#Fishy Fishy
eumorpha · 1 year
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Ancient One
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eyeglassez · 20 days
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morthern · 1 year
Chi-Yu my beloved
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zelloyo · 8 months
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"Went to the aquarium with my sister! :D" -Denji
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achromant · 2 years
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quick fishing cheat sheet to be used for money-making
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yiranntofu · 4 months
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Bubble gum vibes
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calamitycrown · 2 years
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*throws this into the pile of Sun ass art and runs*
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Little Fish Pt. 1
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Reader is a Beautiful Siren who gets in over her head with the Mysterious and Ominous Danger that lurks beneath darker waters.
TW: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! READER IS BLACK FEMALE, Leviathans, Sirens, Reader has short hair, FISH PEOPLE, Frolicking, Shark anatomy, Bony Fish anatomy, Explanations of Aquatic life behaviors, Food mentions, They eat fucking fish, Pod Dynamics (Not Omegaverse), Crude Humor, Sexual Content, Suggestive Content, Ocean references, LOTS OF OCEAN TALK, Violence, Domineering, Power plays, Will get graphic, mentions of murking, I spent too much time looking at vids on fish, CONSENTUAL ETHICAL POLYAMOUROUS RELATIONSHIP, It's the ciiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife. Soft/Hard Boi Sanemi, Kyojuro is a fucking menace, Tengen is Tengen, TENGEN'S WIVES ARE PRESENT AND HE LOVES THEM! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE DENIED!
Pt 2 , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4
You swam about in the ocean. Your pod had migrated to warmer, more tropical waters to switch up hunting grounds. Swimming in-between your similarly aged pod mates, you issued a silent challenge to go into a race to the sea shelf. There were two males with extremely light, white-looking hair and striking purple eyes who took you up and torpedoed in the water towards your target. The three of you were neck and neck. The largest male had an extraordinarily well-built, lightly tanned, defined upper torso. His silver and purple bi-colored body resembled that of a whiptail thresher in the pattern. It ended with long sharp homocercal fins. The edges had tiny serrated barbs running up his dorsal and anterior body. His pelvic and pectoral fins were knifed much like a shark’s would be. His body was built for speed and agility. Short bursts of high-velocity action were his forte. Often, he would be part of the ambush party. 
The other male who dwarfed you in size was built stockier than you and the first. His caudal, pectoral, and pelvic fins were smaller in size. His green and white patterning resembled that of a juvenile tiger shark. The upper torso was more tanned than the larger male. His tail coloration was a murky Phthalo, hunter, and forest green with silver streaking across his body randomly. He could swim longer distances at a sustained pace, putting him in the stalking party when larger prey was found. His hair was whiter than silver like your other companion. His body was littered with scars, giving him a fearsome look. It didn’t help that, like now, when he smiled, he looked exceptionally unhinged. 
The two were your best friends, even if they had hatched several seasons before. The three of you just vibed that way. Darting between each other, the most prominent in size male pushed forward using his massive tail to disrupt the water in front of you, throwing you off your course slightly. You spun in the water but quickly fanned out your fins, allowing you to do a badass slow-motion barrel roll in the water. Righting yourself before propelling your body forward. 
You had dark sienna skin with close-cropped hair. Not wanting to deal with getting your hair caught in coral or anything else that floated around. You were of average built but had a buxom chest. Plump full lips and deep, dark brown eyes. Your fins were some of the most gorgeous in your entire pod. Purples, black, and gold resembling a lionfish. Too many shades of purple littered your scales with a speckling of gold and black dotting up your belly, giving the appearance of lights. You had feathertail-styled fins, which, when fanned, made for an impressive or intimidating display. All depending on what you were needed to do. Your position in the pod was to herd prey that you found into the ambushers. On occasion, you were used for the intimidation factor because of how massive you looked when on full display. 
The green-finned male darted up from underneath you, trying to knock you off course. You expertly evaded his attack, pushing forward with more vigorous thrusts as you were determined to overtake the silver and purple mer in front of you. Unfortunately, he proved to be the strongest, crossing the shelf and posturing in the open waters. His pose could only be described as overly flashy and highly flamboyant. You crossed second with the last member of your trio, bringing up the rear looking non-plussed. You slowed down behind the winner, reached out, and grabbed the ribbon he used to keep his hair up in a ponytail, yanking it and darting down towards the darker, denser waters beneath the overhang of the sea shelf. 
“Give that back!” He yelled at you. Gills on his neck flaring. You feign ignorance as the third member of your group cackled. “Shut up, Sanemi,” the first male barks out. “Make me, Tengen.” Sanemi dared him. The two begin to circle each other in a predatory fashion. You knew a challenge to dominance when you saw one. Rolling your eyes, you sighed, turning your body to face the darkness beneath you. “Guys, guys, behave. It’s not that serious.” The two men turned to glare at you. “Stay away from there!” your green friend warned. “That’s not our domain. You’d be eaten up, and our pod would miss its second most attractive member.” He stated matter-of-factly. 
“Uhuh, sure, Tengen.” You dismiss them and swim closer. Curious about the differences in the weight of the water. The water felt much cooler here and heavier. An unusual combination you have never encountered before. Above you, the two mers circled, watching you while trying to show off who was the better specimen to each other. A mock show of superiority. Ignoring their antics, you got close enough to touch the stark line of demarcation. That separated the boundary between the true deep sea and where you dwelt. 
You reached out to touch but stopped seeing something red moving about. It peaked in and out. Never appearing in the same spot twice, but it was captivating. Soon the red was joined by fluffy warm yellow tufts of hair. You realized you were looking at someone or something’s hair. You halted your swimming, entranced. Vaguely you registered that you needed to back up. A chill crept up your spine that warned you danger was nearby. Still, you could not break away from watching the hypnotic effect the waving tufts had on you. 
Closer you inched. Not touching the line. Keeping to your side of the ocean but feeling the dual pull to retreat to safety and to go forward eating away at you. You almost gave in to the urge to go forward when you felt yourself jerked back up harshly, painfully, and quickly. Tengen and Sanemi Grab your arms, digging their stilettoed nails into your flesh. You yelped, startled while they swore in such an amount you would have complained had you not been stupefied by the most beautiful pair of scarlet and goldenrod eyes. They held you to such an extent you momentarily forgot to pull water in with your gills and breathe. It was only when you saw the reddened claws that came to the nail bed of a brandy-toned arm connected to an immensely muscled forearm did you realize what had almost transpired and sucked in water. Thus, replenishing your oxygen. The eyes glared at you with pure malice, then disappeared into the darkness along with the hand that had almost dragged you to your no doubt demise. 
The two men didn’t stop swimming with you till you were halfway back to your pod. They released you and swam in front, worriedly biting their lips as they looked you over. You blinked a few times, getting your sense back. The weight of the situation settling into your gut. The moment your eyes met Sanemi’s, he exploded in a rage. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! YOU ALMOST DIED, DUMBASS! WE TOLD YOU NOT TO GO THERE AND WHAT DO YOU DO!? THE EXACT OPPOSITE!” He swam aggressively towards you, warningly prompting you to flare out some of your fins. He ignored it and got close enough to poke you in the chest accusingly. “Do you have a death wish?” he bit out. Anger radiated out from him in thick waves. You puffed up defensively, not wanting to admit you had majorly fucked up just now. Tengen watched the other, light-haired male rant at you. Steadily watching you deflate in silent acknowledgment of dangerous your slip up. 
Once you looked like a limp noodle, he swam over and separated the two of you. “Alright, alright, I think she gets it now. You can stop beating her. We got her to safety, and now she owes us a life debt. I’d say it all worked out.” He attempts to raise the mood. Sami’s eyes narrow at you, and he rudely swims passed you. Hissing and swearing. You rub the back of your neck and slowly turn to follow him. You feel a warm arm pull you up into stiff, thick pectorals. Flipping yourself over, you bury your face in them as Tengen swims forward, holding you. Humming silently and he rubs the little hair you have with affection. 
“He’ll come around.” The man holding you assures you as the sounds of your families can be heard off in the distance. “He’s still an asshole.” you lamented lamely. Trying to hide your bruised ego. Tengen growls before he speaks. “He was in a fantastic mood until you decided to be a complete and utter idiot and do the one thing we are warned not to do from hatch day onwards.” You groan loudly and speak in sync with him. “Never go past the sea meridian.” He huffs and glares at you. Not releasing you as he swims in between the members of your pod. 
As the pair of you swim amongst the others, you peek out from around his bicep. Some say hi while others stare in shock. The two of you made a striking pair, and how he held you protectively was sure to start rumors about your relationship. You rebury your face in his chest, not wanting to deal with the drama that would be you becoming the fourth mate of one Uzui Tengen. You braced your arms against his taunt abdominals and pushed off. “I’m gonna go find Sanemi and apologize,” you say dumbly. Trying to get away from prying eyes. “Or you could just agree to swim with me, and the ladies and Sanemi can come to pick you up later.” He eyes you mischievously. “Tempting, but I am gonna have to pass. I feel like that would get me in even more trouble.” you dart out of his grasp as he reaches for you.
“Tell that ass I said hi, and we are responsible for tomorrow’s hunting party,” Tengen calls out after you. You wave an affirmation with your hand as you head off to search for your ill-tempered companion. Starting your search along the more predictable reef crevasses. When he could not be found hiding among the anemones, you started probing in the eel caves. Still coming up empty. You grabbed a few eels and bonked them unconscious, taking them with you as you searched for your friend. What’s an apology without food, right? If you come across someone, you would ask if they had seen Sanemi, and for the most part, you were told no. Eventually, you started swimming towards the cove the younger members used to play in. Hoping to find him with his brother Genya. 
Thankfully you did. The two were both lying on the beach. Basking in the fading sunlight. You breached the water slowly and carefully, took aim, and tossed two eels at them. Smacking each guy in their gut with a 10lb fish. They oof’d and looked up at you with malicious intent. “See! I brought dinner.” You cheerfully countered. The smaller, similarly colored male mer beside him groaned at your antics, took the ill, hauled himself into the water, and swam off. Offering you a half-asses “Thank you” as he swam off. You crept through the water till you reached the shoreline and the tip of the remaining, still angry man’s tail. 
“So, something tells me that bringing you dinner isn’t gonna make up for today,” you say bashfully. Knowing your error and finally owning up to it. “No,” Sanemi replies monotone. You look up at him pleadingly. “Please.” You whine in your most pathetic voice. “I’m sorry. These fluffy red and yellow tufts were floating in my face, and I couldn’t stop looking.” You rambled. He stared at you, then closed his eyes in a sigh. “That explains why you ignored our shouting. From where we were at, we saw a red and gold leviathan tail. That’s why we grabbed you like we did and hauled ass.” the concern evident in his words. “We’ll be safe here, but we definitely need to be more careful along the shelf. Those types don’t cross into our waters often, but if that thing was that close, it could mean we need to move along and find new grounds to stay at for the rest of the year. “
You crawled up the beach, flopping down on top of him and running your fingers gently over his deep green-colored scales. “That,” you began, “sounds terrifying. As you both were pulling me away, I saw the most beautiful and amazing...” you trailed off, watching Sanemi’s eyes get darker as you complimented the man who had most definitely tried to kill you. 
Since you had hatched, you had always been taught about the three classes of merfolk. There were the dainty and waif-like mermaids that stayed in cold waters. Sirens like yourself and your pod stuck to warm waters and occasionally migrated to keep from depleting y’alls share of ocean fish. Then there were the Leviathans. Named for their extreme size and lengths. They were large, carnivorous, and capable of surviving in the true deep and at the surface level. Encounters with them were few and far between but often held fatalities.  
You nuzzled into Sanemi’s abs as you thought about the horror stories you had heard about Leviathans and how close your premature end had come. Your thoughts were broken, however, when your living pillow shoved some eel bites into your mouth. You chewed compliantly and opened your mouth for more after you swallowed. He rolled his eyes at you but continued to feed you. Once finished, you did the same for him until nothing was left to eat. 
Rolling over onto the sand, you squealed happily, stomach-sated and somewhat positive that your friends were no longer mad enough to attempt to drown you while you slept. “You guys can brag and say you survived a Leviathan now,” you said like the gremlin menace you were inside. Sanemi hummed happily as he pondered this new information. “SHIT! Tengen is going to take all the credit!” He exclaimed, turning himself over and pulling towards the sea. “Come on! He is going to take you out to be even more pathetic than you actually are, and I’m going to sound like a damsel in distress if we let him tell the story.” He complained loudly. You waved him off with one of your dark hands. “I’ll leave that to you boys. I don’t want to see people’s reactions to The-woman-who-almost-wasn’t.” you lamented.
Sanemi shrugged, winked at you then dove beneath the surface. Off to claim his bit of glory. Probably to make you look even dumber than you had been. In your defense, the other men had a pretty good lure if he looked like that. You were used to Mermaids looking gaudy, but this was different. The power that radiated from the eyes you saw had promised you a dark end. Thinking about them chilled you to the bone but also sent a more confusing tingle down your spine. You forcefully pushed the thoughts out of your mind and instead focused on absorbing the remaining warmth in the black sand. 
You woke up, and it was much darker. Not realizing you had fallen asleep, you stretch out and slowly return to the much more tepid waters. Whimpering as it stung your skin and scales initially with the temperature change. After a few seconds, your body adapted, and you began to swim back to your pod. It was late enough that almost everyone except for a few night fish would be asleep. 
You decided to dick around for a bit before returning and swam around the outskirts of the reef y’all would be occupying and caring for over the next 6 months minimum. It was lush with life and color, even at this hour. Fish darted to and fro in all sorts of varieties and combinations. Different types of sea life clung to rocks, each other, and other bits n bobs. You picked up a few pieces of coral, admiring their beauty. Seeding them into holes so that the reef could grow and expand. 
Time was again lost to you as you immersed yourself in your task. You had just finished setting a pretty piece of red coral into a new crevice when you noticed a distinct lack of fish in the area. In fact, there was a distinct lack of any life moving around you. Something that alarmed you greatly. Your eyes begin to search around you for the perceived threat. If it was a shark or two, you could easily handle that on your own. Anything more significant and you would need help. 
Off in the distance, you saw something flitting about. Winding and weaving with no rhyme or reason. Your head tilted in curiosity, danger sense still telling you to be wary. You kept your position as you watched the gold thing flit about. You could see bright red as it got closer, and the truth dawned on you. Quickly you darted into a crack in the reef that was just big enough for you. Apologizing to the denizens, you squeezed as far back into it as possible. Slowing your movements and water intake to cause as few vibrations in the water as possible.
It seemed like an eternity before you dared to move your head towards the doorway. Scared of what you would see. A hesitant glance revealed absolutely nothing. A few fish swam by hurriedly, and you sighed and deflated. Tension rolling off your body. Your mind was clearly fucking with you if it had you thinking a Leviathan would leave its territory and swim a decent number of kilometers away from the deep waters to where your group was. You chuckled to yourself, leaned back, and floated against some smooth coral. Closing your eyes in relief. 
When you opened them, you stared straight into those hypnotizing orbs you had seen earlier. Only this time, there was a full face to accompany them. Brandy-colored skin, full lips drawn back into an unhinged smile, and a beautiful face framed by a maned of blond and red hair. You couldn’t see much passed his mane except for deep sanguine scales streaked with gold as some of his lower body was visible. You couldn’t see anything passed his neck either. He was hanging onto the roof and leaning over to look at you. 
You knew it was a he from the deep chuckle that vibrated the water around it. He stayed staring at you, unblinking. You held his stare, also not blinking. Worried that if you did, that would be the end. A good, solid minute passed, and you whined. “Can you blink or something so I can blink? This is getting awkward.” The creature before you looks at you curiously and complies. You quickly blink several times and rub your eyes. “Aye, how do you hold your eyes open like that? It’s creepy.” You question him. 
His smile drops, and he stares at you with the most unimpressed face you have ever seen. You defensively ask him a quick “What!?” and wait for a response. When none is given, you huff and blow out irritated bubbles. “I should kill you.” a deep voice drawls out. Not as deep as your pod’s defensive commander, Gyomei. You’re brought out of your comparison of “who has the best voice” as your brain once again slowly registers the statement. “You could, but that wouldn’t be fun now, would it?” you respond with as much faked joy as you could manage. What you were not going to do was let on how terrified you were of something that could end you without effort. 
“It’s not about fun.” He responds bored sounding. “Dude, what the fuck!? Life should be fun. If you just end me, then your life will once again be boring and full of whatever it is you do over there on the dark side.” you supplied, hoping your bullshit was working. “I hunt, I sleep. Why should I focus on fun?” He casually inquires, pulling himself down into the cave. You could now see his muscular upper body. He was similarly built to Sanemi. Tengen still made both look scrawny. You made your appraisal obvious to go along with your ruse and also because you were shameless, and if this was the end, then you were going out being a bold, badass bitch. Not a chicken wuss. 
“I mean, if you never had fun, I can see why you would say that. But like, I’m here now. I can teach you all about fun, and you can leave me the fuck alone.” You did your best to look irritated, turning your head down and away from him. Your heart thundering in your chest, hoping the display of submissive indifference would work. The massive male in front of you laughed loudly. “What an interesting meal you are.” Your head snapped up as you felt his warmth around you. He was close enough that your noses brushed, and you gasped. Instinct taking over you, “Meeped” and struck him with the heel of your palm upwards. Gasping at your actions as you realized what you had done. 
Blood floated in the waters between you, originating from his nose. He stared at you, and you stared back. He was very unimpressed at this point, and it showed. The gills on his neck slowly flattened themselves, and you realized that he was moving in for the end. Throwing caution to the wind, you slapped him will all your might. “Look bitch, if you don’t get up outta my face, I promise you that you will have found the right one today!” That got a reaction out of him. His eyes widened, and he leaned away from you. Shock evident.
You flared up as much as possible in the cramped space and bared your teeth at him. A hand shot out at you and grabbed your jaw. Defiantly you raised your chin and shook yourself out of his grasp. “Bitch I told you,” you started but stopped when you saw him smile. You didn’t know what kind of smile, nor did you care. The only thing that mattered was that the monster of your nightmares, the literal only thing in the ocean you had to truly fear, was smiling at you menacingly. “You live today, little fish.” He said as he stroked your cheek gently with the hand that had grabbed you earlier. 
The Leviathan, before you released, you pulled out of the crevice. Looking at you once more with those predatory eyes, he pushed off and disappeared out of your sight. You waited a few minutes before you slowly peered out. Looking around and seeing no sign of him, you bolted back to your pod’s haven. Wanting the safety and comfort of your friends.
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katiajewelbox · 5 months
Plenty of fish...
Today I was chatting with someone and my ex came up as a subject of conversation. They said the old adage about "there are plenty of fish in the sea" to which I replied that I caught a fish that first seemed like sashimi grade tuna but turned out to be a Filet O Fish. Luckily I realised my error and threw it in the trash before I made the mistake of eating it.
(Cartoon made with DALLE and Bing)
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wildeviola · 11 months
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eumorpha · 1 year
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I got fishes on the brain
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zombzzer · 9 months
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i love the side order fish
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dangerphd · 11 months
I made bioplastic (recipe from here) using tonic water as the liquid and made UV fluorescent charms and stuff for an upcoming art project. I want to explore a bunch of naturally fluorescent substrates, like GFP and quinine and riboflavin.
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ask-dr-kujo · 2 months
What doth thou feel about the sacabambaspis?
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They speak for themselves.
I dont think I could help but to laugh if I actually saw one.
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terrablogz · 9 months
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Hiya friend! :D
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lissyraineart · 1 year
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Mermay 9
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