#Australian Blogger
wool-f · 1 month
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Hello friends,
I’m back again this week with something I’ve been thinking about a lot of late, particularly as I get closer to 30.
The importance of putting yourself out there and asking for the things you want out loud. 
After the last few years of the pandemic, I have come to realise that the the more we delve into being online and the increasing influence that technology has in our everyday life, the less we know how to actually speak with each other face to face.
I’ve experienced this in the workplace, with my friendships and family; but most potently, in the dating pool.
It seems that closer we get through our phones and devices, the further away we fall from human connection in the real world.
In the last year, I’ve completely removed myself from dating apps, content with the concept of someone approaching me in real life, at bars, in clubs, the local coffee shop, anywhere. I found the dating apps served as a shield for real conversation and connection, more often leading to small talk and the constant facilitator of hook up culture.
It’s not that I don’t want a physical connection with anyone, but I’m so sick of physical connection being the only option on the table – what happened to people writing love letters to each other, what happened to yearning, what happened to romance, to taking a chance to speak with a stranger?
I took myself off the dating apps because they increasingly made me feel bad about myself and made me doubt my likability and worthiness of the things that I desire. This was unacceptable to me – I have worked too hard throughout my twenties to now compromise with my own self confidence and love.
I also realised the kind of person I was looking for most likely isn’t on the apps for the same reasons that I wanted to not be on them. I definitely had my fun while using them in my mid-twenties, but now, if I’m going to spend a significant amount of time with someone, I want it to mean something more than a fleeting few dates or a giggle over a drink.
So to put my money where my mouth is, I’ve started putting myself out there again, in the REAL world.
I was recently at a wedding and met someone. I really enjoyed their company and we ended up being the last two people in a bar after the wedding, just laughing and chatting and revelling in each-other's company.
We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.
A few days after the wedding, we’d been chatting on and off over text, and I took the plunge – I asked him if he wanted to go for drinks.
Prior to this, I would always wait for the guy to make the first move on all fronts – asking out, first kiss, everything. When I deleted the apps, I knew I would have to make a compromise from this, and I was more than happy to do that in this case.
However, despite it all, I struck out. Let me be honest – I was disappointed with the rejection – no is not something I'm used to hearing from men. I was surprised, but I knew this came with the territory of putting myself out there – I would have to be willing to get rejected every now and then to really get to the prize.
At this point, I leant into my mindful practices and felt comfort knowing that whatever is meant for me will never pass me by. And despite the small low of rejection, I felt proud of myself for taking the chance – it’s no small feat to be vulnerable or exposed at risk of not receiving the response you want!
I did that all by myself! It sounds crazy to be congratulating myself over such a small thing that humans used to do all the time – but that is the state of our world at the moment. People live in constant fear of rejection, when really it’s a gift – it’s an example of us being brave. Calling myself brave is something I’ll happily add to my resume of adjectives.
The notion of bravely walking towards the things we want by putting ourselves out there, or actively asking for the things we want is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, as I said above. The reason I have been thinking about it so much is due to the creeping realisation that life is to be lived and we don’t really have that much time to live it.
The older I get the more I understand how important it is to at least try to live your dreams. The fear of being on my death bed and not having achieved the goals I set for myself now, or even the goals I had in my younger years, overwhelms me at times, as I recognise how quickly time is moving around me.
Asking for the things I want and throwing myself at opportunities and chances to achieve them is something I try to do every single day. 
Even if it has to be in one percent increments, one percent is better than remaining where I am. 
It signifies a commitment to myself, if nothing else. The promises we make to ourselves are so often broken to appease the desire of another person - whether it be our bosses, our partners, friends or family members. Why is it that we are so willing to break promises we make to ourselves, but keep those we make to others? I think it's because if we break a promise to ourselves, it's private - nobody but you knows that it's been broken. But when it's to another person -  it becomes public, it attracts an expected judgement or exterior disappointment.
I've come to the realisation that I never want to feel disappointment for myself again. I am keeping the promises I make to myself. Judgement and disappointment from others is becoming more and more irrelevant the older I get, and honestly I'm enjoying life so much more without the pressure of caring about it. 
This is something that has played on my mind regarding deleting the apps as well. So many people have just accepted that "the only way to meet someone" is through these low effort apps. I've spoken with numerous friends about it and for the most part they are supportive of the decision, however the apprehensive friends are concerned about the likelihood of meeting someone in the "real world". 
But this is not something I'm actually concerned about if I'm being honest - finding a boyfriend/partner/husband/romantic soulmate is not what I centre my life around. I have amazing friends, so many hobbies I enjoy, a career that is at its grassroots level and family.
Furthermore, my truth is that I don't want to meet someone on "the apps". I don't want our love story to begin with a swipe right. I want a meet-cute, a moment in a bar, a friend of a friend, a romantic gesture! And if that is something I want, I'm more than certain that there is someone out there willing to give it to me! 
And I'm not taking that step towards that reality if I'm still using the apps to mindlessly swipe through people as if it's a game or gambling. I truly believe if you want something, you have to become it first. So if I want a real life romance, I have to become the person who has a role in that, by being present in the moment, not walking around with my head in the virtual cloud. I have to be open to being approached (not by creeps though lol) and willing to take a chance! 
At the end of the day, whether you meet on an app or in real life, we are all strangers until we are not. 
So, I have written all this to say - take your life into your own hands! It is not enough to make a vision board and hope those things will happen, it's not enough to make the to do list - you have to get out and get the stuff done! 
Take control of your own destiny. I will be. 
In the wise words of Slim Halliday,
Do you time before it does you.
As always, chat to me in the comments! I want to hear your thoughts on dating right now, dating experiences and life in general - what are you taking control of?
Signing off for another week, 
G xx 
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tripticharan · 1 year
Eat Street Northshore, Brisbane
Eat Street Northshore is a feast in every sense-the sights, smells, tastes and sounds come to life in this container food village which happens every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Must Visit! @EatStreet #Brisbane #EatStreetNorthshore #ExploreWithTripti 🇦🇺
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ahalcyongirl · 8 months
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Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky at the Met Gala in NY 24'
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bigbodywhispers · 6 months
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seleniaplays · 2 years
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This is an art piece I did around a year ago while I was in hospital. I was learning how to draw water from numerous tutorials and I just love how it came out. It's meant to be a sunflower but I don't think I drew enough petals haha. Sunflowers represent my home town, and though I despise my hometown because of years of bullying it's made me who I am today.
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heyitsellebell · 5 months
elle’s diary - Page 59 - 13/01/24 @ 11:17pm
heya, hope you’re well! Today was a lovely cool day, so I faired a bit better. I woke up at 12pm and had some breakfast outside with Prue. I got ready and then took her out as it was starting to rain a little. She had a good time sniffing about and didn’t mind the rain too much as it kept fairly light for us.
The eucalyptus trees that line the roads here are in bloom. The flowers are a gorgeous warm red. They looked so pretty against the overcast sky (pics attached!). We got home and it became more steady, talk about good timing! I had some lunch and then began work on the vocals for ‘The Fear of Falling In Love’. I chose to make my voice in the verses very soft and quiet, which is naturally is, but I exaggerated this to make it contrast with the choruses, which are more dramatic.
I took a break for dinner (a quick ramen I make with two minute noodles and a bunch of yummy spices), and continued work on the vocals until I finished all but the final chorus. That I left for tomorrow as my voice was getting tired and I want to record some high harmony lines. Alrighty, that’s gonna be all for now!Thanks for reading and take care of yourself <3
lots of love,
elle xoxo
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yumesoraa · 24 days
Melody of Being Animate: Poetry
I’m being forced to think about how I see myself in spaces I have begged to find, I watch as my body unwind and learn to slowly ease into the comfort of people who see the good in humility and I am reminded of the importance of self, the reflection it begs at your most jarring and honest critic yourself, it is here we get the opportunity to really see who we are without the thought of what pries…
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teresabeadle5 · 2 months
"Today, don't forget to show yourself some love"
"Today, don't forget to show yourself some love" by Nikki Heron Via Flickr: *Spring Fever Set* Showcasing 1 out of a set of 12 poses from B(u)Y ME Poses for the Arcade Event. There are 12 to collect with 2 being the rare. This one shown is number 4 and the hat is included. Flowerfield and props included with corresponding poses. This event is open now and running through to the March 31, 2024. TP to the event and for your convenience B(u)Y Me Mainstore B(u)Y Me Marketplace Store B(u)Y Me Flickr Page (see the full set of the poses here) B(u)Y Me linktr.ee Taken @Elvion Thankyou in advance for your support, faves, comments and awards! I do appreciate you all 💖
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
i sometimes subject stella to my anthropological studies of rich people which has backfired this evening because i loaded up a youtube review of a cruise and as soon as we saw the vlogger's face stella was like "air why is your evil shadow self reviewing a cruise ship"
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rebelontheroad · 6 months
Jacob Elordi nel photoshooting di GQ
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Jacob Elordi è un attore che ha catturato l'attenzione del pubblico non solo per le sue capacità recitative, ma anche per il suo fascino magnetico. Con il suo aspetto affascinante e la sua presenza carismatica sullo schermo, Elordi ha rapidamente guadagnato una schiera di fan devoti.
Il suo stile senza sforzo e il sorriso accattivante lo rendono una presenza irresistibile sul red carpet e nei media. Tuttavia, alcuni critici suggeriscono che il suo successo potrebbe essere più attribuibile al suo aspetto fisico che alle sue abilità recitative. In diversi ruoli, ha dimostrato di avere una buona presenza scenica, ma alcuni ritengono che la sua bellezza abbagliante possa distogliere l'attenzione da eventuali carenze interpretative.
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Nonostante le opinioni contrastanti sulla sua abilità attoriale, non si può negare che Jacob Elordi abbia conquistato un posto di rilievo nella cultura popolare. Il suo fascino è un mix intrigante di fascino classico e moderna coolness, che lo rende un'icona di stile e un volto riconoscibile nelle industrie cinematografiche e televisive.
In definitiva, Jacob Elordi incarna un equilibrio unico tra bellezza e talento, e il suo impatto nell'industria dello spettacolo è innegabile, alimentando le discussioni su ciò che rende davvero un attore affascinante.
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wool-f · 4 months
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Hello friends,
I’m back for 2024, for the thirtieth year of my life, to continue sharing my thoughts, imaginings, hopes, dreams, goals and advice with you all (you all being whoever comes across this blog and reads it).
As always, I began the year making my list of 100 things I want to do/achieve/create in the next 12 months, and this year I’m feeling particularly positive about the list.
I know culturally, turning 30 is a scary moment, particularly for women. It symbolizes this weird juncture between adulthood and the checklist of things we should have achieved by this age – marriage, children, a career, home ownership and more. All the things we pressure women into doing perfectly and all at once, with very little grace granted when we don’t have at least two of these things.
I’m here to confess, I’m in the first job of my potential future career, I don’t have a boyfriend, let alone a husband or a child and I am definitely nowhere near home ownership as a solo buyer (in this economy? Please). Does any of this scare or bother me? No – not even a little bit.
While on paper, it looks as though I have been faffing around in my 20s having a great old time, behaving in a way that some people would consider “wasting my time”, I have enjoyed the past decade so much and I wouldn’t change it for anything.  
I have two degrees, I’ve studied abroad twice, completed an internship in Indonesia with an amazing organization out of Melbourne, I’ve travelled A LOT, I’ve been in love (silly by me but here we are), I’ve danced with my friends, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried and I’ve had one too many drinks on a number of occasions. I’ve lived with friends, I’ve moved back into my parent’s house. I’ve made life-long friends and lost friends who I thought would be with me forever. I’ve read hundreds of books, watched movies and heard so many songs for the first time. Most importantly, I’ve made memories with my loved ones and enjoyed my life.
I don’t regret any of my mistakes, I’ve had fun.
This life has so far been a privilege to live in more ways than one. I’m luckier than most people living and I am extremely cognisant of this fact, particularly at a time when the world is in such a dire state of affairs, to say the least.
I do however, think it’s important to say that I’ve loved it here. There are many things that make me wonder how the world can possibly keep turning but then I look at my grandparents, my friends, the moments we have spent together and laughed, and I know why.
A friend of mine posted a video recently, saying she was freaking out about turning 30 this year, and I can relate to the looming feeling of dread that often comes with a “big birthday” like this and truly up until recently I felt the same way.
All of the things I’ve already written about enjoying life and having gratitude for the beautiful moments in it are true, but I am not immune to feeling pressure or like I’ve somehow fallen behind because I haven’t achieved the things that I am expected to have done.
Over the last six months many things have happened that have given me pause to really reevaluate the importance of being present to enjoy the moment and focus on what kind of life I want to lead and the people I want around me.
I have come to the conclusion that I’m not scared of turning 30, or as media and beauty industry conglomerates would want me to be, of aging or getting older. These occurrences are privileges that many people are denied. I’m lucky to be here and have decided to fully commit to treating every single day in that fashion.  
Here’s to getting old and enjoying it (however I will still be colouring the greys out of my hair forever more xx)
May 2024 be the most free, successful and joyous that I have ever been, and if you’ve gotten to the end of this post, may yours be too.
As always, love you all and have a great week.
G xx
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tripticharan · 1 year
Top Photographer 2022 on Google Maps
I am glad to share that my photographs on Google Maps have crossed 30 Million views and I have been recognized as the Top Photographer 2022 on Google Maps. For more updates join me on Instagram @love_yourself_love_life
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bellalaloca · 1 year
why do i still not have polls. not that i’d use it, but i’ve been here since 2010. if there’s anyone that deserves it, it’s me.
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divya-a · 1 year
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cwdigimark · 2 years
Marketing Mag | July 4, 2022 As we head into the second half of the financial year, many brands will be looking to lock down their Q3 and Q4 marketing budgets. Smart brands will be seeking to connect with consumers on platforms with highly-engaged, commercially-driven audiences. Platforms that provide inspiring and positive environments. This way brands can offer a way to reach a more valuable…
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