#But most scenes he’s in are deleted scenes
In the movie there's this deleted scene where Lucy visits Max' place - and the e try way is a bright blue, there's a jukebox in the most brilliantly bright colours, a ferris wheel miniature that moves on its own. Everything in the rooms we're shown is brightly coloured, and very much a collection of curiosities. But then again - they are modern curiosities.
Now, upstairs, however, he tends to collect things from his past, the times he has lived through. Like a victorian study, like a bedroom with items dating as far back as the early 1600s. Upstairs is a place where visitors won't go, so that's where he'll keep the items of his past.
If you were to truly look at it, his whole house was just a collection of curiosities.
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wolfscarr · 3 days
Helluva Broken Narrative and the most useless character..
Disclaimer: Not saying you can't enjoy this show folks. Enjoy it all you want, this is just a rant about the lack of a cohesive narrative!
I really was completely dead on posting, but I just can't get this out of my head.
I feel people should be acknowledging this far more than it has been, this is extremely important. This goes beyond just episode pacing, this goes beyond the characters....this is something that without it? There is no real show, which is....
Helluva Boss has a BROKEN NARRATIVE.
Some fans wanna claim it has this 'complex' writing and I'm sitting here going like "really? Where?"
It doesn't sorry and know why? Because Season 2 of this show, basically broke the narrative that Season 1 was building.
These past posts of mine, will show you why the narrative is broken.
Now can they continue on with the story they are telling? Yes of course they can, but it won't fix the fact that it's not coherent to Season 1, that it's not needed.
Wanna know who the most useless character in the show is now? If you guessed Stolas, you're correct! In the meaning of making Stolas this guy who did nothing wrong and who's sad....they took away his character purpose.
Stolas has ZERO purpose being within the show now, given how things have played out.
But you might say
"Well he's needed to give Blitz the Crystal and end the deal!"
Except....no, he wasn't. They could have just delivered the crystal to I.M.P. They have Blitz’ number, just call him, get a servant to send it etc.
Remembering my posts above, where you can have I.M.P. killing in Hell as a Season 1 thing?
Maybe they're just getting started with their company? So Blitz wants to supplement with killing in Hell by killing those up top so he goes to see about getting an Asmodean Crystal?
See let's backtrack here folks, the episode Oops it was mainly about Blitz and Fizz reconciling right? Which they do at the end of the episode. Now follow this, if we take into account the above, Blitz' dialogue could be.
Blitz: "Fizz look, I know what happened to you was horrible. I don't...expect you to forgive me, but I'm struggling to support myself, my daughter and my employees with my company. I....if you can just think on it, perhaps I could get one of those Asmodean Crystals?"
The scene ends and Fizz goes back to Ozzie, while along the way he's thinking about Blitz' words and how he was saved by him where in the end, Fizz agrees to send Blitz a Crystal because he's earned it from saving his very life.
Or here's another scenario, Blitz has a Crystal from the start(which he took from Verosika when they were dating), but as things get far more hectic up on Earth with more dangers. The Crystal ends up shattering after I.M.P. gets back to Hell after a job, thus Blitz goes to actually confront his past and reconcile with Fizz in order to try and get a new one.
See how easy it is now, to just remove Stolas entirely? They took away a character's purpose of being in the show....that to me, is completely disappointing. Characters, especially those that are suppose to be IMPORTANT, should have a purpose...without that? You may as well just delete them entirely.
Blitz could have had 2 whole Seasons with relating to the past and those that he hurt, that he TRULY hurt(Verosika, Fizz and Barbie) that would actually matter to him as a character. But instead, all these characters are instead shoved to the wayside, for a character who doesn't matter anymore and only actually matters because the writing is FORCING him to matter.
You can write the narrative in so many different ways with what Season 2 gives us, that completely destroys what Season 1 told us. Are we now expected to just....IGNORE AN ENTIRE SEASON?
They can do this whole "sad Stolas is sad and Blitz is hurt and Stolas is going to give him a crystal." Thing all the way to 'try' and fix things, but it'll fix nothing....because the deal between them was retroactively made completely pointless.
The show will continue obviously, but in the back of the minds....it will be a broken narrative and Season 1 is basically buried 6 feet under. As a writer, this really annoys me....because they had how long between Seasons to nail this down? How long have we all waited just in-between episodes? This shouldn't have happened.
Yes, is storytelling hard? Obviously, none of my stories are perfect....but at least the narrative is coherent from beginning to end.
Anyway...I just...had to get this out of my head, because it was really frustrating and I want it to be acknowledged more. The narrative is important folks, if it's broken...that's not a good thing.
I'm still watching this show....if only because I'm knee deep in it now and I still somewhat actually like the characters, but what I don't like...is this broken narrative that is still hanging around with a pointless character that doesn't matter to the show anymore.
Narratives, coherent narratives are important to a story, without it? You don't have characters and you don't have a story.
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rascalentertainments · 20 hours
Wish Granted AU: The 7 Teens 👥👥👥🌟
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This one was both the most fun and hardest one to do. At first I hated the idea of 7 friends in general cause its canon that the directors added them later in the story and they wanted to just have a free reference without actually doing something. But the more I thought about it, the more I could see that they were accidentally given a good opportunity to create a new batch of loveable characters. So many creative ideas with it! Even the original concept shows that they had more thought and personality to them!
And they actually did have some personality in the deleted scenes, both during the distraction plan and the dungeon scenes, they felt more like characters than the final film. They had Seven Dwarves without actually acting like the Seven Dwarves, like how....???
Sorry to say, they did nothing in the movie. (yeah, I watched Wish, it was lame. Moving on.) One thing I want to achieve here is they'll be a mix between the Dwarves and the Mane 6. I swear this makes sense. 😅 Also one big difference here is that instead of being friends with them from the start, Asha meets each teen one by one when she and Star enter Rosas. A few of them even know Flazino, but not on a super personal level, just that he's seemingly loyal to Magnifico and Amaya. The teens know each other pretty well since they all work around the same place, but having them work together to start a revolution and defeat an evil will cement them as friends with each other and Asha and Star.
So let's give a quick rundown on each one. The more the story evolves, this page will be updated for additional backgrounds or changes to them.
Dhalia: Combination of Twilight/Doc. She's still a baker in this in version, and her wish is to become the greatest baker in the kingdom. (I actually didn't know this was something canon to the movie until later, it just something I came up with by coincidence!) She's incredibly loyal to the king and queen (with a bit of a crush on Magnifico) and willing to do anything for the kingdom. And...let's just say her role in the story will be bigger than some other rewrites or even the film itself.
Simon: Combination of Big Macintosh/Sleepy. While he still retains his sleepiness, its a result of losing his wish. He was actually strong, outgoing and jovial before then. Now he just doesn't have any ambition to do anything aside from his daily tasks. His wish was to become a royal knight and protect the kingdom.
Gabo: Combination of Rainbow Dash/Grumpy. He's incredibly loyal, but he hides it behind his rudeness. He's been duped so many times that he doesn't trust people anymore, especially when finding out he's right about the king being no good. His wish he's keeping secret, but it'll be revealed somewhere in the story.
Bazeema: Combination of Fluttershy/Bashful. Still keeping her kindness and ability to sneak up on people from the movie, Bazeema adores nature and especially animals. She gets along with just about all the animals in the forest, the royal horses and even the birds. She LOVES when Star turns into animals, since he's the entire animal kingdom rolled into one! The only animal she's never succeeded with was Sabor. He's just too much like his owners to get along with. 😂 Her wish is to provide a safe haven where all the animals would be safe and recover together if hurt.
Dario: Combination of Pinkie Pie/Dopey. Now I know you're thinking why not have the Pinkie inspiration for Hal? Well, I wanted her to be a bit more of a grounded type of funny instead of zany. Since Dario is based on Dopey, he provides a lot of awkward yet endearing humor. Sometimes he tries too hard, but he means well. He always manages to make Star laugh though! His wish is to bring laughter to Rosas, as he's one of the few who notices not everyone is exactly happy there.
Safi: Combination of Rarity/Sneezy. Despite Safi's allergies, he loves animals and is a bit shy around Bazeema whenever he helps tend to the garden or animals around Rosas. He might have like a hundred allergies, but he's always generous when it comes to helping his kingdom. Even though the King and Queen don't appreciate it. 😅(I'm also playing with an idea of Safi x Bazeema. Not entirely sure. I just kinda....got a small vibe of that from watching the movie. Maybe it was just me.) His wish is to get rid of his allergies so he can carry on a conversation without sneezing. Yeah, that's it! 😂😂
Hal: Combination of Applejack/Happy. Bit of a rougher gal in this one. She, a hard worker, but has a great sense of humor. She even helps be a test audience for Dario when it comes to his jokes, which eventually leads them to become a duo. Hal feels pretty content, so she hasn't really thought about a wish to give.
At one point later in the story when all of them do come together, I got an idea for their battle cry or team signal being "Heigh, Ho!". I still can't believe they didn't even use that in the movie.
Oh and there is still a traitor in this story, but...its not who you think it is. That's all I can say without spoilers. So you'll have to figure it out as it goes along.
And there you go, that's gonna be it for the characters now! The only one that may get one is Flazino, but it would be later down the line if I did to avoid spoilers. So now, the first test chapter is coming next! It'll include the "Welcome to Rosas" song, but with a twist! And my bestie @signed-sapphire is gonna help me with it, so stay tuned! 😉
@wings-of-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @annymation @tumblingdownthefoxden @emillyverse @mythartist21 @kstarsarts @kenihewa
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marredmusings · 3 days
ok i think i might make a series about my jj x reader x pope fic
also kind of dedicated to @starfxkr bc their blog gets me through the jj pope drought that is on tumblr (if you don't wanna be tagged i'll totally delete but i luv you even tho i don't know you
this isn't technically a part two but it's inspired by my previous fic deny
i'm hoping to maybe fully flesh out a whole mini story about them bc i love jj and pope so bad and i wanna kiss them both and have them kiss each other.
please send me prompts or if you have any ideas or you just wanna gush about jj and pope 💜
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i'm a cancer, ok
you've always felt your emotions more deeply than others. you have a lot of feelings and it's not uncommon for you to start tearing up at random times throughout the day when you see something that elicits a strong feeling from you.
kie says it's because you're a cancer and while she's so true because you are the stereotypical emotional water sign, you're not sure how much of your mental state is because of your astrological sign or if you're genuinely a few screws loose in the head.
you remember hiccuping and sobbing into jjs shirt for the better part of half an hour- staining his sleeveless tee with your tears all because you saw a seagull missing a foot and he seemed to be running slower than his other seagull friends. your only relief from the obvious heartbreaking situation was jj softly murmuring comforting words in your ear, his strong arms around circled around your waist, your body snuggled onto his lap. the scene isn't uncommon for the pogues to see. the two of you have always been more affectionate than most.
all of this leads you to where you are now, curled up on your bed sobbing. soft sad music playing in the background making you sob even more. you put on a brave face with your friends but in the sanctuary of your own bed is where you can finally let your feelings free.
seeing pope and jj kiss hurt you more than you originally thought. your mind keeps replaying the scene of the two boys kiss, their lips moving together sensually, saliva being shared. you're sure that if you hadn't interrupted them, the kiss would lead to something more and involving less clothes.
hey google, play "that should be me" by justin bieber.
what if when they start dating they drop you? what if pope isn't comfortable with how touchy or affectionate you are with jj and he stops your cuddles or what if jj doesn't want you to hang out alone with pope because he knows you two kissed. what if they stop needing you because they have each other?
the thought makes a sob crawl up your throat and fat tears roll down your cheeks. you feel like your head is going to explode from how hard your crying. you need them like air, you felt like that even before you and pope kissed and before you realized you're in love with jj. you need them because they're your closest friends- they're the family you so desperately crave because your own doesn't care much for you and you're so scared if they start dating each other then they won't need you.
it's why you give out your love so freely, the feeling of being needed by people is something that is so deeply and inherently buried in your bones. when someone needs you and you can help them, it feels euphoric. a psychologist would probably have a field day with you because if you're not needed, what good are you?
"i'm really confused after our kiss" pope mumbles, nervous to look at jj in the eyes.
"good or bad confused" jj responds.
"is there such thing as good confusion?" pope asks, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. "i didn't think i was gay or bi or whatever and yeah i think some dudes are hot but like i've never wanted to kiss them but i wanted to kiss you!! and then we kissed and it was like... nice but different and i couldn't help but think about gracie and how she and i kissed and how good that also felt and then i felt guilty and-"
"pope, take a breath" the maybank boy utters, effectively cutting off popes rambles.
"i liked kissing you pope. i never let myself be attracted to dudes but it's you, ya know?" jj continues.
"but i also understand wanting to kiss grace. i... well i want to kiss her too." he finally confesses. he's never said his feelings for his grace out loud before.
pope gently stumbles over to where the maybank boy is perched on his bed, he leans in to grab jjs fidgeting hands, grasping them in what he hopes is a comforting hold.
he leans forward so he can give jj a small peck on the cheek. reassuring him that they're ok, that they'll make it through whatever turmoil they're feeling right now.
jj grabs popes face and brings him in for a deeper kiss, lips and tongues touching. it makes jjs stomach burn with desire. after several minutes or maybe hours of kissing, he's not sure, pope reaches up and pulls on jjs soft blond tresses, tugging on the boys hair a little to pull him away from popes lips. they both let out little gasps when they disconnect.
"have you heard of polyamory?" pope asks jj... a shit eating grin on his lips.
giggling and kicking my feet. i love them 💜
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ckygetsjobs · 2 years
dico is in almost as much stuff as bam is and still doesn’t get acknowledged a lot like what
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buqbite · 1 year
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Another day another work in progress as I try to represent my thoughts on ch188, because I think yjh is really the culmination of all that dokja has grown to love in this story and how that was also what leads to his tragedy. twsa is his closest companion and its what kills him at the end
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supemaeve · 2 months
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It's funny, you know, of all the people here, I've known you the longest. Sometimes it just seems like you're the only person I can lean on.
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myfandomhalf · 15 days
Been thinking of Aventurine a lot and the fact Ratio never uses his name
When Jade was talking to him his name was still Kakavasha and right before that the IPC news mentions a “Egyhazo Aventurine” fraud case and Jade mentioned how he lied to the Intelligentsia Guild so it seems very possible to me that Ratio met him before he was Aventurine and maybe that’s why he only ever refers to him as gambler? Maybe he actually uses his real name but knows he can’t say it on Penacony? Just seemed odd how he NEVER says it, not even when talking to other people about him. The only time we hear Ratio say the word “aventurine” is when he’s talking about the stone to Sunday, but he never says it in reference to the person Aventurine.
I’m probably overthinking this but it just seemed like the dialogue was going out of its way to keep Ratio from saying Aventurine, but when there was no way around it they just had him say gambler
Edit: Should add that I play in English and haven’t looked at the other languages, so maybe it just so happens that he never calls him Aventurine in English even tho he does in other languages? In that case this wouldn’t matter at all but I have no idea
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 days
That reminds me of something that I've been thinking about for a long time and is that I don't know if you've ever seen people say that the reason why spoon changed the manhwa of the novel is because of the plagiarism accusations, but, honestly, how much of that is true? Spoon really said that? That was the reason why the story changed? Because there are many manhwas that have changed the story of the novel and do not have any kind of accusation.
I feel like people say it mostly because they assume it's the most "obvious" reason, but I feel like what everyone assumes is obvious isn't really that obvious...
It just bothers me that they put words in the someone's mouth who never said that, if spoon really said that was the reason then that's fine but I feel like everyone is just assuming.
They also say that the reason why Jennette's character changed so much is because she was Spoon's favorite character or that she did more athykiel scenes is because she is team ijekiel. But is that true or are they just assuming?
Spoon hasn't said that, in fact, as far as I know, the changes to the plot were made before the plagiarism accusations (we see changes as early as the debutante chapters). The Courts already sentenced that the manhwa isn't plagiarizing anything, we've been over this.
Spoon has said many times that her favorite character is Claude, and to be honest, that's very obvious to me. Jennette suffers way more in the manhwa, if anything, but she has a happier ending (her ending in the novel wasn't that sad though). I do think she tried to make people like her more, as she was a pretty divisive character in the novel. To various degrees of success.
As for the athykiel scenes, there are actually less in the manhwa too. I think Spoon just wanted to keep the family focus. If you want a crazy conspiracy theory, I would also say the harassment from shippers might have turned her off from writing romance. Idk.
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year
Quick Mizi speculation time!!! Im fascinated with this frame of Mizi because while she looks shocked, she doesnt look scared.
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Talking this over with a friend, shes very much, like, “How could this happen!!!” but also. She doesnt look concerned about herself, like. The more Mizi’s character gets revealed, the more interesting she becomes.
I believe this may tie in with Ivan because they might be foils in terms of how “well off” they were raised. From her demeanor in some ALNST content to her potential ignorance of the circumstances in My Clematis to this brief shot in Sweet Dream, I personally assume…Mizi grew up privileged. She may have grown up in relative safety, and while there may have been some awareness of the universe’s circumstances, I think she grew in an environment where she never thought it would happen to her (until post-My Clematis).
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An important thing to note is that even from that alien moment in Round 3’s teaser up to Round 1, Mizi is under this illusion. Thus, it can be insinuated that she came out of Round 3’s teaser situation completely unharmed and in fact was never in any danger. This can also be concluded by questioning why Mizi was there alone in the first place, with nothing happening until Till appears. Of course, the possibility that they wander in there at relatively the same time, but if Mizi had any sense of the danger any random alien could pose to her…why did she go up so close? Why did she enter far into the room at all? I wouldnt be surprised if her alien master intentionally or not preserved Mizi’s illusion by striking a deal that no alien would hurt her. Or that no harm befalls her, whichever works.
My theory is that Mizi lived well under her master; I personally think Mizi’s master probably thinks of her as precious, whether it be in a pitying way or genuinely cherishing way (leaning towards the latter). Thus, she and Ivan would be similar because they both lived in relative luxury compared to other human “pets”–especially in regards to Till.
The difference between them would be that to their masters, Ivan stays as a pet, while Mizi may have been treated the slightest bit more like a person.
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fragmentedblade · 5 months
Also, Velite/Argenti actual OTP. What's that post about the hero walking into the story and the friend aware of the tropes walking alongside them right into danger because even if they know, because they know, they can't let the hero go alone?
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crimeronan · 10 months
there's an amity POV thing i wanna write for the princess luz AU, but it's truly plotless n largely just involves her being a spectator to one event that has already happened within the AU canon. which is fine i guess, i can do whatever i want and all that
but. i must admit. that 98% of the reason that i want to write this is.... just for amity watching hunter and luz be How They Are. & having a very long moment where she's genuinely and not-unkindly like. okay. Wow. you two really truly honest to god are complete freaks. god bless, love and light, diplomatic phrasing and all that, but jesus FUCKING CHRI-
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sincericida · 8 months
Deleted scene form "The Amazing Spider-Man" (2012, dir. Mark Webb).
“Andrew Garfield in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' is too cool to play Peter Parker”... While precisely in a deleted scene we saw Andrew Garfield trying to play it cool with his skateboard but was too clumsy with.
Deleting this scene, as well as deleting the Connors arc (TASM1); the interactions between Peter & Harry; Max’s arc; the clash between Spider-Man & Green Goblin after Gwen’s death (in TASM2), were absolutely stupid decisions of the studio and have been very costly for the franchise.
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yuwuta · 20 hours
cute nurse yuuta but also unhinged nurse yuuta, you see? nurse yuuta with cold fingers and needles. white rooms and white gloved fingers touching you. nurse yuuta who is making mental notes of every detail of your skin, your needs. and of course the short exchanged words. and who is mesmerized by how softly the needle pierces through your skin, by how you trust him. he's done it a thousand times before, it shouldn't be this special. the delicacy in which his body moves as to not make it any more uncomfortable than it already is. he wonders if he could make you drift away slowly, warmly falling deep into unconsciousness without notice. those thoughts trouble him often. it's tempting.
I always liked hospitals and nursers. And blood tests. It's definitely not the usual harmless Yuuta.
oh…….. the more often he has to graze your skin, to draw your blood, to check your temperature, the more he keeps thinking about how he almost wants to keep you under his care forever…. how he kind of wants to be the only person to have to care for you. 
and it’s not that he wants to hurt you to keep you there, he just wants to be the only one to touch you, he wants to be the only one you trust. and he wants to know everything about you, he knows the ins but he wants to see it affect your outside too. he knows your blood is warm in the vials, but how does it feel against your cheeks when you’re flustered? when you’re happy? when you’re scared? does your skin feel cold everywhere—where are you warm? he’s seen the graph of your heart on ECGs, but who does it beat for? can he make it beat for him? if he gave you part of him, would you keep it, would he be able to live inside of you? they’re very tempting thoughts; troublesome, but tempting….
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abooklover · 9 months
Deleted Cornetto scene 10/10. Now Matthew just the rest of deleted scenes. Or you know what, just to make it easier, release the 3 hour version. Please and thank you.
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jaskiersbard · 9 months
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Chapter Eight - Unable To Stay, Unwilling To Leave
Guess who finally pulled their shit together and managed to upload?! This girl!
I apologise for the delay but I've been ridiculously busy with work and other things unfortunately - but come on, let's be honest, I was *never* going to abandon a fic about Titanic, let alone a Newtina Titanic one! :D It just takes a while to write chapters sometimes due to life and other things getting in the way - I hope that it means the chapter is better for taking the time to work on it instead of just rushing!
Fun fact: I went to watch Titanic the Musical about a week and a half ago, and it was amazing! I had no idea that it was a thing until I accidentally saw an advertisement for it a couple of months ago while perusing pamphlets at my local inn while having dinner with family, and I'm so glad that I went to see it! Honestly highly recommend it for anyone interested in the sinking, even though it's not strictly 100% historically accurate (but it's a musical so we'll allow it some artistic license there), or anyone who loves musicals! It apparently premiered on Broadway six months before James Cameron's movie came out, which I thought was interesting - two different forms of entertainment about the same shipwreck releasing/premiering on the same year is such a coincidence!
This chapter features the scene with the soundtrack that this whole fic is named for, so I highly recommend you listen to the song "Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave" during *that* scene. I really hope I did the scene at least half the justice it deserves because it's one of the most emotional scenes, it's probably one of my favourites, and I cry every time I watch it - you can watch the scene HERE if you're unfamiliar with it (or if you just fancy checking out one of my favourite scenes)!
Unlike the other chapters, this one isn't named after one of the chapter names on the DVD - mostly because the scenes involved all had scene names like "Cal Spurned" and "Get on the boat, Rose" XD I figured it might be an idea to just name it after the piece of soundtrack the whole fic is named after, so here it is!
This chapter is, as always, not beta read and there are probably errors but hey ho!
A quick warning that this chapter features a few deaths - including an important side character.
Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the chapter!
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