay?”
“Drop it, Steve. Please?” Tony pleads. Clearly, his brain hadn’t been firing on all cylinders. That is the only reason that could explain his temporary lapse of judgment. “Look, I feel like talking about it more right now is going to send me spiraling into a panic attack.”
“...Okay. Fine.”
“Thank you. Uh, I’ll see you when I get home. If I get home. If the plane doesn’t crash. Haha.”
“Would you please stop saying that? It’s not funny.”
Tony latches onto the change in topic like a lifeline. “It is objectively true, you know. In order for me to be able to see you tomorrow, the plane has to land safely, and unfortunately, some things are just beyond my control. Like, who’s to say the plane won’t explode mid-air and—”
“The plane is going to land safely and you’re going to come back home to me in one piece. This is non-negotiable, Tony. You hear me?” Steve demands, his voice all hard authority and no-nonsense, like there will be Consequences should Tony fail to comply. 
As if he could ensure Tony’s safety with the force of his willpower alone. 
Come back home to me. 
That sounds good. Really good. Tony closes his eyes and pictures Steve’s baby blues in his mind’s eye. Warmth flowers in his chest.
“I hear you.”
“Awesome. I, uh, I gotta go now.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
Tony hangs up and lets Paul know that he is done with his phone call. The jittery feeling left over from his call with Steve refuses to leave him, however, so he pulls up the drawing application on his phone and begins sketching something just to give his brain something else to fixate on.
He tends to lose track of time when he is hyperfocused on a project, so he isn’t exactly surprised that the next time he becomes aware of his surroundings, the plane is already well up in the air, his sketch of what looks like a flying coffee pot is almost finished, and Robbie is placing a plate of spaghetti carbonara on the table in front of him. 
“Spaghetti carbonara. With extra cheese.”
Tony’s mouth waters as he eyes the mountain of grated Pecorino Romano sitting atop the pasta. He sighs dreamily and smiles up at Robbie.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“Enjoy, Boss.” Robbie grins and slips back into the kitchen.
He only realizes just how truly famished he is after taking his first bite, and proceeds to finish the rest of his meal with gusto. Afterward, he spends the majority of the remaining flight time sleeping, the result of post-carbonara food coma and his sleep-deprivation finally catching up to him. 
It’s well past two in the morning when Tony finally makes it to his floor in the Tower, which is why he is surprised to see Steve sitting on his couch, one of Tony’s fantasy novels open in hand. 
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
Steve’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice. Tony frowns. “Actually, why are you awake at all?” He is usually an early sleeper, unless—
“Nightmare?” Tony gives him a sympathetic smile. It wouldn’t be the first time. In the early days of their friendship, Tony and Steve would sit together in the living room whenever they had trouble sleeping, talking to each other until the sun came up.
Steve shakes his head, closing the book with his eyes still trained on Tony. “No, I was just… waiting for you.” Tony blinks. 
“It’s…” Tony glances at his watch. “Half past two. In the morning.”
“I know, I just…” Steve stands up, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. He ambles over before coming to a stop right in front of Tony. “I wanted to see you.”
Tony stares at him uncomprehendingly. “You’ll see me later anyway.”
“I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want to go to sleep without seeing you first,” Steve says, low and earnest. His gaze wanders around Tony’s face, as if he were cataloguing each and every facial feature and trying to locate any changes he might’ve missed during his absence.
Steve steps closer, arms snaking around Tony’s waist and pulling him close. His next words are whispered against Tony’s shoulder.
“I knew you’d make it home safely.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“You were wrong.”
“I was… wrong.” Tony swallows. “Uh, turns out the bad feeling completely disappeared after I woke up from my nap on the plane, so I suspect that perhaps the bad feeling I got was due to my severe hunger and sleep deprivation. I mean, I’ve heard about hallucinations caused by hunger or exhaustion, but this was—” 
Steve presses a soft kiss to the column of Tony’s neck, effectively cutting off Tony’s ramblings.
“Tony,” Steve whispers against his skin.
“Yeah?” Tony squeaks.
“Please don’t call me before a flight and say that you think the plane is going to crash, ever again.”
“Right. Noted. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted,” Steve says, pulling away slightly and loosening his hold around Tony.
Tony allows himself to relax, letting out a quiet sigh. This thing with Steve is so new and delicate that every single physical contact still sends his heart fluttering, butterflies going crazy in his stomach.
Which makes, in retrospect, his abrupt love confession—as truthful as it was—that much more insane. God, Stark. Never do that again.
Except, it turns out that Steve only pulled away to slide his hands down the back of Tony’s thighs, wrapping his hands around them, and then lifting him up without warning.
Tony yelps, and in his alarm, promptly locks his ankles around Steve’s waist. When Steve begins moving, Tony quickly wraps his arms around Steve, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder.
“Uh, Steve?”
“Hm?” Steve says, calm and nonchalant, as he begins walking away from the elevator. 
“Um— Wait— My suitcase—”
“Leave it. It’ll still be there in the morning.”
Tony blinks, staring dumbfoundedly at his lonely suitcase, abandoned by the elevator. It becomes smaller and smaller with every step Steve takes. 
“Where are we going?”
“Your bedroom.”
“Why are you carrying me there?”
“Because I want to.”
“You know it’ll be faster if you just let me walk, right?”
“Maybe. But you won’t be in my arms.”
“Bear with me, will you? I missed you.”
“I, uh, missed you too.”
Steve hums, satisfied. Tony lets himself settle more comfortably in Steve’s arms.
When Steve has successfully carried him to his bedroom, Tony fully expects Steve to deposit him on the bed. 
That is not, in fact, what happens. 
Instead, Steve turns around and begins walking backwards towards the bed before sitting down on it. Tony, still seated on his lap, swallows and pulls back slightly to look at Steve. 
“Look, Steve, as much as I’ve missed you, I’m kind of tired right now. I mean, don’t get me wrong. This whole carrying thing? Great. Very romantic. Ten out of ten. But I’m just not in the mood for sex, you know? Like, I’m not even sure I would be able to get it up if—”
“We’re not going to have sex.”
Tony blinks.
“We’re not?”
“We’re not. I’m just here to tuck you in.”
Steve reaches up and begins undoing his tie. After setting it aside on the bed, he begins to unbutton Tony’s shirt. He takes his time, one button at a time.
“So…” Steve begins with a deep breath as he unbuttons the final button. “Did you mean, uh, what you said to me? On the phone?”
Tony closes his eyes, feels his own cheeks heating up. “Steve—”
“I’m sorry, Tony, I know you told me to drop it. But— I feel like if you did mean what you said, I owe it to you to… set the records straight.” When Tony opens his eyes again, Steve is looking up at him, blue eyes solemn.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… We have only been together for a week. Well, eight days. In fact, we’ve only been on one date. And it was interrupted. By giant lizards.” Steve chuckles incredulously. 
Tony remembers that day very well. They were in the middle of dessert at Tony’s favorite Italian place when they received the call to assemble—something about giant lizards wreaking havoc in Central Park.
The lizards had green, gunky blood that got into the nooks and crannies of the suit. It had taken forever to clean.
“But Tony…” Steve gathers the material of Tony’s unbuttoned shirt in both of his fists, pulling him closer until their noses are only inches apart.
The second their eyes meet, Steve smiles the sweet, lopsided smile that never fails to make Tony’s stomach flip.
“I need you to know that… I didn’t have to date you to know that I loved you. I figured that a long time ago.”
Tony stills, breath frozen in his lungs.
“I guess, what I’m saying is… I love you too. I’ve loved you for a very long time, Tony. Even way before—” Steve breaks eye contact, looks down as he clears his throat. When he speaks again, his voice is tight. “Way before we got together. I’m talking… years before.”
Tony still finds it hard to breathe. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, the word more breath than sound. He meets Tony’s dazed gaze. “So you don’t have to worry about… jumping the gun. Not with me. I’m in it for the long haul.”
“Good.” Tony feels a lightness growing inside of him, spreading outwards to his extremities.
“Good.” Steve smiles, warm and impossibly fond.
“...Glad we’re on the same page.” Tony’s gaze drops down to Steve’s lips.
“We are.” Steve inches closer, nose brushing Tony’s. He then tilts his head ever so slightly and takes Tony’s lower lip between his, kissing him so tenderly Tony’s heart feels like it’s about to burst with it.
Steve’s warm hands slide up Tony’s naked back under his open shirt, sending goosebumps breaking across his skin. Tony buries his hands in Steve’s hair and relishes the feeling of the soft strands caught between his fingers. They stay caught up in each other for a few moments, capturing and releasing each other’s lips until the need for breath becomes too unbearable.
They break apart eventually, accompanied by soft chuckles. Steve smiles up at him, lips slick and cherry red, courtesy of Tony. He reaches up to caress Tony’s right eyebrow with the pad of his thumb, fleeting and affectionate.
“Get some rest, okay? You must be really tired. I should probably go to bed, too.”
Tony looks down at his lap, clearing his throat. “Uh, I know that we haven’t done this before, but…”
Steve waits patiently for Tony to gather his thoughts, hands stroking up and down Tony’s sides.
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Tony finds the courage to meet Steve’s eyes, holding his breath.
Steve’s blue eyes are gazing at him intently, looking at him like he’s the only person in the world worth his sole, undivided attention.
Tony swallows. “No sex. Just to sleep. If you—”
“I would like that very much.”
“Good.” Tony feels his own lips slowly curve up into a smile, wide and unbridled. 
“Good.” Steve nods, lips twitching, his eyes never leaving Tony’s. 
Tony grins, feeling near giddy with delight. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
“We are, sweetheart.” Steve looks up at him, blue eyes fond and smile radiant. “We definitely are.”
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red-becca · 3 years
And so, we hit 20 followers early, lol. Woo! If you have any critiques on my headcanons or want to add more, let me know!
Also, some of these probably don't make sense, so allow me to put in some context. I see Red as a secret hopeless romantic and that even when she's older, she enjoys reading about fairy tales and all that. And secretly loves watching Disney films. This is due to me loving Disney too much and getting ideas from them, lol.
But yeah, that's about it for some context that I can think I can explain right now. If you wanna ask anything about my headcanons, that's allowed too.
(These are headcanons for aged up Revin, just a warning/ saying. Just to be sure you guys know that. And also, these are subject to change at any point in time because I just love making hcs/ changing up my hcs for fun)
-Before they got together, they were always sad and watching from afar whenever the other was with someone. Now that they are together, they get jealous every now and again instead.
-But Kevin is the one who gets jealous more due to Red being one of the popular girls and is generally seen as a really pretty girl by most guys at their school.
-They both really frickin' love each other. Like if they had to give up their favorite thing just to be with the other, they would not hesitate to do so.
-Both of them are also huge dorky geeks and you can't tell me otherwise. Though Kevin is clearly more of a geek than Red.
-They have specific nicknames for each other. Kevin's nickname for Red is "My Goddess" or "My Alien Queen" and Red's nickname for him is "My Sweet Prince".
- But also, Red rarely calls him by his full name. Always calling him "Kev" unless she's mad at him.
- In the genderbent world/ universe, only Robbie has a nickname for Kassie so far. He calls her "My Sweet Star".
- They have specific ringtones for each other. Kevin has "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars for Red. And Red has "Love On Top" by Beyoncé for Kevin.
- Kevin got her a black rose necklace for one of her birthdays. The same black rose necklace she would constantly stare at whenever they had dates at the mall. She would tell him that he didn't need to buy it for her and yet he did, anyway. Meanwhile in a genderbent world, Robbie would have gotten Kassie a Star Trek necklace.
- Then what Red got Kevin that he treasures so much is a custom Stormtrooper motorcycle helmet that he wears whenever they go on rides on Red's motorcycle.
- Kevin always gets her a bouquet of red roses whenever he can afford it and Red does her best to lengthen the lives of the roses. While Robbie gives Kassie a bouquet of forget me nots.
-Their first kiss wasn't as romantic as Kevin hoped it would be, he ended up headbutting her out of pure nervousness. And despite getting better at kissing, Red regularly brings up the incident to him and her friends.
-Most of their dates consists of just watching Sci-Fi movies at Red's place with some snuggling in between.
-But their favorite kind of date is strolling around with ice cream in their hands. Well, it's mostly Kevin's favorite as he enjoys watching Red messily eat ice cream and happily cleaning her face.
-Though if their date is to somewhere outside and it gets cancelled because of rain, they will simply slow dance to old music with the rain softly being heard in the background.
-They always celebrate Chinese New Year together and even wear the traditional clothes for it. And once they get married and have a family of their own, they get their kids to wear traditional clothing too.
- And speaking of getting married... When they do get married, their first dance will be based on the first dance from the live-action Cinderella movie. (The only good live action adaptation, imo-)
- Because they loved practicing and performing that dance, they can't help but recreate it whenever they have nothing to do at home.
-They rarely go to Kevin's house to hang out because Kevin's mom will literally not leave the two alone despite Kevin's countless protests.
-Kevin's mom absolutely adores the red head Kevin is dating. Which Kevin appreciates but sometimes, she can be a bit too much.
- Red's parents, on the other hand, while they tease Red on how overwhelming sweet she is to Kevin, they respect them enough to leave them alone together. (That or they are too busy with each other, lol-)
-They love wearing matching outfits/ shirts whenever they go out for dates. (Yo, I don't know about you guys but this shit is legit the most cutest thing a couple can do) (Also, lowkey want to see them with like Mickey and Minnie Mouse ears but I can't draw, so yeah. :/)
-Because he's an adorable little gentleman, he always waits on Red after his basketball practice to take her home. Whether it be a long cheerleading or volleyball practice, he will always wait for her. Granted, because of how long they take, he ends up falling asleep each time but Red always appreciates the gesture and/or thought.
-Part of the headcanon above is Kevin learning first aid just to tend for Red whenever she gets injured during these practices.
- And then when it's Kevin who's busy with his practice for basketball, Red returns the favor by waiting for him and then taking him home on her motorcycle.
- During their respective events, the other will do their absolute best to cheer for the other.
-Kevin always takes stolen pictures of Red and posts them on Instagram with the caption "Just my red head goddess looking beautiful as always" or anything cheesy and sweet like that.
- Red does the same, sometimes. She captions them with the sweetest thing she could ever type or pretty much just describes what's happening in the picture.
-Kevin tries his best to be more suave and less dorky around Red by like trying to flirt and using tips from Kenny and Clyde but whenever he uses them on Red, he quickly becomes a blushing mess which Red always finds to be hella cute.
-Red just absolutely loves grabbing Kevin's face and giving him Eskimo kisses. To which, no one's surprise, Kevin absolutely loves, too.
-As much as other people dislike it, Red loves (or maybe gets even turned on, heh) whenever Kevin speaks all geeky and stuff like that. Meanwhile, Kevin really loves it whenever the girl speaks Klingon.
-No matter what Red does, Kevin will always find what she does to be the absolute most coolest shit he's ever seen. He always loves to gush about how cool his red head goddess is.
-Even though it's a struggle for her, Red's doing her best to give up her smoking addiction just for Kevin to stop worrying about her health.
-When they start living together, Kevin adopts an adorable Siberian Husky puppy for her to keep her company while he's at work and then that's their baby until they get married.
- But before that happens, he will be the one who buys her little black kitten, Serendipity, for one of her birthdays.
-Speaking of living together, the jobs they'll be having are the following: Kevin is a streamer who streams pretty much anything that he wants to stream and Red is a model. They keep their dating life private for the most time. Mostly due to Red not wanting to steal attention from Kevin in any streams.
(They didn't look like a lot from where I originally posted them but, I guess, I shouldn't be so surprised, lol. I am Revin trash, after all.)
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Part of me just wants to say, this is like, the very first time I've ever interacted with a fandom before. The door fic was my first attempt at interacting with a fandom, and I just,
I really ended up decided to jump head first into the fun, weird, vaguely crack-y part of the fandom, huh? The door fic, loftwing names, the brief history lesson of the Woody Collective, the Fast Food Au...
I don't know if this has a purpose, I just realized that I apparently decided the part of the fandom I was going to interact with was the part that just got weird about stuff and then spiral those things outta control. Which I guess makes sense, considering the kind of content my best friend and I make on a regular basis.
(Chief examples would be the one LU modern AU I have that now has 200% more organized crime and action movie level conspiracies than it did when I first made it, an OoT/Princess Bride AU, a Pokemon AU where everyone had full teams. Everyone. Everyone. Full teams. And also the one time my best friend got overly theoretical about the gate of time in SS and ended up accidentally explaining why the guardian in AoC can time travel) (No, no one has ever seen these, but yes I am willing to explain any of them if you want)
Anyways, I think what I'm ending up saying is that your blog reminds me of the conversations I have with my best friend and that's probably why I ended up picking this weird section of the fandom to carve out a niche for myself to start interacting with people and I'm loving it here.
(Speaking of my best friend, they also dropped everything after reading the fic I did for your AU to draw McDonald's worker Sky and now this AU lives in their brain right next to the spot reserved for Robbie inventing a bong. So this kind of content caters directly to the sort of stuff we usually make and I really shouldn't be surprised this is the area I decided to hang out in)
Huh, now that you say it, that might be the same reason i gravitate towards this kind of side of any fandom I'm in... it reminds me of all the weird stuff me and my friends/me and my cousins would make all the time.... it's like being home i guess? in a way. I'm glad it's helped you interact with the fandom more! it certainly has helped me too, I don't think I'd been able to interact that much if i was on the more serious part of it
Those AUs all sound SO good?! I love how they range from stuff like Pokemon to organized crime SJJDJDKD (I'm really curious about that modern AU btw 👀 would love to hear more if you wanna share)
I CANT BELIEVE YOUR FRIEND DREW MCDONALD'S SKY?? the fast food AU lives rent free in my head I'm glad I'm not the only one NSNDBFFOD (also Robbie inventing a bong??? omg)
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jacobthedinogeek · 3 years
So as a Harry Potter fan who watched the movies before reading the books, I have a few shall we say controversial opinions mostly on the film adaptations. Now, let's get one thing straight here; I 100% believe that the books are superior and there are definitely changes I didn't like in the films. Nonetheless, the opinions I share here will surely cause most Harry Potter fans to hate me. So here we go.
- Harry may not have contained the majority of his sass from the books, but that does not ruin his character. Daniel Radcliffe still manages to portray his bravery, loyalty, intrigue and inner struggle, in turn making a near perfect representation of Harry Potter.
- On that note, Ron may not have had a lot of his better moments from the book, but there was still enough in the movies to give me the idea that he was a loyal, if at times difficult friend to Harry.
- I really don't care about the shipping war drama. Ronmione is canon and that's all I need. The chemistry Rupert and Emma share is good enough for me.
- Following that, I prefer their kiss in the movie than the book. The book was all told from Harry's point of view, so we had to witness the kiss in the midst of all the panic students after they said what they did in the Chamber of Secrets. The movie takes proper advantage of its visual medium and shows us Ron and Hermione traveling to the Chamber of Secrets, destroying the horcrux, and then sharing a kiss in a much more private and less chaotic location. Yes the chamber isn't the most romantic place and yes the book kiss can be seen as an 'in the heat of passion' moment, but I still find the movie kiss to simply be more practical and better presented.
- Harry's final duel against Voldemort is flipping epic in the book, don't get me wrong, but I think the movie made the right choice in changing it to a more active fight. I simply see it as a proper change of medium. In the book, Harry and Voldemort having that last verbal argument before finishing the duel in a single strike is amazing to read, but in a movie it would have been pretty boring and slowed the pacing to a crawl. So instead we get an incredibly dynamic battle where they teleport, evade each other and finish it off in the courtyard literally crawling to each of their wands, while other parts of the battle happens at the same time. It was simply amazing to watch.
- Harry's decision to break the Elder Wand in the movie made perfect sense to me. Unless I'm missing a detail (which I will surely be ridiculed for if I am), Harry's intention with the Elder Wand, as well as the other Deathly Hallows, was to keep them hidden and out of touch from the outside world, so that when he dies, likely from natural causes, the Elder Wand will lose its power and have no true owner. In this sense, I find breaking the Wand and tossing it off the bridge makes more sense if anything. Boom, problem solved and we get a good visual of Harry humbly rejecting that kind of power. (He could have used it to fix his own Wand though).
- Dumbledore screaming at Harry about the Goblet of Fire was certainly a bad choice, no argument there. I can certainly go on about why that was a wrong change to make. However, it doesn't ruin the movie's interpretation of Dumbledore nor does it ruin Michael Gambin's performance. RIP Richard Harris, it would have been great to see you continue to play him, but Michael Gambin did a fantastic job of portraying the complex old wizard in the later movies.
- Hagrid does not get enough credit as a character and Robbie Coltrane does not get enough credit for playing him perfectly. To me, Hagrid is the embodiment of true humility. After everything that happened to him, the harassment he recieved as a half giant, being falsely accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets, and all Dumbledore can get him is a job as a grounds keeper, and the man is still honoured to be working there without a hint of bitterness or demand for higher retribution. He only ever gets angry when someone else is bullied, harrased or threatened. The way that Robbie Coltrane changes his tone with the Dursleys as soon as they insult Dumbledore still gives me chills, like he can go from big lovable teddy bear to drawing out his umbrella and muttering "don't ever insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me ever again". Agrh, such an underrated performance.
- Snape is first off a very different character from book to screen. Where as the book version is a downright abusive sociopath, the movie is much more like a moody loner, which means that those who only watch the movies don't tend to hate him that much. On that note, the scene where Ron defends Hermione from his insults in the book but not in the movie is more of a difference in Snape's character than it is if Ron's (that's right, I'm defending movie Ron again). Because of the downright cruelty of book Snape, Ron and pretty much all of the Gryffindors jump to her defense when Snape calls her a know it all, even though they'd all agree with him. They probably make fun of her for it on their own time but that doesn't stop them from banding together against a man like Snape. The movie version of Snape doesn't portray nearly the same amount of cruelty so there isn't much of a motivation to argue against him.
- Speaking of Snape, I'm going to say something that will cause you guys to shutter. I hate book Snape as a person and don't think he deserves forgiveness, but I love him as a character and wouldn't change anything about him. I'm here for a fictional story and sometimes truly complex characters and morally grey characters are what I want. He truly is a despicable human being, but when he does something noble, even if it's for selfish reasons, I am more invested in his character. Movie Snape might be a more likable person and more sympathetic in a sense, but book Snape will always be a more complex, interesting and ultimately unique character.
- Finally, and please hear me out for this one, Black Hermione is not canon, but I still love the idea of her being black in Fanon. There is a line in the third book that describes her white face as she's looking around a tree. Boom, not canon. That being said, I love seeing all the fanart and fanfiction that re-imagines her as a black woman, as well as Harry as an Indian person. I like it and I encourage other creators to continue to explore it. But if you're going to argue that that stuff is canon, there's simply concrete proof it isn't. I know I'm speaking to a minority with this one as most fans clearly understand this and don't take it too far, but if you're someone who not only tries to debate this but also openly mocks and harrasses others, especially the filmmakers for casting caucasian actors in the roles, then you're the one being truly disrespectful.
Well there you have it. Those are my controversial Harry Potter opinions. Feel free to hate me for them.
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Press: Elizabeth Olsen’s 20/21 Vision
The Marvel star takes us inside her transformation to a new kind of hero
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Studio Photoshoots > 2021 > Session 002
Magazine Scans > 2021 > Grazia
  GRAZIA: Elizabeth Olsen is a trooper. We are in a field in Surrey on the outskirts of the Marvel studios; it’s a biting minus one and she is standing in a Chanel broderie anglaise sundress and increasingly soggy UGG boots. Her feline cheekbones face skywards, but Olsen is slowly sinking into the mud, trilling out high notes to keep herself warm (possibly distracted) and of course with spirits high. “It was the wind I think, that was worse than the sideways rain,” she jokes as we trundle back to the soundstage hangar that we are using as a studio. It’s the kind of moment that could go viral on Instagram, that is, if Olsen were on social media. Yet one of the biggest stars of our current cultural moment is completely offline – and that surprising fact might just be the least interesting thing about her. If anything, it is a sign of how Olsen has come into her own as a confident, decisive star with the power to create her own universe.
On the cusp of her 32nd birthday, Olsen is fastidious and professional, yes, but also bright, engaging, creative, and collaborative. Born and raised in the California sunshine, she is surprisingly at ease in the blustery conditions that deluge the English countryside in late January – or, it’s that she’s very good at acting. “It was one of the ugliest days of this winter – just hilarious – but I knew we wanted the shot,” the 31-year-old actress says.
Since October, Olsen’s been living in the leafy British countryside with her “man-guy-partner,” musician Robbie Arnett, just a short drive to the Surrey compound where Doctor Strange is being filmed. It’s a closed set, masked in secrecy as much as the socially distanced masked crew dotted all over the 200-acre studio. “It feels right being in a small city right now,” she says.
Indeed, Olsen is a modern-day Renaissance woman. Learned and dedicated to her craft, she studied at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, with a semester at the Moscow Art Theatre School studying Stanislavski. (Surely, no matter how much of a genius the Russian theatre master was, he never could have conceived of the Marvel universe.)
Approached with the concept of WandaVision, “I thought it was perfect for television, and a very original idea that made me excited,” Olsen says. Also, she was happy she would get to work with Bettany again: “He’s very precise, like me.”
In many ways, WandaVision is a love letter to the first American television heyday. Olsen, who stayed up late watching Nick at Nite reruns as a child, says it’s a bit of a homecoming in that way. “I was a very hammy, performative child,” she explains. “So, I do think I got to live out some sort of childhood dream doing the show.”
“The highlight was really getting to tell a story about these superhero individuals told in different decades of American sitcoms, trying to match the tone of those sitcoms in order to help orate the story,” she says. “But keep it playful and fun.” Little did she know just how much we’d need that.
Half-filmed pre-pandemic in Atlanta and half post-pandemic in LA – with a six-month hiatus in-between “until all the unions figured out to work safely” – WandaVision was released almost a year into the pandemic. In many ways, it is an artifact of its time: centered upon a yearning for the simplicity of earlier days, yet shot through with the creeping realization that such days may never return, and perhaps never existed to begin with.
Indeed, the weekly story of suburban superheroes Wanda and Vision has played out like a parable of our times: Wanda living in her chosen bubble, her trauma resonating in the world we find ourselves in today. Olsen appreciates a good metaphor, but feels people may be projecting a bit much. “I see Wanda as a victim of extreme trauma, who does not understand how to process it,” she explains. “She has been a human experiment.” (Not to belabor the point, but haven’t we all?)
Being summoned by Marvel is like being called to a parallel universe for an actor: thrilling, yes, but not without a tinge of terror and a dash of the unknown. Six years in, though, it’s become like family in some ways. As a member of two dynasties – Olsen and Marvel – family is key to Olsen. She checks in on her mom (who still lives in California) and, like many American daughters, is researching which vaccine mom should get.
The performative gene runs strong through her family, of course – and no, we don’t mean her sisters. Olsen’s mom was a ballerina. Still, when she first started auditioning, Olsen took special care to carve her own path – one far from Full House. “Nepotism is a thing and I’m very aware of it,” she says. “And of course, I’ve always wanted to do it alone.” She did just that, her acting credentials consistently rising as her sister’s cemented their fashion kudos. Olsen bears a noticeable resemblance to her fashion-designer older sisters and her sartorial DNA is similarly low-key. She loves The Row (of course) and NYC label Khaite’s denim and cashmere.
For Olsen, her day job is like playing dress-up. This time around, she walked away from WandaVision with the girdle worn underneath her 50s wedding dress, laughing, “I mean, to have a custom undergarment like that, I felt like it was necessary!” Her WandaVision co-star, Kathryn Hahn, also became her shopping cohort when filming.
“She’s dangerous!” Olsen says. “She has the most exquisite, minimal but expensive taste.” It was Hahn who led Olsen to the independent boutique where she found the belted Julia Jentzsch trench that she wore to our shoot.
At the rail of samples compiled by the stylist, Olsen gravitates towards a spacious linen boilersuit and longline cashmere cardigan. Has she always been a tomboy, I ask? “I think I felt uncomfortable being a child being told they were pretty,” she says of her early auditions at age 10, adding that her love of ballet and musical theater could leave her “feeling exposed” at a young age.
Speaking of over-exposure, Olsen is distinctly offline in a time when so many are defined by their social media presence. Among celebrities and regular digital citizens, the perfect balance of online and off is up for debate, but Olsen is clear: social media saturation is a choice for all of us, and everyone needs to draw their own boundaries.
“It has to be a personal decision, right?” she begins. “So, my opinion has nothing to do with what anyone else does or doesn’t do with it.” Her own journey began when she momentarily dabbled with Instagram (since deleted), while filming Ingrid Goes West, director Matt Spicer’s frightening and funny debut feature about a social stalker, co-starring Aubrey Plaza.
Up until that time, she says, “I had never touched it before. I thought, ‘This is an interesting social experiment for myself, to see if it is a good source to talk about charities or a good source to talk about small projects, or to share something goofier about myself.’ But I think at the end of the day, what I discovered was one, I’m really bad at creating a perceived identity!”
“I didn’t find it very organic to who I am as a person,” she continues. “I found some joy in putting up silly videos, but I think the main reason I stopped – not I think, I know the main reason why I stopped – was because of the organization in my brain.”
“Lots of horrible things happen all the time. Or, lots of great things happen all the time. Whether it’s something terrifying, like a natural disaster or a school shooting or a death, there are so many things that happen, and I love processing information. I love reading articles. I love listening to podcasts. I love communicating about things that are happening in the world to people around me. And what I don’t love is that my brain organization was saying, ‘Should I post about this?’ That seemed very unhealthy ….”
“And to then contribute to these platitudes that I don’t really love, you have to subscribe to two different ways of thinking,” she says. “So, I didn’t like that, and there was a lot of it that was just bothering me for my own sake of what value systems I have.”
That’s not to say that there’s any inherent value system – pro or con – in using Instagram. Olsen is clear that like any other method of expression, it’s up to the individual to use it as they see fit. “I do see a use of it and how you can use it well for work,” she says. “But I don’t think that I would like to use that tool to promote myself.”
She’s private for a millennial yes, but not prim. On the photoshoot, lockdown experiences were shared, and Olsen recounted her (hilarious) first at-home bikini wax: banishing her husband upstairs “for an extended chat with his therapist,” her trusted waxer on speed dial, and microwave set to ping! (Yes, Olsen is a trooper, as I mentioned.)
We catch up over Zoom a week later, her hair once again pulled up in a casual topknot, her cashmere turtleneck simmering in a dark claret, and her entire being suffused with covetable understatement. She chats buoyantly against an unexpected backdrop of pirate ship wallpaper in the playroom of a house she shares with Arnett, who proposed with an emerald and diamond ring in 2019.
“We first started to try to make it the gym, but it was so cramped,” she says of the jolly space. The home gym was instead awarded a larger room, where Olsen loves to maintain a varied fitness regime – running, yoga, dancing, more – though after all the intense Marvel filming, she jokes, “maybe it’s time to give up on my body?!” Being comic book fit does sound grueling or “time-consuming fun” as she anoints the “strenuous physical demands.”
Like most of us, she is longing for the spring, but she still takes a regular constitutional walk in a nearby Richmond park, whatever the weather. “The deer are incredible; every time I see them I feel alive,” she says. “We have been lucky to have nature around us in lockdown.” It’s a marked difference from her paparazzi-populated home in the Hills. “They know our walks, where we get coffee, work-out…,” she trails off.
Her haven in Los Angeles is her backyard, complete with a mid-century swimming pool and an edible garden. “It’s crazy the blackberries grow like weeds! I love watching a kid’s first reaction to an edible garden,” she gushes That has been the part of the pandemic travel restrictions she’s found hardest: missing her friend’s children growing up, and others who have been born this past year that she’s yet to meet. They will no doubt all be treated to her homemade blackberry sorbet on her return stateside.
Yet, her time on British soil will likely be prolonged, with a prospective indie commencing filming here when Doctor Strange wraps. Prompted for more detail, her firm charm kicks in. “I can’t jinx it!” she insists. Still, she will share that she’s heavily involved in the creative, and that funding smaller productions in the current climate has been a challenge.
Through it all, Olsen has remained determined and calm. “I feel patience is my superpower. But my weakness also,” she says. “I feel like it gets tested more than others who don’t have a lot of patience. If someone learns you’re easygoing or that you’re relaxed, sometimes it gets taken advantage of.” While she waits for the green light on that film, she is busy producing a new children’s cartoon with Arnett, “about loving and caring for our world,” and has also written a children’s book about to be published by Random House, all while the demands of Marvel life continue to surround her.
Indeed, Olsen is a superhero for the modern age: Multi-hyphenate, but fiercely devoted to the craft that she loves; instantly recognizable, yet thoughtfully protective of her private life; a woman with style, substance, success, and deep rewarding relationships with those around her; focused on a vision of a better world for us all.
Press: Elizabeth Olsen’s 20/21 Vision was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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gottagobackintime · 2 years
Cobra Kai trailer thoughts
It brings me such joy that Daniel is teaching Johnny “Wax on, wax off”. I’ve been waiting for that.
Also love that they are training each other’s kids.
I actually never considered the fact that Robby could teach the other Cobras about the Miyagi way. But I’m here for it. Not because I think it’s right that they’re doing it, I hate that in fact. But it will be interesting to see how Daniel handles that. He’s teaching it to Johnny’s kids and Johnny, but that’s on his terms.
I’m wondering if they’ll show us parallells between Silver and Daniel from the movie and Silver and Robby in this season. Like making it really obvious that he’s drawing in Robby the same way he did Daniel. I’m also looking forward to seeing how Robby will react to Silver. He’s been let down by every single adult in his life and has now been drawn into this messed up world of toxic masculinity by Kreese and now we’re adding Silver on top of that. Also, speaking of Robby, I’ve seen people already thinking that Johnny and Daniel more or less have forgotten about Robby. But I don’t think that’s true. Let us remember that Mr. Miyagi didn’t step in to save Daniel until more or less the last minute either by confronting the people who were hurting Daniel. (Yes I know that they talked about it and things like that, but Daniel was in a different place than Robby is and more open to talking about it. Whereas Robby is incredibly isolated from any type of good influence at the moment.)
I’m not sure if the shot where Johnny is standing slightly in front of Daniel with the “Daniel LaRusso” is actually a shot of Daniel seeing Silver for the first time again. Something is obviously going on, but I don’t know, it’s just a feeling I have. I could of course be 100% wrong. Or it is the first time he’s seeing him but he’s heard that he’s back already, so he’s not taken by surprise.
Johnny seems upset that Daniel has thoughts on what’s best for Miguel. And I’m thinking that it probably has something to do with, not only did Daniel train Johnny’s son and got a connection with him. Now he’s ”taking” Miguel from him too. This all comes down to Johnny struggling with his self-worth. He constantly feels that he’s not good enough and so he walks away. But he has a real connection with Miguel, who seems to understand that underneath it all, Johnny needs someone to stick by his side and care about him. And then Daniel, who seems to be practically perfect in every way, comes in and he’s training Miguel and perhaps Miguel enjoys it. And that is hurting Johnny, because Miguel is so closely connected to Johnny’s growth as a person and his occasional feelings of “oh, okay, maybe I am good enough at something”, and it might be taken away if Miguel were to prefer Miyagi-do over Cobra Kai Eagle Fang. Is it healthy, god no. But until that man gets himself some therapy, he’s going to lean on Miguel to feel like he’s good enough.
I think, and I’ve seen some other people talk about it too, that the senseis are going to fight each other, for fun or for real, I don’t know, but if we do I obviously think that we’ll get a rematch between Daniel and Johnny. But this time they are no longer enemies, they’ve worked together, trained together, trained each other. So they’re going to work together really well, while still trying to win. I don’t know who is more likely to win. It would be nice if Johnny won this time, and that he did it while fighting with honour. BUT it would also be nice if Daniel won again, but this time Johnny isn’t handing Daniel the trophy, with tears in his eyes. This time he’s okay with it, and genuinely congratulating him, being at peace with his loss.
I think that Daniel and Johnny will fight or at least argue because of Silver. Johnny wanting to strike first. And Daniel telling him that you can’t do that. I really want Daniel to open up to Johnny and tell him about what happened. That Silver trained him and that he became a version of himself that he didn’t like and that if Mr. Miyagi hadn’t showed, he might not be here today. How he felt during the last fight, how scared he was. He opened up a little to Sam but I think that if he were to talk to Johnny about it, Johnny would get it on another level. While Johnny hasn’t interacted with Silver, he has been abused by Kreese and I would like to see Johnny acknowledge that what Daniel went through wasn’t okay. Like Daniel has done at times (even if it has been disguised by other things). 
So what is the big change that is coming to the tournament? I have no idea. No, but it could be, as some have speculated, that they’re letting the senseis fight against each other. But I don’t know if they would go there. It feels a bit strange considering they wanted to ban karate altogether because of Cobra Kai and Miyagi-do. It could be that they have to give a performance of some kind, like they did at the festival (was it a festival? Anyway, you know what I mean). Or it’s a change of the rules. I don’t know what kind of rule they would be changing but I feel like this is the most likely alternative. 
I also find it interesting that they seem to represent both Miyagi-do and Eagle Fang. Divide and conquer I suppose. But who will end up in the final? Robby feels like a given choice but who would he face? Miguel? It would make a lot of sense. But I would love to see some other combination, like Robby and Sam for example. Or maybe they don’t get to the final at all...
Anyway, these are my initial thoughts, I know I rambled a lot. But yeah... 
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akkalatechlabs · 3 years
The Rise of Amadeus.
So after some talk with @artisticzaati I’ve decided I’ll post the side storyline that blossomed the most Amadeus art and really shows how he is at his peak. It’s written by him and I but I altered it a bit to make it more... readable for tumblr. You’re welcome!
TW: Extreme descriptions of violence and major character death.
Ravii awaited at the spot they made the deal at; Fort Hateno. The corrupted king sat upon a decaying guardian, looking up at the clouds slowly moving across the moon. Round and bright... Closing his eyes he listened to everything around him, the crickets, the wind blowing into the hollow guardians... it was honestly, peaceful. Not for long however, once that man step foot on the field, the kingdom was going to fall into his hands. If everything fell into place as he planned, like pawns on a chessboard, he would sweep this land and take it by force. It all depended on one man. The one who better hold his end of the bargain. If he did not show however...
Ravii takes out the locket in his pocket, looking at it. Opening it up it has a simple name in it beside the picture of that man and a woman together: 'Purah.'  
"Purah... Hm.." He closes the locket and shoves it back into his pocket, "I will see you soon it seems." He sighs, hopping off the guardian.  
Robbie, far from Ravii looked down at the new sword hybrid in his hands, swallowing nervously. This was all Ravii wanted and it was over.  
“... Alright. Alright! Get ahold of yourself...” Robbie whispers to himself.
Robbie freezes in place. No... not him. Not now!
“... everything will be alright.” Robbie reassured himself and... the other.
Nodding to himself he walks to Fort Hateno, raising his gaze on Ravii walking away. Robbie inhales and runs over to meet him, breathing heavily.  
“Wh-wait-! I am here, as promised! I... I also brought this, as promised!” He holds out the sword bladesaw combination, looking up at him for a moment then bows his head down, holding up the sword over his head.  
“It is light and swift as a normal sword but when you pull the trigger, it activates the bladesaw part...” He swallows nervously, staring at the ground. He can feel the other's gaze on him. Looking down on him. Burning into him... He hated every moment of it. But he needed to protect Purah and their child from this man at all costs.
"Impressive... you made it pretty quickly too." Ravii raised an eyebrow, taking the sword out of Robbie's hands. He takes out his other sword to compare the two blades carefully. Testing out the weight of each blade. He swings the ancient tech sword, humming to himself. Swings his other sword right after.  
Another amused hum leaves the King.  
"You are quite talented. Never met someone who can craft such weaponry like this before..." He glances at Robbie, seeing his head still bowed, "You impress me." He pulled the trigger and gasped as it went off.  
Immediately Ravii dropped his old sword on the ground to grasp the new blade with both his hands. Swinging it side to side, full force. Turning around he looks at the decaying guardian and swings at one of the legs, immediately cutting through it.  
"It is incredible! Such power..." Ravii smiles and looks at Robbie once more, pulling the trigger to make it stop, using the tip of the blade to lift Robbie's chin to make him look up.  
"You have my trust. All of it."  
  That was no easy feat.  
Sweat dripped on Robbie’s forehead as he looked up at Ravii, forcing out a smile.  
“Of course! It is always a pleasure to create new weapons... this was a difficult one but I did it! It is one of my best...” He slowly stood up, carefully pushing the tip of the sword away with his finger and took a deep breath.  
“Are... Are we done here? I brought you the sword. That is all you asked for, right? Is... is there anything else?” The Sheikah regrets opening his mouth already. He HAD to ask if there was anything else... Careless again.
  ... As always.  
Robbie's expression slowly changes to a grin, crossing his arms and shrugs.  
"Not that I would give you anything else. The sword is all yours now, can I leave, your Majesty or whatever you are.”  
Robbie suddenly snaps out of it, his eyes widen and he covers his mouth.  
“NOT NOW... NOT RIGHT NOW... YOU IDIOT” Robbie thought to himself, directing it to the other.
“ ... M-My apologies I... I...” Robbie swallows nervously. The other one was going to get them both killed at this rate.  
Ravii was taken aback by the sudden expression change of the other. His sudden... tone of voice and atmosphere around him sent the King to a genuine shock.  
"... What did you say to me? Repeat yourself." He aims the sword to Robbie's face, the tip of the blade just mere inches away from nose. Ravii leans closer to Robbie, glaring intensely at him. Eyes sharp as the blade itself.
"Say that again to me." Ravii glared at the Sheikah.
Robbie’s eyes widen as he gazes at the tip of his own creation in from of him. Slowly his eyes travel up to Ravii's face.  
“I... erm, I don't remember. I have this uh, c-condition it's uh... very serious. My brain just mutters weird things and I cannot control it!” This was incredibly unbelievable. Lying was not his best suit, that's for sure. But there was half-truth even with how ridiculous it sounded...  
“K-King Ravii, I apologize if I said anything to trouble you. Please forgive me. I beg of you! I'll make it up to you! Another weapon! Or... or... just...” He had to remain calm, this would go very badly if he screwed it up.
“... Th-the guardians. I'll make you a custom one that only listens to you! I can d-do that! Simple!” Robbie held his head down now, looking at his own legs wobbling from the amount of tension and fear he was facing right now. He felt sick, unstable... as if he could faint right here from the high stress.
"... Such disrespect for me will end up being your end. Do not speak to me again like that." Ravii lifts the blade slightly, tilting it to the side, slicing a bit of Robbie's cheek deeply.  
"... Understood? You are mine. You speak ill towards me and you will face the consequences. I do not care if you were to die, I'll get to you and..." Drawing back, Ravii nods his head up, ordering Robbie to stand.  
"... Purah, was it? If you wish to go against my words or even disrespect me even slightly... her blood will be on your hands. Do you understand me?”
All the color in Robbie’s face drained when he spoke her name... He knew her name.
   He... knew her name.
Purah isn't safe anymore.  
More was at stake now. More than he could handle. He couldn't handle this, he wanted to run far away with Purah for safety...  
Swallowing nervously Robbie stood up, wiping the blood that dripped from the fresh cut on his cheek against the sleeve of his jacket. Smudging the mixture of crimson red and a dark glimmer of black color across his cheek, making a larger mess on his face... His eyebrows furrowed as he hissed in pain between his clenched jaw. Being cut by his own created sword, at least he knew it worked... how ironic was that? Robbie forced a chuckle under his breath at the thought alone. How dare this man make a fool out of his work like this?  
Ravii turns around – his back facing Robbie. His cape gracefully following behind him.
  The symbol of the Triforce was on it... Ravii wore it with pride.  
"Now tell me... these guardians." Ravii spoke, glancing at Robbie with a side glance over his own shoulder, "How can they follow only my orders alone? How do you make them listen to your orders? Is it those ugly things you wear?" Motions his hand to his forehead, speaking of the goggles.  
"They do not work for me when I took them. Why do these 'guardians' only listen to you? What makes such a simple person like you so special?" Ravii spat at Robbie, glaring at the Sheikah. He turns around again, about to grab his collar until ... what was that black on his cheek? Ravii clicks his tongue, quickly inspecting the blood and whatever the black stuff mixed with it was.  
"Are you... even a Sheikah?" Ravii spoke as he scoops a little of it on his finger and rubs it between his index finger and thumb, looking closer.
"What is this? And why does it...burn?" Ravii wipes it on Robbie's jacket, frowning. "Ugh...disgusting. Let us go, you strange individual.... Clean yourself up. I don't want to be seen with such a mess of a person."  
Robbie slowly raises his hand to his cheek, wiping the malice mixed blood onto his hand and his vision starts to blur. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head to gain his focus back.  
“Ah... y-yes. The guardians and I are uh, you see... we are linked by a telepathic force. It took a while to master it but with the help of the ma-... ancient texts, I figured it out. It is a technique only the Sheikah can master. Especially me, since I... I have ancient technology built into me.” Robbie smiled a little as he taps his left temple, showing his burnt-out eye as it flickers for a moment.  
“Without me, they will go haywire. Well, the ones under my control. There are still some that I haven't gotten to save yet... but that aside! If you have me, the guardians will also be on your side!”  
 Maybe with that fact he won't get hurt again, Robbie thought to himself.
“Meaning you lied to me just now, didn't you?" The corrupted king looked down at Robbie, his grip on the handle shaking, twitching... aching to cut the man testing his luck in front of him again.
"So, what is the truth? Can they only listen to you or perhaps... they will listen to me if they see who is stronger? Is that it?" A crooked grin slowly arched on Ravii's face, his expression becoming more twisted before the other's eyes.  
"They just need to see who is the true leader here! The true king! I will guide them... I will guide them all... rushing to get what I deserve. I don't think I even need you anymore..."
Robbie’s eyes widened at the King, “No-! No... I am not lying! If I make it from scratch, I can program it to listen to you. The other ones are harder to do that. I swear! If I were to get hurt or..." Robbie swallows nervously, “...worse, they will target whoever hurt me majorly. A simple cut will not trigger them... but anything more severe? They will all go haywire and out of control searching for whoever hurt or killed me. I would never lie about something like this.” Robbie glances at Ravii's hand clenching the handle as he spoke. He could tell this man was clearly unstable. Worse than Astor, even...  
“I will make you many guardians that listen to your orders! I just need more time! More time... I swear it! Please...  
 ... Please...” 
There was a sob slipping in his voice, Robbie was becoming scared and couldn't hold back anymore. Tears were pooling up as he felt he was begging for his life right now.
Ravii shook his head, laughing.  
"Look at you! The real colors come out when I drop you. You beg for a use again... how humbling... but also incredibly pathetic." Ravii leans down, face to face with Robbie and wipes the tears off the other man's cheeks.  
"Fear not... your actions will not be in vain! I know people like you. You only live to be useful for others. Over and over... but there is always someone better, isn't there? A replacement. Just know... that you will always be in my heart. This senseless vicious cycle will end..."  
Ravii smiled, patting Robbie’s chest where his heart was, "And I'll make sure your dear Purah knows how proud you made the kingdom with your sacrifice..."  
Ravii drew his hand back and with a swift movement, he lunged the blade into the Sheikah's chest, leaning closer to Robbie's ear, smiling widely. "A worthy right-hand man you were."  
Robbie's eyes widen at the sharp pain in his chest, slowly glancing down at his own creation... no...  
   Robbie tries to push Ravii away as he drew closer again to him.  
“... ngh!” Robbie mutters out as his gaze started to blur. No... he can't do this. Everything was blurring.  
  The pain was unbearable.
Ravii pulls the blade out and kicks him onto the ground as he takes the locket out of his own chest pocket, tossing it beside Robbie.  
"As promised... Now then... I have a kingdom to take over and guardians to control. Goodbye, Robbie." Ravii turns on his heel, swinging his sword harshly to whip the blood off his blade as he walks away from the other laying on the ground. Ravii picks up his older sword he dropped from before, placing it back by his hip as he carried the new sword in his hand.  
“Pu...rah...!” Robbie whispers as he lays on the ground. Clenching his teeth, he tries to pull himself up - sharp pain would travel throughout his body with every movement.  
 He cannot let him get Purah. No.. No....
Ravii’s ear twitches as he heard Robbie muttering something under his breath.  
"Purah? Oh, that dear one? I'll take very good care of her. She is a pretty one... Maybe I'll make her MY wife!" The King cackles.  
“...Ra...vii!” Robbie speaks a little louder, making sure the other could hear him.
With his final breath he whistles for the guardians, glaring at Ravii, his eyesight clearing on the other man. Focused. Scanning. Making sure the guardians would destroy him from where he stood. Even with his last breath he would make sure Purah would be safe from this man.  
Ravii, still cackling at the Purah comment suddenly pauses as Robbie whistles. Tilting his head curiously.
Robbie slowly pointed at Ravii as guardians flew over him. Ravii, raising his head glances up at all the guardians flying towards him. 
Ah. This was his chance!  
"Hear me, mechanical beasts! I have defeated your... leader. You must listen to me now-" Robbie cuts him off with his last breath, simple two words that made Ravii freeze up.  
“... destroy.... him!" The Sheikah screamed in pure anger and hatred and dropped. He had no more strength to move anymore.
All the red pointers all focused on Ravii - as much as he adored the attention, he knew this would end badly.  
"... You bastard." Ravii clicks his tongue and takes a deep breath, glancing at the lifeless man across from him.  
"You were telling the truth, huh?" Ravii shakes his head. Sighing, Ravii rushes towards Robbie and skids to a stop, sitting beside him.  
"Shoot me. Your leader here is in shots way... want to hurt him more? Go ahead you idiotic beasts." He glares at the closest skywatcher to him dead center to the eye as he pats Robbie's head, cackling.
"Come on! Do it. Or listen to me..." A smirk arched Ravii’s lips.
The skywatcher scanned Ravii and Robbie beside him. Errors popping up on their side of the screen. Not knowing whether to shoot or not.  
“ . . . (bzzzt) . . . Smart.” That was... Robbie's voice from the guardian? No. It was more glitched than his voice.  
  What was that?
“You are pretty smart for a royal pain in the ass, I'll give you that.”
Robbie's hand suddenly slammed on Ravii's shoulder as he used him to sit up, shaking his head and took a deep inhale and exhaled. That same black ink from before was manifesting by the blade wound.  
Ravii flinches at the sudden hand on his shoulder as if all time stopped, he slowly turns his head, seeing the man he watched just die rise as if nothing happened. Like a phoenix from the ashes, he rises again... but this wasn't the same man.  
No. He could feel the overwhelming power from him. There was something dark within him and it chilled even Ravii - nothing ever made him flinch.  
 Not like this.
“That hurt, you know. I told him you would betray us and he fell right into that one, the idiot.” Laughing 'Robbie' pats Ravii's shoulder, leaning his face in front of Ravii's with a big grin on his face.  
“How dare you kill Robbie! We were just getting along too! But fret not, I'll save him eventually...  
 ... but!
   Until then! It's my turn to shine!” The corrupted Sheikah quickly grabs the hybrid sword he made and stands up fully.  
“Time to rock!” He smiles as he swings the sword by Ravii's face
"What?! How are you still alive?!" Ravii screams and goes to grab his old sword just as the other swipes it from him, swinging it by his face - cutting a few hairs hanging from his forehead.  
He was faster than Ravii in the state. What happened for him to change?
"What do you mean? You speak as if Robbie has died yet you - Robbie - are speaking to me right this moment! Have you gone mad?" Ravii swallows nervously as he jumps to his feet. He draws his old sword from his side, holding it up while watching the other closely.  
"...Just who are you?!" Ravii glares at him, standing his ground now.  
‘Robbie’ laughs and points the sword at Ravii while walking slowly around him, gazing.  
“Finally someone asks! But you of all people...” His grin grows wildly as his stare intensifies.  
“... I am Amadeus. I do not know what I am, but I have a body and mind, anger and passion. Am I alive? Who knows what I truly am. Perhaps I am merely apart of Robbie who was caged for so long... begging to be freed, or someone of my own. Malice with mind and soul of my own somehow? Despite it all...
  ... All I know is I am alive....and that we are one the same - two sides of the same coin. Unlucky for you, you ran out of luck with this flip. And now that I have full control again thanks to you, well...” Amadeus flips the sword in the air and catches it by the handle, snapping his stare at Ravii again.  
“I'm going to make sure you regret threatening Purah into this mess. Robbie begged for her safety and trust. I am not so nice like that.” His head twitches as he glares at Ravii. Thinking for a moment his expression changes, a mischievous grin on his face quickly flashes.  
“I'll be kind, I'll pretend to be Robbie for a moment though, just for fun! How would you like to go? A beam from one of my babies here or a sword into your empty void where your heart is supposed to be like you did with us?”  
Amadeus taps his arm in a ticking rhythm. Grinning still.  
“Tick. Tick. Tick... hurry before I choose for you!”
   ... For once.  
For once in Ravii's entire life, he was speechless and terrified. What WAS this man? No ordinary Sheikah... why didn't he sense that power around him? Did he somehow keep it locked away within him? No... there was no way he could have done that. Ravii shakes his head and glances at the guardians above and the ones quickly scurrying on the horizon. More were coming and he was going to be surrounded - no escape. He had to think quick... Maybe if he struck them like last time, he can kill this "Amadeus" as well...  
"You say you do not know what you are... perhaps I have... no, I truly did underestimate you. If you join me, imagine what we could do together - you and I! You could then discover who or what you are! Don't you realize what you can do? With this... with these..." He raises his hands up, looking at the guardians above them, "... we could take over this kingdom so easily. Just you and I alone!" Ravii was clearly shaking and avoiding the choices of his own execution.  
"We can take over together, Amadeus. You have so much potential... and you are wasting it on me. Why not of grandeur scale?!" He was pointing his sword at him now; his voice was panicked - he couldn't calm himself.  
"Please! I beg of you! Work alongside me!" Ravii’s voice was laced with desperation and fear. He stood, watching the other tilt his head in thought as he screamed and plead for Amadeus to join him.
“Oh, what was that? You beg of me? Wow... doesn't THAT sound familiar or WHAT?  
 Say it again, 
     say it again!” Amadeus cackles, clapping and walks towards him as two guardian stalkers follow him closely.  
“Yeeeow... muuuusic to my ears!” Amadeus grabs Ravii by the front of his cape and with his other hand he loops his sword around Ravii's sword, knocking out of his hand. Amadeus then slams him against the wall, glaring at him.
“Tick TICK...
  Actually, that is too bad... times up.”
“Wh-?!” Ravii winced as Amadeus slammed him against the wall, staring at the corrupted man in horror.
Amadeus tilts his head and pulls the trigger of the sword, making the smaller blades go on, rapidly spinning like the bladesaw.  
“You said you want to see who I am? Want to work with me? Well...  
  ... I made my decision. 
You hurt me twice with my own weapon, now you'll see it's ‘true potential’.”
Just as Ravii did to Robbie - with a quick motion he drives the sword into the corrupted king, not breaking eye contact as he does so. Watching Ravii as all the color on his face drains. Just like he did with them.  
Pulling the trigger again the blades stop and he let's go of the blade, leaving it there lodged in his chest.  
Ravii coughs violently as his eyes widened at the horror in front of him. Not the guardians or even the sword... that man in front of him. Ravii has never felt so much fear in his life. The sword he requested was now in his own chest by the creator himself.  
“I work for no one. If anything, I want to see this kingdom in ruin by my guardians. No kings nor queens, no monarchy... nothing. I don't care.  
  ... Oh, and you can keep the sword. It was made for you after all.”
Ravii’s vision was shaking, blurred... he felt panic, nausea... all at once and suddenly he felt ...
     ... Cold.  
Dropping to the ground he glanced up at the glowing eye of the monster in front of him. No, not the mechanical beasts... that monster he let out of the cage. Amadeus' eye glowing a dark, deep red looking down on him.
Amadeus watches Ravii fall to the ground and his grin only grows wider. It would be the last thing he sees along with the guardians lasers aiming at him. He waves his hand as he picks up Ravii's old sword and walks away.
The fallen king watches Amadeus pick up his sword and walk out of his sight. Now focusing on the red lasers of the guardians.  
Amadeus hum one last word that would be the last thing Ravii hears.  
As if all time stopped, everything was silent.
  “... Boom.”
The guardians fire their beams all at once and the king's scream were drowned out by the loud boom of the beams.  
King Ravii was no more.  
Nothing, nor even the sword was left.  
   Like the kingdoms he left behind.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Seven. Part 3
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My ears perked up hearing a voice just behind me, I thought I was dreaming but I heard it again “Rihanna? Robbie!” Mel spat, Robyn moved under my arms slightly “huh” overhearing Robyn say, my eyes firmly closed still knowing full well what it will be about, the hint of sadness in her voice “can I come in? Is it safe?” Mel said from outside the door “erm wait” I am dying to open my eyes, but I won’t, I will pretend to be asleep still. Robyn peeled my arms away from her, feeling the covers being moved “come in” feeling Robyn’ body heat go, she is out of bed naked I am guessing “you both had a nice night I guess” I wish my mind would shut off now, but I know “yeah, we did. Let me get my robe on, what’s wrong?” Robyn asked, opening my eyes a little. Robyn is just butt ass naked in front of Mel, but they been through it together “you been crying?” Robyn asked concerned “can you stay in my bed tonight please” closing my eyes fully knowing full well why “yes, I will. I will just get a tee and some panties; we will talk in the bedroom. It better not be Barry, I will murder him, I been telling you that he’s playing around, I just had a feeling in my heart that he was. His behaviour has been off, meaning that he won’t commit to you” hearing them both walk off “I will wait for you in the bedroom” I feel so bad that she’s crying now; this is terrible “don’t cry, please don’t. It’s hurting my heart that you are” taking in a deep breath, now I am the bad guy, but I am trying to save her heart, I hate myself now. Opening my eyes sighing out, why is she crying like that “Chris, I’m going to stay with Mel tonight” looking behind me in shock, how did she know I was awake “erm ok” a little taken aback “what?” Robyn said half smiling at me “no, just woke up. You know” playing it off, Robyn walked over to me “go to sleep” she kissed my forehead “I took your tee with me, see you in the morning” taking in a deep breath, what a mess this is. The bedroom door closed, and I moved onto my back, I feel so bad about this because I didn’t want him to break it off, but he wouldn’t leave other bitches alone, he spoke about her disrespectfully and on top of that saying about Barbadian women like my wife ain’t Barbadian, she isn’t easy either. I am annoyed, I’m going to have a blunt and then sleep.
I don’t usually smoke a blunt in the bedroom because of Robyn being pregnant, I like to keep that away from her but she’s not here so I can. Staring down at my phone waiting for Barry to answer and he did, picking the phone up and placing it against my ear “so what happened?” I questioned “what you think, because with me Chris I stay out of your relationship do I not?” Is this guy being real “what relationship? That was the whole issue was it not? I wanted you to be faithful, but you think you’re in a open one, she’s crying so what did you say?” I asked “we not all in a perfect situation Chris, if she was Rihanna I would be on my knees too like you are” that was very vindictive to say “I asked you a question” overlooking what he said “that I wasn’t feeling her like that, she’s not my type. Not the type I want” he’s such a bastard “you have lost a great girl, you stupid motherfucker. Your jealousy is coming out bro, I don’t know what your fucking issue is but you’re living the way you do because of me, bitches are fucking you because they can’t fuck me! How is it I assumed TJ would be the dumb one but it’s not, it’s you until you can fucking apologise to me then we will talk, and Barry you got a fucking issue I will come there and beat you pussy, don’t forget that. Go back to selling drugs, you’re out of my business. Use my name again and I will show you” disconnecting the call, he will be back. I know Barry, he’s having a bitch fit now but he will get over it because we have had these arguments before, but this shit is fucked up, he’s really annoyed me with that.
It’s late over here but I thought I would call TJ even though I think he may be asleep; I am sure he said he had his son or whatever. Since he became a father he’s really changed, I feel like Barry is a bad influence on him “yo” he sounds so sleepy “did I wake you?” I’m saying it like I didn’t know this “yeah bro, it’s cool. I think little C is going to wake up for feeding anyways” I chuckled “so you back in VA or Houston?” I am sure VA “VA, stay at my parents when I see him” letting out an oh “you know what, Barry has pissed me off. Now I don’t know your point of view in this, but you know he’s been playing with Mel, and that’s fine. So you know I mentioned to him about making it official, but he just wants fun and have Mel there and fuck other girls, I told him no. And to end it, Mel is a sister to Robyn now she’s crying, and Robyn is there with her, it puts me in a situation because I know what he’s been doing, Barry is making out that I did bad, did I do bad? That I wanted to protect Mel because she’s a nice person” I just need to know what I did was right or wrong “I told him that he’s in a mindset where he wants to be single, but he wasn’t hearing it, he had a full orgy in Vegas. I feel like a virgin just fucking nobody, but I told him to do it. Be single, you’re protecting your family now Chris, that’s your family. I get it” I breathed out, someone that understands “well we fell out and I told him I want nothing to do with him because of how disrespectful he is towards me and my wife in a way, but he has nothing to do with the company. I don’t want to know which leads me onto the business, I’ve literally changed everything with the business which leaves you with nothing to do within it and your bitch baby mother has been harassing me which has upset my wife and I know you got a baby and I want to help you” I feel bad, the phone line went silent like really silent “I understand bro” I feel so bad “you on your path and I am on mines but I can help, I mean if I can help in any way then I will but I just need to pay for my child you know” I hate this “and I can help you but you need to help me, you niggas ain’t been doing, just if Barry calls then let me know, sorry for calling late just needed to speak to you, I am sorry” I apologised “yeah I’ll call you tomorrow” disconnecting the call.
Last night was a long night so to say anyways, Robyn has just come back into the bedroom after being with Mel all that time. She actually woke me “slept well?” Robyn asked, nodding my head as I walked over to the walk in closet “if you put them boxers on the floor that you’re going to take off then I promise you I will scream” she knows me well, pulling down my boxers “the bedroom smells of weed, I thought we both decided to not have weed in the room?” Pulling a face “erm, you said that because you can’t have any weed so yeah” balling up my boxers in my hand, Robyn held her hand out to me “thank you” placing it in her hand “that too but it smelt terrible, can you not do it again. Still smells it now” walking over to my drawer to get a new pair of boxers “ok I won’t” I will but I will just say I won’t “thank you, miss me in bed?” I laughed and I don’t know why but I did laugh, I found it to be amusing “sorry, was that funny?” closing my draw and turning to Robyn “nah, more like did you miss me? What’s wrong with Mel?” I mean I have to ask, “what makes you think anything is wrong huh?” Side eyeing Robyn “just your friend, really upset Mel. Erm, she cried a lot, she liked him. I told you that, but I guess you knew he left her” pulling my boxers up shaking my head “what do you mean? He didn’t mention anything to me” I shrugged it off going to get some sweatpants “I find it hard to believe but your friend has disrespected Mel in many ways, and you will find out soon. I’m not going to argue with you, but I think you know more then you’re letting on” Robyn knows me too well, I hate it here “I will see you downstairs” I cannot let them know that I knew anything.
Sitting down at the dining table “where is Mel? I knocked on her bedroom door” I don’t think she’s there “she needed to be somewhere, why did you go to her room anyways” Robyn is questioning everything I say “erm to ask how she was, I feel like I am to blame because he is my friend you know. Not in a way like that I knew but he is my friend so yeah” Robyn is staring at me so hard “your friend said some harsh things to her, he did this at a restaurant, made her cry and on top of that he walked off. She paid for the bill; how dare he do that. If I catch him I will fucking beat his ass on behalf of her, Mel actually liked him a lot. This is what gets me, things were fine. I am not even going to speak on the rest, but it was nasty, had my friend crying like that. I will probably sleep in the bed with her again, she needs some love. Actually, I am going to ask because it’s playing on my mind” I am really having to do the best poker face right now “did you know? He is your best friend and you both was arguing because Chris if you knew and you let her go like that, he treated her like shit Chris. It’s making me cry, look at me” furrowing my eyebrows “why are you crying? Don’t, I didn’t know. We argued because I told him about the business” I lied, Robyn knows about the business “ok, just wanted to make sure, I am hurting so much” Robyn is really crying, this is a fucking mess, and I am sat here still lying.
Mel came back and I came outside for a blunt, I thought I would give them some space and also TJ called me like he said he would, I still haven’t thought on what to do about him “it’s a mess over here, Robyn is crying that Mel is crying but he really dogged her out, he left and didn’t pay for the food either, just went” shaking my head putting my blunt out “he got balls to be doing that, imagine fucking over Rihanna’ best friend, well sister. He fumbled the bag because she is so nice” even TJ knows she is so kind “exactly so you know what I said last night, I will pay for you until you can get yourself sorted out, I won’t have you on the streets either” I can’t do that to him “about that, look man. I don’t know what I want to do in my life, I really don’t but I don’t want to do drugs because that is the easiest option. I don’t know about Barry but me, I don’t know what to do or start. I really want to stay on with you, work under you. I don’t care but please, just give me a chance” licking my top lip “I don’t have anything for you in Houston or VA TJ, the work is here in Cali and coming here isn’t cheap either. I could suppose have you working with the girls, look I will think on something for you, promise. You my brother, I got you” I have a heart, I can’t just do that to him “I spoke to Seiko, I said you’re fucking up my money and that ain’t cool and she went on a war path about how you left her, she wanted a life with you. You married Rihanna like that, I said you stay out of their business. I don’t think she will do anything” I swallowed hard seeing Robyn waving her finger at me in anger, oh she wants me to come inside “bro, I need to go. I think I am done for out here; I will update you” TJ laughed “talk later” disconnecting the call.
Walking into the living room “I can’t even do this” Mel stormed out of the living room “what did I do? Mel, come on. I am sorry he is a dickhead; I didn’t think he would be like that” my words are failing me, and she is gone “I want Barry here, I want him here Chris I am going to kill him. You know what Chris; you know something I know you do. It’s like me and Mel, I would know if she was doing something off, I know it” shaking my head “you’re assuming things, Robyn. I rather we didn’t get involved in this, this is not our argument is it really? I don’t want that for us” trying to reason with her “your fucking friend gave my friend Chlamydia, now you tell me to not be involved! He has been having sex with other women and then my friend” my face dropped “what?” I said shocked “she went to doctors; she has been feeling off. She’s only had sex with him, and you know how people get Chlamydia she is devastated Chris. That is my sister, and I can’t do anything, so Chris. You have that look on your face” placing my hands on my hips “Christopher” shaking my head “I am not getting involved, I don’t know anything” I feel awful “look, I told him that he should be faithful. I don’t know” I shrugged again, I don’t know what to say “well you’re very loyal Chris because Mel told him and he said ask Chris, he knows. I told him about the Barbadian women, I got to give it to you Chris. You are loyal. So you going to tell me what you know, or you don’t know as you were saying” the words left me, he really put me on the spot like this.
I can’t believe he said that “I was the one to tell him to leave Mel, he didn’t want a relationship he wanted her and others. He has been having sex with various women and using the fact he knows Rihanna, he said he showed a picture of us with him, and it worked. Some girls assumed I would be there but no, they fucked him because I am not there, so he says. He was having sex with women in Vegas, I asked him, and he admitted to not wanting a relationship, he said Mel was easy. Sucked him off on the first day, you know how the Barbadian women do and that is what he meant, I corrected him” I stopped talking as Robyn yelped out “I want to kill him, Chris you should have that same passion! Barbadian women!?” she screamed “you could be having a daughter and she will be Barbadian too, is that her too!? Huh? She is somebody’s daughter Chris! So you knew this but didn’t tell me for what? Seems like your friend is ready to throw you under the bus, look where you are and look where he is. You are married to me Chris, so I come first, he is disrespecting not just my friend but also me, was I easy?” frowning at her saying that “stop ok, you weren’t like that. I am sorry about Mel” Robyn is so angry with me, I think she hates me “I really don’t want to see your face Chris, I am honestly so disappointed with you. Like I am angry but just shocked that you let it slide and let is continue that now my friend has to go through this!? She is so hurt; she doesn’t want to see anyone. She feels disgusting, she isn’t even like that and you let it continue when you could have said to me, she isn’t that type of girl Chris. You’re sick and so is your friend, don’t fucking touch me either” I am going to kill Barry, he actually gave her a sexual disease too.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Is that Solaris I see on the cover of Superman/WW Future State? He returns! I am suddenly interested in Future State.
Anonymous said: So, Future State? Not gonna lie, at the very least I'm liking the artist line up. Also, Idk about you, but the designs for Diana and Yara Flor (the Wonder Woman from the Amazon) are the only ones that I'm really liking so far.
Anonymous said: FUUUUUUTUUUUUUURRRRE. state
Anonymous said: Thoughts on DC Future State?
Anonymous said: Thoughts on Future State?
Anonymous said: You’ve probably been asked already but thoughts on Future State?
Anonymous said: So... Future State just kind of showed up and is very mixed.
Anonymous said: Future State Superman has a heroic cop battling a villainous anarchist. Topical.
Anonymous said: On Dc future state announcements???
Anonymous said:So. Future State's been officially revealed. Your thoughts?
‘Future State’ this, ‘Future State’ that! Look, what’re you gonna believe, Jim Lee or your lying eyes?
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So this looks...pretty good? Infinitely better than their previous filler stuff like Zero Month/Villains Month/Future’s End/Convergence. And given Jo Mullein is part of this, Bendis isn’t doing these Superman issues, Steve Orlando mentioned on Twitter that he was told to set aspects of this up in Wonder Woman rather than it being allowed to appear apropos of nothing like most of these, and this isn’t built around a *single* all-encompassing tone or hook - along with getting Dan damn Mora to do your main promo images and a bunch of the character designs - I do believe the plan is that this is still going to lead into new ongoing series, just all the last couple of those crossovers I mentioned did. That’s probably where we’ll see Bendis doing Jon, the Zdarsky/Fraction thing, I expect more of Ridley Batman, and maybe one or two others. In any case, nice to see a bunch of fresh talent in the mix and a more diverse lineup both on and off the page, and a lot of these concepts are neat, even if there are as always some turds in the punch bowl. The anthology model being carried forward from the Walmart titles definitely heralds more of the same, whether in the main line or for a continuation of this. And as for the books themselves, I’m gonna take my reactions one by one.
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The Next Batman: Obviously I’m down for this.
Dark Detective: Bruce having a specifically defined new role (as do most of the rest of the old guard) is a smart move for making this sustainable. Tamaki’s let me down recently, but Mora, and also if this follows up on Detective #1027 we might see the Black Casebook. Backups definitely look tepid though. I’m probably gonna hold off on making a call until there’s a preview.
Harley Quinn: Pass.
Robin Eternal: ehhhhhhhh
Catwoman: Oh hell yes, V/Schmidt doing a heist.
Nightwing: Nicola Scott doing Nightwing! Andrew Scott wrote a decent little Wonder Woman/Metal Men teamup story in one of the recent anthologies, so I’m up for this.
Batman/Superman: YES. This seems to be a bit of a prequel thing, but who cares, it’s Yang/Oliver doing World’s Finest.
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Superman of Metropolis: I’ve only heard of Sean Lewis doing a few indie horror books, but of course I’m curious about the Jon-as-Superman book and the groundwork I expect it lays. His costume works for me, fitting that ‘sleek and futurey’ mandate without actually rocking the boat too much (and its differentiation is a lot more tolerable with Clark still rocking the cape and trunks), and the premise is really interesting - not surprising, as editor Jamie Rich says many of the ideas for the Superman books came from conversations with Grant Morrison. Which is probably why we’re seeing so much Seven Soldiers and DC One Million stuff in here, although bringing back Manhattan Guardian, given his background, and this premise, for this moment, is questionable at best.
Superman vs. Imperious Lex: This is probably going to be the best thing to come out of this whole shebang.
Superman: Worlds of War: Privately I called that Clark would be rocking the Kingdom Come getup in here (with the belt buckle from Man of Tomorrow for some reason?). I did NOT call that he would literally have the God of War sword. I’d be skeptical at best, but PKJ and Rich have both assured they’re not doing a Dark Superman thing with this, and hot damn, Midnighter backup by Becky Cloonan!
Superman/Wonder Woman: I think this is going to turn out to be one of the biggest gems of this entire enterprise. Dan Watters did an absolutely phenomenal short story for the last Batman: Secret Files, and it’s a big teamup against Solaris!
Kara Zor-El, Superwoman: The Bombshells team reunited! Here for it.
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Justice League: God, this might be really good or it might be the biggest disappointment of the bunch. Just at the sight of that I want that to be the Justice League from now on, that is an all-timer iconic cover and set of designs to introduce a group of characters, the concept’s really good, and Flash being from another universe is so cool...and the actual book is Williamson/Rocha. Rocha’s a steady hand I trust well enough, but clearly this is where Mora should have been, and you’re really leaving this to Williamson? He has done good comics, but not many. I can only hope he’s basically a placeholder setting up the status quo for a Future State Justice League imprint book same as I think PKJ and Lewis are setting up whatever Bendis is going to do later. Still, I’m not writing this off entirely, Williamson has still done some good comics and this might well be as enjoyable a two-parter as it should be. And in any case, Ram V doing future stuff with the magic characters is a win.
Aquaman: I was going to say no thanks, but the premise is a little interesting, Daniel Sampere is a good hand, and I haven’t seen Brandon Thomas’s work before but at a glance he seems to have tried some ambitious sci-fi work at Image. I’ll call this a maybe.
The Flash: Hahaha, now we’re in the shit of it. Literally there is nothing about this that would indicate it was set in the future if not for the title, a flat regurgitation of the most tired old bullshit, and it’s by a Young Justice writer to boot. Glad to know even in the future the regular Flash book is going to suck.
Teen Titans: Speaking of books we can be assured will always suck
Shazam!: Who could possibly care
Green Lantern: This one I kinda don’t blame for being nothing, Far Sector is the big Green Lantern thing in this period and they’re not gonna fuck with that so they gotta work around the fringes. Hardly sympathetic enough to get me to buy it though.
Suicide Squad: Okay, alt-Earth Flash rules, but you come up with a disabled Flash with a heavily redesigned but still recognizable and extremely rad new look - looking every inch the “Far Sector but for Flash” premise I’ve been calling for - and you put her in this nonsense? And you waste Javier Fernandez here too? I guess Robbie Thompson is passable from what I’ve seen and maybe the whole Earth 3 thing will result in this turning out alright after all, but this feels like a waste, and that’s before you get to the one story here set in the 853rd century being about Black Adam.
Immortal Wonder Woman: Oh shit this one’s gonna rule though.
Legion of Superheroes: So’s this one!
Swamp Thing: This will be excellent too but I don’t care about Swamp Thing.
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Wonder Woman: I’m seeing some immediate division on Wonder Woman - some like her new costume and some hate it (I think it’s really busy but like it a lot with the blues highlighted when Mora draws it), and I understand some have problems with a Brazilian Wonder Woman rooted entirely in Greek mythology rather than any sort of indigenous religion (which I am not remotely qualified to weigh in on). I’ll hope for the best, and obviously it’ll be very pretty, but I wasn’t blown away by Jones’ writing when I tried her Catwoman book, and I hope she won’t fall flat on her face regarding representation.
I’d divide this up into
* Basically no chance in hell: Harley Quinn, The Flash, Teen Titans, Shazam!, Green Lantern
* I’d need to hear good word of mouth: Dark Detective, Robins Eternal, Aquaman, Suicide Squad
* Fingers crossed, getting it but it could go either way: Superman of Metropolis, Justice League, Wonder Woman
* Yeah, I’ll grab this one, looks fun: Nightwing, Superman: Worlds of War, Kara Zor-El: Superwoman
* This is going to be really good: The Next Batman, Catwoman, Batman/Superman, Superman vs. Imperious Lex, Superman/Wonder Woman, Immortal Wonder Woman, Legion of Superheroes, and though I’m skipping it, Swamp Thing
A pretty incredible preliminary hit-miss ratio, and along with all I said before, big shoutout to Darran Robinson for across-the-board incredible logo design work. Like the Superman books mixing Morrison and Bendis, Batman is hyper-topical with a black Batman fighting super-cops who hate resistors in masks (whole Bruce can still be part of the fight but has to reckon with not being the guy in front throwing money around and setting terms anymore), Wonder Woman goes for the obvious pun, and JL feels appropriately iconic, while the rest is hit-or-miss as not central to further plans with this setting. I had zero expectations of this as anything other than Future’s End 2.0 with a couple leading into the not-5G imprint, but while I think that’s still the same basic endgame, for the most part it feels like they’re really trying with this one and I’ve got a good feeling about it.
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afoxysunny · 4 years
Sportacus as Álfurildi
Choosing a Miraculous for him was actually the easiest out of all for me and the more i thought about this AU the more sense it made.
Disclaimer: this AU is just one big work in progress so please excuse the fact that i don't have most of the details worked out yet
Even without a Miraculous Sportacus was already a slightly above average hero. Not being called into Lazytown to live there with the kids he traveled around helping whoever needed him. One way or the other he ends up being chosen as the new Guardian of the Miracle Box once the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous are recovered from the villains in Paris
Here are the references i started this process with
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And a process it was indeed. As obviously as the choice for this pair was it was equally as hard to actually design him
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Most butterfly inspired fashion i found were dresses or otherwise extravagant and made for women, definitely too impractical for Sportacus to wear. I like what i came up with in the end a lot and am so relieved as halfway into this process i was really scared it would end up looking like this disgusting cartoon trope where they draw old fat men in tiny pink dresses to make fun of them but thank goodness it didn't!
Design Notes:
Red Spotted Purple - that is the very misleading name of an almost entirely blue butterfly with some faintly red spots. It works though, the Kwami is purple but the cistume still ends up partially blue
Brooch in place of crystal - it was a no brainer, the round and glowy Miraculous just had to replace/join in the placement of his usual crystal (who knows if he even has the crystal in this au? I sure don't) Details on his costume get the dark purple colour of the brooch
Bandana around neck - Sportacus' canon outfit already leans very heavily on Icelandic traditional fashion from head to toe. All accept the bandana tied around the neck. With each version of Sportacus' costume getting closer to this tradition i just had to add it
Ugly ass cap he loves i guess - honestly i think this style of hat is so ugly but he seems to like it so let him keep it i guess
Blue + purple - in Miraculous canon the Kwami's colour usually is the one and only dominant colour of the costume each hero ends up with. Only Hawkmoth really deviated from this and I'm not good eith simplistic and effective designs so i went more into that direction. Sportacus' signature blue stays the base with Nooroo's purple added on top for the butterfly themed costume parts (it was accidental but also sportarobbie so that's always a plus)
The show Miraculous Ladybug makes it very clear on multiple occasions that the Butterfly Miraculous is meant to call in allies to help the Miraculous Holders and that all Kwamis wish for their powers to be used for good. Despite this the wiki is written like Nooroo is evil even though Hawkmoth corrupted his powers against the Kwami's wish. Because of that i wanted to pair Nooroo with someone who could never be mistaken for a villain: Sportacus
Sportacus has proven himself a hero wherever he went, looking for the best in people while always striving for even better. Because of his many strengths he was chosen as the new Guardian of this Miracle Box to keep it safe and most importantly help Nooroo recover from the long time abuse he had to endure. After befriending the Kwami they mutually decided there would be no better new partner for the slowly healing Nooroo than the supportive Sportacus. Which works out perfectly for his own interests as well. Of cause he wants to do all he can to help the purple Kwami through his struggle with recovery and Sportacus is strong in many ways so he stays transformed into Álfurildi for as long as possible; while Nooroo powers him up nobody can get to him and hurt him again.
I actually thought up a very big load of story for him and Robbie so i won't go into too much more detail right now until you also met Robbie's Miraculous version, stay tuned!
God, did i struggle with this one. In the end i mashed together the Icelandic word for Elf, Álfur, and Butterfly, Fiðrildi, to get Álfurildi! It's lame, i know, but honestly, Sportacus really isn't good at naming things so I'll let it slide. I imagine Robbie said exactly this to him as well, and additionally is too lazy to say that nane despite being well capable of speaking Icelandic so he just calls him Fairy. Both because that's kinda what he looks like and also because (at least according to the app i use to try to learn Icelandic) the word for fairy and elf are the exact same in Icelandic. That really bothers Sportacus and always corrects him by saying "you know that's not what it means" but in the end the kids can't pronounce Álfurildi and end up calling him Fairy as well, much to Robbie's and my amusement
Thank you for your attention, it truly means the world to me that i get ti ramble your ear off with my nonsense
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tinyshe · 3 years
Thinking about ditching all social media? I am. This includes things like youtube and other items that you “log in”... “feeding the machine” -- food for thought...
Story at-a-glance
The whole justification for the War on Terror was to target “precrime”, or terror acts before they happen; the legislation was meant to target foreign governments and individuals, but bills are pending that would make the legislation applicable to Americans in the U.S.
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald stated that the end goal of the newly emerging war on domestic terrorism is to "essentially criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class," adding, "There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous”
Journalist Whitney Webb is concerned about fusion centers, at which the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, NGOs and others in the private sector collaborate to decide who’s a terrorist and who’s not
Fusion centers have been around for a while, but as the war on domestic terror progresses, Webb believes that fusion centers will take on the same role as the CIA-run Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War, which were designed to collate names of dissidents and people with extremist sympathies to databases so they could be pursued by the relevant authorities
Silicon Valley and the national security state are now fused; deleting your social media accounts is one of the best ways to stop feeding the domestic terror machine
In June 2021, the U.S. National Security Council released a new “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.”1 While it’s being largely framed as a tool to fight White supremacy and political extremism, the definition of what constitutes a “domestic terrorist” is incredibly vague and based on ideologies.
In a podcast with one of my favorite independent journalists, Whitney Webb,2 Media Roots Radio host Robbie Martin notes how this creates a dangerous slippery slope, one that’s connected to the attempts to have increased surveillance and tracking of Americans’ data after 9/11.3
The “War on Terror,” launched in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Martin says, “was merely a prelude to a larger domestic crackdown on political dissidents.”4 Webb agreed, stating that we’re “near the bottom part of the slippery slope” already, and it’s not a stretch that one day anyone who disagrees with the government could be labeled a domestic terrorist and charged with a crime.
Criminalizing Oppositional Ideology to the Ruling Class
The whole justification for the War on Terror was to target “precrime”, or terror acts before they happen. Initially, the legislation was meant to target foreign governments and individuals, but bills are pending that would make the legislation applicable to Americans in the U.S.5
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald stated that the end goal of the newly emerging war on domestic terrorism is to "essentially criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class," adding, "There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous, and it's not fear-mongering or alarmism to say it.”6
This isn’t a partisan issue, but something that’s been in the works for decades. Greenwald stated that viewing Washington as Democrat versus Republican, with one side being “your team” and the other being “your enemy” is a flawed belief, as an elite ruling class is truly in power:7
"There is a ruling class elite that is extremely comfortable with the establishment wings of both parties ... who they fund equally because those are the people who serve their agenda. Then there's a whole other group of people at whose expense they rule in. Some consider them on the left, some on the right," but "it's time to break down those barriers."
It’s important to understand that the U.S. already has aggressive criminal laws in place, such that more people are imprisoned in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.8 Do we need further laws to criminalize people put in place? A concerning pivot has occurred as well, shifting in focus to the FBI targeting this new model of terrorism while the terms like “incitement to violence” have been radically expanded in meaning.
“It is accompanied by viral-on-social-media pleas that one work with the FBI to turn in one’s fellow citizens (“See Something, Say Something!”) and demands for a new system of domestic surveillance,” Greenwald wrote.9
People Who Spread ‘Disinformation’ Classified as Extremists
You don’t have to be violent to be declared a terrorist. You may simply have what the government deems to be “extremist views” or could be accused of spreading disinformation — although there’s no clear definition of what “disinformation” is. According to Webb:10
“There is talk in the domestic terror strategy that people who spread disinformation can also be classified as extremists and a threat to national security and, of course, we’ve seen over the past several years, how this disinformation label can be applied to independent media as a way to promote censorship of voices that are critical of U.S. empire, among other things, or that just don’t fit a particular government narrative.”
As taken directly from the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism:11
“Domestic terrorists have — particularly in recent years — often been lone actors or small groups of informally aligned individuals who mobilize to violence with little or no clear organizational structure or direction. These individuals often consume material deliberately disseminated to recruit individuals to causes that attempt to provide a sense of belonging and fulfillment, however false that sense might be.
Their ideologies can be fluid, evolving, and overlapping. And they can, in some instances, connect and intersect with conspiracy theories and other forms of disinformation and misinformation …
These elements combine to form a complex and shifting domestic terrorism threat landscape and create significant challenges for law enforcement. Especially on Internet-based communications platforms such as social media, file-upload sites, and end-to-end encrypted platforms, all of these elements can combine and amplify threats to public safety.
… These efforts speak to a broader priority: enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.”
Fusion Centers Are Ready and Waiting
Webb is concerned about fusion centers, at which the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, NGOs and others in the private sector collaborate to decide who’s a terrorist and who’s not.
Fusion centers have been around for a while, but as the war on domestic terror progresses, Webb believes that fusion centers will take on the same role as the CIA-run Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War, which was designed to collate names of dissidents and people with extremist sympathies to databases so they could be pursued by the relevant authorities — many ended up being kidnapped, tortured and killed.
Fusion centers are waiting to take on a more active role in the newly declared war on domestic terrorism, but in order for them to gain widespread acceptance, Webb believes that an outrageous event needs to take place — one that goes further than the January 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol, such as something that targets civilians and sparks outrage among the U.S. public that something must be done.
“This is why I worry that some other event may take place in order to push this strategy further. They’re setting up an infrastructure here that they plan to use, right? And I think given the current climate in the U.S. it would be hard for them to justify taking that where the strategy clearly shows they want to go,” Webb says.12
She also draws parallels between the present day and the U.S.-backed Operation Condor, which targeted leftists, suspected leftists and their sympathizers, resulting in the murders of an estimated 60,000 people, about half of which occurred in Argentina. Another 500,000 were politically imprisoned.13
“There was no investigation into whether the claims against these people were even true,” Webb explained. “There were no trials … it was a dragnet to create reorganized society using a climate of fear to encourage acquiescence to authority and complete obedience to the state.”14 It’s history that often gives the greatest clues about where society is headed, and Webb also details a bill President Biden introduced in 1995 in response to the Oklahoma City bombing.
It was initiated by the FBI as a charter to investigate political groups and included the following disturbing points. Fortunately, the bill wasn’t passed in this version — a lot was taken out and watered down — but if allowed to pass unrevised, it would have:15
Allowed the FBI, military and other groups to investigate political groups at their will, without any higher-up approval
Allowed a 10-year prison sentence for the crime of supporting the lawful activities of an organization if the president deemed the organization a terrorist entity
Made it so that the president alone decides who is a terrorist, and the decision could not be appealed
Loosened rules for wire taps
Reversed the presumption of innocent until proven guilty
Allowed the military to be used in domestic law enforcement activities and potentially made it legal for soldiers to invade people’s homes and take possessions without probable cause
Allowed secret trials for immigrants not charged with a crime, and allowed the use of illegally obtained evidence in those trials
Silicon Valley Is Fused With the National Security State
Silicon Valley and the national security state are now fused, Webb says. The decadeslong wars against domestic dissidence have always involved technology like databases, and now the link is inseparable.
Webb wrote about “tech tyranny” at the start of the pandemic, revealing that a document from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) — acquired through a FOIA request — said changes were needed to keep a technological advantage over China:16
“This document suggests that the U.S. follow China’s lead and even surpass them in many aspects related to AI-driven technologies, particularly their use of mass surveillance.
This perspective clearly clashes with the public rhetoric of prominent U.S. government officials and politicians on China, who have labeled the Chinese government’s technology investments and export of its surveillance systems and other technologies as a major ‘threat’ to Americans’ ‘way of life.’”
Many of the steps to implement the program are being promoted as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response. NSCAI is not only a key part of the Great Reset’s fourth industrial revolution, but also promotes mass surveillance, online-only shopping and the end of cash while noting that “having streets carpeted with cameras is good infrastructure.”
NSCAI’s chairman is Eric Schmidt, the former head of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. Other notable Silicon Valley NSCAI members include:17
Eric Horvitz, director of Microsoft Research Labs
Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon Web Services (CIA contractor)
Andrew Moore, head of Google Cloud AI
Meanwhile, Greenwald highlighted a statement by Alex Stamos, a former Facebook security official, who recommends social media companies collaborate with law enforcement to crack down on extremist influencers online, especially those with large audiences in order to “get us all back in the same consensual reality.”18
Social Media Plays a Huge Role in the War
If you’re reading this and are concerned, I urge you to listen to the Media Roots Radio podcast with Whitney Webb in full.19 It’s just under 2.5 hours, but time well spent to understand the historical events that have led us to where we are today. For those who want to take action, a mass exodus from social media platforms is a good start.
Many suspect Facebook is the public-friendly version of the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Lifelog, a database project aimed at tracking the minutiae of people’s entire existence for national security surveillance purposes.20
The Pentagon pulled the plug on Lifelog February 4, 2004, in response to backlash over privacy concerns.21 Yet that same day, Facebook was launched.22
Lifelog — and likely its successor Facebook — was meant to complement Total Information Awareness (TIA), a program that sprang up after the 9/11 attacks that was seeking to collect Americans’ medical records, fingerprints and other biometric data, along with DNA and records relating to personal finances, travel and media consumption.23
Now Facebook is asking users to report “extremist” content and misinformation. Fortunately, there’s a way to passively disentangle yourself from the data mining and legacy social media that is intertwined with the war on domestic terror. Webb says: “Delete your Facebook and your Instagram and your Twitter, because you are feeding the domestic terror machine.”24
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