#Emma Danieli
weirdlookindog · 7 months
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The Last Man on Earth (1964)
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nerds-yearbook · 9 months
In 1968, Dr Morgan spent his days burning corpses, gathering supplies to survive, and trying to see if there was anyone else who hadn't been turned into a vampire by a strange air borne virus. (The Last Man on Earth flm, based on the novel I Am Legend) Morgan assumed he must have been immune due to an earlier experience in his life when he was bitten by a vampire bat in Peru. Morgan’s attempts at companionship always ended in heartache. When he finally found a dog, their relationship was short as the dog came down with the virus. Later, when he finally met what he thought was a normal woman, he found out she was a spy for a new bread of vampires that were evolving into the new dominant species. The new species planned to kill him and the zombie like vampires off, and create a new world. Morgan discovered his blood could be an antidote to the plague, but was murdered by the new breed before he could let them know. ("The Last Man on Earth"/"I Am Legend", Film/Novel)
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Films Watched in 2023:
53. The Last Man on Earth (1964) - Dir. Sidney Salkow/Ubaldo Ragona
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Last Man on Earth (1964)
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Richard Matheson’s 1954 post-apocalyptic horror novel I Am Legend has received three big-screen adaptations, all of which have certain elements that work and their share of flaws too. This one may not be as slick as the later adaptations but it’s moody and exciting. The combination of Vincent Price as the world-weary hero and the ending cements this as the best version.
In 1965, a plague ravaged mankind. Most died, only to return to life as undead vampire-like creatures who crave blood, cannot stand sunlight, the sight of their own reflection or the smell of garlic. Three years later, the last man on earth is Dr. Robert Morgan (Vincent Price). He defends his home from the creatures at night and goes hunting for them during the day.
Although Vincent Price has no one to speak to for a large chunk of the film (some of it is set in flashback to explain how the world came to this sad state) he narrates his character's thoughts as he goes about his monotonous days checking the defences for weaknesses, addressing the dead bodies he finds around the city and hunting any vampires hiding from the sun so he can take their corpses to a pit and burn them. Price’s voice perfectly sets up the mood. He’s very matter-of-fact about everything, reminding us that he no longer has room in his life for luxuries such as anger. He’s become a shadow of himself; not even looking for a cure as much as a way to eliminate the creatures who have taken over the world that once belonged to his people. Even when signs of hope burst through the hardened soil, it’s not long before it gets stamped out. Maybe if he stumbles upon some kind of breakthrough, he'll suddenly find a greater purpose than daily extermination. More likely, he's going to make a mistake and get taken down by the vampires. The third possibility? He'll grow tired of it all and give up. It’s grim and unsettling.
The film captures the feel of the novel (I’d hope so, as it was written by Matheson under a pseudonym) with a couple of deviations here and there. The scenario is inherently interesting. You want to see where what’s coming next. Even with the mostly unnecessary flashback scenes, your intrigue is peaked. Will these hold the clue to a cure somehow?
The flashback scenes are unfortunately where the film is at its weakest for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s pretty obvious the film was shot in Italian and then dubbed into English. Not helping are the voice actors who recorded the dialogue. Most are pretty bad. Some are even worse.
There’s a strange moment towards the end where Morgan’s actions don’t quite match up with everything we’ve been told about him previously (I attribute it to a culmination of tragic events that come in quick succession) that might rub you the wrong way but it leads to a solid conclusion. The way you see it, the plot can go one of two ways and you just don’t know which we’ll get. It makes things tense up until the very last second. The picture’s final act is the reason you'll overlook the flaws and the low-budget (it looks fine overall but it’s shot in black-and-white, probably the first widescreen film in the public domain I’ve seen like this). I've witnessed so many movies chicken out at the eleventh hour. The Last Man on Earth commits all the way.
For Vincent Price alone, I’d say The Last Man on Earth is worth seeing. This is by no means the definitive adaptation of the novel but so far, it’s the best version we’ve gotten. (On DVD, March 23, 2020)
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thebutcher-5 · 10 months
L'ultimo uomo della Terra
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo, dopo veramente troppo tempo, abbiamo ripreso a parlare dei classici Disney, sperando di continuare con costanza, arrivando al loro 39° film animato, una pellicola davvero molto particolare ossia Dinosauri. La storia parla di Aladar, un Iguanadonte che, quando era ancora un uovo, venne trovato da un gruppo di lemuri e fino ad allora è…
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
21 giugno … ricordiamo …
21 giugno … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Elettra Romani, attrice teatrale, comica e cabarettista italiana. Nel 1949 esordì come ballerina di avanspettacolo, poi soubrette, e infine attrice sia drammatica che brillante. Nel 1959 si unì professionalmente e sentimentalmente al comico Alfonso Tomas con cui svolse tournée di avanspettacolo: i due poi nel 1980 formarono il “Duo Tomas”, coppia comica cabarettistica. Nel 1990 lavora in…
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mr-foods · 8 months
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i love the x-men
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moviesteve · 2 years
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The Last Man on Earth https://bit.ly/3d3Y8Wo Four years before George Romero is supposed to have revived the genre, the zombies are already alive and kicking (well, shuffling) in 1964 in The Last Man on Earth, a lurid yet oddly static example of a genre movie with all the signs of something knocked out with little respect for its audience. Unsurprisingly it got little respect back in return. It does have a few things in its favour, though. Vincent Price as the titular last human, and a story by Richard Matheson which would be repurposed a number of times, most famously as The Omega Man, starring Charlton Heston, and I Am Legend, with Will Smith. There’s a legend surrounding the … Read more
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sorrydetka · 2 months
me, a veteran game of thrones stan, looking at team green and team black supporters going at each others throats
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mutuna-x-blog · 7 months
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ffverr · 26 days
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I heard you guys like Emma Frost
(Click for HD!)
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weirdlookindog · 2 years
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The Last Man on Earth (1964)
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fuckyeahalisonblaire · 10 months
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Luciano Vecchio
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storyofmychoices · 4 months
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Tuneless Wonders
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC) Book: The Elementalists Word Count: >600 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings, all the fluff Prompts: @choicesjanuary2024 aurora (borealis); @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma shows Beckett that the tuneless world has magic of its own.
It has been FAR too long since I've commissioned art of these two. So I am very excited to have been able to commission this piece by the ever talented ArtByAinna (IG) to kick off our TE @choicesbookclub
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The vibrant hues of the aurora borealis painted the sky in a mesmerizing dance of celestial colors. Beckett and Emma found themselves at a secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of their friends. The ethereal lights shimmered overhead, casting a magical glow upon the landscape.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Emma teased, lacing her fingers with his as she rested her head on his shoulder. “The tuneless world has its own magic.”
Beckett couldn’t help but be captivated by the enchanting display painting the sky. “Wow,” the only word he could manage slipped quietly from his lips, his gaze fixed on the celestial wonder above.
Emma’s eyes sparkled with a blend of awe and admiration. “Nature's magic is unparalleled. Earth has her own set of spells that she blesses us with."
A surge of appreciation for a magic he had never considered before washed over him. Beckett had read of this natural event in books, of course, but he never imagined them quite like this. In his readings, it was simple. It was science, just a bit of chemistry—an interaction of particles, solar wind, and the Earth’s magnetic field—nothing special. Yet, the reality of what he thought nothing of, now, left him breathless.
Emma’s words continued to resonate with him as he stood entranced. He couldn’t deny the magnificent enchantment surrounding them. He slowly breathed in the cold air, letting it fill his lungs, the moment overwhelming him in the best way. As he exhaled, Beckett attempted to let go of the complexities of magical academia he had spent his life mastering, allowing room for this new appreciation for the tuneless wonders he never would have understood without her.
“It’s breathtaking,” he whispered, his words of reverence drifting from his lips in wisps of warmth against the cold air.
Emma’s gaze met his cool, grey eyes, which shimmered with the colors of the heavens. “Perhaps nature’s magic is the truest form. No spells, no textbooks—just the raw, untamed beauty of the world. Maybe that’s where it all started. Maybe this and other examples of Earth’s magic is the origin of all other magick we know.”
“Thank you.” His fingers brushed tenderly across her cheek as he cradled her face.
“For what?” She smiled softly.
“For sharing this with me—” he began, his gaze drifting once more to the beautiful dance above them. "—for convincing me that there are wonders and magic I still don't understand—" His words were quieter now, “—and... for being smarter than me.”
“What was that?” Emma’s brow quirked with mischief. "I couldn’t quite hear you—"
“You heard me well enough.”
She considered it for a moment. “I think I heard you say I was smarter than you—the one and only, Beckett Harrington. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She rested the back of her hand against his forehead.
He shook his head. “You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Well, if you want me to stop, you know what you have to do.” She grabbed the lapel of his navy peacoat, pulling him closer, their noses brushing together.
His freckled cheeks flushed at her gesture. “You’re impossible.” Beckett’s words were lost as he closed the gap between them. As their lips met, the warmth of her kiss seeped deep into him, a radiant glow that warmed him inside and out, like the gentle embrace of the soothing sun on a cold winters day.
The celestial lights above bore witness to their kiss, a moment of pure magic that rivaled the magic of this world and the magick of their studies.
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I haven't written Beckett in... I honestly don't know how long 2, maybe 3??? years!?! I hope that our Book Club replay of TE will inspire some more Beckett and Emma stories. So far, I really only ever wrote them in my Detention Series.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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braddocklegacy · 8 months
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Psychics of Krakoa
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mcdoessomething · 10 days
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(In order of appearance from left to right: Alyse, Bianca, Dylan, Dani, Emma and Lou :3)
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