#FATHER PLEASE I- you are not sick anymore I will take you to a movie ok
My dad still has not seen Stranger Things. But it's hilarious trying to explain actors to him who are from Stranger Things. I'll be like, ya know David Harbour...from Stranger Things? And to my Dad, David Harbour is Santa (from the movie he didn't get to see and is still salty I didnt go with him to see) or "the funny dad the Red Guy" from Black Widow. Joe Keery is from Free Guy. Gaten Matarazzo is the guest judge on a baking show. Millie Bobby Brown is from Godzilla
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oliviablancmom · 2 months
"Pedriiii - Part II"
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x singlemom!Oc
Theme: fluff, angst
N/A: And here is part two, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I would like to thank each like, comment, reblog, and ask about this imagine. I'm happy that you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I love seeing your reactions. Again, this chapter turned out huge, but I needed every part to make sense. I hope you enjoy it and fall a little more in love with these three.
Warnings: Men being inconvenient in this chapter, people making a child cry.
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Pedri was in a mood; he was training alone in the academy because Gavi did him a favor by opening up to the entire team about his meeting with the woman from the nightclub, who turns out to work for Barça. And now all of the guys were messing with him, especially after Gavi spilled about the ring that was shining on her finger. Seriously, Gavi needs to return playing ASAP because Pedri can't deal anymore with the boy gossip phase.
"Are you sad today?" The little boy asked the player, taking his attention from the movie he was watching on his iPad. "I can bring M&Ms for us; Mom put some packages in her purse, I think she's sad too," he says pouting.
"I'm fine, buddy, just focused. But why is your mother sad? Did something happen?" Pedri asked curiously. In one of the many conversations he had with the little boy, he discovered that the little boy's mother worked for the team, but Pedri hadn't had the opportunity to meet her yet.
"I don't know; Father is supposed to take me this week. Then he screams at her and then at me, and they fight." Pedri swallows the knot in his throat as he sees the little boy's eyes watering; something hurts inside him for seeing the little boy like that.
"You know, those M&M's we were craving for, we finally get to have them," he says in an attempt to cheer up the little boy.
"No way, for real??" He jumped excitedly, and Pedri smiled at him.
"I swear. I'm going with Gavi after the training to get them." Pedri fixed the cap on Axel's head.
"You guys aren't going to eat them without me, right?" He pointed the finger at Pedri, trying to make an angry face.
"What, of course not? I'll bring them for you tomorrow, and also, I wouldn't eat them with Gavi; I'm angry at him," Pedri says as he starts to get his things ready to leave the academy.
"Why?" Axel asks curiously.
"Because he has a big mouth," the boy gasped, looking at Pedri.
"So he would eat everything," Axel says, worried, and Pedri laughs at his reaction.
"Yeah, something like that, buddy."
"Axel, I swear, it's been days since the last time I gave you candy; you shouldn't be this energetic," Isa asked as she watched her child jump from one chair to another. The boy stops, with a little smile on his face, and then back to his jumping games. Isa looks suspiciously at her child.
"Axel..." She calls, getting close to the boy. "You didn't eat any candy, right?" She holds the boy, stopping him from jumping anymore. He looks at her, his head tilts to the side, and a mischievous smile emerges on his little face, the dimples in his cheeks showing up. "Axel Harver," she says unbelievably as she starts to tickle him, his laughs getting louder and louder.
"Mom, stop. Please stoooop, Moooommy." She lets him go, letting him catch his breath.
"Little boy, little boy. I already told your grandfather not to give you too many candies." She kisses his head.
"It was for my friend; I couldn't let him eat alone," the boy said simply, and she smiled at him. Sometimes she couldn't believe how smart he was for his young age.
"No, you couldn't," she smiles, looking at the time on her watch; it was time to go home.
"Get your things; it's time for us to go home." The little boy ran to get his bag.
"Can we stop by Pops?" He asked excitedly.
"Of course, it's been two days since the last time you saw him; you guys are probably getting sick already," she says ironically at the boy, who had his grandfather on his little finger.
"He says that I could start Barça school after my birthday, so I'll be a La Masia boy, mom." The boy says excitedly as they walk towards the parking lot. He and his grandfather had been planning that moment for over a year; the excitement of both was evident. Honestly, Isa was still insecure about the idea of him wanting to be a player; she was too jealous for that, and modestly aside, her son was adorable, he would definitely get some attention. "You think I could play with my friend?" She looks down at her son.
"Well, probably, he's going to Barça school too?" She asked, as she had heard more than once about this friend of his.
"No, in the first team," he says simply. She looks confused at him.
"Well, I think it would take time for you both to be there; maybe you even change your mind about being a player." Her boy made a disgusted face.
"Axel, you are having so much attitude lately."
"But he's already there," he ignores what she is saying. She stops, looking at him.
"Wait, in the first team? Your friend?" The boy nodded happily. "The friend you spend the day with?" He nodded again, as his little eyes focused on something behind her.
"Are you befriending the players?" She asks, but she doesn't get his attention, as he seems to focus on the thing behind her before she can turn to see what he's looking at. He snaps out of his trance.
"Pedriiii!" he screams, and he runs away from her. She was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out as she heard the name. She then turned to see where her boy was going, catching a glimpse of him jumping excitedly into the player's arms.
"You've got to be kidding me," she says to herself.
"That friend of Aurora's is really into you," Gavi says to Pedri, who rolls his eyes. "You should give her a chance."
"I'm not interested; she's not my type." Gavi smiled wide at his friend, ready to comment, but was cut off by the boy who jumped at Pedri.
"Hi Pedri, hi Gavi." The little boy high-fived the two players.
"Hey little guy, no Gavi shirts today?" Gavi asked, getting an eye roll from Pedri.
"No. My mother said I should wear other clothes from time to time," he says with a sad smile, receiving a laugh from both players. "Are you going to get my candy?"
"Yes, I will. Are you here alone?" Pedri asked worriedly. He was used to meeting the boy alone inside the training center or the stadium, but the thought of the little boy running alone by the parking lot gave him shivers.
"Nooo, with mommy, Silly," he says, laughing as if Pedri had told him the funniest joke. Before Pedri could look around to search for the child's mother, his senses were clouded by the familiar scent of perfume that had been stuck in his mind for the past few days.
"Axel, what have I told you about running away from me like that? You can't let go of my hand on the street," the woman said in a sweet yet reprimanding voice.
"I know, Mom, but I had to talk to my friend," the little boy says in an even sweeter voice as he hugs the woman's legs. Pedri was absorbed in their interaction, while the woman's eyes stared at him. He simply couldn't believe it.
"Hi, Isa. Cute kid you have; now I can see the similarities," Gavi was the one to break the silence.
"Thanks, Pablo; he is the cutest." Pedri saw her eyes shine proudly as she looked at the boy, and honestly, Pedri felt dizzy.
"Hey, Pedri. I need to take my mother home and take her to a place," Gavi calls for Pedri.
"Ok, Let's Go! Bye Axel," Pedri wave a quick good bye to the little one, ignoring his mother.
"NO! You can't come, it's personal," Gavi says almost desperately, getting an intrigued look from Pedri.
"Gavira, I spent months taking you to every place; you owe me," Pedri says feeling annoyed as he watches his teammate head to his car.
"Sorry, brother. Ask one of the boys."
"We can take you!" The little voice says behind him. "Right mom, right? We can take him, pleeeease, we can take him, riiiiight?" He says as he jumps, pushing his mother's blazer, whose face was getting red.
"I don't know, we are going to Pops, and he probably doesn't want it."
"Of course he wants," Gavi says almost screaming.
"Aren't you leaving?" The three ask at the same time to the youngest, who looks amused as he gets in his car, leaving the parking lot.
"So you're coming with us, right? Right, mommy?" The woman only nodded, taking the kid in her arms and heading to her car. Pedri follows right beside them; he watches as she puts the little boy in the car seat.
"Axel, stop moving," she murmurs at the chatty boy. Once she finishes fixing it, she takes a step back, expecting to close the door, but ends up bumping into Pedri, who was holding the door. With a push, he closes the door, trapping Isa between him and the car. He takes a breath watching her beautiful face, but then he remembers something that was bugging his mind.
"Is your husband coming with us?" He says in a hushed tone just for her to hear. She opens her mouth to reply but nothing comes out; she brushes past Pedri and gets into the car. Pedri runs his hands through his face; he would kill Gavira.
"Aren't you getting in? We are late," she says annoyingly after rolling down the car window. Pedri grumbles and heads for the passenger door.
There was so much tension inside the car, of course imperceptible to the little one who chatted incessantly in the back seat, telling things to his mother, asking questions to Pedri, and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. Despite the many conversations he had with the little one, Pedri hadn't realized how talkative he was; perhaps the presence of the other players made him feel shy. Pedri returned to his conversations with the boy, noticing the mannerisms he had and now could see how much he resembled his mother: the sweet way of speaking, the sweet and welcomed smile, the dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. Pedri was feeling something strange; the presence of the woman clouded his feelings.
"Pedriiiii," Axel's voice snapped his attention back. Pedri turned in his seat to face the younger one.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Mommy is talking to you." The child pointed to the woman driving. Pedri redirected his focus to her, who glanced at him briefly before returning her attention to the road.
"You didn't tell us your address," she said calmly, the velvety tone of her voice sending shivers down Pedri's spine.
"Um, actually, you can drop me off at this store downtown," he showed her the address. "My brother will pick me up there."
"We can drop you home."
"No, I don't want to cause you any trouble," he couldn't help the sharpness in his tone, and he saw the woman wince and just murmur a little and almost inaudible 'ok'.
After a few minutes, they arrived at the candy store.
"Wait here for a minute," he told the woman, hurrying out of the car as quickly as he could to retrieve his order from the store.
"Oh my God, he's really going to get them," Isa looked at the back seat, seeing her son looking outside where the player walked towards a store, a fascinated look on his face.
"What, Axel?" She asked curiously, not used to Axel admiring someone else like that; normally, he was a shy child around strangers.
"Our candies," he said excitedly. "The ones we wanted but couldn't find, with different flavors."
"Did you ask him?" She turned to look at him, trying not to sound like she was reprimanding him.
"No, he wanted them too. And since I'm his friend, he's going to share them with me, because he likes me, Mom, he really likes me." Isa felt her throat tighten, and her eyes filled with tears. Words could hurt, especially when said to a child. She didn't know what to say to him, but the little boy's excitement comforted her heart.
"Here, buddy, we finally got them," the player gets into the car, snapping Isa out of her thoughts; she silently watches their interaction and how happy her son is. "Are you taking them to practice tomorrow?" Pedri asked as he stroked the child's cheek.
"YEEEEES!" Axel shouted excitedly.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then!" He said smiling at the little boy and then turned to the woman beside him. "Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for this," she said honestly. "You have no idea what this means." The player furrowed his brows in confusion and then exited the car.
The feeling of returning to training with the rest of the team was a great relief, especially when there was the possibility of returning to play soon. Pedri felt ready; the medical department had already cleared him to drive, but they still wanted to postpone his return to the fields. And as eager as he was, he wanted to follow the guidance of the professionals. But still, knowing that he could return to playing soon gave him extra motivation in his recovery.
Pedri was eager to share the news with his little friend, who longed for his return even more than he did himself, but it had been almost a week since the last time he saw the boy. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed the boy running to meet him after training. He thought about asking about him to the boy's mother, but every time he saw her, the ring gleamed on her finger. Pedri didn't want to make a big deal out of it; after all, it was a one-night stand, but he couldn't deny that he was affected. The remnants of that night were vivid in his mind, and knowing that the woman was committed spoiled the images for him.
"You know, for someone who wants to seem indifferent, you're terrible at hiding it," Gavi whispers beside him as they watch the woman approaching with the film crew.
"Hello, boys," she says with a sweet smile.
"Hello, Isa," Gavi greets excitedly and nudges his friend to do the same, but Pedri just nods slightly, which seems to frustrate the woman. She kept her gaze on the player's face, reading every detail as if searching for an opening to say something.
"Here are your lines," she says after a few minutes of silence, handing over the cue cards with the ready-made phrases they needed to record for the Barça One promotion. "It'll be quick," she says, moving behind the man handling the camera, and soon the rest of the crew went to prepare the players.
Gavi was the first to record, while Pedri amused himself watching. Gavi hated these kinds of activities, so something that could normally be quick ended up taking longer because of him. Pedri's attention is stolen when his eyes fall on the woman, who is watching the recordings while making some notes in a notebook and speaking to the cameraman. As if sensing Pedri's eyes, she turns to face him and then walks slowly towards him, stopping by his side.
"You said you didn't know who I was that night," the player says quietly so only the woman can hear him. She looked back at him, her confidence in facing him as if challenging him bringing back memories.
"Are you talking to me now?" She asks in an ironic tone. "And I never said I didn't know who you were, I just said I didn't care," she says convincingly, and there it was, the sharp tongue and tone from that night, the player thought.
"That's not how it seemed, just like the part about being married," Pedri smiles proudly having retorted in the same tone, but the woman's furious look makes the smile disappear.
"It's not like that, and if you didn't keep avoiding me every time I show up, you'd know," she turns her attention back to Gavi's recording.
"You just had to say 'Hey, I have a husband,' it's not that hard," he says as he moves away from her."
Isa didn't want to go out that night, in weeks like that she gets in a terrible mood, there were right and wrong days, and that was a wrong one. But her work friends were eager for a night out , and they kept saying how good it would be for her since she was an ocean of anxiety. So there she was, sitting in the bar watching her friends dancing excitedly, she didn't want to go dance, not yet at least, she still wasn't feeling at her best to enjoy the night like that.
"Hey doll, can I buy you a drink?" A man comes to her side, she looks at him uninterested.
"No, thanks," she says simply, backing at watching her friends.
"C'mon, it's just a drink." He holds her arm getting close to her face.
"I don't want it." she says firmly.
"Oh, don't play hard to get," he touched her hair. "you are too pretty to be here alone." He insisted with a flirtatious smile.
"She's not here alone." The familiar voice cut before she could answer the man. "Take your hands out of my girlfriend" he says in a warning tone, making the woman gasp, Isa looks around to see if there are eyes on them, but for their luck, no one is paying attention.
"You? Her boyfriend? No way." The man laughs looking at Isa. "Aren't him like one of the Barça kids?" Isa saw Pedri's face turning red, and before he could answer she took him by the waist, getting him away from the inconvenient man.
The moment he saw the woman enter the bar, he just knew that he shouldn't have accepted Ferran's invitation to the nightclub. Because from that moment, his attention were on her, just like the first night. He tried his best to try to look uninterested, he even tried to speak and dance with a girl who was in their VIP area. But his eyes kept stealing glances at the woman, and the moment he saw a man on her side, he made his choice, going right into her.
He didn't have the time to answer the man who called him a kid, he had an answer for that, a good one that Isa herself could confirm, but her hand putting him away was distracting, the power she had over him was driving him crazy.
"Barça would end us, especially me, if I let the image of one of their golden boys get messed up because of some nightclub confusion" Pedri looked at the woman's face, her big brown eyes were soft and just like always, were mapping all his face.
The people around them didn't seem to notice who he was especially how they weren't dancing to the rhythm of the music playing. Pedri's hand was over her waist going up and down, she passed her manicured hand by her hair and the action made the smell of her perfume travel to his nose, automatically he bent down to her neck, smelling her inebriated perfume, like someone addicted. The woman was blinding his senses. He thought that the remaining images of their night, which kept playing as a movie in his mind were just the carnal feeling of a good night, but now he was afraid that it was something more, since the fact that only the idea of watching her gets all his attention, and we're everything about her, literally everything.
"Let's get out of here" she murmurs in his ears.
He didn't answer, he only took her by the hand to get out of the club.
That's how they ended up in the hotel room again, they didn't talk, the actions of the desire were speaking for them, Pedri was tasting every piece of her, like a starving man, like it was the last thing he would do. And deep down he thought that maybe it was the last thing, cause a noise kept ringing in his mind, remember him about the ring on her finger. And that makes him snapped at realization, he took the woman's hand who was holding his hair as if she depended on it, and there was no signal of the commitment. He kisses her hand then her mouth, and then all over her breast. She kept murmuring and saying things he couldn't understand, her face was all messed up because of her red lipstick, and he was sure he had the vestiges in his face too.
"You remember what you said to me that night?" He asked her, her eyes looking at him with such intensity that he felt at his chest. She smiles, her cheeks getting more red.
"That you should stop flirting with me 'cause i was hard to forget." She said with a lazy smile as she kissed his face.
"Well you were right"
"I am always right, I said that too, when you call me an arrogant, knowing-all b*tch."
As Pedri was to answer, the woman's phone rang, she picked it up from the bedside table, and the name "Henry" showed on screen, making Pedri rudely distance himself from her. She rolls her eyes as she answers the call, and soon her face turns pale, Pedri watches her with worry.
"What happened? Baby..." She gets up from the bad, "Do not cry, please, don't cry. Mommy it's going to pick you up, my Axel." Her choked voice and the mention of the name make Pedri stand up and approach the woman, who was trembling nervously.
"Let me talk to someone," she says, Pedri stops in front of her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM? HE IS JUST A CHILD!" she screamed sterically, her voice full of pain, making Pedri holding her arms, and try to calm her down. "That always happens, every time, he's just a baby, and every time you guys do this to him." She goes silent for a moment, Pedri felt his heart beating so hard that he could hear the thuds echoing in his ears. "I'll go get him" she says firmly, " I don't care how late it is. I'm not leaving my son like this." She ends the call and then throws the phone on the bed, her hands covering her face as she collapses and cries uncontrollably. Pedri embraces her, his chest full of concern for the woman and the little boy.
"Isa, what happened? Is Axel hurt?" he asks.
"I need to go," she says, stepping away from the player.
"I'm coming with you" She pushed Pedri away.
"No, you're not, you don't need to." She says coldly.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone, not in this state," he says firmly as he gathers their things around the room. Isa looks at him with apprehension and suspicion. Pedri couldn't understand her action. He holds the door, waiting for her to leave the room, and then she huffs in frustration and follows him outside.
Once in the car, Pedri gives her his hoodie that was in the backseat of his car, as thanks to him, the woman's dress was ruined. He drives to the address she had given him, the journey in complete silence except for the sound of the woman typing incessantly on her phone. As they arrive at the destination, Isa takes a deep breath and then looks at the player.
"Pedri, please, promise me, no matter what you see or hear, you don't leave the car, understood? Or you'll make things difficult for me." The desperation in the woman's voice made Pedri's stomach sick; not knowing what was happening was making him desperate. "You'll make things difficult for Axel," she says before he could say anything. And, reluctantly, Pedri agrees with the woman, as he would never do anything to harm the child.
He watches as the woman gets out of the car and rushes into the yard of a house, calling out for Axel. A blond woman emerges from the house and points a finger at Isa. They engage in a heated discussion, but he cannot hear their words. Then he sees Isa push the woman and hastily enter the house. Everything falls silent for a few minutes, and his heart races so fast that he wonders how he hasn't had a heart attack yet. After a few minutes, he sees Isa emerging from the house, holding Axel in her arms. She walks briskly towards the car, with the blond woman following her, screaming insults. Isa quickly jumps into the car with Axel, and the back door closes behind them.
"You can go now," she says, and Pedri turns around to look at her. Her face is red from crying. Pedri starts the car and drives away, not knowing exactly where to go, but deciding to wait before asking as Isa is talking to Axel. "It's okay, love. You're okay now." She says in a calm voice, trying to calm down the little boy.
"I don't want to come back, I don't want to stay with them, they're all mean to me," he cried so hard that Pedri stopped the car, deeply concerned for the kid, as he had never seen him cry like that before.
"You don't have to, Mommy promises you won't go back there, at least if it's something you want." Pedri turns to look at them, observing the woman wiping the tears from the little one's face and giving him a tight hug. Their eyes meet, and Pedri sees so much pain in hers.
"What's going on? This is tearing me apart," he says as he gestures towards them.
"Pedriiii?" Axel spun so quickly to look at the player that Pedri feared he had snapped his neck. He leaped from Isa's arms to the front seat and hugged Pedri tightly. Pedri simply held him back, while Isa looked on in complete awe at her son's rapid change of mood.
"I'll finally be able to eat my candies," the little boy says with a sweet excited voice.
"Axel!!" Isa says laughing at the boy's innocence.
N/A: SOOOOOO, what did you guys think? Writing the last part, breaks my heart, because I know their situation, me being mean for not telling you guys 😏
So, the next chapter will be the penultimate one, and then there will be the final one, and then the bonus. As mentioned in the previous chapter. Of course, it all depends on how much the characters are talking to me as well...
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megamindsecretlair · 5 months
The King and I, Part 4
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT AND ANGST. Mentions of violence, forceful touching. PIV, Fingering and oral (fem receiving) , all consensual. Doesn't follow canon of the movie.
Summary: You hid in your room unwilling to witness any budding love between King Ghezo and his new bride. You hid in your room until you could not take the loneliness anymore and decided to not let this define you. An unexpected conversation allows you to see things differently.
Word Count: 5,636k
A/N: What a way to come back from being sick, I hope I still got it LOL. This one definitely had to marinate because he needed to come correct! I hope you enjoy! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @notapradagurl7 @honeyoriginalz @gg-trini @eggnox @naj-ay444 @sheepywritesfics @westside-rot @twocentuar @pinkpantheris @tchallasbabymama @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @abeautifulmindexposed @neawarren @monaeesstuff @blackerthings @melaninpov @1-800anklebully @mogul93 @softimgyu @henneseyhoe @blowmymbackout @softscorpio17 @theunsweetenedtruth @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @badassdoll @kinginwithbreezy-blog @chrishy973 @skyesthebomb @blackelysian @yayasworldview @wakandamama @thadelightfulone
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You hated her. You hated everything she represented. You were sick to your stomach at the mere thought of her hands all over him, her laughter making him smile. At the thought of her sitting in “your spot” with the King, watching the sunrise that she’s probably seen a hundred times by now. 
You spent the majority of your days in your room avoiding them. You took your meals in your room and spent your days reading or looking out over your balcony. You didn’t care what people thought.
You were a mountain and no one could scale it if you didn’t wish it so. You were unyielding. You were…lonely. 
The King had been a saving grace from that loneliness. You finally belonged to someone and that feeling was invaluable to you. Someone would actually care if you fell off the face of the world. Or so you thought. 
Tomorrow was the wedding and you were expected to attend, just like the first wife. Was this why she was so silent? Did she silently hate you that whole time? Forced to concede her spot at the table to someone newer, younger? 
You sat on your bed with your knees drawn. You stared at the dress you were expected to wear at the wedding. You hated that dress. You wanted to rip it to shreds and throw it at the King’s feet. 
The anger and hate felt better than the burning sadness in your chest. How it burrowed. How it ate at every vein and cell in your body. The sadness took everything. It stole your breath, your dreams, and your very will. You cried yourself to sleep every night this week.
Every morning, the King knocked on your door and begged you to listen to him. To talk to him. He asked you if you would kill him today. You were too sad to entertain your little game. 
In one fell swoop, he gave you the greatest night of your life and the worst morning you ever lived through. 
You couldn’t get over the embarrassment and shame. How everyone stood and looked at you while he introduced…her. They were all in on it, meeting her, and talking to her. No one ever did anything like that for you.
You were tossed like garbage at his doorstep. There was no grand welcoming. Just a sassy eunuch who saw you for the common village girl you were. 
Fresh tears fell from your eyes but you wiped them away. Fuck this. You did not break. 
You did not break under your Father’s cruel hands and words. You did not break when your Mother begged you to accept the latest farm owner, sheep herder, or market owner who dared ask your Father for your hand in marriage. You did not break when men put their hands on you when your Father wasn’t looking. You did not break when girls in the village would spit on you, tear your hair, or call you names to your face. You did not break when they would trip you and make you spill buckets full of water. You did not break when you had to turn around and go back to the river to fill them up again. You did not break.
You got out of bed and called for your servant. She entered a moment later, eyeing you wearily. You had been icy towards her and her attempts to help. You apologized and she helped you get dressed in a bright orange dress and wrap your hair up in a scarf. You left the room, breathing fresh air for the first time all week.
You did not care if you ran into the King and his new little bride. Let her have him. You only wished he planted a baby inside of you already so that you fulfilled your duty as a wife and he had no more cause to touch you. 
You kept your head held high as you made your way to the training grounds. The sounds of clashing swords met you first as you rounded the corner. Even with all these people in the palace, you were still alone. 
You took up your post and watched the Agojie run through their training drills. You watched as they sliced up straw dummies. As they practiced with swords. As they drilled, taking each other down. Their ferocity gave you chills. 
After they dueled, they always helped each other stand with jokes and a smile. Through sweat and tears, they continued through, bonding in ways you could only look at. Never participate in. 
The sun reached its peak, so you decided to move on. You needed to stretch your bones. Feel the grass beneath your feet. Remember that you were somebody before the King and you remain somebody after. 
In the palace gardens, you circled the wide space looking at all of the exotic flowers. They bloomed and stretched towards the sun. You walked around the path, scrunching the grass beneath your toes. As far as sensations went, you preferred the sand. Maybe you could visit the sandy beach tonight. 
No one cared where you went or what you did. That thought still made you sad but you could also think of it another way. No one was watching you. There was freedom in that. You could move through the halls with no one to gauge your every footfall. 
You rounded the base of a thick tree and nearly stepped on the first wife’s hand. “Oh! I’m sorry!” You stepped back and she looked up at you.
She was sitting in the grass with a baby in her lap. Her other son toddled after a butterfly. 
“I’ll leave,” you said.
“It’s okay to love him, you know,” she said. You turned back around and looked at her. She adjusted the squirming baby in her arms. You finally recognized that she was breastfeeding. 
“What?” You asked. 
“It’s okay to love the King.” She continued to adjust the baby until it latched onto a nipple and settled down. She cooed to him and encouraged him. You looked at her face. She still looked as calm and blank as she ever did. This was perhaps the first time you ever heard her speak. 
She was silent during the council meetings. Silent at breakfast. At least this answered your questions on if she could even speak. 
You dropped to your knees beside her and absently picked at the grass. “How can you not hate me?” 
She smiled at the toddler as it giggled and fell back on his butt. He climbed to his feet, little face concentrated as you’d often seen the King look, and then chased after the butterfly again. 
“I have no hate in my heart for something I cannot control. I knew I would not be his only wife, the only bearer of his children. He is a King. He is expected to have many wives to show how rich he is. How prosperous. He is to be surrounded by it,” she said. 
“Didn’t you want to tear my eyes out at breakfast?” You asked. 
She giggled and it was a light, tinkling sound that made you smile with her. You didn’t feel like you were being mocked or talked down to. In a lot of ways, she made you think of your best friends back in the village. You’d give anything to talk to them right now. 
“You were enjoying your marriage. You are supposed to kiss your husband,” she said and shook her head. “Kissing him takes nothing from me. Being in his bed does not mean he will not still come to mine.” 
You were not as gracious. The thought of him being in anyone else’s bed made you sick with anger. Like you wanted to light the whole place on fire and let it burn. What she was saying was no different than what the King had told you. He had a special relationship with her as he hoped to have with you. As he will have with…her. 
“Why are you speaking to me now?” You asked as you continued to pick at the grass. 
“Why did it take so long for you to speak to me?” She asked and shrugged. “In a lot of ways, you are still young. Your emotions pull you through the world. You had to experience all of it before you were open to anything I had to say,” she said. 
She moved the baby to her shoulder and placed a cloth there. She tapped on the baby’s back. 
A fire boiled in your gut and you wanted to call her names. You wanted to scream and rage that she didn’t know you. She had no idea what all you’d been through to bring you to this point. It wasn’t her damn business what you did with the King. But you swallowed it all back down. 
You needed this connection to someone else. To someone who’d been through this already. “Alright then, what is it that you have to say?” 
“It is okay to love the King. You may think that you only get a piece of him because he gives pieces of himself to the land, to the kingdom, to the council, to the Agojie, to the Oyo, to me. He gives all of himself to the land, the council, to me, to you. He is who he is,” she said.
You laughed bitterly and rolled your eyes. “Did he put you up to this?” 
She smiled. “The King cannot make me do what I do not wish to. I wish to not live in a bitter household with slammed doors and a sad King. I like my King happy. You make him happy,” she said. 
The toddler fell forward and began crying. You moved to get up but she held out her hand. “He will be alright,” she said and waved him off. You watched as the baby cried and cried, looking towards the first wife. When he realized that she wasn’t getting up, his cries slowed. Then he sniffled and hiccuped until he wiped his eyes, stood up, and kept moving. 
“How can you be so calm about this?” You asked. You were about to explain further, that she seemed so knowledgeable about…everything. But she looked at you and smiled.
“I will spare you the details of how I got here, but you can picture it,” she said. She held out her arm. There were gouges, scratches, and burns marring her skin that made you hiss as you looked at them. “I’ve already survived the worst things men can do to women and I’m still here. I’m happy, I’m fed, I have two beautiful sons. I’m safe. 
“But do not think for one second that I am calm. I am expected to push these children out for a man in constant danger from enemies. To political rivals or discontent in the palace. One hint of weakness and they will come for my babies. Or, they will grow up and be expected to give their lives for this kingdom. They will be cut down or full of holes from those bullets the devils brought with them. I am the furthest from calm. Because if I lose my babies, as it stands, the King will lose his hold on this kingdom. You have not given him sons. This new bride may or may not, remains to be seen. And he is the best king we have seen in a long time.”
“So I am to be a broodmare no matter what,” you spat.
“You are to be a wife to your husband! And the only one making it difficult is you! And your childish notion that you are supposed to be the only one he cares for. It is not all or nothing! You cared for your Mother and Father, didn’t you? Your friends? Your family? Some knot-headed little boy who smiled at you from time to time? Did you expect to be the only one they cared for as well?” 
It may be childish but it wasn’t a stupid notion. After being picked last your whole life, it was difficult to conceive of a world where you weren’t the only person in your husband’s life. 
It was not uncommon for regular men to have more than one wife. The really wealthy ones took more wives to basically create a labor source for their businesses. Some chose to only have one partner, like your parents, and look how miserable your mother was. Perhaps she would have been better had your father had multiple wives. 
Then again, your father was so evil, it was a wonder he managed to trap your mother in marriage. He was not capable of love in his heart. And you would not wish him on anyone else. You would have liked to have siblings though. Perhaps you would have learned to share better.
“You’re an annoying older sister I never had,” you told her. 
She laughed and it transformed her whole face. She looked much younger and softer as she did so, throwing her head back. “You are a stubborn younger sister I wish I had,” she said. 
Your chest swelled with an inexplicable feeling of closeness. She held out her hand and you took it. She squeezed it. “It can start with us. We don’t have to be enemies,” she said. 
You told her your name. She smiled. “I’m Ayi,” she said. 
Topics moved on to much better things like her children, the Agojie. You did mention some things about your upbringing. Your story became much clearer once she realized that you were an only child. It wasn’t by choice. In fact, it was a constant source of irritation with your father. 
The sun was starting to disappear in the sky. You had been out with her all day long and hadn’t realized it. Her sons were growing sleepy and it was time for them to eat and go to sleep. She asked that you at least kept an open mind. She didn’t like seeing her husband pouting into his breakfast.
You did take some pleasure in that. You didn’t doubt his feelings towards you, you only wished that he had been more upfront with you. This self-imposed exile was more for you to get a handle on your emotions. To have time to sift through your thoughts and feelings so that you could examine each one with care. 
But you’d be a liar if you weren’t grateful that he hurt, even just a little. It was a rotten thing to wish for your husband, but it was true. You wanted him to feel a fraction of what you felt this past week. The pain, hurt, and shame at being made a fool of. 
As if your thoughts summoned him, King Ghezo stood outside your room. His head was down and pressed against the door. His hands were planted on either side. He wore dark blue robes today filled with intricate square designs. His hair looked soft enough to sleep against and your fingertips ached with the memory of running your hands through it. 
You stopped short to look at him but he must have heard you because he looked up. He faced you and took a few steps forward but you stepped back. You weren’t ready to face him. You weren’t prepared to see him just yet. You thought you’d see him tomorrow, during the wedding as you tried not to puke through the whole thing.
“I thought you were inside,” he said. His voice was soft. Your chest ached. His voice was one of the things you’d grown to look forward to hearing. Not hearing it these past few days hurt more than you were willing to admit.
“If I interrupted a speech, continue,” you said. 
“That was not how I intended you to find out.” 
“Did you know that you had already procured another wife while you were fucking me?” You asked. 
His face twisted up and he sucked his teeth. “Don’t say it like that,” he said.
“Like what? Isn’t that what it was? Were you not fucking me while you were thinking of getting a new wife as soon as we were done? Fucking a baby into me so that you could move on and make more?” 
“Do you want this conversation where everyone can hear?” He asked.
“They hear everything else.” You folded your arms across your chest and wrapped anger around you like a cloak. 
The King took a few strides forward and you stood your ground as long as you could stand it. When he got within arm’s reach, you stepped away. 
“Will you not even let me touch you?” He asked.
“Answer my questions,” you said. 
“After everything we shared, do you think I was only fucking you? Is that really what you believe?” He asked.
It was hard to look him in the eyes because he looked so genuine. So genuinely hurt that you thought so little of him. But words meant nothing to you. They never did. Actions always spoke louder than words. 
“How long did you know that she was coming before you climbed in my bed?” 
“I have been in negotiations with her father for months before you came into my life. But we had months still before we could come to be allies against the Oyo. When he heard that I married you, he panicked. We tried to assuage his fears but he is…a strange man. He sent her anyway. I had planned to tell you while we were at the beach,” he said.
“So you waited until she was here to tell me?” 
“How was I supposed to know that she’d show up the next day or that you would let me touch you that night? What can I say to make you believe me?” 
“I want the truth!” Tears were starting to burn in your eyes. You hated this. You hated feeling like you were on opposite ends again when you had found your way to trust him. To love him. 
“Have I not given you everything you wanted, eh? You asked for space, I gave it. You asked for patience, I gave it. You said I earned your love and you won’t even let me kiss you. You hid all week from me. I am your husband!” 
“You are my King!” 
The King reared back as if you’d slapped him. “I am your husband!” 
“You are my King!” You stepped away and he followed you until your back hit a wall. You thought you were stepping back in a straight line, but he had backed you into a corner at an angle. Your hands dug into the stonework, hands trembling.
“You want the truth? The truth is that I did not know she would arrive so soon. I thought I had more time. I thought I could spend more time with you, while you looked at me with love still in your heart. I did not know that you would let me touch you, let me take you to bed. That you would share your body with me. If I am guilty of anything, it is being selfish. Selfish with every little bit of yourself you’ve given me. I want more. I want to know your every thought, every smile, every word that crosses your lips. If you wish to kill me, then go ahead,” he said. 
He stepped back and took off his robes, throwing it on the ground. His chest heaved with the passion of his words. He opened his arms and looked at you. 
“Finish the job we joke about too often.” He slapped his chest. “Stab me in the heart that beats for you. Stab me in the chest so that I can have a wound outside that matches the wound inside at the thought of never touching you again. Never kissing you. I have changed so much about how I do things, for you. I am a King. I do not have to explain myself to anyone. And yet I will explain it all to you if you wish!” 
Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you watched him and listened to him. You didn’t even know why you were crying. He was offering you everything on a platter and you did not know how to cross the gap to him. As if there were invisible hands wrapped around you, pulling you from him, keeping you from just flinging yourself into his arms. 
Your Father always said that you made things difficult. Ayi said the same thing. You didn’t trust when things were easy. If things were, it could be taken away just as easily. 
The King got to his knees at your prolonged silence. Flickering candles in the hallway danced across his skin. His eyes were narrowed and focused on you as he looked up at you. 
“Do you wish me to beg? To plead? To send her away? Ask me. Ask me to send her away and I will spite a kingdom for you. I cannot explain why you affect me in such ways. But I am here on my knees the night before a wedding, wanting you.”
You got to your knees as well. You scooted close to him and looked him in the eyes. “I want the truth from here on out. I…will get used to you having more wives or children. I won’t like it. But I don’t like to be blindsided and made a fool of. Can you promise me that?” 
You were tired of fighting. Tired of trying to remain so strong that no one could knock you down. There was no one here to tear you down. There was no Agojie waiting in the winds to kill you. If you were lonely, it was because you made yourself lonely. And it didn’t have to be like that. You had Ayi and you had the King. 
“I promise,” he said. “I vow to you as your husband.” 
You kissed his cheek. “Then I will choose to forgive that you waited until the morning after loving me to tell me you’re getting married,” you said. 
He sighed and dropped his head. “Can I make it up to you in a different way?” He asked. 
You raised an eyebrow at him. “How will you do that?” You asked.
A mischievous glint entered his eyes as he pressed his lips to yours. You sighed, instantly melting into the kiss. You missed his lips on yours. His arms wrapped around your body as he held you closer, tighter. Your arms wrapped around his neck and clung to him while he kissed you. While you felt just how much he missed you with every pass of his tongue against yours. 
You didn’t know how long you stayed there kissing him, but you never wanted to get up. Your knees protested otherwise. You shifted one too many times and the King finally picked you up, never breaking your kiss. He pressed your back into the wall, holding you up and kissing the absolute breath from you.
His hands cupped your ass, squeezing you. You moaned into his mouth. He never failed to ignite something deep within your core. A hunger that simmered just below the surface until you were able to draw it out with his lips on yours. His hands on your body. You’d only had him once and it wasn’t nearly enough. 
He moved you, somewhere finding the energy to open your door and push inside. He closed the door with his foot and then walked you to your bed. He placed you onto it, your back hitting the soft cushion. 
“Let me give you the wedding night we should have had,” he whispered. 
Your balcony was open as it usually was, blowing a soft breeze into your room. It felt amazing over your feverish skin. The candles were lit, thanks to your servant, the covers turned down just waiting for you to get inside. You were thankful that you weren’t in here alone. 
You nodded. “Please, I’d like that, husband,” you said.
The King smiled and covered you with his body. He was heavy and you made an oof sound underneath him, but you clung to him so that he wouldn’t let up. You liked being crushed by him. You rubbed your body against him like a cat, needing to feel him everywhere. 
He took his time kissing you, content to just lay there with your legs wrapped lazily around his hips. His hand cupped your jaw, his thumb lightly rubbing your cheek. Your hands grazed his back, feeling the wide expanse of him. The broadness. You lost yourself in just touching him. Feeling him. He was as close as possible and he was yours. 
It could have been hours you spent there kissing him yet it felt like none passed at all. Your lips turned numb from the brutal heat of his kisses. His lips moved downward, trailing liquid fire down your jaw and neck. He planted kisses there as well as his hand moved lower to grab your ass again. Squeeze your thigh.
Your chorus of moans seemed to only pitch higher as he moved his hand back up to unwrap your dress and reveal your breasts. He took his time worshiping them. Squeezing them and suckling them into his mouth. His tongue flicked over your nipples causing your thighs to tighten around his hips. If it weren’t for his body in the way, you’d be squeezing them shut needing some type of relief or friction.
Your clit throbbed the longer he took his sweet precious time with your nipples. He rolled one between his fingers and you couldn’t help moving, stretching, needing him to do more. 
“Is there a problem, wife?” He asked. 
“More,” you moaned. 
He smiled against your breast, licking the underswell of it. He pinched your nipple and you cried out at the unexpected bite of pain. “I think I like you twisting like this,” he said. 
“Husband,” you moaned in warning. You would not last like this. This was too much. Too much sensation and teasing and he hadn’t even touched your wet pussy yet. You felt the arousal slowly leaking from you. You needed to feel him inside of you, filling you up. 
“Wife,” he mocked by mimicking your moan. He kissed his way down to your stomach. His hands left your breasts, moving further south to tease at your entrance. His hand played with your damp curls and you hissed, loving and hating that he was finally touching where you wanted him to.
 He nibbled on your lower stomach and you moaned, your hands digging into his curls. He lifted his head and looked at you as his fingers moved between your folds and found your clit. Your mouth dropped open as he played with it, swirling your arousal all around sloppily. 
“Love that face you make, wife,” he said. 
You fought to look him in the eyes and let him see you. See how he was making you feel. You didn’t know what to do or how to make him feel just as good. But that would come in time. You had many years with him. Many years to learn each other’s bodies. 
You bit your lip and moaned as he rubbed his thumb around your clit. It was slow and lazy as if he had all night to bring you pleasure. The stirrings of your climax tighten your belly and you flopped onto the bed, unable to keep eye contact. You let yourself feel his hands on you. His lips returned to your belly as you tensed up and let go. 
You let go of all that tension and anxiety you had been carrying the past week. The sadness and loneliness that hung around you like a demon. You shed the anger and shame as your eyes rolled back into your head and your back bowed from the bed. 
Your breaths shuddered as you calmed down. The King kissed his way down your body and spread your legs open. You didn’t know what he could see, but you did see him smile. The hand he used to finger you, he placed it on your titty and began to massage your nipple with your juices.
“Ouue,” you moaned. Crisp, lightly salted air blew into the room over your wet nipple and your thighs tingled. 
“Louder, my Queen,” he said.
His lips descended on your pussy like a cat lapping up milk. His tongue swiped against you slowly, taking long swipes from your entrance to your clit. You moaned and yelled to the ceiling. Your fingers dug into his curls, pushing his face in. You hoped you weren’t hurting him, but you didn’t know how you could stop. 
You cried out when he suckled your clit. You felt like you were dying and being rebuilt brick by brick. Every pass of his skilled tongue notched your climax higher and higher, reaching the peak of the tallest mountain. 
You pulled on his hair as you came once more, gushing all over his mouth and the sheets. You whined as your legs shook, body moving uncontrollably. The King chuckled as he kissed your thighs, your belly, in between your breasts, and up your neck. 
“Are you alright, my Queen?” He asked. 
It took you a few deep breaths before you trusted your voice not to break. “That would’ve been our wedding night?” You asked. 
He grinned and kissed your cheek. “Every night since then if you’d have let me,” he said.
You melted into the bed. You shook your head. “Liar,” you said. But there was no heat behind it. 
“I wish to feel you, husband. All of you,” you said.
“Are you not tired?” He asked. But he was already moving his trousers down, off of his hips. The fabric hit the floor and he was pushing himself up off of you. 
“Not of this. Not of you,” you said. You pulled him into a kiss, tasting and smelling yourself on his tongue. It only made you want him more. You liked claiming him in such a small way, only between these kisses. 
“I love you, wife,” he said.
“I love you, husband,” you said.
He moved in between your legs, sliding his knees high under your thighs. He pushed you wider than you expected, guiding the head of his dick to your slick folds. He got the tip of himself wet and then slowly pushed into you.
Your hand flew to his chest. “Slow, slow, slow,” you moaned. 
He slowed down, slowly pushing his way inside of you. Your body relaxed, letting him slip inside with ease. “You’re so beautiful, wife. Filled up with me,” he said. 
“Shit,” you moaned. Your legs shook on him as he began to slowly fuck into you. You were outside of time as he moved inside of you. You stared into each other’s eyes. You were pure feeling. 
He kissed you in between strokes. You couldn’t keep your lips off of each other. Whispering in between kisses. How you missed each other. How you loved each other. How you wanted this to work in between you. How he wanted to plant babies inside of you and watch your belly grow with his children. 
“I want to keep you, wife,” he whispered against your lips. 
The glide of his dick moved easily inside of you. Like he fit there. Like you were made for each other. And for this moment, you let yourself believe it. You were meant to be here in his arms. 
Your mouth dropped open, limbs weak, as a powerful climax ripped through you. You cried out to the sky and heavens. You didn’t care if you woke up the whole palace. You cried until your voice went hoarse. You squeezed around the King’s dick.
“I’m yours, my husband,” you said. 
He looked into your eyes while he moaned and finally climaxed himself. His dick pulsed inside of you and you savored the closeness of his body. The heat of him. The feeling of him on top of you. He was yours and you were his. 
When he was finished spilling inside of you, he dropped to one side panting. He slipped out of you and pulled you toward him. You faced him and he pulled you closer, pulling your leg over his hip. You were completely enveloped into his warmth. 
You talked until the morning light. Both unwilling to allow something as small as sleep interrupt this time together. He made you tell him all about the books you read while you were hiding. He tried to make you talk about every thought you had but it was impossible to remember every single one. 
You giggled well into the morning, kissing in between, and talking about the things you missed as well. All too soon, it became increasingly obvious that he would have to leave to get ready for his little wedding.
The thought still pierced your heart with an arrow. But you’d try to get over it. You’d try, for your sake and for the sake of the household. Ayi was right. You didn’t want to live in a broken household full of tension and unsaid things. You had enough of that growing up.
“Go, go get ready,” you said. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. 
You took a deep breath. “No. But you are a king. Who am I to get in the way of that?” 
He kissed you, his lips lingering against yours. His thumb caressed your cheek. “My beautiful Queen,” he said. “Will you kill me today?”
“The day is young, husband.”
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The Secret King Ghezo Files | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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theprismyyy · 7 months
Honestly, I read on several different platforms, both here on Tumblr, and on Wattpad, ao3 and others... and so, in general, they are all great apps with great stories to read, but there is one thing that bothers me about all of them, mainly and especially on Ao3, and the amount of disgusting content involving serious subjects like incest, rape and others that I won't bother mentioning here; What irritates me most about this is the lack of filter in the app.I'm only saying all this because the following happened, I was simply reading some stories about Gwen Stacy on the said app (ao3) when I came across atrocities like a fanfic whose plot was literally an incestuous relationship between Gwen and her father....man , I just wanted to read some fluffy fluff and not come across unnecessary and unsolicited material, I didn't bother opening this (obviously) and I didn't even want to, I was honestly disgusted... Also, I came across another whose plot idea was even more horrible... I don't know, it all just made me think that maybe these apps need more serious and firm rules and punishments in the face of these things; such serious and criminal topics being written in a sick manner to normalize and entertain more disgusting and sick people is still dark, it's even darker how little we talk about it and how little the developers seem to care, I imagine dealing with demands so big ones must be extremely difficult but we don't even see a movement to deal with these things...IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S JUST A CHARACTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER HE OR SHE DOESN'T EXIST, FUCK YOU AND YOUR SICK SHIT THAT USES THIS AS AN "ARGUMENT" TO WRITE CRIMINAL THINGS AND FEED YOUR FANTASIES DISGUSTING!!!! WHAT WE WRITE AND CONSUME SAYS A LOT ABOUT THE TYPE OF PEOPLE WE ARE AND IF YOU CONSUME IT AND DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH THIS TYPE OF CONTENT THEN PLEASE FUCK YOU
Anyway, this was just me venting because honestly I was extremely uncomfortable, I just wanted to read some nonsense and I had to come across something so sickening.
Edit: Apparently this is necessary as I may not have been as specific on some points and some people don't seem to understand (or don't want to understand)
It wasn't a personal "attack" on the Ao3 platform, I just used it as an example because that's usually where this type of work ends up appearing more.
2. Yes, I know and use the filtering system, Still, I think they are very often very flawed... besides, many of the people who write this type of content use tags that have nothing to do with the plot of the story to achieve greater visibility.
3. Yes... teenagers have sex 😱 wow what an incredible discovery!!! I know a lot of movies, shows, etc. portray this openly, I personally don't feel comfortable writing smut in general and everyone has their own opinion about it, but I understand there are a lot of writers who do this normalization and trivialization of a CRIME!
4. I know that many people use writing as a coping mechanism, but I think it is very unlikely that a person who has been through a situation, such as rape, for example, You'll write about it like it's something sexy or the best experience you've ever had in your life, like a lot of these types of writers do.
5. Yes, one of the joys of writing is that we can explore the deepest, most complex aspects of humanity without directly hurting anyone, and I love that, but we need to take responsibility for that.
6. There was a guy here who literally said that it's because of people like me that you can't have porn on Tumblr anymore...but why would there need to be porn here? Why just not open on an adult site like pornhub or xvideos?
7. I was indirectly called a facist through a Hashtag.... not supporting the normalization of rape, incest, etc. apparently makes me a facist😍
(I really am completely willing to hear opinions and comments, but I will not tolerate disrespect in the comments. That's it and thank you)
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rogueddie · 2 years
Eddie wasn't worried that Steve never said "I love you", not at first.
It was too early in the relationship! Then, Eddie didn't feel ready to say it either. Then, maybe Steve sees it as a whole thing. Then, maybe Steve wants Eddie to say it first? Then... and then...
But Steve loves him. Eddie can see it so clearly and, when he turns to Robin for advice, she confirms that she can see Steves love for him just as clearly. The problem isn't that he isn't loved, the problem is something with Steve.
Eddie won't make it worse for him. He's going to stay by Steves side for as long as he'll let him. He's going to tell Steve that he loves him. He's going to make sure Steve at least knows that much. He's going to stay by Steves side until he's ready.
He can wait. So he does.
Until, inevitably, he ruins it. His impatience, his curiosity, getting the best of him. Blowing up the one truly good thing in his life.
"Why don't you say it?" He'd asked. He wished he could take the words back almost as soon as he'd said them. They both know what he means.
"Eddie..." Steve sighs.
It's a tone Eddie is painfully familiar with. The same tone those 'straight' boys experimenting would use, the same tome his father had used before taking him to his uncles. The same tone everyone uses when they want to abandon him.
"No, shit, ignore me. I shouldn't have asked, that's my bad, I'm sorry. Let's- let's just forget I asked. Alright? Let's watch a movie or something, like Indiana Jones? You like Indiana Jones, right?"
"No. No, I'm not gonna- fuck, Eddie, why didn't you ask before?"
"I don't wanna push you, I'm not gonna- I'm not gonna rush you."
"Oh, yeah, that's what it is," Steves tone is bitter. He stands up, ignoring the way Eddie tries to reach for him. "You just care so much that you don't even wonder why the guy you've been dating for three years doesn't say that he loves you."
"What? Of course I wondered, I just didn't ask!" Eddie jumps to his feet, snatching Steves coat out of his hand when he picks it up. "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid! I don't want you to be upset and I don't want to be the one who fucking caused it. You don't deserve that."
Steve laughs, a harsh and bitter 'ha!'. He tries to snatch his coat back, Eddie simply holding it out of his reach. "Fuck you, man. Give me my coat, I want to go home."
"No! We're going to talk about this like adults!"
The air feels too thick in the trailer, almost strangling Steve. He needs out and his keys are in his coat. "Eddie, give me my coat. Seriously, give it back."
"You can't just leave when we're having a fight or whatever! I'm... fuck, Steve, I am sorry for asking. You know how much I love you, I don't want to u-"
"Shut up!" Steve yells. He's so loud that Eddie flinches, hands coming up defensively. Steve snatches his coat back without thinking. "Fuck you! I'm so sick of your shit, all the fucking time!" He wipes at his face, his tears only making him angrier. "It was cute at first and, yeah, sometimes it's nice but it's all the time! It's too much, Eddie, I need you to back off. I need you to stop lying to me!"
"What are you talking about?" Eddie is sure he's missing something but, god, some of the things Steve is saying is so painfully familiar.
Steve stares at him for a moment, silent. Eddie wants to reach out, to wipe the tears away, to hold him- he's sure it'll do more damage.
"I don't think I can do this anymore," Steve quietly admits. He looks guilty. "I shouldn't have let it go on this long. God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Eddie, I can't."
"Woah, Steve," Eddie quickly hurries after him. "Talk to me, man, what do you mean? What are you saying?"
Steve hesitates at the door, keeps his back to him, sniffling. "I think we should break up."
"What?" Eddie feels cold. Numb. "You don't mean that. You don't- Steve, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry, I really am, ok? I'm sorry. Please, come on, Steve, I'm sorry-"
"Don't call me."
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hoedamn-eron · 9 months
baby, please - part 11
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As you approach the middle of your pregnancy, you take Beth house hunting. She has an awful lot of wisdom.
Warnings: Small mention of being sick, so emetophobia warning. Hint of a panic attack. Talking about unresolved feelings. Not proofread whatsoever so there's definitely mistakes somewhere. Word count: 3,492 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
We're officially half-way through this fic!
Disclaimer: I am not from the US, I am British. I just looked at houses that were up for sale in the Florida area and picked one 😂
Part 10 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 12
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The next few weeks of your pregnancy are filled with work, bridesmaid dress appointments, and time spent with Santiago.
Ever since your disagreement (because it was not an argument), your interactions over the following few weeks with Santiago grew more frequent and purposeful. You’ve both made the effort to get to know each other a little bit more as people, and not just soon-to-be-parents. You found out more about his childhood, about how after his father passed away, his mother was alone to raise him and his older sisters. Like he mentioned on your first date, he hadn’t really spoken to them much, or any family really, but he was thinking of fixing that, and reaching out since he was going to be a father, and his parents weren’t there to see it. He thought his kids should have their Tías in their lives.
He wasn’t much of a rebellious kid in high school, because he dreaded the wrath of his mother, and that he joined the Army from the ‘propaganda they spew at high school kids on career days’. At the time he thought it was a good idea, and really, it was, since he got to build up his career, but he ‘could do without the bad knees and PTSD’. You told him that he was still a great guy ‘despite the shitty knees’. He’d laughed at that.
He’d come over to your place and you’d have dinner together. Maybe you’d watch a movie on your couch, that usually ended up with you fast asleep. He’d always wake you to let you know he was leaving, sometimes getting you into bed before he left. You even tried to go out once a week to a nice dinner together, when the time allowed it, where you’d both always battle it out on where to go. You always decided to just rock-paper-scissors and the winner got to choose.
But your favourite thing to do with Santi was go to the movies (even though you’d only been a handful of times with him). You both always pick a cheesy romance, and you sit together sharing a sweet popcorn (because going to the movies was expensive and you have two kids on the way! Of course, you were going to be stingy). You always sneak in a few bags of Sourpatch Kids, and you are willing to share a few with Santi. With each passing week, the bond between you deepened, merged with shared experiences and the anticipation of the future you were now shaping together.
And then, your journey together finds you in Santiago's apartment (managing to avoid Emily each time). It was exactly how you expected it to look; tidy, neat, mostly beige and brown, with a bit of navy dotted in there. It was a typical bachelor pad. Together, you started clearing out his spare room and meticulously planned and arranged it to be the twins' bedroom; you realised that this space was a room where your children would find their home, where they will share laughter and happy memories with their father. It left a warm and fuzzy feeling in your chest.
And not because Santi’s hand just brushed against yours as he passed you an old pair of boxing gloves to throw into the ‘donate’ box.
Yeah, things with Santiago were good. Really good. You’d settled into a nice routine, and you both weren’t to tense anymore. You felt more open, that if you had a problem, you felt like you could go to him now, and vice versa. You look forward to when you’re going to see him next. You consider yourselves good friends.
“So, you’re dating?” Beth asked with raised eyebrows as she gave you a quick glance from her place in the driver’s seat.
Your stomach flips at her question, but you put it down to morning sickness. You roll your eyes at her instead. “We’re not dating.”
“I dunno, sounds like dating to me,” Beth said, shaking her head lightly.
“It’s not…we’re not dating!”
“You meet up multiple times a week and hang out.” She gave you a pointed look. “You see him more than you see us. That’s dating.”
“No,” you say, glaring at her. “It’s…it’s not dating, we’re not dating!”
“The more you deny it makes it out like you’re dating,” Beth whispered, turning down a small and tidy neighbourhood.
“You’re so smug,” you say, giving her the finger, only for her to give it back to you as she pulled up outside the cute little white house with the blue trim.
“I’m just saying, that’s what Georgia and I did when we first got together,” Beth said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “And here we are, two years later, arranging our wedding.”
You fought the urge to childishly stick your tongue out at her. “Let’s just…look at the house.”
You’d started furniture shopping and your living room was starting to become smaller and smaller since the boxes of baby stuff started piling up. You’d decided that it was time to start looking into moving into a bigger place; you were approaching the halfway mark of your pregnancy, and you were slowly outgrowing your apartment. And who better to ask than Beth? From her work, she knew all the nice neighbourhoods with the low crime rates and good schools, and she knew the good houses that were within your budget.
So, you’d asked her to help you go in for a few viewings, to help pick out the perfect place for you and your babies, to spend your lives together. You were excited, to know that this was the next step in the chapter of your life. You already had so many ideas on how you were really going to make a house your home.
“So this one has two bedrooms, and two bathrooms, but one of those bathrooms is an ensuite,” said Beth, looking at her phone at the house details. “Decent sized back garden, there’s a drive for your car…and it’s been recently renovated.”
“By you?” you ask, grinning.
“Not me, no,” Beth says grinning as you both enter the house.
There were other potential buyers meandering around the house, taking a look around the house. You give an impressed look at the house as you wander through with Beth. “It’s nice.”
“It is,” she says, looking around herself, checking out the wooden floors.
You and Beth walk through the house, oohing, and ahhing at the new flooring and the state-of-the-art bathroom that had just been put in. You did like the house, but after an hour of looking around, you and Beth decided it just wasn’t for you; the bedrooms were on the smaller side, and there wasn’t much closet space. You would struggle with all of your stuff and two kids in tow.
“To be honest, houses always look better when there’s still furniture in them,” Beth said as you both climbed back into here car. “Lucky for us, the next few houses are empty.”
“So they’ve been on the market for a while?” you ask, looking at her sceptically.
“They have but not because they’re bad,” said Beth, starting the car and pulling out. “It’s because everyone wants modern and renovated houses nowadays.”
You sit in a comfortable silence as Beth navigates through the streets and you’re back in another neighbourhood, which was a little more active than the other one. There were children out playing, and it was bright and colourful with flowers in the gardens and trees lining the sidewalks.
“This neighbourhood looks a little more child friendly,” you say as Beth pulled in front of another house, painted a light blue with a front porch. It looked a little run down but nothing a clean up and lick of paint couldn’t fix. “The other one looked…quiet.”
“Yeah,” Beth said, turning the car off and unbuckling her seatbelt. She waves at the estate agent, who was stood by the front door.
You both climb out the car and greet the agent. Beth introduces you both, declaring Harry an old friend from her college days. You smile and shake his hand, before Harry let’s you both in the house. “This is two bedrooms and one bathroom. As you could see from outside, it has a nice porch and the gardens, both front and back, are fairly big for the size of the house.”
You nod as Harry leads you through the house, talking about the old owners and how they moved to California for work. He talked about the neighbourhood, and you were right, it was mostly a place for families, that it was just around the corner from an elementary school. You liked the house, really, but it just didn’t feel like you. Beth could tell you were a little reserved, and suggested moving onto the next house, where Harry was going to follow you.
Throughout the day, you take a look at four (four!) more houses. You felt bad, that you were going through so many viewings and open houses, but they just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t see yourself living in them. It was only the first day but you were under a time limit, and you were disappointed that you hadn’t found what you were looking for yet.
Beth reassured you that there were more houses she had planned to look at, but when you reached house number six, you lightly gasped. It was a modestly sized house, and it was white with white stone accents, a garage attached with a small drive. The front garden was made of grass (overgrown, of course), and you could see tall white fencing cutting off the back garden from the public. You got an instant warm feeling from it.
Harry pulled up behind you both as you and Beth climbed out her car. He quickly joined you, pulling keys out of his pocket as he talked about the house. “This is actually three bedrooms with two bathrooms. It had a nice open plan kitchen and dining room, and a nice sized living room.”
“It’s a little dated,” Beth said to you. “But we can work on that.”
“The folks who owned it decided to sell and downsize, since their kids had grown up and moved out and started having their own kids,” Harry replied.
“So it wasn’t the area?” you ask him.
He shook his head. “No, it’s a very nice family friendly area. It’s a very quiet neighbourhood too, but the closest school is about fifteen minutes away by car.”
You nod, looking around the downstairs. It was dated, and the house could do with a revamp. You take a look in the back garden and see that it was just as overgrown as the front garden, but it was decently sized. You could hear Beth and Harry talking renovations on another house, so you meandered on upstairs. It was just as dated as the rest of the house, but the first two bedrooms were a nice size, but the third was fairly small; you could see yourself setting up an office for yourself. And there was a lot of storage space too.
You pause as you get to the master bedroom, seeing something on the doorframe. You lean down as much as you can with your bump, and smile as you see pencil markings in the wood, with names and dates written.
“Height marks,” you mutter to yourself with amusement.
The warmth that you felt when you first saw the house spread further through you. This was it. If the owners of this house loved it enough to keep their kid’s (and possible grandchildren’s) heights recorded on the doorframes, long after they had packed up and left, then maybe you could live here too, as a first home for your kids. You could love this house as much as the previous owners did, and you could raise your children in a warm, loving environment where they will thrive, and be able to play outside in the garden. You bite your lip and smile, before standing and making your way back downstairs.
Harry and Beth were still talking as you approached them. “Sorry, how much is this?”
“Uh…” Harry looked at the property sheet on his clipboard. “$350,000.”
Beth looked at you. “Why, are you interested? It’s within your budget.”
“It’s under my budget,” you say, before nodding. “I want it. It’s a nice house, and I get a warm, fuzzy feeling from it. I feel like it was a nice place to be brought up.”
Harry looked at you for a moment before giving a small laugh of relief. “Really? You’re interested?”
“Yeah, I am,” you say. “I want this house.”
“Great!” Harry said. “We can…we can arrange a meeting, we can get the paperwork all sorted, get in touch with your bank…we can get you this house.”
After sharing a few more pleasantries and sharing contact details, you and Beth say goodbye to Harry before climbing into Beth’s car. You both sit in silence for a moment, watching as Harry leaves before your turn to each other and you both let out screams of excitement.
“I’m going to be a homeowner!” you cry.
You bask in your excitement for a few moments before you both calm down. “Let’s go and have a late lunch, and we can celebrate.”
You end up at a swanky looking restaurant where Beth said she sometimes takes potential clients to talk about their renovations. When you’re both settled and you’d ordered your food and drinks, you sit back and relax, sighing as you sip at your raspberry lemonade (you would have ordered a Diet Coke but Beth told you, you just had to try something refreshing for once).
“So, wanna talk about Santi?” Beth asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I thought we were here to celebrate my new future purchase?” you say, groaning.
“We are, but I’m one of your best friends. Something is going on with you.”
“Nothing is going on! Is this because you think we’re dating?”
“Yes, kind of!” said Beth, laughing. “I understand that this has turned out different to your usual dates, because you’re having this guys kids, but…you do just seem a little more…I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I don’t want to say happier, because that’s fucking cheesy, but you do.”
You stare at her for a moment before shaking your head. “No, it’s…it’s not – “
“Come on,” Beth urged, looking at you seriously.
You look at her. You knew that something was different, and you didn’t want to address it. You thought it was pregnancy hormones, that it would pass. You get that Santiago was a good-looking guy, and nice, and funny, and he cared about you and your kids. It was just a fleeting moment. You know it is.
Your mind suddenly becomes a whirlwind of its own. The clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of voices from the other patrons just seem too loud, and you suddenly feel overstimulated. Your chest feels too tight.
What's going on with me?
You look down at the table, your breathing a little heavier, trying to distract yourself from Beth’s gaze, and pushing down the emotions that threaten to spill over. Santiago was supposed to be a casual encounter, a one-night stand that held no expectations. And yet, here you are, 16 weeks pregnant, grappling with feelings you never thought would surface.
Am I overthinking this?
The memories of shared moments with Santiago dance before you – the movies, the dinners, the moments of laughter that felt like stolen fragments of happiness. They all carry an inexplicable weight now, a significance that's both thrilling and unnerving.
You feel like you might be sick.
“Okay, slow down, take a deep breath. It's okay to have feelings, you know.” Beth said, seeing your inner turmoil. “Santiago has been there for you through this, and it's only natural that you might feel a connection growing.”
“It's not…” you try to catch your breath, your throat suddenly feeling dry. You take a large sip of your lemonade. “It’s not just a connection, because I’m pregnant. I’m…I feel like I’m in high school, daydreaming about the future, about...about becoming more.”
Beth gives you a gentle look as she reaches across the table and holds your hand. “Look, I know this might be overwhelming, especially given the circumstances. But sometimes, life has a funny way of leading us down unexpected paths. It's okay to admit that your feelings have changed.”
“I'm pregnant with the guy’s twins, Beth,” you say. “I need stability and certainty. Santiago was just a one-night thing, and…and nothing serious was supposed to come out of this.”
“I get it, I really do. But have you talked to Santiago about how you're feeling?”
“No, are you kidding? He’s a bigger commitment-phobe than I am,” you say, taking another large sip of your drink.
“Okay, so, I think you need to talk to him. It's important to be honest with each other, especially when there's so much going on with you both.” She gives your hand a squeeze, causing you to finally look at her properly. “And remember, your happiness and comfort matter too. We’ve always said you’ve gotta do what’s best for you and your babies, and if that means something a little more…permanent with Santiago, then that’s how it is.”
You sigh at her, your brow furrowing. “What if I'm just imagining all of this? What if I'm mistaking just…niceness for something that it isn’t? What if it’s just pregnancy hormones?”
Beth nods “Yeah, babe, that could be it. But don't downplay your feelings either. Just take things one step at a time. Open up the conversation with Santiago. Share your thoughts and listen to his perspective too.”
You groan, letting go of her hand and burying your face in them. You take a few more deep breaths, calming down, the tightness in your chest melting away. You drop your hands and look at her helplessly. “I just need to know where we stand, for the sake of my own peace of mind. And the kids too, I suppose.”
“You can do that. Next time you see him, just…casually bring it up. And no matter what, I'll support you. Courtney and Gabs will support you. Just promise me that you'll prioritise your own happiness and safety. If Santiago feels the same, great! Wonderful! If not, you can just stay friends, co-parent your kids. That’s fine too.”
You look at her. “And if he…if it ends badly?”
“If it ends badly, which it won’t…you have us. The Dream Team. We’ll raise those babies to be the best they can be.”
You give her a small laugh as your eyes fill with tears. You wipe at them. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“Eh,” Beth said, shrugging as takes a sip of her own drink (wine, obviously). “You’re pregnant. And evidently in love with your baby daddy. You’re allowed to cry.”
“Shut up, I’m not in love with him,” you say, snorting as she laughs.
She drops the subject after that, thank goodness. She talks about how she’ll share her Pinterest board with you, that you can take a look at for some inspiration on your house, because she will be looking at renovating it for you (“At a discount, of course, because I love you, and babies are expensive enough.”).
After your lunch, Beth drops you back off at your apartment building and you thank her for her help, for both the house and Santiago. She iterates again that she’s there for you, and it’ll be fine. Everything will be fine. Once you’re back in your apartment and settled in comfy pants and a too big t-shirt, you settle on your couch and think back about the conversation you both had. Could you really talk to Santiago about the feelings you’d been having? Would he look at you with disgust? Betrayal? You had both agreed to just co-parent, nothing else.
But what if Santiago turns around and wants nothing to do with you if you tell him that you may have feelings for him (because, after all, it may just be hormones…you hadn’t been with anyone since Santiago). What if you tell him, make it all weird, for it to go away with time, but it’s still weird? Would you want to risk your kids losing their father because you were feeling just a little bit glowy after having some male attention?
No, you needed to get a grip of yourself. It’ll fade, it always does, regardless of pregnancy hormones or not. You give a firm not to yourself. It’s settled then, you won’t tell Santi anything. It’ll be better that way, and you can go on like normal, because that works.
You sigh again, digging the heels of your hands into your eyes. You need a glass of wine.
Too bad you’re pregnant.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @bluenredndeath, @superficialfeelings
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redfurrycat · 7 months
Hey! Have you made a master list of Ice being Jake’s dad? (I absolutely love, appreciate and frequently use your master lists)
Just as I’m writing the Ron is Jake’s dad au I’ve been trying to read all the Ice is Jake’s dad and I’m sure I’m missing some??
Hey Mac! 😊
This is slightly different than how I usually do rec lists. In this case, I searched through the Top Gun (Movies) fics tagged as Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Jake "Hangman" Seresin and then proceeded with the collecting of all fics mentioning any paternal-filial bond between the two, regardless of the pairings.
Meaning I don't think I know most of them, but I hope you can find stuff to read nonetheless.
(I'll probably -absolutely- do a Hangster & Icepops-Hangson recs list though, at some point in the future! 😊)
I invite anyone to add fics fitting the request if you have more! 💖
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Tumblr Posts
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law – Part 1 – 2 – 3 (@amostexcellentblog)
Also see these:
nonbinary-jakeseresin post
weewoobrainrot post
whohasthecards post
AO3 Fics
(All have Jake as Ice's biological or adopted son, unless mentioned otherwise.)
See You Again by sleeping_maple {T}
Just when Hangman thinks that the day can't get any worse, he finds out that his father died. His father, Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. And he doesn't take it well. Luckily, Sarah Kazansky and Maverick are there to help.
Mini Man by SpringPetunia {T}
Hangman is Iceman's son. He never tells anyone anymore because of how they always react. But his dad is coming for a visit
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him. “You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams. “I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.” Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster
Touch Starved by LeonDesdichard {M}
(Ice acting like a dad)
Jake shows up at Ice and Mav's house and he's completely out of it because he's sick and Maverick and Bradley are out of the house so it ends up being Ice who is the one that is taking care of Jake. Jake is completely out of it because he's feverish and he's really touch starved which has Ice angry for a ton of different reasons.
Military Amalgamate by rem_png {G}
(Icemav’s son)
Back in the 80s, the government wanted to make a new generation of super pilots. So, they turned to science and mixed the DNA of their best fighter pilots. None of the pilots knew about this project. Fast forward to 2020 and the truth comes out, rattling many families.
Take me home by Target_rich_environment {G}
Jake takes Bob home after the bird strike
IcePops and HangSon Series by UFOxMulder {T}{E}
Hangman snippets Series by Fantasy2739 {T}
Even worse idea! by LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade {T}
(Ice acting like a dad)
“Bradley, Ice just texted me to come to “hang out”, is this a threat?” “Jake you’ve known him for almost five years now, it is definitely just Ice wanting you to do some work around the house.” “Okay but-” “Baby, this exact conversation happened last week, you know Ice is so different at home than he is at work.” “But is he?” “Jake, please,” “Okay yeah, I’ll go over.”
Midnight Hour Mixtape by Bubblegumchaos {T}
Hangman runs; he always been much too good at that sort of thing. Jake would give anything to find his father except his clues are half a dozen letters in a shoebox and his late mother's drunken rambles of a man who wasn't her husband.
I don't know how to change a tyre by blazingstar29 {G}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
Jake gives his first father's day at 30.
Top Gun: Kazansky Twins by Tazlady691 {T}
A cannon divergence AU: The story of a pair of twins and their life up to 2023
The Mitchell-Kazanskys Series by WhisperingNights {T}{M}
Flowers for my grave by TheReadingWriter {T}
When a study on the genetics of Hanahaki disease brings forth the revelation that Jake "Hangman" Seresin is in fact Tom "Iceman" Kazansky's son, their lives take a dramatic turn, as they for the first time in their lives have someone to other than the ones who cursed them to live for. Their times are both running out, but they will be damned if they will let the other die without at least trying to save them. When the mission of a lifetime arrives, one thing is certain: It will either mean happiness for the rest of their lives, or certain death before the year has passed. How far will they go to protect the secret they know will kill them?
A Choice by Ren_Anders {_}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
After everything, when everything is suppose to be smooth sailing, Jake gets a call. His dad has just died. But it doesn’t matter, right? He was an asshole and he refuses to give him his grief. OR Ice and Jake have a heart to heart about shitty dads and how to overcome their deaths
Family Ties by CryoCait {_}
Jake knows what policies there are in place to avoid familial conflict of interest, he's lived it for years. He knows how sacred those policies are to keeping his family sane. So logically it follows that he understands how dangerous this mission must be for the Navy to look aside and allow the entire Mitchell-Kazansky family to be a part of it. Now he just needed to make sure they all made it home in one piece. Or Jake is a Kazansky just as much as Bradley is a Mitchell, and Mav never pulled Bradley's papers. Now, the close-knit but under the radar family all must work together for the first time during the Uranium Plant mission and keep their relationships to each other under wraps while trying to make sure everyone survives this suicide mission.
Bikes and Bruises by WhisperingNights {M}
(Icemav’s son)
"You aren’t taking one of my bikes to the HR Drag Strip, Jacob, end of story,” Mav responded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I won’t be racing, it's just a show,” Jake protested. Mav snorted “Yeah, right.” “I won’t! The show starts at 9-” “How many times are you going to make me say no, son?” Mav asked.
Heartbeats & Bird Nests Series by SamHeartfilia {T}{E}
Two Men and a Baby by multifangirl11 {_}
(Mav’s son & Icemav)
Jake is Pete's son, Tom is a good friend who hopes to become more.
Keeping Dreams Alive, 1999 Hero's (I Ain't Worried Right Now) by Luxu1230 {_}
(Icemav’s son)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is the biological son of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Tom "Iceman" Kazasky but was kidnapped not that long after being born all he has of them is a small f-14 Tomcat silver necklace which he keeps hidden. He knows his "parents" are his real "Parents" though they don't exactly know that but when he overhears a certain conversation between three people he starts suspecting of who his true parents maybe and from the sounds of it they definitely didn't abandon him.
Been searching for a(n Ice)man by crowstakeflight {G}
Jake did not really look like either of his parents. Sure, he could see some of his mom in his features when he looked in the mirror, but the majority of them are from someone he’s never seen before. It didn’t take much to bring the question up to his parents and they answered honestly. Or, Jake's biological father is Iceman and this is what happens after he finds out.
Living after midnight, loving 'til the morning, then I'm gone. by WaffleToaster {E}
Nobody thought their actions back in the winter of '85 and beyond would end up having these consequences. A story woven from past mistakes, indecisions and loss that eventually helped shape his world and upbringing. But despite all the hardships one thing was for certain, Jake Seresin was destined to fly and he knew the Navy was where he belonged. A slightly altered kind of retelling that includes Jake 'Hangman' Seresin being Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky’s lost son, a story about revelations, love, loss, friendship and most importantly family. Where two rivals find out they may not be so different from one another and their journey to understanding, unity, serenity and eventually love. First by hating, then by loving and finally understanding and helping one another find a place they both deserve. Just not in the same order.
A Kazansky Redemption by WhisperingNights {E}
This is a Kazansky love story. Can one win back the love of their life? Can the other find love in a storm of hate? **** “Sarah, that’s been over for 26 years, besides your my wife, remember? It wouldn’t be good to go tell a man I love him now would it?” Ice grinning playfully at her. She gave a small laugh that quickly turned into a cough, causing him to lean toward her in concern. “I’m alright, I’m alright, sit down,” she rasped, waving him off, then she looked at him “I love you Tom, but we both know our love was foraged in partnership nothing else. We did what was necessary for the safety of ourselves and your career. But it’s 2017, it's easier now. Sexuality rights are better, people are more open. I’ll never get to have a wife, but you Tom, you deserve to have a husband.” ***** Jake’s eyes landed on a figure in an awful Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. His irritation instantly grew, the universe really must hate him.
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starlitangels · 1 year
(Like The) Fairy Tale Movies
L i s t e n. Yesterday’s video got me soft and Davey had to tell his kids about how it happened in canon. 2.1k words
“Angel—no, Natalie, get down—angel can this please be the last time you leave me alone with the kids?” David asked over the phone. I laughed, watching my screen as he had to move and snatch our daughter.
“I’ll be home tomorrow. I thought you said you could handle them both for a four-day business trip.”
“I can. But Asher decided to bring Evelyn over for a playdate—and Asher decided to also bring a Halloween-sized bag of candy.” The video jerked. “Gabriel, stop pulling your sister’s hair.”
“Davey, you know sugar highs aren’t actually a thing, right? Like, placebo effect maybe but the kids don’t even know what the concept is.”
“I’m well aware. But that doesn’t mean the kids don’t get overexcited when we get unexpected friendly visitors bearing candy, and you’re not here to help me rein them in,” David grumbled.
“Uncle Aaaaash!” Natalie shouted somewhere in the background.
The video call lurched again—I was gonna have to look away soon or risk getting motion sick. “Natalie Jean Shaw. You do not try to jump off the counter!” David snapped. My daughter’s maniacal giggle was all that she gave him in response. I heard him sigh heavily.
“Whaaat?” Asher’s voice asked off-screen. “C’mon buddy. Sometimes, ya gotta let her learn the hard way! She jumps off and takes a tumble and she learns not to jump off the counter anymore! Problem solved!”
Natalie giggled again. I caught a glimpse of her pigtail braids on the screen.
“I do not need her breaking her arm and the three-hour lecture from Marie about being a more careful father when she has to come heal it.”
“Just call Sam, then,” Asher said with a laugh. “He’s got Micah. He knows how these girls are.”
David pinched the bridge of his nose on my screen. “We are not having this discussion, Asher.” He turned to look at me. “Can I call you back in an hour, angel?”
“Of course. I’m just at the hotel for the rest of the night.”
He gave me a soft look. The one he reserved for only me. “Thank you.”
“I love you, Davey.”
“I love you too. So much.”
I blew him a kiss. He smiled and pretended to catch it before disconnecting the video call.
David flopped down width-wise across the bed. After Asher and Evelyn left and David finally got his nightmares ready to go to bed, he’d called his angel, finished their conversation, chatted a little more, and then they had to get some sleep—being several timezones ahead.
He was tired in a way that he hadn’t been since Natalie was an infant. He loved his spouse and was proud of the work that they loved so much, but he missed them terribly when they weren’t home. He enjoyed having some one-on-two time with the kids—but it could get exhausting fast. Natalie was so curious and always had questions. Gabriel was easier but damn he could get rowdy when he wanted to. Especially when Evelyn was around. Those two were a Dynamic Duo if he ever saw one.
He knew he needed to get up and shower before getting in bed, but his muscles kept saying, “One more minute,” whenever he tried to get them to respond.
Finally, he grumbled and got to his feet. His shower was quick and thorough, as usual. He threw on his pajamas and plopped back onto the bed. Considering a short nap before going back downstairs to finish the paperwork he’d been falling behind on.
He felt his eyes fluttering closed.
“Daddy?” a small voice asked from the door.
David took a deep breath and sat up.
Natalie was standing there in her smiley-face-star-patterned purple pajamas. Her comfort blanket was in one hand, the small wolf plushie she’d dubbed “Sheldon” in the other. The hand with the blanket was up under her eyes.
“What is it, baby girl?” he asked gently, holding his arms out.
She toddled into the room, stumbling on the hem of her blanket every couple steps. When she got to the tall king-sized bed, David bent down and hoisted her up into his lap.
She sniffled. There were tears in her eyes. “I... I miss them,” she said quietly.
David sighed, a melancholy smile appearing on his face. “I know, Natty. I do too.” He wiped her eyes with the opposite corner of her blanket.
A floorboard creaked, muffled slightly by being under the upstairs carpet.
“I know you’re there, Gabriel. You can come in,” David said.
Gabriel ran in, jumping as high as he could to try and get up onto the bed. He was tall for his age but still too short to make it, and bounced off the corner like a rubber band. David put Natty on one leg so he could bend and scoop up his son, putting him on the mattress next to him. “You missing them too?”
Gabriel nodded, eyes wide and staring up at him. David never quite got over looking down into his own exact eye color at his son, or his mate’s when looking at his daughter. He wondered if he ever would. Probably not.
David pulled Gabriel in close to his side, keeping Natty secure with his other arm. “It’s okay, Gabriel. I miss them too.”
Both of his kids clung to him, small fists balling in his pajama shirt.
David scooped them both up, one in each arm, and scooted across the bed until he could get under the covers with both of them. They each rested their heads on his shoulders.
“Daddy?” Natalie asked.
“Yeah, baby girl?” He gave her damp braid a gentle tug, acknowledging he was listening.
“How did you know you wanted them as your mate?” Her voice was small.
David smiled, a soft chuckle rising, unbidden, from his throat at the memories. “Because they acted a lot like you do, and you know how much I love you.”
“But I wasn’t born yet,” she protested.
“Nope. Not by a long time. But they were bright and happy and sweet and playful—and they liked teasing me. No one had teased me in a long time because I was the alpha and my friends thought they couldn’t anymore. My mate didn’t know anything about magic or wolves when we met.”
Gabriel nodded. “Like how we can’t mention it to our cousins on their side of the family.”
“That’s right, buddy,” David agreed. “But when I met them, I knew I was going to like them. Then, the more time we spent together, the more we fell in love.”
Natty giggled. “‘Are you hungry’?” she asked, trying to drop her voice in a low imitation of his. But it sounded more like how his angel imitated his voice than his actual voice.
David heaved a heavy sigh. “Of course they told you about that,” he muttered under his breath. “Yes, that’s what I asked after I told them I loved them for the first time.” Gabriel giggled too. “I didn’t know what else to say. I’d never told anyone I was in love with them before.”
“Were you scared?”
“A little.”
“Awww! Daddy, why? Didn’t you know they loved you too?”
“I hoped so. But... sometimes it feels complicated when it comes to love.”
Natalie shook her head. “No it doesn’t. If you love somebody, you say it!”
You’ll understand what I’m talking about when you’re older, David thought, but didn’t say out loud.
Natalie squirmed out from under his arm and climbed up onto his torso. Even resting her head on his chest, she was so small that her toes didn’t even reach his knees yet. She put her chin on his sternum and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Did you ask them to marry you or did they ask you?”
David chuckled. “I asked them, sweet pea. We’d been together for... nearly four years.”
Natty wiggled on top of him. “How did you ask? Was it like the fairy tale movies?”
“It felt like it, but it wasn’t as... fancy,” David replied. “You remember the big party we have with the whole pack in December for the MoonBound solstice?”
Natty nodded fervently. “Uh-huh. I love the party!”
David reached up with his now-free arm and set a hand on her back to hold her in place before she slipped off his torso and landed on her brother. He nodded slower. “Well, it was after the party. The rest of the pack had gone home. It was just me and my mate in the house—the one we owned before this one. We were just having a quiet rest of the night before the strength of my magic started to fade again after the pack run. We were just... sitting on the couch... relaxing.”
Natty scrunched her whole face up, not having mastered just scrunching her eyebrows yet. “And you just... asked? You didn’t get down on one knee?”
David smiled and laughed softly. “Let me finish, baby girl,” he said. “I did get down on one knee. I said some mushy things about how much I loved them and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, then I got down on one knee and asked if they’d marry me.”
Natalie gasped. “Did they say yes?!”
Gabriel scoffed. “Of course they did, stupid,” he snapped. “They wouldn’t be married now if they didn’t!”
“Gabriel, we don’t call people stupid,” David chided.
“But... Uncle Ash calls Uncle Milo stupid,” Gabriel pointed out.
“Uncle Asher needs to learn how to talk nicely to other people,” David said firmly.
“Are you going to wash his mouth out with soap?” Natalie asked.
David couldn’t stop the snort that made both his kids jump. “No, Natty. His mate might, but that’s their job, not mine.”
“Oh, okay.” She moved her head so her chin was no longer on his sternum but instead rested her ear to it. 
The three Shaws were quiet for a few minutes. Gabriel seemed to have fallen asleep.
“Daddy?” Natty asked again, quietly.
“Yeah, baby girl?”
“I’m glad you got married.”
He smiled. “Me too.” He smoothed some of her messy flyaway hairs off of her face.
“You could have been more fancy when you asked though. Like the fairy tale movies.”
“I could have. But keeping it simple felt right for us.”
Natty yawned. “Okay,” she said.
David chuckled lightly. “Get some sleep, baby girl.”
She yawned wider. “Okay.”
Within seconds, she was breathing deep on his chest. Sound asleep.
David’s small smile grew. “I love you, baby girl.”
“Love you too, Daddy,” she whispered in her sleep.
I crept into the house at five in the morning, waving to Sam in thanks. He waved back and drove off. He’d volunteered to come pick me up since it would be before dawn and he hadn’t wanted David to have to pack up the kids that early.
Once the door was eased shut and locked behind me, I abandoned my suitcase next to it and snuck up the stairs.
Gabriel’s room was the closest to the stairs. I poked my head in to see if he was sleeping.
His bed was empty, the sheets rumpled. Wolfy McFloof—the larger wolf plushie Asher had given him when Natty was born—was jammed haphazardly between the bedside table and the bed itself.
My heart started pounding louder. I took a step and a half across and up the hall to Natalie’s room.
Her bed was the same. But her small comfort blanket and Sheldon were also missing.
A pit formed in my stomach and I ran to my and Davey’s room, ready to throw open the door and see it empty. To see my family snatched in the middle of the night while I was gone. By whom, I had no idea.
I grabbed the knob and shoved the door open.
A large, misshapen lump sat in the middle of the bed, covers draped over it.
On quiet feet, I slipped over.
The anxiety eased away when I saw David’s face. Gabriel tucked under one of his arms—and Natalie lying on his chest with a small smile on her face. Sheldon and her blanket in each hand. I sighed with relief and sagged down, kneeling beside the bed.
Davey heard me. One of his lush green eyes peeked open.
He gave me a soft, lovestruck smile. The same one he only ever gave me.
“Welcome home, angel.”
Tag list: @zozo-01 @arialikestea @mainhoesstuff  @darlin-collins (I’m adding you tentatively because this is David even though you didn’t specifically request the Pups AU. If you don’t wanna be tagged in this kinda stuff, you can let me know if you’d like)
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Thanks for the ask! I’m not sure whether to answer for the Silmarillion or LOTR, so maybe I’ll do both?
The character everyone gets wrong:
For LOTR, I answered this one way here, but there are a lot of other ways to answer it! I also think people get Elladan and Elrohir wrong. This may be a weird hill to die on because they’re small characters in the book, but I HATE how they’re represented in fanon. They’re made into carbon copies of the Harry Potter twins, who I already don’t like (ugh, I hate even mentioning Harry Potter here). I’m a twin myself, and I’m sick of twin characters being shoehorned into the goofy prankster role. It feels like a cheap attempt at comic relief because people don’t know how to write anything else. Especially when it’s just not how Elladan and Elrohir are represented in the book.
For the Silmarillion, I answered this one way here. I think the Weasley twin treatment also gets applied to Amrod and Amras, which is particularly nonsensical because the lives of all the Fëanorians are all extremely dark and tragic (the whole Silmarillion is tragic!). I get that sometimes people want to write happy, funny fanfiction, but can we please let go of the twins-as-wacky-pranksters trope?
Description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr:
For LOTR, I answered this another way here. But I wasn’t even thinking of another worst take, which is so bad that I’d erased it from my mind… the idea that the LOTR movies were an improvement on the books. "But nobody thinks this!" you will say. They do, and I’ve seen this take here on tumblr. WE HATES IT! There are good things about the movies (music, sets, acting, costumes, etc.) but literally nothing can come close to the beauty of the books. And besides, the movies deviated from them in many inexcusable ways—it would take to long to even list them all.
For the Silmarillion, one of the worst takes I’ve seen is the idea that Maeglin was really an innocent victim all along who was unfairly slandered by a supposedly biased history. I understand that sometimes it’s interesting to deconstruct the story, but at a certain point you’re just throwing it out the window. I’m not saying you can’t sympathize with him to a degree—he was clearly abused by his father as a child. But then he internalized those lessons—of his father’s possessiveness and violence towards women—and that was how he treated Idril.
I also know there’s a discussion among fans about Maeglin’s race, because earlier drafts described him as swarthy—and it’s certainly problematic for the dark-skinned male character to be the creepy one—but Tolkien’s later drafts described him as pale. So do with that what you will.
Which ships are the most annoying?
I don’t like the prevalence of Thorin/Bilbo. That’s partly because I hate the Hobbit movies, where the pairing mostly comes from, and it’s just not my cup of tea. People should write what they want, of course. I just don’t see the appeal.
For the Silmarillion, Sauron/Celebrimbor. It’s just everywhere, and I’m tired of it. Also, I get that some people are into darker relationships, but a lot of what I’ve seen of the pairing (even though I actively avoid it) is bizarrely romanticized. Like you guys do realize Sauron is evil, right? Even if he literally seduced Celebrimbor, I don’t think he’d be wracked with guilt about anything. People say they like this pairing because it’s dark, but then they turn Sauron into a poor little meow meow full of romantic longing and riddled with guilt because he tortures and kills his lover, and it’s just weird. I don’t think Sauron had romantic feelings for anyone, and I really don’t think he felt bad about torture and murder.
Worst part of fanon:
LOTR: I’m not even sure what LOTR fanon is anymore, probably because I try to ignore it. I guess I don’t like how the movie versions of characters and events have taken over. You know who also gets Weasleyified? Merry and Pippin, and it’s the movies’ fault. It’s not that I don’t enjoy them in the movies to a degree—but some of their best moments in the books were cut out.
The Silmarillion: I don’t even know if I could choose the worst part of fanon. I find Silmarillion fanon particularly frustrating, because in a fanbase where a lot of people don’t know the Silmarillion well, fan interpretations often get passed off as canon. People absorb fanon thinking that it’s canon, and that’s why you get so many posts that say things like, “Wait, I just realized Maglor ISN’T the nice Fëanorian.” (To be clear, I’m not judging people who say this. They’re unlearning fanon, which is good. It’s just a sign that fanon interpretations are taking over too much when you end up with a lot of people having to revise these big misconceptions.)
Ultimately, it’s just frustrating to me that fanon is so prevalent in either the LOTR or the Silmarillion fandom, because the source material is WAY more interesting. I might be swinging a bat at a hornet’s nest by saying all of this—but the asks were meant to be controversial!
You can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc):
For both LOTR and the Silmarillion, I don’t understand why people think Sauron can mind-read. That’s not a thing, but it’s astonishingly prevalent in fan interpretations. The worst part is, I don’t think people realize that mind-reading Sauron is a fan-invented concept.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Love me Tender(Austin!Elvis Presley)
Paring: Actor!wife!Reader X Austin!Elvis Presley
Request: @diamonddiv245 Reader is fed up with watching Elvis send himself to an early grave, she conspires with Vernon to get Elvis into a clinic and get the Colonel out for their lives for good.
A/n: yay! My first Elvis story. Thank you so much for the request. Keep the Elvis request comin' guys. (not edit so let me know about any mistakes)
Request page
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I drifted in and out of slumber as I felt Elvis' side of the bed shift. Once the movement stopped I rolled over on my stomach placing my hand on the empty spot on the bed, closing my eyes. The sound of dry heaving in the bathroom shook me awake.
“Honey?” I said rubbing my eyes as the sounds of vomiting continued. I went to open the door but it was locked. “you okay?” it stayed silent which made me worry even more.
“Elvis awnser me” I said jiggling the door knob. The toilet flushed which indacated he was still moving. He came out a few minutes later with a pale face. I sighed giving him a sympathetic look.
“Elvis, your burning up” I said feeling his burning forehead. His large hand grabbed mine and pulled it from his head.
“I'm fine Darlin'” he said placing a kiss on my hand. I sighed slowly pulling our enterlocked hands down next to his waist. “this has gone on for a while” I mumbled looking into his blue eyes.
He sighed looking down. “I hate what they're doing to you” I mumbled, refering to the Colonel and his followers.
Elvis gave a remorseful smile and placed a quick soft kiss on my nose. “everything is fine... We're fine” he said falling to calm my nerves.
I rolled my eyes and pulled him towrds the bed making him lay down. “What are you doing baby?” he asked.
“your resting today” I said getting an extra blanket from the closet in our room. Elvis sighed standing up. “I'm completely fine, pluse I have a sound check and a meeting today before the concert” he said trying to reason.
I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him back on the bed. “your father can reschedule the meeting and the sound check can be canceled” I said covering him with the blanket. Before he could argue anymore I left to the bathroom to get him some pepto for his stomach and a glass of water.
Once he took the medicine he grabed my hand before I could leave the bed side. “lay with me, please Darlin'”
“of course” I said climbing into my side of the bed. There was countless times he wouldn't leave my side when I was sick and I'm always willing to return to the favor.
“I hate being a burden to you” he mumbled into my chest. Even though it hurt that he would even think that I held him closer and ran my finger through his thick hair.
“you could never be a burden E” I kissed his forehead as he wrapped his arm around my waits. “I love taking care of you... You would always take care of me when I was sick so it's only fair I did the same”
“did you get that new script yet?” Elvis said changing the subject. “hmh” I hummed as I looked over at the script that was on the nightstand.
“could ya read it to me or somethin'?” he asked softly. I smiled as he brought up an old habit of ours. In our yearly years of our relationship he would often ask what I what I was reading, I would tell him all about It intill it eventually led to me reading to him to help him drift to sleep. We haven't done it an awhile so to say I was in aw is an understatement.
“Sure” I used my free hand I reached for it.
“what's about?” he mumbled.
“about this Shark... The movie is called Jaws”
He nodded as he gestured for me to start.
Once Elvis drifted off to sleep peaceful silence suronded us. I gently ran my fingers through his dark hair as his head remained on my chest. I missed moments like this when it's just us, no movies or concerts just us.
Not even Elvis soft snorse could district me from the hushed whispers coming from downstairs. The voice that countered Vernon's made my blood boil. I carefully claimed out our bed and jogged down stairs.
“Ah, Mrs. Presley good too see you” the Colonel said with a sly smile. I stood on the last step and crossed my arms not giving a greating back. I didn't want to see him when we were teens and I sure as hell didn't want to see him now.
My eye flicked to Vernon. As soon as our eyes locked he looked down with shame as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Our relationship had been on thin ice lately. I didn't blame him and you can't blame anyone except the Colonel, but he hadn't exactly been the father Elvis need these last few years... If only Gladys was still here.
“I wish I could say this same with you” I said doing my best to block the stairs that led to our master bedroom. Vernon cleared this throat and shot me a warning look which I shrugged off. I never been someone who sugar coated things, nor did I spare people from what was exactly on my mine. For Elvis' sake I've been keeping my thoughts to myself for over a decade. But enough was enough the fat bastard was killing my husband.
The Colonel shrugged it off with a chuckle while waving his gastly cane. “well now, how's our boy... He's got a big show tonight”
I let out a sarcastically chuckled. “yeah about that...”
“yes” his said in a dark voice. He tried to give an intimidating look like he was just daring from me to continue.
“Elvis is in no condition to preform tonight” I Stated fermly. “his fans will understand given the circumstances”
“and who gives you the right to come to this conclusion?” the Colonel said through his teeth.
I shifted to lean on the railing. “given last night's events and his current condition it's safe to say that my conclusion is pretty damn accurate”
“and this is our home we can decide what ever the hell we want your just the unwelcomed guest” I stated.
The Colonel sent me a death glare and I gave one right back refusing to let my gard down. The old bastard had learned quickly too keep his comments about me to himself. The only thing Elvis neve let Colonel get away with his how he talked to him and I he was smart enough not to do it around Vernon either. Dispite our relationship's current situation he was like a father to me and he always made sure he showed me and Gladys both respect.
“I expect to see that man on that stage tonight! ” Colonel said sternly and slammed his cane on the ground. “No exceptions!” he shouted the last part and hobbled out of Gracelands' front doors.
“fuck you!” I mumbled once the door closed. After I heard his rust bucket of a car drive away I turned to Vernon.
“we got to stop this” I said as I followed him into the kitchen.
Vernon scoffed and slouched in one of the dinning room chairs and rubbed his face. “and do what”
I put the tea kettle on the stove then turned to Vernon. “he needs help... We just barley got him off the pills but he needs more help then what we can given him”
“what do you have in mind?” he asked.
I sighed and gave him a serious look. “it's ways away but there's a place in Seattle that can help”
Vernon looked at me like I had three heads. “Settle Washington? Really y/n”
I pulled out three muggs and snapped the cabinets shut with a sigh. “I know it's ways away but it means more privacy for him so he can heal... If we go anywhere near home there will be fans and paparazzi all over the place”
“I know... Your right” Vernon sighed as I set a cup of tea infront of him. “I'll call the palce tonight, but what if Elvis disagrees?”
I sighed as the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Elvis wasn't someone who liked going to a doctor and he hated asking for help even more so. I got so cought up in finding the place I didn't even considered the fact he might disagree.
“we need to talk about with him” I said softly. “make him see that he's putting himself in an early grave” I said as Vernon nodded, agreeing.
Our conversation went on a bit longer before I left to go check on Elvis.
The fight on rather the concert would go on or not continued into late afternoon.
“Don't even try to get up” I said walking into the bedroom just as Elvis got up to get ready for the concert that was supposed to be canceled hours ago.
“I half to Darlin'” he said stumbling into the bathroom too change.
“Elvis Aaron Presley!” opening the door to see him changing into the suit for the concert. I said his name again but he ignored me and went down stairs where Vernon was.
“daddy, tell her I'm fine”
Vernon sighed and looked at us. “me and y/n have been talking and-”
There was a knock at the door cuting Vernon off. Elvis went to the door and let the Colonel in. “ah, feeling better my boy?”
Elvis nodded. “Yes, much better” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I walked up next to Elvis. The Colonel shot me a shit eating smile.
“see the show will go on” he said wrapping his arm around Elvis as the too walked out of Graceland.
“El” I said as he collapsed to the ground. My heart pounded as he drifted in and out of consciousness. The doctor the Colonel hired came rushing over with him. Vernon tried to block the two men's way but failed to the gagle of people.
I sat on the ground with Elvis' head in my lap as the men crowed us.
“all that matters is that man gets on that stage tonight!” the Colonel shouted as the doctor came at him with a needle of God knows what. I quickly grabed before it could Make contact with my husband.
“what matters is that he stays alive a healthy!” I shouted. Elvis' groaned and covered his eyes from the obnoxious with a piece of my jacket.
“I'm sorry Mrs. Presley but I'm just following the rules” the doctor said trying to feed him the unesasary pills. My blood boiled as I chucked the container down the hall.
That's when I reileazed completely that we where utterly alone in this. The Colonel planed to drain every bit of life out of Elvis and no one was there to stop him. As much as I looked up to Vernon(and I'd never tell Elvis this) he didn't have a spin. He didn't have is own son's back. I've tired to keep Elvis safe while at the same time letting him do what he loves, but enough was enough.
“he's not taking any damn drugs!” I shouted. The room when quite, the only sound was the agervated stomp on the Colonel's cane. “those our my rules, got! Everyone got?”
“baby, please” Elvis mumbled. “I wanna go home”
I placed my hand over his damp forehead, feeling his temperature making an entrance once again. I looked over at Vernon then at the Colonel. “vern, help me get Elvis up and out of here”
Vernon went to do as he was instructed but the Colonel out his cane out blocking away. “you touch either one of them I'll kille you, ya understand?”
Vernon pulled him up and placed one of Elvis' arms on his shoulders to keep him balanced. I stood on the other side of Elvis making sure he didn't fall.
“where's Jerry?” I said looking for Elvis' buddy. He came running in like he was magically summoned. He looked at Elvis' condition with shock.
“get the jet ready, we're going to Seattle” I told him. Jerry nodded helping us get out without being attacked by reporters or the Colonel himself.
“but you hate flying” Elvis mumbled half conscience.
“come on Honey” I sighed helping him into the car so we could meet Jerry with The plane Elvis named the Lisa Marie.
Elvis slept the rest of the drive and he was too exhausted to notice us moving him from the car to the plane. Once we got him safely situated we took off for Seattle. I sat down next to him with a sigh of relief. I felt safe in the one place a hated the most.
“you alright?” Jerry asked. I nodded not wanting to look out the window. “I'm not important, Elvis is my main priority right now”
My fear of flying was the least of my problems at the moment, Elvis need help and that's all that matters.
“he's not Gonna be upset, is he?” I asked fearing he'd get frustrated when he wakes up in completely different City.
“you have good intentions and you have his back... I think that's all that matters... He might just be a little upset you didn't tell him about the clinic” Vernon said.
“didn't get the chance” I mumbled thinking about the emergency trip we we're taking. I can only pray this was the right solution.
~~~~~~~~(3rd pov)~~~~~~~~
“where am I?” Elvis said shifting in the unfamiliar bed. He looked over as saw his wife sound asleep in the chair next to his bed. The sound of his shift awoke her as she silently rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
“Hey” she mumbled.
“where are we baby?” he asked setting up and seeing he was in a hospital room. He scaned his surondings then looked back at her.
“in a hospital... In Seattle” she said quietly. She silently waited for he reaction, she hoped he wouldn't be angry. He looked at her suprised as he layed back down.
“why Seattle?” he asked.
“it's a private practice... It's place you can heal” she said. He stayed silent and looked around like he was missing something. “I'm sorry the Colonel was so determined to get you on that stage last night.... Then you collapsed and they tied to give you the same drugs we worked so hard to get you off of... I panicked”
He softly chuckled and reached out her. Y/n sniffed back the tears and inerlocked her fingers with his. “thank you for lookin' out for me baby, your the only one who's truly had my back throughout this mess”
“I love you and I don't what I'd do if you died” he smiled softly then shifted to the left side of the bed so she had room to lay with him.
“I'm not goin' die on ya” he said pulling her to his chest.
There was a moment of silence before he let out a sigh. “I think I should fire the Colonel...”
She's waited so long to hear that. The relief almost became too much that she started to tear up. She snuggled her face into his chest hiding the tears.
“you don't need him Honey, you are so talented...you never needed him” she said as he ran his fingers through his hair smiling softly.
“I love you” he said. He hadn't felt this content in a while. He felt safe just laying there with his wife in his arms. Laying and just forgettig the world he dragged them into. For the first time in a long time he felt like everything would be okay.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Helluva Boss Season 2, episode 2 sneak peek: Thoughts and predictions
So for those who don’t know, Vivziepop was attending a convention the other day knows as “TooManyGames”, and they showed a sneak peek of Helluva boss season 2, this time being episode 2. A fan went there and filmed the peek, as they made this tweet: https://twitter.com/drtwitch666/status/1540792987864551424?s=21&t=4-_DqKLAsW58rlDWmBao6g
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A big thanks goes to that person, so give him some love! Anyway, now that we have a clip of season 2, I wanted to give my thoughts and predictions. There’s not really much to say, but I still wanted to make a post regardless. Please keep in mind that I’d love to know what you thought of the clip, and what you think is ganna happen! Without further or do, let’s start!
So there’s not a lot to go off of here, but to sum up the clip, Blitz is trying to talk to Loona about her behavior towards clients, hence why Loona is so mad. Moxxie seems happy here, as Blitz is struggling and is trying to put his foot down in a way. While that’s going on, we see Octavia sneak in, as she goes to steal the book. She succeeds, possibly going to earth with it.
So firstly, I’d to talk about what I think this episode will be like. It clearly seems to be centered around Loona and Octavia, with Loona frustrated about Blitz and her behavior, and Octavia possibly escaping her parents.
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Judging by these two screenshots in the 2022 trailer, I have the feeling these are from the same episode, this episode in particular, in which Loona goes to earth to cool off, and spots Octavia. They’ll of course probably hang out and bond over their daddy issues, and teenage stuff they like. I’m also expecting a heart to heart emotional moment of course, especially since the fandom wants to see them together since they’re both angsty teens. I did see one fan theorize that Stolas and Blitzo go to earth as well to look for her, but DEAR god I hope that’s not the case. Seriously, I don’t know how much more of the stolitz pandering and fan service I can take, I’m so sick of this being “The Stolitz” show, and nothing else. Can we actually focus on the characters who fucking NEED development? Can we actually focus on the female characters for once? I also saw another fan theorize that Blitzo and Stolas will accidentally get caught up in a movie set for humans mistaking them for actors, and then a fight scene ensues, judging by the shots of Blitz with a wig in the trailer. So yeah….it seems Blitz and his crew will then go to earth to look for her, along with Stolas until they’re pulled into some show set by accident and have a fight scene. That I’m not looking forward to, it feels like there’s going to be a lot of filler in this episode with Stolitz fanservice and the fighting, when they COULD be using that time to develop the characters that need it, aka Octavia and Loona. This episode is honestly a good opportunity to give Octavia and Loona more development, so they don’t feel like freaking background characters anymore. I’m sincerely hoping they do something engaging with Loona’s development specifically, something that won’t just be “wahh, I’m a horrible bitch who has no friends even though I could easily just be nice to people to fix that!”, because yeah, Loona has her issues and I don’t want another sob fest for a character that’s just an asshole who could easily change. Of course it seems this episode is also leaning towards another conflict between Loona and Blitz’s father daughter relationship, and all I can say is that I hope the development actually GOES somewhere instead of disappearing into thin air like episode 3. It would be interesting to see how Blitz and Loona bounce back whenever something though goes on between them, so I hope there’s actual development on their relationship here, again….unlike episode 3, where they just blew up at each other, and the episode just…dropped the conflict and forgot about it. As for Octavia, of course we can infer that she’ll be upset about everything going on at home, especially since her father of the year is still screwing Blitz and has made zero changes for her or her mother, and her mother is just a screeching one note bitch. While I’m intrigued to see more about Octavia and this situation, I do hope we learn more about her outside of that, like I hope she won’t just be angry and sulking the entire episode. I also want to say that I hope season 2 doesn’t hold back regarding Octavia, and what I mean by that is i want them to show us how she truly feels, show her desperately torn up and angry at her parents, WITHOUT making Stolas look good in some shape or form. I say that because I really didn’t like how episode 2 handled her feelings. Basically to sum Loona and Octavia up, I hope there’s more added to their characters, and that they get good development. If the episode really does involve Stolas and Blitz looking for them, I sincerely hope Viv and Brandon spent the running time they have to developing other characters, instead of more stupid Stolitz fan service. Seriously, Loona and Octavia desperately need development, and this seems like a good setup if my theory turns out to be true.
Moving on, let’s discuss my thoughts on the actual clip. It starts with Loona literally beating the shit out of Blitzo….and well, this is certainly different, we’ve never seen her act with violence, at least with Blitz. While I’m so happy to see Blitz getting beaten, I’m kinda worried about how they’ll handle Loona’s situation. I still REALLY don’t like her, she screams edgy loud obnoxious furry, and I can already tell this is going to be an episode deep diving into how lonely she is probably, and that she doesn’t have any friends. The only problem is that I still can’t feel bad for Loona. She’s unlikable as all heck and I can’t get invested in her or her story. Like…I get that she’s supposed to be this angsty teen trope but….sorry guys, it’s the same with how I feel about Blitzo, Stolas, and Angel, I just can’t feel sympathy for a character that acts like nothing other than a spoiled horrible brat. All I can say is that I hope she realizes that she doesn’t need to treat everyone around her like utter shit for no reason and own up to her behavior with the consequences. Moving on from that, we see that Moxxie is happy, my viewpoint is that he seems eager to get a new receptionist since she’s so mean to him, that or he’s genuinely happy Blitz is putting his foot down. Oh yeah, that’s another thing. Can we actually SEE Loona do some work? Yes we’ve seen her fight, but we never see her do her damn job. She always just sits at the desk and reads or something, it would be interesting to see how a client calls her and what she has to do. That reminds me, I sincerely hope that Blitz will finally be working to be more kinder and of course respectful to Moxxie and his wife. It would be nice to seem him at least TRYING to be more kinder and understanding towards his employees, and since he’s finally confronting Loona about her behavior, it could be a good start, though it seems more like he’s only talking to her about her behavior not for the sake of him or his workers, but for his job rather. Hope that’s not the case.
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Anyway, we see that Octavia has come in to steal Stolas’s grimoire. Not really happy to see that the book is still just a portal device. It’s always aggravating to watch a character interact with this book, because we still don’t know what the heck it does, or any lore regarding it. How long do we have to wait until we figure out this book’s purpose? What it’s used for? What it does? What’s in it? How Stolas uses it and what his job is? To be fair though, this is a clip of the second episode, so hopefully the questions will be answered in episode 1. I also hope that moving forward, this book won’t just be used as a portal device and nothing else, because that’s just wasting potential. Anyway, the first thing I want to say is that this scene made me roll my eyes, once again the main characters are being idiots for the sake of the plot. I mean come on, Octavia was RIGHT behind them in the same room! I get they were distracted but they have no security? No cameras? They couldn’t hear her dang footsteps?? But whatever I guess. We see that Blitz keeps the grimoire in a safe, and my biggest problem I have is that….well how does Octavia know the code to it? She probably never interacted with Blitz, but perhaps she knew from Stolas but…..what does it matter if Stolas knows the code? Blitz is the one keeping hold of the book, and they lend it to each other anyway on the full moon when they get it on. Also….that’s another thing. We know that Stolas gets the book for a certain amount of time on the full moon, so why couldn’t Octavia just wait until it was his turn with the grimoire? Why go through all the trouble sneaking in IMP headquarters? Guess she couldn’t wait that long. I don’t blame her, escaping from an emotional abusive household doesn’t seem so rash in her case. All I’m ganna say is that I hope the relationship with her dad and even mother is dealt with well, parents divorcing and verbal and emotional abuse are huge hefty subjects, and I really hope they portray that well. Though……I’m pressing X to doubt. I hope they deep dive into Stella and just not make her this one note yelling bitch but again…..press X to doubt. An ending with these three characters who is a family falling apart…I’d like to think they acknowledge they’re broken and all three of them put the effort in to fix it, ya know….something complex, instead of just making Stolas out to be the good guy who ends up with Octavia.
So yeah, that’s all I have to say on this clip. I can’t say it’s…..promising, like…I’ll be honest, the episode with Stolas and Paimon looks far more interesting than this one, but here’s to hoping the writing and storytelling has improved, or at the very LEAST, season 2 becomes promising. I just want the storytelling to be better, as well as good character development, and character development that actually GOES somewhere, not just being thrown out the window the next episode like season 1. Of course I also want Loona and Millie to get development and actually be defined characters, they’ve been shoved to the back in the entirety of season 1 and I really really REALLY hope season 2 isn’t just “The Stolitz and Moxxie show”. Hopes are still low, but I’ll definitely be checking the first episode out. Thank you for reading, and tell me your thoughts on the clip and season 2! I’ll see you next time! 👋💕
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0funsite0 · 2 years
Only Teens 1
Summary: Next to being born to a wealthy family, where your and your boyfriend's parents own a successful company together, you are also on the straight path to succeeding as a young actress. But all that can be shattered with an unplanned teen pregnancy.
2K words
teen!jungkook x teen pregnant fem!reader
Warnings: pregnancy, chaotic thoughts, doctors
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Your POV
That's what the digital pregnancy test read. This sunny Saturday morning has turned into a nightmare.
My life is fucking over.
Tears streamed down your face as you held the white stick with shaky hands. You were 17, your boyfriend just turned 18 last week and you were 12th graders... There's no way you could raise a baby now. Your life was finally stepping on the right path, given that you were about to take one of the lead roles in the next part of a famous movie franchise.
But we used protection!
No, no, no... Mom's gonna kill me. And Jungkook too... Fuck!
Still, with your shaky hands, you lifted your phone to click on your boyfriend's contact. After just a few rings he answered.
- Good morning, Y/n! How are you? - he asked in his sexy morning voice.
- Jungkook... - you couldn't hold your voice back from cracking.
- Princess? What's wrong?
- We need to talk.
Jungkook's POV
Oh no... No, no, no... She's breaking up with me!
Why? What did I do wrong? Two years for nothing? But our relationship was good. Everyone at school envies us!
His heart was pounding in his chest, as he sat in his car and drove down to your family's mansion. Luckily he made it there safe. Y/n's parents were away on a business trip and her older half-brother, Jin was probably somewhere with his friends totally hungover after some party he went to, so she knew this was the calmest time to tell him.
As soon as he raised his hand to knock, she opened the door.
Oh, my God... she's so pale. And her eyes are puffy... Was she crying? Is she sick?
- Y/n... What's wrong? - he asked in the softest possible tone.
- Kook... - she broke down.
Oh, my baby...
Jungkook stood there for a split second, with widened eyes, but soon enough he laced her into his strong arms.
- Shhh... baby, it's okay. It's okay. - he kissed the crown of her head. - Talk to me, please.
What even...?
- I understand if you want to leave me, but... please... I can't do this alone. I need you!
She pulled away from the wet, teary spot she had left on Jungkook's shirt and reached into her back pocket, handing the white stick to his boyfriend.
Is it...? No... it's probably not what I think it is... Right? It can't be!
I can't be a father I'm 18 for fuck's sake! But we... we used protection. It must have broken...
- I need to think. -was all he said as he put the test back into her hands, and drove off with his car.
He was driving, and driving, totally unaware of his surroundings.
Where the hell am I?
He had no idea... Soon he parked the car close to a park, where he hoped he could have some fresh air.
She's probably joking...
She would never joke with something like that...
He sat down on a bench, millions of emotions flooding his soul. Anger, sadness, guilt...
Soon enough he couldn't stand sitting in one place anymore. He abruptly stood up and ran. Ran as far as his legs could carry him. He fucked up bad, he knew it. And there was no way back...
It was only about 2 hours later that he realized: she was home alone... more likely than not bawling her eyes out. And he left her at such a crucial time? She needs his support now more than ever!
You're such an asshole, Jungkook!
This time Jin, Y/n's brother opened the door.
- Was it you? - the older asked with fury in his eyes.
Crap... he knows...
- I... um... We were... - Jungkook studdered.
- I have no idea what you did, - so he doesn't know. - but I came home to her curled up on the floor, totally miserable.
What have I done?
- C-Can I go see her?
Jin's face burned with pure rage.
- See her?! I think you saw enough, buddy!
A faint voice from upstairs broke the tension between the two boys for a second.
- Let him in.
Without another word Jungkook stormed past Jin and rushed up the stairs, taking the steps three at once. Carefully, not to startle her, he opened the door and set his eyes on the shivering girl, eyes red and puffy. She looked so small and breakable at that moment...
- Y/n...
- Jungkook... Are you lea-leaving me? - her voice was barely a whisper.
He took a slow step closer to her, so he was standing right in front of the girl. She looked up at him, hurt clearly shining in her eyes. He sat one hand on her cheek.
- Princess... no! I'm not leaving you. I know I behaved very immaturely. Forgive me? - he pleaded.
- Jungkook... yo-your reaction w-was natural for an 18-year-old hi-high school student who's going to become a fa-father.
I'm gonna be a father... What?
- That doesn't mean it was right...
He was cut off by the door slamming open. Jin barged in and everything happened at the speed of lightning.
Your POV
Your brother harshly grabbed the back of Jungkook's hoodie and yanked him against the wall, causing the family picture that was hung on it to shatter into tiny pieces.
- JIN! - you yelled, as you jumped up from the bed.
- Who's gonna be a father? - he hissed, looking down dangerously at your boyfriend.
He raised his fist to punch him but you managed to grab his arm, so he wouldn't hurt him.
It took at least 40 minutes for everything to cool down. You were now sitting on the couch next to Jungkook, Jin right in front of the two of you. He was sitting across the expensive coffee table on an armchair, arms and legs crossed, a blank expression on his face.
He was the one to break the silence.
- What the fuck guys?
Neither of you said anything.
We fucked up...
- You both fucked up...
Big time...
- Big time.  
- We aren't getting rid of it. - Jungkook said.
You looked up at him in shock. Obviously, you weren't considering abortion either, but knowing that he was on the same page as you made you feel safe. You knew he was sticking beside you through thin and thick.
- We know we messed up, but this baby... - he gulped. - It isn't the baby's fault. It's our's and we are taking full responsibility for our actions.
He looked down at you, what seemed like he was asking for reassurance. You nodded. He basically said everything you thought out loud.
Jin sighed.
- How far along are you?
- I don't know. I only found out this morning.
Silence set in the house. The three of you spent the next minutes searching for a private gynecologist on various online sites. You wanted to make sure you were in the best hands. Soon you had an appointment set for next Wednesday.
- When are you telling mom and dad. - Jin broke the silence.
I haven't thought about that yet... I can't tell them... Dad's gonna kill me! Okay, maybe Jungkook first, but...
- I... Can't t-tell them.
- You know that's not an option...
- Ca-can we at least wait for a lit-little while?
- Y/n... a little while? You can not delay such a thing...
- Give me a few days.
Those few days went by fast. It came too soon, and your parents were back from their business trip. In fact, Wednesday came.
You exited the school building and found Jungkook already waiting for you in front of the gate, in his car. You quickly got in.
- Hi. How are you? - he greeted you.
- Still the same as I felt an hour ago when you last asked me. - you smiled shyly.
He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.
- I know, but still...
- Thank you for asking though. - you flashed a small smile.
And he drove off.
Things between you have become a lot different since that day. The atmosphere around you was almost... awkward? Yes definitely. It's mostly like he became a little protective but in a strange way. It seemed like he now saw you as a very fragile object, that would break if he spoke too much or too loud.
- Nervous? - you asked.
- Very much... - he breathed out a nervous laugh.
- Me too.
That was the only encounter you had during the whole drive to the doctor's office.
Soon after you got there and told the receptionist what you came for, the doctor welcomed you into the examination room.
- Miss Y/n Y/l/n?
- Yeah... That's me.
He warmly smiled at both of you.
- And this gentleman is...?
- Jeon Jungkook, Mr. Kim.
- Pleasure to meet you.
He led you to a bed next to the ultrasound machine. The room was bright from the large windows which let the warm afternoon sunlight flood the place. The overall atmosphere was friendly and calm, which was exactly what you needed considering the stressful situation you were in. The office also seemed very well equipped, which told you, you were in good hands.
- Alright, so this is your first check-up if I understood right, and you are teen parents.
- Yeah... - your cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.
- No, no... don't be ashamed of that. Let's face it, it's not the best thing in the world, but you are willing to take responsibility, and that's something I very much respect.
Wow... he's so kind!
- Besides, - he continued. - My mother went through the same thing when she had me, but she didn't have any support from either her parents or her boyfriend. So I'm more than happy to help. Not just as a gynecologist, but as someone, you both can share your problems with and come for advice.
- Th-thank you, Mr. Kim!
- Of course! - he smiled. - Now, let's take a look at your baby.
Oh, God... I have no idea how this is going to work... I'm scared.
You laid down on the bed and rolled your shirt up. He alerted you that the gel was going to be cold, which really made you flinch the second he squeezed some on your bare stomach. Jungkook was quick to grab your hand. The way he rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand soothed you.
Mr. Kim began working g with the ultrasound wand and soon enough he stopped when a tiny little blip appeared on the screen. That was your baby.
Jungkook's POV
As soon as he set an eye on the blurry figure on the screen, he stopped rubbing your hand, but never let go.
That... That is... My baby.
- There it is! - the doctor smiled. - Beautiful!
Mr. Kim pressed another button on the machine and a loud, consistent thrashing sound echoed through the room, filling both of your hearts with warmth.
- Nice and strong heartbeat. - he stated. - Baby looks totally healthy and from the size of it, it seems like you're a little over 6 weeks.
It's healthy!
- I'm going to print out a few copies of the sonograms and write you a perscription of the prenatal vitamins you shall take from now on.
And with that, he left the room.
Y/n slowly turned her head towards him. That's when he realized, that both of their eyes were full of tears.
- Jungkook... - she breathed.
- Y/n!
He leaned down and pressed a long and passionate kiss on her lips.
Were they scared as hell? Heck yes! But the sight of their unexpected creation, the sound of its little heart beating assured them, that they were going to do everything in their abilities to make sure this child had everything in the world and grew up in a full and loving family.
With that, Jungkook put the sonogram picture in his phone case. And never took it out ever since.
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astartothemoon · 2 years
borrowed and blue // Fall
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Summary:  Steve, having enough of his father's constant disapproval, needs to move out of his parents’ house. Reader is back in town after having inherited the old record store on main street, only she has no place to stay. Eddie, being friends with both, brings the two together and offers a solution. Though neither of them can afford a place by themselves, together they make enough to rent a little house at the edge of Hawkins.  Follow the two as the navigate life together and deal with the feelings that arise eventually.
A love story told in 4 seasons.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x female Reader
Trigger Warning: Swearing. Mention of alcohol. Mention of food. Slight mention of intimate situations.
A/N:  Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.
Fall has slowly but surely taken up residency in Hawkins. Half the leaves have turned shades of orange and red while the rest have started deserting the trees and now crunch under your boot with every step you take.
Steve’s woolen sweater does little to keep the cold out but he’d quite honestly rather freeze to death out here leaning against the backdoor of Family Video than be warm and toasty at home.
“ You’re no fun today, dingus. What’s got you looking all gloomy? “ Robin asks before stuffing her face with another bite of her turkey sandwich.
“ Honestly Harrington. You’re a real downer. “ Eddie agrees, cigarette smoke flowing like a veil around his head.
“ Way to gang up on me guys. And anyway, why are you even here? You don’t work here.”
Eddie unabashedly shrugs his shoulders. Really it shouldn’t come as a surprise to Steve. Eddie has somehow made himself a permanent 3rd party in their chaotic friendship after the events of last spring. Wherever Robin and Steve go, Eddie goes. And while he drives him crazy sometimes with his inability to stay still for even a minute and his big mouth, Steve has to admit that he enjoys having another person around.
“ Maybe I want to rent a movie.”
“ You never rent a movie! You just make us bring them around so you don’t have to pay.”
“ He’s got a point there,” Robin admits, snapping her mouth shut when Eddie throws her a sour look.
“ It’s called being smart, Harrington. You should look it up. Anyway, back to you. Why the long face? You know those frowns are gonna leave wrinkles and your face is the best thing you got going for you. No offense.”
“ I take full offense in that actually. “
He doesn’t. It’s the foundation of their friendship — teasing. It comes with the situation. Befriending someone from high school you never thought you could ever have anything in common with is weird. Not a bad weird, but weird either way.
“ Cut the crap. What’s wrong, Steve? “
Robin isn’t serious a lot. Steve thinks he might be able to count the times on one hand. But when she is, it’s a little terrifying. It makes you want to open up to her just so you don’t let her down. There’s a motherly quality in Robin being serious. Steve isn’t sure he likes it.
“ My dad had a go at me again. You know, the usual. “ You amount to nothing. You’re a disappointment. You put shame on the Harrington name””.
“ I’m sorry, dingus. “
“ I just — I can’t deal with it anymore. I need to get out of that house. Every time I look at my dad I see disappointment in his eyes and every time I look at mom I see — nothing. It’s like she doesn’t really care at all. I’m sick of it. “
“ What happened to that place you went to check out the other day? “
Steve lets out a humorless chuckle “ That was perfect and way too expensive for just me. And anyway, what do I need two bedrooms for anyway? Now if one of youuu guys — “
“ Nope. I love living with my parents. They drive me everywhere, they wash my clothes. You know I would but I’m also not stupid. I'm not leaving the nest when it’s soooo comfortable. And I’ll be off to college soon anyway so — “
It sends a shiver through him, the thought of Robin leaving. Robin and Nancy and all of his old friends. Everyone makes their way out of Hawkins at some point, hell even the kids will leave someday in the not-so-distant future. There is nothing here for them. Everyone leaves but him. Well, he and —
No answer. Instead, Eddie seems caught in his own thoughts once again. It happens sometimes. He’s probably planning another d&d campaign or something like that, things Steve knows absolutely nothing about. Sometimes it’s endearing, sometimes it’s aggravating.
“Munson? “
“ Huh? What was that? “
“ You wanna move in with me? “
“ Oh absolutely not, we’d end up killing each other. But I might have an idea.”
A smirk spreads on Eddie’s lips that leave Steve feeling a bit uneasy. It’s not that Eddie has bad ideas or that they come from a bad place, he just tends to go over the top a lot of times.
“I hate the way that sounds, do you hate the way that sounds? “ Steve asks, turning to Robin who only shrugs her shoulders in reply.
“You’re gonna thank me later, Harrington. Trust me.”
Dropping his cigarette, Eddie walks past his friends, tussling Steve’s hair in the process, and leaves without as much as a goodbye.
“ Sooo, that’s a completely normal reaction and not totally weird or anything.”
“ Steve, it’s Eddie. What do you expect? But hey, maybe he’ll surprise us and actually has a good idea on how to get you out of your predicament.“
Yeah, maybe. Only it’s way past the time that believing in a maybe filled Steve with any sort of hope.
Maybe stopped sounding like a possibility a while ago.
Maybe is a pipe dream.
Maybe is disappointment wrapped in a neat pretty bow.
"Yeah, maybe.”
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“Steve Harrington?”
“ Mmmh.”
“ Pretty boy Harrington?”
“ The very same.”
For the first time since he brought it up (Y/N) lifts her eyes away from the boxes of vinyl records and properly looks at Eddie.
The record store has that certain kind of boxed-in smell. Like dust and leather. Like old books and cardboard. Like home. And it’s hers now. All hers. With all the good and bad.
And there’s no record store without Eddie Munson.
“I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that you are friends with Steve and now you’re asking me to move in with him?”
“I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m just offering a solution to a problem. Steve is — surprisingly kind of cool. He has a stable income, not much but stable. And he’s not nearly as messy as I am. You can take it or leave it. Just think sleeping in the backroom of the record store doesn’t sound super comfortable. “
He’s right. He usually is, (Y/N) just hates to let him know that. Boy gets awfully smug when he knows he’s right.
She’s not sure how many more nights she can go sleeping on the thin futon she keeps at the back office, without ruining her back for all eternity. It’s stuffy in here and nights get awfully cold. Maybe renting a place with Steve Harrington isn’t the worst of all scenarios. But it feels an awful lot like admitting defeat. “I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t you failing, this is you accepting help from a friend, okay? “
There’s a sense of sincerity in Eddie’s deep brown eyes that she will never quite get used to. Beneath the teasing and the jokes there’s a bond so thick it can never be broken. A thread woven by two trailer park kids who never had anything but each other.
“ I hate that you know me so well.”
“ I know. But hey, if it makes you feel better you can return the favor.”
A smirk threatens to pull at the corner of his lips. Barely there but there after all. He knows that whatever he’s asking for, she’ll say yes. He’s her friend, her brother by choice not by blood. There is no way she’ll ever say no.
“ Oh yeah? And what favor would that be?”
“ Give me a job. “
“ Huh? “
“With everything that happened I can’t — I can’t continue dealing. And though I am officially acquitted that doesn’t mean shit in this hellhole of a town. So you can imagine how ecstatic businesses are about hiring Eddie Munson, acquitted in the eyes of the law but still a killer to all of Hawkins.”
She hates the way his voice shakes when he speaks. Though he tries to veil his pain with jokes and laughter, it doesn’t really work. There’s fear and sadness lacing his words. There was always a hidden sadness in this boy but ever since the incident of last spring, of which she still hasn’t heard the entire story, it’s more prominent, less hidden.
“ You’ll always have a job here if you want it. I hope you know that.”
“ Oh, I know.”
“ And I’ll be giving you all the shitty shifts.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else. Aaand you’ll let me have band practice in the back? “
“ Of course.”
And when he smiles at her with the same smile of a 5-year-old Eddie, the one she ran through sprinklers with, the one whose ceiling she glued glow-in-the-dark stars to, she knows she did the right thing. And she’ll do it all over again for the rest of both their lives.
“Soooo I can tell Steve you’re in?”
“ You can tell Steve I’m willing to take a look at the place.”
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An overgrown path flanked by elms and maple trees leads up to the property. It’s a kaleidoscope of reds and oranges, a few specks of green still trying to hold onto the last drops of summer. It feels like a dream, a watercolor painting of the perfect fall scenario. Picturesque. Beautiful.
The house is small but enough. It’s cute. It’s homey. There are two bedrooms, a small kitchen, an open area for living and dining, and a bathroom. The floor is brushed wood, the walls all painted a dusty off-white.
(Y/N) can see herself living here. She can almost smell the coffee rising from her mug as she lounges on the bench swing by the front porch. Can taste the lemonade and ice cream and beer she will hand out in summer as her friends hang out in the backyard. There’s a fireplace made for Christmas stockings and a hook on the front door to hang a floral wreath when springtime calls.
It’s easy to get lost in dreams of what could be. And then her eyes meet Steve across the way and she is being reminded of what is.
“ What do you think? “
I think it’s perfect.
I think I want to spend my whole life here.
I think I want to make this my home.
All those thoughts run through her head but none of them make it past her lips. She hardly knows this guy, there’s no way she’s gonna share all her heart's desires with him on a Tuesday morning when he hasn’t even had a coffee yet.
“ I think we’re gonna need a couch.”
She can almost see the gears turning and the lightbulb switching on as the words she spoke start registering in his mind. And then he smiles and she must admit, despite everything in her wanting to deny it, that Steve Harrington has a really great smile. One that almost brings a little glimpse of summer back into the cold fall morning.
“ So that’s a yes? “
“ Yes, Harrington. I think we should try this.”
He goes in for a hug then thinks better of it and pulls his arms quickly deciding to punch the air in excitement instead. There’s a nerdy quality to him. She wonders if he knows. It’s slightly endearing. Slightly.
“ Awesome. Cool. Great. Uh — I don’t have a couch but I do have a TV.” “ Cool! I have a coffee machine, a record player, and a cat.”
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Mondays are a drag. Even when you’re your own boss. It’s one of the basic pillars of humanity. Mondays suck.
The air is brisk and sharp when (Y/N) makes her way out of her cozy warm bedroom and steps into the living area of the house. The floor is cold beneath her bare feet. They really need to invest in a rug or something, she thinks before her eyes meet the empty living room. A rug and a couch.
Steve’s door is still closed. The guy doesn’t get up before noon if he doesn’t have to go to work. Or maybe he just doesn’t wander out of his room. It’s been two weeks now and living with him is surprisingly easy. He’s not loud, he’s not messy. He’s barely around as it is. Most of the time he’s either at work or hanging out with this girl called Robin. Who (Y/N) thinks might be his girlfriend, she’s not entirely sure though.
The captain, (Y/N)’s black cat who used to live in the alleyway behind the record store, weaves his way around her ankles, his soft fur brushing against her skin.
"You hungry Cap? Let me brush my teeth real quick and I'll feed you, okay?"
Cap looks up at her with big black eyes and that's as good a reply as she can expect from the chubby cat.
The bathroom of their new house is small and cluttered. There’s makeup and lotions and hair products everywhere. The shower curtain is an ugly shade of washed-out blue and a little too short, which results in the bathroom partially flooding every time someone takes a shower.
Their bathroom is a bit of a mess but it’s a controlled mess, one (Y/N) is slowly but surely getting used to. What she doesn’t expect is to open the door and be greeted by a half-naked stranger.
Confusion and shock color the blonde girl’s face as she catches sight of (Y/N) through the mirror. An oversize shirt falls down her body, ending just below her butt, a sliver of red panties peeking out as she turns around.
“Holy fuck, who the hell are you?”
“You know what, I was gonna ask you the exact same thing.”
“I’m Leslie,” the girl says matter-of-factly as if not knowing should make (Y/N) feel some kind of shame. It reminds her of the way Tammy Thompson used to talk after coming back from her Nashville trip that one time in year 10.
“Good for you, what are you doing in my bathroom?” “ Uh — this is Steve’s bathroom.”
There’s a part of (Y/N) that wants to laugh. That wants to let out a hearty giggle and face the absolute ridiculousness of the situation. Though that part has to submit to the part of her that hates Monday mornings and hasn’t had a coffee yet.
“It’s also my bathroom. Do you see those lipsticks over there? You think those belong to Steve?”
Like the flip of a switch, the girl’s face falls. A deep unease settles over her features making her look much younger than the previous mask of post-coital confidence.
“Shit, are you the girlfriend?”
It’s not the first time someone has asked that question since they moved in together. It comes with the situation. There’s a certain expectation when people of different genders share a living space. (Y/N) thinks it’s absolute bullshit. Men and women can totally be just platonic friends. Not that her and Steve are even that.
“No I’m — you know what? Wait here.”
Life is just a sequence of battles being thrown your way. The art is to know which ones are worth fighting and which ones to pass on to your housemate.
A whiff of cold air slaps (Y/N) in the face as she opens the door to Steve’s room. The blue curtain flows with the breeze finding its way through the open window.  It’s the first time she’s stepped foot in here since they properly moved in. His room smells clean, like crisp fall air and fresh linen. And a little bit like expensive cologne. There’s a dresser on one side of the room, his bed on the other. Other than that it’s pretty bare.
Wrinkled sheets hide the bottom half of Steve’s body, his chest proudly on display as he spreads out starfish-like on his bed. Man, that boy has a lot of chest hair. For a moment (Y/N)’s mind goes on a little time travel mission. Back to high school days. Back to when Steve was on the basketball team and took every chance to be on the skins team during training. Did he have as much chest hair then?
Before she can fully form the thought she shakes her head in displeasure. What business has she thinking about Steve Harrington’s fucking chest hair? Absolutely none.
“ Harrington, wake up.”
Nothing. Of course not.
God, she fucking hates Mondays.
“ Steve! Wake the fuck up!”
Absolutely no reaction.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
Grumbling to herself (Y/N) makes her way toward Steve’s sleeping form.
“I swear to god, if I end up seeing your penis I’m going to strangle you!”
In a swift motion, she grabs the pillow from beneath his head and smacks him across his stupid pretty face.
“What the fuck, (Y/N).”
“Oh, that does it then, physical violence?”
His voice is raspy and laced with sleep. It would be sexy if it was anyone but pretty boy Steve Harrington.
“What do you want?”
“I’d like to use my own bathroom in peace.”
Steve lifts his arms off of his face, regarding her with curious confusion. His eyebrow almost disappears behind his stupidly perfect hair. Where everyone else would sport an impressive case of bedhead, Steve’s mane looks perfectly styled as if every strand has been placed with precision. Maybe, she thinks, he’s some kind of wizard brewing potions and casting spells to keep his hair looking nice at all times.
Or maybe his hair is just that great.
“You need my help to go to the bathroom?”
“No, Harrington. I need you to get your friend out.”
“My frie — oh shit.”
He’s not naked. Thank god. He’s just wearing really tight boxer briefs. Gray ones.
It’s a face (Y/N) never thought she’d ever find out firsthand. Steve Harrington is a boxer briefs kinda guy. That’s another thing that comes with living together. Sooner or later you’ll figure out stuff about the other you never needed to know. You’ll know anyway. And from then on the knowledge is yours to do with as you see fit.
(Y/N) tries to push the info to the furthest corner of her brain, right there in a dusty box that holds most of what she learned in geometry class and the names of all the drunk girls she’s ever made friends with in a bar bathroom.
Then again, at least he’s not naked.
It takes Steve a full 25 minutes to convince Leslie that (Y/N) is in fact not his girlfriend and another 20 to get her out of the house. She leaves with a promise of him calling again. It’s a promise he has no intention of keeping, even (Y/N) can tell. It’s a soft lie. One meant not to hurt but to cushion the inevitable fall.
It’s gonna hurt anyway and for a second (Y/N) feels bad for the girl. Only for a second though. Her third cup of coffee washes away those feelings.
“I’m really sorry about that,” Steve exclaims as he drops down onto the floor next to her, his own cup of coffee in hand. “It’s not gonna happen again.”
“We should set up some rules.”
“For when we have dates over?”
“For living together.”
“Okay uh yeah — that makes sense. I guess.”
(Y/N) rips a page from one of the many notebooks lying around.
“What should I call it?” She asks before Steve takes the sharpie from her hand and scribbles something onto the blank page.
Steve and (Y/N)’s roommate rules.
“Okay sounds good. 1. Dates need to be out by morning or announced in advance. That cool with you?”
Steve nods his head in approval, hair shaking with every move.
“ Anything you wanna add? “
“ Mmmm.” His lips almost disappear with the way he sucks them in, trying to speak up but worried about upsetting her.
“ Spit it out, Harrington.”
“You play your music really loudly. And no offense but I can only do so much Bon Jovi before I want to stab a fork in my ear.”
“That is absolutely offensive and also blasphemy but I accept it. Put it on the list.”
A silence settles over the two as the morning sun rises above the horizon, throwing long rays of autumn sun through the windows. A scene quite serene and calm. If it wasn’t for the fact that (Y/N)’s ass is almost numb from sitting on the freezing cold floor.
“We need a fucking couch.” “ We really do.”
(Y/N)’s eyes fall towards Steve’s figure sitting next to her. His chest still bare. His legs still bare. The guy is still in his boxer briefs and one lone sock.
“Put some clothes on man.”
3. No walking around in underwear.
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A shrill beeping sound wakes Steve from a dreamless slumber. For a second his mind travels to bad places. Dark memories clouded in fear. Sounds from a world like this but different. Warped and disfigured and wrong.
Then his mind fog disappears slowly but surely and he realizes that he is in fact not in the upside down but at home. At home in his own house in his own room in his own bed.
And the sound? That’s the fire alarm.
Oh shit, the fire alarm.
Throwing his blanket off of himself, Steve hurries out of his room and rounds the corner expecting the worst. Ever since — things started happening, he always expects the worst.
He’s not greeted by flames. There is no fire. Nothing is ablaze.
But there’s (Y/N), looking down sadly at a tray of what he thinks might be muffins. If they’re supposed to be dark chocolate they look perfect. If they’re supposed to be anything else they’re badly burned.
“ What the hell is going on? “ he asks as he pushed the button, turning off the horrible beeping sound.
“ I was stress-baking and ended up forgetting about the muffins while they were in the oven. I blame that fancy-ass wine yours.”
When he left home, Steve took a few bottles of the expensive Cabernet his parents keep in their wine cabinet. Not because he likes to drink it, in fact, it all tastes like bitter, overpriced grape juice to him. No, that was purely out of spite.
“Why are you drinking wine and baking at — “ he glances at the clock on the microwave, “midnight? “
A strand of hair falls in front of her face and for a split second, he wants to push it away, comb it behind her ear. Then he reminds himself that he hardly knows the girl. You don’t go around brushing people’s hair off their faces if you don’t know them. That’s something intimate. Like kissing the top of someone's head. Like tugging them in when they fall asleep on the couch.
“Just — everything with the record store is stressing me out. I’ve never had to manage a whole store by myself. I don’t know the first thing about owning a business. And right now it’s still going alright but what if I mess up? What if people stop coming by and the store stops making money and then we will never be able to buy a couch.”
He’s not seen her like that before. Sad. He hates it. Her mouth is pulled into a frown and where her eyes usually glimmer with mischief and excitement, they look dull and glassy now.
He wants it on record that the glimmer in her eyes was something he discovered purely by accident and not because he looks at her that much. It’s all purely circumstantial.
“So I don’t know anything about owning a business. But I do know one thing.”
“ Yeah? And what’s that?”
“ No matter what happens. People will always need music. People will always need a record store.”
Many times in his life, Steve found himself in situations knowing he said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Stupid intrusive thoughts have tumbled from his lips too many times to count.
This time, he thinks he might’ve said exactly what needed to be said. At least if her smile is any indication of it.
“ Thanks, Harrington. That’s a very sweet thing to say.”
He shrugs his shoulders casually as if it’s no big deal.
It’s a little bit of a big deal.
“And about that couch? We’ll figure that out, I promise. In the meantime — “
He squats down to the floor, opens the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink, and pulls out the thick roll of shiny silver duct tape.
“What are you doing, you weirdo? “
“I’m planning.”
“Planning what? “
“ Our future.”
With a determination that’s even foreign to himself, Steve struts into the living area and kneels down on where the couch would be.
“Come on, come sit on our couch.”
Slowly but surely he creates a, someone lopsided and imperfect, duct tape outline on the wooden floors.
He can almost see it. A cozy L-shaped sofa in the middle of the room. Maybe a nice forest green. Maybe shiny brown leather.
It doesn’t matter really. It will be theirs. In his own home. That he pays for with his own money. Where disappointment doesn’t try to grab and pull at him from every corner. Where he is just Steve and that’s enough.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"No more midnight baking, okay? Can we put that on the list?"
She laughs and nods.
"Yeah, that's okay with me. Hey, you know what?” (Y/N) asks as she drops down on the floor next to him, crossing her legs and handing a glass of wine to him, keeping one to herself.
“What’s that?”
“I really enjoy living with you. I think we’re a good team.”
“Yeah, I think so too.”
“You know what else?”
“I can’t wait to decorate our house for Christmas.”
Our house.
Steve nods and takes a sip from the glass. Yup, still bitter and overpriced grape juice.
“Maybe by winter we’ll have a couch.”
Laughter echoes through the halls of the little house as it stands nestled between elms and maple trees. The night is inky black but the little light that comes from the house casts a glow into the dark.
There is no pain in this house. It doesn’t live here anymore. There is only laughter. And friendship. And the promise of something more. Something grand. Something that is entirely their own.
Sometimes a maybe is more than disappointment wrapped in a pretty bow.
Sometimes maybe is a chance.
Sometimes maybe is the beginning of something wonderful.
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cchapsticck · 1 year
15 questions. Stuff bout me! Thanks for tagging me @greenlikethesea!
1. are you named after anyone?
Okay kind of a funny story. When it comes to my deadname the story goes my parents were so sick of fighting over what to call me that that name was like a hands in the air okay fine concession between the two of them and neither of them actually liked it all that much. The name (and variations on it) I go by these days I am, without meaning to, named after two people. I share a deadname with one of my closest and oldest friends, and a mutual friend of ours has a condition that makes it difficult for him to distinguish faces - and we both have a similar vocal quality so we were particularly difficult for him to distinguish without someone having identified who was who in conversation. So he started calling her "Senior" and me "Junior" because calling us by the same name was just an additional complication for him keeping us distinctive and Junior stuck hard. My father's middle name is just the letter J, which someone at work started calling me and now everyone does. And I work a lot. So I am called it a lot. So that happened on accident.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I think it was before I had surgery, which was. Two months ago? Three? I forget how time works. I was scaredexcited. I'm not really a big crier, but I definitely have watershed moments of "cry a lot now" a couple times a year.
3. do you have kids?
I do not and I don't think that I will. I have a lot of respect for people who have and raise children, I just don't think I'm well suited to be a parent for a real smorgasbord of reasons. I like kids just fine though! My friend's kids are super cool and I always enjoy my time with them.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I guess occasionally? I think when I do its this very intentionally hyperbolic version of it so as to not be misconstrued when I'm joking. If I'm ever going to be sassy about something I think I'd say my "style" in that arena is a bit more deadpan, but still very unserious. I tend to be a very earnest person so things like sarcasm are pretty much always employed as a joke.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
/john mayer voice My Body Is A Garbage Can 🎶 my ramshackle horrible body is not cut out for sports, but in my youth I played hockey and figure skated. (midwest baybeeeee) I skipped out on my physical education requirement in high school by being in marching band for 4 years.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
So I am deaf and I spend a lot of time looking at people's mouths, I read lips to fill in some lost information that my hearing aids don't reliably provide me with so it usually takes me a few encounters with a person before I start to notice other details about them beyond the lower third of their face. Sometimes I'll notice people's eyebrows, or if they have glasses or freckles but the specifics of their features don't always sink in right away.
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
For my own personal enjoyment? Always always always a scary movie. I love a scary movie. Good, bad, doesn't matter, I want to watch it. A friend of mine and I spend entire weekends just watching the Shudder back catalogue and we've found some incredible films. (Please watch Death Spa I'm so not even kidding) I am a whole sucker for a practical effect. I also love a scary movie with a happy ending!
9. any special talents?
I always know where the car is parked.
10. where were you born?
American Midwest. Round the lakes. Y'know. The big ones.
11. what are your hobbies?
I'm one of those suckers who made their hobby their job so I genuinely enjoy garment construction and costume crafts. I also like to write and garden and live music.
12. do you have pets?
No not anymore. I had cats in high school (I am so deeply allergic) and we have had to put two of them down over the last few years and our last remaining guy lives with my mom. My partner and I raise carnivorous plants though and we've named all of them and talk about them like they're essentially pets.
13. how tall are you?
14. favourite subject at school?
I always loved my English classes, far and away the classes I put the most work into and excelled at. I also took a radical dramaturgy class in grad school that changed the way my brain functions. Which is probably an extension of an English class tbh. While not a favorite: I'm good at math, but I don't actually like math. I often joke that I'm good at math against my will - I had a lot of math tutoring as a kid so now I can like. Do long division in my head and shit.
15. dream job?
Y'know, I'm not sure I have a dream job. I really like what I do, I work in the arts - live theater and I wear a lot of hats at the regional theater I spend most of my time at. I've put a lot of time and effort and lost sleep into trying to make a living doing something that feels worthwhile to me personally as an artist and important to the community I'm in and making that art accessible to that community but I'm also happy to go home at the end of the day, its easy for me not to think about work when I'm not at work.
So I think the dream is more to have a job that I like, that I want to be at most days, that feels worthwhile, but also to have a healthy work/life balance with that job. Y'know?
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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hi my bio is a mess so i’ll try my best to sum up yi chaerin
born and raised (for the most part) in hwando as an only child
mom is a nurse at hwando medical center and dad........occupation is still unknown and vague. i’m thinking something to do with quidditch/sports science, but either way, he’s retired now that he’s gotten very sickly
fell in love with ballet after her father took her to a showing of the nutcracker in seoul (what can i say she’s a simple and basic gal)
tldr; integrated ballet into her life until it essentially took over and she eventually dropped out of the academy and attended a fancy ballet school in nyc, usa
her life was peachy keen and going swell (alexa play what dreams are made of from the lizzie mcguire movie) until her dad got sick (as mentioned briefly above) and was not getting any better
she decided that she’d lived out enough of her dreams all on her own and wanted to come back home to take care of her dad and help her mom out around the house since she loves them so much and doesn’t want to see them suffer on her behalf anymore
chose her major (physical therapy and magic emphasis) because she still loves dance and will never forget that part of her life. also now she’s picked up quidditch again so there’s that
chose her minor (magic in everyday life and home economics) solely for the reason also mentioned briefly: she’s trying to be of better assistance around the house. so uh, basically she’s gonna be a certified waifu in a few years
she’s currently a second year/sophomore since she decided to enroll as a student under the guise of “i’m not solely coming home just because of you dad dont worry i also definitely want to go back to school after 9-10 years of getting myself out of that hahahaha” (read: she’s a liar, but again, doesn’t want her parents to feel any burden bc of her)
but touching on that point, her magic is still RUSTY and could def use some assistance. please help her
luckily, she never lost her love for flying and was glad there was an open spot on the quidditch team since she wants to give her dad something to look forward to (also to get him out of the house and away from the tv because he needs some fresh air in order to heal) 
generally soft spoken
happily goes along with whatever everyone else wants to do
does her best to be kind to anyone and everyone she comes across
always tries her hardest in anything she does, but can sometimes be so invested that she tunes out the world around her
naïve/gullible/easily tricked 
sees the best in others and will always give them the benefit of the doubt
more often than not, when she disagrees with you, she won’t speak out on it. she’ll simply give a small and (rare) ingenuine smile, maybe even a small nod, then walk away
the mom friend who always wants to make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves
childhood friend(s) who she fell out of touch with after moving out of hwando
people she may have met at some point while in NYC and now they’re reunited in hwando!!
someone who helped her readjust to life in hwando after living without much magic for so long
a tutor who is helping her get more InTouch with her magical roots!!
h8r plot......could be because she’s practically a no-maj/muggle in their eyes and they don’t like it. maybe she rubbed them the wrong way? or accidently did something that caused a misunderstanding?
her first love *heart eyes* now that she’s seeing him again after so long, chaerin is feeling the feels again
anything under the sun (and moon) !!!
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