naruthings · 6 years
skpsishahajwhwh #1
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
The damn diacritics on AO3 (aka What’s Your Effing Problem Jennie)
(disclaimer here: Jennie is a placeholder name that I for some reason don’t like. No offense to any Jennies meant.)
First few things I’d like to clarify here before I really light into this.
I am, as of March 2020, a member of OTW (Organization for Transformative Works), parent organization of Archive of Our Own, better known as Ao3. I am also a volunteer attached to Tag Wrangling committee, which means I get to see all your dumb shit you write in tags, try to make sense of it and link it to the canonical tags and/or make new ones if enough of you guys write the same thing in the tags. That’s my job that I do without any pay, for no real obligatory amount of time per week, with pleasure because I’m a fan, doing this for fans, to make their life on Ao3 happier and easier to navigate.
I also don’t speak for the OTW as organization, or AO3 as project, or any of the committees there - I speak as me, myself and I. And boy do I have shit to say here.
I am, surprise surprise, a fan of MXTX works. I’m also one of more than a dozen wranglers who’re currently panting as they try to keep our wrangling to-dos in all MXTX fandoms (including Módào Zǔshī, Untamed, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, and Tiān Guān Cì Fú). Yes, over a dozen wranglers. You heard me right. Not everyone there is willing out themselves (for some it may even be dangerous to out themselves as parts of OTW!), but I am willing, and I’m not going to shy away from calling several people, some of which include former wranglers who I have to admit have never met, on their BS.
So, the whole shebang was brought to me when a Twitter user decided that they can speak for Ao3, OTW and Tag Wrangling volunteers - that are about 400 in total right now - and say that one single person, who must be straight, white cisgender American (because why the eff not, this is something Cool Kids Say With No Repercussions Or Second Thoughts), decided to unilaterally decide that all Chinese fandoms, MDZS and Guardian in particular (we’ll come back to that later!), would be using pinyin tone markers. Instead of framing this as ‘this makes everyone’s life difficult, can we talk about this?’, this person decided it’d rather attack the organization; more specifically, a part of organization in whose purview the decision of making standards for canon fandom tags, and the smallest subsection of that part - us.
Yes, you attacked us. Thanks for that. What a nice thank you we get for dealing with your tags (and also, we have to use pinyin too!)
But moving on from my salty feelings.
The discourse that went on from there assumed three things:
One - there’s one MXTX wrangler.
Two - we’re all white American folk.
Three - we do this to spite Guardian and MDZS fandoms.
First one I already disputed (also, we get over 100 tags daily from MXTX fandoms at minimum, and when there are fan events, the numbers can climb up to 200 - do you really think one person could do it and stay sane?). Third one I can also dispute by the fact that I wrangle Liàn Yǔ Zhì Zuò Rén | Mr. Love: Queen's Choice and follow same rules. The rules for diacritics are also not even unique only to Chinese fandoms: Star Wars’ Padmé Amidala tag also has diacritics to name the most well known one, as do Polish-named and Spanish-named characters!
And yet, somehow, it’s only Guardian and MDZS that are being attacked. Why?
Because of the assumption number 2: we’re all darn racist white folk that come from good ole’ US of A.
As someone who’s decidedly not an American citizen (heck, my native language is not even English!) and find it quite offensive to be called that, I’m incensed. I’m incensed on the behalf of all Chinese-descent, Chinese-immigrant and China-inhabiting members that I work with as a MDZS wrangler, wrangler in general and fellow OTW volunteer. I’m incensed on the assumption that the English-speaking fandom, who is primarily based in US, is arbitrarily attacking Ao3, and this time me specifically as MDZS wrangler, on their goddamn entitlement, and claiming that the most international community I’ve ever had the pleasure to be part of as a fan is not taking their opinion into consideration, so therefore I have to be racist.
In not so polite words, go get that stick out of your ass, you special little snowflake.
I literally don’t give a shit if you’re PoC when you’re behaving like a stereotypical Karen on the block. I don’t care how much you wave your ‘I’m a protected group‘ card; if you’re an entitled piece of shit, you’re an entitled piece of shit and I’ll say it.
OTW, and Ao3 as its biggest and most well known project, is not perfect, as I’ve found out quickly after joining - we are a decentralized group of 800+ volunteers from all walks of life and all across the world, who are divided into groups that had to make rules that’ll accommodate an international fandom, and not just US-centric, English speaking one. Tag Wrangling rules have been subject to change before, and they are still subject to change - if the wrangling staff, volunteers and Board all manage to agree on something that’ll be inclusive to everyone, the change can be made, and we wranglers will gladly comply. However, framing this as your goddamn social justice crusade against Ao3, and only using two biggest Chinese-media fandoms in US specifically, stinks of typical entitlement I’ve been dealing since I was thirteen and naively stumbled into Fanfiction dot net, where I discovered fanfic.
I am sick and tired of fractions of US-based fandom refusing to even try to engage into a constructive conversation about fandoms, insisting that the entire international fandom has to accept their frame of mind, while at the same time not bothering to even try and understand our own frames (yes, I’m talking about all the ‘oh, you’re of X ethnicity, you must be an Y nationality’ shitstick I see all the time). I’m sick and tired of issues only being raised once US fandom learns about it, and preferably not even research the background for those things before starting a crusade while they’re at it.
In short, I’m tired of entitled, special snowflake Jennies who think waving their PoC, non-heterosexual, non-cisgender cards gets them a get out of jail card for their shitty-ass behavior. You’re not being crusaders for justice, you’re just being shitty-ass people, and please stop while you’re still ahead.
Talk with us constructively if you want to change, and piss off if you don’t.
This is me fuming at nearly 12 AM, because I can no longer ignore this shit. I repeat again for contrary idjits who didn’t read my disclaimer: I speak as me, myself and I, wrangler of MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS, and also MCQL, and not as spokeperson for either OTW, Ao3 or Tag Wrangling Committee.
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littlestuffstohide · 5 years
Me being random on Nalu
I always go for jealous Natsu or dense Lucy. Natsu juuuust hides it real well. And Lucy's just effing adorable in her denseness. Liiiiiike, she would interpret him liking her as something else out of the blue. Like He's peeking on Erza or the first master. (Totally something I read in a fic which I really need to review). And can I say I love it when Natsu wants to take care of Lucy? He would joke so she would laugh. He'd distract her if she was stressing herself too much. Natsu would always want Lucy to be smiling and happy. I headcanon that when Lucy is busy doing too much work, Natsu would take away her books and force her to rest, eat or relax. I'm rolling in love for all these one-shots I'm reading for the past few days. Let's not forget that there are probably thousands of wonder ful nalu fics and art to read. If you can't find it in tumblr, go for ao3 or fanfiction dot net. It's a treasure trove!
Tumblr media
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
Gifting NSFW Fics?
I must admit I don't know how big of a deal this actually is. I have no idea if, when visiting a writer's profile on AO3 they actually check the fanfics gifted to them. After all, if you're on their profile you're looking for more of their writing style, or ship, or fandom, right? Gifts can be random, or have nothing to do with what the author writes.
Much like going link diving in Wikipedia or Tv Tropes, where one ends up reading about a random topic, I enjoy the rabbit hole that is following an author's gift fics, then the profile of that person and so forth. It's, I feel the equivalent of going after favorites on fanfiction dot net.
I say this for a bit of context, because, maybe no one else does it, but I definitively notice it. I like seeing connections, threads linking authors and eventually I end up discovering some hidden gem or diamond in the rough I would have never because they either undertag or overtag.
Ironically enough though about 20+ of my stories are gift fics, I don't really receive many gift fics of my own. I have 2 or 3? And they're all stuff I deeply appreciate and have saved up, and stuff that sits admist my favorite writing, because it was written for me, thinking about me, and the pure act of friendship and care put into making the day of this dorky girl - it still makes her smile months later.
Anyway, in order for this story to make sense you must understand I also have a few alts. Alts for specific fandoms, and specific content, and ships. It's not that I'm ashamed or afraid of posting those stories, which I very much care and put a great deal of effort into it, but if I posted it in my main account, it'd mean being blacklisted by some in the fandom, no matter who I were writing about.
Anyway, some time ago I received an e-mail notification saying that I got a gift fic on that alt. That confuses me, but super rare as they are gift fanfics are still something exciting, so I pop it open, start reading and uh....
It was nsfw, very much so, it was pure smut, porn without plot. I recognised the author as someone who I had sparked a conversation on a ship fic in that alt, as they shipped it as well.
The gift fic wasn't something I was expecting like I said, and though the gesture was, without a doubt nice and thoughtful I can't help but feel somewhat weirded out. As problematic as the ship is (according to the fandom) my fics are all very G, or, at most pg 13, there's nothing more than that sweet innocence from escapism from real life.
I don't know how to feel. I feel flattered, of course, that that discussion (which extended for 10+ comments) meant so much and inspired them. I feel grateful too, in a way.
But then I feel somewhat uncomfortable. Not with the sex itself, it's not how I write the characters, but I must admit, I'm not that prude when it comes to erotica, but with the fact something like that is connected to a very G for everyone profile.
Even as I feel that I feel guilty, because, they wrote it for me, and who am I to complain? How effing rude would I have to be to demand they remove their gift? What a jerk right? But I'm still considering it.
So what are your thoughts on nsfw gifting? Ask first to know if the gifted wants it? No need to ask at all? Only if the person who receives the fit already has nsfw stuff on their profile?
Thank you for your opinion.
submitted by /u/SomecallmeMichelle [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://bit.ly/30AjeRv
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triscribe · 5 years
for the fic asks! 3, 20-24 aaannnddd...... 18 >:D -Allgoodundertheredhood
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Go read my other response to this number, and you’ll see a cute Bruce and Dick bonding moment that I wrote not long ago! But for this one… I’ma gonna go with a Star Wars thing from early this year:
Rey watched as her new friend poked at the credit chip cupped in his hand, a pensive expression on his face. When the line finally moved up and they stood in front of Plutt’s kiosk, Ezra held the chip closer to his chest, offering up a worried smile. “How much do you straight up charge for a portion?”
The massive Crolute snorted, folding his arms. “Fifty credits.”
“And for a bulb of water?”
“Hundred and fifty.”
“Any chance of haggling on that?”
Plutt leaned forward with a growl. “None.”
It was like he flipped a switch. Ezra straightened up, grinning, and slapped the chip down onto Plutt’s desk. “Great! We’ll take twenty of each.”
Startled, it took Plutt a moment to swipe up the credit chip. After plugging it into his reader, and seeing the large amount displayed, he stammered out a protest. Or tried to, anyway, before Ezra cut him off.
“You said yourself, no haggling.” He made a subtle motion with his right hand that only Rey saw. “You will give us the supplies at the named price.”
“I… will give you the supplies, at the named price.” Slowly, Plutt piled up the bulbs and portion packets onto his desk, which Rey and Ezra were quick to stuff into their knapsacks.
“Pleasure doing business with you!” The old human said cheerfully. “C’mon kid, we’re past due back home for dinner.” He started walking, with Rey quickly trotting after.
“He’s probably gonna send his thugs after us for that chip,” she said when they got to the edge of the outpost. Ezra smirked.
“I figured. That’s why I tricked him, mentioning we were heading home.”
“Where are we going, anyway?”
“To find something I think you could use.”
(Basically, Crazy Old Ezra Bridger winds up on Jakku, adopts Rey, teaches her the ways of the Force and how to build a kick-ass lightsaber, all long before Resistance pilots Poe Dameron and Jacen Syndulla come looking for a map to Luke Skywalker. Is a Thing in Progress I’m slowly working on.)
20. number of comments you haven’t read
None. I don’t get enough comments to not read every single one x’D
21. most memorable comment/review
Hmm, there was one from sharkinterviewee on fanfiction dot net I got for a short thing I wrote about soulmarks and Guardians of the Galaxy - it really made my day at the time:
awwww, my heart 3this was so good. I really loved what you did with the concept. I agree, two very important relationships in his life. And I really like the idea behind the different types of markings for Gamora’s species, and how Terran markings work a different way, and I pretty much love everything you did with this ficsuch a lovely endingabsolutely perfect
22. events you participated in this year
I… attempted Nanowrimo.
…for approximately two days.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
I keep having ideas for a Transformers human!AU where the Autobots are an organization of superheroes and the Decepticons are the league of supervillains and everybody’s got superpowers… I’ve jotted down some notes but never seemed to get around to actually plotting out a story.
I also wanted to write a fix-it fic immediately after watching Avengers Infinity War (several, actually) but none of those happened before the inspiration died faded shifted to other things
Oh! And a “Mister I-Am-Vengeance-I-Am-The-Night Batman is literally the modern day God of Vengeance and The Night” AU. That one is actually in the works, I’m assigning divine dogmas and portfolios to other heroes and villains and may post a first chapter within the next, oh, couple months?
24. favorite fic you read this year
The Wrong Side of Tracks by @grayseeker because not only did it drag me back to my Transformers stuff after months of neglect but also gave me a new pairing to ship! An ultimate rarepair of a ship, but still!
18. current number of wips
@pumpking64 already beat you to it, BUT IN TOTAL since I’ve already counted: two hundred and seven-effing-teen works in progress
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