#Freaky old guy i love him..... killing him with hammers....
buwheal · 5 months
Dearest Spamton,
If you're in the dumpster, where is the computer plugged in?
Best wishes,
- Goon
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 98
Swap Meat/The Poison Sky
"Swap Meat"
Plot Description: While investigating a school, Sam is the target of a teenager's body-switching spell
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died.
"I would like to purchase and alcohol please" this kid who has freaky friday'd Sam is already precious to me. Sorry. This kid...is me when people roughly my age are subtly dropping hints that they're flirting. This kid was already a gigantic nerd (affectionate), but now he has Sam Winchester's frame to match the...giant-ness...i have an English degree...
Look...*I* know Sam and Dean are taking this seriously and aren't bad guys, it's obvious their old babysitter and her husband know that, too, but even if a poltergeist carved "murder (child)" onto my stomach, if i were a teenage girl, I'd be really uncomfortable about having to pull up my shirt to show that to the 26 and 30 year old strange men in my house.
I know this isn't a McDonald's but remember when McDonald's had those salads you shook??? What a weird time...
That kid just hit Sam with a blow dart and knock him out??
This kid has NO IDEA what he's gotten himself into. Also, could this have been a weird loophole to the whole Lucifer Wearing Sam to the Prom problem? If it's not really Sam in there/if it's Sam but not his body? Just something to consider
Sam. These are a lot of judgements...they might be accurate, but fuck you anyway
Why does this kid's dad loo like Great Value Tom Wambsgans?
Is this going to end up being one of those "you better appreciate the brother you have" episodes??
Kiddo...you gotta be way better at being Sam. I wish we could see Jared say these lines, though...
WHY DO THESE KIDS WANT TO KILL DEAN???? Omg...these kids are idiots playing around with LITERAL DEMONS
It was purely a breather episode, which is oddly nice to get with the fate of humanity on the line. Yes we got some small info drops, like apparently, you don't have to be Sam's consciousness to consent to being Lucifer's vessel. You just need to be in Sam's body. Seems worrisome.
"Been On My Mind...": Does it count if it's Sam's body but not his mind??
"The Poison Sky"
Plot Description: With planet Earth choking under the poison sky, the doctor mus stop the Sontarans' threat to the planet
I would have HATED to wait a week to see them get Wilf out of the car.
Evil Martha doing evil things.
[Insert "I've Had Enough of This Guy" meme here re: Rattigan]
I don't like that so much of Martha's time was taken up with jealousy over Rose, and now in order to...I dunno, make it up to her? She's hopping in on a WHOLE bunch of Donna's adventures. And I know part of that is David getting ready to leave, too, but still...5 out of 13 episodes Donna gets without someone who is, was, or will become important to the Doctor tagging along. 4 if you count the fact that Peter Capaldi's appearance in The Fires of Pompeii gets added into the canon of the Twelfth Doctor.
Literally every fucking time this fucker opens his mouth, I feel like he's an Musk stand-in but from like 2 years after twitter launched. His tantrum over how clever his is after everyone from his institute leaves, everyone he chose to continue the human race after the Sontarans killed everyone else. He had a MATING PLAN AND THOUGHT THAT WAS NORMAL.
Moms fucking HATE the Doctor lol
I love how much the Doctor believes in Donna <3
YES YES YES, GIRL. Whack the Sontaran with a fucking hammer
This...probably shouldn't work exactly the way it is. I'm no scientist, but I feel like setting fire to even just one toxin overtaking the whole Earth's atmosphere would have a much larger effect
The Doctor saves the whole day, avoids dying, and Donna hits him upon seeing him again. Love them
I'm gonna cry SO MUCH at the 60th anniversary special, won't I? I just love Wilf a lot.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981
The X-Men, those back-to-the-future mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(Uncanny X-Men 141 - 152) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, Brent Anderson, Dave Cockrum, Jim Sherman, Bob McLeod and Josef Rubinstein
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While I also committed various fashion atrocities at the age of 14 (tye-die and fauxhawks, oh my), even Liberace would find Kitty’s outfits too much. (Uncanny X-Men 149; Uncanny X-Men Annual ‘81)
We dial back from the v. epic scope of the last few arcs. Instead, 1981 is just a lot of fun! We get:
Storm and Emma doing a Freaky Friday!
the X-Men vs. Magneto (again!)
A surprisingly effective Alien rip-off
An dystopian future! (OoOoOoOo)
Last year was the year of the Dark Phoenix, this is the year of Kitty Pryde. That’s not to say Jean’s death is swept under the rug: all throughout, we see her friends mourning her loss or remembering her fondly. (Scott even gets to have a demonic adventure about it.) But in general, Claremont puts Kitty in the forefront, fleshing out his YA-addition to the team. And what would a YA heroine be without a grim dystopia? Roll out the iconic Days of Future Past!
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To be fair, 2013 was a dark time for all of us: What Does the Fox Say somehow got to the top of the charts and I was still watching Glee. (Uncanny X-Men 141)
How cool would it have been to see a name like Jonothon Starsmore or Eva Bell on those tombstones?
Anyway, that’s Kate. Kate’s had it rough. Mutants are at the bottom of the foodchain, most X-Men are dead and only a small cadre of resistance fighters remain, Sentinels dominate, and while she is married to Piotr, her children have been murdered. Bleak. Luckily, the rebellion has concocted the plan to shunt Kate’s spirit back in time to prevent this awful future from happening. (You’ve seen Days of Future Past, the last passably good X-Men film, you know what’s up.)
Let’s do the time warp again! 1981!Kitty’s mind gets taken over by 2013!Kitty, who promptly tries to convince the X-Men that a new Brotherhood of v. Evil Mutants will try to kill Senator Kelly, a presidential candidate who tries to put the mutant menace on the agenda. (Mutants tend to blow stuff up when he’s around.) Since the X-Men recently took a literal trip to Dante’s Infero and also befriended a cosmic world-ending entity, they basically shrug and go: “Yeah, this checks out.”
Off to Washington they go (zoommm) and there, they happen upon the Baddest Bitches in Herstory:
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“How dare you hate mutants, senator Kelly! We’ll fix that by killing you!” (Uncanny X-Men 141)
This All-New, All-Different Brotherhood consists out of:
Destiny, a blind woman who can see the future. Definitely the eeriest member of this group. Badass lesbian, though that won´t be canon for years.
Avalanche. Greek who makes things shake. Is a long-standing member of the X-Men Rogue’s gallery, but rarely features in the spotlight. I think he got more characterization in four years of X-Men Evolution than he ever did in the comics.
Mystique. Shapeshifter. Ruthless and unhinged, the Cersei Lannister of the X-Men universe. Absolute legend, secretly the wife of Destiny, currently not as unhinged as she’ll be later. Immediately implied to be related to Nightcrawler: it’s the yellow-eyes-blue-skin-combo.
Pyro. Can manipulate fire, not create it. Absolute pillock, in all the best ways of the word. Originally intended as gay, but they decided to make him Australian instead. (?!)
Blob. Big, strong, immovable. We’ve seen him before.
One of the details in this fight I enjoy is that Storm is still struggling with her leadership, although she has a better grip on things than Cyclops:
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Wolverine then proceeds to use those iconic but deadly claws about twice per issue for the next, oh, forty years. (Uncanny X-Men 142)
While the X-Men fight the Brotherhood in the present, we cut back and forth to the future. There, the X-Men consist out of some familiar faces - Storm, Colossus, Wolverine - and some surprises: Magneto (in a wheelchair), Franklin Richards (son of) and an unfamiliar ginger girl called Rachel. (She’ll be important later.) We even learn (one of) Magneto’s names: this is the first time he’s canonically called Magnus.
One of the strengths of Days of Future Past lies in its brevity, the way it tantalizingly taunts us with a brutal but familiar future without giving away too much. It’s single-handedly responsible for all those dark future timelines the X-lines are so fond of which will eventually culminate in time-displaced grandsons from alternative dimensions and the impossibility of a succinct answer to the question: “Who’s Cable?” Too much of a good thing and all that.
Still, what Days of Future Past does so successfully is:
Put the idea of the mutant menace back at the forefront, hammering home the metaphor of mutants being a minority. Mutants being put in camps and being forbidden to breed should - regretfully - make us think of all too many real life equivalents. (Specifically, all of the imagery harkens back to the Holocaust.)
It starkly shows what happens should the X-Men lose, reminding everyone of the stakes. The X-Men are here for a reason: bridging the gap between mutants and humankind. If they fuck up, we end up with mutant concentration camps.
It helps that the X-Men in the future almost all die horribly: Franklin is incinerated, Storm is impaled… It's brutal stuff. The only one to survive is Rachel, who wonders if their plan actually changed the future or if they created an alternative timeline. (It did the latter, sorry ‘bout it, Rachel.)
In the present, Kate chases after Destiny, who trains a gun on senator Kelly. I always wondered how this works: if Destiny saw the future, she knew that killing Kelly would trigger a terrifying future. What in the current Marvel timeline made her decide that the Days of Future Past was better? Did she see her own death? Did she see the Onslaught-crossover coming? The Chuck Austen run? What was it?
In any case, time-anomalous Kate stops Destiny from killing Kelly and the future is safe! For now. Kate disappears, Kitty returns to her body and some of the Brotherhood are apprehended. All is well, for now.
After being a key figure in DoFP, Kitty is also the main character in the Christmas special, which is basically a straight up horror and a pastiche of the Alien-movie.
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Seriously, John Byrne still isn’t sure why he wasn’t sued by Ridley Scott for this. (Uncanny X-Men 143)
If you love Kitty Pryde? Read this issue. If you’re not convinced you like 80’s Kitty? Read this issue. It’s not continuity relevant and it’s basically Kitty playing the part of a Final Girl in a horror where she’s being chased by a demon, but it’s so good. It showcases all her strengths and her foibles. Kitty’s intelligent, cute (sometimes preciously so) and brave, but she’s also young, self-conscious and hot-headed. And it's not as if the other X-Men automatically adore her: Storm berates her all the time, she’s afraid of Kurt because of the way he looks (though she grows out of that) and she fights with Professor Xavier a lot. Moreover, she has a clever power-set for a young superhero who faces menaces on a daily basis: a thirteen year old who can go intangible is far less likely to have reality ensue on her and be dramatically offed because she's better at protecting herself.
I’m sure there are people who thought Sprite was hogging the spotlight, but I, for one, say she brings more to the table than, say, Angel. She’s not the Dawn Summers of this franchise.
Scott also gets a side quest. Poor guy can’t catch a break: first the love of his life dies, so he quits the X-Men, then he realizes he can’t do much else than be a superhero. He becomes a sailor on the ship of spunky captain Lee Forrester, is drawn into the sadistic plans of a demon unironically named D’Spayre and then shipwrecks in Bermuda with Lee.
The X-Men, meanwhile, are tormented by a team-up of Doom (who’s currently Latverialess and working on a comeback) and Arcade, that annoying crony. Locke, Arcade’s dom, has kidnapped the loved ones of the X-Men (Moira MacTaggart, Jean Grey’s parents, Illyana Rasputin and Amanda Sefton) in order to blackmail them into getting Doom to free Arcade. Apparently, Arcade accidentally insulted Doom and DOOM DOES NOT FORGIVE THAT FOLLY.
While the B-Squad (Polaris, Havok, Banshee and Iceman) goes to save Arcade’s hostages, the X-Men sneak into Doom’s castle. Well, except for Storm, who doesn’t give a single fuck and simply flies up to Doom, demanding an audience. Doom likes the cut of her jib and invites her to have dinner. (This is pre-Tinder, so this is a legit way of scoring a date.)
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If Storm has a flaw (I said if!), it’s got to be her atrocious taste in men. (Uncanny X-Men 145)
The X-Men find Arcade’s cell empty, while Arcade casually saunters up to Storm and says hi. Storm realizes too late that this is a trap: while the X-Men are all trapped in Saw-like traps, Storm is encased in ‘living chrome’.
If you remember she’s claustrophobic, you know why this is a bad move.
While the X-Men free themselves from their traps - Polaris hilariously has to deal with a murderous merry-go-round - Storm is slowly driven mad in her prison, triggering a worldwide tempest. (She causes Lee and Scott to shipwreck.) Under the threat of Wolverine’s claws, Doom releases Storm - or rather, unleashes her.
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“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!” (Uncanny X-Men 147)
The memory of Jean brings Ororo back to herself and she starts undoing the superstorm she created. (If only climate change were reversed that easily.) Their confrontation ends by Storm easily forgiving Doom, because she apparently trespassed on his grounds without adequate cause.
All of Arcade’s hostages return to their homesteads, except for Illyana Rasputin, Piotr’s sister: she’s staying at the mansion for a while. Angel, who’s sort of been a part of the team since the Phoenix thing, has had it with Wolverine and his ‘tude, and decides to quit the X-Men : he doesn’t want to be a part of an outfit that has a killer like Wolverine on it. (Or maybe he’s just mad Claremont didn’t give him any storylines: his presence has been mostly pointless.) It’s too bad he left before Kitty started experimenting with her outfits: I bet he would have loved her ugly-ass costumes.
Equally inconsequential is the introduction of a brand new character, who then proceeds to disappear from the narrative for the rest of the year:
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Black Tom has tried to kill you at least twice, but him sending you a long-lost daughter doesn’t give you pause? Ugh, Sean, you deserve Moira. (Uncanny X-Men 148)
Another new character is the lonely, decidedly mutant looking Caliban, who can sense “people like him” and is on the lookout for companions. Like many lonely people who try and grasp at friendship, he decides to overshoot his shot and ruin the night of Storm, Kitty and Jessica Drew at a Dazzler concert. Because he tries to kidnap Kitty, the girls react a trifle aggressively. When they realize their mistake - the eerily pale Caliban is a simpleton rather than a menace - he’s already fled. No mention is made of the Morlocks yet!
There’s also another dull annual where the X-Men team up with the Fantastic Four to save Arkon’s dimension from the Badoon and yaaaaawn. Far more interesting is the landmark issue #150. Slowly, through the adventures of Scott and Lee Forrester, Claremont has been setting things up for the return of a favorite villain. While the X-Men investigate Magneto’s old base in Antarctica on a hunch of Professor X and tangle with Garruk, Scott and Lee survive Storm’s tempest, only to wake up next to a strange island that seems to have been raised from the ocean.
It’s apparently some ancient citadel from a long forgotten civilization with a fondness for squid statues. (I don’t know man, I’ve never been to the Bermuda Triangle, maybe this is just super-accurate.)The tentacles make Lee Forrester feel very amorous, but before Scott can tell her he is way too repressed to just have sex with an attractive someone he’s known intimately for a month or two, Magneto saves his ass by revealing he, in fact, raised this island from the seafloor.
Oh, Magneto. So extra.
My ambitious little mutant demagogue then proceeds to take the entire world hostage, showing how much he’s grown from the pompous, raving madman from the sixties. (Sure, Magneto is still a bit of a madman, but increasingly, he starts being on the right side of history.)
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“I’m trying to make Magneto more sympathetic.”
“Just put him on a page with some bigger villains who are less noble, like the Vanisher, Count Nefaria, or…”
“Reagan, Thatcher and Brezhnov?”
“Er.” (Uncanny X-Men 150)
It’s obvious Magneto is being pivoted as a more noble villain, codified into the well-intentioned extremist we know and love today. Not only do we get the first hints at his past, fleshing out his motivations, he’s also not wrong. Humans are historically not great at taking care of the planet or each other.
When the Russians call his bluff and launch nukes at Magneto’s new island, he quickly disarms them. His retribution is swift and ferocious: the entire citadel is a machine that massively amplifies his powers. He sinks the submarine that launched the missiles, condemning the entire crew to death, and he casually erects a vulcano in a Russian city in Siberia.
Damn. Not messing around this time.
Despite his good intentions, Magneto is still definitely in the wrong: not only because of his methods, but as Scott points out: if Magneto unifies the world under his kind of benevolent dictatorship, all of that will simply fall apart as soon as Magnus dies.
In a way, Magneto is just as big a dreamer as Charles is: Charles believes in peace and integration, whereas Magneto believes his iron fist will be enough to make a perfect world happen. Both of them ignore the reality that acceptance is difficult and messy, because you’re trying to change essential human nature: the fear of the other. Magneto believes in big, sweeping gestures that will fix the world in move, while changing the world is also boring, hard work. One step forward, two steps back. Magneto just wants to leapfrog to his ultimate goal.
The X-Men fly over the citadel, returning from Antarctica, and their plane crashes into the ocean. (Magneto does not brook planes over his territory, humans!) The Professor is also nearby, looking for Scott with Moira, Peter Corbeau and Carol Danvers. The X-Men sneak onto the island, but to their horror, their powers are nullified by some machine of Magneto. They reunite with Scott, who formulates a plan to thwart the would-be ruler of the world.
While the rest of the X-Men go to trash the machine, Storm, Kitty and Lee infiltrate the control chamber where Storm finds a sleeping, shirtless Magneto. Once again showing her terrible taste in men, she is not weak in the knees at the sight of a sleeping Magnus: instead, she contemplates killing him.
Storm knows how dangerous he is, but she also knows that he’s a great man who’s fighting for ideals, no matter how misguided. She hesitates too long: Magneto stirs, suspects an attack and tosses her out of the window, to her death.
Magneto quickly undoes the sabotage the other X-Men have wrought to his machine. A fight erupts. Storm, meanwhile, has managed to grab hold of a ledge. She crawls back up and smashes an important-looking computer, restoring everyone’s powers.
The battle turns grim, but Scott sends Kitty away to wreck Magneto’s machinery. She sneaks off, following Scott’s orders and destroying both Magneto's power-up device and all of his plans by phasing though the computer circuitry. Magneto senses this and furiously gives chase. Overcome by rage, he attacks Kitty and disrupts her phasing power with a magnetic bolt, seemingly killing her?
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Everything about this story beat is great: mama bear!Ororo, mournful Magnus and even the fact that Kitty’s godawful outfit serves a narrative function: highlighting to us (and Magneto) just how young she is. The fact that Kitty’s Jewish is just icing on the cake. (Uncanny X-Men 150)
And thus, the softening of Magneto commences. 1981 might be a year with wildly varying narratives, but it has given us at least three enduring legacies to the X-Mythos: a new kind of Magneto, a fondness for dystopian futures and the character of Kitty Pryde, who's really come into her own this year.
Ugliest Costume: Kitty! Purposefully, but still. Best costume, by the way, goes to Destiny, with her creepy, creepy golden mask. Just imagine this lady casually strolling across a battlefield, eerily calm and collected, dodging everything you throw at her. Awesome design.
Best new character: I usually pick one character - what good is having a shared award when declaring the best of anything? - but this year, it’s going to one of my favorite couples: Mystique and Destiny. Can’t wait to see more of them.
Most audacious retcon: Blob somehow retroactively becomes a member of the original Brotherhood, which is not what happened. Ever weirder is Xavier pondering that he never met Magneto before his attack in X-Men #1, while their cordially adversarial relationship rooted in a youthful friendship would soon become a cornerstone of the X-Men.
What to read: Uncanny X-Men 141 - 143 and 150 - 152
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jameskingofsnakes · 3 years
(a/n there are misspellings and shit but I don't care)
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Peter, bucky, and Steve were best of friends since kids, they were the best of friends anyone had ever seen. And although the two would never admit it, Bucky and Peter thought of each other as more than friends, they had feelings for each other but they were both scared of what the other would think. After all, that type of love wasn't allowed. Everyone said that being gay was a sin, but they didn't think so, the two just wanted to love each other. And it went on like this for years, both males hiding their feeling for the other. The best part was that most people could tell they were in love, Sadly the two never got to tell each other how they felt before the 'Accident, Peter and the rest of his family died, he had only recently turned 19 went it happened. Bucky was devastated, not only did he lose his best friend, but he also lost his love. But something told him that wasn't the end, he didn't know why- but he believed it.
It's currently 4:57 am, the team was called down for an emergency intruder alert.
They expected some kind of big threat but instead, it was a 'teenaged' boy, maybe 17 in black and red spandex, but that wasn't even the strangest part. they realized the suit that was hugging his body had the hydra symbol printed across his back and chest, and all hell broke loose. Four of them were yelling and getting into their battle stance, while Natasha stood trying to get answers from The super-soldier who went by Captain America. And in all honesty, the guy was scared, of course, he could easily take on all of these people, but doing that would only let his monsters win.
He came here for help but instead, everyone was freaking out. It was starting to aggravate him, the only person here that he knew was The star-spangled man, and Steve hadn't said a word to the boy. No one had, it's just been yelling. The only one to really observe the boy had been a redhead suited in black.
They kept going and ignored the woman. So the red-headed woman yelled and stomped her foot.
"Would you please shut the hell up!?" She growled.
"if you guys would stop and pay attention, you'd notice that the kid hasn't even engaged in combat yet." She shook her head, visibly disappointed in the others. "You haven't even given him a chance to talk, and he looks Young, probably terrified."
The woman gave him a small glance before glaring back at the others.
The four put that heads down and nodded, the man with the arrows looked like he wanted to say something but one glance from the angry hero shut him up.
The room got quiet. They were unsure what to say, they didn't want to trigger the boy (or the black widow)
Finally, Steve put his hand out and waited for the boy to take it.
"Sorry for the commotion, Steve Rogers. And you are?"
The boy shook the man's hand as quickly as possible. He made sure not to look the man in the eyes so he wouldn't get punished. As soon as he shook it he walked further from the man.
They looked at the boy in confusion, what kind of name was that-
Natasha moved closer to the boy, she tried to put a hand on his shoulder but he quickly shut down.
He dropped to the ground and gave a knee.
"извините, мэм, накажите меня, как хотите." He spoke frantically.
She looked at him, why on earth would he- never mind, he's been in hydra's hands for God knows how long.
"Нет, вставай, паук." Natasha made sure to speak slowly. She could see the potential this guy had, fighting him is not something they can do without having to call damage control after. He was strong, she could tell.
паук scurried to his feet and apologized. The rest of the team stood behind Black Widow as if they were hiding from a wild animal, and Natasha was controlling the beast. Bruce wasn't scared as much as the others, normally he would be but the big guy wasn't out. Maybe the Hulk doesn't see the intruder as a threat. If big green was okay with him shouldn't they?
The only thing visible on паук's face was his Bambi eyes that we're glued to Steve. паук slowly walked over to the Captain, he took his mask that covered his lower face and ripped it off. Steve paled and he felt tears prick his eyes. It was impossible, but that's what he thought about bucky yet his best friend was still sleeping four floors below them. But everyone saw it, the house exploded, the were no survivors, hell they found AND confirmed his body. But the man who stood in front of him was none other than Peter Parker.
'Peter' looked more scared than Captain America, he had never heard the name Peter, yet when the words left caps mouth he felt something inside him click. He remembers this man. This man is Steve Rogers! Peter smiled, "Я тебя знаю!Я действительно!" Steve gave him a sad smile, no one knew what he was saying except for Natasha, but Peter didn't know that. He thought they were scared.
Natasha walked up to him yet again and did as she did before. This time she smiled, which is something she doesn't do often. When Natasha put her hand on his shoulder he didn't kneel he just looked at her with hope in his eyes, he wanted help. Natasha gestured to the others and then looked at Peter, "Ты знаешь английского паука?" He nodded.
They waited for him to continue.
"I'm The "Dancing Spider", but the guards just call me Spider as you can tell I escaped hydra. I think something went wrong- first they were wiping my mind, next I had memories coming back and, " he motioned to Steve, "he was in them. I waited until I was given my next mission to run, that's the only time I'm allowed outside for... Reasons. But there were others from my what I seen. A family, and...and ag this guy- but... I only remember his eyes- and hair- but he um... He called me Doll!
He stopped and looked down, it was like he was too ashamed to continue. And maybe it was because he was. in the flashback, there were three people, him, Steve, and someone else. The other person had dark brown hair and steel blue eyes. He's was taller than both peter and Steve, but Steve was much, much smaller.
The 'teen' had stopped talking for a while so Steve started asking questions, "Pete- sorry, Spider? Do you remember how old you are?" Peter lifted his head up and slowly nodded. "Twenty-three." That's all he said, his mind was still on the mystery guy. Why? Why was he so damn important to him? It made him mad, how can he be so valuable to peter yet he has no idea who he is!? But then again, there's a lot of people peter can remember. But Steve was taken back- four years, peters had four years of his life stolen from him. But for those who knew him, it was much longer.
"Do you remember May and Ben?" Steve quietly questioned.
Then some things flooded peters head that was probably best forgotten, his aunt and uncle, their dog, then the explosion. The one that he started. But he didn't want to, of course, it was his first mission, hydra made sure to replay the horrid memory. Over and over.
"So... He's not a kid?" The gold and red armor asked.
Peter looked shocked, and who can blame him? The iron suit was talking, hydra might have had good tech but this was... Freaky. Peter put his hands up in fists ready to fight, everyone else got on guard ready to do the same."W-what the hell is that?" He stuttered.
The heroes calmed down after they have seen he was just startled. The glowing eyes that belonged to the iron suit stopped glowing and a man stepped out.
"Howard?" Peter questioned, then his eyes widened, he had unlocked a new memory.
While Peter was trying to piece together all of the things he could remember tony stood stiff, he hadn't heard that name in a while, and this guy knew his dad? God everything is confusing. He shook the thoughts away and looked at peter who had a puzzled look on.
"I'm actually his- his son."
Peter smiled a bit thinking about how much the two looked alike. "You just look so much like him! Did he build your..." He pointed to the Iron man suit, "that?" Tony shook his head and looked down, "No, um... Howa- my father- and Hydra- he's ah, he's dead..."
Peters face dropped and he felt another wave of guilt hit him."oh my God- did? Did I do it!?" He was on the verge of tears, why? Why was he a monster?
Tony walked over to peter and put a hand on his shoulder, peter backed away. "No! Please, I didn't want to I swear!" Tony looked at Steve for help, Steve had a look on his face that said he was thinking, his eyes widened. He walked out of the room and tony went back to peter.
"Hey, Hey kid look. You- you didn't do it okay?."
"..." Peter looked up.
"It's fine, you're okay," Tony explained. It wasn't the truth but what was he supposed to say 'oh don't sweat it! It was another hydra soldier!'
Peter took a step out of Tony's grasp and fell to his knees, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here. I'm just putting you all in danger!" He pulled his knees to his chest, why won't they just kill him already? That's what they do right? You break into a building and they don't attack you? That makes sense.
Nobody touched him, he just sat on the ground surrounded by people he doesn't know. It was quiet yet peter could still hear their heartbeats. The man with the glasses was calm, the redhead was calm as well, along with the man with the bow. The other two had strange heartbeats. The one with their glowing chest had a faint heartbeat but also a slight humming, the blonde with the hammer had a calm heartbeat but the rhythm wasn't a pattern, and it was loud.
Tony had walked away from the young adult because he had obviously made him uncountable again, this is why he leaves the comforting people thing to Bruce and Steve. None of them knew why Steve walks away, but they all wanted him to come back.
Peter felt the eyes on him so he wanted to make himself more comfortable before snapped at all the people who had nothing better to do than to stare at him, like seriously! He came here for help; they stare! The one person he knew ran off, and if Peter was him he'd run too! He sighed and stuck his arm in the air. The others looked at him with pure confusion, Peter rolled his eyes and shot a web up to the ceiling, his lip twitched as if he was smile, why? Well, the other watched in horror as he pulled himself up and positioned himself.
It had been a few minutes and Steve was still gone, Peter was still on his web trying to keep calm, and the other five were still staring at Peter. He'd be lying if he said it wasn't bothering him. "If you want to say something please say it, you're getting on my nerves with the pointless staring." He closed his eyes and allowed himself steady again.
"Do you really know Steve?" Asked Tony.
Peter flinched but kept his cool, "y-yes? Well I think, I remember him from some point in my life. We were friends I know that at the least but I also know there was someone else..."
Natasha was the second one to speak to him. He didn't mind though, Peter took a liking to her.
"Can you describe the other person?"
The spider let himself turn towards her. He let out a sigh. "I can but... Something tells me I won't see him again, by the looks of things I'm not in the '40s anymore, he's probably long gone, a family perhaps remember to him perhaps." He gave her a faint smile trying to hide the fact that he was disappointed in himself. Nat gave him a look that told him to go on.
"Well, he had dark brown hair and hair, and the most amazing blue eyes you've ever seen, I was close to him I know it but I just can't remember h-his name."
Peter let a single tear roll down his face, he smiled again then left his hands-free, so now he just relaxed as his body moved upside down.
He pointed to Bruce, "your doctor banner right?" Bruce sighed. "Yes, unfortunately, you probably have files on the other guy huh?" Said Bruce. Peter looked confused.
"Actually sir, the only person I know is Steven, however, I've read your books. Me being one of their best creations means I got 'special' treatment, so I was about a year ago I was given some books."
Bruce only nodded as a response. Everyone stood quietly as they watched Peter move gracefully, he switched back the position he was into before. This time he looked at the man with the arrows. "You want to know why I'm doing up here, right?" "How did you- never mind." Peter let out a breath and closed his eyes, "this is sort how I got my name, The Dancing Spider, that and when I fight 'it looks like a dance'. But I also do this as a way to calm down, and you people obviously don't know that staring makes people uncomfortable- not to mention it's rude" the five quickly tried to find something else to look at, "it's fine just a bit irritating, be staring too, I mean some dancing assassin shows up randomly, " he let himself fall. He walked towards the window and looked for the latch that would open it. "I've caused enough trouble, if I umm, if I leave now they won't go after me. Guards don't check cells until-" The elevator doors dinged as they shut again and two men walked up to the group.
"7:30, they don't make rounds on the A floors until 7:30." The other man said. Peter spun around to see Steve inspecting the web that hung from the floor, beside him was a man with dark brown hair that was just above his shoulders. Peter's dark brown eyes locked with the steel Blue ones. It was him- the man he had seen! The one who was so important to him! It was James.
The memories flooded back, from when they were kids, their days in high school, how he Peter had the biggest crush, god, peter liked him- no, he loved him.
Peter let the tears fall, he didn't care if he got punished for crying he had finally found his love! He smiled wide and started walking to the man.
Buck nodded and walked towards Peter as well, they met halfway in the center of the room, bucky didn't care if the others saw that he was crying, he had been dreaming of the day that he'd see Peter again, of course, this isn't how he would have wanted it to go but it didn't matter. "Hey, Pete-" he didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before the smaller male jumped on him, arms wrapped tight around his neck. Bucky didn't want to let go. He finally got his best friend back, he had his love back.
They didn't care if the other we're watching, they'd rather them starting than be apart again. "I'm sorry- I am so so sorry James." Peter cried into the taller man's neck. The soldier pulled away so he could see his face, Peter looked up at him with tears rushing down his face. "For what, You did nothing wrong?"
"I never got to tell you that I loved you." Bucky's face softened, 'Peter always was the first to apologize for nothing' he thought. He pulled Peter in for another hug, his chin laid on the smaller's head. "Then do it now." Said bucky. Then he loosened his grip on peter. The spider looked up at him, visible shock displayed itself on his face.
"I said do it."
Peter was shocked, as much as he hated it he thought this type of thing wrong, everyone said it wasn't right, no matter how much he wanted it to be right they told him it was bad. But Peter didn't care he wasn't gonna let them stop his feelings. He cupped buck's face with his hands, slowly pulling the other in, Peter kissed him. And of course, Bucky kissed him back, it was the most gentle thing either of them had felt in years.
The rest of the room (minus Steve) had no idea why they two were crying, or why Steve had brought Barnes he anyway. But they started to understand once they watched the two broken males interacted with each other, then they understood. Yes, they were broken- but they knew they were broken together.
The couple broke apart with a smile on their faces. Peter looked at Bucky, tears still streaming from his doe eyes, he smiled as he looked his love in the. eyes.
"James Buchanan Barnes, I love you. And I don't care what anyone else says- or thinks."
Bucky smiled down at Peter.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, I love you, and I have dreamed every night that I would see you again."
The pair smiled knowing that they finally were together again. But Peter let the worries set in as he thought about what hydra would do if they found him? He doesn't want to lose James again, what if they take James? Bucky felt his lover tense up so he hugged him tighter. "James?" "Yeah, Petey?" Peter let out a deep breath, "what if hydra comes back? I don't wanna loses you again, I don't think I could go through that again." Bucky kissed the top of peters head, knowing what it's like to fear hydra. "They haven't found me yet." "What?!" Peter asked. Bucky smiled sadly. He had been on the same floor as the dancing spider- yet he never would have thought he could be his love. "You know the other to soldiers on the A floor?" Peter shook his head at buck's question. "It used to be me, and somebody else... But they're dead, have been fo- how did you know what floor I was on?" He quickly asked, pulling away to look at the blue eyes that stared down at him. Bucky took off his glove and rolled up his sleeve. Peter's eyes widened at the sight of a shining metal arm, he brought his hand up to touch the cold metal.
"You're the Winter Soldier?"
Bucky nodded, his head nodded towards the web behind them.
"And... you're the Dancing spider?"
"Y-yea, sadly."
Bucky looked at him again, the look on Peter's face had no fear, he would have thought that the young man would regret saying 'I love you' but instead Peter and bucky had the same excepting look on their faces. Peter took a shaky breath and shut his eyes, "how?" Bucky looked at him, puzzled. The spider opened his eyes. Tears flowed from his eyes as they have been throughout the morning. "How did you do it? Hell, you're still doing it now! how can you stand here and stay strong knowing that if they find me they might find you too? How did withstand all of the fear and hide from them?"
Bucky pulled him closer, a sad but gentle smile on his face. He kissed peter softly on the lips before he looked his love in the eyes, "because I knew, somewhere my love was alone, and I wasn't going to give up until we were together, " he placed his flesh hand on peters face and wiped away from the tears with his thumb.
"I love you."
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 7: Broken with Power
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It is a new day, and the friends gather once again. This time, their conference takes place at the Heroto Diner. They squeeze together in a round booth and get comfortable. After having washed off the last of the rainbow chemicals and rest from their time at the ruined laboratory, the gang finally chills without having to be in an eerie environment. Brook takes a big gulp of sweetened iced-tea as Emmy sips on her mug of hot, steaming coffee. Hatboy and Zach, on the other hand, hold soda in their grips. Carly is the only one focused on the activity she creates in her drawing pad.
“Ah,” utters Emmy, smiling. “This is nice: sitting in the diner and having a good meal.”
“I second that,” Hatboy replies, reflecting his expression. “Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned burger and some french fries.”
“I agree!” adds the purple rabbit. “It’s so much better with you guys, unlike those cold-hearted animals known as Team Rescuers.” She turns to Zach. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring that up. No offense, you know…”
“None taken,” Zach tells her. “In fact, I’m happy to say I’m past all of that. You guys have helped me back on my feet and changed my life. You’re the greatest friends a fox could ask for.” She pats him on the back with a smile.
Emmy looks to the cat. “Carly, can’t you work on drawing another time? We’re at the table with our friends.” Carly scoots away slightly to ignore her. “Come on. Don’t be so-” The warthog pauses as she notices the people of the diner begin eyeing the gang. “Um, does anyone get the feeling something’s wrong here?” The others see what she means, observing the specters of the eatery.
Brook sees what she means. Her smile disappears. “Everyone is looking at us… Why are they looking at us like that?”
“We didn’t do anything,” Hatboy implies. “We’re just hanging out… Unless, they all think we’re weird because Zach is with us…”
“Maybe we should get out of here,” Zach suggests. “I feel like we’re attracting unwanted attention.”
“I second that,” Brook insists. “Besides, I’m feeling a little headache…” Everyone agrees, get out of their seats, and stand. Carly keeps her head in her sketchbook as she draws.
Hatboy places money down on the table before the whole gang exits out the diner. The eyes of the other animals follow them as they disappear, and remain fixed on them through the glass as the others distance themselves from the diner. “Okay, that’s so creepy,” he comments. “What is going on?”
The warthog halts beside the glass window of an electronic store, noticing her and her friends’ pictures on the screen mounted on the wall. “Guys, come look at the television right now…”
“Not now,” Carly says. “I’m working on something very-”
“We’re on the news!” the warthog interrupts. Everyone gathers by the screens and watches the news story.
“Welcome to Heroto News!” utters a well-dressed owl. “I am Helen Hooters with your regular news stories. We begin today with a warning to the town. Team Rescuers are advising us to be cautious of these five figures shown here. We’ve been told that they were at the old ruined Heroto Laboratory last night and are have been acting suspicious. Team Rescuers and police are urging residents to be cautious.”
Brooks remains fixed on the television. “What…? They think we’re suspicious? Suspicious of what? This is ridiculous…”
“We’re now going to turn to our breaking news,” the owl continues. “The Heroto orphanage had been ripped apart by a loud explosion. We go to you live on the spot with Camille Chicken.” The scene cuts to the orphanage building with a large hole in it and emergency services around the area.  
In front of the damaged structure stands a chicken in a trench coat. “Good morning, Helen. It is a surprising morning to everyone in Heroto as we have found the orphanage had been blown up in the early morning hours. Residents have informed the news team that they heard a loud “boom” last night around 4:20 a.m., and are calling it an act of terror. Team Rescuers had combed through the site to find evidence that it was, indeed, a terrorist attack, after finding pieces of explosive materials around the area. There have been only mild to moderate injuries, and everyone who was involved in the blast are expected to make a full recovery in the hospital. People have been informing us that they’ve seen five animals walking through town and suspect they are the culprits behind the attacks. Team Rescuers has advised us it’s the flawed fox and his freaky friends that hang about, but there is no word on whether they were the ones behind the attacks. This is Camille Chicken reporting to you from the Heroto Orphanage.”
“Thank you, Camille.” The shot returns to the owl. “Now, we’re unsure if these two events are related to each other, but it seems plausible at this time. Team Rescuers and police are urging caution. We now take you to Alan Hawk for the weather.”
“That can’t be good,” says Zach. “That can’t be good at all…”
“Indeed,” Emmy adds. “We better get out of here now before-”
“Flawed Fox and friends!” The gang turns to see Jay and the team appear before them. “You have made a grave mistake!”
“Oh, hello there, Team Rescuers,” utters Brook. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“Can it, Hops! We had suspicions you would, Flawed Fox!” Jay marches up to the fox. “I know you always loathed the orphanage, and it’s a good enough motive to get you arrested!”
“Hold on.” Carly stands between the two animals. “What makes you so sure Zach was the one who blew up the orphanage? He was with us the whole time.”
“Indeed, you were,” says Miffy. “You five have quite the nerve attacking poor, defenseless children!”
Carly turns to her quickly. “What?!”
“We weren’t the ones who attack the orphanage!” cries Hatboy. “We were all hanging out last night.”
“Yeah,” responds. “Hanging out by the old laboratory!” Hatboy flinches with fear. “You don’t think we know? You’re all in big trouble! You’re coming with us!” She reaches for Zach and grabs him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Flawed Fox!”
“Get off of him!” Carly smacks the sheep with her sketchbook, causing her to fall back. She then charges toward them, but Hatboy pushes her aside, tossing her into a trashcan nearby.
Jay growls. “No one hurts my girlfriend!” He starts for the red rabbit, clawing at him and scratching his face. Zach steps in and extends his arm across Jay’s face, punching him in the mouth and knocking him away. “That’s it! I’ll kill you, Flawed Fox!” He charges for the fox, but then freezes within three meters of them as Brook stands in front and sticks out her leg, which connects with the area between his legs. The wolf covers his sensitive spot and stumbles to the ground.
Brook smiles. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”
“You’ve messed with the wrong group!” Kenji gets into his ready stance. “Prepare to face a master in martial arts!” Emmy stamps on the monkey’s foot, which causes him to lift and hold it before Zach quickly pushes him into the trash with Cindy.
“You criminals won’t get away with this!” As Miffy presses forward, Carly grabs her by the tail, yanks her, and spins her around. With enough momentum, he lets go and tosses her into a wall, where she’s stunned and dazed.
“Don’t ever mess with my friends!” Carly yells. The gang looks around as a crowd of angry citizens gather by them. “Uh… Uh oh…”
“Let’s get out of here!” Emmy shouts. Her and the others bolt away from the area with the mob. They run, faster and faster, as the yells and cries of the mob continue from behind them. The gang gets chased around blocks and corners. Eventually, they head down into a subway station and travel down the dim-lit tunnel. The gang continue down the line, then hide. When they no longer hear the cries and yells of the townsfolk, the friends stop and rest in place by the nearest station.
“Phew,” comments Brook. “That was close… Who would’ve thought people would become agitated quickly…?”
Zach turns to the others. “That was amazing… The way you all took on Team Rescuers…”
“You did well, too,” says Carly, smiling. “It was a nice punch against Jay. Did it feel good?” Zach nods.
“Friends always stick up for each other,” Emmy implies. “That’s what we do. It’s too bad that everyone, including Team Rescuers, will be after us, now…”
“That’s just great,” Hatboy starts. “Now the whole town thinks we’re terrorists…”
“W-what do we do now?” asks Carly. “We can’t go back to our homes… Team Rescuers will be waiting for us up there…” She sighs. “Great, now my mother will definitely kill me, if not Team Rescuers.”
“But we didn’t do anything!” Brook utters. “How could they blame us for something we didn’t do?!”
“I don’t know,” Zach responds. “They’re probably just blaming us because-” The fox pauses and holds his head. “Ugh!”
Carly moves closer to him. “You okay, Zach? What’s gotten into you?”
“My head,” the fox tells her. “I-it hurts so much! It’s like a hammer is banging on my skull a million times! My whole body’s aching, too!”
“You should take s-” The cat mirrors the fox’s move and flinches, trembling. “Ow! Ugh, I don’t feel so good…”
Emmy heads over to them with worry. “We should see if we -” The warthog pauses, then quickly kneels to the ground as she grudges her stomach. “A-ah! W-what is happening?! Why does my body ache so much?!” Soon, the rabbits join them in agony as pain fill their minds, bodies, and senses. All they could do is endure it, with no help or relief. The friends moan, groan, tremble, grit, and clench as their suffering continues. Half of them lie on the ground as the rest lean against the wall, wishing it would all stop. And then, just like that, the torture ceases.
“W-what just happened?” asks Zach, getting off the wall. “What was all of that about?”
“Ugh,” Hatboy stands from the concrete ground, still holding his head. “Why do I feel so strange? I feel like a fly that’s been squished.” Light encompasses the red rabbit as he changes form. His entire body morphs into a giant black fly. Everyone stares at him with gaping eyes and mouths. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?”
“Holy!” Carly points at him. “You’re a giant fly!”
“What?” Hatboy looks down at his paws, which are the limbs of an insect’s. “What the?! What’s happened to me?!” He pulls out his phone, looking into the camera’s selfie function. “I’m a fly?! Ah! Change me back! Someone!” Just like that, he returns to his normal self. “Uh…”
“Oh my god!” Zach yells. “How did you do that?!”
“I don’t know… I just said I was a fly… I have transformation abilities?!”
“Hold on!” Carly puts his paws on the area between her legs. “I have to use the bathroom real bad!” She runs away fast, then returns within five seconds. “Phew.” Everyone stares at her in bewilderment. She looks at her friends before reflecting their expressions. “Oh my! Did I just run to the bathroom and back in a matter of seconds?! Wait a minute…” She pulls out her sketchbook, and within a few seconds, she fills the entire page with her speed. “Whoa…”
“You have super speed!” exclaims Brook. “That’s so cool!” She looks down at her paws to examine them. “I feel a little tingly in my paws… I wonder what happened to me…” She extends her arm out to Hatboy. He starts glowing bright light blue before being hoisted in the air. Brook’s arm conducts him high. “Whoa! I’ve got telekinesis! Cool!” She takes back her arm, dropping the red rabbit. “Oops, sorry, Hats.”
Emmy holds her head. “I feel a little light…” Suddenly, she vanishes into thin air.
“Oh!” Carly juts. “Emmy, where’d you go?!”
“I’m right here!”
Carly looks around frantically. “Where?!”
“Here!” The warthog reappears in front of her. “I’ve been standing her the whole time! Didn’t you see me?!”
Carly stares at her in surprise. “No… You just disappeared, then reappeared!”
Emmy thinks hard about it, causing her to disappear and reappear again. Her expression turns to reflect the cats. “I-I have invisibility… That’s insane!”
Zach looks down at his body. “Why does my body feel strange…?” Everyone looks toward the tunnel at the sound of a horn, seeing a railroad car speeding toward them Everyone but Zach jumps out of the way. The fox extends his arms out to the metal vehicle and shuts his eyes tightly. The train slams into him and pushes him along the tracks, but then slows to a halt. Zach opens his eyes to see the subway stopped in its tracks as he holds it out in front of him. The others come out of hiding, looking at the fox with shock. Zach himself examines the work that he’s done. “Oh… My… God…” He then pushes the cars in the opposite direction with great force. “I’ve got super strength… I… Whoa…”
“We have super powers,” concludes Hatboy. “That’s incredible… How did we get super powers?”
Zach gasps, tracing his thoughts back to the event that lead up to this point. “The chemicals from the laboratory! The rainbow liquid that washed over us! That’s how we’ve got them!”
“I’m down with that,” Brook says. She pushes the empty cans with her telekinesis. “Man, this is “super” cool. We’re like superheroes!”
“Hm.” Carly puts her paw on her chin. “That actually gives me an idea. We should start our own little super gang with our new abilities. We can blow Team Rescuers out of the water and show Heroto what real heroes are. We’d be better than them.” Everyone hesitates with her suggestion, but then soon come to an agreement on it.
“Just one question,” adds Emmy. “Where are we setting up our base of operations? We’re wanted by the whole town, and I’m pretty sure Team Rescuers will be out looking for us.”
“We can hide down here, actually,” Zach implies. “There’s an abandoned subway terminal just down the line on the third set of tracks. Been abandoned for years, and no one ever uses it.”
“Ooo!” Brook smiles. “I like the sound of that! Very interesting! Wait, how the heck do you know about that?”
“When I was with Team Rescuers, we intercepted Capital Corp using the tunnel, but we – I mean Team Rescuers – battled and pushed them out.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Carly tells him. “We should get our things if we’re going to set up down here.”
“And how are we going to do that with Team Rescuers and the townspeople above us, waiting to hurt us?” Hatboy queries.
“We’ll go at night,” Emmy suggests. “That way no one can see us. Carly can use her superspeed and I have invisibility, which means we’ll get everything down here quickly.”
“Yeah, that’ll work. First thing’s first, though.” Brook looks at Zach. “Lead us to the abandoned station, Zach. I’d love to see that.”
“It’s right this way.” Zach traces the third track down into the tunnel with the gang following him. “It’s going to be a bit of a long walk, but since no one comes down here, it should be safe enough to hide in.”
Emmy has her hoof on her chin as she follows the fox. “I’m starting to grow skeptical of Team Rescuers…”
@carlycmarathecat​ @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @bendy-bear-15​
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70s Vintage (one-shot)
80s Retro (one-shot)
70s Bling (one-shot)
70s Glam (one-shot)
Synopsys: More shenanigans ensue as the Taylors hang around the set. And if the BoRhap boys thought they were wild on nights out, they’ll be proven severely wrong.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: drinking, swearing, alluding to sexy times ;)
Word count: 2595
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When Brian May walked up to the BoRhap boys who were engaged in a discussion about how to better work off of one another during the big Live Aid scene, Ben in the meantime had been struggling to get one particular bit in ‘Radio Ga Ga’ right, so Bri, the ever-loving father figure, went out on a search for the real drummer.    “Has anyone seen Rog? Ben’s struggling with getting the movements down.”    The guys only shook their heads when Jon got a quizzical look on his face. “We haven’t seen Roger in like half an hour. In fact, we haven’t seen Y/N for twenty minutes either.”    It was a bold suggestion, but by the eye roll that Brian did, they knew they hit the jackpot. And all the confirmation they needed came in the form of a thoroughly dishevelled Y/N.    “Did you have fun?” Brian asked, and she winked at her old friend.    “I think Roger enjoyed it a bit more, this time.”    “Well, is he put together enough to go out and help Ben?” Brian asked, just as the blond actor came up to the guys, drumsticks tightly clutched between his fingers.    “Come on, love,” Y/N said linking her arm through his elbow. “Rog is a bit preoccupied at the moment, so I’ll try and help as much as I can.”    Ben’s eyebrows were high up on his forehead. “You know how to drum?”    She hummed in response, and the crowd, seeing him and the woman walk out on stage went wild, chanting Y/N’s name like she was a Goddess there to fulfil all of their wishes. With a small wave, she sat down behind the drum set and adjusted the height of the little round bench. “I also know how to play the cello, violin, bass, guitar, piano and trumpet.”
   Expertly Y/N twirled the drumstick and looked up at Ben. “Which part were you struggling with, honey?”    But even before she could tap a snare, Roger stormed on stage, the crowd of extras going absolutely crazy.    “No,” he pointed a finger at Y/N. “Not happening. You’re not stealing my spotlight.”    A smirk tugged up her lips, seeing that purplish mark on his neck, which he so desperately had tried to cover up with a shawl, but it was still peeking through. “Your spotlight? Love, it’s Ben that’s gonna be on stage, not you.”    Roger raised a grey eyebrow. “And who do you think he’s playing? Me! Ha!”    “Fine,” Y/N stood up, leaving the drumsticks on the chair. “But who do you think is sleeping on the couch? You! Ha!” and with a wide smile plastered over her face, Y/N waved at the roaring crowd and disappeared behind the scenes.    The grey drummer put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky, letting out a deep sigh.    “You alright?” Ben asked, clearly concerned if he’d somehow made a mistake and offended the legend.    “Yeah,” Roger nodded, sitting down behind the drums. “Just can’t figure out how the hell did I fall in love with a woman who infuriates me so much.” But he said it with nothing but adoration in his voice.
   “Ronnie, I’m telling you, it’s crazy freaky,” Y/N sat in one of the sofas in the trailer that was labeled 'THE BAND AND PAUL'. “I’m telling you! Look, I’ll just send you a picture and then you can see for yourself.”    As Y/N pulled the phone away from her ear and went into the photos folder, Joe walked inside, fingers massaging his scalp as he had just been able to get the wig removed.    The woman gave him a small smile, before doing a double take and practically shouting “Don’t move!” and putting her phone back to her ear. “Imma switch to Facetime.” She said to whoever was on the other line and Joe just stood there confused.    Y/N turned the phone to him and the man almost choked on his spit seeing the Veronica Deacon on the other side, the woman’s eyes widening at the appearance of Joe. Silence took over the trailer before she quietly asked when he was born.    “Nine- ninete- 1983. September 21, 1983,” Joe stuttered out. “Mam.”    Veronica narrowed her eyes before yelling down the house. “John, you better come here and explain some things to me!”    Joe couldn’t believe what was actually happening as John Deacon came in view, the man rubbing his eyes as if he had just been rudely awoken.    “If this is Y/N again, trying to persuade you to go bar hopping, I’m not joining. Last time ended with you in a jail cell and her in Scotland.”    But just as he was about to talk further about the crazy things the two women had done, he stopped, looking Joe dead in the eye. Veronica for a second thought he wasn’t breathing, but then John cleared his throat.        “Hello,” he warmly smiled at Joe who was still frozen in the spot. “You must be mister Mazzello. Brian and Roger have had nothing but good things to say about you and the guys.”    Joe just stared at the rock legend, mouth hanging open, cause holy fucking shit, he was talking to the Disco Deaky. Y/N smiled looking at the star-struck actor and glanced at Veronica who cleared her throat and crossed her arms.    “Are you sure you didn’t have an affair with someone in late 1982 or early 1983?” Veronica turned her head to the side as John looked at her fondly but rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying, you look quite uncanny.”    Joe laughed at that and he couldn’t help but feel relief flood his veins. They spent a few minutes talking about the music of Queen and how Y/N had been the one to push Veronica to ask Deaky out on a date.    “She was so bloody petrified that he wouldn’t say yes, she came to my flat and we both got drunk. In the end, she ended up calling him and slurring out that she liked him and wanted to go out on a date.”    “And she,” Veronica pointed at Y/N, “ended up calling Freddie, who was also coincidentally drunk that night, and convinced him that flying over to New York that night was a good idea.”    Y/N shrugged, remembering how she had woken up next to a passed-out Freddie, in a hotel room. Her scream had been the thing that had stirred both of them up, massive hangovers already forming.    “What the fuck did we do last night?” Y/N asked, rummaging through the first aid kit she had found underneath the sink in the bathroom for some painkillers. “Where are we?”    Freddie had been very nonchalant about all of it, as he made two cups of black coffee. “Well, my love, by the view outside of the window, I’d say we're on some thirty-odd story of a hotel in the middle of New York.”    Y/N had choked on the water she was drinking. “New York? How the fuck did we end up in New York?”    Veronica smiled, reminiscing about how much fun it had been to tease the two as they caught the first plane home. “Almost gave Rog a heart attack. He thought she’d run off with someone.”    “Honestly, he overreacted way too much,” Y/N replied, and it was like he had been waiting to be mentioned, Roger stepped in the trailer.    “What are you two conspiring about? Y/N if you’ve put some bloody dumb ideas in his head, I swear you’ll be the one staying at Bri’s.”    She rolled her eyes and scooted closer to Joe, to make room for Roger to sit down.    “Deaky!” his blue eyes lit up like Christmas trees, seeing his old friend. “How are you?”    “Good. We were just talking about when Y/N and Fred got so hammered they ended up in the city that never sleeps. And she was just saying how you overreacted.”    “Overreacted?” Roger’s eyes shot up to his forehead. “One second you and Ronnie are simply drinking wine at your flat, the next I hear is Freddie’s hungover voice telling me to be at the airport in nine hours, since you two had fucked off to God knows where.”    “We had gone out on two dates, Rog. You really took it as if I had cheated on you and married the pool boy.”    “You were still my friend, even if we weren’t dating then. So, pardon me if I got worried.”    Y/N rolled her eyes, but her heart swelled at the thought of Roger taking care of her like that.    The five of them talked a bit more about what wild things they’d done in the past and a little bit about how Joe could become an even more convincing Deaky. Soon enough, he was called to set, and with a very solemn look, he said goodbye to Veronica and John, exiting the trailer.    “Honestly, you two,” Deaky said through the phone pointing at his wife and Y/N, “are forbidden to drink without supervision.”    Roger laughed and nodded along, but the glance Ronnie threw Y/N, whose smirk had widened tenfold, was enough to make his heart drop. “What did you two do?”
   The cast and crew, Y/N, Roger, Brian and Anita as well, all decided to go to a local pub after a gruelling day of shooting and during that, her mischievous side came out once more.    The drink off between her and her husband was provoked by Joe who was chatting away with Anita and she had mentioned how wild Y/N used to be. He’d laughed and told her about the conversation they’d shared with Veronica and Anita could only agree.    “I mean,” the woman snickered, “they had been married for what, eight years at that point, but were still at one another throats. And so, after a particularly bad fight, she said that if Roger could out drink her, she’d forgive the man.”    Joe laughed, leaning in. “And did she? Forgive him?”    At that point, both Ben and Y/N had overheard their little conversation and she simply smiled as Anita answered. “Let’s just say the next day, that minx over there was filled to the brim with guilt, as Roger nursed a hangover for two days.”    “What can I say,” Y/N said, smirking at Ben, “if there is one thing, I know how to do right, it is leave an impression. And obviously, prove a point.”    And right on cue Roger Taylor, most famous drummer in the world of the most famous band I the world started weeping, as Freddie’s voice erupted over the heads of everyone singing ‘Love Of My Life. “I love my wife, Bri. I love her, so much. Even though there are times I think she might kill me, I love her.”    Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes and she went over to her husband. “Alright, Rockstar, that’s enough for you,” she said and chugged his half-finished pint.    “Hey!” now an obviously pissed off Roger looked up at her. “I was drinking that- wow.”    He leaned over to Brian, and the curly haired man already knew what was about to happen. “D’ya think she’ll let me shag her? She’s real pretty. I like pretty women. Like Y/N. Y/N is the prettiest. Hey love, what’s your name?”    She almost choked on her laugh. “I’m Y/N.”    “No fucking way!” Roger exclaimed, “that’s my wife’s name.”    “I know. Cause I am your wife.”    For a second, Roger paused and then through a big, big grin he exclaimed, “Cool! Can we go home and have sex?”    This was where Y/N saw her opportunity. “We can.”    The smile that split Roger’s face apart was amazing, and he smugly looked at Bri. “After all these years I still have it.”    “If,” Y/N interrupted his gloating, “you can outdrink me.”    Brian was instantly up on his feet and pointing at her. “Y/N, no! We’re not going through this again. Just take your idiot of a husband and go home. Please,” the last word was a desperate plea, but she just ignored the only rationally thinking person in the room.    “Bri, ma man,” Roger said standing up and motioning for Y/N to go to the bar. “I thought we were friends. And here you are, barring me from having a good night with that fox.”    She smirked over her shoulder ordering twenty shots of vodka, ten for each. When Brian saw it, everyone could read the disappointment on his face. “When they get to shot number five, you two,” he pointed at Anita and Joe, “take Y/N and me and Rami will get Rog.”    “Why five?” Gwil asked, amusement evident on his features as he watched the married couple sit down by a free table in the bar, the shots in two perfect rows before them.    “Cause last time they got to number six, they got thrown out of a pub for indecent behaviour.”    And let’s just say, everyone in the bar looked with awe in their eyes as the two of them downed shot after shot, completely disregarding the fact they had been together for years, only so they could shag.
   “Rog, what did we do?” Y/N groaned, pressing her face in her husband’s shoulder, who pulled her closer, the bright morning sun making her eyes hurt. “I think we had a drinking competition," he replied. "Again. Though things are very blurry after Anita said something about a badger and you two running around naked in Bri’s garden.”    Y/N hummed and was about to roll out of the bed when a stack of pictures caught her gaze. Slowly, she took them, and her mouth hung open when she saw a bare Roger and her own stripped body in them.    “I guess we recreated a moment from what- 1976?”    Roger’s eyes were still closed, but his mind remembered the exact thing that was in the photos; how a young him had persuaded her to take her top and pants, off so he could snap some pictures of the girl.    “If these ever get out, Roger Meddows Taylor,” Y/N had said through a laugh, covering her face with her hands, but that meant leaving her chest exposed. “The next pictures people will be seeing in the tabloids will be of my mugshot.”    Roger had laughed, pressing his legs tighter around Y/N’s hips, so she would stop squirming and he could focus the camera on her body. “I promise. These are for my personal collection when I get lonely without you on tour.”    Though that had been his intention, Roger was quite the forgetful person. And let’s just say he’d heard an earful two days later as Y/N berated him for leaving the polaroids on the middle of a table on the bus.    “If history repeats itself, I’m divorcing you, Taylor,” she said, slipping the photos in a drawer and closing her eyes ready to go back to sleep.    “If history repeats itself, then we should prepare for a pregnancy.”    Instantly Y/N’s eyes were open, cause, of course, that little photo shoot had led to one of the steamiest nights of her life and of course, that’s when she’d fallen pregnant with their first child.    “Well, then this time, you’ll be the one pushing a watermelon out of your vagina.”    With that said, the hungover pair smiled and fell asleep, dreams of the past pulling them down, securely wrapped in one another’s embrace.    “Think they’ll allow to put that moment in the movie?” Roger suddenly asked, and Y/N slapped him.    “Shut it, Taylor.”    “Love you too, Taylor.”
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take): @chlobo6 @pietrorunsforme @brianhemian-rogerdy @16wiishes @wanderingsami @desir-ae @thiccio-and-thicciet @roseslovedreams @vesoleil @gloomybisexualemo @kostyaownsmyheart @perriwiinkle @screaminggalileochickenwrites@lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife 
A/N: Y’all loved the shit out of 80s Retro, so I hope you like this as well :D
P.S. what did you think?
P.S.S. my tags are always open :)
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Hi :) would you write one where ChopTop met the reader the the radio station along with Strech*idk if i spelled it right* but the reader dressed similar to him and was in a band herself makeing ChopTop love struck and just his stuttering getting worst and forgeting what to say witch the reader finds cute maybe it would get slightly nsfw to to the ebd but you can pick its ok if its just fluff :3 *sorry if its to long*
((Sorry this took so long! Gotta love my boy Chop-Top and this prompt not only gave me an excuse to rewatch his intro scene but it also seems super fun! It is a challenge to figure out dialogue for him tho because he’s so bizarre in all the best ways. This one didn’t end up being too romantic but I’ve been thinking about maybe writing a continuation for this just cause there’s so much more I can do with it. So let me know if any of y’all are interested! Tagging: @i-cant-get-with-it
Chop Top meets hippie s/o @ the radio station:
It’s been a pretty rough week at the station. Your good friend Vanita had gotten a terrible call-in the other day. Initially she thought it was a prank, as the men had been obnoxious all day, but even she couldn’t ignore the terrible screaming and shill grating of metal on metal. Not when she saw that article in the paper that seemed to match the call-in. She had told you about the plan she devised with some old sheriff, about playing the tape over the radio. To you it seemed like a bad idea and a great way to put a giant target on her back, but she was insistent that she had to do it and make a difference. Despite your worries, you couldn’t just leave her alone, so you decided to stay with her after that night’s broadcast.
Tonight had done nothing to ease your concerns, angry callers had been cursing out the station and since Stretch first aired the tape. L.G. seemed to be the most upset by it, talking about how much trouble Vanita was going to get into, though anyone with eyes could tell how soft he was on her. Sadly, it didn’t seem like the feelings were returned quite the same way. At least not yet, you thought, as you watched her turn down his offer to grab some coffee with him. Guess you two were sticking around for this “Lefty” guy.
Shortly after L.G. left, you heard the phone ring. You went to reach for it, but Stretch got there first. “Hello?…Hello?…Lefty?” You could guess from her side of the conversation that she was being met with silence. You raised an eyebrow and she looked at you, equally confused. The mysterious caller hung up. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked.
“No clue,” Stretch shrugged, “We get some weird callers sometimes, but-.” As if on a cue, you two heard a small slam from the other side of the station. Vanita’s eyes flicked to you. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Stretch had been gone for a suspicious amount of time, when you decided you needed to go after her. You stood in the doorway of the hall leading to the lobby. From there, you could hear Stretch and a strange male voice, talking manically. “Hi, I know what you’re thinking. This is weird. Hope I can handle it.“ You peered out into the lobby, there you saw Vanita nervously backed against her desk, across from her was an odd man. He appeared to be in his 30s, dressed in patched and campy hippie clothes, the odd look topped off with a shappy mop of black hair and lavender Lennon specs. Though a somewhat tacky outfit, it reminded you of the way you and your bandmates dressed, especially when hanging out around at festivals. He started getting up and moving towards Stretch, and you walked out from the doorframe. Both sets of eyes looking your direction.
“Uhhh, hey man…what’s up?” you asked, awkwardly trying to redirect him. He turned to you, and looked you up and down, face unreadable.
“Wh-Who  the hell’re you? I thought it was j-just the DJ?”
“Well it isn’t space cadet! Who the hell are you?���
“I-I-I’m just a fan,” he turned back to Stretch, “Me and my little brother, Bubba, we listen to this show e-every night.” He turned back to you with a sick grin, “Music…is my life.”
You smiled at that, “Oh? I dig it. I’m in a band myself.”
His eyes went wide at that, and the barely contained manic energy in him seemed to ramp up, “O-Oh yeah? Wh-What’re you like? Something h-h-heavy? Like-like Iron Butterfly!”
You chuckled. Despite him being kind of a freaky-deaky dork, you had to admit the spaz was kind of endearing and a little cute. “Kinda. We’re more like Vanilla Fudge or Quicksilver Messenger Service than anything.”
“Far-Out! So-”
“I hate to interrupt,” Stretch cut in, “But the station is closed for the night.”
The man turned back to her, a strange glint in his eye and a sick grin that made you shudder. “Well, y’see, I wa-wanted to phone in my request but, but I al-al-always get too nervous, y’know?” He paused for a reaction before continuing, “But, well, since I’m here. In-In flesh-and-blood…I figured I could just give you my request now right!
Stretch looked to you for help and you just lifted your hands in a shrug-like gesture. “Uh, sure, sure. You can tell me your request and then you need to leave.”
The man chuckled, and started heating up the coat hanger he was holding with an old rainbow lighter. “Al-Alright…How about Cold Stone Fever from uh, Humble Pie! Or uh…” he picked at his scalp, ”In Da Vidda da Gadda babey. Heh heh yeah…” he turned to you, “Real, uh, heavy stuff, y’know.” You hid a laugh behind your hand, at his goofy smile and the fact that he got both song titles wrong.
Then that menace was back in his eyes, “Or…how about s-something like that, uh, Lefty r-request record you played today? How’d it go again?” You and Stretch’s eyes went wide as the man screamed and growled in mimicry of the terrible sounds of the attack. You looked at each other in mutual fear at this man standing between you and the exit. “Wh-What was that anyway? R-Rambo III soundtrack?” he chuckled at his own joke. “Could you play it again? Or, uh, m-maybe you co-could get me a copy!” He grinned, “You could both sign it. To-To-To a far out fan!”
He seemed to respond better to you so you spoke up, “We, uh, actually don’t have a copy. Sorry sir. But we could, er,  play your other requests.”
Something dark passed over his face that you couldn’t quite place. He looked to the side in the records vault. “Hey, uh, is this where you keep the golden oldies? And mayb-” The rest of the sentence was cut off when the lights suddenly flipped on, revealing a horrifying giant wielding what looked like a chainsaw. You and Vanita screamed, she ran off towards the back rooms while you ducked out of the way into the far corner of the room behind and hid on the far side of the sofa. You heard the man from earlier hollering in pain and wailing at the giant to “Get the girl!” You saw the giant run after Vanita through the door, and you peered out from your hiding place. You watched the man from before scream and clutch at his head. “He dented my plate! My brain is burning! Nam flashback! Nam flashback! Leatherface, you bitch, I’ll…Oh just look what you did to my Sonny Bono wig. Oh, God damn it!”
You listened to the man’s cries of pain and rage from your hiding place as you resisted the urge to help him. Judging from what you could make out from his rant, he was clearly with the man trying to kill Stretch. Oh god…Vanita…what have you gotten yourself into? He eventually managed to get to his feet and began to go through the records vault, muttering something about dogs hunting. You covered your ears and tried to block out the terrible sounds coming from behind the door leading to the recording area.
You heard a door open from the other side of the room. “Hey! What the shit?” L.G was back! Maybe he could get the police and everything would be okay.
“Lick my plate you dog dick!” the hippie yelled, flipping L.G. the bird. It would have been funny if the whole situation wasn’t so terrifying.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing in here, you crazy-looking little son of a bitch? Get out of here!” You wanted to scream at L.G. to run out of here and get help, that these guys were totally buggin and super dangerous. But you stayed quiet for fear of revealing your position. This turned out to be a lethal decision as the man lunged at L.G. brandishing a hammer. “Time for incoming mail!” he shrieked, slamming into hammer into L.G.’s skull, “Ho Chi Minh!” Over and over you heard the sickening thuds through your covered ears. You squeezed your eyes shut but you couldn’t pretend it just wasn’t happening. Hell, the same thing was probably happening to Stretch right now .
You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt the warmth of the tears sliding down your face, but someone else did. You open your eyes to see the killer’s leering face less than a foot from your own, “H-H-Hey there, rock’n’roll b-bunny! T-th-th-thought I lost ya t-there.”
“Please, don’t kill me,” you sobbed, “I’m, like, really sorry for whatever’s making you upset.”
This seemed to make the man nervous, and he started picking twitchily at the edge of a metal plate embedded in his skull. “I-I…I ain’t g-gonna, er, kill you. J-Just…” he looked around the room frantically, as if trying to find a solution to his problem. He spied the hammer over by L.G.’s corpse and his face broke into a grin. He scrambled to grab it, whipped back around, and started getting closer to you, arms out ahead of him as if you were a spooked animal. And I guess in a way you were. “N-Now do-don’t move or-or nothing. It It ain’t gonna h-hurt.”
Your soft sobs turned into bawling, “NoNoNo Oh God PleasePleasePleasePlease Don’t do this Please don’t do this!”
You noticed some emotion flash across his face that you couldn’t figure out. “A-one and a-two and a-three!” and the hammer fell down on your skull. You collapsed, yet you kept fading in and out of consciousness. You heard footsteps coming through the door to the studio and what sounded like the two men having a one sided conversation. “Did you get her, Bubba? Did you get that bitch? She was my fave…but-but she knew! And now…nobody knows!…L-look what you did to my plate, you bitch!…Y-You got her? Di-Did you get her good?…Slap me five!
You heard footsteps coming closer but you couldn’t see what was happening as you felt yourself getting dragged over to a damp section of floor. “I got some too. Bonus bodies! Look at that beef,” you vaguely felt a slap against your thigh, but it was as if you were made of cotton. “Help me get it out of here!,” said the hippie as you felt yourself be hoisted onto the larger man’s shoulders.
 You were tossed in what seemed like the back of a truck, though you were so dizzy it was hard to tell. Finally you succumbed to your head injury and passed out. The giant, Bubba, left to sit shotgun and only Chop-top stayed by, standing over you with a dopey look on his face. “Don’t wo-worry baby, we’ll b-be home soon,” he gave you a sloppy peck on the cheek and ran back around to the driver’s side. “Alright Bubba! Let’s blow this pop stand!” he yelled, and sped off back to where the rest of the family was waiting.
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“You know disgrace isn’t that bad. Once you settle into it.”
SO. I was watching TV one day and as I was flipping the channels, I saw an ad for a new show, ‘American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace’. I was sold just on the fact that it said Versace, I love fashion; and crime, (if you know me, you know I love crime) and then I saw Darren Criss. That’s all. I had to watch it. I did a bit of research and found out that he was playing the killer, and I had no clue that Versace was assassinated. So I began watching it, and the premiere episode itself, I was hooked; I knew I’d be dedicated and watch religiously. My mom watched it with me too, because she also likes crime (at times, when I’m not forcing her to watch something like Hannibal while eating dinner).
Anyway, I missed the second episode itself <rolls eyes> So much for being ‘dedicated’. I went to my best friend’s house the day after the 5th episode aired, and I made her watch. She was hooked too, so we watched the first two episodes together. I realized then, that TV was censoring out some important scenes that added to the plot line, so I switched to watching online. But yes, bottom line, watch it online, make sure you have subs, or earphones on with the highest volume. None of the characters speak very loudly. I dont even know why this paragraph is here, I apologize.
NOW, COMING TO THE ACTUAL SHOW. It was brilliant, I thought. Like, really. It is based on the book ‘Vulgar Favors’, which I really want to read now after watching the show. The gist of the show, in my words: The first shot is set on July 15, 1997. Gianni Versace is currently in his Miami house (mansion) and he goes out to buy some newspapers. The mansion faces the beach by the way, and the show was shot in the actual Versace home. As he goes back home, he is shot by a man (Darren Criss) and collapses at the gate of his house. A man (Antonio, his partner, played by Ricky Martin) comes out from the house and screams for help to the bystanders. Criss, who plays Andrew Cunanan (the killer, and part of, apparently, one of FBI’s biggest failed manhunts), is an unreliable narrator, to say the least, making up stories to tell each person that he meets throughout the episodes. The plot, as such, goes backwards, and shows all the other murders that Cunanan has committed, along with character backstories.
Thats the gist, and I have a lot to say about the show, so get some food or a beverage (no alcohol, kids) and sit if you want to actually read through this whole post :p
Okay, first off, the casting. I cannot cannot cannot get over the casting on this show. I will insert pictures to prove that the casting was impeccable and almost scarily, uncannily similar to the real people. I will talk about the casting as well as the characters themselves here.
Young Andrew- Darren Criss as the older Andrew- the real Andrew Cunanan
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Edgar Ramirez as Versace- the real Gianni Versace (is this not freaky)
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The real Donatella Versace- Penelope Cruz as Donatella
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The real Antonio D’Amico- Ricky Martin as Antonio
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//// Andrew Cunanan is the main lead of the show, not Versace, as the title might suggest. But the reason for the show being named after Versace makes sense, because that’s the incident that finally brought Cunanan into proper notice, and what pushed him over the edge, maybe. Darren Criss, I cannot explain in words how good his acting was. His charm, his little dimples, his attire, the way he spoke, everything seemed to match 100% with the details given about the real Cunanan, as given by his family and friends.
His character, from the very first episode, is shown to be charming, intelligent (IQ of 147) and subtly at first, but then clearly- a prolific liar. He lies his way through things, he seems to have suffered from antisocial personality disorder, which according to what I read, causes the lack of empathy, which is exactly what Cunanan has. More on this later. He lies about his personality (he says in the first episode, ‘I tell people what they need to hear,’ insinuating that he told gay people he was gay, and straight people he was straight. He was, in fact, gay, and also an escort). He tells his friends, Lizzie and another guy (unnamed) in the first episode, how Versace invited him to his Opera show. This scene, set back in 1990, is explained further, as we see that in reality, Cunanan had faked an Italian background, just to talk to Versace. But he really did go to the Opera, and that night was what made Cunanan do what he did, which is explained in the last episode.
It’s also cool how they added some small details, to add to his character- he ends up eating in times of distress, or after a killing, or before a killing. He always tells people the same lies- this really stood out to me, because its hard for someone to keep up the same lies all the time. It was always that his father owned pineapple plantations in the Philippines, and that he was writing a book, and that he had a lot of money from all his clients. He also always tells people he is better with older men, and not people his age, which shows as the show progresses, how many older men he has as clients.
Cunanan essentially started his killings way before Versace, killing 4 other people. I get the feeling that the smallest of things were what triggered him to kill.
Jeff (Jeffrey) Trail, the first victim, was his close friend, and an ex- US Navy Officer. They got into a small fight, and Cunanan killed him with a hammer, in front of their mutual friend, and Cunanan’s ex-love interest, David Madson, who is the next victim.
David tells Cunanan that they cannot live a happy life together, not after what he did to Jeff, and Cunanan tells him ‘We could have been happy’, before shooting him. Cunanan really did love David though, which is clear till the very last episode.
Lee Miglin, the third victim, had probably the most horrific end. He was a 70+ year old famous architect, one of Cunanan’s clients, who tells him that their relationship cannot be real, and indirectly says that finance is the key point in their ‘relationship’, if thats even what it can be called. Cunanan, as revenge, or for whatever reason, gags Miglin’s face with duct tape, throws bags of cement on him and uses a hacksaw to kill him. He kills and leaves the body in the garage, after placing several gay pornographic magazines around him, to prove to the world that Miglin was not who he said he was. Possibly, I think, because Miglin says their relationship cannot be ‘real’ (because he was married to a very successful businesswoman), and Cunanan knows that the world doesn’t know the real Lee Miglin.
The fourth victim, William Reese, was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Cunanan kills him and takes his car to go to Miami. Cunanan is polite, even in the case of a killing. He asks Reese- ‘Is there a downstairs? Can I lock you in there?’ He may have hesitated for a moment, but makes his decision to shoot him once Reese tells him that he has a family that he would like to see again. Its possible that Cunanan made up his mind, because of his strange and strained childhood.
Gianni Versace, the final and the most famous victim. He, on the night of the Opera, tells Cunanan that they cannot be together, and that rejection finally pushed him to the edge.
What is so different, in a very strange way, is that you cant help but empathize for Andrew Cunanan. Yes, he was a serial killer, but some scenes honestly just b r o k e my heart. In one episode, where him and David are on the run, he sits in a cafe, listening to the live singer there, while David is in the bathroom. The woman sings about who will be home when you call, will you have someone to go home to; and Cunanan sits, in the middle of the cafe, and just silently cries. Another scene that made me want to punch something (out of sadness and anger both) is in the last episode, where, Cunanan, currently hiding from the police (after Versace’s murder), calls his estranged father from a payphone, and tells him that he is in trouble and that he needs help. He sobs while talking to his father, and the father promises him he’ll be there in 24 hours, and also tells him, ‘Men don’t cry, remember?’ By the time Cunanan goes to his hideout (a houseboat) after packing his bags, his father is giving an interview on tv, insisting that Cunanan isn’t gay, and can’t be. I wanted him dead. There are some scenes from his childhood, where the father (Modesto), treats Cunanan, the youngest of four siblings, like a Prince, and on the side, calls him out for ‘not being a man’. Modesto keeps calling him weak because Andrew cries. He blames him for being weak minded like his mother and calls him sissy, slaps him and says ‘be a man’ and repeatedly telling him, ‘you don’t have it in you’.
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(sorry about the blurred face, I panicked)
Some iconic scenes of Andrew Cunanan- (THE FIRST 2 ARE LINKS PLEASE OPEN THEM) 1. Pump up the jam– Till 45 seconds. This scene is right after the murder of Jeff Trail, and you can see how he has no empathy. This is my all time favourite scene from the entire show, I think Criss is genius. 2. Gloria– Till 45 seconds. 3. All the scenes where he dances in parties and/or other places too
Lastly, there are two more iconic scenes I’d like to talk about. Last episode, he watched as the news channels talked about him being the only suspect in these murders on TV, and a bottle of champagne pops open while he’s watching. He laughs in shock, and ends up laughing his head off, clutching his stomach. I found that scene genius. And he eats dog food out of desperation in the last episode, because he is holed up in that house boat for days. It was so sad, but so real.
The last few minutes of the show have live coverage of the hunt for Cunanan, broadcasting live how the police is going into the house and everything, and the last thought that Cunanan has before he shoots himself is- ‘I’m so happy right now’, which is what he says to Versace the night of the Opera.
Now, lastly for my lecture on Cunanan, I think Darren Criss was genius, and I think he fit the role perfectly, and I’m not saying it just because I love Darren Criss (I love him, if you can’t tell already), but genuinely, he moulded and fit the character to a glove. I read a lot about the real Cunanan, and I think the show did complete justice to him. Ryan Murphy, thank you for this show.
// The show dealt with real problems such as homophobia; as seen in the case of Antonio, Versace’s partner, who doesn’t get any understanding from the people, or even Donatella, about his love for Gianni; they lived together for 15 years but there is still no consideration for their relationship. The most harrowing scene is when the priest at Versace’s funeral service let’s everyone kiss his hands except Antonio. This leads Antonio to attempt committing suicide by overdosing on pills.
There is a scene in the last episode where Ronnie (one of Cunanan’s friends and fellow druggie), gives the police some statements. All his lines have a sinister undertone, and gave me goosebumps, showing the real situations back then in the 90’s.
“You were disgusted by him, long before he became disgusting. You’re so used to us lurking in the shadows, and, you know, most of us, we oblige. People like me, we just, we drift away. We get sick, nobody cares.”
Here, he is talking about how the police, and society in general, never cared for the homosexuals, and how they never gave them a second thought. He speaks for the entire LGBTQ+ community back then, I feel, when he says this, talking about how nobody cares about their condition. There is a scene in the beginning of the show where the FBI has flyers printed with Cunanan’s details, but doesn’t actually distribute them, because they think its unimportant. They also don’t listen to the local police officer, a woman, who insists that they check all the gay clubs around Miami, seeing as Cunanan was a gay prostitute, which the FBI dismisses. Turns out, that is where he goes most frequently, and the police could have caught him earlier, but didn’t. Versace and Antonio being partners is also treated as a huge deal, along with the fact that they had escorts frequently visit the house.
Ronnie also tells the police: “Andrew is not hiding, he’s trying to be seen.” This is one of truest things said on the show, among several others. Cunanan is desperate for attention, and doesn’t want to be hidden in the shadows, he wants the world to see him. Everything he does, he does in plain sight; he uses his real name and identity, never tries to hide it, almost as if he wants to be caught, and the world would know who he was. He always tries to be the center of attention, whether it was in school, college, or later in life. He uses his real name everywhere he goes, and in a pawn shop, he gave his ID, but the woman never paid attention, because the police never put out the notice for until after a week of the murder spree. There is also a scene at a party at a gay club, where amidst the loud music, a guy asks him what he does, and Cunanan replies, “I’m Andy. I’m a serial killer.” He also calls himself a stockbroker, and several other things. He reveals his entire name as well. The guy laughs it off, not knowing anything about manhunt, because it was still not out in the media.
He always wanted to be (and was voted in high school) ‘A name to be remembered by’.
// I loved how the show took its story backwards. The first episode began with the last killing, and each episode showed flashbacks with Cunanan’s older victims and their backstories, adding so much clarity to the plot. It was different, and something I’d never seen in any show before. It really left an impact, and made sure you didn’t miss the next episode, because you’ll have to watch it to know what happened earlier. I also loved how the last two episodes were when we found out about Cunanan’s childhood, showing us why and how he became what he was.
// The scenes with Modesto, Cunanan’s father, were so frustratingly good. I hated the character with all my heart, which was obviously the intention. There is a shot with Modesto telling Andrew about how his mom was sick, and he was the one who took care of him when he was growing up. At this point, Modesto gets Andrew a car. Andrew closes the car window and the moms reflection shows up, perhaps symbolic of how he cut her out from his life, piece by piece, memory by memory. I’ve inserted the screenshot of the scene here:
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// Another character I loved was Mrs. Miglin. Her acting was so real. When Lee dies, she refuses to look at the body, or to hear anything that the police had to say. Whether she knows about him being gay is unknown to the viewers. Her reactions to the public wondering if she was even sad about her husbands death were brilliant. She always has a made-up face, looking calm and normal, and a few days after the death, she removes the makeup. If people see her makeup coming off when she cries, she wonders about their reactions, which is why she kept a cool, composed face until now. I found this entire sequence brilliant, showing how the media and the public generally portray and see celebrities, and never leave them alone in peace.
// Cunanan’s best friend, Lizzie, gives a statement on television, in the last episode, when he is in hiding. To me, these are the words that pushed him to surrender and kill himself. I think the fact that the words came from the only person who loved him in the entire world really made him realize how much trouble he was in, and that he saw no choice but to kill himself. This is what she says: “I know that the most important thing to you in the world is what others think of you.” This is so true, considering the fact that he always wanted the attention, and constantly wanted people to know things about him, and the fact that he needed to get feedback and know what people thought of his actions and his background.
He feeds lies to Versace as well, about him writing a book, and that he was going to publish it soon. Versace believes him, and tells him about how he needs to finish writing the book, and that he was sure it’d do well. Cunanan asks Versace if he could be his protege and help him out, but Versace declines politely, telling him he didn’t need any assistants right now. This also adds to Cunanan’s rage against Versace.
// You can see how Andrew got the compulsive lying. Modesto, in the last episode, while being interviewed about Andrew, lies on tv saying they discussed movie rights to his life story and that they’re talking to several studios about releasing it soon. He was also the one who taught Andrew to always be polite, and to be good mannered. It is shown in the last two episodes where Modesto gives him books about manners, and even sends him to a prep school.
Now, coming to small descriptions about the other characters. Small, I promise. Promiseeeeeeee.
Gianni and Donatella Versace- Both these characters were well rounded, and wonderful actors. Edgar Ramirez and Penelope Cruz did a brilliant job in portraying the Versace siblings. The fights, the affection, the remorse, the love, everything was so real.
Antonio D’Amico- Ricky Martin!!!! I also watched the show because I saw his name in the cast :p* His character was such a sad one. He was never accepted by society, as Gianni’s partner. Donatella hated him and said that he never gave Gianni anything, no family, no kids, nothing, and if he had, she would have had some respect for him. It was also speculated that he gave Versace HIV, which wasn’t true in the end. Antonio was really nice, because he really loved Gianni, and he proposes to him too, saying they should get married, and forget the world around them.
David Madson- Ohmygod, my poor heart. David was genuinely the sweetest guy, and it felt like he ignored the voices in his head saying bad things about Andrew, because he really liked him. It was almost as though he had Stockholm Syndrome when practically kidnapped by Cunanan. He had a chance to escape from the bathroom (in the cafe), but he chooses to come back, showing that maybe he still had a soft spot for Andrew. His childhood and youth was sad too, and the strained, but very happy relationship with his father plays in the back of his head when he is shot.
Jeff Trail- His character was also so so sad. He was gay and in the Navy, which was something that was unacceptable at the time. The Chief in the Navy gives out handbooks to all the officers about informing higher authorities if they knew that someone was gay. One night, Jeff is seen comforting another man; the next morning, the books are handed out as a warning. The man, after being beaten up, tells the Chief all the people that he knows are gay, and he mentions a man with a tattoo, meaning Jeff (no one knows). He tries to cut his tattoo off but stops because of the very apparent blood, and later tries to hang himself, but stops.
Lee Miglin- An old man, who is very well known for his architectural abilities, has some secrets. When his wife is out of town on business, he calls his escort, Cunanan. Explained above^^
Extra admiration for the young Andrew Cunanan, he was genius. He took on the smallest of details that Darren Criss had in his character; things like a small smile, a smug look, and the polite charm of someone who you would never have thought to be a psychopath.
‘What if you had a dream your whole life that you were someone special but no one believed it?’
// Andrew Cunanan //
Here are some very cool articles and videos that I found about the whole incident. 1. Facing death 2. Five lives cut short 3. Video (Who was Gianni Versace’s killer?)
Here are some screenshots I took from the show, that I liked.
These are both from the last episode, the one on the left is after he hears on the media that he is the only suspect, and the one on the right is of him eating dog food.
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Sorry for the bad quality, but this is one of my favourite shots in the entire show.
// The entire show was shot beautifully, and the locations were shown in all their grandeur, especially the Versace mansion. The characters all looked the part, and certainly played the part. I found that adding subtle hints of symbolism in the episodes really made a difference.
Thats all :p* I hope everyone who reads this enjoys. I don’t even know if anyone will read this but I really wanted to talk about the show because it impacted me so much, and the characters really shone. Simply brilliant show. I would highly recommend it to everyone. There are a few scenes that are a little hard to watch, but you’ll get used to it. Bye now 😀
P.S. Darren Criss said this in a first look video I found, I think it encapsulates the entire show:
“Truth is, you know, fear and prejudice, unfortunately, is always in fashion.”
ACS2: The Assassination of Gianni Versace "You know disgrace isn't that bad. Once you settle into it." SO. I was watching TV one day and as I was flipping the channels, I saw an ad for a new show, 'American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace'.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Attack on Titan Chapter 101 Review
Are you tired with pep talk? Are you done with history lesson? Are you really hungry for mayhem? Well, wait no more! This chapter delivers it and my God, it was as epic as I can imagine after series of buildup and developments. The series may go on a slow pace with its setting and build from the start, but once it gets to the heated moment, it goes above and beyond on the epic scale. Simply put, it’s an epic chapter.
So where do we begin? Let’s start off with the upmost intense atmosphere with thousands of panic people that set the tone as the world coming to an end. One of the strengths is how it captures the deep dreadful sight of apocalypse-esque feel from everyone. Regardless that they are technically the enemy, it continues to paint the series far more than a simple black and white case. I actually almost feel sorry for the people to witness the terror that resembles a Kaiju genre.
One part that struck me hard is the sight of a child crushed by Eren’s destruction. Zofia was among the future warriors that had a lot of time to enjoy life. Now that she was brutally crushed, the thought of Reiner taking care of the kids punch me like a KO blow. Just how much he has to suffer before he can finally put to rest? I don’t know what to think but good Lord, this series is heartless; yes, I know it’s obvious but it had to be said again.  
On top of that, Udo lost his mind and believes that Zofia needs some help to stay alive. In other media, it would have come off really silly, much like a person asked the guy who has his head blown off if he’s dead. Fortunately, Isayama does a terrific job to capture the true horror of the moment and it affects me on how much I actually feel some sympathy from this. They’re only kids and they didn’t act like those kids that were begging to die because of their intolerant behaviors. Bottom line, Eren truly is a monster to behold.
As killing a kid wasn’t enough, Udo gets severely crushed by hoard of panic people and his head looks brutally bad. Actually, it’s best to say that he’s dead. This is some freaky stuff that I keep forgetting it is Shounen. I started to feel bad for Gabi to witness her friends dying in front of her. It’s a cold way for her to mature after her reasonable child behavior. This chapter doesn’t show what happened to Reiner and Falco, but if they are alive and I am almost positive that they are, I can’t imagine the reaction from them. If this doesn’t put them over the edge, I’ll be very surprised.
There is one developing scenario and that’s with Porko and Pieck making their way back to the surface. This is obviously a big deal, now that the other Titans can join in the battlefield, though it may have been toppled by the next scene. I’m glad that they actually fill in on why Pieck randomly hug a fan and it turns out it’s a backup insurance since she always had a suspicious of one of the guard following. The Panzer Unit may have helped and possibly saved the day, but then something awesome occurs.
Just when Pieck wants to observe the area before going into Titan, they look at the sky, and they’re not birds or planes. They’re hype machine flying by. When I saw that, I was like, “Oh God Yes! This chapter is easily the best of the year.” It’s done for your blood to be pumping with excitement and it will only become a serious rush by the end.
Now that we are done with new development, credible sensation of horror, and terrifying display of destruction, let’s talk about the action. Man, it was riveting as hell. Willy was confirmed dead and it only did in further when he was eaten by Eren. For those who believe he was alive and War Hammer Titan, that wish is completely dead. Instead, we have a maid from the Tybur Family that is actually the user of the said Titan. Who said women can’t kick ass in Shounen?
I have to admit, I was disappointed to see the War Hammer Titan to get demolished quick and look rather weak. However, when I reread the same pages, I didn’t realize that Eren was actually pummeling her before she can complete the transformation and because of that, I now love that moment. It answers the thought of why let them change when you can strike first. It also shows the intellect of how taking it down can save the hardship. It’s tensed as hell when he tried and tried to take it down, but when that spike goes through him, I was like, “Aw shit!” From there on, it becomes gratifying.
The War Hammer Titan’s design looks awesome. It’s probably the best design of the Titans. What I love about it is how it fits the description of how the title should present it. The hammer is obvious but the expression it gives is vicious and powerful. It’s amazing how it went from disappointment due to lack of attention I gave to a hype delivered beastly design.
As far as the action goes, it’s one intense strike after another. Not only she lives up to the design, but she is also quite powerful in strengths and abilities. She can swing that hammer at ease and strike hard as a Thor’s hammer. She can summons spikes from the ground, whether it’s multiple small ones or a large deadly one. Eren does a good job including the armored hands, but holy crap, that hammer is lethal.
Magath and his military forces do help as well, which probably cause Eren more trouble than he already has. Because of that, the disadvantage is clear as day; it’s no wonder Eren lost badly. That said he still comes off looking strong and not downplay by his sheer devastation, which is carefully addressed. Even at his loss, he looks like he still conquers the field.
The biggest mark out or fan freaking out moment is just when Eren is about to get crushed by War Hammer, he was asked if he has any last words. His last words are “Do it now, Mikasa.” When I read that, my face was like The Scream painting; I was going wild. As soon as I saw her in epic double page, I cheered like I saw a fantastic film or wonderful Broadway show. It’s just an amazing feeling to finally see the old cast, even if it’s just one. She even has an awesome entrance by knocking down the Titan. Welcome back.
The rest of the Survey Corps show up, though no standalone intro, but that’s fine. Just seeing them again is enough for me to get excited. Their new outfit looks badass. The reunion of Mikasa and Eren is what I expected to happen first and it didn’t disappoint. That said there’s this ominous tone from Mikasa about Eren’s status.
It could be just me but it sounds like Eren has disappeared for a while and because of that letter, it’s now that they are finally reunited. Maybe that earlier story of his is actually true; he probably did run away. Maybe he has been exploring to try to “cleanse the world.” Perhaps it could just be her saying to return home now since this mission has gotten too hectic. It’s hard to determine which the case is but it certainly got me not only excited but highly invested.
The presentation is pretty stellar with its dreary atmosphere and the intensity of the setting. I already covered the designs but again, they are really badass all in all. The action is tensed. The entrance from Mikasa was marvelous and I couldn’t be any more hype.
We have waited for a while for some intense moment and it was well worth the wait. With its well buildup to the characters and lore, the moment felt even more special than it initially started off. Next year is going to be epic; I can already tell from the past writing routine. I simply cannot wait.
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animationnut · 7 years
To Gravity Falls, From Piedmont: Chapter 23
Summary: It’s a long way until next summer. Until then, Dipper   and Mabel share their daily antics and life problems with their lifelong friends and attentive great-uncles through an endless string of   e-mails. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all, and there’s no place Dipper and Mabel love more than Gravity Falls.
                                                    Chapter List
To: Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick), Grunkle Stan (StantheMan), Grunkle Ford (Highsixer); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude)
From: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn)
Subject: Déjà vu
So you remember all those months ago when Dipper went through the ceiling of the attic? I'm sure you do because it was hilarious. But now I'm trapped in the attic, and it's not hilarious from this end. The door is stuck and not opening. I don't have my cellphone on me, so if one of you could contact Dipper for me that would be great.
Much love,
Wiping her dust-streaked hands on her black purple-dotted leggings, Mabel moved the laptop she was using over to the corner of the attic. It had been a stroke of luck that she discovered it, rifling through yellow-stained boxes in search of something to pry the door open.
Some of the keys were missing, but if she pressed down hard enough she could make them work. There was a crack spider-webbing down the right corner of the screen and the battery life was practically non-existent, so the frayed, taped-up charger stretched from one of the attic's electrical sockets.
"Whew. Okay. Communication established. Now to wait for a response."
She lifted a box to remove it from her path and dropped it on an already precarious stack. A cloud of dust rushed up, causing her to erupt in a series of sneezes. She hunched over slightly, hand moving to cover her nose and mouth. When her sinuses were as clear as could be such a tight, dirty atmosphere, she straightened.
"Geez, it's stuffy in here."
Mabel moved over to the window, stepping carefully across the wooden beams, not wanting to re-enact Dipper's through-the-floor routine. She reached the window and gripped the bottom, the paint chipping off at her touch. With a few grunts and a lot of strength, she managed to wrench the window upwards, releasing a flurry of white paint and more dust. A breeze drifted through the open space and Mabel gulped in the fresh air.
Now it was a little easier to breathe, Mabel set her hands on her hips and regarded her situation. The boxes she had rifled through yielded nothing but old baby stuff, faded books and holiday decorations. Though there were still some boxes remaining, she doubted they would hold anything of use to her. Most of the tools were kept in the shed in the backyard and despite her strong power of imagination, she figured a crowbar wouldn't materialize anytime soon.
Mabel went over to door and yanked on the knob, even though she knew it was futile. The wooden door rattled in its frame, but would not budge. Shrugging her shoulders, Mabel picked her way back to the laptop and brightened when she discovered a string of new messages.
Mabel Pines: Hey! So you remember all those months ago when Dipper went through the ceiling of the attic? I'm sure you do because it was hilarious. But now I'm trapped in the attic, and it's not hilarious from this end. The door is stuck and not opening. I don't have my cellphone on me, so if one of you could contact Dipper for me that would be great.
Wendy Corduroy: Geez what is with you guys and attics?
Grunkle Stan: You runts lived in one for three months without a problem. Now they're trying to kill you.
Grunkle Ford: I would say that it's illogical that a room has the sentience to try and kill you but let me tell you that there are some terrifying and freaky things in the multi-dimension.
Soos Ramirez: Wait, if you don't have your cellphone, how are you contacting us? Do you have special powers?
Mabel Pines: I wish. The power of teleportation would really come in handy right now. I found one of Dad's old laptops up here, and it still works, so yay! A victory for me.
Grunkle Stan: I'll give your brother a call, pumpkin.
Mabel Pines: Thanks, Grunkle Stan! Tell him to bring a crowbar. Or a saw.
Grunkle Ford: How long have you been trapped?
Mabel Pines: I honestly don't know. The little clock in the corner of the laptop screen is blurred, so I can't read it. Is it still February?
Soos Ramirez: I think so. Haven't checked the calendar today, though, so I'm not sure.
Wendy Corduroy: Not even gonna go there. Yo, Mabel, you could use the hole Dipper made last time and drop into your living room.
Mabel Pines: We patched it up pretty good last time, so I don't think I'll be able to pry the boards off with just my hands. I could probably go out the window and onto the roof. I dunno how the neighbours will react to my grappling hook, though. My parents still don't know I have it.
Grunkle Ford: I think it would be best if you waited for your brother.
Soos Ramirez: That can be your backup plan, hambone. Is it a far drop?
Mabel Pines: About three stories, and there are some bushes below. I could probably make it without my grappling hook.
Wendy Corduroy: That's maybe a little bit higher than when you jumped off the Mystery Shack roof trying to fly.
Grunkle Ford: …what?
Mabel Pines: It was an experiment.
Soos Ramirez: She got some good altitude.
Grunkle Ford: Yes, you most definitely share the genes of Stan and I. I am both proud and slightly concerned by this.
Blueprints stretched across the oak table of the library, Dipper and his robotic club members started the beginning stages of constructing their robot for the annual Piedmont Junior Robo-Brawl. Dipper tapped his pencil idly against the edge, listening to his teammates discuss possible improvements and chiming in to voice his own suggestions.
An insistent buzzing in his pocket caused him to pause his note taking. He took a peek at the caller ID and immediately stood up when he realized it was Stan. "I'll be right back," he informed the group and quickly walked outside, squinting against the bright rays of the sun. "Hey, Grunkle Stan. What's up?"
"Your sister, all the way up in the attic."
Dipper blinked, surprised by this unexpected information, and then grinned. "Did she fall through the ceiling?"
"It's rude to wish your twin in such a humiliating predicament."
"I'm taking that as a no. And that's real rich coming from the guy who bust a gut when it happened to me."
"I'm a guy who appreciates humour. Mabel's trapped in the attic and didn't have her phone, so I'm summoning you to go rescue her."
"Got it. I'm on my way. Thanks, Grunkle Stan."
"No problem. And you runts really need to stay out of your attic."
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Dipper jogged into the library to tell his club members that he had to leave to help his sister, and started for home. He noticed the e-mail notifications and started to read through the messages, unable to keep the grin off of his face.
Dipper Pines: I'll be there in twenty minutes. Which is about the length of time it took for you to come help me.
Mabel Pines: Come on, bro! That's not cool!
Wendy Corduroy: You're loving this, aren't you?
Dipper Pines: Very much so.
Soos Ramirez: It's funny that you both got stuck in the attic.
Dipper Pines: It's very funny. And I would say there's a good dose of karma being dished out here, considering how hard she laughed at me.
Mabel Pines: Ha ha, I get it. I probably had this coming. But you're not getting any karma points for laughing at me now, mister.
Dipper Pines: I am fully aware of this and willingly admit that I'm no more mature than you are when it comes to taking amusement out of our misfortunes.
Mabel Pines: So long as you admit it.
Grunkle Ford: Good luck, kids. Try not to get too crazy getting that door open.
Mabel Pines: We'll try, but I don't think this door is going to survive.
Wendy Corduroy: Use an axe. Axes always help.
Soos Ramirez: Pretend you're in an action movie. It'll give you a ton of motivation.
Grunkle Stan: Take a picture of the aftermath. I can't wait to see this.
Dipper Pines: Will do. Update you in a bit!
Kicking off his sneakers, Dipper made a beeline for the attic, taking the stairs two at a time. "Mabel?"
"Bro, I'm dying of thirst!"
"No you aren't." Dipper gripped the knob with both hands and pulled with all his might. "Geez," he groaned when it didn't budge. "What did you do, decorate this with superglue?"
"Less quips and more rescuing. I don't have anything in here to help out."
"I'll go find something to get this dumb thing open. Don't go anywhere."
"And you say Grunkle Stan has bad jokes."
"Runs in the family."
Dipper made his way out into the backyard, crossing the browned grass towards the sagging garden shed tucked away against the fence. He nudged open the door and batted away some cobwebs. He picked through his father's toolbox, eyeing the hammer and screwdriver with some thought before giving his head a shake.
"Crowbar, crowbar…"
After some careful rifling through a crate, he found the desired object. Taking the metal object, he rushed back into the house and up the stairs. "Got it," he said.
"Got what? A saw?"
"We don't own a saw, first off. We're in a Californian suburb. I got a crowbar though. So let's see how this goes."
Digging it between the cracks, Dipper braced one foot against the wall and pushed down on the bar. He felt Mabel pushed from the other side, trying to add more force to dislodge the door from its hinges. It took a few minutes but finally it gave way. Dipper scrambled backwards to avoid being struck and the door clattered to the hardwood with a bang.
Dipper wasn't quite sure how old their house was, but considering how the door broke apart on impact, he could take a good guess. Splinters scattered across the floor, the rusted doorknob clattered and rolled and there was a massive crack snacking down the middle of the door.
"Freedom!" whooped Mabel, charging from the attic and going down the stairs.
Dipper kicked aside some screws and followed after her, crowbar dangling next to his side. He found her in the kitchen, guzzling down some water. "Do you need a tetanus shot?"
"Nope. Maybe an inhaler to get rid of all the dust I inhaled." Mabel wiped lingering drops of water off of her mouth and set the glass down. "Thanks for the save, Dipper."
"Anytime." Dipper placed the crowbar on the table and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what we're going to do about the door, though."
"We'll just get a new one," Mabel said. "Can't be too hard to install a door."
"Mom and Dad will notice a new attic door."
Mabel glanced at him in amusement. "Mom and Dad haven't noticed there's a patch of paint on the living room ceiling that doesn't quite match the rest. I don't think they'll notice the door's a different shade of brown and has a new knob."
"Fair point. Okay. Let's go door shopping. Which is probably something no other thirteen-year-old does. But first, we have to clean up the mess."
"I call the vacuum!" cheered Mabel, hurrying off to collect the object.
"Don't suck up the curtains this time!"
To: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Grunkle Stan (StantheMan); Grunkle Ford (Highsixer); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude)
From: Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan)
Subject: Door didn't survive
1 Attachment (Photo File)
Managed to rescue Mabel from our evil attic. On the bright side she found an old functional laptop I could use later for an experiment or something. We couldn't save the door, but it's for the best. This is what happened to it afterwards.
See all messages in this thread (Expand)
Grunkle Ford: You certainly did a number on it, Dipper.
Grunkle Stan: Looks like all that work I made you do with the axe paid off.
Dipper Pines: We don't own an axe, so I used a crowbar to get the door off. But yeah, all the wood chopping you forced me to do totally helped me out.
Wendy Corduroy: You did that with a crowbar? What, did you just wail on it?
Soos Ramirez: Dude, that sounds like fun.
Mabel Pines: Dang I wish I thought of that. It's not often we get to bash things with tools.
Dipper Pines: It was so old it broke when it hit the floor.
Grunkle Stan: That's showing it whose boss.
Mabel Pines: Now we just have one more thing to take care of.
Grunkle Ford: What's that?
Dipper Pines: I don't suppose any of you know how to install a door?
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alice liveblogs infinity war
we’re watching infinity war finally and I’m already mad at it or being grimdark
(spoilers I didn’t like it. also there’s some vague SU and PMMM spoilers in here because I ramble.)
like the end of Ragnarok was SO GOOD with the asgardian refugees and then they just fucking kill them all and the whole pre-credits bit was just pointless
also they pretended to kill Loki and that guy is never actually dead but it pissed me off
also I’m sad I’m so sick of Cumberbatch because I really like the idea of having a straight up wizard in your main party of superheroes
I’m glad Banner got to hug the shit outta Tony though
I really like this spider-man! I haven’t seen his movie yet but he has the goofy wisecracking that I loved about the comics as a kid DOWN
why does tony stark have a samsung POS for a phone
and the Guardians show up and the mood immediately lightens; I am SO GRATEFUL TO THEM AND OH MAN MANTIS IS HERE I LOVE HER
your last movie was way better than this one
drax has the hugest boner for thor and I do not blame him but I would understand it a little more if he still had his luscious hair
“all words are made up”ilu thor
okay who tf is this now in the fancy apartment with a glowy thing in his head am I supposed to know this????? THAT’S FUCKING VISION???????
also is that scarlet witch with him? I should probably point out that I watched Civil War once and I did not pay much attention because it was annoying the shit out of me
yep that’s scarlet witch here come her glowy things
designated girl fight time ughhhh
oH MY GOD STEVE ROGERS SHAVE THAT BEARD OFF RIGHT NOW nat what did you do to your hair did the director decide there could only be one ginger woman
oh I’m glad they got an excuse to reuse those awesome monster designs from the first Avengers flick in this flashback with baby Gamora
okay though I know they probably did it to make him look more like the comics but I cannot take Thanos seriously with that fucking CHIN he is committing hideous atrocities and now I am just annoyed and my immersion is broken
it is so obvious Gamora knows where the last stone is that I genuinely hope the secret is actually something else
...drax. why. stop eating. mantis you have saved me from that terrible joke I love you.
at this point it’s making me genuinely sad that I’ve been spoilered about the dust thing. like. I know he’s gonna get everything? I know he’s gonna ~win~ and oh my god drax fucking stop
oh jesus the blocks of clay/strips of paper effect is freaky as shit
jesus jesus this whole scene is freaking the shit out of me god ugh why there is no genuine point to dragging this scene out it’s just Suffering there are times in my life where I would be okay with it but Ugh
it genuinely took me a few seconds of Weird Romantic Music for me to remember they paired nat and bruce off in that one movie that was some weird shit can we just move on
...that was disappointingly brief
okay there is way too much torture in this movie. that’s the issue. physical emotional et cetera too much torture
I love spider-man though he’s a good boy
strange and tony are both the exact kind of arrogant asshole that you’re supposed to identify with but instead just annoys the shit out of me and spider-man is this scene’s only saving grace 
okay this new philosophy for Thanos since they can’t have him being in love with Death bc that would lead to Deadpool issues... it’s very... Kyuubey.
thor speaks groot and I am relieved but I miss movies where the default was thor speaking groot and there were only occasional dips into misery
why is thor trying to get a new hammer there was a whole deal in his last film about how he doesn’t need the hammer AND A ROBOT EYE? so they’re just gonna tear apart all the symbols of his character development? whyyyyyyyyy
groot put down your fucking ds
...is that peter dinklage as a giant I kind of love that
I’m glad Nebula pulled herself together I love herrrrrrr
“you’ll have to restart the forge... awaken the heart of a dying star” okay so it’s a side quest
mantis is bouncing around I love her
did Peter just adopt Peter as an uncle
...is that red fucking skull? like from hydra? why is there a nazi in space
the stone demands a sacrifice UGHHHHH this is DUMB this movie has no idea what genre it is so it’s just taking the superficial cliches from every one it finds
ughhHHHHHH and it’s gonna count her as ~someone he loves~ even though he’s just been a dickwad fucker who’s tortured her her whole life THAT ISN’T LOVE ASSHOLES ughhhhh fucking shit also attempted suicide on screen definitely did not make my night any better fuck this fuck this fuck this movie with a bread knife STOP HAVING DRAMATIC SHOTS OF HIM CRYING THIS IS BULLSHIT.
oh and now he’s floating in the void. on a cloud. in a pond. great. I don’t care.
wait all that and it’s not even the big stone for the back of the hand???? it’s a lil knuckle one???
rhodey just pranked the shit out of bruce and the mood whiplash is killing me
I fucking love shuri okay every second we are in wakanda is a gift and a relief from the rest of the movie
...explosions. of course.
“and get this man a shield” FUCK YES
I would like to interrupt this to point out that my cat is a perfect loaf on the floor and I love him
...suddenly there are monster hordes? where did they even come from? I mean out of the ships obviously but this is fucking stupid
oh my god all the wakandans with their badass ranged spear technology and then bucky is just standing there with a fucking gatling gun
black panther is a badass and I appreciate action sequences when they’re well done but this is not tied together enough for me to be invested I guess?
okay but there is legit zero explanation for why thor isn’t dying in the heat of the star? like. he just Decided Not To Die??? like. I would be fine if he was like “I have expanded my powers since I moved past my hammer, I think I can take it” or whatever but they just decided to have him be like “IT’LL ONLY KILL ME IF I DIE” which is just. dumb. 
ohhhh so they’re resurrecting him with the axe. which is not a thing we ever said the axe could do. okay. okay sure. sure. fine.
groot handle is badass but there’s been so much torture and self harm in this movie that having him whack his own arm off just is not fun even if he regrew it immediately
I’m glad thor is glowing again though.
ughhhhh thanos’s philosophy is so dumb I’m so done with hearing it YES DROP THE BUILDING LAPIS LAZULI THIS SHIT awwww he just got back up again I mean I guess BD did too DID DRAX JUST FUCKING HAMSTRING HIM
don’t you dare call him an insect arachnids aren’t insects ya purple dingus
they look like they’re gonna succeed but it’s too early in the movie and I want them to succeed right now so this movie will be over but also bc whatever they do to get him out of this will feel dumb
“he is in anguish” I DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
...any tree can drop an apple, he’s gonna drop the freakin’ moon?
BUCKY SPINNING WITH ROCKET IS HILARIOUS I LOVE IT also thor and cap’s moment of banter see THAT is what I like about these movies when they’re done well
scarlet witch is OP as fuck and I love her
designated girl fight x4????? we can mix it up a little okay????
bruce arguing with hulk is somehow relatable???
I love spidey’s robo legs tbh they’re super fun HE CAN’T REMEMBER NAMES FUCKIN RELATABLE
okay yes I still love having a wizard in the party I just wish it wasn’t THIS guy
did you just fucking stab tony that’s bullshit
“spare his life and I will give you the stone” WHY THAT IS A SHITTY DEAL TO MAKE HE’S ALREADY DYING ANYWAY this is a trick, right?
vision’s thanos-sense is tingling and I wanna go to bed like screw this
put some fucking sleeves on you big grape flavoured asshole
do we even know why Wanda’s energy is the only one that can destroy the stone? Was that explained and I missed it?
...he just undid it with the time powers THAT’S CHEAP AS FUCK ughhhhhhhhh also he just put that narrow oval gem into a nearly circular and much larger setting so fuck that
is that baby gamora UGHHHH “what did it cost?” “everything” I DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING FAUX-SENTIMENTAL YOU SAY
and it’s time for the dusties. I got spoiled this happened but I don’t know who all it happened to
fuck this though
fuck this entire fucking movie
ughhhhh and I really like the actor who plays Thanos he’s awesome in everything else I’ve seen him in but this entire movie was like. there was no point? they shoved so many people into one place that there were just sidequests instead of a plot. I want to go to bed tbh. Maybe I will be able to articulate my irritation later but UGHHHH.
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1168
Monday, June 26, 2017
 It's the last week of June, so Canada Day is soon. With the country celebrating its 150th anniversary, this year is a big deal. I was 10-years-old when we had our centennial in 1967 and I was part of a children's choir that sang at city hall as part of the year-long celebration back then. We're getting together with friends for Canada Day come Saturday and I wish you all a great week and weekend.
 Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Adam Kubert (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours). Get ready to be assaulted by an explosion of Spider-Man stuff as we near the theatrical release of the movie "Spider-Man Homecoming" on July 7. I still remember picking up Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 off the spinner rack in 1976, happy that there was another comic book starring my favourite super hero. I wasn't sure I wanted to read this new incarnation because I am not a big fan of Chip's writing. I was not impressed with his work on the new Howard the Duck and Jughead books. My problem is that he comes across as too frenetic and eager to please by writing way too much. The double page spread with Peter and Johnny Storm having lunch together is a great example. Look at all them word balloons. The rest of the book is no better. Almost every panel is jammed full of word balloons. And what's with Peter leaving his mask on during lunch? Johnny knows his secret identity already. Wouldn't it have been more comfortable to take his mask off? I know I'm being picky but it's these little details that annoy me. The other thing that annoyed me was that I had to Google two acronyms to get what was being said. I'm an old fogey so I didn't know what NBD and NPC meant. Maybe it was to balance out all the other words used that "no big deal" and "non player character" were shortened. My quibbles are not enough to keep me from reading the next issue however because Chip pulls something out of the asphalt at the end that makes me want to find out more about the surprise person that Johnny meets. Well played Chip Zdarsky, well played.
 Batwoman #4 - Marguerite Bennett & James Tynion IV (writers) Steve Epting (art) Jeromy Cox (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). The first story arc ends with Kate and company saving the day. I was satisfied with how the story ended and there is enough mystery to keep me wanting to read more. What is Plan B and who is the shadowy figure in the last panel? I want to find out.
 Shirtless Bear-Fighter #1 - Jody Leheup & Sebastian Girner (writers) Nil Vendrell (art) Mike Spicer (colours) Dave Lanphear (letters). This takes place in a land where Yogi Bear would fit right in. The well endowed Shirtless Bear-Fighter's origin story is part Mowgli from Jungle Book and part Superman and part Punisher. This issue was mildly humorous but I didn't chuckle or laugh out loud. Maybe I'm too old. Is this the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1? Or The Walking Dead #1? Do bears poop in the woods? Buy it, read it and you be the judge. I only read it because Ottawa's own Tom Fowler did one of the variant covers.
 W.M.D. Weapons of Mutant Destruction #1 - Greg Pak (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I hope you've been reading the new Weapon X comic book with Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, et alia because this is a direct tie-in to what went on there. No worries if you haven't because Greg spells everything out very clearly. The good guys are fighting an evil anti-mutant organization that is creating mutant killers. The Totally Awesome Hulk is one of the good guys so look for part 2, 4 and 6 of the story in that book. Parts 3 and 5 are in Weapon X. I'm reading them all.
 Aquaman #25 - Dan Abnett (writer) Stjepan Sejic (art & colours) Steve Wands (letters). This title has gone "Game of Thrones" but that's not why I took this extra-sized anniversary issue off the racks to read. It was the cover and interior art by Stjepan Sejic that made me want to give this book another try. I sure am glad I did. The story of a new power mad King of Atlantis and the return of the usurped King isn’t anything new but the beautiful art makes it more exciting to me. Stjepan knows how to draw hot women and Mera and Dolphin gives him plenty of opportunity to show that off. Aquaman is going back on my "must read" list.
 Crosswind #5 - Gail Simone (writer) Cat Staggs (illustrator) Simon Bowland (letters). It's nice to see Gail back on the racks again. Here she does a grown up version of Freaky Friday where a housewife and a mob enforcer switch bodies. Juniper and Cason are introduced pre switcheroo, which happens at the end of this issue. I can't wait to see what happens next. Cat's art is nice and that made it easy to put this new book on my "must read" list.
 Plastic #3 - Doug Wagner (writer) Daniel Hillyard (art) Laura Martin (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The "hero" of this story is a psychotic killer but I like him a lot. A damsel in distress who may suffer a fate worst than death (haven't heard that cliché in a while eh?) plays a big role in this issue. Punisher fans will like this series.
 Royal City #4 - Jeff Lemire (writer & illustrator) Steve Wands (letters). This is a really cool ghost story. Patrick's thoughts about aging hit close to home.
 Archie #21 - Mark Waid (writer) Pete Woods (art & colours) Jack Morelli (letters). OMG (I know what that means) they killed…! You have to read this issue to find out who.
 The Mighty Thor #20 - Jason Aaron (writer) Russell Dauterman & Valerio Schiti (art) Matthew Wilson & Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Loved the Walt Simonson tribute cover by Patrick Brown. Speculator alert: it's the first appearance of a new Thor. You won't believe who it is. What motivates this guy to pick up the hammer is heart wrenching and the bad guys are going to get it. I can't wait to see him in action. There's a scene between Jane Foster and the Odinson that puts into question the fate of the Mighty Thor. I really hope she sticks around.
 Batman #25 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) June Chung (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). What made last issue worth reading was the kaboom on the last page. This whole issue is worth it for the build up to "The War of Jokes and Riddles". It's Batman versus the Joker and the Riddler and it's super intense. Mikel's art is the cherry on top and it's yummy. Batman is getting really good again.
 Wildstorm #5 - Warren Ellis (writer) Jon Davis-Hunt (art) Steve Buccellato (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). You should read this. It's all coming together beautifully.
 Luke Cage #2 - David F. Walker (writer) Nelson Blake II (art) Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This is an uh-oh issue as Luke investigates what the scientist that gave him his super powers was up to. Kind of reminded me of Orphan Black.
 Superman #25 - Patrick Gleason & Peter J. Tomasi (writers) Doug Mahnke & Patrick Gleason (pencils) Jaime Mendoza, Mick Gray, Joe Prado, Ray McCarthy, Scott Hanna & Matt Santorelli (inks) Wil Quintana & John Kalisz (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). The conclusion to "Fade to Black" has guest stars galore and highlights the core of this title as the good guys prevail. I've enjoyed this book more because of the family values that Clark, Lois and Jonathan embody and the art is spectacular.
 Star Wars: Darth Vader #2 - Charles Soule (writer) Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils) Cam Smith (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). By the way Vader is mowing down storm troopers he must be really pissed at his boss. We find out who he's going to get his light sabre from in this issue. From the looks of the next issue teaser, it's going to be a scorcher.
 Nick Fury #3 - James Robinson (writer) Aco (pencils) Hugo Petrus (inks) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) Travis Lanham (letters). This is freaking awesome. All you fans out there not reading this are missing out on some excellent writing and art. This reminds me of how I felt when I first saw Jim Steranko's art on Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the sixties as a teenager. Aco and Hugo's art with Rachelle's colours is so pretty and pops off the page. Buy this book.
 Super Sons #5 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Alisson Borges (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Few writers know how to make young adults sound genuine but Peter is one of them. This issue establishes Jon and Damian as the young dynamic duo. I can't wait to see what they get up to next.
 Invincible Iron Man #8 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Stefano Caselli (art) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This sets up next issue's fight with Lady Von Bardas. We'll see how bardas she really is.
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 7: Broken with Power
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It is a new day, and the friends gather once again. This time, their conference takes place at the Heroto Diner. They squeeze together in a round booth and get comfortable. After having washed off the last of the rainbow chemicals and rest from their time at the ruined laboratory, the gang finally chills without having to be in an eerie environment. Navy takes a big gulp of sweetened iced-tea as Emmy and Silus sip on their mugs of hot, steaming coffee. Eren, sitting besides his husband, holds a cup of hot tea in contrast with the newt. Niji and Zach, on the other hand, hold soda in their grips. Carly is the only one focused on the activity she creates in her drawing pad.
“Isn’t this nice?” asks the deer, smiling. “Sitting in at the diner and having a nice chomp on good food. The best part is, we’re all here together.”
“I second that,” Niji replies, reflecting his expression. “Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned burger and some french fries.”
“I agree!” adds the blue jay. “It’s so much better to have you guys here, unlike those cold-hearted animals known as Team Rescuers.” She turns to Zach. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring that up.”
“No offense taken,” Zach tells her. “In fact, I’m happy to say I’m past all of that. You guys have helped me back on my feet and changed my life. You’re the greatest friends a fox could ask for.” Silus pats him on the back with glee.
Emmy looks to the cat. “Carly, can’t you work on drawing another time? We’re at the table with our friends.” Carly scoots away slightly to ignore her. “Come on. Don’t be so-” The warthog pauses as she notices the people of the diner begin eyeing the gang. “Um, does anyone get the feeling something’s wrong here?” The others see what she means, observing the specters of the eatery.
Eren leans closer to his lover’s chest. “Everyone is looking at us… Why are they looking at us? What must they think…?” Silus wraps two arms around him.
“We didn’t do anything,” Niji implies. “We’re just hanging out… Unless, they all think we’re weird because Zach is with us…”
“Maybe we should get out of here,” Zach suggests. “I feel like we’re attracting unwanted attention.”
“I second that,” Navy adds. “Besides, I’m feeling a little headache…” Everyone agrees, get out of their seats, and stand. Carly keeps her head in her sketchbook as she draws. Silus places money down on the table before the whole gang exits out the diner. The eyes of the other animals follow them as they disappear, and remain fixed on them through the glass as the others distance themselves from the diner.
“That was so strange,” Silus comments. “What is going on?”
The warthog halts beside the glass window of an electronic store, noticing her and her friends’ pictures on the screen mounted on the wall. “Guys, come look at the television right now…”
“Not now,” Carly says. “I’m working on something very-”
“We’re on the news!” the warthog interrupts. Everyone gathers by the screens and watches the news story.
“Welcome to Heroto News!” utters a well-dressed owl. “I am Helen Hooters with your regular news stories. We begin today with a warning to the town. Team Rescuers are advising us to be cautious of these seven figures shown here. We’ve been told that they were at the old ruined Heroto Laboratory last night and are have been acting suspicious. Team Rescuers and police are urging residents to be cautious.”
Silus remains fixed on the television. “What…? They’re thinking we’re suspicious? Of what? This is ridiculous…”
“We’re now going to turn to our breaking news,” the owl continues. “The Heroto orphanage had been ripped apart by a loud explosion. We go to you live on the spot with Camille Chicken.” The scene cuts to the orphanage building with a large hole in it and emergency services around the area.  
In front of the damaged structure stands a chicken in a trench coat. “Good morning, Helen. It is a surprising morning to everyone in Heroto as we have found the orphanage had blown up in the early morning hours. Residents have informed the news team that they heard a loud “boom” last night around 4:20 a.m., and are calling it an act of terror. Team Rescuers had combed through the site to find evidence that it was, indeed, a terrorist attack, after finding pieces of explosive materials around the area. There have been only mild to moderate injuries, and everyone who was involved in the blast should recover in the hospitals. People have been informing us that they’ve seen seven animals walking through town and suspect they are the culprits behind the attacks. Team Rescuers has advised us it’s the flawed fox and his freaky friends that hang about, but there is no word on whether they were the ones behind the attacks. This is Camille Chicken reporting to you from the Heroto Orphanage.”
“Thank you, Camille.” The shot returns to the owl. “Now, we’re unsure if these two events are related to each other, but it seems plausible at this time. Team Rescuers and police are urging caution. We now take you to Alan Hawk for the weather.”
“That can’t be good,” says Zach. “That can’t be good at all…”
“Indeed,” Emmy adds. “We better get out of here now before-”
“Flawed Fox and friends!” The gang turns to see Jay and the team appear before them. “You have made a grave mistake!”
“Oh, hello there, Team Rescuers” utters Navy. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“Can it, Canary! And, we had suspicions you would, Flawed Fox!” Jay marches up to the fox. “I know you always loathed the orphanage, and it’s a good enough motive to get you arrested!”
“Hold on.” Carly stands between the two animals. “What makes you so sure Zach was the one who blew up the orphanage? He was with us the whole time.”
“Indeed, you were,” says Miffy. “You seven have quite the nerve attack poor, defenseless children!”
Carly turns to her quickly. “What?!”
“We weren’t the ones who attack the orphanage!” cries Eren. “We were hanging out last night.”
“Yeah,” responds. “Hanging out by the old laboratory!” Eren flinches with fear. “You don’t think we know? You are all in big trouble! You’re coming with us!” She reaches for Zach and grabs him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Flawed Fox!”
“Get off of him!” Carly smacks the sheep with her sketchbook, causing her to fall back. She then charges toward them, but Silus lifts her in the air and tosses her into a trashcan nearby.
Jay growls. “No one hurts my girlfriend!” He starts for the newt, clawing at him and scratching his torso, ripping his new shirt. Zach steps in and extends his arm across Jay’s face, punching him in the mouth and knocking him away. “That’s it! I’ll kill you, Flawed Fox!” He charges for the three, but then freezes within three meters of them as Navy stands in front and sticks out her leg, which connects with the area between his legs. The wolf covers his sensitive spot and stumbles to the ground.
Navy smiles. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”
“You’ve messed with the wrong group!” Kenji gets into his ready stance. “Prepare to face a master in martial arts!” Emmy stamps on the monkey’s foot, which causes him to lift and hold it before Niji quickly pushes him into the trash with Cindy.
“You criminals won’t get away with this!” As Miffy presses forward, Eren grabs her by the tail, yanks her, and spins her around. With enough momentum, he lets go and tosses her into a wall, where she’s stunned and dazed.
“Don’t ever mess with my husband!” Eren yells. The gang looks around as a crowd of angry citizens gather by them. “Uh… Uh oh…”
 “Let’s get out of here!” Emmy shouts. Silus lifts his lover and the fox up as everyone bolts away from the area with the mob. They run, faster and faster, as the yells and cries of the mob continue from behind them. The gang gets chased around blocks and corners. Eventually, they duck down into a sunken set of railway tracks. The gang travel into the tunnel and remain hidden from the mob. When they no longer hear the cries and yells of the townsfolk, the friends stop and rest in place by the mouth of the tracks.
“Phew,” comments Navy. “That was close… Who would’ve thought people would become agitated quickly…?”
Silus places the deer and fox down. “Sorry about that, Zach. Just thought I’d help you move.”
“It’s okay,” Zach tells him. “I appreciate it…” He turns to the others. “That was amazing… The way you all took on Team Rescuers…”
“You did well, too,” says Carly, smiling. “It was a nice punch against Jay. Did it feel good?” Zach nods.
“Friends always stick up for each other,” Emmy implies. “That’s what we do. It’s too bad that everyone, including Team Rescuers, will be after us, now…”
“That’s just great,” Niji starts. “Now the whole town thinks we’re terrorists…”
“W-what do we do now?” asks Eren. “We can’t go back up to our homes… Team Rescuers will be waiting for us up there…”
“But we didn’t do anything!” Navy utters. “How could they blame us for something we didn’t do?!”
“I don’t know,” Zach responds. “They’re just blaming us because-” The fox pauses and holds his head. “Ugh!”
Carly moves closer to him. “You okay, Zach? What’s gotten into you?”
“My head,” the fox tells her. “I-it hurts so much! It’s like a hammer is banging on my skull a million times!”
“You should take s-” The cat mirrors the fox’s move and flinches, trembling. “Ow! Ugh, I don’t feel so good…”
Emmy heads over to them with worry. “We should see if we -” The warthog pauses, then quickly kneels to the ground as she grudges her stomach. “A-ah! W-what is happening?! Why does my body ache so much?!” Soon, the others join them in agony as pain fill their minds, bodies, and senses. All they could do is endure it, with no help or relief. The friends moan, groan, tremble, grit, and clench as their suffering continues. Half of them lie on the ground as the rest lean against the wall, wishing it would all stop. And then, just like that, the torture ceases.
“W-what just happened?” Eren asks, getting off the floor. “What was all of that about?”
“Hold on!” Niji puts his paws on the area between his legs. “I have to use the bathroom real bad!” He runs away fast, then returns within fifteen seconds. “Phew.” Everyone stares at him in bewilderment. “What?”
“Oh my god!” Emmy yells. “How did you do that?!”
“I don’t know… But, I feel like I should run around, all of a sudden…”
“You have super speed!” exclaims Navy. “That’s so cool! Wait, why do I feel like my wings are tingling?” She lifts them up and pushes them down fast, producing a huge gust of wind down the tunnel, strong enough to push all the garbage out. “Holy! Did I just do that?! Whoa…”
Eren looks down at his paws. “My arms feel tingly…” Navy flaps her wings again, picking up more debris, which fly at the deer. “Oh!” He moves his arm so fast to defend himself, which knocks away the cans. Eren then lowers his arms. “W-what the?! Oh my grob! I have lightening speed in my arms!”
Carly looks over at the garbage the bird tosses around. “Navy, stop making a mess.” She extends her arm. “Clean it up now before-” The objects around her glow a bright light blue as the trash float and zoom away from the tunnel. “What the heck did I just do?!”
“Cool!” Navy comments. “Looks like you’ve got telekinesis!”
Emmy holds her head, hearing the wolf speak. She turns to him quickly as he continues on about how annoying Navy is becoming. “I agree, Niji. Navy should control herself.”
Niji faces her. “Huh?! How did you know what I was thinking?! I didn’t say anything!”
“I thought you were talking.” Emmy’s expression turns to surprise; showing her eyelids pulled back she notices him saying things without moving his lips. “I-I’m reading your mind… That’s insane!”
Zach holds his head. “Why does my head feel tingly… I am sensing something-” His face changes to surprise fast. “There’s a train coming! Look out!” His prediction rings true as a railroad car speeds toward the gang. Everyone runs down the tunnel, but cannot go fast enough to outrun it.
Silus stands on the tracks and extends his arms out toward the fast transport. The train keeps going, but halts in place as it touches the newt’s palms. The others stop and turn around, looking at the grey newt with shock. Silus himself examines the work that he’s done. “Oh… My… God…” He then pushes the cars in the opposite direction with great force.
“So,” Niji starts. “Zach has super sense, and Silus has super strength… Good to know…”
“We have super powers,” concludes Eren. “That’s incredible… How did we get super powers?”
Zach gasps, tracing his thoughts back to the event that lead up to this point. “The chemicals from the laboratory! The ones Niji spilled all over us! That’s how we’ve got them!”
“I’m down with that,” Navy says. She pushes the empty cans with her wind again. “Man, this is “super” cool.”
Niji smiles. “Look at us! We’re like superheroes!”
“Hm.” Carly puts her paw on her chin. “That actually gives me an idea. We should start our own little super gang with our new abilities. We can blow Team Rescuers out of the water and show Heroto what real heroes are. We’d be better than them.” Everyone hesitates with her suggestion, but then soon come to an agreement on it.
“Just one question,” adds Eren. “Where are we going to go? We’re wanted by the whole town, and I’m pretty sure Team Rescuers will be out looking for us.”
“We can hide down here, actually,” Zach implies. “There’s an abandoned subway terminal just down the line on the third set of tracks. Been abandoned for years, and no one ever uses it.”
“Ooo!” Navy smiles as she holds her wings together by her beak. “I like the sound of that! Very interesting! Wait, how the heck do you know about that?”
“When I was with Team Rescuers, we intercepted Capital Corp using the tunnel, but we – I mean Team Rescuers – battled and pushed them out.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Carly tells him. “We should get our essentials if we’re going to set up down here, too.”
“And how are we going to do that with Team Rescuers and the townspeople above us, waiting to hurt us?” Silus queries.
“We’ll go at night,” Niji suggests. “That way no one can see us. Also, I’m super-fast, which means we’ll get everything down here quickly.”
Eren looks at Zach. “Lead us to the abandoned station, Zach. Once we head there, we should go out when it gets dark so we can retrieve our stuff.”
“It’s right this way.” Zach traces the third track down into the tunnel with the gang following him. “It’s going to be a bit of a long walk, but it should be safe enough to hide in.”
Emmy has her hoof on her chin as she follows the fox. “I’m starting to grow weary of Team Rescuers…” @carlycmarathecat​ @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @ask-choro-mama​ @rainbow-strike​ @pink-unicorn-blood​
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